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John Milton (December 9, 1608 – November 8, 1674) was an English poet, prose polemicist, and civil servant for the English Commonwealth. Most famed for his epic poem Paradise Lost, Milton is celebrated as well for his eloquent treatise condemning censorship, Areopagitica. Long considered the supreme English poet, Milton experienced a dip in popularity after attacks by T.S. Eliot and F.R. Leaves in the mid-twentieth century; but with multiple societies and scholarly journals devoted to his study, Milton’s re putation remains as strong as ever in the twenty-first century.

V ery soon after his death – and continuing to the present day – Milton became the subject of partisan biographies, confirming T.S. Eliot’s belief that “of no other poet is it so difficult to c onsider the poetry simply as poetry, without our theological and political dispositions…making unlawful entry.”[1] Milton’s radical, republican politics and heretical religious views, coupled with the perceived artificiality of his complicated Latinate verse, alienated Eliot and other readers; yet by dint of the overriding influence of his poetry and personality on subsequent generations--particularly the Romantic movement--the man whom Samuel Johnson disparaged as “an acrimonious and surly republican” must be counted one of the most significant writers and thinkers of all time.

2. Literary career.

(1) The 1st period was up to 1641, during which time he is to be seen chiefly as a son of the humanists and Elizabethans, although his Puritanism is not absent. Areopagitica and The Masque Camus (1632) are his early masterpieces, in which we find Milton a true offspring of the Renaissance, a scholar of exquisite taste and rare culture. Next The Masque Camus The greatest of early creations was Lucida, a pastoral elegy on the death of a college mate, Edward King.

(2) The second period is from 1641 to 1654, when the Puritan was in such complete ascendancy that he wrote almost no poetry. In 1641, he began a long period of pamphleteering for the puritan cause. For some 15 years, the Puritan in him alone ruled his writing. He sacrificed his poetic ambition to the call of the liberty for which Puritans were fighting.

(3) The third period is from 1655 to 1671, when humanist and Puritan have been fused into an exalted entity. This period is the greatest in his literary life, epics and some famous sonnets. The three long poems are the fruit of the long contest within Milton of Renaissance tradition and his Puritan faith. They form the greatest accomplishments of any English poet except Shakespeare. In Milton alone, it would seem, Puritanism could not extinguish the lover of beauty. In these works we find humanism and Puritanism merged in magnificence.

4. Features of Milton’s works.

(1) Milton is one of the very few truly great English writers who is also a prominent figure in politics, and who is both a great poet and an important prose writer. The two most essential things to be remembered about him are his Puritanism and his republicanism.

(2) Milton wrote many different types of poetry. He is especially a great master of blank verse. He learned much from Shakespeare and first used blank verse in non-dramatic works.

(3) Milton is a great stylist. He is famous for his grand style noted for its dignity and polish, which is the result of his life-long classical and biblical study.

(4) Milton has always been admired for his sublimity of thought and majesty of expression. Abstract: "Paradise lost” about human depravity of long epic. It tells the story of the first man Adam and eve in the Garden of Eden was pure and innocent, because the devil the temptation of Satan and against the will of god, and finally to the process of sin in fall. The author Milton poems

in the use of the "bible" character image, so that the theme to show incisively and vividly. This paper discussed the Milton's paradise lost, and Satan in the role of "paradise lost, Milton in works of Satan and pity of fear is double feelings.

King words: Free will自由意志Rebel反叛Heroism英雄气概Invincible Spirit不屈意志"Paradise lost" from the origin of the bible where the story of the century that the lawsuit is derived“失乐园”的由来是从《圣经》中创世纪中所诉的故事中得来的













In "paradise lost made the characters, Satan image has always praised the most, and is the largest also controversial.

The romantic poet Black, Byron, such as the image of Shelley that embodies the heroic and noble beauty is long-time admirer. They believe that Satan in an epic in shaping became the real hero of the author. Black think, Satan represents lust, represents the human imaginative soul. He said, Milton wrote angels and god, feel timid, but wrote demons and hell but to get incisively and vividly, this is because Milton is a real poet, standing in the demon side are not aware of it.

Of course many people don't agree with that, because behind in the night, Satan’s ima ge more and more small, trivial, until in the first ten rolls of become a in mouth of bitter ashes from a snake. Need to point out that the rebels have the lofty by Satan, the image is not entirely is Milton's creation. In about 8th century written in the religious poetry, "Hymn of the Caedmon " the author is successful created a slave do not want to do, and not to god count, as long as their god has of rebellious spirit Satan image. Milton's Satan will undoubtedly come under its influence.

But no matter how to look, Satan is still a shape of very successful art image .Especially in the first two volumes, he was driven to heaven, into the regional inferno, still full of indomitable spirit, vowed to continue with the omnipotent god against. He said:

We lost

Not what all throw light don’t scratches will

Revenge of the eager heart, not out of hatred,

And never give in, never compromise of courage,

What better than these more difficult to win over?

Read the full of heroism language, see his overcome all difficulties, to realize his plan will surrender, one can't help feeling, and black word is not without reason. Satan can get romantic poet and the admiration of many readers, to a great extent, is that the image reflected free will.

No matter how small Satan later became detestable, no matter how painful, his heart and regret, he almost never change, that is, he was under no circumstances do not yield. I'm afraid this surrender, the free will in the romantic poets Milton's heart, the revolutionary resonate, Milton in shaping image, sometimes standing in the demon side, don't know.

However, this data, mainly in the Satan epic of the first two volumes rebels in the hero. When the focus from hell to epic in the east of the Garden of Eden he put winged ones, from Satan into Adam and eve, art image noble disappear. On the surface, from one of the army of the angels underfoot into a mean and peering, an ugly toad, deeply dislike snakes, eventually cause a chewing a bitter ashes. From inner essence, he is a dare to challenge everything god rebellious hero descended into a dare not directly to the god revenge hurt the two never offend him, never to his weak creature's a coward. His appearance has changed in essence is the reflection of the autumn. One can't change is the fact that, Satan fall because he proud, do not deserve the servants of god. But if we experience carefully, will feel the Satan fall really does not seem to be a fighting his god, but because he was cheating on human crime and destroy them. In the first two volumes, we saw Satan in to be cast out of heaven hell after, still let archangels and the spirit of a traitor hero image, just in the implementation of the destruction of a human sin plan and success, his image just ugly. This is the very good embodies the Milton to the main ideas of the methods, namely the real loyalty and real corruption in the free will is done.

本文讨论了弥尔顿的《失乐园》,和撒旦在《失乐园》中的角色,研究了弥尔顿在作品中对撒旦既同情又惧怕的双重感情。This paper discussed the Milton's paradise lost, and Satan in the role of "paradise lost, Milton in works of Satan and pity of fear is double feelings.

Contradiction to Satan in paradise lost is a difficult element definition. On the one hand Satan is our socio-religious inherit all the embodiment of human disease. Hence the name Satan", even just sent out, means that terrorist and rejected, and even the most determined atheist. In paradise lost , however, at least in the first several books, "but one of the characteristics is described, the audience feel sympathy and love with Satan’s character. In addition to an analysis of the character of god Satan, have two contents displayed in "paradise lost readers' conflict evolution.

More superficial level, this means that the level of skill and tactics of the character of the epic, there is a conflict between Satan, pure evil, and god, pure good. Pure evil and then continue to lay waste to love what god in a feeble attempt to exact revenge his punishment. Our first father and mother, Adam and eve, whom Satan, thus suffering. Punishment, by god, it seems just and merciful on human beings over his only command, not eat the knowledge of good and evil. So many of the soul, and any of the Jewish and Christian or inform the reader in an epic even started. So the details Satan SINS of the, the war in heaven, the commandment of god, action and characterization of all characters in an epic from belong to us to predict. Without careful analysis. Everything seems to be in a place, and is consistent with, at least in general, our prejudice. A person can't help, however, but feel some contradictions in the religious beliefs. Why?

To answer this question should be thoroughly clean the unpredictable and starting point, from analysis. This, of course, can lead to a accurate conclusions from Satan’s role in paradise lost, not the thought of separation, in the audience's reality and socio-religious belief of Satan. However, this analysis revealed the root cause of the conflict to Satan. To illustrate the point, to better separate entities story, Satan’s character is called Robert and god simple king.

Robert lives in a kingdom, but it is a kingdom of universal equality and mutual good faith and trust. One day the king, suddenly announced that he had decided to his son will be his successor. Robert feels uncomfortable, the so-called third countries meeting. In this meeting Robert that if this kingdom based on real equality, honesty, trust, not all subjects at least have been asked about they think before the king made such a heavy decision? In discussing the problem of the whole meeting in addition to a single subject king agreed to infringe on their trust, and should not remain his position. So sure, they parade in the Capitol, met with resistance, and a war broke out. Over a period of two days, Robert side makes a great back through the original Robert near defeat. They seem to be doing good, on the third day, the king in his unique ability to imprison Robert and insurgents, from his kingdom forever they cast out. Robert later continues to lead the rebels in their despair even. In determining the king was too powerful against on the battlefield, but more sure of their SINS are now they were imprisoned, Robert turned to guerrilla tactics, indirect violence king. This may be bad judgment or immoral, but it is the human mistakes.

The story at least in part and every democratic revolution from the bastilles. There is no doubt that the most common mood on earth today is a respect for democracy, especially in the west, the industry including socio-religious Satan prejudice. So, although Satan is the default of evil and unjust, Robert seemed to be a great leader, and fight for human dignity and popular free. This is the first catalyst and Satan’s sympathy. Satan rebels the most popular naive poems and sentimental cause for 20 century of citizens of the world share, the cause of democracy.

The intense attenuation Milton's Satan representation and the god. Milton's initial and the largest possible difficulties seem to be the god, infinite good, to the range of human perception. Milton's references to god distance from his address the audience, description, action and speech. Hail, holy Light, offspring of Heaven first-born!

Or of the Eternal coeternal beam

May I express thee unblamed? Since God is light,

And never but in unapproached light

Dwelt from eternity, dwelt then in thee,

Bright effluence of bright essence increate!

Or hearest thou rather pure ethereal stream, . . . (Milton III.1-7)

This is the most complete description of god in paradise lost. God is described as "light", "the language of eternal coeternal beam", "bright essence increate" and "pure invisible stream." There can be no service in the distance from the audience a role than refused to give him some physical, material entity. Even in the abstract, Milton don't lend money to the audience conceivability light a description, but according to religious doctrine, the description of the god of contradiction to strengthen his infinite nature and fall of man and limited existence. This all got good religion, but in human terms, the terms of the audience, limit the power of god to evoke the sympathy of the audience. Through the description of the further and further development of the sacred justice and human can't tell god, god began to accept the characteristics of a tyrant. "[Satan] to new-created the world / /... with purpose determination / /... or worse, / / some false abnormal condition-to deviation; / / people will listen to his glozing lies, / / and easy to make... the only promised his submission:" (III. 89-95). God strengthen people's own fault emphasized that his free will (III. 95-119), and in so doing to create atmosphere, he is the necessity of the guilty. This is a plausible many Milton in paradise lost and struggles. Or god exists what also didn't say, look like a heartless tyrant (XII. 90-96) or god prove (III. 89-95) and action itself of justification effect so guilty. So in god create his own brutality, but not compatible with the sympathy of the religious accept audience.

The audience, however, we find that, want to seek a investment the compassion, and that place is the Satan characteristics. The audience first saw Satan waking in hell, where he and other the fallen angels despair. Through his despair, however, Satan says, "this is not a failure-unruly, / / research revenge, immortal hate, / / and courage never submitted or production-.. the glory of his anger or may never from me / / blackmail" (I. 104-111). At first, this is probably a suspicious statement, but then the god's don't look justice behavior. "At first I [and] that freedom and heaven / / the heaven of soul has been all people, but... most through the lazy would rather service," (VI. 164-166). "But now it seems to have a cause, the cause of democracy, he also would like to experience great personal risk to support "I (Satan) to no enemy, but free from this dark / / and gloomy house pain / /... all the heaven of master / / ghost fall...... from on high from them. I go to / / the rude job, the only, for me, I for all / / expose himself," (II. 822-828). Again and again in his words and actions Satan seems to be a noble, resourceful and smart, courageous, selfless leader. The audience sympathy is rich Satan of human emotion, his demagogic speaking, his desire for revenge; he didn't just hostility, his potential desire for glory.


“游击战”作为一种手段,完成一个目的是人类道德判断。哲学在这方面不同的环球暴力被定罪正当暴力。Satan is the biggest opposing arguments of his pride, and his violent dealing shall come to Adam and eve. These two parameters, however, is flawed. Satan's pride only as a human behavior, his character, and attract the audience. Milton's Satan put forward the pride of light and moderate in. Satan is not so arrogant to believe that god in his advantage, he was eager to each point to the heaven, later democratization coexist in an independent kingdom. This modest Satan’s deputy introduce more human and less mean characteristics, his story, although religious entities tends to override this mean to seem redundant. Satan's violence to Adam and eve is not a suitable debate, for some reason. First of all, his behavior to our first ancestor after the fact. In the war of the god of heaven looks unfair behavior has happened, god has forced violence in Satan and fallen master through the hell. Secondly, the use of violence or "guerrilla warfare" as a means of complete a purpose is human moral judgment. Philosophy is in this respect different universal violence be condemned as violence.

观众的矛盾向撒但的居住特征很大程度上与民主之间的斗争宗教存有原则。人类的参与与撒但的寒冷和神的超然的发展观强调了该最为明显。一切似乎都归结为一个反对宗教神话与世俗政治和哲学。矛盾的是可以理解的,但是有趣的是多么强势的宗教偏见真的是,在大多数情况下完全压倒一切世俗的同情,并证明神的行为在世俗的条款,一些米尔顿避免做由于其内在的缺点。换句话说,撒旦,现代标准,真正看起来是正当的,而宗教是如此强大,然而文摘,人们倾向于分配不存在或非相关委屈或内疚撒但,而不是承认与生俱来的,无可争辩的正义之神性。The contradiction of the audience to Satan living characteristics to the extent of the struggle between the religious entities democratic principles. Human involvement with Satan cold and god transcendental development view stresses that the most obvious. Everything seems to boil down to a against religious myths and secular politics and philosophy. The paradox is understandable, but interesting is how strong religious prejudice really is, in most cases an overriding completely secular sympathy, and prove the behavior of god in secular terms, some Milton avoid doing because of its inherent weakness. In other words, Satan, modern standards, really seems justified, and religion is so strong, however abstract, people tend to distribution does not exist or the related injustice or guilt Satan, not admit that inherent, indisputable justice of the divine.

Conclusion "Paradise lost the main sing praise to Satan and its followers against god authority heroic spirit. In this long book, god be described as a real dictator, his angel is annoying and stupid, he is cruel to Satan punishment and is not fair; And Satan that indomitable, dare to pursue freedom, abound revolution and the spirit of rebellion in a poem is the most dazzling window.


Milton, John, 1608-1674. 密尔顿,约翰,1608-1674 Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library 1: Of Mans First Disobedience, and the Fruit 人类最初的违抗,还有那禁果 2: Of that Forbidden Tree, whose mortal tast 它那必死的味道 3: Brought Death into the World, and all our woe, 将死亡带到世上,连同我们所有的悲哀 4: With loss of EDEN, till one greater Man 自伊甸园失去,到更伟大的人 5: Restore us, and regain the blissful Seat, 修复我们,让我们重回福地 6: Sing Heav'nly Muse, that on the secret top 唱天堂般的音乐,在神秘的欧瑞伯山顶 7: Of OREB, or of SINAI, didst inspire 和西耐山顶,真正赋予那牧者灵感 8: That Shepherd, who first taught the chosen Seed, 第一个教晓那些被选出的种子 9: In the Beginning how the Heav'ns and Earth 最初天堂与大地是如何 10: Rose out of CHAOS: Or if SION Hill 在一片混沌中出现:或假如锡安山 11: Delight thee more, and SILOA'S Brook that flow'd 更喜爱你,那地底的溪流 12: Fast by the Oracle of God; I thence 恰带来神谕;我从此 13: Invoke thy aid to my adventrous Song, 让你助我完成那冒险之歌 14: That with no middle flight intends to soar 平庸者所不敢飞越的高度 15: Above th' AONIAN Mount, while it pursues 翻越阿诺安山,追逐着 16: Things unattempted yet in Prose or Rhime. 诗歌与散文里未曾尝试之事 17: And chiefly Thou O Spirit, that dost prefer 你,灵魂做主,更爱 18: Before all Temples th' upright heart and pure, 在所有庙宇之前,以正直纯粹之心 19: Instruct me, for Thou know'st; Thou from the first 指引我,因你知道:你自最初 20: Wast present, and with mighty wings outspread 即已在此,伸开有力的双翼

中文版 JMilton-Paradise-Lost失乐园 弥尔顿精编版

1.人类最初违反天神命令而偷尝禁果, 2.把死亡和其他各种各样的灾难带到人间, 3.于是失去了伊甸乐园, 4.直到出现了一个更伟大的人, 5.才为我们恢复了这乐土。 6.天庭的诗神缪斯呀! 7.您当年曾点化过那个牧羊人, 8.您在那神秘的何烈山头,或西奈的峰巅, 9.最初向您的选民宣讲太初天和地怎样从混沌中生出; 10.那郇山似乎更加蒙受您的喜悦, 11.在神殿近旁弄流的是西罗亚溪水; 12.因此我向那儿祈求你给我力量, 13.完成这篇大胆冒险的诗歌,追踪一段事迹—— 14.从未有人尝试缀锦成文, 15.吟咏成诗的题材,遐想凌云, 16.飞越爱奥尼的高峰。 17.圣灵呀!特别请您, 18.您喜爱廉洁和公正的心胸, 19.胜过所有的神殿。 20.您无所不知,因此请您教导我; 21.混沌之初,您便存在, 22.张开巨大的翅膀,像鸽子一样孵伏那洪荒, 23.使它怀孕,愿您的光明驱除我心中的蒙昧, 24.举起并且支撑我的低微; 25.使我能够适应这个伟大主题的崇高境界, 26.使我能够阐明恒久的公义, 27.向世人昭示天道的公正。 28.天界和地狱深渊,请先说, 29.因为在您的眼中,一切都了如指掌; 30.为什么我们的始祖, 31.在那样的乐土,那样得天独厚, 32.除了那惟一的禁令以外, 33.他们俩本是世界的主宰,请先讲; 34.他们竟背叛而自绝于他们的创造主? 35.究竟何人引诱他们犯下这不幸的滔天大罪呢? 36.原来是地狱的蛇; 37.是嫉妒和仇恨激起他的奸智, 38.使他欺骗了人类的母亲。 39.是他的高傲,致使他和他的全部天军被逐出天界, 40.造反天军的援助,使他觉得自己无比荣耀, 41.他相信:如果他反叛,就能和上帝分庭抗礼; 42.由此野心勃勃,觊觎神的宝座和主权, 43.枉费心机地在天界掀起了忓逆的战争。 44.全能的神栽葱般,


Milton, John,1608-1674。密尔顿,约翰,1608-1674 Electronic Text Center,University ofVirginiaLibrary 1: Of Mans First Disobedience, and the Fruit 人类最初的违抗,还有那禁果 2: Of that ForbiddenTree, whose mortal tast 它那必死的味道 3: Brought Death into the World, andall our woe, 将死亡带到世上,连同我们所有的悲哀 4:With loss of EDEN, till one greater Man 自伊甸园失去,到更伟大的人 5: Restore us,and regain the blissful Seat, 修复我们,让我们重回福地 6:SingHeav’nly Muse, that on the secrettop 唱天堂般的音乐,在神秘的欧瑞伯山顶 7: Of OREB, or of SINAI,didst inspire 和西耐山顶,真正赋予那牧者灵感 8:That Shepherd, who first taught the chosen Seed, 第一个教晓那些被选出的种子 9: In the Beginning how the Heav'ns and Earth 最初天堂与大地是如何 10: Rose out of CHAOS: Or if SION Hill 在一片混沌中出现:或假如锡安山 11: Delight thee more, andSILOA’S Brook that flow’d更喜爱你,那地底的溪流 12: Fast by theOracle of God; I thence 恰带来神谕;我从此 13: Invoke thy aid to my adventrous Song, 让你助我完成那冒险之歌 14:That with no middle flight intends to soar 平庸者所不敢飞越的高度 15: Above th’ AONIANMount, whileit pursues 翻越阿诺安山,追逐着 16: Things unattempted yet inProse or Rhime. 诗歌与散文里未曾尝试之事 17:And chiefly ThouO Spirit,thatdost prefer 你,灵魂做主,更爱 18: Beforeall Temples th’ upright heart and pure, 在所有庙宇之前,以正直纯粹之心 19: Instructme, for Thou know'st; Thou from the first 指引我,因你知道:你自最初 20:Wast present, and withmightywings outspread 即已在此,伸开有力的双翼


Milton,John,1608-1674.密尔顿,约翰,1608-1674 ElectronicTextCenter,UniversityofVirginiaLibrary 1:OfMansFirstDisobedience,andtheFruit 人类最初的违抗,还有那禁果 2:OfthatForbiddenTree,whosemortaltast 它那必死的味道 3:BroughtDeathintotheWorld,andallourwoe, 将死亡带到世上,连同我们所有的悲哀 4:WithlossofEDEN,tillonegreaterMan 自伊甸园失去,到更伟大的人 5:Restoreus,andregaintheblissfulSeat, 修复我们,让我们重回福地 6:SingHeav'nlyMuse,thatonthesecrettop 唱天堂般的音乐,在神秘的欧瑞伯山顶 7:OfOREB,orofSINAI,didstinspire 和西耐山顶,真正赋予那牧者灵感 8:ThatShepherd,whofirsttaughtthechosenSeed, 第一个教晓那些被选出的种子 9:IntheBeginninghowtheHeav'nsandEarth 最初天堂与大地是如何 10:RoseoutofCHAOS:OrifSIONHill 在一片混沌中出现:或假如锡安山 11:Delighttheemore,andSILOA'SBrookthatflow'd 更喜爱你,那地底的溪流 12:FastbytheOracleofGod;Ithence 恰带来神谕;我从此 13:InvokethyaidtomyadventrousSong, 让你助我完成那冒险之歌 14:Thatwithnomiddleflightintendstosoar 平庸者所不敢飞越的高度 15:Aboveth'AONIANMount,whileitpursues 翻越阿诺安山,追逐着 16:ThingsunattemptedyetinProseorRhime. 诗歌与散文里未曾尝试之事 17:AndchieflyThouOSpirit,thatdostprefer 你,灵魂做主,更爱 18:BeforeallTemplesth'uprightheartandpure, 在所有庙宇之前,以正直纯粹之心 19:Instructme,forThouknow'st;Thoufromthefirst 指引我,因你知道:你自最初 20:Wastpresent,andwithmightywingsoutspread 即已在此,伸开有力的双翼 21:Dove-likesatstbroodingonthevastAbyss 鸽子般安坐在巨大的深渊前沉思


弥尔顿的《失乐园》中撒旦形象分析 约翰·弥尔顿是17世纪英国最著名的诗人、思想家、政治家和政论家,是欧洲17世纪进步文化的基石。他从小受人文主义的教育,反对封建礼教,反对不彻底的英国宗教改革,同时他又鼓吹自由、平等、博爱,强调弑君无罪论,被称为启蒙思想的先驱者。在新旧思想的搏斗中,在困苦艰难中写出诗作《失乐园》。全部诗长达万行,分十二卷,是一部以圣经为题材的史诗。通过《失乐园》一诗作者从作品思想内容出发,赋予这个古老的故事以新的内容。艺术再现了英国资产阶级革命的进程。同时弥尔顿通过对主宰宇宙的上帝、魔鬼撒旦和人类始祖亚当、夏娃等不同人物的塑造以及对他们的褒贬毁誉,体现了诗人创造史诗的深邃寓意。值得我们从各个角度去研究、去讨论。 有关《失乐园》的长期争论几乎都集中在对于撒旦这一人物的看法上。因此,对于撒旦这个人物的正确理解是如何欣赏弥尔顿这部史诗的关键。现在我们就探索一下撒旦这个人物性格的不同侧面。 人们一直以来从不同的角度对撒旦的艺术形象进行阐释,认为撒旦是一个非常复杂的人物形象。所以关于撒旦的形象研究在西方有“撒旦主义派”、“正统派”和“调和派”。他们有的研究撒旦形象的革命性,有的研究撒旦形象的宗教性。 首先,撒旦是魔鬼的化身,教唆人类堕落的元凶。 因为在诗中撒旦是神的对立者,他嫉妒神子在天上的地位,要求凌驾于一切法律和权利之上,享受绝对自由,于是率同叛逆的天使反抗上帝,战败被打入地狱之后仍设计报复。当他意识到自己不是上帝的对手后,转而偷入上帝创造的伊甸园百般引诱亚当、夏娃违背神的旨意,偷食禁果使其开始沉沦,把人类作为报复的工具。阴谋得逞之后得意而去,留下灾难和痛苦让人类的先祖独自承受,他为了自私的目的毁灭了他人。在弥尔顿看来谁侵犯了他人的自由,那个人便首先失去自由,变成一个奴隶。撒旦正是这样的人,因此他将是自己罪恶的奴隶,必定要坠入罪恶的深渊。 从这个意义上说,撒旦的失败与堕落体现的不是上帝的万能,而是弥尔顿的思想。同时撒旦还是“罪”和“死”的根源。他从头部生下女儿“罪”,然后与之乱伦生下儿子“死”。“罪”和“死”又交媾生下一大堆怪物。“罪”和“死”来到人间给人类带来各种各样的痛苦。 其次,撒旦身上也体现了其英雄气概和崇尚美。 撒旦能得到众多学者的赞叹在很大程度上在于这个形象身上体现了意志的自由。无论后来撒旦变得多么的渺小和可憎,也不论他的内心多么的痛苦和悔恨,在他身上体现出来的永不屈服的自由意志不曾改变过。正如尚明翰(1999)在文中指出的那样在某种程度上正是这种不屈的自由意志在浪漫主义诗人和弥尔顿的心中引起了共鸣。 一方面撒旦不是泛泛之辈。他仪态威武,声音宏亮,意志坚定,勇于冒险,富有谋略,在地狱发表演说时,整个地狱都想起回声。他身穿金甲,佩戴利剑,背负巨盾,手持长矛,身材魁梧硕大,有帝王般的威严,能够上天入地,潜身变形,他在统帅叛军向全能的上帝挑战失败之后,陷入地狱之中,依然保持他的王者之风,高呼自己有着不挠的意志,热切的报复心,永不屈服和永不退让的勇气,并非什么都失去,声称自己宁愿在地狱为王,也不愿在天上称臣。这正体现了撒旦是一位深陷逆境,为自由而战的英雄,他性格中具有叛逆者的英雄气概的这一面在史诗的前两卷中体现的尤为明显。 再次,体现了撒旦是人兽的综合体。 撒旦一直被认为是黑暗之源,罪恶之父。但“成者为王,败者为寇”的黄金法则束缚着人们对撒旦形象的全方位剖析。虽然撒旦身上有着邪恶的因素,但是在他的思想里面仍然有一些可取之处。从这个角度来讲,他是神人鬼兽的综合体。他拥有神的智慧与坚强意志,人类的情感与愤怒,魔鬼的狡诈,野兽的欲望。正是由于这四种因素组合的不平衡性,使他扭曲了意志成为魔鬼。 撒旦在被打入地狱以后,天使的光芒虽然这样削减了,但他仍比众天使光亮得多,仍保有身为君主的威严。他的脸留有战斗的痕迹,眉宇之间仍透露着不屈不挠的神色。带着天使的余晖,他号令群魔: “胜利者的狂暴,都不能叫我改变初衷, 虽然外表的光彩改变了, 但坚定的心志和岸然的骄矜, 决不改变…… 帝王般的形象和振奋人心的语言,分明使我们看到了一个伟岸的、崇高的神性灵魂,而并非一个单纯的魔鬼。当撒旦还没有背叛的时候,这个天国中高级别的天使也像其他天使一样,每天都向上帝献上清晨的赞礼,不断欢呼


John Milton (December 9, 1608 – November 8, 1674) was an English poet, prose polemicist, and civil servant for the English Commonwealth. Most famed for his epic poem Paradise Lost, Milton is celebrated as well for his eloquent treatise condemning censorship, Areopagitica. Long considered the supreme English poet, Milton experienced a dip in popularity after attacks by T.S. Eliot and F.R. Leaves in the mid-twentieth century; but with multiple societies and scholarly journals devoted to his study, Milton’s re putation remains as strong as ever in the twenty-first century. V ery soon after his death – and continuing to the present day – Milton became the subject of partisan biographies, confirming T.S. Eliot’s belief that “of no other poet is it so difficult to c onsider the poetry simply as poetry, without our theological and political dispositions…making unlawful entry.”[1] Milton’s radical, republican politics and heretical religious views, coupled with the perceived artificiality of his complicated Latinate verse, alienated Eliot and other readers; yet by dint of the overriding influence of his poetry and personality on subsequent generations--particularly the Romantic movement--the man whom Samuel Johnson disparaged as “an acrimonious and surly republican” must be counted one of the most significant writers and thinkers of all time. 2. Literary career. (1) The 1st period was up to 1641, during which time he is to be seen chiefly as a son of the humanists and Elizabethans, although his Puritanism is not absent. Areopagitica and The Masque Camus (1632) are his early masterpieces, in which we find Milton a true offspring of the Renaissance, a scholar of exquisite taste and rare culture. Next The Masque Camus The greatest of early creations was Lucida, a pastoral elegy on the death of a college mate, Edward King. (2) The second period is from 1641 to 1654, when the Puritan was in such complete ascendancy that he wrote almost no poetry. In 1641, he began a long period of pamphleteering for the puritan cause. For some 15 years, the Puritan in him alone ruled his writing. He sacrificed his poetic ambition to the call of the liberty for which Puritans were fighting. (3) The third period is from 1655 to 1671, when humanist and Puritan have been fused into an exalted entity. This period is the greatest in his literary life, epics and some famous sonnets. The three long poems are the fruit of the long contest within Milton of Renaissance tradition and his Puritan faith. They form the greatest accomplishments of any English poet except Shakespeare. In Milton alone, it would seem, Puritanism could not extinguish the lover of beauty. In these works we find humanism and Puritanism merged in magnificence. 4. Features of Milton’s works. (1) Milton is one of the very few truly great English writers who is also a prominent figure in politics, and who is both a great poet and an important prose writer. The two most essential things to be remembered about him are his Puritanism and his republicanism. (2) Milton wrote many different types of poetry. He is especially a great master of blank verse. He learned much from Shakespeare and first used blank verse in non-dramatic works. (3) Milton is a great stylist. He is famous for his grand style noted for its dignity and polish, which is the result of his life-long classical and biblical study. (4) Milton has always been admired for his sublimity of thought and majesty of expression. Abstract: "Paradise lost” about human depravity of long epic. It tells the story of the first man Adam and eve in the Garden of Eden was pure and innocent, because the devil the temptation of Satan and against the will of god, and finally to the process of sin in fall. The author Milton poems

弥尔顿失乐园英文评述paradise lost

Paradise Lost

Melton's magnum opus, the blank-verse epic poem Paradise Lost, was composed by the blind and impoverished Milton from 1658 to 1664 (first edition) with small but significant revisions published in 1674 (second edition). As a blind poet, Milton dictated his verse to a series of aides in his employ. It has been argued that the poem reflects his personal despair at the failure of the Revolution, yet affirms an ultimate optimism in human potential. The extract from Paradise Lost ids mainly talking about: Mammon who was the least erected spirit that fell from Heaven, discovered and robbed wealth with evil and greed from earth to build his paradise. When he was in Heaven, he was preferred gold and pavement other than admiring holy and bright side. This time, Mammon educated people to be greed and evil. He led a group of people to seize treasure from the mother of earth. With spade and pickax, all the miseducated men were devoted to trenching a field or casting a rampart. Soon his group had opened the hill into a spacious wound and gained ribs of gold. Meantime, another team digged many caves, magic flames under caves melted the gold and then pured all those with somewhat magic thicks. At the same time, the third groups had finished various models for architecture. Still with magic power, all the gold in boiled liquid flowed followed pipes of the buildings. It sounds like a pleasure beautiful music. Quickly and unexpected, a resplendent and magnificent palace was just stood there.


失乐园 弥尔顿 第一卷撒旦在地狱召集军队,号召复仇,点兵 在第一卷我先扼要点明本书的主题:人失去曾经拥有的乐园,是由于违背了天神命令。然后叙述他失足的主要原因在于撒旦所寄附的蛇。撒旦曾纠集了许多天使军在他手下反叛天神,结果全被天神下令逐出天界,落入无垠的深渊。本诗简略地交代这事之后,便直叙事件的中心,描述撒旦和他所率领的天军落入地狱之中。这儿所描写的地狱不在地的“中心”,而在天外的冥荒,最恰当的莫过于称它为混沌。撒旦和他的天军在这儿被雷电轰击而惊倒在炎炎的火湖里,过了一段时间之后,他从眩晕中清醒过来,并叫起倒在他身边的一个品位仅次于他的天使,共同商量这次惨败的事。撒旦唤醒了一个个处于同样的眩晕中的天军,于是他们起身,清点人数,整理阵容,宣布将领名单。这些将领的名字和后来在迦南及其邻近诸国所信奉的偶像相符合。撒旦以演说安慰他们,鼓舞他们,他说天界有望光复;最后告诉他们,根据一个古老的预言或天上的传闻,有一个新的世界和一种新的生物将被创造出来;根据古代教父们的看法,天使军在这个世界未创造出来之前就存在了。于是他们决定召开全体会议,探讨这个预言并商量对策。因此他的党徒们都跃跃欲试,倾刻之间,就在地狱中筑起巍峨的撒旦的万魔殿,巨头们就坐在那里召开会议。 人类最初违反天神命令而偷尝禁果, 把死亡和其他各种各样的灾难带到人间,于是失去了伊甸乐园, 直到出现了一个更伟大的人, 才为我们恢复了这乐土。 天庭的诗神缪斯呀! 您当年曾点化过那个牧羊人, 您在那神秘的何烈山头,或西奈的峰巅,最初向您的选民宣讲太初天和地怎样从混沌中生出; 那郇山似乎更加蒙受您的喜悦, 在神殿近旁弄流的是西罗亚溪水; 因此我向那儿祈求你给我力量, 完成这篇大胆冒险的诗歌,追踪一段事迹—— 从未有人尝试缀锦成文, 吟咏成诗的题材,遐想凌云, 飞越爱奥尼的高峰。 圣灵呀!特别请您, 您喜爱廉洁和公正的心胸, 胜过所有的神殿。 您无所不知,因此请您教导我; 混沌之初,您便存在, 张开巨大的翅膀,像鸽子一样孵伏那洪荒,使它怀孕,愿您的光明驱除我心中的蒙昧,举起并且支撑我的低微; 使我能够适应这个伟大主题的崇高境界, 使我能够阐明恒久的公义, 向世人昭示天道的公正。 天界和地狱深渊,请先说, 因为在您的眼中,一切都了如指掌; 为什么我们的始祖, 在那样的乐土,那样得天独厚, 除了那惟一的禁令以外, 他们俩本是世界的主宰,请先讲; 他们竟背叛而自绝于他们的创造主? 究竟何人引诱他们犯下这不幸的滔天大罪呢? 原来是地狱的蛇; 是嫉妒和仇恨激起他的奸智, 使他欺骗了人类的母亲。 是他的高傲,致使他和他的全部天军被逐出天界, 造反天军的援助,使他觉得自己无比荣耀,他相信:如果他反叛,就能和上帝分庭抗礼;由此野心勃勃,觊觎神的宝座和主权, 枉费心机地在天界掀起了忓逆的战争。 全能的神栽葱般, 把浑身火焰的他从净火天上摔下去, 这个敢于向全能全力者挑战的神魔迅速坠

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