当前位置:文档之家› 爱的教育(中文导读英文版)







Monday, 17th. The First Day of School








oday is the first day of school. The three months of vacation in the country have passed like a dream. This morning my mother took me to the Baretti schoolhouse to have me enter for the third elementary grade: I was thinking of the country, and went unwillingly.

The streets were swarming with boys: the two book-shops were thronged with fathers and mothers who were purchasing bags, portfolios, and copy-books, and in front of the school so many people had collected, that the beadle and the policeman found it hard to keep the entrance clear. Near the door, I felt myself touched on the shoulder: it was my master of the second grade, cheerful, as usual, and with his red hair ruffled.


2 He said to me: “So we are to part forever, Enrico?”

I knew it well, yet the words pained me.

We made our way in with difficulty. Ladies, gentlemen, women of the

people, workmen, officials, nuns, and servants, all leading boys with one hand, and holding the promotion books in the other, filled the anteroom and the stairs, making such a buzzing, that it seemed like entering a theatre. I was glad to see once more that large room on the ground floor, with the doors leading to the seven classes, where I had passed nearly every day for three years. There was a throng of teachers going and coming. My schoolmistress of the first upper class greeted me from the door of the classroom, and said:

“Enrico, you are going to the floor above, this year. I shall not even see

you pass by any more!” And she gazed sadly at me.

The principal was surrounded by women who were much worried because

there was no room for their sons; and it struck me that his beard was a little whiter than it had been last year.

I found the boys had grown taller and stouter. On the ground floor, where

the divisions had already been made, there were little children of the first and lowest section, who did not want to enter the classrooms, and who pulled back like donkeys: they had to be dragged in by force, and some ran away from the benches; others, when they saw their parents leave, began to cry, and the parents had to go back and comfort them, or take them away; while the teachers were in despair.

My little brother was placed in the class of Mistress Delcati: I was put

with Master Perboni, upstairs on the first floor.

At ten o ?clock we were all in our classes: fifty-four of us; only fifteen or

sixteen of my companions of the second class, among them, Derossi, the one who always gets the first prize.

The school seemed so small and gloomy to me when I thought of the

woods and the mountains where I had passed the summer! I thought again, too, of my master in the second class, who was so good, and who always smiled at us, and was so small that he seemed to be one of us; and I grieved that I should no longer see him, with his tumbled red hair. Our present teacher is tall; he has no beard; his hair is gray and long; and he has a straight line running crosswise

3 on his forehead. He has a big voice, and he looks at us fixedly, one after the other, as though he were reading our very thoughts; and he never smiles.

I said to myself: “This is my first day. There are nine months more. What work, what monthly examinations, what weariness!”I wanted to see my mother when I came out, and I ran to kiss her hand!

She said to me: “Courage. Enrico! We will study together.”

And I returned home content. But I no longer have my master, with his kind, merry smile, and school does not seem so nice to me as it did before.


Tuesday, 18th. Our Master


like my new teacher too, since this morning. While we were coming in, and when he was already seated, some of his scholars of last year every now and then peeped in at the door to salute him; they would present themselves and greet him:

“Good morning, Signor Teacher!”“Good morning, Signor Perboni !”

Some came in, touched his hand, and ran away. It was plain that they liked him, and would have been glad to return to him. He responded “Good morning” and shook the hands which were held out to him, but he looked at no one: at every greeting his smile remained serious, with that deep wrinkle on his brow, with his face turned towards the window, and staring at the roof of the house opposite; and instead of being cheered by these greetings, he seemed to suffer from them. Then he looked at us closely, one after the other. While he was dictating, he got down and walked among the benches. Catching sight of a boy whose face was all red with little pimples, he stopped dictating, took the I

4 s face between his hands and examined it; then he asked him what was the

5 matter with him, and laid his hand on his forehead to feel if it were hot. Meanwhile, a boy behind him got up on the bench, and began to play the marionette. The teacher turned round suddenly; the boy sat down at one dash, and remained there, with head hanging, in dread of being punished. The master placed one hand on his head and said to him:

“Don?t do so again.” Nothing more.

Then he returned to his table and finished the dictation. When he was done, he looked at us a moment in silence; then he said, very, very slowly, with his big but kind voice: “Listen. We have a year to pass together; let us see that we pass it well. Study and be good. I have no family; you are my family. Last year I had mother; she is dead. I am left alone. I have no one but you in all the world;

I have no other affection, no other thought than you: you must be my sons. I wish you well, and you must like me too. I do not wish to be obliged to punish any one. Show me that you are boys of heart: our school shall be a family, and you shall be my comfort and my pride. I do not ask you to give me a promise; I am sure that in your hearts you have already answered …yes?, and I thank you.”

Just then the beadle came in to announce the close of school. We all left our seats as quietly as could be. The boy who had stood up on the bench went up to the master, and said to him, in a trembling voice:

“Forgive me, Signor Master.”

The master kissed him on the brow, and said, “Go, my son.”


Friday, 21st. An Accident


6 he year has begun with an accident. On my way to school this morning I was repeating to my father the words of our teacher, when we noticed that the street was full of people, who were pressing close to the door of the schoolhouse. Suddenly my father said:

“An accident! The year is beginning badly!”

We passed through with some difficulty. The big hall was crowded with

parents and children, whom the teachers had not succeeded in placing in the classrooms, and all were turning towards the principal ?s room, and we heard the words, “Poor boy! Poor Robetti!”

Over their heads, at the end of the room, we could see the helmet of a

policeman, and the bald head of the principal; then a gentleman with a tall hat entered, and all said, “That is the doctor.” My father inquired of a master, “ What has happened?” “A wheel has passed over his foot,” replied the latter. “His foot has been crushed,” said another. He was a boy belonging to the second class, who, on his way to school through the Dora Grossa street, seeing a little child of the lowest class, who had run away from its mother, fall down in the middle of the street, a few paces from an omnibus which was bearing down upon it, had hastened forward boldly, caught up the child, and placed it in safety; but, as he had not withdrawn his own foot quickly enough, the wheel of the omnibus had passed over it. He is the son of a captain of artillery.

While we were being told this, a woman entered the big hall, like mad, and

forced her way through the crowd: she was Robetti ?s mother, who had been sent for. Another woman hastened towards her, and flung her arms about her neck, with sobs: it was the mother of the baby who had been saved. Both flew into the room, and desperate cry made itself heard : “Oh my Giulio ! My child !”

At that moment a carriage stopped before the door, and a little later the

principal made his appearance, with the boy in his arms; the latter leaned his head on his shoulder, with pallid face and closed eyes. Every one stood very still; the sobs of the mother were audible. The principal paused a moment quite pale, and raised the boy up a little in his arms, in order to show him to the people. And then the masters, mistresses, parents, and boys all murmured together: “Bravo, Robetti! Bravo, poor child!” and they threw kisses to him; the T

7 mistresses and boys who were near him kissed his hands and his arms. He opened his eyes and said, “My satchel !” The mother of the little boy whom he had saved showed it to him and said, amid her tears, “I will carry it for you, my dear little angel; I will carry it for you.” And in the meantime, she bore up the mother of the wounded boy, who covered her face with her hands. They went out, placed the lad comfortably in the carriage, and the carriage drove away. Then we all entered school in silence.


Saturday, 22nd. The Calabrian Boy


esterday afternoon, while the master was telling us the news of poor Robetti, who will have to go on crutches, the principal entered with a new pupil, a lad with a very brown face, black hair, large black eyes, and thick eyebrows which met on his forehead: he was dressed entirely in dark clothes, with a black morocco belt round his waist. The principal went away, after speaking a few words in the master?s ear, leaving beside the latter the boy, who glanced about with his big black eyes as though frightened. The master took him by the hand, and said to the class:

“You ought to be glad. Today there enters our school a little Italian born in Reggio, in Calabria, more than five hundred miles from here. Love your brother who has come from so far a way. He was born in a glorious land, which has given illustrious men to Italy, and which now furnishes her with stout laborers and brave soldiers; in one of the most beautiful lands of our country, where there are great forests, and great mountains, inhabited by people full of talent and courage. Treat him well, so that he shall not feel that he is far away Y

8 from the city in which he was born; make him see that an Italian boy, in whatever Italian school he sets his foot will find brothers there.” So saying, he rose and pointed out on the wall map of Italy the spot where lay Reggio, in Calabria. Then he called:

“Ernesto Derossi!” the boy who always gets the first prize. Derossi rose.

“Come here,” said the master Derossi left his bench and stepped up to the

little table, facing the Calabrian.

“As the head of the class,” said the master to him, “give a welcome to this

new companion, in the name of the whole school — the embrace of the sons of Piedmont to the son of Calabria.”

Derossi embraced the Calabrian, saying in his clear voice, “Welcome!”

and the other kissed him impetuously on the cheeks. All clapped their hands. “Silence!” cried the master, “we don ?t clap hands in school!” But it was clear that he was pleased. And the Calabrian was pleased also. The master gave him a place, and went with him to the bench. Then he said again:

“Bear well in mind what I have said to you. In order that this case might

occur, that a Calabrian boy should be as though in his own house at Turin, and that a boy from Turin should be at home in Calabria, our country fought for fifty years, and thirty thousand Italians died. You must all respect and love each other; but any one of you who should give offence to this comrade, because he was not born in our province, would render himself unworthy of ever again raising his eyes from the earth when he passes the tricolored flag.”

Hardly was the Calabrian seated in his place, when his neighbors

presented him with pens and a picture; and another boy, from the last bench, sent him a Swiss postage-stamp.


Tuesday, 25th. My Schoolmates



9 同学做买卖;此外,还有总是穿着考究的沃蒂尼、非常傲慢的诺比斯、驼背的奈利等;其中,成绩最好,人也很帅很好的是德罗西;最沉默寡言却脾气暴躁的是斯达蒂。

he boy who sent the postage-stamp to the Calabrian is the one I like best of all. His name is Garrone: he is the biggest boy in the class; he is about fourteen years old; his head is large, his shoulders broad; he is good, as one can see when he smiles; but it seems as though he always thought like a man.

I already know several of my classmates. Another one I am taken with is named Coretti, and he wears chocolate-colored trousers and a catskin cap: he is always jolly; he is the son of a huckster of wood, who was a soldier in the war of 1866, in the squadron of Prince Umberto, and they say that he has three medals. There is little Nelli, a poor hunchback, a weak boy, with a thin face. There is one who is very well dressed, who always wears fine Florentine plush, and is named Votini. On the bench in front of me there is a boy who is called Muratorino ( “the little mason”) because his father is a mason; his face is as round as an apple, with a nose like a small ball; he possesses a special talent: he knows how to make a hare?s face, and they all get him to do it, and then they laugh. He wears a little ragged cap, which he carries rolled up in his pocket like a handkerchief. Beside Muratorino sits Garoffi, a long, thin, silly fellow, with the nose and beak of a screech-owl, and very small eyes, who is always trading in little pens and images and match-boxes, and who writes the lesson on his nails, in order that he may read it on the sly. Then there is a young gentleman, Carlo Nobis, who seems very haughty; and he is between two boys I like, —one the son of a blacksmith, clad in a jacket which reaches to his knees, who is pale, as though from illness, who always has a frightened air, and who never laughs; and the other with red hair, who has a withered arm, and carries it hung in a sling from his neck; his father has gone away to America, and his mother goes about peddling potherbs.

And there is another curious fellow, my neighbor on the left, Stardi, small and thickset, with no neck, —a gruff fellow, who speaks to no one, and doesn?t seem to understand much, but stands watching the master without T

10 winking, his brow lined with wrinkles, and his teeth set: and if he is questioned when the master is speaking, he makes no reply the first and second times, and the third time he gives a kick. And beside him there is a bold, cunning face, belonging to a boy named Franti, who has already been expelled from another district. There are, in addition, two brothers who are dressed exactly alike, who resemble each other to a hair, and both of whom wear caps of Calabrian cut, with a pheasant ?s plume. But handsomer than all the rest, the one who has the most talent, who will surely be the head this year also, is Derossi; and the master, who has already perceived this, always questions him. But I like Precossi, the son of the blacksmith, the one with the long jacket, who seems sickly. They say that his father beats him; he is very timid, and every time that he addresses or touches any one, he says “Excuse me,” and gazes at them with his kind, sad eyes. But Garrone is the biggest and the best.


Wednesday, 26th. A Generous Deed


t was this very morning that Garrone let us know what he is like. When I entered the school a little late, because the mistress of the upper first had stopped me to inquire at what hour she could find me at home, the master had not yet come, and three or four boys were teasing poor Crossi, the one with the red hair, who has a dead arm, and whose mother sells vegetables. They were poking him with rulers, hitting him in the face with chestnut shells, and making him out to be a cripple and a monster, by mimicking him, with his arm hanging in the sling. And he, alone on the end of the bench, and quite pale, was gazing now at one and now at another with beseeching eyes, that they might I

11 leave him in peace. But the others mocked him worse than ever, and he began to tremble and to turn red with rage. All at once, Franti, the boy with the bad face, sprang upon a bench, and pretending that he was carrying a basket on each arm, he aped the mother of Crossi, when she used to come to wait for her son at the door; for she is ill now. Many began to laugh loudly. Then Crossi lost his head, and seizing an inkstand, he hurled it at the other?s head with all his strength; but Franti dodged, and the inkstand struck the master, who entered at the moment, full in the breast.

All flew to their places, and became silent with terror.

The master, quite pale, went to his table, and said in a stern voice: “Who did it?”

No one replied.

The master raised his voice, and said again, “Who was it?”

Then Garrone, moved to pity for poor Crossi, rose abruptly and said, resolutely, “It was I.”

The master looked at him, and at the stupefied scholars; then said in a quiet voice, “It was not you.”

And, after a moment: “The guilty one shall not be punished. Let him rise!”

Crossi rose and said, weeping, “They were striking me and insulting me, and I lost my head, and threw—”

“Sit down,” said the master, “Let those who provoked him rise.”

Four rose, and hung their heads.

“You,” said the master, “have insulted a companion who had given you no provocation; you have scoffed at an unfortunate lad, you have struck a weak person who could not defend himself. You have committed one of the basest, the most shameful acts with which a human creature can stain himself. Cowards!”

Having said this, he came down among the benches, put his hand under Garrone?s chin, as the latter stood with drooping head, and having made him raise it, he looked him straight in the eye, and said, “You are a noble soul.”

Garrone profited by the occasion to murmur something in the ear of the master; and he, turning towards the four culprits, said, abruptly, “I forgive

12 you.”


Thursday, 27th. My Schoolmistress of the Upper First 今天,二年级时教我的女老师来到我家。她没怎么打扮自己,脸色苍白。妈妈说她是操心太多了。这位女老师记得住每一个学生的名字,即使没有再教那些学生了,也仍然很关心他们。眼下,她刚刚带一群学生从博物馆回来,又要去看望一个生病的孩子。临走,她请我不要忘了她。这位好老师教会我许多东西,我怎么会忘记她呢!

y schoolmistress kept her promise, and came today just as I was on the point of going out with my mother to carry some linen to a poor woman recommended by the Gazette. It was a year since I had seen her in our house. We all made a great deal of her. She is just the same as ever, a little thing, with a green veil wound about her bonnet, carelessly dressed, and with untidy hair, because she has no time to adorn herself; but with a little less color than last year, with some white hairs, and a constant cough. My mother said to her:

“And your health, my dear mistress? You do not take sufficient care of yourself!”

“It does not matter,” the other replied, with her smile, at once bright and sad.

“You speak too loud,” my mother added, “you exert yourself too much with your boys.”

That is true; her voice is always to be heard; I remember how it was when I went to school to her; she talked and talked all the time, so that the boys might not lose their attention, and she did not remain seated a moment. I felt quite sure that she would come, because she never forgets her pupils; she remembers their names for years. On the days of the monthly examination, she runs to ask the director what marks they have won; she waits for them at the entrance, and makes them show her their compositions, in order that she may see what progress they have made; and many, who are now in the grammar M



picture-gallery, whither she had taken her boys, just as she had conducted them all to a museum every Thursday in years gone by, and explained everything to them. The poor mistress has grown still thinner than of old. But she is always brisk, and always becomes animated when she speaks of her school. She wanted to have a peep at the bed on which she had seen me lying very ill two years ago, and which is now occupied by my brother; she gazed at it for a while, and could not speak. She was obliged to go away soon to visit a boy belonging to her class, the son of a saddler, who is ill with the measles; and she had besides a package of sheets to correct, a whole evening ?s work; and she had still a private lesson in arithmetic to give to the mistress of a shop before nightfall.

“Well, Enrico,” she said to me as she was going, “are you still fond of your schoolmistress, now that you do hard sums and write long compositions?” She kissed me, and called up once more from the foot of the stairs, “You are not to forget me, you know, Enrico!”

Oh, my kind teacher, never, never shall I forget you! Even when I grow up I shall remember you and shall go to seek you among your boys; and every time I pass near a school and hear the voice of a schoolmistress, I shall think that I hear your voice, and I shall recall the two years I passed in your school, where I learned so many things, where I so often saw you ill and weary, but always earnest, always indulgent, in despair when any one was clumsy with his pen, trembling when the examiners asked us questions, happy when we made a good showing, always kind and loving as a mother. Never, never shall I forget you, my teacher!


Friday, 28th. In An Attic


15 免克罗西觉得尴尬,克罗西刚好转过脸来认出了我,我们俩拥抱在了一起。克罗西的妈妈说,孩子爸爸去美国好几年了,她靠卖菜维持生计,家里很穷,在别人的帮助下,克罗西才上了学。我们很同情她们母子。

esterday evening I went with my mother and my sister Sylvia, to carry the linen to the poor woman recommended by the newspaper. I carried the bundle; Sylvia had the paper with the initials of the name and the address. We went up to the very roof of a tall house, and through a long corridor with many doors. My mother knocked at the last; it was opened by a thin, fair woman who was still young, and it instantly struck me that I had seen her many times before, with that very same blue kerchief that she wore on her head.

“Ar e you the person of whom the newspaper says so and so?” asked my mother.

“Yes, signora, I am.”

“Well, we have brought you a little linen.”

The woman began to thank us and bless us, and could not make enough of it. Just then I noticed, in one corner of the bare, dark room, a boy kneeling in front of a chair, with his back turned towards us, who appeared to be writing; and he really was writing, with his paper on the chair and his inkstand on the floor. How did he manage to write in the dark? While I was saying this to myself, I suddenly recognized the red hair and the coarse jacket of Crossi, the son of the vegetable peddler, the boy with the useless arm. I told this to my mother softly, while the woman was putting away the things.

“Hush!”replied my mother, “perhaps he will feel ashamed to see you giving alms to his mother, don?t speak to him.”

But at that moment Crossi turned round; I was embarrassed; he smiled, and then my mother gave me a push, so that I should run to him and embrace him. I did so: he rose and took me by the hand.

“Here I am,” his mother was saying in the meantime to my mother, “alone with this boy, my husband in America these seven years, and I sick in addition, so that I can no longer make my rounds with my vegetables, and earn a few cents. We have not even a table left for my poor Luigino to do his work on. Y

16 When there was a bench down at the door, he could, at least, write on the bench; but that has been taken away. He has not even light enough to study without ruining his eyes. And it is a mercy that I can send him to school, since the city provides him with books and copybooks. Poor Luigino, who would be so glad to study! Unhappy woman, that I am!”

My mother gave her all that she had in her purse, kissed the boy, and almost wept as we went out. And she had good cause to say to me: “Look at that poor boy; see how he is forced to work, when you have every comfort, and yet study seems hard to you! Ah! Enrico, there is more merit in the work which he does in one day, than in your work for a year. It is to such that the first prizes should be given!”


Friday, 28th. The School


es, study comes hard to you, my dear Enrico, as your mother says: I do not yet see you set out for school with that resolute mind and that smiling face which I should like. You are still unwilling. But listen; reflect a little! How poor and pitiable your day would be if you did not go to school! At the end of a week you would beg with clasped hands that you might return there, for you would be eaten up with weariness and shame; disgusted with your sports and with your existence. Everybody studies now, my child. Think of the workmen who go to school in the evening after having toiled all the day; think of the women, of the girls of the people, who go to school on Sunday, after having worked all the week; think of the soldiers who turn to their books and Y

17 copy-books when they return exhausted from their drill! Think of the dumb and the blind who study, nevertheless; and last of all, think of the prisoners, who also learn to read and write. Reflect in the morning, when you set out, that at that very moment, in your own city, thirty thousand other boys are going like yourself, to shut themselves up in a room for three hours of study. Think of the army of boys who, at nearly this precise hour, are going to school in all countries. Behold them with your imagination, going, going, through the lanes of quiet villages; through the streets of the noisy towns, along the shores of rivers and lakes; here beneath a burning sun; there amid fogs, in boats, in countries which are cut with canals; on horseback on the far-reaching plains; in sledges over the snow; through valleys and over hills; across forests and torrents, over the solitary paths of mountains; alone, in couples, in groups, in long files, all with their books under their arms, clad in a thousand ways, speaking a thousand tongues, from the most remote schools in Russia, almost lost in the ice, to the furthermost schools of Arabia, shaded by palm trees, millions and millions, all going to learn the same things, in a hundred varied forms. Imagine this vast, vast throng of boys of a hundred races, this immense movement of which you form a part, and remember, if this movement were to cease, humanity would fall back into barbarism; this movement is the progress, the hope, the glory of the world.

Courage, then, little soldier of the immense army! Your books are your arms, your class is your squadron, the field of battle is the whole earth, and the victory is human civilization. Be not a cowardly soldier, my Enrico.

Your father 周六,29日,派多瓦的小爱国者(每月故事)Saturday, 29th. The Little Patriot of Padua (Monthly Story) 一艘从巴塞罗那驶往的热亚那的轮船上,载着许多来自法国、意大利、西班牙和瑞士的人,还有一个衣衫褴褛的、来自意大利派多瓦的11岁孩子。两年前,他的农民父母把他卖给了一个卖艺戏班,他在戏班里受尽虐待,终于逃了出来,意大利领事馆要将他送回家。眼下,这个孩子沉默地待着。在一些乘客的询问下,他讲出了自己的经历,有几位乘客和几位女

18 士便给了这个孩子一些钱。孩子道谢后收下了钱,接着就回到自己的舱位上想着,该用这些钱做些什么事。他听见外面给他钱的几位乘客在讨论意大利,说意大利人无知、下等。男孩将刚拿到的钱朝这些人砸去,说:他不会要这些侮辱自己祖国的人的施舍。

will not be a “cowardly soldier ”, no; but I should be much more willing to go to school if the master would tell us a story every day, like the one he told us this morning.

“Every month,” said he, “I shall tell you one; I shall give it to you in writing, and it will always be the tale of a fine and noble deed performed by a boy. This one is called The Little Patriot of Padua. Here it is.

“A French steamer set out from Barcelona, a city in Spain, for Genoa; there were on board Frenchmen, Italians, Spaniards, and Swiss. Among the rest was a lad of eleven, poorly clad, and alone, who always held himself aloof, like a wild animal, and stared at all with gloomy eyes. He had good reasons for looking at every one with forbidding eyes. Two years previous to this time his parents, peasants in the neighborhood of Padua, had sold him to a company of mountebanks, who, after they had taught him how to perform tricks, by dint of blows and kicks and starving, had carried him all over France and Spain, beating him continually and never giving him enough to eat.

“On his arrival in Barcelona, being no longer able to endure ill treatment and hunger, and being reduced to a pitiable condition, he had fled from his slave-master and had betaken himself for protection to the Italian consul, who, moved with compassion, had placed him on board of this steamer, and had given him a letter to the guardsman of Genoa, who was to send the boy back to his parents —to the parents who had sold him like a beast. The poor lad was weak and ragged. He had been put in the second-class cabin. Every one stared at him; some questioned him, but he made no reply, and seemed to hate and despise every one, to such an extent had privation and suffering borne him down and saddened him. Nevertheless, three travellers, persisting in their questions, succeeded in making him unloose his tongue; and in a few rough words, a mixture of Venetian, French, and Spanish, he related his story. These three travellers were not Italians, but they understood him; and partly out of I

19 compassion, partly because they were excited with wine, they gave him a few coins, jesting with him and urging him on to tell them other things; and as several ladies entered the salon at the moment, they gave him some more money for the purpose of making a show, and cried: …Take this! Take this, too!?as they made the money rattle on the table.

“The boy pocketed it all, thanking them in a low voice, and with his sad face, but with a look that was for the first time smiling and affectionate. Then he climbed into his berth, drew the curtain, and lay quiet, thinking over his affairs. With this money he would be able to purchase some good food on board, after having suffered for lack of bread for two years; he could buy a jacket as soon as he landed in Genoa, after having gone about clad in rags for two years; and he could also, by carrying it home, insure for himself from his father and mother a kinder greeting than would fall to his lot if he arrived with empty pockets. This money was a little fortune for him; and he was taking comfort out of the thought behind the curtain of his berth, while the three travellers chatted away, as they set round the dining-table in the second-class salon.

“They were drinking and discussing their travels and the countries which they had seen; and from one topic to another they began to discuss Italy. One of them began to complain of the inns, another of the railways, and then, growing warmer, they all began to speak evil of everything. One would have preferred a trip in Lapland; another declared that he had found nothing but robbers and brigands in Italy; the third said that Italian officials do not know how to read.

“…It?s an ignorant nation,? continued the first.

“…A filthy nation,? added the second.

“…Rob—?exclaimed the third, meaning to say …robbers?; but he was not allowed to finish the word, a tempest of small coin came down upon their heads and shoulders, fell over the table and the floor with a great clatter. All three sprang up in a rage, looked up, and received another handful of coppers in their faces.

“…Take back your money!?said the lad, disdainfully, thrusting his head between the curtains of his berth, … I do not accept alms from those who insult my country!? ”



莎士比亚经典语录英文版 导读:本文是关于莎士比亚经典语录英文版的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、The time of life is short;to spend that shortnebasely,it would be too long 。人生苦短,若虚度年华,则短暂的人生就太长了。 2、Do not,for one repulse,give up the purpose that you resolved to effect。不要只因一次失败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的。 3、Love to talk about a bit of a surprise to people to learn the total patient injury。谈一场恋爱,学会了忍耐,总有些意外,会让人受伤害。 4、There is nothing either good or bad,but thinking makes it so。世间本无善恶,但看个人想法。 5、Beauty provoketh thieves sooner than gold。美貌比金银更容易引起歹心。 6、To be,or not to be:that is the question。生还是死,这是个问题。 7、To be or not to be,that is a question。生存还是毁灭,这是一个值得考虑的问题。 8、Love’s not love when it is mingled with regards that

stands aloof from th’entire point。爱情里面要是搀杂了和它本身无关的算计,那就不是真的爱情。 9、What's in a name?That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet。名字代表什么?我们所称的玫瑰换个名字还是一样芳香。 10、To be or not to be,that's a question。是生还是死,那是值得考虑的问题。 11、Better a witty fool than a foolish wit。宁为聪明的愚夫,不作愚蠢的才子。 12、Love is blind and lovers cannot see the pretty follies that themselves commit。爱情是盲目的,恋人们看不到自己做的傻事。 13、Do you not know I am a woman?When I think,I must speak。你难道不知道我是女人?我心里想什么,就会说出来。 14、Love is merely a madness。爱情不过是一种疯狂。 15、I would like now to seriously indifferent room of wonderful。我只想现在过得精彩,无所谓好坏。 16、When the heart of honor get hurt of time,the comity is to cure its good medicine当荣誉心受伤的时候,友谊是治愈它的良药。 17、The time of life is short ;to spend that shortness basely,it would be too long 。人生苦短,若虚度年华,则短暂


初中名著导读试题与答案 一、《爱的教育》 1、《爱的教育》原名《》,是(国)作家为九至十三岁 的孩子创作的一部小说。它采用的形式,讲述一个叫作的小男孩 成长的故事。2、《爱的教育》全书100篇文章,由三个部分组成: ,以及。这三部分都以 为中心。 二、《繁星》、《春水》:母爱·童真·自然 1、冰心,中国现代文学史上第一位著名女作家,她一步入文坛,便以宣扬“” 著称。2、《繁星》、《春水》是冰心在印度诗人《飞鸟集》的影响下写成的。 3、总的说来,《繁星》、《春水》大致包括三个方面的内容:一是对 的歌颂;二是对的崇拜和赞颂。三是。 三、《伊索寓言》 《伊索寓言》产生于的古典时期。作者是。 四、《童年》:在苦难中长大 1、《童年》是以自身经历为原型创作的自传体小说三部曲的第一部,其他两部 为《》《》。2、《童年》讲述的是(作者的乳名) 三岁到十岁这一时期的童年生活。生动地再现了19世纪七八十年代下层人民的 生活状况。3、童年刻画了众多的人物形象,外祖父是一个 的人,经常毒打外祖母和孩子们,狠心地剥削手下的工人。外祖母 ,对谁都很忍让,有着圣徒一般的宽大胸怀。作品中,乐观纯朴的,正直的 老工人,献身于科学的知识分子“”都给主人公以力量和支持。 五、《鲁滨孙漂流记》:孤独而顽强的冒险者 1、18世纪欧洲最杰出的思想家卢梭建议每个成长中的青少年尤其是男孩子都应该读一读 的代表作《》。这是一部流传很广,影响很大的文学名著。它表现了强烈的 资产阶级进取精神和启蒙意识。2、《鲁滨孙漂流记》的主人公是,他敢于 ,勇于 ,显示了一个硬汉子的坚毅性格和英雄本色,体 现了资产阶级上升时期的创造精神和开拓精神。他的名字,已经成为冒险家的代名词和千 千万万读者心目中的英雄。3、《鲁滨孙漂流记》的主要部分就是主人公在荒岛生活的生动 记述。在荒无人烟的小岛上的第24年,他还搭救了一个野人,给他取名为 。在他的教育下成为一个忠实的奴仆。


我了解他,是因为我喜欢他 ——《爱的教育》人物评价 教学目标:1、梳理阅读思维,绘制出思维导图。 2、了解评价人物的基本方法:品读对人物的描写和抓住典型事例。 课前准备:1、评选中书中最受欢迎的四大人物,细读相关章节,对人物进行评价。 2、以小组为单位绘制出思维导图。 教学过程: 一、导入: 上周五我们进行了《爱的教育中》最受欢迎的四大人物的评选。评选的结果是:安利柯(恩利柯)、安利柯的爸爸、卡隆、斯达尔迪(斯代地)这四人当选为“最受欢迎的四大人物”。他们为什么会如此受欢迎,被我们喜爱呢?他们究竟是怎样的人呢?这节课就让我们一起走近他们、了解他们。 二、教师进行方法指导: 举例(1),总结出方法一:概括与人物有关的具体事件来评价人物。 举例(2),总结出方法二:细细品读描写人物的相关语句,抓住关键词来感悟人物品质。 三、以小组为单位逐一分析人物、评价人物。 分小组发言,同组、他组互相补充和点评。 预设: 1、安利柯: 富有同情心(《铁匠的儿子波列科西》); 善于反省(《我的决心书》); 体贴父母、关爱家人(《牺牲》) 善良大方(《“小石匠”来访》) 2、安利柯的爸爸: 负责的好父亲:能及时发现孩子行为和思想上的错误,给安利柯爱的并引导和教育。 (《在马路上》、《争吵》、《十月、父亲的话》) 懂得尊重老师、爱老师(《父亲的老师》) 宽厚的长者(《小石匠》、《争吵》) 例:“安利柯,走在马路上的时候要当心啊!在马路上,我们也有应尽的责任。如果说在家里你的行为举止应该像个绅士,那么在马路上也是一样的。马路是值得我们重视的,国民的素养可以从走在马路上的形形色色的人的举止看出来。(父亲的话《在马路上》)” “吃完饭大家站起来的时候,我看见“小石匠”衣服上的石粉粘在椅子背上了,就想伸手去擦。不知为什么,父亲偷偷拉住了我的手。过了一会儿,父亲自己趁大家不注意,悄悄地把椅子擦干净了。(《“小石匠”》)” 3、卡隆: 坚持正义、明辨是非、心地善良、扶弱惩恶 (《耐利和卡隆》、《高尚行为》、《代课的老师》、《好朋友卡隆》) 4、《斯达尔迪》: 有毅力、执着坚持、向上进取、勤奋刻苦、勇敢 (《斯达尔迪的图书馆》、《偷袭》、《毅力》) 例:“我们一直把斯达尔迪当作一个笨小孩,可他一点也不自暴自弃。无论是白天还是夜晚,无论是在学校还是在家里,就连走在路上,他都在拼命用功。无论别人说他

爱的教育课外阅读试题与答案 (1)

《爱的教育》阅读试题 一、填空题。 1、《爱的教育》原名(《》)。 2、《爱的教育》的主要体裁为()。 3、《爱的教育》的作者是德?亚米契斯,他是(国家)人。 二、判断题(正确打“√”,错误打“×”,并改正)。 1.《爱的教育》的主人公安利柯是一个小学生。() 2.《爱的教育》的作者是英国着名儿童文学作家亚米契斯。() 3.我的朋友卡隆因为生病迟入学两年,他为人正直、厚道,常斥骂欺负别人的人,总挺身而出帮助弱小。() 4.“从小尊敬军旗的人,长大就一定会扞卫军旗!”这句话是校长说的。()5.“你的书本就是武器,班级就是一个分队,课堂就是你的战场!”这句话是老师对安利柯说的。() 6.小石匠特别爱扮鬼脸,他对建塔和架桥的积木游戏特别在行。() 7.一名少年因为勇救落水同学而被市长授予公民勋章。() 三、选择题(写序号) 1.那个总是得一等奖的孩子是班长,他的名字叫(.) A.克洛西 B.代洛西 C.弗兰蒂 2.为了救一个小孩被车子扎伤的人物是() A.罗伯特 B.安利柯 C.铁匠的儿子 3.克洛西是个残胳膊的孩子,他的母亲卖野菜,他曾把墨水瓶打在老师的胸部,老师的处理方法是() A.严厉批评了四个欺负克洛西的孩子,并饶恕了那四个孩子。 B.严厉批评了克洛西。 4.扫烟囱的孩子丢了钱币之后,发生了什么事?(. ) A.被师傅狠狠打了一顿 B.很多学生帮他凑足了多余他原来的钱。 5.朱里奥的成绩退步了,身体也越来越差,原因是() A.他每天夜里悄悄起床帮爸爸抄字条,熬夜太多。 B.他厌恶学习,越来越不用功,故意熬夜拖跨身体。 6.弗兰蒂被开除的原因是() A.品行太坏 B.成绩太差 C.不尊敬父母 7.当泼来可西获得二等奖时,他的父亲十分忏悔,是因为() A.他没有文化,从来不给孩子学习上的辅导。 B.他一向虐待孩子,而孩子一直忍耐着,还处处维护他。 四、问答题 1、写出小说中五个主要人物。在这些人物中,你最欣赏谁?为什么?(结合书中人物的故事来说)自由回答,正确即可。


爱的教育阅读试题及答案 1、《爱的教育》是()年代出版的刊物。 2、《爱的教育》原名()。 3、《爱的教育》的主要体裁为()。 4、《爱的教育》是()作家()在()年写的一部()。全书共()篇文章。 二、判断题(正确打“√”,错误打“×”,并改正)。(4’) 1.《爱的教育》的主人公安利柯是一个小学生。() 2.《爱的教育》的作者是英国着名儿童文学作家亚米契斯。() 3.我的朋友卡隆因为生病迟入学两年,他为人正直、厚道,常斥骂欺负别人的人。() 4.“从小尊敬军旗的人,长大就一定会扞卫军旗!”这句话事校长说的。() 5.“你的书本就是武器,班级就是一个分队,课堂就是你的战场!”这句话是老师对安利柯说的。() 6.书中的小石匠特别爱扮鬼脸,他对建塔和架桥的积木游戏特别在行。() 7.在安利柯的父亲看来,世界上除了父母之外,“兄弟”是最崇高、最亲切的称呼了。() 8.“78号犯人”就是克洛西的父亲。() 9.一名少年因为勇救落水同学而被市长授予公民勋章。() 10.经过最后一次考试,全班同学都升级了。() 三、选择题(写序号4’) 1.那个总是得一等奖的孩子是班长,他的名字叫() A.克洛西 B.代洛西 C.弗兰蒂 2.为了救一个小孩被车子扎伤的人物是() A.洛贝谛 B.安利柯 C.铁匠的儿子 3.克洛西是个残胳膊的孩子,他的母亲卖野菜,他曾把墨水瓶打在老师的胸部,老师的处理方法是() A.严厉批评了四个欺负克洛西的孩子,并饶恕了那四个孩子。 B.严厉批评了克洛西。 4.扫烟囱的孩子丢了钱币之后,发生了什么事?() A.被师傅狠狠打了一顿 B.很多学生帮他凑足了多余他原来的钱。 5.爱慕虚荣的瓦梯尼因为向谁炫耀他的漂亮衣服而受到了父亲的批评?() A.一个聋子 B.全班同学 C.一个盲人 6.裘里亚的成绩退步了,身体也越来越差,原因是() A.他每天夜里悄悄起床帮爸爸抄字条,熬夜太多。 B.他厌恶学习,越来越不用功,故意熬夜拖跨身体。 7.弗兰蒂被开除的原因是() A.品行太坏 B.成绩太差 C.不尊敬父母 8.当泼来可西获得二等奖时,他的父亲十分忏悔,是因为() A.他没有文化,从来不给孩子学习上的辅导。 B.他一向虐待孩子,而孩子一直忍耐着,还处处维护他。 9.狂欢的最后一天发生的意外事故是() A.一个五六岁的女孩被车子压伤了 B.一个五六岁的女孩与母亲失散了


双语阅读文章汇总(一)一、冰淇淋居然可以高温不化Ice cream that doesn't melt! Japanese scientists create a recipe that includes a secret strawberry extract to keep the treat cool in warm weather 日本科学家发明了不会融化的冰激凌,还能在炎热的天气里保持凉爽的口感 Japanese scientists have come up with a cool solution to stop ice cream melting before you've had time to finish it. 近日,日本科学家们找到了防止冰激凌融化的好方法。 The ice cream retains its original shape in 28°C (82.4 F) weather and still tastes 'cool',according to the report. 据报道,这种冰激凌在28度的温度中不仅不会融化,还能保持清凉的口感。 A strawberry extract stops the oil and water from separating so quickly which means the icecreams (pictured) stay frozen - even if you blow a hair dryer at them, reports suggest 报道称,冰淇淋不会融化是由于一种叫做草莓提取物的物质,它减缓了水油分离的速度,使得冰 激凌即使是在吹风机的吹拂下依旧保持形状。 The company created the ice creams by accident. 这种冰激凌的产生完全是出于意外。 A pastry chef tried to use the strawberry extract to create a new kind of confectionery in orderto use strawberries that were not the right shape to be sold. 甜点师本想用这种草莓提取物创造一种新型甜品,以试图把因品相不好而无法顺利出售的草莓利用起来。 He realised the cream would solidify when put in contact with the strawberry extract. 他发现可以使用草莓提取物来减缓冰激凌融化的速度。 1 / 16 The ice creams (pictured), which are only for sale in parts of Japan, first hit stores in Kanazawain April before rolling out in Osaka and Tokyo 不目前,这种冰激凌已经在日本金泽当地开始销售,预计之后会把业务拓展到东京和大阪。过要是想在其他国家吃到这种冰激凌,恐怕还需要一段时间二、做个成年人有哪些好处No one can tell me what to do. 没人能对我指手画脚。Well, except mom. …除了我妈妈。嗯No one except my mom can tell me what to do. 除了我妈妈没人能对我指手画脚。And maybe, girlfriend. 可能我女朋友可以。No one except my mom and my girlfriend can tell me what to do. 除了我妈妈和女朋友没人能对我指手画脚。Well, my manager as well. …老板也可以。嗯No one except my mom, my girlfriend and my manager can tell me what to do. 除了我妈妈、女朋友和老板没人能对我指手画脚。Also, the bank. 还有银行。No one except my mom, my girlfriend, my manager and my bank can tell


《爱的教育》阅读指导课 棋盘井第一小学小学戈慧霞 教学目标: 1.我要学会阅读整本书的基本步骤和方法。 2.通过选文的阅读,我能感受到鲜明的人物形象,并体验到阅读的快乐,受到爱的启迪。 3.我对书中的内容很感兴趣,愿意摘抄积累。 教学重点: 在活动中,潜移默化地进行读书方法的指导 教学难点: 1.培养学生的语言表达能力,形成初步的鉴赏能力。 2.在活动中,引导学生学会感受爱、奉献爱。 设计理念: 《语文课程标准》指出:培养学生广泛的阅读兴趣,扩大阅读面,增加阅读量,提倡多读书、好读书、读好书、读整本的书,鼓励学生自主选择阅读材料。 在课外阅读能使学生开阔视野,增长知识,发展智力,陶冶情操,充实学生文化底蕴,提高学生综合素质 教学准备: 多媒体课件,《爱的教育》课本 教学过程: 一、谈话导入,激发阅读兴趣,明确目标。(1分钟) 师:读一本好书就是和许多高尚的人谈话,有的书能影响人的一生,改变人的命运,《爱的教育》就是这么一本好书。一百多年来,它深受人们特别是青少年的喜爱,风靡全球。是什么让它长久不衰呢?就让我们一起走进它,探索其中的奥秘,感受它的魅力。今天这堂课,我们一起共读《爱的教育》。 二、阅读整本书,明确步骤和方法。 (一)透过封面晓情感

1、师引导:读一本好书,就像进入一座故事公园,首先要看看有个性的大门,轻轻捧起这本书,从这本书的封面,你获得了哪些信息?(书名、作者、对内容的明示和暗示的细节为主) 2、抓住图画,引导学生了解书的情感基调。 (1)书的封面上有一幅图画,谁能为我们描述上面的情境? (2)师总结:多么温馨的画面,封面上的图画就是一本书的窗户,透过这扇窗户,猜一猜书里主要讲述的是什么? 过渡:大家的猜测很合理,这本书究竟讲述的是什么呢?第三页的内容梗概会告诉我们答案。 (二)走进导航知梗概 1、学生请快速阅读内容梗概,了解主要内容。 2、请一名同学介绍主要内容。 (三)根据目录做规划 1、我们如何知道书中具体讲了那些故事呢?看目录? 2、请大家仔细看看这本书的目录,你获得了哪些信息? (1)、全书为10个章节,以月份为题。 (2)、每章都有每月例话。 2、使用目录做阅读规划。 阅读一本书之前做好读书计划非常关键,这本书共讲述了100个故事。我们每天大约读10个故事,计划在10节课之内读完这本书。本节课我们的任务是阅读前三个故事。 三、自读交流,感受读书趣、明白师生情、学习高品质 1、默读第一个故事《始业日》。 提示:默读故事,想一想:你知道了什么?感受到了什么?在相关句子旁做标记。 2、小组交流。 3、全班交流。 在交流中潜移默化引导学生 (1)、感受师生之间的情谊。


一、《爱的教育》 1、原名:《心》 2、作者:德?亚米契斯(意大利) 3、体裁:日记体小说 4、内容:讲述一个叫恩利科的小男孩成长的故事。全书 100 文章,由三个部分组成:恩利科 的日记;恩利科父母教子篇;老师讲的九则故事。b5E2RGbCAP 5、艺术特色:流畅优美,朴素清新。 二、《繁星》《春水》 1、作者:冰心 2、体裁:诗歌(“小诗”) 3、成因:受印度诗人泰戈尔《飞鸟集》影响写成。 4、内容: (1)对母爱与童真的歌颂。(2)对大自然的崇拜与赞颂。(3)对人生的思考与感悟。 5、艺术特色:兼采中国古典诗词和泰戈尔哲理小诗之长,善于捕捉瞬间的灵感,以三言两语 抒写内心的感受与思考,形式短小而意味深长。语言上,清新淡雅而又晶莹明丽,明白晓畅而 又情韵悠长。p1EanqFDPw 三、《伊索寓言》 1、 文学价值:《伊索寓言》是世界文学史上流传最广的寓言故事集之一,两千多年来以独特 的人生智慧和艺术魅力受到各国人民,尤其是青少年的喜爱。DXDiTa9E3d

2、 内容提要:内容十分丰富,影射社会现实;批评为富不仁;表现劳动人民的聪明才智;对 恶人不能心慈手软;要尊重自然规律,讽刺好逸恶劳等。RTCrpUDGiT 3、 艺术特色:篇幅短小,寓意深刻;采用拟人化手法,形象鲜明。 4、 精彩点击:《龟兔赛跑》《狼来了》《农夫和蛇》《赫剌克勒斯和财神》《蚊子和狮子》 《鼹鼠》等。 5、 流传谚语:“狼来了”“吃不到葡萄就说葡萄酸的”。
四、《童年》 1、 作者:高尔基(苏联) 2、 体裁:长篇小说。《童年》是高尔基自传体小说三部曲中的第一部,其他两部是《在人间》 和《我的大学》。5PCzVD7HxA 3、 内容:小说讲述阿廖沙(作者乳名)三岁到十岁这一时期的童年生活。小说从“我”随母 去投奔外祖父写起,到外祖父叫“我”去“人间”混饭吃结束,生动地表现了俄罗斯 19 世纪 七八十年代下层人民的生活状况。jLBHrnAILg 4、 人物形象: (1)阿廖沙 (2)外祖母 (3)外祖父 坚强、勇敢、正直、充满爱心 慈祥善良、聪明能干、热爱生活 吝啬、贪婪、专横、残暴
5、文学价值:小说的基调是严肃,低沉的。读起来令人悲哀但又不过于沉重,使人在黑暗中 看到光明,在邪恶中看到善良,在冷酷无情中看到人性的光芒,在悲剧的氛围中感受到人们战 胜悲剧命运的巨大力量。xHAQX74J0X 五、《鲁滨孙漂流记》 1、 作者:笛福(英国) 2、 体裁:长篇小说 3、 内容:出身于商人之家的鲁滨孙,不甘平庸,一心向往冒险与挑战的海外生活,于是私自 离家出海航行,历尽艰险。有一次,风暴将船打翻,鲁滨孙只身漂流到一座荒岛上。在荒岛上


没有爱,就没有教育 ——《爱的教育》阅读推荐课教案 教学目标: 1、让学生在好书推荐活动中认识《爱的教育》一书,并深入激发学生阅读《爱的教育》的兴趣。 2、在活动中,潜移默化地进行读书方法的指导,培养学生的语言表达能力,形成初步的鉴赏能力。 3、激发学生课外阅读的兴趣,启迪学生拥有爱心,学会关爱。 教学重点:在对最佩服的人物的交流中,受到熏陶和启发,引导孩子形成积极向上的人格和勇敢坚强的精神。 教学难点:引导学生在感动中懂得关爱别人,学会帮助和关心他人。 教学过程: 课前三分钟的积累读书名言 一、激情导入 1、(音乐渲染)师述:有人说,爱是一缕温暖的阳光,有人说,爱是一阵及 时的雨露,有人说爱是一把打开心扉的钥匙。 同学们,我们的生活中无处不存在着“爱”,那我们怎么去体会爱,理解爱,付出爱呢?今天我们来认识一部全世界儿童、老师、家长必读的书,那就是——《爱的教育》。(板书书名)2、你对这本书有什么了解?(学生介绍对书的了解) 教师小结:《爱的教育》是意大利作家亚米契斯耗时近十年写的一部极富感染力的儿童小说。这是一本风靡世界的书,亚米契斯能将生活中的爱心故事记录下来,装订成册,那是一部很感人的书。整部小说以一个小学生的眼光审视着身边的美与丑、善与恶,完全在用爱去感受生活中的点点滴滴。让读者感受到爱无处不在,只要用心感受!今天,老师就要带大家去读一这本将爱表现得淋漓尽致的——《爱的教育》它通过一个小学四年级学生安利科写的日记,抒发了人类最伟大的感情——爱。书中讲述了发生在安利科身边各式各样感人的小故事,父母、姐姐在他日记本上写的劝诫启发性的文章,以及10则老师在课堂上宣读的精彩的每月故事。它告诉我们:一个人从小不仅要学好各种文化知识,还要学习比这更重要的东西,那就是对祖国、对家乡、对人民、对父母、对师长、对同学、对周围所有人的爱与尊重。书中的每一个故事都让人动情,字里行间洋溢着儿童的纯真与情趣。 二、介绍书名及作者 (出示幻灯片,指名读) 《爱的教育》是意大利著名儿童文学家德·亚米契斯的代表作,自问世以来被译成数百种文学和方言,成为一代又一代读者爱不释手的读物,也是我国家喻户晓的作品。书的原名翻译是“心”。我国最早由夏丏尊先生翻译,并定名为《爱的教育》。 三、介绍推荐理由 1.作者的话(请学生读) “凡是读这部书的人都将无法抗拒它的魅力……它所饱含的教益、慰藉和激荡的情愫无不使所有的人流下动情的眼泪……”——(意)亚米契斯 2.译者的话(老师介绍) 夏丏尊先生在序言中写道:“我在四年前始得此书的日译文,记得曾流了泪三日夜读毕,就是后来在翻译成或随便阅读时,还深深地感到刺激,不觉眼睛润湿。这不是悲哀的眼泪,乃是惭愧和感激的眼泪。……” 3.作品影响。(全班齐读) ①《爱的教育》出版于一八八六年,在意大利曾轰动一时,仅出版的头两个月就再版40


. 《爱的教育》 一、选择题 1.那个总是得一等奖的孩子是班长,他的名字叫( B) A.克洛西 B.代洛西 C.弗兰蒂 2.为了救一个小孩被车子扎伤的人物是(A ) A.洛贝谛 B.恩利科 C.铁匠的儿子 3.克洛西是个残胳膊的孩子,他的母亲卖野菜,他曾把墨水瓶打在老师的胸部,老师的处理方法是( A) A.严厉批评了四个欺负克洛西的孩子,并饶恕了那四个孩子。 B.严厉批评了克洛西。 4.扫烟囱的孩子丢了钱币之后,发生了什么事?( B) A.被师傅狠狠打了一顿 B.很多学生帮他凑足了多余他原来的钱。 5.爱慕虚荣的瓦梯尼因为向谁炫耀他的漂亮衣服而受到了父亲的批评?( C) A.一个聋子 B.全班同学 C.一个盲人 6.裘里亚的成绩退步了,身体也越来越差,原因是( A) A.他每天夜里悄悄起床帮爸爸抄字条,熬夜太多。 B.他厌恶学习,越来越不用功,故意熬夜拖跨身体。 7.弗兰蒂被开除的原因是( A) A.品行太坏 B.成绩太差 C.不尊敬父母 8.当泼来可西获得二等奖时,他的父亲十分忏悔,是因为(B ) A.他没有文化,从来不给孩子学习上的辅导。 B.他一向虐待孩子,而孩子一直忍耐着,还处处维护他。 9.狂欢的最后一天发生的意外事故是(B ) A.一个五六岁的女孩被车子压伤了 B.一个五六岁的女孩与母亲失散了10.马尔可不辞辛劳,万里寻母,结局是(A) A.找到了母亲,并给了母亲治好病的信念,从而救活了母亲。 B.虽然找到了母亲,但他的母亲已经去世了。 11.奈利凭着自己的力气爬上了垂直棒的最顶端(站到了垂直棒的横板上)。 12.《爱的教育》的主人公安利柯是:(A) A.小学生 B.中学生 C.大学生 D.叔叔 13.《爱的教育》的作者是哪国人:(C) A.美国 B.英 C.意大利 D.法国 14.《爱的教育》是以第几人称来写校园生活的:(B) A.第二人称 B.第一人称 C.第三人称 D.旁人转述 15.《爱的教育》写的是主人公安利柯的什么生活:(C)


爱的教育主人公梳理1 1,主人公(安利柯)勇敢救人的是(罗伯特) 2,远道而来的是(卡拉布里亚的孩子) 3,有正义之举的是卡隆,他的(爸爸是火车司机) 4,小泥瓦匠是(耐利),驼背,他的保护神是(卡隆) 5,铁匠之子是(波列科西)他的父亲(经常打骂他校长给他颁奖) 6,狡猾品行不好的是(勿兰谛)后来(被开除) 7,一头红发,胳膊伤残,母亲一买菜为生的孩子是(科罗西)小绅士是(诺比斯)8,安利柯的姐姐是(西尔维亚)(可莱蒂)是既学习又劳动能替父母分忧 9,校长的儿子是当(志愿兵)时战死的 10,班里的第一名是(德罗西) 11,小商人是(斯代地),在获得老人原谅后为表感谢送出珍贵邮票,小抄写员是(叙利亚) 12,家里有图书室的是(斯达尔迪) 胆量狭小嫉妒德罗西的是(华梯尼) 13,看护爸爸的人是(西西洛)万里寻母的是(玛尔可) 14,《爱的教育》的作者是(意大利)的(亚米契斯) 1、在这本书中,还有哪些人物?在这些人物中,你最欣赏谁?为什么?(结合书中人物的故事来说,可以摘抄精彩的段落) 德罗西,纳利,波列科西卡隆 卡隆,班里最大个子的人。头大肩宽,笑起来很可爱,这是他的一大特点,因此,他特招人喜爱。路见不平,拔刀相助,见义勇为,对人友善,帮助被欺负的小同学,这是他的过人之 2、在书中讲述了100多个小故事,哪一个给你留下了深刻的印象?你为什么对这个故事印象深刻? 我印象最深的故事是《少年笔耕》;在这个故事中,叙利亚因为夜晚偷偷地替爸爸抄文章导致成绩下滑而受到爸爸的责骂,但最后爸爸发现了事情的真相后更加爱儿子了。我对这个故事印象深刻是因为叙利亚的孝心让我感动。 3、读完《爱的教育》这本书,你对“爱”的理解是: 爱国,爱老师,爱父母,爱同学,互相帮助,互相体谅,互相尊重等。


《发明的故事》赏析 【名著导引】 《发明的故事(中文导读英文 版)》内容简介: Man the Miracle Maker的中文译 名为《发明的故事》,书中以通俗 的语言叙述了关于人类一些最基 本的发明故事,《发明的故事(中 文导读英文版)》由荷兰裔美国著 名历史学家、作家房龙编著。 为了生存,人类充分运用自 己的智慧,发明了第一件衣服、 第一根绳子、第一座桥、第一只 碗等。发明使人类的手、脚、嘴、 眼、耳等基本器官的功能得到进一步扩大,使用棍棒使人手的力量变得更有效了,借助车轮使人们“走”得更快,借助飞行器可以将人的身体牵引到空中……人类又是如何从简单的发明到发明机械、建造房屋、发明飞机的呢?《发明的故事(中文导读英文版)》将对这些奇迹的产生娓娓道来。 无论作为了解发明基本历史的读本,还是作为语言学习的课外读物,《发明的故事(中文导读英文版)》对当代中国的读者都将产生积极的影响。为了使读者能够了解每段故事的概况,进而提高阅读速度和阅读水平,《发明的故事(中文导读英文版)》在每段故事的开始部分增加了中文导读。 【名家点评】 房龙的这一种方法,实在巧妙不过,干燥无味的科学常识,经他那么一写,无论大人小孩,读他的书的人,都觉得娓娓忘倦了……房龙的笔,有这样一种魔

力,但这也不是他的特创,这不过是将文学家的手法,拿来讲述科学而已。 ——郁达夫 【作者简介】 亨德里克·威廉·房龙(Hendrik Willem Van Loon,1882-1944),荷兰裔美国人,20世纪美国最伟大的历史学家、科普作家和文学家。 房龙始终店在全人类的高度在写作,他摈弃了深奥理论,却拥有自己独立的思想和体系,他的论述主要是围绕人类生存与发展等本质的问题,贯穿其中的精神科学、宽容和进步,他的目标是向人类的无知与偏执挑战,他采取的方式是普及知识和真理,使它们成为人所皆知的常识。 房龙1882年1月出生于荷兰鹿特丹。幼年时对历史、地理、船舶、绘画和音乐感兴趣,这种兴趣终其一生也未放弃。房龙10岁时便立志要当一名历史学家。父亲对他专横偏粗暴,而母亲却百般溺爱。从8岁起,房龙先后进入一些著名的寄宿制学校,学习了拉丁文、希腊文和英文,他的才智迅速提高。1902年20岁的房龙来到美国,进入康奈尔大学,并在康奈尔大学完成了本科课程。1911年房龙获德国慕尼黑大学博士学位。房龙求学前后,当过编辑、记者、播音员,也先后在美国几所大学任教,游历过世界很多地方。房龙多才多艺,能用十种文字写作和与人交流,拉得一手小提琴,还能画画,他的著作中的所有插图全部出自他自己手笔。 1913年,房龙编著并出版了第一本历史书《荷兰共和国的衰亡》,虽然销路一般,但受到书评界的赞扬。1920年圣诞节期间,房龙出版了他的第二本书《古代的人》,这是一部带插图的通俗历史读本,市场反应良好。经过知识、阅历、研究成果等方面的积累,房龙于1921年出版了他的第三部历史著作《人类的故事》,并一举成名,从此房龙迎来了他创作丰收期。之后,房龙陆续出版了《发明的故事》、《圣经的故事》、《美国的故事》、《房龙地理》《人类的家园》、《人类的艺术》、《宽容》、《与世界伟人谈心》、《伦勃朗传》、《荷兰共和国兴衰史》、《太平洋的故事》等二十多部著作。房龙的作品在当时可谓饮誉世界,荷兰、德国、法国、瑞典、丹麦、芬兰、挪威、日本、印度、苏联、西班牙、意大利、波兰、匈牙利、希腊等国都翻译出版了他的作品。


名著导读:七上:《爱的教育》(意大利德·亚米契斯著) 冰心诗歌 《伊索寓言》 七下:《童年》(高尔基著) 《鲁滨孙漂流记》 《昆虫记》(法布尔著) 八上:《朝花夕拾》(鲁迅著) 《骆驼祥子》(老舍著) 《钢铁是怎样炼成的》(奥斯特洛夫斯基著)八下:《西游记》 《海底两万里》(凡尔纳著) 《名人传》(罗曼·罗兰著) 九上:《水浒》 《傅雷家书》 培根随笔 九下:《格列佛游记》(斯威夫特著) 《简·爱》(夏洛蒂·勃朗特著) 印度诗人泰戈尔诗歌

课外名著阅读 西游记作者吴承恩(明) 主要人物形象或主要内容 ①孙悟空:封建社会的叛逆者和反抗者,好动、顽皮,武艺高强,勇敢机智,疾妖如仇。 ②猪八戒:憨厚纯朴,贪吃好睡,滑稽荒唐,作战勇敢,不畏妖魔,有小生产者、小市民的意识特点。 ③唐僧:是个善良闵诚的苦行僧,不辞劳苦,不畏艰险,但有昏庸顽固,是非不分。 主要艺术特色具有浪漫主义色彩,想象超凡,夸张神奇,变形荒诞。 精彩片段 ①孙悟空大闹天宫 ②真假美猴王 ③孙悟空三调芭蕉扇 ④孙悟空三打白骨精 ⑤猪八戒高老庄招亲 水浒作者施耐庵(元末明初) 主要人物形象或主要内容 ①宋江:人民理想的忠义之士,起义军中最有威望的领袖。能团结兄弟,网罗人才;多谋善段,有军事、组织才能;性格既有反抗性,又有妥协性。 ②鲁智深:正直无畏、见义勇为的豪侠。 ③林冲:逼上梁山前逆来顺受、忍辱负重、委曲求全,其后变得精明果敢,凶狠泼辣。 ④武松:力、勇和正义的象征。勇士的典型,复仇的代表,刚正的义士。 ⑤李逵:淳朴、粗鲁、富有反抗性和同情心,是生活在社会底层的游民的典型。 主要艺术特色 ①全文结构宏伟完整,众多人物一个引一个,每个英雄故事都像一篇英雄传记,传记间一环套有环。 ②成功地塑造了一大批英雄人物形象。 ③叙事翔实精彩。 ④语言通俗生动,充满个性化特色。 精彩片段 ①林教头风雪山神庙 ②智取生辰纲 ③武松打虎、斗杀西门庆 ④鲁提辖拳打镇关西、大闹五台山 ⑤宋江题反诗 ⑥真假李逵 朝花夕拾作者鲁迅 主要艺术特色 ①语言优美、流畅,生动幽默,妙趣横生。 ②叙事充满奇妙艺术。 内容 ①《从百草园到三味书屋》 ②《阿长与〈山海经〉》 ③《二十四孝图》 ④《藤野先生》



《爱的教育》读书交流会 ——走进《爱的教育》 【设计理念】 1、书是人类的朋友,书是人类进步的阶梯。《语文课程标准》指出:培养学生广泛的阅读兴趣,扩大阅读面,增加阅读量,提倡多读书、好读书、读好书、读整本的书,鼓励学生自主选择阅读材料。 2、在课外阅读能使学生开阔视野,增长知识,发展智力,陶冶情操,充实学生文化底蕴,提高学生综合素质。 【教学目标】 1、激发学生读书的兴趣,养成博览群书的好习惯。 2、指导学生归纳阅读方法,并实际运用到课外阅读中,提高阅读效果。 3、让孩子们在阅读中懂得用一颗宽容的、真诚的、进取的、善良的心去爱祖国、爱家长、爱老师,爱同学、爱弱小,在爱中受到教育。 4、制作多媒体课件。 【教学过程】 一、激情导入 有人说,爱是一抹温暖的阳光,有人说,爱是一把雨中的小伞,有人说,爱是一句风中的问候,有人说,爱是一个关怀的眼神,有人说,爱是一把打开心扉的钥匙……孩子们,在你心中,爱到底是什么?是什么让你懂得了爱?(引出《爱的教育》)这段时间,老师很开心

经常能看到同学们手捧一本《爱的教育》,今天这节阅读课,让我们一起走进《爱的教育》。 二、读书汇报 听说我们班的同学对《爱的教育》有了一定的了解,那么到底了解了多少呢?首先我们就通过闯关的方式进行汇报。 1)介绍闯关规则。 闯过关的同学,不但自己可以得一个“五角星”,还可以为你们小组赢得一面旗子。最后看哪个小组旗子多,前三名的小组将被评为“书香小组”。我将给“书香小组”每人一个小小的礼物,这礼物是什么呢?闯完关再告诉你们,你们肯定喜欢。(课前在黑板的右侧写好6个小组,随时画旗子)下面先闯第一关。(第一关老师设计了六道题,小组可以商量,派代表回答。) 1、请说出该书的作者; 2、这本书的主要内容是什么?你是怎么知道的呢?(师:读 序言是一种很好的读书方法,它会告诉我们书的主要内容和作者的写作意图。)师生一起读序言。(板书1、读序言。) 3、填空题。(1)这本书是写()身边发生的一个个小故 事。(2)瘦弱可怜的驼背奈里的保护者是()。(3)学习成绩好,每次获得头等奖的男孩是()。(4)()有一本最心爱的邮票簿。(5)可怜又坚强的铁匠之子是()。 (6)()从一个别人眼中的呆笨的学生变成了二等奖获得者。 4、选择题。(7)为了救一个小孩,被车子轧伤的人物是()。


爱的教育读书笔记6篇 《爱的教育》记录了小男孩安利柯在三年级时在校内校外的所见所闻。以及安利柯对家庭、学校、父母、兄弟姐妹、师生之间关系的看法。下面是本人为你带来的爱的教育读书笔记6篇,欢迎阅读。 【篇一:《爱的教育》读书笔记】时间过得像风一样快,很快,寒假来临了,寒假期间我读了老师给我们推荐的好书,一部令全世界亿万人感动的伟大作品—《爱的教育》。 《爱的教育》自从1886年问世以来,已经被翻译成数百种文字和方言,还多次被搬上银幕和舞台,又被改编为连环画,成为了一代又一代读者,尤其是青少年读者爱不释手,百读不厌的读物。 这本书以简洁,通俗的语言和鲜明,精美的插图向我们展现了一个个感人肺腑的故事。 书中有一个小男孩,他叫安利柯。在他的身边,发生了许许多多感人的事情,他把它们用日记记了下来。这个日记本里,还有父母写给他的劝诫启发性的文字,老师在课堂上读到的精彩的“每月故事”…… 安利柯的日记告诉了我们,不要寻求爱,其实爱很简单,自己要去学会创造爱,只要怀着一颗有爱而又善良的心,在别人陷于困境的时候,无论是举手之劳,还是需要一番巨大的付出,都请果断地伸出你的希助之手,尽力助人为乐,那

么,爱就无处不在! 【篇二:《爱的教育》读书笔记】《爱的教育》这本书是一部流传世界各地的著作,它是以一个小孩的日记方式来写的,虽然每篇的篇幅不长,但都有一个感人的故事。"爱",一个多么闪亮,多么令人钟爱的字眼。 人们追求爱,也希望能拥有爱,爱能使人与人之间变得更加美好。我们要完全的拥有它,就必须去充实它,让我们携手,共创出人世间最美好的爱。这本书里也正是想表达这一点。在这本书里其中我最喜欢的是《卖炭者与绅士》还有《义快的行为》这两节,第一节写了一个父亲对他儿子诺琵斯的爱,诺琵斯骂培谛的父亲是个"叫花子",诺琵斯的父亲知道后,非要诺琵斯向培谛和他父亲道歉,虽然培谛的父亲一再拒绝,可诺琵斯的父亲还是坚持要让诺琵斯道歉,从这里可以知道,诺琵斯的父亲是一个多么正直的人啊,他用他的爱来熏陶他的儿子,让他的儿子也变成一个关心别人,不取笑他人的人。 第二节写的是一个墨盒砸到老师的事件,原因是克洛西被人凌*,最后忍受不了了,就拿起墨盒向那些人扔去,没想到扔到了刚从门外进来的老师,最后卡隆要帮他顶罪,但老师知道不是他,让肇事者站起来,并没给他处罚,听他讲完事实后把那些人抓了起来,但卡隆跟老师说了些话,老师就不处罚他们了。

神奇树屋1-恐龙谷历险记 中英双语

神奇树屋《恐龙谷历险记》玛丽·波·奥斯本 1 进入树林 “救命啊!有妖怪!”安妮喊叫着。 “是啊,没错。”杰克说,“还真是一个大妖怪,就在宾夕法尼亚的蛙溪镇。”“快跑,杰克!”安妮说着,顺着街道跑起来。 噢,我的天哪。 这就是杰克同他七岁的妹妹玩耍时常常出现的情景。 安妮喜欢玩假装的游戏。而杰克已经八岁半了,他喜欢确实的东西。 “当心,杰克!妖怪来了!向你冲过来啦!” “不必了,谢谢你的提醒。”杰克说。 安妮自个儿冲进树林里。 杰克抬头望了望天空。太阳快要落山了。 “快回来,安妮!该回家了!” 但是安妮不见了踪影。 杰克等啊等。 还是没有安妮的影子。 “安妮!”他又喊了一遍。 “杰克,杰克!快到这儿来!” 杰克咕哝道:“希望这次是好事。” 杰克离开街道,向树林里走去。晚霞映照着树木,闪着金光。 “快到这儿来!”安妮大喊着。 安妮就在那里,正站在一棵高高的橡树下。“看!”她边说边指着一个绳梯。 这是杰克从未见过这么长的绳梯。 “哇噻!”他低声叫道。 绳梯从树顶上一直挂下来。 一间树屋,就在树顶上的两根树枝之间。 “这肯定是世界上最高的树屋。”安妮说。 “这是谁盖的呢?”杰克问,“以前我可没见到过它。” “我不知道,但是我打算爬上去。”安妮说。 “不行!我们不知道树屋是谁的。”杰克说。 “就上去一会儿。”安妮说着,开始爬绳梯了。 “安妮,下来!” 她继续爬呀,爬呀。 杰克叹了一口气,说:“安妮,天都快要黑了。我们得回家啦。” 安妮钻到树屋里看不见了。 “安——妮!” 杰克等了一会儿。当他正要再喊时,安妮把脑袋伸出树屋的窗户。 “书!”她喊叫着。 “什么?” “树屋里堆满了书!” 唉呀!杰克可喜欢书了。 他扶了扶自己的眼镜,然后紧紧抓住绳梯的两边往上爬。 1 Into the Woods


名著导读主要考查《语文课程标准》所规定的古今中外名著的阅读情况。 从考查角度讲,名著阅读主要是从作家(姓名、简历、国籍等)、作品(人物、情节、内容、主题、写法、文风)、阅读体验与评价等方面进行考查。 选材均取自七——九年级语文教材附录“名著导谈”中的列举篇目,不设文段阅读,试题以选择题、填空题、图表题、判断题等为主。 [应考策略] ①要求依据七——九年级语文教材附录“名著导读”的导读文字了解作者介绍、写作背景、内容梗概等,并对相关知识进行梳理。 ②要求学生课外阅读一些文学名著的原著,如:《爱的教育》《伊索寓言》《西游记》《水浒传》《钢铁是怎样炼成的》《骆驼祥子》《鲁滨孙漂流记》《格列佛游记》《童年》《朝花夕拾》《名人传》《繁星·春水》等。 ③将名著阅读与考点对接,有针对性地阅读,还可将名著阅读与电视、网络结合起来,熟悉名著中的开篇词以及重要诗词,熟悉名著中的主要情节、回目或梗概,熟悉名著中的人物性格、字、绰号和典型语言等,从而凸现积沉文化和应对考试的双赢。 [典型考题] ( 2006年徐州中考试题 )“人最宝贵的东西是生命。生命对于我们只有一次。一个人的生命应当这样度过:当他回首往事的时候,他不因虚度年华而悔恨,也不因碌碌无为而羞愧——这样,在临死的时候,他能够说:我整个的生命和全部的精力,都已献给世界上最壮丽的事业——为人类的解放而斗争。” (1)上面这段文字出自《》,作品的主人公是。 (2)以整部作品看,主人公是一个怎样的人物形象? 解析:此题从名著中的名言入手考查学生对名著的主要人物及常识的了解。解此类题基本思路是:先从名言中推出名著名称及主人公,然后回忆与主人公相关的情节,再从情节中推出主人公的名言的积累,还考查学生从整体上把握名著中的主要人物的性格特点,同时还要有一定的语言归纳能力。 答案:(1)钢铁是怎样炼成的保尔·柯察金 (2)他是一个具有钢铁般的意志和顽强奋斗的品质,不屈服于命运,为理想而献身的英雄战士。 [实战演练] 1.名著阅读填空。 ①当简?爱就要答应表兄圣·约翰求婚的时候,内心矛盾、情绪激动的似乎听到了一个声音在叫唤

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