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General questions about lean operations

What is lean?

Lean operations involve the elimination of waste, whether it be tim e, m aterials, efficiency or processes. It also m eans figuratively tightening the belt in pursuit o f increased productivi ty gains that will increase a company’s ability to com pete more successfully.

Why lean?

Increased global competition will likely force all but the strong to the sideline

s. Belt tightening and a lean mindset will enable the game to continue as com pa nies steady them selves for the challenges and opportunities that await them.

The truly lean com pany of today will be a survivor in the global battle for custom ers and bottom line profits. The need for lean is obvious and the potential rewar ds are dazzling. There will be those who will probably resist the necessary chan ges. Training will start you on the road to overcoming this resistance and ultim a tely achieving a successful transition.

Who participates in lean Operations?

Eventually, everyone in the com pa ny is a participant in the quest for a lean orga nization.

Is lean applicable only to m anufacturing?

The concept includes many non-m anufacturing areas such as purchasing, clerical, office and technical. Also, these areas often contribute in making lean achieve ments in manufacturing more successful.

What organizations can benefit from lean projects?

Every organization offers goods or services. This includes such diverse sectors a s m erchandising, hospitals, banking, insurance, public utilities, government, milit ary, prisons, churches, schools and, of course, m anufacturing.

Can lean activities be started in m ore than one division at a tim e?

Yes, it can be done, but starting in one division is preferable. The experience gai ned permits corrections and modifications to be introduced with less fuss. In thi s way, any “bugs”can be eliminated before the concept is initiated plant-wide. How should employees approach problems?

They should approach problems with a positive attitude—one that says, “We can sol ve it!”Open discussion and use of various


精益生产英文资料介绍 1,General questions about lean operations 1.1,What is lean? Lean operations involve the elimination of waste, whether it be time, materials, efficiency or processes. It also means figuratively tightening the belt in pursuit of increased productivity gains that will increase a company’s ability to compete more successfully. 1.2,Why lean? Increased global competition will likely force all but the strong to the sidelines. Belt tightening and a lean mindset will enable the game to continue as companies steady themselves for the challenges and opportunities that await them. The truly lean company of today will be a survivor in the global battle for customers and bottom line profits. The need for lean is obvious and the potential rewards are dazzling. There will be those who will probably resist the necessary changes. Training will start you on the road to overcoming this resistance and ultimately achieving a successful transition. 1.3,Who participates in lean Operations? Eventually, everyone in the company is a participant in the quest for a lean organization. 1.4,Is lean applicable only to manufacturing? The concept includes many non-manufacturing areas such as purchasing, clerical, office and technical. Also, these areas often contribute in making lean achievements in manufacturing more successful. 1.5,What organizations can benefit from lean projects? Every organization offers goods or services. This includes such diverse sectors as merchandising, hospitals, banking, insurance, public utilities, government, military, prisons, churches, schools and, of course, manufacturing. 1.6,Can lean activities be started in more than one division at a time? Yes, it can be done, but starting in one division is preferable. The experience


精益生产英文资料介绍 General questions about lean operations What is lean? Lean operations involve the elimination of waste, whether it be time, mate rials, efficiency or processes. It also means figuratively tightening the belt in pursuit of increased productivi ty gains that will increase a company’s a bility to compete more successfully. Why lean? Increased global competition will likely force all but the strong to the sidel ines. Belt tightening and a lean mindset will enable the game to continue as companies steady themselves for the challenges and opportunities that await them. The truly lean company of today will be a survivor in the global battle for customers and bottom line profits. The need for lean is obvious and the potential rewards are dazzling. There will be those who will probably resis t the necessary changes. Training will start you on the road to overcomin g this resistance and ultimately achieving a successful transition. Who participates in lean Operations? Eventually, everyone in the company is a participant in the quest for a lea n organization. Is lean applicable only to manufacturing? The concept includes many non-manufacturing areas such as purchasing, c lerical, office and technical. Also, these areas often contribute in making l ean achievements in manufacturing more successful. What organizations can benefit from lean projects? Every organization offers goods or services. This includes such diverse sec tors as merchandising, hospitals, banking, insurance, public utilities, gover nment, military, prisons, churches, schools and, of course, manufacturing.


精益生产方式简介 摘要:精益生产是一种起源于丰田和汽车制造的流水线制造方法论。也被称为“丰田生产系统”。精益生产的目标被描述为“在适当的时间(或第仪式间,the first time)使适当的东西到达适当的地点,同时使浪费最小化和适应变化”。创立了精益生产原则的大野耐一发现他的方法论不但可以减小浪费,还能够增进产品流动和提高质量。本文对精益生产进行了具体的分析,得出它的优越性,并把它与传统的生产方式进行比较,通过分析可以知道精益生产是解救困难企业的法宝。 关键词:丰田汽车,精益生产,优越性,特点,企业 一、丰田公司的精益生产方式 精益生产(Lean Production,简称LP)是美国麻省理工学院数位国际汽车计划组织(IMVP)的专家对日本“丰田JIT(Justin Time)生产方式”的赞誉之称,精,即少而精,不投入多余的生产要素,只是在适当的时间生产必要数量的市场急需产品(或下道工序急需的产品);益,即所有经营活动都要有益有效,具有经济性。精益生产是当前工业界最佳的一种生产组织体系和方式。 精益生产是战后日本汽车工业遭到的“资源稀缺”和“多品种、少批量”的市场制约的产物,它是从丰田相佐诘开始,经丰田喜一郎及大野耐一等人的共同努力直到60年代才逐步完善而形成的。 精益生产既是一种以最大限度地减少企业生产所占用的资源和降低企业管理和运营成本为主要目标的生产方式,同时它又是一种理念,一种文化。实施精益生产就是决心追求完美的历程,也是追求卓越的过程,它是支撑个人与企业生命的一种精神力量,也是在永无止境的学习过程中获得自我满足的一种境界。其目标是精益求精,尽善尽美,永无止境的追求七个零的终极目标。 精益生产的实质是管理过程,包括人事组织管理的优化,大力精简中间管理层,进行组织扁平化改革,减少非直接生产人员;推进行生产均衡化同步化,实现零库存与柔性生产;推行全生产过程(包括整个供应链)的质量保证体系,实现零不良;减少和降低任何环节上的浪费,实现零浪费;最终实现拉动式准时化生产方式。 精益生产的特点是消除一切浪费,追求精益求精和不断改善。去掉生产环节中一切无用的东西,每个工人及其岗位的安排原则是必须增值,撤除一切不增值的岗位。精简是它的核心,精简产品开发设计、生产、管理中一切不产生附加值的工作,旨在以最优品质、最低成本和最高效率对市场需求作出最迅速的响应。 二、精益生产方式的优越性及其意义 与大量生产方式相比,日本所采用的精益生产方式的优越性主要表现在以下几个方面: 1.所需人力资源——无论是在产品开发、生产系统,还是工厂的其他部门,与大量生产方式下的工厂相比,最低能减至1/2; 2.新产品开发周期——最低可减至l/2或2/3; 3.生产过程的在制品库存——最低可减至大量生产方式下一般水平的1/10; 4.工厂占用空间——最低可减至采用大量生产方式下的1/2; 5.成品库存——最低可减至大量生产方式下平均库存水平的1/4; 6.产品质量——可大幅度。 精益生产方式是彻底地追求生产的合理性、高效性,能够灵活地生产适应各种需求的高质量产品的生产技术和管理技术,其基本原理和诸多方法,对制造业具有积极的意义。精益生产


精益生产常用语英文翻译 精益生产的概念和基本原则The concept and principle of lean production 六西格玛品质论坛精益生产的历史:TPS及其演变The history of lean production: TPS and its changing 精益生产的原则The principle of lean production: 价值和浪费;快速响应客户Value and Muda, quick response 精益生产的思想Lean production thinking 追求完美和持续改善Seek perfect and continuous improvement 七大浪费 7-Muda 精益生产的基础The fundamental of lean production 5S的含义The meaning of 5S:整理、整顿、清扫、清洁、素养SEIRI, SEITON, SEISO, SEIKETSU, and SEITSUKE 5S的推行方法The implement methods for 5S 5S的实务技巧 5S implement skills 5S实施过程的优化 5S implement process optimizing 流线化生产Flow production 流线化生产的八个条件 8-condition for flow production 单元设计Cellular layout 流线化生产的设备选择Equipment selecting for flow production 看板管理Kanban managemento 什么是看板What is Kanban 看板的实施方法The implement methods for Kanban 实施看板管理的限制条件The limited condition of Kanban management implement 快速换线SMED 快速换线的理念 The idea of SMED 内部作业与外部作业的分离Separate the-operation between outside and inside 将内部作业转化为外部作业Turn the inside-operation to outside operation 作业的优化Operation optimizing 精益生产的设备管理Equipment management in lean production TPM TPM的概念和发展The concept and development of TPM TPM的设备基础管理Equipment essential management of TPM 六西格玛品质论坛TPM的八大支柱8 columns of TPM 六西格玛品质论坛TPM实施的十三步骤13 phases for TPM implementing 案例分析Case studyo 工厂5S分析(根据现场拍摄照片)Workshop 5S analysis (depends on photos taken from on-site) 工厂生产线设置分析Production line layout analysis 快速换线案例分析Case study for SMED 内部作业与外部作业的分离Separate the operation between outside and inside 六西格玛品质论坛将内部作业转化为外部作业Turn the inside operation to


精益生产英文术语 2010-04-21 21:09:16 星期三 精益生产的概念和基本原则The concept and principle of lean production 精益生产的历史:TPS及其演变The history of lean production: TPS and its changing 精益生产的原则The principle of lean production: 价值和浪费;快速响应客户Value and Muda, quick response 精益生产的思想Lean production thinking: 追求完美和持续改善Seek perfect and continuous improvement 七大浪费 7-Muda 精益生产的组织The organization of lean production:小组工作法 Group job methods 精益生产的基础The fundamental of leano production 5S 5S的含义The meaning of 5S:整理、整顿、清扫、清洁、素养SEIRI, SEITON, SEISO, SEIKETSU, and SEITSUKE 5S的推行方法The implement methods for 5S 5S的实务技巧 5S implement skills 5S实施过程的优化 5S implement process optimizing 准时化生产的基础The fundamental of JIT production 流线化生产Flowo production 流线化生产与批量生产的区别The differences between flow production and batch manufacturing 流线化生产的八个条件 8-condition for flow production TAKT TIME与CYCLE TIME 单元设计Cellular layout 流线化生产的设备选择Equipment selecting for flow production 看板管理Kanban managemento 什么是看板What is Kanban 看板的实施方法The implement methods for Kanban 实施看板管理的限制条件The limited condition of Kanban management implement 快速换线SMED 快速换线的理念 The idea of SMED 内部作业与外部作业的分离Separate the-operation between outside and inside 将内部作业转化为外部作业Turn the inside-operation to outside operation 作业的优化Operation optimizing 精益生产的设备管理Equipment management in lean production TPM TPM的概念和发展The concept and development of TPM 故障的种类与预防Breakdown types and its prevention TPM的设备基础管理Equipment essential management of TPM TPM的八大支柱8 columns of TPM TPM实施的十三步骤13 phases for TPM implementing


精益生产介绍 精益生产,英文:Lean Production(LP),其中”Lean”表示瘦的,少肉的;增加一点就多,取掉一点就少;最经济的点;“精”体现在质量上,追求“尽善尽美”、“精益求精”;“益”体现在成本上。 精益生产就是准时化生产(JIT),精益生产是一门新的管理科学,它是微利时代的产物,着眼点是找出浪费源,消灭浪费,同时在人员、设备、材料、工作方法、现场组织诸多方面加以界定,运用现代管理科学手段进行维护,最终能满足顾客的需求,达到节拍生产。 精益生产是美国麻省理工学院在一项名为“国际汽车计划”的研究项目中提出来的。它们在做了大量的调查和对比后,认为日本丰田汽车公司的生产方式是最适用于现代制造业的一种生产组织管理方式,称之为丰田管理模式,又称之为精益生产,以针对美国大量生产方式过干臃肿的弊病。精益生产综合了批量生产与单件流生产方式的优点,力求在大量生产中实现多品种和高质量产品的低成本生产。

精益生产作为一种从环境到管理目标都全新的管理思想,在天海集团所有员工实际与实践努力中取得成功,是一套与企业环境、文化以及管理方法高度融合的管理体系。 精益生产的特点: (1)拉动式准时化生产(Just in time ) 精益生产是一种流畅制造,是按照顾客的需求节拍来平衡我们的生产节拍,所以如何来平衡我们的生产节拍是我们追求的目标,在一个以顾客为本的制造价值流中,如何快捷高效的满足顾客,我们首推Push 体系,Push 体系实际是一种推动式生产,那是根据顾客的需求,直接安排生产,每道工序完成直接进入下一道工序,中间没有库存,没有等待,最后入库发货的一种没有停顿的生产方式,但这是在生产品种较少,生产批量较大的情况下进行的,也就是说是一种卖方市场的一种产物,但随着市场竞争的加剧,微利时代的来临,没有任何一家公司敢宣称自己的市场是卖方市场,这就要求每生产一种产品要考虑是否顾客需要,生产多少由顾客决定,什么时间生产由顾客决定,JIT (准时化生产)就应运而生,所谓JIT 就是说:在顾客需要的时间,根据顾客需要的量,生产顾客需要的品种。这就出现了Pull (拉式生产)体系,可以说,拉式生产是不得已而为之的一种生产方式,绝对不是最佳生产方式,所以,在一些大公司的生产过程中,往往是拉动(Pull )和推动(Push )共存,精益生产的核心就是柔性化生产,我们天海集团也是拉动和推动共存的生产方式,目前仅在发运和物料发送实施拉动,中间的其它工序仍然实施推动,这样能减少我们的在制品风险,因为众所周 知,在制品是万恶之源。 没有工作 开始工作 满 空 物流方向 工序拉动看板系统


精益生产方式外文翻译文献 (文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译) 译文: 精益生产方式简介 摘要:精益生产是一种起源于丰田和汽车制造的流水线制造方法论。也被称为“丰田生产系统”。精益生产的目标被描述为“在适当的时间(或第仪式间,the first time)使适当的东西到达适当的地点,同时使浪费最小化和适应变化”。创立了精益生产原则的大野耐一发现他的方法论不但可以减小浪费,还能够增进产品流动和提高质量。本文对精益生产进行了具体的分析,得出它的优越性,并把它与传统的生产方式进行比较,通过分析可以知道精益生产是解救困难企业的法宝。关键词:丰田汽车,精益生产,优越性,特点,企业 一、丰田公司的精益生产方式 精益生产(Lean Production,简称LP)是美国麻省理工学院数位国际汽车计划组织(IMVP)的专家对日本“丰田JIT(Justin Time)生产方式”的赞誉之称,精,即少而精,不投入多余的生产要素,只是在适当的时间生产必要数量的市场急需

产品(或下道工序急需的产品);益,即所有经营活动都要有益有效,具有经济性。精益生产是当前工业界最佳的一种生产组织体系和方式。 精益生产是战后日本汽车工业遭到的“资源稀缺”和“多品种、少批量”的市场制约的产物,它是从丰田相佐诘开始,经丰田喜一郎及大野耐一等人的共同努力直到60年代才逐步完善而形成的。 精益生产既是一种以最大限度地减少企业生产所占用的资源和降低企业管理和运营成本为主要目标的生产方式,同时它又是一种理念,一种文化。实施精益生产就是决心追求完美的历程,也是追求卓越的过程,它是支撑个人与企业生命的一种精神力量,也是在永无止境的学习过程中获得自我满足的一种境界。其目标是精益求精,尽善尽美,永无止境的追求七个零的终极目标。 精益生产的实质是管理过程,包括人事组织管理的优化,大力精简中间管理层,进行组织扁平化改革,减少非直接生产人员;推进行生产均衡化同步化,实现零库存与柔性生产;推行全生产过程(包括整个供应链)的质量保证体系,实现零不良;减少和降低任何环节上的浪费,实现零浪费;最终实现拉动式准时化生产方式。 精益生产的特点是消除一切浪费,追求精益求精和不断改善。去掉生产环节中一切无用的东西,每个工人及其岗位的安排原则是必须增值,撤除一切不增值的岗位。精简是它的核心,精简产品开发设计、生产、管理中一切不产生附加值的工作,旨在以最优品质、最低成本和最高效率对市场需求作出最迅速的响应。二、精益生产方式的优越性及其意义 与大量生产方式相比,日本所采用的精益生产方式的优越性主要表现在以下几个方面: 1.所需人力资源——无论是在产品开发、生产系统,还是工厂的其他部门,与大量生产方式下的工厂相比,最低能减至1/2; 2.新产品开发周期——最低可减至l/2或2/3; 3.生产过程的在制品库存——最低可减至大量生产方式下一般水平的1/10; 4.工厂占用空间——最低可减至采用大量生产方式下的1/2; 5.成品库存——最低可减至大量生产方式下平均库存水平的1/4; 6.产品质量——可大幅度。


AEC 汽车排放控制英文全称:automobile emission control AFV 代用燃料汽车英文全称:Alternative Fuel Vehicle CHMSL (汽车)高位制动灯英文全称:Center High Mounted Stop Lamp 词条简介:汽车上第三高位制动灯具,通常由LED组成,红色 GMLAN 通用汽车局域网英文全称:General Motors local area network 词条简介:汽车电子内部用网 HID 汽车高压气体放电灯英文全称:High Intensity Discharge Lamp 词条简介:汽车高压气体放电灯是一种利用处于高压状态的气体放光的电灯。 Lamps are electric lamps that produce light in a small arc tube under high internal pressure. OASIS 在线汽车服务资讯系统英文全称:On-Line Automotive Service Information System SBEC 单板发动机控制 SEFI 次序电控燃油喷射 SFI 次序燃油喷射 SMEC 单片发动机控制 SPI 单点喷射 SAE 美国汽车工程师学会 SOHC 顶置单凸轮轴 SOL 线圈 SPEC 规格 S/R 遮阳板 SRS 安全气囊 STD 标准 SW 切换开关 SCS 维修检示信号 TB 节流阀体 TBI 节流阀体燃油喷射 TC 涡轮增压器 TCM 变速器控制模块 TP 节气门位置 TPS 节气门位置传感器 TPS 节气门位置开关 TPI 进气口喷射 TWC 三元催化反应器 T 扭力 TDC 上止点 TDCL 自诊接头 T/N 工具编号 TCC 变扭器离合器 TRC 牵引控制 VAF 体积空气流量 VAT 进气温度 VCC 变扭离合器 VSS 车速传感器 VSV 真空电磁阀


精益常用语英文翻译 精益生产的概念和基本原则The concept and principle of lean production 六西格玛品质论坛精益生产的历史:TPS及其演变The history of lean production: TPS and its changing 精益生产的原则The principle of lean production: 价值和浪费;快速响应客户Value and Muda, quick response 精益生产的思想Lean production thinking: 追求完美和持续改善Seek perfect and continuous improvement 七大浪费 7-Muda 精益生产的基础The fundamental of leano production 5S的含义The meaning of 5S:整理、整顿、清扫、清洁、素养SEIRI, SEITON, SEISO, SEIKETSU, and SEITSUKE 5S的推行方法The implement methods for 5S 5S的实务技巧 5S implement skills 5S实施过程的优化 5S implement process optimizing4 o1 流线化生产Flowo production 流线化生产的八个条件 8-condition for flow production TAKT TIME与CYCLE TIME 单元设计Cellular layout 流线化生产的设备选择Equipment selecting for flow production 看板管理Kanban managemento 什么是看板What is Kanban 看板的实施方法The implement methods for Kanban 实施看板管理的限制条件The limited condition of Kanban management implement 快速换线SMED 快速换线的理念 The idea of SMED 内部作业与外部作业的分离Separate the-operation between outside and inside 将内部作业转化为外部作业Turn the inside-operation to outside operation 作业的优化Operation optimizing 精益生产的设备管理Equipment management in lean production TPM TPM的概念和发展The concept and development of TPM TPM的设备基础管理Equipment essential management of TPM 六西格玛品质论坛TPM的八大支柱8 columns of TPM 六西格玛品质论坛TPM实施的十三步骤13 phases for TPM implementing 案例分析Case studyo 工厂5S分析(根据现场拍摄照片)Workshop 5S analysis (depends on photos taken from on-site) 工厂生产线设置分析Production line layout analysis 快速换线案例分析Case study for SMED


精益生产英文资料介绍1 精益生产英文资料介绍 General questions about lean operations What is lean? Lean operations involve the elimination of waste, whether it be tim e, m aterials, efficiency or processes. It also m eans figuratively tightening the belt in pursuit o f increased productivi ty gains that will increase a company’s ability to com pete more successfully. Why lean? Increased global competition will likely force all but the strong to the sideline s. Belt tightening and a lean mindset will enable the game to continue as com pa nies steady them selves for the challenges and opportunities that await them. The truly lean com pany of today will be a survivor in the global battle for custom ers and bottom line profits. The need for lean is obvious and the potential rewar ds are dazzling. There will be those who will probably resist the necessary chan ges. Training will start you on the road to overcoming this resistance and ultim a tely achieving a successful transition.


序号中文英文 1山积图stack diagram 2线平衡line balancing 3标准作业程序standard operation procedure(SOP) 4客户节拍customer takt time(TT) 5节拍cycle time(CT) 6换型change over (CO) 7前置期lead time 8有价值的时间value added time 9缓冲buffer 10设备综合效率overall equipment efficiency (OEE) 11标准作业票standard work sheet(SWS) 12价值流程图value stream mapping (VSM) 13价值流设计value stream design(VSD) 14批量大小lot size 15操作工operator (OP) 16多技能工multi-skilled operator 17技能矩阵skill metrix 18班shift 19零件计划plan for every part (PFEP) 20防呆poka yoke 21牛奶线milkrun 22均衡生产leveling 23看板Kanban 24安灯andon 25物料上线点point of use provider (POUP) 26先进先出first in first out (FIFO) 27在制品库存work in process (WIP) 28生产效率productivity 29一分钟换模single minute exchange die(SMED) 30持续改善continue improvement(CI) 31改善KAIZEN 32浪费waste 根本原因root cause 临时措施temperary action 长期措施Long-term action 截止日期due date 序号No. 责任人PIC(person in charge)

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