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Lesson 2 of Advanced English-for students

Lesson 2 of Advanced English-for students
Lesson 2 of Advanced English-for students

Lesson 2 Book 2 Marrakech

Key to Exercises in the Textbook

Ⅲ. Paraphrase

1. The burying-ground is nothing more than a huge piece of wasteland full of mounds of earth looking like a deserted and abandoned piece of land on which a building was going to be put up.

2. All the imperialists build up their empires by treating the people in the colonies like animals (by not treating the people in the colonies as human beings).

3. They are born. Then for a few years they work, toil and starve. Finally they die and are buried in graves without a name, and nobody notices that they are dead.

4. Sitting with his legs crossed and using a very old-fashioned lathe, a carpenter quickly gives a round shape to the chair-legs he is making.

5. Immediately from their dark hole-like cells everywhere a great number of Jews rushed out wildly excited, all loudly demanding a cigarette.

6. Every one of these poor Jews looks on the cigarette as a piece of luxury which they could not possibly afford.

7. However, a white-skinned European is always quite noticeable./ However, people always notice any one with a white skin.

8. If you take a look at the natural scenery in a tropical region, you see everything but the human beings.

9. No one would think of organizing cheap trips for the tourists to visit the poor slum areas (for these trips would not be interesting).10. Life is very hard for ninety percent of the people. With hard backbreaking toil they can produce a little food on the poor soil.11. She took it for granted that as an old woman she was the lowest in the community, that she was only fit for doing heavy work like an animal.

12. People with brown skins are almost invisible.

13. The Senegalese soldiers were wearing ready-made khaki uniforms which hid their beautiful well-built bodies.

14. How much longer before they turn their guns around and attack the colonist rulers?

15. Every white man had this thought hidden somewhere or other in his mind.

Ⅳ. Practice with Words and Expressions


1.butt: to strike or push with the head or horns

2.navvy: abbreviation of “navigator”, a British word meaning an unskilled laborer, as on canals, roads, etc.

3.quarter: an area of a town or city where a particular kind of people typically live or work

4.warp: to bend or twist and to be no longer in the correct shape

5.self-contained: having within oneself or itself all that is necessary; self-sufficient, as a community

6.square: (colloquial) satisfying; solid; substantial

7.wretched: poor in quality; very inferior

8.mummified: thin and withered, looking like a mummy

9.damnably: outrageously, detestably

10.reach-me-down: ready-made, secondhand

11.wide-eyed: with the eyes opened widely, as because of surprise, fear, lack of sophistication, etc.

12.charger: a horse ridden in battle or on parade


1.to thread one’s way

2.to sidle

3.to stow

4.to clamour

5.to crawl

6.to grope


8.to shrink

9.to hobble


Words & Expressions

thread (v.) : pass through by twisting,turning,or weaving in and out穿过,通过pomegranate (n.) : a round fruit with a red,leathery rind and many seeds covered with red,juicy,edible flesh;the bush or small tree that bears it石榴;石榴树

chant (n.) : a simple liturgical song in which a string of syllables or words is sung to each tune(礼拜仪式唱的)单调的歌

bier (n.) : a platform or portable framework on which a coffin or corpse is placed棺材架;尸体架

hack (v.) : break up (land)with a hoe,mattock,etc.(用锄等)翻地,挖(土)

oblong (adj.) : longer than broad;elongated长方形的

lumpy (adj.) : full of lumps;covered with lumps多块状物的;凹凸不平的

hummocky (a.) : full of or looking like low,rounded hills布满小丘的;似小圆丘的

derelict (adj.) : deserted by the owner;abandoned;forsaken无主的;被遗弃的

lot (n.) : a plot of ground一块地

undifferentiated (adj.) : without clear qualities or distinctive characteristics无区别的;无显著特点的

mound (n.) : a heap or bank of earth,sand,etc.built over a grave,in a fortification,etc.土堆;堤;坟堆

prickly (adj.) : full of prickles多刺的

prickly pear : any of a genus of cactus plants having cylindrical or large,flat,oval stem joints and edible fruits仙人掌(属)

bumpy (adj.) : full of bumps;rough;jolting崎岖不平的;颠簸的;震摇的

gazelle (n.) : any of various small,swift,graceful antelopes瞪羚

hindquarter (n.) : either of the two hind legs and the adjoining loin of a carcass of veal,beef,lamb,etc.;[p1.]the hind part of a four-legged animal(牛、羊、猪等的)后腿肉;[复](四肢动物的)后躯

nibble (v.) : take small,cautious,or gentle bites小口地咬;谨慎地咬(啃)

butt (v.) : strike or push with the head or horns:ram with the head(用头或角)撞击;顶撞

mid-air (n.) : any point in space,not in contact with the ground or other surface空中;上空navvy (n.) : n unskilled laborer,as on canals,roads,etc.劳工;无特殊技术的工人

sidle (v.) : move sideways,esp.in a shy or stealthy manner(羞怯或偷偷地)侧身行走

stow (v.) : pack or store away;fill by packing in an orderly way装载;装进;收藏municipality n.a city,town. etc.having its own incorporated government for local affairs自治市(或镇)

ghetto (n.) : (in certain European cities) a section to which Jews were formerly restricted (某些欧洲城市中从前的)犹太人居住区

sore (adj.) : giving or feeling physical pain;painful疼痛的;感到疼痛的

skull-cap (n.) : a light,closefitting,brimless cap,usually worn indoors(室内戴的)无沿便帽infest (v.) : overrun or inhabit in large numbers,usually so as to be harmful or bothersome;swarm in or over(虫害等)侵扰;骚扰;蔓延

booth (n.) : a stall for the sale of goods,as at markets or fairs(市场或集市上的)货摊;摊店,摊棚

prehistoric (adj.) : pertaining to ancient times,very old-fashioned老式的;古旧的

warp (v.) : become bent or twisted out of shape变弯曲;变歪

frenzied (adj.) : full of uncontrolled excitement疯狂的,狂乱的

clamour (v.) : make a loud confused noise or shout;cry out喧嚷,喧嚣,吵闹

grope (v.) : feel or search about blindly,hesitantly,or uncertainly摸索;探索

self-contained (adj.) : having within oneself or itself all that is necessary;self-sufficient,as a


witchcraft (n.) : the power or practices of witches: black magic;sorcery巫术;魔法

square (adj.[colloq.]) : satisfying;solid;substantial[口]令人满意的;充实的

conspicuous (adj.) : attracting attention by being unexpected,unusual,outstanding惹人注目的,显眼的

grove (n.) : orchard果园

legionnaire (n.) : a member of a legion军团的成员

back-breaking (adj.) : requiring great physical exertion;very tiring费劲的;辛苦的,累人的desolate (adj.) : uninhabited;deserted荒无人烟的,荒凉的

lucerne (n.) : a type of plant whose leaves grow in groups of three and which is used for feeding farm animals紫花苜蓿

fodder (n.) : gorse food for cattle,horses,sheep,etc. as cornstalks,hay and straw(牛、马、羊的)粗饲料;饲草

yoke (v.) : put a yoke on;join together;link用轭连起;连合;连结

harrow (n.) : a heavy frame with spikes or sharp-edged disks,drawn by a horse or tractor and used for breaking up and leveling plowed ground,covering seeds,rooting up weeds,etc.耙furrow (n.) : a narrow groove made in the ground by a plow沟,畦;犁沟

trickle (n.) : the act of trickling;a slow,small flow滴,淌;细流;

subsoil (n.) : the layer of soil beneath the surface soil底土,下层土

mummify (v.) : shrivel or dry up干瘪;枯干;成木乃伊状

hobble (v.) : go unsteadily,haltingly,etc.蹒跚

leathery (adj.) : 1ike leather in appearance or texture. tough and flexible(外观或质地)似皮革的;坚韧的,粗硬的

infuriate (v.) : cause to become very angry;enrage(使)发怒,激怒

damnably (adv.) : execrably该诅咒地;极坏地

packsaddle (n.) : a saddle with fastenings to secure and balance the load carried by a pack animal 驮鞍

bridle (n.) : a head harness for guiding a horse马勒

halter (n.) : a rope, cord,strap,etc., usually with a headstall,for tying or leading an animal;a bitless headstall,with or without a lead rope缰绳;(马)笼头

gut (n.[usu.in p1.]) : the bowels;entrails[常用复]内脏

plight (n.) : condition or state of affairs;esp,now, an awkward.sad,or dangerous situation情况;状态;(现尤指)苦境;困境或险境

gall (v.) : injure or make sore by rubbing;chafe擦伤,擦痛;磨

stork (n.) : any of a family of large,long-legged,having a long neck and bill,and related to the herons鹳

reach-me-down (adj.[colloq.]) : second-hand or ready-made(衣服)用旧的;别人用过的;现成的

khaki (adj.) : made of khaki(cloth)卡其(布)制的

squash (v.) : force one’s way;squeeze挤进,挤入

slump (v.) : have a drooping posture or gait低头弯腰(而行);消沉

inquisitive (adj.) : inclined to ask many questions or seek information;eager to learn好询问的;好奇的

syphilis (n.) : an infectious venereal disease,caused by a spirochete and usually transmitted by sexual intercourse or acquired congenitally梅毒

garrison (n.) : troops stationed in a fort or fortified place驻军;卫戍部队

charger (n.) : a horse ridden in battle or on parade战马, 军马

square meal: a complete and satisfying meal美餐丰盛的、令人满足

in a cloud: a large number of small things moving through the air as amass一团

例: a cloud of locusts一群蝗虫

get at: to approach or reach到达,得到

例: You have to use a little ladder to get at the jars on the top shelves.你得使用一把小梯才可以拿到架子上面的坛子。

next door to: almost the same as几乎

例: Leaving a man to die is next door to murder.让一个人等死无异于谋杀。

in this connection: while speaking of such things关于这一点,就此而论

it doesn’t matter twopence: it doesn’t matter a bit无关紧要

例: It doesn’t matter twopence if he doesn’t accept the invitation.他接不接受邀请都不要紧Translation of the Text































新概念课堂笔记 第一册 Lesson 49-50-学习文档

新概念英语课堂笔记第一册Lesson 49-50 husband 【用法】n. 丈夫 【词组】husband and wife 夫妇 tell 【用法】v. 告诉;吩咐;讲述;辨别 【词组】tell sb. to do sth. 吩咐(告诉)某人做某事tell sb (about) sth. 告诉某人(有关)某事 tell sb. a story = tell a story to sb. 给某人讲故事 tell the difference between A and B 分辨A 与B之间的不同 truth 【用法】n. 实情;真相;事实(不可数) 【词组】To tell you the truth 实话说 【扩展】true adj. 真实的;真正的 either 【用法】adv. 也(用于否定句) 【辨析】also, too, either ——也 also 常用在肯定句或疑问句的句中 too 常用在肯定句或疑问句的句尾 either 常用在否定句的句尾 e.g. I also write short stories. 我也写短篇小说 Do you also want to have a look? 你也想看看吗? He likes China, too. 他也喜欢中国。 Are you in Grade 3, too? 你也在三年级吗? She is not a Japanese, I’m not, either. 她不是日本人,我也不是。 My sister doesn’t like this song, either. 我妹妹也不喜欢这首歌。 meat 常用肉类名词 meat n. 肉fish n. 鱼(肉)beef n. 牛肉pork n. 猪肉 mutton n. 羊肉lamb n. 羔羊(肉)chicken n. 鸡(肉)turkey n. 火鸡(肉)steak n. 牛排mince n. 肉馅 序数词13th~24th 13th----thirteenth 14th----fourteenth 15th----fifteenth 16th----sixteenth 17th----seventeenth 18th----eighteenth 19th----nineteenth 20th----twentieth 21st----twenty-first 22nd----twenty-second 23rd----twenty-third 24th----twenty-fourth At the butcher’s 【译文】在肉店 【用法】butcher 名词,“卖肉的”,表示一种传统小作坊里的手艺人,要表示他们工作的地点,就是在前面加上the,后面加上–s,要表示在这样的地方,通常用介词at。同样的还有: at the hairdresser’s 在理发店at the baker’s 在面包房 at the tailor’s 在裁缝店at the dentist’s 在牙科诊所 at the doctor’s 在诊所 But my husband doesn’t. 【译文】可我丈夫不喜欢。 【用法】本句是省略说法,完整结构为:But my husband doesn't like lamb. doesn't = does not



目录 一、运行软件 (1) 二、基本设置 (2) 1、创建新项目 (2) 2、设置项目属性 (3) 3、设置坐标系统 (5) 4、船只配置 (17) 5、设备配置 (18) 三、数据采集 (20) 1、输入测线 (20) 2、记录方式 (21) 3、选择测线 (22) 4、显示 (23) 5、开始测量 (25) 四、数据处理 (26) 1、导入数据 (26) 2、数据编辑 (27) 3、数据输出 (30)

一、运行软件 1、点击运行Flavor,选择construction-survey,点击OK。 2、点击Nav,运行HYDROpro。 如需中文界面,打开Utilities,点击Language,选择Chinese(simpLified)。点OK会弹出提示:需要重启软件语言修改才能生效,确定即可。

二、基本设置 1、创建新项目 1.1、运行Nav,点击项目,新建一个项目,输入选择项目名称、存储路径等,建议使用默认的路径,以便后续查找。 1.2、点击下一步,进入项目--细节菜单,根据项目的实际情况输入相关信息,点击完成。

2、设置项目属性 2.1、如果项目细节需要修改,点击项目--属性--项目细节进行修改。 2.2、修改显示单位,在主菜单栏点击配置,选择下拉菜单的显示单位,则出现下面对话框,修改需要修改的单位。 2.3、修改显示格式,在主菜单栏点击配置,选择下拉菜单的全球设置,选择当地时间,如下图:



Lesson62What's the matter with them?What must they do? headache->have a headache aspirin earache->have an earache toothache->have a toothache dentist stomach ache->have a stomach ache medicine temperature->have a temperature flu->have flu measles->have measles[5mi:zlz]n.[医]麻疹,风疹,包虫病,痧子mumps->have mumps[mQmps]腮腺炎 take/have an aspirin[5AspErin]n.阿斯匹林(解热镇痛药),乙酰水杨酸see a doctor see a dentist take some medicine go to bed stay in bed call the doctor Exercise I have a headache.He has a headache.

I must stay at home.He must stay at home. I have a cold.He has a cold. I can't go to work.He can't go to work. I am not well.He is not well. I feel ill.He feels ill. I must see a doctor.He must see a doctor. I do not like doctors.He does not like doctors. 造句 Sam has a temperature,so he must go to bed. Jane has a stomachache,so she must take some medicine. She has a headache,so she must take an aspirin. Susan has mumps,so we must call the doctor. He has a toothache,so he must see a dentist. Jimmy has measles,so we must call the doctor. Dave has flu.He must stay in bed. Jimmy/a stomachache/a headache/take an aspirin What's the matter with Jimmy? Does he have a stomach ache? No,he doesn't have a stomachache. He has a headache.


生物专业英语词汇——词素(词根)部分 一、表示数量的词素 1. haplo,mono,uni :单,一,独haploid 单倍体monoxide一氧化碳monoatomi c单原子的 2. bi,di,dipl,twi,du ::二,双,两,偶biocolor 双色,dichromatic 双色的,diplobacillus 双杆菌dikaryon 双核体 twin :孪生dual 双重的 3. tri :三,丙triangle三角triacylglycerol三酰甘油tricarboxylic acid cycle 三羧酸循环 4. quadri,quadru,quart,tetr,tetra:四quadrilateral四边的quadrivalent四价的quadruped四足动物tetrode四极管tetracycline四环素 5. pent,penta,quique五pentose戊糖pentagon五角形pentane戊烷quintuple 五倍的pentose 戊糖pentomer五邻粒 6. hex,hexa,sex 六hexose已糖hexapod六足动物hexapoda昆虫纲hexamer六聚体 7. hepta,sept(i) 七heptane 庚烷heptose 庚糖heptoglobin七珠蛋白 8. oct八octpus 章鱼octagon八角形octane 辛烷octase 辛糖 9. enne,nona九nonapeptide 九肽enneahedron 九面体 10. deca,deka 十:decapod 十足目动物decahedron 十面体decagram 十克 11. hecto, 百hectometer百米hectoliter百升hectowatt 百瓦 12. kilo,千kilodalton (KD) 千道尔顿kilobase 千碱基kiloelectron volt 千电子伏特 13. deci,十分之一,分decimeter 分米decigram 十分之一克 14. centi,百分之一 15. milli,千分之一,毫millimole 毫摩(尔)milliliter 毫升 16. micro,百万分之一,微,微小,微量microgram微克microogranism微生物microecology 微生态学micropipet微量移液器 17. nano十亿分之一,毫微,纳nanosecond十亿分之一秒nanometer纳米 18. demi,hemi,semi半demibariel 半桶hemicerebrum 大脑半球semiopaque半透明semi-allel 半等位基因semi-conductor半导体 19. holo 全,整体,完全holoenzyme 全酶holoprotein全蛋白holocrine全(质分)泌 20. mega巨大,兆,百万megaspore大孢子,megabasse兆碱基megakaryocyte巨核细胞megavolt兆伏megalopolitan特大城市 21. macro 大,巨大,多macrophage巨噬细胞macrogamete大配子macroelement常量元素macromolecular大分子 22. poly,multi,mult 多,复合polyacrylate聚丙烯酸酯polymerase 聚合酶multichain多链的multinucleate 多核的multicistronic mRNA多顺反子mRNA multicopy多拷贝 二、表示颜色的词素 1 chrom颜色chromophore生色团chromosome染色体chromatography色谱法 2 melan,melano,nigr 黑melanoma黑素瘤melanin黑色素melanophore黑色素细胞 3 xantho,flavo,fla,flavi,lute黄xanthophyl叶黄素xanthous黄色的,黄色人种xathine黄嘌呤flavin(e)黄素flav one黄酮letein黄体素,叶黄素flavin adenine dinucleotide(FAD)黄素腺嘌呤二核苷酸 4 erythro, rub, rubrm, ruf,红erythrocyte红细胞erythromycin红霉素erythropoitin(EPO)促红细胞生成素 5 chloro,chlor绿,氯chlorophyll叶绿素chloride氯化物chloramphenicol氯霉素 6 cyan,cyano 蓝,青紫色,氰cyanophyceae 蓝藻纲cyanobacteria蓝细菌cyanide氰化物 7 aur,glid,chrys金色aureomycin金霉素chrysose 金藻淀粉chrysanthemum菊花glidstone 金


新概念英语第一册课堂笔记-第18课Lesson 18 What are their jobs? 他们是做什么工作的? 选择疑问句 Are you a teacher or a student? Are you teachers or students? We are not teachers. We are students. Are they mechanics or hairdressers? They aren’t hairdressers. They are mechanics. ★ Text Lesson seventeen: How do you do? Come and meet our employees, Mr. Richwrds. Thank you, Mr. Jackson. This is Nicola Grey, and this is Claire Taylor. How do you do? Those women are very hard-working. What are their jobs? They’re keyboard operators.

This is Michael Baker, and this is Jeremy Short. How do you do? They are’t very busy! What are their jobs? They’re sales reps. They are very lazy. Who is this young man? This is Jim. He is our office assistant. 音标学习:双元音 /ai/ price/white/quite/ride/fight/mind /ei/ hate/waste/game/snake/plate/shame /Ci/ boy/soil/choice/join/noise/employ price 价格 white 白色的 quite 相当 ride 骑 flight 战斗mind 介意 hate 狠 waste 浪费 game 游戏 snake 蛇 plate 盘子 shame 害羞 boy 男孩 soil 土壤 choice 选择 join 加入 noise 噪音employ 雇用 这几个音标叫:合口双元音


生物英语教学大纲 (供生物技术专业用) 课程编号:SW0201425 英文名称:Biological English 先修课程:大学英语 后续课程: 课程性质:限定选修课程 总学时数:36学时;理论学时:36学时;实验学时: 0学时;上机学时: 课外实践:其他学时:考核性质:考查;学分:2学分; 一、课程简介 生物专业英语是面向生物技术专业高年级本科生开设的限定性选修课程,生物英语课程的具体任务是使学生掌握一定的生物技术专业英语基础知识和技能,了解和掌握生物英语的特点,生物英语的构词法,翻译技巧及生物英语中常用的表达方法;使学生能借助词典阅读和翻译专业文献、获取专业信息、拓展专业知识;在涉外业务活动中进行简单的口头和书面交流;通过本课程,向学生介绍如何撰写科技论文、投稿等方面的知识;扩大专业英语的词汇量,掌握专业英语书刊的阅读技巧、了解文献检索及写作知识。 二、教学组织与方法 本课程在学院教务处与基础医学院统一组织下实施教学。合理安排教材,查找大量生物专业英语资料丰富教学内容,改革“灌输式”教学方法,以“启发式”教学为主,注重学生能力的培养,激发学生独立思考和创新的意识,培养学生的自主学习和勇于实践的能力。 三、理论教学 教学内容及学时分配

Chapter 1 Introduction 【目的要求】 1.了解:Characteristics of professional English 2.熟悉:Notion of English for biology 3.掌握:I nternet resources of professional English 【教学内容】 1.Definition of biology 2.Origin of life 3.Significance of biology 4.History of biology 【计划学时】3学时 Chapter 2 Microbiology 【目的要求】 1.了解:Professional words and phrases 2.熟悉:Modern microbiology 3.掌握:Translation from Chinese to English 【教学内容】 1.Short introduction of microbiology 2.Introduction to prokaryotes, eukaryotic microbes and viruses 3.Future of microbiology 4.Relevance of microbiology 【计划学时】3学时 Chapter 3 Cellular Biology 【目的要求】 1.了解:Some difficult sentences 2.熟悉:Professional words and phrases 3.掌握:Introduction of cells 【教学内容】 1.Introduction to cells 2.Scope of cells 3.Concepts in Mammalian cell culture 【计划学时】3学时 Chapter 4 Plant Biology 【目的要求】 1.了解:Definition of protista and biochemical 2.熟悉:Professional words and phrases

生物专业英语 课文翻译

教学内容: Cytoplasm: The Dynamic, Mobile Factory 细胞质:动力工厂 Most of the properties we associate with life are properties of the cytoplasm. Much of the mass of a cell consists of this semifluid substance, which is bounded on the outside by the plasma membrane. Organelles are suspended within it, supported by the filamentous network of the cytoskeleton. Dissolved in the cytoplasmic fluid are nutrients, ions, soluble proteins, and other materials needed for cell functioning. 生命的大部分特征表现在细胞质的特征上。细胞质大部分由半流体物质组成,并由细胞膜(原生质膜)包被。细胞器悬浮在其中,并由丝状的细胞骨架支撑。细胞质中溶解了大量 的营养物质,离子,可溶蛋白以及维持细胞生理需求的其它物质。 The Nucleus: Information Central(细胞核:信息中心) The eukaryotic cell nucleus is the largest organelle and houses the genetic material (DNA) on chromosomes. (In prokaryotes the hereditary material is found in the nucleoid.) The nucleus also contains one or two organelles-the nucleoli-that play a role in cell division. A pore-perforated sac called the nuclear envelope separates the nucleus and its contents from the cytoplasm. Small molecules can pass through the nuclear envelope, but larger molecules such as mRNA and ribosomes must enter and exit via the pores. 真核细胞的细胞核是最大的细胞器,细胞核对染色体组有保护作用(原核细胞的遗传物质 存在于拟核中)。细胞核含有一或二个核仁,核仁促进细胞分裂。核膜贯穿许多小孔,小 分子可以自由通过核膜,而象mRNA和核糖体等大分子必须通过核孔运输。 Organelles: Specialized Work Units(细胞器:特殊的功能单位) All eukaryotic cells contain most of the various kinds of organelles, and each organelle performs a specialized function in the cell. Organelles described in this section include ribosomes, the endoplasmic reticulum, the Golgi complex, vacuoles, lysosomes, mitochondria, and the plastids of plant cells. 所有的真核细胞都含有多种细胞器,每个细胞器都有其特定功能。本节主要介绍核糖体, 内质网,高尔基体系,液泡,溶酶体,线粒体和植物细胞中的质体。 The number of ribosomes within a cell may range from a few hundred to many thousands. This quantity reflects the fact that, ribosomes are the sites at which amino acids are assembled into proteins for export or for use in cell processes. A complete ribosome is composed of one larger and one smaller subunit. During protein synthesis the two subunits move along a strand of mRNA, "reading" the genetic sequence coded in it and translating that sequence into protein. Several ribosomes may become attached to a single mRNA strand; such a combination is called a polysome. Most cellular proteins are manufactured on ribosomes in the cytoplasm. Exportable proteins and membrane proteins are usually made in association with the endoplasmic reticulum. 核糖体的数量变化从几百到几千,核糖体是氨基酸组装成蛋白质的重要场所。完整的核 糖体由大亚基和小亚基组成。核糖体沿着mRNA移动并阅读遗传密码,翻译成蛋白质。一条mRNA上可能有多个核糖体,称多聚核糖体。大多数细胞蛋白是由细胞质中核糖体生产。输出蛋白和膜蛋白通常与内质网有关。 The endoplasmic reticulum, a lacy array of membranous sacs, tubules, and vesicles, may be either rough (RER) or smooth (SER). Both types play roles in the synthesis and transport of proteins. The RER, which is studded with polysomes, also seems to be the source of the


新概念英语课堂笔记第一册Lesson 9-10 Word Study well 【用法】adj. 健康的;良好的 adv. 好地;满意地 【词组】be well 身体好 do well 做的好 【例句】I am very well. 我身体很好。 All is well with the family. 家中一切都好。 He did well in the exam. 他考试成绩很好。fine 【用法】adj. 健康的;极好的;优秀的;晴朗的【例句】—How are you? 你好吗? —I’m fine. Thank you. 很好,谢谢。 a fine view 美好的景色 a fine teacher 优秀的教师 a fine day 晴朗的天气 反义词 fat <反> thin 胖的—瘦的 thick <反> thin 厚的—薄的 tall <反> short 高的—矮的 long <反> short 长的—短的 dirty <反> clean 脏的—干净的hot <反> cold 热的—冷的 old <反> young 老的—年轻的busy <反> free 忙的—闲的 lazy <反> hard-working 懒的—努力的woman 【用法】n. 女人 【同义】female n./adj. 女人,女性的,雌性的【扩展】man n. 男人 male n./adj. 男人,男性的,雄性的Numbers 21—twenty-one 22—twenty-two Text Explanation How are you today? 【译文】你今天好吗? 【用法】这是一句寒暄用语,用于熟人之间的问候。如问及对方的先生或太太的情况,可以说How is Tony? 或How is Emma? 等。见下文。 I’m very well, thank you. And you? 【译文】很好,谢谢你。你好吗? 【用法】I’m very well.是对How are you? 的一种回答。 回答时要根据自己的实际情况。 ○1如果精神或生活很好,可以说: Fine. / I’ m fine. / I’m (very) well. / Quite well. / Wonderful. ○2如果状态一般,可以说: Not bad. / Just so so. ○3如果不太好,可以说: Bad. / I am terrible. And you? 是And how are you? 的简略说法,是礼貌性地回问对方的情况。也可用What about you? / How about you? Nice to see you.


生物专业英语试题及答案 一、将下列英文术语或缩写译为合乎学术规范的中文术语: 1、Odorant receptor 气味受体(气味感受器、嗅觉受体、嗅觉感受器也得1分;仅答受体或感受器,则得0.5分)。 2、Differentially expressed gene 差异化表达基因(答为“不同表达基因”,仅得0.5分)。 3、MOE 主要嗅(觉)上皮[答为“嗅(觉)上皮”也得1分;若写出其英文术语全称“Main olfactory epithelium”,也得 分]。 4、VNO4 犁鼻器(答为“信息素外周感受器”也得1分;若写出其英文术语全称“Vomeronasal organ”,也得分)。 5、Social behavior 社会行为(答为“社群行为、社交行为”也得1分)。 6、Monogamy 一夫一妻制(答为“一雄一雌制、单配制”也得1分) 7、Vasopressin 加压素(答为“抗利尿素”仅得0.5分)。 8、Oxytocin 催产素。 9、Kin recognition 亲属识别。 10、Autism

自闭症/孤独症。 11、NIH (美国)国家(立)卫生研究院(所)(若写出其英文术语全称NIH = National Institutes of Health 也得分)。 12、HHMI 霍华德·休斯医学研究所(若写出其英文术语全称HHMI = Howard Hughes Medical Institute 也得分;或者译为Howard Hughes 医学研究所,也得全分)。 13、Nanotechnology 纳米技术(纳米科技、奈米技术、奈米科技)。阳光大学生网 14、Renewable energy 可再生能源(量)(答为“可更新能源、再生能源”,或意思相近者,也得1分)。 15、Biomechanical energy 生物机械能(答为“生物力能、生物力学能”也得1分,而“生物化学能、生物能”,则得0.5分) 16、Nanogenerator 纳米发电机(答为“纳米发动机、纳米电机、纳米发生器、纳米生产器”,也得1分)。 17、Systems biology 系统生物学。 18、DNA sequencer DNA测序仪[答为“DNA测序(器、机)、DNA序列仪(器)”也得1分,答为DNA序列,仅得0.5分]。 19、Neurodegenerative diseases 神经退行性病(若答为“神经系统退行性疾病”或者“神经系统退化性疾病”,也得1)。 20、Amygdala 杏仁核(答为“杏仁体”,也得1分)。


新概念英语课堂笔记第一册Lesson 81-82 Word Study bath 【用法】n. 洗澡 【词组】take a bath = have a bath洗个澡 【扩展】bathroom n. 洗澡间;卫生间 bathrobe n. 浴衣 bathtub n. 澡盆,浴缸 【辨析】bath和shower bath指盆浴而shower指淋浴 Take a shower instead of a bath. 洗淋浴吧,别用浴缸了。 ready 【用法】adj. 准备好的,完好的 【词组】get ready for sth. 为……做准备 get ready to do sth. 准备做某事 be ready for sth.为……做好准备 be ready to do sth. 准备好做某事,乐意做某事 【例句】Are you ready? 准备好了吗? I’ m getting ready for the exam. 我正在为考试做准备。 We are ready for everything. 我们一切都准备好了。 I’m ready to help you. 我很愿意帮助你。haircut 【用法】n. 理发【词组】have a haircut 理发,剪头发 【扩展】hairdresser n. 理发师 party 【用法】n. 聚会;政党,党派 【词组】have a party = give/held a party举行晚会dinner party 宴会 garden party 游园会 evening party 晚会 a party member 党员 holiday 【用法】n. 假日 【词组】on holiday 在度假,在休假中 take a holiday = have a holiday休假 【同义】vacation <美> n. 假日,休假 roast 【用法】adj. 烤好的,烤制的 v. 烤,烘 【词组】roast duck 烤鸭 roast lamb 烤羊肉 【扩展】roasting adj. 燥热的,灼热的 【例句】The sun was roasting us. 太阳火辣辣地晒着我们。 It’s really a roasting summer. 这真是一个燥热的夏天。 Text Explanation He’s upstairs. He’s having a bath. 【译文】他在楼上。他正在洗澡。 【用法】○1upstairs adv. 在楼上,在本句中作表语。下文中的Sam’s here.中的here也是副词作表语。 ○2have a bath 洗澡(盆浴),后一句be doing是现在进行时。 I’m nearly ready. 【译文】我马上就好。 【用法】○1本句中副词nearly用来修饰形容词ready,用作状语成分;而形容词ready作表语。 ○2be ready准备妥当,可构成搭配be/get ready for sth.,be/get ready to do sth. 其中for是介


新概念英语课堂笔记第一册Lesson 19-20 Word Study matter 【用法】n. 事情;麻烦事 v. 要紧,有重大关系 【词组】no matter(how, what, where, when, who…)无论(怎么样,什么…) as a matter of fact 事实上 【例句】It’s a private matter. 这是私事。 What’s the matter with you? 你怎么了? It’s no matter. 这无关紧要。 tired 【用法】adj. 累的,疲乏的 【词组】be tired with 做…而疲劳 be tired of 厌烦… 【例句】I am tired with walking. 我走累了。 She’s tired of everything. 她对一切都厌倦了。 thirsty 【用法】adj. 渴的,口干的 (土地等)干旱的 渴望的,渴求的 【例句】We’re tired and thirty. 我们又累又渴。 a dry and thirsty land 干旱的土地 The students there are thirty for knowledge. 那里的学生有强烈的求知欲。 right 【用法】adj. 好的;可以的;正确的 n. 右【词组】all right 好的 【反义】wrong adj. 错误的 open 【用法】adj. 开着的;空旷的;公开的 v. 打开 【词组】open air 户外,露天 open letter 公开信 【例句】The door is open. 门是开着的。 Open the door, please. 请把门打开。shut 【用法】adj. 关着的 v. 关闭 【词组】shut off关掉,切断(电源)停止供应(煤气,水等) 【例句】The window is shut. 窗户是关着的。 Shut the window, please. 请关上窗户。light 【用法】adj. 轻的;浅色的 n. 灯;光 【词组】light music 轻音乐 light snow 小雪 light blue 浅蓝色 【例句】The box is light. 这个箱子很轻。 形容词 big —small open —shut light —heavy long —short Text Explanation What’s the matter, children? 【译文】怎么了,孩子们? 【用法】本句是询问对方怎么了?如果要特别提及某人,可在后面加with,即What’s the matter with you? “你怎么了?” 本句相当于What’s wrong with you. / What happened to you? Sit down here.


初次使用此软件的朋友,看了猫版的介绍,再加上这个指南文件,上手应当很轻松了。献给部分英文比我还糟的朋友,呵呵 Using this tutorial 如何使用此指南 This tutorial is meant to be used as a step-by-step guide to certain operations in TuneL ab Pro. 本指南将一步一步的指导您在TuneLab Pro中的操作. Many of these operations i nvolve the keyboard.有相当一部分操作涉及到键盘的使用。However, the keys that you press when this tutorial is displayed do not always go to TuneLab Pro.然而,当此帮助页面显示时,您按下键盘键并不总是能够回到TuneLab Pro操作界面。In fact, every time y ou call this tutorial and every time you click in it, the tutorial acquires the "focus" of t he keyboard.实际上,每当您查看本指南或者在本指南显示的区域内操作鼠标时,焦点总是被当前的指南页面获得的。To make the keys go to TuneLab Pro, you need to give the focus back to TuneLab Pro. 要想使用键盘来控制TuneLab Pro的操作,您需要使焦点回到TuneLab Pro界面中。You can do that by clicking anywhere inside the TuneLab Pro win dow. 您可使用鼠标点击TuneLab Pro窗口来实现。Remember to do that whenever the instructions in this tutorial call for using the keyboard.当执行本指南中使用键盘的操作时,记得上述的提示。 The contents list shows the tutorial topics. 目录列出本指导的主题。Some topics requir e several pages. 部分主题包含了几页的内容。These topics can be viewed by using the "--Next--" link at the bottom of a topic. 可使用页面底部的NEXT链接来进行翻页查看。I f this help window gets in the way of some part of the TuneLab Pro screen, then you can click and drag the title bar of the tutorial window to move it out of the way. Yo u can even resize the help window by dragging at the borders.若此帮助窗口遮挡了Tun eLab Pro主窗口,您移动此窗口或拖拽边框改变大小。 Although this tutorial is focused primarily on how to do certain things, you can also fin d out why we do these things.尽管此指南已覆盖了大部分的主要操作内容,您仍可以进一步得到这些内容的解释。Click on the links in the text that say "(Why)" and learn more about the operation being described.点击文本中的“Why”以得到更多的操作描述。These topics show only the simplest way to do the operations shown. For more in-dept h coverage of any topic, see the Help Topics in the Help menu in TuneLab Pro.


新概念英语第一册课堂笔记-第11课Lesson 11 Is this your shirt? whose pron. 谁的 blue adj. 蓝色的 perhaps adv. 大概 white adj. 白色的 catch v. 抓住 whose只跟形容词性物主代词,名词性物主代词相关系:This is my shirt. This shirt is mine. 特殊疑问句的变换: Step 1. 确定特殊疑问词 Step 2. 把句子变成一般疑问句 Is this whose shirt? Step 3. 把特殊疑问词提前 Whose shirt is this? This shirt is whose? Is this shirt whose? Whose is this shirt?

另一个语法点:名词所有格 Tim’s Jones’ boss’s 一般情况直接加’s 人名字如果是s结尾的,直接加’ 单词是s结尾的,加’s 名词所有格有两种属性:形容词性、名词性 This is Tim’s shirt. This shirt is Tim’s. Whose shirt is this? Whose is this shirt? 如果这个词后面跟了一个名词,那么就是形容词性所有格如果它是单独使用的,那么就是名词性所有格 This is Lucy’s umbrella. This umbrella is Lucy’s. This is her umbrella. This umbrella is hers. Whose umbrella is this? Whose is this umbrella? blue movie 不健康的电影(黄色电影) perhaps表示可能但不肯定,能够和maybe互换

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