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SSH is Spring + struts + Hibernate an integration framework, is one of the more popular a Web application framework.


Light weight -- from two aspects in terms of size and cost of the Spring are lightweight.A complete Spring framework can in one size only 1MB multiple JAR files released.And Spring required processing overhead is not worth mentioning.

Inversion of control -- Spring through a known as inversion of control (IoC) technology promotes loose coupling.When using IoC, an object depend on other objects will be passed in through passive way, but not the object of its own to create or find a dependent object.You can think of IoC and JNDI instead -- not the object from the container for dependent, but in different container object is initialized object request on own initiative will rely on to it.

Aspect oriented programming -- Spring provides rich support, allowed by separating the application's business logic and system level service cohesion

development.Application object only realize they should do -- complete business logic.They are not responsible for other system level concerns.

Container -- Spring contains and management application object configuration and life cycle, in this sense, it is a kind of container, you can configure each of your bean to be created -- Based on a reconfigurable prototype (prototype), your bean can create a single instance or every time when they are needed to generate a new examples -- and how they are interrelated.However, Spring should not be confused with the traditional heavyweight EJB container, they are often large and unwieldy, difficult to use.


Struts on Model, View and Controller are provided with the corresponding components.

ActionServlet, this is Struts core controller, responsible for intercepting the request from the user.

Action, this class is typically provided by the user, the controller receives from the ActionServlet request, and according to the request to call the model business logic method to processing the request, and the results will be returned to the JSP page display.

Part Model

By ActionForm and JavaBean, where ActionForm used to package the user the request parameters, packaged into a ActionForm object, the object to be forwarded to the Action ActionServlet Action ActionFrom, according to which the request parameters processing a user request.

JavaBean encapsulates the underlying business logic, including database access.

Part View

This section is implemented by JSP.

Struts provides a rich library of tags, tag library can be reduced through the use of the script, a custom tag library can be achieved with Model effective interaction, and increased practical function.

The Controller component

The Controller component is composed of two parts -- the core of the system controller, the business logic controller.

System core controller, the corresponding ActionServlet.The controller is provided with the Struts framework, HttpServlet class inheritance, so it can be configured to mark Servlet.The controller is responsible for all HTTP requests, and then according to the user request to decide whether or not to transfer to business logic controller.

Business logic controller, responsible for processing a user request, itself does not have the processing power, it calls the Model to complete the deal.The corresponding Action part.


Hibernate is an open source object relation mapping framework, it had a very lightweight JDBC object package, makes Java programmers can use arbitrary objects to manipulate database programming thinking.Hibernate can be applied in any use of JDBC occasions, can be in the Java client program to use, also can be in Servlet / JSP Web applications, the most revolutionary, Hibernate can be applied in the EJB J2EE schema to replace CMP, complete data persistence.

The core of Hibernate interface has a total of 5, are: Session, SessionFactory, Query, Transaction and Configuration.The 5 core interface in any development will be used in.Through these interfaces, not only can the persistent object access, but also to carry out a transaction control.


SSH 为spring+ struts+ hibernate的一个集成框架,是目前较流行的一种Web 应用程序开源框架。











由ActionForm和JavaBean组成,其中ActionForm用于封装用户的请求参数,封装成ActionForm对象,该对象被ActionServlet转发给Action,Action 根据ActionFrom里面的请求参数处理用户的请求。







系统核心控制器,对应ActionServlet。该控制器由Struts框架提供,继承HttpServlet类,因此可以配置成标注的Servlet。该控制器负责拦截所有的HTTP 请求,然后根据用户请求决定是否要转给业务逻辑控制器。

业务逻辑控制器,负责处理用户请求,本身不具备处理能力,而是调用Model 来完成处理。对应Action部分。



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