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I.J.Modern Education and Computer Science, 2011, 1, 1-8

Published Online February 2011 in MECS (https://www.doczj.com/doc/7f5901335.html,/)

The Relationship between Slack Resources and Performance: An Empirical Study from China

Heping Zhong

School of Economics and Management, Xuchang University, Xuchang, China

Email: hepingz2004@https://www.doczj.com/doc/7f5901335.html,

Abstract—Although organizational research posits various relationships between a firm’s slack resources and performance, findings to date have been ambiguous. The purpose of this study is to attempt to reconcile previous views of the relationship between slack resources and performance through employing empirical analysis based on survey data from 47 pharmaceutical and chemical firms in Henan Province of China. The results indicate that the relationship between slack resources and the performance is inverse N-shaped. Results provide evidence of a curvilinear relationship between slack resources and performance and broadly demonstrate that relationships differ based on industry circumstances and slack resources. Additionally, this study is the first to empirically identify an inverse N-shaped relationship between slack resources and performance, indicating that, in certain industry circumstances, little and much slack resources are bad for performance. Overall, results highlight the importance of additional research into intervening factors impacting the slack–performance relationship.

Index Terms—slack resources, performance, software application, inverse N-shaped curve, empirical analysis, pharmaceutical and chemical industry, pharmaceutical and chemical firm management


Keeping sustainable development is always an ultimate aim for managers in firms. From the viewpoint of the resource-based theory, a firm’s unique portfolio of tangible and intangible resources influences the extent and direction of a firm’s expansion. In this regard, numerous studies have proposed that resources enable firms to create static and dynamic synergies by applying resources required for sustainable development [1]. Thus, a firm’s performance and development is influenced by how the management team conceptualizes and uses a firm’s resources. Some scholars explore the relationship of resources, performance and growth from the perspective of total resources [2]; but classic views of resource-based argued the importance of resource slack as a driver of growth rather than the total quantity of resources possessed by a firm [3]. Slack is a dynamic quantity that represents the difference between the resources currently possessed by a firm and the resource demands of the current business. The slack of resources is important because two firms may possess the same level of resources but differ in the resource exploiting of their current business. Hence, the two firms would have different levels of slack and thus also differ in their growth potential [2]. Consequently, how to optimize firm slack resource allocation and its impact on performance has substantive theoretical and practical implications. However, despite the importance of firm slack resource allocation, the existing literature provides no compelling answers regarding whether slack resources facilitates or inhibits performance [4-7]. How does slack resources affect firm performance? Organization theorists typically argue that, despite its costs, slack resources buffers a firm’s technical core from environmental turbulence, and thus enhances its performance [3,6,8,9]. In contrast, agency theorists often suggest that slack resources is a source of agency problems, which breeds inefficiency, inhibits risk-taking, and hurts performance [6,10,11]. Rather than weigh in on one side of the debate for or against the performance-enhancing benefits of slack resources, some scholars have attempted to reconcile these perspectives and proposed an inverted U-shaped relationship between slack resoureces and performance [6,12,13]. The current literature has not reconciled these perspectives, and the issue regarding the influence of slack resources on performance remains an interesting but not fully explored issue [6,14].

Several studies have attempted to build on previous findings and refine the relationship between slack resources and performance under different research settings, such as environmental contexts [6,15], industry contexts [3,7], and organizational characteristics [4,16,17]. Although these studies provide numerous useful insights, they leave room for further theorizing and empirical study [14]. First, previous empirical and theoretical investigations have tended to neglect competition condition in a industry. Firms in different competition condition require different amounts of slack resources to maintain their competitiveness. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the influences of different competition condition to avoid inconsistent results. Second, there are rare slack-performance studies on Chinese firms in current literatures, making it necessary to further study the relationship between slack resources and performance for Chinese firms because Chinese economy has been paid more and more attention all over the world.

This study addresses the gaps in the literature by revisiting the relationship between slack resources and performance. To fill this void, this study employed a empirical analysis based on the sample from 47

2The Relationship between Slack Resources and Performance: An Empirical Study from China

pharmaceutical and chemical firms in Henan Province to examine extant research results. Specifically, I focus on firms of a industry in China, based on survey data, to investigate whether slack resources contributes toward or inhibits firm performance.

II.T HEORETICAL B ACKGROUND A ND H YPOTHESIS Although Barnard (1938) had discussed the role of slack in his early work, the specific label of ‘slack’ had not been coined until March and Simon published their seminal book in 1958 [6,18,19]. Cyert and March (1963) defined slack as ‘‘the difference between total resources and total necessary payments’’. This definition was followed by Bourgeois (1981) who added that ‘‘slack is that cushion of actual or potential resources which allows an organization to adapt successfully to internal pressures for adjustment or to external pressures for change in policy, as well as to initiate changes in strategy with respect to the external environment’’. Based on Bourgeois’ definition, Sharfman et al (1988) emphasized two characteristics of slack resources. One is that slack resources must be visible to the manager and employable in the future; the other characteristic is that different types of slack resources give managers dissimilar degrees of discretion in attempting to protect their firms from internal and external pressures. In addition, Nohria and Gulati (1996) defined slack resources as ‘‘the pool of resources in an organization that is in excess of the minimum necessary to produce a given level of organizational output’’ [20]. Moreover, they noted that these resources vary in type, including excess inputs (e.g., surplus employees, idle capacity, and capital expenditures) and overlooked or unexploited opportunities to increase outputs (e.g., margins and revenues to be gained from customer). Most recently, George (2005) defined slack as ‘‘potentially utilizable resources that can be diverted or redeployed for the achievement of organizational goals’’ [16].

In summary, the literature has defined three facets of slack resources. First, slack resources is conceptually defined as resources not being used to the fullest extent possible. Second, slack resource characteristics include location [4] and accessibility (e.g., immediately versus deferred; [7]). Third, the two central purposes of slack resources are to act as a buffering mechanism to counter threats and also as a facilitator to exploit opportunities [21]. Why does slack resources emerge? The notion of endogenous growth of Penrose (1959) conceives firms as organic entities that cultivate and accumulate resources. Consequently, utilizing and leveraging these excess resources to capture external opportunities via managerial capabilities can drive firm growth. Penrose also pointed out that the attainments of excess resources are: indivisibility of resources, reuse of resources under different circumstances, and continual establishment of new productive services [14]. Based on the analysis all above, For the purposes of this study, slack resources will be defined as the resources readily available to an organization that are in excess of the minimum necessary to produce a given level of organizational output as well as the resources that are recoverable from being embedded in the firm [22], which is potentially utilizable resources that can be diverted or redeployed for the achievement of organizational goals [16].

In theory, if a firm can identify and obtain resources for firm development from its interior or exterior timely and accurately, and maintain the sum of resources which meets the need of current business exactly, namely, the amount of slack resources is zero, the performance would reach the optimization, but it is impossible in practice. In order to respond to problems such as fluctuations in demand, a firm should have to keep some slack resources, which would lead to increasing cost. In order to fulfill the commitment to the staff, take on some social responsibilities and maintain harmony and stability of the organization, a firm should have to keep certain slack resources, this would also increase cost[23]. In pursuit of new goals and strategies, a firm should have to keep some slack resources[2], this would increase cost because the slack resources could not produce performance before new strategy is put in practice. So the conclusion is made that slack resources on the low side is negatively related

to the performance of firms. Therefore, I suggest: Hypothesis1. Slack resources on the low side is negatively related to firm performance.

When there is moderate slack resources, a firm has capability to explore and take advantage of opportunity provided by environment. The firms with slack resources have more strategic choices than those without slack resources [24,25], thereby they could choose strategic opportunities supported by slack resources available to enhance performance. Bromiely(1991)argued that slack resources related to competition provide strategic advantage for firms[24], as a result, there is a conclusion that to enhance slack resources related to competition will strengthen the firm’s competitive advantage and improve performance. In a word, moderate slack resources enables managers to pursue new targets and strategies actively, which may leads to improvement of firm performance. From the viewpoint of resource-based theory, the more slack resources a firm has, the more potential growth and better performance a firm has[2]. Accordingly, I could draw a conclusion that moderate slack resources will be positively related to the performance of firms. Therefore,

I suggest the following hypotheses:

Hypothesis2. Moderate slack resources is positively related to firm performance.

On the other hand, slack resources is argued to be synonymous with waste, and a sign of managerial self-interest, incompetence, and sloth. From an agency theory perspective, managers inherently have a set of goals, such as the pursuit of power, prestige, money, and job security, that are not always aligned with those of principals, managers may use slack resources to engage in excessive diversification, empire-building, and on-the-job shirking[6]. These ‘‘slack resources as inefficiency’’ perspective posits that slack resources can encourage satisficing, politics, or self-serving managerial behaviors that hurt performance. At the same time, too much slack resources would encourage a firm to choose some

suboptimal projects [20]; and it would reduce firms’ performance. So, I can reach a conclusion that slack resources on the high side will be negatively related to the performance of firms. Therefore, I suggest the following hypotheses:

Hypothesis3. Slack resources on the high side is negatively related to firm performance.

There is little reason to believe that slack’s performance-enhancing effect—if any—is linear. In other words, there must be a limit beyond which further ‘hoarding’ of slack may backfire [6]. The relationship may well be an curvilinear. Some researchers have speculated that ‘there is an optimal level of slack resources for any given firm. If the firm exceeds that level, performance will go down [12,13], and an inverse U-shaped relationship between slack resources and performance is suggested [6]. Although Bromiley (1991) hypothesizes that the slack–performance relationship may be U-shaped—high and low slack resources is associated with better performance and moderate slack may lead to poorer performance—his results do not support this hypothesis and instead find a linear, positive relationship between slack resources and performance [6,24]. Behavioral arguments suggest that the impact slack resources on performance is decided by the relation between actual slack resources and target slack resources. Slack resources more or less than the target scope will urge a firm to take measures to improve performance. But the slack resources at the target scope will make a firm Satisfy present condition and don’t think enterprising, thus it reduce the firm’s performance [25]. In order for research on slack resources to advance, it is important to determine the optimum level of slack resources with better precision. Based on above discussion, I suggest hypothesis as following:

Hypothesis4. There is a nonlinear inverted N-shaped relationship between slack resources and firm performance. That is to say, when slack resources is on the low side, slack resources is negatively related to firm performance; when slack resources is moderate, slack resources is positively related to firm performance; when slack resources is on the high side, slack resources is negatively related to firm performance.


A. Samples

A questionnaire survey research method was used to seek responses from some typical firms in Henan Province of China. According to a sample frame provided by the correlative province bureau, we randomly selected 60 pharmaceutical and chemical firms as our study firms. Then, interviewers telephoned potential respondents and solicited personal interviews, and 47 firms accepted our survey. Descriptors of the sample are summarized in Table 1 to Table 4.

Table 1 the distributing of respondents’ job

Respondent post Number Percentage (%)

Intermediate manager19 40.4

Senior manager 15 31.9

General manager 6 12.8

President 1 2.1

Other 6 12.7 Table 2 the distributing of respondents’ educational background

Education Number



Senior high school 2 4.3

Junior college 24 51.1

Undergraduate 15 31.9

Postgraduate 6 12.8

Table 3 the distributing of firm ownership of respondents

Firm ownership Number Percentage (%)

State-owned firm 10 21.3

Private-owned firm 26 55.3

Foreign capital-owned 6 12.8

Other firm 5 10.6

Table 4 the distributing of firm size of respondents


size Number Percentage

(%) Oversize firm 1 2.1

Big firm 12 25.5

Middle firm 24 51.1

Small firm 10 21.3

Data was collected through intensive, in-depth interviews and usually one-to-one. Every interview was

about one hour to 90 minutes in duration. Our interviewers had face-to-face communication and explanation with the top managers and relevant department directors of the firms; so that the demand of fulfilling the questionnaire was understand by them. Our interviewees were top firm managers, so they had a comparatively deep understanding of the firm’s slack resources and management activity, and their responses

to the questionnaire could actually demonstrate the firm’s condition.

A total of 60 pharmaceutical and chemical firms were surveyed, 50 pharmaceutical and chemical firms provided complete information. Unfortunately, three sample firms

were ineligible because of company liquidation or

inadequate completion of the survey questionnaire. That is, 47 pharmaceutical and chemical firms s had all the necessary data. The overall response rate for the survey was 83.3 percent (50 out of 60, and the effective rate was 78.3 percent (47/60). Moreover, to assess the non-response bias, this study compared the responding firms with the non-responding firms and found no significant differences in terms of firm size, age, employee numbers and assets. Therefore, the sample used by this research have better representative and can satisfy the research’s demand.

B. Variables measure

Firm performance

There are great numbers of measurements on firm performance in present literatures, such as financial performance, strategy performance and so on. Because the statistical data is distempered or not willing to publish in many firms, it is hard to measure in quantity. But in their practical activities, managers collect and hold some useful information about their opponents in their industry, so they are clear about the comparative level of performance of their firm. Thereby, I use for reference measure item of prior studies[23,25], use the method of perception to measure comparative level of firm performance compared with its main opponents. So this paper chooses four items to measure firm performance: (1) sales growth; (2) asset-profit ratio; (3) increase of market share; and (4) net profit. In the questionnaires the answers were measured on five-point Likert scale ranging from 1, strongly draggle, to 5, strongly keep ahead. The Cronbach’s coefficient alpha for this scale is 0.927.

Slack resources

The measure of slack resources borrow from the studies of Fang & Wang (2008)[26,27]. According to their definition and characteristics of the slack resources, this paper measure slack resources from the two aspects of the shared level of resources(reflecting the use range of resources as well as the conversion efficiency among differnet uses of the resources) and the multi-purpose in nature(reflecting the use range of resources), mainly choose three items to measure the level of slack resources: (1) The resource sharing level of various departments within the firm is very high; (2) New uses of existing resources in a firm are often found; (3) Some new resources or new mix of existing resources in a firm are often found. In the questionnaires the answers were measured on five-point Likert scale ranging from 1, strongly disagree, to 5, strongly agree. The Cronbach’s coefficient alpha for this scale is 0.840.

Control variable

Like prior studies, this study adopts total capital to measure the size of a firm, and take it as a control variable. The competition pressure that a firm faces is more big, the resources of the firm are more needed more effective exploitation. Since the competition condition among firms in different industry, this study also take the competition condition in a industry as a control variable, which is measured on 5-point Likert scale, using the scale from 1-5, which means respectively few competition, not severe competition, general, severe competition and very

severe competition. Moreover, slack resources is also time-dependent in both its accumulation and its deployment [8,9,13]. Older firms are more likely to possess large amounts of slack than younger firms and to be aware of their resource demands, conditions that help the older firms generate and deploy slack effectively [16]. Accordingly, this study also take the age of a firm as a control variable.

C. Analyses and Results

I test my model with the statistical software SPSS 13.0 and use exploratory factor analysis to test every index. In order to test the hypothesis all above, the paper draws on methods from Nohria & Gulati (1996), Jiang & Zhao(2004), Zhong et al(2008), uses once, twice, thrice regression equation model including independent variable to process hypothesis testing. The regression equation model is as follow:

































I use the method of stepwise regression, and all variables are standardized before regresion analysis. If thrice regression equation model is better than model including once and twice regression equation, the N-shaped or inverted N-shaped relationship would be existed [16,23,25]. The result of hypothesis testing show as Table 5 to Table 7.

Table 5 Model factor loading of the elements and Cronbach’s αElements discribing indicators (N=47) Factor

loading Firm performance (Cronbach’s α= 0.927)

V1 Sales growth 0.926

V2 Asset profit ratio 0.918

V3 Increase of market share 0.881

V4 Net profit 0.906 Slack resources (Cronbach’s α = 0.840 )

V5 The resource sharing level of various departments

within the firm is very high


V6 New uses of existing resources in a firm are often



V7 Some new resources or new mix of existing

resources in a firm are often found


Table 6 Means, standard deviations and correlations

variables mean s.d. 1 234

1 Firm size 49138120702

2 Firm age 18.27316.33567 0.87+


Competition 4.109 0.9939 0.094 0.264+

4 Slack resources

3.7408 1.16424 -0.094 0.105 0.020

5 Firm performance

3.4330 0.80726 0.257+ 0.192 0.0120.372*

*** p <0.001 ** p <0.01 * p <0.05 +

p <0.10

Table 7 Regression model of slack resources and firm performance variables Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4

Firm size 0.233 0.307* 0.269* 0.321* Firm age 0.231 0.158 0.130 0.101

Competition -0.370*




Slack resources 0.476** 0.430** 0.934**

Slack resources 2 -0.223 -0.306*

Slack resources 3

-0.581* F

3.211* 6.558*** 6.073*** 6.426***

R 2 0.211 0.428 0.472 0.539 Adjusted R 2 0.145 0.363 0.394 0.455

*** p <0.001 ** p <0.01 * p <0.05 + p <0.10

Note: Regression coefficients are standardized coefficients

Reliability assessment

Previous research suggests that, in the absence of archival data, self-reported measures are acceptable and often equally reliable, provided that data reliability is examined [6,28,29]. Although managers in China might be interested in reporting ‘politically correct’ behavior (i.e., painting ‘rosy pictures’), it was unlikely that the bias was systematic . In other words, there was no evidence that our informants always over- or under-reported certain data by a consistent margin [6].

Moreover, I tested data reliability by using Cronbach’s alpha. Composite reliability assesses inter-item consistency, which was operationalized using the internal consistency method that is estimated using Cronbach’s alpha. Typically, reliability coefficients of 0.70 or higher are considered adequate [30,31]. Nunnally (1978) further states that permissible alpha values can be slightly lower (>0.60) for newer scales [31]. Although the constructs developed in this study are measured primarily on previously validated measurement items and strongly grounded in the literature, they are modified somewhat to suit the Chinese context. Therefore, an alpha value of

0.60 was considered as the cut-off value [32]. As shown in Table 5, two Cronbach’s alpha values are more than

0.80. These results suggest that the theoretical constructs

exhibit good psychometric properties. Findings

Descriptive statistics and regression results are shown in Table 5 to Table 7, respectively. The results of exploratory factor analysis from table 1 indicate that factor loading and Cronbach’s alpha are more than 0.70,

every index is in accordance with requirement of

hypothesis testing. Table7 presents results of the testing of the four hypotheses. Goodness-of-Fit test and

significance test from Table 7 indicate that model 4 is

better than model 2 and model 3. Model 4 contains every

hypothesis, that is negative relationship when there are slack resources on the low side, positive relationship

when there are moderate slack resources; negative

relationship when there are slack resources on the high

side (934.04=β, p = 0.001; 306.05?=β, p = 0.027;

581.06?=β, p =0.036). Meanwhile, collinearity and

heteroscedasticity test indicate that there is no

multicollinearity problems and heteroscedasticity issues (relevant test data are ignored). Therefore, all hypotheses

from hypothesis 1 to hypothesis 4 are supported by these testing. Regression curve as Fig. 1 (control variable is ignored).



In this study, my contributions focus on the building of an inverted N-shaped model that clarify the relationship between slack resources and firm performance. Moving beyond Bromiley (1991), Tan and Peng(2003), Jiang and Zhao(2004), my work, to the best of my knowledge, presents the first set of evidence on such a relationship between slack resources and firm performance. I have advocated and documented a middle ground out of the intractable debate on the role of slack

between organization and agency theories. Thus, the right question to ask is not whether slack is uniformly good or bad for performance, but rather, what range of slack is optimal for performance.

Although this study’s findings provide support for the general proposition that there is a curvilinear relationship between slack resources and performance in at least one industry, my findings differ from former researches because I suggest an inverted N-shaped model between slack resources and firm performance. As such, it represents another demonstration that the seemingly contradictory attributions made to slack resources can be reconciled when explaining the impact of slack on performance. That is to say, my findings help reconcile the debate not by finding that one theory is more superior than the other, but by specifying the circumstances under which each is likely to be supported. The findings suggest (1) that organization theory is more insightful when a firm has moderate slack resources, and (2) that agency theory is more significantly supported when a firm has much or little slack resources. Therefore, theoretically, this paper calls for better specification on the nature of slack when advancing theory—in both developed and emerging economies—as opposed to simplified, onesided arguments such as ‘slack is good or bad’ typically found in the literature. Furthermore, this study uses different methods to measure slack resources, which is not only measure the slack of the amount of resources but also measure the slack of the value of resources. Therefore, this study’s finding is an important extension of the Tan and Peng (2003) findings in that it was based on using financial measures of slack.

This study follows up on the suggestions of Tan and Peng(2003), Jiang and Zhao(2004) regarding further slack research. Specifically, this work answers the following question: how much slack enhance performance under a specific industry competition condition? The results of this empirical study elucidate the relationships between slack resources and performance, and thus go beyond the simple theoretical question of whether slack resources enhance performance. In summary, this paper contributes to the literature by theoretically arguing for a better specification of the nature of slack when engaging in the debate on the role of slack, empirically addressing this issue within the context of economic transitions such as China, and methodologically employing survey methods to obtain convergent results.

Limitations and future research directions

Despite some contributions to the literature and certain practical applications, this study has limitations that should be addressed in future research. First, the cross-sectional data used in the study do not allow for causal interpretation among the factors, although we requested that the sample firms supply data for the most recent three-year period. Ideally, this study would have benefited from a time lag between the measurement of the independent and dependent variables in order for a causal relationship to be determined. I hope that this study will serve as a foundation for new studies in the future. A second limitation is that this study does not consider the different influences of different type slack resources such as available slack, recoverable slack on firm performance. Because different type slack resources have different character and value, the exploitation of different slack resources will produce different results. This should be a future research topic. Additionally, my findings and results are unique to the Chinese. Although, as the largest emerging economy, China has attracted significant research attention recently [33], future researchers need to explore the generalizability of my findings by conducting studies in different institutional environments (e.g., Chile, Hungary, India). Even within China, I need to caution that my findings probably only captured one snapshot during the evolution of China’s firm management reforms. While some issues confronting Chinese state-owned firms may be unique (e.g., managerial incentive to hoard slack), others may be relevant for non- state-owned firms as well (e.g., social networks and diffusion of the slack-hoarding behavior) [6,34]. Therefore, careful studies comparing and contrasting how slack affects strategy and performance among collective-, private-, and foreign-owned firms will be necessary [6,35,36,37].


Slack resources and performance exhibit complex curvilinear relationships in addition to simple nonlinear relationships. Balancing and optimizing slack is therefore a prerequisite for performance enhancing. Notably, different levels of slack resources have distinct impact on performance. Slack resources exhibit an inverse N-shaped relationship with performance. The results indicate that keeping moderate slack resources is propitious to firm development, but little and much slack resources may reduce firm performance. Therefore, it provides a firm a theoretical basis for a firm to cut slack resources. Restated, too much and too little slack resources can inhibit performance. Both slack resources should be optimized to maximize performance. Overall, I suggest that although both organization and agency theories are insightful to help us probe into the relationship between slack resources and firm performance during economic transitions, neither of them offers a complete picture. As a result, my findings call for a contingency perspective to specify the nature of slack when discussing its impact on firm performance.


This paper is supported by Natural Science Foundation of China (70671111), the Soft Science Research Project of Henan Province (092400440088), the Natural Science Research Program of Henan Education department (2008A630041) and the Major Special Project of Xuchang University (2010ZD007).


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[37]Tan J. “Impact of ownership type on environment, strategy,

and performance: evidence from China”, Journal of Management Studies, 2002, Vol. 39No. 3, pp. 333–354. Heping Zhong was born in Chongqing City of China in 1966 August, who has earned the Bachelor of engineering from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 1991, MBA from Wuhan University in 2003, Doctor of management from

Chongqing University in 2009. His research direction includes firm strategy and innovation, high-tech industry development and technological innovation, information technology application.

He works for Xuchang university as a associate professor now. Once he worked for state-owned, foreign-capital, private, share-holding firm for 12 years in Zhuhai,Shenzhen,Wuhan, Henan of China, who was engaged in technique and management job long term and took up key figures manager job for decade, and manage development of about 20 new products and drew up about a million words of firm management system and marketing plan project. Since working for university in 2004, Mr. Heping Zhong has presided over and participate in 11 nation and province research projets, published 31 academic papers which included 8 EI papers, 8 CSSCI papers and 11 other core periodical papers.

Dr. Zhong is a member of the International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology, and has got several scientific or technical awards of Henan provincial level.


如何提高企业人力资源管理绩效 作者/转载者:彭湃发表时间:2003-4-9 11:08:08 知识经济新时代的冲击 二十一世纪是以知识为基础的新经济时代, 在这个新时代,“知识”成为最重要的资产及竞争 差异因素。在这个新经济时代中,企业经营的环 境也出现很大的转变,主要有: * 员工的转变——新时代的员工的价值观不同,有所谓的“Y时代”或“Z时代”的特征。流动性高,强调个人价值。 * 组织结构的改变——由传统的功能型的垂直式组织结构,转变为更强调团队合作的扁平结构。 * 管理模式的改变——由从上而下的集中式规划和控制为主,改变为强调授权、责任、绩效为主。 * 工作设计的改变——从分工清楚、专项负责的工作,改变为比较复杂以及多样化。 * 员工训练的改变——从过去的“训练”模式,改变为“学习”、“教育”的模式,强调个人的学习能力和责任。也更注重员工的行为、价值观的教育。 * 绩效评估的改变——从目标管理为主,改变为更强调效果管理,个人工作能力、工作态度等也纳入绩效评估的范围。 * 薪酬体系的改变——从固定薪资,以职位、年资为主要考虑因素,改变为以绩效奖金为主,强调企业的绩效成果和个人的绩效贡献。 * 升迁的改变——从过去强调绩效结果,改变成强调其能力和工作、个性和工作的匹配性,以及升迁后是否能胜任。 * 经理角色的改变——从“督导”的角色改变成“辅导”的角色。 * 高层管理角色的改变——从“领导”的角色改变成“规划”的角色。 人力资源管理的新挑战 在这样的经营环境的背景下,旧有的人力资源管理模式和定位已经无法处理现今面对

的挑战和快速复杂的变化。既然“人才”成为企业最主要的竞争差异因素,人力资源管理就不应该停留在过去执行人事行政事务的配角,而应该改变为以企业“人力资本”经营为理念的企业管理的主流。 人力资源角色的重大转变,使得企业人力资源管理的范畴也跟着改变。传统的“人事管理”负责的主要对象是员工的个人信息处理,是公司的行政执行者,以及规章制度的“监督者”。现代企业人力资源管理要转变成为企业高层的战略伙伴,了解企业的战略,并制定相应的人力资源管理战略,提高企业人力资源管理的“增值”服务。 企业人力资源管理人员的价值体现在企业人才资产的经营绩效上,我们一直都说:“人是最重要的资产”,但其实多数企业都没有把人当成“资产”来管理。人力资源管理必须建立以“人才”、“知识”为重要资产的管理模式的基础上,就像企业财务管理人员是企业财务资产的管理者一样,人力资源管理人员应该成为有效的人才资产管理者。 1. 直线经理和HR经理在企业人力资源管理中的分工 有效的人力资源管理,有赖于直线经理和人力资源管理人员的妥善分工和配合。正如学生的教育需要学校和家长的分工和密切配合。 密西根大学的DAVID ULRICH教授提出的分工模式(如图)是一个很好的参考模式。


济南人力资源管理帅-绩效案例分析题 一、设计题: 以下是某公司设置的一些业绩考核指标,请指出不符合量化标准的指标,并予以修改1)及时收回货款; 2)有效地使用时间; 3)产品A一季度的销售量达到13000件; 4)每两周更新一次市场数据; 5)节约部门的开支; 6)把部门的办公用品费用控制在5000元以下; 7)扩大市场占有率; 8)保证数据的准确性。 指出其中存在的错误并加以改正

二、案例题: (一)某公司客户经理的360度考评结果如图: 绩效管理图表题

(二)有一家家电销售公司,该公司是华南的一家国营企业,家电制造和销售是其主营业务,去年的销售额为5亿元人民币。当时这家企业正在改制,改制之后必须自负盈亏。如果销售额达不到5. 5亿元预定目标的90%,即4. 95亿元人民币,企业将陷入严重的财务困境。 为了在改制后增强竞争力,提高利润和销售额,并且塑造一种以业绩为导向的企业文化,公司总经理希望在改制之前投资一条新的空调生产线,力争通过销售夏季新产品为公司增加25%的收入,同时他还决定采用一套新的绩效考核和管理体系。今年初,该公司的改制基本完成,新的生产线引进到位,调试成功后即可生产新产品,而新的绩效考核和管理体系也旋即启动。 眼看年中考核将至,该公司的销售副总裁开始着急起来,因为他刚刚得知销售部有可能完不成前半年的主要考核指标。在此之前,他已经花了很大力气拿到了大批新型空调的订单。但是,这批订货必须在炎热天气到来之前送到客户手中。如果不能在5月15日前发货,客户就有权取消订单。然而,几个月来新生产线一直处于调试阶段,很可能不能如期交货。 相比之下,主管生产的副总裁却显得踌躇满志,他的两项主要考核指标一一质量和产量 ——都完成得非常出色,比如次品率比原来降低了近50%,远远超过了设定的目标。对于新产品他不是不关心,可是如果现在就生产新产品,那么根据经验机器的停工时间肯定会增加,从而导致产量下降。此外,新产品质量达标也是一个费时费力的过程,搞不好会顾此失彼,导致次品率上升。年中考核马上就开始了,他决定等考核后再着手完成新产品的生产任务。 不难看出,该家电公司的销售部和生产部矛盾突出,由于生产部门要把新产品的投产时间推迟到年中绩效考评之后,销售部门有可能无法按时交货。最终的结果可能是:新产品无法使公司的销售额增加25%,公司无法达到预定销售目标的90%。 问题:1、造成销售目标完不成的原因是什么? 2、绩效体系有什么问题,如何改进? 3、你能根据所学的知识拟定一份考核卡吗? (三)今年,A公司对所有职能部门实施了绩效管理制度,强调了对员工绩效的量化考 核,并根据绩效评估的结果,对原有的薪酬结构进行了调整,将绩效考核结果与浮动工资直接挂钩。


人力资源管理之绩效考核办法 经过人力资源管课程的学习,我了解人力资源管理中最重要的就是绩效考核,当前企业设置绩效的目的以及在绩效管理过程中的方案设计和绩效管理中存大的问题。现在,“没有考核,就没有管理”这句话已经成为管理的经典名言。接下来就绩效考核谈谈我自己的看法。 一、为什么要考核 1)什么是绩效考核 绩效考核就是对人员完成任务情况的一个跟踪、记录、考评。绩效考核是收集、分析、传递有关个人的在其工作岗位上的工作行为表现和工作结果方面的信息情况的过程。绩效考核的定义是:绩效考核是对前一阶段绩效管理工作的总结,目的是为了帮助经理和员工改善绩效,获得更大的提升! 2)考核的真正目的 改善工作业绩和提升员工能力,自下而上地达成公司的生产经营目标。就是根据每个岗位的具体要求、工作内容、工作职责,对于具体从事这个岗位的人员,从工作完成情况上进行评估,比方说:销售人员的绩效主要是考核他们的销售业绩。 3)为什么要进行绩效考核 有这样四点理由:一是没有考核就没有管理,任何事没有考核、检查和监督就没有管理,就是会形成做好做坏一个样,做和不做一个样,因为我们不是大锅饭的时代了,因为公司的发展要规范。大家想想,我们的每一项工作如是没有检查,没有考核,或是说安排了没有人过问是不是就会流于形式,董事长经常说的一句话是员工原意做领导检查的事。 二是为了对过去的工作业绩作出客观全面的评价,发现问题并提出改进方案。通过考核,看到问题所在,提高管理水平,提高员工的工作效率,提供员工晋升的依据; 三是为了对员工有一个客观的评价,员工或是管理人员、工程师工作一段时间后,对其工作任务的完成和工作表现有一个客观的评价,对其能力有一个公正的评价,如何做这样的评价呢?口说无凭,是不是用这样的评价来做出一个公正的结论。通过事实来说明能力和你的业绩是不是更有说服力。 四是为了提高工作绩效,实现工作过程的有效控制,及时了解任何员工任一项工作的每一个环节。是对员工工作业绩的一种检验通过绩效考核,检查员工生产经营和工作


案例分析题 第四章绩效管理 1. 小王在一家私营公司做基层主管已经有3年了。这家公司在以前不是很重视绩效考评,但是依靠自己所拥有的资源,公司的发展很快。去年,公司从外部引进了一名人力资源总监,至此,公司的绩效考评制度才开始在公司中建立起来,公司中的大多数员工也开始知道了一些有关员工绩效管理的具休要求。 在去年年终考评时,小王的上司要同他谈话,小王很是不安,虽然他对一年来的工作很满意,但是不知道他的上司对此怎么看。小王是一个比较“内向”的人,除了工作上的问题,他不是很经常地和他的上司交往。在谈话中,上司对小王的表现总体上来讲是肯定的,同时,指出了他在工作中需要改善的地方。小王也同意此看法,他知道自己有一些缺点。整个谈话过程是令人愉快的,离开他上司办公司室时小王感觉不错。但是,当小王拿到上司给他的年终考评书面报告时,小王感到非常震惊,并且难以置信,书面报告中写了他很多问题、缺点等负面的东西,而他的成绩、优点等只有一点点。小王觉得这样的结果好像有点“不可理喻”。小王从公司公布的“绩效考评规则”上知道,书面考评报告是要长期存档的,这对小王今后在公司的工作影响很大。小王感到很是不安和苦恼。 请您结合本案例回答下列问题: (1)绩效面谈在绩效管理中有什么样的作用?人力资源部门应该围绕绩效面谈做哪些方面的工作? (2)经过绩效面谈后小王感到不安和苦恼,导致这样的结果其原因何在?怎样做才克服这问题的产生?答: (1)说明员工绩效面谈的作用: ①使考评者与被考评者对绩效管理有更加全面深入的认识;通过绩效面谈,使得考评者对绩效管理的目标、考评方法、程序有进一步的认识,有利于下一轮绩效考评工作的开展。 ②将员工绩效考评的情况反馈给员工。考评者要将员工绩效的真实信息反馈给员工本人,对员工的成绩、优点进行表扬,要指出员工的问题、缺点,使之改正。 ③依据考评结果制定绩效改进计划。制定绩效改进计划是考评者与被考评者共同的事情,考评者要给被考评者一定的指导。 围绕绩效面谈,人力资源部门应该做到: ①对考评者以及被考评者明确考评的目的; ②明确绩效面谈的目的; ③加强对考评者的面谈技巧的培训。 (2)分析问题产生原因 表面上看,是“绩效面谈”使得小王感到苦恼和不安。实际上,产生这样问题的原因可能有下列几种情况: ①公司的绩效考评系统:公司上下对绩效管理的目的不清; ②小王的上司对小王有偏见; ③小王的上司没有很好的绩效面谈技巧,不敢对小王谈论问题与缺点。 (3)提出解决问题的对策 ①考评前绩效目标制定要明确、客观、量化。 ②考评过程中要公正、公开、公平、考评者要注意员工绩效信息的收集。 ③考评结束后要注意考评结果的反馈,考评者与被考评者要就考评的最后结果达成一致,共同制定员工的绩效改进计划。 2. 林某是一家高科技企业的年轻的客户经理,有着双学位的学历背景和较好的客户资源,但是个性较强的林某,常常是公司各种规章制度的“钉子户”,果不其然在公司新的绩效考核方法推行的过程中,林某又一次“撞到枪口上”。


目录 摘要 (2) 一、员工绩效考核存在的问题及分析 (3) 1. 对绩效考核的定位模糊 (3) 2. 领导者对考核工作的重视程度不够 (3) 3. 考核者本身造成的偏差 (3) 4. 考核标准在制定中存在的问题 (4) 5. 考核使用的方式过于单一 (4) 6. 考核使用的方法不恰当 (4) 7. 考核周期的设置不合理 (4) 8. 考核的结果无反馈 (4) 9. 考核者与被考核者缺乏有效地沟通 (5) 二、员工绩效考核采取的对策 (5) 1. 转变观念,提高认识是前提 (5) 2. 构建现代员工绩效考核体系是基础 (6) 3. 选择有效的考核方法 (6) 4. 根据企业的实际情况设置考核周期 (6) 5. 及时把考核结果反馈给员工这里可采用两种方法 (7) 三、由绩效考核走向绩效管理是未来的发展趋势 (8) 四、结论 (9) 参考文献 (9)

摘要:绩效考核是绩效管理的核心,是对经营结果与成效的评价,通过它企业了解经营目标的达成情况,找出实际与战略要求之间的差距,评价“工作中的人”与“人的工作”。为开展人力资源开发与管理提供现实依据,同时考核结果为价值分配和人才激励创造了条件。 绩效考核的目的是,确认员工的工作成就,改进员工的工作方式,提高工作效率和经营效益。因此,随着人力资源管理在企业运营中的地位提升,如何做好绩效考核逐渐成为理论界探讨的热点和企业界关注的焦点。本文在对企业的绩效考核进行调研的基础上,分析了企业内部绩效考核中存在的问题以及导致这些问题的原因,并研究了解决绩效考核问题的对策及建立企业与员工共同发展的“双赢”局面而进行的绩效考核应注意的问题。 关健词:人力资源、绩效考核、问题、对策


中信华南(集团) 东莞公司 绩效考核管 理办法 北大纵横管理咨询公司 二零零二年十二月

中信华南(集团)东莞公司绩效考核管理办法 北大纵横管理咨询公司 二零零二年十二月

第一篇管理办法 第一章总则 第一条目的 为在中信华南(集团)东莞分公司(以下简称公司)建立科学的管理制度,客观评价员工的工作绩效,充分发挥每位员工的积极性和创造性,为员工薪酬、晋级、升迁、奖惩等提供依据,特制定本制度。 第二条原则 (一)考核尽可能支持战略和文化; (二)通过考核促使员工发现不足,找出原因,提高绩效; (三)客观公正,及时承认员工的贡献,考核与薪酬挂钩; (四)以正激励为主,负激励为辅; 第三条适用范围 本制度适用于公司中层及一般员工的考核。 (注:中层是指各部门经理、副经理,主任、副主任。)

第二章考核的对象、维度和周期 第四条考核对象为公司中层及一般员工。 第五条考核维度是对考核对象考核的不同角度和不同方面,包括绩效维度、态度维度、能力维度。 每一个考核维度由相应的测评指标组成,对不同的考核对象、不同考核期间采用不同的考核维度、不同的测评指标。 (一)绩效维度: 绩效是指被考核人员所取得的工作成果,从以下三个方面考核: 1.任务绩效:考核员工本职工作任务完成的情况。包括每个岗位日常工作和每个阶段的工作重点。 2.周边绩效:考核同相关部门的业务协作精神,以促进工作流程在部门间的顺利推进。 3.管理绩效:考核管理人员对下属的管理和工作指导的绩效。 (二)态度维度 指被考核人员对待工作的态度。态度考核包括: 1. 2. 3. 4. 积极性协作性责任心纪律性 (三)能力维度: 指被考核人完成各项专业性活动所具备的特殊能力和岗位所需要的专业能力。主要包括以下几类: 能力考核指标: 1. 2. 领导能力沟通能力



目录 第一章.................................. 手册的目的3第二章........................ 人力资源部的工作职责4第三章.................................... 招聘工作6第四章.......................... 新员工入司工作流程11第五章........................ 员工转正考核工作流程14第六章........................ 员工内部调动工作流程16第七章.................................... 员工离职19第八章.................................... 劳动合同21第九章.................................... 薪资制度24第十章.................................... 考勤管理26第十一章.................................. 员工福利30第十二章.................................. 绩效管理32第十三章.................................. 奖励制度34

第十四章.................................. 违纪处分35第十五章................................ 培训与发展38第十六章.............................. 职业生涯发展41第十七章.............................. 人事档案管理44


绩效考核在人力资源管理中的运用浅析 摘要: 绩效考核是把双刃剑它在企业中起到了非常重要的作用,如果在公司处理得当,你就可以抓住机会对员工的未来给予积极影响。反之,如果处理不当就会给企业带来负面的影响。在绩效考核中,员工的实际工作表现经过上级的考察与测试,可通过访谈或其他渠道,将其结果向被评员工反馈,并听取其说明和申诉。因此,绩效考核具有促进上、下级间的沟通,了解彼此对对方期望的作用。绩效考核结果是员工调迁、升降、淘汰的重要参考,管理者通过绩效考核可以对员工现任职位的胜任程度及其发展潜力进行评估。 一、绪论 (一)课题背景及目的 绩效考核是把双刃剑它在企业中起到了非常重要的作用,如果在公司处理得当,你就可以抓住机会对员工的未来给予积极影响。反之,如果处理不当就会给企业带来负面的影响。人力资源管理在中小型企业中起到了重要作用,绩效考核在人力资源管理中有着广泛的运用,本文主要是强调专业理论与中小型企业实际情况相结合,对人员进行全面的绩效考核,揭示目前中小型企业在高层管理考核上的不足,并希望在此基础上提出一套切实可行的高层管理方案和改进建议,以有效评价企业高层管理人员的业绩和能力。《绩效考核》是人材管理制胜的法宝,随着我国区域一体化的进程加快,作为其核心概念的绩效考核在我国中小型企业中遭遇了瓶颈,造成该现象的根源之一就是当前国内外中小型企业在绩效考绩中存在一定的误区,许多组织进行绩效考核的一个环节是,经理和员工一起开会,经理向大家介绍考核过程和评判标准。如果该过程涉及到员工及管理人员的利益,经理和员工会在一起进行讨论为了取得一致意见并制定一套形式化的方案。对

值得在绩效考核过程中进行讨论的重要行为作出文件记录。 现在有许多中小型企业还没有看到绩效考核在本企业中发挥的作用,大部分公司认为绩效考核只是简单的在公司制定一份考核制度,大部分管理人员只是为了应付上级的检查,制定一些太过于形式化,没有实际应用意义的考核制度。管理人员根本就不关心这种制度是否按要求在实施。企业的核心竞争力是由人来决定的,许多成功企业的CEO都意识到:“企业能够成功是因为他们的人材,要想让企业的员工都成为企业的人材,绩效管理是一个重要环节。所有成功企业都建立了绩效考核体系,拥有一套优秀的绩效考核制度,达到预期目标并不至产生负面作用”。 通过绩效管理的方法引导开发员工为公司市场目标的达成而努力这样能够推动企业的发展。在一个公司中很好的运用绩效考核能够充分了解高层管理人员和低层工作人员的特点,对被考核对象提供了较准确评价及指导意见。针对性的开展各项培训,对调动个人及企业的发展提供了有力的推动作用。 (二)国内外研究状况 20世纪90年代以来,一些发达国家开始对绩效进行研究,尤其是在美国。许多实证研究表明,有效的人力资源管理系统与企业绩效考核之间存在统计上的正相关。有的人认为人力资源管理系统与企业绩效不存在正相关关系,例如蒋春燕和赵曙明通过对248家香港企业的调查,分析,人力资源管理实践与企业绩效的关系。他们的研究结果表明,企业规模和行业性质是人力资源管理实践的一个重要决定因素。但是,蒋春燕和赵曙明发现,各项人力资源管理实践与企业绩效之间不存在显著正相关关系,而系统的培训与员工相关的绩效之间存在显著负相关关系。蒋春燕和赵曙明则指出指出,不相关和负相关的原因可能使人力资源管理实践对企业绩效的影响是非线性的、滞后的和互为因果的。这就值得我们去好好的思考,绩效与业绩的关系。 (三)课题研究方法 本课题的研究方法:采用了文献资料法广泛查阅各种书籍、报刊、杂志、网络的基础上,收集各种与本课题有关的信息,资料;对收集到的资料做系统的整理,修改,对国内外的人力资源管理现状用了比

企业人力资源管理人员 职业现状及发展前景调查.

企业人力资源管理人员职业现状及发展前景调查 各位朋友, 您好:感谢您填写本问卷。我们对从事企业人力资源管理工作的职业者开展职业现状和职业发展规划的相关调查, 了解目前从业者的职业现状、职业需求和职业发展趋势。您所填写的资料只供统计分析之用,个人相关信息将保密。再次感谢您的参与。 Q1 一、基本信息 (文字说明题 Q2 1. 您的性别 (单选题 A. 男 B. 女 Q3 2. 您的年龄 (单选题 A. 20岁 -30岁 B. 31岁 -40岁 C. 41岁 -50岁 D. 51岁 -54岁 E. 55岁以上 Q4 3. 您的最高学历 (单选题 A. 初中及以下 B. 高中(中专 C. 大专 D. 本科 E. 硕士研究生

F. 博士研究生 Q5 4. 您所学的专业 (单选题 A. 哲学 B. 经济学 C. 法学 D. 教育学 E. 文学 F. 历史 G . 理学 H. 工学 I. 农学 G . 医学 K. 管理学 L. 艺术类 M. 军队转业 N. 其他(请您具体说明 Q6 5. 您从事人力资源管理工作多少年 (单选题A. 1-5年 C. 10-20年

D. 20年以上 Q7 6. 您工作企业所在的省份 (单选题 A. 北京市 B. 天津市 C. 河北省 D. 山西省 E. 内蒙古自治区 F. 辽宁省 G . 吉林省 H. 黑龙江省 I. 上海市 G . 江苏省 K. 浙江省 L. 安徽省 M. 福建省 N. 江西省 O. 山东省 P. 河南省 Q. 湖北省

R. 湖南省 S. 广东省 T. 广西壮族自治区 U. 海南省 V . 重庆市 W. 四川省 X. 贵州省 Y . 云南省 Z. 西藏自治区 A. 陕西省 B. 甘肃省 C. 青海省 D. 宁夏回族自治区 E. 新疆维吾尔自治区 Q8 7. 您所在企业的所有制情况 (单选题 A. 国有 B. 民营 C. 外资 Q9 8. 您所在企业属于哪个行业? (单选题 A. 农、林、牧、渔业


绩效管理案例分析 绩效管理 案例分析 1、单选题:绩效管理的( D )阶段与人力资源管理各环节起着“承上启下”的作用 A实施B考评C准备D应用与开发 分析: 绩效管理的总流程可包括五个阶段:准备阶段、实施阶段、考评阶段、总结阶段和应用开发阶段。应用开发阶段是绩效管理的终点,又是一个新的绩效管理工作循环的始点,在人力资源管理各环节中起着承上起下的作用,因此,本题选择D项。 2、多选题:绩效管理实施的前提有(ABDE ) A有可操作的企业发展战略目标 B内部客户和外部客户对岗位要求是清楚的 C组织成员对自己下级工作目标有清晰的把握D岗位责任说明书对于各岗位职责有明确的描述E组织结构图对各层次岗位的相互关系有准确的界定 分析: 在建立和实施企业业绩效管理体系之前,必须具备四个前提条件:有可操作的发展战略目标:组织结构图对各层次岗位相互关系的准确界定;客户对岗位有清楚的要求;岗位责任说明书对各岗位职责的明确描述。而“组织成员对下级工作目标的清晰把握”属于绩效管理实施过程中的一个环节不在绩效管理实施的前提中,因此,此题的C项不选。 3、案例 请阅读下面一个关于情境模拟实验的描述,如图1所示:在一具窄口烧杯里,放有三个直径比杯口稍小一些的乒乓球,每个球上都穿着一根线,现在,有两个三人小组参加实验,要求参加者每人提取一根线,将乒乓球从烧杯中提出。 实验主持人告诉甲组的成员,比赛是个人竞赛,奖励第一个将乒乓球提出的成员。 实验主持人告诉乙组的成员,比赛是团体竞赛,甲组和乙组竞争,奖励最先将所有的乒乓球提出的小组。

请回答下列问题: (1)、哪个小组可能先将所有的乒乓球提出烧杯?为什么? (2)、实验结果对于处理管理中合作与竞争的关系有何启发意义? 分析: 在奖励应采用个人竞争方式,还是团体竞争方式好呢?此题考查的就是这方面的内容。 题中实验主持人告诉甲组成员,比赛是个人竞赛,奖励个人。甲组为团体内竞争组,强调的是个人;题中实验主持人告诉乙组的成员,比赛是团体竞赛,甲组和乙组竞争,奖励团体。乙组为团体间竞争组,强调的是“团体”。同样是奖励,强调个人与强调团体会有着不同的结果。一般说来,强调“团体”的团体间竞争组比强调“个人”的团体内竞争组会取得更好成绩,团体内成员互相合作加强有助有增强组织凝聚力,在实践中,应倡导团体竞争。 个人与集体、竞争与合作,一直是矛盾的综合体,必须用辩证的眼光和思维去看待。团体内的个人竞争是必要的,但团体内成员间的紧密互动和合作,团队精神的倡导,可提高团体工作的效益和效价。而以个人工作为主要特点和形式的工作,可以强调个人竞争。 理解和把握了上述内容,明确了考题方向,此题中的两个问题,也就不难作答。 评分标准: (1)团体竞争组最可能取得胜利,因为团体的目标导向统一的目标,避免了内耗。(2)对于解决竞争和合作的关系有启发意义。 A、在团体内,个体竞争是必须的,但过分强调个体竞争,会使团体的气氛变得压抑、人际关系变得紧张,合作行为减少。在企业竞争日趋剧烈的今天,要鼓励团体成员之间的紧密合作,激发积极性和创造性,提高团体工作的效益。 B、团体合作并不是万能的,这要看工作任务的性质、工作方式的特点和要求。对于需要相互配合的工作,团队合作的氛围更利于提高相互配合的效率,而以个人工作为主要形式的工作,则更要强调个人竞争。 C、在面对利益分配问题时,管理者自己要处理好个人与集体的关系,争取多做贡献,努力倡导团队精神,做出表率。 4、改错题:以下列列举的是某公司设置的一些业绩考核指标 (1)及时收回货款 (2)有效地使用时间 (3)产品A一季度的销售量达到13000件 (4)每两周更新一次市场数据 (5)节约部门的开支 (6)将部门的办公用品费用控制在5000元以下 (7)扩大市场占有率 (8)保证数据的准确性 请指出不符合量化考核标准的指标,并加以改正 (1) (2) (3) (4)


案例正文: 华立公司得绩效考核 摘要:华立公司原本就是一家在行业中有一定竞争力、公司中有良好得沟通合作氛囤得企业。但就是,在引入了新得销傳人员KPI绩效考核体系之后,销傳人员得行为发生了显著得变化,员工一味追求完成任务指标,减少了跨部门得沟通协作,造成了企业得业绩下滑,组织气氛也不再与谐融洽。 案例分析题 1.公司引入了KPI墳效考核指标体系得目得就是什么? KPI即企业关键绩效指标,就是通过对组织内部某一流程得输入端、输出端得关键参数惊醒设置、取样、计算、分析,衡量流程绩效得一种目标式量化管理指标,就是把企业得战略目标分解为可运作得远景目标得工具,就是企业绩效管理系统得基础。KPI可以使部门主管明确部门得主要责任,并以此为基础,明确部门人员得绩效衡量指标,就是用于衡量工作人员工作绩效表现得量化指标,就是绩效计划得重要组成部分。当进行KPI绩效考核指标体系设计时,设计者要求遵循SMART原则,SMART原则就是5个KPI系统设计原則,用英文单词得缩写:S 代表具体(specif ic), M代表可度董(measurable)原则,A代表可实现(attainable)原则,R代表现实性(rea I i st i c)原则,T代表时限(time bound)原则,这五个原则,就是KPI系统设计者所熟悉得。 由案例可以知道:公司老总想要借助外资公司得管理经脸以使公司注入新得血液,得到更好地发展,而KPI绩效考核指标体系在销隹部得引进,就是由美国人引入,目得就是想要使销售部得工作更加透明,更易童化。进而使销傅人员得考核指标非常细化与董化,规定了销傳部门人员每月、毎周、甚至毎天得具体工作内容例如:要打几个coldcal I (就就是给新客户主动打电话),每周要完成多少个客户得上门交谈,每月要完成至少多少得销售额等等非常详尽得指标。具体来说,该公司引进KPI绩效考核指标体系,主要就是根据SMART原则。力求达到以下目得: 1、规定绩效考核中得特定工作指标,使之具体而不茏统,进而使公司更加明确销售部门绩效考核指标。在原文主要体现为销傳人员对新客户主动打电话,与客户上门交谈以及每月完成多少销售额等许多详尽得指标。 2、使绩效考核得指标可度董,以便使更多得绩效考核指标得以量化。在原丈体现为规定了销隹部门人员每人每天要打几个cold call (就就是给新客户主动打电话),每周要完成多少个客户得上门交谈,毎月要完成至少多少得销售额。 3、使绩效考核得指标在员工努力得得以实现。从案例很多地方可以瞧出销隹部人员得确在为绩效考核指标进行忙碌,甚至到了焦头烂额得地步。 4、使绩效考核符合现实性原则,让绩效考核指标实实在在,可以证明与考察。这些从案例中电话记录以及拜访客户得签名可以瞧出。 2.公司引入了KRI绩效考核指标体系后得效果如何? 由案例可以总结出:该公司引入KPI指标体系后,效果就是非常不好得。用案例得原话来讲:在引入了新得销傳人员KPI绩效考核体系之后,销售人员得行为发生了显著得变化,员工一味追求完成任务指标,滅少了跨部门得沟通协作,造成了企业得业绩下滑,纽织气氣也不再与谐融洽。 具体说来,主要有以下几点: 1、增加了员工得压力,使员工不满于公司得绩效考核管理规定,而絆职,流失了大量优秀得员工。 使员工一味追求完成任务目标,城少了与市场部,产品开发部得联系,不再有市场一线人员与市

人力资源绩效考核管理全案(doc 265页)

弗布克人力资源管理操作实务系列 绩效考核量化管理全案孙宗虎罗辉编著 北京

目录 第1章绩效指标设计与绩效考核 第2章高层管理人员绩效考核 2.1 董事会关键绩效考核指标 2.2 监事会关键绩效考核指标 2.3 总经办关键绩效考核指标 2.4 总经理绩效考核指标量表 2.5 生产总监绩效考核指标量表 2.6 营销总监绩效考核指标量表 2.7 客服总监绩效考核指标量表 2.8 行政总监绩效考核指标量表 2.9 生产总监绩效考核方案 2.10 销售总监绩效考核方案 2.11 财务总监绩效考核方案 第3章战略管理人员绩效考核 3.1 战略规划部关键绩效考核指标 3.2 企业管理部关键绩效考核指标 3.3 战略规划主管绩效考核指标量表 3.4 企业管理主管绩效考核指标量表 3.5 战略规划部经理绩效考核方案 3.6 企业管理部经理绩效考核方案 第4章技术研发人员绩效考核 4.1 技术部关键绩效考核指标 4.2 研发部关键绩效考核指标 4.3 技术部经理绩效考核指标量表 4.4 研发部经理绩效考核指标量表 4.5 技术研发人员绩效考核方案 第5章采购供应人员绩效考核

5.1 采购部关键绩效考核指标 5.2 供应部关键绩效考核指标 5.3 采购部经理绩效考核指标量表 5.4 供应部经理绩效考核指标量表 5.5 采购人员绩效考核实施方案 第6章生产工艺人员绩效考核6.1 生产管理部关键绩效考核指标 6.2 工艺管理部关键绩效考核指标 6.3 生产车间主任绩效考核指标量表 6.4 生产车间班组长绩效考核指标量表6.5 生产车间班组长绩效考核方案 第7章产品质量人员绩效考核7.1 产品管理部关键绩效考核指标 7.2 质量管理部关键绩效考核指标 7.3 质量经理绩效考核指标量表 7.4 质控主管绩效考核指标量表 7.5 产品经理绩效考核方案 第8章设备管理人员绩效考核8.1 设备动力部关键绩效考核指标 8.2 设备能源部关键绩效考核指标 8.3 设备维修部经理绩效考核指标量表8.4 设备采购部经理绩效考核指标量表8.5 设备采购人员绩效评估方案 第9章运输配送人员绩效考核9.1 运输部关键绩效考核指标 9.2 仓储部关键绩效考核指标 9.3 运输部经理绩效考核指标量表 9.4 仓储部经理绩效考核指标量表 9.5 配送部经理绩效考核指标量表 9.6 配送人员绩效考核管理方案


企业人力资源管理人员 人力资源管理师培训 (培训与开发) 第一讲培训与开发概述 培训与开发的定义 ●培训 ●开发 ●培训与开发 工作行为的有效提高是培训与开发的关键所在 ●实施培训与开发的主要目的: 1)提高工作绩效水平 2)增强组织或个人的应变和适应能力 3)提高和增强组织企业员工对组织的认同和归属 企业培训部的任务和职能 任务 1)提高职工的素质水准,使其进一步符合企业期望的要求(丰富专业知识、增强业务技能和改善工作态度)2)为提高企业的管理水平、产品质量和经济效益服务 3)提高企业职工的工作能力,提高职工对企业的责任感,减少缺勤、浪费、损失与责任事故 4)作为激励手段之一,增加企业职工对工作的安全感与满足感,使职工感到工作有动力,以减少职工流失5)帮助解决企业经营管理业务中的实际问题,促进企业的生产发展和服务升级 职能 1)制定企业年度的培训计划,呈交企业主管审批,并检查培训计划的执行情况,并定期向企业主管汇报2)制定年度培训预算,呈交企业主管审批,并定期向企业主管汇报培训费用的开支情况 3)了解企业各级各类人员的培训需要,并分别制定相应的培训计划 4)制定各类培训计划,具体安排各种培训课程或活动 5)与人力资源部门合作搞好职工培训档案的管理,为培养企业各级各类经营管理人员和开发企业人力资源的发展打下基础 6)充分开发与利用各类培训资源,为企业培训业务服务 企业培训与开发工作的特性 经常性 超前性 效果的后延性 第二讲建立培训制度 企业培训制度与岗位培训制度 企业培训制度

培训制度的定义、范围 企业培训制度的根本作用 企业培训制度的主要目的 企业培训制度应随外部环境和内部条件变化而修改完善 企业培训的成功有赖于培训制度的指导与规范,而培训制度的内容必须服从或服务于企业的整体发展战略,最终目的是实现企业发展目标 岗位培训制度 岗位培训的定义、原则、出发点、实质 岗位培训制度化包括:培训立法及相应的政策、岗位培训各个环节的规范化 核心:培训、考核、使用、待遇一体化的配套措施的实行 岗位培训制度由管理制度、教学制度、考核制度、评估制度,劳动、人事、工资制度,岗位资格证书制度等一系列配套制度组成 影响企业培训活动的因素 国家有关劳动人事法规法令、培训领域理论与培训实践的发展、企业人力资源供给与需求的变化、企业人事计划的变更、企业生产经营方针的变革及技术、设备的更新改造、企业文化的发展、企业内新的培训需求 起草培训制度的内容要求 1、制定企业员工培训制度的依据 2、实施企业员工培训的目的或宗旨 3、企业员工培训制度实施方法 4、企业培训制度的核准与施行 5、企业培训制度的解释与修订 具体培训制度的起草与解释 培训服务制度 是培训管理的首要制度 要符合企业和员工的利益并符合国家法律法规的有关规定 制度内容 培训服务制度条款:申请;协约签订;参加培训 培训服务协约条款:申请人;项目和目的;时间、地点、费用和形式等;应达到的技术或能力水平;在企业服务的时间和岗位;违约补偿;意见;有效的法律签署 制度解释(为什么要制定此制度) 制度举例 员工教育培训协议书 入职培训制度 与人力资源部有关人员配合进行,并争取与其他各部门经理人员共同商订制订 制度内容


浅谈人力资源管理中的绩效考核管理 摘要:现代社会,不论是是企业、事业单位,都把人力资源管理看做是一个核l心。而人力资源管理中的绩效考核被看成一个衡量员工工资或者升迁的标准。本文将对人力资源管理中绩效考核存在的问题和对策做以简要的论述。 关键词:人力资源管理;绩效考核管理;策略 现代的企业管理模式已经有了很大的转变,人力资源的管理也应该有很大的改变。随着世界经济一体化进程的加快,这就出现了很多企业的绩效考核不能统一,片面的绩效考核也是存在的。人力资源的管理本身就是一门实践性极强,技术含量高,理论高深的一项很富有挑战性的工作。而缋效的考核是人力资源管理过程中一项重要的活动。绩效考核就是指企业组织以达到既定的目标为标准,对他们的工作人员在各自岗位上的工作态度及行为以及工作的结果,进行跟踪、收集、分析评价、反馈,主要目的是为了形成一个客观的过程,为人事决策提供公正的依据。那么绩效的考核就成了一个非常重要的工具。绩效考核运用得当。员工的工作热情高,企业的凝聚力就强。那么企业的市场竞争力必然增强。如果运用不得当,员工的工作热情消极,员工流失严重,那么企业的效益就会大打折扣。现在我们也能看到普遍存在的现象,许多企业招不进去人才,自身内部的人才流失又非常的严重。针对这总情况,浅析人力资源管理中如何运用绩效考核的策略解决以上问题。 一、人力资源管理的深度和在企业中重要地位 我们国家大多数企业的人力资源管理都是以员工的绩效考核作为一个标准的,岗位能力的执行情况和工作的态度,用这些标准来评价员工的工作成绩和效果。每个员工都有迫切的愿望想通过自己的努力及努力所取得的成果来达到预期的经济利益或者名誉回报,而企业也想通过员工的劳动成果达到自身的预定目标,那么绩效考核也就应运而生。绩效考核正是抓住了员工和企业两个需求的共同点,不仅对员工的工作态度有几大的激励,更为重要的是对企业的人力选拔和分配有着极为重要的指导意义。 绩效考核是人力资源管理中运用最为频繁的使用手段,它是人力资源管理的一个范畴。也是构成企业人力资源管理可操作性系统的一个部分。绩效考核为人力资源管理提供重要的来源和依据,而考核的结果就能直接的为各个决策部门提供人事依据,更好调动合适的人员做合适的岗位也是资源管理节约的必要。 绩效考核在现今的企业竞争中也是企业实现预定目标的一个手段。通过这个手段,既减少了一次性的投入过大和存在的不科学部公平现象。也能更清晰地看到每一个考核的真实数据。企业的生存靠什么?无非是靠自身的技术或者业务水平来创造更大的利润。那么企业的这些利润谁来创造呢?就是员工,就是在科学管理下的企业员工。每一个技术的开发或者业务的拓展又是一个非常具体具体的指标,而指标就是通过数据、用绩效来表现的。绩效是通过考核来实现的,如何考核就是现在企业人力资源改革的一个中重点。这就足以说明了绩效考核在在企业人力资源管理中的作用:鼓励员工提高技术、扩展业务来实现企业更大的利润。因而,绩效考核不仅仅只是一个考核,是为了提高工作效率,为了企业的共同利益。把每一个员工都纳入自我绩效考核的气氛中来。 另外,绩效考核在现在的人力资源管理中将扮演越来越为特殊的重要地位,它是企业自身长足发展的需要,也是企业提升核心竞争力和进入国际市场要做的最为优秀的“功课”。绩效考核好比作战计划,对企业的其他管理活动有指导作用。人又是各种活动的支配着者,也是企业管理的主体。俗话说:毛驴拉


案例正文: 华立公司的绩效考核 摘要:华立公司原本是一家在行业中有一定竞争力、公司中有良好的沟通合作氛围的企业。但是,在引入了新的销售人员KPI 绩效考核体系之后,销售人员的行为发生了显著的变化,员工一味追求完成任务指标,减少了跨部门的沟通协作,造成了企业的业绩下滑,组织气氛也不再和谐融洽。 案例分析题 1. 公司引入了KPI 绩效考核指标体系的目的是什么? KPI 即企业关键绩效指标,是通过对组织内部某一流程的输入端、输出端的关键参数惊醒设置、取样、计算、分析,衡量流程绩效的一种目标式量化管理指标,是把企业的战略目标分解为可运作的远景目标的工具,是企业绩效管理系统的基础。KPI 可以使部门主管明确部门的主要责任,并以此为基础,明确部门人员的绩效衡量指标,是用于衡量工作人员工作绩效表现的量化指标,是绩效计划的重要组成部分。当进行KPI 绩效考核指标体系设计时,设计者要求遵循SMART原则,SMART原则是5个KPI系统设计原则,用英文单词的缩写:S代表具体(specific ),M代表可度量(measurable)原则,A代表可实现(atta in able )原则,R 代表现实性( realistic )原则,T 代表时限( time bound )原则,这五个原则,是KPI 系统设计者所熟悉的。由案例可以知道:公司老总想要借助外资公司的管理经验以使公司注入新的血液,得到更好地发展,而KPI 绩效考核指标体系在销售部的引进,是由美国人引入,目的是想要使销售部的工作更加透明,更易量化。进而使销售人员的考核指标非常细化和量化,规定了销售部门人员每月、每周、甚至每天的具体工作内容例如:要打几个cold call (就是给新客户主动 打电话),每周要完成多少个客户的上门交谈,每月要完成至少多少的销售额等等非常详尽的指标。具体来说,该公司引进KPI绩效考核指标体系,主要是根据SMART原则。力求达到以下目的:1、规定绩效考核中的特定工作指标,使之具体而不笼统,进而使公司更加明确销售部门绩效考核指标。在原文主要体现为销售人员对新客户主动打电话,与客户上门交谈以及每月完成多少销售额等许多详尽的指标。 2、使绩效考核的指标可度量,以便使更多的绩效考核指标得以量化。在原文体现为规定了销售部门人员每人每天要打几个cold call (就是给新客户主动打电话) ,每周要完成多少个客户的上门交谈,每月要完成至少多少的销售额。 3、使绩效考核的指标在员工努力的得以实现。从案例很多地方可以看出销售部人员的确在为绩效考核指标进行忙碌,甚至到了焦头烂额的地步。 4、使绩效考核符合现实性原则,让绩效考核指标实实在在,可以证明和考察。这些从案例中电话记录以及拜访客户的签名可以看出。 2. 公司引入了KPI 绩效考核指标体系后的效果如何? 由案例可以总结出:该公司引入KPI 指标体系后,效果是非常不好的。用案例的原话来讲:在引入了新的销售人员KPI 绩效考核体系之后,销售人员的行为发生了显著的变化,员工一味追求完成任务指标,减少了跨部门的沟通协作,造成了企业的业绩下滑,组织气氛也不再和谐融洽。 具体说来,主要有以下几点: 1、增加了员工的压力,使员工不满于公司的绩效考核管理规定,而辞职,流失了大量优秀的员工。


人力资源案例分析: A 公司老板关于绩效考核的困惑 一、 A 公司老板的困惑是:困惑的关键是现有的绩效评估体系对绩效提升没有明显的促进作用。具体是管理者和员工对绩效考核没有清晰的理解和认真的对待。 二、本绩效考核制度的问题: (1)考核定位不明确,无针对性。所谓考核定位,实质就是通过绩效考核要解决什么问题,绩效考核工作的管理目标是什么。绩效评估的目的应是为员工培训,人事升迁和奖惩等各方面提供信息,而不仅仅限于“作为季度奖金分配的依据”。 (2)考核重点失衡。绩效考核中应该关注的包括工作过程和工作结果。从 A 公司的绩效考核表来看, A 公司对结果的重视明显高于对工作过程的关注。在对技术人员的考核中,没有体现出对工作效率的考核。在对销售人员的考核中,没有体现出针对市场状况而采取恰当的销售策略的考核。 同时, A 公司也忽略了将部门作为整体的考核。 (3)考核指标没能突出重点。考核指标可分为能力,态度和业绩三方面。对于一个以技术研发和推广为主要业务的公司,对业绩的考核应该比对能力和态度的考核更为频繁。 (4)考核指标的量化不够具体。考核标准中的“研发工作量”中,将工作量分为“饱和”和“平均”个维度。做为对技术人员的考核,应该将对工作量的考核进行量化以客观地反映工作情 况。 (5)考核主体过于单一。A公司的绩效评估体系建立在图尺度评价法的基础上。在A公司 现有的绩效制度中,考核者都是“项目主管”。仅由项目主管进行考核可能受到个人偏见,松紧倾向以及主观臆断等因素的影响。 而在对管理者进行考核的过程中没有将该主管的下属列入考核者的范围,可能导致评估的片面。 (6)考核周期过于死板。做为一家需要不断创新以谋求发展的公司, A 公司的产品研发和推广,销售应处于快速更新状态。因此,考核周期也应配合产品的研发和推广,销售周期而确定。这与 A 公司的绩效考核定位有关。由于 A 公司的绩效考核制度的定位是将绩效考核做为奖金分配的依据,因此绩效考核的周期便为半年和一年。 (7)考核结果没得到全方位的反馈及应用。绩效考核过程中,员工的参与是必不可少的。 其参与体现在目标的制定,对绩效考核结果的申诉和对绩效考核体系提出改善意见。在A 公司的绩效考核制度中,考核结果只是反馈给了被考核者,而没有为员工提供申诉渠道和对考核体系提出意见的机会。 三、 A 公司的绩效考核定位: A 公司的经营理念应是追求创新和高速发展。这样的经营理念需要的是围绕新技术新产品的研发而不断进行的绩效考核。但 A 公司现有的绩效考核制度并不能体现出这样的特点。因此A 公司的绩效考核定位是不明确的。 四、通过绩效考核体系支撑企业战略的有效实施,实现员工的有效激励:企业战略要得到有效实施,必须将战略层层分解。明确地分配到企业的各个部门,最后落实为每位员工的工作目标。

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