当前位置:文档之家› 少儿英语试讲教案水果





小学英语水果教学教案一、教学目标: 1、知识目标(1)能够听、说、认读五个有关水果的单词:apple,orange,banana, grape,pear,并能正确运用;注意单词 banana、grape 的复数形式。

(2)能够运用句型what is this/that? it is a/an…进行对话,注意

单词在名词前 a/an 的变化。





观能动性,从而使他们更加热爱英语学习,增强学习英语的信心。二、教学重点难点 (1)重点:学习单词 apple、pear 、 banana 、orange 、 grape 的正确读音以及句型 what is this/that? it is

a/an…的学习。注意单词在名词前 a/an 的变化和单词的复数形式。(2)难点:注意单词在名词前 a/an 的变化和单词 banana、grape 的

复数形式;能正确运用句型what is this/that? it is a/an…在日常生




五、教学过程 1、复习旧知:利用带有颜色单词的卡片,进行抽查和

全班齐读形式让学生回忆 red、yellow、 orange 等单词。




” (剩下的 4 种水果也用猜谜形式引出) “同学们真聪明,那同学们想


开火车读的形式巩固单词读音。强调 banana 、grape 的复数形式

是 bananas 和 grapes(通过在大屏幕出示 one banana,two bananas,they are grapes 的图画,这样再来教学这两个单词的复

数形式。) 4、大屏幕出示what is this/that? it is a/an…的对话语音,老师及时在黑板上板书新句型what is this/that? it is a/an…。5、巩固练习(1)游戏“水果蹲” :老师说明游戏规则,先在小组内

进行;再邀请 5 位同学上台,分别以刚学习水果单词命名,进行“水果蹲”游戏。如“apple 蹲 apple 蹲,apple 蹲完 pear 蹲” (2)游戏“猜水果” :老师说明游戏规则,一名同学说出要猜水果的特征(一


水果,回答正确后刚刚的两位同学要用 what is this/that? it is

a/an…进行对话。先在小组内进行;在邀请一对同学上台进行游戏。如“a:这个水果是圆圆的,颜色是red。b:apple。a:what is this?b:it is an apple.” (3)大屏幕出示刚刚学习的水果单词和句子,学


六、总结今天我们一起学习了新的单词 apple、 pear 、banana 、orange 、grape 和他们的复数形式以及新的句型 what is this/that? it is a/an…和单词在名词前 a/an 的变化,课下同学们要多读并多用




八、板书设计 fruit apple orange pear banana grape—what is this?—is a/an ...




先跟他们用英语打招呼,小孩一般“hello”还是会说的.然后要记住一直要夸他们,他们给了你点响应,你就要说“good boy/girl”,最好有点奖



学用具,没错就是衣服啦.你可以指着衣服问他们,“what color is this?”,可能有些孩子能说上来,有些不行,问题一般可以重复两到三遍,不排除有的孩子紧张答不上来.如果没人回答,你就用中文问一遍.然后说,“follow me,this is xxx.带着孩子读几遍,然后再换个颜色,等都开



然后可以试着问”what is your favorite color?” 步骤跟上面差不多,

他们听不懂就说中文,然后带着他们说”my favorite color is xxx.


小学英语,读写课 Teaching aims 1.Students could know the main idea of the passage and some details. 2.Students can guess the words and phrases _______ between lines. 3.Students know how to work together to work out _______ Teaching Key Point By reading and speaking activities, students grasp the content and enhance their knowledge about _________. Teaching Difficult Point Guessing certain words between lines. Teaching Procedure Step 1 Warming-up Ask several students to show their homework(必须和这节读写课知识点相关)Step 2 Pre-reading 1. Presents four pictures of this part and asks ________. 2. Introduces the background knowledge of the text. Step 3 While-reading 1. Read the passage fast and find the main idea. 2. Read carefully and find out some details. ①___________ ②___________ Step 4 Post-reading Divide students into groups and have a group discussion about _________(与主题相关的话题) Step 5 Summary Students summarize what they have learned today and the teacher gives timely feedback. Step 6 Homework Tell the story to one of your friends.


小学英语教案全英模板 【篇一:小学英语教案模板汇编(全册精选)】 小学英语教案模板汇编(全册精选) 【对于英语学科专业在事业单位教师、普岗教师、昆明教师、特岗教师面试说课或试或教师资格试讲中,到底是使用全英文的,还是可以使用汉语的,是所有考试面试的学生所纠结的一个问题,育萃面试为您提供了不同的案例。其实不在乎你使用什么形式的说课稿或教案,关键是你是否运用的熟练。在面试考试中,注意】 《unit2 colours》教案 一、教学目标 能正确把握表示颜色的单词。 二、教学重点、难点 能正确把握表示颜色的单词。 三、教学预备 颜色纸或各种实物、单词卡片 四、教学过程 step 1 revision 1.教师出第一课时的三个句型认读。 2.t: what’s this? s: it’s a book. t: what are these? ss: books. t: how many books? s: ?? t: is it blue? s: yes. t: is it red? s: no. 继续换几种物品提问。 3.出示第二课时的句型订读。 step 2 presentation 1.教师拿出红、绿两种颜色纸: what colour is it? 复习巩固red/ blue,并且认读。 2.教师拿出黄色纸:is it red? is it blue?教学yellow。 教师拿出一片叶子教学green

教师拿出一个自制的红绿灯教学一首小诗:red, red stop;yellow yellow wait; green green go go go! 3. t show an orange: what’s this ? it’s an orange. what colour is it? it’s orange. t: orange is orange. 4.show a peach:what colour is it? it’s pink.教学粉红色。 5. show a chocolate: what colour is it? it’s brown.教学棕色。 6.show a grape: what colour is it? it’s purple.教学紫色。 7.ss read together step 3 consolidation 1.listen to the tape, point and read. 2.教师拿着各种颜色纸,让学生说英语。 3.play a game: 规则:将各种颜色纸放入一个口袋内,让他们猜一猜摸到的东西是什么颜色的,猜对的小朋友奖励。 4.read together 5.让小朋友在教室里找一些颜色。 step 4 homework read the new words. 《we love animals》教案 一、教学目标 1.知识目标 (1)能听、说、读、写本单元的动物类单词。 (2)进一步巩固句型:do you like...?yes,i do./no,i dont.以及i like...和i dont like... 2.能力目标 能够用几句连贯的英文向别人介绍自己的动物朋友以及它的特征。 3.情感目标 使学生认识到人与动物之间的亲密友好的关系,从而树立应该保护自然、爱护动物的意识。 二、教学重点 能够听、说、读、写本课的动物类单词。 三、教学难点 较熟练地在情景中运用几句连贯英文向别人介绍自己的动物朋友。 四、教学准备 多媒体课件、动物实物、若干动物名片。 五、学情分析


英语小学教案模板范文 【篇一:小学英语教案模板汇编(全册精选)】 小学英语教案模板汇编(全册精选) 【对于英语学科专业在事业单位教师、普岗教师、昆明教师、特岗教师面试说课或试或教师资格试讲中,到底是使用全英文的,还是可以使用汉语的,是所有考试面试的学生所纠结的一个问题,育萃面试为您提供了不同的案例。其实不在乎你使用什么形式的说课稿或教案,关键是你是否运用的熟练。在面试考试中,注意】 《unit2 colours》教案 一、教学目标 能正确把握表示颜色的单词。 二、教学重点、难点 能正确把握表示颜色的单词。 三、教学预备 颜色纸或各种实物、单词卡片 四、教学过程 step 1 revision 1.教师出第一课时的三个句型认读。 2.t: what’s this? s: it’s a book. t: what are these? ss: books. t: how many books? s: ?? t: is it blue? s: yes. t: is it red? s: no. 继续换几种物品提问。 3.出示第二课时的句型订读。 step 2 presentation 1.教师拿出红、绿两种颜色纸: what colour is it? 复习巩固red/ blue,并且认读。 2.教师拿出黄色纸:is it red? is it blue?教学yellow。 教师拿出一片叶子教学green

教师拿出一个自制的红绿灯教学一首小诗:red, red stop;yellow yellow wait; green green go go go! 3. t show an orange: what’s this ? it’s an orange. what colour is it? it’s orange. t: orange is orange. 4.show a peach:what colour is it? it’s pink.教学粉红色。 5. show a chocolate: what colour is it? it’s brown.教学棕色。 6.show a grape: what colour is it? it’s purple.教学紫色。 7.ss read together step 3 consolidation 1.listen to the tape, point and read. 2.教师拿着各种颜色纸,让学生说英语。 3.play a game: 规则:将各种颜色纸放入一个口袋内,让他们猜一猜摸到的东西是什么颜色的,猜对的小朋友奖励。 4.read together 5.让小朋友在教室里找一些颜色。 step 4 homework read the new words. 《we love animals》教案 一、教学目标 1.知识目标 (1)能听、说、读、写本单元的动物类单词。 (2)进一步巩固句型:do you like...?yes,i do./no,i dont.以及i like...和i dont like... 2.能力目标 能够用几句连贯的英文向别人介绍自己的动物朋友以及它的特征。 3.情感目标 使学生认识到人与动物之间的亲密友好的关系,从而树立应该保护自然、爱护动物的意识。 二、教学重点 能够听、说、读、写本课的动物类单词。 三、教学难点 较熟练地在情景中运用几句连贯英文向别人介绍自己的动物朋友。 四、教学准备 多媒体课件、动物实物、若干动物名片。 五、学情分析



Identify possessions 表示拥有 Part 1: lead-in . I have got a brother and a sister. Have got 表示拥有=have (口语) (书面语) We have got a dog. = we have a dog. We have got a cat. = we have a cat. Part 2 : detail study 人称区分: I/YOU/WE/THEY: have/have got . I have got a computer. You have got a good friend. We have got many books in our school. They have got a new car. HE/SHE/IT: has/has got . She has got brown hair. He has got two sisters. An elephant has got a long nose. 否定:have got ——>have not got has got ——>has not got

男:Can I use your mobile phone, please 女:Sorry, I haven’t got a mobile phone. I haven’t got a mobile phone. = I don’t have a mobile phone. = I haven’t a mobile phone. Haven’t = don’t have = haven’t got . She hasn’t got a brother.(模拟改句) 练习:please make negative sentences. 例一:不倒翁 例二:上学方式 疑问:have提前 . Have you got a car 另外两种表达方式: Do you have a car Have you a car . Has she got a brother (模拟改句) have/has 也可做实义动词 例一:have a meal have a breakfast have a lunch have a dinner have a good time have English have a rest have some water have sport


有关语法的词汇: 并列句(Compound Sentence) 主语(Subject)宾语(Object) 谓语(Predicate)表语(Predicative) 谓语动词(Predicate Verb) 补语(Complement) 状语(Adverbial) 定语(Attribue) 一般现在时(Simple Present Tense) 现在完成时(Present Perfect Tense) 过去时(Past Tense) 现在进行时(Present Continuous Tense)将来时(Future tense) 句型(sentence patterns)

教案模板: 一、写作 Teaching Contents(教学内容): Writing a report according to the information collected. Teaching Objectives(教学目标): (1)Knowledge ~ (2)Ability~ (3)Emotional~ Teaching Key and Difficult Points: Teaching Procedures(教学过程): ·Step1 Warming up and lead-in(time) ·Step2 Pre-writing(time) ·Step3 While-writing(time) (1)Drafting起草 (2)editing校订修改 ·Step4 Post-writing(选两个样例到屏幕进行讲解) (time) ·Step5 Summary and homework(time)


英语试讲教案写作模板 【篇一:英语试讲教案模板(全)】英语试讲教案模板 模板: teaching aims (教学目标) 1 knowledge objects: make students read the important words and sentences 2 ability objects: make students master the grammar in the text________ 3 moral objects:improve the interests in studying english and_________ teaching important points(教学重点) words:___________ ___________ ___________ sentences:_______________________________________ ________________________________________ teaching difficult points(教学难点) master the grammar

use the words in their lives ____________________ teaching aids(教具) cards、 projectors _________ __________ ________ teaching procedure:(教学过程) step1 leading-in step 2 __________ ........ step n homework blackboard design (板书设计) (一)形式 教案是教学设计的文字体现,有相对的格式与要求。教案的格式主要包括文字叙述式、表格式两种。 1.文字叙述式



?2018考研复试自我介绍模板:通用1 Good morning. I am glad to be here for this interview. I'm 姓名 and I have been working as a 职业 at 公司 for ... years since my graduation from大学 University. During my undergraduate years, I developed an interest in 学科. Then I took several selective courses on 学科 and read a lot of literature in this field. However, it is one thing to study 学科 theory in university, but another to put theory into practice. That's why I decide to be a 工作职位 to enrich both my 学科 knowledge and practical experiences. ?2018考研复试自我介绍模板:通用2 Good morning. I am glad to be here for this interview. My name is 名字, 年龄. I come from 城市, the capital of 省份Province. I am going to graduate from the 院系 department of 大学名称University in July, 2014. In the past two years I have been preparing for the postgraduate examination. Now all my hard work has got a result since I have a chance to be here. So I just feel a little bit nervous,because this is my first time to have such an interview. In the past three and a half years, I have learnt some basic knowledge of 所学专业. For example, from the courses of 课程名称 and 课程名称, I got to know 专业理论. When I learnt more about this field, I became more interested in it. Apart from the textbooks, I borrowed many relevant ones from our library to read, such as你读过的相关的专业课书的名称、你读过的专业相关的书籍名称and 你读过的专业相关的书籍名称. I really enjoyed my journey when reading and absorbing the information from these fascinating works. In addition to reading books, I also like browsing through some journals in 专业领域 on a daily basis


英语试讲教案模板 模板: Teaching aims(教学目标) 1 Knowledge objects: Make students read the important words and sentences 2 Ability objects: Make students master the grammarin the text________ 3 Moral objects:Improve the interests in studying English and_________ Teaching important points(教学重点) Words:___________ ___________ ___________ Sentences:_______________________________________ ________________________________________ Teaching difficult points(教学难点) Master the grammar Use the words in their lives ____________________ Teaching aids(教具) Cards、projectors _________ __________ ________ Teaching procedure:(教学过程) Step1 leading-in Step 2 __________ ........ Step n homework Blackboard design(板书设计)

(一)形式 教案是教学设计的文字体现,有相对的格式与要求。教案的格式主要包括文字叙述式、表格式两种。 1.文字叙述式 这是一种基本上全部以文字形式呈现出来的教案形式,在日常教学的应用最为广泛。 2.表格式 这是一种经常出现的教案形式,一般有学校发给教师。 (二)主要内容 上课的重要依据,通常包括:班级、学科、课题、上课时间、课的类型、教学方法、教学目的、教学内容、课的进程和时间分配等。 有的还列有教具和现代化教学手段(如电影、投影、录像、录音等)的使用、作业题、板书设计和课后自我反思与评价等项目。由于学科和教材的性质﹑教学目的和课的类型不同,教学设计不必具有固定的形式。 1.基本内容 (1)课题(说明本课名称)。 (2)教学目标(或称教学要求,说明本课所要完成的教学任务)。 3)课型(说明属新授课,还是复习课)。 (4)课时(说明属第几课时)。 (5)教学重点(说明本课所必须解决的关键性问题)。 (6)教学难点(说明本课学习时易产生困难和障碍的知识点)。 (7)教具(或称教具准备,说明辅助教学手段使用的工具)


小学英语阅读试讲教案 【篇一:小学英语试讲教案1】 下面附上我所写的教案中的教学过程: story —— jenny goes to city step 1. greetings (1) good morning/ how are you. (2) whos on duty today? step 2.revision (1)拿不同颜色的粉笔,进行一一提问, 对答对的学生,给予掌声,呈上真诚的目光,并奖励一个小红花。what colour was it? it‘s red/green/blue/yellow (2)做游戏 what’s missing? its... ... 教师从不同颜色粉笔中,随意抽出一支,问学生少了哪一颜色, 带动学生学习兴趣,活跃课堂气氛。促使学生们所学单词掌握的更牢固更准确! step 3.freetalks do you like shopping? 这个话题学生比较熟悉,贴近生活,纷纷举手发言, 从中引入教学,培养学生创造性思维能力。 step 4.teaching 1)提出2个问题,让学生们带着问题去看故事短文,时间定为10分钟jenny:how to go to the city? why she doesnt... ...? 再这10分钟学生阅读期间,老师写好一部分板书. 2)针对提出的2个问题,展开讨论,回答问题,并及时给予学生答案的指导 3)放3遍磁带短文录音,让学生们大声地去跟读 4)再针对故事短文中4个角色,找四名学生, 进行分角色朗读课文.最后并予以掌声,给予肯定和奖励 5)教师把故事短文分为4部分,设置情景,进行逐一翻译,易于学生理解


模板: Teaching aims (教学目标) 1 Knowledge objects: Make students read the important words and sentences 2 Ability objects: Make students master the grammar in the text________ 3 Moral objects:Improve the interests in studying English and_________ Teaching important points(教学重点) Words:___________ ___________ ___________ Sentences:_______________________________________ ________________________________________ Teaching difficult points(教学难点) Master the grammar Use the words in their lives ____________________ Teaching aids(教具) Cards、projectors _________ __________ ________ Teaching procedure:(教学过程) Step1 leading-in Step 2 __________ ........ Step n homework Blackboard design (板书设计) (一)形式 教案是教学设计的文字体现,有相对的格式与要求。教案的格式主要包括文字叙述式、表格式两种。 1.文字叙述式 这是一种基本上全部以文字形式呈现出来的教案形式,在日常教学的应用最为广泛。 2.表格式 这是一种经常出现的教案形式,一般有学校发给教师。 (二)主要内容 上课的重要依据,通常包括:班级、学科、课题、上课时间、课的类型、教学方法、教学目的、教学内容、课的进程和时间分配等。有的还列有教具和现代化教学手段(如电影、投影、录像、录音等)的使用、作业题、板书设计和课后自我反思与评价等项目。由于学科和教材的性质﹑教学目的和课的类型不同,教学设计不必具有固定的形式。 1.基本内容 (1)课题(说明本课名称)。 (2)教学目标(或称教学要求,说明本课所要完成的教学任务)。


小学英语,会话课 Teaching Aims 1. Understand words______ and sentence pattern_______ 2. Students can talk about______(主题) freely in daily life. 3. 升华情感(与本节课相关或课标当中的普适性情感) Teaching Key Point Students can use new words and sentence pattern to express ___(主题) Teaching Difficult Points 可以是单词发音、长单词、情感态度 Teaching Procedure Step 1 Warming-up Sing a song “you are my sunshine” Step 2 Presentation 1. By presenting pictures(TPR, creating a situation), new words_______ will be taught. 2. Play a _____ game to practice new words.(如果有的话) 3. Create a situation and then listen to the tape to teach new sentence pattern. Step 3 Practice 1. Pick one student to have a dialogue with the teacher to set an example for other students. 2. Play a sentence dragon game.(看是否讲的是句型) 3. Have a role play (根据时间长短确定是否添加) Step 4 Consolidation Divide students into groups; createa situation________ and let students do a survey (draw picture, have an interview). Step 5 Summary Conclude new words and sentence and mention the emotional aim. Step 6 Homework(开放性问题)


小学英语语法试讲教案 【篇一:小学英语试讲教案1】 下面附上我所写的教案中的教学过程: story —— jenny goes to city step 1. greetings (1) good morning/ how are you. (2) whos on duty today? step 2.revision (1)拿不同颜色的粉笔,进行一一提问, 对答对的学生,给予掌声,呈上真诚的目光,并奖励一个小红花。what colour was it? it‘s red/green/blue/yellow (2)做游戏 what’s missing? its... ... 教师从不同颜色粉笔中,随意抽出一支,问学生少了哪一颜色, 带动学生学习兴趣,活跃课堂气氛。促使学生们所学单词掌握的更牢固更准确! step 3.freetalks do you like shopping? 这个话题学生比较熟悉,贴近生活,纷纷举手发言, 从中引入教学,培养学生创造性思维能力。 step 4.teaching 1)提出2个问题,让学生们带着问题去看故事短文,时间定为10分钟jenny:how to go to the city? why she doesnt... ...? 再这10分钟学生阅读期间,老师写好一部分板书. 2)针对提出的2个问题,展开讨论,回答问题,并及时给予学生答案的指导 3)放3遍磁带短文录音,让学生们大声地去跟读 4)再针对故事短文中4个角色,找四名学生, 进行分角色朗读课文.最后并予以掌声,给予肯定和奖励 5)教师把故事短文分为4部分,设置情景,进行逐一翻译,易于学生理解


小学英语试讲万能模板 1.Opening.开场白。 2.Warm up.热身活动,唱歌曲,说童谣,讲故事,说谜语。 3.Presentation.导入新课,理解新知。 4.Practice. 操练,消化,练习。(分为机械性操练和趣味性操练,即先读写后游戏) 5.Production. 产出,拓展,展示,小组合作,应用和运用新知。 6.Summary and homework.总结,课堂作业 Let’s learn 1.开场白: Good morning, everyone/teachers/my dear judges/ladies and gentlemen. My number is…/I’m NO….It’s my great honor to be/stand here to share my lesson .I have a dream all the time, that’s to be an

excellent English teacher. The first step to make my dream come true is to get through the interview. So I’ll try my best to give a lesson. Today I’m going to teach Unit 2. My favourite season. Now let's begin our class. 2. Warm up. (可不跟教学内容相关) ①首选歌唱儿歌。Eg . How is the weather; India boy; Twinkle Twinkle Little Star; Do Re Mi; How do you do; Walking Walking. ②针对不会唱歌或者唱歌跑掉的同学,可以选择说童谣。Eg . Fish ,fish ,what do you see?或者讲故事eg. The crow and the pitcher . Hello, boys and girls, welcome to my English class, I’m glad to see you again. Do you have a sweet dream last night? now I hope you’re happy and show me a smile face. Boys and girls, do you remember the pretty song we’ve learnt in our last lesson? OK, let’s sing the song together. Stand up, please.(How is the weather)Well done, sit down, please. 3.Presentation.导入没有万能模板,需要根据具体备课内容设计。 How is the weather? It’s Sunny, I feel so hot, because it’s in summer


小学英语试讲教案模板 《Unit Colours》教案 一、教学目标 能正确把握表示颜色的单词。 二、教学重点、难点 能正确把握表示颜色的单词。 三、教学预备 颜色纸或各种实物、单词卡片 四、教学过程 step 1 revision 1.教师出第一课时的三个句型认读。 2.t: what’s this? s: it’s a book. t: what are these? ss: books. t: how many books? s: ?? t: is it blue? s: yes. t: is it red? s: no.

继续换几种物品提问。 3.出示第二课时的句型订读。 step presentation 1.教师拿出红、绿两种颜色纸: what colour is it? 复习巩固red/ blue,并且认读。 2.教师拿出黄色纸:is it red? is it blue?教学yellow。 教师拿出一片叶子教学green 教师拿出一个自制的红绿灯教学一首小诗:red, red stop;yellow yellow wait; green green go go go! 3. t show an orange: what’s this ? it’s an orange. what colour is it? it’s orange. t: orange is orange. 4.show a peach:what colour is it? it’s pink.教学粉红色。 5. show a chocolate: what colour is it? it’s brown.教学棕色。 6.show a grape: what colour is it? it’s purple.教学紫色。 7.ss read together step consolidation



初中英语试讲教案模板 【篇一:中学英语教师证面试reading试讲模板】 开场白 good morning, everyone. my name is xxx. it’s my pleasure to stand here and show you my trial teaching. i hope you will enjoy my performance and have a great time here. now let’s get ready for class. today we are going to learn xxx. at first, let’s review the words and phrases in the last class. …… very good. now, let’s go to the reading part. please turn to page xxx. (reading teaching) step1.lead-in let’s have a free talk about xxx---and then discuss the question in pre-reading on page xxx,i will ask someone to talk about your ideas. step2.fast reading read the passage as quickly as you can and find the topic sentence of each paragraph. time’s up. now, please ask my questions. questions:1.what’s the general idea of the test? 2.which one is the topic sentence of the first paragraph? 3.divide the passage into 3 parts and think about the main ideas. find out the answers of the questions on page xxx. step3 intensive reading


试讲就是真实的上课【虽然没有学生,但要假装有,所以要提问,回答,给答案,讨论】给你一份说课和讲课的范例。参考一下 Module 1 Unit 2 Heroes Lesson 1 Modern Heroes 说课教案 (一)教学内容 1.本课是Unit 2 heroes Lesson 1 Modern Heroes 的第一课时。本单元分别介绍了National hero,History makers,Sports stars 和Superhero。这几篇文章的主题都是hero,但涉及的领域不同,它们融会贯通,承上启下,融为一体。 2.本课是介绍National Hero,是学生比较熟悉和感兴趣的话题,前部分需要介绍杨利伟和神州五号,让学生掌握有关词汇;后一部分是介绍杨利伟乘坐神州五号宇宙飞船遨游太空的情况。 3.本课文出现了较多的定语从句,还有生词较多(有些单词表没有而初中又没有学过),在这样的困难前提下,我引导学生通过culture and background knowledge,结合课本内容丰富自己的知识面,拓宽学生对航天知识的了解,让学生了解航天英雄的成功之路,激发他们的民族自豪感。 (二)学生分析 1.组成情况 职业高中高一学生年龄都在14-16岁之间,大多数学生由于初中的知识基础打得不扎实,而且缺乏主动学习的能动性,自学能力差,对学习没有持有探究性和方向性,也没有养成良好英语学习习惯,所以学习成绩不太理想。 2.学生的知识与技能水平 职业高中招生的学生,基础知识比较薄弱,甚至连音标都不会读,词汇的掌握范围狭窄,影响了阅读,听力和作文。学生的表达能力还是停留在比较低级的水平,面对每幅图片或某个主题只能说出一两句话,而且在阅读上,未能掌握泛读和精读的技巧和方法,课后的预习和复习能力较差,缺乏总结归纳的能力。 3.学生已掌握的学习策略 尽管学生的知识和技能水平一般,但经过了一定时间的训练后,他们还是掌握了pair work, group work, using the culture and background knowledge的阅读技巧。 (三)教学目标 1.通过快速阅读文章,学生能够对每段文章进行归纳总结,准确地把段落主题与所给的headings联系起来。 2.通过仔细阅读,学生能够回答关于文章的细节问题。 3.通过进一步阅读,学生能够学生能用英语对采访自己心目中的民族英雄。并尝试复述课文。 (四)教学策略 教学方法:使用交际法,充分调动学生的积极性,积极参与到课堂教学中,通过师生互动,小组表演的形式,完成各种任务,以达到完成教学任务的途径。 (五)教学过程 第一步导入 T: Good morning, Everyone! Do you like watching movies? Do you know Jet Lee (李连杰)?Do you know one of his famous movie called HERO? What does ‘hero’mean? Who are the heroes in your heart? Do you know Yan Liwei, our national hero? 第二步介绍文章人物 T: Open your books, and turn to page 100 and 101. Let’s read two passages about Shenzhou V


全心致力于精品教育 小学英语教案格式 1 教学内容分析(Analysis of the teaching contents ): 学生分析( Analysis of the students ): 教学目标 (Objectives) 1.语言知识目标(Language knowledge) : 2.语言技能目标(Language skills) : 3.情感态度目标(sentiment) : 4.学习策略目标(Learning strategy) : 5.文化意识目标(Cultural consciousness):(不一定每课写) 教具 (Teaching Aims) : 教学过程 (可按实际情况写,每步骤后写目的): 一、热身准备( Warming –up) : 二、呈现与操练(Presentation and practice): 三、巩固 (Consolidation) 四、发展 (Development) 五、作业 (Homework) : 板书设计: 附上练习: 范例一: Unit3 Let’s talk第一课时小学三年级 教学重点: How are you? Fine, thank you.等问候语的学习。 教学难点 : 1、How are you?的得体运用。 2、 Fine, thank you.中fine一词字母i的发音不容易到位。 教具准备: 1、本课Let ’s tal k/A部分的教学课件。 2、教师为学生准备 3— 4 个扩音器。 3、本课时教学配套的录音带,以及歌曲“Hello” “Head, shoulders, knees and toes”的录音带。 4、 Mr. Black, Miss White, Miss Green的头饰 教学过程: 1、热身、复习 (Warming-up/Revision) (1)师生共同唱歌曲 Sing an English together . “Head, shoulders, knees and toes ”,复习人体部位的单词,并集中学生注意力,调动学生学习兴趣。 (2)游戏Do a game. “SIMON SAYS”指令可以是一二单元Let ’s do (A/B)的内容。 (3)师生同唱歌曲“Hello ”。教师可以边唱边用手势示意学生,将歌曲中的人名改为同班 同学的名字。 (4)教师用头饰介绍人物。例如:教师举起Mr. Black的头饰说:This is Mr. Black.然后戴上 Mr. Black的头饰说:Good morning, boys and girls. I’m Mr. Black. Nice to meet you .让学生回答:Nice to meet you ,too.

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