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模板词如account /reference/ mention在阅读题干中就是“描述”之义,毫无意义,不需要去特别记(拿任何一本剑桥,把题干中所有不认识的词记下来)考点词如resemble考点词真经很重要,要背


















Sth. Is valued greatly





Factors contributing to /contributing factors







To meet this challenge 为了迎接这种挑战


原文A不错,选项Only A不错;选正确

原文ABC都不错,选项Only A不错;选错误











面目全非掌—乱序匹配题(which contain/matching)














王乐夫《公共管理学》配套题库【课后习题】第1章~第3章 【圣才出品】

第二部分课后习题 第1章导论 一、名词解释 1.公共管理学 答:公共管理学是公共行政的一个分支学科,是指研究以政府行政组织为核心的各种公共组织管理公共事务的活动及其规律的学问。公共管理学是公共行政中重视公共组织或非营利组织实施公共管理的技术与方法、重视公共项目与绩效的管理、重视公共政策执行的理论派别。公共管理在实施公共管理的主体、公共管理活动的内容与范围、公共管理的目标等一些基本的原则和管理理念方面,仍然与公共行政保持一致。在某种程度和范围内,公共管理与公共行政可以互相替代,但公共管理并不能替代公共行政的全部。 2.公共行政 答:公共行政是指国家行政组织或公共行政组织在宪法和有关法律的规定范围内对国家和社会公共事务所进行的管理活动。这个定义包括“谁在管理”、“如何管理”、“管理什么”三个方面。 ①国家行政组织或公共行政组织是行政管理的主体,由于各国国家政治体制和行政体制各不相同,行政管理的主体也不相同; ②行政管理的主体并不是国家的最高权力机关,而是与立法、司法部门相对而言的行政执行部门或最高国家权力机关的执行机关; ③管理国家和社会公共事务突出了“公共”的特性,涉及到公共权力的运用、公共利益、

公共政策、公共服务等问题。 3.公共政策 答:公共政策是指拥有合法权威的,包括立法机关、行政机关、司法机关在内的政府,以及由其授权的有关机构或部门为了解决公共资源或者社会公共利益的分配等社会问题所作出的正式的决定或安排,这种决定或安排是确立一定社会生活的行为准则和行为依据。通常可以表现为法律、政令、计划、方案、程序等形式。 4.政治—行政二分 答:政治—行政二分由威尔逊最早提出,他认为执行宪法比制定宪法更要困难。为了使政府不走弯路,应把政府划分为两个领域,即“政治”与“行政”,认为就政府应当做什么而言,政治领域就是由大多数选举出来的代表来决定各种选择;行政领域就是政府贯彻执行经过合法程序所通过的各种规定,这种执行过程不是政治干预。 ①行政学科应当建立在单一的组织原型的基础上,能普遍运用于一切政治制度; ②任何良好的行政科学必须使其从政治学领域中分离出来; ③行政科学的指导价值是效率; ④有效的公共行政要求政府权力有单一的领导中心; ⑤建立独立的公共行政学的目的就是“使政府不走弯路,使政府专心处理公务和少作政治干预,加强和纯洁政府的组织机构,为政府的尽职尽责带来美誉”。 5.B途径 答:B途径是公共管理学研究途径之一。B途径重视的不再是内部行政管理的机制与过

刘洪波 雅思阅读真经 内部讲义 中

【雅思真经派读写互通理论】 长难句理解 经典句型背诵 剑8 1.1 The revolutionary aspect of this new timekeeper was neither the descending weight that provided its motive force nor the gear wheels (which had been around for at least 1,300 years) that transferred the power; it was the part called the escapement. 1.3 Some researchers say the results constitute compelling evidence that telepathy is genuine. Other parapsychologists believe that the field is on the brink of collapse, having tried to produce definitive scientific proof and failed. Sceptics and advocates alike do concur on one issue, however, that the most impressive evidence so far has come from the so-called ‘ganzfeld’ e xperiments, a German term that means ‘whole field’. 2.2 The Little Ice Age was far from a deep freeze, however; rather an irregular seesaw of rapid climatic shifts, few lasting more than a quarter-century, driven by complex and still little understood interactions between the atmosphere and the ocean. 2.3 While it is true that the olfactory powers of humans are nothing like as fine as those possessed by certain animals, they are still remarkably acute. 3.3 It follows from the above that sparing use of energy reserves should tend to extend life. 3.1 Discussion now centres on whether the route through the maze is communicated as a 'left-right' sequence of turns or as a 'compass bearing and distance' message. 3.3 Forests are one of the main elements of our natural heritage. The decline of Europe's forests over the last decade and a half has led to an increasing awareness and understanding of the serious imbalances which threaten them. 4.2 The MSC has established a set of criteria by which commercial fisheries can be judged. 4.3 It was found that children from the noisy schools had higher blood pressure and were more easily distracted than those who attended the quiet schools. Moreover, there was no evidence of adaptability to the noise. In fact, the longer the children had attended the noisy schools, the more distractible they became. 剑6 1.2 Theoretically, in the world of trade, shipping costs do not matter. Goods, once they have been

高级英语pub talk and the king's english中英笔记

L3. Pub Talk and the King’s English(酒吧闲谈与标准英语) Henry Fairlie (亨利·费尔利) 1.Conversation is the most sociable of all human activities.And it is an activity only of humans. However intricate the way in which animals communicate with each other, they do not indulge in anything that deserves the name of conversation. 人类的一切活动中,闲谈是最具交际性的sociable(主题句),也是人类特有的。而动物之间的信息交流,无论其方式何等复杂intricate,也是称不上交际的。 1.And it is an activity only of humans. (para1) 并且它是人类特有的一种活动。 And conversation is an activity which is found only among human being. Sociable [?so???bl] adj.随和的,好交际的,友善的friendly or agreeable,eapecially in an easy,informal way(用书) intricate (adj) : hard to follow or understand because full of puzzling parts,details,or relationships错综复杂的;难以理解的,难懂的 Indulge: 任凭自己沉溺于……;耽于to allow yourself to have or do sth that you like,eapecially sth that is considered bad for you ----indulge in sth, indulge yourself. 例:Women do not indulge in to the same extent as men. deserve: 值得;应得 2.The charm of conversation is that it does not really start from anywhere, and no one has any idea where it will go as it meander s or leap s and sparkle s or just glow s. The enemy of good conversation is the person who has “something to say.”Conversation is not for making a point. Argument may often be a part of it, but the purpose of the argument is not to convince. There is no winning in conversation. In fact, the best conversationalist s are those who are prepared to lose. Suddenly they see the moment for one of their best anecdote s, but in a flash the conversation has moved on and the opportunity is lost. They are ready to let it go.


高级英语课后练习答案(上下全册) Rock Superstars What Do They Tell Us About OurSelves and Our Society? 课后练习(Exercises on the text) A.Answer the following questions on the text: 1.They emphasize the theme of the article and they are appropriate. 2.The author attempts to illustrate that there are completely different ideas about Rock Music between the young people and the adult. 3.Rock music can express its times. He sees it as a debating forum where American society struggles to define and redefine its feelings and beliefs. 4.Elvis managed to embody the frustrated teenage spirit of the 1950s. 5.Bob Dylan spoke of civil rights, the Beatles urged peace and piety, and the Rolling Stones demanded revolution. 6.Apart from politics, the rock music also deals with feelings. 7.They got applause, praise and money. 8.No, he hasn’t. He wants the readers to think it carefully. B.Translate the following into Chinese: 1.他说:“贾格尔拿着装有半加仑水的罐子沿着舞台前沿跑动,把水洒到


公共治理理论的主要内容 第一,公共治理是由多元的公共管理主体组成的公共行动体系; 第二,公共管理的责任边界具有相当的模糊性 第三,多元化的公共管理主体之间存在着权力依赖和互动的伙伴关系; 第四,治理语境下的公共管理,是多元化的公共管理主体基于伙伴关系进行合 作的一种自主自治的网络管理。 第五,治理语境下的政府在社会公共网络管理中扮演着“元治理”角色。 4、新公共服务理论主要观点: 第一,政府的职能是服务而不是掌舵; 第二,公共利益是目标而非副产品; 第三,在思想上要具有战略性,在行动上要具有民主性; 第四,为公民服务,而不是为顾客服务; 第五,责任并不简单; 第六,重视人,而不只是重视生产率; 第七,公民权和公共服务比企业家精神更重要。 第三章:公共组织 1、公共组织概念:是指不以营利为目标、以追求公共利益为价值取向,以协调 利益关系、提供公共服务、管理公共事务、维护公共秩序为基本职能的组织, 它一般拥有公共权力或者公共权力的授权,负有公共责任。 准政府组织:介于政府组织与非营利组织之间的一种过渡型公共组织,即非营 利的以增进公共利益为组织目标,但通过授权等行使一定的行政权力,对公共 事务的管理具有一定强制性的公共组织。 2、非营利组织的含义和特征: 含义:是以增进社会公共利益为组织目标,且是非官方的,即本身并不具有行 政权力的公共组织,具有非强制性和服务性。 特征:萨拉蒙和安黑尔:正式组织性、非政府性、非利润分配、自主管理性、 志愿性和公共性 沃尔夫:有服务大众的宗旨;不以营利为目的的组织机构;有一个不致令任何 、管路敷设技术通过管线不仅可以解决吊顶层配置不规范高中资料试卷问题,而且可保障各类管路习题到位。在管路敷设过程,要加强看护关于管路高中资料试卷连接管口处理高中资料试卷弯扁度固定盒位置保护层防腐跨接地线弯曲半径标高等,要求技术交底。管线敷设技术包含线槽、管架等多项方式,为解决高中语文电气课件中管壁薄、接口不严等问题,合理利用管线敷设技术。线缆敷设原则:在分线盒处,当不同电压回路交叉时,应采用金属隔板进行隔开处理;同一线槽内,强电回路须同时切断习题电源,线缆敷设完毕,要进行检查和检测处理。、电气课件中调试对全部高中资料试卷电气设备,在安装过程中以及安装结束后进行 高中资料试卷调整试验;通电检查所有设备高中资料试卷相互作用与相互关系,根据生产工艺高中资料试卷要求,对电气设备进行空载与带负荷下高中资料试卷调控试验;对设备进行调整使其在正常工况下与过度工作下都可以正常工作;对于继电保护进行整核对定值,审核与校对图纸,编写复杂设备与装置高中资料试卷调试方案,编写重要设备高中资料试卷试验方案以及系统启动方案;对整套启动过程中高中资料试卷电气设备进行调试工作并且进行过关运行高中资料试卷技术指导。对于调试过程中高中资料试卷技术问题,作为调试人员,需要在事前掌握图纸资料、设备制造厂家出具高中资料试卷试验报告与相关技术资料,并且了解现场设备高中资料试卷布置情况与有关高中资料试卷电气系统接线等情况,然后根据规范与规程规定,制定设备调试高中资料试卷方案。 、电气设备调试高中资料试卷技术电力保护装置调试技术,电力保护高中资料试卷配置技术是指机组在进行继电保护高中资料试卷总体配置时,需要在最大限度内来确保机组高中资料试卷安全,并且尽可能地缩小故障高中资料试卷破坏范围,或者对某些异常高中资料试卷工况进行自动处理,尤其要避免错误高中资料试卷保护装置动作,并且拒绝动作,来避免不必要高中资料试卷突然停机。因此,电力高中资料试卷保护装置调试技术,要求电力保护装置做到准确灵活。对于差动保护装置高中资料试卷调试技术是指发电机一变压器组在发生内部故障时,需要进行外部电源高中资料试卷切除从而采用高中资料试卷主要保护装置。


1 Hometown Where do you come from? I am local here. What tourist attractions are there in your hometown? Would a foreign visitor enjoy them? Beijing is famous for its historical attractions like The Forbidden City and Summer Palace which attracts millions of foreign visitor each year. 1.Did you learn much about the history of your hometown in school? I think we all have trouble tracing the history of our hometown because we seldom learn it in school. 2.What do you think needs to change in your hometown? Traffic in my hometown is overly bad. It seems all the residences have to spend their entire life in a Beijing traffic jam. So the change of traffic situation is a must. 3.What place(s) in your hometown do you go to in your spare time? I am a shopping freak. I like to go to a big shopping mall when I have time. Shopping mall is multiple which allows me to get anything I


《公共管理学》王乐夫版本 第一章:导论 1、公共管理的概念:公共管理是公共行政的一个分支学派。公共管理是公共行政中重视公共组织或非营利组织实施公共管理的技术与方法,重视公共项目与绩效的管理,重视公共政策执行的理论派别和分支学科。 2、公共管理与公共行政的区别和联系 差别: 联系:第一:公共管理作为一种独立的范式还没有出现,公共管理是公共行政的一个分支学派; 第二:公共管理是公共行政中重视公共组织或非营利组织实施公共管理的技术与方法,重视公共项目与绩效的管理,重视公共政策执行的理论派别; 第三:公共管理在实施管理的主体、管理活动的内容和范围、管理的目标等一些基本的原则和管理理念方面,仍然与公共行政保持一致。 3、公共物品的概念和特征 含义:公共物品是指用于满足社会公共消费需要的物品、劳务或服务,是具有消费的非竞争性和非排他性、自然垄断性以及收费困难等特征的物品。 特征:消费的非竞争性和非排他性、自然垄断性、收费困难、规模效益大、初始投资量大。 4、公共管理与工商企业管理的区别 第一,管理性质的不同,公共管理是国家、政府以及其他公共组织的职能、活动范围,与公共利益相关,具有广泛的社会公众参与,以行使公共权力为基础,是一个公共领域。工商企业管理是工商企业或者个人对从原材料购买、加工生产到销售等活动所进行的管理,是工商企业自己的事,主要遵循市场价值规律,是企业内部的事务领域。 第二,两者的使命不同,公共管理以服务公众、实现公共利益和维护公共秩

序为目的,以效率、民主、公平为价值;工商企业管理以营利为目的,注重效率合理利润。 第三、责任的性质和范围不同,与工商管理相比,公共管理更强调公共责任、社会责任。 第四、管理的广泛性、复杂性的晨读不同,公共管理的对象范围更为广泛、复杂,绩效评估更加困难。 5、善治的标准:90年代后,世界银行提出了“善治”口号,合法、法治、负责、透明、有效的政府构成了善治的基本要素,成为规范政治权力的主要标准。 6、公共管理学的产生?(背景、标志) 背景:第一、执行研究将问题的焦点由组织转移到公共项目及其产生的结果上。执行研究把项目放到了核心地位并要求研究组织如何对项目作出贡献。 第二、执行研究超出了公共行政学以及政治学的范围,而达到了更广泛、更综合的跨学科的程度。 正是这种由组织结构与过程向项目与绩效的焦点转移的趋势以及不同学科者的共同努力,促成了公共管理学的兴起。 产生标志:1991年,美国召开了第一次全国公共管理学术研讨会,被看作是公共管理学作为一个新的分支学科产生的标志。 7、公共管理学的研究途径(选择题) 美波齐曼公共政策途径企业管理途径 戴维。H。罗森布鲁姆管理途径政治途径法律途径 第二章:公共管理的理论发展 1、公共行政理论的演进(选择题)(主要掌握人物、著作、及代表性的观点)

刘洪波 雅思高分阅读真经 下

READING PASSAGE 2 You should spend about 20 minutes on questions 14-26,which are based on Reading passage 2 on reading passage 2 on the following pages. Questions14-17 Reading passage 2 has five paragraphs A-E. Choose the correct heading for paragraphs B-E from the list of headings below. Write the correct number, I-VII, in boxes 14-17 on your answer sheet. List of Headings I Seeking the transmission of radio signals from planets II Appropriate responses to signals from other civilizations III V ast distances to Earth’s closest neighbours IV Assumptions underlying the search for extra-terrestrial intelligence V Reasons for the search for extra-terrestrial intelligence VI Knowledge of extra-terrestrial life forms VII Likelihood of life on other planets Example Answer Paragraph A V 14 Paragraph B 15 Paragraph C 16 Paragraph D 17 Paragraph E

高级英语 Face to face with Hurricane Camille中英笔记

Face To Face With Hurricane Camille 迎战卡米尔号飓风 约瑟夫.布兰克 1John Koshak,Jr., knew Hurricane Camille would be bad. Radio and television warnings had sounded throughout that Sunday. Last August 17, as Camille lashed northwestward across the Gulf of Mexico. It was certain to pummel Gulfport, Miss., where the Koshaks lived. Along the coasts of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama, nearly 150,000 people fled inland to safer ground. But like thousands of others in the coastal communities, John was reluctant to abandon his home unless the family—his wife, Janis and their seven children, aged 3 to 11—was clearly endangered. 小约翰。柯夏克已料到,卡米尔号飓风来势定然凶猛。就在去年8月17日那个星期天,当卡米尔号飓风越过墨西哥湾向西北进袭之时,收音机和电视里整天不断地播放着飓风警报。柯夏克一家居住的地方一—密西西比州的高尔夫港——肯定会遭到这场飓风的猛烈袭击。路易斯安那、密西西比和亚拉巴马三州沿海一带的居民已有将近15万人逃往内陆安全地带。但约翰就像沿海村落中其他成千上万的人一样,不愿舍弃家园,要他下决心弃家外逃,除非等到他的一家人一—妻子詹妮丝以及他们那七个年龄从三岁到十一岁的孩子一一眼看着就要灾祸临头。lash (v.): move quickly or violently猛烈冲击;拍打 pummel (n.): beat or hit with repeated blows,esp.with the fist(尤指用拳头)连续地打 2 Trying to reason out the best course of action, he talked with his father and mother, who had moved into the ten-room house with the Koshaks a month earlier from California. He also consulted Charles Hill, a longtime friend, who had driven from Las Vegas for a visit. 为了找出应付这场风灾的最佳对策,他与父母商量过。两位老人是早在一个月前就从加利福尼亚迁到这里来,住进柯夏克一家所住的那幢十个房间的屋子里。他还就此征求过从拉斯韦加斯开车来访的老朋友查理希尔的意见。 course (n.): a way of behaving;mode 0f conduct行为;品行;做法 reason out: to find out an explanation or solution to a problem,by thinking of all the possibilities寻找解决途径 例:Let's reason this out instead of quarrelling.让我们不要争吵,商量出事情的解决方案 3 John, 37—whose business was right there in his home (he designed and developed educational toys and supplies, and all of Magna Products’ correspondence, engineering drawings and art work were there on the first floor)—was familiar with the power of a hurricane. Four years earlier Hurricane Betsy had demolished his former home a few miles west of Gulfport (Koshak had moved his family to a motel for the night). But that house had stood only a few feet above sea level. “We’re elevated23 feet,” he told his father, “and we’re a good 250 yards from the sea. The place has been here since 1915, and no hurricane has ever bothered it. We’ll probably be as safe here as anyplace else.”


1 Rock music began in America in the late 1950's ? It was not only a new musical form , but a forum for the American youth to express their ideas of the world and life . In this foiiini, the stars sang out the attitudes of the youth towards civil rights , war and peace ,the disaffection of their society , and a range of emotions between love and hate ? Allin all, in this forum , the American youth redefined the beliefs and feelings of their society ? The typical representatives of the early rock music were Elvis Presley , singer and poet Bob Dylan , the Bealtles , the rolling Stones and so on ? They were the culture heroes whom the young people worshipped ? 2 The American young people in 1960,s were a generation of rebellion ? Tliey found that the affluent American society was filled with poverty , injustice and gypocrisy . They didn't tmst the adult world that didn't belong to them and revised to take theii' beliefs and values . Many young people took active part in the struggle which protested against poverty , racial discrimination and Vietnam War ? Some young people even tried to overthrow this world by armed revolution. Many other young took passive ways to show their disaffections ? They took drugs , refused to take any responsibilities and lived a parasitic way of life ? Or they escaped to the frontiers and lived a primitive way of life ? 3 Mathilda had been ill for three days ? Her mother had given her some medicine, but it didn^t do any good ?So they had to ask the doctor to come ? There had been a number of cases of diphthena in Mathildaschool and two of them had been dead ? When the doctor anived at Olson's home . he wanted to examine Mthilda's tluoat first ? But no matter how he coaxed ”She wouldn't open her mouth ? So the doctor had to get the tongue depressor into her mouth ? But Mathilda reduced it to splinters .In order to protect Mathilda herself and other children , the doctor had to make sure whether she had diphtheria or not, so that he could treat her in time ? Letting Mathilda c s father hold her wrists lie tned his best to open her mouth and found she really had diphtheria. Tliis stoiy made us can think such a question that something in life can^ only depend on self willingness ? Under some circumstances , certain force seems necessary ? 4

自考高级英语 词组精选(考前必背)

In return 作为(对某物)的付款或回报 What do we give them in return。 Conceive of 想像、认为 I laughed to myself at the men and the ladies. Who never conceived of us billion-dollar Babies(俚语:人). 对于那些认为我们从不会成为腰缠万贯的巨富的先生和女士们,我们总是暗处嘲笑他们。 Scores of 很多 Scores of young people. Strike sb. as … 给某人留下印象 These conclusion strike me as reasonable. 我认为他们的话是合情合理的 Drop out 脱离传统社会 Ever since 自从 In hopes of 怀着…希望 Every since civilization began, certain individuals(人) have tried to run away from it in hopes of finding a simpler, more pastoral, and more peaceful life Support oneself 自食其力 Run out of 没有,用完,耗尽 Our planet is running out of noble savages and unsullied landscapes. 我们地球上高尚的野蛮人和未玷污的地方越来越少 the other way (round) 相反 come off 成功 These are the ones whose revolutions did not come off. In need of 需要 It dawns on a familiar, workaday place, still in need of groceries and sewage disposal. 它洒在一个司空见惯,平凡庸碌的地方,一个仍然无法摆脱食品杂货,污水处理的地方。In short supply 供应不足,短缺 Break down 瓦解,崩溃 Broke down our resolve. 丧失了我们的决心 Out of work 失业


2017年雅思考试阅读练习试题附答案 人的知识和人的力量这两件东西是结合为一体的;工作的失败都起于对因果关系的无知。以下是小编为大家搜索整理2017年雅思考试阅读练习试题附答案,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们应届毕业生考试网! Volatility Kills You should spend about 20 minutes on Question 1-13 which are based on Reading Passage below. A Despite gun battles in the capital of Chad, rioting in Kenya and galloping inflation in Zimbabwe, the economics of sub-Saharan Africa arc, as a whole, in better shape than they were a few years ago. The World Bank has reported recently that this part of the continent experienced a respectable growth rate of 5.6 percent in 2006 and a higher rate from 1995 to 2005 than in previous decades. The bank has given a cautious assessment that the region may have reached a turning point. An overriding question for developmental economists remains whether the upswing will continue so Africans can grow their way out of a poverty that relegates some 40 percent of the nearly 744 million in that region to living on less than a dollar a day. The optimism, when inspected more closely, may be short-lived because of the persistence of a devastating pattern of economic volatility that has lingered for decades. B “In reality, African countries grow as fast as Asian countries and other developing countries during the good times, but afterward they see growth collapses,” comments Jorge Arbache, a senior World Bank economist. “How to prevent collapses may be as important as promoting growth.” If these collapses had not occurred, he observes, the level of gross domestic product for each citizen of the 48 nations of sub-Saharan Africa would have been a third higher. C The prerequisite to prevent the next crash are not in place, according to a World Bank study issued in January. Is Africa's Recent Growth Robust? The growth period that began in 1995, driven by a commodities boom spurred in particular by demand from China, may not be sustainable, because the economic fundamentals—new investment and the ability to stave off inflation, among other factors—are absent. The region lacks the necessary infrastructure that would encourage investors to look to Africa to find the next Bengaluru (Bangalore) or Shenzhen, a November report from the bank concludes. For sub-Saharan countries rich in oil and other resources, a boom period may even undermine efforts to institute sound economic practices. From 1996 to 2005, with growth accelerating, measures of governance—factors such as political stability, rule of law, and control of corruption—actually worsened, especially for countries endowed with abundant mineral resources, the January report notes. D Perhaps the most incisive analysis of the volatility question comes from Paul Collier, a longtime specialist in African economics at the University of Oxford and author of the recent book The Bottom Billion. He advocates a range of options that the U.S. and other nations could adopt when formulating policy toward African countries. They include revamped trade measures, better-apportioned aid and sustained military intervention in certain instances, to avert what he sees as a rapidly accelerating divergence of the world’s poorest, primarily in Africa, from the rest

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