当前位置:文档之家› 高中英语冠词与名词专题练习





1.(2013·天津,7)While she was in Paris, she developed a ________ for fine art.

A.way B.relation

C.taste D.habit

2.(2013·浙江,4)As the world's population continues to grow, the ________ of food becomes more and more of a concern.

A.worth B.supply

C.package D.list

3.(2013·辽宁,23)The accident caused some ________ to my car, but it's nothing serious.

A.harm B.injury

C.ruin D.damage

4.(2013·江苏,33)With inspiration from other food cultures, American food culture can take a ________ for the better.

A.share B.chance

C.turn D.lead

5.(2013·湖北,21)Poetry written from the ________ of the urban youth tends to reveal their anxiety over a lack of sense of belonging.

A.perspective B.priority

C.participation D.privilege

6.(2013·湖北,22)Poetry written from the ________ of the urban youth tends to reveal their anxiety over a lack of sense of belonging.

A.perspective B.priority

C.participation D.privilege

7.(2013·江西,22)Whenever I made mistakes, the teacher pointed them out with ________.

A.curiosity B.satisfaction

C.envy D.patience

8.(2012·浙江,7)Your ________ as a student will be excellent if you develop a habit of reflecting on how you learn.

A.operation B.growth

C.performance D.character

9.(2012·山东,24) My first ________ of him was that he was a kind and thoughtful young man.

A.expression B.attention

C.satisfaction D.impression

10.(2012·江西,29)You'd better write down the phone number of that restaurant for future ________ .

A.purpose B.reference

C.progress D.memory

11.(2012·湖北,29)It is important to have your eyes examined regularly to check for any sign of eye disease that may not have any ________.

A.symptom B.similarity

C.sample D.shadow

12.(2012·天津,3)You are working too hard. You'd better keep a ________ between work and relaxation.

A.promise B.lead

C.balance D.diary

13.(2011·江苏,27)Teachers have to constantly update their knowledge in order to maintain their professional ______.

A.consequence B.independence

C.competence D.intelligence

14.(2011·浙江,18)Anyway, I can't cheat him — it's against all my ______.

A.emotions B.principles

C.regulations D.opinions

15.(2011·山东,34)There's a ______in our office that when it's somebody's birthday, they bring in a cake for us all to share.

A.tradition B.balance

C.concern D.relationship

16.(2010·湖北,21)This restaurant has become popular for its wide ________ of foods that suit all tastes and pockets.

A.division B.area

C.range D.circle

17.(2010·山东,33)Those who suffer from headache will find they get ________ from this medicine.

A.relief B.safety

C.defense D.shelter

18.(2009·浙江,6)The system has been designed to give students quick and easy________to the digital resources of the library.

A.access B.passage

C.way D.approach

19.(2009·福建,29)The World Health Organization gave a warning to the public without any________when the virus of H1N1 hit Mexico in April,2009.

A.delay B.effort

C.schedule D.consideration

20.(2009·湖北,25)Hiking by oneself can be fun and good for health.It may also be good for________building.

A.respect B.friendship

C.reputation D.character

21.(2009·湖北,26)In our class,when the bell rang and the teacher closed his book,it was a________for everyone to stand up.

A.signal B.chance

C.mark D.measure


22.(2012·福建,25)— Why do you choose to work in an international travel agency?

— Well, you know, English is my ________. So it is my best choice.

A.strength B.talent

C.ability D.skill

23.(2012·江苏,21)—Can I help you with it?

—I appreciate your________,but I can manage it myself.

A.advice B.question

C.offer D.idea

24.(2012·湖北,30)The officer insisted that Michael did not follow the correct ________ in applying for a visa.

A.pattern B.procedure

C.program D.perspective

25.(2011·江西,31)What's the______,in your opinion, of helping him if he doesn't make an effort to help himself?

A.sympathy B.theme

C.object D.point

26.(2011·湖北,22)Giving up my job to go back to full-time education was a big ______,but now I know it was the best decision I ever made.

A.project B.commitment

C.competition D.ambition

27.(2011·湖北,22)After the earthquake,the first thing the local government did was to

provide ________ for the homeless families.

A.accommodation B.occupation

C.equipment D.furniture


1.(2013·课标,31)India attained ________ independence in 1947, after ________ long struggle.

A.不填;a B.the; a

C.an;不填D.an; the

2.(2013·重庆,32)The parents were shocked by ________ news that their son needed ________ operation on his knee.

A.a;/ B.the; /

C.the; an D.a; an

3.(2013·山东,22)It was ________ cold winter night and the moon was shining brightly across ________ night sky.

A.不填;a B.a; the

C.the; a D.the; 不填

4.(2013·陕西,19)Marco Polo is said to have sailed on ________ Pacific Ocean on his way to Java in ________ thirteenth century.

A.the; a B.a; /

C./; the D.the; the

5.(2013·福建,21)The “Chinese Dream” is ________ dream to improve people's well-being and ________ dream of harmony, peace and development.

A.the; a B.a; a

C.a; the D.the; the

6.(2013·江西,32)Animals are obviously ________ lower form of life than ________ man.

A.a;/ B.the;the

C.a;the D./;/

7.(2012·安徽,21)Carl is studying ________ food science at college and hopes to open up ________ meat processing factory of his own one day.

A./; a B./; the

C.the; a D.the; the

8.(2012·辽宁,21) I woke up with ________ bad headache, yet by ________ evening the pain had gone.

A.the; the B.the; an

C.a; the D. a; an

9.(2012·浙江,2)The development of industry has been ________ gradual process throughout ________ human existence, from stone tools to modern technology.

A.不填;the B.the;a

C. a;不填D.a;a

10.(2012·江西,21)The Smiths don't usually like staying at ________ hotels, but last summer they spent a few days at a very nice hotel by ________ sea.

A./; a B.the; the

C./; the D.the; a

11.(2011·山东,21)Take your time —it's just______short distance from here to______restaurant.

A.不填;the B.a; the

C.the; a D.不填;a

12.(2009·辽宁,26)This area experienced________heaviest rainfall in________month of May.

A.不填;a B.a;the

C.the;the D.the;a

13.(2009·重庆,26)Washing machines made by China have won________worldwide attention and Haier has become________popular name.

A.a;the B.不填;a

C.不填;the D.the;a

14.(2009·全国Ⅱ,14)What I need is________book that contains________ABC of oil painting.


C.the;an D.a;the


15.(2011·全国Ⅰ,33)It is generally accepted that ________boy must learn to stand up and fight like ________man.

A.a; a B.a; the

C.the; the D.a; 不填

16.(2011·重庆,26)In communication, a smile is usually______strong sign of a friendly and______open attitude.

A.the ;/ B.a;an

C.a;/ D.the; an

17.(2010·四川,2)In ________ most countries,a university degree can give you ________ flying start in life.

A.the;a B.the;不填


18.(2010·重庆,27)Everything comes with ________ price;there is no such ________ thing as a free lunch in the world.

A.a;a B.the;/

C.the;a D.a;/

19.(2010·福建,21)It's ________ good feeling for people to admire the Shanghai World Expo that gives them ________ pleasure.

A./;a B.a;/

C.the;a D.a;the

20.(2010·江西,25)Some people fear that________air pollution may bring about changes in ________weather around the world.

A.不填;the B.the;不填

C.an;the D.the;a


1.(2013·课标Ⅱ,13)Four and ________ half hours of discussion took us up to midnight, and ________ break for cheese, chocolate and tea with sugar.

A.a; a B.the; the

C.不填;the D.a; 不填

2.(2013·浙江,15)People develop ________ preference for a particular style of learning at ________ early age and these preferences affect learning.

A.a; an B.a; 不填

C.不填;the D.the; an

3.(2012·山东,29)Being able to afford ________ drink would be ________ comfort in those tough times.

A.the; the B.a; a

C.a; 不填D.不填;a

4.(2012·全国Ⅰ,22)Sarah looked at ________ finished painting with ________ satisfaction.

A.不填;a B.a; the

C.the; 不填D.the; a

5.(2011·陕西,13)As is known to all, ______ People's Republic of China is ______ biggest developing country in the world.

A.the; 不填B.不填;the

C.the; the D.不填;不填

6.(2010·江苏,21)The visitors here are greatly impressed by the fact that ________ people

from all walks of life are working hard for ________ new Jiangsu.

A.不填;a B.不填;the

C.the;a D.the;the

7.(2009·全国Ⅰ,22)Let's go to________cinema-that'll take your mind off the problem for________while.

A.the;the B.the;a

C.a;the D.a;a

8.(2009·安徽,21)We can never expect________bluer sky unless we create________less polluted world.

A.a;a B.a;the

C.the;a D.the;the


9.(2012·全国Ⅱ,7)He missed ________ gold in the high jump, but will get ________ second chance in the long jump.

A.the; the B.不填;a

C.the; a D.a; 不填

10.(2010·北京,35)First impressions are the most lasting. After all,you never get ________ second chance to make ________ first impression.

A.a; the B.the; the

C.a;a D.the;a

高考专题一名词和冠词含参考答案 (1)

考点一:名词和名词辨析 1. While she was in Paris, she developed a __________ for fine art. A. way B. relation C. taste D. habit 2.As the world’s population continues to grow, the ______ of food becomes more and more of a concern. 3. A.worth B.supply C.package D. list 4.With inspiration from other food cultures, American food culture can take a _______ for the better. 5. A.share B.chance C. turn D. lead 6.Poetry written from the _________ of the urban youth tends to reveal their anxiety over a lack of sense of belonging. 7. A.perspective B.priority C.participation D. privilege 8.Carbon dioxide, which makes a __________ between us and the sun, prevents heat from getting out of the atmosphere easily, so the earth is becoming warmer. 9. A.difference https://www.doczj.com/doc/7a18426862.html,parison C.connection D. barrier 10.Whenever I made mistakes, the teacher pointed them out with _______ . 11. A.curiosity B.satisfaction C. envy D. patience 12.The accident caused some ________ to my car, but it’s nothing serious. 13. A.harm B.injury C. ruin D. damage 14.Your __________ as a student will be excellent if you develop a habit of reflection on how you learn. 15. A.operation B.growth C. performance D. character 16.My first _______ of him was that he was a kind and thoughtful young man. 17. A.expression B.attention C.satisfaction D. impression 18.You’d better write down the phone number of that restaurant for future ________ . 19. A.purpose B.reference C.progress D. memory 20.It is important to have your eyes examined regularly to check for any sign of eye disease that may not have any ____ . 21. A. symptom B. similarity C. sample D. shadow 22.You are working too hard. You’d better keep a _________ between work and relaxation. 23. A.promise B.lead C.balance D.diary 24.Teachers have to constantly update their knowledge in order to maintain their professional _________ . 25. A. consequence B.independence https://www.doczj.com/doc/7a18426862.html,petence D. intelligence 26.Anyway, I can’t cheat him---it’s against all my ________ . 27. A. emotions B.principles C.regulations D. opinions 28.There’s a _______ in our office that when it’s somebody’s birthday, they bring in a cake for us all to share. 29. A.tradition B.balance C.concern D. relationship 30.I haven’t seen Sara since she was a little girl, and she has changed beyond _________ . 31. A.hearing B. strength C.recognition D. measure 32.This restaurant has become popular for its wide _______ of foods that suit all tastes and pockets. 33. A. division B.area C.range D. circle


高一英语语法填空专题练习 (10篇) (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 一 once there lived a rich man 31 wanted to do something for the people of his town. 32 first he wanted to find out whether they deserved his help. In the centre of the main road into the town, he placed 33 very large stone. Then he 34 (hide ) behind a tree and waited. Soon an old man came along with his cow.“Who put this stone in the centre of the road?” said the old man, but he did not try to remove the stone. Instead, with some difficulty he passed around the stone and continued on his way. 35 man came along and did the same thing; then another came ,and another. All of them complained about the stone but not tried to remove 36 . Late in the afternoon a young man came along. He saw the stone, 37 (say) to himself: “The night 38 (be) very dark. Some neighbors will come along later in the dark and will fall against the stone.” Then he began to move the stone. He pushed and pulled with all his 39 (strong) to move it. How great was his surprise at last! 40 the stone, he found a bag of money. 二· Crying marriage? 31 (surprise), isn’t it? Factually, the custom of crying marriage existed a long time ago in many areas of Southwest China’s Sichuan Province, and 32 (remain) in fashion 33 the end of the Qing Dynasty. Though not so popular as before, the custom is still observed by people in many places, especially Tujia people, who view it as a 34 (necessary) to marriage procedure. It is very much 35 same in different places of the province. According to elderly people, every bride had to cry at the wedding. 36 , the bride’s neighbors would look down upon 37 as a poorly cultivated girl and she would become the laughingstock of the village. In fact, there were cases 38 which the bride was beaten by her mother for not crying at the wedding ceremony. In a word, crying at wedding is a 39 by custom to set off the happiness of the wedding through falsely sorrowful words. However, in the 40 (arrange) marriages of the old days of China, there were indeed quite a lot of brides who cried over their unsatisfactory marriage and even their miserable life. 三 In order to know a foreign language thoroughly, four things are neccessary. Firstly, we must understand the language when we hear ______31________spoken.. Secondly, we must be able to speak it correctly with confidence and without hesitation. _____32_______ ,we must be able to read the language , and fourthly, we must be able to write it. We must be able to make sentences that are grammatically correct. There is no easy way to success _____33_______ language learning. _____34________ good memory is of great help, but it is not enough only _____35________(memorize) rules from a grammar book. It is not much use learning by heart long list of words and ______36_________meaning, studying the dictionary


高一英语语法填空专项练习 (一) 第二节语法填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分) Do you ever wonder why you yawn? Why do you open your mouth wide and take a deep breath? Well, a scientist at the University of Maryland is searching for the answer. Professor Robert Provine has been studying yawning for the past two years. But he says he still does not know 31 people yawn. In fact, no one seems to know much about it. Professor Provine’s students have helped him find out more about yawning. They agreed to 32 (watch) while sitting alone in small rooms. In the rooms, they watched television programs, or pictures of people yawning. Or they just sat and 33 (think) about yawning. Students also kept records of when they yawned throughout the day. The professor says he has learned 34 number of things from these experiments. He says yawning seems linked in some way to sleeping. His students yawned most just before sleeping or 35 waking from sleep. He also found that people yawn much when they are __36 (bore ) or not interested in what they are doing. Now, Professor Provine is planning future experiments to help him find the purpose of yawning. He said there is some evidence 37 yawning is linked to 38 (excite). Yawning is common among runners 39 (wait) to begin a race. It is also common among people waiting to make a speech. Professor Provine says he is most interested in learning why seeing someone yawn makes others yawn as well. He says almost anything connected with yawning can make people yawn. As a matter of fact, I found 40 yawning a lot as I prepared this report. I wonder if hearing it can make you yawn. If it does, excuse me, if you did yawn, write and tell me. 答案:31.why 32.be watched 33.thought 34.a 35.after 36. bored 37.that 38.excitement 39.waiting 40.myself (二) 第二节语法填空(共10小题; 每小题1.5分,满分15分) Traditional Chinese culture places much emphasis(重视)on food. Considered to be an important part of each day, __31 __(eat) is far beyond simply meeting a need. However, people are living in fast-paced society now, so they hardly have time to enjoy their food. They need fast food. That is _32_ China’s fast-food market expands. A foreign fast-food restaurant __33__(call)KFC arrived in China first, quickly followed by _34_ such as Pizza Hut and McDonald’s. __35__ the development of China, foreign fast-food chains are realizing high-speed __36__ (grow) in China. However, these “junk foods”have long been criticized by health experts because __37__ can’t provide balanced nutrition(营养). The experts also show that some foreign fast food contains a food colouring, Sudan I , __38___can cause cancer. In fact, China has many of its own traditional fast-food dishes. Among them, dumplings, soybean milk and noodles are __39__ most popular. Compared with foreign fast food, those traditional ones are healthier. __40__ many Chinese still enjoy the special taste and the good environment in the foreign fast-food chains even though there exist some potential(潜在的)risks. 第二节语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填人一个适当的词或

2019版二轮复习高三英语讲义:第三板块 NO.2 再研考点 第一层级 第一讲 名词和冠词

第一层级|抓牢“词法”——保基本分 第一讲名词和冠词 在高考中,语法填空和短文改错重点考查名词的单 复数、不可数名词、名词与其他词类的词性转化等。在 语法填空和短文改错中,解答有关名词的题目时,一要 根据在句中所作的成分确定是否使用名词。名词在句中常用作主语、宾语、表语或定语等。二要根据名词前的数词、量词、冠词等修饰语的情况以及主谓一致原则来确定名词单复数。 (一)考点练悟(用所给词的适当形式填空) It was late at night. Two 1.________ (German) were sleeping in their room when suddenly, one of them, Mrs. Green, was woken up and found a thief slipping into their room to try his luck. She had three thousand 2.______ (dollar) in her pocket. “What should I do? Many 3.______ (thief) usually bring 4.________ (knife) with them,”she thought in 5.________ (silent). After two 6.________ (minute) search, the thief happened to touch a sports suit. It seemed as if he found there was someone in the room, so he went out to the next room where two 7.________ (Frenchman) were sleeping. When he was looking for 8.________ (money) or some 9.________ (jewel) in the next room, Mrs. Green woke up her husband quickly and called the police. And then the thief knew what had happened. He was so scared that he took out a knife. Just then the police showed up. Before the thief ran away, the police caught him. For Mrs. Green, it was really an unusual 10.________ (experience).答案:1.Germans 2.dollars 3.thieves 4.knives 5.silence 6.minutes' 7.Frenchmen8.money9.jewels/jewelry10.experience (二)快捷技法

2020年高考英语五年高考三年模拟:专题1 名词、代词和冠词 含答案

第一部分语法知识专题一名词、代词和冠词 挖命题 【考情探究】 考点考向 考情分析 预测热 度高考示例 设题方式 2018-112018-062017-112017-062016-10 名词1.名词和动词、 形容词等之间 的词性转换 2.名词的单数和 复数 3.名词的所有格 women (woman) weight (weigh) dishes (dish) months (month) carrots (carrot) pages (page) performanc e (perform) 1.根据所给的相关提示词(动词、形 容词等),写出相应的名词 2.根据上下文判断名词用单数形式 还是复数形式以及复数名词的构 成形式 3.在无提示词的情况下根据语境写 出适当的名词。这类词一般都是固 定结构或在上下文有明确的提示 ★★★ 代词1.不定代词 2.物主代词 3.指示代词 4.人称代词 5.疑问代词 6.反身代词 7.it的用法 them (they) it their (they) myself(I) 1.根据上下文的语境写出合适的代 词 2.根据所给的相关提示词,一般是 同根词,写出合适的代词形式。这种 形式主要出现在人称代词、物主代 词和反身代词的相互转换方面 ★★☆ 冠词 1.定冠词an a 根据上下文的逻辑关系填写合适 的定冠词、不定冠词 ★★☆

2.不定冠词 3.零冠词 分析解读 对词性的直接考查主要集中在语篇型填空题中,而间接的考查则体现在写作中,不论是应用文写作还是读后续写或概要写作,以上三类词都起着非常重要的作用。 一、名词 1.根据上下文判断是否用名词,是否用名词的复数形式。因此考生一定要掌握名词复数形式的构成规则...........。 2.根据所给的同根词,写出相应的名词。因此考生要掌握英语单词的基本构词法。2019年与名词有关的词性转换将是考查的热点。同时特别注意既有词性转换.....,.又有复数形式的考查方式........... 。 3.有可能在无提示词的情况下根据语境写出适当的名词。这类词一般都是固定结构或在上下文中有明确的提示。因此考生要掌握一些含有名词的固定词组。这类设题的难度较大,近年都没有涉及,但是,考生还是应当做出必要的准备。 二、代词 1.根据上下文的语境写出合适的代词。 2.根据所给的同根词,写出合适的代词形式。因此考生要掌握英语代词的各种形式之间的转换规则和形式。 三、冠词 根据上下文的逻辑关系选择合适的定冠词或不定冠词。在此类考查中,名词实际上起着主要的作用............。所以要重点研究与设空处相关的名词。 从以上考查方式中可以看出,对这三类词的考查主要集中在对上下文的理解上........,因此,读懂句子,读懂上下文,抓住上下文的主旨,是这类题目的解题关键。 破考点 【考点集训】 考点一 名词 1.Whenever I made mistakes,the teacher pointed them out with (patient). 答案 patience


专题一冠词 重难点分析 冠词是一种虚词,没有词义,不能单独使用,放在名词的前面,帮助说明名词的含义。冠词主要分为定冠词、不定冠词和零冠词。 历年高考试题对冠词的考查涉及到冠词的位置、不定冠词、定冠词、零冠词及固定搭配中的冠词等各个方面。下面我们以表格的形式对前四个方面进行梳理总结。 一、冠词的位置 二、不定冠词

三、定冠词 四、零冠词

五、英语中含有冠词的词组辨析 英语中有不少词组,从形式看好像只有冠词之差,而实际上却是意义完全不同的词组。 1. in front of 在……(外)的前面;in the front of在……(内)的前面 There is a garden in front of the classroom. 教室前面有一个花园。(外) There is a blackboard in the front of the classroom. 教室前面有一块黑板。(内) 2. in charge of 掌管、负责;in the charge of 在……负责之下 An experienced worker is in charge of the project. 一位有经验的个人负责这个项目。 The project is in the charge of an experienced worker. 这个项目由一位经验丰富的工人负责。 3. at table 在进餐、吃饭时;at the table 在桌旁 He seldom talks at table. 吃饭时他很少说话。 They sat at the table, talking and laughing. 他们坐在桌旁,边说边笑。 4. by day 白天、日间;by the day 按日计 He works in an office by day. 他白天在办公室工作。 Cleaning women in big cities get paid by the day. 大城市的清洁女工按日获得报酬。 5. take place 发生、举行;take the place (of) 代替、接替 When did this conversation take place? 这次谈话什么时候进行的? Electric trains have now taken the place of steam trains in our country. 在我们国家,电力火车已经取代了蒸汽火车。 6. in words 用语言;in a word 总之 Please express your thoughts in words. 请用言语表达你的想法。 In a word, I don’t trust you. 总之,我不相信你。 7. at times 有时、不时;at a time 一次 I do feel a little nervous at times. 有时我确实感到有些紧张。 Pass me the bricks two at a time. 每次递给我两块砖。 8. little 少、不多的;a little 一些、一点儿 Hurry up, there is little time left. 快点,时间不多了。 Don’t hurry, you still have a little time. 不用急,你还有时间。 9. few 很少、几乎没有的;a few 有些、几个


语法填空专题训练 预热题 第一节语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 We high school students do have some growing pains, but we can get rid of them correctly and wisely. 1 , some of us are upset 2 their body styles and looks. It’s unnecessary and it’s not important at all. We needn’t care about it. It is one’s inner beauty 3 matters. Second, we sometimes seem to be misunderstood 4 our teachers, parents and classmates. 5 (face) with this, we can find a proper time to have a heart-to-heart talk with them, trying to remove the 6 (understand). Some of us have fewer friends. I think being open-minded and friendly will do you good. Third, we may fall behind others, 7 makes us stressed. Actually we can encourage 8 to work efficiently, full of 9 (determine). At last, some of us don’t have much pocket money, so they feel unhappy. Isn’t it strange? So long as we have some, that’s enough. And we can learn 10 to spend money 【文章综述】本文讲述高中生成长中有很多的烦恼,我们应该用正确的方式来处理。 【答案解析】 1.First与第三行的Second形成呼应,都表示列举 2.about 考察固定搭配be upset about…对…感到难过,失望;很多人对于自己的体型和外貌感到难过。 3.that本句是一个强调句型It is…that/who…;本句强调的是主语one’s inner beauty,句意:重要的是我们的内在美。 4.by本句话考查被动语态。Be misunderstood by 被。。误解。 5.Faced 本句中的faced是动词face的过去分词转换的形容词,构成be faced with…面对着…;在句中使用形容词来说明后面主句转换主语的情况。 6.misunderstanding考查名词。句意:我们找合适的时间来与父母面对面交谈,来消除误解。 7.which 本句是一个非限制性定语从句,which指代前面一句话的内容在句中做主语。 8.ourselves 本句中使用反身代词ourselves表示强调。我们经常鼓励自己高效工作。 9.determination 本句中介词of后面要接名词作宾语,故使用determine的名词determination。 10. how 本句考察的“特殊疑问词+不定式”在句中做宾语的用法,在本句中how to spend money作为动词learn的宾语。


名词和冠词第一讲 语法项目(一) 名词 [考纲解读·定方向] 语法填空题对名词的考查主要包括名词的单复数和所有格,以及给出动词、形容词等提示词要求写出适当的名词形式。短文改错重点考查名词的单复数、不可数名词、名词与其他词类的词性转化等。解答有关名词的题目时,一定要注意名词前的修饰成分,如数词、量词、常修饰可数名词复数和不可数名词的词或短语等,来判断其是需要可数名词单数形式、复数形式还是不可数名词;有的还要结合语境分析句子成分,来判断是否需要作主语、宾语、表语或定语的名词。 如何确定填单复数、所有格还是派生为名词 [思考趋向] 1.填名词的单复数 若提示词是名词,分析句子成分后发现词性不需要改变,此时应考虑填名词的单复数。 2.填名词的所有格 提示词为名词时,如果作定语表示“……的”,则一般考查名词的所有格。 3.派生为名词 [典例感悟] [典例1](2017·全国卷Ⅲ)She has turned down several ________ (invitation) to star at shows in order to concentrate on her studies. 解析:invitations invitation“邀请”是可数名词,其前有several修饰,应用复数形式。[典例2](2019·湖南师大附中模拟)This could be ________ (Mary) motto——the expression that best captures her spirit. 解析:Mary's 此题考查名词的所有格,根据语境应该表示“玛丽的格言”。 [典例3](2017·浙江卷11月)Of course you have to work at it.You wouldn't think that a few ________ (month) of exercise in your teens would be enough for the rest of your life,and that's also true for building your vocabulary—you have to keep at it daily,and pretty soon you will find that you have an excellent vocabulary. 解析:months 考查名词的数。根据空前的a few及month为可数名词可知,此处表示“几个月的锻炼”,故用month的复数形式。 ________(educate).her with on carry to determined is 4](2017·全国卷Ⅲ)She 典例[解析:education 根据空格前的修饰语定答案。前面由形容词性物主代词her(她的)修饰,故用educate的名词形式,education是不可数名词。 名词单数变复数的技法


中考语法专题练习:名词 1 .-Lucy, do you like? -Yes. Most of my clothes are. A.an orange an orange B.orange ,orange C.oranges ,oranges D.orange,an orange 2. —Can I help you, sir? ??? I' d like to have 100. I want the students to draw picture s on them. A. piece of paper B. pieces of paper C. papers D. paper 3 ? You looked for it twice, but you haven ' t found it. Why not try. A. three times B. a third time C. the third time D. once 4 ? Are they going to have a picnic on? A. Children ' s Day B. Childrens ' s Day C. Childrens Day D. Children Day 5. -How many can you see in the picture? -Only one. A. dog B. sheep C. child 6. The girl talking to Mary is a friend of. A. Mary ' s sister B. Mary sister ' s C. Mary' s sister ' s D. Sister of Mary ' s 7. The woman over there is mother.



专题一名词、冠词和代词 名词:A卷全国卷 语法填空/单句改错: 1.(2016·全国Ⅰ,61)Chengdu has dozens of new millionaires, Asia’s biggest building, and fancy new hotels. But for tourists like me, pandas are its top________(attract).2.(2016·全国Ⅰ,69)The nursery team switches him every few ________(day) with his sister. 3.(2016·全国Ⅰ,短文改错)My uncle tells me that the key to his success is honest.________. 4.(2016·全国Ⅱ)Handle the most important tasks first so you’ll feel a real sense of ________(achieve). 5. (2016·全国Ⅱ)Recent________(study) show that we are far more productive at work if we take short breaks regularly. 6.(2016·全国Ⅲ)Visiting an apple event is a good chance to see, and often taste, a wide variety of ________(apple).7.(2015·全国Ⅰ)I’d skipped nearby Guilin, a dream place for tourists seeking the limestone


语法填空专项练习 一 A wealthy old lady who lived near Dr. Swift used to send him presents occasionally by her servant. Dr. Swift took her presents but never gave the boy anything for 1 trouble. One day as Swift was busy with his writing, 2 boy rushed into his room, knocked some books out of 3 place, threw his parcel on the desk and said, “My mistress(女主人) has sent you two of 4 rabbits.” Swift turned 5 and said, “My boy, that is not the 6 to deliver your parcel. Now, you sit in my chair, watch my way of doing it and learn your lesson.” The boy sat down. Swift went out, knocked on his door and waited. The boy said, “Come in.” The doctor entered, 7 (walk) to his desk and said, “8 you please sir, my mistress sends her kind regards and hopes you will accept these rabbits which her son shot this morning in her fields.” The boy answered, “Thank you, my boy. Give your mistress and her son my thanks for their kindness and 9 is two shillings for yourself.” The doctor laughed, and after 10 , Swift never forgot to give the boy his tip. 二 At one point along an open highway, I came to a crossroads with a traffic light. I was alone on the road by now, but as I drove up to the light, it turned red, and I braked to a halt. I look left, right, and behind me. 1 . Not a car, no suggestion of headlights, but 2 I sat, 3 (wait) the light to change, the only human being for at least a mile in any direction. I started wondering 4 I refused to run the light. I was not afraid of 5 (catch) by the police, because there was obviously no cop 6 around and there certainly would have been no danger in going 7 it. Much later that night, the 8 question of why I’d stopped for that light came 9 to me. I think I stopped because it’s part of a contract (合同) we all have with each other. It’s not only the law, but it’s an agreement we have, and we trust 10 to honor it: we don’t go through red lights. Like most of us, I’m ready to be stopped from doing something bad by the social agreement that disapproves of it than by any law against it. 三 Did you know that in the mountains it can start to snow in August? It snows through the fall and winter. 1 , in spring, when all that snow melts, water falls down the mountainsides. Streams(溪流) form and come 2 to form rivers. Let’s follow one of the rivers in Utah. The Bear River begins nearly 13,000 feet 3 in the mountains. It ends only 90 miles 4 , but it will have dropped about 9,000 feet first! The most surprising thing about this river is where 5 ends. If you look at a map, you will see that nearly all rivers 6 (empty) into the sea. But 7 the water of the Bear River. This river flows into the Great Salt Lake, the

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