当前位置:文档之家› 罗马尼亚乡村旅游发展的个案研究:以马拉暮莱斯为例【外文翻译】





Romanian rural tourism development a case study: rural tourism in


Material Source:International Journal of Business Research, July, 2007

Author:Adina L. Negrusa, Smaranda A. Cosma, Marius Bota ABSTRACT

Many countries considered tourism as a real and sustainable support for their economic development. The tourism was considered a really chance for Romania. Despite this, the travel and tourism economy contribution to Romanian GDP varied around 2 per cent in the last 10 years.

Due to an underdeveloped and neglected road infrastructure, to the lack of financing resources and to the lack of interest of local and central authorities for tourism development, regions fitted for ecotourism and rural tourism--like Maramures--failed to attract tourist, neither foreign, nor Romanian. The situation improved slowly since 1996, after the decision of European Community to finance the rural development (including rural tourism) in Romania through Phare programs and--by the end of 1990s--through SAPARD programs.

Our research is focused on identifying the potential of development of these branches of tourism into international market and the motivation for practicing.

The present paper analyzes the rural tourism potential in Romania and Maramures region, its evolution since 1990 and the prospective strategy needed to a better promotion of this region on the European tourist market.

Keywords:Rural tourism;Strategy of development;SWOT analysis;International market


WTO used rural tourism concept for defining that tourism product "that gives to visitors a personalized contact, a taste of physical and human environment of countryside and as far as possible, allow them to participate in the activities, traditions and lifestyles of local people." According to WTO it is considered that take part from rural tourism a wide range of activities like: climbing, riding, adventure tourism, educational travel, sport and health tourism, arts and heritage tourism.

Lane (1994) outlines the specific features of rural tourism. First of all it is concentrated in rural areas. Second it is based on small-scale and traditional activities and enterprises, environmental aspects and heritage. Third it is relating to small-scale buildings and settlements and forth it relies on traditional qualities of the countryside and develops slowly under the control of local people. Lastly it reflects the complexity of the rural environment and has several different forms.

We define rural tourism as that form of tourism offered by people from rural areas, with accommodation on small-scale and with the implication of important components of their rural activities and customs of life.

In European countries rural tourism became an important segment of tourism (Hall D.2000,2004). The EuroGites conference in 2003 reported that there were more than 200 thousand providers of Farm and Village Tourism registered in Europe, with more than 2 millions beds. A Euro barometer survey on "Europeans on Holiday (1997-1998)" showed that more and more people are interested not only in "sampling" new places but also in discovering different forms of tourism, placing greater emphasis on quality products, on more environmentally and culturally sensitive forms of tourism and on shorter but more frequent trips, while a significant number of Europeans (23%) choose the countryside as the most preferred tourism destination (EC, 1998).

Rural tourism is a trend in Europe and is in a continuous growing. WTO estimates an annual growth of approximately 6% of rural tourism comparing with 2% growth of tourism in general. In a number of Southern and Eastern European countries the growth was strongly, more than 20%, due to some transformations which took place in the countryside and agriculture as a results of recently involved in the European Union integration.

The rural space in Romania accounted almost 89% from the entire territory and for 47% of the population their home is situated in the rural area. Romania's rural economy is dominated by agriculture of which the predominant feature is the high share of subsistence farms, mainly producing for their own consumption and only marginally for the market. Because of the domination of this form of agriculture the rural economy remains poorly integrated into the market economy.

After 1990 the tourism was considered a really chance for Romanian economic development. Romania has a harmonious and diverse landscape and, from the tourist point of view, could be considered one of the beautiful and resourceful places in

Europe. Romania, also, has a rich traditions and culture. But until now our country did not become--as it was intended--a well known tourist destination.

Some analysts consider--and we intend to be in accordance with their opinions--that the delay in privatization combined with many problems in tourism infrastructure, transport infrastructure and public services postponed the real development of this sector. (Moraru, 2005 and Societatea Academica din Romania, 2004).


Regarding the rural development we identified that important measures were planned in The National Strategy on Sustainable Development. This gives priorities to investments in infrastructure (irrigation), the development of green tourism, the creation of family farms of an "optimal size" (between 50 and 100 ha) and securing the food supply by developing agricultural production and re-launching industrial sectors related to agriculture such as farming machinery. Under these circumstances it is obviously why that rural tourism became an important strategy for development both rural regions and tourism economy.

The Romanian rural area disposes of reach tourist potential to be found both in mountain and hill areas and in the Black Sea Cost and Danube Delta zone. Each area presents an interest from the ethnographic point of view and folklore heritage, having also particularity in the traditional customs.

The National Association of Rural Ecological and Environmental Tourism founded in 1994 and a member of the European Federation of Rural Tourism--EUROGITES, is the national organization for tapping the potential of rural tourism. In the present in Romania there are approximately 13 000 of rural communities which could offer settlement for accommodation. The main purpose of the ANTREC organization was to identify, develop and promote the Romanian hospitality and rural tourism. Its basic declared functions are:

--to identify and promote the rural tourism potential,

--to organize professional training for the travel agencies at the countryside,

--to organize advertising campaigns for trips and holidays spent in guest houses and farm houses,

--to promote rural tourism in the international market due to participation in fairs and exhibitions

ANTREC succeeded to involve a great number of members (about 2000) and to run tourism activities appreciated in the domestic market and abroad. The

EUROGITES Catalogue is a yearly catalogue where are included the most representative agro-tourism farms and in the European rural tourism network. Beside France, Germany, Belgium, Ireland, etc., could be seen traditional houses from the Rucar-Bran Pass, Maramures, Bucovina, Praid, and the Danube Delta.

The lodging structure for rural tourism has two main specific forms:

--rural pensions, with a maxim of 10 rooms and 30 places

--agro-tourism pensions, being part of the inhabitants' farm and having the production capacity to provide 30% of the ingredients for meal and food Furthermore we analyze the development of rural tourism in Romania based on the number of rural pensions and their capacity. First of all we used for this issue, statistical date about the number of rural tourism boarding houses, which it is considered an important indicator of the development of this sector.

It is obviously that the rural tourism became an important alternative form of tourism in Romania. From a ponder of 2% in 1996 rural tourism boarding houses represent in 2004 more then 22%. The increasing demand for rural tourism positively influenced the interest of entrepreneurs and managers for this type of business.

To this favourable evolution contributes also the legislation launched by the government from 1996 to 1999, having as main objective to support this kind of business. For example an important action applied in 1997 was focused on: priority to allocation of land, priority to install telecommunications infrastructure, free technical assistance, free advertising in informational supports edited by Tourism Ministry, no taxes for ten years (Bran F.1997). Even if these facilities were suspended in 1999, the trend has been constantly the same.

We were interested also to analyze the evolution of capacity of these types of accommodation in the same period of time. Using statistical data about the number of places offered by rural pensions, this evolution is presented in the figure 1. The annual average growth is 31%, higher then the annual average growth of the units' number, due to the fact that the development of rural tourism concentrated on the intensive and sustainable increasing strategies. It can be observed that in 2003 was registered an increasing of the capacity more then double, 51%, which correspond also to the peak of units' number growth. Analyzing the capacity per units resulted that in general a rural tourism boarding house offers an average of 10 places, which means a settlement with an average of 5 rooms. Like we stated before this result means the accommodations offer are at small-scale.

Due to the small-scale of the settlement also the number of accommodations in rural pensions is insignificant comparing with the total number of accommodations, just 1.7%. The evolution of tourists arrivals reflects that the number of foreign tourists which choose rural tourism for their accommodation increasing each year, with an annual average of 28%. This means a continuous increasing interest for the Romanian rural tourism. In general the number of staying overnight in rural pensions, which is approximately 2.7 nights, remained constant without significant differences between internal and foreign tourists. Because of that the indicator of net using tourist accommodation capacity for rural pensions is lower, about 14.6%, comparing with hotel's one of 40%.

Despite of the global development of the Romanian rural tourism, in the last years could be identified a regional disparity. In order to evaluate the disparities development of rural tourism in Romania we made an analysis on the number of units accommodation in rural areas spread on region bases. We take into account the 8 regions of development, created by the National Agency for Regional Development in order to promote a better and an appropriate development of each part of the country. Based on the results we concluded that three region are known for rural tourism and also have the potential to be promoted into the international tourism market. These are Centre (44%), North-West (13.4%) and North-East (12.3%) regions. Also the most important flows of tourists within rural tourism are recorded there.

These regions accumulated an important economical capital in the last years and significant internal and international investments. Other regions and settlements having a high rural tourism potential remain in an uncertainly position on the tourists market because of the weak developed territorial infrastructure, the absence or weak development of the tourist arrangements or due to a weak and unorganized marketing activity.

In the international tourism market until now Romania could not developed a competitive tourist products. Comparing with the neighbour countries based on the foreign tourist arrivals in 2005, Romania came in the 5th position, after Poland, Hungary, Croatia and Czech Republic. It is interesting to remark that 95% from the foreign tourists came from European countries. In the top of the European Union countries which represent the lager tourism market for Romania could be identified: Germany with a market share of 13.49%, Italy with 12.63%, France having a rise of the market share to 8% and United Kingdom at about 5.6% market share.


我国乡村旅游的发展现状、问题与对策摘要:随着人们生活水平的提高,国外乡村旅游业的发展,人们对乡村生活的向往,亲近大自然的需要,近几年来我国乡村旅游的蓬勃发展。我国地域 辽阔,有着得天独厚的自然资源,我们大力发展旅游业,促进经济的发展。就国内目前乡村旅游发展的现状进行分析,指出了其中存在的问题;对国内乡村旅游发展趋势做以预判,同时期望借鉴国外先进经验,推动国内乡村旅游积极稳步的发展。我国广大农村拥有较好的生态环境和特色农业,大力开发乡村旅游市场,意义重大。 关键词:乡村旅游现状分析发展对策 一、乡村旅游背景及意义 所谓乡村旅游,是以农村地区为特色,以农民为经营主体,以旅游资源为依托,以旅游活动为内容,以促进农村发展为目的的社会活动。随着中国旅游业的发展,旅游者的心理逐渐成熟趋向多元化,旅游过程更注重对相互文化的体验,农村和郊区相对于城市来说,天地光阔,自然风光秀美,空气清新,加之和城市相异的文化,对于生活在紧张、拥挤、繁杂、宣嚣、多污染的城市中的居民有巨大的吸引力。当社会、经济、科技发展到一定阶段时,就产生了乡村旅游。 乡村旅游是现代旅游业中的一项新事物,然而它却以极快的速度在各国发展起来。我国地域广阔,自然景观差异很大,农业资源丰富,乡村民风民俗丰富多彩,有着发展乡村旅游的优越条件。乡村旅游不仅为城市居民提供了新的休闲产品,而且促进农业产业结构调整,增加农民收入,充分利用农村剩余劳动力的资源,维护农村社会经济可持续发展具有重要意义。 开发乡村旅游资源是我国旅游事业不断发展及农村经济发展的需要。主要有如下几点现实意义: 1、有利于加强城乡文化交流,改变农业生产落后的观念 通过城市居民的参与活动,把先进的科技知识带到乡村,有利于科技推广;


Gee Journal 31.4457-465457?1993 (Dec) by Kluwer Academic Publishers Ecotoufism in the Small Island Caribbean Weave~ David B., Prof. Dl:, UniversiO, of Regina, Luther College, Regina, Saskatchewan $4S OA2, Canada ABSTRACT: Ecotourism-related strategies can serve to enhance the tourism industries of small Caribbean islands, which are presently dominated by a 3S (sea, sand, sun) product. In the first place, the principles of Alternative Tourism can be applied to 3S tourism in order to minimize negative environmental impacts. Secondly, diversionary ecotourism opportunities can be promoted to diversify the tourism product, thus providing a nature-oriented alternative to resort-based tourists. Thirdly, regional ecotourism, catering to ecotourists, can be fostered in mountainous interiors, peripheral islands, undeveloped coastlines, rural agricultural areas and in offshore reefs. A fourth strategy, exemplified by Dominica, entails a comprehensive ecotourism approach for destinations in which 3S tourism is undesired or unsuited. Introdactien The concept of ecotourism has attracted a considerable amount of interest among both academics and non-academics since the term was first introduced in the mid-1980s (see for example Boo t990; Goriup 1991; Lindberg 1991; Nelson, Butler and Wall 1993; Whelan 1991; Ziffer 1989). In a frequently cited definition, Ceballos-Lascurain (1988) characterizes ecotourism as Tourism that involves travelling to relatively undisturbed or uncontaminated natural areas with the specific object of studying, admiring and enjoying the scenery and its wild plants and animals, as well as any existing cultural aspects (both past and present) found in these areas. While this definition is useful in stressing the environmental orientation of ecotourism, it is clear that the term has also come to be associated with a range o f characteristics which collectively define an "alternative tourism" (AT) paradigm (Dernoi 1981; Krippendorf 1987; Singh, Theuns and Go 1989). This paradigm has emerged as an alternative to "conventional mass tourism" (CMT), which has been criticized as an often inappropriate form of tourism, especially for smaller destinations. CMT characteristics, outlined and contrasted in Tab 1 with the AT model, tend to appear during the middle and later stages of a destination's cycle of evolution (Butler 1980; Christaller 1963; Stansfield 1978). With respect to accommodations, attractions, market and economic impact, the argument can be made that ecotourism and AT are merely other names for the early "exploration" stage of the resort cycle, when relatively unspoiled areas are opened up to further tourist incursions by a few pioneer travellers. However, as pointed out by Weaver (1991), what distinguishes this "circumstantial" AT from "deliberate" AT is the lack of regulations and policies which attempt to ensure that the activity is maintained at environmentally, economically and socially sustainable levels. "Deliberate" ecotourism, the subject of this paper, is therefore very" much associated with intentions of identifying and working within the carrying capacities of a particular area, and o f discouraging the emergence of a CM T product where it is deeme d to be undesirable or inappropriate. The recent proliferation of ecotourism case studies, based largely in the underdeveloped world, is not surprising in light of deliberate ecotourism's status as the fastest growing form o f tourism (Whelan 1991). For example, Dearden (1989) and Zurick (1992) examined the p h e n o m e n o n of mountain trekking in Nepal and northern Thailand respectively, while Boo (1990), and Fennell and


江苏财经职业技术学院 毕业论文 标题:苏州市乡村旅游的发展状况与对策分析 系别:工商管理系 专业:旅游管理 学号:0910304111 姓名:金晓萍 指导教师:孟英伟 2012年6月11日

江苏财经职业技术学院 毕业设计(论文)诚信承诺书 本人郑重声明:所呈交的毕业设计(论文)(题目:苏州市乡村旅 游的发展状况与对策分析)是在指导老师的指导下本人独立完成的。尽 本人所知,除了毕业设计(论文)中特别加以标注引用的内容外,本毕 业设计(论文)不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写的成果作品。 作者签名:金晓萍 2012年06月 11 日 (学号):0910304111

摘要 近年来,乡村旅游作为一项新型的旅游产业,在不断地迅速发展,它打破了中国传统文化下自然经济和社会关系,满足旅游者不同层次的需求。但其作为旅游业不可缺少的一部分,如何使其走向更规范,可持续的道路,将直接影响我国旅游业的发展方向和速度。本文以乡村旅游的发展状况与存在的问题及对策为题,结合相关旅游产业的理论,以苏州市为例,对苏州乡村旅游存在的问题进行研究和分析,并根据所研究的结果,提出了相关优化乡村旅游产业的策略,为苏州更好的发展乡村旅游做好铺垫。 关键词:苏州乡村旅游;发展状况;问题;对策

Abstract In recent years, rural tourism as a new type of tourism industry is in developing rapidly. It has broken the traditional Chinese culture and social relations of competitive nature, and meet the needs of different levels. But as an indispensable part of tourism, how to make it to more standardized, sustainable way,will directly influence the development of tourism direction and speed. In this paper the development of rural tourism situation and the existing problems and countermeasures of the topic, in conjunction with the relevant theory of tourism industry. To Suzhou city as an example, the Suzhou rural tourism existing problems in research and analysis, and according to the results of the study, puts forward relevant optimization strategy of rural tourism industry, for the better development of Suzhou rural tourism blackboard. Keywords: Suzhou rural tourism;Development status;Question;Countermeasures


外文翻译 译文 标题:乡村旅游与可持续发展 资料来源: 亚诺什学院 - 布达佩斯经济科学大学 作者:塔玛拉拉茨 - 拉斯洛坡格左 引言 乡村旅游是旅游产业的一个部分,这在匈牙利显得尤为重要。在一个国家没有壮观的自然景观,没有海滨、高山、雨林、珍奇动物的情况下,迷人的村庄、温泉、河流和湖泊这些旅游资源可以利用起来。优美环境与当地人们传统的热情接待相结合,能够提供给游客愉快的体验,让游客在安静的环境中得到放松并且欣赏到文化景观。 一方面,乡村旅游业的发展使匈牙利旅游资源呈现多样化,使国家形象更加多姿多彩。另一方面,乡村旅游是刺激经济增长的一种手段,促进了欠发达地区的产业发展,并改善当地居民的生活水平。 如果乡村旅游要发挥其真正的作用,在某种程度上得到进一步的发展,那么在其自身发展的基础上,就要确保资源的长期可持续性发展。那么,什么是乡村旅游的可持续发展方式?如何对其可持续性进行监测来达到促进农村发展的目的?本文试图回答这些问题,并且通过提出匈牙利乡村旅游指标来了解被认为是这种类型的旅游的目前情况。 旅游业可持续发展 可持续发展的概念是由世界环境与发展委员会在1987年的布伦特兰报告中关提出来的,可持续发展定义为“发展,以满足当代人的需求又不损害子孙后代能满足自己的需要”。 旅游业是世界各地最重要的经济活动之一,1997年世界各地国际运送超过6.17亿人,年收益产生448亿美元(WTO,1998年),这是一个重要的经济力量。1996年产生生产总值3153.3亿美元,为255万人创造就业机会,参与生产应用程序。旅游业生产值占到世界10.7%的国内生产总值,766亿美元用于投资应用程序,每年都


龙源期刊网 https://www.doczj.com/doc/7e8993862.html, 文旅融合下的乡村旅游发展研究 作者:张锐 来源:《商情》2020年第09期 【摘要】随着我国经济力量的不断发展,旅游作为新兴产业开始迅速蓬勃生长,很多人们习惯了城市快节奏的生活开始倾向于乡村的旅游生活,乡村旅游成为了振兴乡村的重要途径之一。越来越多的乡村旅游产业采用传统文化与旅游业的融合的手段来吸引旅客,并对传统文化进行了传播和传承。本文从文旅融合的基本思想入手,分析文旅融合的实际意义以及文旅融合背景下乡村旅游发展的对策,从旅游环境、活动、服务等方面给予一些思路。 【关键词】文旅融合 ;乡村旅游 ;发展研究 一、文旅融合的思想 (一)文旅融合的理论思想 文化是旅游的基础;旅游是文化的载体,旅游本身便是一种人们的文化活动,因此在旅游的过程中会产生和创造文化。在旅游活动中是不能脱离文化而生的,旅游传播文化、保护文化,让人们在旅游过程中了解当地文化、融入当地风俗、了解当地特色是至关重要的,文化和旅游是如影随形的共同发展。当前我国的传统文化受到了越来越多国人的重视,但是在文化传承的过程中却缺少途径和方式,旅游活动便是传统文化传承的出处。旅游的原生性和本质都在强调与文化的紧密结合,,旅游不仅能够产生和创造文化还能成为传播文化的重要载体,旅游的综合性很强正好适合广泛内涵的文化形式。 (二)文旅融合的实际思想 我国旅游业在近几年得到了迅速发展,但是同时也面临着升级和转型的重任,文旅融合是实现旅游业发展的实践做法。首先通过文旅融合的方式来增强旅游产品中文化的内涵和品质,丰富的内涵可以吸引很多游客的到来;其次丰富文化的差异性还可以造就旅游产品的多种多样,一方面为各地的旅游胜地创造出自己的特色,另一方面也增强加了旅游产品的种类,提供了更多的市场选择机会;最后文化和旅游融合的行为在提升了我国旅游业的整体实力发挥了促进的作用,促进旅游事业中的竞争和发展。 二、文旅融合的意义 (一)打造旅游特色,增强旅游吸引力


我国乡村旅游产品开发及营销策略研究 摘要:纵观我国乡村旅游发展,虽然对新农村建设有一定的作用,但也存在诸多问题。在一定的开发原则的指导下,总结出适合我国农村实际的7项专项乡村旅游开发措施,并提出4项具有时效性的乡村旅游营销策略。 关键词:乡村旅游;开发原则;专项乡村旅游产品;营销策略 1 1乡村旅游产品开发原则 1.1注重创新原则 从整个中国来看,乡村旅游的发展时间不长,产品开发却始终停留在浅层次,只有少数地区开发出了对游客极具吸引力的旅游产品,如北戴河附近的乡村乐园。这就必须要创新,只有不断创新,通过深度挖掘乡村旅游资源的特色,逐渐扩大产业链条,才能够开发出更具吸引力的乡村旅游产品。 1.2精品工程原则 目前,我国乡村旅游产品的开发尚处在粗糙、低层次阶段,无法激起更多游客的消费欲望,回头客少,这无法做到持续发展。应在保留原田园风光、自然景观、乡村风情的基础上,按照高标准、高品位、精品化的原则,充分挖掘特色旅游资源的内涵,精心打造、包装,集中有限的人力、物力、财力上精品项目。只有按照精品工程原则开发我国的乡村旅游产品,才能留住游客。 1.3市场导向原则 旅游产品开发与营销都应该以市场为导向,离开了市场,旅游产品无法具有较强的吸引力,不能带来经济效益、社会效益和生态效益。我国乡村旅游产品开发应牢固树立以游客为中心的营销理念,时刻把握市场脉搏,深入洞察游客需求,并以此作为旅游产品开发的首要原则,必然会促进我国乡村旅游的良性发展。 1.4人本主义原则 人本主义原则强调以人为本,把人的需要放在第一位。旅游产品的开发一定要以游客的实际需要为出发点,时刻关注游客需求的变化,在此基础上,开发出适销对路的旅游产品。在目前,我国乡村旅游的发展如火如荼,但并非所有的乡村旅游产品都考虑到了游客的真正需求,这种简单的产品复制,在一定程度上造成了乡村资源和环境的破坏,不利于乡村旅游的大发展。乡村旅游产品的开发只有在关注细节的基础上,开发出游客真正需要的旅游产品,才能使游客有好的体验,做到让游客满意。 1.5持续发展原则 我国乡村旅游产品的开发,应该遵循“保护为主,开发与保护相结合”的总体思路,在保护的基础上进行科学、合理和适度的开发。乡村旅游的发展,主要是依托农业资源,如果在旅游产品开发的过程中,不注重对资源的保护,不加强对乡村生态环境的保护和建设,急功近利,鼠目寸光,就会给我国乡村旅游的发展带来致命打击。政府对各种所有制的经营实体要进行严格的规范,防止短视行为的出现。 2专项乡村旅游产品开发 2.1乡村观光之旅 我国有着无限美好的自然风光,青山秀水、绿色田园是其自然景观的典型代表,为乡村观光游提供了良好的基础。我国众多的优美自然山水,使游客徜徉其间,能够感受到无比的惬意。我国中部地区、东北平原、华北平原等地的田园风光也是一道靓丽的风景线;我国众多的自然山村,能够给有人无限自然的美好享受。如此具有乡野情趣的景致,都可以使游客抛开都市的喧闹与压力,使身心得到彻底释放。 2.2会议度假之旅 该旅游产品的开发主要以我国的诸多度假村和度假山庄为依托来进行。这些度假村和山庄的


乡村旅游发展概况 乡村旅游起源于1885年的法国,十九世纪八十年代开始大规模发展,目前乡村旅游在德国、奥地利、英国、法国、西班牙、美国、日本等发达国家已具有相当的规模,走上了规范化发展的轨道。乡村旅游对推动经济出现不景气的农村地区的发展起到了非常重要的作用。乡村旅游对当地经济的贡献和意义得到了充分证明。在许多国家,乡村旅游被认为是一种阻止农业衰退和增加农村收入的有效手段。乡村旅游开发在世界各地发展非常迅速,2001年,意大利一万多家乡村旅游企业共接待游客达2100万人次,营业额达9000亿里拉(约合4.3亿美元),比2000年增加了12.5%%。在美国就有30个州有明确针对农村区域的旅游政策,其中14个州在它们的旅游总体发展规划中包含了乡村旅游。在以色列,乡村旅游开发被作为对农村收入下降的一种有效补充,乡村旅游企业数量逐年增多。包括加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰、前东欧和太平洋地区在内的许多国家,都认为乡村旅游业是农村地区经济发展和经济多样化的动力。 据国家旅游局的最新测算,目前我国乡村旅游的年接待游客人数已经达到三亿人次,旅游收入超过400亿元,占全国出游总量的近三分之一。据介绍,目前全国农业旅游示范点已经达到359家,遍布内地的31个省区市,覆盖了农业的各种业态。每年的三个黄金周,全国城市居民出游选择乡村旅游的比例约占70%,每个黄金周形成大约6000万人次的乡村旅游市场,乡村旅游已经成为旅游业新的增长点。

论乡村旅游的发展--以华西村为例 【摘要】随着现代旅游业的发展,乡村旅游已成为人们回归自然、放松身心、感受自然野趣、体验农村生活、进行休闲娱乐的主要方式之一。从华西村的探索和实践看,发展乡村旅游不仅丰富了旅游活动的内容,扩大了旅游容量;而且带动了农业产业结构调整和农民增收致富,促进农村经济社会的发展。因此,在我国全面建设小康社会的过程中,大力发展乡村旅游,将对解决"三农"问题,促进社会主义新农村建设,具有极其重大的意义。 【关键词】乡村旅游发展华西村 乡村旅游是以农村社区为活动场所,以农村独特的生产形态、生活风情和田园风光为旅游资源,以都市居民为目标市场,以领略农村乡野田园风光、体验农事生产劳作、了解风土民俗和回归自然为旅游目的的一种旅游方式。它的兴起既迎合了新千年的“绿色旅游”、“生态旅游”的巨大潮流,也为农村的经济发展注入了新的血液,使传统古老的第一产业与朝气蓬勃的第三产业得到了有机的结合。 一、乡村旅游的起源及其在我国的发展 乡村旅游起源于欧美一些发达国家,最早可以追溯到上个世纪中叶,20世纪80年代开始在国外大规模发展。我国的乡村旅游起源于上世纪80年代。我国是世界农业大国,幅员辽阔,农村资源众多,乡村田园风光千姿百态,大江南北农耕、渔牧、茶果、林木应有尽有,风情各异。5000多年的历史,形成了我国富厚底蕴的中华文化和多姿多彩的民俗风情文化,为我国乡村旅游的发展提供了得天独厚的优势,吸引着国内外众多游客。 截止目前,我国已建成的两万多个旅游景区(点),一半以上分布在广大的农村地区;由国家旅游局倡导创建的“全国农业旅游示范点”达359家,遍布内地31个省区市,覆盖了农业的各种业态;据测算,全国乡村旅游景区(点)每年接待游客超过3亿人次,乡村旅游是旅游业的重要组成部分,具有发展潜力大、关联度高、带动力强、拉动内需明显的特点。我们要大力发展乡村旅游,实施“以游助农”方略,促进社会主义新农村建设。“五一”、“十一”和“春节”三个旅游黄金周,全国城市居民出游选择乡村旅游的约占70%,每个黄金周形成大约6000万人次规模的乡村旅游市场。与朝气蓬勃的第三产业得到了有机的结合.河北的野三坡,江苏的华西村,杭州的龙井村、广东四会市的观光农业园等众多乡村旅游地的兴起与发展足以说明我国乡村旅游市场的广阔. 二、我国乡村旅游的特点 乡村旅游所具有的、与其它旅游类型有明显差异的特点是乡村旅游地——农村经济得以发展的主要原动力。乡村旅游特点与农村发展的联动关系至少有以下几点: (一)乡村旅游集第一、第三产业于一体 乡村旅游的发展,是在充分利用乡村农业资源的基础上,通过以旅游内涵为主题的合理规划与设计,把农事生产操作、农作物与农业科技展示、农产品系列加工与旅游者的活动融为一体,并向旅游者充分展示农业艺术及良好生态环境的新型旅游的形式。做为一个乡村旅游地,它首先应该是一个进行科学化农事生产的基地,是第一产业的像征。同时,它又是一个集食、宿、行、娱、购、游等旅游六要素为一体的综合旅游区,属第三产业的范畴。它既要满足服务性企业的需要又要体现和突出农业生产性的特点,它把农业生产与旅游服务进行有机的交融和联系,从而达到农业生产为旅游服务,旅游服务促进农业生产之目的。 (二)乡村旅游重游率高,生命周期长 传统的观光型旅游产品,游客大多只停留在静止的,浮光掠影式的游览,且重游率低,回头客少。乡村旅游却不然。乡村是一个集农事知识、生物知识、农作物知识、高新科学知识为一体的大课堂,诸多乡村文化沉淀形成的乡村旅游文化亮丽多彩,田园风光随季变化,四季特色明显,农事生产品种各异,内容繁多。这一些都不断的刺激和吸引游客旧地重游,在不同的时间和空间中观赏田园风光的千姿百态,参与不同的农事活动。乡村旅游所具有的强的生命力和较长的生命周期必然为乡村旅游目的地——农村的发展带来新的动力和催化剂,促进和带动农村的发展并成为农村发展中新的经济增长点。


关于生态旅游的文献综述 摘要:生态旅游作为一项以保护性、教育性和责任性为主要特征的旅游活动,在生态环境问题日趋严重的今天,显示出越来越大的生命力,目前生态旅游已成为世界各国旅游者的一种时尚和旅游业的热点。生态旅游迅速的发展,已成为当今旅游发展的重要方向。本文对生态旅游的产生背景,概念内涵以及特性、国内为发展概况等研究文献进行了综述。 关键词:生态旅游内涵特性国内外发展 一.引言 在全球人类面临生存的环境危机的背景下,随着人类环境意识的觉醒,绿色运动及绿色消费已席卷全球。生态旅游作为一种绿色旅游消费,一经提出便在全球引起巨大反响,短短几十年的今天,生态旅游的概念迅速普及到全球,其内涵也得到了不断地充实,针对目前生态环境的不断恶化的状况,旅游业从生态旅游的对象是自然景物出发,将生态旅游定义为“回归大自然旅游”和“绿色旅游” [1]。作为一个综合性的服务部门和第三产业的重要构成部分,旅游业以其强大的关联和带动作用,在区域乃至国家经济社会发展中的作用日记重要,促使诸多地区将旅游业作为支柱性产业或主导性产业加以培育和发展,致使区域间旅游发展竞争日趋激烈[2]。针对现在旅游业发展中出现的种种问题,旅游业从生态旅游的对象不应受到损害出发,将生态旅游定义为“保护旅游”和“可持续发展旅游”。同时,世界各国根据各自的国情开展生态旅游,形成各具特色的生态旅游[3]。 二.生态旅游概述 当今世界经济中,服务业是增长最快的产业,也是提供就业机会最多的产业,美国学者约翰·奈斯比特在他的《2000年大趋势和全球问题》中提出,21世纪世界服务经济的领导产业,主要是电信业,信息技术产业和旅游业三种主要的服务业。1992年里约热内卢会议后,生态旅游在全球得到迅速发展,它作为旅游业中一种宣传主题明确,生命力旺盛的旅游形式,日益深入人心,为了更好的发展生态旅游,先对生态旅游做一回顾。 1生态旅游产生的背景 生态旅游英名为Ecotourism是Ecological Tourism的缩写,由国际自然保护联盟专家H.ceballos Lascurain于1983首次提出的。它不仅被用来表征所有观光景物的旅游,而且强调观光的对象不应受到损害,是在可持续管理的思想指导下开展的旅游活动[4]。它的产生有以下几种原因: (1)有可靠的理论基础。生态学和可持续发展的思想为生态旅游的产生奠定了深厚的基础,现生态学已超过了传统生物生态学的范畴,成为一种人类普遍的思想和原则。在生态利益优先的趋势下,在可持续发展理论指导下,人们开始注重用生态学原理,设计良性运转的旅游系统,实施生态工程,促进了生态旅游的


引言 1随着经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高,回归自然,享受美景,陶冶情操已成为大众休闲的时尚选择,乡村旅游作为一种符合可持续发展的旅游形式和行为,以其自身的特点迎合了人们的消费心理,顺应了时代发展的要求。目前,乡村旅游已成为许昌旅游业的重要发展方向,本文通过对许昌市及其周边地区乡村旅游发展现状的考察、分析、比较,总结许昌市乡村旅游发展的特点及特色,找出其自身的优劣势,以及发展所遇到的机遇和挑战,探索有助于许昌市乡村旅游发展的新策略,使许昌乡村旅游往更完善、更高层次发展。许昌依赖其优越的自然条件和丰富的农业资源,开展乡村旅游,既充分的实现了资源的合理利用,又带动了其经济的发展,迎合了建设社会主义新农村的政策要求,合理的调整了许昌整体产业结构,带动相关产业的发展,缓解就业压力,为许昌经济的现代化作出突出贡献。 一、乡村旅游的内涵 2乡村旅游起源于19世纪的欧洲,现在发展已基本成熟,并且占所有旅游活动的 10%-25%。在英语国家里,“乡村旅游”有两种名称可以互相替代,即rural tourism(乡村旅游)和agritourism(亦称农业旅游)。在东亚和东南亚地区,很多国家地区将旅游称为观光,因此他们将乡村旅游称为“农业观光旅游”。它特指在乡村地区开展的,以特有的乡村人居环境、乡村民俗(民族)文化、乡村田园风光、农业生产及其自然环境为基础的旅游活动,即以具有乡村性的自然和人文客体为旅游吸引物的旅游活动。 3在我国,乡村旅游通常被称为“休闲农业”、“农业旅游”等等,尽管内容上可能会有些细微差别,但总的内涵基本上还是一致的,即凡是以包括农、林、牧、副,等广泛的农业资源在内的农业生产和农村为载体,为游客提供特色服务的观光、游览、休闲、度假科普、考察等形式的旅游,都可以纳入乡村旅游的范畴。 二、许昌乡村旅游现状 (一)起步晚,发展水平低,总体呈不断发展上升趋势 许昌乡村旅游起步晚,目前正处于起步成长阶段,虽然发展水平比较低,但整体呈发展上升趋势。许昌以农业为主,农业资源丰富,加之深厚的历史背景,以三国文化为依托,以农业资源、田园风光及自然景观为主要内容,集参与性、娱乐性、知识性、享受性于一体的乡村旅游在许昌快速兴起。许昌这些年来,一直以建设社会主义新农村为指导,把城乡一体化推进区打造成以生态环境为基础,以曹魏文化为主题,以四季花卉为景观,以休闲农家乐旅游为特色的开放型旅游区,使之成为中原最大的生态休闲产业集聚区和生态休闲旅游目的地,根据《许昌市旅游产业发展“十一五”规划纲要》规定,对许昌旅游坚持“城在村中,村在城中”、“乡村旅游,景观带动”、农家乐乡村旅游与精品景点相互补充为原则,形成三带、三区、六园、五村的“3 3 6 5”网状布局。到2015年,接待海内外游客达到150万人次,实现旅游综合收入15亿元。


生态旅游对环境的影响(节选) 原文来源:Environment Impacts of Ecotourism;Edited by Ralf Buckley International Centre for Ecotourism Research,Griffith University,Australia CAIB Publishing;Oct,2008 生态旅游由于其实际或潜在的积极影响受到社会和保护区以及公司和消费者广泛吹捧。例如,在讨论进入保护区方面,旅游说客和生态旅游经营者宣称他们不仅将会采取措施师环境影响减到最小,而且生态旅游还会产生利益。然而,保护区也为旅游业提供了非常重要的好处。 每年被人类消耗或污染的自然资源有很多。人类生存需要饮用水,可呼吸的空气和可用的生物多样性。自然生态系统是每个这些领域的主要的蓄水池。生态系统由于人类活动已被不同程度地广泛地修改了。近原始的荒野地区和其他小改造的地区的环境正在不断减少,像城市中心,垃圾堆放场,矿场和单一种植区几乎完全修改的环境在继续扩大。有很多没有完全修改而又很重要的地方,如农村住宅,布罗德埃克牧区和被采伐的原始森林在最少修改的地区也继续扩大。为制止和扭转这些趋势,只在人类的社会结构和人类行为发生大规模和深远的变化时才能成为可能。然而,如果在短期内没有这种变化,规模更大的混乱将逼近人类。 关于可持续能力和关乎人类生存的任何长期策略唯一最重要的组分,能够使世界各种各样的生态系统的代表性区域保持在一个合理的原封不动的和功能的状态。当然,这是保护区全局系统的主要目标,包括世界遗产地区、生物圈储备、国家公园和其他保护区域。然而,这些公园还不能独自地防止生物多样性持续损失:首先,因为他们是太小和不充分地代表性的;第二,因为他们不充分地被保护。目前,有公开和私有土地其他地区在被保护区系统之外的,它们对保护生物多样性和空气和水的质量有很大贡献。它们包括:像极地,高山,沙漠和海洋生态系一样很少人的地方;那些为木材和家畜产品使用的但其中很少使用牧场保留其原有的性质功能和生物多样性的森林地和牧场;人类的生活方式没有介入对自然环境的密集的修改的部族和社区土地。然后,随着人口和资源消耗量的继续增长,所有这些未保护的区域却受到越来越多的开发和修改,例如采伐,农业清除和类似的冲击加速。特别是,其中一些区域涉及保护和储备,而且逐渐增长的人口压力正在导致土地清除和移民直到储备界限,有时会在保护的过程中出现侵犯。在被保护区界限不是明确界定或没有发现的地区,这样侵犯也许一般包括偷猎,非法收获,小规模移民和时而的军事演习。然而,甚而在国家公园界限已建立和强制执行的区域,侵犯可能仍然发生。有时,相关的立法也许允许发展某些类在公园界限之外的可能在保护区的周长附近增加杂草、病原生物、野生动物、水污染和火来源的压力,并且这些能不再人类进一步的干涉下在保护区里得到传播。 因此,代表性的生态系统的保护不仅能够通过增加保护区财产,改进现存储备的有效保护率,而且通过减少对储备区以外土地的修改得到改进,以便改进它的保护价值。 用纯粹财政术语来说,以现在的市场价购买高保护价值所有剩余的区域,在更加富有的政府和公司看来是在世界范围内的,并且宣称他们作为保护区。然而,由于许多政治原因,这是不太可能发生得。许多保护区管理代办处没有足够的金钱来管理他们现有的财产,更不用说发展它。全世界国家公园和相似的储备总面积继续慢慢地增长,并且在最近几年里给保护区的管理代办处的一些资助增加显著。然而,在全球范围内,公共的保护区越来越资金短缺。同时,他们不断地受到人类的压力,这种压力同时来自于从在它们的边界之外的压力和游客的人数和期望增长的压力。结果,只有最大和最远的保


苏州休闲农业开发之浅见 一、苏州休闲农业基础 1、苏州区位优势明显 位置优越,交通便捷。苏州位于江苏省东南部,东临上海,南接浙江嘉兴、湖州,西靠无锡,北依南通。目前拥有沪宁高速、苏嘉杭高速、沿江高速、苏州绕城高速、苏沪高速、沪苏浙高速6条高速公路;京沪铁路和在建的京沪高铁、沪宁城际轨道3条铁路线,横贯境内;312国道、204国道、苏虞张公路、318国道,联通东西南北;建有国家一类口岸港口张家港港、常熟港、太仓港等三大港口,并且紧邻上海虹桥和无锡机场,使苏州形成了一个水、陆、空齐全,高速化、网络化、立体化大交通新格局。另外,近年来苏州各地基本上实现了村村通公路。全市已基本形成了城郊成环、县乡成网、水陆并进、多种交通方式同时发展的立体型、开放式的大交通框架结构。周边各大城市就近到苏州各市的农村进行休闲游的自驾车程均在30分钟以内。四通八达的便利交通为乡村之旅提供方便,为苏州发展观光休闲农业提供很好的发展机遇。 2、苏州天然资源得天独厚 资源丰富,类型多样。苏州是我国的历史文化名城和重要的风景旅游城市,是长三角重要的中心城市之一。苏州属亚热带湿润性季风气候,四季分明,气候温和,雨量充沛。全市地势低平,平原占总面积的55%,水网密布,土地肥沃,物产丰富,素有“人间天堂”之美誉,这些都成为发展观光休闲农业的重要自然资源。适宜的自然条件和丰富的动植物资源,使苏州观光休闲农业类型丰富多样。 3、苏州政策支持 强有力的政策支持。在2007年,苏州市政府对休闲农业进行了进一步引导,专门出台了《苏州市乡村旅游区(点)管理办法》,使得苏州乡村旅游有章可循。为了合理调配乡村旅游资源,完善筹资和利益分配机制,打造有特色的乡村旅游品牌,苏州市旅游局委托中科院南京地理与湖泊研究所于2006年10月开始编制《苏州市乡村旅游发展总体规划》,并于2008年1月23日通过了专家评审,获市政府审批通过。该规划按照现代理念与国际标准开发苏州乡村旅游,以乡村的自然生态、田园风光和江南水乡意境为基础,以乡村的遗产建筑和人文民俗为重点,以吴文化为核心,大力开发乡村旅游资源,打造一系列“绿色度假”产品。 4、区域经济发达 根据长三角地区16城市社会经济调查交换资料显示,2011年,长三角地区居民收入稳步增长,人均可支配收入平均水平超过3万元,工资性收入仍为创收主体。


众所周知,在高速的城市化过程中,城市面积扩大、农村人口净流出、公共资源倾斜,不可避免的会导致农村空心化,并最终走向衰落。乡村旅游由于其能够直接将乡村资源转化为经济增长动力,起到美化农村环境、增加农民收入、增强农村产业能力的作用,而受到各级政府的支持,将它作为城乡统筹发展的一剂良药。特别是今年7月底,国家住建部、发改委、财政部明确提出,到2020年,我国将培育1000个左右特色小镇,乡村旅游将迎来更多机遇。 事实上,中国乡村旅游发展已经初具规模,安徽的西递宏村、江西的婺源、 成都的五朵金花、陕西的袁家村和马嵬驿、浙江的安吉……我们随口都能说出很 多知名的旅游乡村。也有很多城市人背着行囊走在了去往乡村的路上,他们或是 寻找一个古镇、山村租下一栋民居,按着自己的喜好进行改造,当起了民宿老板;或是承包数顷良田,种菜养鸡,当上了农场主;再有抱负的就是弄出了像裸心谷 这样的乡村休闲极品。但不能否认,中国的乡村旅游仍然存在许多问题——产业 链条过短,产业体系不健全;旅游业态单一,规模化程度较低;旅游产品同质, 分工协作水平低;低价恶性竞争,服务质量不稳定…… 归结起来,最主要的还是乡村旅游产业化水平低,产业是乡村旅游得以持续 发展的动力,要想做大乡村旅游最关键的是打通一产、二产、三产的联系,形成 产业链。 ? ? ? ?一、做好一产:一地一品,发展高效精细农业 农业是乡村旅游发展的产业基础,因为特色农业既是乡村旅游的景观营造, 也是休闲体验的内容,消费的对象。一村一品、一镇一韵,是现代农业走向规模化、精致化、社会化、差异化的重要形式之一。一个地区形成一种产业特色,一 个农户发展一种主导产品,有利于形成明确的专业分工,实现优势互补,相互依存,构建现代农业经济的整体框架,保持以农为本的本色。而建立单一农产品为 主的专业性农场,可以有效的提高农产品产量,形成农业和观光两用园,是乡村 旅游的主力军。 日本的精致农业闻名世界,发展注重“大而专”。一些地区的无土栽培和温室 大棚精细化堪比园艺盆景。而普通农户只种植1-2个品种,一般作为商品出售。专业性的农场则会同时发展观光农业、旅游农业,如葡萄公园农场,可以将葡萄 园景观的观赏、采摘、制品,以及与葡萄有关的品评、写作、绘画、摄影、体验、竞赛与季节、庆典活动融为一体。 ? 二、联动二产:打造IP,深化旅游商品开发


毕业设计文献综述 旅游管理 浅谈国内乡村旅游 一、国外的研究现状 Richard Sharpley在2002年6月的《Tourism Management》中发表了《Rural tourism and the challenge of tourism diversification》一文。通过对诸多权威旅游研究的周刊,例如《International Journal of Tourism Research》、《旅行研究》中刊登的相关文献的归纳总结,作者指出了国外乡村旅游研究的内容,根据其提供的资料,我认为可以集中表现在以下6个方面:一、乡村旅游供给。作为乡村旅游的供给方,乡村旅游的开发者、经营者、目的地居民和地方社区为乡村旅游发展提供了原始的驱动力;二、对乡村旅游者旅游动机及其特点进行剖析作为基础,再根据不同标准进行市场细分,旅游市场将更为合理、精确;三、居民对乡村旅游的理解和态度。旅游地居民是乡村旅游成功与否的重要因素之一。居民对旅游影响的态度和感知会给乡村旅游企业带来直接的影响;四、乡村旅游的经济影响、社会影响以及环境影响,但总体看来,集中于前两者;五、乡村旅游营销。目前,国外研究焦点主要集中在乡村旅游营销主体与营销策略、乡村旅游形象和品牌等方面;六、乡村旅游可持续发展。在国外,人们认为乡村是独特的,因此对其格外关注与保护。实现可持续地开发,是社会经济发展的需要,是保持乡村性的需要。 Suzanne Wilson在《Factors for Success in Rural Tourism Development》一文中介绍了国外乡村旅游发展的背景,认为发达国家乡村旅游的迅速发展离不开一个世纪以来工业化和城市化进程的不断加速。作者将乡村旅游的理论研究从概念内涵、经济、产品、开发、市场营销等方面展开分析总结,认为国外关于乡村旅游,从概念到乡村发展原因,发展方向、模式等都已有了一套相对完整全面的研究体系。除了传统的分析推理等研究方法,访谈法、图表法、综合法等也成为重要的运用手段。国外研究人士注重细节研究,将实际应用情况与理论相结合,将乡村旅游的实践创新推到一个新的层面。 二、国内的研究现状 何景文在2004年第19卷第一期《旅游学刊》中发表的《国内乡村旅游研究:蓬勃发展而有待深入》一文中,提到了近年来中国乡村旅游发展取得的可喜成绩,也对其旅


外文文献 RURAL TOURISM AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT INTRODUCTION Rural tourism is a segment of the total tourist industry which is particularly important in Hungary, in a country with no spectacular natural attractions, without seaside, high mountains, rainforest or herds of exotic animals. However, its attractive cultural landscapes with small villages, thermal springs, rivers and lakes, combined with the traditional hospitality, are able to offer pleasant experiences to the kind of tourist who is looking for relaxation and recreation in a calm setting. On one hand, rural tourism development can play an important role in the diversification of the Hungarian tourist supply and in the creation of a more complex and colourful country image. On the other hand, rural tourism is not only the end, but the means to stimulate economic growth, to increase the viability of underdeveloped regions, and to improve the living standards of local populations. If rural tourism is to fulfil all these roles, it has to be developed in a way that ensures the long-term sustainability of the resources and that of the development progress itself. But what is a sustainable way of development in rural tourism ? How can sustainability be monitored and promoted in rural destinations ? This paper attempts to answer these questions by presenting the current situation of Hungarian rural tourism through indicators that are considered to be relevant for this type of tourism. SUSTAINABLE TOURISM DEVELOPMENT The concept of sustainable development was introduced by the World Commission on Environment and Development in the Brundtland Report in 1987, defining sustainable development as "development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs". Tourism is one of the foremost economic activities around the world, having transported more than 617 million people internationally and generated 448 billion USD in receipts in 1997 (WTO, 1998). It is a major economic force, having generated in 1996 an estimated 3,153.3 billion USD in gross output, creating employment for app. 255 million people, producing app. 10.7 per cent of world gross domestic product, investing app. 766 billion USD in new facilities

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