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9 / 11
" 9 / 11 " or " 911" terrorist attacks in the United States," 911 incident", referring to the United States of America Eastern time on September 11, 2001 morning (Beijing time on the evening of September 11th ) terrorists hijacked 4 airliners struck the United States of New York's World Trade Center and the Washington The Pentagon historical events. Including the United States of America landmark building in New York World Trade Center Twin Towers, 6 buildings were completely destroyed, other 23 high-rise buildings were destroyed, the United States Department of defense headquarters was also attacked The Pentagon. In September 11, 2011, the United States of America in the "9 11 incident" ten anniversary.
Chinese Name: 9 / 11
Time: the United States Eastern time September 11, 2001 8: 40
Location: New York, Washington, USA
Brief introduction
Event overview
Incident rescue
The event of doubt
Political consequences
Economic consequences of direct economic consequences
Indirect economic loss
Specific responsibilities
The US response
Act of revenge
Impact of event
In dealing with the aftermath
Related information
The ten anniversary of traffic review
Relevant investigation
The United States of America held 9-11 event 10 anniversary ceremony
The United States to commemorate the 911 Anniversary by ten families of read out the names of the victims
The NATO flying at half-mast" 9 / 11" to commemorate the ten anniversary of
Brief introduction
Event overview
Incident rescue
The event of doubt
Political consequences
Economic consequences of direct economic consequences
Indirect economic loss
Specific responsibilities
The US response
Act of revenge
Impact of event
In dealing with the aftermath
Related information
The ten anniversary of traffic review
Relevant investigation
The United States of America held 9-11 event 10 anniversary ceremony
The United States to commemorate the 911 Anniversary by ten families of read out the names of the victims
The NATO flying at half-mast" 9 / 11" to commemorate the ten anniversary of
Editor this paragraph introduction
The United States Eastern time on September 11, 2001 at 8 : 40, four the United States domestic civil aviation flights are almost at the same time the hijacking, including two impact in New York World Trade Center in Manhattan, an attack on the capital Washington where the United States Department of defense of The Pentagon. While the fourth hijacked plane crash in Pennsylvania, subsequent investigation before the crash the passengers from the hijackers attempted to regain control of his aircraft. The hijacked plane target is unknown, but believed that the hijackers to strike the target is the United States Capitol or White House ( later to participate in planning attacks on terrorists. The results show that the terrorist attacks, are the fourth objectives of the Government Building. Before the American officials have suspected

target is the White House ). New York World Trade Center two buildings 110 skyscraper ( Petronas Twin Towers ) immediately after the attack have collapsed, in addition, near the world trade center 5 buildings are
9 / 11 ( World Trade Center )
Seismic damage and collapse; The Pentagon has partial damage, part of the structure collapsed; attacks make over Manhattan Island, covered with dust and smoke. In the 9.11 event of the 2998 people killed, 2974 people were confirmed dead and 24 others, one's whereabouts is a mystery. The list of victims include: four all the passengers in the plane were 246, 2603 World Trade Center, The Pentagon 125. A total of 411 rescue workers were killed in this incident. The September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States and around the world have an enormous impact. This event is following the Second World War the Pearl Harbor incident, second time in the history of the United States of America caused heavy casualties of the attack on. This incident is in the human history till by the end of 2001 the most serious terrorist attacks. The United States government to condemn the incident and the stance by most national sympathy and support; the world events in various memorial activities, the site of the work continue to year. The 9.11 event that the United States, as well as all over the world people feel a kind of fear, and against a similar" 9.11" incident to happen again. The incident also led to the later international range of multinational cooperation in anti-terrorism action. In August 31, 2011, news reports, news video, the 9.11 incident, the United States of America The Pentagon is missile instead of the plane hit.
Editor this paragraph event profiles
After the collapse of the world trade center in ruins
On September 11, 2001, 19 hijackers aboard the United States respectively at the same time to fly around the civil aviation plane, the four plane respectively from Boston, Newark and Washington D.C. ( Dulles International Airport ) to the San Francisco and Losangeles, and in the United States over the flight four airliner was hijacked. In the process, the hijackers use weapons to cut or stab pilots, flight attendants and passengers. The plane contact with the outside world passengers reported, hijackers use knife stab attendants, and in which the two hijacking in at least one passenger was stabbed. Some of the passengers and crew managed to use the telephone and mobile phone contact with the outside world, and provides some details about the hijacking. These details include: on each plane has several hijackers; the hijackers use toxic chemical sprayer and tools, such as tear gas, pepper spray and less than ten cm in diameter cutting tool; some crew members was stabbed. When the Americans just to prepare for a day of work, New York World Trade Center in Manhattan, Washington, The Pentagon, continuous crash, the World Trade Center skyscraper collapsed, as The Pentagon ruins, portions of the structure

collapsed; cause the number of casualties to thousands of computing. All of the following time use the American Eastern daylight time, than the Greenwich standard time GMT late 4 hours, 12 hours later than Beijing time. September 11, 2001 ( Tuesday) at seven fifty-eight in the morning: containing a total of 92 passengers on American Airlines Flight 11 ( a Boeing 767 ) from Boston airport, flight to Losangeles. At 8 a.m. on 00 points: containing a total of 53 passengers aboard United Airlines flight 175 from Boston to Losangeles airport, the same. Eight thirteen am: American Airlines Flight 11 and air traffic control center in Boston last call. Eight fourteen am: American Airlines Flight 11 to air traffic control command to climb to 35000 feet. Eight nineteen am: American Airlines Flight 11 a waiter call the United States aviation cockpit, said" no response, business class passengers was stabbed to death, we may be the."
The Pentagon of the attack
At eight twenty in the morning: containing a total of 64 passengers and crew of the American Airlines Flight 77 from Washington Airport, also went to Losangeles. Eight twenty-four am: American Airlines Flight 11 flight to New York. Eight thirty-seven in the morning of 52 seconds: the United States Federal Aviation Administration ( FAA ) Boston aviation center notifies NORAD ( hereinafter referred to as NORAD ) under the Northeast Air Defense Command ( NEADS ), American Airlines Flight 11 was hijacked. This is the United States military first contact information about the hijacking. The United States Army Aviation Center in Boston for help intercept American Airlines flight 11. At eight forty-two in the morning the United States: United Airlines Flight 93 in the delayed 40 minutes later, carrying 37 passengers and 7 crew members from the Newark Airport in New Jersey ( Newark Airport ) off to San francisco. The flight was scheduled route is very close to the world trade center. At eight forty-two in the morning 8 46: United Airlines flight 175 was hijacked. At eight forty-six in the morning: two American air force F-15 Eagle fighter from the Massachusetts Air Force Base scrambled to intercept American Airlines Flight 11, but the air force pilots did not know that American Airlines Flight 11 in the correct position, the Northeast Air Defense Command ( NEADS ) in the next few minutes to determine the position of the aircraft. Eight forty-six in the morning of 40 seconds: American Airlines Flight 11 ( a Boeing 767 plane loaded with fuel ) to about 490 miles per hour crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center ( WTC1 ), impact position for 94 to 98 layers of building north. The building immediately caught fire, and the plane of 69 tons of aviation fuel dumping into the building, exacerbated by the fire, the building structure destroyed. The following personnel by the impact floors begin evacuation. But all the 3 stairs were damaged, thus being hit the floor above personnel cannot escape. While the

WTO building staff soon notices south of all personnel, known as" South still safe", can be normal operation. Some people ignore announcements are evacuated, some people continue to work, and some people are gathered in South Seventy-eighth layer and forty-fourth layer sky lobby. At eight forty-seven in the morning: the United States of America CNN began live streaming World Trade Center, this is the first of the world news media reports about the attack. At eight fifty in the morning: the Northeast Air Defense Command ( NEADS ) that there is a" small plane crashed into the World Trade Center". At eight fifty in the morning 8 54: American Airlines Flight 77 is hijacked. Nine two in the morning of 54 seconds: American Airlines flight 175 ( a Boeing 767 plane loaded with jet fuel ) to about 590 miles per hour
9 / 11 ( 4 )
Speed crashed into the World Trade Center South Tower ( WTC2 ) from 78 to 84, and caused a huge explosion. The aircraft to almost 45 degrees leftward angle hit south, illustrate the hijackers narrowly missed the target. Part of the wreckage from the plane on the eastern side of the building and the piercing, fall into 6 blocks away. There are 1 staircase is intact, so few of the impact point above personnel can still survive. People have heard many times the explosion sound. Some people think that two unrelated accidents, and more people are now considered to be a terrorist attack. At eight forty-six in the morning 10 29: at least 20 ( mainly concentrated in the North Building ) is the fire and smoke trapped in the building floor staff jump. There is evidence in the attack after a large area of central North building immediately collapsed, perhaps this is lets the people thought the building was soon to collapse and jumping. One is located in the bottom of the firefighters was a drop from the clouds of the jumper to death. As the smoke and the ascending airflow is too strong, air rescue activity could not be carried out, and the city of New York itself lacks specialized air rescue helicopter. At about nine four in the morning: the United States Federal Aviation Administration ( FAA ) Boston air traffic control center issued an order to suspend its jurisdiction, all aircraft take-off ( New England and Eastern New York ). At nine six in the morning: the United States Federal Aviation Administration ( FAA ) forbade any aircraft into New York and near Boston, Cleveland and Washington's airspace. At nine eight in the morning: the United States Federal Aviation Administration ( FAA ) in the United States to ban all or through New York airspace flight. At nine twenty-one in the morning: all New York city tunnel and bridge closed. At nine twenty-four in the morning in Florida: a primary school classroom visit the United States President George Bush received second aircraft struck the World Trade Center news. He is in the class immediately after the end of the another school classroom has released a short speech, the United States is th

e terrorist attacks, the United States government launched a full investigation on the cause of the plane crash. In addition he claims is" a national tragedy". At nine twenty-four in the morning to inform NORAD Northeast Air Defense Sector: FAA, American Airlines Flight 77 was hijacked. FAA and NORAD connection on American Airlines Flight 77 and United Airlines Flight 93 related matters. At nine twenty-six in the morning: the United States Federal Aviation Administration ( FAA ) announced a ban on all of the country's civil aviation flight. Nine thirty-seven am: American Airlines Flight 77 ( a Boeing 757) crashed into the The Pentagon West Wing and caused fires. The part was attacked just renovated, has not been fully put into use, but still caused five angle building in the West Wing of more than 100 people were killed. At nine forty-five in the morning: the United States shut down its airspace, prohibit any civil aviation flight, all in flight flight must immediately in the distance to the nearest airport, all flights to the United States to fly to Canada immediately. Later, FAA announced the ban may last until at least September 12th afternoon. The flight ban ultimately lasted until September 14th, this period only the military and rescue aircraft was cleared for takeoff. This is the history of the United States fourth times to stop all commercial flights in the United States, and is the only one without a plan of emergency measures. Prior to this because of the need of national defense and the grounded all airplane. At nine forty-five in the morning the United States Capitol Hill : the White House and closed, the area around the martial law. At nine fifty in the morning the associated press report: American Airlines Flight 11 in fact was hijacked after takeoff. Within an hour of American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines flight 175 was hijacked the news is confirmed. At nine fifty-seven in the morning: President Bush left florida. Nine fifty-nine in the morning of 04 seconds: the World Trade Center South Tower collapsed. Through live on television, that hundreds of millions of viewers saw the building collapse.

Ten three am: United Airlines Flight 93 ( a Boeing 757 ) in Pennsylvania southeastern Shang Kesi crash. The police investigation report showed that none, machine. Later, further investigation shows, before the crash of the plane the passenger through the mobile phone made with ground contact, and have learned that the World Trade Center attack and The Pentagon. In that is about to become Dutch act after the bombs, at least 3 passengers adventure courageously fight back, trying to regain the plane from the hijackers hand control. This is most likely due to fierce resistance to cause the aircraft to not reach the destination before the crash; a Boeing 747 aircraft in a white after a few minutes in the White House is hovering, afterwards some media speculation that the aircraft for the U.S. Army E-4B airborne command post. But the

plane occurs has not been described in any official report. At ten five in the morning, the Ministry of finance of the State Council: the White House, and other key government agencies within the staff began to withdraw. At ten ten in the morning: The Pentagon area collapse. At ten thirteen in the morning: New York United Nations Headquarters starts to evacuate, tens of thousands of people affected. Ten twenty-eight in the morning of 31 seconds: World Trade Center North Tower from top to bottom collapsed, at the point of impact on the floors above none. The north building was later than the south tower collapsed, there are three main reasons: the point of impact, the plane high speed is slow, affected floor fire system has been partially updated; located in Twin Towers
9 / 11
Nearby Marriott, American customs, Hilton Hotel building has been destroyed. At Ten thirty-five in the morning: the police received a report, the United States State Department says Washington outside a car bomb, after has not been confirmed no accident. At ten thirty-nine in the morning : American President Bush issued an order, in case of emergency, the air force can shoot down any possible attack aircraft. At ten forty-five in the morning: CNN reports to Washington D.C. and New York city have begun to conduct a comprehensive evacuation. United Nations Headquarters has been empty. A few minutes later, the mayor of New York ordered the evacuation of Manhattan region. At ten fifty-three in the morning: New York city mayor election campaign is temporarily removed. At eleven sixteen in the morning: American Airlines confirmed the company's two planes crash. Eleven seventeen am: United Airlines Flight 93 that missing, and expressed" very concerned" flight 175. Eleven fifty-three am: United Airlines confirmed the company's two planes crash. At eleven fifty-five in the morning: the United States and Mexico border on high alert status. About 12 noon on 00 points: the United States President George Bush arrived at Louisiana's Barkis Dahl Air Force Base ( Barksdale Air Force Base ). He would visit Florida Sara Paso ( Sarasota ) is discussed in relation to the issue of education policy, according to the original plan at this time should have been returned to washington. He made a brief informal statement, called the intolerable in Native American attacks, saying" freedom have been attacked, but it will eventually be protected". Twelve two: Afghanistan's Taliban regime issued a statement condemning the attacks. Twelve four: Losangeles International Airport was closed. Twelve Fifteen: San Francisco Airport closure. Twelve Sixteen: 48, the United States of America airport to stop all commercial and private flights. One four in the afternoon : American President Bush at Barkis Dahl Air Force Base Announces Global U.S. military on high alert, then went to the Nebraska Department of the strategic air command ( Strategic Air Command, SAC ). Later many political commentators have criticiz

ed the president seemingly aimless travel.
The terrorists struck the World Trade Center
One twenty-seven in the afternoon: Columbia zone declared a state of emergency. One forty-four in the afternoon: 2 aircraft carrier into New York harbor, 5 warships into the East coast. Afternoon 4 when 00 points: media quoted the federal intelligence agency officials from the analysis that the Laden is the most likely to attack people. Four twenty-five in the afternoon : the New York stock exchange and the American Stock Exchange announced Wednesday September 12th, a day. Five thirty in the afternoon: previously reported a fire 47 World Trade Center towers 7 Building ( WTC7 ) collapsed. The building has dedicated strain was similar in the 911 emergency special emergency center in New York city. The building collapsed mild damage to nearby New York telephone building construction. 6 pm 00: CNN ( CNN ) and BBC ( BBC ) cover respectively the Afghan capital Kabul series of explosions and fire incident. Later reports showed the Afghan northern alliance with helicopters attacked Kabul International airport. Afternoon 6 when 00 points: the Iraqi government on state-run television official statement said," the United States of America event for crimes against humanity.". Six fifty-four in the afternoon: American President Bush at the white house. Seven thirty in the afternoon: the United States government denies responsibility for the bombing in kabul. Eight thirty in the afternoon: American President Bush at the White House to address the nation on television. In his speech he said," the terrorist attack can shake our biggest buildings, but could not reach the United States of America foundation. These terrorist action destroyed iron, but not weakened American steely determination. This TV talk to President George W. Bush's public support rate reached his 8 year term of the peak, as high as eighty-nine point five eight percent. 9 PM: President Bush met with the United States 00 National Security Council members, after half hours with senior advisors. Bush and his colleagues that bin Laden is the mastermind behind the events.
Editor this paragraph incident rescue
New York City firefighters at the World Trade Center North Building after the attack immediately into the fire rescue. The fire brigade in the first floor of the lobby set up a temporary headquarters, firefighters to climb the stairs to the rescue, New York city fire brigade were deployed in 200 units involved in the rescue. Many firefighters in not to the command center to report cases immediately launched rescue. Because of the radio communication failure, many into the fire fighters could not be evacuated on time, when buildings collapse, 343 firefighters died in the fire. ( the world trade center on the roof top of the radio communication base station and the building of communication switching device is destroyed, the entire Manhattan region public communication interruption, the city into chaos, t

o support the field command relief in the first communication network, is a local amateur radio communication network. ) Firefighters 24 hours shift relief. They were told that the scene because of the building collapsed and the smoke and dust of non-toxic, but because of the inhalation of toxic gases and particles and ill people as many as 72.
A firefighter standing in the rubble of the world trade center.
New York city police helicopter after the incident quickly rushed to the scene, the scene of the latest status report. Many New York city police, port of New York police and the New Jersey state police in the collapsed building was buried. New York police 12 hours shift relief. September 12th, by New York architect association engineers entered the scene, New York city planning and construction work of the Department responsible for the investigation of nearby buildings, strength and damage degree, the evacuation of the scene of the accident hundreds of houses. They are also responsible for the design and planning of specific treatment method of ruins. The collapsed building, there is a large number of volunteers arrived at the scene. Those early to the scene of the volunteers in all do everything in one's power of assistance, including college students as rescue workers to provide drinking water, but was unrelated volunteers were asked to leave the scene, but with special technical volunteers, such as engineering, demolition, medical and psychological treatment sectors involved in the next few days of rescue work, there is even a disaster relief expert team traveled from France to rescue. Finally, in the rubble of the world trade center only rescued 20 survivors.
Editor this paragraph event of doubt
In the United States had 911 as alarm telephone number. The terrorists chose September 11th is clearly on the American challenge. The United States 911 call was born in nineteen sixties. On 1967, the president of the United States law enforcement and judicial management committee recommended the establishment of a nationwide a unified telephone number, in order to prompt people to report emergencies. American telephone and telegraph company soon announced the choice of 911 as the alarm telephone number. In 1968 February, the nation's first 911 police station in Alabama to Harry set. Nineteen seventies, 911 call began to increase. On 1976, 17% Americans can dial the number, rising to 26% in 1979, 50% in 1987, and now has reached 85%. The United States approximately 50% of the land area is on 911 number, of which 95% are enhanced version of the system, can be provided for each caller name and location information. The Pentagon is in the start of September 11, 1941, and terrorist attacks just 60 years apart. The terrorists will choose this day 9.11 to attack. Like the Kennedy assassination, 9.11 story, may have to wait until after a number of years to be fully disclosed. The United States National Counterterrorism Center said in February 9, 2011,

the United States the greatest security threat is no longer" base" the organization leader Osama bin Laden, but with the United States and Yemen dual Anwar aorangi. " 9 . 11" event in the two hijackers had sound called Awlaki is his spiritual mentor. Please refer to the United States in the two documentary" Fahrenheit 911" (" Fahrenheit 9 / 11" ) and" loose change" (" loose change" )
Political consequences
After the incident, all British military base to improve state of alert. All the way downtown London flights to bypass the town flight. He went to the United States and Canada all flights grounded. The European Parliament and NATO headquarters for emergency evacuation. NATO announced the launch of NATO in 1949 fifth, announced that if the terrorist attacks by any state indicating, would be considered to the United States military attacks, it was also considered for all member countries of NATO military attack. This is the first time in the history of NATO start common defense mechanism. In order to win in the world the world support and sympathy, the formation of international anti-terrorism coalition, completely destroying the" al-Qaeda", the day of George W. Bush and Russian President Putin, French President Chirac, Chinese President Jiang Zemin, Germany and Canada leaders call, the United States government counter-terrorist position obtained by these countries unanimously support. The people of the world to the American people in 9.11 incidents in suffered huge losses of sacrifice and showed great sympathy, French left-wing newspaper" Le Monde" declared:" we are all americans." German Chancellor Angela Schroder said the United States is willing to provide all the support and unlimited support. South Korean elementary school children in Seoul the United States Embassy in prayer. Tens of thousands of Iran people uphold the candle in the" 9.11 incident" of Americans killed vigil. The United Nations in September 12th passed a resolution condemning" that these terrorist acts criminals, organizers and supporters to provide protection, support and protection of the people", authorized to take all necessary measures to respond to terrorist acts, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in the history of the first use of its charter article fifth, decided to exercise to defend a the attacked member solemn duty. The George W. Bush administration prior to the introduction of the unilateral policy of the adverse effect disappeared, the United States of America on terrorism received the majority of national support and sympathy. After the incident, government of western each country folk support degree to rise substantially. In many parts of the world, many media have published a review article, that the event by Israel, Jews, Zionists and even the Americans launch yourself, is intended to provoke a global hostile to Arabia 's mood. There are some Muslims in Arabia is that events are initiated by al-Qaeda, seeks revenge for American policy in the middle

east. The event was met with international condemnation, some of the traditional and the United States take less friendly policies of national leaders, such as the Libya leader Al-qaddafi, the Palestinian Fatah leader Arafat, President Khatami of Iran, the Cuban people's party chairmanship of Fidel. Castro and the Taliban regime in Afghanistan have denounced the event and to the American people expressed sympathy. The only exception is the former Iraqi President Sadam Hossain, he comments on the event is American hegemonism consequences.
Editor this paragraph economic consequences
Direct economic consequences
The World Trade Center buildings around have been collapsed buildings spread
The 9.11 events in the economy produced great and real time effect. Many in the world trade center large investment company lost a lot of property, staff and data. Many of the world's stock market affected, some such as the London Stock Exchange also had to be evacuated. New York stock exchange until the 9.11 event on the first Monday after to reopen. The Dow Jones Industrial Average opened the first day down 14.26%. The most serious to the number decreases, insurance and air travel. The United States of America gasoline prices also fell sharply. When the American economy has slowed, the 9.11 event is to deepen the global slump. " The United States of America 911 incident" after happening, American economy was in a state of paralysis, for some industries caused a direct economic loss and impact. New York is located in Manhattan island of the world trade center was the nineteen seventies at the beginning of the skyscrapers built, high cost $1100000000, is one of the world's commercial forces of convergence, enterprises from all over the world adds up to 1200, usually 50000 people at work, a day from the office staff and visitors about 150000 people. Two skyscrapers suddenly come to nothing, is difficult to estimate the number of talent loss. The Pentagon of the restoration work at least in the hundreds of millions of dollars. But also transportation and tourism, causing serious losses. The United States domestic flights a day were hijacked four, and caused huge casualties and property losses, and is indeed rarely seen in history.
Indirect economic loss
9 11 incident, the United States government to the Laden's bounty of accumulated to over $70000000 by 2010. The United States President Bush acknowledged, this is a strength is extremely asymmetric warfare, a state of a person. Although the Laden years be kept constantly on the run, but the United States has paid a high price. Since 2001, the United States government informant issued only to reward more than $70000000. In the United States for the Laden action, with a series of high-tech weapons.
Army times using the Predator drone, on the mountains of Afghanistan. Laden's attack. The United States government soldiers dead and wounded a statistic shows, to kill Laden, the war in Afghanistan, from 2001 to 2010,

the United States military funding of more than $428000000000, the occupation of Afghanistan by June 1, 2010 had killed 7228 soldiers killed or wounded. With the United States military situation is destroyed, the White House has increased the number of soldiers in Afghanistan, this also increases the soldier casualties. The Obama Administration recently 18 months the number of soldiers in Afghanistan were far beyond the past 8 years. On May 2, 2011, U.S. troops in the tent to see this. Laden 's death said:" Ben Laden's death was for all the deaths of American soldiers for maximum comfort."
Editor this paragraph specific responsibility
Media reports, at least one similar celebrations is arranged ahead of organization. It has been found, there are some media play original video file to display the Middle East celebration. Any argument that these celebrations and events of nine one one completely unrelated. But then the evidence for these claims is fake. The Palestinian leader Arafat condemned the attacks, and that events in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process has a negative effect on. However this event on the Israeli government might indeed have positive implications: when asked about the attacks on the United States of America 's relations with Israel have He effect, Israel's former Prime Minister Walter Benjamin Netanyahu escape one's lips:" very good ( effect)". He then corrected said:" Oh, is not very good, but will have compassion." But in any case, the United States of America at home against " terrorism" voices rising, make undoubtedly to the Israeli government work more easily. Although the Laden al Qaeda has never declared responsible for the incident, but they praise in public events. A spokesman for the organization in a volume to the Al Jazeera television video ( in 2001 October broadcast ) said," Americans should know, more aircraft storm will not stop ... ... In the Islamic world, with tens of thousands of young people desire to sacrifice, they died in American life belief and belief as strong." Intelligence experts make a possible suspect in the" short list" -- all have the ability and motivation to launch similar attacks organization list. Very sure, all the hijackers are Arabs, did not have a background in Afghanistan; attacks orchestrated, scale and events after nobody admitted responsibility, which are associated with al-Qaeda before style similar to. The majority of the hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, but the United States government did not take any action to the country. The event was met with international condemnation, some of the traditional and the United States of America less friendly to the leader of the country, such as the Libya leader Al-qaddafi, the Palestinian leader Arafat Khatami, the president of Iran and the Taliban regime in Afghanistan have denounced the event, and the American people's sympathy. The United States government admitted afterwards, nine one one the White House had decided to topple the Ir

aqi regime -- although there is no evidence of any religion in the Iraqi regime of Sadam more open end and Muslim fundamentalist al-Qaeda any contact between the. Bush government through the use of nine one one events to stir up public support for laws against Iraq some Americans are angry, think this behavior has led to many Americans life deadweight loss, violated many Americans free, and contrary to the American founding fundamental principle. In May 4, 2006, the United States Federal District Court judge made formal sentence, sentence because of 911 terrorist attacks on Al Qaeda member Mousavi to life in prison, and parole. In May 23rd, the base organizations often use a website published a purportedly bin Laden
Khaled Sheikh Mohamed was arrested in the photo
The recorded speech, he himself in command of the 19 individual to implement the 911 attacks, but he was never appointed Mousavi to participate in. In January 8, 2007, the high court declared to Hamburg is suspected of being involved in the 911 Morocco men Massimo Sadiq to 15 years in prison. In March 9th, al-Qaeda overseas military operations chief Khaled Sheikh Mohamed ( Khalid Sheikh Mohammed ) in the court for the first time admitted:" nine one one action from a to Z I are responsible for." He was arrested in Pakistan in 2003 March, is a secret military base in Guantanamo bay. In August 21st, the United States CIA declassified and published its inspector general office completed a confidential report abstract. The report criticized the CIA in 9.11 before the event failed to develop the fight against al-Qaeda 's strategy, and recommendations for director George Tenet and other officials were punished.
Editor this paragraph the reaction
The United States government departments launched an investigation into the incident. The United States government immediately after the incident, secret detentions, arrests, interrogations of at least 1200 people, mostly American citizens of Arabia or Muslim men. The United States Department of justice has about 5000 from the middle of the man. The government later admitted, only 10 to 15 people linked to al-Qaeda, but nobody involves 9.11 events. But there are still 500 people for violating immigration regulations while incarcerated, 70 Israelis for breach of tourist visa while in detention. Congress passed a $40000000000 emergency funding, and about $20000000000 for the airline subsidies. Many of the accused of infringement of personal liberty, for the government to monitor people to provide convenient law was also obtained through. On October 10th, the FBI announced a FBI terrorists wanted "list. Intelligence experts make a possible suspect in the" short list" -- all have the ability and motivation to launch similar attacks organization list. Very sure, all the hijackers are Arabs, did not have a background in Afghanistan; attacks orchestrated, scale and events after nobody admitted responsibility, which are associated with al-Qaeda before style

similar to. Of note, the majority of the hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, but the United States government did not take any action to the country. Although Ben Laden led the Al Qaeda organization never declared responsible for the incident, they praise in public events, and implies that the organization had orchestrated the whole incident. A spokesman for the organization in a volume to the Al Jazeera television video ( in 2001 October broadcast ) said," Americans should know, more aircraft storm will not stop ... ... In the Islamic world, with tens of thousands of young people desire to sacrifice, they died in American life belief and belief as strong!" In the United States on May 1, 2011 by U.S. special forces, navy seals deployed two SEAL+RQ-170 UAV, take" surgical operation" raid, a direct hit Laden's head was killed. Officials say the adult son, Laden and two other men were also killed.
Editor this paragraph retaliation
The stars and stripes in the ruins.
The United States government after the event announced that it will launch attacks against terrorists and the protection of their country to launch a military retaliation. The first blow is the goal of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan, the reason is that they refused to hand over the number one suspect Osama bin Laden. There are rumors that Iraq is also involved in the attack. The United States government admitted afterwards, 9.11 events that the White House had decided to change the regime in Iraq -- although there is no evidence of any religion in the Iraqi regime of Sadam more open end and Muslim fundamentalist al-Qaeda any contact between the. Bush government through the use of 9.11 events to stir up public support for the invasion of iraq. In September 19, 2001, the United States of America sending planes to the Persian Gulf military base. The United States on October 7, 2001 at twelve thirty in the afternoon Eastern time ( 9 p.m. local time ), the United States and the support of the British army launched the military attack against al Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan, the military, communications facilities and possible terrorist training camps throwing a bomb. Osama bin Laden by Al-Jazeera satellite program warned Bush, if the United States with nuclear weapons, he would use of biological weapons as a riposte. In 2001 November, by the American and British troops in support of the Afghan Northern Alliance took control of kabul. Taliban was forced to evacuate to Kandaha.
The United States soldiers aligned text: 911, We Remember
The United States President Obama on May 1, 2011, in addition to the Laden in the courtyard of the exact information, in April 30th ordered the implementation of raid. On the morning of May 1st, the United States CIA paramilitary forces and the United States Navy elite forces of sixth seals commando helicopter jointly carried out the raid mission. In addition to this, Laden was shot in the head and died on the spot, and 3 men were killed, one of the

m as the Laden's son.
Impact of event
In 1, the United States" to the United States 911 incident" after happening, American economy was in a state of paralysis, for some industries caused a direct economic loss and impact. New York is located in Manhattan island of the world trade center was the nineteen seventies at the beginning of the skyscrapers built, high cost $1100000000, is one of the world's commercial forces of convergence, enterprises from all over the world adds up to 1200, usually 50000 people at work, a day from the office staff and visitors about 150000 people. Two skyscrapers suddenly come to nothing, the loss is difficult to estimate the number of wealth. The Pentagon of the restoration work at least in the hundreds of millions of dollars. But also transportation and tourism, causing serious losses. The United States domestic flights a day were hijacked four, and caused huge casualties and property losses, and is indeed rarely seen in history. Regardless of the American President Bush of the United States, people or to the American political figures, the September 11th terrorist attacks suffered by is a historical shock. Even the White House, the Defense Department building, the financial center of the world trade center, have become targets of terrorist acts. In two hours, causing the United States suffered thousands of casualties, after the incident, Bush take immediate and appropriate action, the government resumed, normal social activities, in order to show he is free from the threat of terror, the evening of September 11th, while the White House is still subjected to attacks, Bush decided to return to the White House, and in the White House to the nation speaking, to show: the terrorists and not by the United States administration center operation. " The United States of America 911 event " economic influence is not only confined to the event itself and the direct loss. More important is the impact of people's investment and consumer confidence, make the dollar relatively mainstream currency devaluation, stocks, oil and other strategic materials prices briefly soared, and in real time from the geographical spread to Europe and Asia and other mainstream financial market, cause market overreaction, resulting in the United States and other countries in the world economic growth slows.
9 / 11
In 2, for the world to people all over the world, terrorist activities will be human society is a long-term, arduous and complicated struggle. This event is heavily tells us, in today's civilized world, we have a common enemy -- by hegemonism derived" terrorism". The terrorists might use a variety of approaches whenever and wherever possible the manufacture incident, against the world financial and commodity markets, the collapse of confidence. International speculative funds will also make trouble, use of terrorist activities provide opportunities for speculation, profiteering through terror, increased financial risk. Therefore, on one

hand, to strengthen the international cooperation, to crack down on terrorist activities; on the other hand, should study to increase to the international strategic commodity reserve especially petroleum reserve problem, minimize terrorist activity caused by the financial turmoil on China's economic impact.
Editor this paragraph of aftercare treatment
The world trade center in the ruins of the fire lasted for three months, rescue workers spend more time to clear the rubble. Some of these debris samples were sent to the United States National Institute of standards and Technology ( National Institute of Standards and Technology, NIST ) detection, including an aircraft hit the bar. Attacks after five months, the last survivors discharged, event after 6 months, the World Trade Center site on 1500000 tons of rubble was completely clean, the rescuers to continue under the clean-up. At the end of 2002 5, had announced the official end of the ceremony for cleanup. In 2003 July, a congressional joint investigation team concluded the investigation work.
9 / 11
Although the United States government report should be better to prevent the occurrence of accidents, such as in the better use of the collected information and the defense system attacks against the action of still have room for improvement, but not an official event to resign. The event also led to the United States a new round of military expenditure increase substantially. In about 2 years, the United States Defense officials say the current to the similar events prevention ability with 9.11 events as weak. The world trade center is a Japanese-American architect Yamazaki real ( Minoru Yamasaki ) design, afterwards according to he was aide said, because Empire State Building of New York had been past reference the United States Air Force bomber mistakenly hit event's influence, in the design process has been given to the need to make the building structure to withstand the large aircraft impact. There have been reports of analysis, think the building collapsed and not because the plane of a direct collision, but the plane loaded aviation kerosene poured into the building fire releases tremendous heat, softening the support building reinforced skeleton, eventually leading to the building of the World Trade Center under the action of the gravity collapse. However, there are also a number of architectural experts believe that only by fire and unable to make the building collapsed. The structure design of the investigation is still ongoing.
Related information
The 9.11 events in the casualties of Chinese citizens in 2001 09 month 21 days, China's foreign ministry announced on its official website that the United States was attacked after death, injured and lost contact with the citizens of China situation, Chinese citizens in the event of the death of 2 people and injured 1 people, and 35 people lost contact. Among them, Chinese citizen Zheng Yuguang, young couples in September 11th by the Uni

ted States of America shade Airlines Flight 77 killed. It is reported, Zheng couple retired a year come to visit her daughter, beauty. Chinese citizens injured character Xiangqun, male, New York Chinese products company president. September 11th in New York Trade Center building plane into the injured leg fracture, treated, are now home to heal. As of September 20, 2001, 35 Chinese citizens are still out of contact, including the mainland 3 people, 32 people in Hongkong. Chinese citizens in the "9 11 American casualties in the attack the" list of missing ( a ) death: Zheng Yuguang, Yang shade (two ) injuries: symbol Xiangqun (three): Lin Tong, Guo Xu, lost contact with Chen Yongqi, Yuan Yuchan, Yuan Yuchun, wisdom, beauty, Yuan Xing, Yuan Jianhua, Yu Neixing, Yuan Chenglian McNair,, min, Huang Shaoxiang, Cen Shihuang, Dong Zhengping, Zhang Shuxin, Li Mingzhu, Liang Shaozhen, Lin Peishan, Jimmy, Yu Wengui, Xie Li-ming should forest, Zhao Wan Lang, Wang Weibin, Jane Liu Zhengpei, Ren Keyoug, Huang Shaoxiang, Cheng Yongwei, Wang Shaozhang, Tang Zhanwei, Guan Yanzhu, Wang Enyi, Jenny Low Wong, Huang Yanping, Huang. " 9.11 event" behind the Laden 's death in 2011 05 02 August 11 : 40: 00, the United States President Obama announced the death of Laden has just speech [ justice has been done ] news, former White House gathered hundreds of people cheered as the United States, festive, flag everywhere. The United States in August last year to get Laden to hide information, this year in February confirmed the news be true. Obama in his speech that the U.S. already know. Laden roughly hideout, confirmed last week that the specific address, President Obama ordered the United States intelligence tracking today in his orders to fight, and in the United States of America local time on May 1st, by the U.S. Army special forces the seal team dispatched two SEAL+RQ-170 UAV, take" surgical operation" raid, direct hit Laden's head and his body was killed. Officials say the adult son, Laden and two other men were also killed. This is the 9.11 ten anniversary of the war on terror before the most meaningful results. In the past few days, the United States the domestic and the international society for the death of Laden reaction in the wind seems to have taken place subtle changes. Pakistan's military to tough, and threaten to end the United States counter-terrorism cooperation with. Please see the Phoenix observation. In the death of Laden news a few days after the events of fermentation, the most embarrassing is the most critical of Pakistan's military, finally to tough. Pakistan's military in 5 held a meeting, Laden in the territory near the military academy nearby locations were shot to conduct evaluation and review. The Pakistani military says that the United States foreign, cut in Pakistani military personnel, and warned that if the United States were again similar to military operations, will consider suspending in partnership with washington. The Pakistani milit

ary 's comments, not unprepared. On one hand, in the United States formally announced Laden was killed after the message, to be seen as a military force remains on the former president Musharraf has first time statement, the United States hunting action to challenge the legality of the. In the past few days, on Laden's death in response to wind direction, also seems to be a subtle change. Some western countries said from the beginning to the death of Laden itself support cheering, the transition to American action details and legal concerns. As with Pakistan is most closely related to one of the neighboring countries, China for several days is high-key to support Pakistani anti-terror performance. The United Nations High Commissioner for human rights called for the United States of America Pillai on the 5 day to announce the hunt for Laden" the accurate facts", in order to judge whether a" legal action". And in the United States, although the United States domestic some in Congress have speculation Pakistan suspected of hiding Laden, and threatened to cut aid to Pakistan, but with more hunting action details and exposure, the Obama team had expected to surrounding Laden's death spread" political public relations show", are slowly toward the dug deeper and deeper "details door" change taste. From the poll, Obama Laden's death by hunting for domestic political struggle the main aim has been to achieve. How to use the relatively favorable political atmosphere, accelerate advance of domestic and foreign policy agenda is a pressing matter of the moment for Obama. In the withdrawal from Afghanistan issue, the United States still need Pakistan indispensable tie. The death of Laden to Pakistan especially its military into an embarrassing fact, is unable to avoid. But in the death of Laden the great impact of a retreat, Pakistan's rebound, can foreknow, and secondly is beautiful in the anti-terrorism issue began a new round of the start for a supply of sth.. September 11, 2001, terrorist suddenly broke the old world order. The history of almost never a separate event so dramatically changing the world process. History is almost never happened so amazing and suddenly turning -- in the crown prince of Austria in 1914 after the assassination in Sarajevo, but that is for the long-simmering War provides an excuse; in Japan 1941 attack Pearl Harbor of the United States Pacific Fleet after no, because the United States had already joined World War II, although not formally as a war party. Beautifully turning" 9 . 11" marks the beautifully turning. The history is usually not so simple to be marked, historic events usually occur initially quietly. But this time is different. This is a cruel plan: nothing more than these images more strongly hurt the United States, make the world out. The number of people dead is minor, it is symbolic: the burning, the collapsed building photos, Zhuilou image, the Ministry of defence over the smoke, all of these have merged into a

more than any army are powerful information. The United States of America, this arguably the most powerful country in the world, the economic and military giant, in native was attacked and hurt. This information will cause a swept all the non-believers shock wave, will unite the followers of the theocratic state on the road, and the country is Osama bin Laden and helper and helper helper dream up. Since 2001 September since the L1 days, nearly 10 years later. Only on that day, tens of thousands of people have written in this book. More people focus on terrorism," base" of the organization, the Islamic world and the zealots. Many people describe this for 10 years, described the war and terror attacks on the cultural, economic and social effects. From the superior feel fear two presidents, although they are so different, in that time the United States has controlling power. The United States launched two major wars,
The Laden and their families ( 5 pieces)
In addition also played several small battles. Ideology has been developed, military policy was developed and discarded. Fear in these years and people often with. For safety, people to organize life. When the United States Secretary of transportation potential Mann Mineta said in September 12th, after the airport does not have a convenient boarding procedures. At this time New York ruins still burning, in Washington, the transport minister seemed to abolish the Americans a fundamental right. Convenient boarding procedures -- this is another time words: people used to take a taxi to the airport, airline staff will be from the trunk of his baggage on the conveyor belt, at the same time the passengers boarding pass. Without a passport, no security, a thing. Today people in the airport must take off shoes accept check. The United States has become another country. Fear and the demand for security is terrorism. The last American society never know what fear and vulnerability. Americans unique superiority also originated from they were sure that they would not attack. This is a two ocean caught in the middle of the country -- and who can damage it? American society would not have fear. They wanted to show that he is powerful. 19 culprits rare gel at
19" 9 / 11" terrorist attack.
An exhibition entitled" the war on terror: FBI new focus" news Museum, senior vice president of the Sultan, Nantes told the United States CNN said:" many families want these souvenirs exhibition, they hope people don't forget ' 9 / 11 ' bring them pain." The museum 's one kind is hijacked United Airlines flight 175 engine wreckage. In September 11, 2001, the aircraft takes off from Boston, the destination is Losangeles, the results on the way by the" base" terrorists hijacked crashed into the South Tower of the world trade center in New York. According to the FBI survey, the implementation of "9 11" terrorist attack" base" the organization members a total of 19 people. Exhibition at the scene, the 19 culprits photos stitch

ed together, rare in the 10 years after his " real", they were used in the United States passport ( copy ) was also exhibited. A FBI spokesman said:" this show has a theme, that is FBI have changed, we're like a national security organization, a moment in a sense of crisis of the intelligence agencies, we hope to avoid to appear threatening events." American media reports, the United States of America spent hundreds of billions of dollars of federal agencies conducted a large-scale reorganization, but the government in preventing and responding to terrorist attack ability, remain major flaw. [1 ] Osama bin Laden Osama bin Laden ( 19572011 ), known as the Laden or Ben Laden, al-Qaeda leader, now referred to as the United States of America 2001 "9. 11" attacks behind the general planning, and placed in the United States Federal Bureau of investigation the wanted list in the first place, is widely considered to be the "world's largest wanted". In quite long period of time, the Laden has been generally believed to be hiding in Afghanistan and Pakistan border area. Late on May 1, 2011, American officials said that Ben Laden was killed, the government has put him in accordance with the practice of Islam was buried into the Arabia sea. " Osama" means" lion". " Ben Laden" mean" Laden's son Osama bin Laden" or" Laden's descendants", the media called him" Ben Laden" rather than" Osama" is not accurate, with Europe and the United States last idea to apply, completely misunderstood Arab naming habit. Its Arabic name meaning: "son of Laden Awad 's son Mohamed son Osama", i.e. " Osama" was his real name, Laden is just his great-grandfather's name. Therefore, calls him" Osama" or full name" Osama bin Laden" is the real name with the Arabs used correctly referred method. However, most Chinese and Chinese media have followed the western media call, referred to as" Laden" or" Ben Laden". Because Arabic no universal Rome Pinyin transliteration system, Osama has many different spelling of Rome, have several common translation, usually by the media are using Osama bin Laden ( Osama bin Laden ), and usually use Usama bin Laden agents or Usama bin Ladin ( Uzzah ma. Ben Laden ), abbreviated as UBL. Although the Arabs used the" Ben Laden" as a surname, but the Laden family to Europe and the United States and companies to do business, based on expedient to facilitate, sometimes in Europe and the United States people's habits, use this name to call family business of acting surname; the emphasis is on himself is" the sons of Laden".

Ten anniversary
Traffic review
The United States of America New York police 9 days in Times Square, train station, bus terminus and leading to the New York city the main bridge, tunnel and other transportation hub on the car to conduct a comprehensive investigation, strict security measures caused by several major transportation hub plug. In Times Square, the police police blocked into the square main street, to enter the square, vehicle

inspection, and banned the truck into the square. New York city's main traffic hub and a number of famous attractions near to see police increased significantly, police will be towed on the road parking vehicle.
Relevant investigation
The United States Secretary of State Condoleezza Hilary says 9 days in New York, the United States of America safety departments are investigating the" 9, 11" ten anniversary of the terrorist threat related to the "base". Hilary said in New York is located in Manhattan city 's John Jay College of criminal justice, said in a speech, the United States intelligence says," base" the organization will once again to prepare for the United States, especially in New York and the Washington area attack. Hilary said, the United States will treat all the threat of terrorist attacks and the possibility of. She reminded the public to be vigilant in New York.
The NYSE in 9, to meet the New York stock exchange trading is no longer busy trading personnel and shortness of the telephone voice. The NYSE 's silence. With a minute of silence to mourn the innocent life 10 years ago. Secretary of State Condoleezza Hilary rang the opening bell. September 17, 2001, namely "9 . 11" after the first trading day, and Hilary at the New York stock exchange opening bell. The day with her then mayor of New York Giuliani again and her together, attend the NYSE bell ceremony. Washington in American capital Washington, law enforcement officials held a ceremony in the rain, 10 years ago in the" 9 11" were killed in the attack the law enforcement officers. The Minister of justice Holder read 72 law enforcement personnel name. He said, the United States is now more secure and robust. " Too many to count the country benefited from public officials warning and dedication, our enemy is weakened. However, an important challenge and a serious threat to still exist." The United Nations New York United Nations Headquarters building, the United Nations General Assembly held a memorial ceremony, participants observed a minute of silence. That day is " 9 . 11" attack in 10 years last working day. President of the UN General Assembly said Deiss, anti-terrorism operations have made important progress in recent years, but the terrorist threat and attack still exist. Members of the United Nations should strengthen cooperation, promote the Comprehensive Convention against terrorism formulating. The UN General Assembly in 1972 to discuss the Comprehensive Convention against terrorism. However, due to membership in terrorist activities defined differences exist, the Convention has so far failed to finish. Days Inn, the UN General Assembly this month will hold Ministerial Conference on terrorism, hoped all the members to seize the opportunity, accomplish this key treaty. [2 ]
Editor this paragraph the United States held 9-11 event 10 anniversary ceremony
In 2011 11 is " 9 . 11" terrorist attacks of the ten anniversary, in events in New York held a grand com

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