当前位置:文档之家› 酒店常用英语培训资料




第一章 日常用语(Everyday-use English)

第一节 问候语(greeting)

第二节 打招呼(saying hello)

第三节 介绍(introduction)

第四节 感谢(appreciation)

第五节 致歉(apologizing)

第六节 引路(showing the way)

第七节 道别 (saying goodbye)

第八节 打、接电话(making& answering a call)

第九节 谢绝(refusing in a polite way)

第十节 英语脏话(dirty words)

第十一节 委婉用语(euphemism)

第二章 部门英语(English on specific occasions)

第一节 预订处(Reservation)

第二节 总台(The Front Office)

第三节 水疗(Kurhas Center)

第四节 客房(Housekeeping)

第五节 收银(Cashier’s)

第三章 有用词汇(useful vocabulary)

酒店各部(name of each department)

职务头衔(posts & titles)

酒店建筑(buildings and architectures)

娱乐休闲场所(place for recreation and leisure)

娱乐休闲保健健身项目(entertainment, leisure, health-care and sports) 客房常见物品(furniture and fittings in guest room)

浴室常见物品(fittings in bath room)

客人可能遗留的物品(things left by guests)

第一章日常用语 Everyday-use English

第一节 问候语 Greeting


早上好 Morning/Good morning.

下午好 Good afternoon.

晚上好 Good evening.

晚安 Good night.

做个美梦(Wish you) Have a nice dream.

睡个好觉(Wish you) Have a sound sleep.


传统的西方节日 Traditional Western Holidays

生日快乐 Happy birthday! Happy birthday to you!

Wish you a happy birthday!

新年快乐 Happy new year!

情人节快乐Happy valentine’s day!

复活节 Easter

(在每年的三月底或四月初,三月出现满月后的第一个星期天)母亲节快乐 Happy mother’s day! (五月的第三个星期天)

父亲节快乐 Happy father’s day! (六月的第四个星期天)

(美国)独立日快乐Happy Independence Day! (每年7月4日)

万圣节快乐 Happy Halloween (宗教节日,每年10月31日)

感恩节快乐 Happy Thanks-giving day!


圣诞快乐 Merry Christmas.(每年的12月25日)

传统的中国节日 Traditional Chinese holidays

春节 Spring Festival 妇女节Women’s Day

清明节 Tomb-sweeping Day 青年节 Youth Day

劳动节 Labor’s Day 儿童节 Children’s Day

端午节 Dragon-boat Day 中秋节 Mid-autumn Day

国庆节 National Day

注意: 问候外国人的时候,一定不要说You are very tired.(“您累了吧”)。因为文化背景不一样,加之思维方式的差异,外国人会认为这是对其健康与能力的一种怀疑。如果非说不可,可以说“You must be very tired”(你一定很累了吧),这样还勉强可以接受。

第二节 打招呼 Saying hello


How do you do?




Nice to meet /see you. Glad to see/meet you. It’s a pleasure

to see/meet you. I’m very pleased to see/meet you.


How are you (today)?


Fine, thank you, and you?


I’m Ok/not bad.


What’s up?

注意:在给外国客人,尤其是英美客人打招呼的时候,切忌问Have you eaten/ have you had your breakfast/lunch/dinner?(您吃了没有/您吃早饭/午饭/晚饭没有)因为客人会认为这是他自己的事情,和其他人没有关系,或是会推测你是不是有意请他吃饭,把这视为一个用餐的邀请,或是认为你怀疑他基本的生存能力(是不是连饭都吃不起了)

第三节 介绍 Introduction


This is Mr. Zhang.



This is Miss Wang.


这是我们酒店总经理.This is the general manager of our hotel.

补充: 称呼外国人的时候,可以按以下方式:

男士:Sir先生 Gentleman绅士 Man男人(太过随便,慎用)


女士:Madam夫人(用于已婚女性) Lady女士,(多指出生


Miss 小姐(用于未婚女性,后接姓氏)Mrs.夫人,太太(后

接姓氏)Ms.(用于不知道是否已经结婚的女性) 备注:英美人的名字一般包括三个部分:名(given name),中间名(middle name)以及姓氏(family name/surname)。比如说,在George W. Bush(乔治.沃克 .布什) 中,George是名,布什是姓。因此,我们可以称呼他George,或是Mr. Bush,而不能是Mr. George. 另外,英美女性在结婚之后都会随夫姓,因此,如果Rose Williams(罗斯.威廉姆斯)嫁给Tom Hamilton(汤姆.汉密尔顿)之后,我们就只能称她为Mrs. Hamilton而不是Mrs. Williams

第四节 感谢 Appreciation

1.表示感谢(expressing one’s gratitude)


Thank you, sir.


Thanks a million.


Thanks for you help.


Thank you very much/Thanks a lot.


It’s very kind of you to say such


I appreciate for you kindness.


I’m deeply grateful for all you have done.

2. 用英语回答别人的谢意


Not at all. You are welcome. Don’t mention it.


It’s a pleasure. It’s my pleasure.


I’m at your service.


I’m willing to be of service.

注意:酒店美女云集,当客人称赞你漂亮的时候,如You are very beautiful/bonny/attractive/sweet/charming.(你很漂亮/美丽/有吸引力/甜美/有魅力),切忌不可说No, I’m not beautiful at all。(不,我根本就不漂亮)。恰当的回答应该是:Thank you. (谢谢) It’s very nice of you to say that.(非常感谢你这么说)You are flattering me.(你过奖了)Are you serious?(你是认真的吗)Is my face red?(我脸红了吗)。

第五节致歉 Apologizing

1. 表达歉意Expressing one’s repentance

对不起 Sorry. I’m sorry.

我很遗憾I regret.

对不起,打搅一下Excuse me.

能再说一遍吗? Pardon? Beg your pardon?

非常对不起I’m awfully sorry. I’m terribly sorry.

原谅我来迟到了。Forgive me for being late.

给您添麻烦了。Sorry to bring you trouble.

给你带来不便了。Sorry to bring you inconvenience.

疏忽大意,请原谅。Please forgive my negligence.


Please forgive him since he is not as experienced.


I apologize for what I have said.


Sorry, the facility here is being repaired.

注意:就程度而言,apologize表达的歉意最深,一般用于己方明显或是重大的过错,而terribly sorry 或是awfully sorry程度次之,sorry 表示一般的歉意,而regret则表示的一种同情或是遗憾。

注意:和英美人打交道,千万不要很“谦虚”,很不好意思地说Sorry to have taken up your time(耽误你时间了)或是Sorry to waste your time (浪费你的时间了),因为对方会认为你觉得和他在一起的时间毫无意义,不充实,也不开心。我们可以说It’s great to be with you(和你一起太棒了)。

2. 回应别人的歉意

算了Forget it.

没关系It doesn’t matter.

没事No problem.

根本没有什么 Not at all.

不要紧Never mind.

别操心了Do not let it worry you.

这不是你的错It’s not your fault.

第六节 引路 Showing the way


The Zang and Qiang Custom Garden is on the second floor.


The western food restaurant is on the second floor.


Your room is on the fourth floor, and you can take the elevator.


Go downstairs to the first floor if you want to have your breakfast.


This way, please.


Please follow me. Please go with me.


I’ll show you the way.


Go downstairs to the second floor, and there will be some one

to show you to the hot spring area.


Walk on and turn left at the first corner.


Walk along for about 20 meters, and you’ll find the restroom is on your right.


The Villas are behind the Housing and Guests Center.


The tennis court is on the opposite of the Laurel Garden.


It will take you five minutes to walk there. ]

第七节 道别Bidding farewell/Saying goodbye

再见 Goodbye. Bye. See you.

欢迎再次光临 Welcome to come again.

希望能很快再次见到你Hope to see you again soon.

一路保重 Take care. Mind your step.

旅行愉快 Have a good trip. Have a nice journey.

一路顺风 Bon voyage.

注意:切记不要把中文的“慢走”按照字面意思翻译成“Please walk slowly”, 更为恰当的的说法应该是“Take care”或者“Mind your step”。

第八节 打接电话Making & answering a call


Hello, is that Mianzhou Hot Spring Hotel?


Good morning/afternoon/evening, this is Mianzhou Hot Spring Hotel.


Can I help you? What can I do for you? Is there anything I can do for you.


Please hold on for a moment. A moment, please.


May /Can/Could I speak to Mr. James? Is that Mr. James?


Yes, this is James speaking.


Sorry, this is housekeeping center; please dial the extension number.


Sorry, he is not in/available. May I take a message?


Please wait for a moment. He’ll come immediately.


Please wait for a moment. I’ll get him soon.


May I know your name?


May I know your telephone number?

第九节 谢绝Refusing in a polite way


Thank you, but I’m afraid this is against the regulations of the hotel. 感谢你的邀请,但是我已经有约会了。

Thank you for your invitation, but I have already had an appointment. 对不起,上班时间,我不能离开自己的工作岗位。Sorry, it’s not allowed to leave while on duty.


Sorry, it’s forbidden.


Sorry, it’s not our cup of tea.


If you don’t mind, I’d rather not discuss it.


In fact, we offer no discount for this item.


To be honest,it’s not within my authority.


I prefer not.


For me, this question is quite controversial.

第十节 英语脏话 Dirty words


Fuck 操Shit 狗屎Hell 混蛋,地狱

Damn 该死的 Cunt 讨厌鬼


Son of bitch 狗娘养的 Bastard 狗杂种 Damn you 该死的Go to hell 滚开 Rubbish 废话 Nonsense 胡说


How boring! 真烦人 You are crazy! 你疯了

I’m very upset! 难受 How annoying! 真讨厌

I’m very annoyed! 心烦I can’t stand it! 我受够了

I can’t put up with all this! 简直无法忍受

It makes me sick! 让人恶心

This is too much! 太过分了 It’s a disgrace! 真不象话

第十一节委婉用语 Euphemism



Restroom休息室Bathroom 卫生间

Powder-room 化妆间 Happy room 快乐室

Comfort station 舒服站 Men’s/Gentlemen’s 男士

Women’s/ladies’ 女士


answer the call of nature 响应一下大自然的号召

go somewhere else 去别的地方

make oneself comfortable 放松一下

pick some flowers 摘点花

get some fresh air 呼吸一下新鲜空气

cash a check 取点钱


残疾 crippled 肥胖plump(丰满的)

瘦的 slim(苗条) 老人 senior citizen(资深公民)

家庭主妇 domestic engineer(室内工程师)

瞎眼的 sightless(看不见的)

弱智的 mentally handicapped(智力


第一节 预订处 Reservation

Reservations, can I help you?


What kind of a room do you want/prefer?


We have economic standard rooms, deluxe standard rooms, single

rooms, suites, deluxe suites, hot spring single rooms, deluxe hot

spring suites and villas.



A economic standard room is 328 RM

B per night, a deluxe

standard room 688 RMB per night, a single room 788RMB per

night, a suite 1288 RMB per night, a deluxe suite 1688 RMB per

night, a hot spring single room 688 RMB per night, and a deluxe

hot spring suite 988 RMB per night. All the rates above are

subject to 10% service charge.





How many nights do you want to stay?


From which date?


How many rooms do you want?


I’m afraid we have no double rooms, but we can offer you a standard room.


Could you please hold on line? I’ll check the room availability for

those days.


Sorry, but we are all fully booked for next week.


Sorry, we have no vacant room available now.


Sorry, we have no vacant room now, cause this is the busiest /high/peak season, but would you please call us again this weekend? We may have a cancellation?



May I know your name?


How do you spell your name?


May I know your phone number please?


Do you have a reservation or do you want to reserve?


We provide a special rate for your company.


The room rate is inclusive of bath rate.


The room rate is exclusive of the bath rate.


You can pay by cash, credit card such as Visa card, Master card,

American Express Card etc.


All our rooms are occupied. May I recommend you another hotel?


词汇 V ocabulary

reserve/book 预订(动词) prefer 喜欢 cancel 取消(动词)

single room 单间 double room 双人间 suite 套房

triple room三人间 standard room 标准间 deluxe suite豪华套房

presidential suite 总统套房 vacant 空的 credit card 信用卡

slack/off season 淡季 high/peak season 旺季 cash 现金

第二节 总台接待处 The front office

Good morning/afternoon/evening! Welcome to Mianzhou Hot Spring Hotel.


Please check in here.


Do you have a reservation with us?


What kind of a room do you prefer?


We have economic standard rooms, deluxe standard rooms, single rooms, suites, deluxe suites, hot spring single rooms,

deluxe hot spring suites and villas.



Here is the tariff. You can have a look at it.


The room rate is inclusive of bath rate.


The room rate is exclusive of the bath rate.


We provide no discount here.


You can pay by cash, credit card such as Visa card,

Master card, American Express Card etc.


Could you please show me your passport/


Could you please show your I.D card?


Please fill in the registration card.


You are expected to send a deposit here, which is 1.5 times of the room rate,or you can also deposit your credit card here. 您要交相当于房间1.5倍的押金,或是将您的信用卡压在这里。May I take a print of your card?


Please keep your valuables here.


Your room number is 6325 on the third floor. Just a moment please. A bellman will show you to your room. I wish you a happy stay.


You can play badminton, tennis, table tennis, bowling, snooker, pool, and electronic games here.


Western food is served on the second floor, and Chinese food is provided on the first floor.


You can sing in KTV on the second floor, or you can have barbecues and enjoy the performance in the Zang and Qiang Custom Garden.


The kurhas center mainly includes the indoor hot springs,the outdoor hot springs and a swimming pool.


The Aquatic Park mainly consists of the Entrance Area, the Mountain Tai Forest and the Aquatic Garden.


There are such interesting items like Man-made Sea, Children’s Water World, Happy Water World, Aquatic Gymnastics Club, Gusto Vale,Cabin in Jungle,and so on.



If you need our service, please take up the phone in your room and dial“6”.


Please sign at the Casher’s Counter when you check out.


词汇 V ocabulary

tariff 房价表 Visa Card 威士卡 Master Card 万事达卡

American Express Card 美国运通卡 valuables贵重物品

badminton羽毛球 tennis网球 table tennis乒乓球

bowling 保龄球 snooker斯洛克(英式台球) pool美式台球

electronic games电玩 Chinese food中餐 western food 西餐

barbecue烧烤 Kurhaus Center水疗中心 Aquatic Park水公园

inclusive包括的 exclusive不包括的

第三节水疗养生中心 Kurhas Center

Welcome to Kurhas Center!


Please check in at the front office.


Caution, wet floor.


This way to change room


Please show me your room card.


Please change your shoes here.


Please sign your name here.


In public area, please take care of your possessions.


Please keep in valuables in the front office.


Please don’t enjoy the hot spring for over 15 minutes each time.


Once feeling uncomfortable, please immediately get out of the pond and have a rest.


Do you like something to drink?


We have Pepsi Cola, Coco Cola, Sprite, beer, orange juice and tea.


Sorry, it’s not allowed to swim.


The pool is 1.8 meters deep. Please take care.


There are indoor hot spring ponds and outdoor hot spring ponds.


Mind your step.


Welcome to come again.


第四节客房中心 Housekeeping

For laundry service, dial 6.


What’s your room number?


We’ll send someone to your room to pick up your laundry.


Please fill in/out this form.


We’ll deliver it to your room tonight.


If you are in a hurry, we have a quick service.


There is an extra charge of 50% for quick service.


Do you want to have it dry washed or just washed in water?


We also provide mending service.


What do you want to drink?


There is a drink list in your room, which is next to the TV.


What kind of snacks do you want?


We have rice noodles, dumpling, steamed bread, and clod dishes.


Please wait for 10 minutes.


Don’t worry; we’ll send some one to fix it.


An engineer will come and check immediately.


第五节 收银处 Accounting

Just a moment, please. The cashier will have your bill ready.


Shall I draw up your bill?


Excuse me, but I don’t think that’s enough.


That will cover the amount.


Here is your change and receipt.


May I have your signature?


We can exchange US dollars, pounds, and HK dollars.


Sorry, it’s non-convertible here.


It comes to 200 US dollars at today’s exchange rate.



cashier收银员 bill帐单change找零 receipt收据

signature签字 exchange兑换 convertible可兑换的

US dollar美元 Pound英镑RMB人民币

HK dollar港币 Lire 里拉 Rouble 卢布

Franc(FRF)法国法郎 Krona(SEK)瑞士法郎 Yen(JPY)日元 Deutsche Mark(DEM)德国马克


综合部 Comprehensive Department

质检部 Quality-inspecting department

水疗中心 Kurhuas Center

餐饮部 Catering Department

工程部 Engineering Department

安全部 Security Department

房务部 Housekeeping Department

营销部 Marketing Department

财务部 Treasury Department


总经理 General manager 部门经理 (Section) manager

部门副经理 Assistant manager 大堂副理 Assistant manager

领班 Head waiter 厨师 Cook 技师Massagist

驾驶员 Driver 收银员 Cashier 总台接待员 Receptionist 餐厅服务员 Waiter(男) Waitress(女)

吧台服务员 Bartman/Barmaid 行李员 Bellman/Bellhop

保安Guard 清洁工 Sanitation worker


经济楼 Economical Building 会议中心 Conference Center

水公园 Aquatic Garden 宾会中心Guests and Housing Center 停车场 Parking Ground 水疗中心 Kurhuas Center

别墅区 Villa Center 桂苑 Laurel Garden 梅苑 Plum Garden 竹苑 Bamboo Garden 橘苑 Orange Garden 兰苑 Orchid Garden 网球场 Tennis Court 羽毛球场 Badminton Court

篮球场Basketball Ground 洗衣房 Laundry

康乐中心 Recreation Center 多功能厅 Multifunctional Room

西餐厅Western Food Restaurant 诊所Clinic

中餐厅Chinese Food Restaurant 迷你吧Mini-bar


卡拉OK厅KTV 藏羌风情园Zang and Qiang Custom Garden 迷你吧Mini-bar康乐中心 Recreation Center

水公园Aquatic Park 水疗养生中心Kurhaus Center


垂钓Angling卡拉OK Karaoke按摩Massage

足疗Feet Massage室内温泉Indoor Hot Spring

室外温泉Outdoor Hot Spring游泳Swimming


网球Tennis乒乓球Table Tennis 篮球 Basketball

保龄球Bowling 电玩Electronic Games



扶手Banister 窗帘blind/curtain 书柜bookcase

衣架coat hanger 衣架coat stand 垫子cushion

窗帘轨curtain track 门把door handle 开关light switch

电吹风hairdryer 合叶hinge 画框picture frame

衣柜wardrobe 窗台window-sill 电视机TV set

天花板ceiling 熨斗 iron床头柜 bed-side table

电话 telephone 席梦思 Mattress 梳妆台 dresser

壁灯 wall lump 台灯 desk lump 落地灯 floor lump

床单 bed spreads 枕头 pillow 烟灰缸 ashtray


踩踏板垃圾桶Pedal bin 龙头tap 脚垫bath mat

厕所toilet 浴巾bath towel 剃须刀shaver

剃须发刀插座shaver socket 卫生纸 toilet paper

喷头shower 毛巾hand towel 浴盆tub

浴帘shower curtain镜子mirror 香皂 soup



手机mobile phone 摄相机/照相机camera 笔记本note book 笔记本电脑 portable computer 钱包purse/wallet 眼镜glasses 隐形眼镜contact lens 拐杖stick

粉盒compact 手提包carrier bag 手套gloves

假牙fake teeth 帽子cap 玩具娃娃doll

玩具toy 领带tie 伞umbrella


英语培训材料(第一周) 材料选自:《新托业词汇必备》中国人民大学出版社 《新托业语法和词汇详解及实战试题》中国人民大学出版社 《托业国际交流英语教程》中国人民大学出版社 《疯狂英语口语版》 第一部分:单词 (注:单词一共25个,每天记忆5个。周末巩固复习) able adj.有能力的,能够的(capable, competent) be able to finish the job 能够完成这项工作 an able leader 有能力的领导者 派生词:enable vt. 使能够ability n. 能力 enable people to be more efficient 让人们更有效率的做事 the ability to reason 推理能力 ★tip 1:be able to + 动词原形(主语是人或者是集合体) 2:enable 宾语to + 动词原形(主语主要是事物) 3:ability to + 动词原形具备做…的能力 The ability posting (×) →the ability to post (√) accept vt.接受,允许 accept responsibility for 对于…负责 accept an invitation 接受邀请 accept a person’s hand in marriage 接受求婚 accept with open arms 欢迎… 派生词:adj. accepted 被接受的,被认可的 acceptable 可接受的(to)(反义词unacceptable 不可接受的)

n. acceptance 承认,采用,(票据)承兑、认付 the generally accepted idea 被普遍接受的想法 ★tip accept 含义为主动地表示同意和赞成的意愿,与它的意思相似的take,receive 表示被动的接受。 access n.接近,可接近、进入的权利vt.接近…,利用… control access to information 控制对信息的接触 have unlimited access to the files 那些文件可以无限制地使用 use a browser to access a websites 用浏览器来访问网站 派生词:adj. accessible 易接近的n. accessibility 易接近性 accessibility through the Internet 可以通过网络获取 ★tip 1:access 作为名词时,后面需连接介词to,作为动词时,后面直接连接宾语。 2:have access to 可接近、使用… 3:give access to 允许接近、使用… 4:access 如果表示“为了利用…而接近”的意思时,与它意思相近的approach 则主要表示空间上的接近。 accommodate vt.容纳(contain, hold),提供住处,提供方便,使适应,调整accommodate large parties in our conference room 我们的会议室可以容纳很多人 accommodate friend 帮助朋友 accommodate oneself to new surroundings 适应新的环境 派生词:n. accommodation(s)膳宿设施,方便,适应,调整 phone a hotel for accommodations 打电话向旅馆预订客房 ★tip 1.accommodate 作为动词时,前面不能出现介词 2.accommodation 作为“住宿设施”的含义在托业考试中经常出现,务必牢记。 account n.计算,账户,说明,理由,重要性vi.说明,思考


一、Numerals (数字) (一)基数词 1、第一类: zero 0 one 1 two 2 three 3 four 4 five 5 six 6 seven 7 eight 8 nine 9 ten 10 eleven 11 twelve 12 2、第二类: thirteen 13 fourteen 14 fifteen 15 sixteen 16 seventeen 17 eighteen 18 nineteen 19 3、第三类: twenty 20 thirty 30 forty 40 fifty 50 sixty 60 seventy 70 eighty 80 ninety 90 4、第四类: twenty-one 21 forty-six 46 seventy-eight 78 ninety-five 95 5、第五类: 100 one hundred 101 one hundred and one 156 one hundred and fifty-six 192 one hundred and ninety-two 200 two hundred 6、第六类: 1,000 one thousand 1,001 one thousand and one 1,300 thirteen hundred;one thousand and three hundred 2,034 two thousand and thirty-four

6,502 six thousand five hundred and two (二)序数词 下面把1-99的序数词也分为四个类。 1、第一类 first (1st) 第一second (2nd) 第二third (3rd) 第三 (在括号里的是缩写形式,均在阿拉伯数字后面加上相应序数词的最后两个字母构成,以下各类与此相同。)这类序数词只有三个,在整个序数词里面是特殊的,就和第一类基数词一样,需要逐个地硬记下来。 2、第二类: fourth (4th) 第四fifth (5th) 第五sixth (6th) 第六seventh (7th) 第七 eighth (8th) 第八 ninth (9th) 第九 tenth (10th) 第十eleventh (11th) 第十一twelfth (12th) 第十二thirteenth (13th) 第十三fourteenth (14th) 第十四fifteenth (15th) 第十五sixteenth (16th) 第十六seventeenth (17th) 第十七eighteenth (18th) 第十八 nineteenth (19th) 第十九 3、第三类: twentieth (20th) 第二十 thirtieth (30th) 第三十 fortieth (40th) 第四十 fiftieth (50th) 第五十 sixtieth (60th) 第六十 seventieth (70th) 第七十 eightieth (80th) 第八十 ninetieth (90th) 第九十 这一类全是十位整数的序数词,共八个。它们的构成 方法是:先将相应的十位整数的基数词词尾-t y中的 y改成i,然后在加上后缀-eth。 4、第四类: thirty-first (31st) 第三十一 sixty-second (62nd) 第六十二


客房英语培训材料 1、乐意为您效劳I am at your survice. 2、很抱歉I’am sorry. 3、对不起Excuse me 4、很抱歉,那是我的过错I’am sorry, It’s my foult. 5、对不起,让您久等了sorry to have kept,you waiting 6、对不去,打扰您了sorry to in terrupt you. 7、对此表示抱歉I’m sorry about this. 8、没关系That’s all right 9、算了吧!Let’s forget it! 10、能帮你什么吗?好的。Can I halp you? Yes please. 11、请稍等一下Just a moment please. 12、在三楼It’s on the third floor. 13、请这边走This way please 14、左转/右转Turn left/Turn right 15、请走好Watch your step 16、请别遗忘您的东西Please don’t leave anything behind. 17、请不要在这里抽烟Please don’t snoke here 18、早上好good morning 19、中午好good afternoon 20、中午好good evening 21、您好?(初次见面)How do you do? 您好!很高兴见到您。How do you do! Glad to meet you. 22、您好吗?How are you? 好的,谢谢。您呢?Fine,thanks.And you? 23、欢迎到我们酒店来Welcome to our hotel 24、愿您在我们宾馆过得愉快。Wish you a most pleasant stay in our hotel. 25、祝您过的愉快!Have good time! 26、对不起,请再说一遍好吗?I beg your pardon? 27、这个房间每天都打扫。The room is cleaned every day. 28、生日快乐Happy birthday 29、新年快乐Happy new year 30、圣诞快乐Merry chris tmas 31、节日快乐have a nise holiday


英语培训计划书 目录

一、培训背景和条件 _____________________________________________________________________ 3 二、培训目的 ___________________________________________________________________________ 3 三、培训对象范围 _______________________________________________________________________ 3 四、培训组织 ___________________________________________________________________________ 3 五、职能分工 ___________________________________________________________________________ 3 六、培训方式 ___________________________________________________________________________ 4 七、培训周期和时间 _____________________________________________________________________ 5 八、培训地点 ___________________________________________________________________________ 5 九、培训流程和要求 _____________________________________________________________________ 5 十、附则 _______________________________________________________________________________ 6十一、附件 _____________________________________________________________________________ 6附件一:英语培训流程图 _________________________________________________________________ 7附件二:调查问卷 _______________________________________________________________________ 8附件三:英语培训签到表 _________________________________________________________________ 10 附件四:英语培训讲师评价表 _____________________________________________________________ 11 附件五:英语培训对象考核鉴定表 _________________________________________________________ 12 附件六:英语培训对象个人总结 ___________________________________________________________ 13 附件七:英语培训总结 ___________________________________________________________________ 14


1. 幕墙国际会议自我介绍: 名字:My english name is andrew. 公司:I am representing JiangHe curtain wall company. 职责(主要负责事物):I am in charge of structural calculation/design&fabrication drawing/tender drawing. 2. 我是刚毕业的学生: I am a fresh graduate. 3. 幕墙中常用的变形:deflection, 而不是deformation. Deflection: the degree to which the moving part on a measuring instrument moves away from zero. Deformation: the progress of changing the shape of something in a way that spoil its usefulness or appearance. dead load 永久荷载 4. 常用的荷载缩写 wind load 风荷载 live load 活荷载 5.表面处理可分为两种: Natural Anodise Black Anodise Bronze Anodise 镀铜色

Hot dipped galvanize 热镀 stick curtain wall system 框架式幕墙 6. Electrical galvanize 电镀 unitised curtain wall system 单元式幕墙 Tower 主楼分格 division 方管 square section 7. Podium 群楼格栅 lattice 圆管 round pipe Primary gasket 第一胶条 primary bracket steel primary bracket 8. gasket 转角连接t Secondary gasket 第二胶条 secondary bracket secondary U-shape bracket


前台接待英语口语 C/I 入住 Dialogue A / 对话 A:Good morning, sir.Welcome to Golden Ocean Holiday Inn .May I help you? 早上好,先生,欢迎光临金海洋假日酒店,请问有什么可以帮到您的?A: would you like single room or double room? 请问您需要单人房还是双人房? B: I like a single room./I have a reservation for a single room 我要一间单人房. /我订了一间的单人房。 A:May I have your name, sir, please? 请问先生用什么名字预订? B:My friend help me the book,She used the name of zhang peng 我那个叫张朋的朋友帮我预定的房间 A:Just a moment , sir. Let me check the reservation for you. 请稍等先生,让我为您查找。 A: May I have your passport. 请把您的护照给我一下 B:Yes.Here you are. 当然, 给您.

A:Thank you.Mr Zhao.Please sign here 谢谢,赵先生,请在这里签个名。 B:Yes. 好的。 A:Mr Zhao , How long would you like stay here? 赵先生,请问您打算住多久? B:Just one night. 只是一个晚上。 A:Thank you. How would you like to pay the deposit? In cash or credit card? 谢谢!请问押金是给现金或是刷卡呢? B:Credit card. 信用卡。 A:May I have your credit card ? 可以借用您的卡吗? B:Yes. A:Thank you for your credit card. Sir.Please sign here, 谢谢先生的信用卡,请在这里签个名。 B:Yes. 好的。 A:Mr Zhao,Your room number is 8385. This is your room key.Here you are.


Lesson 1 1.Incoming Quality Control:來料檢查 2.Quality Assurance:品質保證 3.In-processing Quality Control:制程檢查 4.Quality Engineer:品質工程師 5.Working Instruction:作業指導書 6.Part: 部件 7.Process:過程 8.Product:產品 9.Flow:流程 10.Chart:圖表 11.Material:材料 12.Inspection:檢查 13.Tool:工具 14.Prepare:準備 15.Measurement:測量 16.Appearance:外觀 17.Dimension:尺寸 18.Fill In:填寫 19.Report:報告 https://www.doczj.com/doc/8117639940.html,bel:標簽 21.Accepted:接受 22.Rejected:拒收 23.Regulate:調校 24.Install:安裝 25.Produce:生產 26.Manufacturer:制造商 27.Manufacturing:生產中 28.Press:啤,衝壓 29.Cleaning:清洗 30.Send Out:外發 31.Count:計數 32.Drawing:圖紙 33.Check:檢查 34.Structure:結構,架構 35.Final:最終 36.Storage:貯存 37.Delivery:交付 38.Transport:交通工具,運輸 39.Load Up:上貨 40.Unload:卸載 41.Supplier:供應商 42.Customer:客戶 https://www.doczj.com/doc/8117639940.html,:名字 44.Date:日期 45.Data:數據 46.Table:表格 47.Clerk:文員 https://www.doczj.com/doc/8117639940.html,boratory / Inspection Center:實驗室,檢測中心 49.Manager:經理 50.Senior Supervisor:高級主管 51.Assistant Manager / Vice-Manager / Deputy Manager:副 理 52.Management Associate:管理見習生 53.Foreman:領班 54.Team Leader:組長 55.Inspector:檢查員 56.General Manager:總經理 57.Factory Manager:廠長 58.Managing Director:董事長 59.PMC( Production & Material Control ):生產和物料控制 60.Department:部門 61.Production:生產部 62.Purchasing:采購部 63.Engineering:工程部64.Accounting:會計部 65.Painting:噴油部 66.Silkscreen:絲印部 https://www.doczj.com/doc/8117639940.html,rmation Technology:科技資訊部 68.Warehouse:倉庫 69.Marketing:市場部 70.Sales:營銷部 71.Personnel:人事部 72.Human Resources:人力資源部 73.Group’s System:集團系統部 74.Consultant:顧問 75.QMR( Quality Management Representative ):品質管理 代表 76.Custom Clearance Team / Unit:報關組 77.Security:保安 78.Thank You For Your Kind Attention: 謝謝你的關注 79.Best Regards, 順祝商祺 80.Yours Faithfully:祝頌語,生活愉快 81.Contact:聯系 82.Direct:直接Directly:直接地 Lesson 2 Apparatus: 1. 1.Profile Projection / Projector:投影儀 2.Pin Gauge:針規 3.Depth Micrometer:深度尺 4.Height Gauge:高度尺 5.Universal Bevel Protractors:萬能角度尺 6.Screw / Thread Limit Gauge:牙規 7.Radius Gauge: R規 8.CMM ( Coordinate Measuring Machine ):三坐標測量儀 9.Vernier:卡尺 10.Micrometer:千分尺 11.Hardness Tester:硬度測試儀 12.Electric Micrometer:電子千分尺 13.Blocks Gauge:塊規 14.Visual Inspection:目視檢查 15.Force Measurement:彈力測試儀 16.Thickness Gauge:厚薄規 17.Vernier Caliper:游標卡尺 18.Salt-spray Tester:鹽霧測試儀 Surface Processing / Treatment: 1.19.Plating:電鍍 2.Ni-plating:電叻 3.Oxidize / Oxidization:氧化 4.Yellow Chromate:電彩鋅 5.Zincing ( Galvanization ):鍍鋅 6.Nickel:叻 DRAWING: 1.Unit:單位 2.Note:注釋,注解 3.Scale:比例 4.Maximum:最大 5.Minimum:最小 6.Outside diameter ;external diameter:外徑 Plot:繪制 1.Project:項目 2.Sample / Specimen:樣本 3.Target:目標Shape:形狀 4.Condition:條件 5.Result:結果 6.Tap:攻牙/水龍頭


问候与接待: )晚上好!下午好!(早上好!你好! ) !(Good morning/afternoon/evening!Hello 我能帮你什么忙吗? What can I do for you?/May I help you? 您能重复一遍吗? I beg your pardon? 可以请您慢一点吗?Would you please slow down? 请稍等一下。 Please wait a minute/second/moment. 感谢与应答: 非常感谢。Thank you very much. 谢谢您的合作。Thanks for your cooperation! 不客气。You are welcome!/It’s my pleasure!/ Don’t mention it! 道歉与应答: I’m sorry对不起!! 对不起,让您久等了。 Sorry to keep you waiting. 很抱歉打扰您。 Sorry to trouble you. 很抱歉,这是规定。I’m terribly sorry, but this is the rule. Never mind./ 没关系。It doesn’t matter. 告别: 再见! /See you later! !Goodbye 祝您旅途愉快! Have a nice trip!

欢迎下次再来中国。 Welcome to China again. Communication(1 ) 1 对话 机场职员S: Staff 旅客P: Passenger 您能告诉我餐厅在哪吗? P: Could you tell me where the restaurant is located? ] down to Basement Level One and it’s right ?S: Certainly. Take the elevator ['eliveit there. 可以,乘电梯到地下一层就是。 P: Where are the elevators? 电梯在哪里? 自动扶梯在那 ] over there. ?leit?S: The elevators are beside the escalators['esk 边,电梯在自动扶梯旁边。 知道了。非常感谢。 P: Got it. Thank you very much. 不客气。S: You are welcome. 对话 Communication(2) 2 P: Excuse me. Do you know where I can find something to read? 麻烦您了,请问您知道哪里可以买到读物? a beside bookstore a see will you and ahead corner second the at left Turn S: restaurant. 在前面第二个拐角左转,你会看到在餐厅旁边有一家书店。 P: OK. Thanks. 好的。谢谢。 不客气。 S: My pleasure.


---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------ 英语培训心得体会 这次培训给我们小学英语教师提供了一次相当不错的学习机会。通过这次学习,我觉得在教育教学方面收获很多。有很多值得我学习借鉴的东西。下面谈一谈我听课的感受:在听完如何上好一节英语课的讲座中,我明白教与学这个双边关系中,教师要培养学生的学习兴趣和良好学习习惯。古人云:“温故而知新”。这就要求我们每一位教师要把“短时高频率”作为教学的一个注意事项。英语教师要合理利用有限的时间帮助学生预习新知和巩固复习,不断提高课堂教学的有效性。 我们不仅要加强提升自身的专业素养,提升个人魅力。还要不断反思,要想从工作中不断提高自己的教学水平就少不了这个环节;不断的反思、改进。教师职业没有最好,只有更好。在不断的反思与积累中获得属于自己的经验与方法,并且能将这种方法深化为一种理论,这便是做一名教师的最高境界了。 此次培训,更新了我的新课程教学理念,提高了我驾驭英语课堂的能力,为我的英语新课堂教学打开新天地。在今后的工作中,我都会铭记这段培训的日子,在英语课堂教学中乘风破浪,扬帆远航。 2018年5月25日至27日,我随慈利县2018年科级干部培训班赴山东潍坊市党校参加了为期三天的培训学习和参观 1/ 10

考察活动。这次培训时间虽短,但意义十分重大;学习培训及考察内容丰富多彩,每个学员各有收获,虽然每个学员的视野不同,但我相信大家的感触一定颇深。对于我个人,我认为这次培训班举办得非常有意义,非常有必要,因为它不仅让我充实了更多的理论知识,更让我开阔了视野,解放了思想,打动了内心。无论是从党校到农业科技园,从听课到参观,还是从所听到所闻,每时每刻、每一堂课、每一个农业产业化景观,都让我感动不已,颇丰的收获难于言表。现将这次党校异地培训的心得体会归纳如下: 一、多形式学习,提高了认知水平 作为一名基层老同志,我虽具备一定的理论知识和工作经验,但缺少与时具进的新视觉、新知识。聆听了潍坊党校老师对“团队建设与组织领导能力提升”、“注重心理调试及塑造阳光心态”、“农业产业化经营标准化生产及国际化竞争”、“关于新形势下机关如何加强机关党建工作”等问题理论观点阐述,深入浅出,有论有据,绘声绘色,听后豁然开朗,感觉收获很大。潍坊党校为我们进行了理论授课培训解惑之后,又组织全体学员考察了寿光市农业产业化建设景观,使我们从理性认识到感性认识产生了共鸣,这对我们来说是一次十分难得的学习机会。 结合这几天潍坊党校老师所讲的内容,总结出了干好工作应具备的六种能力:一是科学决策能力,就是面对错综复杂的局面和瞬间变化的


英语语调学习资料 语调(intonation),即说话的腔调,就是一句话里声调高低抑扬轻重的配制和变化。英语的基本语调包括升调(↗)和降调(↘),它们还可以组合成降升调、升降调和升降升调。用不同的语调读句子就会有不同的意思。 一、升调和降调 降调:降调的基本含义是“结束”“肯定”。常见的一般陈述句、命令祈使句和特殊问句都用降调。使用降调的句子有这样的特点: 1、整个句子的音调从第一个重读音节开始,从高到低,依次递降,在最后一个重读音节上语调滑落下降。 2. 若最后一个重读音节后有非重读音节,则它们的语调地平。 3. 若句子以非重读音节开始,则它们语调低平。 4. 句子中的非重读音与它前面的重读音基本在同一音高,或略为下降。 快速记忆:重读音节依次递降,句末重读降落下滑。 升调:升调的基本含义是:“没有结束” ,“不肯定”。常见的一般疑问句用降调。它的特点是: 1.整个句子的音调从第一个重读音节开始,从高到低,依次递降,在最后一个重读音节上语调上升。 2. 若最后一个重读音节后有非重读音节,则它们依次递升。 3. 若句子以非重读音节开始,则它们语调低平。

4. 句中的非重读音与它前面的重读音基本在同一音高,或依次降调。 快速记忆:重读音节依次递降,句末重读回升上滑。 英语的语调还有降升调、升降调和升降升调。降升调在英语中也比较常用。它常表示“对比” “态度保留” “有言外之意”。 升降调常表示语气强烈、惊奇、自满得意等感情。 升降升调常表示自信、欢快、洋洋得意等感情。 二、常见句式的语调 (一)陈述句的语调。陈述句表示陈述一件事时用降调。 例: 1. I understand.↘ 2. It’s difficult.↘ 3. B eijing is the capital of China.↘ 4. There is a book on the desk.↘ 5.They are going to have a picnic.↘ 6. The balloons are flying away.↘ 7.The birds are singing in the trees.↘ 8.Daming is having a birthday party.↘ (二)特殊疑问句的语调。特殊疑问句一般用降调,句首的疑问词一般重读。 例:1.What’s this?↘ 2. What are you doing? ↘ 3.Who is your mother? ↘ 4. Who are they?↘ 5.Where are you going? ↘ 6. Where do you live? ↘ 练习: 1.What do you want to eat? 2.How much is a hamburger?

酒店服务英语培训 - 制度大全

酒店服务英语培训-制度大全 酒店服务英语培训之相关制度和职责,一、预定1、上午/下午/晚上好,我能为您做些什么.................,MayIhelpyou?2、请问您一共有多少人来用餐Howmanypresonsarethereinyouparty,Sir/Madam?Howmanygicests... 一、预定1、上午/下午/晚上好,我能为您做些什么.................,May I help you? 2、请问您一共有多少人来用餐 How many presons are there in you party,Sir/Madam? How many gicests are coming? 3、请问您几点到 What time would you like to arrive? 4、请问您贵姓 May I have your name,please? 5、可以留下您的联系方式吗 May I take your telephone number,please? 6、请问您有什么需求需要我们做准备的 Is there anything specis you would like us to prepore? 7、如果您有什么要求,请通知我们。 If you have further requiements,please let us know. 8、恐怕我们餐厅给您留座到晚上8:00。 I'm afraid that we only can guarantee the table before 8:00in the evening. 二、迎宾 1 、上午好,欢迎光临。 。。。。Welcome to our restanrant. 2、我能为您做些什么 May I help you? 3、请问您是否有预定 Do you have a reservation? 4、请问您一共有多少人来用餐 How many persons 5、请这边走/请跟我来。 This way please/Follow me,please. 6、先生,您看见在这里可以吗 Would you like to sit here,sir? 7、您是愿意靠窗户坐还是靠门坐呢 Which do you prefer,by the window or near the door? 8、您对这张餐桌还满意吗 Is this table fine with you? 9、这是您的菜单,先生。


(一)常用词汇(中英) 证badge 护照passport 注册,报到register 采购代表purchasing agent 邀请函invitation 身份证ID card 驾照driving license 办证make the badge 补办证re-apply a new IC card (re-application) 个人有效证件personal document 个人近照most recent photo 电子请帖E-invitation 重要通知单Important Notice 网上预申请回执Notice for Pre-registered 名片Business card / name card 采购商号码Buyer NO. 采购商报到表(即蓝表)Buyer registration form 行李寄放处Luggage office 穿梭巴士Shuttle bus 柜台Counter 易通卡E-Pass卡 易通卡持有者E-Pass holders 填写采购商表格fill the buyer’s registration form 港澳身份证/回乡证H.K./Macao ID Card /Home-Return Permit 台胞证Taiwan Compatriot Travel Certificate 有一年以上境外有效工作签证的中国护照 A Chinese passport with overseas employment visa valid for over one year 由广交会发出的邀请函 Invitation issued by CIEF /sent by Canton Fair /from Canton Fair


英语培训讲义培训对象:物业管理中心(处)客服部 一、常用基本词汇部分: 华敏·翰尊国际Huamin Empire Plaza 华敏世纪广场Huamin Century Square 物业管理中心(处)property management centre (office) 大厦、幢、楼tower/building 小区residential area(lot) 延安西路Yan’an Road West 楼层floor 一楼the first floor 二楼the second floor 三楼the third floor 地下一层:basement 1 地下二层: basement 2 左left;右right; 中middle; 数字表达: 1 one; 2 two; 3 three; 4 four; 5 five; 6 six; 7 seven; 8 eight; 9 nine; 10 ten; 11 eleven; 12 twelve; 13 thirteen; 14 fourteen; 15 fifteen; 16 sixteen; 17 seventeen; 18 eighteen; 19 nineteen; 20 twenty; 百hundred; 千thousand; 客户customer 业主owner 租户tenant 第一业主/租户the first owner/tenant 上任业主/租户the last owner/tenant 员工staff 保安部security department 安保人员security personnel

客服部customer service department 客服人员service staff 工程部engineering department 先生Mr.(+姓)、Sir(统称) 小姐Miss. (+姓) 女士Ms. (+姓)、madam(统称)经理manager 管理处主任director 卫生间washing room/toilet 电梯elevator/lift 楼梯stair 货梯goods lift 客梯guests lift 自动扶梯escalator 停车场parking area 地下车库underground garage 车位parking lot 邮局post office 办公室office 家、房间house 前台the reception desk The front desk 会所club 餐厅restaurant 物业管理费management service fee 电费charges for power 帐单bill 租金rental 转租sublease 找零small change 合同/公约contract/agreement 有偿服务paid service 保洁服务cleaning service 现金cash 支票check 发票invoice 收据receipt 伪钞forged bank note 投诉complaint 签收sign(v.) signature(n.) 打印/复印print/copier 二次装修the second fitting-up


京华世纪酒店英语培训教材 (目录) 第一部分国际音标及语音语调 第二部分酒店内部公共英语 第一单元酒店职位与职务 第二单元酒店部门英语 第三单元酒店常见设施 第四单元服务台常用词汇 第三部分酒店常用英语 第一单元称谓 第二单元欢迎与问候 第三单元介绍与寒暄 第四单元指引(指路)用语 第五单元询问信息(征询语) 第六单元祝愿语及回答 第七单元致歉与致谢语 第八单元提醒和告别用语 第九单元处理客人投诉 第十单元常见的餐厅英语问题 第十一单元其他用语 第四部分酒店岗位日常服务用语 第一单元前台类 第二单元客房类 第三单元餐饮类 第四单元康娱类

第二部分酒店内部公共英语 第一单元酒店职位与职务 董事长:Director 总经理:General Manager 总经办:Executive Office 总经办主任:Director of Executive Office 车队长:Chief Driver 行政干事:Executive Affairs 司机:Driver 文员:Clerk 电脑部经理:EDP Manager 电脑工程师:Computer Engineer 电脑操作员:Computer Operator

总工程师:General Engineer 高级工程师:Senior Engineer 值班工程师:Duty Engineer 主管工程师:Supervisor Engineer 电梯高级技工:Lift Senior Technician 空调高级技工:Air-conditioning Technician 锅炉高级技工:Senior Boiler man 强电值班技工:Duty Electrician 强电维修技工:Electrician 电梯技工:Lift Man 机修技工:Machination 弱电值班维修技工:Duty Electrician 强电维修高级技工:Senior Electrician 财务部总监:Financial Controller 财务部经理:Chief Accountant 会计部经理:Accounting Manager 成本部经理:Cost Controller 采购部经理:Purchasing Manager


英语培训策划书 第一篇:英语培训策划书 为了能写出更好的策划书,下面好范文推荐一篇范文,仅供参考: 一.活动背景: 为了迎接四六级英语考试;提高我院学生英语学习能力和应试能力;营造我院浓厚的英语学习氛围;特此举办此次英语讲座,为我院学生的英语学习献一点微薄之力! 二.活动目的意义: 通过这次讲座,让广大学生了解到四六级考试的模式及相关政策的最近动态,清楚地认识到英语的有效学习方法,使所有非英语专业及英语专业的报考学生减轻过级压力,使得师兄师姐的过级经验,从容过四六级。 三.活动的开展: 时间:初步定为4月*日19:00-----21:30 地点:3教205(待定) 主题:备战四六级英语培训讲座 主讲人:***(由联络部负责通知邀请,应该提前与学校领导了解) 参与人员:中山大学南方学院学生(重点是4、6级考试在即的同学) 主办单位:中山大学南方学院英语协会 四.前期准备及各部门分工:

1.讲座前一星期,协会干事开会,明确讲座时间并分配各部门任务(由策划部负责),在协会内部选拔有意愿且有能力的人担任讲座主持(各部长负责主持人的推选工作)。 2.时间确定后,由联络部负责申请教室(提前一周)和邀请主讲老师及已过级学生代表(并要把时间地点告诉宣传部,方便其出海报,) 3由学术部负责协助主讲老师和学生代表的讲课资料,并为其提供帮助 4宣传部制作两张大型海报,分别贴于超市门口及饭堂门口的宣传栏上(海报内容要与联络部联系,确定时间地点,内容要与策划部协商),制作12张小型海报贴于每栋宿舍楼的宣传栏上,将与讲座开展的相关情况告知于校园广播进行宣传(注意:所以海报要在讲座开展前3天内完成并张贴)(令外可以借助大英部的任课老师在课上帮忙宣传) 5将此次活动的大概流程和活动内容传到南方后院bbs上,另外,传于校内q群中,以达到更好的宣传效果(协会内部成员各自也在自己所在的qq群上作宣传) 6由学术部,秘书部在超市门口设立活动咨询点,时间暂定于讲座正式开展时间的前5天,以便于收集全院学生对于此次活动的建议与要求,然后整理归纳,与主讲老师协商,针对同学们的难点疑点进行有侧重地讲解(咨询当天上午由策划部和学术部负责,下午由学术部和秘书部负责,隔天一起归纳整理)(咨询现场布置文娱部负责)

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