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2 broke girls 台词精讲

2 broke girls

《破产姐妹》(又名《打工姐妹花》)(2 Broke Girls),是美国CBS电视台于2011年下半年推出的情景喜剧。该剧讲述了两个身份背景际遇截然不同的纽约女孩,在同一家小餐厅打工,相遇相知相好并共同开创事业的故事。



piss off


Piss off是美语口语中的高频词汇,意思是“to make sb

annoyed 使生气;使厌烦”。例:Her attitude really pisses me off. 她的态度让我厌烦极了。而pissed

off可作为形容词,表示“生气的,厌恶的”。例:I'm pissed off with the way she treated me. 她对待我的方式,让我极为不爽。

on the house

为什么Max请Earl大叔(剧中一个75岁高龄却童心未泯的收银员)吃烤纸杯蛋糕(cupcakes)时,要说“on the house”呢?难道付大洋时还要爬到屋顶不成?


此时你大叫:“我没点这个啊!”,服务生会回答:“This is on the house”。意思就是“这是由店家付的”。

trust fund

Caroline作为落魄的金凤凰,沦为小餐厅的一名服务生,免不了有痛述辛酸史的戏码。她家已经彻底破产,连trust fund都不剩一毛钱了。Trust fund就是传说中的“信托基金”,是美剧里的二代高富帅、白富美的必备品。


例如:The media magnet has established a trust fund for his 5-year-old son. 这位媒体巨头为他五岁的儿子建立了一个信托基金。

rip off


的rip off的意思和steal差不多,表示“偷窃,盗取”,例如:The thief broke in and ripped off the

computer. 贼破门而入偷走了一台电脑。

Rip off还有另一种意思,类似于汉语中的“宰客,敲竹杠”。比如最近有幸欣赏一部史上超强大烂片《田鸡与某某山水画》,恨不能对周围不明真相人士

说:“Don't see that movie. It's a total rip-off!


nailed it



交给你一项任务,你完成得很漂亮,于是乎上司夸你:You nailed it. 你做到了,你搞定了。可惜只有口头鞭策,木有物质奖励~~

bucket list

地铁突然开动,受力学理论的引导,Max和对面的墨镜女士来了个嘴对嘴的亲密接触。她自嘲道“不错诶,又可以在遗愿清单上划去一项了”。充分暴露了其潜意识中的百合情结。Bucket是木桶,list是单子,可是为什么两者合体了,就神奇的变成了“死前心愿”呢?其实,这和英语中的一个俚语有关:kick the bucket,脚踹木桶,是不是很像两腿一蹬歇菜了?用汉语俗话来说,就是指“咽气、翘辫子”。


今天分享的这个词组是“hipster ”,意为“潮人,文艺青年,嬉皮士a person who is hip ”.《破产姐妹》S01E01:No,hipster.Do not think we ’re on the same team. We have nothing in common.不,潮男。不要以为我们是一边的,我们没有共同点。更多举例:It feels like a perfect night to dress up like hipsters.夜色降临,最适合装扮成潮人。Hipsters are my type.我喜欢文青型的男人。

今天分享的这个词组是“crash ”,意为“睡觉,找地儿过夜sleep , spend the night ”.《破产姐妹》S01E01:I need a roommate if you want to crash .如果你乐意在我这儿凑活睡就过来,

我需要一个室友。更多举例:Is it okay if I crash here ? 我能在这儿睡吗?I will crash on the couch tonight .今晚我就在沙发上睡。


今天分享的这个词组是“don’t get attached ”,意为“别套近乎,少跟我套近乎don’t get connected ”.《破产姐妹》S01E01:Caroline: I’m Caroline, by the way.andyou ’re Max? 我叫Caroline顺便说下,你是Max吗?Max: Don’t get attached !别套近乎!更多举例:Hey girl , have we met somewhere before ? 美女,咱们是不是再哪里见过呢?Don’t get attached !别套近乎!Don’t get attached to Susan ! 别和苏珊套近乎!

今天分享的这个词组是“bucket list ”,意为“遗愿清单A list of things to do before you die. ”.《破产姐妹》S01E01:Well, I can cross that off my bucket list.恩,我现在可以把这条从我的遗愿清单上划除了。更多举例:What’s on your bucket list ? 你的遗愿清单上都有什么愿望吗?I shall add skydiving to my bucket list .我要把跳伞放进我的遗愿清单里!


今天分享的这个词组是“hail a cab ”,意为“打车,叫出租车. to signal to a taxi that you want to be picked up ”.《破产姐妹》S01E02:I was running late ,so I decided to hail a cab. 我晚了,所以我决定打车。更多举例:See if we can hail a cab .I don’t want to go home in the rain.看看我们是不是能叫到出租车。我不想淋雨回家。It’s difficult to hail a cab in the downtown.市中心叫车好难哦!

今天分享的这个词组是“have a shot ”,意为“make an attempt, try 尝试一下,碰碰运气”.《破产姐妹》S01E02: Well, She recently lost her dignity, so you might have a shot .她最近节操被狗吃了,所以你也许能走狗屎运。更多举例:It’s a hard job but I’ll have a shot at it .这个工作很难但是我想试试。I have a crush on Susan, do you think I have a shot ? 我喜欢苏珊,你觉得我有机会么?


今天分享的这个句子是“I’m killing it ! ”,意为“I’m doing it extremely well我做得太赞了,我打败它了,我做得太棒了”.《破产姐妹》S01E02:As new owner ,I’m killing it .作为新老板,我赞爆了!更多举例:How ’s your new job? 你的新工作干得如何?Well, I’m killing it !嗯,我做得很赞哦!John ’s playing game on his iphone ,I think he’s killing it .约翰正在iphone上玩游戏,他打得太棒了。

今天分享的这个词组是“roomie ”,意为“室友roommate ”.《破产姐妹》S01E02: Hey , roomies .嘿,室友们!更多举例:She’s my roomie.她是我的室友。I’m gonna hang out with my roomies tonight. 今晚我会和室友们待一块儿。


今天分享的这个词组是"straight up ",意为"说实话,老实说be honest , tell the truth 也可以指(饮料)不加冰块served without ice."《破产姐妹》S01E02: Straight up ,Max, you’re breaking my heart. 说实话,Max,你伤了我的心。更多举例:Straight up , I hate the way my boss treats me .老实说,我讨厌老板对待我的方式。Dude, straight up.哥们,你老实交代吧!I will have a Martini straight up,please. 我要一杯不加冰的马提尼。

今天分享的这个词组是“relationship ghost ”,意为“分手幽灵,分手后还纠缠前任的人someone who haunts you after you break up with him or her. ”.《破产姐妹》: What r y ou ? the relationship ghost ? Robbie ,just go ! 你谁啊,分手幽灵吗?Robbie, 你滚吧!更多举例:He just can’t let it go after we break up. What e relationship ghost !我们分手后他仍放不下。真是个分手幽灵啊!I don’t want a ghost relationship .我不要分手后还纠缠不清的关系。


今天分享的这个词是“sting ”,意为“太伤人,刺痛人cause to feel pain ,hurt ”.《破产姐妹》S01E03: Oh, that stings . I’ve lost 300 Facebook friends since my father was arrested. 哦,太伤人啦。自从我老爸坐牢后Facebook上有300个好友取消了对我的关注。更多举例:Those words really stung me !你的话太伤人了!He's a sensitive guy and some of the criticism has stung him.他是个敏感的人某些批评刺痛了他。

今天分享的这个词是“even out ”,意为“打平,扯平,使相等,使平均to become equal ,balanced or stable ”.《破产姐妹》S01E03:Well , your father’s probably made that many friends in prison , so it all evens out.那个,你老爸也许在牢里也交了那么多朋友了,所以也算扯平了。更多举例:I hope the housing prices will even out next year. 我希望明年的房价能稳定下来。The manager tried to even out the distribution of work among his employees. 经理试图平均分配员工们的工作。


今天分享的这个词是“guns ”,意为“(上臂)二头肌Biceps: the upper-arm muscles”.《破产姐妹》S01E03:Wow, girl .your bartender friend’s cute .Look at those arms, nice guns!哇,姐们,你的酒保朋友很可爱。看看这些手臂,肌肉太棒了!更多举例:I love guys with nice guns!我喜欢有二头肌的男人!He got attacked by a man with huge guns. 他被一个手臂肌肉发达的男人给袭击了。

今天分享的这个词是“man up ”,意为“勇敢面对挑战,做个纯爷们be strong and rise to the moment ”.《破产姐妹》S01E05: I’ve got to man up and face it.我必须霸气侧漏直面人生。更多举例:You must now man up and meet the challenge .你现在必须鼓起勇气面对挑战。Don’t cry ,man up ! 别哭了,做个爷们!


今天分享的这个词组是“nighty night ”,意为“晚安good night ”.《破产姐妹》S01E05: How time does fly . 2:00 ,gentlemen , nighty night .时间过的真快啊!2点了,晚安,先生们!更多举例:Nighty night , my love! 晚安,亲爱的!I am gonna crash in my sister’s room . Nighty night. 我要去妹妹的房间睡觉了,晚安。

今天分享的这个词组是“turnout ”,意为“(出席集会的)人群,出席者,到会者the group that gathers together for a particular occasion”.《破产姐妹》S01E05:Quite a turnout , Max. Reminds me of the after-hours clubs I used to go to .来的人数挺壮观的,Max.让我想起了以前下班后常去的酒吧。更多举例:They had a large turnout at the meeting.出席会议的人数很壮观。On the big night ,there was a massive turnout.在这个重要的晚上,来参加的人很多。


今天分享的这个词组是“poseur ”,意为“装逼的人,装模作样的人,伪装者someone who pretends to be something or someone they are not. ”.《破产姐妹》S01E05:Where are you , you

rich poseur? 你给我滚出来,你这个有钱的装逼男!更多举例:I can tell she’s a poseur. 我可以看得出来她就爱装逼。Some people admired him while others considered him a poseur. 有的人对他很佩服,而有的人则认为他装腔作势。

今天分享的这个词组是“be hooked on ”,意为“着迷,上瘾be addicted to ”.《破产姐妹》S01E05:You’d whore out Chestnut like that ? Don’t you have to get him hooked on heroin first ? 更多举例:I ’m hooked on Lady Gaga’s songs. 我对Lady Gaga 的歌非常着迷。She’s hooked on collecting fancy shoes.她对收集漂亮的鞋子有瘾头。


今天分享的这个词组是“sort through ”,意为“分类整理,整理挑选classify ,arrange ”.《破产姐妹》S01E06:I’ve been sorting through clown resumes for a week 。我这一周都在为派对挑选小丑。更多举例:I will help you sort through your emails. 我会帮你整理这些电子邮件的。We need time to sort through the information.我们需要时间整理这些信息。

今天分享的这个词组是“homeschool ”,可做动词或名词,意为“在家自学,自学成才teach children at home instead of sending them to schools. ”.《破产姐妹》S01E06: But the name sucks a big one. “home made”.......it sounds like home schooled . 不过这个名字弱爆了,“私房自制”听起来像自学成才的。更多举例:We choose to homeschool our kids. 我们选择让孩子在家自学。I was homeschooled by my mother.我是在家里被我妈教的。


今天分享的这个词组是“throw a party ”,意为“开派对,举办聚会hold a social gathering ”.《破产姐妹》S01E06: Peach is throwing a party ? Peach 要举办生日聚会吗?更多举例:Tom threw a bachelor party one day before his wedding. Tom结婚前一天举办了一个告别单身的派对。We ’re throwing a housewarming party。我们要举办一个庆祝乔迁新居的宴会。

今天分享的这个词组是“deadbeat ”,意为“二流子,游手好闲的人,赖帐的人A lazy person or loafer; also, one who does not pay debts”.《破产姐妹》S01E06: I watch you over there. Much sexual tension with that deadbeat bartender. 我看到你们俩了。你跟那个游手好闲的酒保真是眉来眼去啊。更多举例:My dead beat cousin never worked a day in his life .我那二流子的表第这辈子就没上过一天班。Don’t be a deadbeat father.别做个不负责任的父亲。


今天分享的这个词组是“trash ”,做动词意为“诋毁(某人),痛批(某人)condemn or criticize someone as worthless ”《破产姐妹》S01E06:We’ll trash you later. 我们过会儿再收拾你。更多举例:The politicians usually spend so much time trashing each other. 政治家们总是花很多时间互相诋毁。We trashed our ex -boss last night. 昨晚我们一起痛批我们的前老板。

今天分享的这个词组是“crash ”,意为“不请自来,做不速之客,未经邀请就参加某个聚会attend a party or other event uninvited ”.《破产姐妹》S01E07: I felt the same way when the Hilton sisters crashed my 21st birthday .希尔顿姐妹不请自来就参加我的21岁生日时,我也有这种感觉。更多举例:I felt surprised when my ex crashed the party. 前任男友突然出现在派对上时,我惊呆了。They crash any party that has hot girls. 他们这些不速之客是哪个聚会有美女他们就去哪。


今天分享的这个词组是“scope out ”,意为“仔细研究,仔细打量check out or take a closer look at.”.《破产姐妹》S01E07: I scoped out some cheap fabric in bedding places down on Houston Street. 我在Houston街的床上用品店淘了些便宜的布料。更多举例:let's go scope out that new grocery store .我们去那家新开的杂货店去淘一淘吧!Dave is scoping out all the girls. Dave 正在仔细打量所有的眉妹!

今天分享的这个词组是“booty call ”,意为“(短信或电话等找人上床,约炮a meeting to have casual sex”.《破产姐妹》S01E08: It’s not a date. It’s booty call. 这不是约会。这是约炮。更多举例:He just text-ed me to have a booty call.他刚发信息跟我约炮。You can't judge a guy by one night in the sack ,but a couple of booty calls can offer plenty of personality clues.你无法用一晚的床上表现来评定一个男人,但是几次做爱后可以看出很多个性的线索。


今天分享的这个词组是“RV”,既“recreational vehicle ”意为“房车,a large vanlike vehicle equipped to be lived in”.《破产姐妹》S01E08: It’s an RV, it’s a collectible .那是辆房车,是收藏品。更多举例:My dream is to buy an RV and travel in it with my love. 我的梦想是买一辆房车然后和我爱的人开着它到处旅行。A group of RVs pulled over on the side of the highway.高速公路旁停了一些房车。

今天分享的这个词组是“home wrecker ”,意为“家庭破坏者,小三a female (usually) who is trying to steal a man from another woman.”.《破产姐妹》S01E09: Jeez, I’m a home wrecker .天呐,我成小三了。更多举例:That home wrecker stole my man. 那个小三抢走了我的男人。She’s the home wrecker who messed up our relationship。她就是那个破坏我们关系的小三。


今天分享的这个词组是“high -end”,意为“高端,高大上expensive and sophisticated ”.《破产姐妹》S01E10: These high-end mixers are a lot of money. 这些高端搅拌机都很贵。更多举例: I just bought a high-end cell phone. 我刚买了一部高端大气上档次的手机。These books are targeted to the high-end customers. 这些书是针对高端客户的。

今天分享的这个词组是“old money ”,意为“老牌富豪,豪门世家,established upper-class families or their inherited wealth”.《破产姐妹》S01E11: Chestnut and I are old money .栗栗和我都是老牌富豪。更多举例:There is a lot of old money in this town.镇上有很多传统富豪。She’s the daughter of an old money.她是豪门千金。


今天分享的这个词组是“pull over ”,意为“靠边停车,steer the vehicle to the side of the road ”.《破产姐妹》S01E11: He pulled the car over and put us out on the side of the road.他把车停在路边,把我们丢下就开走了。更多举例:The cop signaled him to pull over. 警察示意让他靠边停车。Can you pull over now ? 你现在能停下车吗?

今天分享的这个词组是“weed ”,原意为“野草,杂草”,俚语中可指“烟草,大麻tobacco or marijuana ”.《破产姐妹》S01E11: Did you take the weed from my bedside table ? 你是从我床头柜拿了大麻吗?更多举例:Wanna some weed ? 要来点大麻吗? She gave up weed two years ago. 两年前她戒掉了大麻。


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