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Unit 3 In-depth Reading - James Cameron’s Ambition

Vocabulary Preparation

1. shot

n. 电影中的镜头 a medium shot 中景镜头 a close shot 特写,近景镜头 a medium long shot(MLS)半身镜头 a slow motion shot 慢镜头 a close-up shot 特写照片

* 这个镜头持续了两秒钟.


* 他调整照相机镜头拍摄远景。

He set the camera .

* The shot panned slowly across the room.

Chinese meaning: 。

n. 射击;发射;枪炮声;击球;试图shot at sb./sth. 朝……开枪 give sth. one's best shot 尽全力

* 她有两枪打中靶心。


* His remark was meant as a shot at me.

Chinese meaning: 。

* 前锋射门。

The striker .

* 我没指望赢,但我会尽全力的。

I don't expect to win, .

adj. 筋疲力尽的;用旧的;耗尽的;毁坏的shot through with sth. 充满着

* 那些运动鞋真的破旧不堪了。


* Her patience was completely shot.

Chinese meaning: 。

* 这部剧集将会运用黑色幽默来讲述复杂的情感故事。

The series will tell heightened emotional stories and .

2. shoot

vt. 拍摄 (电影,照片,景色,物品)

* 你是否会去拍商业电影?

Would you ?

* It takes us two years to catch up, to write a script and shoot a film.

Chinese meaning: 。vi.拍摄

* Where you choose to shoot depends entirely on the style you want to use.

3. obsessed

adj. 着迷的;一门心思的;(思想)无法摆脱的be obsessed with/by 对……着迷;迷上


* She wasn't in love with Steve, and she was just obsessed by him physically.

Chinese meaning: 。

* 我只是不明白为什么现在的人那么着迷电视剧。

I just can’t see .

* He was obsessed by the fear of unemployment.

Chinese meaning: 。

4. version

n. (书面作品或音乐作品的)版本;改编本;演出演奏形式, (计算机)更新版本

version control 版本控制latest version 最新版本original version 原始版本;


* The second-hand version is a poor copy of the original.

Chinese meaning: 。

* 这本书有免费的和付费版本。

The book comes into .

5. clip

n. 电影片段

* 这是她最近一部电影的片段。

Here is .

* 该14分钟的视频片段被认为是有史以来最有影响力的音乐录像带之一。

one of the most influential music videos ever made.

n. 夹子;回形针

* 请把这些文件整理一下,用夹子夹在一起。

Sort out these papers and , please.

* 信是用一枚回形针夹在一起的。

The letters .

v. 剪;剪短;修剪clip one’s finger-nails 修指甲 clip a sheep 剪羊毛

* 你该修剪指甲了。


* The dog’s fur was clipped short for the show.

clipping n. 剪下的一块clipper n. 剪指甲、毛发、树篱等的工具

6. yield

vt. 生产;产生(效果)等

* 那棵树结了很多果实。

That tree .

* Their long search failed to yield any clues.

Chinese meaning: 。

n. 生产;收益

* The trees give a high yield (of fruit) this year.

Chinese meaning: 。

7. visual

adj. 视力的,视觉的,看得见的,凭视觉的

* 近视是一个视力缺陷。

Near-sightedness is .

* The visual art are painting, dancing etc., as opposed to music and literature.

Chinese meaning: 。visually adv. 外表上;外观上;用直观方法 visualize vt. 想象;在脑海中直观化

8. prestige


* 牛津和剑桥这两所老牌大学仍然很有声望

The old universities of Oxford and Cambridge . * The traditional financial centers lose more than prestige as their market share declines. Chinese meaning: 。adj. 炫耀的;讲究排场的;摆阔的;有气派的

* Officials describe the aircraft-carrier program partly as a prestige project.

Chinese meaning: 。

* 他梦想能拥有像凯迪拉克、奔驰、保时捷和捷豹这样气派的汽车。

Cadillac, Mercedes, Porsche and Jaguar. prestigious adj. 有声望的;受尊敬的;有威信的

9. quest

n.( 长期的)探寻,探索 quest for/to do 寻找;寻求… in quest of 追求;寻求

* 他不能停止为治疗各种疾病而做出不断探索。

He can’t stop .


10. populate



The side of the island .

* Immigrants from all over the world populate this city.

Chinese meaning: 。population n. 人口 populous adj. 人口稠密的

11. creature

n. (不包含植物的)生物;动物

* 鳄鱼是一种模样古怪的动物。

The crocodile is .

* They are the creatures that populate the ocean depths.

Chinese meaning: 。

n.(尤用于表示同情等富有感情色彩的词) 人 a creature of habit 墨守成规的人creature comforts 物质享受

* 多么美丽的女人哪!

What a lovely creature!

* Jack was a creature of habit and he always ate lunch at exactly 12:30 everyday.

Chinese meaning: 。* 宝马全新款式和舒适性对那些忠实用户及购买者很有吸引力。

appeal to loyal BMW shoppers.

12. generate


* 这次事故引起公众对核动力问题的广泛关注。

in the nuclear power issue.

* 劳动部长说这些改革将带来新的工作。

The labor secretary said .

vt.生热;发电an electricity generating station 发电站

* 新英格兰电力公司燃烧煤来发电。

The company, New England Electric, .

* Steam can generate electricity by turning an electric generator.

Chinese meaning: 。generation n. 产物;代generative adj. 生产的;有生产力的 generator n. 发生器;发电机

13. conventional


be conventional in sth. 在某方面守旧

* After a few conventional opening remarks, he made a brilliant speech.

Chinese meaning: 。

* 我恐怕在个人爱好方面是相当守旧的。

I’m afraid . convention n. 惯例;常规;习俗

14. division

n.部门,部分 division head 部门主管,部门负责人


divisional adj.

15. accurate

adj. 精确的,准确的;正确无误的

* Police have stressed that this is the most accurate description of the killer to date.

Chinese meaning: 。

* 我们要求语法与拼写正确无误。

We require .

C.f. : accurate exact right true correct precise:

accurate: 通过谨慎努力达到符合事实/实际(侧重不同程度的准确性,与事实无出入)

exact: 着重在质与量方面的准确,语气比accurate强

right: 使用广泛,可与这些词中的correct换用,但常暗示道德、理解、行动等方面的正确

true: 暗指绝对准确,尤指复制品与原件丝毫不差

correct: 最常用词,主要指按一定标准或规则来衡量,没有谬误和差错或无缺点错误

precise: 侧重极端准确,更强调细节的精确无误

* 新来的女售货员计算正确无误。

The new salesgirl .

* Astronomy, as distinct from astrology, is an exact science.

Chinese meaning: 。

* 走路,如果方法正确的话,也是一种有氧健身运动。

Walking, , is a form of aerobic exercise.

* 据说这部小说是以一个真实的故事为依据的。

The novel . *正确答案在第八页末尾。

at the bottom of page 8.

* Can you give a more precise definition of the word?

Chinese meaning: ?

accurately adv. 准确地;精确地accuracy n. 准确性;准确无误

16. reluctant

adj. 勉强的,不情愿的be reluctant to do sth. 勉强做某事

* 他们不愿意请求帮助。

They .

* 他十分勉强地承认了自己的错误。


reluctantly adv. 勉强地 reluctance n. 不愿意;勉强

17. invest

v. 投资 invest sth in sth./doing sth./with sb. 投资;投资于;为某任务付出(时间、精力等)

invest sb. with/as sth. 授予某人官阶、职位或权利

* 现在是投资的最佳时机。


* 他全力以赴学习英语。


* She’s invested a lot of emotional energy in that business..

Chinese meaning: 。

* 查尔斯王子于1969年受封为威尔士亲王。

Prince Charles .

investment n. 投资investor n. 投资者

18. resemble

vt. 像;类似;相似resemble…in …在……方面和……相似

* 她的外表像她姐姐,但个性不像。

but not in character.

* 夜空中,星星象无数的小亮点。

in the night sky.

* The kindle may resemble an e-reader, but it is just as much a portable bookstore.

Chinese meaning: 。resemblance n. 相似;类似;相似之处

19. compile

vt. 编辑;编写;编纂;汇编;收集

* 他们在那里汇编了不少关于风俗、政府、宗教、等方面的宝贵资料。

on the manners, government, and religion of the country.

* 编辑一部好词典需要数年的艰苦工作。

It takes . compiler n. 汇编者;编辑者;(电脑的)编译程序

20. imaginary

adj. 想象中的;假想的;虚构的

imagine v. imagination n.

imaginable adj. 可想象的;想象得出的 imaginative adj. 富于想象力的;爱想象的;想象力丰富的

Real World Reading –The Pursuit of Happiness

Vocabulary Preparation


vt. 抛弃,遗弃,离弃 abandon sb. to sth. 沉湎于(某种感情中);放纵

* 他声称父母遗弃了他。

He claimed that .

* 不要自暴自弃。


* 拉拉队队长疯狂地挥舞双臂。

The cheerleader .

* He has spent money with gay abandon.

Chinese meaning: 。abandoned adj. 无约束的;放纵的;无度的abandonment n. 遗弃;抛弃;离弃;放弃;舍弃


n. 公债;证券;股票stock exchange/market 证券交易所;股票交易所




jumped up in Tokyo last month.

* The New York Stock Exchange is the world's most famous stock market.

Chinese meaning: 。

adj. 通常备有现货的;常备的;常用的;陈腐的

* 黄油对任何会经营的食品商来讲是常备商品。

for any good grocer.

* She’s tired of her husband’s stock jokes.

Chinese meaning: 。stockbroker n. 证券股票经纪人 stockbroking n. 证券/股票经纪业


n.不利条件,逆境against all odds 尽管面临重重困难;虽然可能性极小

at odds (with) 和…合不来;和…有矛盾odds and ends 零碎东西;零星杂物

it makes no odds 无关紧要;没关系What’s the odds? 那有什么关系?;那无所谓

* 她冲破重重困难,实现了当芭蕾舞演员的梦想。

of becoming a ballerina.

* 在政治上他总和父亲意见不一。


* 他把大部分东西都搬走了,只留下一些零星杂物。

He’s moved most of his stuff and .

* It makes no odds to me whether you go or stay.

Chinese meaning: 。

* 他离开她了?那算得了什么?他反正从来都不在家里。

He’s left her? ? He was never at home anyhow.


adj.谨慎的,小心的,慎重的be cautious about/of /with …对……小心/谨慎的

* 银行在贷款方面十分慎重。

The bank .

* 学生们拼写时应非常小心,以避免发生错误。

The students .

* In dealing with the problem he was cautious to an extreme.

Chinese meaning: 。cautiously adv. 小心地;谨慎地cautiousness n. 小心;谨慎

caution n. 小心;谨慎;慎重 cautionary adj. 告诫的;提醒注意的


adj. 深刻的;深奥的;渊博的 a profound sigh/silence/sleep/shock 一声长叹/一片死寂/一阵酣睡/一次沉重的打击 take a profound interest in sth. 对某事物产生极大兴趣

* 这次事件给我留下了深刻的印象。

The incident .

* 你现在所学的和所做的对你一生都将会有很深远的影响。


* This is a book full of profound, original and challenging insights.

Chinese meaning: 。


adj. 后一半的;末尾的;后者的

* 他正步入职业生涯的后半程。

He is getting into .

* In the latter years of his life, he lived alone and never welcomed visitors.

latterly adv. latter-day adj.

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