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Integrating knowledge modeling and multiagent systems

Integrating knowledge modeling and multiagent systems
Integrating knowledge modeling and multiagent systems

Integrating Knowledge Modeling and Multi-Agent Systems

Mario G′o mez and Enric Plaza

Arti?cial Intelligence Research Institute-Spanish Scienti?c Research Council

Campus UAB





This paper outlines ORCAS,a framework for open

Multi-Agent Systems(MAS)that maximizes the reuse

of agent capabilities through multiple application do-

mains,and supports the automatic,on-demand con?gu-

ration of agent teams according to stated problem re-

quirements.Considerable effort has been devoted to

the applicability of the framework,which resulted in the

implementation of an infrastructure to develop and de-

ploy cooperative MAS.This infrastructure explores the

idea of con?guring an electronic institution on-the-?y

to?t the speci?c requirements of each problem to be

solved by a group of agents.


Open MAS require a new way of managing and integrating agent capabilities based on middleware:connectivity soft-ware that enables multiple processes running on one or more machines to interact across a network.When implemented in MAS,the middleware layer is usually provided by mid-dle agents(Decker,Sycara,&Williamson1997),such as matchmakers(Decker,Williamson,&Sycara1996),facil-itators(Erickson1996;Genesereth&Ketchpel1997)and brokers(Nodine,Bohrer,&Ngu1999).Typically,the func-tion of a middle agent is to pair requesters with providers that are suitable for them,a process called matchmaking. Matchmaking is the process of verifying whether the speci?cation of an agent capability“matches”the speci?-cation of a request to do something(a task to achieve): two speci?cations“match”if certain relation holds between them,usually a capability being able to achieve some task. Since matchmaking compares the speci?cation of requests and advertisements,both providers and requesters must share a common language to describe them.This language is usually called an Agent Capability Description Language (ACDL).Semantic matchmaking,which is based on the use of shared ontologies to annotate agent capabilities(Guar-ino1997),improves the matchmaking process and facilitates interoperation.However,the reuse of existing capabilities over new application domains is still dif?cult because capa-bilities are usually associated to a speci?c application do-main.

Copyright c 2005,American Association for Arti?cial Intelli-gence(https://www.doczj.com/doc/6816281449.html,).All rights reserved.

Moreover,in addition to capability discovery through

matchmaking,we want an ACDL to support other activities

involved in MAS interoperation,namely:invocation,com-

position(team-design),team-formation and coordination.?Invocation:an agent willing to invoke the capability pro-vided by another agent must provide the input data in an

appropriate format and using a shared interaction proto-


?Composition:refers to the aggregation of several capabil-ities to achieve a global team goal.This process requires a combination of matchmaking,capability selection,and veri?cation of whether the aggregated functionality sat-is?es the speci?cation of the global goal.We call this process Team Design.

?Team Formation:is the process of allocating tasks to agents,according to the constrains determined during the Team Design process.Team members can be selected among several candidate agents,either in a distributed or centralized manner,and agents must agree upon the in-teraction protocols to coordinate during the cooperative activity.

?Coordination:team members must synchronize their ac-tions so as to avoid deadlocks and effectively cooperate. We want an ACDL to support both requesters and providers through all these activities.Our main goals are to extend matchmaking so as to maximize capability reuse,and to support the automatic composition of capabilities accord-ing to stated problem requirements.In a wide sense of the word,our focus is on the reuse issue,that we de?ne as how to reuse an agent capability for different tasks,across sev-eral application domains,and interacting with other capabil-ities provided by different,probably heterogeneous agents. Therefore,in order to maximize the reuse of agent capa-bilities,we have explored the potential of the knowledge-modelling stance and the ideas brought about by the compo-nential approach to software development.The result of our work is ORCAS a multi-layered framework for the design, development,and deployment of Cooperative MAS in open environments.But instead of going through the ORCAS framework layer by layer,this paper describes the corner-stones of the ORCAS framework transversally.

The aspects of the ORCAS framework we focus herein

are the ORCAS model of the Cooperative Problem Solving

(CPS)process,and the ORCAS Agent Capability Descrip-tion Language (ACDL).

Overview of the ORCAS framework

This section provides an overall view of the framework and reviews the most important concepts needed to under-stand the other sections.The reader is referred to (G′o mez 2004)for a complete,detailed description of the framework.ORCAS has three layers,namely:the Knowledge Mod-elling Framework,the Operational Framework and the In-stitutional Framework:

1.The Knowledge Modelling Framework (KMF)proposes a conceptual and architectural description of problem-solving systems from a knowledge-level view,abstract-ing the speci?cation of components from implementation details.In addition,the KMF incorporates a bottom-up design process to con?gure a system out of elementary components,until a system con?guration is found that satis?es some global requirements.This process is used to design the organization of a team and the competence required for each team role during the problem-solving process.

2.The Operational Framework deals with the link between the speci?cation of components in the KMF,and the oper-ational aspects of Multi-Agent Systems.This framework comprehends an extension of the KMF to obtain a full-?edged Agent Capability Description Language,together with a new model of the Cooperative Problem Solving process that includes a Team Design stage prior to the Team Formation stage.

3.The Institutional Framework describes an implemented infrastructure for developing and deploying Multi-Agent Systems con?gurable on-demand,according to the the re-quirements of the problem at


Figure 1:The three layers of the ORCAS framework Figure 1shows the three layers as a pyramid made of three blocks.The block at the bottom corresponds to the more abstract layer,while upper blocks corresponds to increas-ingly implementation dependent layers.Therefore,develop-ers and system engineers can decide to use only a portion of the framework,starting from the bottom,and modifying or changing the other frameworks according to its preferences and


Figure 2:The ORCAS Abstract Architecture

Knowledge Modelling Framework

The ORCAS Knowledge Modelling Framework (KMF)proposes a conceptual description of Multi-Agent Systems at the knowledge level (Newell 1982),abstracting the spec-i?cation of components from implementation details.The purpose of the Knowledge Modelling Framework (KMF)is twofold:on the one hand,the KMF is a conceptual tool to guide developers in the analysis and design of Multi-Agent Systems in a way that maximizes capability reuse across dif-ferent domains;on the other hand,the KMF provides the ba-sis for an Agent Capability Description Language (ACDL)supporting the automatic,on-demand con?guration of agent teams according to stated problem requirements.

The ORCAS KMF is based on the Task-Method-Domain (TDM)paradigm prevailing in existing Knowledge Mod-elling frameworks.This paradigm distinguishes between three classes of components:tasks ,problem-solving meth-ods (PSM)and domain models .In ORCAS there are tasks and domain models,while PSMs are replaced by agent capa-bilities,playing the same role as PSMs,but including agent speci?c features concerning communication and coordina-tion.Adopting this KMF we expect the ORCAS Abstract Architecture to provide an effective organization for con-structing libraries with large “horizontal cover”(Breuker &Van de Velde 1994;Valente,Van de Velde,&Breuker 1994;Motta 1999),thus maximizing reusability and avoiding the brittleness of monolithic libraries (Motta et al.1999).

A task is a functional description of a type of problem to be solved.A task is functionally characterized by input roles ,output roles ,and the relationship between them,which is speci?ed as a set of preconditions and postconditions .A capability describes a particular method for solving problems with some speci?c properties.A capability is speci?ed from a functional viewpoint by stating the input roles ,output roles ,preconditions and posconditions .In ad-dition,a capability can specify the type of domain knowl-edge (knowledge-roles )it requires,and some properties that have to be ful?lled by the domain knowledge to sensibly ap-ply that capability (assumptions ).

There are two types of capability:task-decomposer and skill .While skills are used to describe primitive,atomic rea-soning steps,task-decomposers are used to describe com-plex reasoning methods that decompose a problem into sev-

eral subtasks.

Finally,a domain model (DM)speci?es the concepts,re-lations and properties characterizing the knowledge from certain application domain.

The ORCAS KMF extends matchmaking in two ways (G′o mez &Plaza 2004):?rst,in addition to provide its own version of a task-capability matching ,ORCAS introduces a capability-domain matching to decide whether a capability is suitable to be applied over certain application domain;and second,ORCAS addresses the composition of capabilities on-demand,according to the requirements of the problem at hand.

We regard the composition of capabilities as a “bottom-up design problem”(Hafedh Mili &Mili 1995),which in agent terms would be rewritten as:given a set of requirements,?nd a set of agent capabilities whose combined competence and available knowledge satis?es those requirements .The main dif?culty to solve that problem is how to decompose the requirements in such a way as to yield component spec-i?cations.Our approach to this problem is to use a search process over the space of possible con?gurations.In OR-CAS ,the bottom-up design process is called Team Design,and the result is a task-con?guration ,a hierarchical decom-position of a task into subtasks,and capabilities bound to tasks according to matching relations,in such a way that the resulting task-con?guration satis?es the global problem re-


Figure 3:Task-con?guration example

Figure 3shows an example of a task-con?guration for the Information-Search task,which is used within the WIM application.This task is being decomposed into four tasks by the Meta-search task-decomposer:Elaborate-query ,Customize-query ,Retrieve and Aggregate ,which is fur-ther decomposed by the Aggregation capability in two sub-tasks:Elaborate-items and Aggregate-items .The ex-ample shows some skills requiring domain knowledge,e.g.the Query-expansion-with-thesaurus requires a thesaurus (e.g.MeSH ,a medical thesaurus),and the Retrieval and Query-customization skills require a description of infor-mation sources.

Operational Framework

The Operational Framework describes a mapping from con-cepts in the Knowledge-Modelling Framework to concepts from Multi-Agent Systems.Speci?cally,the Operational Framework describes how a composition of capabilities rep-resented at the knowledge-level can be operationalized by a customized team of agents;in other words,how to form a team of agents able to carry on the execution of a particu-lar composition of capabilities,over a particular application domain.

The Operational Framework proposes a hierarchical model of teamwork that is straightforwardly derived from the hierarchical decomposition of tasks into subtasks that is the backbone of the TDM paradigm.This model of team-work is embedded within a complete model of the Coopera-tive Problem Solving process that covers all the stages,from the speci?cation of a problem to be solved to the activities carried on by agents willing to solve it.

In order to effectively use a KMF in open agent envi-ronments,a capability description language should include some way of specifying the communication and the coor-dination mechanisms required by agents to cooperate.Our approach to describe such aspects of a capability is based on the macro-level (societal)aspects of agent societies,which is focused on the communication and the observable behav-ior of agents,rather than adopting a micro-level (internal)view on individual agents.In particular,we are using con-cepts from the electronic institutions formalism to describe such aspects,as explained in the next section.

Institutional Framework

An electronic institution (e-Institution),is a “virtual place”designed to support and facilitate certain goals to the human and software agents concurring to that place (Noriega 1997;Rodr′?guez-Aguilar 1997).Since these goals are achieved by means of the interaction of agents,an e-institution provides the social mediation layer required to achieve a successful interaction:interaction protocols,shared ontologies,com-munication languages and social behavior rules.

The ORCAS Institutional Framework devises a institu-tional model covering all the stages of the ORCAS Coop-erative Problem Solving process:the ORCAS e-Institution,a platform for developing and deploying cooperative MAS that supports both providers and requesters of capabilities along the different stages of the ORCAS model of the CPS process.

The e-Institutions formalism was originally conceived to deal with static organizations encompassing a ?xed role structure and ?xed interaction protocols,while the ORCAS institutional framework (both conceptually and in the imple-mented agent platform)is an electronic institution that al-lows other institutions to be con?gured on-the ?y.The point is that in the ORCAS platform,each team formed to solve a problem implies that a new electronic institution is com-posed on demand out of the interaction protocols agents are equipped with,and that institution is used as the social me-diation layer required by team members to effectively com-municate and coordinate during the CPS activity.

The integration of the knowledge-modelling stance and the electronic institutions formalism within the ORCAS e-Institution favors the development of highly con?gurable and reusable MAS in open environments.

Remark that in addition to implement an agent infrastruc-ture using the electronic institutions formalism,we are us-ing the concepts proposed by the e-Institutions approach to specify the communication and coordination mechanisms of individual agents.

In order to demonstrate the applicability of the ORCAS framework,we have built WIM ,a MAS-based con?gurable application to search bibliographic information in the In-ternet (G′o mez &Abasolo 2003;G′o mez 2004).WIM is an e-Institution that results of linking a library of informa-tion search and aggregation (ISA)capabilities provided by agents,and domain knowledge from medicine,and more speci?cally,Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM).Figure 4outlines the architecture of the WIM application.The OR-CAS e-Institution provides the mediation service for agents to communicate and cooperate.The institution provides a yellow pages service (through a librarian agent)where prob-lem solving agents register their capabilities.The capabili-ties in the library are link to some domain models character-izing the application domain (EBM).User requests to per-form search tasks solve problem are received through a Per-sonal Assistant agent that expresses them using the ISA on-tology.This agent acts as mediator between the user and the institutional agents providing the services required to carry on the CPS process:to ?nd a valid task-con?guration (Team Design),to allocate tasks to agents (Team Formation),and to coordinate individual agent behaviors to achieve the global task cooperatively(Teamwork).The ?gure depicts also the existence of wrappers,ad-hoc elements that are used to agentify external information sources,making them acces-sible to


Figure 4:Task-con?guration example

The ORCAS model of the Cooperative

Problem-Solving process

Most of the research done in the ?eld of cooperative MAS ?ts into one or more or the stages of the Cooperative

Problem-Solving process as presented in (Wooldridge &Jennings 1994),which consists of four stages:recognition ,team formation ,planning and execution .

Although the proposers of this model believe many in-stances of the CPS process exhibit these stages in some form (either explicitly or implicitly),they stress that the model is idealized.In other words,there are cases that the model can-not account for (Wooldridge &Jennings 1999).Since team formation is not guided by a preplan to achieve the overall goal,but is just a commitment to joint action,then neither the agents joining a team (committing to carry on joint ac-tion)are guaranteed to play one role in the team once a plan was decided at the subsequent planning stage,nor the result-ing team assures that a global plan can be found.

The SharedPlans theory (Grosz &Kraus 1996)and the frameworks based on it,e.g.(Giampapa &Sycara 2002),have emphasized the need for a common,high-level team model that allows agents to understand the requirements to achieve a global team goal and select a plan.Team plans are used by agents to acquire goals,to identify roles and to relate individual goals to team goals.A plan allows the ini-tiator of the team formation process to know which are the subgoals and (optionally)the actions or capabilities required to achieve each subgoal.Therefore,the initiator of a CPS process can use an initial plan to guide the team formation process (Tidhar,Rao,&Sonenberg 1996).However,there is still another limitation of most planning frameworks used in real,implemented MAS:plans are tightly bound to a very speci?c domain and generic tasks.Consequently,plans are hardly reusable for different domains,and cannot be adapted to ?t speci?c requirements of the problem at hand (e.g.dif-ferent users may prefer different ways of achieving a task,and thus different capabilities may be preferable depending on the user preferences).

Finally,most planning-based MAS devise an internal per-spective of agents,whose internal state is used as the basis for evaluating the cooperative behavior.Concerning this is-sue,though we recognize there are well founded reasons to adopt an internal perspective in several contexts,we think a external view has some notable advantages under certain circumstances;in particular,it is more appropriate for open systems because it avoids imposing a model of the internal agent architecture to external agent developers.

Summing up,we address some requirements for devel-oping Cooperative MAS in open environments that are not entirely covered by previous models of the CPS process:(1)the need for initial plans to guide the team formation pro-cess;(2)the consideration of the user preferences and spe-ci?c problem requirements as a constrain over the compe-tence of a team;and (3)an external view centered on ob-servable events,rather than an internal view imposing a par-ticular agent architecture.

As a result of our work upon these issues we have con-ceived a new model of the CPS process with four sub-processes (Figure 5),namely Problem Speci?cation,Team Design,Team Formation and Teamwork.

The Problem Speci?cation process produces a speci?ca-tion of problem requirements to be met by a team,includ-ing a description of the application domain (a collection of

Figure5:Overview of the ORCAS Cooperative Problem Solving process.

domain models)and the problem data to be used during the Teamwork process.The Team Design process uses the prob-lem requirements to build a task-con?guration—a composi-tion of tasks,capabilities and domain models.The resulting task-con?guration is used during the Team Formation pro-cess to allocate tasks and subtasks to agents,and instruct agents to ensure that the requirements of the problem are achievable.Finally,during the Teamwork process,team members try to solve the problem cooperatively,following the instructions received during Team Formation,and thus complying with the speci?c requirements of the problem at hand.

The ORCAS model of the CPS process should not be un-derstood as a?xed sequence of steps.Actually,we have im-plemented strategies that interleave Team Design and Team Formation with Teamwork,thus enabling distributed con-?guration,lazy con?guration and dynamic recon?guration of teams on runtime(G′o mez2004).

The ORCAS Agent Capability Description


The functional description of a capability as provided in the Knowledge-Modelling Framework enables the automated discovery and the composition of capabilities,without tak-ing into account communication and coordination require-ments.Nonetheless,the invocation of capabilities and the interoperation of multiple agents are not supported by the functional description of a capability.In order to deal with these activities,we have to include information concerning the communication requirements of an agent over the capa-bilities he provides,and the operational description(control and data?ow)of tasks-decomposers.Figure6shows the main concepts speci?able in the ORCAS ACDL.

In ORCAS,both the communication and the operational description of a capability are described using concepts from the electronic institutions formalism(Esteva et al.2001), which adopts an external view on agents.Speci?cally,OR-CAS uses scenes to describe the communication require-ments of an agent over a particular capability,and perfor-mative structures to specify the operational description of a task-decomposer.Since we are using those concepts in a new way,a brief review of the electronic institutions con-cepts used in ORCAS is pertinent


Figure6:Main features of the ORCAS ACDL

1.Agent roles:Agents are the players in an electronic

institution,interacting by the exchange of speech acts, whereas roles are standardized patterns of behavior re-quired by agents playing part in given functional relation-ships.

2.Dialogic framework:A dialogic framework determines

the valid illocutions that can be exchanged among the agents participating in an electronic institution,which in-volves a vocabulary(ontology)and some agent commu-nication language(ACL).

https://www.doczj.com/doc/6816281449.html,munication scenes:A scene de?nes an interaction

protocol among a set of agent roles,and using some di-alogic framework.

4.Performative structure:A performative structure is a net-

work of connected scenes that captures the relationships among scenes.A performative structure constrains the paths agents can traverse to move from one scene to an-other,depending on the roles they are playing. Communication

Agent capabilities should be speci?ed independently of other agents in order to maximize their reuse and facilitate their speci?cation by third party agent developers.In the general case,agent developers do not know a priori the tasks that could be achieved by a particular capability,neither the domains they could be applied to.As a consequence,the team roles an agent could play using a capability are not known in advance,thus the scenes used to specify the com-munication requirements of an agent over certain capabil-ity cannot be speci?ed in terms of speci?c team-roles,but in terms of abstract,generic problem solving roles.Since ORCAS teams are designed in terms of a hierarchical de-composition of tasks into subtasks,then teamwork in OR-CAS is straightforwardly organized as a hierarchy of team-roles.Some positions within a team(team-roles)are bound to a task-decomposer,thus the agents playing those team-roles are responsible of delegating subtasks to other agents, receiving the results,and performing intermediate data pro-cessing between subtasks.In such an scenario,we can estab-lish an abstract communication model with two basic roles: coordinator,which is adopted by an agent willing to decom-pose a task into subtasks,and operator,which is adopted by the agent having to perform a task on demand,using the data provided by another agent that acts as coordinator of a top-level task

Figure 7:Example of a communication


Figure 8:Choosing scenes during Team Formation Figure 7shows an example of a scene depicting the com-munication requirements of an agent over a capability.This example shows a typical request-inform protocol in terms of the ORCAS generic roles:coordinator (requester)and operator (informer).

Operational description

The ORCAS approach to specify the operational descrip-tion of a task-decomposer is based on performative struc-tures,with some distinctive features.In ORCAS ,as in the e-institutions formalism,each scene within a performa-tive structure corresponds to an interaction protocol.How-ever,in ORCAS the scenes within a performative structure are not instantiated beforehand.Actually,these scenes are instantiated during the team-formation process using as a source the set of communication scenes shared by the agents willing to interact

Each scene corresponds to the communication required to solve a subtask,which implies an agent acting as coordina-tor invoking the capability provided by another agent acting as operator.Both the coordinator and the operator must ad-here to the same scene in order to communicate,and as a consequence,the scene must be chosen out of the scenes supported by both agents (see Figure 8).Since agents are selected dynamically during the Team Formation process,then the scenes used within ORCAS performative structures must also be chosen dynamically,before starting Teamwork.Figure 9shows an example of a performative structure specifying the operational description of the Aggregation task-decomposer,which decomposes a task into two sub-tasks:Elaborate-items and Aggregate-items .Therefore,this performative structure has two scenes (in addition to the Start and End scenes),one for each subtask,and three roles:x,y,z .There is one role of type coordinator (x )to

be played by the agent applying the task-decomposer,and as many operators as subtasks.In the example there are two operators,one (y )participating in the Elaborate-items (EI)scene,and another (z )participating in the Aggregate-Items (AI)scene.Notice that the coordinator (x )is the same in both scenes,it enters ?rst the EI scene,and can enter the AI scene only after ?nishing the EI


Figure 9:Task-decomposer operational description So far,we have addressed the performative structure as-sociated to a single task-decomposer,but what about the op-erational description of an entire team?

The ORCAS organization of a team adheres to the hier-archical decomposition of task into subtasks embodied by a task-con?guration:starting from a top team-role,each team-role associated to a task-decomposer introduces a set of team-roles subordinated to it.Since each task-decomposer has an operational description described by a performative structure,therefore,the operational description of a team can be modelled as a nested structure of performative structures (Figure 10shows an example).There is one performative structure for each task-decomposer,starting from the team-role associated to the root task of a task-con?guration (the


Figure 10:Teamwork as a nested structure of performative structures

Figure 10sums up the speci?cation of the teamwork ac-tivity as a nested structure of performative structures.No-tice that there is a performative structure for each task-decomposer in the task-con?guration,and there is one scene for each task.Performative structures embody which roles

are required to play each scene,and the dependencies among scenes,e.g.some scenes must be?nished before starting an-other scene,other scenes can be performed in parallel,and some scenes can be instantiated multiple times.

The teamwork process follows the hierarchical structure of a task-con?guration,decomposing a task into subtasks when there is a task-decomposer.The teamwork process starts with a team-leader having to apply a task-decomposer. The team-leader initiates teamwork by following the perfor-mative structure speci?ed in the operational description of its task-decomposer(Metasearch in Figure10).Each scene within the performative structure refers to a communication scene to be played by the team-leader acting as coordinator and another agent allocated a subtasks,and playing the oper-ator role.Since some of the subtasks may be bound to task-decomposers,a new performative structure must be carried over for each new task-decomposer.The?rst performative structure(the one initiated by the team-leader)cannot?nish until the subsequent performative structures are?nished,in other words,performative structures are nested.

In Figure10,there are two task-decomposers (Metasearch and Aggregate),and thus there are two performative structures,one(Aggregate))within the other.Each time a new team is formed complying with a task-con?guration,a new structure of nested performative structures is composed and their scenes instantiated.We regard this structure as a dynamic institution,since it is con?gured on-the-?y,out of the communication ca-pabilities of agents and the operational descriptions of tasks-decomposers.


The ORCAS framework explores the feasibility of the Prob-lem Solving Methods(PSMs)approach to describe agent ca-pabilities in a way that maximizes their reuse across multi-ple application domains.However,since PSMs were not de-signed having agents in mind,we have had to adapt them to deal with agent speci?c concepts such as communica-tion,coordination and cooperation.Having situated our framework in the context of mediated architectures for co-operation,we have extended PSMs to obtain a full-?edged Agent Capability Description Language including not only the functional description of a capability,but also the com-munication requirements and the operational description of capabilities.We have adapted electronic institutions con-cepts to specify such aspects of a capability.Speci?cally, communication requirements are speci?ed as scenes,and the operational description of task-decomposers is speci?ed us-ing performative scenes.

ORCAS integrates the architectural patterns that are the core of the knowledge modelling stance,and the require-ments of an agent-centered approach to cooperative problem solving.The result is a model of the Cooperative Problem Solving process that enables a MAS to conform by to the requirements of every particular instance of a problem.The key of the model is a Team-Design stage,that applies and solves a”bottom-up design problem”in the context of coop-erative MAS.This process determines a possible con?gura-tion of a team in terms of the tasks to be solved,the capabil-ities required,and the domain knowledge available,in such a way that the speci?c requirements of the problem at hand are satis?ed.ORCAS ideas are endorsed by the implemen-tation of an agent infrastructure that has been tested in prac-tice:the ORCAS e-Institution.But rather than being just an application of the e-Institutions formalism,the ORCAS in-frastructure can be seen as a meta institution where dynamic problem-solving institutions are con?gured on-the-?y so as to satisfy stated problem requirements.Some elements from the electronic institution formalism have been adapted and incorporated as components of the ORCAS ACDL.These elements—-scenes and performative structures—are de-?ned for each capability,and are used as building blocks to build a new electronic institution each time a team is formed. That institution con?gured on-the-?y is the shared social layer used by team members to effectively communicate and coordinate during the teamwork.

Some of our proposals are related to recent research on interoperability among heterogeneous agents.The way our approach describes agent capabilities is similar to the LARKS ACDL(?),used in the RETSINA infrastructure(?), but there also notable differences:?rst of all,ORCAS intro-duces domain models as a key element to maximize reuse of capabilities across several application domains;and second, while the RETSINA approach is focused just in the func-tional aspects of a capability(Grosz&Kraus1996),the ORCAS framework covers also the communication and the coordination aspects of teamwork,using concepts from the e-Institution formalism.

We adhere to the view of Internet as an open environment where providers and requesters of capabilities meet and in-teract to solve speci?c problems by using the resources at hand.This view of Internet as a distributed computational platform is in spirit the same of the Semantic Web initia-tive,in particular,our view of agent capabilities is closer to Semantic Web Services frameworks such as the DAML-S ontology(The DAML-S Consortium2001).From the Semantic Web Services paradigm,building an application is basically a process of composing,connecting and veri-fying the properties of web services in a way that resem-bles the compositional approach taken in the ORCAS Team Design stage.There are,however,two outstanding differ-ences between Semantic Web Services and ORCAS.On the one hand,ORCAS agents are autonomous entities that can decide to accept or to refuse a request,while services are reactive,passive entities which are directly invoked by the client;therefore,instead of a centralized composition of ser-vices,we view the composition of capabilities as a negotia-tion process among autonomous agents.On the other hand, our language for describing capabilities is domain indepen-dent,since it is intended to maximize reuse,while existing SWS frameworks ignore this issue,since they are assume to be domain dependent by nature(a Web service is associ-ated to some concrete domain,like the weather of a speci?c country in a weather forecasting service).


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1.什么是船舶的浮性? 船舶在各种装载情况下具有漂浮在水面上保持平衡位置的能力 2.什么是静水力曲线?其使用条件是什么?包括哪些曲线?怎样用静水力曲线查某一吃水时的排水量和浮心位置? 船舶设计单位或船厂将这些参数预先计算出并按一定比例关系绘制在同一张图中;漂心坐标曲线、排水体积曲线;当已知船舶正浮或可视为正浮状态下的吃水时,便可在静水力曲线图中查得该吃水下的船舶的排水量、漂心坐标及浮心坐标等 3.什么是漂心?有何作用?平行沉浮的条件是什么? 船舶水线面积的几何中心称为漂心;根据漂心的位置,可以计算船舶在小角度纵倾时的首尾吃水;船舶在原水线面漂心的铅垂线上少量装卸重量时,船舶会平行沉浮;(1)必须为少量装卸重物(2)装卸重物p的重心必须位于原水线面漂心的铅垂线上 4.什么是TPC?其使用条件如何?有何用途? 每厘米吃水吨数是指船在任意吃水时,船舶水线面平行下沉或上浮1cm时所引起的排水量变化的吨数;已知船舶在吃水d时的tpc数值,便可迅速地求出装卸少量重物p之后的平均吃水变化量,或根据吃水的改变量求船舶装卸重物的重量 5.什么是船舶的稳性? 船舶在使其倾斜的外力消除后能自行回到原来平衡位置的性能。 6.船舶的稳性分几类? 横稳性、纵稳性、初稳性、大倾角稳性、静稳性、动稳性、完整稳性、破损稳性 7.船舶的平衡状态有哪几种?船舶处于稳定平衡状态、随遇平衡状态、不稳定平衡状态的条件是什么? 稳定平衡、不稳定平衡、随遇平衡 当外界干扰消失后,船舶能够自行恢复到初始平衡位置,该初始平衡状态称为稳定平衡当外界干扰消失后,船舶没有自行恢复到初始平衡位置的能力,该初始平衡状态称为不稳定平衡 当外界干扰消失后,船舶依然保持在当前倾斜状态,该初始平衡状态称为随遇平衡8.什么是初稳性?其稳心特点是什么?浮心运动轨迹如何? 指船舶倾斜角度较小时的稳性;稳心原点不动;浮心是以稳心为圆心,以稳心半径为半径做圆弧运动 9.什么是稳心半径?与吃水关系如何? 船舶在小角度倾斜过程中,倾斜前、后的浮力作用线的交点,与倾斜前的浮心位置的线段长,称为横稳性半径!随吃水的增加而逐渐减少 10.什么是初稳性高度GM?有何意义?影响GM的因素有哪些?从出发港到目的港整个航行过程中有多少个GM? 重心至稳心间的距离;吃水和重心高度;许多个 11.什么是大倾角稳性?其稳心有何特点? 船舶作倾角为10°-15以上倾斜或大于甲板边缘入水角时点的稳性 12.什么是静稳性曲线?有哪些特征参数? 描述复原力臂随横倾角变化的曲线称为静稳性曲线;初稳性高度、甲板浸水角、最大静复原力臂或力矩、静稳性曲线下的面积、稳性消失角 13.什么是动稳性、静稳性? 船舶在外力矩突然作用下的稳性。船舶在外力矩逐渐作用下的稳性。 14.什么是自由液面?其对稳性有何影响?减小其影响采取的措施有哪些? 可自由流动的液面称为自由液面;使初稳性高度减少;()减小液舱宽度(2)液舱应


文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持. 《船舶原理与结构》课程教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 1、课程代码:NA325 2、课程名称(中/英文):船舶原理与结构/Principles of Naval Architecture and Structures 3、学时/学分:60/3.5 4、先修课程:《高等数学》《大学物理》《理论力学》 5、面向对象:轮机工程、交通运输工程 6、开课院(系)、教研室:船舶海洋与建筑工程学院船舶与海洋工程系 7、教材、教学参考书: 《船舶原理》,刘红编,上海交通大学出版社,2009.11。 《船舶原理》(上、下册),盛振邦、刘应中主编,上海交通大学出版社,2003、2004。 《船舶原理与结构》,陈雪深、裘泳铭、张永编,上海交通大学出版社,1990.6。 《船舶原理》,蒋维清等著,大连海事大学出版社,1998.8。 相关法规和船级社入级规范。 二、课程性质和任务 《船舶原理与结构》是轮机工程和交通运输工程专业的一门必修课。它的主要任务是通过讲课、作业和实验环节,使学生掌握船舶静力学、船舶阻力、船舶推进、船舶操纵性与耐波性和船体结构的基本概念、基本原理、基本计算方法,培养学生分析、解决问题的基本能力,为今后从事工程技术和航运管理工作,打下基础。 本课程各教学环节对人才培养目标的贡献见下表。

三、教学内容和基本要求 课程教学内容共54学时,对不同的教学内容,其要求如下。 1、船舶类型 了解民用船舶、军用舰船、高速舰船的种类、用途和特征。 2、船体几何要素 了解船舶外形和船体型线力的一般特征,掌握船体主尺度、尺度比和船型系数。 3、船舶浮性 掌握船舶的平衡条件、船舶浮态的概念;掌握船舶重量、重心位置、排水量和浮心位置的计算方法;掌握近似数值计算方法—梯形法和辛普森法。 2



三角形强化训练和深化 ? 1、如图a 是长方形纸带,∠DEF=25°,将纸带沿EF 折叠成图b ,再沿BF 折叠成图c ,则图c 中的∠CFE 的度数是_________°. 解析: 由题意可知折叠前,由BC//AD 得: ∠BFE=∠DEF=25°将纸带沿EF 折叠成图b 后, ∠GEF=∠DEF=25° 所以图b 中,∠DGF=∠GEF+∠BFE=25°+25°=50° 又在四边形CDGF 中,∠C=∠D=90° 则由:∠DGF+∠GFC=180° 所以:∠GFC=180°-50°=130° 将纸带再沿BF 第二次折叠成图C 后 ∠GFC 角度值保持不变 且此时:∠GFC =∠EFG+∠CFE 所以:∠CFE=∠GFC-∠EFG=130°-25°=105 2、在Rt △ABC 中,∠A =90°,CE 是角平分线,和高AD 相交于F ,作FG ∥BC 交AB 于G ,求证:AE =BG . 解法1: 【解析】证明:∵∠BAC=900 AD ⊥BC ∴∠1= ∠B ∵CE 是角平分线 ∴∠2=∠3 ∵∠5=∠1+∠2 ∠4=∠3+∠B ∴∠4=∠5 ∴AE =AF

过F作FM⊥AC并延长MF交BC于N ∴MN//AB ∵FG//BD ∴四边形GBDF为平行四边形 ∴GB=FN ∵AD⊥BC,CE为角平分线 ∴FD=FM 在Rt△AMF和RtNDF中 ∴△AMF≌△NDF ∴AF=FN ∴AE=BG 解法2: 解:作EH⊥BC于H,如图, ∵E是角平分线上的点,EH⊥BC,EA⊥CA, ∴EA=EH, ∵AD为△ABC的高,EC平分∠ACD, ∴∠ADC=90°,∠ACE=∠ECB, ∴∠B=∠DAC, ∵∠AEC=∠B+∠ECB, ∴∠AEC=∠DAC+∠ECA=∠AFE, ∴AE=AF, ∴EG=AF, ∵FG∥BC, ∴∠AGF=∠B, ∵在△AFG和△EHB中, ∠GAF=∠BEH ∠AGF=∠B AF=EH ,∴△AFG≌△EHB(AAS) ∴AG=EB, 即AE+EG=BG+GE, ∴AE=BG. 3、如图,等腰直角三角形ABC中,∠ACB=90°,AD为腰CB上的中线,CE⊥AD交AB 于E.求证∠CDA=∠EDB.

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【免费下载】中学教材全解 七年级数学上北师大版期末检测题含答案

图2图图 期末检测题 【本检测题满分:120分,时间:120分钟】 一、选择题(每小题3分,共30分) 1.(2013?湖南张家界中考)-2 013的绝对值是( ) A.-2 013 B.2 013 C. D.12013 12013 -2.已知两数在数轴上的位置如图所示,则化简代数式,a b 的结果是( ) 12a b a b +--++A.1 B. C. D.-1 23b +23a -3.某商店把一件商品按标价的九折出售(即优惠10%),仍可获利20%,若该商品的标价为每件28元,则该商品的进价为( ) A.21元 B.19.8元 C.22.4元 D.25.2元 4.(2013?湖南株洲中考)一元一次方程的解是( ) 24x =A. B. C. D.1x =2x =3x =4 x =5.如图,,则与之比为( )11,,34 AC AB BD AB AE CD ===CE AB A.1∶6 B.1:8 C.1:12 D.1:16 6.如果∠1与∠2互补,∠2与∠3互余,则∠1与∠3的关系是( ) A.∠1=∠3 B.∠1=180°-∠3 C.∠1=90°+∠3 D.以上都不对 7.如图是某班学生参加课外兴趣小组的人数占总人数比 例的统计图,则参加人数最多的课外兴趣小组是( ) A.棋类组 B.演唱组 C.书法组 D.美术组 8.某中学开展“阳光体育活动”,九年级一班全体同学分别参加了巴 山舞、乒乓球、篮球三个项目的活动,陈老师统计了该班参加这三项活动的人数,并绘制了如图所示的条形统计图和扇形统计图.根据这两个统计图,可以知道该班参加乒乓A B C D E 第5题图 习题到位。在管设备进行调整使度内来确保机组


武汉理工大学交通学院2020年研究生入学考试大纲 2020年研究生入学考试考纲 《船舶流体力学》考试说明 一、考试目的 掌握船舶流体力学相关知识是研究船舶水动力学问题的基础。本门考试的目的是考察考生掌握船舶流体力学相关知识的水平,以保证被录取者掌握必要的基础知识,为从事相关领域的研究工作打下基础。 考试对象:2020年报考武汉理工大学交通学院船舶与海洋工程船舶性能方向学术型和专业型研究生的考生。 二、考试要点 (1)流体的基本性质和研究方法 连续介质概念;流体的基本属性;作用在流体上的力的特点和表述方法。 (2)流体静力学 作用在流体上的力;流体静压强及特性;压力体的概念,及静止流体对壁面作用力计算。 (3)流体运动学 研究流体运动的两种方法;流体流动的分类;流线、流管等基本概念。 (4)流体动力学 动量定理;伯努利方程及应用。 (5)船舶静力学 船型系数;浮性;稳性分类;移动物体和液舱内自由液面对船舶稳性的影响;初稳性高计算。 (6)船舶快速性 边界层概念;船舶阻力分类;尺度效应,及船模阻力换算为实船阻力;方尾和球鼻艏对阻力的影响;伴流和推力减额的概念;空泡现象对螺旋桨性能的影响;浅水对船舶性能的影响。 三、考试形式与试卷结构 1. 答卷方式:闭卷,笔试。 2. 答题时间:180分钟。 3. 试卷分数:总分为150分。 4. 题型:填空题(20×1分=20分);名词解释(10×3分=30分);简述题(4×10分=40分);计算题(4×15分=60分)。 四、参考书目 1. 熊鳌魁等编著,《流体力学》,科学出版社,2016。 2. 盛振邦、刘应中,《船舶原理》(上、下册)中的船舶静力学、船舶阻力、船舶推进部分,上海交通大学出版社,2003。 1


《船舶原理与结构》课程教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 1、课程代码: 2、课程名称(中/英文):船舶原理与结构/Principles of Naval Architecture and Structures 3、学时/学分:60/3.5 4、先修课程:《高等数学》《大学物理》《理论力学》 5、面向对象:轮机工程、交通运输工程 6、开课院(系)、教研室:船舶海洋与建筑工程学院船舶与海洋工程系 7、教材、教学参考书: 《船舶原理》,刘红编,上海交通大学出版社,2009.11。 《船舶原理》(上、下册),盛振邦、刘应中主编,上海交通大学出版社,2003、2004。 《船舶原理与结构》,陈雪深、裘泳铭、张永编,上海交通大学出版社,1990.6。 《船舶原理》,蒋维清等著,大连海事大学出版社,1998.8。 相关法规和船级社入级规范。 二、课程性质和任务 《船舶原理与结构》是轮机工程和交通运输工程专业的一门必修课。它的主要任务是通过讲课、作业和实验环节,使学生掌握船舶静力学、船舶阻力、船舶推进、船舶操纵性与耐波性和船体结构的基本概念、基本原理、基本计算方法,培养学生分析、解决问题的基本能力,为今后从事工程技术和航运管理工作,打下基础。 本课程各教学环节对人才培养目标的贡献见下表。

三、教学内容和基本要求 课程教学内容共54学时,对不同的教学内容,其要求如下。 1、船舶类型 了解民用船舶、军用舰船、高速舰船的种类、用途和特征。 2、船体几何要素 了解船舶外形和船体型线力的一般特征,掌握船体主尺度、尺度比和船型系数。 3、船舶浮性 掌握船舶的平衡条件、船舶浮态的概念;掌握船舶重量、重心位置、排水量和浮心位置的计算方法;掌握近似数值计算方法—梯形法和辛普森法。


最新版人教版七年级数学下册知识点 第五章相交线与平行线 一、知识网络结构 相交线 相交线垂线 同位角、内错角、同旁内角 平行线:在同一平面内,不相交的两条直线叫平行线 定义 : __________ __________ ________ 平行线及其判定判定 1:同位角相等,两直线平行 判定 2 平行线的判定:内错角相等,两直线平行 相交线与平行线判定 3:同旁内角互补,两直线平行 判定 4:平行于同一条直线的两直线平行 平行线的性质性质 1:两直线平行,同位角 性质 2:两直线平行,内错角 性质 3:两直线平行,同旁内 性质 4:平行于同一条直线 相等 相等 角互补 的两直线平行命题、定理 平移 二、知识要点 1、在同一平面内,两条直线的位置关系有两种:相交和平行,垂直是相交的一种特殊情况。 2、在同一平面内,不相交的两条直线叫平行线。如果两条直线只有一个公共点,称这两条直线相交;如果两条直线没有公共点,称这两条直线平行。 3、两条直线相交所构成的四个角中,有公共顶点且有一条公共边的两个角是邻补角。邻补角的性质:邻补角互补。如图 1 所示,与互为邻补角,与互为邻补角。+=180°;+ =180° ; + =180°;+ =180°。321 4 4、两条直线相交所构成的四个角中,一个角的两边分别是另一个角的两边的图 1反 向延长线,这样的两个角互为对顶角。对顶角的性质:对顶角相等。如图1

所示,与互为对顶角。=; =。 5、两条直线相交所成的角中,如果有一个是直角或90° 时,称这两条直线互相垂直, 其中一条叫做另一条的垂线。如图 2 所示,当= 90°时,⊥b。 a 垂线的性质:2 1 3 4 性质 1:过一点有且只有一条直线与已知直线垂直。 图 2 性质 2:连接直线外一点与直线上各点的所有线段中,垂线段最短。 性质 3:如图 2 所示,当 a⊥ b 时,==== 90°。点到直线的距离:直线外一点到这条直线的垂线段的长度叫点到直线的c距离。 6、同位角、内错角、同旁内角基本特征:21 3 46 a 75 8 ①在两条直线 ( 被截线 ) 的同一方,都在第三条直线 ( 截线 ) 的同一侧,这样 b 同位角。图 3 中,共有图 3 的两个角叫对同位角:与是同位角; 与是同位角;与是同位角;与是同位角。 ②在两条直线 ( 被截线 )之间,并且在第三条直线 ( 截线 ) 的两侧,这样的两个角叫内错角。图 3中,共有对内错角:与是内错角;与是内错角。 ③在两条直线 ( 被截线 ) 的之间,都在第三条直线 ( 截线 ) 的同一旁,这样的两个角叫同旁内角。图 3中,共有对同旁内角:与是同旁内角;与是同旁内角。 7、平行公理:经过直线外一点有且只有一条直线与已知直线平行。 平行公理的推论:如果两条直线都与第三条直线平行,那么这两条直线也互相 平行。c 2 3 1 4 6 5 平行线的性质:a78性质 1:两直线平行,同位角相等。如图 4 所示,如果 a∥ b,图4 b 则 =; =; =; =。


2019年上海交通大学船舶与海洋工程考研良心经验 我本科是武汉理工大学的,学的也是船舶与海洋工程,成绩属于中等偏上吧,也拿过两次校三等奖学金,六级第二次才考过。 由于种种原因,我到了8月份才终于下定决心考交大船海并开始准备,只有4个多月,时间比较紧迫。但只要你下定决心,什么时候开始都不算晚,也不要因为复习得不好,开始的晚了就降低学校的要求,放弃了自己的名校梦。每个人情况不一样,自己好好做决定,即使暂时难以决定,也要早点开始复习。决定是在可以在学习过程中做的,学习计划也是可以根据自己的情况更改的。所以即使不知道考哪,每天学习多久,怎样安排学习计划,那也要先开始,这样你才能更清楚学习的难度和量。万事开头难,千万不要拖。由于准备的晚怕靠个人来不及,于是在朋友推荐下我报了新祥旭专业课的一对一,个人觉得一对一比班课好,新祥旭刚好之专门做一对一比较专业,所以果断选择了新祥旭,如果有同学需要可以加卫:chentaoge123 上交船海考研学硕和专硕的科目是一样的,英语一、数学一、政治、船舶与海洋工程专业基础(801)。英语主要是背单词和刷真题,我复习的时间不多,背单词太花时间,就慢慢放弃了,就只是刷真题,真题中出现的陌生单词,都抄到笔记本上背,作文要背一下,准备一下套路,最好自己准备。英语考时感觉着超级简单,但只考了65分,还是很郁闷的。数学是重中之重,我八月份开时复习,直接上手复习全书,我觉得没有必要看课本,毕竟太基础,而且和考研重点不一样,看了课本或许也觉得很难,但是和考研不沾边。计划的是两个月复习一遍,开始刷题,然后一边复习其他的,可是计划跟不上变化,数学基础稍差,复习的较慢,我又不想为了赶进度而应付,某些地方掌握多少自己心里有数,若是只掌握个大概,也不利于后面的学习。所以自打复习开始,我就没放下过数学,期间也听一些网课,高数听张宇、武忠祥的,线代肯定是李永乐,概率论听王式安,课可以听,但最主要还是自己做题,我只听了一些强化班,感觉自己复习不好的地方听了一下。我真题到了11月中旬才开始做,实在是太晚,我8月开始复习时网上就有人说真题刷两遍了,能不慌吗,但再慌也要淡定,不要因此为了赶进度而自欺欺人,做什么事外界的声音是一回事,自己的节奏要自己把握好,不然


第五章知识结构如下图所示: 第六章知识结构 第七章知识结构框图如下:

(二)开展好课题学习 可以如下展开课题学习: (1)背景了解多边形覆盖平面问题来自实际. (2)实验发现有些多边形能覆盖平面,有些则不能. (3)分析讨论多边形能覆盖平面的基本条件,发现问题与多边形的内角大小有密切关系,运用多边形内角和公式对实验结果进行分析. (4)运用进行简单的镶嵌设计. 首先引入用地砖铺地,用瓷砖贴墙等问题情境,并把这些实际问题转化为数学问题:用一些不重叠摆放的多边形把平面的一部分完全覆盖.然后让学生通过实验探究一些多边形能否镶嵌成平面图案,并记下实验结果:

(1)用正三角形、正方形或正六边形可以镶嵌成一个平面图案(图1).用正五边形不能镶嵌成一个平面图案. (2)用正三角形与正方形可以镶嵌成一个平面图案.用正三角形与正六边形也可以镶嵌成一个平面图案. (3)用任意三角形可以镶嵌成一个平面图案, 用任意四边形可以镶嵌成一个平面图案(图2).

观察上述实验结果,得出多边形能镶嵌成一个平面图案需要满足的两个条件: (1)拼接在同一个点(例如图2中的点O)的各个角的和恰好等于360°(周角); (2)相邻的多边形有公共边(例如图2中的OA两侧的多边形有公共边OA). 运用上述结论解释实验结果,例如,三角形的内角和等于180°,在图2中,∠1+∠2+∠3=180°.因此,把6个全等的三角形适当地拼接在同一个点(如图2), 一定能使以这点为顶点的6个角的和恰好等于360°,并且使边长相等的两条边贴在一起.于是, 用三角形能镶嵌成一个平面图案.又如,由多边形内角和公式,可以得到五边形的内角和等于 (5-2)×180°=540°. 因此,正五边形的每个内角等于 540°÷5=108°, 360°不是108°的整数倍,也就是说用一些108°的角拼不成360°的角.因此,用正五边形不能镶嵌成一个平面图案. 最后,让学生进行简单的镶嵌设计,使所学内容得到巩固与运用.1.利用二(三)元一次方程组解决问题的基本过程 2.本章知识安排的前后顺序


第一章 船体形状 三个基准面(1)中线面(xoz 面)横剖线图(2)中站面(yoz 面)总剖线图(3) 基平面 (xoy 面)半宽水线图 型线图:用来描述(绘)船体外表面的几何形状。 船体主尺度 船长 L 、船宽(型宽)B 、吃水d 、吃水差t 、 t = dF – dA 、首吃水dF 、尾吃水dA 、平均吃水dM 、dM = (dF + dA )/ 2 } 、型深 D 、干舷 F 、(F = D – d ) 主尺度比 L / B 、B / d 、D / d 、B / D 、L / D 船体的三个主要剖面:设计水线面、中纵剖面、中横剖面 1.水线面系数Cw :船舶的水线面积Aw 与船长L,型宽B 的乘积之比。 2.中横剖面系数Cm :船舶的中横剖面积Am 与型宽B 、吃水d 二者的乘积之比值。 3.方型系数Cb :船舶的排水体积V,与船长L,型宽B 、吃水d 三者的乘积之比值。 4. 棱形系数(纵向)Cp :船舶排水体积V 与中横剖面积Am 、船长L 两者的乘积之比值。 5. 垂向棱形系数 Cvp :船舶排水体积V 与水线面积Aw 、吃水d 两者的乘积之比值。 船型系数的变化区域为:∈( 0 ,1 ] 第二章 船体计算的近似积分法 梯形法则约束条件(限制条件):(1) 等间距 辛氏一法则通项公式 约束条件(限制条件):(1)等间距 (2)等份数为偶数 (纵坐标数为奇数 )2m+1 辛氏二法则 约束条件(限制条件)(1)等间距 (2)等份数为3 3m+1 梯形法:(1)公式简明、直观、易记 ;(2)分割份数较少时和曲率变化较大时误差偏大。 辛氏法:(1)公式较复杂、计算过程多; (2)分割份数较少时和曲率变化较大时误差相对较小。 第三章 浮性 船舶(浮体)的漂浮状态:(1 )正浮(2)横倾(3)纵倾(4)纵横倾 排水量:指船舶在水中所排开的同体积水的重量。 平行沉浮条件:少量装卸货物P ≤ 10 ℅D 每厘米吃水吨数: TPC = 0.01×ρ×Aw {指使船舶吃水垂向(水平)改变1厘米应在船上施加的力(或重量) }{或指使船舶吃水垂向(水平)改变1厘米时,所引起的排水量的改变量 } (1)船型系数曲线 (2)浮性曲线 (3)稳性曲线 (4)邦金曲线 静水力曲线图:表示船舶正浮状态时的浮性要素、初稳性要素和船型系数等与吃水的关系曲线的总称,它是由船舶设计部门绘制,供驾驶员使用的一种重要的船舶资料。 第四章 稳性 稳性:是指船受外力作用离开平衡位置而倾斜,当外力消失后,船能回复到原平衡位置的能力。 稳心:船舶正浮时浮力作用线与微倾后浮力作用线的交点。 稳性的分类:(1)初稳性;(2)大倾角稳性;(3)横稳性;(4)纵稳性;(5)静稳性;(6)动稳性;(7)完整稳性;(8)非完整稳性(破舱稳性) 判断浮体的平衡状态:(1)根据倾斜力矩与稳性力矩的方向来判断;(2)根据重心与稳心的 相对位置来判断 浮态、稳性、初稳心高度、倾角 B L A C w w ?=d B A C m m ?=d V C ??=B L b L A V C m p ?=d A V C w vp ?=b b p vp m w C C C C C C ==, 002n n i i y y A l y =+??=-????∑[]012142...43n n l A y y y y y -=+++++[]0123213332...338n n n l A y y y y y y y --=++++++P D ?= P f P f x = x y = y = 0 ()P P d= cm TPC q ?= m g b g b g GM = z z = z BM z = z r z -+-+-


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图二:用户注册页面 二、登录 作为注册用户,您可以实现以下功能: ?自动登录到Web of Knowledge平台。 ?选择一个自己常用开始页面,每次登录后则自动进入该页面。 ?将检索策略保存到ISI Web of Knowledge服务器。 ?创建用户关注期刊列表以及期刊目次定题服务。 登录时,在web of knowledge主页右侧输入您电子邮件地址和密码,点击“Sign in”则可进入您个人定制信息服务管理页面。 三、个人信息管理和选择开始页面 点击“My Preferences”超链接,可以编辑个人信息和选择开始页面。 编辑个人信息: 点击“Edit my Information”超链接可以更新您联系信息,如电子邮件地址、密码及姓名。如图三。


第一章:整式的运算 单项式 式 多项式 同底数幂的乘法 幂的乘方 积的乘方 同底数幂的除法 零指数幂 负指数幂 整式的加减 单项式与单项式相乘 单项式与多项式相乘 整式的乘法 多项式与多项式相乘 整式运算 平方差公式 完全平方公式 单项式除以单项式 整式的除法 多项式除以单项式 一、单项式 1、都是数字与字母的乘积的代数式叫做单项式。 2、单项式的数字因数叫做单项式的系数。 3、单项式中所有字母的指数和叫做单项式的次数。 4、单独一个数或一个字母也是单项式。 5、只含有字母因式的单项式的系数是1或―1。 6、单独的一个数字是单项式,它的系数是它本身。 7、单独的一个非零常数的次数是0。 8、单项式中只能含有乘法或乘方运算,而不能含有加、减等其他运算。 9、单项式的系数包括它前面的符号。 10、单项式的系数是带分数时,应化成假分数。 11、单项式的系数是1或―1时,通常省略数字“1”。 12、单项式的次数仅与字母有关,与单项式的系数无关。 二、多项式 1、几个单项式的和叫做多项式。 2、多项式中的每一个单项式叫做多项式的项。 3、多项式中不含字母的项叫做常数项。 4、一个多项式有几项,就叫做几项式。 5、多项式的每一项都包括项前面的符号。 6、多项式没有系数的概念,但有次数的概念。 7、多项式中次数最高的项的次数,叫做这个多项式的次数。 三、整式 1、单项式和多项式统称为整式。 2、单项式或多项式都是整式。 3、整式不一定是单项式。 4、整式不一定是多项式。

5、分母中含有字母的代数式不是整式;而是今后将要学习的分式。 四、整式的加减 1、整式加减的理论根据是:去括号法则,合并同类项法则,以及乘法分配率。 2、几个整式相加减,关键是正确地运用去括号法则,然后准确合并同类项。 3、几个整式相加减的一般步骤: (1)列出代数式:用括号把每个整式括起来,再用加减号连接。 (2)按去括号法则去括号。 (3)合并同类项。 4、代数式求值的一般步骤: (1)代数式化简。 (2)代入计算 (3)对于某些特殊的代数式,可采用“整体代入”进行计算。 五、同底数幂的乘法 1、n个相同因式(或因数)a相乘,记作a n,读作a的n次方(幂),其中a为底数,n为指数,a n的结果叫做幂。 2、底数相同的幂叫做同底数幂。 3、同底数幂乘法的运算法则:同底数幂相乘,底数不变,指数相加。即:a m﹒a n=a m+n。 4、此法则也可以逆用,即:a m+n = a m﹒a n。 5、开始底数不相同的幂的乘法,如果可以化成底数相同的幂的乘法,先化成同底数幂再运用法则。 六、幂的乘方 1、幂的乘方是指几个相同的幂相乘。(a m)n表示n个a m相乘。 2、幂的乘方运算法则:幂的乘方,底数不变,指数相乘。(a m)n =a mn。 3、此法则也可以逆用,即:a mn =(a m)n=(a n)m。 七、积的乘方 1、积的乘方是指底数是乘积形式的乘方。 2、积的乘方运算法则:积的乘方,等于把积中的每个因式分别乘方,然后把所得的幂相乘。即(ab)n=a n b n。 3、此法则也可以逆用,即:a n b n =(ab)n。 八、三种“幂的运算法则”异同点 1、共同点: (1)法则中的底数不变,只对指数做运算。 (2)法则中的底数(不为零)和指数具有普遍性,即可以是数,也可以是式(单项式或多项式)。 (3)对于含有3个或3个以上的运算,法则仍然成立。 2、不同点: (1)同底数幂相乘是指数相加。 (2)幂的乘方是指数相乘。 (3)积的乘方是每个因式分别乘方,再将结果相乘。 九、同底数幂的除法


船舶原理试题库 第一部分船舶基础知识 (一)单项选择题 1.采用中机型船的是 A. 普通货船 C.集装箱船D.油船 2.油船设置纵向水密舱壁的目的是 A.提高纵向强度B.分隔舱室 C.提高局部强度 3. 油船结构中,应在 A.货油舱、机舱B.货油舱、炉舱 C. 货油舱、居住舱室 4.集装箱船的机舱一般设在 A. 中部B.中尾部C.尾部 5.需设置上下边舱的船是 B.客船C.油船D.液化气体船 6 B.杂货船C.散货船D.矿砂船 7 A. 散货船B.集装箱船C.液化气体船 8.在下列船舶中,哪一种船舶的货舱的双层底要求高度大 A.杂货船B.集装箱船C.客货船 9.矿砂船设置大容量压载边舱,其主要作用是 A.提高总纵强度B.提高局部强度 C.减轻摇摆程度 10 B.淡水舱C.深舱D.杂物舱 11.新型油船设置双层底的主要目的有 A.提高抗沉性B.提高强度 C.作压载舱用 12.抗沉性最差的船是 A.客船B.杂货船C散货船 13.横舱壁最少和纵舱壁最多的船分别是 B.矿砂船,集装箱船 C.油船,散货船D.客船,液化气体船 14.单甲板船有 A. 集装箱船,客货船,滚装船B.干散货船,油船,客货船 C.油船,普通货船,滚装船 15.根据《SOLASl974 A.20 B.15 D.10 16 A. 普通货船C.集装箱船D.散货船17.关于球鼻首作用的正确论述是 A. 增加船首强度

C.便于靠离码头D.建造方便 18.集装箱船通常用______表示其载重能力 A.总载重量B.满载排水量 C.总吨位 19. 油船的______ A. 杂物舱C.压载舱D.淡水舱 20 A. 集装箱船B,油船C滚装船 21.常用的两种集装箱型号和标准箱分别是 B.40ft集装箱、30ft集装箱 C.40ft集装箱、10ft集装箱 D.30ft集装箱、20ft集装箱 22.集装箱船设置双层船壳的主要原因是 A.提高抗沉性 C.作为压载舱 D. 作为货舱 23.结构简单,成本低,装卸轻杂货物作业效率高,调运过程中货物摇晃小的起货设备是 B.双联回转式 C.单个回转式D.双吊杆式 24. 具有操作与维修保养方便、劳动强度小、作业的准备和收尾工作少,并且可以遥控操 作的起货设备是 B.双联回转式 D.双吊杆式 25.加强船舶首尾端的结构,是为了提高船舶的 A.总纵强B.扭转强度 C.横向强度 26. 肋板属于 A. 纵向骨材 C.连接件D.A十B 27. 在船体结构的构件中,属于主要构件的是:Ⅰ.强横梁;Ⅱ.肋骨;Ⅲ.主肋板;Ⅳ. 甲板纵桁;Ⅴ.纵骨;Ⅵ.舷侧纵桁 A.Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,ⅣB.I,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅴ D.I,Ⅲ,Ⅳ, Ⅴ 28.船体受到最大总纵弯矩的部位是 A.主甲板B.船底板 D.离首或尾为1/4的船长处 29. ______则其扭转强度越差 A.船越长B.船越宽 C.船越大 30 A.便于检修机器B.增加燃料舱 D.B+C 31


来源:2011-2012学年广东省汕头市潮南区中考模拟考试数学卷(解析版) 考点:三角形 如图,已知,等腰Rt△OAB中,∠AOB=90o,等腰Rt△EOF中,∠EOF=90o,连结AE、BF. 求证:(1)AE=BF;(2)AE⊥BF. 【答案】 见解析 【解析】解:(1)证明:在△AEO与△BFO中, ∵Rt△OAB与Rt△EOF等腰直角三角形, ∴AO=OB,OE=OF,∠AOE=90o-∠BOE=∠BOF, ∴△AEO≌△BFO, ∴AE=BF; ( 2)延长AE交BF于D,交OB于C,则∠BCD=∠ACO, 由(1)知:∠OAC=∠OBF, ∴∠BDA=∠AOB=90o, ∴AE⊥BF. (1)可以把要证明相等的线段AE,CF放到△AEO,△BFO中考虑全等的条件,由两个等腰直角三角形得AO=BO,OE=OF,再找夹角相等,这两个夹角都是直角

减去∠BOE的结果,所以相等,由此可以证明△AEO≌△BFO; (2)由(1)知:∠OAC=∠OBF,∴∠BDA=∠AOB=90°,由此可以证明AE⊥BF 来源:2012-2013学年吉林省八年级上期中考试数学试卷(解析版) 考点:四边形 如图,在正方形ABCD中,E是AD的中点,F是BA延长线上的一点,AF=AB,已知△ABE≌△ADF. (1)在图中,可以通过平移、翻折、旋转中哪一种方法,使△ABE变到△ADF 的位置; (2)线段BE与DF有什么关系?证明你的结论. 【答案】 (1)绕点A旋转90°;(2)BE=DF,BE⊥DF. 【解析】本题考查的是旋转的性质,全等三角形的判断和性质 (1)根据旋转的概念得出; (2)根据旋转的性质得出△ABE≌△ADF,从而得出BE=DF,再根据正方形的性质得出BE⊥DF. (1)图中是通过绕点A旋转90°,使△ABE变到△ADF的位置. (2)BE=DF,BE⊥DF; 延长BE交DF于G;


硕士生入学复试考试《船舶原理与结构》 考试大纲 1考试性质 《船舶原理》和《船舶结构设计》均是船舶与海洋工程专业学生重要的专业基础课。它的评价标准是优秀本科毕业生能达到的水平,以保证被录取者具有较好的船舶原理和结构设计理论基础。 2考试形式与试卷结构 (1)答卷方式:闭卷,笔试 (2)答题时间:180分钟 (3)题型:计算题50%;简答题35%;名词解释15% (4)参考数目: 《船舶原理》,盛振邦、刘应中,上海交通大学出版社,2003 《船舶结构设计》,谢永和、吴剑国、李俊来,上海交通大学出版社,2011年 3考试要点 3.1 《船舶原理》 (1)浮性 浮性的一般概念;浮态种类;浮性曲线的计算与应用;邦戎曲线的计算与应用;储备浮力与载重线标志。 (2)船舶初稳性 稳性的一般概念与分类;初稳性公式的建立与应用;重物移动、

增减对稳性的影响;自由液面对稳性的影响;浮态及初稳性的计算;倾斜试验方法。 (3)船舶大倾角稳性 大倾角稳性、静稳性与动稳性的概念;静、动稳性曲线的计算及其特性;稳性的衡准;极限重心高度曲线;IMO建议的稳性衡准原则;提高稳性的措施。 (4)抗沉性 抗沉性的概念;安全限界线、渗透率、可浸长度、分舱因数的概念;可浸长度计算方法;船舶分舱制;提高抗沉性的方法。 (5)船舶阻力的基本概念与特点 船舶阻力的分类;阻力相似定律;阻力(摩擦阻力、粘压阻力、兴波阻力)产生的机理和特性。 (6)船舶阻力的确定方法 船模阻力试验方法;阻力换算方法;阻力近似计算的概念及方法;艾尔法、海军系数法等。 (7)船型对阻力的影响 船型变化及船型参数,主尺度及船型系数的影响,横剖面面积曲线形状的影响,满载水线形状的影响,首尾端形状的影响。 (8)浅水阻力特性 浅水对阻力影响的特点;浅窄航道对船舶阻力的影响。 (9)船舶推进器一般概念 推进器的种类、传送效率及推进效率;螺旋桨的几何特性。


七年级下册初中数学知识点总结 第一章 整式的运算 一. 整式 ※1. 单项式 ①由数与字母的积组成的代数式叫做单项式。单独一个数或 字母也是单项式。 ②单项式的系数是这个单项式的数字因数,作为单项式的系数,必须连同数字前面的性质符号,如果一个单项式只是字母的积,并非没有系数. ③一个单项式中,所有字母的指数和叫做这个单项式的次数. ※2.多项式 ①几个单项式的和叫做多项式.在多项式中,每个单项式叫做多 项式的项.其中,不含字母的项叫做常数项.一个多项式中,次 数最高项的次数,叫做这个多项式的次数. ②单项式和多项式都有次数,含有字母的单项式有系数,多项式 没有系数.多项式的每一项都是单项式,一个多项式的项数就 是这个多项式作为加数的单项式的个数.多项式中每一项都有 它们各自的次数,但是它们的次数不可能都作是为这个多项式 的次数,一个多项式的次数只有一个,它是所含各项的次数中 最高的那一项次数. ※3.整式单项式和多项式统称为整式. ????????其他代数式多项式单项式整式代数式 二. 整式的加减 ¤1. 整式的加减实质上就是去括号后,合并同类项,运算结果是一个多项式或是单项式. ¤2. 括号前面是“-”号,去括号时,括号内各项要变号,一个 数与多项式相乘时,这个数与括号内各项都要相乘. 三. 同底数幂的乘法 ※同底数幂的乘法法则: n m n m a a a +=?(都是正数)是幂的运算中最 基本的法则,在应用法则运算时,要注意以下几点: ①法则使用的前提条件是:幂的底数相同而且是相乘时,底数a 可以是一个具体的数字式字母,也可以是一个单项或多项式; ②指数是1时,不要误以为没有指数; ③不要将同底数幂的乘法与整式的加法相混淆,对乘法,只要底


课程名称:计算机辅助船舶制造课程代码:01234(理论) 第一部分课程性质与目标 一、课程性质与特点 《计算机辅助船体建造》是船舶与海洋工程专业的一门专业必修课程,通过本课程各章节不同教学环节的学习,帮助学生建立良好的空间概念,培养其逻辑推理和判断能力、抽象思维能力、综合分析问题和解决问题的能力,以及计算机工程应用能力。 我国社会主义现代化建设所需要的高质量专门人才服务的。 在传授知识的同时,要通过各个教学环节逐步培养学生具有抽象思维能力、逻辑推理能力、空间想象能力和自学能力,还要特别注意培养学生具有比较熟练的计算机运用能力和综合运用所学知识去分析和解决问题的能力。 二、课程目标与基本要求 通过本课程学习,使学生对船舶计算机集成制造系统有较全面的了解,掌握计算机辅助船体建造的数学模型建模的思路和方法,培养计算机的应用能力,为今后进行相关领域的研究和开发工作打下良好的基础。 本课程基本要求: 1.正确理解下列基本概念: 计算机辅助制造,计算机辅助船体建造,造船计算机集成制造系统,船体型线光顺性准则,船体型线的三向光顺。 2.正确理解下列基本方法和公式: 三次样条函数,三次参数样条,三次B样条,回弹法光顺船体型线,船体构件展开计算的数学基础,测地线法展开船体外板的数值表示,数控切割的数值计算,型材数控冷弯的数值计算。 3.运用基本概念和方法解决下列问题: 分段装配胎架的型值计算,分段重量重心及起吊参数计算。 三、与本专业其他课程的关系 本课程是船舶与海洋工程专业的一门专业课,该课程应在修完本专业的基础课和专业基础课后进行学习。 先修课程:船舶原理、船体强度与结构设计、船舶建造工艺学 第二部分考核内容与考核目标 第1章计算机辅助船体建造概论 一、学习目的与要求 本章概述计算机辅助船体建造的主要体系及技术发展。通过对本章的学习,掌握计算机辅助制造的基本概念,了解计算机辅助船体建造的特点、造船计算机集成制造系统的基本含义和主要造船集成系统及其发展概况。 二、考核知识点与考核目标 (一)计算机辅助制造的基本概念(重点)(P1~P5) 识记:计算机在工业生产中的应用,计算机在产品设计中的应用,计算机在企业管理中的应用,计算机应用一体化。 理解:CIM和CIMS概念,计算机辅助制造的概念和组成 (二)造船CAM技术的特点(重点)P6~P8 识记:船舶产品和船舶生产过程的特点,造船CAM技术的特点 理解:船舶产品和船舶生产过程的特点与造船CAM技术之间的联系 应用:造船CAM技术应用范围 (三)计算机集成船舶制造系统概述(次重点)(P8~P11)


船舶维修技术实用手册》出版社:吉林科学技术出版社 出版日期:2005年 作者:张剑 开本:16开 册数:全四卷+1CD 定价:998.00元 详细介绍: 第一篇船舶原理与结构 第一章船舶概述 第二章船体结构与船舶管系 第三章锚设备 第四章系泊设备 第五章舵设备 第六章起重设备 第七章船舶系固设备 第八章船舶抗沉结构与堵漏 第九章船舶修理 第十章船舶人级与检验 第二篇现代船舶维修技术 第一章故障诊断与失效分析 第二章油液监控技术 第三章新材料、新工艺与新技术 第三篇船舶柴油机检修 第一章柴油机概述 第二章柴油机主要机件检修 第三章配气系统检修 第四章燃油系统检修 第五章润滑系统检修 第六章冷却系统检修 第七章柴油机操纵系统检修 第八章实际工作循环 第九章柴油机主要工作指标及其测定 第十章柴油机增压 第十一章柴油机常见故障及其应急处理

第四篇船舶电气设备检修 第一章船舶电气设备概述 第二章船舶常用电工材料 第三章船舶电工仪表及测量 第四章船舶常用低压电器及其检修 第五章船舶电机维护检修 第六章船舶电站维护检修 第七章船舶辅机电气控制装置维护检修第八章船舶内部通信及其信号装置检修第九章船舶照明系统维护检修 第五篇船舶轴舵系装置检修 第一章船舶轴系检修 第二章船舶舵系检修 第三章液压舵机检修 第四章轴舵系主要设备与要求 第五章轴舵系检测与试验 第六篇船舶辅机检修 第一章船用泵概述 第二章往复泵检修 第三章回转泵检修 第四章离心泵和旋涡泵 第五章喷射泵检修 第六章船用活塞空气压缩机检修 第七章通风机检修 第八章船舶制冷装置检修 第九章船舶空气调节装置检修 第十章船用燃油辅机锅炉和废气锅炉检修第十一章船舶油分离机检修 第十二章船舶防污染装置检修 第十三章海水淡化装置检修 第十四章操舵装置检修 第十五章锚机系缆机和起货机检修 第七篇船舶静电安全检修技术 第一章船舶静电起电机理 第二章舱内静电场计算 第三章船舶静电安全技术研究 第四章静电放电点燃估算 第五章船舶静电综合分析防治对策

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