当前位置:文档之家› 托福历年词汇真题总结



Inaccessible 难以接近的:unreachable

Extracting 提取,提炼:removing

Strength 基础:basis

Surging 激增,迅速上升:accelerating

Trend 倾向,趋势:tendency

Peak 最高点,最高峰:maximum

Prior to 在前,局先:preceding

Advocates 提倡者,赞成者:proponents Unsubstantiated 无确实根据的,未经证实的:unverified Maintain 维持:preserve

Considerable 极其,相当,大量:substantial Enactment 制定,执行:performance

Staggering 令人惊愕的:overwhelming

Devastated 毁坏:ruined

Demonstrate 证明,示威:showed

Extend 延伸,扩展:stretch

Vast 巨大的,辽阔的:large

Sparked 发动,鼓舞:brought about

Potential 潜在的,可能的:possible

Outstanding 突出的,显著的:excellent

Account for 解释,说明:explain

Picking up 沿着:following

A supremacy至高,霸权:a dominance



Supreme最高的:most outstanding


Ascending 上升,攀登:climbing

Solemn 严肃的:serious


Scores 乐谱:music composition

Comprises 包含,由,构成:consists of

Intense 剧烈的:extreme

Margins 空白:edges

Support 支撑:hold

Appreciation 感激,评价,欣赏:recognition

Bias 偏见:prejudice

Prevailing 流行的:most frequent

Accumulated 积聚,堆积:collected

Related 有关系得:connected

Supported 支撑:upheld

Forward-looking 向前看的:progressive 进步的Rudimentary 不发达的,未发展的:undeveloped Sole 唯一的:only

Subsidizes 资助:finance

Rotates 旋转:alternates

Implements 玩具:tools

Clues 线索:information

Hemispheres 半球:sides

Subject to 遭受:susceptible to

Puncture 刺穿:pierce

Dramatic 戏剧性的,显著的:striking

Characterized 不同,区别于其他:distinguished Bizarre 古怪的:odd

Casts off 抛弃:gets rid of

Homogeneous 一致的,同一的:uniform

Largely renounces 基本上拒绝:generally rejects Prevail 流行,支配控制:dominates

Subtle 轻微的,精细的:slight

Compile 收集,积累:put together

Raw 未加工的,为处理的:unprocessed

Prospect 前景,可能性:possibility

Roughly 大约地:approximately

Magnify 增加,扩大:increase

Distinction 不同,区别:differences

Fused 结合:combined

Lure 吸引:attract

Placed 放置:deposited

Discrete 分泌:separate

Overtaxed 负担沉重的:heavily burdened Inadequate 不充足的:deficient

Inevitable 不可避免地:unavoidably

Lamented 不满,抱怨:complaint about

First rank 最高水平:highest quality

Faded from 消失于:disappeared from

Novel 创新的,新颖的:innovative

Stationary 固定的:fixed

Vessel 船只:craft

Smothering 窒息的:eliminatedsulfured 硫的

helium 氦

methane 甲烷

amino acid 氨基酸

periodical 期刊

frontier 边疆

individualism 个人主义

continental(plate) drift 大陆漂移

granite 花岗岩

social contract 社会契约

sentimental style 情感方式(本善,本恶)

goodness nature & evil nature 善与恶,恶性是受influence和lure造成的pottery 陶土

poetry 诗

basketry 竹篮

part time 兼职

Doldrums 赤道无风带

horizontal 水平的

imitation 赝品

weather aging 风化年代


Navajo 纳瓦获人

loom 织布机

innovation 革新

subdue color温色




field house 储藏室

astrobiology 天文生物学

laptop 笔记本电脑

implicit memory含蓄的记忆(内显记忆)explicit memory 外显记忆

maple tree 枫树

sap 树液

patent 专利


rock stratum 岩层

Signal transduction 信号传导

spectrum 光谱

pit organ 蛇的陷器官

dim sighted 昏花

nomadic tribe 游牧民族

Mercenary 雇佣兵


shaft 轴


rent bill房租账单

account 账单

insulation 隔离

respiratory structure 呼吸结构


resilient 恢复力强的

frustration 挫折

perspective 透视,展望,有希望的


Dictates 决定 determines

Witnessed 看到 observed

A break with 分开 a departure from Conserve 维持,保留 retain

Magnified 加强,加剧 intensified

Forage 觅食 feed

Counteracted 否定,抵消 negated

In season 应季 a particular time of year Fixture 寻常物品 commonplace object Nevertheless 但是 however

Rotates 转动,改变 turns

Readily 容易地,欣然地 easily

Constituting 组成 making up

Pits 洞,坑 holes

Disputes 争论 arguments

Unrestricted 不受限制的 unlimited

Snap 折断 break

Fed 吃/放入 put

Exposed to 易受影响的,受支配 subjected to Exert 引起,导致 cause

Diffuses 穿过,扩散 travels

Rapture 破裂 burst

Miniscule 微小的 tiny

Enables 使能够 allows

Aesthetically 美学的,艺术的 artistically

Refreshing 非同寻常的,耳目一新的 unusual

Devote 奉献 dedicate

Bound 系,绑 tied

Assembling 聚集 gathering

Adorned 装修 decorated

Attire 服装 clothing

Unravel 揭露 discover

Mundane 平凡的 ordinary

Gap 空隙 opening

Discards 抛弃 gets rid of

Deft 灵巧的 skilled

Robust 强壮的 strong

Heralded 宣布 announced

Position 职位 job

Major 主要的 principal

Symmetrical 比例平衡的,对称的 proportionally balanced Obvious 明显的 apparent

Dominated 占支配地位的 were prevalent in


Monopolized 垄断 dominated

Factions 部分 sides

Flattering 赞美 complimentary

Disseminated 分散 spread

Accelerated 加速 increased

Given way to 替代 been replaced by

Reliance 依赖 dependence

Picture 想象 imagine

Emit 发出 give off

Glowing 发光的 shining

Influx 流入,到达 arrival

Extraordinary 异常的 exceptional

Era 时代 period of time

Intriguing 吸引人的 attractive

Conclusive 总结性的 definitive

Preoccupation 卷入involvement

Primary 基本的fundamental

Entire 整个whole

Bring about 引起 cause

Temping 吸引人的 attractive

Reckless 不负责任的 irresponsible

Concomitant with 同时发生的,与之伴随的 in conjunction with Skyrocketing 迅速上升 increasing rapidly

Extolling 高度赞扬praising

Roughly 大约harshly

Reaped 获得gained

Interchangeable 互换的,等同于 equivalent

Classified 分类 categorized

Incinerated itself 燃烧 burn up

Securing 获得 acquiring

Implications 意义 significant

Hinterland 腹地,内地贸易区 region

Persisted 坚持,持续 continued

Undergoing 经历,遭受 experiencing

Suspend 悬挂,延迟 hang

Fatal 致命的 deadly

Secure 安全的 safe

Sorted out 分类,挑练 separated

Dampened 使潮湿 moistened

Fine 细微的 tiny

Derived 起源,得自 obtained

Drastically 激烈的,彻底的severely

Coincided with 一致,符合 happened at the same time

Supplement 补充 add to

Contemporary 当代的,同时代的 written at the same time Prized 珍视 valued

Overtaken 超越,胜出surpassed

Intervals 间隔 periods

Freeing 解除 releasing

Plunge 投入,跳进 drop

Tangled缠结的,紊乱的 twisted together

Concealed 隐藏 covered

Avail themselves 利用 make use

Accordingly 因此for that reason

Crucial至关重要的 important

Ponderous 笨重的heavy

Attained 达到,获得achieved

Abundant 丰富的,充裕的plentiful

Peculiar 独特的,奇异的strange

Meticulously小心翼翼的 carefully

Durability 经久,耐久力endurance



Innovative 创新的 new

Extract 提取,提炼remove


Consequence 结果result

Exceed超越,胜出go beyond

Generated 产生 cause

Norm 标准 standard

Henceforth 今后 from that time on


Immutable 不可变的unchangeable

Revered 尊敬 respected

Consist 一致的,协调的constant张宏伟托福历年真题词汇(4)

Intent 目的,意向 goal

Administered 管理 managed

Periphery 外围 outer edge

Inception 起初beginning

Fabricating 构成,虚构constructing

Resort to 采取using

Ingenuity 机灵,灵巧resourcefulness

Functional 有功能的,有用的usable

Significant 有意义的meaningful

Attained 获得reached

Flamed 燃烧burned

Encompass包围,环绕 include

Came to the forefront 来到最前线/变得很重要 became important

Hinged on 依赖 depended on

Lured 引诱attracted

Expendable消费品,可以牺牲的 nonessential

Notwithstanding 尽管despite

Intricate 错综复杂的complex

Random 任意的unpredictable

Optimal 最佳的,最理想的best

Urged 催促encouraged

Carried on 继续 continued

Diverse 不同的varied

Ensures确保 guarantees

Suitable 合适的,适宜的appropriately

Scares 稀有rare

Resemble 类似look like

Coarse 粗糙的crude

Brittle易碎的,脆弱的 easily broken Appreciated赏识,意识到 recognized Merely 仅仅only

Emitting 发出producing

Spanning 跨越 cover

Pursue 追赶catch

Altogether 完全的completely

Intensive 集中的,透彻的concentrated Prevailed 流行,盛行dominated Depicted 描述described

Foremost 首要的 leading

Meteoric流星的,迅速的 rapid

Apace with 快速的,急速的as fast as

Wider 宽广的more extensive

Thereby 因此,在那方面by that means Unique 唯一的,独特的singular

Rotting 腐烂的decaying

Key 关键的important

Converted修改 changed

Antecedent 先行的的,先辈predecessor Appealing吸引人的 attractive

Local 场所place

Boosted推进 raised

Scope 范围extent

Prolific多产的,丰富的 productive Eager 热心的,渴望的enthusiastic

Engaged使用,雇佣 hire

Subsequent后来的 later

Sums 总数amounts

Identical同样的 exactly alike

Graphic生动的,鲜明的 vivid Undoubtedly 毫无疑问的certainly Components 组成部分parts

Besides 除此之外in addition to Flourished繁荣,昌盛 thrived Grumbled 抱怨,牢骚complained

Serve服务,适合 function

Sole 唯一的only

Detecting 发现finding

Sedentary久坐的,不活动的 inactive

Subjected 受影响的exposed

Essence 本质,精华basic nature

Diverse 不同的different

Noted 注意到 observed

Emphasize 强调stress


Account for 解释,说明explain

Smooth operation 顺利进行 effective functioning Cluster 成群 group

Alert 警惕 ware

Scurrying 急跑,匆忙走rushing

Formidable 艰难地,令人敬畏的difficult

Intent 目的,意向 purpose

Regardless of 不管,不顾no matter what

Marked 显著地noticeable

Confine 限制 restrict

Presumably 推测,大概 probably

Sustain 支撑,持续 support

Insignificant 无关紧要的unimportant

Ultimately 最后,最终 eventually

Demise 死亡 death

Convert 转变 change

Primarily 主要地,根本上 chiefly

Prevailing 流行的dominant

Undergone 经历 experienced

Vast 巨大的 great张宏伟托福历年真题词汇(5)

Precarious 不稳定的 uncertain

Settled 固定的 stable

Chronicle 记载,记录,编年史 describe

Ornate 装饰的,华丽的 elaborate

Derived from 起源 based on

Various 不同的,多样的different

Account for 解释 explain

Subjugated 征服 conquered

Synonymous with 同义的 equivalent to Excavating 挖掘 digging

Agents 动因,代理人 causes

Aided 帮助的 helped

Estimated 评估 judged

Pry off 翘起 remove

Littered 杂乱堆满,乱丢 covered

Preserved 保持,保存 protected from destruction

Constant 持续的,一致的 consistent

Attained 达到,获得 achieved

Resumed 再继续,重新开始 began again

Attests to 证明 give evidence of

Drab 单调的 dull

Prominent 显著的,突出的 noticeable

Yet 仍,至今 so far

Rudimentary 根本的,未发展的 basic

Biting 尖锐的 sharp

Heightened 提高,提升 increased

Meticulous 小心翼翼的 careful

Accumulated 积聚,积累 built up

Tantamount to 与……相等的 practically the same as Remarkable 非凡的,显著的 extraordinary

Link 连结,联合 connectionSurge 汹涌,激增 sharp increase Unprecedented 空前的,前所未闻的 not seen before

Obscure 模糊的,朦胧的 unclear

Display 陈列展示 exhibit

Load 负荷,重担 weight

Precise 精确的 accurate

Exercise 训练,使用 utilize

Elicit 得出,引出 bring out

Probe 探查 explore

Prolific 多产的,丰富的 fruitful

Ideal 理想的perfect

Standard 标准 customary

Strain 疲劳,紧张 stress

Accordingly 因此,从而 consequently

Teeming with 充满了,丰富的 full of

Resemble 类似,模仿 appear similar to

Postulated 假定,假设 suggested

Depended 依靠 relied

Subscribed 订阅,赞成 agreed with

Stunning 极好的 impressive 感人的,印象深刻的

Spawn 产生,制造 create

Partitioning 分割,划分 division

Enhances 增强,提高 increased

Transition 转换,过渡 change

Ignited 点燃 set on fire

Evolution 发展,演化 development

Momentarily 即刻 briefly

Depict 描述 represent

Advent 出现,到来 arrival

Affront 侮辱,冒犯 insult

Intriguing 迷人的 fascinating

Endless 无止境的 continuous连续的

Adequate 充分的,足够的 sufficient

Rather than 胜于 instead of 而不是

Forage 觅食 search for food

Intermittently 间歇地periodically周期性的

Furnish 供应,提供 provide

Oscillating 震荡,摇摆 swinging

Ultimately 最终 in the end

Compelling 强迫地,又说服力的 forceful

Exceptional 异常地,意外地 remarkable 不平常地,显著地Enhancement 增加/进 improvement

Revitalize 新生 bring new life to

Executing 执行,制造 producing

Allay 减轻,减少 reduce

Permeated 弥漫,渗透 spread through

Testimony to 证词/明evidence of

Hardiest 坚硬 most vigorous

Framework 框架,结构 structure

Prolonged 延长的extended

Encounter 遭遇 meet

Fortuitous 偶然的,幸运的lucky

Thwarted 阻挠,挫败 frustrated失败的,落空的Scattered 分散的irregularly distributed

By virtue of 由于 because of

Circumscribed 限制 restricted

Indeterminate 不确定的uncertain

Enveloped 包围着 surrounded 环绕地

Gradually 逐渐地 by degrees

At any rate 无论如何 regardless 不管


历年托福阅读真题高频词汇收集整理(5) Key 关键的important Converted修改 changed Antecedent 先行的的,先辈predecessor Appealing吸引人的 attractive Local 场所place Boosted推进 raised Scope 范围extent Prolific多产的,丰富的 productive Eager 热心的,渴望的enthusiastic Engaged使用,雇佣 hire Subsequent后来的 later Sums 总数amounts Identical同样的 exactly alike Graphic生动的,鲜明的 vivid Undoubtedly 毫无疑问的certainly Components 组成部分parts Besides 除此之外in addition to Flourished繁荣,昌盛 thrived

Grumbled 抱怨,牢骚complained Serve服务,适合 function Sole 的only Detecting 发现finding Sedentary久坐的,不活动的 inactive Subjected 受影响的exposed Essence 本质,精华basic nature Diverse 不同的different Noted 注意到 observed Emphasize 强调stress Accessible易接近的,可靠近的available Account for 解释,说明explain Smooth operation 顺利进行 effective functioning Cluster 成群 group Alert 警惕 ware Scurrying 急跑,匆忙走rushing Formidable 艰难地,令人敬畏的difficult Intent 目的,意向 purpose Regardless of 不管,不顾no matter what Marked 显著地noticeable Confine 限制 restrict


TOEFL词汇题精选440题 001. Most of these leaders were involved in public life as reformers, activists working for The word "representative" is closest in meaning to which of following? (A) typical (B) satisfied (C) supportive (D) distinctive 002. In the United States, Louis Comfort Tiffany (1843-1933) was the most noted exponent of this style, producing a great variety today. The word "prized" is closest in meaning to which of following? (A) valued (B) universal (C) uncommon (D) preserved 003. The Art Nouveau style was a major force in the decorative arts from 1895 until 1915, although its influence continued throughout the mid-1920's. It was eventually to be overtaken by a new school of thought known as Functionalism that had been present since the turn of the century. The word "overtaken" is closest in meaning to which of following? (A) surpassed (B) inclined (C) expressed (D) applied 004. During most of their lives, surge glaciers behave like normal glaciers, traveling perhaps only a couple of inches per day. However, at intervals of 10 to 100 years, these glaciers move forward up to 100 times faster than usual. The word "intervals" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) records (B) speeds (C) distances (D) periods 005. The increasing water pressure under the glaciers also might be influenced by the climate, volcanic heat, or earthquakes. The word "freeing" is closest in meaning to which of following? (A) pushing (B) releasing (C) strengthening (D) draining 006. A flood of ice would then surge into the turn would release more ice and set in motion a vicious cycle. The word "plunge" is closest in meaning to which of following? (A) drop (B) extend (C) melt (D) drift 007. Group members look to instrumental leaders to "get things done." Expressive leadership, on the other hand, is leadership that emphasizes the collective well-being of a social group's members. The word "collective" is closest in meaning to which of following? (A) necessary (B) typical (C) group (D) particular 008. They offer sympathy when someone experiences difficulties or is subjected to discipline, are quick to lighten a serious


优质参考文档 TOEFL词汇题精选440题 001.Mostoftheseleaderswereinvolvedinpubliclif easreformers,activistsworkingforwomen'srightt ovote,orauthors,andwerenot representative at allofthegreatofordinarRwomen. Theword"representative"isclosestinmeaningto whichoffollowing? (A)tRpical (B)satisfied (C)supportive (D)distinctive 002.IntheUnitedStates,LouisComfortTiffanR(1 843- 1933)wasthemostnotedeRponentofthisstRle,pr oducingagreatvarietRofglassformsandsurfaces, whichwerewidelRcopiedintheirtimeandarehigh lR prized todaR. Theword"prized"isclosestinmeaningtowhichoff ollowing? (A)valued (B)universal (C)uncommon (D)preserved 003.TheArtNouveaustRlewasamajorforceinthe decorativeartsfrom1895until1915,althoughitsin fluencecontinuedthroughoutthemid- 1920's.ItwaseventuallRtobe overtaken bRanew schoolofthoughtknownasFunctionalismthathad beenpresentsincetheturnofthecenturR. Theword"overtaken"isclosestinmeaningtowhic hoffollowing? (A)surpassed (B)inclined (C)eRpressed (D)applied 004.Duringmostoftheirlives,surgeglaciersbeha velikenormalglaciers,travelingperhapsonlRaco upleofinchesperdaR.However,at intervals of10t o100Rears,theseglaciersmoveforwardupto100ti mesfasterthanusual. Theword"intervals"isclosestinmeaningtowhich offollowing? (A)records (B)speeds (C)distances (D)periods 005.Theincreasingwaterpressureundertheglaci ermightliftitoffitsbed,overcomingthefrictionbet weeniceandrock,thus freeing theglacier,whichr apidlRslidersdownhillsurgeglaciersalsomightbe influencedbRtheclimate,volcanicheat,orearthq uakes. Theword"freeing"isclosestinmeaningtowhicho ffollowing? (A)pushing (B)releasing (C)strengthening (D)draining 006.AfloodoficewouldthensurgeintotheSouther nSea.Withthecontinuedriseinsealevel,moreicew ould plunge intotheocean,causingsealevelstoris eevenhigher,whichinturnwouldreleasemoreicea ndsetinmotionaviciouscRcle. Theword"plunge"isclosestinmeaningtowhichof following?



TOEFL词汇题精选440题 001. Most of these leaders were involved in public life as reformers, activists working for women's right to vote, or authors, and were not representative at all of the great of ordinary women. The word "representative" is closest in meaning to which of following? (A) typical (B) satisfied (C) supportive (D) distinctive 002. In the United States, Louis Comfort Tiffany (1843-1933) was the most noted exponent of this style, producing a great variety of glass forms and surfaces, which were widely copied in their time and are highly prized today. The word "prized" is closest in meaning to which of following? (A) valued (B) universal (C) uncommon (D) preserved 003. The Art Nouveau style was a major force in the decorative arts from 1895 until 1915, although its influence continued throughout the mid-1920's. It was eventually to be overtaken by a new school of thought known as Functionalism that had been present since the turn of the century. The word "overtaken" is closest in meaning to which of following? (A) surpassed (B) inclined (C) expressed (D) applied 004. During most of their lives, surge glaciers behave like normal glaciers, traveling perhaps only a couple of inches per day. However, at intervals of 10 to 100 years, these glaciers move forward up to 100 times faster than usual. The word "intervals" is closest in meaning to which of following? (A) records (B) speeds (C) distances (D) periods 005. The increasing water pressure under the glacier might lift it off its bed, overcoming the friction between ice and rock, thus freeing the glacier, which rapidly sliders downhill surge glaciers also might be influenced by the climate, volcanic heat, or earthquakes. The word "freeing" is closest in meaning to which of following? (A) pushing (B) releasing (C) strengthening (D) draining 006. A flood of ice would then surge into the Southern Sea. With the continued rise in sea level, more ice would plunge into the ocean, causing sea levels to rise even higher, which in turn would release more ice and set in motion a vicious cycle. The word "plunge" is closest in meaning to which of following? (A) drop (B) extend (C) melt (D) drift 007. Group members look to instrumental leaders to "get things done." Expressive leadership, on the other hand, is leadership that emphasizes the collective well-being of a social group's members. The word "collective" is closest in 2


iBT新托福单词题(词汇题)全集(打印版)新增58组单词 1.20 or so=20 roughly大体上,大约为 2. a matter of speculation =supposition n. 推断 3. a solicitation of=an invitation of n. 垦求;垦请 4.abandon=give up vt.放弃 5.abandoned= left a. 被遗弃的 6.aberrant= abnormal a. 脱离常轨的, 7.abort= quit v. 夭折;中止 8.abrupt=sudden adj.突然的 9.abruptly= suddenly ad. 突然地;意外地 10.absorb =appeal v. 吸收;被…吸引 11.absorb= learn(学习) v. 吸收 12.absorb= take in v. 吸收;被…吸引 13.abstract= not concrete a. 抽象的;非实际的 14.absurd= ridiculous a. 荒谬的;可笑的 15.abundance= large amount n. 大量 16.abundance= great number n. 大量 17.abundant=large amount adj. 丰富的;大量的 18.abundant = affluent a. 丰富的;大量的 19.abundant= ample a. 丰富的;大量的 20.abundant= numerous a. 丰富的;大量的 21.abundant= plentiful a. 丰富的;大量的 22.abundant=substantial a. 丰富的;大量的 23.abundantly= plentifully ad. 丰富地;大量地 24.accelerate=speed up/get faster vi.&vt.加速 25.access =reach v. 接近 26.accessible =reachable a. 可接近的 27.accessible =easy to reach a. 易接近的 28.accidental =unexpected a. 意外的;偶然的 29.acclaimed=praisable adj.值得赞扬的 30.accommodate= provide for v. 提供 31.accomplished =achieved a. 实现完成的 32.accomplished =skilled a. 熟练的 33.account= description n. 说明 34.account for= explain v. 说明 35.accumulate =collect v. 积累;聚集 36.accumulate =pile up v. 积累;聚集聚集 37.accumulate =build up 积累 38.accurate =correct a. 正确的 39.accurately= correctly ad. 正确地 40.acknowledge= recognize v. 承认 41.actually= in fact ad. 事实上 42.added =extra a. 附加的;额外的43.adept =skilled a. 熟练的 44.adequately=sufficiently adv.足够地 45.adherent= supporter n. 拥护者 46.adherent=advocate n.追随者,提倡者 47. 48.adjacency=nearing n.领接 49.adjacent =nearby a. 毗连的 50.adjacent =neighboring a. 毗连的 51.adjust= modify v. 调整;改变…以适应 52.administer = manage v.管理 53.admire=respect vt.敬重 54.admit= let in v. 准许进入 55.adopt= enact v. 采用 56.advance= improvement n. 发展;增长 57.advent= arrival n. 出现;到来 58.advent= beginning n. 出现;到来 59.affair= matter n. 事件;事情 60.afford= provide v. 提供;给予 61.aggravate= increase v. 加重;增剧 62.aggravate =annoy v. 使恼火 63.aggregate= overall a. 聚集的;合计的 64.aggregate= combined a. 聚集的;合计的 65.aggregation=group n.聚合,聚集;聚集体 66.aggregations=groups 67.agile= astute a. 灵活的;敏捷的 68.agile= clever a. 灵活的;敏捷的 69.agile= quick and active a. 灵活的;敏捷的 70.agile= move and act quickly a. 灵活的;敏捷的 71.air= feeling n. 气氛 72.alarm= sound v. 警报 73.alarm= warning n. 警告 74.albeit= although conj. 尽管;虽然 75.albeit =even though conj. 尽管;虽然 76.alleged=asserted v.宣称 77.alleged=supposed v.假定,断言 78.allocation=distribution n.分配 79.allow= enable v. 允许 80.allude= suggest v. 暗示 81.allude to= refer to phrv. 提到 82.ally with= link to v. 结盟 83.alter= change to v. 改变 84.amazing= remarkable a. 令人惊讶的/非凡的


TOEFL词汇题精选440题 001.Mostoftheseleaderswereinvolvedinpubliclife asreformers,activistsworkingforwomen'srighttov ote,orauthors,andwerenot representative atalloft hegreatofordinarRwomen. Theword"representative"isclosestinmeaningtowh ichoffollowing? (A)tRpical (B)satisfied (C)supportive (D)distinctive 002.IntheUnitedStates,LouisComfortTiffanR(184 3- 1933)wasthemostnotedeRponentofthisstRle,pro ducingagreatvarietRofglassformsandsurfaces,whi chwerewidelRcopiedintheirtimeandarehighlR pri zed todaR. Theword"prized"isclosestinmeaningtowhichoffol lowing? (A)valued (B)universal (C)uncommon (D)preserved 003.TheArtNouveaustRlewasamajorforceinthed ecorativeartsfrom1895until1915,althoughitsinflu encecontinuedthroughoutthemid- 1920's.ItwaseventuallRtobe overtaken bRanewsc hoolofthoughtknownasFunctionalismthathadbe enpresentsincetheturnofthecenturR. Theword"overtaken"isclosestinmeaningtowhich offollowing?(A)surpassed (B)inclined (C)eRpressed (D)applied 004.Duringmostoftheirlives,surgeglaciersbehavel ikenormalglaciers,travelingperhapsonlRacouple ofinchesperdaR.However,at intervals of10to100R ears,theseglaciersmoveforwardupto100timesfast erthanusual. Theword"intervals"isclosestinmeaningtowhichoff ollowing? (A)records (B)speeds (C)distances (D)periods 005.Theincreasingwaterpressureundertheglacier mightliftitoffitsbed,overcomingthefrictionbetwe eniceandrock,thus freeing theglacier,whichrapidlR slidersdownhillsurgeglaciersalsomightbeinfluence dbRtheclimate,volcanicheat,orearthquakes. Theword"freeing"isclosestinmeaningtowhichoffo llowing? (A)pushing (B)releasing (C)strengthening (D)draining


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TPO1: Dramatic 剧烈的,戏剧化的–- striking显著的、突出的、惊人的Prevalent普遍的,常见的–- predictable可预见的Championed 拥护、支持–- Supported Attributes把。。。归于-- ascribes Autonomous 自主的、自治的、自发的–independent Penchant倾向、嗜好、趣味-- inclination倾向 Incredible令人难以置信的-- Unbelievable Out of sight看不见、在视野之外-- hidden Overlie 躺在 . 。。。上面,覆盖在。。。上面-- Cover So much for–That is enough about Plugged插入、填满–filled up TPO2: Threatened – endangered Delicate易碎的、纤弱的– fragile易碎的 Progressively渐进的、日益增多的– increasingly Devoid of没有、缺乏– lacking in Precious宝贵的、珍贵的– valuable Exposed 暴露的–visible Propulsion推进–moving forward Readily 轻而易举的–easily Assistance帮助– help Expanded扩充的、展开的–was enlarged TPO3: Feasible可行的– achievable Enhance增加、提高– improve Devised设计、发明– created Integral完整的、必须的– essential基本的、必要的 Arduous艰巨的、困难的– difficult Ensuring跟随,接下来– subsequent Unprecedented 史无前例的–unlike anything in the past Virtually几乎、实际上、事实上–almost


历年词汇真题Inaccessible 难以接近的:unreachable Extracting 提取,提炼:removing Strength 基础:basis Surging 激增,迅速上升:accelerating Trend 倾向,趋势:tendency Peak 最高点,最高峰:maximum Prior to 在前,局先:preceding Advocates 提倡者,赞成者:proponents Unsubstantiated 无确实根据的,未经证实的:unverified Maintain 维持:preserve Considerable 极其,相当,大量:substantial Enactment 制定,执行:performance Staggering 令人惊愕的:overwhelming Devastated 毁坏:ruined Demonstrate 证明,示威:showed Extend 延伸,扩展:stretch Vast 巨大的,辽阔的:large Sparked 发动,鼓舞:brought about Potential 潜在的,可能的:possible Outstanding 突出的,显著的:excellent Account for 解释,说明:explain

Picking up 沿着:following A supremacy至高,霸权:a dominance Supplanted代替:replaced Myriad无数:many Supreme最高的:most outstanding Settle解决,决定:decide Ascending 上升,攀登:climbing Solemn 严肃的:serious Composed创作,作曲:created Scores 乐谱:music composition Comprises 包含,由,构成:consists of Intense 剧烈的:extreme Margins 空白:edges Support 支撑:hold Appreciation 感激,评价,欣赏:recognition Bias 偏见:prejudice Prevailing 流行的:most frequent Accumulated 积聚,堆积:collected Related 有关系得:connected Supported 支撑:upheld Forward-looking 向前看的:progressive 进步的Rudimentary 不发达的,未发展的:undeveloped


2019年9月托福阅读词汇题汇总【托福】 2016年9月3日托福阅读词汇题汇总: 2016年9月10日托福阅读词汇题A卷 prolonged=extended momentum=push aptitude=talent more robust=stronger in turn=sequently aptitude=ability 2016年9月10日托福阅读词汇题B卷 depleted=use up hence=therefore constraints=limitations emergence=rise ultimately=finally distinctive=characteristic obscure=unclear gradual=slow adversely=negatively

disperse=spread subtle=not easy to notice 2016年9月10日下午托福阅读词汇题:2016年9月11日托福阅读真题词汇题:2016年9月24日托福阅读真题词汇题: 1. Wrought=created 2. Peculiar=unusual 3. Temporarily=briefly 4. Relatively=comparatively 5. Permeated=spread throughout 6. Precede=occur before 7. Resemble=be similar to 8. Distortion=irregularities 9. Cultivate=encourage the growth of 10. Duties=responsibility 11. Chronological=time 2016年9月25日托福阅读真题词汇题:


TOEFL词汇题精选 01.Most of these leaders were involved in public life as reformers, activists working for women's right to vote, or authors, and were not representative at all of the great of ordinary women. The word "representative" is closest in meaning to which of following? (A typical (B satisfied (C supportive (D distinctive 002. In the United States, Louis Comfort Tiffany (1843- 1933 was the most noted exponent of this style,

producing a great variety of glass forms and surfaces, which were widely copied in their time and are highly prized today. The word "prized" is closest in meaning to which of following? (A valued (B universal (C uncommon (D preserved 003. The Art Nouveau style was a major force in the decorative arts from 1895 until 1915, although its influence continued throughout the mid-1920's. It was eventually to be overtaken by a new school of thought known as Functionalism that had been present since the turn of the century. The word "overtaken" is closest in meaning to which of following? (A surpassed


经典托福词汇书推荐 托福备考过程中,当然少不了一本词汇书的陪伴。今天,小编将为您推荐几本经典的托福词汇书,并且对他们进行比较和推荐。正在备考托福的同学不妨来看一下。 托福备考过程中,当然少不了一本词汇书的陪伴。今天,小编将为您推荐几本经典的托福词汇书,它们分别是俞敏洪的《TOEFL词汇词根+联想记忆法》、王玉梅的《TOEFL词汇》、张红岩的《词以类记——TOEFL.ibt词汇》和《TOEFL词汇10000》,本文将对这些经典词汇书籍进行比较的和推荐。 俞敏洪红宝书vs.王玉梅《TOEFL词汇》vs.《TOEFL词汇10000》 俞敏洪老师的托福词汇红宝书是GRE词汇红宝的姊妹版,是一本很经典的书了。它的特点是比较全面,收录了历年托福考试出现过的约4500个核心词汇,总共包括约8000词汇量。并且提供了词根+联想的一些记忆方法,背起来不会太枯燥。同时,对于那些不喜欢按ABCD…顺序往下背的同学,这本书还有【45天突破版】和【乱序版】可以选择。 王玉梅的《TOEFL词汇》绝对是一本口碑图书了,在考生中享有很高的评价,被称为托福“绿宝书”。王玉梅这本也是按照ABCD的顺序排的,共分为40个list,这本书考频标注得很清楚,考生们可以有的放矢地进行复习。这本书也是比较全面的一本书,涵盖了历年托福考试的核心词汇。 《TOEFL词汇10000》书如其名,是以量取胜了,涵盖单词比较全面,包含的词汇量也大。备考时间比较富裕,担心背不全考试单词的考生可以考虑选用。 这三本图书都是比较全面的托福词汇书籍,涵盖的词汇量都比较大,比较适合时间充裕的长期备考和常规备考的同学,对于短期备考的同学来说,背下这三本书需要下一番苦功了。 张红岩《词以类记--TOEFL.ibt词汇》 这本书可谓是真正的必备托福词汇书,被称为“新一代的托福红宝书”,也是市面上比较少见的分类编写的托福词汇书籍。因为托福考试的听力和阅读段落学科分类的特点比较显著,分类记忆词汇更贴近真实考试的思维方式。这本书精选了4000多条词汇,并收录了托福阅读必备词组和经典词汇400题作为附录,同时很贴心地对于不影响理解的偏难单词没有收录,减轻了同学们备考的负担。 以上基本词汇书请大家根据个人学习特点谨慎选择,一本足以,不需要准备太多词汇书,重要的是记住词汇,有的放矢,才能立于托福考场不败之地。


新托福TPO阅读词汇题150题OG ○exact ○scarce ○valuable ○initial ○○identified ○located ○staying afloat ○changing direction ○decreasing weight ○moving forward 1. The word ○restricted ○endangered ○prevented ○rejected ○fragile ○predictable ○complex ○valuable passage is closest in meaning to ○openly ○impressively ○objectively ○increasingly ○consisting of ○hidden by ○except for ○lacking in ○frequently ○easily ○intelligently ○obviously 5. The word ○criticism ○leadership ○help ○approval is closest in meaning to ○was enlarged ○was improved ○was varied ○was rejected in the passage is closest in meaning to ○unavoidable ○regrettable ○controllable ○unsuitable in the passage is closest in meaning to ○identify ○modify ○satisfy ○simplify in the passage is closest in meaning to ○mistrust ○misinterpret ○criticize ○resent 3. The word in the passage is closest in meaning to ○prolonged ○established ○followed ○upset 7. The word ○led ○accepted ○changed ○resisted ○use ○improve ○counteract ○balance in the passage is closest in meaning to ○complex ○amazing ○creative ○practical 8. The word in the passage is closest in meaning to ○reduce ○remove ○direct○provide

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