当前位置:文档之家› 医学博士英语常考及重难点词汇总结




1. exacerbate(使)恶化,(使)加重;exasperate激怒,触怒=infuriate;

2.imminent (通常指不愉快的事)即将发生的, 逼近的,临近的;eminent (人)知名的,受人尊崇的,良好品质,非凡的,杰出的

3.be prone to/liable to=be susceptible to敏感的,易受影响的, 易感染的; =predispose sb to=be predisposed to; be subjected to 受到,经受,遭受.

4.incredible 不可信的; incredulous 不轻信的; be suspected of 被怀疑

5.make for:1).走向, 前往2).冲向, 向…猛扑3).有利于, 有助于, 促进

6.momentous adj.重大的, 严重的;momentary 刹那间的,顷刻的,短暂的

7.sentiment n.柔情,伤感,柔情,哀伤;

sentimental adj.伤感的,充满柔情的,情感的(而非理性的);

sensation n.感觉, 感受,直觉, 轰动;哗然;引起轰动的人(或事物)

sensational adj. 轰动性的,引起哗然的,哗众取宠的;耸人听闻的


9.假的:pseudo,supposititious,dummy,feigned,bogus, false, fake;

10.盗版piracy,pirated copy/version (of software, e.g.)

反盗版:anti-pirate,fight against piracy;盗版问题Problem of Piracy

12.娇惯pamper; coddle; spoil; 娇生惯养be spoiled; be spoiled and pampered


https://www.doczj.com/doc/6f763668.html,y up(laid up)使卧床歇工;搁置不用:She's laid up with flu/ a broken leg.

lay off解雇, 停止, 关闭, 休息;

lay out设计,安排,陈列,花费,拟定;

lay on猛打,安装,提供(饭食等),涂上(油漆等),征收, 放在…上;强调.


16. airborne: 1).Carried by or through the air: airborne pollen.由空气传播的:空气传播的花粉症2).

17.ambulant【医】(病人)可走动的,(治疗时)病人不需卧床的;流动的,移动的ambulance n.救护车

18.puffiness n.膨胀,肿大;自傲,夸张;puff up使骄傲自大;吹捧,吹嘘; 肿胀


20.syringe注射器, 注射筒,用注射器清洗; gauze薄纱,网纱,(医用)纱布

21.交通阻塞traffic jam/congestion; traffic block

22.freelance vi/adj/adv. 做自由职业者/工作,从事自由职业,自由职业(者)的; freelancer自由职业者,自由作家,自由记者

23.bandage n.绷带vt.用绷带绑扎;

24.inspection, palpation,percussion,auscultation视诊、触诊、叩诊、听

25. bondage束缚,身体受束缚

26.holistic medicine整体医学;wholesome 有益于健康的:wholesome food;

27.sedentary adj.久坐的, 固定不动的;

28.supine/lying face upward 仰卧的; prone/ prostrate/lying face down俯卧的;

29.suntan n. 晒黑(的肤色);sunburn:晒伤;晒太阳过量而引起皮肤灼痛

30.convex lens 凸透镜;concave lens凹透镜;contact lens隐形眼镜

31.知识产权intellectual property right(s);

32.节约、节俭thrift; economize; economy,thrifty; frugal; economical

33.dwell on老是想着,唠叨,细看,凝视;dwell in住在(某地),保留, 存在

34. defer v. 推迟, 延期;

35.defer to尊重,顺从,服从;deference尊重,顺从,服从;deferent传送的,输出的


37.warrant n.授权/许可证,(做某事的)正当理由vt.使有必要,使正当,保证,担保

38.track down跟踪追捕, 追查;找到,发现;查出:track down the source of the infection. track out 根据遗迹等探索出.

39.trail off 声音等逐渐变弱逐渐减弱, 缩小

40.impersonal adj.不受个人感情影响的, 冷淡的, 没有人情味的, 客观的

41.wear out穿破, 磨损, (使)筋疲力尽, 耗尽;

wear on (时间)消逝,慢慢过去;

wear down 磨损,损耗,使疲劳,使厌烦,克服;

wear off磨掉, 磨损,逐渐减弱,逐渐消失


43. inadvertently adv.不注意, 疏忽的

44.oblivious adj.未察觉;不注意;忘记;,

45.古怪的:eccentric, peculiar,odd, outlandish;

grotesquely adv.奇异地,奇形怪状的,荒诞地;



stout: (指人)结实的/矮胖的/粗壮的,勇敢的,坚毅的,不屈不挠的

47.empirical、experiential 经验的,经验上的,根据经验的,经验主义的

48.convict sb of定罪;accuse sb of指责;acquit sb of宣告...无罪,无罪释放

49.lethargic昏睡的,没精打采的, 懒洋洋的;

50.on second thoughts经重新考虑, 继而一想,

51.dispense with省略,放弃:不用

52.trifle n. 无价值的东西,琐事,少量, 少许, 一点点;

stifle vt. & vi. (使)窒息;

53.时髦,时尚,流行:vogue, popularity, fashion, trend, style, fad;

54.inflict sth on sb把…强加给, 使承受, 遭受,打击;sb striken with sth

https://www.doczj.com/doc/6f763668.html,passionate adj.表示怜悯的,有同情心的

56. dogmatic adj. 固执己见的,武断的;

57.pragmatic adj.务实的,注重实效的,实用主义的.


59.lounge at n.休息厅, 休息室; vi. 懒散地斜倚,闲逛,闲荡,打发(时间)

60.put in:花费,正式提出,提交,申请;打断,插嘴,(船)进港;

put out扑灭,熄灭,生产,制造,出版,


https://www.doczj.com/doc/6f763668.html,vish adj.慷慨的,浪费的;vt. 过分给予;

63.altitude高度,海拔,高处, elevation= height above sea-level;latitude纬度,特指的纬度地区,自由, 自由范围;

attitude态度, 看法,姿态, 姿势,倾向,意向;

aptitude (学习方面的)才能, 资质, 天资。


65.gratify vt.使高兴;使满意gratify sb to…,be gratified to…

65.ostensibly表面上,明显地; ostentatious好夸耀的,炫耀的;

67.levity n.欠考虑,不慎重,轻率;

68.uphold vt.支持, 维护(正义等),赞成,维持, 保持

69.contention n.竞争, 争夺,争吵,争执;争论,(尤指争论时的)看法,观点

70.rendezvous n.约会,约会的地点,(快餐店、酒吧等)公共场所

71.put through实行,完成,使经历,接通(电话),使通过;

put across解释清楚;使人接受;

get through结束,完成;接通电话,通过(考试);

pull through恢复健康,脱险,渡过难关。

72.ordeal n.严峻的考验;苦难的经历;磨难;折磨;煎熬;严酷的考验;

73.emaciate v.使消瘦/衰弱,衰弱

74.at length 终于,最后,详细地,细致地=in detail=at great length详细,细致地

75.elastic adj.有弹力的, 有弹性的,灵活的;ecstatic 狂喜的,着迷的,入神的;

76.rigorous严密的, 缜密的,严格的, 严厉的,枯燥的,枯涩的;


rigid a.刚硬的,僵硬的,不弯曲的,严格的,僵化的。

77.encumber妨碍,阻碍,=hamper、impede、hinder、encumber阻碍, 妨碍,

78.procrastination拖延,耽搁;postpone延期, 推迟,暂缓。

79.vigilant警惕的,警戒的,警觉的,谨慎;wary谨慎的; 小心翼翼的,机警的;


81.discreet (言行)谨慎的, 慎重的, 考虑周到的;discrete分离的, 不相关联的。

82.infamous丑恶的, 臭名昭著的=notorious,

83. f rag rant芳香的、香的;f l agrant臭烘烘的,臭的,恶名昭彰的,臭名昭著的

84.tranquility n.平静,安静,平稳,

85.exertion n.努力,费力


87.exhaustive全面的, 详尽的,彻底的;exhaustible可耗竭的,可耗尽的,用得尽的;

专用的; exclusive:独家的,排外的,独享的


88.tow v./ n.拖, 拉, 拽,牵引stow妥善放置,收好;endow资助,赋予,授予

89.decent像样的,得体的,体面的;descent下降,血统, 出身;

90.pay tribute to 对……表示赞美或者敬意;

91.neglect vt/n.疏忽,遗漏,忽略,忽视,不予重视; negligent疏忽的,玩忽的,粗心大意的;negligible可忽略的, 无足轻重的,微不足道的,不重要的,不值一提的

92. by and large总的来说, 大体而言; at all events无论如何,不管发生什么事,在任何情况下。

93.i mpart vt.透露,传授,告知,把(某性质)赋予,给予;impute把(错误等)归咎于

94.offset vt/n补偿=compensate;make up;抵消=neutralize, counterbalance,counteract


96. expatiatory详述的,冗长的;

97.frail—frailty adj. (尤指身体)虚弱的,弱的;易损的;易碎的

98. captive adj.被俘的,受控制的; captivate vt.迷住(某人);迷惑

99.infuriate vt.使大怒,触怒


101.elaborate精心设计的,复杂的,详细述说;disclose说出, 表明,揭露,

102.wrap up (使)穿得暖和(wrap somebody/yourself up),包裹, 包扎,圆满完成,顺利结束(协议或会议等) (wrap something up);

103. see through识破、看穿,干到底;look through浏览,温习

104.carry off赢得奖牌等,获得,完成;carry on继续下去,坚持下去,从事,经营;carry through贯彻到底,度过难关,支持到底;carry out完成,落实,贯彻,实现,执行

105. availability可用性、有效性;pull oneself away from使脱身,使脱离;106.drop off to sleep去睡觉

107.drop off落下,小睡,不知不觉入睡,送下车; 送到,减少;drop out退出,退学,离队,放弃,掉落;drop on训斥,惩罚,降临到;drop away (一个一个地)离开, 散去,逐渐减少,不知不觉地跑掉;drop down倒下,下降,顺下

108.prompt adj.立刻的, 迅速的, 准时的,敏捷的(=swift),【计算机】提示信息的,v.促使, 推动,鼓励,提示(某人说话)

109.viscous黏的,黏性的,半流体的,黏滞流体的, 黏滞的;

110. confidential机密的,可信任的(=trustful)

111.torment n. (尤指精神上的)折磨, 痛苦,苦难, v.使痛苦,使烦恼;纠缠;

torch手电筒,火把, 火炬

112.irresistable不可抗拒的; irreversible不可更改的;不可挽回的,不可反转的113.preserve v.保护,保存,防腐; conserve v.保护,保存,节约

114.tap n.塞子, 龙头; tapper轻敲者;



117. at heart内心里,本质上;

118.from the heart 诚心诚意地,真诚地;

119. break apart分解; fall apart崩溃;

120.set apart区别,使分离:set good athletes apart from the rest;take apart拆开,拆坏。

121.deduct扣除, 减去;deduce vt.推论, 演绎,推断

122. heed n/v 听从, 留意,注意;

123.tenaciously坚持地,坚忍不拔地,执着地=persistently坚持的, 百折不挠的; 124.obedient=submissive顺从的; 忠顺的;

125.intelligible=comprehensible=understandable可理解的, 明白易懂的;

126.texture质地, 手感,结构, 纹理, 特点; textile 纺织品, 织物, 纺织业

127.fracture vt. & vi. (使)折断; 破碎, n.骨折,断裂; fraction n.小部分, 一点,碎片,片断,〈数〉分数;小数=decimal fraction ,分裂,破碎;

128.desolate荒凉的, 荒芜的, 孤单寂寞的;

129.wholesale n/adv/v/adj at/by wholesale批发、规模;wholesale(r)—retail(er)130. devour狼吞虎咽地吃, 吞噬

131.stump n.(被砍下的树的)树桩,残段;

stumble vi.绊倒,跌跌撞撞地走=stagger偶然遇到,碰巧找到;

stun vt.使大吃一惊, 使震惊,给(某人)以深刻印象

132.sluggish行动迟缓的, 不机警的,无精打采的;

133.固执,顽固= adamant,obstinate/stubborn,tenacious; die-hard

134.indignant愤怒的,愤慨的, 愤愤不平的;


136.refrain和restrain 都有抑制、控制不让做某事的意思。Refrain为不及物动词,后面要加上from。Refrain from 不再做某事; Restrain是及物动词,后面接人和事作宾语:Restrain sb from doing , restrain your anger ; restrain oneself from. 137.correspond to相当于,与…一致/符合;correspond with与…一致/符合,通信138.make in干涉别人,参加,干涉;make out辨认出,看出;理解,开出139.desirable可取的,称心的,合意的,理想的;advisable明智的,可取的140.incite激励,刺激,促成;ignite点燃,引发,(使)燃烧,着火=light,kindle,set fire to,put [place; set] a match to。

141.overdo vt. 做得过分,煮得太久,(工作等)过度; overcharge过充电,要价过高142.die out=extinct;extinguish the fire=put out the fire;die away变弱;渐渐消失;平息(尤指声音、光、风);die down逐渐减弱,渐渐消失,平息=fade,某种程度的消失。

143. tangle纠缠,缠结,使纠缠


145. tangible明确的, 确凿的, 实际的;可触摸的,可触知的,有形的=concrete; 146. tackle n.滑车v.处理,对付;


148.lest conj.(引出产生某种情感的原因)唯恐,担心,免得,以免;

149.thrust n.猛推,刺,要点,要旨,主旨;

150.formulate v.构想=conceive, 规划,阐述,用公式表示



153.do away with消灭, 去掉;get away with侥幸成功,逃脱处罚;

154.take up停顿后继续,接下去, 占去,占据,开始从事;

take to开始喜欢,开始从事,开始沉湎于;

take sb off 诙谐地模仿某人,学...的样, 终止、换下、取消;

take on呈现,接纳,承担,从事,雇用; take over接受,接管;借用,承袭

155.turn off拐弯,转入另一条路,不再听, (使)失去兴趣,解雇, 辞退, (把…)关掉; turn on打开(水、电视、收音机、灯、煤气等),(使)感兴趣; (使)兴奋,突然攻击; turn away转过脸去,拒绝(某人)进入;

turn up开大,翻起,出现,露面,(尤指失去后偶然)被发现,被找到;

turn down减少,关小,拒绝.

156.slacken (使)松弛,(使某物)放慢, 迟缓,松懈下来,变迟缓

157.revolt (使)厌恶.

158.clash n.抵触, 撞击声, v发出撞击声;

crash v.撞碎,猛撞,突然失败,(尤指计算机)崩溃;

159.summon vt.召唤, 召集,鼓起(勇气),振作(精神);

160.deliberate adj.故意的,深思熟虑的, vi.仔细考虑,研讨,仔细考虑+on;



163.bonanza n.(突然的)财源,富矿脉;

164.handicap n.障碍,阻碍,不利条件,vt.妨碍,使不利,

165.claim声称, 断言,要求,索取;


exclaim(由于强烈的情感或痛苦而)呼喊, 惊叫,



acclaim v向…欢呼, 向…喝彩,称赞


languid a.疲倦的, 无力的, 阴沉的;

anguish n. (尤指心理上的)极度的痛苦,剧痛,苦恼;



167.tormen t强调烦恼或痛苦的长期性;







169.dissuade劝人勿做,劝阻; lassitude无精打采,懒怠


171.play up努力, 积极地比赛,夸大,为…做广告,大肆宣传;

pile up堆集,成堆,积累,(指若干车辆)碰撞在一起;

172.scheme n=v 策划,图谋,设计,计划;

173.plead恳求, 请求,提出…为借口[理由];

174.exemplify v.是…的典型(或典范、榜样),例证,例示;


175.d esperate adj.不顾一切的,孤注一掷的,极想望的;

176.g enial adj.和蔼的, 亲切的,友好的,温和的, 温暖的, 利于生长的;

177.frown on不赞成,不同意,不许可;

178.mitigate vt.减轻, 缓和;

179.halt n./v.停住, 停止, 暂停,使终止;




remit宽恕,使某事缓和; remittal n.宽恕,减轻,豁免,免除;

remission缓和, 减轻


dismal adj.阴沉的, 凄凉的, 令人忧郁的, 惨淡的,不熟练的;

183.virtually adv. 实际上, 事实上,虚拟,几乎;

184.incidentally ad.附带地,偶然地,不经意地,顺便提一句=by the way ; 185.practically几乎,简直,实际上; presently(表示即将发生)不久, 一会儿,目前186. lotion n.化妆水,涂剂,外用药水,洗涤剂;

187. pay out支付,惩罚;pay off还清,偿还,取得好结果,成功

188. candor坦率,爽直,真诚

189.bruise n.瘀伤, 伤痕, 擦伤v.碰伤[擦伤], (使)成瘀伤vt.挫伤,伤害(感情)190.sue起诉, 控告,求婚,请求;ensue 接着发生, 因而产生, 接踵而来

191.round off以整数计,四舍五入,使圆满结束;

192.wind up关闭公司,上紧(钟表)发条,使紧张,兴奋,结束,停止,193.philanthropic乐善好施的,慈善的=benevolent乐善好施的,仁义的;194.extraneous adj. 外部的,外来的,无关的,不相干的;


196.nasty adj.令人讨厌/厌恶的,恶意的,恶毒的

197. staggering adj摇摆的,难以置信的,令人震惊的



200. insanitary(不卫生的,有害健康的,易致疾病的),

201.revolve (使)旋转,环绕,转动,细想;

202.at odds with与…不和,与…争吵; at fault有责任,有错误;

at a loss不知所措,亏本;

at ease舒适(地),安逸(地),自由自在;

at best充其量

203.自满的,自鸣得意的:complacent ,self-satisfied ,self-content,smug



206.retaliation报复, 反击;

207.victim受害者, 受灾者,受骗者,上当的人;


209.derive… from A从A中得到/获得…; derive from来自,得自,衍生于,来源于

210.infected needles=contaminated needles不能说infectious/contagious needles 211.speculate v.推断; 猜测, 推测( about/on sth), vi.做投机买卖( in/on sth) ; 212.anticipate预料,期望,预先考虑,抢先,提前使用;

213. sanitary adj.清洁的, 卫生的, 保健的,环境卫生的,公共卫生的

214.conjecture 推测、判断、猜想=speculation。

215.all in all 总的说来,头等重要的=first and last;

216.preventive initiatives=preventive measures预防的措施;



219.h ygienic=sanitary卫生学的,卫生的,保健的,促进健康的=wholesome; 220.insinuate vt.暗示,暗指; (使)缓慢进入;


222.spiral staircase 螺旋楼梯;

223. beverage:(除水以外的)饮料/酒水;


225. nickle五美分;dime 十美分

226.eclectic (人)兼收并蓄的,(方法、思想)折中的,从不同来源选辑的,不拘一格的; 227.impromptu事先无准备(的), 临时(的)=extemporaneous毫无准备的,即席的, =off the cuff [英]即兴地, 非正式地; 当场


affect sth=have an effect on sth. affect vt.影响,打动,感动;

effect 作动词时很正式,意为“产生,带来(结果)”:By the electric-shock treatment, the doctor has effected a partial cure of his disease.

229.precedence=priority n.优先;领先于;优先权

230.treacherous adj. 骗人的,不忠的,背叛的,背信弃义的;

231.flamboyant adj.(人或物)显眼的, 浮夸的, 炫耀的,艳丽的;

232.insolence n.傲慢,无礼,厚颜,

233.imperceptible a.觉察不到的,感觉不到的,极细微的;

234.scrupulous adj.仔细的,细致的,一丝不苟的(~in sth/ in doing sth) ;

be scrupulous about =be meticulous about小心翼翼的,过细的,细心的。

235. fallacy 谬误;谬论;谬见,谬误的推理;

fallible易错的,可能犯错的= erroneous;

fallacious谬误的,不合理的=absurd,nonsensical,preposterous,ridiculous 236.sublime adj.崇高的,壮丽的,宏伟的,令人赞叹的,极端的,不顾后果的;

237.plausible adj.(借口或解释)有道理的,可信的,花言巧语的;


239.walk briskly adv.活泼地,精神勃勃地=energetically;

240.immaculate整洁的, 无污迹的,精确的, 无误的;



243.disposition脾气= temperament;

244.rebuff n.拒绝,回绝


246.indefensible adj.无法防御的,站不住脚的,不可原谅的,

247.surreptitious adj.暗中进行的;

248.panacea万灵药,灵丹妙药=catholicon, elixir, cure-all

249.droop弯曲或下垂, 发蔫=hang down;


251.tacitly ad.肃静地;沉默地;缄默地,心照不宣地=implicitly;

downturn n. (价格或活动)开始下降,(经济)衰退,下降,衰退期

economic decline/recession/depression;



254.rampant adj.(坏事)泛滥的,猖獗的,(指动物)只用后腿站起来的,

255.manifest adj.明白的, 明显的=obvious;

256.i nsidious隐伏的,潜在的,暗中为害的;

257. profusely十分慷慨地;毫不吝惜地,丰富地;繁茂地,挥霍地;浪费地=lavishly;258.短暂的,瞬息的,瞬间的, 即刻的ephemeral; transient; transitory;

instantaneous evanescent,momentary,short-lived

259.persecute v.迫害(~sb. for sth.),烦扰,困扰或骚扰某人


262.vend出售; vendor=hawker摊贩;小贩

263.imperceptibly无感觉地,感觉不到地,不知不觉地,极微地=unnoticeably 264.distribute:1)把东西分给其它人,比如He distributed sweets to all the children in the class.2).分布。dispense(分发、发售、发药, 主要是发售,卖东西或者配药,发药)把东西分配给其它人,多用在药品上; distribute(分发,分配,适用的范围较广),如分发课程和资料,distributed与其搭配。


266.assiduous勤勉的, 刻苦的;

267. debility衰弱,身体虚弱

268. 方向障碍,迷惑confusion

269.pass over sb=skip sb跳过某人

270.simplistic adj.过分单纯化的;

271.pinpoint n.极小的范围;光点v明确指出,确定(位置或时间);

272.melancholy=downhearted(忧愁的, 悲哀的);

273.succinct简短的, 短暂的;





278.audacious大胆的, 卤莽的, 大胆创新的

279. elusive难以捉摸的,难以找到的,不易记住的;

280.terse简洁的, 扼要的;laconic用词简洁的, 简明的=concise

281.cede sth to让给, 割让;放弃;

282.succumb to屈服,听任=give in,yield to; lay down one’s life牺牲;

283.give away 泄露; give way to给…让路,对…让步,被…代替=be replaced by;

284.at a strike 一举,一下;at a stretch 一口气,在很短时间内

285.农民工:(rural) migrant workers(in cities)

286.cursive adj.(指字迹)草书的n.草书;

287. remorse n.懊悔, 良心不安, 后悔=regret;

288.pretext n.借口, 托词=excuse v.以...为借口; be intoxicated with陶醉于人或物289.fractious易怒的,急躁的;




293.distinctive=unique, different from others; distinct=clear;

294.intrinsic 固有的,本质的,内在的;intricate= complicated complex

295.call down祈求到,招致,责骂,斥责= reproach,denounce

296.In the event of 万一...的话; 如果是...的话;

297.live up to达到高标准,不辜负,实行, 履行;

298.retarded development发育迟滞;

299. settle down定居, (使)安静下来, 平静下来,沉没平息, 停息,舒适地坐下(或躺下)

300.contract /develop 得病;

https://www.doczj.com/doc/6f763668.html,her n.引座员, 招待员, 迎宾员;vt.引, 领, 陪同;

302.郁闷/抑郁:depression,be in the blues,despondent, gloomy,depressed(in mind);303. extravagantly挥霍无度的,过分地,奢侈地;

304.explicitly:详述的, 明确的, 明晰的陈述; belie掩饰,给人以…假象,证明)...为虚假,辜负,使失望

305.be intent on一心想;专注于=engrossed/absorbed in=concentrate on=be preoccupied with

306.pull up停下,减速停车,拔起,拔掉,阻止,指责;

pull away(尤指车辆、船等)开始移动,脱身,离开;脱出;

pull down毁坏, 拆毁,使虚弱,拖垮;

pull through〈非正〉恢复健康; 精神状况转好, 情绪转好渡过难关,脱离险境。

307.haphazard adj.=unorganized、indiscriminate,偶然的, 随意的无计划的;308.terminate in结束,终止=conclude in;

309.ramble vi. (无目的地)漫步,漫谈,扯淡,长篇大论n.漫步;



312.plague sb=trouble sb困扰;

313. destroy,相当程度地减少或降低;


315.opulent adj.富裕的,豪华的,<正>富足的,充足的,繁茂的;

316.indomitable adj.不屈服的,不气馁的,不可战胜的。

317.acknowledgement n.答谢,确认,致谢, 鸣谢,(对事实现实存在的)承认;318.confession n.(对使自己羞愧或尴尬的事的)

319.cut in插嘴, 打断,突然插到…前面,干预,允许加入;

cut out剪下, 切去, 戒除, 放弃,删掉, 省掉,取代, 击败,适合于;

cut down把…改小,减少, 降低;

cut off剪、切、砍下,切〔隔〕断,迅速离开。


321.crush 压碎,碾成粉末磨碎=grind;



324.in concert=in agreement 一致,共同,一起;

325. concerted容词a.商定的,一致的,协同的,同心协力的

326.tease戏弄,逗弄,取笑,欺负;lease v.租, 租借,n.租约, 租契

327.contemplate v.注视, 凝视,深思熟虑;沉思;

328.draw on渐渐来临,利用,动用,鼓励,穿上, 戴上;

draw in抽入(某物),吸引,(火车或汽车)进站、徐徐停下,(白昼)缩短,节省;draw up:将(某物)拉上前,拆除,排好队伍, 使整队,(使)停下,草拟, 拟订;draw out:掏出, 取出, 拔出,拉长,拖延,(白昼)变长,(使)离开,引出,提(款)。329.touch down降落, 着陆;shot down击落;

330.legible 可辨认的,易读的,清晰可读的;

illegible a.难以辨认的,字迹模糊的;

illiterate a.文盲的,无知的n.文盲;


illicit adj.法律不许可的, 非法的,不正当的

331.alleged=声称所谓的=asserted/supposed/purported;涉嫌的=suspected;332.peculiar adj.怪异的,奇怪的=eccentric,

333.recharge vt.充电, 给(电池)再充电,给(枪)再装弹药,养精蓄锐,休整,334.conviction坚信,定罪, 信服;

335.verdict n.(陪审团的)裁决, 裁定,(经过试验、检验或体验发表的)决定, 意见336.consist vi.由…组成,构成,包含(常与of连用);

存在于,在于,表现为(常与in 连用);

符合,一致, 并存(常与with连用)

337.discretionary 任意的,无条件的,自由决定的,酌情行事的,随意选择的

338. leisurely adj.从容的,不慌忙的;adv.(副词)In an unhurried manner; slowly. Leisure n.(名词)空闲时间,闲暇n.(定语名词)leisure time/travel/ sports 339. wrath n.〈正式〉愤怒, 狂怒

340.indignation愤怒, 愤慨, 气愤

341.insolent a.粗野的,无礼的;indolent懒惰/懒散的, 不活跃的

https://www.doczj.com/doc/6f763668.html,e down with

1).出(钱) How much did she come down with? 她出了多少钱?

2).得,染上(病) Our children all came down with the flu /pneumonia.得了流感/肺炎。343.denounce vt.公开指责,谴责,=condemn,decry,accuse,scold;call down,reproach,344.rebuke n./v.责难或指责

345.perturb v.使(某人)烦恼,不安,扰动;

346.redeem vt.挽回, 恢复, 偿还, 补偿, 买回, 赎回

347. save for:留供…用; 除了=except;

348.around the corner 在附近,即将来临

349.inconsequentia不重要的事, 琐碎的事;inconsequential a.不合理的, 不重要的

https://www.doczj.com/doc/6f763668.html,municable爱说话的,会传染的; communicative a.健谈的, 交际的351.reckon vt.计算,测量,认为,把...看作+as/among/with;vi指望,盼望+on/upon;352.be descended from为...后裔的, 出身于...的

353.capricious a.反复无常的, 多变的, 任性的=changeable,

354.scorch n/v.烧焦, 枯萎, (使)枯萎, 讽刺;

355.recondition vt.修理, 修复,检修, 改善;

356.appalling a. 骇人的, 令人震惊的

357.ingenuous adj.天真无邪的,朴实的,坦率的;

ingenious a. 机灵的,天才的,灵巧的, 善于创造发明的,设计独特的,

358.spacious a.广阔的,宽敞的; spatial 立体的,空间的

359. altism/autistic孤独症/孤独症的;altruism/altruistic利他主义/利他主义的360.antipathy n. 厌恶, 反感=dislike; antiquity n.古老, 古代, 古代人, 古物

361.addle v.使腐坏,使昏乱; addled a.头脑混乱的,腐烂变质的,混乱的,糊涂的362.get at得到,接近,找到,暗示,责备;

363.get around/round走动,旅行,(消息)传开,应付局面,克服=solve、overcome;get round to抽出时间来做(或考虑);腾出时间来做;

364.screen vt.掩蔽+from=prevent,protect;

365.leave over剩下,遗留,退后,延迟,留待以后处理。


ban n./vt.“禁止,禁令”,含谴责或不赞成的态度,通常搭配形式:ban ...from sth./doing sth.

Bicycles are banned from the new motorway.自行车禁止通行于新建的快车道。367.whereabout n.下落,行踪,所在之处; wherein adv.其中, 在那里, 在哪方面; whereon adv.在什么上面,(关系副词)在那上面

368. defense mechanisms=defence mechanism 防御机制; sumptuous 奢侈/豪华的369.work away连续工作;

370.snap out of it!打起精神,别泄气,摆脱某种不好的状态;

371.seasoned adj.调过味的,成熟的,老练的;

372.exquisite adj.精致的,敏感的,细致的

373. for good and all =for good永久地,一劳永逸地;

for good or for evil =for good or ill 不论好坏;

374.a dedicated musician 富有献身精神的音乐家=专注认真的音乐家

375. hold up拦住, 使停顿, 耽搁;

376.jump at 急忙接受,立即抓住;jump at the bait/chance 轻易上当/立即抓住机会;jump on跳上,批评, 斥责

377.ecumenical a.一般的,普遍的;

378.fetid (水等)有恶臭的;lambent 闪烁的;

379.fortuitous a.意外的,偶然的=accidental,casual,occasional,contingent;380.incubus n.噩梦=nightmare,frightening dream; horrible dream;381.precarious a.危险的,需要小心的,不稳定的.

382. subjugate征服,镇压=conquer,conquest,overcome,subdue

383.go off 离开,私奔,睡着,开始变坏, 变质,变差,开火,爆炸,(电)中断;384.callow a.年轻而无经验的= young and inexperienced, (鸟)羽毛未丰的;hoyden n. 爱嬉闹的顽皮女孩;粗野无礼的女子;holographic全息的.

385. ineluctable不可避免的,必然发生的= inevitable; inescapable; unavoidable 386.teetotaler 禁酒主义者, 滴酒不沾的人= abstainer;

387.protean adj.多变的;易变的;变化多端的;

388.nemesis:报应, 给与惩罚的人

389.distrustful adj 不相信的,怀疑的=skeptical;

https://www.doczj.com/doc/6f763668.html,e by经过, 从旁边走过,来串门, 来访,得到, 获得;

391.turn in上交, 呈交,归还, 退还,上床睡觉,面向内,向内拐;

392.to the exclusion of 把…除外;排斥;

393. vociferous吵闹的,大声叫喊的;voluminous a长篇的,多产的,庞大的;394.hold fast to紧紧抓住,坚持(某种思想或原则等);

395.stand fast at不后退,屹立不动,不让步;make off=run away;

396. tenable adj.守得住/站得住脚的,合理的,(职位等)可担任的;

397.methodically 系统地,有条理地,井然地=systematically;

398.dire adj.悲惨的,可怕的


400.expanse n.广阔的区域,广阔;

401.furtive 偷偷摸摸的=surreptitious,on the sly,stealthy。

402. stately 庄严的,雄伟的=majestic,grand,imposing,magnificent;

403.sizable=fairly large a. 相当大的, 大小相当的;

404. reckless a.鲁莽的,不计后果的=desperate a.不顾一切的,铤而走险的;405.desperate a.绝望的=hopeless,despairing,beyond hope,in despair

406. Have the guts to do sth. 有做[做]某事的勇气;

407.peer 同等人,同辈人,v.匹敌=rival, match,凝视=look searchingly/closely;408.soothe安慰、抚慰, 使安静=calm/ comfort; as,to soothe a crying child 409.superb adj.宏伟的,壮丽的,华美的,[口]极好的,超等的,丰盛的, 丰富的410.pick up the pace「加快速度,以趕上別人」,此处pick up=accelerate。411. pass for 被当作,冒充:

412.norms=standards标准,准则;contaminated with bacteria=tainted 污染的413.be tailored to the needs of适应,适合;be/get accustomed to习惯于

414.catastrophe n.大灾难, 大祸=calamity、disaster灾难, 不幸事件;

https://www.doczj.com/doc/6f763668.html,ment=to mourn (为…)哀悼, 痛哭, 悲伤

416.let down放下,降低,使…失望=fail to meet the hopes/expectations; disappoint. 417.sitting in参加;


419.jumble混杂, (使)混乱,使混乱,使杂乱;jumbled adj.混乱的, 乱七八糟的;tumble vi.摔倒,跌倒,打滚,突然摔倒,〈非正〉恍然大悟,忽然明白;bumbled v.拙劣地做, 弄糟,结结巴巴地说,踉跄,犯错误;

humble a.谦逊的,谦虚的,v.使谦恭, 使卑下, 轻松打败(尤指强大的对手)420.fall apart瓦解,崩溃(可指人的情绪);

fall back后退, (对方因被击败而)退却;

fall back on 依靠,求助于;

fall through落空,失败,成为泡影;

fall away离开,消瘦;

fall on/upon袭击, 落到, 由... 承担,降临在;

fall out争吵,结果,解散,掉队;

fall to着手,开始攻击;

fall into 落入,陷入,分成

421.fall on one's face 脸朝下倒下;

fall on one's feet化险为夷,巧避危难,安然脱险;

fall on one's knees 跪下

422.set someone up资助(某人), 诬陷,冤枉(某人),使恢复健康,更健壮。423.default违约,拖欠债务,弃权,不履行义务(或职责),弃权,n.违约,缺席,拖欠,缺省,缺省值,默认,默认值

424.salvage v./n.营救(失事船舶、火灾等中财物),打捞;sabotage v./n.阴谋破坏425. check up 体格检查,核对,检查;check up on=examine, look into。426.veneration n.尊敬, 崇拜=honour,worship,adoration;

427.strenuous adj.requiring great effort, energy, or exertion:a strenuous task. =arduous adj. demanding great effort or labor; difficult. strenuously奋力,勤奋的; 428.bleak adj.阴冷的,没有指望的,令人沮丧的=dismal adj.阴沉的, 凄凉的.

429.bear on/upon依靠, 压在...上, 与...有关, 对... 有影响=influence

430.twilight薄暮,含糊不清, 衰落时期;spotlight聚光灯, 车头灯, 公众注意中心;torchlight电筒光, 火炬光;streetlight :路灯,街灯。







2020 年医学考博英语作文模板(1) 一般来说医学考博英语作文都是给阐述或陈述问题的文章写摘要,如“吃早餐有利于身体健康”、“吸烟有害健康”、“中国大学生越 来越能接受心理咨询”、或“医疗体制的现状”等等这样文章,可使 用以下的模版: 陈述问题型文章,分三种类型: 一、正面陈述问题 “吃早餐有利于身体健康”就是只从正面陈述问题; 二、负面陈述问题 如“吸烟有害健康”这样的文章,就是一般只说明吸烟是有害的, 只说负面影响。 三、客观的陈述问题( 正负面都有的) 如“医疗体制的现状”等问题,因为这样的文章有好也有坏的方 面,也就是有正面也有负面的问题。又如04 年的博士论文,就是对医 院问题的陈述,文章分别从洋医院、民营医院和公立医院几个方面来 阐述,分别说明这几种医院各自的优点和缺点,所以这样的文章就是 典型的客观陈述事实的文章。 首先看看是什么样的文章,再确定用什么模版来套用。 步骤一、确定一个好的题目 一般这个题目能够和中文标题的翻译一样,应该是陈述性的词组,用“of ”、“and”或“N 词组加介词短语” (1) 如文章是陈述的一个事情或问题,那就用什么的什么(sth1 of sth2)

如中国医疗体系的现状:The State of Arts of Chinese Medical Care System 或医疗制度的改革:Reform of Chinese Medical Care System (2) 讲到一个负面的问题,一般都是和健康相关系的,就能够说 sth1 and Health 如吸烟和健康,早餐和健康等等 (3) 如果本文只讲到了一件事情,那么能够用介词短语 如A Blind Zone in Child-nutrition, ( 小孩营养问题的盲区) 等等 注意:1、第一个词和所有的实词大写,介词和冠词(The, a an) 等虚词小写 2、要是陈述性的词组,除非原文的标题本来是疑问句 步骤二、浏览全文,把要点在试卷上划记下来 既然是写文章的总结(summary),那么首先需要浏览全文,我感觉 这些文章都已经把条理给整理清楚了,那么基本能够确定大概的几条,在试卷上把重要的部分用笔划出来; 还能够把序号打上,说明一共有几点。 注意:1、不用划记细节描写的语句,而用文章中陈述性的语句。 一般来说主题句都是陈述性的语句。如讲到公费医疗体系的问题,你不要去划记那些中国的公立医院有多少,增长了多少的句子,而应该 着重看陈述性的主题句是怎么说的,如果说有了大幅度的增长你就要知道这句话是最重要的句子。( 切记:除非本文就是讲数据,而且目的在于测试考生们数据增长、减少等句型的话,那么就要用数据说明问 题了) 步骤三、确定一个全文的主题句


2016年全国医学博士英语统考答案 Listening Comprehension (30%) Section A 1. B. At three next Wednesday. 2. B. A piercing pain. 3. A. He is going to get married. 4. D. She couldn't agree with the man more. 5. A. Jack's girlfriend is mad at him. 6. B. It's wise to be prepared. 7. B. He is a trouble-maker. 8. D. $30 9. C. Work out in the gym. 10. B. 232 11. A. Mary isn't his type. 12. A. Play tennis. 13. C. In the hospital. 14. A. She is seriously ill. 15. B. She makes a living now as a landlady. Section B Dialogue 16. A. A duodenal ulcer. 17. B. Try medical means. 18. A. Overweight. 19. C. He is a heavy smoker. 20. D. Make an appointment with Dr. Oaks. Passage One 21. D. He is the creator of a website on longevity. 22. C. Women develop cardiovascular disease much later than men. 23. B. In their 60s and 70s. 24. D. Iron. 25. C. Another possibility for women's longevity. Passage Two 26. C. He struggled under the strain of poverty. 27. B. He is an investment advisor. 28. D. Fear. 29. B. He began reading investment books and then began practicing.


2016年全国医学博士英语统一入学考试试卷完整版 注:本答案非旭晨考博网出,完整参考答案请及时关注《2017年旭晨医学考博英语一本通第11版》后续更新,将免费提供。 Listening Comprehension (30%) Section A 1. B. At three next Wednesday. 2. B. A piercing pain. 3. A. He is going to get married. 4. D. She couldn't agree with the man more. 5. A. Jack's girlfriend is mad at him. 6. B. It's wise to be prepared. 7. B. He is a trouble-maker. 8. D. $30 9. C. Work out in the gym. 10. B. 232 11. A. Mary isn't his type. 12. A. Play tennis. 13. C. In the hospital. 14. A. She is seriously ill. 15. B. She makes a living now as a landlady. Section B Dialogue 16. A. A duodenal ulcer. 17. B. Try medical means. 18. A. Overweight. 19. C. He is a heavy smoker. 20. D. Make an appointment with Dr. Oaks. Passage One 21. D. He is the creator of a website on longevity. 22. C. Women develop cardiovascular disease much later than men. 23. B. In their 60s and 70s. 24. D. Iron. 25. C. Another possibility for women's longevity. Passage Two 26. C. He struggled under the strain of poverty. 27. B. He is an investment advisor. 28. D. Fear. 29. B. He began reading investment books and then began practicing. 30. C. Where there is a will, there is a way. Part II Vocabulary (10%) Section A Directions: In this section all the sentences are incomplete. Four words or phrases, marked A, B, C


医学博士英语作文 总的原则和规律 一般来说博士的英语作文一般都是给阐述或陈述问题的文章写摘要,如“吃早餐有利于身体健康”、“吸烟有害健康”、“中国大学生越来越能接受心理咨询”、或“医疗体制的现状”等等这样文章,可使用以下的模版: 陈述问题型文章,分三种类型: 一、正面陈述问题 “吃早餐有利于身体健康”就是只从正面陈述问题; 二、负面陈述问题 如“吸烟有害健康”这样的文章,就是一般只说明吸烟是有害的,只说负面影响。三、客观的陈述问题(正负面都有的) 如“医疗体制的现状”等问题,因为这样的文章有好也有坏的方面,也就是有正面也有负面的问题。又如04年的博士论文,就是对医院问题的陈述,文章分别从洋医院、民营医院和公立医院几个方面来阐述,分别说明这几种医院各自的优点和缺点,所以这样的文章就是典型的客观陈述事实的文章。 首先看看是什么样的文章,再确定用什么模版来套用。(各个类型我都做一套模版) 但是不管是哪个类型的文章都不外乎这几个步骤,切记,不要觉得无所谓啊~~~~步骤一、确定一个好的题目 一般这个题目可以和中文标题的翻译一样,应该是陈述性的词组,用 “of” 、“and” 或“N 词组加介词短语” (1) 如文章是陈述的一个事情或问题,那就用什么的什么(sth1 of sth2)

如中国医疗体系的现状: The State of Arts of Chinese Medical Care System 或医疗制度的改革: Reform of Chinese Medical Care System (2) 讲到一个负面的问题,一般都是和健康有关系的,就可以说 sth1 and Health 如吸烟和健康,早餐和健康等等 (3)如果本文只讲到了一件事情,那么可以用介词短语 如A Blind Zone in Child-nutrition, (小孩营养问题的盲区) 等等 注意:1、第一个词和所有的实词大写,介词和冠词(The, a an)等虚词小写 2、最好要是陈述性的词组,除非原文的标题本来是疑问句 步骤二、浏览全文,把要点在试卷上划记下来 既然是写文章的总结(summary),那么首先需要浏览全文,我感觉这些文章都已经把条理给整理清楚了,那么基本可以确定大概的几条,在试卷上把重要的部分用笔划出来;还可以把序号打上,说明一共有几点。注意:1、不用划记细节描写的语句,而用文章中陈述性的语句。一般来说主题句都是陈述性的语句。如讲到公费医疗体系的问题,你不要去划记那些中国的公立医院有多少,增长了多少的句子,而应该着重看陈述性的主题句是怎么说的,如果说有了大幅度的增长你就要知道这句话是最重要的句子。(切记:除非本文就是讲数据,而且目的在于测试考生们数据增长、减少等句型的话,那么就要用数据说明问题了) 步骤三、确定一个全文的主题句 这个问题是最重要的,也就是文章讲了什么 步骤四、确定每个段落的主题句 步骤五、最后有个小小的总结 文章的框架: 文章字数是200,那么大约是11-13句左右的样子。 标题


考博英语作文谚语警句性议论文模板 It is well know to us that the proverb: " ___谚语_______" has a profound significance and value not only in our job but also in our study. Itmeans ____谚语的含义_______. The saying can be illustrated through a series of examples as follows. ( also theoretically ) A casein point is ___例子一______. Therefore, it is goes without saying that it is of great of importance to practice the proverb ____谚语_____. With the rapiddevelopment of science and technology in China, an increasing number of people come to realize that it is also of practical use to stick to the saying: ____谚语_____. The more we are aware of the significance of this famous saying, the more benefits we will get inour daily study andjob. 考博英语作文答题性议论文模板 Currently, there is a widespread concern over (theissue that)__作文题目_______ .It is really an important concern to every one of us. As a result, we must spare no efforts to take some measures to solve this problem. As we know that there are many steps which can be taken to undo this problem. First of all, __途径一______. In addition, anotherway contributing to success of the solving problem is ___途径二_____. Above all, to solve the problem of ___作文题目______,we should find a number of various ways. Butas far as I am concerned, I would prefer to solve the problem in this way, that is to say, ____方法_____. 考博英语作文利弊型的议论文模板 Nowadays, thereisa widespread concern over (the issue that)___作文题目______. In fact,there are both advantages and disadvantages in __ 题目议题_____. Generally speaking, it is widely believed there are several positive aspects as follows. Firstly, ___ 优点一______. And secondly ___优点二_____. Just As a popularsaying goes, "every coin has two sides", __讨论议题______ is no exception, and in another word, it still has negative aspects.To begin with, ___缺点一 ______. In addition, ____缺点二______. To sum up, weshould try to bring theadvantages of __讨论议题____ into full play, and reduce the disadvantages to the minimum at the same time.In that case, we will definitely make a better use of the ____讨论议题___.

医学博士英语考试写作 的 原则和规律

一般来说博士的英语作文一般都是给阐述或陈述问题的文章写摘要,如“吃早餐有利于身体健康”、“吸烟有害健康”、“中国大学生越来越能接受心理咨询”、或“医疗体制的现状”等等这样文章,可使用以下的模版: 陈述问题型文章,分三种类型: 一、正面陈述问题 “吃早餐有利于身体健康”就是只从正面陈述问题; 二、负面陈述问题 如“吸烟有害健康”这样的文章,就是一般只说明吸烟是有害的,只说负面影响。 三、客观的陈述问题(正负面都有的) 如“医疗体制的现状”等问题,因为这样的文章有好也有坏的方面,也就是有正面也有负面的问题。又如04年的博士论文,就是对医院问题的陈述,文章分别从洋医院、民营医院和公立医院几个方面来阐述,分别说明这几种医院各自的优点和缺点,所以这样的文章就是典型的客观陈述事实的文章。 首先看看是什么样的文章,再确定用什么模版来套用。(各个类型我都做一套模版) 但是不管是哪个类型的文章都不外乎这几个步骤,切记,不要觉得无所谓啊!!!! 一般这个题目可以和中文标题的翻译一样,应该是陈述性的词组,用“of” 、“and” 或“N 词组加介词短语” (1) 如文章是陈述的一个事情或问题,那就用什么的什么(sth1of sth2) 如中国医疗体系的现状:The State of Arts of Chinese Medical Care System 或医疗制度的改革:Reform of Chinese Medical Care System (2) 讲到一个负面的问题,一般都是和健康有关系的,就可以说sth1and Health 如吸烟和健康,早餐和健康等等 (3)如果本文只讲到了一件事情,那么可以用介词短语 如A Blind Zone in Child-nutrition, (小孩营养问题的盲区) 等等 注意:1、第一个词和所有的实词大写,介词和冠词(The, a an)等虚词小写


2018MD 全国医学博士外语统一考试 英语试卷 答题须知 1.请考生首先将自己的姓名、所在考点、准考证号在试卷一答题纸和试卷二标准答题卡上认真填写清楚,并按“考场指令”要求,将准考证号在标准答题卡上划好。 2.试卷一(Paper One)答案和试卷二(Paper Two)答案都作答在标准答题卡上,不要做在试卷上。 3.试卷一答题时必须使用2B铅笔,将所选答案按要求在相应位置涂黑;如要更正,先用橡皮擦干净。书面表达一定要用黑色签字笔或钢笔写在标准答题卡上指定区域。 4.标准答题卡不可折叠,同时答题卡须保持平整干净,以利评分。 5.听力考试只放一遍录音,每道题后有15秒左右的答题时间。 国家医学考试中心

PAPER ONE Part 1 :Listening comprehension(30%) Section A Directions:In this section you will hear fifteen short conversations between two speakers, At the end of each conversation, you will hear a question about what is said, The question will be read only once, After you hear the question, read the four possible answers marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best answers and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET. Listen to the following example You will hear Woman: I feel faint. Man: No wonder. You haven’t had a bite all day. Question: What’s the matter with the woman? You will read: A. She is sick. B. She was bitten by an ant. C. She is hungry. D. She spilled her paint. Here C is the right answer. Sample Answer A B C D Now let’s begin with question Number 1. 1. A. About 12 pints B. About 3 pints C. About 4 pints D. About 7 pints 2. A. Take a holiday from work. B. Worry less about work. C. Take some sleeping pills. D. Work harder to forget all her troubles. 3. A. He has no complaints about the doctor. B. He won’t complain anything. C. He is in good condition. D. He couldn’t be worse. 4. A. She is kidding. B. She will get a raise. C. The man will get a raise. D. The man will get a promotion. 5. A. Her daughter likes ball games. B. Her daughter is an exciting child. C. She and her daughter are good friends. D. She and her daughter don’t always understand each other.


2018年全国医学考博英语试题.d o c

2018MD 全国医学博士外语统一考试 英语试卷 答题须知 1.请考生首先将自己的姓名、所在考点、准考证号在试卷一答题纸和试卷二标 准答题卡上认真填写清楚,并按“考场指令”要求,将准考证号在标准答题卡上划好。 2.试卷一(Paper One)答案和试卷二(Paper Two)答案都作答在标准答题卡上,不 要做在试卷上。 3.试卷一答题时必须使用2B铅笔,将所选答案按要求在相应位置涂黑;如要更 正,先用橡皮擦干净。书面表达一定要用黑色签字笔或钢笔写在标准答题卡上指定区域。 4.标准答题卡不可折叠,同时答题卡须保持平整干净,以利评分。 5.听力考试只放一遍录音,每道题后有15秒左右的答题时间。 国家医学考试中心

PAPER ONE Part 1 :Listening comprehension(30%) Section A Directions:In this section you will hear fifteen short conversations between two speakers, At the end of each conversation, you will hear a question about what is said, The question will be read only once, After you hear the question, read the four possible answers marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best answers and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET. Listen to the following example You will hear Woman: I feel faint. Man: No wonder. You haven’t had a bite all day. Question: What’s the matter with the woman? You will read: A. She is sick. B. She was bitten by an ant. C. She is hungry. D. She spilled her paint. Here C is the right answer. Sample Answer A B C D Now let’s begin with question Number 1. 1. A. About 12 pints B. About 3 pints C. About 4 pints D. About 7 pints 2. A. Take a holiday from work. B. Worry less about work. C. Take some sleeping pills. D. Work harder to forget all her troubles. 3. A. He has no complaints about the doctor. B. He won’t complain anything. C. He is in good condition. D. He couldn’t be worse. 4. A. She is kidding. B. She will get a raise. C. The man will get a raise. D. The man will get a promotion. 5. A. Her daughter likes ball games. B. Her daughter is an exciting child. C. She and her daughter are good friends.


医学博士英语写作总结 一、原则与要求:不直译原文,抓主要论点,果断舍弃次要内容,突出新点,论点清晰,主要写中长句子!!2-5个长句!不写或少写短句!!一般真题范例在10-15句左右。 二、现场写作技巧 ①划线,划出实质性,实词性句子。②翻译标题,有标题就译,没有标题不能加。③末尾重复标题,首尾呼应。 精简医学考博写作常用核心词汇 1.下降、减少reduction,decrease,decline,diminution, drop,descend,go / come down,fall;上升、增加rise; go up; ascend;increase; 2.禽流感H1N1 flu bird flu/avian flu;食品安全food safety; 3.公共卫生突发事件public health emergencies;应急反应immediate response to; 4.关注民生concern(focus on, pay attention to) people’slivelihood/well-being; 5.城乡卫生体系urban-rural medical and health system 6.预防保健Disease Prevention and Health care,服务体系service system; 7.讲究卫生pay attention to hygiene;个人和环境卫生personal and environmental hygiene 8.lite清淡的;protein-complemented diet蛋白添加饮食; 9.preventive initiatives=preventive measures预防的措施 10.人畜共患病zoonosis=anthropozoonosis.人兽共患病, 11.虫媒insect pollination;虫媒传染病insect-borne/arthropod-borne infectious disease: 12.肾病综合征:nephrotic/renal syndrome; 13.epidemic hemorrhagic fever 流行性出血热; 14.爆发流行:break out, explode; an epidemic outbreak of,explosion 15.传染:infect/infection/infectious,communicate/communicable,contagion/ contagious, transmission/transmittable;


考博英语作文模板:答题性议论文 >>>全国各省各高校年考博报名时间及入口汇总 >>>全国各省各高校年考博考试时间汇总 >>>全国各省各高校年考博考试科目汇总 医学考博英语统考签约全程班【直播+录播】!!点击免费试听 Currently, there is a widespread concern over (the issue that)__作文题目_______ .It is really an important concern to every one of us. As a result, we must spare no efforts to take some measures to solve this problem. As we know that there are many steps which can be taken to undo this problem. First of all, __途径一______. In addition, another way contributing to success of the solving problem is ___途径二_____. Above all, to solve the problem of ___作文题目______, we should find a number of various ways. But as far as I am concerned, I would prefer to solve the problem in this way, that is to say, ____方法_____.


2003 part II 31.Sometimes you can get quite _____ when you are trying to communicate with someone in English. A.frustrated失败的, 落空的 B.depressed 沮丧的, 降低的 C.approved被认可的 D.distracted心烦意乱的 32.The company has ____ itself to a policy of equal opportunity for all. A.promised https://www.doczj.com/doc/6f763668.html,mitted commit oneself to委身于,专心致志于 C.attributed attribute sth. to认为某事物是...的属性; 把某事物归功于; 认为某事物是(某人)创造的 D.converted 33.I haven’t met anyone ____ the new tax plan. A.in honor of B.in search of C.in place of D.in favor of 34.Salk won ____ as the scientist who developed the world’s first effective vaccine against polio. A.accomplishment a girl of many accomplishments多才多艺的姑娘 Among her accomplishments were sewing,cooking,playing the piano and dancing.她的才能包括缝纫、烹调、弹钢琴和跳舞。 B.qualification admission qualification入学资格physical qualifications身体条件 C.eminence win [reach] eminence as an inventor成为卓越的发明家a man of eminence名人 D.patent 35.This software can be ____ to the needs of each customer. A.tailored B.administrated C.entailed vt.使必需, 使蒙受, 使承担, 遗传给entail great expense on sb.使某人承担大笔费用entail ... on sb.使某人负担...把...遗留给某人 D.accustomed be accustomed to习惯于accustom oneself to使自己习惯于; 养成...的习惯 36.The average commercial business can shut down in such an emergemcy but a hospital doesn’t dare, for lives are____ A.in circulation流通者;传播者 B.under consideration在考虑之中 C.on hand在手头, 即将发生, 在场;在手头, 在手边;现有 D.at stake危如累卵, 危险 37.As we need plain, ____food for the body, so we must have serious reading for the mind. A.wholesome卫生的, 有益的, 健康的, 有益健康的wholesome air新鲜空气a wholesome food有益健康的食品 B.diet C.tasteful D.edible edible fat食用油脂 38.He never gave much thought to the additional kilorams he had ____ lately. A.shown up揭露, 露出, 露面 B.piled up 堆积, 积累, 搁浅, 撞毁 C.put on D.taken on披上, 呈现, 具有, 雇用, 承担, 盛气凌人, 接纳, 流行 39.The teacher tried hard to read ____ handwriting in her students’s test papers. A.irregular B.illiterate C.illegible难辨认的, 字迹模糊的illegal .违法的, 不合规定的 D.irrational 无理性的, 失去理性的 40.A coronary disease is the widely-used term____ insufficiency of blood supply to the heart.


医学考博英语作文模板(1) 一般来说医学考博英语作文都是给阐述或陈述问题的文章写摘要,如“吃早餐有利于身体健康”、“吸烟有害健康”、“中国大学生越来越能接受心理咨询”、或“医疗体制的现状”等等这样文章,可使用以下的模版: 陈述问题型文章,分三种类型: 一、正面陈述问题 “吃早餐有利于身体健康”就是只从正面陈述问题; 二、负面陈述问题 如“吸烟有害健康”这样的文章,就是一般只说明吸烟是有害的,只说负面影响。 三、客观的陈述问题(正负面都有的) 如“医疗体制的现状”等问题,因为这样的文章有好也有坏的方面,也就是有正面也有负面的问题。又如04年的博士论文,就是对医院问题的陈述,文章分别从洋医院、民营医院和公立医院几个方面来阐述,分别说明这几种医院各自的优点和缺点,所以这样的文章就是典型的客观陈述事实的文章。 首先看看是什么样的文章,再确定用什么模版来套用。 步骤一、确定一个好的题目 一般这个题目可以和中文标题的翻译一样,应该是陈述性的词组,用“of” 、“and” 或“N 词组加介词短语” (1) 如文章是陈述的一个事情或问题,那就用什么的什么(sth1 of

sth2) 如中国医疗体系的现状:The State of Arts of Chinese Medical Care System 或医疗制度的改革:Reform of Chinese Medical Care System (2) 讲到一个负面的问题,一般都是和健康有关系的,就可以说sth1 and Health 如吸烟和健康,早餐和健康等等 (3)如果本文只讲到了一件事情,那么可以用介词短语 如A Blind Zone in Child-nutrition, (小孩营养问题的盲区) 等等 注意:1、第一个词和所有的实词大写,介词和冠词(The, a an)等虚词小写 2、要是陈述性的词组,除非原文的标题本来是疑问句 步骤二、浏览全文,把要点在试卷上划记下来 既然是写文章的总结(summary),那么首先需要浏览全文,我感觉这些文章都已经把条理给整理清楚了,那么基本可以确定大概的几条,在试卷上把重要的部分用笔划出来;还可以把序号打上,说明一共有几点。 注意:1、不用划记细节描写的语句,而用文章中陈述性的语句。一般来说主题句都是陈述性的语句。如讲到公费医疗体系的问题,你不要去划记那些中国的公立医院有多少,增长了多少的句子,而应该着重看陈述性的主题句是怎么说的,如果说有了大幅度的增长你就要知道这句话是最重要的句子。(切记:除非本文就是讲数据,而且目的在于测试考生们数据增长、减少等句型的话,那么就要用数据


全国医学博士英语统考词组总表 a matter of 几(分钟,里路,块钱等)的事;大约;左右;是个…的问题,事关…about to 即将;打算 above all 首先;最重要的是 absent from不在;缺席 absorbed in 吸引;专心于… accountfor说明(原因);解释;占(多少)… adapt oneseff to使(某人)适应(某事);使适应 add up(t0) 总计(达…);等于;意指;暗示 adhere to粘附在…上;坚持;遵守;依附 aa.iust t0调整以适应 after all还是;终于;毕竟 agree on/to/with同意;与…一致 ahead 在…之前,超过,优于,胜于 aim at瞄准;致力于…;旨在 all but几乎,差点;除…之外的全部 all over完全;遍及;到处;结束,完了 all the way 一路,全程;一直;自始至终 all the while一直地;始终 all/just the same(to) 虽然;还是;都一样 all the more更加,越发 all the same尽管如此,仍旧 allow for酌量;考虑到 and so on/forth (用在列举之后)等等 and vice versa反过来也一样 anythin9/nothing but一点也不/只是;仅仅是 anvthing but一点,也不,绝不是 nothing but只是,只不过是 apart from除了…;且不说… appeal to要求;上诉;引起…注意 apply to对…适用;将…应用于;涂,抹,敷;(向某人)申请(某事);致力于approve of赞赏,同意;获准,认可 arrive at到达(目的地);得出(结论) around the clock一连二十四小时 around the corner在拐角处;即将到来


] 一、2016医学考博英语写作常用词汇: 医学考博英语写作必记词汇分类(1) 1 、医生 ① doctor, medical worker ② physician 内科医生 ) ③ surgeon 外科医生 ④ doctor in charge 主治医生 ⑤ intern 实习医生 ⑥ resident doctor 住院医生 2 、医院 ① hospital # The specialized hospital 专科医院 The general hospital 普通医院 The community hospital 社区医院 The public hospital 公立医院 The private hospital 私立医院 ② clinc 门诊 Conventional clinic treatment普通门诊· ③ ward 病房 ④ medical team 医疗队 3、医疗手段 (1) drug therapy 药物治疗 、 (2) medical treatment 医疗 (3) medical instruments 医疗器械(4) diagnose (v)诊断(n) diagnosis (5) prevent (v)预防 (6) sterilize (v)消毒 | (7) administrate a drug 给药 (8) prevent and treat disease (v)预防和治疗疾病 (9) TCM 中医r> (10) chemotherapy 化疗 ( (11) medical service 医疗服务 (12) complain of (v)主述 (13) health checkup 健康普查 (14) diagnosing and treating 诊断和治疗 (15) consult the doctor(v)咨询; 4 、医疗体制 * (1 )healthcare system 医疗体制 (2 )medical disputes 医疗纠纷 (3 )medical accident 医疗事故 (4 )the relationship between doctors and patients 医患关系 (5 )medical insurance system 医疗保险体系 (6 )medical aid fund 医疗救助基金 5 、医德 < (1 )medical ethics 医德 (2 )patient-oriented 以病人为核心 (3 )humanistic 人道主义的 (4 )compassionate 富于同情性的 (5 )considerate 体贴周到的 (6 )resolute 果断的 (7 )service quality 服务质量 《 (8 )to give top priority to the lives and health of people 6 、病人 (1 )patient (2 )the sick (3 )the invalid (4 )sufferer ~

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