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必修2 unit1 课文填空

必修2 unit1 课文填空

必修2 unit1 课文填空


Frederick William Ⅰ,the King of Prussia , could never have___________(想象) that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such an __________(令人吃惊的) history . This gift was the Amber Room , which was given this name because several tons of amber were used to make it . The amber which was __________(挑选、选择) had a beautiful yellow-brown colour like h__________(蜂蜜) . The __________(设计) of the room was in the __________(奇特的、异样的) style popular in those days . It was also a treasure __________(装饰)with gold and__________(珠宝) , which took the country's best __________(艺术家) about ten years to make .

In fact , the room was not made to be a gift . It was designed for the palace of Frederick Ⅰ. However, the next King of Prussia , Frederick William Ⅰ, __________whom the amber room __________(属于), decided not to keep it. In 1716 he gave it to Peter the Great. __________ __________(作为报答) , the Czar sent him a __________(军队) of his best soldiers. So the Amber Room because part of the Czar's winter palace in St Petersburg.About four metres long, the room served as a small__________(接待) hall for important visitors .

Later,Catherine Ⅱhad the Amber Room moved to a palace outside St Petersburg where she spent her summers. She told her artists to add more details to it .In 1770 the room was completed the way she wanted . Almost six hundred candles lit the room ,and its mirrors and pictures shone like gold. Sadly , although the Amber Room was considered one of the wonders of the world , it is now missing .

In September 1941, the Nazi army was near St Petersburg . This was a time when the two countries were __________ __________(处于交战状态) . Before the Nazis could get to the summer palace , the Russians were able to __________(移动;搬开) some furniture and small art objects from the Amber Room . However , some of the Nazis secretly stole the room itself . In __________ __________(少于) two days 100,000 pieces were put inside twenty-seven __________(木制的) boxs . There is no __________(怀疑) that the boxs were then put on a train for Konigsberg, which was at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea . After that, what happened to the Amber Room remains a mystery .

Recently , the Russians and Germans have built a new Amber Room at the summer palace . By studying old photos of the __________(以前的、从前的)Amber Room , they have made the new one look like the old one .In 2003 it was ready for the people of St Petersburg when they celebrated the 300th birthday of their city .


根据课文内容填空 (一)一去二三里(二)画 去里,远看有色, 烟村家。近听声。 亭台座,春去花还在, 枝花。来惊。 (三)、四季 草芽尖尖,他对鸟说:“我是春。” 荷叶圆圆,他对青蛙说:“我是夏。” ”谷穗弯弯,他鞠着躬说:“我是秋” 雪肚挺,他顽皮的说:。” (四)、小小竹排画中游 小竹排,顺水流,鸟唱,鱼游。 两岸树密,苗绿油油。 江南鱼乡,小小竹排画游。 (五)、哪座房子最漂亮 座房,两座房,青青的瓦,白白的墙,宽宽的的窗。 座房,座房,房前花果香,屋后树成行。 哪座房最漂亮?要数我们的学堂。 (六)、画鸡 头红冠用裁,满身雪白走将来。 平生叫

(七)、秋叶飘飘 ,在空翔,在舞蹈。不 是蝴蝶,不是报, 告诉我们秋已经到。 (八)、静夜思 床前明光,疑似地霜。举望明思故乡。(九)小小的船 弯弯的的船 的船里坐,只看闪闪的星星蓝蓝的。 (十)阳光 阳光像金,洒遍野、高河。 苗,因为有阳光,更绿的 为有阳光,更高的锦缎了。 早晨,我拉我的家。 谁捉住阳光,阳光是家的。 阳光像金更宝贵。 (十一)、影子 影在前,影在后,影黑狗。 影子在,影子常常陪着我,他是我的好朋友。 (十二)、比尾巴 谁的尾?谁的尾短?谁的尾好像把伞?

猴的尾。兔的尾短。松鼠的尾好像一把伞。谁的尾巴弯?谁的尾巴扁?谁的尾巴最好看? 的尾巴扁。孔雀的尾巴最好看。 (十三)、东西南北 早晨起来,面向太阳。前面是,后面是, 是南。 (十四)、悯农 锄当午,汗滴。谁知盘餐,粒粒皆辛苦。 (十五)、我多想去看看 妈妈告诉我,沿着弯弯的路,就能 有座安,场旗仪式非常壮观。我对妈妈说,我多想去看看,我多想去看看。 (十六)、自己去吧 鸭说:“妈妈,您带我去游泳好吗?”妈妈说:“小溪的深, 去游吧。 小鹰说:“妈妈,我想去那边看看,您带我去好吗?”妈妈说:“ 边”过了,小鹰学会了翔。(十七)、雪地里的小画家 雪啦!雪地群画家。小鸡画竹 叶,小狗画梅花,小鸭画枫叶,小颜料 笔,幅画。青蛙为什么没参加?它在洞里睡着啦。

高中英语必修一Unit 课文及课文语法填空

B O O K1U N I T 1 Anne’s best friend Do you want a friend whom you could tell everything to, like your deepest feeling and thoughts? Or are you afraid that your friend would laugh at you, or would not understand what you are going through. Anne Frank want the first kind, so she made her diary her best friend. Anne lived in Amsterdam in the Netherlands during World War Ⅱ .Her family was Jewish so they had to hide or they would be caught by the German Nazis. They hid away for twenty-five months before they were discovered. During that time the only true friend was her diary. She said, “I don’t want to set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do. But I want this diary itself to be my best friend, and I shall call my friend Kitty. Now read how she felt after being in the hiding place since July 1942. Thursday 15th June 1944 Dear Kitty, I wonder if it’s because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long that I’ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature. I can well remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound. That’s changed since I was here. For example, one evening when it was so warm, I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven in order to have a good look at the moon by myself. But as the moon gave far too much light, I didn’t dare open the window. Another time five months ago, I happened to be upstairs at dusk when the window was open. I didn’t go downstairs until the window had to be shut. The d ark, rainy evening, the wind, the thundering clouds held me entirely in their power; it was the first time in a year and a half that I‘d seen the night face to face…. Sadly…I am only able to look at nature through dirty curtains hanging before very dusty w indow. It’s no pleasure looking through these any longer, because nature is one thing that really must be experienced. Y r A e 一、阅读课文完成填空:


高一英语必修二UNIT1单词与词组练习 一?单词拼写 1. She is an able girl and she ______________ (设计)all her dresses. 2. I _____________ (想象)he' s pretty happy. 3. She _____________ (搬走)the painting to ano ther wall. 4. He bought me a ______________ ()diam ond ring as a birthday prese nt. 5. The great hall was ______________ (装饰)with flowers. 6. Catheri ne works at the l ____________ post o 「ffice. 7. He lets his daughter ___________ (挑选)her own birthday present in the shop. 8. On arriving at the hotel , I approached 走近the r ______________ desk to check in. 9. He proved himself innocent by providing a lot of e ____________ . 10. Three children were r from the school for their bad behavior. 11. The gloves were ___________ (设计)for extremely cold climates. 12. The island is deserted , and the chanee of _______________ of the five ___________ of the shipwreck is slim.(survive) 13. _______________________ All of us were ________ at his really tale nt (才华)for music.(amaze) 14. Don' t f _______ that you can succeed without hard work. 1. Tom bought her a watch _________________________ her help.(以答谢她的帮助) 2. 那些男孩去找吃的东西 The boy went _______________________________ somethi ng to eat. 3. 那时候我们对刘翔比赛时摔倒的消息感到惊讶。 At that time we ___________________________ the n ews that Liu Xia ng fell off in the games. 4. _________________________________________________ 他在英语方面的进步很大,这令我惊讶。 , he has made great progress. 5. It is __________ _____________ a mile to the beach . 离海滨不至U—英里 6. 那本封面是绿色的书很值得一读。 The book whose cover is gree n is __________________________________ .


一年级语文复习卷 姓名 按课文内容填空(一): 1、,烟 y ān 家ji ā。 亭t íng 台t ái 座zu ?, 枝zh ī花hu ā。 2、 两li ǎng 宝b ǎo ,双 shu āng 脑n ǎo 。 双 shu āng 会hu ì做 zu ?,脑n ǎo 会hu ì思s ī考k ǎo 。 脑n ǎo , 能 n ?ng 创chu àng 造z ào 。 3、 星x īng 红h ?ng 旗q í, 国gu ?旗q í,国gu ?歌g ē声sh ēng ,高g āo 高 g āo 起q ǐ。 , 您n ín 敬j ìng 礼l ǐ。 4、 , 平p íng , , , , , , ,, , , 。(月yu a 份f an 歌g ē) 5、 园yu án 绿 l ǜ 红h ?ng 花hu ā 桥qi áo 流 li ú 宝b ǎo 塔t ǎ 转zhu àn 椅y ǐ 洞d ?ng 滑hu á梯t ī 荡d àng 船chu án 6、 阳y áng 闹n ào 钟zh ōng 穿chu ān 衣y ī 床chu áng 起 q ǐ

刷shu ā 洗x ǐ脸li ǎn 餐c ān 学xu ? 旗q í 做zu ?操c āo 7、在 园yu án 里,我们可以y ǐ钻 zu àn 洞d ?ng ,,坐zu ?转zhu àn 椅y ǐ,滑hu á滑 hu á 梯t ī,乘ch ?ng 荡d àng 船chu án ,骑j ì。 8、 阳y áng 笑xi ào 眯m ī眯m ī, 飞来叫ji ào 喳ch ā喳ch ā。朋p ?ng 穿chu ān 衣y ī床chu áng ,刷 shu ā洗x ǐ脸li ǎn ,吃ch ī 餐c ān ,背上 包b āo 去 学xu ? 。 9、蓝 l án 家ji ā, 家ji ā, 家ji ā,泥 n í种 zh ǒng 家ji ā。 祖z ǔ国 gu ?花hu ā朵du ǒ,祖z ǔ国gu ?就 ji ù 家ji ā。 一年级语文复习卷 姓名 按课文内容填空(二): 10、爸b à爸 ba 棵k ē,妈m ā妈 m ā棵k ē。 只zh ī快 ku ài , 两li ǎng 棵 k ē间 ji ān 。 11、 晚 w ǎn , 艘 s ōu 船 chu án 空散步k ōngs ànb ù。

人教版高中英语必修一 unit3_reading课文语法填空 word版含答案

Unit 3 Reading课文语法填空 Journey Down the Mekong 一、语法填空(根据课文内容、依据语法规则完成下面短文) Wang Kun and his sister Wang Wei had dreamed about 1________ (take) a great bike trip. They decided to cycle 2________ the entire Mekong River from 3________ it begins to where it ends. Wang Wei 4________ (insist) that they start from Qinghai where the river begins in order to see all of the Mekong River. Wang Kun said it 5________ (be) very difficult, because their journey would begin at an altitude of more than 5,000 metres. But Wang Wei refused to change her mind, 6________ (say) that it would be 7________ interesting experience. The Mekong River 8________ (begin) in a glacier on a mountain in Qinghai Province. The river is small at first. It moves 9________ (rapid) as it passes through deep valleys. Sometimes the river becomes a waterfall and enters wide valleys. After 10________ flows out of China,it continues to flow through Southeast Asia. At last, the river delta enters the South China Sea.


高一英语必修1默写用单词表1调查;测验 合计 adj. 心烦意乱的;不安的,不适的 不理睬;忽视 (使)平静;(使)镇定adj.平静的;镇定的;沉着的 (使)平静下来 不得不;必须 (使)担心;涉及;关系到n. 担心;关注;(利害)关系 关心;挂念 溜狗 adj 松的;松开的 兽医 经历;经受 阿姆斯特丹(荷兰首都) 荷兰(西欧国家) 犹太人的;犹太族的 德国的;德国人的;德语的。 纳粹党人adj. 纳粹党的 记下;放下;登记 连续,系列 一连串的;一系列;一套 在户外;在野外 迷住;疑惑 故意 为了 黄昏傍晚 在黄昏时刻 打雷雷鸣n. 雷,雷声 adj. 整个的;完全的;全部的 adv. 完全地;全然地;整个地 能力;力量;权力。 面对面地 窗帘;门帘;幕布 adj 积满灰尘的 不再 伙伴.合作者.合伙人 安家;定居;停留vt 使定居;安排;解决遭受;忍受经历 遭受;患病

孤单寂寞 公路 r痊愈;恢复 对…厌烦 捆扎;包装打行李n 小包;包裹将(东西)装箱打包 手提箱;衣箱 大衣外套 十几岁的青少年 与…相处。进展闲话;闲谈 相爱;爱上 确实如此;正是;确切地 不同意 感激的;表示谢意的 不喜欢;厌恶 参加;加入 提示;技巧;尖;尖端;小费vt.倾斜;翻倒第二;其次 交换 项目;条款

Unit 2 <美>地铁 n.电梯;升降机 <英>汽油(= <美>gasoline )汽油;气体;煤气;毒气。 adj.官方的;正式的;公务的n 航行;航海 征服;占领 因为 本国的;本地的n.本地人;本国人走近;上来;提出 <美>公寓住宅;单元住宅实际上,事实上 公元 .以……为根据n 基部;基地;基础现在;目前 逐渐的;逐步的 使富裕;充实;改善 词汇;词汇量;词表 利用;使用 拼写;拼法 较后的后平的;(两者中)后者的 本身;本体;身份 流利的;流畅的 流利地;流畅地 adj.频繁的;常见的 adv.常常;频繁地 使用;用法;词语惯用法 .命令;指令;掌握 .请求;要求 adj.西班牙的;西班牙人的n.西班牙人;西班牙语方言 词语;表示表达 中西部的;有中西部特性的 adj.东方的;东部的 adj.东南方的;来自东南的 adj.西北方的;来自西北方的 adj 非洲的;非洲人的;非洲语言的 (in )扮演个角色;参与 vt.辨认出;承认;公认 n.卡车(=truck) n.口音;腔调;重音


部编版语文一年级(上)按课文内容填空 (一)金木水火土 一二三五,金木水 照今古。 (二)对韵歌 对雨,雪对风。花对树,鸟对 (三)咏鹅 鹅,鹅,鹅,曲项向歌。毛浮绿 (四)家 蓝天 泥是种的家。我们是祖国的花朵,祖国就是我们的家。 (五)秋天 天气凉了,树叶黄 ,那么飞,一会儿排成个” 字,一会儿排成个“”字。 啊!秋 (六)小小的船 弯弯的的船 的船里坐,只看闪闪的星星蓝蓝的。 (七)江南 江南采莲,莲何 鱼戏莲叶

(八)四季 草芽尖尖,他对鸟说:“我是春。” 荷叶圆圆,他对青蛙说:“我是夏。” ”谷穗弯弯,他鞠着躬说:“我是秋” 雪肚挺,他顽皮的说:“我就是冬” (九)日积月累 一年之计在于,一之计在于晨。 一寸难买寸光阴。 (十)画 远看不惊。 (十一)大小多少 一个,一个小,一黄一只猫。 一边多,一边。 一个大,一个,一个苹一颗枣。 一边多,一边少,一堆杏子一 (十二)升国旗 ,徐徐升起; 迎,望着国旗,我们敬礼。(十三)悯农 锄当午,汗滴。谁知盘餐,粒粒皆辛苦。(十四)影子 影在前,影在后,影黑狗。

影子在,影子常常陪着我,他是我的好朋友。 (十五)比尾巴 谁的尾?谁的尾短?谁的尾好像把伞? 猴的尾。兔的尾短。松鼠的尾好像一把伞。谁的尾巴弯?谁的尾巴扁?谁的尾巴最好看? 的尾巴扁。孔雀的尾巴最好看。 (十六)东西南北 早晨起来,面向太阳。前面是面是南。(十七)古朗月行 小时不识青云端。 (十八)雪地里的小画家 雪啦!雪地群画家。小鸡画竹 叶,小狗画梅花,小鸭画枫叶,小颜料 笔,幅画。青蛙为什么没参加?它在洞里睡着啦。(十九)风 解落三,能开花。过江浪,入竹万竿斜。 (二十)日积月累 种瓜得,种豆得豆。 前人栽树,后


【高考必备】人教版高中英语必修一 unit1 Friendship Anne lived in Amsterdam in the Netherlands during World War II. Her family was Jewish 1________ they had to hide or they would be 2________ (catch) by the German Nazis. Du ring that time she wasn’t able to go 3________ (outdoor) for so long that she had grown so crazy about everything 4________ (do) with nature. One evening, she stayed 5________ (wake) on purpose to have a good look at the moon by herself, but she didn’t dare open a window. Another time she happened to be upstairs at dusk 6________ the window was open. The dark, rainy evening, the wind, the thundering clouds held her 7________ (entire) in their power. It was the first time in a year and a half that she 8________ (see) the night face to face. Anne felt very lonely without seeing her old friends, so she had to make 9________ new friend, her diary Kitty, whom she could tell everything to. 10________ (sad), at last, her family was discovered and caught by the German Nazis. 参考答案: 1.so 2. caught 3. outdoors 4. to do 5. awakes 6.when 7. entirely 8. had been 9. a 10. sadly Unit 2 Reading课文语法填空 The Road To Modern English 一、语法填空(根据课文内容、依据语法规则完成下面短文) So why has English changed over time? 1________ (actual) all languages change and develop when cultures meet and communicate with each other. At first the English 2________ (speak) in England between about AD 450 and 1150 was quite different from the English spoken today.

人教版高中英语必修一 Unit1_Reading课文语法填空 Word版含答案

Unit 1 Reading课文语法填空 Anne’s Best Friend 一、语法填空(根据课文内容、依据语法规则完成下面短文) Anne lived in Amsterdam in the Netherlands during World War II. Her family was Jewish 1________ they had to hide or they would be 2________ (catch) by the German Nazis. Du ring that time she wasn’t able to go 3________ (outdoor) for so long that she had grown so crazy about everything 4________ (do) with nature. One evening, she stayed 5________ (wake) on purpose to have a good look at the moon by herself, but she didn’t dare open a window. Another time she happened to be upstairs at dusk 6________ the window was open. The dark, rainy evening, the wind, the thundering clouds held her 7________ (entire) in their power. It was the first time in a year and a half that she 8________ (see) the night face to face. Anne felt very lonely without seeing her old friends, so she had to make 9________ new friend, her diary Kitty, whom she could tell everything to. 10________ (sad), at last, her family was discovered and caught by the German Nazis.

高一英语必修一单词默写 打印版(使用新)

必修1 Unit 1 1、n.调查;测验__________ 2、合计__________ 3、adj.心烦意乱的;不安的;不适的__________ vt.(______ _______)过去式过去分词使不安;使心烦 4、vt.不理睬;忽视__________ 5、vt. & vi.(使)平静;(使)镇定__________ adj.平静的;镇静的;沉着的__________ 6、(使)平静下来;(使)镇定下来__________ 7、不得不;必须__________ 8、vt.(使)担忧;涉及;关系到__________ n.担心;关注;(利害)关系__________ 9、关心;挂念__________ 10、遛狗__________ 11、adj.松的;松开的__________ 12、n.兽医__________ 13、经历;经受__________ 14、n.阿姆斯特丹(荷兰首都)__________ 15、n.荷兰(西欧国家)__________ 16、犹太人的;犹太族的__________ 17、adj.德国的;德国人的;德语的__________ n.德国人;德语__________ 19、记下;放下;登记__________ 20、n.连续;系列__________ 21、一连串的;一系列;一套__________ 23、adv. 在户外;在野外__________ 24、迷住;迷惑__________ 25、故意__________ 26、为了……__________ 27、n.黄昏;傍晚__________ 28 、在黄昏时刻__________ 29t、vi.打雷;雷鸣n.雷;雷声__________ 30、adj.整个的;完全的;全部的__________ 31、adv. 完全地;全然地;整个地__________ 32、n.能力;力量;权力__________ 33、面对面地__________ 34、n.窗帘;门帘;幕布__________ 35、adj.积满灰尘的__________ 36、不再……__________ 37、n.伙伴;合作者;合伙人__________ 38、vi.安家;定居;停留__________ vt.使定居;安排;解决__________ 39、vt. & vi.遭受;忍受;经历__________ 40、遭受;患病__________ 41、n.孤单;寂寞__________ 42、n.公路;大路__________ 43、vi. & vt.痊愈;恢复;重新获得__________ 44、对……厌烦__________ 45、vi. & vt.捆扎;包装;打行李__________ n.小包;包裹__________ 46、将(东西)装箱打包__________ 47、n.手提箱;衣箱__________ 49、n.大衣;外套__________ 50、n.十几岁的青少年__________ 51、与……相处;进展__________ 52、vi. & n.闲话;闲谈__________ 53、相爱;爱上__________ 54、adv. 确实如此;正是;确切地__________ 55、vi.不同意__________ 56、adj.感激的;表示谢意的__________ 57、n. & vt.不喜欢;厌恶__________ 58、参加;加入__________ 59、n.提示;技巧;尖;尖端;小费__________ vt.倾斜;翻倒__________ 60、adv.第二;其次__________ 61、vt.交换__________ 62 、n.项目;条款__________ Unit 2 63、n.地下人行道;<美>地铁__________ 64 n.电梯;升降机__________ 65、n. <英>汽油(=<美>gasoline)__________ 66、n.汽油;气体;煤气;毒气__________ 67、adj.官方的;正式的;公务的__________


Book One词汇语法专练 I.单句语法填空 1.________ upset him that his father didn’t take him to Shanghai. 2.Never before has our country been so ________ (power) as it is today. 3.The professor expressed his satisfaction, ________ (add) that he was happy. 4.The woman teacher devotes herself ________ (entire) to teaching and has won a good reputation. 5.The Chinese government has begun a campaign ________ (calm) the crazy housing market. 6.The meeting was concerned ________ reforms and everyone present was concerned ________ their own interests. II.单句语法填空 1.—What are you mailing,Ryan? —A textbook ________ (base) on a new method of teaching physics.I want my friends to take a look at it. 2.I will give him a present as an ________ (express) of gratitude. 3.As we joined the big crowd I got ________ (separate) from my friends. 4.With ________ good command of both Chinese and English,she had an advantage over the other interviewees. 5.Duty is an act or a course of action that people expect you ________ (take) by social customs,law or religion. 6.At first,he didn’t realize he was ________ (recognize) by his old friend. III.单句语法填空 1.Suddenly I saw a ________ (cycle) fall off his fast running bike. 2.________ (judge) from what you said,you are satisfied with the result. 3.He could have finished it ________ schedule,but somehow he fell behind. 4.________ (determine) to visit the science museum,she set off at once. 5.After the flood,many things have been __________ (transportation) to the flooded area. 6.Bob gave me much help when I was in trouble.He is really a ________ (rely) person and you can depend on him. IV.单句语法填空 1.Water got into the radio,and now it is completely ________ (use). 2.He wrote her a long poem as a(n) ________ (express) of his love. 3.What is the name of the hotel __________ you recommended I stay at when visiting Tokyo? 4.________ (judge) from what he said just now,he must be an honest man. 5.It’s ________ great honor for me to be invited to make a speech here.


2018年新人教版语文一年级(上)按课文内容填空; (一)金木水火土; 一二三五,金木水土. 地分下,日照今古. (二)对韵歌; 对雨,雪对风.花对树,鸟对. 清对水秀,柳绿对桃红. (三)咏鹅; 鹅,鹅,鹅,曲项向歌. 毛浮绿,红掌拨清波. (四)家; 蓝天白云的家,树林是的家,小河是的家, 泥是种的家.我们是祖国的花朵,祖国就是我们的家. (五)秋天; 天气凉了,树叶黄,一片片叶子从树上落下来. 天空那么,那么.一群大雁往飞,一会儿排成个“”字,一会儿排成个“”字. 啊!秋来了! (六)小小的船 弯弯的的船. 的船尖.我

在 的船里坐,只看闪闪的星星蓝蓝的. (七)江南 江南采莲,莲何.鱼戏莲叶间.鱼戏莲叶, 鱼戏莲叶,鱼戏莲叶南,鱼戏莲叶. (八)四季 草芽尖尖,他对鸟说:“我是春.” 荷叶圆圆,他对青蛙说:“我是夏.” ”谷穗弯弯,他鞠着躬说:“我是秋.” 雪肚挺,他顽皮的说:“我就是冬.” (九)日积月累 一年之计在于,一之计在于晨. 一寸一寸金,寸难买寸光阴. (十)画 远看有色,近听无声.春去花还在, 来不惊. (十一)大小多少 一个,一个小,一黄一只猫.

一边多,一边,一群鸭子一只. 一个大,一个,一个苹一颗枣. 一边多,一边少,一堆杏子一桃. (十二)升国旗 星红旗,我们的国旗.国歌声,徐徐升起; 迎飘扬,多么美丽.向着国旗,我们,望着国旗,我们敬礼. (十三)悯农 锄当午,汗滴.谁知盘餐,粒粒皆辛苦. (十四)影子 影在前,影在后,影常常跟着我,就像一条黑狗. 影子在,影子在,影子常常陪着我,他是我的好朋友. (十五)比尾巴 谁的尾?谁的尾短?谁的尾好像把伞? 猴的尾.兔的尾短.松鼠的尾好像一把伞. 谁的尾巴弯?谁的尾巴扁?谁的尾巴最好看?


按课文内容填空 1、()()两个宝,双()()()脑。双()会做(),()脑会思考。()()()()脑,()能()创造。 2、五星红旗,()()()国旗。国歌声(),高高()起。()()()(),()您敬礼。 3、()()()采莲,莲()何()()!()戏莲()间:()戏莲()(),()戏莲()(),()戏莲()(),()戏莲()()。 4、嫦娥姐姐问:“()弟弟,()()哪()()?以前怎()没()过()?”飞船弟弟():“()叫神舟号,()()国(),科学家派()()做飞行试验。” 5、蓝天是()()的家,()()是小鸟的家,()()是()()的家,泥()是种()的家。()()是祖国的花朵,祖国就是()()的家。 6、上海黄浦()边,()()座()播()视塔。她()()()美丽的名(),叫“()()明珠”。这座塔,()顶蓝(),脚踩()(),像()()巨人。夜晚,塔()()灯都亮了,()光()色,非常()看。上海()播()视塔,真()()颗美丽的()()明珠。 7、秋姑娘摘下片片枫(),给()()()朋()()()信。 8、哈,()被秋姑娘()()信! 9、()园里的菊花()()()()()怕冷,它们()迎着深秋的寒()()()呢。10、()()不闹了,()()不笑了,深夜(),大海睡觉了。()()着明(),()()着星星,那轻轻的潮声啊,()()睡熟的鼾声。 11、冰花真漂亮!它像宽()的()(),像柔嫩的()(),像()满的牡丹。小童问妈妈:“这花()()哪()()()?”妈妈笑了笑():“()冬爷爷在()睡觉的()侯送给()()。” 12、()()呼呼地吹着。它()()地吹一吹,()()变了颜色。它()梧桐()吹一吹,梧桐()落了()。它()()()吹一吹,()()躲进了窝。 13、()()()极了,猛吹()()(),鹅毛大雪飘落()()()(),()()结冰了。 14、北风看()()小鱼了,非常得意,它哪()()道,小鱼()()()底捉迷藏呢。 15、()()候有个叫怀素的()尚,()()()就喜爱()(),是个()学()进的孩子。 16、他()()非常认真,总是()看清()的形状,记()()的笔顺,再()笔()画照着()。 17、传()当()纸贵,怀素就找()()块()板当纸()。()()呀()呀,()()()(),()板竟被()穿了。 13、弯弯的()()边,()满了()()()()()。 14、()()把河岸的泥土紧紧()(),()()给了()()充足的()()。所以,()()流得更欢了,()()()()得更绿了。

人教版高中英语必修一 unit4_reading课文语法填空 word版含答案

Unit 4 Reading课文语法填空 A Night the Earth Didn’t Sleep 一、语法填空(根据课文内容、依据语法规则完成下面短文) Strange things happened 1________ Tangshan Earthquake happened. The well walls had deep cracks. A 2________ (smell) gas came out of them. The water pipes cracked and burst. At 3:42 3________ the morning of July 28, 1976, everything began to shake. 4________ seemed as if the world was at an end. Steam burst from holes in the ground. Hard hills of rock became rivers of dirt. Soon the whole city lay in 5________ (ruin). Many people died or were 6________ (injure). Everything in the city 7________ (be) destroyed. People were 8________ (shock) at this and wondered how long the disaster would last. The army organized teams to dig out those 9________ were trapped and to bury the dead. Workers built shelters for 10________ (survive). Fresh water was taken to the city. Slowly, the city began to breathe again.

人教新课标高中英语必修一 重点词汇练习和完成句子 (有答案)

Book1 Unit1 一、根据括号里所给单词、单词首字母或汉语提示,用单词的正确形式填空。 1.It is a little difficult to c_______ someone down when he or she is excited. 2.I would be g_________ if you could give me some help 3.For him, this will be an __________(entire) new job, so he isn’t sure of it. 4.True friends always s_____________ their sadness and happiness with each other. 5.By now, he has formed the h_____________ of doing some reading before going to bed. 6.Parents are always c______________ much about their children. 7.I had moved several times before I decided to s___________ in China. 8.I tried to tell her but she __________ (不理睬)me. 9.He is ___________(患有)from sadness. 10.He has a lot of _________ (权力)over the people in his team. 11.Children like to play ____________ (在户外) 12.Today, _________(青少年)and their pa rents often don’t agree on many thing. 13.Tom was very ___________(心烦的)because he failed the exam. 14.Mike had a heavy cold, but has completely __________ (痊愈)after several days’ rest. 15.My trousers are a bit ________ (松的)for me. 16.If you _______(agree),you should speak your own idea. 17.The bottle of wine was ___________(hide)behind a pile of books. 18.We are asked to learn about some ____________(communicate)skills in this unit. 19.The ________ (upset) news made her rather upset. 20.Her _________ (ignore) upset me. 21.Look. Your desk is ________(dust). Why not clean it right now? 二、根据所给汉语意思,完成下列句子,每空一词。 1. 这所学校的学生数量增加到1000人 The number of the students in this school _______ ________ _________ 1000 now. 2.布莱克先生年轻的时候在伦敦经历了一段艰难的时期。 Mr. Black _______ ________ a hard time in London when he was young. 3. 让我们马上打包并准备出发. Let’s _________ _________ and get ready to start at once. 4. 我从未面对面见过她,我们只通过电话。 I’ve never met her _______ _______ _______. We’ve only talked on the phone. 5. 为了提高英语,珍妮买了很多磁带 ______ _______ ________ improve her English, Jenny bought a lot of tapes for herself. 6. 那个穿着漂亮连衣裙的女孩因为我们让她参加这个游戏而对我们心怀感激。The little girl with a beautiful dress felt grateful to us for our letting her _______ _______ the game. 7.比尔已经完全从心脏病中恢复过来。他现在非常开心。 Bill has ________ _________ his heart disease. He is very happy now.

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