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临床麻醉(clinical anesthesia)仍然是麻醉学的主要内容,其基本内容是消除手术疼痛,保障病人安全,并为手术创造条件。麻醉作用的产生主要是利用麻醉药使中枢神经系统或神经系统中某些部位受到抑制的结果。根据麻醉作用部位和所用药物的不同,可将临床麻醉方法进行分类(表)。

全身麻醉General Anesthesia

吸入全身麻醉Inhalation Anesthesia

静脉全身麻醉Intravenous Anesthesia

局部麻醉Local Anesthesia

表面麻醉Surface Anesthesia

局部浸润麻醉Local Infiltration Anesthesia

区域阻滞Regional Block

神经阻滞Nerve Block

椎管内麻醉Intrathecal Block

蛛网膜下腔阻滞(腰麻)Spinal Block

硬脊膜外腔阻滞Epidural Block

骶管阻滞Caudal Block

复合麻醉Combined Anesthesia

基础麻醉Basal Anesthesia



麻醉方法Type of anesthesia

全身麻醉General anesthesia

呼吸道管理Airway management



肌肉松弛Muscle relaxation

局部或椎管内麻醉Local or Intrathecal anesthesia 操作技术Technique


术中管理Intraoperative management 监测Monitoring


输液Fluid management

术后管理Postoperative management 镇痛Pain control

重症监测治疗Intensive care

术后机械通气 Postoperative ventilation 血流动力学监测 Hemodynamic monitoring


麻醉专业英语词汇 麻醉专业词汇 A abate 减轻,减少 abatement 减轻 abbreviated 缩短的,省略的 abdomen 腹部 abdominal 腹部的 abdominal breathing 腹式呼吸 abdominal delivery 剖腹产 abdominal hysterectomy procedure 经腹子宫切除手术abdominal respiration 腹式呼吸 abdominal section 剖腹术 abdominalgia 腹痛 abdominoscopy 腹腔镜检查 abdominothoracic 胸腹的 abdominouterectomy 腹式子宫切除术 ablation脱离,部分切除(术) abnormal sensation感觉异常 abolition of reflex 反射消失 aboulia意识缺失 abrosia 禁食 abscess 脓肿 absent respiration 呼吸音消失,无呼吸音呼吸absolute arrhythmia 绝对心律不齐 absolute diet 禁食,绝食 absolute temperature 绝对温度 absorber 吸收器,过滤器,吸收管,减震器 absorbite 活性碳,吸附器 absorption吸收 abulia 意识缺失 abuse 违反操作规程,滥用 acanthi 棘突,棘 accentuation 增强,亢进 access 存取,进口,入口

accessory respiratory muscle 辅助呼吸肌accident hemorrhage 意外性出血 accident ward 急诊室accidental dural puncture 意外性硬脊膜刺穿accidental extubation意外拔管 accommodator 调节器 accountant 计算装置 accumulation 积蓄 accumulator 蓄电池,存储器 accuracy 准确度,精度 aceology 药疗学 acetone bodies 酮体 acetylcholine乙酰胆碱 acetylcholine esterase 乙酰胆碱酯酶 acid 酸,酸的,酸性的 acid base equilibrium酸碱平衡 acid-base balance 酸碱平衡 acid-base equilibrium 酸碱平衡 acid-intoxication 酸中毒 acidemia酸血症 acidosic 酸中毒的 acidosis 酸中毒 acidotic 酸中毒的 acies 边缘,缘 acinus renis 肾小球 acmesthesia 针刺感觉 acography 治疗记录 acology 治疗学 aconuresis 小便失禁 acquired immunodeficiency syndrome(AIDS)获得性免疫缺陷综合症,艾滋病 acratia 无力 acraturesis 排尿无力 acrinia 分泌缺乏 acro-agnosis 肢体感缺失 acro-anesthesia 四肢麻木


There are three surgeries at 3rd operating room. The second was special .The patient was eighty-eight years-old, male, has been diagnosed with Bile duct placeholder. He has a history of coronary heart disease (CHD) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD) and high blood pressure for about 10 years, and also cerebral arteriosclerosis history for 10 years, and prostate cancer history for two years.Blood routine test, coagulation function, renal function were normal. But Liver function was severely abnormal. In the Arterial blood gas analysis (ABG), the oxygen partial pressure was 74mmHg.In the pulmonary function test, FEV1 was 78%, MVV was 52%.The ECG shows complete right bundle branch block(CRBBB). Heart Doppler ultrasound show that left heart atrium was 40mm, the thickness of interventricular septum was 13mm, ejection fraction was 56%, left ventricular diastolic function decreased, mitral valve calcified. The patient was evaluated for ASA Ⅲ level , Mallampati Ⅲ level and cardiac function Ⅱlevel. Good morning, everyone. One internal fixation surgery of intertrochanteric fractures was arranged in the operating room 7. The patient ,84-years-old,female, , had suffered AD for several years after the right ankle fracture. Physical examination and laboratory tests appear normal. No X-ray chest , lung functional examination and ABG were found. ECG showed ST -T shape changed. Echocardiography showed normal ejection fraction , decreased diastolic function, aortic valve calcification and mild valvular regurgitation. The patient was evaluated for ASA Ⅱlevel , Mallampati Ⅱlevel and cardiac function Ⅱ level. Due to poor coordination ,the patient will accept the general anesthesia. Which denied hypertension, coronary heart disease, diabetes mellitus[,da??'bi?ti?z] Good morning, everyone. The first surgery in the operating room 4 was special. The patient, 84-years-old, female, has been diagnosed with kidney stones , who had suffered hypertension, coronary heart disease and diabetes mellitus for about 10 years. She also suffered myocardial infarction 7 years ago and cerebral infarction 2 years ago. Physical examination found that muscle tension on the left side was zero level. The ECG shows complete right bundle branch block(RBBB) and ST -T changed. X-ray chest shows a small amount of pleural effusion on the left side and arterial stiffness . Lung functional examination, ABGA and echocardiography were not carried out. The patient was evaluated for ASA Ⅲlevel , Mallampati Ⅱlevel and cardiac function Ⅲlevel. the patient will accept epidural anesthesia. Good morning, everyone. Doctor Liu and I will take charge of one Aortic Valve Replacement surgery in the operating room 12. The patient, 78-years-old, female, has been diagnosed with aortic stenosis., who had suffered coronary heart disease for about 30 years. Diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and other lung disease were denied. Laboratory tests appear normal. ABG was normal. Lung Computer Tomography showed ??. Lung functional examination showed FEV1 was 78%, and MVV test was not performed. Echocardiography showed EF was 60%,ventricular septal hypertrophy,Aortic valve moderately to severe ly


麻醉协议及手术协议书 An esthesia protocols and operati on agreeme nt 我是上述动物的主人或者是可以代表上述动物的监护人,我愿意接受医生及其助理为动物进行上 述操作,包括镇静或者麻醉,以及给动物必要和适当的药物、x线检查、外科操作、护理、诊断, 甚至紧急的抢救。我已经被告知整个操作的过程以及可能的风险。我认识到动物在麻醉中由于个 体因素发生的药物反应、窒息、心跳骤停等意外情况,甚至死亡,一切责任由自己承担,与 动物医院及实施麻醉和外科操作的人员无关。我同时也理解任何操作和治疗 都没有百分之百成功的保证。 I am the owner of the an imals or can represe nt the an imal's guardia n ,I am willi ng to accept the doctor and his assistant for the operation to the animals ,Include sedation or an esthesia, and give n ecessary and appropriate ani mal drugs, X-ray, surgical operati on, n urs ing, diag no sis, and emerge ncy rescue. I have bee n told that the en tire operating process and possible risks. I realize that animals reaction of the drug in an esthesia because of in dividual factors, asphyxia, cardiac arrest and other accide nts and even death,all the responsibility borne by himself, with hospital and an aesthesia and surgical operati on. I also un dersta nd n either operati on and treatme nt is one hun dred perce nt guara ntee of success.


THE ANAESTHESIA AGREEMENT (To be signed by the patient himself,or the responsible officer before operation) Name of patient: Age: years Sex:male/female ID number(if applicable): Nationality: Name of organization: Diagnosis: Operaion: Anesthesia: The anaesthetist will take responsibility of the anaesthesia.But the patient will still be under the risks of anaesthesia complications and accident. 1.Respiration/heartbeat suddenly stop induce death. 2.Postoperative Headache.or Shivering.Urinary retention. 3.Extradural haematoma spinal cord injury induce paraplegina. 4.Transverse myelitis and cauda equine syndrome. 5.Nausea/vomiting induce Respiratory depression. 6.Hemorrhagic shock. 7.Neurological complications(cognitive handicap). 8.Cardiovascular complications induce of arrhythmias and hypertension,cardiac arrest. 9.Medicine hypersensitivity-allergic;idiosyncratic-genetic;cardiac arrest If you understand it,and agree to anaesthesia,you should sign your full name here.Also we need the agreement of your contingent chief who


常用麻醉药 1、丙泊酚注射液 药品名称:丙泊酚注射液 曾用名:力蒙欣 【适应症】本品适用于诱导和维持全身麻醉,也用于加强监护病人接受机械通气时的镇静,也可用于麻醉下实行无痛人工流产手术。 【性状、成分】白色等渗静脉注射液,每毫升含双异丙酚10毫克,同时内含精制大豆油、精制蛋黄卵磷脂、甘油和注射用水等。 【吸收、分泌、清除】力蒙欣是一种起效迅速(30秒)、短效的全身麻醉药,通常从麻醉中复苏迅速。力蒙欣一次冲击剂量后或输注终止后,可用三室开放模型来描述。首相具有迅速分布(半衰期2-4分钟)、迅速消除(半衰期30-60分钟)的特点。力蒙欣分布面广,并迅速从机体消除(总体消除率1.5-2升/分钟)。用力蒙欣维持麻醉时,血药浓度逐渐接近已知给药速率稳态值。当输注速率在推荐范围内,它的药代动力学呈线性。 【用法、用量】使用力蒙欣通常需要配合使用镇痛药。力蒙欣可辅助用于脊髓和硬膜外麻醉,并可与常用的术前用药、神经肌肉阻断药,吸入麻醉药和镇痛药配合使用。 A成人:麻醉诱导成人初始剂量每10秒约给药4ml(40mg),直至临床体征表明麻醉起效。大多数年龄小于55岁的成年病人大约需要2.0-2.5mg /kg的力蒙欣。超过该年龄需适当减量。ASAIII级和IV级病人,给药速率应更低,每10秒约2ml(20mg)。麻醉维持持续输注或重复单次注射给予力蒙欣都能够达到较

好的麻醉维持效果。麻醉维持所需的给药速率有明显的个体差异,通常4-12mg/kg/h的速率能维持令人满意的麻醉。重复单次注射给药应根据临床需要,每次给予力蒙欣2.5ml(25mg)至5.0ml(50mg)的量。 ICU镇静用于接受人工通气强化监护病人的镇静时,应持续输注力蒙欣。通常在0.3-0.4mg/kg/h的输注速率范围内,能获得令人满意的镇静效果。人工流产手术术前以2.0mg/kg剂量衽麻醉诱导,术中若因疼痛刺激病人有肢体活动时,以0.5mg/kg的剂量追加。 B小孩:力蒙欣不建议用于年龄小于3岁的儿童。麻醉诱导用于小儿麻醉诱导时,剂量应根据年龄和/或体重调节。年龄超过8岁的多数病人。麻醉诱导需要约2.5mg/kg。低于这个年龄所需剂量可能更大。ASAIII级和IV级的小儿建议使用较低的剂量。麻醉维持持续输注或重复单次注射给予力蒙欣,维持麻醉所需的给药速率在个体之间有明显差异,通常9-15mg/kg/h给药速率能够获得令人满意的麻醉效果。 【给药方式】未稀释的力蒙欣也可直接用于输注。当使用未稀释的力蒙欣直接输注时,建议使用微量泵或输液泵,以便控制输注速率。力蒙欣也可以稀释后使用,但只能用5%葡萄糖注射液稀释,稀释度不超过1:5(2mg/ml)。用于麻醉诱导时,力蒙欣可以大于20:1的比例与0.5%或1%的利多卡因注射液混合使用。稀释液庆在给药前无菌制备,6小时内稳定。 【禁忌症】(1)已知对"力蒙欣"过敏者禁用。(2)妊娠妇女。(3)哺乳期妇女(国外资料)。(4)产科麻醉。(5)颅内压升高或脑循环障碍。(6)低血压或休克患者。(7)3岁以下儿童的全身麻醉。(8)12岁以下儿童重症监护(ICU)或麻醉监护(MAC)的镇静(国外资料)。 【注意事项】癫痫病人使用力蒙欣可能有惊劂的危险,对于心肺功能不全、


CHAPTER 3 Managing the Airway Basic techniques, 37 The laryngeal mask airway, 42 Emergency airway Simple adjuncts, 39 Tracheal intubation, 43 techniques, 50 Maintenance of a patent airway is an essential prerequisite for the safe and successful conduct of anesthesia. In addition, during resuscitation patients often have an obstructed airway either as the cause or result of their loss of consciousness. The skill of airway maintenance should be acquired by all doctors, and not simply regarded as the responsibility of the anesthetist. The descriptions of airway management techniques, which follow, are intended to supplement practice either on a manikin or preferably on and anesthetized patient under the direction of a skilled anesthetist. Basic techniques Anesthesia frequently results in loss of the airway and it is most easily restored by a combination of the head tilt along with a jaw thrust (see Chapter 2). The latter is provided by the anesthetist’s fourth and fifth fingers (of one or both hands) lifting the angle of the mandible. The overall effect desired is that the patient’s mandible is ‘lifted’ into the mask rather than the mask being pushed into the face (Fig. 3.1). FACEMASKS ●The most commonly used type in adults is the BOC anatomical facemask (Fig. 3.2) which is designed to fit the contours of the face with the minimum of pressure. ●Leakage of anesthetic gases is minimized by an air-filled cuff around the edge. ●Masks ate made in a variety of sizes and the smallest one, which provides a good seal, should be used (to minimize the increase in dead space, which occurs). ●The Ambu mask (Fig. 3.2) has a transparent body—allowing identification of vomit – making it poplar for resuscitation. ●All masks must be disinfected between each patient. Simple adjuncts The most commonly and used are the oropharyngeal (Guedel ) and nasopharyngeal airways, inserted after the induction of anesthesia to help maintain the airway in conjunction with the techniques described above. OROPHARYNGEAL AIRWAY ●These are curved plastic tubes, flattened in cross-section and flanged at the oral end, which lie over the tongue, preventing it from falling back into the pharynx. ●They are available in a variety of sizes from neonates to large adults. The commonest sizes are 2-4, for small to large adults, respectively. ● A guide to the correct size is determined by comparing the airway length to the vertical distance from the corner of the patient’s


mediastinum 纵隔 medical statistics 医学统计 mediscalenus 中斜角肌 megalothymus 胸腺肥大,巨胸腺 meningioma 脑(脊)膜瘤 meniscal 半月板的 meniscectomy 半月板切除术 metabolic acidosis 代谢性酸中毒 metabolic alkalosis 代谢性碱中毒 metabolic rate 代谢率 metabolism 代谢 metabolite 代谢产物 metatarsectomy 跖骨切除术 microcirculation 微循环 micromaxillary deformity 小下颌畸形microthrombosis 小血栓形成 microthrombus 小血栓 minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) 最低肺泡有效浓度 minute output 每分(心)输出量 minute ventilation 每分通气量 minute volume 每分输出量,每分通气量 mitral stenosis 二尖瓣狭窄 mixed anesthesia 复合麻醉 moist rale 湿性罗音

moisture 水分,湿度 mortality 死亡率 mortality statistics 死亡率统计 motor center 运动中枢 motor endplate 运动终板 motor ganglion 运动神经节 motor paralysis 运动麻痹 mouthtomouth breathing 口对口呼吸 muscle relaxants 肌肉松弛药 muscle rigidity 肌肉强直 muscle tone 肌紧张 muscle twitch 肌颤搐 muscular relaxation 肌肉松弛 muscular rigidity 肌肉强直 muscular tension 肌紧张,肌张力 muscular tremor 肌震颤 musculospiralis 桡神经 myasthenia 肌无力 myasthenic 肌无力的 mydriasis 瞳孔散大 myocardial ischemia 心肌缺血 mixed ventilation function disturbance 混合性通


麻醉相关英文对照 临床麻醉(clinical anesthesia)仍然是麻醉学的主要内容,其基本内容是消除手术疼痛,保障病人安全,并为手术创造条件。麻醉作用的产生主要是利用麻醉药使中枢神经系统或神经系统中某些部位受到抑制的结果。根据麻醉作用部位和所用药物的不同,可将临床麻醉方法进行分类(表)。 全身麻醉General Anesthesia 吸入全身麻醉Inhalation Anesthesia 静脉全身麻醉Intravenous Anesthesia 局部麻醉Local Anesthesia 表面麻醉Surface Anesthesia 局部浸润麻醉Local Infiltration Anesthesia 区域阻滞Regional Block 神经阻滞Nerve Block 椎管内麻醉Intrathecal Block 蛛网膜下腔阻滞(腰麻)Spinal Block 硬脊膜外腔阻滞Epidural Block 骶管阻滞Caudal Block 复合麻醉Combined Anesthesia 基础麻醉Basal Anesthesia 为了保障手术病人的安全,增强病人对手术和麻醉的耐受能力,避免或减少围手术期的并发症,麻醉前认真做好病情评价和准备工作,制定周全的麻醉计划。表为麻醉计划应包括的内容。 麻醉前用药Premedication 麻醉方法Type of anesthesia

全身麻醉General anesthesia 呼吸道管理Airway management 诱导Induction 维持Maintenance 肌肉松弛Muscle relaxation 局部或椎管内麻醉Local or Intrathecal anesthesia 操作技术Technique 药物Agents 术中管理Intraoperative management 监测Monitoring 体位Positioning 输液Fluid management 术后管理Postoperative management 镇痛Pain control 重症监测治疗Intensive care 术后机械通气 Postoperative ventilation 血流动力学监测 Hemodynamic monitoring


abolition of reflex 反射消失 aboulia意识缺失 abrosia 禁食 abscess 脓肿 absent respiration 呼吸音消失,无麻醉专业英语词汇呼吸音呼吸 麻醉专业词汇absolute arrhythmia 绝对心律不齐 A absolute diet 禁食,绝食 abate 减轻,减少absolute temperature 绝对温度 abatement 减轻absorber 吸收器,过滤器,吸收管,abbreviated 缩短的,省略的减震器abdomen 腹部absorbite 活性碳,吸附器 abdominal 腹部的absorption吸收 腹式呼吸abdominal breathing abulia 意识缺失 abdominal delivery 剖腹产abuse 违反操作规程,滥用 procedure hysterectomy abdominal acanthi 棘突,棘 经腹子宫切除手术accentuation 增强,亢进 abdominal respiration 腹式呼吸access 存取,进口,入口 剖腹术abdominal section accessory respiratory muscle 辅助腹痛abdominalgia 呼吸肌abdominoscopy 腹腔镜检查accident hemorrhage 意外性出血 胸腹的abdominothoracic accident ward 急诊室 腹式子宫切除abdominouterectomy accidental dural puncture 意外性硬术脊膜刺穿 脱离,部分切除(术)ablationaccidental extubation意外拔管 感觉异常abnormal sensation 调节器accommodator accountant 计算装置获得性免疫缺陷综合症,艾滋病 acratia 无力accumulation 积蓄 acraturesis 排尿无力蓄电池,存储器accumulator acrinia accuracy 准确度,精度分泌缺乏 acro-agnosis 肢体感缺失aceology 药疗学 acro-anesthesia 四肢麻木酮体acetone bodies acro-asphyxia 肢端缺氧acetylcholine乙酰胆碱acroaesthesia esterase 乙酰胆碱酯感觉过敏,肢痛acetylcholine acrocheir 酶指尖 acrocyanosis acid 酸,酸的,酸性的手足发绀 acropachy 杵状指acid base equilibrium酸碱平衡 acroparalysis 酸碱平衡肢体瘫痪acid-base balance acroparesthesia 酸碱平衡acid-base equilibrium 肢端感觉异常 acrostealgia 酸中毒肢端痛acid-intoxication acroteric acidemia末梢的,周围的酸血症 action of arrest 阻止作用acidosic 酸中毒的 action potential 酸中毒acidosis 动作电位 action-current acidotic 酸中毒的动作电流 activate 活化,激活,致活边缘,缘acies


麻醉手术部常用英语句 子与短语 文件编码(008-TTIG-UTITD-GKBTT-PUUTI-WYTUI-8256)

1、术前访视(p r e o p e r a t i v e i n t e r v i e w) ①你好,我是手术室护士。Hello,I am a nurse of operation room. ②手术前一天晚上10点钟后禁食、禁水。You should drink nothing after 10Pm last night. ③手术前请换上病员服,摘掉手表和首饰,不要将贵重物品带进手术室。Please put on hospital dress and remove watch and jewelry,Do not take valuable things to operation room. ④请将您的x片和CT片带到手术室,以供手术时医生做为参考。Please take X ray and CT to operation room for doctor's reference during operating. 2、接待病人(take inpatient) ①你生了什么病?What's wrong with you ? ②你知道自己要做什么手术吗?Do you know the type of your operation? ③你知道自己手术部位吗?Do you know which of part of you would be operated? ④你是做阑尾切除术吗?Would your appendix be cut? ⑤请把衣服脱下来。Put off your clothes,please. ⑥请睡平,麻醉马上要开始了。Please lie down,anaesthesia will start now. ⑦伸出你的手,我要给您注射了,当扎的时候可能会有些痛,请配合我。Spread out your hand,I'll give your would be some pain when I puncture. ⑧If you want to sleep,please lose your eyes and relax,that's anesthesia,which help you go through the operation safely.如果你想睡觉,请闭上眼睛放轻松,那是麻醉,它会帮助你安全地度过手术。


麻醉医师自我介绍英文版 篇一:医生-英文范文 Introduction Good evening, professor # # # and my dear fellows. It’s my great honor to introduce myself to all of you. My name is # # # and I’m in my forty-three years old. My hometown is chongqing, which is a beautiful city. As a pediatrician, I work at the children's Hospital for nearly 20 years. It is well known that the conflicts between the patients and doctors are terrible. But, I still love my job deeply. Because when I cured one little patient after another, I felt proud, happy and pleased greatly. That is the reason why some people say to me, “you look younger than your actual age”. Thank you. 篇二:医学生面试自我介绍英文版 Dear Sir: Thank you for giving me the chance to interview and it is my pleasure to introduce myself to you. My name is…., born in 1986, ….city, ….province. I major in ……and I will graduate from the…….. Medical University in July, 2010. Hope a chance to work and develop in your department. During the past three years, under the strict guidance of my tutor, professor ……in college of ………, I have learned systematically the theory of profession and got the basic manipulative skills about …….. With the help of my supervisor, I have succes sfully finished the subject “……… ” and grasped some experimental skill , such as cell culture, DNA extraction and other molecular biology technique; abstraction, separation, ….. .. I passed the CET band 4 test in2006, after that, I tried my best to learn Medical English and mastered a lot of professional vocabulary. I am good at listening, speaking, reading and writing.. I can manipulate computer proficiently and master Microsoft Office software, also be familiar with SPSS and Photoshop, etc. During three-year study in research, I studied hard and strived for excellence in our field. I benefit from working together with excellent colleague. I developed quality of diligence, responsibility,


常用麻醉药大全 常用麻醉药 1、丙泊酚注射液 名称:丙泊酚注射液 曾用名:力蒙欣 【适应症】本品适用于诱导和维持全身,也用于加强监护病人接受机械通气时的镇静,也可用于麻醉下实行无痛人工。 【性状、成分】白色等渗静脉注射液,每毫升含双异丙酚10毫克,同时内含精制大豆油、精制蛋黄卵磷脂、甘油和注射用水等。 【吸收、分泌、清除】力蒙欣是一种起效迅速(30秒)、短效的全身药,通常从麻醉中复苏迅速。力蒙欣一次冲击剂量后或输注终止后,可用三室开放模型来描述。首相具有迅速分布(半衰期2-4分钟)、迅速消除(半衰期30-60分钟)的特点。力蒙欣分布面广,并迅速从机体消除(总体消除率1.5-2升/分钟)。用力蒙欣维持麻醉时,血药浓度逐渐接近已知给药速率稳态值。当输注速率在推荐范围内,它的药代动力学呈线性。 【用法、用量】使用力蒙欣通常需要配合使用镇痛药。力蒙欣可辅助用于脊髓和硬膜外麻醉,并可与常用的术前用药、神经肌肉阻断药,吸入和镇痛药配合使用。 A成人:麻醉诱导成人初始剂量每10秒约给药4ml(40mg),直至临床体的2.0-2.5mg /kg岁的成年病人大约需要55征表明麻醉起效。大多数年龄小于

常用麻醉药大全 力蒙欣。超过该年龄需适当减量。ASAIII级和IV级病人,给药速率应更低,每10秒约2ml(20mg)。麻醉维持持续输注或重复单次注射给予力蒙欣都能够达到较好的麻醉维持效果。麻醉维持所需的给药速率有明显的个体差异,通常4-12mg/kg/h的速率能维持令人满意的麻醉。重复单次注射给药应根据临床需要,每次给予力蒙欣2.5ml (25mg)至5.0ml(50mg)的量。 ICU镇静用于接受人工通气强化监护病人的镇静时,应持续输注力蒙欣。通常在0.3-0.4mg/kg/h的输注速率范围内,能获得令人满意的镇静效果。人工流产手术术前以2.0mg/kg剂量衽麻醉诱导,术中若因疼痛刺激病人有肢体活动时,以0.5mg/kg的剂量追加。 B小孩:力蒙欣不建议用于年龄小于3岁的儿童。麻醉诱导用于小儿麻醉诱导时,剂量应根据年龄和/或体重调节。年龄超过8岁的多数病人。麻醉诱导需要约2.5mg/kg。低于这个年龄所需剂量可能更大。ASAIII级和IV级的小儿建议使用较低的剂量。麻醉维持持续输注或重复单次注射给予力蒙欣,维持麻醉所需的给药速率在个体之间有明显差异,通常9-15mg/kg/h给药速率能够获得令人满意的麻醉效果。【给药方式】未稀释的力蒙欣也可直接用于输注。当使用未稀释的力蒙欣直接输注时,建议使用微量泵或输液泵,以便控制输注速率。力蒙欣也可以稀释后使用,但只能用5%葡萄糖注射液稀释,稀释度不超过1:5(2mg/ml)。用于麻醉诱导时,力蒙欣可以大于20:1的比例与0.5%或1%的利多卡因注射液混合使用。稀释液庆在给药前无菌制备,6小时内稳定。


Informed Consent for Anesthesia Name of patient: Gender: Age: Registry No: Diagnosis Prep-op: Name of the surgery procedures: Type of Anesthesia: Anesthesia mentioned above is necessary during the operation. But anesthesia may lead to certain degree injury and danger, even life-threatening consequences, from both known and unknown causes, and no warranty or guarantee has been made as to result or cure. The following complications, but not limited to, may occur during the anesthesia and operation: □Cardiologic complications, such as acute myocardial infarction, severe arrhythmia and cardiac arrest, etc. □Respiratory complications: Delayed breath recovery, dyspnea, aspiration pneumonia, hypoxia, apnea, or increased risk of pulmonary infection and tension pneumothorax, etc. □Complications of nerve system: Postoperative delayed awake, and headache. □Allergic reaction and local anesthesia-induced toxicity. □Complications of endotracheal intubation: Laryngeal edema, vacal cord impaired, pneumothorax. □Complications of intravertebral anesthesia: Nerves impaired and epidural space hematoma. □Complications of nerve plexus block: Nerves impaired, etc. □Complications caused by invasive clinical monitoring: Such as bleeding, shock, severe arrhythmia, embolism, pneumothorax caused by venipuncture for CVP or PAWP, and pseudoaneurysm or limb ischemia due to arteriopuncture for artery pressure monitoring. □Inhibited respiratory function and low blood pressure would occur postoperatively in some patients undergoing analgesia therapy. □Others: I have read and understood adequately the descriptions, which the doctor explained to me. I(signature) or relative/guardian (signature) (Relationship) , hereby consent to undergo the anesthesia procedure for the operation. And I am willing to undertake the risks of the anesthesia procedure. ID/passport No. DORTOR’S DECLARATION: I have fully explained the nature, risks and benefits of the anesthesia to the above patient/relative/guardian, and answered their questions. To the best of my knowledge, the patient/relative/guardian has been informed adequately and has consented. The medical staff will do their utmost to perform emergency management for the patient if any above stated description occurs. Doctor’s signature:Date: D M Y In the event of inconsistency or discrepancy between the Chinese version and the English version, the Chinese language version shall prevail.

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