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Module2 单词拼写练习


1. In my opinion, his words are not c__________. It’s hard to believe what he said.

2. Chris does not believe in the e__________ of Father Christmas.

3. Teachers in our school tell students to behave a _ and ask intelligent questions.

4. Stories about pirates often include a search for buried t__________.

5. The police have found a w_______________ to the accident.

6. The manager in charge of the company had m__________ disappeared.

7. At the sports meeting, he gathered all his s__________ to throw the discus forward.

8. I can’t sleep well and I often have n___________ about falling off a cliff.

9. Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban is really a f__________ film.

10. These days, scientists have been doing a lot of r___ on the causes of global warming.

11. There is no p_________ that another tsunami will happen in the same place again.

12. These two words sound s_________ to each other. Can you tell the difference between them in pronunciation?

13. Looking at her p_____ expres sions, I see that she still hasn’t understood the problem.

14. Can you show me enough e____ to prove that you have nothing to do with this case?

15. She was afraid of being followed and looked back over her s_______ now and then.

16. Have you been doing anything interesting __________(最近)?

17. Whether that man was ____(谋杀) or died naturally is still unknown to the world yet.

18. For some _____________(无法解释的) reason, he wants to move to France.

19.Techonological __________(进步) has been so rapid over the last few years.

20. Without your ____________(支持), we couldn’t have succeeded.

21. Tom and his family went here and there, __________(寻找) for their lovely pet dog.

22. The doctors promised to ___________(研究) into the cause of his death.

23. His breaking his promise left me much ___________(感到失望的).

24. This is the first ___________(目击) of this particularly rare bird in this country.

25. The villagers found some ____________(脚印) in the mud after the theft happened.

26. Officials said there were no s__________ of the plane crash.

27. Today our daily lives are so different from those of our a__________.

28. If you are c__________ that something is true, you feel sure that it is true.

29. He threw the ball forward with all his s__________.

30. He went to the desk to inquire and make a r__________.

31. Soon the __________ (村民) couldn't afford to buy food for themselves.

32. The rope is about a metre in __________(长).

33. She invited 750 people a__________ the luxury yacht, the Savarona.

34.1. Is there any p__________ that he will be elected chairman?

35. We should show respect for all living __________(生物).

36. Police are investigating the __________(消失) of key files on the killers.

37. Teachers will be asked to fill in a __________(调查问卷)this afternoon.

38. Jim told the students a joke and all of them roared with __________(大笑).

39. The announcement was greeted __________(热情地).

40. He was quite __________ (幽默), and I liked that about him.



RJ 新人教版语文二年级(上)【新教材】拼音 与字词过关检测密卷 班级姓名学号得分一、把声母相同的字归类写在横线上。(5 分)(导学号:28144072) 二、我会认,我会连。(5 分) 三、我会读拼音写词语。(16 分)

四、我会给加点的字选择正确的读音。(画“√”)(3 分) 五、我会照样子给多音字组词。(7 分)(导学号:28144073) 六、查字典,填表。(8 分) 七、写出带有下面偏旁的字。(6 分)(导学号:28144074)

八、我会照样子写字、组词。(9 分) 1.例:舌——甜(甘甜) 主—— ( 立—— ( ) 页—— ) 古—— ( ) 少—— ( ) 去—— ( ) ( ) 2.例:颗——课(上课) 凉—— ( ) 波—— ( ) 哄—— ( ) 样—— ( ) 现—— ( ) 蛙—— ( ) 3.例:赶一干(干净) 梯—— ( ) 烟—— ( ) 客—— ( ) 桐—— ( ) 炮—— ( ) 阵—— ( ) 九、我会选字填空。(8 分) 十、在括号中填入合适的词语。(6 分) 顽皮的( ) 陡峭的( ) 盛开的( ) 明亮的( ) 红润的( ) 弯弯的( ) 宽阔的( ) 翻滚的( ) 兴奋地( ) 认真地( ) 欢快地( ) 微微地( ) 十一、选一选,填一填。(7 分) 1,找出对应的反义词。(4 分) (导学号:28144077) 粗 高 长 正 白 热闹 勤劳 危险 低 短 懒惰 冷清 安全 反 黑 细 ( )——( ) ( )——( ) ( )——( )

( )——( ( )——( ) ( )——( ) ( )——( ) ( )——( ) ) 2.找出对应的近义词。(3 分) 粗心著名特别漂亮连忙愉快 非常马虎有名赶忙美丽高兴 ( )——( ) ( )——( ) ( )——( ) ( )——( ) ( )——( ) ( )——( ) 十二、我能按要求写词语。(每组至少写三个)(10 分) 1.AABB 式: 2.含“风”字的四字词语: 3.描写冬天的四字词语: 4.(导学号:28144078)含动物名的成语: 5.含数字的成语:十三、照样子,写词语。(10 分) 1.例:冷得(直哆嗦) 热得( ) 急得( ) 吓得( ) 累得( ) 2.例: (荡)来(荡)去 ( )来( ( )来( )去 )去 ( )来( ( )来( )去 )去 3.例:(胡)言(乱)语 ( )言( )语( )言( )语( )言( )语( )言( )语4.例:又(高)又(大) ( )来( )去( )来( )去( )来( )去( )来( )去5.例:(荡)秋千 ( )京戏( )图画( )黑板 ( )泥人( )尾巴( )衣服


M2词汇题 一、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词 1.—Has Mr. Green e visited the Palace Museum?—No, never. 2.I had only a little money, so I couldn’t a the expensive watch. 3.It’s a p that you can’t go hiking with us. 4.Everyone has his own d about life, study, hobby, vacation and so on. 5.We’d like to have a New Year’s party and i all of our friends and relatives to it. 6.Thanks a lot for i me to your birthday party, Mike. 7.— I want to study in Beijing University in the future.—Work hard and your d will come true. 8.The price of the bike is too high. I can’t a it. 9.—I didn’t go to the concert last night.—What a p. It was very wonderful. 10.M o Yan is a famous writer. He won the Nobel (诺贝尔) P in literature (文学). 11.G ina won the first prize in the singing c, so we were proud of her. 12.T he red T-shirt is very expensive and I can’t a to buy it. 13.I f you m blue and yellow, you’ll get green. 14.M y little sister could c from 1 to 10 in English when she was two. 15.Her d was to be a teacher and it came true last year. 16.Paris is the capital of F. 17.Hua Mulan is a woman hero in a history. 18.London is famous for the T of London and Big Ben. 19.Mo Yan is the first Chinese to win the Nobel(诺贝尔)Literature P. 20.Mary’s d is to be a famous writer. 21.How clever the little boy is!He is able to(能够)c down from 100 to 0. 22.The man has lots of money. He can a to buy everything but he doesn’t feel happy. 23.It’s a p that I can’t go hiking with you because of my illness. 二、根据句意,选择正确的词语完成句子。 1.With the help of the teacher, I improved my (speak/speaking) in English. 2.Have you eaten Beijing duck (before/ago)? 3.Mum, this is my fourth time to try it. I still can’t do it. I want to stop (trying/to try) now. 4.Don’t worry! We’ll finish all of the work (on/in) two hours. 5.Li Lei (has also / also has) visited the Great Wall recently. 6.The Smith family (move) to this city three years ago. 7.Most children enjoy (eat) hamburgers. 8.During the winter holiday, Ted learned (skate) on the real ice.


2019版高一英语必修一词汇过关检测 Welcome Unit 【基础巩固】 一.读准单词,并说出汉语意思 1.exchange /?ks?t?e?nd?/ __________ 2. lecture /?lekt??(r)/ __________ 3. registration /?red???stre??n / __________ 4.register/ ?red??st?(r) / __________ 5. sex /seks/ __________ 6. female /?fi:me?l/ __________ 7. male / me?l/ __________ 8. nationality /?n????n?l?ti/ __________ 9. nation / ?ne??n/ __________ 10. designer /d??z a?n?(r)/ __________ 11. design / d??z a?n / __________ 12. campus / ?k?mp?s / __________ 13. formal / ?f?:ml / __________ 14. anxious / ???k??s / __________ 15. annoyed /??n??d/ __________ 16. annoy /??n??/ __________ 17. frightened /?fra?tnd/ __________ 18. senior /?si:ni?(r)/ __________ senior high school __________ 19. at last__________ 20. outgoing / ?a?tg???? / __________ 21. impression /?m?pre?n/ __________ make an impression__________ 22. impress /?m?pres/ __________ 23. what if __________ 24. guy / ga? / __________ 25. concentrate / ?k?nsntre?t /__________ 26. experiment /?k?sper?m?nt/__________ 27. leave...alone __________ 28. awkward / ??:kw?d / __________ 29. junior / ?d?u:ni?(r)/ __________ junior high school__________ 30. explore / ?k?spl?:(r)/ __________ 31. confident /?k?nf?d?nt/ __________ 32. confidence /?k?nf?d?ns/ __________ 33. forward / ?f?:w?d / __________ look forward to __________ 34. take notes__________


人教版五年级语文字词过关检测密卷 考试时间:90分钟 满分:100分 姓名:____________ 班级:____________ 学号:____________ 1、填写答题卡的内容用2B 铅笔填写 2、提前 xx 分钟收取答题卡 1题;共4分) . ____________ (4分) 1题;共3分) ng fāng zhōng guó yǒu ____________ (3分) 9题;共5分) ____________染 (0.5分) chù ____________立 (0.5分) chéng ____________罚 (0.5分)

liǎn bǐng ____________声____________气(1分) jiǒng 困____________ (0.5分) liè 恶____________ (0.5分) chī ____________迷(0.5分) rǔ 侮____________ (0.5分) è ____________耗(0.5分) (只排序号)(共1题;共2分) ④空调⑤微波炉⑥手机⑦消毒柜⑧影碟机 ____________ (2分) 8题; 8分) (____________) (1分) 严陈以待(____________) 杯水车新(____________) (1分) 美仑美奂(____________) 银妆素裹(____________) (1分) 不昔代价(____________) 雪中送碳(____________) (1分) 晕迷不醒(____________) 淹淹一息(____________) (1分) 迫不急待(____________) 一声不亢(____________) (1分) 负刑请罪(____________) 同心胁力(____________) (1分) 攻无不刻(____________) 抓耳挠鳃(____________) (1分)


六年级上英语上册单词过关测试卷 班级:____________姓名:____________分数:____________ 一、补充下列单词、(10分) 1、k_tch_n 2、r_fr_g_rat_r 3、w_is_er 4、ve_et_b_e 5、tr__ngle 6、a_art_ent 7、l_nte_n 8、m_n_ 9、de_ici__10、y_st_rd_y 二、翻译(10分) 1. 这个女人是做什么的?_____________________________________ 2. 今天天气怎么样?________________________________ 3. 我正在打扫我的卧室。________________________________ 4. 是该睡觉的时间了。__________________________________ 5. 在冬天戴上我的帽子和围巾。____________________________ 三、用括号里所给词的适当形式填空(20分) 1. Li Hong is ____ (young) than Wang Xin. 2. Cathy is the ____ (two) one to get up in her family. 3. There are many _____ (sheep) on the farm. 4.These are our ______(toothbrush). 5.Children are _______(sit) in a couch. 6.Mr. Wood sometimes _______(ride) a bicycle to school . 7.The wind blows the _________(leaf) off the trees . 8.Spring, summer, fall and winter are ______(season). 9.We _____________(shop) for Christmas gifs in the shop now. 10.What do you want __________?(eat) 四、按要求完成下面的句子(20分) 1. We are talking about that book.(就划线部分提问) ___________________________________ ? 2.It’s July twenty——second。(就划线部分提问) ____________________________________? 3.I think I can。(改为否定句) _________________________________________? 4. Jiu Zhaigou(九寨沟) is very beautiful.(变感叹句) __________________________________________! 5.Yesterday we bought gifts。(就划线部分提问) ? 五、选出正确的答案(20分)


三年级下册语文字词过关检测密卷 一、将下面的汉字按音序排列。(写序号)(2分) ①倦②痕③代④型⑤遵⑥钳 排列:_______________________________________________________________ 二、给下面句中加点的多音字注音。(4分) 1.我按照小兔子的模.()样用橡皮泥做了一个模.()型 2.他就爱瞎折.()腾,结果全折.()本了。 3.校门口竖着围杆.()的地方放着一杆.()秤。 4.她将缝.()衣服的针掉到砖缝.()里取不出来了。 三、我会写出含有下面偏旁的字。(8分) ()() ()口()()讠() ()() ()() ()扌()()纟() ()() 四、选字组词。(8分) 1.组阻祖()拦()国()织小() 2.厉历励()害严()()史鼓() 3.娇骄矫()傲()惯()健()艳 4.秒吵抄()架()写()钟分() 五、按查字典的要求填空。(6分) 1.“致”字用音序查字法应查音序_______,再查音节_______;用部首查字法应查_______部,再查_______画。“致”在字典中的解释有:①达到,实现;②招致,引起;③精密,精细。在“精致”一词中应选第_______种解释。 2.“威”是_______结构的字,部首是_______,除部首外还有_______画,笔画书写顺序是:__________________________。 六、下面词语中有六个错别字,请找出并改正。(6分) 莲篷等待检查谦虑保存欧州

创举健筑辩认木棒秘蜜央求 七、根据拼音写词语。(6分) 1.我的身段多么yún chèn(),我的角多么精美bié zhì(),好像两束美丽的珊瑚! 2.赵州桥表现了劳动人民的zhì huì()和才干,是我国宝贵的lì shǐ()文化遗产 3.秋天带着金黄色的光辉shén qí()地来到了,那时,道路上好像洒满guāng máng()。 八、在下面括号里填上恰当的词语。(6分) ()的图画()的货船()地长大()地说 ()的帽子()的刀剑()地飘荡()地跳开 一()狮子一()种子一()雨珠一()山花九、选词填空。(5分) 改进改变改正 1.人民的生活水平提高了,生活方式也有很大的()。 2.有个叫蔡伦的人,吸收了人们长期积累的经验,()了造纸术。 3.既然已经认识到自己的错误,就要坚决()。 轻便轻巧方便 4.但是,这种书很笨重,阅读、携带、保存都很不()。 5.帛比竹片、木片(),但是价钱太贵。 十、找出下面句中用错的词语画“_____”,并在括号中改正。(5分) 1.有一天,人们来到这里,掘开厚厚的堆积物,发觉了那个陶罐。() 2.早在几千年前,我们的祖先就创建了文字。() 3.海底蕴含着丰富的煤、铁、石油和天然气。() 4.它们开花的时间往往跟昆虫活动的时间相重合。() 5.老师傅耳朵不好,听不清小沙的抗争。()十一、写出下面词语的近义词或反义词。(3分)


Unit 2 △subway n.地下人行道;<美>地铁elevator n.电梯;升降机 petrol n. <英>汽油(=<美>gasoline) gas n.汽油;气体;煤气;毒气 official adj.官方的;正式的;公务的voyage n.航行;航海 △conquer vt.征服;占领 because of因为;由于 native adj.本国的;本地的 n.本地人;本国人 come up走近;上来;提出 apartment n. <美> 公寓住宅; 单元住宅 actually adv.实际上;事实上 AD 公元 base vt.以……为根据 n.基部;基地;基础 at present现在;目前 gradual adj.逐渐的;逐步的 gradually adv.逐渐地;逐步地 Danish n.丹麦语 adj.丹麦的;丹麦人的;丹麦语的△enrich vt.使富裕;充实;改善vocabulary n.词汇;词汇量;词表 △Shakespeare 莎士比亚(英国剧作家,诗 人) make use of利用;使用 spelling n.拼写;拼法 △Samuel Johnson 塞缪尔·约翰逊(英国作家,批评家) △Noah Webster 诺厄·韦伯斯特(美国词典编纂家) latter adj.较后的;后半的; (两者中)后者的 identity n.本身;本体;身份 fluent adj.流利的;流畅的 fluently adv.流利地;流畅地Singapore n.新加坡(东南亚国家)Malaysia n.马来西亚(东南亚国家); 马来群岛 such as例如……;像这种的 frequent adj.频繁的;常见的 frequently adv.常常;频繁地usage n.使用;用法;词语惯用法command n.& vt.命令;指令;掌握request n. & vt.请求;要求 △dialect n.方言 expression n.词语;表示;表达midwestern adj.中西部的 有中西部特性的 African adj.非洲的;非洲人的;非洲语言 的 Spanish adj.西班牙的;西班牙人的;西班 牙语的 n.西班牙人;西班牙语 play a part (in) 扮演一个角色;参与eastern adj.东方的;东部的southeastern adj.东南方的; 来自东南的morthwestern adj.西北方的; 来自西北的recognize vt.辨认出;承认;公认 lorry n. <英>卡车(=<美>truck) △Houston n.休斯顿(美国城市) △Texas n.德克萨斯州(美国州名)accent n.口音;腔调;重音 △catfish n.鲶鱼 lightning n.闪电 straight adv. 直接;挺直 adj.直的;笔直的;正直的block n.街区;块;木块;石块 cab n.出租车


高三英语单词过关检测一 班级:________________ 姓名:________________ 得分:_________________ 1.the ______________ 大西洋 2.Constable was a great English___________. 康斯太布尔是伟大的英国画家. 3.We waited for the ___________ of our guests. 我们等著客人的到来。 4.He shot an ___________ at the hare. 他对准野兔射了一箭。 5.He has written an ___________ for the magazine. 他已给该刊撰写了一篇文章。 6.The _______________ of the city is very much polluted.那个城市的空气受到严重污染。 7.She was ___________ of having failed in the examination. 她因考试不及格而感到羞愧。 8.China is an ___________ country. 中国是个亚洲国家。 9.We had an ____________ about politics. 我们就政治展开了争论。 10.She will ____________ to beat the world record. 她决心要打破世界纪录. 11.The news _____________ everyone. 这消息使大家感到惊讶. 12._____________ is one of my favorite subjects. 天文学. 13.The _________ won two gold medals in the Olympics.这位运动员在奥林匹克运动会上获得两块金牌。 14.We have already made _______________ for our vacation. 我们已经为假期作了安排。 15.He worked as an ___________ to the President. 他当过总统助理。 16.He was born in _____________. 8月 17.They decided to ___________ at night. 他们决定夜晚进攻. 18.Listen ___________ to the speaker. 专心地听演讲人的话 19.She shows a very positive ___________ to her work. 她工作态度非常积极. 20.These toys are a real ___________ at such low prices.这些玩具的价格这么便宜, 真划得来。 21.He is the first ___________ to walk on the moon.他是第一位在月球漫步的太空人。 22.The ___________ enjoyed every minute of the performance.观众自始至终欣赏这次演出。 23.He is from ___________.澳洲 24.My car ___________ has run down. 我汽车上的电池用完了。 25.The ground is covered with leaves in _____________. 秋天 26.The ___________ age of the students is 19. 学生的平均年龄是19岁. 27.They all ___________ mentioning that name. 他们都避免提及那名字。 28.Vocabulary is ___________ to English learners. 词汇对于英语学习者来说是基本的。 29.The offer is very ___________ to us. 这一出价对我们具有很大吸引力。 30.Playing ___________ is good for our body. 羽毛球 31.Passengers checked their ___________ before boarding the plane. 旅客上飞机前托运了行李。 32.Try to ___________ your diet by eating more fruit and less meat. 尽量多吃水果少吃肉, 均衡饮食. 33.I think you need to see a doctor for your ___________.我想你的腰痛需要看医生。 34.They are vacationing at the ___________.他们正在海滨度假。 35.Our dog always ___________ at strangers. 我们的狗一见生人就叫. 36.___________ is very popular among Americans. 棒球运动很受美国人的欢迎。 37.Schools have ___________ the use of cell phones. 学校已经禁止使用手机. 38.He was shot to death in a gun ___________. 他在枪战中被击毙。 第 1 页共8 页


小学语文第二册词语表(一)(要求会认读) 第一单元 《识字1》 万一复习反复复苏苏州柳树柳叶歌唱歌声跳舞结冰泉水一齐争取取笑看齐百年鸣不平百叶窗 雪花飞舞桃红柳绿百花齐放泉水丁冬冰天雪地百鸟争鸣 一丁点儿万众一心力争上游 需反复认读的词语: 认读日期:家长签名: 1《柳树醒了》 苏醒睡醒春雷雷雨打雷雷声洗澡枝头树枝枝叶柳枝心软发软梳头梳子树梢柳梢玩耍雷公公 需反复认读的词语: 认读日期:家长签名: 2《春雨的色彩》 毛线电线针线有趣乐趣趣味欢快欢乐休息出息雨滴年底海底论文争论淋雨水滴颜色题目出题问题答题难题洒水油画油田飘洒底下紫外线水淋淋滴水成冰 滴水穿石五颜六色 需反复认读的词语: 认读日期:家长签名: 3《邓小平爷爷植树》 种植节目岁月几岁年岁岁数年龄高龄栽树栽种行走

行人站台车站站立经常经过扶手扶正亲自乡亲父亲母亲亲情已经已往人行道植物园邓爷爷欢天喜地欢声笑语 欢声雷动节外生枝日行千里 需反复认读的词语: 认读日期:家长签名: 4《古诗两首》 见闻新闻写诗诗歌作诗古诗古文古人用处香烟烟花到处童年醉了睡眠冬眠童话连忙帮忙居住故居首长首都散会散步村长乡村村居让人心醉大忙人一首诗 闻鸡起舞古色古香 需反复认读的词语: 认读日期:家长签名: 《语文园地一》 评比好评访问家访轿车花轿饭钱金钱局长邮局邮包邮件挤满挤牛奶一笔钱 需反复认读的词语: 认读日期:家长签名: 第二单元 《识字2》 父母懂事教学教师认错认真认识错误事情改正愿意心愿许愿愿望情愿碗筷洗碗花碗竹筷扫地打扫夸大

夸张改动错过故事心事父亲祖父母爱外貌懂礼貌 听不懂知错就改 需反复认读的词语: 认读日期:家长签名: 5《看电视》 完全奇妙完整做完奇怪奇特美妙了却精彩精美精神比赛赛跑赛马赛事关心关门关掉调换换人球员员工队员音乐声音舞蹈全家书写写字爸爸妙笔生花 手舞足蹈闻鸡起舞 需反复认读的词语: 认读日期:家长签名: 6《胖乎乎的小手》 喜欢一张刚才贴画白墙墙上替换拖鞋拖地皮鞋棉鞋球鞋鞋帮帮忙帮助变化变脸事情心情热情高兴开会笑脸看着等一等胖乎乎 需反复认读的词语: 认读日期:家长签名: 7《棉鞋里的阳光》 棉鞋棉花棉被盖住盖子中午午饭午间丰收收发收入收成脱衣脱帽平躺躺下合格格外眼睛眼光眼色合眼摆脱摆放摇摆晒太阳收本子 需反复认读的词语: 认读日期:家长签名:


SH1 Module2 A words 1.amusing adj. 有趣的,好玩的;引人发笑的v. 逗乐;打发;使…高兴词根: amuse adj. amused 愉快的,顽皮的;被逗乐的amusive 愉快的;有趣的 adv. amusingly 有趣地;好笑地n. amuse___ 消遣,娱乐;乐趣 vt. amuse 娱乐;消遣;使发笑;使愉快amuse oneself_____________ 2.energetic adj. 精力充沛的;积极的;有力的词根: energy adv. energetically 积极地;精力充沛地n. energy [物] 能量;精力;活力;精神 vt. energ ____给…能量;使精力充沛(等于energize) 同近义词:adj. 精力充沛的;积极的;有力的active , positive , live , 辨析: lively, active, energetic 这组词都有“积极的,活跃的”的意思,其区别是: lively 侧重支轮船快,机智,有生气。 active 指有活动能力,强调与消极或休止相反的积极活动状态。 energetic 提精力充沛、奋力从事某事业。 3. intelligent adj. 聪明的→_________________ n. 智力,才智 4.nervous adj. 神经的;紧张不安的;强健有力的词根: nerve adv. nervously 神经质地;焦急地;提心吊胆地n. nerve 神经;勇气;[植] 叶脉 nervous______ 神经质;紧张不安 词组短语:nervous system 神经系统central nervous system 中枢神经系统 feel nervous 感到紧张;发慌get nervous 变得紧张 https://www.doczj.com/doc/725050567.html,anised adj. 有组织的;组织起来的词根: organ v. 组织;构成___________adj. organic [有化] 有机的;组织的;器官的;根本的 organized 有组织的;安排有秩序的organizational 组织的;编制的 n. organization 组织;机构;体制; organize__ 组织者;承办单位; organ [生物] 器官;机构;风琴;嗓音organism 有机体;微生物 6.patient adj. 有耐性的,能容忍的n. 病人;患者词根: patient adv. patient_____ 耐心地;有毅力地n. patien____ 耐性,耐心;忍耐,容忍 patient of 能忍受patient with 对……有耐心mental patient 精神病人 patient care 病人护工;病人照护;病患照顾patient safety 病人安全 7.serious adj. 严肃的,严重的;认真的;庄重的;危急的词根: serious adv. seriously 认真地;严重地,严肃地n. seriousness 严重性;严肃;认真 be serious about 严肃;认真对待serious damage 严重损害;严重损坏 serious illness 重大疾病serious injury 重伤;严重损害nothing serious 不严重;没什么大问题 8.strict adj. 严格的;绝对的;精确的;详细的strict control 严格控制 be strict with 对…要求严格be strict in 对…要求严格in the strict sense 严格说来 9.incorrectly词根:correct vt.__________改正;告诫adj ___________修正的;校正的adv._______正确地n. collect_____ 修正,改正https://www.doczj.com/doc/725050567.html,pletely adv 十分的,完全的adj __________完整的v. ___________ 完成


三年级下册语文字词过关检测卷 一、将下面的汉字按音序排列。(写序号)(2分) ①倦②痕③代④型⑤遵⑥钳 排列:_______________________________________________________________ 二、给下面句中加点的多音字注音。(4分) 1.我按照小兔子的模.()样用橡皮泥做了一个模.()型 2.他就爱瞎折.()腾,结果全折.()本了。 3.校门口竖着围杆.()的地方放着一杆.()秤。 4.她将缝.()衣服的针掉到砖缝.()里取不出来了。 三、我会写出含有下面偏旁的字。(8分) ()() ()口()()讠() ()() ()() ()扌()()纟() ()() 四、选字组词。(8分) 1.组阻祖()拦()国()织小() 2.厉历励()害严()()史鼓() 3.娇骄矫()傲()惯()健()艳 4.秒吵抄()架()写()钟分() 五、按查字典的要求填空。(6分) 1.“致”字用音序查字法应查音序_______,再查音节_______;用部首查字法应查_______部,再查_______画。“致”在字典中的解释有:①达到,实现;②招致,引起;③精密,精细。在“精致”一词中应选第_______种解释。 2.“威”是_______结构的字,部首是_______,除部首外还有_______画,笔画书写顺序是:__________________________。 六、下面词语中有六个错别字,请找出并改正。(6分) 莲篷等待检查谦虑保存欧州 创举健筑辩认木棒秘蜜央求

1.我的身段多么yún chèn(),我的角多么精美bié zhì(),好像两束美丽的珊瑚! 2.赵州桥表现了劳动人民的zhì huì()和才干,是我国宝贵的lì shǐ()文化遗产 3.秋天带着金黄色的光辉shén qí()地来到了,那时,道路上好像洒满guāng máng()。 八、在下面括号里填上恰当的词语。(6分) ()的图画()的货船()地长大()地说 ()的帽子()的刀剑()地飘荡()地跳开 一()狮子一()种子一()雨珠一()山花九、选词填空。(5分) 改进改变改正 1.人民的生活水平提高了,生活方式也有很大的()。 2.有个叫蔡伦的人,吸收了人们长期积累的经验,()了造纸术。 3.既然已经认识到自己的错误,就要坚决()。 轻便轻巧方便 4.但是,这种书很笨重,阅读、携带、保存都很不()。 5.帛比竹片、木片(),但是价钱太贵。 十、找出下面句中用错的词语画“_____”,并在括号中改正。(5分) 1.有一天,人们来到这里,掘开厚厚的堆积物,发觉了那个陶罐。() 2.早在几千年前,我们的祖先就创建了文字。() 3.海底蕴含着丰富的煤、铁、石油和天然气。() 4.它们开花的时间往往跟昆虫活动的时间相重合。() 5.老师傅耳朵不好,听不清小沙的抗争。()十一、写出下面词语的近义词或反义词。(3分) 1.近义词。


必修二Module2 Ⅰ. 单词荟萃 1. addict n.入迷的人;瘾君子→adj.使人上瘾的,使人入迷的→adj.上瘾的,入迷的→addiction n.瘾,入迷,嗜好 2. danger n. 危险→adj.危险的→vt.危及;使遭到危险 3. adj.有力的;有功效的→adj没有力量的→power n.力量,权利 4. n.联系;关系;关联→connect v.联系→adj.有关联的 5. vt.减少→reduction n.减少 6. adj.违法的,不合法的→legal adj.合法的 7. v.不同意,意见不合→n.不一致,争论→agree vt.同意→ n.协议;(意见等)一致 8. treatment n. 治疗→treat v.治疗 9. v.影响→n.影响,作用 10. participant n.参与者;参加者→v.参加,参与→participation n.参与,参加 11. v.认出,识别;认可→recognition n.认出,识别,承认 Ⅱ.短语检测 1.与...有关系9.提高(价格等) 2.破门而入10.由于...的结果 3.与..共享11.设定一个日期 4.处于危险中12.制定计划 5.对..上瘾13.列出一个...的单子 6.处于痛苦中14. 培养新的兴趣 7.听取某人的建议15.参加...班/课程的学习 8.为了 Ⅲ.佳句再现 1.Thirteen people die every hour from illness related to smoking tobacco, such as cancer,bronchitis and heart disease. 2.It was such a dangerous drug that he nearly died. 3.Now I work in a centre for drug addicts, helping others to stop taking drugs. 4.In most states in the US, it is against the law to smoke in public buildings. 5.I couldn’t agree more. Ⅳ.单元语法 1.addict n. 入迷的人,有瘾的人 (1)addictive adj. 使人上瘾的;是人着迷的 addicted adj. 入迷的,有瘾的 addiction n. 瘾,入迷,嗜好 (2)be/get addicted to 热衷于;对...上瘾 【温馨提示】 和addicted搭配的to为介词,后面若加东西要用动名词形式 【活学活用】 (1)Smokers are likely nicotine.吸烟的人容易对尼古丁上瘾 (2)I took up skiing a couple of years ago and I . 我几年前开始练滑雪,发现这项运动挺让人着迷 2.likely adj.(probable)很可能的adv. 或许,很可能


一、 重点单词 1. 致力于,献身 ___________________ 3.满意( n.)______________________ 5.西班牙语;西班牙人 ______________ 7.以前的 __________________________ 9. ____________________________毕 业;毕业生 ________________________ 11.极佳的,非常好的 _______________ 13.教授 ___________________________ 15.广播;播放 _____________________ 17. ___________________________选 择,挑选 __________________________ 19.准备,筹备( n.) _____________ 2文. 学 _________________________ 4额. 外的 _______________________ 6学. 业的,学术的 _______________ 8交. 换,交流 ___________________ 10流. 利的 ______________________ 12朝. 代;王朝 __________________ 14不. 知为什么;不知怎么的 ______ 16一. 代;一代人 ________________ 18作. 品;成分 __________________ 20(. 重要)事件 _________________ 二、 重点词组 1. ____________________________ 喜爱,喜欢 ________________________ 2免. 费 _____________________________ 3. ____________________________ 回忆,回顾 ________________________ 4开. 放时间 _________________________ 5.负责,掌管 _______________________ 6充. 分利用 _____________________ 7.尊重,尊敬某人 ___________________ 8挣. 钱 _________________________ 9.培养对…兴趣 ______________________ 10F 均 ____________________________ 1 1 .遗憾地说 ______________________ 1 2准.备一个演讲 ________________ 13■把A 介绍给B ___________________ 14寸…感到满意 __________________ 15.一到达飞机场 ____________________ 16充. 当,当做 __________________ 17.把某物捐给某人 __________________ 18后. 悔做了某事 ________________ 19. 靠近,紧挨着 ___________________ 20通. 知某人某事 ________________ 21.被要求做某事 ____________________ 22赞. 成,同意某事 ______________ 23.由…组成 _________________________ 2以…为基础 _______________________ 25. 听起来像 _______________________ 26想. 出,提出(观点,想法) ______ 27.管理一个广播俱乐部 ______________ 28注. 意 _________________________ 29. 一份激励人有挑战的工作 _______________________________________________ 30. 体验一种不同的生活方式 _______________________________________________

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