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学术英语写作(一):动词及动词短语的运用(2011-03-10 11:05:51)



Put succinctly

学术英语写作(Academic Writing)是一个很复杂的过程。母语是英语的人尚如此--美国大一新生都要求选修大学英语阅读与写作课程,就更不要说把英语当外语学的人。然而,随着英语在全球的广泛应用与学习,特别是在学术、经济、科技等领域中的国际交流地位,学术英语写作不仅成为在海外留学的中国学生必修课,也是欲在国际期刊、会议中发表学术论文的研究人员和大学教师必须面对的问题。




但是如何在言语中体现正式呢?动词的选用就能帮你结决部分问题。如:口语里,我们会说:He said something. 或者,He told them something else. 那么在学术写作里,当你要表达同样意思时,就需要把动词换成描述性更强,更具体的词。如:He explained something. 或者,He stressed something else.

第二点就是要注意语气,根据语气来选择具体单词。emphasize和insist的语气就要比write 和state强。

第三点是尽量避免使用动词短语,而是选择同样意思的单个词语。固定动词短语,如come up with,是很多人英语口语学习中的重点,因为往往把这些短语运用好了,就能显得你说的英


do not have enough lack

get rid of eliminate

show up appear

come up with offer; develop

make up (组成)constitute

go down decrease

look into investigate

(try to) figure out (try to) determine

run into encounter

bring up (questions) raise (questions)


另外在学术写作中,因为常常要做文献回顾,引用他人的文章或成果,所以"reporting verbs"(报告式动词)颇为常用。我在阅读学生的写作时常常发现同一个词被多次重复使用,用或者不分具体意思混合使用。区分这些动词是非常重要的,它能体现作者对所引文献的态度。

下面这个总结包括了常用的reporting verbs,以及它们在什么语境下使用。

1. 一些词是中性的:

Smith (2004) describes...

Jones (1999, p 3) states...

Green (2002) defines...

2. 一些词是要体现被引用者的观点:

Harris (2001) argues...

O'Neill (1997) disputed...

Jackson (2003) conceded...

3. 一些词报告关于被引用者研究工作的信息:

Holmes (2000) investigated...

Church (1998) evaluated...

McColl (2002) estimated...

4. 一些词是要突出被引用者的观点:

Brown (2001) believes...

McAllister (1996) recognized...

Smith (2004) predicted...


analyze/analyzed;compares/compared ;comments/commented ;concludes/concluded;criticizes/criticized ;demonstrates/demonstrated ;discusses/discussed;illustrates/illustrated;indicates/indicated ;notes/noted;observes/observed ;points out/pointed out;reports/reported ;shows/showed ;suggests/suggested ;validates/validated;verifies/verified

学术英语写作(二):连词和连词词组(2011-03-10 11:03:39)



学术英语写作(Academic Writing)是一个很复杂的过程。母语是英语的人尚如此--美国大一新生都要求选修大学英语阅读与写作课程,就更不要说把英语当外语学的人。然而,随着英语在全球的广泛应用与学习,特别是在学术、经济、科技等领域中的国际交流地位,学术英语写作不仅成为在海外留学的中国学生必修课,也是欲在国际期刊、会议中发表学术论文的研究人员和大学教师必须面对的问题。


写作也是一种人与人之间的言语沟通。作者的用词不仅在传达意思,也在反应作者本身的学术文化修养。这个过程在母语学习中是比较水到渠成的,然而在外语学习里,却需要学习者的额外意识。学术写作中要注意的问题,在商业、法律等正式文书写作里也是通用的。继动词之后,这一篇主要讨论连词(linking words) 和连词词组(linking phrases)的使用。


不一样的,即使意思类似,在句法上也会有所不同。也就是说,后面应该跟着词组还是句子都要看具体连词的句法属性。例如,but和however都是但是、然而,表转折的意思。在写作时,but 后面只能跟从句,而however 则能作为一句话的开始。例句如下:

1)The weather is very nice today, but I don't feel like going out.

2) The weather is very nice today. However, I prefer staying at home.





in addition,...


in addition to




even though


despite the fact (that)...

however, ...

nevertheless, ...


in spite of




so therefore,...

as a result,...




because of

due to

as a result of



in other words, ...

that is (i.e.), ...





in contrast, ...

however, ...

on the other hand, ...

conversely, ... unlike



for example,...

for instance,...



on the contrary, ...

as a matter of fact, ...

in fact, ...


*Today I went to watch the movie "Avatar" at IMAX 3D with my friends, it was very fun, we all liked it a lot, were amazed by the technology.


Today, I went to watch the movie "Avatar" at IMAX 3D with my friends; it was very fun. We all liked it a lot, and were amazed by the technology.


1)As a matter of fact, I enjoyed the seminar very much.

2) Interestingly, we wore the same dress today.



学术英语写作(三):(评价性)形容词(2011-03-10 11:09:40)




学术英语写作(Academic Writing)是一个很复杂的过程。母语是英语的人尚如此--美国大一新生都要求选修大学英语阅读与写作课程,就更不要说把英语当外语学的人。然而,随着英语在全球的广泛应用与学习,特别是在学术、经济、科技等领域中的国际交流地位,学术英语写作不仅成为在海外留学的中国学生必修课,也是欲在国际期刊、会议中发表学术论文的研究人员和大学教师必须面对的问题。

写作是一种人与人之间的言语沟通。作者的用词不仅在传达意思,也在反应作者本身的学术文化修养。这个过程在母语学习中是比较水到渠成的,然而在外语学习里,却需要学习者的语言意识(metalinguistic awareness)。学术写作中要注意的问题,在商业、法律等正式文书写作里也是通用的。继动词和连词之后,这一篇主要讨论形容词,尤其是起评价作用的形容词(evaluative adjectives) 的使用。


这是因为在学术论文写作中,常常都需要对已有文献进行回顾,称literature review。换句话说,就是搜集相关课题的文章进行“批判式”分析和总结(critical analysis),在这个过程中就会对所引研究的方法、数据或结果进行评价,评价用语当然不能是单纯的good or bad,所以掌握符合自己研究领域的评价用词、恰当地进行评价是研究人员学术素养的一部分。除了论文外,写书评、当学术期刊的reviewer、在学术会议上对演讲者进行提问等情况下,都有可能用到这些评价性形容词。

根据Ken Hyland (2000)对8个学科(i.e.细胞生物学、电子工程、机械工程、物理学、市场营销、应用语言学、哲学和社会学)里160篇出版的书评进行的用于分析,发现:

1) 有些评价性形容词在所有学科里都是常用的,如useful, important, interesting;

2) 有些则在“软性”学科里较常用,如:clear, accessible;

3) 有些则在“硬性”学科里较常用, 如:detailed, up-to-date。


评价不可能总是正面的。在所有8个学科里,最常用的负面评价词是difficult。在“软性”学科里的书也可能被批评为inconsisdent, retricted, 和misleading。从此研究可见,其实学术写作用语是相对有限的,Hyland的研究则给我们提供了其中的一些规则。在目前所举的例子里,以笔者个人经验而言,最最常用的恐怕是interesting,基本上可以用interesting来研究的每一步骤,从设计到数据分析和结果,或者总体的评价。

学科个别性在评价性用于上还是值得注意的。比如simple/complex这一对比,在自然科学和医学学科里,用simple来形容一项研究是正面的,表示此研究设计清晰、计划到位,complex 则表示负面意思。但是当这一组词用在社科研究里,意思恰恰想法。simple是负面的,表示一个研究没有什么理论深度,complex则表达正面的意思: sophisticated. 在Becher(1987)的研究里,发现了以下学科用词区别。

Good Work

Average Work

Poor Work

















___ unusual

___ limited

___ ambitious

___ modest

___ small

___ restricted

___ important

___ flawed

___ useful

___ significant

___ innovative

___ interesting

___ careful

___ competent

___ impressive

___ elegant

___ simple

___ traditional

___ complex

___ small scale

___ exploratory

___ remarkable

___ preliminary


这些词语里有些可以用来评价研究的总体情况,如:In this unusual/important/significant/small-scale/ simple/exploratory study, Jones and Wang find out...

有些可以用来评价研究设计,如:the innovative/careful/complex design of the study

有些可以用来评价所搜集的数据,如: In spite of a sound theoretical background, the limited/flawed/ unstaisfactory/preliminary/restricted... data do not seem to support the researchers' argument.


Argumentative Phrases for a Formal Essay


Topic priming:

for a long time X, it has been the case that Y

it is/has been (often) asserted / believed / noted that X

most accounts of X state / claim / maintain that Y

according to , X is Y

one of the most controversial/important X’s (in the recent literature) is Y

Topic nomination (naming / identifying):

a. statement of purpose:

this paper intends / is designed to X

the Basic emphasis / purpose / goal of the paper / article is to X

*I/we / this paper intends to show / demonstrate / illustrate that X

the purpose of this study / analysis / discussion is to X

b. statement of topic:

this paper treats / discusses / claims that X

it is the case that X

*my/our / this paper’s argument is essentially that X

*I/we / this paper claims / maintains / contends that X

Statement of organization:

this paper will compare / contrast / describe / demonstrate that X (first) (by analyzing / comparing /

demonstrating) (that Y) (then by ____ing Z, and finally by ____ing A)

in what follows, X will be examined in erms of Y (and Z)



it can be claimed / said / assumed that X

it seems certain / likely / doubtful that X

*I/we / this paper maintains / claims that X


as X perceptively states

*I/we rather / somewhat / strongly agree with / support (the idea that) X

X provides / lends support to Y’s argument / claim / conclusion that Z / about Z



as X would have us believe,

*I/we rather / somewhat / strongly disagree with X

as X states 9somewhat) unclearly / erroneously

X does not support Y’s argument / claim / conclusion that Z

although X contends that Y

rather, this paper argues that X

X in no way substantiates / supports Y

X repudiates / disproves / disconfirms / calls Y into question


both X and Y are (quite) similar in that Z

X resembles Y

X and Y have / share some aspects of Z

X and Y have in common that Z

X is not unlike Y in that / with respect to Z


X is (quite) different from Y (in that Z)

X is not the case that / the same as Y

X in no way resembles Y

X contrasts with Y (in that Z)

X is unlike Y in that / with respect to Z


it is suggested / recommended that X

this study recommends that X

*I / we recommend / suggest that X


as proof / evidence / an example (for this) ...

according to ______

as X says / claims / maintains / demonstrates

X provides evidence / support that Y

X substantiates Y


X can / may / might be divided / classified into Y (and Z)

X and Y are categories / divisions of Z


X demonstrates / shows that Y

X is an illustration of Y

* First person, especially I, is strongly dispreferred in most formal academic writing.

Based on an excerpt from Nattinger, J. & DeCarrico, J. 1992. Lexical Phrase and Language Teaching.

Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press. pp. 165-6.

Useful phrases for academic writing, but also for debating

Here are suggestions for using words and phrases which could improve your academic writing structure and style as well as your debating prowess significantly.


?This essay will deal with the following aspects of the question...

?The aim of this essay is ......



?In order to link.... with ...., the background to ... will be briefly outlined.

?The first part of the analysis will examine....

?The second part of this analysis will consider...

?The final level of the analysis consists of...



?It is clear/ noticeable that...

?It is necessary/ important/ useful/ interesting/to note/point out/ highlight/ emphasise that


4. EMPHASIS MARKERS show clearly what you think is most important but allow you to avoid personal language such as 'I think'

Adjectives: main, crucial, important, significant, key, essential

Nouns: focus, element, concept, theory, aspect, part, idea, point, argument, discussion, debate Verbs: to emphasise, to summarise, to focus, to highlight


?The key aspect of this argument is

?The most crucial point made so far

?It is worth noting that

?Another relevant point is that



?Turning now to the question of

?Bearing in mind the previous points,

?Having considered (X)

?With regard to

?As far as ....... is concerned ___________________________________________


The group of 11 words called modals can help you avoid over-generalisation as they express degrees of certainty and possibility, thereby avoiding making statements which claim too much or suggest you know everything about a subject.

The 11 modals are:



By far the most useful modal verbs are CAN, MAY, COULD and MIGHT. If you say something IS true you may well be guilty of over-generalisation. If you say something MAY or MIGHT be true you avoid this problem.

?It could/might be said that ....

?It seems/appears ...

?It is generally thought/considered ......

?Some/many people think/believe ......



?It has been found that

?Research has shown that



?If, then

?Assuming that



?Given that

?Provided that

?Granted that

?If it is the case that& then,



?For example/instance

?In this situation/case

?To illustrate



?Again/ besides/ equally important/ in addition/ further/ furthermore/ moreover ?It must also be noted/ remembered that



?On the one hand, on the other hand

?Although it may be true that....however

?Whilst it is generally agreed that

?There exists a contradiction between ..... and

?Those in favour of/ Supporters/Advocates of

?Those opposed to/ Critics of



?In other words

?To put it another way

?That is to say



This is used to show more clearly what you think about different points. Do you already use these words? Could you use them more?

Positive adjectives: remarkable, innovative, complex, interesting, profound, comprehensive, powerful, rigorous, systematic, useful, sensitive, reliable, logical,

Negative adjectives: flawed, modest, unsatisfactory, inadequate, limited, restricted

Nouns: synthesis, survey, topic, study, review, history, concept, area, theme, overview, analysis, system

Verbs: explain, discuss, study, present, describe, bring into focus, consider, explore, illuminate, introduce, analyse, constitute


?The UNO has published an interesting survey...

?It presents a useful concept...

?However, the study is limited in that...



In general, DON'T! Try to organise your writing so that you stick to one point at a time. But if you must, you can use phrases such as:

?To return to an earlier point

?As noted before/above



?Briefly, we can say/ it can be said that

?To sum up

?Hence/therefore/accordingly/ consequently

?The evidence suggests, therefore

?In general what this means/ suggests/ indicates is

?It is clear from the above that



To conclude/In conclusion,

i t is not always straightforward for L2 teachers and researchers to 做。。。不是很明确Pursuant to=according to


【Vocabulary and Structure】专项练习100题 1. It is well known that Tomas Edison __________ the electric lamp. A. discovered B. Found C. developed D. invented 2. I couldn’t enter the lab because I had ____________ the key in my office. A. taken B. left C. missed D. got 3. I regret ____________ you that we are unable to offer you employment. A. informing C. to inform B. having informed D. to have informed 4. The chairman has informed us that he ____________a few minutes late after the meeting begins. A. has arrived C. could arrive B. should arrive D. may arrive 5. She had made __________many mistakes in the article that we couldn’t catch what she meant. A. such B. that C. so D. as 6. I sincerely ____________him to make great progress with his new job in a short tine. A. expect B. believe C. think D. instruct 7. Is ____________ necessary to complete the design before National Day? A. this B. that C. it D. such 8. She said she would live in London for ____________ four or five years. A. another B. others C. other D. the others 9. Mr. Smith used to smoke ____________but he has given it up now. A. badly B. seriously C. heavily D. hardly 10. Thousands of people took part in when the old temple ____________. A. was rebuilding C. would be rebuilt B. was being rebuilt D. had been rebuilt 【1.D 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.C 6.A7.C8.A9.C10.B】 11. ____ with each other, two systems can work better. A) When combine C) When combined B) When combining D) When they combined 12. It's important that everyone ____ here on time. A) is B) will be C) must be D) be 13. The stormy weather gradually gave _____ to a period of sunshine. A) room B) way C) space D) place 14. I could not do anything except just _____ for him to come round. A) waiting B) to wait C) waited D) wait 15. I can't _____ the sight of that poor man. A) suffer B) endure C) bear D) put up 16. Wang Ming ____ ill. I saw him playing basketball a moment ago. A) needn't have been C) couldn't have been B) must have been D) can't be 17. ____ that her son had fallen from a tree and broken his leg, she hurried back home.


ESP语汇整理 Unit7 单词 interactivity互动性 transformation转变(change) distrusting 不信任 alignment 结盟,调整 symptom症状 realm领域 acquisition获得,取得 twilight黄昏时分 ubiquitous无所不在的 instantaneous瞬间的 multimedia多媒体的 customization定做 potentially潜在的,可能的 reengage再次吸收,再次吸引 alienated感觉被疏远的 authenticity真实性 verification证实 dimensional维度的 regulatory管理的 converge聚合 convergence融合,趋同(coming together)merge融合,合并 millennium千年 interrelated相互影响的 volatility不稳定的,动摇的(unsteadiness)behemoth庞然大物,大公司 deregulation撤销管制规定 privatization私有化 spawn大量生产,酿成 unleash发泄(力量、感情) stabilize稳定 alignment调整 superpower超级大国 shareholder股东 emergence出现,浮现 crystallize使…具体化 analog(计算机)模拟的 upstream逆流的

capability能力 subscribe定制 connectivity联系 merger合并 domain域名 broadband宽带 paramount最重要的(chief concern)diversity多样性 inequitable不公平的 plague 给…带来麻烦 rather而非 namely即 subsequent 随后(following) ethical伦理的 gossip流言蜚语,八卦消息 词组 global information access全球信息访问multimedia content多媒体内容 extreme content customization极致的内容定制multinational corporate behemoths跨国企业巨头mergers and acquisitions兼并与收购 the penny press便士报纸 in the twilight of在…暮色中 an ever-escalating race不断升级的竞争 in the realm of在…领域 unavoidable curse不可避免的诅咒 undergo transformation经历转变presentthreat目前的威胁 applyrules应用规则 instantaneousreporting瞬时报道inequitableaccess不公平的 unleashforce释放力量 be exemplified by以…作为例证/来说明 a case in point例证 sound and fury大吵大闹 难句翻译


AWL Sublist 1 analyze[??n?laiz] vt.〈美〉分析, 分解, 解释 constitute[?k?nstitju:t] vt.构成, 组成建立, 制定选定, 任命 establish[is?t?bli?] vt.建立, 成立安置确定, 证实 indicate[?indikeit] vt.标示, 指示, 指出象征; 表明或暗示…的可能性 occur[??k?:] vi.发生; 举行; 存在被发现; 想到[起] role[r?ul] n.作用, 职责角色 approach[??pr?ut?] n.靠近, 接近, 临近通路, 入口, 途径方式, 方法vt.接洽, 交涉; 着手处理vt. & vi.接近, 走近, 靠近 context[?k?ntekst] n.背景, 环境上下文, 语境 estimate[?estimeit] n.估计, 估价报价判断vt. & vi.估计; 评价, 评估 individual[??ndi?vidju?l] adj.个别的, 单独的, 个人的独特的n.个人人 percent[p??sent] n.百分比,百分数 section[?sek??n] n.章节部分部门, 科截面, 剖面地区, 区 area[???ri?] n.面积区域, 地区领域, 方面 contract[k?n?tr?kt] n.契约, 合同vt.缔结; 订契约vt. & vi.染上(恶习, 疾病等)缩小; 紧缩 evident[?evid?nt] adj.明显的, 明白的 interpret[in?t?:prit] vt.解释; 说明vt. & vi.口译; 翻译 period[?pi?ri?d] n.(一段)时间时期, 时代学时, 课时句号, 句点 sector[?sekt?] n.部门; 领域防御地区, 防卫区域扇形, 扇形面 assess[??ses] vt.估价, 估计评定, 核定 create[kri?eit] vt.创造, 创作, 创建引起, 产生 export[eks?p?:t] n.输出, 出口输出[出口]物vt. & vi.出口, 输出 involve[in?v?lv] vt.使某事物成为必要条件或结果; 需要使参与, 牵涉 policy[?p?l?si] n.政策, 方针策略, 精明的行为, 上策保险单 significant[siɡ?nifik?nt] adj.重要的, 重大的, 可观的有意义的, 有用意的意味深长的assume[??sju:m] vt.假设, 臆断, 猜想假装承担, 担任, 就职呈现, 采取 data[?deit?] n.资料, 材料 factor[?f?kt?] n.因素, 要素〈数〉因子, 因数 issue[?isju:] n.问题, 议题; 争论点发行物放出, 流出; 发出, 发行〈正〉结果, 结局vi.冒出, 流出; 传出vt.出版, 发行发表, 发布分配, 发给 principle[?prins?pl] n.原则, 原理准则, 规范操守, 道义工作原理 similar[?simil?] adj.类似的; 同类的; 相似的; 同样的 authority[?:?θ?riti] n.权力, 职权官方, 当局权威, 专家 define[di?fain] vt.精确地解释; 界定规定, 确定 finance[fai?n?ns] n.财政, 金融财源, 资金, 财务情况vt.为…供给资金, 从事金融活动labour[?leib?] n.劳动, 努力; 工作劳工, 工人分娩, (分娩时的)阵痛vi.劳动; 努力艰难行进 proceed[pr??si:d] vi.前进; 行进进行; 继续下去 source[s?:s] n.河流的源头, 发源地来源, 出处原因提供资料者, 资料来源


1. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. He pratices (speak)English every day. 2. Our English teacher made us ____ __ (not talk)about our friends in Chinese. 3. I often see them (watch)TV. 4. My father always (teach)me how to study English last term . 5. I (call)you when I arrive there. 6. It’s seven o’clock. Everyone (read)English. 7. Don’t worry. I will tell you how (use)the computer.. 8. It is very important ________(not give)them a shower. 9. Do you mind my (close)the window? 10. I hope you (come).next Friday. 2. 用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空。 1.Tony usually _________(get)up at seven o'clock. 2.Betty _________(not often do)her homework on Friday. 3.Let's _________(go)to a Taijiquan class. 4.Daming can _________(talk)about jobs in English. 5.Kate _________(not have)got any brothers. 4. 用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。 1.He works hard and becomes a _____(law). 2.I don't like eating _____ fish.(fry) 4.Tom often goes to school without ______ breakfast.(have) 5.Do you live on the _____ floor? (nine) 5. 用所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。 1.He has much (interesting)in collecting stamps. 2.Believe in (you),Tony,and you are sure to succeed。 3.I found something important in (today)newspaper。 4.More trees and flowers should be (plant)to make our hometown beautiful,5.Don’t worry,Kitty.With our help,you will do much (well)next time.6.More and more people in the world are (begin)to learn Mandarin(普通话).7.It’s such a (wonder)song that we all like it.


一、选择题 1.--Mary failed the exam yesterday. --- Give her a phone call. We should ______. A.cheer up her B.cheer up C.cheer her up D.cheered up 2.Because of his mistakes when dealing with the electricity problems, last Friday he was by the company. A.got off B.took off C.kicked off 3.People often make a wish before candles when they celebrate birthday. A.bringing out B.laying out C.finding out D.blowing out 4.We can’t trust him. He always some excuses for doing something wrong. A.makes up B.sets up C.takes up D.puts up 5.As the road to the airport is under repair, we will have to _______ early to get there in time. A.turn off B.take off C.put off D.set off 6.George couldn’t wait to _________ his new car. A.put off B.set off C.take off D.show off 7.—You look so sad. What happened? 一The exam to be much harder than I thought. A.broke out B.carried out C.put out D.turned out 8.—Who is your favorite singer, Mike? —TF Boys. They are very ____ boys and girls. A.proud of B.popular with C.strict with D.worried about 9.______ a light when necessary. You will bring light to other people and yourself. A.Try on B.Get on C.Turn on D.Put on 10.— Can I speak to Mrs Green? — Sorry, wrong number. Please to 114 and check the number. A.put out B.put off C.put through D.put away 11.--You hate that TV play, don’t you? --Not _______. I just think it’s a bit boring. A.likely B.exactly C.nearly D.carefully 12.The math problem is so difficult that only few students can _______. A.work on it B.work for it C.work it over D.work it out 13.You should go to see him since he is so seriously ill. ________, he is your brother. A.In all B.First of all C.Above all D.After all 14.—It’s everyone’s duty to join the Clean Your Plate Cam paign. —Sure. We should try to _______all the food that we’ve ordered. A.give up B.eat up C.turn up D.show up 15.---Jack, you seemed _______ at the party.


Job and Ability: Chinese College Student s’Interpersonal Communication 求职与能力:中国大学生的人际交往 Students: Ye Ying Rui Course: English for Academic Communication Date: December, 2015 Course Paper Grade 2014

Introduction What is learnt in the university? Besides knowledge, the most major one is the interpersonal communication ability; university students should train various kinds of ability, for instance: People skills, grasp information ability, learning ability etc... Among them the cultivation of interpersonal communication is particularly important, great teacher of the revolution Marx has ever said: People are the total of different social relationships, everybody does not exist in isolation, and he must have the problem: how to make these relations, how to improve life quality, these will involve social ability .As important as interpersonal skills in the job, company think a lot of integrative ability especially social ability when recruit college students. However, according to the survey there are 59% college students have difficulty in interpersonal communication, and hard to get a job. Part One the Study of Chinese College Students’Interpersonal Communication Ability In the recently many companies held a fair in colleges all over the country, some corporate director said that employees' communication ability is the power that more and more crucial for enterprise in market competition to win, so more weight is given to a candidate's emotional intelligence. In the face of recruitment conditions, more and more college students feel the importance of interpersonal skills. With a vocational adaptability of college students, according to a survey, 41.98% of students think interpersonal skills training is helpful education content to find work, significantly more than the professional ability training (14.9%), basic knowledge and skills training (17.5%), and the psychological quality education (17.5%), and other abilities. The answer by choosing a career you feel what is lack of quality particularly, chooses interpersonal skills of up to 34.8%, rankling in the back, respectively is analysis and problem solving skills (28.8%), hands-on skills (25.9%), basic knowledge and skill (4.6%). What’s the most helpful ability when you apply for a job?

(英语)高中英语词汇训练测试(一)Unit 1—Unit 8

高中英语词汇训练测试(一) Unit 1—Unit 8 姓名分数 一、根据汉语写出单词的正确形式。(每小题一分) 1. Speaking with a strong (口音), be was laughed at sometimes. 2. Free (住宿)will be provided for all the contestants. 3. All the children must be (陪伴)by adults when riding the roller coaster. 4. His boss doesn't (欣赏)his talents, making him depressed. 5. Please ask him to leave his (地址)to us. 6.You should be (羞耻的)of yourself for telling such lies. 7. He was________(意外地) caught stealing when a postman was sending mail. 8. At school, we not only a (获得)knowledge but also improve ourselves in other aspects. 9. The students' union (倡议,提倡)that we beautify the campus by planting trees 10. (酒精的)drinks are forbidden in this restaurant. 11. He is so (好斗的)that his classmates tend to avoid him. 12. As an (有抱负的)young man, I aim high and spare no effort to achieve my goal. 13. After (分析)the situation, we agreed to take action immediately. 14. The book will teach you how to deal with (焦虑)in an effective way. 15. The (申请者)are required to hand in their resumes before May 15th. 16. His remarks aroused an (争论)among the people present. 17. After-class (活动)are treated as an essential part of school life. 18. I dream of being an (建筑师)in the future. 19. He went onto the stage and the audience began to (鼓掌)him for his courage. 20. (运动员)from all parts of the world will take part in the competitions. 21. My teachers are good at creating a relaxing (气氛)for us. 22. My neighbor is related to the (企图的)murder. 23. They entered the hall through the (自动的)door. 24. Don't judge others by (外貌). 25. The freshmen are listening to the pre8ident (专心地). 26. It is really a (廉价货)compared with goods of the same quality. 27. I will help to clear away all the (障碍)on the path ahead. 28. We were amazed at the (美)of nature. 29. I sleep for an (平均)of eight hours every day. 30. They can provide practical courses, especially for the (初学者). 二、写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。(每小题一分) 1. Theories are too abstract to be understood by kids. 2. The family members of the performers will have free admission. 3. There is an abundant supply of fresh water in this area. 4. We must stop abusing animals. 5. We were all shocked by his account of the accident. 6. The country children have access to good education now.


初中英语专题训练题 专题一:词汇部分(名词、数词、冠词) A:名词专项 可修饰名词的常用词: 1)修饰可数名词与不可数名词:some, any, a lot of, lots of, plenty of 2)饰可数名词的有:many, (a)few, a large (great) number of 3)只修饰不可数名词的有:much, (a)little, a great deal of 2、难点 1)名词所有格的归纳 1、a student's room, students' rooms, father's shoes。 2、Children's Day 3、a friend of my father's 4、a twenty minutes' walk,ten miles' journey,a boat's length,two pounds' weight, ten dollars' worth。 (说明:表示时间、距离、长度、重量、价格、世界、国家等名词的所有格要用 's)5、a map of China,the end of this term,the capital of our country, the color of the flowers。 (说明:无生命名词的所有格则必须用of结构) 6、Li Lei and Wang Fei's bedroom, an hour and a half's talk (说明:表示两个名词共有一样东西时,在第二个名词后面加's) 7、Jim's and Peter's desks; Joe's and David's books


学术英语(管理类)单词 第一单元 free enterprise自由企业制度adversity不幸,逆境capitalistic 资本主义的compelling 令人信服的array 大群,大量stockholder 股东work force 劳动力prospective 可能的underestimat 低估dedication 奉献perseverance 坚忍mailable 可邮寄的cooperative 合作完成的on-demand 按要求的billionaire 亿万富翁 undercapitalization 资本不足convertible 敞篷汽车sander 打磨机vendor 卖家 stockbroker 股票经纪人personality 名人facet 一个方面 mutual fund 共同基金 oceanic evaporation 海洋蒸发business plan 经营策划customer service 顾客服务fraud 欺骗road map 指南transaction 交易 price-targeting strategy 区别定价战略pricing 定价 hassle 困难,麻烦 self-targeting 使自己成为目标prise 撬开 insensitive 不敏感的,反应迟钝的recipe 菜谱 make sth. of sb/sth. 利用(机遇) illuminating 使清楚易懂的 turn sth on its head使……与之前相反的premium 溢价 profitable 有利可图的chili 小红辣椒triple 使成三倍markup 涨价 whopping 巨大的crisp 薯片snack 吃零食 admittedly 确实,无可否认的irritated 生气的outwit 以智取胜 close substitutes 功能接近的替代品 business landscape 商业格局,商业环境competitive dynamics 竞争的态势social web 社交网站


《英语常用学术词汇表》是由一些应用语言学家统计出来,最常用的有570个词目(headwords),每一个词目下面还列出了该词目的相关变化形式。其中斜体字,analysis,在学术英语中最为常见。 Sublist 1 of the Academic Word List analyse analysed analyser analysers analyses analysing analysis analyst analysts analytic analytical analytically analyze analyzed analyzes analyzing approach approachable approached approaches approaching unapproachable area areas assess assessable assessed assesses assessing assessment economy economic economical economically economics economies economist economists uneconomical environment environmental environmentalist environmentalists environmentally environments establish disestablish disestablished disestablishes disestablishing disestablishment established establishes establishing establishment establishments estimate estimated estimates estimating legislate legislated legislates legislating legislation legislative legislator legislators legislature major majorities majority method methodical methodological methodologies methodology methods occur occurred occurrence occurrences occurring occurs reoccur reoccurred reoccurring reoccurs percent percentage


三年级(上册) Unit 1 _______钢笔_______铅笔_______铅笔盒_______尺子 _______橡皮_______蜡笔 _______书_______书包 _______卷笔刀_______学校 Unit 2 _______头_______脸_______鼻子_______嘴_______眼睛_______耳朵_______胳膊_______手指 _______腿 _______脚_______身体 Unit 3 _______红色的_______黄色的_______绿色的_______蓝色的 _______紫色的_______白色的_______黑色的_______橙色的 _______粉色的_______棕色的 Unit 4 _______猫_______狗 _______猴子 _______熊猫 _______兔子 _______鸭子_______猪_______鸟 _______熊 _______大象_______老鼠_______松鼠 Unit 5 _______蛋糕_______面包_______热狗_______汉堡包_______鸡肉_______茶_______榨薯条_______可乐_______果汁_______牛奶_______水_______咖啡 Unit 6 _______一_______二_______三_______四 _______五 _______六_______七_______八_______九_______

十_______玩具娃娃_______小船_______球_______风筝 _______气球_______小汽车_______飞机 三年级(下册) Unit 1 _______男孩 _______女孩_______教师_______学生 _______这个_______我的 _______朋友_______好的。愉快的 _______早上好_______下午好_______遇见。碰见 _______再见_______也。太 Unit 2 _______父亲。爸爸 _______爸爸(口语) _______母亲。妈妈_______妈妈(口语) _______男人_______女人_______(外)祖母_______(口语)(外)祖母 _______(外)祖父_______(口语)(外)祖父 _______姐妹_______兄弟 _______让我们_______太好了_______真地。确切地_______和。并且_______多么。怎么样 Unit 3 _______十一_______十二_______十三_______十四 _______十五_______十六_______十七_______十八 _______十九_______二十 _______多少_______能够。可以_______看。瞧 Unit 4 _______桃 _______梨 _______橙子_______西瓜 _______苹果_______香蕉_______草莓_______葡萄_______喜欢_______一些。某些_______多谢 Unit 5 _______公共汽车 _______自行车 _______出租车_______吉普车_______课桌


ESP语汇整理 Unit1 单词 implicit暗示的 incentive激励,动机 prospect预料 alter改变(change) commentary琐碎,不重要的 idle无用的,空闲的 crucial重要的 orchard果园 speculation推测,深思(guess) assert主张,声称 oppose反对 marginal边缘的 offbeat不落俗套的 formulate阐述 accordingly因此 resource资源,娱乐 scarce稀缺的 rational理性的 enormously庞大地 encounter遭遇,遇见(come across) yield生产,屈服(produce) induce诱导,说服(persuade) regarding关于(regarding) adverse不利的(bad) probability可能性(likelihood) inherently固有的(existing naturally)controversial有争议的 coherence一致性 merit应获得;价值 attentively留心地 carpool合伙租用汽车 objective目标 shade渐变的颜色 fast节食 incremental增加的 exceed超过 logic推理方法 allocate分配

standby可信赖的人或物,备用品;待命地congestion拥挤 resistance抵抗 extension延期,扩大 proposal申请 implement使…生效 revenue收入,税收 cascade倾泻而下 stakeholder风险共同承担者 ambiguity歧义 promptly敏捷地 stake 打赌;赌注grant 答应,承认disguise伪装 词组 rational people理性人 marginal change边际变化 marginal benefit边际效益 marginal cost 边际成本 marginal decision-making 边际决策 net result净结果 achieve the high level of satisfaction获得最高的满意度maximize profits利益最大化 achieve objectives达到目标 be black and white简单以好坏评判 roll round快要来临 blow off逃避 fly standby准备飞行的 puzzling economic phenomena费解的经济现象 take an action采取措施 allocate scarce resources分配稀缺资源 end up with 以…结束 hybrid car混合动力汽车 comparison and contrast相同处和不同处unintended consequences非故意的结果 idle speculation毫无根据的猜测 level of satisfaction满意度 scarce resources稀缺资源 by contrast与之相比 as we will see正如我们看到的 in other words换言之

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