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1. word的正规定义及简略定义;

2. 词汇的定义的四部分;

3. sound与meaning的关系;

4. 书写发音不一只的五个原因。


1. Roman Language family的五个成员,Germanic language family的八个成员;

2. 英语语言发展的三个时期:1)时间跨度;2)事件;3)每个事件带来的语


3. 对英语词汇奉献最大的是Latin语言;对英语语言影响(含语法和词汇影响)最大的是French。


1. morpheme的正规定义级简略定义。

2. allomorph的定义

3. free morpheme 和bound morpheme的正规定义和简略定义

4. root, stem 和base 的定义及关系。


1. 英语构词法的主要构词方式和次要构词方式;

2. affixation的定义,分类及其分类的定义;

3. compounding的定义及特点;

4. shortening的种类;

5. blending的定义;

6. clipping的定义;

7. acronymy的定义和种类及种类的定义;

8. backformation的定义


1. reference,concept 和sense的定义;

2. 词义的两部分的定义;

3. 词汇意义的分类定义,下分类的定义;


1. polysemy 的定义

2. homonymy的定义和分类级分类定义;

3. synonymy的传统和现代定义和分类及分类的定义;

4. antonymy的传统和现代定义和分类及分类的定义;


哈尔滨商业大学2009-2010学年第二学期《词汇学》期末考试试卷 装 题 订 线 内 不 答 要 一、单项选择题(本大题共40小题,每小题1分,共40 I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement. 1. Argot generally refers to the jargon of _______. Its use is confined to the sub-cultural groups and outsiders can hardly understand it. A. workers B. criminals C. any person D. policeman 2.________ are words used only by speakers of the dialect in question. A. Argot B. Slang C. Jargon D. Dialectal words 3. Archaisms are words or forms that were once in _________use but are now restricted only to specialized or limited use. A. common B. little C. slight D. great 4. Neologisms are newly-created words or expressions, or words that have taken on ______meanings. A. new B. old C. bad D. good 5. Content words denote clear notions and thus are known as_________ words. They include nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs and numerals. A. functional B. notional C. empty D. formal 6. In the Indo-Iranian we have Persian , Bengali, Hindi, Romany, the last three of which are derived from the dead language,_______. A. Sanskrit B. Latin C. Roman D. Greek 7. Greek is the modern language derived from _______. A. Latin B. Hellenic C. Indian D . Germanic 8. The five Romance languages , namely, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian, Romanian all belong to the Italic through an intermediate language called _______. A. Sanskrit B. Latin C. Celtic D. Anglo-Saxon 9. The ________family consists of the four Northern European Languages: Norwegian, Icelandic, Danish and Swedish, which are generally known as Scandinavian languages. A. Germanic B. Indo-European C. Albanian D. Hellenic 10. By the end of the _______century , virtually all of the people who held political or social power and many of those in powerful Church positions were of Norman French origin. A. 10th B.11th C.12th D. 13th 11. The prefixes in the words of ir resistible, non classical and a political are called _______. A. reversative prefixes B. negative prefixes C. pejorative prefixes D. locative prefixes 12. The prefixes contained in the following words are called ______: pseudo-friend, mal practice, mis trust. A. reversative prefixed B. negative prefixes C. pejorative prefixes D. locative prefixes 13. The prefixed contained in un wrap, de-compose and dis allow are _________. A. reversative prefixed B. negative prefixes C. pejorative prefixes D. locative prefixes 14. The prefixes in words extra-strong, overweight and arch bishop are _____ . A . negative prefixes B. prefixes of degree or size C. pejorative prefixes D. locative prefixes


Chapter 1 LEXICOLOGY: Lexicology is the science of words, which is concerned with the study of vocabulary of a given language. It deals with words, the origin, development, history, structure, meaning and application. In short, it is the study of the signification and application of words. Chapter 2 1.The history of English language History of English language can be divided into Old English(450AD-1150AD), Middle English (1150AD-1500AD), and Modern English (1500AD-present). 2.Classification of English words English words can be divided into different groups in terms of the origin, the level of usage and the notion. By origin Native words (Anglo-Saxon/ old English) Loan words (borrowed) By level of usage: 5 categories Standard/ popular word/ common words Literary words Colloquial words Slang words Technical words By notion Content words: They have the independent lexical meaning, e.g. noun, verb, adjective, adverb. Function words: They are determiners, conjunctions, prepositions, auxiliaries, and grammatical signals, functional makers. Pick up the slang words and explain. 1.Father said nix to our plan, so we couldn’t go to the museum. (nothing, no) 2.When the buck leads, the world suffers. (money, dollars) 3.He says he’ll be a great writer but that’s a lot of boloney; he’ll never be. (nonsense) 4.I’ll clobber you if you don’t do what you’re told, said the angry father. (beat sb. repeatedly) 5.I think I’m just a hick at heart. (a foolish person from the country) 6.He thought his idea was wonderful, but in fact, it was complete rot. (nonsense) Chapter 3 Compounding: refers to the faculty and device of language to form new words by combining or putting together old words, e.g. schoolboy. Derivation: derivation is "Used to form new words, as with happi-ness and un-happy from happy, or determination from determine. Conversion: the creation of word from an existing word without any change in form, e.g. the adjective clean becomes the verb clean.

大学英语词汇学期末考试 重点复习资料整理 权威版 后附试题

2012词汇学复习资料 The development of the English Vocabulary 1.Indo-European Language Family The Indo-European Language Family is considered as one of the most important language families. It includes most languages of Europe, the Near East, and India. Those languages, which are believed to have originated from this language family and developed alone different lines, show various degrees of similarity to one another. They fall into eight principal groups, which can be grouped into an Eastern Set东部诸语族: Balto-Slavic波罗的-斯拉夫语, Indo-Iranian印度伊朗语族, Armenian 亚美尼亚语族and Albanian阿尔巴尼亚语族; a Western Set: 西部诸语族Celtic凯尔特语族, Italic 意大利语族, Hellenic希腊语族, Germanic日尔曼语族. All the languages in both sets shed some influence on English to a greater or lesser extent because each has lent words into the English vocabulary. Prussian普鲁士语 Lithuanian立陶宛语 Polish波兰语 Balto-Slavic波罗的-斯拉夫语Czech捷克斯洛伐克语 Bulgarian保加利亚语 Slovenian斯洛文尼亚语 Russian Albanian阿尔巴尼亚 Persian波斯语 Hindi北印度语 Indo-Iranian印度伊朗语系Bengali孟加拉语 Romany,吉卜赛语 Armenian亚美尼亚语 Portuguese Spanish Italic意大利语族Italian Roumanian罗马尼亚语 French Indo-European Language Family Irish Celtic凯尔特语Breton Scottish Norwegian挪威语 Icelandic,冰岛语 Danish丹麦语 Germanic Swedish瑞典语 日尔曼语言English Dutch Flemish German Hellenic,古希腊语- Greek


1。词汇学是以语言中的词和词汇作为研究对象的一门学科。 2。词的意义的体现,则有事物、思维和语言结构三者。因而词的基本分类,则有客体、特征、状态和代替之别。据此研究,一在抓词的理据;二在抓词的变化,考察哪些意义变化引起哪些形式变化和哪些形式变化引起哪些意义变化。即通过词的结构分析,串连语音、形态、语义的内在联系和词义系统相符的名词,确定词与词间的语源关系,从而寻求词根及其衍化轨迹。现代词汇学的研究,不能再墨守传统训访学的方式和方法。既要由上而下地从经籍递推到大众口语,又要根据大众的词汇逆溯到它们最初的来源。这样,对词形结构的分析,词义发展的识别和语音衍化的探讨,才能有所创获。 3。对于某一发展阶段上的语言体系的描写和研究又叫共时的或静态的研究;对于语言体系及其各个组成部分在历史上的发展变化的研究又叫历时的或演化的研究。“共时性”(synchronie)和“历时 性” (diachronie)这两个概念是瑞士语言学家索绪尔(Ferdinand de Saussurel857—1913)在他的《普通语言学教程》里首先提出来的。索绪尔对“共时”和“历时”的解释是,“有关我们这门科学的静态方面的一切都是共时的,涉及演他的一切都是历时的”“共时和历时分别指一种语言状态和一种演化情况。”汉译本《普通语言学教程》,商务印书馆,1980,页119. (P2) 4。个别语言词汇学又可以分为历史词汇学和描写词汇学。前者研究语言的词汇在历史过程中的发展,后者研究在历史发展的某一阶段(一般是指现阶段)语言的词汇系统的状况和特点。自然,二者也是相互为用,不可以截然划分开来的。(P2) 5。若是研究一个民族的古代历久那就更加用得着词汇学(特别是历史词汇学)的知识。正如当代语言学家丰克 (Wilfred Funk)在《词的来源和它们的传奇故事》(Word Origin and Their Romantic Stories,1950)中所说,“词汇也象个小窗户,通过它可以熟悉一个民族的过去。”有时候在缺乏其他史料的情况下,语言材料(主要是词汇材料)就成了研究古代历史上某一个问题的重要依据甚至是唯一依据。(P7) 6。把语言材料应用于古代历史的研,在西方创始于德国语言学家雅各·格林(Jakob Grimml785—1863)。他的著名论点是:“我们的语言也就是我们的历史。”(J。Grimm:《K1einere Schriften》 (小品集)第1册,1864,页290.转引自阿巴耶夫:《语言史和民族史》,《民族问题译丛》1957年第12期,页13。)(P7) 7。分别来说历史词汇学的知识能够帮助解决古代民族史上如下三方面的问题:1)民族起源,即一个民族的起源和形成过程如何,它跟哪些别的民族有亲属关系;2)民族文化历史,即一个民族在各个历史阶段上的文化水平及其主要特点如何;3)民族间互相交往和影响,即一个民族在历史上跟哪些别的民族发生过关系,它受到过它们哪些影响,又对它们有过哪些影响。 解决头一个问题主要依靠基本词汇的材料,而解决后两个问题就还要利用一般词汇的捞料,因为一个民族的物质生活和精神生活的特点及变化都会在语言的词汇中留下它们的痕迹。(P8) 8。总括词的语言外部联系和语言内部联系两个方面,就可以看出一种语言的词汇是在历史上形成并不断发展的社会现象,它本身构成一个完整的体系;词和词之间、词和语言的其他要素之间以及词和客观现实之间都存在着不可分割的多种多样的联系。P14


现代英语词汇学概论最强版复习资料c h a p t e r 文件管理序列号:[K8UY-K9IO69-O6M243-OL889-F88688]

Chapter 9 Changes in Word Meaning 9.1 Causes of Changes in Word Meaning 9.2 Four Tendencies in Semantic Change 9.3 Semantic Development or Change Resulting from the Figurative Use of Words Definition: Change of meaning refers to the alteration of the meaning of existing words, as well as the addition of new meaning to established words. 9.1 Causes of Changes in Word Meaning A.Historical cause 历史原因 It often happens that though a word retains its original form ,its meaning has changed because the object which it denotes has changed . *Changes of meaning because of increased knowledge of the object described are common in the history of science. Eg. pencil ==is from a Latin word meaning “a little tail” or “a fine brush”, like our Chinese “pen”毛笔.Later, when it was made of wood and graphite ,it was still called a “pencil”. atom ==It was borrowed though Latin and French from Greek arouos,invisible. Thus atom meant originally “an particle too small to be divided”. This meaning is now out-of-date, because scientist have found out that atom can be split.


1、选择题(2 ×15=30) 2、填空题(2×5=10 ) 3、搭配题(1×10=10) 4、名词解释题(4×5=20) 5、问题回答(5×3=15) 6、论述题(第39题7分,第40题8分) 选择题: 1. Which of the following is an initialism ? D. UN 2. The following are all nominal suffixes EXCEPT A. –ful . 3.Both English and B. Danish belong to the Germantic branch of the Indo-European language family. 4.Affixes added to the end of words to indicate grammatik relationships are known as C. inflectional morphemes. 5.Motiation accounts for the connection between word-form and C.its meaning. 6.Ambiguity often arises due to polysemy and C.homonymy. 7.Affixes attached to other morphemes to create new words are known as B .derivational affixes. 8.The semantic unity of idioms is reflected in the A.illogical relationship between the literal meaning of each word and the meaning of the idiom as in rain cats and dogs. https://www.doczj.com/doc/896432554.html,ually a small number of languages have been designated official languages for an organization’s activities ,for example, the UN was established with five official languages English, French, A.Spanish Russian, and Chinese.中英俄法西


Motivation of words分类:onomatopoeic motivation, morphological motivation, semantic motivation, etymological motivation. Types of meaning: grammatical ~ & lexical ~; conceptual ~& associative ~(connotative~, stylistic~, affective ~, collocative ~,) Primary meaning is the only meaning that a word had when it was first created. Derived meanings are the meanings that a word gets from the primary meaning at different stages of its development in the course of time. 同义关系Synonyms are words which share the same or nearly the same meaning with each other but different in sound and spelling. There are absolute synonyms and relative synonyms which result from borrowing, dialects and regional English, figurative and euphemistic use of words, coincidence with idiomatic expressions. There exists the difference between or among synonyms in terms of their denotation, connotation or application. Absolute synonyms or complete synonyms are words which are identical in meaning in all its aspects. Relative synonyms or near-synonyms are similar or nearly the same in denotation, but embrace different shades of meaning or different degrees of a given quality. 3.Sources of Synonyms 1) Borrowing 2)Dialects and regional English 3) Figurative and euphemistic use of words 4) Coincidence with idiomatic expressions 4.What are the characteristics of antonyms? 1) Antonyms are classified on the basis of semantic opposition 2) A word which has more than one meaning can have more than one antonym. 3) Antonyms differ in semantic inclusion. 4) Contrary terms are gradable antonyms, differing in degree of intenisty, so each has its own corresponding opposite. 5.同形同音异义关系Homonymy is one of the features of words that a word is different in meaning from another, but either identical both in sound and spelling or identical only in sound or spelling with the other Homonyms generally fall into three classes: perfect homonyms (same name); homographs (same spelling) and homophones (some sound). Perfect homonyms are those words identical both in sound and spelling, but different in meaning. Homophones refer to the words identical only in sound but different in spelling and meaning 6.上下义关系:Hyponymy deals with the relationship of semantic inclusion. That is, the meaning of a more specific word is included in that of another more general word. Superordinates refer to some general words; subordinates denote those more specific words. Hyponymy can be described in terms of tree-like graphs, with higher-order superordinates above the lower subordinates. But their status either as superordinate or subordinate is relative to other terms. For example, horse, dog, pig are subordinates in relation to animal, but superordinates of mare, hound and boar, Animal itself becomes a subordinate of creature. And creature in turn becomes 7.词义变化的种类There are five types of meaning, changes: extension, narrowing, degradation, elevation, and transfer among which extension and narrowing are the most common. Changes in meaning can be accounted for from extra-linguistic factors (historical reason, class reason, and psychological reason) and intra-linguistic factors (shortening, the influx of borrowing, and analogy). 8.词义的扩大Extension is a process by which a word with a specialized sense is generalized to cover a broader or less 9.Definite concept. Compare the following;词义的缩小Narrowing is a process by which a word of wider meaning acquires a specialized sense;词义的升华Elevation is a process by which a word moves from a derogatory or neutral sense to a neutral and/or appreciative sense;词义的降格Degradation is a process by which a word of reputation slides into a pejorative use,;词义的转移Transfer is a process by which a word denoting one thing changes to refer to a different but related thing. Paper serves as an example. This word formerly denoted an African plant papyrus, which was


英语词汇学试题 Introduction and Chapter 1 Basic Concepts of Words and Vocabula ry(练习1) I.Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement. 1.Morphology is the branch of grammar which studies the structure or forms of words, primarily through the use of _________construct. A. word B. form C. morpheme D. root 2.________ is traditionally used for the study of the origins and history of the form and meaning of words. A. Semantics B. Linguistics C. Etymology D. Stylistics 3.Modern English is derived from the language of early ______ tribes. A. Greek B. Roman C. Italian D. Germanic 4. Semantics is the study of meaning of different _________ levels: lexis, syntax, utterance, discourse, etc. A. linguistic B. grammatical C. arbitrary D. semantic 5.Stylistics is the study of style . It is concerned with the user’s choices of linguistic elements in a particular________ for special effects A. situation B. context C. time D. place 6.Lexicography shares with lexicology the same problems: the form , meaning, origins and usages of words, but they have a _______ difference. A . spelling B. semantic C. pronunciation D. pragmatic 7. Terminology consists of _______ terms used in particular disciplines and academic areas. A. technical B. artistic C. different D. academic 8. __________refers to the specialized vocabularies by which members of particular arts, sciences, trades, and professions communicate among themselves. A. Slang B. Jargon C. Dialectal words D. Argot 9 ._________ belongs to the sub-standard language, a category that seems to stand between the standard general words including informal ones available to everyone and in-group words. A. Jargon B. Argot C. Dialectal words D. Slang 10. Argot generally refers to the jargon of _______.Its use is confined to the sub-cultural groups and outsiders can hardly understand it. A. workers B. criminals C. any person D. policeman 11.________ are words used only by speakers of the dialect in question. A. Argot B. Slang C. Jargon D. Dialectal words 12. Archaisms are words or forms that were once in _________use but are now restricted only to specialized or limited use. A. common B. little C. slight D. great 13. Neologisms are newly-created words or expressions, or words that have taken on ______meanings. A. new B. old C. bad D. good 14. Content words denote clear notions and thus are known as_________ words. They include nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs and numerals.


《英语词汇学》期末考试试卷附答案 I.Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers.Choose the one that would best complete the statement and put the letter in the bracket.(45%) 1.There are two approaches to the study of polysemy.They are_____. A.primary and secondary B.Central and peripheral C.diachronic and synchronic D.Formal and functional 2.Which of the following is NOT a stylistic feature of idioms? A.Colloquial B.Slang C.Negative D.Literary 3.Synonyms can be classified into two major groups,that is:_____. A.absolute and relative B.Absolute and complete C.relative and near D.Complete and identical 4.In the early period of Middle English,English,____existed side by side, A.Celtic and Danish B.Danish and French C.Latin and Celtic D.French and Latin 5. A monomorphemic word is a word that consists of a single_______morpheme. A.formal B.Concrete C.free D.bound 6.Which of the following groups of words is NOT onomatopoeically motivated? A,croak,drum B.squeak,bleat C.buzz,neigh D.bang,trumpet 7.LDCE is distinctive for its____. A.Clear grammar codes B.usage notes C.language notes D.all of the above 8.From the historical point of view, English is more closely related to A.German B.French C.Scotttish D.Irish 9.Which of the following is NOT an acronym? A.TOEFL B.ODYSSEY C.BASIC D.CCTV 10. In the course book,the author lists____types of context clues for inferring word meaning. A.eight B.Six C.seven D.five 11.Sources of homonyms include____. A.changes in sound and spelling B.borrowing C.shortening D.all of the above


词汇学复习重点 1. jargon------ Jargon refers to the specialized vocabularies by which members of particular arts, sciences, trades and professions communicate among themselves such as in business. 2. translation loans------ Translation loans are words and expressions formed from the existing material in the English language but modeled on the patterns taken from another language. 3. Renaissance------ It is a European movement of learning ancient Greek and Roman classics. 4. Allomorph------ one of the variants of the same morpheme 5. inflectional affix------ an affix that indicates grammatical relationships 6. acronyms------ the process of forming new words by joining the initial letters of names of social and political organizations special noun phrases and technical terms 7. back-formation------ the method of creating words by removing the supposed suffixes 8. polygsemy------ Polysemy means that one single word has two or more senses at the same time. 9. morpheme------ It is a minimal meaningful unit of a language, or it is the smallest functioning unit in the composition of words. 10. grammatical meaning------ that part of the meaning of the word indicates grammatical concept or relationships such as part of speech of words, singular and plural meaning of nouns, tense meaning of verbs and their inflectional forms. 11. homonym------ Homonyms are words different in meaning but either identical both in sound and spelling or identical only in sound or spelling. 12. reference------what a linguistic form refers to in the real word. It is the relationship between language and the world 13. semantic field------ Semantic field is concerned with the vocabulary of a language as a system of interrelated lexical networks. 14. motivation------ the connection between the linguistic symbol and its meaning. 15. conceptual meaning------ the meaning given in the dictionary and forms the core of word-meaning. 16. amelioration------ or elevation, a process by which words rise from humble beginnings to positions of importance. 17. transfer------ a process whereby words which were used to designate one thing have changed to mean something else.

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