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国际学术交流英语 Unit 6

国际学术交流英语 Unit 6
国际学术交流英语 Unit 6

Unit 6 Application, Curriculum Vitae and Personal Statement

Task 1

Curriculum vitae [k??r?kj?l?m'vita?] 简历

Association [?s??s?'e??(?)n; -??-] n. 协会,联盟,社团Unambiguously [,?n?m'bigju?sli] adv. 不含糊地;明白地Aspiration [?sp?'re??(?)n] n. 渴望;抱负;呼气Differentiate [,d?f?'ren??e?t] v. 区分,区别Complementary [k?mpl?'ment(?)r?] adj. 补足的,补充的

Learning aids

Correspondence [k?r?'sp?nd(?)ns] n. 通信;一致;相当Connection [k??nek?n] n. 连接;关系;

Eligible ['el?d??b(?)l] adj. 合格的,n. 合格者Admittance [?d'm?t(?)ns] n. 进入;入场权Forthcoming [f??θ'k?m??]adj. 即将来临的n. 来临Automation [??t?'me??(?)n] n. 自动化;自动操作Pursue [p?'sju?] v. 继续;从事;追赶;纠缠Dramaturgical [,dr?m?'t?:d?ik?l] 戏剧作法的

Dramaturge ['dr?m?t?d?] n. 剧作家

Reproductive [,ri?pr?'d?kt?v] adj. 生殖的;再生的Optimization [,?pt?ma?'ze???n] n. 最佳化,最优化

Co-founder n. 共同创立者

Ideological [,a?d???'l?d??k?l] adj. 思想的;意识形态的

Biomedical [ba??(?)'med?k(?)l] adj. 生物医学的Optoelectronic [,?pt???,lek'tr?n?k] adj. 光电子的Conservation [k?ns?'ve??(?)n] n. 保存,保持;保护Nonintrusive 无妨碍的,非干涉的

Rigor ['r?g?] n. 严厉;精确;苛刻;僵硬

Obliged [?'bla?d?d] adj. 必须的;感激的;有责任的

Task 2

Doctoral ['d?kt(?)r(?)l] adj. 博士的;博士学位的;n. 博士论文

Affiliation [?f?l?'e??(?)n] n. 友好关系;加入;联盟;从属关系

Learning aids

Underneath [?nd?'ni?θ] prep. 在…的下面;在…的形式下;在…的支配下adv. 在下面;在底下n. 下面;底部adj. 下面的;底层的Document ['d?kj?m(?)nt] n. 文件,公文

Reverse [r?'v??s] n. 背面;相反;倒退;失败

vt. 颠倒;倒转adj. 反面的;颠倒的;反身的

Coordinate [k??'?:d?ne?t] n. 坐标;同等的人或物

adj. 并列的;同等的v. 调整;整合,协调

Customize ['k?st?ma?z] vt. 定做,按客户具体要求制造Implement ['?mpl?m(?)nt] vt. 实施,执行;n. 工具;手段Innate [?'ne?t; '?ne?t] adj. 先天的;固有的;与生俱来的Install [?n'st?l] vt. 安装;任命;安顿

Resolve [r?'z?lv] v. 决定;溶解,解决;n. 坚决;

Gerund ['d?er?nd] n. 动名词

Portion ['p???(?)n] n. 部分;一份;命运vt. 分配;给…嫁妆Parallel ['p?r?lel] n. 平行线;对比adj. 平行的;类似的Boldface ['b??ldfe?s] n. 黑体字;粗体铅字

Indent [?n'dent] vt. 定货;缩排;印凹痕

vi. 切割成锯齿状n. 缩进;订货单;凹痕;契约

Punctuation 美['p??kt??'e??n] n. 标点;标点符号

Criticism ['kr?t?s?z(?)m] n. 批评;考证;苛求

Aesthetic [i?s'θet?k; es-] adj. 美的;美学的;审美的Quantitative ['kwɑnt?tet?v] adj. 定量的;量的,数量的

Macro-modulation [,m?dj?'le???n] 宏观调控

Peril ['p?r?l] n. 危险;冒险vt. 危及;置…于险境

Integrate ['?nt?gre?t] vt. 使…完整;使…成整体;求…的积分;表示…的总和vi. 求积分;取消隔离;成为一体adj. 整合的;完全的n. 一体化;集成体

Amicable ['?m?k?b(?)l] adj. 友好的;友善的

Conscientious [,k?n??'en??s] adj. 认真的;本着良心的;小心谨慎的

Diplomatic [d?pl?'m?t?k] adj. 外交的;外交上的;老练的Extrovert ['ekstr?v??t] n. 外向;外倾者;性格外向者Introvert ['?ntr?v??t] vt. 使内向;使内倾;使内弯

n. 内向的人;内翻的东西

Task 3

Learning aids

Pivotal ['p?v?tl] adj. 关键的;中枢的;枢轴的

n. 关键事物;中心事物

Subsequent ['s?bs?kw(?)nt] adj. 后来的,随后的

Reiterate [ri?'?t?re?t] vt. 重申;反复地做

Tangible ['t?n(d)??b(?)l] adj. 有形的;切实的n. 有形资产Errand ['er(?)nd] n. 使命;差事;差使

Stereotype ['ster??(?)ta?p] n. 陈腔滥调,老套;铅版Revelation [rev?'le??(?)n] n. 启示;揭露;出乎意料的事Envision [en'v??(?)n] vt. 想象;预想

Therapist ['θer?p?st] n. 临床医学家;治疗学家

Upfront [?p'fr?nt] adj. 预付的;在前面的;正直的adv. 在前面;

Substantive ['s?bst(?)nt?v] adj. 有实质的;大量的;真实的;独立

存在的n. 名词性实词;独立存在的实体

Typographic [,ta?p?'gr?f?k] adj. 排字上的;印刷上的Conscientiousness ['k?n??sn?s] n. 意识;知觉;觉悟;感觉Incorporate [?n'k??p?re?t] v. 包含,吸收;体现;把……合并adj. 合并的;一体化的;组成公司的

Foster ['f?st?] vt. 培养;养育,抚育;抱(希望等)

adj. 收养的,养育的

Solidify [s?'l?d?fa?] v. 团结;凝固

Congestion [k?n'd?est?(?)n] n. 拥挤;拥塞;充血

Impart [?m'pɑ?t] vt. 给予(尤指抽象事物),传授;告知Effectiveness [?'fekt?vn?s] n. 效力

Strenuously ['str?nj??sli] adv. 勤奋地;费力地

Exempt [?g'zem(p)t] vt. 免除;豁免adj. 被免除的;被豁免的n. 免税者;被免除义务者

Mandatory ['m?nd?t(?)r?] adj. 强制的;托管的;命令的Diligence ['d?l?d?(?)ns] n. 勤奋,勤勉;注意的程度Consultative [k?n's?lt?t?v] adj. 咨询的

Asset ['?set] n. 资产;优点;有用的东西;有利条件;Judicial [d?u?'d??(?)l] adj. 公正的,明断的;法庭的;审判上的

Compassionate [k?m'p??(?)n?t] adj. 慈悲的;富于同情心的

vt. 同情;怜悯

Enhance [?n'hɑ?ns; -h?ns; ] vt. 提高;加强;增加


一、单项选择 1. Lucy look _________Lily. They are _____________ A. like, like B. like , alike C. alike , like D. alike , alike 2. The number of the cranes is getting ________. If we don’t help them, they will disappear ______a few years A. fewer and fewer, in B. larger and larger, after C. more and more, after D. smaller and smaller, in 3. I’m ________ to see the baby’s ________ ability in music. A. amazing, amazing B. amazing, amazed C. amazed, amazing D. amazed, amazed 4. ----How did he finish the work?----I hear that he did it __________ A. in the own B. on his own C. of the own D. all his own 5. The ______ of living areas makes wild animals become fewer than before A. loss B. lost C. losing D. lose 6. People make medicine _______tigers’ ____________ A. of bones B. with, bone C. on , bone D. from ,bone 7. Do you know how many people ______ the big fire last week? A. lived B. survived C. stayed D. continued 8. Of the two American students , Lily is _____________ one. A. tallest B. the taller C. taller D. the tallest 9. We can’t win the match ________your support. A. without B. with C. under D. for 10. Daniel is my friend. I like sharing my _________ with him when I am happy. A. joy B. happy C. sad D. secrets 11. ---Which book can I take? ---You can take ____ book you like. A. both B. any C. no D. all 12. His grandfather is over 85, _________ he is very healthy. A. and B. but C. or D. so 13. –Are these cars made in Japan? ---Yes. And they’re much cheaper than _______ in America.


周周练八年级英语unit1 I. 按照要求写出下列词或短语。(2*10) 1. exercise (现在分词) _________ 2. health (形容词)________ 3. usual ( 副词) __________ 4. read (过去式) ________ 5. different (名词) _________ 6. watch (现三单) _______ 7. always (反义词) _________ 8. well (比较级) ________ 9. foot (复数) __________ 10. two times (同义词) ______ II. 词组互译。(2*10) 1.垃圾食品___________ 2. 饮食习惯_____________ 3 .步行去上学_____________ 4. 一年四次________________ 5.和......一样___________ 6. situation comedy_______________ 7. kind of _______________ 8. stay healthy ___________________ 9. hardly ever _______________ 10. how often ____________________ III. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。(1*10) 1. ______ he ______ ( tell ) you a story last Sunday 2. Tom always ______ ( get ) up at six o'clock in the morning. 3. ___________ ( not close ) the door. 4. They want ___________(cook)real English food. 5.Let me _____________(help)you ________(open)the window. 6. The girls like dancing very much. They practice ________(dance)every day. 7. What ________you________(do) this weekend 8. Listen! Someone________(sing) in the next room. 9. I was ____________ (ill) yesterday, but I feel ____________ (well)today. 10. He goes skateboarding ____________ (two) a week. IV. 把A栏的问句与B栏的答语进行匹配,答案代号写在题前的横线上。(2*5) V. ( )1. ------ Do you like the cloth ------ Yes, it ______ very soft. A. feels B. feel C. is feeling D. felt ( )2. _____ is wrong to copy the other students’ homework. A. This B. That C. It D. There ( )3. The book is ______ . Most of the teachers are ______ in it. A. interesting; interested B. interesting; interesting C. interested; interesting D. interested; interested ( )4. These are _____ questions. You can answer them ____ .


Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? 1.Can you play the guitar? ①play sb.sth.”=“play sth.for sb.”表示“为某人播放……” 例如: Play me a song=Play a song for me.请为我放一首歌听听吧。 ②“play sth.on+乐器”表示“用乐器演奏…”, 例如:The girl often play the English song on the piano.这个小女孩经常用钢琴演奏英文歌曲。 ③play chess“下国际象棋”,例如: Can you play chess?你会下棋吗? 【误区警示】“下棋”用play chess,棋类之前不加冠词。 2..I want to join the art club.我想加入艺术俱乐部。 【用法透析】 1)句中join为动词,表示“加入,成为……的一员,连接,结合”等之意。 例如: She wants to join the English club.她想加入英语俱乐部。 Come and join us.来加入我们吧。 Join the two maps togethes.把这两个地图连起来。 2)句中art为“艺术,美术”, 如:an art teacher美术老师,an art lesson一堂美术课,an artist一位艺术家 2.Can you speak English? 你会讲英语吗? 【易混辨析】speak/say/tell/talk speak意为“说话”,指说话的能力和方式,一般作不及物动词,意为“演讲”,作及物动词时,其后跟某种语言。 例如: Who wants to speak at the meeting? 谁想在会议上发言? Do you speak Chinese? 你会说汉语吗? talk意为“谈话,交谈”,指相互间的谈话,一般作不及物动词时,要谈到某人某事时,后面接介词about 或of。 例如:Don’t talk in class!不要在课堂说话。 Let’s talk to Mr Green.咱们跟格林先生谈谈吧。 say意为“说出,说过”,强调说话的内容。 例如: Can you say it in English? 你能用英语说话吗? They say China is great.他们说中国是伟大的。 tell意为“告诉”、“讲述”,to: Can you tell me about it?你能告诉我有关此事吗? 4.Tom can play the quitar but he can’t play it very well.汤姆会弹吉它,但是他弹得不是很好。 【用法透析】 1)这是一个由转折连词but连接并列句,前面的简单句是情态动词can的肯定句形式,后面的简单句 是情态动词can的否定式。 2)句中veny well意为“很好”,是副词短词,常用来修饰句中的动词,放于句尾。 如: She speaks English very well.她英语说得很好。 5.Are you good with children?你和孩子们相处得好吗?【用法透析】(1)be good with表示“与……相处得好”, 例如: My father is good with my mother.我爸爸和我妈妈相处得好吗? (2)be good with的同义表达方式为:get on well with, 例如:How do you get on well with your friend? 你和你朋友相处得怎么样? 【发散思维】be good at something表示“擅长做某事”,介词at后面可以直接接名词,如果接动词的话,


英语周周清测试题 完形填空(每空3分) I grew up in a community called Estepona. I was 16 when one morning, Dad told me I could drive him into a 1 village called Mijas, on condition that I took the car in to be 2 at a nearby garage. I readily accepted. I drove Dad into Mijas, and 3 to pick him up at 4 pm, then dropped off the car at the 4 . With several hours to spare, l went to a theater. 5 , when the last movie finished, it was six. 1 was two hours late! I knew Dad would be angry if he 6 I’d been watch ing movies. So I decided not to tell him the truth. When I 7 there I apologized for being late, and told him I’d 8 as quickly as I could, but that the car had needed a major repairs. I’ll never forget the 9 he gave me. “I'm disappointed you 10 you have to lie to me, Jason.” Dad looked at me again. “When you didn’t 11 , I called the garage to ask if there were any 12 , and they told me you hadn’t yet picked up the car.” I felt 13 as I weakly told him the real reason. A 14 passed through Dad as he listened


新人教版八年级上册英语第二单元精选练习题附答案 Unit 2 How often do you exercise? 第一课时Section A(1a~2d) 01基础过关 Ⅰ.根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。 1.My friend sometimes watches movies on the ________(因特网). 2.Do you often help your mother do some ________(家务活)? 3.There are lots of ________(秋千) in the park. 4.The bus is ________(满的) of people. 5.We went to Hong Kong only ________(一次). Ⅱ.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。 6.The old man is so tired that he can ________ walk. 7.I visit my grandparents six ________ a year. 8.They are all my favorite TV ________.I often watch them. 9.His uncle ________ every day. He is very healthy. 10.Last year Mary went to Beijing ________—the first time in May and the second time in October. Ⅲ.单项选择。 ( )11.—________ does Linda watch English movies? —Once a week. A.How often B.How many C.How far D.How long ( )12.—What ________ your mother________ on weekends? —She usually goes shopping. A.is;do B.does;do C.do;does D.do;do ( )13.—May I put the books in the box? —I'm afraid not. The box is ________. A.old B.new C.full D.expensive ()14.Sport News is my father's favorite ________ and he watches it every night. A.program B.movie C.book D.newspaper ( )15.—Would you like a cup of tea? —No,thanks. I ________ drink tea. A.ever B.still C.hard D.hardly Ⅳ.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。 16.你明天有空吗? ________ ________ ________ tomorrow? 17.今天怎么会下雨呢? ________ ________ it's rainy today? 18.你喜欢哪种水果? ________ ________ ________ fruit do you like? 19.迈克的表弟几乎从不做运动。 Mike's cousin ________ ________ plays sports.

中考英语 第十八周 阅读周周练(A、B卷)-课件

阅读周周练 一、完形填空。 通读下面短文,从A、B、C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。 When I was about 12, a girl in my class liked to point out my problems. I was too thin; I wasn’t a good student; I talked too much; I was too 1 , and so on. At last, I became very angry and ran to my father. He listened to me 2 . Then he asked, “Are these things true or not? Do you know what you are really like? Go and make a 3 of what she said and find the 4 that are true.” I did as he told me. To my great 5 , I discovered that about half of the things were true. Some of them I couldn’t change. Bu t there were things I could and wanted to change. For the 6 time, I got a clear 7 of myself. I brought the list back to Dad. He refused to take it. “That’s just for you.” he said. “You know the truth about 8 better than anyone else. When people say something that is true about you, you should find it helpful.” Our world is full of people who think they know your business. Don’t 9 and feel 10 . Listen to them. ( ) 1. A. beautiful B. proud C smart ( ) 2. A. quietly B. happily C. quickly ( ) 3. A. joke B. programme C. list ( ) 4. A. secrets B. points C. lessons ( ) 5. A. surprise B. interest C. fact ( ) 6. A. first B. second C. next ( ) 7. A. book B. picture C. drawing ( ) 8. A. yourselves B. myself C. yourself ( ) 9. A. clean B. open C. close ( ) 10. A. hurt B. safe C. pretty 二、阅读理解。 阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。 A


7下英语知识点 姓名:班级: 几组近义词: 一、speak/say/tell/talk(说) eg:1.I can_____English. 2.Hello! Can I _______ to Tom? 1.Our teacher often _______” Don’t swim in the river alone.” 2.I want to _______ with you. 3.Let’s _______ about the wether. 4.Can you _______me a story? 5.He ______ us to arrive at school on time. 二、take/spend/pay/cost(花) 1.花某人一些时间做某事: 2.某人花一些时间做某事: 3.某人花一些钱在某物上: 4.某人为某物花一些钱: 5.某物花某人一些钱: 三、Also/too/either(也) 肯定句子中用:肯定句尾用:否定句尾用: 1.I’m ten years old. He is____ ten years old. 2.I’m ten years old. He is ten years old,________. 3.I’m not ten years old. He isn’t ten years old,_________. 四、some/any. 1.There is_______water in the glass.

2.There isn’t_______water in the glass. 3.Is there _______water in the glass? 4.Would you like ______noodles? 5.How about _______flowers? 五、Still与yet 1.I am ________hungry. 2.I am not sure_________. 六、Interesting与interested 1.The story is ___________ 2.I am _________in soccer. 3.She is _________in the __________book. 类同词:bored/ boring,excited/exciting,relaxed/relaxing, Surprised/surprising 七、Shout at与shout to 八、Question 与problem 九、Other 与else 1.What ______can you see in the picture? 2.What _______animals can you see in the picture? 3.I have two sisters. One lives in Yibin ,_________lives in Beijing. 4.There are some people in the park.Some are taking a walk,______ are talking happily. 5.We should help each_______. 6.I don’t like this pen ,Can you show me __________ one.


郑中国际学校2020--2021学年上学期八年级英语学科周清测试 考试时间:50分钟试卷总分:90分 一、用所给单词的适当形式或根据汉语意思填空。(每空1分,共10分) 1.He is one of the ______________ (friendly) people in the shopping center. 2.Lucy and her twin sister look the same, but Lucy is ___________ (heavy). 3.I_________( choose) a few books from the shelf yesterday morning. 4.The ________ (win) of this year’s Young Star Award is Daniel. 5.Some students in our school are truly _____________( talent). 6.He is _____ (bad) at learning maths. He is much _______ (bad) at Chinese and he is the _________ (bad) at English. 7.Among the four seas off the coast of China, East China Sea is the second _____________ (deep). 8.They usually play a role in __________ (decide) the important plans. 二、单项选择。(每题1分,共10分) ( ) 1. --Learning to love is like learning to walk. --Yes, ______we step out bravely, we’ll find it’s not so difficult. A.as if B.even though C.as long as D.as far as ( ) 2. I think _____ is always interesting _______ others show their talents. A.that; to watch B. it; watching C. it; to watch D. that; watching ( ) 3. --My teachers often encourage me _______ more friends but I find it difficult . -- Your teachers’ idea is right. The more friends you make, _________ you will be. A.to make; the more happy B. to make; happier C. Making; the happier D. to make; the happier ( ) 4.My father often _______ funny stories to make me _______ loudly. A.ends up; to laugh B. dresses up; laugh C. makes up; laugh D. turns up; to laugh ( ) 5.How smart Mary is! Of all the students in her class, she usually spends the ____ time and makes the ____ mistakes. A.least; fewest B. least; least C. fewest; least D. most; fewest ( ) 6. -The service is wonderful and the weather is quite fine. - Yes, this holiday is so great. We never had _____before. A.the best one B. a good one C. a better one D. the better one ( ) 7. The earth is about ________ as the moon . A.as fifty time big B. fifty times as big C. as big fifty times D. fifty as times big ( ) 8. In order to sell more products, we need to come up with more ________ ideas. A.true B. common C. simple D. creative ( ) 9.-- ______ is it from your school to the bus stop? -- It’s about 5 minutes’ walk. A. How often B. How long C. How soon D. How far ( ) 10. --Shall we clean the room this afternoon or tomorrow? -- _________. Any time is OK. A.It is up to you. B. Have a good time. C. I’m afraid I can’t. D. Excuse me. 三、完形填空。(每题1分,共15分) Colors can ___1___ people’s moods. So different nations like different colors. Chinese people like red most. We call it Chinese Red. Some foreigners know___2___ about China, so they can’t ___3____ how much Chinese people like these color. In China, red is ___4____, such as red flag, Chinese knots, red lanterns and so on. Many foreigners wonder __5____Chinese people like it so much. Red has special ___6____ in Chinese culture and history. Red is the color of the fire, the sun and the life. It makes us warm and ____7____. In the past, people colored the walls red to ___8____ dignity (尊严) and power. Red also ____9____ luck, health, happiness and peace. Chinese people think red can protect us from illness and ___10______ . So we dress ourselves in red and eat red eggs for good luck __11_____a new baby comes to the world.


( ) 1.—Look! There is ________ orange under ________ tree. —Let’s go and pick it up. A. a, the B. an, the C. an, a D. the, the ( ) 2. There are 3 erasers on the table. ________ one is yours? A. What B. Which C. Whose D. Who’s ( ) 3. I have a sister. ________ is an English teacher. This English book is________. A. Her, Hers B. Her, her C. She, her D. She, hers ( ) 4. — Linda, when shall we take a walk? —After I finish my homework. A. check B. check C. to check D. checking ( ) 5. —My grandfather is ill. — ________ . A. Sorry B. Excuse me C. That’s too bad D. I’m sorry to hear that ( ) 6. Behind the door _________ some apples. A. is B. are C. be D. / ( ) 7. —Can I help you, madam? —I’d like a kilo of ________ . A. milk B. cake C. banana D. apple ( ) 8. School ________. Let’s go home. A. begins B. is off C. is over D. is over there ( ) 9. —________ is your new bike? —1,000 yuan. A. How many B. How much C. How about D. Where ( ) 10. Do you read English ________? A. every morning B. in morning C. on every morning D. in every morning ( ) 11. Mrs. Green comes from ________. A. English B. American C. Australia D. Japanese ( ) 12. Best wishes ________ New Year’s Day and best wishes ______ you. A. to; for B. to; to C. for; for D. for; to ( ) 13. It ________her three weeks to study lessons. A. spends B. cost C. waste D. takes ( ) 14. I hope ________ go to the park with me next week. A. her to B. her C. / D. she will ( ) 15. He at painting, but he doesn’t in playing chess. A. is good, does well B. does well, is good C. is good, do well D. do well, is good ( ) 16. I will go to the hospital this afternoon. There is_______ with my nose. A. nothing wrong B. wrong nothing C. anything wrong D. something wrong ( ) 17. —________ you cross the street every morning? —No. But I _________ it this afternoon. A. Do, do B. Do, will do C. Will, do D. Will, will do ( ) 18. —________ do you like eating? —I like eating rice, meat and all kinds of vegetables. A. How much B. How many C. What D. How ( ) 19. _______ late for music class again next time, . A. Don’t be B. Be not C. Not be D. Don’t ( ) 20. I think Dick can __________ his camera in the lost and __________ office. A. find, find B. finds, finds C. find, found D. found, find


大屯中学八年级英语周周练(13)2014.11 班级姓名学号得分 一单项选择. ( )1 ---Red-crowned cranes need more people’s help. ---Yes. People working in the reserves are doing everything they can ________ these birds. A.protect B.protecting C.to protecting D.to protect ( )2 ---There _______ lots of fish living in the river. ---Yes. It’s an ideal home for fish. A.has B.have C.are D.is ( )3 More space for farms and buildings ________ there will be ______ space for wildlife. A.mean; more B.mean; less C.means; less D.means; more ( )4 Nobody can hunt birds in this reserve. All birds can feel ______ in this place. A.safely B.happily C.safe D.dangerous ( )5 Heilongjiang is _________ of China. It’s usually very cold in winter there. A.to the north-east B.in the north-east C.in the north-west D.to the north-west ( )6 ---How many students are there in your school? ---__________ the students in our school ________ over seven hundred. A.The number of; is B.The number of; are C.A number of; is D.A number of; are ( )7 Betty is a _________ girl and she does everything _________. A.careful; careful B.carefully; carefully C.carefully; careful D.careful; carefully ( )8 Jim fell off his bike yesterday. __________, he didn’t hurt himself. A.Lucky B.Unlucky C.Luckily D.Unluckily ( )9 It’s ________ for the students to talk __________ in class. A.correct; noisily B.incorrect; noisily C.incorrect; noisy D.correct; noisy ( )10 How _________ she dances to the music! A.beautiful B.beautifully C.wonderful D.good ( )11 The question is __________ for that little boy to answer. A.easy enough B.enough easy C.easily enough D.enough easily ( )12. Japan is______the east of China and _____ the east of Asia. A. in, in B. in, to C. to, in D. to, to ( )13 Kitty is _____________ tomorrow. A.going bird-watch B.going bird-watching C.go bird-watching D.go bird-watch ( )14 Our teacher is coming. Please stop ________ and keep _________. A.talking, quiet B.to talk, quiet C.talking, quietly D.to talk, quietly ( )15. Zhou Jielun is good at . He is a good . A. singing; sing B. sing; sing C. singing; singer D. sing; singer 二用所给单词的适当形式填空. 1 Many of my classmates come from the __________ (north) areas of China. 2 It’s __________(wet) today tha n yesterday. 3 The farmers in China are living more and more ____________(comfort). 4 The boy students in our class take part in sports _____________(active) after class. 5 My teacher looks __________. He is looking ________ at Tom at the moment. (angry) 6 Simon, __________ (not drop) litter carelessly. 7 Swans usually have white ________ (feather). 8 Her brother often tells a lie. He is __________(honest). 9 He is ________(able) to speak English well because he doesn’t know a word. 10 It is ________ cold today. What ________ weather it is! (terrible) 三根据句意.中文或首字母提示,写出句中所缺单词. 1 People should share the __________ (大自然) with all the animals. 2 The Maths problem is not difficult at all and you can work it out very e___________. 3 It is gong to rain. We must find a house for s________. 4 People usually say they love birds, w________ many of them don’t know their problems. 5 Who came and ________(使) them cry? 6 The boy doesn’t know the _________ (重要性) of study. 7 The Chinese _________(政府) wants to protect these ____________(濒临灭绝的) birds. 8 Every year, a lot of t_________ go to Zhalong N________ Reserve. 9 “Gaden” is an i________ spelling. It must be “Garden”. 10 Please do your homework as carefully as p_________. 11 It’s _________(必要) to take an umbrella with you in London. 四、翻译句子 1 我们最好为野生生物腾出更多的空间. We’d better ________ ________ __________ __________ wildlife. 2 扎龙是世界上最有名的湿地之一. Zhalong is one of _______ _________ ___________ __________ in the world. 3 我们需要更多的人采取措施来帮助鸟类. We need more people _________ ___________ __________ to help birds. 4 通过研究鸟类数量的变化,我们可以了解它们的生存状况. We can learn how birds live by studying the __________ __________ ____________ ______________. 5 那位老师常年在这个小山村里工作. That teacher works in the small mountain village _________ __________ __________. 8 对于你来说清晰地写出报告是很重要的. It is ____________ for you to write your report ___________. 第1页共2页第2页共2页 1

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