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.0,0:00:27.50,0:00:31.00.爱德华·佩里曼·科尔在五月离世. Edward Perriman Cole died in May..
.0,0:00:31.54,0:00:36.48.那是一个周日的下午,晴空万里无云.It was a Sunday afternoon, and there wasn't a cloud in the sky..
.0,0:00:37.71,0:00:41.84.人生的意义是什么,答案众说纷纭.It's difficult to understand the sum of a person's life..
.0,0:00:42.02,0:00:45.98.有人说要看他留下了什么.Some people will tell you it's measured by the ones left behind..
.0,0:00:46.69,0:00:49.59.有人认为要看他的信仰.Some believe it can be measured in faith..
.0,0:00:50.16,0:00:52.39.有人说要用爱来评判.Some say by love..
.0,0:00:53.16,0:00:56.79.还有人说人生根本就毫无意义.Other folks say life has no meaning at all..
.0,0:00:59.60,0:01:01.43.我觉得可以从那些以你为镜的人身上.I believe that you measure yourself....
.0,0:01:01.60,0:01:04.66.看到你自己人生的意义....by the people who measured themselves by you..
.0,0:01:05.57,0:01:09.37.我能肯定的是,不管按什么标准.What I can tell you for sure is that, by any measure....
.0,0:01:09.55,0:01:13.21.爱德华·科尔在人世间的最后时光....Edward Cole lived more in his last days on Earth....
.0,0:01:13.38,0:01:16.82.比大部分人毕生的光阴更为充实....than most people manage to wring out of a lifetime..
.0,0:01:17.59,0:01:21.55.我知道,他在离世的时候合上了双眼.I know that when he died, his eyes were closed....
.0,0:01:21.72,0:01:23.85.却敞开了心灵....and his heart was open..
.0,0:01:30.83,0:01:35.27.说出5个姓氏以H开头的总统的名字.MAN 1: "Name the five presidents whose last names begin with the letter H.".
.0,0:01:37.37,0:01:41.57.沃伦·G·哈丁 卢瑟福·B·海斯,赫伯特·胡佛.Warren G. Harding, Rutherford B. Hayes, Herbert Hoover....
.0,0:01:41.78,0:01:45.94.还有两个姓哈里逊的 本杰明和威廉·亨利....and the two Harrisons, Benjamin and William Henry..
.0,0:01:47.35,0:01:49.15.我还以为那两个哈里逊能难住你呢.Thought I'd get you with the double Harrisons..
.0,0:01:49.35,0:01:50.98.你真变态,知道吗?.CARTER: Ha-ha-ha. - You're sick, you know?.
.0,0:01:51.15,0:01:54.35.这就叫变态了? 你知道他们老婆的名字吗?.You think that's sick, can you name their wives?.
.0,0:01:54.56,0:01:56.96.- 不知道 - 我也不知道.- No. - Neither can I..
.0,0:01:57.43,0:01:59.22.- 喂,老卡! - 啊?.MAN 2: Yo, Cartey-car! CARTER: Yo!.
.0,0:01:59.43,0:02:01.62.- 那辆雪佛兰,他们什么时候要? - 昨天.- When they need the Camaro, man? - Yesterday..
.0,0:02:01.80,0:02:02.82.啊?.MAN 2: Huh?.
.0,0:02:03.00,0:02:05.23.- 有了,我再问一个 - 说吧.- All right, I got one for you. CARTER: All right..
.0,0:02:05.40,0:02:07.60.谁发明了无线电报?.Who invented the radio?.

:02:10.51,0:02:11.63.这问题挺难答的.That's a hard one..
.0,0:02:11.81,0:02:14.24.- 不容易,终于考住你了 - 不是.- What do you know, I finally got you. CARTER: No..
.0,0:02:14.41,0:02:17.31.我不知道你问的是 世称发明了无线电报的那个人呢.I don't know if you want who they think invented the radio....
.0,0:02:17.48,0:02:19.81.还是真正发明了无线电报的那个人....or the person who actually invented the radio..
.0,0:02:20.02,0:02:21.48.这个,这里说的是….Well, in here it says....
.0,0:02:21.68,0:02:22.95.马可尼,对吗?.Marconi, right?.
.0,0:02:24.09,0:02:25.11.是啊,难道不是他吗?.Yeah, it ain't him?.
.0,0:02:25.29,0:02:27.95.一般都认为是他发明的.He's the one they generally think invented the radio..
.0,0:02:28.12,0:02:32.42.而且,他也因此在1909年获得诺贝尔奖.In fact, he got a Nobel Prize for it in 1909..
.0,0:02:32.63,0:02:34.36.但事实上是一个名叫尼可拉·特斯拉的人.Truth is a guy named Nikola Tesla....
.0,0:02:34.53,0:02:37.99.在1896年就无线电报的基本构想注册了专利....patented the basic idea for the radio in 1896..
.0,0:02:38.17,0:02:41.66.几年后马可尼在自己的专利里 使用了相同的构想.Same idea Marconi used for his patent several years later..
.0,0:02:44.34,0:02:48.14.特斯拉直到1943年他死的那天 都在为这事跟马可尼争.Tesla fought Marconi till the day he died in 1943..
.0,0:02:48.31,0:02:50.37.同年最高法院裁定.Same year the Supreme Court ruled....
.0,0:02:50.55,0:02:52.88.马可尼的专利无效....that Marconi's patent was invalid....
.0,0:02:53.05,0:02:55.88.认定特斯拉为无线电报的发明者....recognizing Tesla as the inventor of the radio..
.0,0:02:57.65,0:02:59.05.你实在太变态了.You really are sick..
.0,0:02:59.29,0:03:01.19.哦,嗨,吉妮.Oh, hi, Ginnie..
.0,0:03:01.72,0:03:04.85.哦,太好了,终于出来了 结果怎么说?.Well, good. About time. What did they say?.
.0,0:03:10.03,0:03:11.83.好吧,那是什么意思?.All right, what does that mean?.
.0,0:03:46.84,0:03:51.57.鲁瓦克咖啡,世间最珍罕的饮品.Kopi Luwak. The rarest beverage in the world..
.0,0:03:51.97,0:03:53.67.闻闻看.Take a whiff..
.0,0:03:53.84,0:03:55.07.来啊.Go ahead..
.0,0:03:56.48,0:03:59.94.科尔先生,董事会已准备好听您的提案了.Uh, Mr. Cole, the board is ready to hear your proposal..
.0,0:04:00.12,0:04:02.17.等一下.Hold on just a second..
.0,0:04:03.59,0:04:05.55.来吧,尝尝.Go ahead. Go on..
.0,0:04:15.43,0:04:17.06.很好.Really good..
.0,0:04:18.77,0:04:20.13.很好.Really good..
.0,0:04:20.30,0:04:21.93.科尔先生?.Mr. Cole. Sir?.
.0,0:04:23.81,0:04:25.77.你知道何谓凡夫俗子吗,吉姆?.Do you know what a Philistine is, Jim?.

it's Richard..
.0,0:04:29.08,0:04:32.64.没错,小凡,上去侃晕他们.That's right, Phil. Give them the spiel..
.0,0:04:36.59,0:04:39.95.谢谢各位 主席先生,各位主管:.RICHARD: Thank you, Mr. Chairman, fellow supervisors..
.0,0:04:40.16,0:04:43.25.我们科尔集团感到 温伍德医院的衰败.We at the Cole Group feel the decline of the Winwood Hospital....
.0,0:04:43.43,0:04:46.29.是由于财务管理不善造成的....is a direct result of significant fiscal mismanagement..
.0,0:04:46.46,0:04:49.80.- 营业间接成本几乎翻了一倍 - 请原谅,我们医院….- I beg your pardon, this hospital... - Overhead costs are nearly double..
.0,0:04:49.97,0:04:52.73.租金及置业费用也高于正常水准.Your lease and land costs were similarly overbid..
.0,0:04:52.90,0:04:56.63.不管是在科研、儿科、肿瘤科 还是核磁共振部门.Donations have atrophied to the point you've fallen far behind the curve....
.0,0:04:56.81,0:04:59.40.所获赠的捐款跌至历史最低点....in Research, Pediatrics, Oncology and MRI..
.0,0:04:59.61,0:05:03.57.科尔集团在7年内先后完成了 15所公立医院的私有化改造.The Cole Group has privatized 15 public hospitals in seven years....
.0,0:05:03.75,0:05:06.31.改造后的每一所医院 有些已经运转,其他的即将启动....each of which now provides, or will soon provide....
.0,0:05:06.48,0:05:09.42.都致力于为所在社区提供最好的医疗服务....the highest standard of medical care to their communities..
.0,0:05:09.62,0:05:13.11.- 那些医院人手不足,你怎么不提? - 提高医生的素质,就能…….- Despite being grossly understaffed? - The better the doctor, the need....
.0,0:05:13.29,0:05:15.09.那床位呢?有传言说….What about beds? There are rumors....
.0,0:05:15.26,0:05:18.66.你们接收病人过多,导致医院人满为患....you increased the number of patients to the point of overpopulation..
.0,0:05:18.83,0:05:20.45.病人的数量一直是….Patient density has always been....
.0,0:05:20.63,0:05:23.12.还有急诊室,大家都知道那是….And your emergency rooms, I mean, they are known....
.0,0:05:23.33,0:05:26.82.我开的是医院,不是温泉疗养院.I run hospitals, not health spas..
.0,0:05:27.07,0:05:30.56.一房两床,无一例外.Two beds to a room, no exceptions..
.0,0:05:31.01,0:05:35.14.为了来这儿,我放弃了 和米歇儿·菲佛共进午餐的机会.Look, I passed up a lunch with Michelle Pfeiffer to be here....
.0,0:05:35.34,0:05:40.21.能不能别搞这种形式主义?....so can we desist from all of this inane posturing?.
.0,0:05:41.08,0:05:44.11.姑娘们小子们,你们需要我.Boys and girls, you need me..
.0,0:05:44.32,0:05:46.51.我不需要你们.I do not need you..
.0,0:05:46.99,0:05:49.98.这个信封里有张巨额支票.Now, there's a sizeable check in this envelope....

就告诉我一声....let me know if you decide to cash it..
.0,0:05:58.17,0:06:00.03.科尔先生,你没事吧?.Mr. Cole, are you all right?.
.0,0:06:45.85,0:06:47.04.你在这里干嘛?.What are you doing here?.
.0,0:06:47.78,0:06:51.38.哦,争取活下去,你呢?.Oh, you know, fighting for my life. You?.
.0,0:06:52.19,0:06:54.18.哦,我只是有点惊讶….Uh, no, I was just surprised....
.0,0:06:54.36,0:06:56.52.我不管什么保险不保险.EDWARD: - And I don't care about the insurance!.
.0,0:06:56.69,0:06:59.02.告诉那个大脑有屎的医生.And tell Dr. Shit-for-Brains....
.0,0:06:59.19,0:07:03.79.他让我打的这个博来霉素 是什么东西,让他告诉我....I wanna know everything about this bleomycin drip he wants to get me on..
.0,0:07:04.03,0:07:06.30.我听说那玩意儿会蚕食你的肺.I hear it eats your lungs..
.0,0:07:06.54,0:07:08.59.我下个月还要去国会演讲.When I address Congress next month....
.0,0:07:08.77,0:07:11.97.我可不想靠喉咙上的洞来呼吸....I don't want to do it breathing through a hole in my throat..
.0,0:07:12.21,0:07:15.40.- 其实不是那样的 - 这家伙是谁?.- That's not exactly what happens. - Who the hell is this guy?.
.0,0:07:15.58,0:07:18.41.- 汤玛斯在哪里?汤姆! - 就在眼前,先生.- Where's Thomas? Tom! - In plain view, sir..
.0,0:07:19.08,0:07:21.28.- 嗨,汤姆 - 我们要把你挪到床上去.- Hi, Tom. - We're gonna move you into the bed..
.0,0:07:21.45,0:07:24.75.我自己来,我还没死呢.I can do it myself. I ain't dead yet..
.0,0:07:30.73,0:07:32.09.要帮忙吗?.How about now?.
.0,0:07:36.73,0:07:38.70.我最近炒过你鱿鱼吗?.Have I fired you lately?.
.0,0:07:38.90,0:07:40.80.奥普拉事件那次之后就没再炒过了.Not since the Oprah incident..
.0,0:07:43.57,0:07:46.94.- 那次很有意思 - 是啊,是很有意思.- That was a good one. Ha-ha-ha. - Yeah, it's good stuff..
.0,0:07:54.58,0:07:56.24.那他妈是谁啊?.Who the hell is that?.
.0,0:07:56.45,0:07:57.94.你他妈是谁啊?.Who the hell are you?.
.0,0:07:59.29,0:08:00.95.他说,“你他妈…”.He said, "Who the hell...?".
.0,0:08:01.12,0:08:04.22.哦上帝,我在哪儿啊,停尸房吗?.Oh, God. What am I, in the morgue?.
.0,0:08:05.09,0:08:08.53.那是我第一次见到爱德华·科尔.CARTER: That was the first time I laid eyes on Edward Cole..
.0,0:08:09.46,0:08:12.16.很显然,开头并不吉利.An inauspicious beginning, to be sure..
.0,0:08:12.33,0:08:15.00.饶了我吧,亲爱的上帝.EDWARD: Oh, spare me. Sweet Jesus..
.0,0:08:15.17,0:08:17.97.我讨厌这些…这些个破管子!.I hate these... I hate tubes!.
.0,0:08:21.11,0:08:25.01.如果让我在这家伙身边 躺三个星期,我会死的.I'll be damned if I'm gonna spend the next three weeks laying next to this guy..
.0,0:08:25.18,0:08:28.12.那人呆头呆脑的,半截都已经埋土里了.Zombie bo

y. Looks half-dead already..
.0,0:08:28.28,0:08:32.62.你不能住单间,否则舆论会饶不了你.You can't have your own room. It would create an enormous PR problem..
.0,0:08:32.82,0:08:35.69.我才不管什么狗屁舆论.I don't give a shit about PR..
.0,0:08:35.86,0:08:39.19.我要住单间,这是我的医院,没天理啊.I want my own room. It's my hospital, for chrissake..
.0,0:08:39.53,0:08:42.50.别跟我说我不能住单间.Don't tell me I can't have my own room..
.0,0:08:42.70,0:08:44.29.不是针对你的,伙计.No offense, pal..
.0,0:08:44.47,0:08:48.30.可你在公开场合始终推行这句口号.You have publicly defended this policy countless times..
.0,0:08:48.47,0:08:52.80.你开的是医院,不是温泉疗养院 一房两床,无一例外.You run hospitals, not health spas. Two beds to a room, no exceptions..
.0,0:08:54.91,0:08:57.67.我这不是自己没生过病吗.I've never been sick before..
.0,0:08:57.85,0:09:01.87.好了,艾尔德里奇医生马上 就来给您标注手术点了.Okay, Dr. Eldridge will be in in a minute to dot you up, okay?.
.0,0:09:02.05,0:09:03.71.标注手术点….Dot me up..
.0,0:09:19.03,0:09:21.59.千万别让我一醒来成了个瘫子.[WHISPERS] ...don't let me wake up paralyzed..
.0,0:09:22.50,0:09:24.50.我会尽力的.I'll do what I can..
.0,0:09:30.31,0:09:31.90.这儿真是你的医院?.This really your hospital?.
.0,0:09:32.68,0:09:35.21.是,基本上是.Yeah, pretty much..
.0,0:09:36.92,0:09:39.61.你也许该过问一下这儿的豌豆汤.Might wanna do something about the pea soup..
.0,0:09:42.39,0:09:44.72.手术当天早上发现.CARTER: By the morning of the surgery....
.0,0:09:44.89,0:09:47.89.癌细胞已经扩散到爱德华的全身....the cancer had spread so far throughout Edward's body....
.0,0:09:48.06,0:09:51.46.医生估计他撑过手术期的可能只有5%....that the doctors gave him only a 5 percent chance to survive....
.0,0:09:51.63,0:09:56.57.令他们始料未及的是 爆脾气让他走得更远....but then, they didn't account for how pissed off they'd made him..
.0,0:10:08.48,0:10:10.95.没有人来看他吗?.No visitors come in to see him?.
.0,0:10:13.39,0:10:16.45.他从手术室出来就一直在睡.He's been sleeping a lot since they brought him back..
.0,0:10:18.56,0:10:21.46.我之所以天天来照看你 这也是其中的一个原因.That's another reason I don't miss nursing..
.0,0:10:21.63,0:10:25.26.要是像他那样,做了那么大的手术.It's always so sad seeing a patient like that, all alone....
.0,0:10:25.47,0:10:27.46.还孤零零的一个人,真是太可怜了....after that kind of surgery..
.0,0:10:30.61,0:10:32.27.至少他不多嘴.At least he's quiet..
.0,0:10:43.12,0:10:44.75.瑞秋今天早上打电话来.Rachel called this morning..

How's she doing?.
.0,0:10:47.59,0:10:52.49.她想成为下学期乐队的首席小提琴手 正在接受试演.She's auditioning for first violin in next semester's symphony..
.0,0:10:54.63,0:10:56.32.太棒了.That's wonderful..
.0,0:11:20.06,0:11:21.45.还要书吗?.Need any more books?.
.0,0:11:21.79,0:11:24.85.不用了,我很好.No, I'm... I'm fine..
.0,0:11:26.80,0:11:28.19.晚上的药吃了吗?.Got your meds for the night?.
.0,0:11:28.70,0:11:30.63.已经吃了.Mm-hm. I already took them..
.0,0:11:30.80,0:11:32.06.枕头呢?.How about pillows?.
.0,0:11:33.07,0:11:36.33.我很好,维吉尼亚,真的,谢谢你.I'm fine, Virginia, really. Thank you..
.0,0:11:40.01,0:11:43.81.如果你需要,我可以再多陪你一会.You know, I could stay a while if you want me to..
.0,0:11:44.98,0:11:49.25.我们两个都早点休息吧,好吗?.No use both of us being useless in the morning, right?.
.0,0:12:18.21,0:12:20.58.她走了?.She gone?.
.0,0:12:23.25,0:12:27.35.作为一名公众健康专家.As something of a public health expert....
.0,0:12:28.52,0:12:32.36.我认为被探望者烦死的人....I believe more people die from visitors....
.0,0:12:32.99,0:12:35.22.远比病死的多....than diseases..
.0,0:12:39.07,0:12:40.73.我选“浆果”,600分.MAN [ON TV]: "It's the Berries," for 600..
.0,0:12:40.94,0:12:44.63.这种浆果产于瑞典,又名牛浆果.PRESENTER [ON TV]: This Swedish berry is also known as the cowberry..
.0,0:12:44.87,0:12:47.24.- 是越橘 - 是越橘.- What is a lingonberry? MAN: Uh, what is a lingonberry?.
.0,0:12:47.41,0:12:50.11.- 答对了! - 我选“浆果”,800分.PRESENTER: Correct! MAN: "It's the Berries," for 800..
.0,0:12:50.28,0:12:54.65.他姓“浆果”,在1956年的一首 40大金曲里,他说要超越贝多芬.PRESENTER: In a Top 40 hit of 1956, this "Berry" told Beethoven to roll over..
.0,0:12:55.28,0:12:56.81.是恰克·贝瑞.Who is Chuck Berry?.
.0,0:12:57.02,0:12:58.82.- 是恰克·贝瑞 - 答对了.MAN: Who is Chuck Berry? PRESENTER: Yes..
.0,0:12:59.02,0:13:00.11.嘿.EDWARD: Hey..
.0,0:13:02.92,0:13:04.62.能不能?.You mind?.
.0,0:13:05.66,0:13:08.09.哦,对不起.Oh. Sorry. No..
.0,0:13:08.33,0:13:11.56.- 是马里亚那海沟 - 是马里亚那海沟.- What is the Mariana Trench? WOMAN: What is the Mariana Trench?.
.0,0:13:12.40,0:13:13.73.早上好,爱德华.Good morning, Edward..
.0,0:13:14.57,0:13:17.13.- 早 - 感觉怎么样啊?.- Morning. - How you feeling?.
.0,0:13:18.04,0:13:19.67.什么白痴问题.Dumb question..
.0,0:13:19.91,0:13:21.54.那根导尿管难受不?.How's that catheter?.
.0,0:13:21.74,0:13:24.27.真不知道我以前没插管是怎么尿的.Don't know how I ever did without it..
.0,0:13:24.45,0:13:26.97.会开玩笑了,好兆头.Ah, humor is a good sign..

.0,0:13:27.42,0:13:29.25.吃屎去吧.Kiss my ass..
.0,0:13:29.45,0:13:32.48.会骂粗话也是好兆头 这可是你的最爱,对不对?.As is surliness. It's one of your favorite flavors, right?.
.0,0:13:32.65,0:13:35.65.- 是啊 - 让我看看这里怎么样.- Yeah. - Let's see what we got here..
.0,0:13:35.82,0:13:37.59.看起来不错.It looks good..
.0,0:13:37.76,0:13:41.02.好了,手术很成功.All right, so the operation went well, okay?.
.0,0:13:41.20,0:13:43.03.术后脑部检查也没什么问题.All the post-op brain scans are clean..
.0,0:13:43.20,0:13:45.50.接下来就该解决其他部位的癌细胞了.Now we go after the sarcoma in the rest of your body..
.0,0:13:45.67,0:13:48.53.但不幸的是,你的血液指标极度偏高.Now, unfortunately, your blood markers are extremely high....
.0,0:13:48.70,0:13:51.37.所以今天早上就得开始第一轮化疗....so I would like to begin chemo this morning..
.0,0:13:52.21,0:13:55.51.早晨的化疗多么芬芳.Love the smell of chemo in the morning..
.0,0:13:55.71,0:13:57.51.《现代启示录》,对吗?.Apocalypse Now, right?.
.0,0:13:57.68,0:13:59.31.让我感觉像个胜利者!.Makes me feel like victory!.
.0,0:14:00.78,0:14:02.77.- 我过会再来看你 - 好的.- I'll check in with you later. - All right..
.0,0:14:02.95,0:14:04.61.医生?医生?.Say, doc? Doc?.
.0,0:14:04.82,0:14:06.79.请问您能不能看一下….You think you could just take a look at...?.
.0,0:14:06.99,0:14:10.45.- 对不起,我赶时间,你的医生是谁? - 吉比安医生.- Sorry, I'm late. Who's your doctor? - He's Dr. Gibian..
.0,0:14:10.66,0:14:11.99.我会告诉护士的.I'll let the nurse know..
.0,0:14:13.53,0:14:15.09.谢谢.Appreciate it..
.0,0:14:20.74,0:14:21.90.真操蛋,不是吗?.Bitch, ain't it?.
.0,0:14:25.67,0:14:27.67.- 是夸克 - 是夸克.- What are quarks? WOMAN [ON TV]: What are quarks?.
.0,0:14:27.84,0:14:30.31.你在这里待多久了?.- How long you been here? - Oh..
.0,0:14:30.48,0:14:34.92.进进出出的好几个月了 现在让我接受一种试验疗法.In and out over the past few months. Got me on an experimental treatment..
.0,0:14:35.12,0:14:38.71.- 是二次方程 - 是二次方程.- What is the quadratic equation? WOMAN: What is the quadratic equation?.
.0,0:14:38.89,0:14:40.38.有多难受?.How rough is it?.
.0,0:14:44.39,0:14:45.92.不算太糟.Not too bad..
.0,0:14:46.13,0:14:48.32.只要你不介意一天到晚吐个不停….If you don't mind around-the-clock vomiting....
.0,0:14:48.50,0:14:50.52.眼睁睁看着血管变黑…....watching your veins turn black....
.0,0:14:50.70,0:14:53.90.感觉骨头越来越软…....and feeling like your bones are made of napalm....
.0,0:14:54.07,0:14:55.54.剩下的感受么,跟在海边日光浴差不多....it's a day at the beach..
.0,0:14:56.17,0:14:57.93.那我就放心了.That's a relief.

.0,0:14:59.07,0:15:01.57.当然了,我听说各人的反应不一样.Of course, I hear people react to it differently..
.0,0:15:04.88,0:15:06.40.你今晚上就知道了.You'll know by tonight..
.0,0:15:12.55,0:15:14.02.听着….Listen, um....
.0,0:15:14.56,0:15:16.65.我想问一下....you don't mind my asking....
.0,0:15:17.43,0:15:19.79.那边那个精致的装置是干嘛的?....what is that contraption you got over there?.
.0,0:15:19.96,0:15:23.56.是虹吸壶,煮咖啡的.It's a siphon. Makes coffee..
.0,0:15:24.87,0:15:26.27.它还能干嘛?.What else does it do?.
.0,0:15:27.24,0:15:29.64.它还需要干嘛?.What else does it have to do?.
.0,0:15:37.21,0:15:41.24.知道吗,埃塞俄比亚的羊倌最先发现了咖啡.Did you know that coffee was originally discovered by a shepherd in Ethiopia?.
.0,0:15:41.98,0:15:43.88.- 不可能 - 是真的.- You don't say. - It's true..
.0,0:15:44.45,0:15:47.75.据说是他的山羊吃了一种陌生灌木的浆果.Seems his goats were eating berries from an unfamiliar bush..
.0,0:15:47.92,0:15:50.58.没多久,那群羊就乱蹦乱跳….Before long, they were running and jumping all over....
.0,0:15:50.76,0:15:52.12.兴奋得不得了....having a gay old time..
.0,0:15:52.63,0:15:56.29.于是羊倌带上几枝浆果去了当地修道院.So the shepherd took some of the branches to the local monastery....
.0,0:15:56.46,0:15:59.06.那里的修道士决定把浆果烤一下....where the abbots decided to roast them..
.0,0:15:59.90,0:16:01.33.烤着烤着….When the berries burned....
.0,0:16:01.50,0:16:04.63.浆果里的豆子散发出一股浓郁的香气....the beans inside gave off such a pleasant aroma....
.0,0:16:04.81,0:16:06.71.然后他们把豆子放入炖锅里煮....they brewed them into a stew..
.0,0:16:08.74,0:16:10.47.炖锅?.Stew, huh?.
.0,0:16:10.65,0:16:15.74.随后几百年里,咖啡传到了阿拉伯和欧洲.And over the next few hundred years, it spread to Arabia, Europe....
.0,0:16:16.22,0:16:19.12.甚至苏门答腊,你那袋东西就产自那里....even Sumatra, like that hooch you got over there..
.0,0:16:20.36,0:16:22.65.那叫做鲁瓦克咖啡.It's called Kopi Luwak..
.0,0:16:23.22,0:16:25.02.我知道这个牌子.I know what it's called..
.0,0:16:25.43,0:16:27.26.你知道?.You do?.
.0,0:16:28.50,0:16:30.59.我可从来没喝过那玩意儿.Never catch me drinking that shit..
.0,0:16:31.00,0:16:32.93.你试过吗?.Have you ever tried it?.
.0,0:16:33.60,0:16:37.83.没有,我更喜欢速溶咖啡.No. I'm more of a instant-coffee man..
.0,0:16:38.01,0:16:40.13.来,我来帮你.Here, here we are..
.0,0:16:41.34,0:16:44.44.- 谢谢 - 别客气.- Thanks. - No problem..
.0,0:16:47.45,0:16:49.01.给你.There you are..
.0,0:16:50.69,0:16:53.45.你脸上的斑,一直有的吗?.You always had those freckles?.
.0,0:16:54.99,0:16:56.68.打记事起就有了.Far as

I know..
.0,0:17:06.37,0:17:10.67.好了,这里有意大利熏火腿 甜瓜、还有一些布拉塔干酪.THOMAS: Okay, we got prosciutto and melons, some burrata mozzarella....
.0,0:17:10.87,0:17:12.84.和一片香烤小牛排....and a veal paillard..
.0,0:17:13.01,0:17:16.00.来自托斯卡纳的极品美食.The folks at Toscana send their best..
.0,0:17:17.41,0:17:18.97.你要把那些全吃了?.You sure you wanna eat all that?.
.0,0:17:20.18,0:17:21.88.我是这么打算的.That's the plan..
.0,0:17:29.79,0:17:31.85.你想让汤玛斯给你也弄一盘吗?.You want Thomas to make you a plate?.
.0,0:17:32.03,0:17:35.15.汤米,整一盘给这位….Tommy, uh, fix a plate for, uh....
.0,0:17:37.67,0:17:39.39.名还是姓?.First name or last?.
.0,0:17:41.84,0:17:44.10.真的?有意思.Really? Interesting..
.0,0:17:45.07,0:17:48.94.你要不要来点儿?美食能振奋精神.So you want, uh...? Might cheer you up..
.0,0:17:49.18,0:17:50.91.不用了,谢谢好意.No, thanks, I'll pass..
.0,0:17:51.51,0:17:53.24.你确定?.You sure?.
.0,0:17:56.12,0:17:57.95.好吃,好吃.Mm, yum, yum..
.0,0:18:00.62,0:18:02.61.美味冠绝洛杉矶.Best in L.A..
.0,0:18:09.03,0:18:11.73.美味灌进马桶里….It ain't the best in L.A. No more..
.0,0:18:43.00,0:18:44.46.哦,老天.Oh, man..
.0,0:18:48.27,0:18:51.60.玛雅又获奖了.Maya made the honor roll again..
.0,0:18:52.74,0:18:54.61.我就知道她行的.Bet your ass she did..
.0,0:19:02.25,0:19:03.95.我的上帝.My God..
.0,0:19:06.12,0:19:10.08.那些死于心脏病的家伙运气真好啊.Somewhere, some lucky guy's having a heart attack..
.0,0:19:25.17,0:19:26.80.科尔先生.Mr. Cole..
.0,0:19:27.01,0:19:32.14.不要管我,我只是在自言自语.EDWARD: Don't pay any attention to me. I'm just, uh, talking to myself..
.0,0:19:33.45,0:19:34.94.这是小凯给你的.It's from Kai..
.0,0:19:36.22,0:19:39.52.他说长大了想跟爷爷一样当机械师.Says he wants to be a mechanic like his granddad when he grows up..
.0,0:19:39.69,0:19:41.38.我建议你让他打消这个念头.I hope you talked him out of that..
.0,0:19:41.56,0:19:43.15.我试过了.Well, I tried..
.0,0:19:44.43,0:19:45.69.这是什么?.What do we got here?.
.0,0:19:46.13,0:19:48.29.是辆福特野马350.ROGER: It's a Shelby 350..
.0,0:19:51.03,0:19:53.63.- 我一直想要一辆来着 - 是啊.- I always wanted one of those. - Yeah..
.0,0:19:53.80,0:19:55.86.小凯记得的.- Kai remembered. - Hmm..
.0,0:20:01.21,0:20:04.04.妈妈觉得你休息得不够.Mom seems to think you're not getting enough rest..
.0,0:20:09.68,0:20:11.08.爸,她很爱你.She loves you, Pop..

.0,0:20:21.46,0:20:25.19.检查结果一出来就通知我们好吗?.You'll, uh, call us when you get your test results, huh?.
.0,0:20:27.00,0:20:28.83.等出来再说吧.If that day ever comes..
.0,0:20:34.21,0:20:36.54.- 保重 - 好的.- Take care. - Okay..
.0,0:20:44.42,0:20:46.22.他是老大?.He your oldest?.
.0,0:20:47.89,0:20:49.62.他干什么的?.What's he do?.
.0,0:20:50.36,0:20:53.62.- 罗杰是个税务律师 - 哦.- Roger's a tax attorney. - Oh..
.0,0:20:56.86,0:20:58.92.他弟弟,李,是个工程师.His brother, Lee, is an engineer..
.0,0:21:05.94,0:21:07.87.那个漂亮的小姑娘是谁?.EDWARD: Who's the pretty little lady?.
.0,0:21:08.08,0:21:11.20.那是瑞秋,三兄妹里的老幺.That's Rachel. Youngest of the three..
.0,0:21:11.55,0:21:12.91.跟她哥哥的年纪差好多.Big age difference..
.0,0:21:13.08,0:21:15.71.这个,她是意外之喜.Yeah, well, she was a surprise..
.0,0:21:15.88,0:21:19.38.自打她出世,她的哥哥们都不愿出屋了.We'd hardly gotten the boys out of the house when she came along..
.0,0:21:20.52,0:21:22.89.她是个出色的小提琴手.She's an outstanding violinist..
.0,0:21:25.79,0:21:27.45.你有孩子吗?.You got kids?.
.0,0:21:32.83,0:21:36.17.我从没有过很长的一段婚姻.- Never stayed married long enough. - Oh, well....
.0,0:21:36.40,0:21:41.60.别担心,我结婚的时间够我们俩分的....don't worry, I've been married long enough for the both of us..
.0,0:21:42.11,0:21:43.63.感觉如何?.How's that going?.
.0,0:21:45.91,0:21:47.47.就这么着.It's going..
.0,0:21:48.28,0:21:50.18.不错啊.That good, huh?.
.0,0:21:51.25,0:21:54.12.所以他们才发明了电灯开关嘛.Well, that's why they invented light switches..
.0,0:21:57.13,0:22:02.19.别误会了,我爱结婚,都结过四次了.Don't get me wrong, I loved being married, been there four times..
.0,0:22:02.36,0:22:05.63.问题在于,我也爱单身生活.Problem is I love being single too..
.0,0:22:06.67,0:22:09.66.鱼和熊掌不可兼得啊.Hard to do them both at the same time..
.0,0:22:10.64,0:22:13.97.人无完人嘛.Well, nobody's perfect..
.0,0:22:14.18,0:22:17.63.我唯一成功的婚姻就是和事业的结合.Only successful marriage I had was me and my work..
.0,0:22:18.01,0:22:22.11.我16岁起开始赚钱.I started making money when I was 16....
.0,0:22:22.78,0:22:24.84.之后就…....and that was that..
.0,0:22:25.15,0:22:26.78.一发不可收拾.Never stopped..
.0,0:22:27.19,0:22:28.88.我比较倒霉.I'll be damned..
.0,0:22:31.09,0:22:33.46.我原本想当一名历史系教授.I wanted to be a history professor..
.0,0:22:33.69,0:22:35.16.人无完人.Nobody's perfect..
.0,0:22:37.70,0:22:40.29.我在市立学院学了两个月之后.I made it t

hrough two months of City College....
.0,0:22:40.47,0:22:43.13.维吉尼亚说她有喜了....before Virginia gave me the news..
.0,0:22:43.70,0:22:45.67.于是,你知道….And then, you know....
.0,0:22:46.84,0:22:51.90.我一个黑人,年纪轻轻 一贫如洗还拖家带口....young, black, broke, baby on the way....
.0,0:22:53.71,0:22:56.68.能有份待遇不错的工作还不赶紧接了?.Take the first decent job that comes along..
.0,0:22:59.75,0:23:01.85.我一直想回去.I always meant to go back....
.0,0:23:02.52,0:23:05.86.但45年一晃就过去了....but 45 years goes by pretty fast..
.0,0:23:07.33,0:23:10.06.如白驹过隙.Like smoke through a keyhole..
.0,0:23:25.21,0:23:26.65.不行了!.EDWARD: Shit!.
.0,0:23:45.17,0:23:50.47.我睡着了还给我打吗啡,多浪费.Don't give me the morphine while I'm sleeping. It's a waste..
.0,0:23:51.21,0:23:54.97.也许她是想把我们两个都杀了 你没想过吗?.Maybe she's trying to kill us both. You ever think of that?.
.0,0:23:58.28,0:24:00.18.你是赌神啊?.What are you, the devil?.
.0,0:24:00.55,0:24:03.24.如果我已经失去理智了怎么办?.What if I lost my mind already?.
.0,0:24:04.22,0:24:05.88.上帝啊,不.Jesus, no..
.0,0:24:06.05,0:24:10.22.不不,对不起上帝,这不是祈祷.No. No, no Jesus, this is not praying..
.0,0:24:10.63,0:24:13.65.我是在自言自语,这是….I'm talking to myself out loud, that's....
.0,0:24:13.83,0:24:16.56.你想过自杀吗?.EDWARD: You ever think about suicide?.
.0,0:24:16.73,0:24:18.63.- 自杀?我? - 是啊.CARTER: Suicide? Me? EDWARD: Yeah..
.0,0:24:18.80,0:24:20.46.老天,当然没有啦.Lord, no..
.0,0:24:20.64,0:24:23.70.我就知道,你这是第一阶段.Thought so. Stage one..
.0,0:24:26.07,0:24:28.77.有五个阶段….The five stages, but....
.0,0:24:30.24,0:24:34.08.然后是愤怒,妥协,沮丧,接受.Then anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance..
.0,0:24:34.25,0:24:38.34.所以现在你当然不会考虑自杀.So of course you're not thinking of suicide..
.0,0:24:38.72,0:24:41.78.因为你还处在第一阶段,拒绝.You're in stage one. Denial..
.0,0:24:42.66,0:24:44.49.那你在哪个阶段?.What stage are you in?.
.0,0:24:47.30,0:24:48.85.那就考虑一下自杀吧.And thinking about suicide..
.0,0:24:49.03,0:24:51.12.好吧,这不过是个框框….Yeah, okay. It's just a frame of....
.0,0:24:51.30,0:24:53.96.看来你不用再打这些吊针了.Well, it looks like you won't be needing this anymore..
.0,0:24:54.17,0:24:56.60.- 打完了? - 对的,第四个疗程,也是最后一个.- That's it? - Yep, fourth and final..
.0,0:24:57.10,0:24:58.13.接下来干嘛?.What's next?.

的检查,看结果再定.They have to run all the tests first, see where we stand..
.0,0:25:01.44,0:25:03.64.- 要多久 - 需要一点时间.- Well, how long? - Takes a while..
.0,0:25:03.84,0:25:06.18.我一见到吉比安医生 就会让他安排检查的.I'll get Dr. Gibian to schedule them when I see him..
.0,0:25:07.55,0:25:09.61.我还有一个小时才下班,还需要什么吗?.I'm on for another hour, anything you need?.
.0,0:25:10.52,0:25:12.61.如果有的话,给我张健康证明吧.Clean bill of health if you got one..
.0,0:25:12.95,0:25:14.29.坚持住啊,卡特.Hang in there, Carter..
.0,0:25:15.46,0:25:16.62.我这不一直坚持着吗?.That's what I do..
.0,0:25:21.36,0:25:23.69.一个直飞垒间线的安打.ANNOUNCER [ON TV]: And line to center, base hit....
.0,0:25:23.86,0:25:26.73.肯特必须在球弹地三次之前接球....Kent will have to play it on three bounces....
.0,0:25:26.90,0:25:29.67.阿劳要得分了!球被掷回内场…....and Alou will score. The throw goes to the back....
.0,0:25:29.84,0:25:34.14.靠,把那个内野手毙了算了.Hit the cutoff man, for crying out loud..
.0,0:25:34.48,0:25:36.00.看见没….You see....
.0,0:25:36.38,0:25:39.64.这就是当今棒球运动的问题所在....that's the problem with the game today:.
.0,0:25:39.81,0:25:42.21.基本功太差.No fundamentals..
.0,0:25:42.38,0:25:44.51.你看过《鼎盛年华》吗?.Did you ever read The Time of Your Life?.
.0,0:25:44.99,0:25:47.32.- 威廉·萨洛扬写的 - 没错.- William Saroyan. - Yeah..
.0,0:25:47.52,0:25:51.55.“没有基础 一切事物赖以存在的基础…”."No foundation. All the way down the line.".
.0,0:25:51.73,0:25:54.09.“当我们长大的时候…” 你在干吗?.When we were growing up... What are you doing?.
.0,0:25:55.10,0:25:56.69.没什么,随便写写.Nothing, scribbling..
.0,0:25:57.90,0:25:59.89.随便写?写什么?.Scribbling? What?.
.0,0:26:00.40,0:26:02.67.没什么,就是随便写写.Nothing. Just scribbling..
.0,0:26:05.67,0:26:09.23.哦,不是吧,怎么能这么打呢?.Oh, sure, that's what you wanna do....
.0,0:26:09.44,0:26:13.50.这种滑球接它干嘛,这下三振出局了....bounce a slider with a man on third..
.0,0:26:13.85,0:26:16.75.现在的这些孩子….These kids today, they....
.0,0:26:18.92,0:26:23.62.带上耳机了…我又在自言自语了.Earphones. I'm talking to myself, again..
.0,0:26:28.93,0:26:30.73.- 爱德华? - 医生.- Edward? - Doc..
.0,0:26:31.03,0:26:32.33.你怎么样?.How's it going there?.
.0,0:26:32.70,0:26:34.63.白痴问题.Dumb question..
.0,0:26:37.87,0:26:39.53.我拿到检查结果了.I got the test back..
.0,0:26:40.64,0:26:42.34.我就跟你直说了,好吗?.I'll just lay it out, huh?.
.0,0:26:44.61,0:26:45.87.还有六个月.Six months..
.0,0:26:47.11,0:26:49.08.运气好的话,还有一年.A year if we're

.0,0:26:50.08,0:26:53.28.我们正在搞一个实验疗法.There is an experimental program that we've been conducting....
.0,0:26:53.45,0:26:55.45.我不想给你一些无谓的希望....and I don't wanna get your hopes up....
.0,0:26:55.62,0:26:58.15.但我觉得这疗法很适合你....but I think you would be an excellent candidate....
.0,0:26:58.36,0:26:59.59.嘿,医生.Hey, doc..
.0,0:27:03.26,0:27:05.60.你挡到我了.You're blocking my view..
.0,0:27:13.51,0:27:15.17.总之,不管有什么问题.Anyway, if there's any questions....
.0,0:27:15.41,0:27:17.78.随时都可以找我....day or night, you know where to find me..
.0,0:27:18.75,0:27:20.30.有个问题.One question..
.0,0:27:20.75,0:27:22.27.好的,说吧.Sure, of course..
.0,0:27:23.82,0:27:27.41.卡特,你有什么想问霍林斯医生的?.Carter, you wanna ask Dr. Hollins something?.
.0,0:27:27.62,0:27:30.45.这个,我不熟悉钱伯斯先生的….I mean, I'm not familiar with Mr. Chambers'....
.0,0:27:30.66,0:27:32.96.那就熟悉一下.Well, get familiar..
.0,0:27:38.30,0:27:41.33.我只想知道我的检查结果如何,就这个.I just wanted to know how I stand, that's all..
.0,0:27:41.84,0:27:45.53.好的,我先去看看你的病历再说好吗?.Sure. How about I'll go take a look at your chart, okay?.
.0,0:27:46.31,0:27:47.83.谢谢你.Thank you..
.0,0:28:23.94,0:28:26.00.曾经有这么个调查.CARTER: There was a survey once..
.0,0:28:26.58,0:28:29.74.有一千个人被问及 若有可能事先获悉.A thousand people were asked, if they could know in advance....
.0,0:28:29.95,0:28:33.08.想不想知道自己确切的死亡时间....would they want to know the exact day of their death..
.0,0:28:33.25,0:28:36.35.96%的人选择了不想.Ninety-six percent of them said no..
.0,0:28:38.39,0:28:41.09.我总觉得自己属于另外的4%.I always kind of leaned toward the other 4 percent..
.0,0:28:42.26,0:28:44.82.如果能知道自己的生命还剩多少.I thought it would be liberating....
.0,0:28:45.00,0:28:48.09.我觉得这其实是一种解脱....knowing how much time you had left to work with..
.0,0:28:48.27,0:28:49.60.…最多还有一年….HOLLINS: A year at best..
.0,0:28:49.77,0:28:52.17.但事实证明,我不属于那4%.CARTER: It turns out, it's not..
.0,0:28:52.34,0:28:54.53.…基本上我们已别无选择….HOLLINS: We're pretty much out of options..
.0,0:29:20.43,0:29:22.40.想玩牌吗?.You want to play cards?.
.0,0:29:23.87,0:29:26.36.就怕你不问.Thought you'd never ask..
.0,0:29:36.65,0:29:38.52.太阳晒屁股了.THOMAS: Rise and shine..
.0,0:29:41.56,0:29:43.25.好吧.Or that..
.0,0:29:54.40,0:29:55.43.那个给我看看.Let me see that..

玛斯….And, uh, Thomas....
.0,0:30:01.24,0:30:03.11.打电话给克利斯蒂拍卖行的玛丽....call Marie at Christie's..
.0,0:30:03.28,0:30:06.97.这个季度我不会去竞拍了.Tell her I won't be bidding this season..
.0,0:30:07.85,0:30:09.54.明白.I understand..
.0,0:30:10.18,0:30:14.35.哦,先生,我也不想惹你不高兴.Uh, sir, I don't mean to sound indelicate....
.0,0:30:14.76,0:30:18.32.不过,你想让我怎么料理你的…....but how do you want me to handle your?.
.0,0:30:22.60,0:30:24.59.当成你自己的后事去料理就好了.Treat it as if it were your own..
.0,0:30:25.67,0:30:28.76.那…把所有的钱都留给助手?.So leave all the money to my assistant?.
.0,0:30:31.61,0:30:35.13.帮我去买个我爱吃的杏仁羊角面包来.Go get me one of those almond croissants that I like..
.0,0:30:36.98,0:30:38.95.别买什么青香蕉.And don't buy any green bananas..
.0,0:30:57.33,0:30:59.82.- 你在干吗? - 这是什么?.- What are you doing? - What is this?.
.0,0:31:00.50,0:31:03.20.- 快还给我 - 这是什么?.- Come on, give it back. - What is it?.
.0,0:31:03.37,0:31:04.80.还给我.Give it back..
.0,0:31:06.11,0:31:09.41.我从地上捡的,不知道这是国家机密.It was on the floor. I didn't know it was a state secret..
.0,0:31:13.31,0:31:17.31.我大一的时候,一个哲学教授….Well, my freshman philosophy professor....
.0,0:31:17.48,0:31:20.98.给我们布置了一项人生前景规划的作业....assigned this exercise in forward thinking..
.0,0:31:21.16,0:31:22.75.他称之为“遗愿清单”.He called it a "Bucket List.".
.0,0:31:23.36,0:31:26.85.将此生想做的事情列成一份清单.We were supposed to make a list of things we wanted to do in our lives....
.0,0:31:27.06,0:31:29.05.- 在我们… - “猪脚踢悬梁”之前(死的谐称)....before we... - Kicked the bucket..
.0,0:31:31.07,0:31:33.73.我就写了“赚一百万”啊.Anyway, I wrote things like "make a million dollars"....
.0,0:31:33.90,0:31:38.20.“成为首位黑人总统啊”之类的 年少轻狂的想法...."first black president," you know, young man's wishes..
.0,0:31:38.37,0:31:41.27.现在我想重写这份清单,但是….I was gonna redo the list, but then....
.0,0:31:41.51,0:31:44.84.“出于善意,帮助陌生人”."Help a complete stranger for the good.".
.0,0:31:45.95,0:31:48.44.“笑到流眼泪”."Laugh until I cry.".
.0,0:31:49.08,0:31:53.08.不是我说你,这些也太逊了点.Not to be judgmental, but this is extremely weak..
.0,0:31:53.72,0:31:56.75.现在也没什么用了.Well, it's pointless now..
.0,0:31:57.36,0:32:01.52.我的看法与你正好相反.I would argue the exact opposite..
.0,0:32:02.40,0:32:04.63.嗯,这个可以.All right. That's it..
.0,0:32:04.80,0:32:05.86.你在干嘛?.What are you doing?.

,0:32:08.47.重写一下而已.A little rewrite, that's all..
.0,0:32:08.87,0:32:12.64.难道你不想去逞逞能,放放枪什么的?.I mean, don't you want to go out with some balls? Guns blazing?.
.0,0:32:12.81,0:32:14.54.给自己找点乐子.Have a little fun?.
.0,0:32:14.74,0:32:18.37.放枪之类的事怎么能写进清单?.It was not supposed to be about guns blazing or anything like that..
.0,0:32:18.55,0:32:19.94.你根本搞错了.You're missing the point..
.0,0:32:20.18,0:32:23.71.“亲眼目睹神迹”究竟算什么东西?.What the hell is "witness something majestic"?.
.0,0:32:24.95,0:32:26.82.你去过喜马拉雅山吗?.Have you ever been to the Himalayas?.
.0,0:32:29.56,0:32:32.49.“开一次野马跑车”,还不错."Drive a Mustang Shelby." Not bad..
.0,0:32:32.69,0:32:37.79.我想到一个…去跳伞怎么样?.I got one. All right. How about skydiving?.
.0,0:32:39.30,0:32:41.27.我们现在有事做了.Now we're onto something..
.0,0:32:41.44,0:32:42.63.我们有事做了?.We're onto something?.
.0,0:32:42.80,0:32:46.20.- 嗯哼 - 让我看看,快点.- Uh-huh. - Let me see that. Come on..
.0,0:32:55.85,0:32:58.15.“亲吻世界上最美丽的女孩”?."Kiss the most beautiful girl in the world"?.
.0,0:32:58.32,0:32:59.84.你打算怎么做?.How do you propose doing that?.
.0,0:33:06.23,0:33:10.22.“刺一个纹身”这就是你的人生目标?."Get a tattoo." Is that the sum of your ambition?.
.0,0:33:11.27,0:33:13.53.爱德华,我洗个澡都比你这有深度.Edward, I've taken baths deeper than you..
.0,0:33:14.64,0:33:18.16.大一的哲学作业,要深度当然不难.It's easy to be deep in freshman philosophy..
.0,0:33:18.34,0:33:20.27.霍林斯医生怎么说来着?.What's Dr. Hollins say?.
.0,0:33:20.47,0:33:22.70.我们只有几个月了,对吗?.We got months, right?.
.0,0:33:22.88,0:33:24.17.说不定有一年.A year, maybe..
.0,0:33:24.38,0:33:27.31.你不是说,45年一晃就没了?.You think 45 years went by fast?.
.0,0:33:29.45,0:33:31.25.我们能完成这些事.We could do this..
.0,0:33:31.99,0:33:33.54.也应该去完成.We should do this..
.0,0:33:33.79,0:33:34.81.不,我不能.No, I couldn't..
.0,0:33:34.99,0:33:38.79.别为钱犯难,我也只剩下钱了.Don't think about money. That's all I got is money..
.0,0:33:38.96,0:33:40.19.但我不知道….But I don't know. L....
.0,0:33:40.39,0:33:41.66.你不知道什么?.What don't you know?.
.0,0:33:42.03,0:33:44.36.本来应该是些象征性的事情.It was meant to be metaphorical..
.0,0:33:44.53,0:33:47.56.- 我只是想试着去处理… - 废话,废话,废话.- I'm just trying to get a handle on... - Blah, blah, blah..
.0,0:33:49.14,0:33:53.00.你说一直没机会尝试 这不你的机会来了吗?.You're the one crying y

ou never took a shot. Here's your chance..
.0,0:33:53.21,0:33:55.97.什么我的机会?犯傻的机会?.My chance to what? Make a fool of myself?.
.0,0:33:56.98,0:33:58.38.总比没机会犯好.Never too late..
.0,0:34:02.38,0:34:04.82.你认为现在该怎么做?.What do you think happens now?.
.0,0:34:04.99,0:34:07.58.我回去上班,然后傻坐着….I go back and sit around listening to people....
.0,0:34:07.79,0:34:11.88.听别人说着融资次贷的事情....talking about mezzanine financing and subordinated debt....
.0,0:34:12.09,0:34:14.93.假装自己还关心那些该死的钱....pretending that I care about dead money..
.0,0:34:15.33,0:34:19.03.你呢回家,沐浴焚香穿好寿衣.You go home to some ceremonial procession into death....
.0,0:34:19.23,0:34:22.17.任由身边的人围着你,看着你咽气....with everyone standing around watching you die....
.0,0:34:22.34,0:34:23.93.而你还要安慰他们....while you try to comfort them..
.0,0:34:24.61,0:34:29.20.那就是你想要的? 在同情和悲痛的气氛中慢慢窒息?.Is that what you want, to be smothered by pity and grief?.
.0,0:34:29.54,0:34:31.17.我可不愿意.Well, not me..
.0,0:34:31.85,0:34:37.04.在你的内心深处,相信你也不愿意.And in your heart, Carter, I believe not you either..
.0,0:34:40.32,0:34:44.05.我们俩现在是一条线上的蚂蚱 这句话的象征性不错吧?.We're both in the same boat. How's that for a metaphor?.
.0,0:34:45.63,0:34:48.96.我们现在有个难得的机遇.We got a real opportunity here..
.0,0:34:51.10,0:34:54.23.即使按你的标准,这话也比较离谱.That is real twisted, even by your standards..
.0,0:34:54.43,0:34:58.87.我们现在感觉还行,对么? 身体恢复了少许活力.We still feel good, right? Energy's coming back a little bit..
.0,0:34:59.07,0:35:01.56.医生说了,没什么症状.Asymptomatic, the doc says..
.0,0:35:02.04,0:35:04.91.照我看来,要么我们躺在这里….The way I see it, we can lay around here....
.0,0:35:05.08,0:35:08.95.静静祈祷那些狗屁实验能出现奇迹....hoping for a miracle in some bullshit science experiment....
.0,0:35:09.12,0:35:13.88.要么我们采取一些行动....or we can put some moves on..
.0,0:35:23.73,0:35:25.25.跳伞啊?.Skydiving, huh?.
.0,0:35:26.30,0:35:27.60.太好了.All right..
.0,0:35:30.24,0:35:33.80.这算哪门子医院啊?连个医学博士都没有.What kind of hospital is this? There isn't an M.D. Within a mile..
.0,0:35:35.41,0:35:37.97.维吉尼亚,我们得谈谈.Virginia, we have to talk..
.0,0:35:38.65,0:35:39.77.医生怎么说?.What did they say?.
.0,0:35:39.95,0:35:45.51.钱伯斯夫人,我先出去,你们俩慢慢谈.Uh, Mrs. Chambers, I'm gonna give you two a little quiet time..
.0,0:35:45.69,0:35:47.18.告退了.Excuse me..
.0,0:35:58.60,0:35:59.90.情况不好.It's not good..

.我就知道该去加州大学附属医院看.I knew we should have gone to UCLA..
.0,0:36:08.48,0:36:10.64.那儿的外科医生和术后治疗都比这里强.The surgeons are better. Post-op is better..
.0,0:36:10.84,0:36:13.01.- 也没什么用的 - 你又不知道.- Wouldn't have mattered. - You don't know that..
.0,0:36:13.21,0:36:15.98.我们不能放弃,我要想其他办法.We're not giving up. I want another opinion..
.0,0:36:16.15,0:36:17.55.维吉尼亚.Ah, Virginia..
.0,0:36:17.78,0:36:20.05.你好,请转肿瘤科,维特里医生办公室.Yes, Oncology, please. Dr. Veteri's office..
.0,0:36:20.29,0:36:22.19.维吉尼亚,不用.Virginia, no..
.0,0:36:22.52,0:36:24.18.让我来吧.Let me handle this..
.0,0:36:26.79,0:36:29.56.维特里医生?我是维吉尼亚·钱伯斯.Dr. Veteri? Virginia Chambers..
.0,0:36:29.73,0:36:31.56.是的,没错….Yes, that's right....
.0,0:36:45.85,0:36:47.81.我要离开一段时间.I'm going away for a while..
.0,0:36:48.82,0:36:50.51.你说什么?.What are you talking about?.
.0,0:36:50.72,0:36:53.48.我说,我和爱德华要离开这儿.I'm talking about Edward and I are going away..
.0,0:36:53.75,0:36:55.72.你和爱德华?.Edward and you?.
.0,0:36:56.22,0:36:58.52.离开去哪儿?.Going away where?.
.0,0:37:00.33,0:37:02.26.我不指望你能理解.I don't expect you to understand..
.0,0:37:02.73,0:37:05.89.你说对了,我还真不理解.You're damn right I don't understand..
.0,0:37:06.07,0:37:09.19.我不明白你怎么就这样放弃了呢.I don't understand how you can just give up like this..
.0,0:37:09.37,0:37:11.96.你怎么就这样放弃…放弃努力.How you can just quit... Quit fighting..
.0,0:37:12.17,0:37:14.61.- 维吉尼亚 - 为什么不去跟你的孩子说这些?.- Virginia. - Why don't you tell our children that?.
.0,0:37:14.84,0:37:18.24.要是知道你就这样放弃他们 他们会怎么说?.See what they say when they find out you've given up on them..
.0,0:37:18.48,0:37:20.24.放弃他们?.Given up on them?.
.0,0:37:21.05,0:37:23.04.我放弃了他们?.Given up on them?.
.0,0:37:23.78,0:37:26.75.我在引擎盖下干了45年.I've got 45 years greased up under the hood of a car....
.0,0:37:26.92,0:37:30.58.为的就是让他们心无旁骛,这点我做到了....so that they didn't want for anything, and they didn't..
.0,0:37:30.76,0:37:33.06.我想也该给自己一些时间了.I think I've earned some time for myself..
.0,0:37:33.26,0:37:37.03.给自己时间去做什么?跟一个陌生人走?.To do what? Run off with a total stranger?.
.0,0:37:37.23,0:37:38.56.他不是什么陌生人.He's not a stranger..
.0,0:37:38.77,0:37:40.13.我是你的妻子.I'm your wife..
.0,0:37:40.37,0:37:42.63.我是你的丈夫,他们的父亲.And I'm your husband. And I'm their father..
.0,0:37:42.80,0:37:45.43.我还是个祖父,是个他妈的修理工!.And I'm a grandfather. And I'm a damn mechanic!.

0:37:45.64,0:37:46.80.你还是个傻子.And you're a fool..
.0,0:37:47.31,0:37:51.44.你是个自欺欺人的傻子.You're a fool who thinks he's figured out a way how not to have cancer..
.0,0:37:57.38,0:37:59.08.对不起.I'm sorry..
.0,0:38:09.73,0:38:12.26.我的丈夫不卖!.My husband is not for sale..
.0,0:38:26.08,0:38:28.05.她恨我.She hates me..
.0,0:38:33.05,0:38:34.92.你恨我吗?.Do you hate me?.
.0,0:38:37.12,0:38:38.68.暂时还不恨.Not yet..
.0,0:38:43.10,0:38:44.93.计划开始了.CARTER: And so it began..
.0,0:39:01.31,0:39:03.78.我一直害怕坐飞机.I've always been afraid to go up in an airplane....
.0,0:39:03.98,0:39:07.58.现在我却要为了一个疯子的一时兴起 从飞机上跳出去!....now I'm gonna jump out of one at the whim of a maniac!.
.0,0:39:09.59,0:39:10.95.要捡回来吗?.Wanna get it?.
.0,0:39:11.63,0:39:13.99.你觉得我该怎么捡吧?.How do you suggest we do that?.
.0,0:39:23.67,0:39:25.14.该死.Damn it..
.0,0:39:30.74,0:39:32.47.闭嘴.Not a word..
.0,0:39:34.25,0:39:36.34.回去吧,凯尔.Back to the seat, Kyle..
.0,0:39:36.55,0:39:41.32.原谅他,凯尔,他在担心家里那口子.You'll have to forgive him, Kyle. He's worried about the little woman..
.0,0:39:41.52,0:39:44.01.这跟我老婆没关系.This has nothing to do with my wife..
.0,0:39:44.22,0:39:45.62.三十秒后跳伞.Thirty seconds to drop..
.0,0:39:45.83,0:39:48.06.我的“续集”也是如此.The Sequel was like that..
.0,0:39:48.23,0:39:50.75.她从没支持过我干任何事.She never backed me up on anything..
.0,0:39:51.00,0:39:52.12.“续集”?.The Sequel?.
.0,0:39:52.33,0:39:54.70.第二任爱德华·科尔夫人.The second Mrs. Edward Cole..
.0,0:39:55.70,0:39:58.17.神啊,那个女人恨我.God, that woman hated me..
.0,0:39:58.37,0:40:00.53.也许是因为你叫她“续集”.Maybe because you called her The Sequel..
.0,0:40:01.17,0:40:05.34.天哪,凯尔,我居然从来没想过这点.Jeez, Kyle, I never looked at it that way..
.0,0:40:05.51,0:40:07.38.- 倒数15秒 - 不,不.- Fifteen seconds. CARTER: No, no..
.0,0:40:07.58,0:40:10.18.- 等等!我不能跳 - 你能跳的.- Wait! Wait, I can't do this. - Sure you can..
.0,0:40:10.38,0:40:12.78.不,我真的不能.CARTER: No. I can't. Really..
.0,0:40:13.02,0:40:14.88.你不是怕跳出去.It's not the jump you're afraid of..
.0,0:40:15.09,0:40:16.52.当然不是了!.The hell it's not!.
.0,0:40:16.72,0:40:19.06.你只是害怕你的降落伞打不开….You're just afraid your chute won't open....
.0,0:40:19.23,0:40:23.69.到时像摊鸡蛋饼一样 出现在自己的葬礼上....and you'll show up at your own funeral as a Denver omelet..
.0,0:40:23.90,0:40:27.13.不,我只是非常担心而已.No, I'm pretty much just worried the chute won't open..
.0,0:40:27.30,0:40:28.46.不,不!.No, no!.

啊.Man's got some lungs, huh?.
.0,0:40:35.54,0:40:37.77.我们也跳吧.Let's hit the silk!.
.0,0:40:41.88,0:40:46.41.噢耶,漂亮!.Oh, yeah, beautiful!.
.0,0:40:51.26,0:40:53.66.快拉啊!快拉绳!.Pull the thing! Pull the cord!.
.0,0:40:53.83,0:40:57.23.感觉怎么样啊?这才是生活.How about this, huh? This is living..
.0,0:40:57.43,0:41:00.26.我恨死你了.I hate your rotten guts..
.0,0:41:00.47,0:41:03.06.尽情享受蓝天吧!.Surrender to the void!.
.0,0:41:03.40,0:41:05.63.这么一大堆绳子,到底该拉哪根?.Which one of these damn cords do you pull?.
.0,0:41:05.84,0:41:09.14.别乱动,我们还没到指定区域 现在拉伞会让我们….KYLE: Don't touch it. We're not in the drop zone yet. We could wind up in the....
.0,0:41:11.21,0:41:13.65.好了,开伞吧.INSTRUCTOR: Okay. Let's deploy..
.0,0:41:13.98,0:41:17.94.我有一种坠入深渊的感觉….[SINGING] I got a feeling I'm falling.
.0,0:41:18.29,0:41:20.41.我们快到危险区了,拉开伞包.INSTRUCTOR: We're in the red zone. Pull the cord..
.0,0:41:20.59,0:41:24.25.我有一种坠入爱河的感觉….[SINGING] I got a feeling I'm falling in love.
.0,0:41:24.42,0:41:26.72.快他妈拉绳子!.Pull the damn cord!.
.0,0:41:28.03,0:41:30.02.也曾有爱….I was in love once..
.0,0:41:35.44,0:41:38.87.汤米,人活着就为了在某天死去.EDWARD: Tommy, we live to die another day..
.0,0:41:39.11,0:41:40.70.我真是运气.How lucky for me..
.0,0:41:40.87,0:41:45.17.不是玩笑话,汤玛斯 记得我的遗嘱吧,你很有希望.No jokes, Thomas, remember the will. You're so close..
.0,0:41:46.68,0:41:48.88.我想问你点事.Let me ask you something..
.0,0:41:49.05,0:41:51.48.你是叫汤米还是汤玛斯?.Uh, is it Tommy or Thomas?.
.0,0:41:51.65,0:41:55.52.事实上我叫马修 但他觉得那是圣经人物专有的名字.Um, it's actually Matthew, but he finds that too biblical..
.0,0:41:55.69,0:41:58.89.我们去吃点东西吧,快走!.EDWARD: Let's eat something. Come on!.
.0,0:41:59.06,0:42:00.75.他是不是疯了?.Is he insane?.
.0,0:42:05.87,0:42:07.66.你决定好了没有?.So you decided?.
.0,0:42:07.83,0:42:11.83.没有,我可不想把什么东西永远留在身上.No, I couldn't think of anything I wanted to be stuck with permanently..
.0,0:42:12.01,0:42:15.46.什么永远啊?说不定五分钟后我们就翘了.What's permanently? We're gonna be dead in five minutes..
.0,0:42:15.64,0:42:18.54.- 什么? - 一种表达方式而已.- What? - Figure of speech..
.0,0:42:18.71,0:42:23.34.那么,不纹邦联旗(内战时的南方势力 支持农奴制),也不纹黑皮肤的上帝.So no Confederate flag, no black Jesus..

0:42:23.55,0:42:25.14.不,我还是….No, I'm gonna....
.0,0:42:25.35,0:42:27.22.算了是吧,那好吧.Pass. Yeah, sure..
.0,0:42:27.42,0:42:29.58.不是,我只是不愿意亵渎自己的身体.Well, I never agreed to desecrate my body..
.0,0:42:29.82,0:42:32.38.生怕死后不能葬在犹太墓地里?.You worried they won't bury you in a Jewish cemetery?.
.0,0:42:33.09,0:42:34.58.怕被老婆发现?.What, the wife?.
.0,0:42:34.79,0:42:36.32.只是个纹身.It's a tattoo..
.0,0:42:36.53,0:42:39.09.又不是你另觅新欢.It's not like you're dumping her for another woman..
.0,0:42:39.83,0:42:41.70.我从来没有过别的女人.I never been with another woman..
.0,0:42:44.60,0:42:46.94.得把这列在清单上.That's gotta be on the list..
.0,0:42:47.17,0:42:48.94.不不,不行.No, no. I don't think so..
.0,0:42:49.11,0:42:51.41.整整66年?.EDWARD: Sixty-six years?.
.0,0:42:51.61,0:42:55.01.我说老兄啊,看来我们得去好好爽一把.Man, oh, man. We ought to have a big orgy..
.0,0:42:56.52,0:42:58.35.爽,又不一定要出轨.Orgy's not even being unfaithful..
.0,0:42:59.89,0:43:02.88.我指的是那种专业的爽法.It's just, like, professional..
.0,0:43:04.56,0:43:06.62.我不会在旁边陪着你的.I don't even have to be there..
.0,0:43:11.93,0:43:13.92.你好啊,美人.CARTER: Hello, darling..
.0,0:43:15.87,0:43:18.90.- 你要带她去兜风呢,还是要给她买衣裳? - 呵呵.- You gonna drive it or buy it a dress? - Ha, ha..
.0,0:43:19.24,0:43:21.87.只是先熟悉一下.Just getting to know each other..
.0,0:43:30.92,0:43:33.15.我们这样没问题吧?.You sure we're cleared for this?.
.0,0:43:33.39,0:43:37.29.当然没问题,有问题又怎样?.Of course we're cleared for it. What if we weren't?.
.0,0:43:37.46,0:43:39.08.我只是问问.Just checking..
.0,0:43:59.61,0:44:03.88.来吧,来段欢快的,宝贝!看看她的本事.Come on! Tap it, baby! Let's see what she's got..
.0,0:44:04.28,0:44:06.18.恩,我们的表现还不错.Ah, we're doing just fine..
.0,0:44:06.42,0:44:10.65.你这话的口气,就像参加初中舞会的娃娃.You sound like some kid going to the junior prom..
.0,0:44:11.93,0:44:14.62.你这话的口气,就像想被人抽屁股的家伙.You sound like someone looking for an ass-whupping..
.0,0:44:15.10,0:44:17.76.抽屁股?嘿嘿.Ass-whupping? Ho-ho-ho-ho..
.0,0:44:17.93,0:44:19.92.你没那能力!.- You got nothing! - Ha, ha..
.0,0:44:20.30,0:44:23.76.对付你足够了,小鸡米…荡起来!.Got enough for you, Sunny Jim, dangling..
.0,0:44:34.68,0:44:37.15.你刚才是不是说了一句下流话?.Did you just make a penis reference?.
.0,0:44:37.72,0:44:39.55.我说了,又怎样?.What if I did?.

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