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Abstract (i)

摘要 (ii)

1.Introduction. (1)

1.1Introduction of Emily Bronte and her Wuthering Heights (1)

1.2 Introduction of the tragic love story (1)

1.3 The structure of this paper (2)

2.Literature Review (4)

2.1 Review on the oversea studies (4)

2.2 Review on the domestic studies (4)

3.The External Reasons for the Tragedy (6)

3.1 The class barrier (6)

3.2 The educational reasons (7)

3.2.1The family education for Heathcliff and Catherine (7)

3.2.2Education conducted by European upper class (7)

4.The Internal Reasons for the Tragedy (9)

4.1 Catherine’s own reasons (9)

4.1.1 Catherine’s growing environment (9)

4.1.2 Catherine’s dual personality (9)

4.1.3 Catherine’s betrayal (10)

4.2 Heathcliff’s own reasons (10)

4.2.1 Heathcliff’s growing environment (11)

4.2.2 Heathcliff’s extreme personality (11)

4.2.3 Heathcliff’s revenge (12)

5.Conclusion (14)

References (15)

Acknowledgements (16)

1. Introduction

1.1Introduction of Emily Bronte and her Wuthering Heights

Emily Jane Bronte (July 30, 1818 – December 19, 1848) was a great British novelist and pet in the 19th century and one of the extraordinary women writers in the literary history of England, and she is also best remembered for her only novel Wuthering Heights, which is now an acknledged classic of English literature.

Emily was born at Thornton in Yorkshire. She was the younger sister of Charlotte Bronte, and the fifth of six children. It was the discovery of Emily's poetic talent by her family that led her and her sisters, Charlotte and Anne, to publish jointly a book of poems entitled Poems by Currer, Ellis and Action Bell in 1846. To evade contemporary prejudice against female writers, all three used male pseudonyms, Emily's being "Ellis Bell". She wrote many poems of her own and some of these during her short life, in the form of powerful lyrics. These lyrics have been esteemed highly as passionate utterances of the author’s innermost feelings and thoughts.

She subsequently published her only novel, Wuthering Heights, in 1847, a powerful, poetic work, but whose innovative structure somewhat puzzled critics. Although it received mixed reviews when it first came out, the book subsequently became an English literary classic.

Wuthering heights depicts the foundling boy Heathcliff after the adoption by the Earnshaw. He lived with Mr. Earnshaw’s son Hindley and daughter Catherine. Hindley treat Heathcliff badly.He insulted and maltreated Heathcliff in veery possible way afther Mr.Earnshaw’s death. At the same time, peculiar emotion occurred between Cath erine and Heathcliff. Because of her vanity and ignorance, Catherine decided to marry Linton. Heathcliff left with anger. Three years later, Heathcliff returned to revenge. He succeeded in annexing all the property of Hindley’s and the Linton’s. However,Catherine’s ghost pestered him all the time and he died in the dream with Catherine.

1.2Introduction of the tragic love story

Wuthering Heights shows us the life scenes in a deformity society through a tragic love story, outlines all kinds of the terrible events caused by the human nature in the distorted society. The title of the novel comes from the Yorkshire manor on the moors of the story (as an adjective, Wuthering is a Yorkshire word referring to turbulent weather). The narrative tale centers on the all-encompassing, passionate, but ultimately doomed love between Catherine Earnshaw and Heathcliff, and how this unresolved passion eventually destroys them and the people around them.The plot of story is actually spread gradually through four stages.

The first stage describes the childhood life of Heathcliff and Catherine Earnshaw who the two children spend hours on the moors together and hate every moment; the special feeling between a homeless gypsy boy and an honored, upper-class lady in the unique environment, and their rebel against the tyranny of Catherine’s brother Hindley.

The second stage focuses on describing Catherine as a common lady who pursues the traditional “human love” and denies Heathcliff’s love; at last she married to Layton, a young and rich, educated gentleman, and becomes the mistress of Thrushcross Grange. She admitted Nelly that she loves Layton, because he is young, handsome, and rich and loves her, and the most important one is that he can make her become the most respected woman. While Catherine patted on her forehead and chest said: “In my soul my heart, I know I was wrong.”She also loves Heathcliff, but here love for Heathcliff is derived form “he and I are the same piece of material”. Love, from the pursuit of happiness to the pursuit of oneself, has become just “super-human love”.

In the third stage, the novel, by using a lot of words, describes how Heathcliff who is filled with hatred and despair makes all kinds of actions on his revenge. This part is the main theme of the whole story. With the death of Catherine, Edgar, Isabella, Heathcliff’s son and himself, Heathcliff achieves his revenge on those who treated him badly.

At last, the novel only narrates the death of Heathcliff, but reveals a brand new change of his minds when he found that Hareton and Cathy fell in love with each other. His minds changes from love, hatred, and revenge to the recovery of human nature, which reveals a light of hope in this tragic love which is full of horror color.

In the novel, Heathcliff and Catherine later grow close, and their love becomes the central theme of the first volume; his revenge and its consequences are the main theme of the second volume. Therefore, his minds change from love, hatred, revenge to the revival of human nature, is not only the essence of the novel, but also the theme throughout the whole novel. The author layouts and arranges the changed scene unpredictably according to this theme, sometimes full of dark clouds, wail like ghosts and howl like wolves in the wilderness, and sometimes like the storms blow hard, or in a dark courtyard. The tragic love story is always surrounded in a mysterious and terrible atmosphere.

1.3The structure of this paper

Wuthering Heights is the most unusual novel in the history of English Literature.By describing Catherine and Heathcliff's love; it shows the variation of deformity society, and the distorted humanistic. This article analyzes the book from the reasons of the tradgic love Catherine and Heathcliff. The first chapter is introduction; it gives a brief introduction on Emily Bronte and the Wuthering Heights. The second chapter is literature review, in this part it introduces the

studies of this novel on the oversea and domestic .The third chapter is the external reasons for the tragedy. The fourth is the internal reasons for the tragedy. The last, chapter five, is the conclusion of this paper.

2. Literature Review

Today considered as a classic of English literature, Wuthering Heights was met with mixed reviews when it first appeared, mainly because of mental and physical cruelty of the narrative's stark depiction. Although Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre was generally considered the best of the Bront? sisters' works during most of the nineteenth century, many subsequent critics of Wuthering Heights argued that it was a superior achievement.

The novel has been studied, analyzed, and discussed from every imaginable critical perspective and from every aspect, yet it remains unexhausted. Most of them are focused on the character of the hero or the complicated love between the characters. Catherine, the heroine of the Wuthering Heights, is a typical tragic role in Western literature. Caterine’s emotional has different changes with different environment.(Chen le,2007).Heathcliff, in Wuthering Heights, is the real dramatic center of the story. Heathcliff is a coalescence of several characters and elements, one is the concept of a man whose mind of hatred is pitiless and ruthless, and another is of a man whose desire for revenge degenerates into avarice (Davy Cecil, 1934). There are many factors to deal with Heathcliff’s distortion; many of the previous studies attempt to explore the reasons for Heathcliff’s tragedies. In aboard, t hey are respectively Davy. L. Robert’s analysis based on prototype theory, Davy Cecil’s analysis based on backgrounds theory and James. C. Janet’s analysis based on love theory.

2.1 Review on the oversea studies

According to Davy L Robert(1985),The Prototype of Heathcliff suggests the sensational revenge and tragic characters. He addressed in his The Prototype of Heathcliff that Emily Bronte created the name “Heathcliff” to tell the readers the man’s temperament in a metaphorical way. Davy L Robert argues that the figure of Heathcliff created by Bronte stands for evil and revenge, and he also thinks that Heathcliff’s prototype would be the devil from hell. According to James C Janet’s (2009) On Bronte’s Wuthering Heights,the relationship determines Heathcliff and Catherine’s love. Their love is thus formed in the rebellion against those social forces, families and classes, which restrict the ideals. Catherine’s choice of love, her choice fondness of wealth, position and social distinction in other words, are the primary reasons for forming Heathcliff’s tragic characters (James C. Janet, 2009). According to Davy Cecil the backgrounds deal a lot with Heathcliff’s distortion. Davy Cecil believes that the change of class state and life experience con tribute a lot to form Heathcliff’s distortion.

2.2 Review on the domestic studies

In China, many scholars combine characteristics and the fate of life experience of character types in Wuthering Heights with author’s personality and characteristic, such as Tang Zheng(2009) believed that, to a certain extent, Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights is just the author’s true portraiture. In recent years, there are many scholars wrote many articles to discuss the hero Heathcliff. Zhao Yunmei(2009) wrote: Heathcliff’s wild and intractable personality, his strong

love, lonely character and the violent perverse revenge figure, reflect the characteristics of Byron effect. After the rise in symbolism, many scholars also do research in this aspect, such as the Wang Zhe(2011) thought, Emily in her" the one and only " novel used a large number of symbolic description, through images shaping, turns out the understanding to the deep and mystical philosophy of life.

3. The External Reasons for the Tragedy

3.1 The class barrier reasons for the tragedy

In England, the 18th Century, is an age of the bourgeoisie. The old aristocratic class was fast losing its power politically and economically to the rising urban middle class or bourgeoisie who worked hard, economized and accumulated great wealth and became the mainstream of the nation; the social and economic values were changing and land ownership did not always the man make, it is a world of patriarchal values. Along with the emergence of this "industrial revolution" came a class- conscious society. The new London would benefit the wealthy and the middle class but exploit and oppress the working and poor classes. The social changes taking place in England between 1801 and1847 provides context for an appreciation of Wuthering Heights. As industrialization spread, a growing middle class challenged the position of landed gentry. The Earnshaws and Heathcliff represent this moment. Heathcliff’s rise from an orphaned urchin to landholder in Wuthering Heights is a paradigm for the origins of capitalism within society.

Heathcliff was a fatherless child when he was brought into Catherine’s family. He has some wildness and strength in his bones. Belonging to a lower class, he tries to get his rights by opposing the upper class. He must do what he wants to do and follows his nature but does not care about others’ attitude. His action shows his capricious and resistant character. The influence of Heathcliff and Edgar leads to Catherine’s complex personality---strength, brawniness, a little wildness, dignity and vanity. At the beginning, due to Heathcliff’s influence, Catherine keeps her strength and brawniness.

Catherine is very ambivalent in her love .Due to human nature, she loves Heathcliff deeply with childlike passion, and he r soul can’t live without him. But the social culture made her betray the love in order to satisfy her yearning for fame and wealth. She chooses Linton; hereby her love becomes a tragedy. Catherine learns dignity and vanity through contacting with Edgar. Edgar who is proud of his social status is a well-educated gentleman, so his action follows traditional manners. Besides, he is proud of his social status. She wants to marry Edgar to satisfy her vanity, so she is nearer to the social class to which Edgar belongs. In brief, Heathcliff makes Catherine keep her nature, while Edgar guides her into true middle class.

Catherine’s utilitarian treatment of marriage is entirely caused by the social environment. The world was full of patriarchal values. Women's status was unequal in politics and economics. Their values can only be reflected in their marriage. As to Catherine, she does not overcome her vanity and weakness. The love can not escape from the times. They ruined their best things in this era. Because of this, their love must be a tragic love.

In 19th century of England, economy, society, and politics had a great change. At that time, the prosperity of the middle and upper classes and the wrenched condition of the poor differed greatly. People of the underclass hardly had right in law, and destined to be abused by upper classes. Undoubtedly, cruel social environment and fierce class origin are regarded as root for their tragic love. Heathcliff is on behalf of these poor ones. He begins his life as a foundling boy

adopted by Mr.Earnshaw. Uncared for and unloved, he lives in a hostile and frightening world in himself, which is caused by the real society. Heathcilff owned almost the love of Mr. Earnshaw, but he is badly treated by young Hindley, whose behaviors even make him distorted humanity. It is the injury inflicted on him during his childhood results in the tragedy later. Even when coming back years after Catherine’s marriage with great possessions, Heathcliff does not belong to the upper class because of his poor origin. That is to say, for a person from the lower, no matter how rich one is now, he is always what he is. The discrimination from others make they lose whatever they are longing for, including love, and dignity. The only thing left is to retaliate the world to balance the pain of the loss. More pains, more retaliations. It is natural for the appearance of distortions. In a word, such distortions come from the social reality and Heathcliff is a representative of the effects of cruelty, deprivation and alienation that are the products of civilization.

3.2 Educational reasons for the tragedy

3.2.1The family education for Heathcliff and Catherine

Heathcliff's character determines his tragedy; however the formation of character is inseparable from the growth process of family education. He is a foundling boy; adopted by Mr. Earnshaw His arrival does not get the love and the warmth of family. Mr. Earnshaw’s son Hindley treats Heathcliff badly. After Mr. Earnshaw’s dead, Heathcliff is treated as a servant. He is deprived of dignity, and not educated. At last his only sustenance, Catherine also away marries Linton. He suffers from serious injuries. After that, he made the terrorist revenge for everyone include their descendants.

Catherine has a superior family; all the family pampers her, so she has a little capricious. When she was young Mrs. Earnshaw was dead, her father is always busy on the business no time to train and educate her. After Mr. Earnshaw’s death, Heathcliff is misused by Hindley Catherine also be affected. She can not get education, she become a wild child.She wrestles with the self-willed and rational, dead with painful.

3.2.2 Education conducted by the European Upper class

In the early 19th Century, when UK was a classic patriarchy society with a strong sense of hierarchy and class contradiction, divided human into several levels. Their working people not only were exploited and oppressed by the corrupt landed aristocracy, but also ruled by the emerging bourgeois nobles. Meanwhile women and proletariats were oppressed too, whose personal rights had been deprived. Too much education would "ruin" girls, making them unfit for marriage and motherhood. Consequently, most middle and upper middle class girls were taught little beyond basic reading and writing, and instead were trained in "accomplishments," such as music, drawing, and dancing, to better attract eligible suitors. As far as they were concerned, marriage was the best home they turned to, on which their all success or failure depended. A

discussion of whether or not a man was really a gentleman would consider such questions as how much land he owned, how many tenants and servants he had, how he spoke, whether he kept horses and a carriage, and whether his money came from land or “trade”—gentlemen scorned banking and commercial activities.

Charlotte Bronte in her preface to the 1850 edition of Wuthering Heights, refers to Edgar as "an example of constancy and tenderness and goes on to suggest that her sister Emily was using Edgar to point out that such characteristics constitute true virtues in all human beings, and not just in women, as society tended to believe. At the top of British society was the royalty, followed by the aristocracy, then by the gentry, and then by the lower classes, who made up the vast majority of the population. The social status of aristocrats was a formal and settled matter, because aristocrats had official titles. A discussion of whether or not a man was really a gentleman would consider such questions as how much land he owned, how many tenants and servants he had, how he spoke, whether he kept horses and a carriage, and whether his money came from land or "trade"—gentlemen scorned banking and commercial activities. Considerations of class status often crucially inform the characters' motivations in Wuthering Heights. Catherine's decision to marry Edgar so that she will be "the greatest woman of the neighborhood" is only the most obvious example. The Lintons are relatively firm in their gentry’s status but nonetheless take great pains to prove this status through their behaviors. The shifting nature of social status is demonstrated most strikingly in Heathcliff's trajectory from homeless waif to young gentleman-by-adoption to common laborer to gentleman again (although the status-conscious Lockwood remarks that Heathcliff is only a gentleman in "dress and manners").

4. The Internal Reasons for the Tragic Love

4.1 Catherine’s own reasons

4.1.1 Catherine’s growing environment

Catherine’s change is mainly from her values during the different environment between Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange.

Cath erine’s natural environment is stabbed as “wild child”. In her narrow world, Heathcliff is

her only stabbed playmates and spirit. Her stay at the grange has brought about changes for her that affect the course of the lives Heathcliff and her own, both present and future. She has awared of the social difference between Heathcliff and herself. She has looked and acted as a lady after she returns to Wuthering Heights. She laughs at Heathcliff's unkempt appearance. When the Lintons visit Catherine the next day, Heathcliff dresses up himself to impress her. It fails when Edgar, one of the Linton children, argues with him. Heathcliff is locked in the attic, where Catherine later tries to comfort him. Unfortunately she could never marry Heathcliff because of his lack of status and education. She therefore plans to marry Edgar who is a cultured gentleman with enough wealth to make herself as the greatness woman of the neighborhood. In fact, Catherine is totally absorbed in the new way of life and values as her spirit and nature belong to upper-class. Heathcliff has overheard the first part about not being able to marry him and runs away, disappearing without a trace. After three years, Edgar and Catherine are married.

4.1.2 Catherine’s dual personalities

Catherine’s character is filled with contradictions. On one hand, she is pure and free; on the other hand, she is selfish and vanity, which cause her into a dilemma since Edgar proposed her, and makes her mind collapse at last and she dies in childbirth.

In the childhood, Catherine has the spirit of revolting, she always reacts against her father and her brother. During the process, she falls in love with Heathcliff. And she can bear all the punishment from her brother, except the separation from Heathcliff. "Without Heathcliff", she says, "the universe would turn to a mighty stranger". (Emily Bronte, 2005)

As she grows up, Catherine hates the meaningless freedom. She seems to become another person after back home from Thorncross Grange. Catherin’s alternative could be easily found in many aspects: the changes of her manners, dress and social attitudes. Her dress is suitable in the Grange rather than in the Heights and she has become used to a life that is centered on the inside of houses and she can do no work. She has accustomed to such a style of living: others work for her, produce for her and satisfy her needs. She is attracted by the “cultural life” in the Lintons, and she starts to long for it.

Catherine has thrown herself into a dilemma since Edgar Linton proposed her. She is eager for the honorable life in Thorncross Grange, where she can become a rich and great woman, but she also loves Heathcliff with her soul, just like she said to Nelly "My love for Edgar is like the foliage in the woods: time will change it, I'm well aware, as winter changes the trees. My love for Heathcliff resembles the eternal rocks beneath: a source of little visible delight, but necessary. Nelly, I am Heathcliff"(Emily Bronte, 2005)

The duality of Catherine's character revealed a crisis point with her marriage to Edgar - the one event in the novel above all others which determine the futures of the central characters. Catherine's marriage to him is a betrayal of her nature. Not only has she broken with her kindred

spirit, Heathcliff, but she has physically removed herself from the wildness and freedom from the Heights. Catherine's marriage to Edgar and her rejection of Heathcliff is a rejection of herself. This choice made by Catherine favored wealth, civilization and social position over her natural affinity with the untamed, uncivilized world represented by Heathcliff.

Catherine’s dual characters cause her tragedy, which has aroused the readers’ sympathy. As she lies dying, she says,“I wish I were girl again, half savage and hardy, and free, and laughing at injuries, not maddening under them! Why am I so changed?”(Emily Bronte,2005) she regrets her choice but now she has to face it and gives up her life at last.

4.1.3Catherine’s betrayal

When Catherine is a little girl, she is pure and free, she loves Heathcliff without minding his identity, and she falls in love with Heathcliff and bears all the punishment from her brother. But when she encounters Edgar, she realizes that from him she can get more respects and she would be the greatness woman of the neighborhood. She knows that she would never marry Healthcliff. In her heart, she still loves Heathcliff but she is totally absorbed in the new way of life and values as her spirit and nature belong to upper-class. Compared with Heathcliff, Linton is young, handsome, rich and in love with her. The most important is Linton can make her become the most respected woman. Catherine is a faithful partner of Heathcliff, they develop the true love in common resistance. However, Catherine finally betrays Heathcliff.

Catherine’s betrayal of Heathcliff is the distortion of her personality and self-betrayal.The relationship determines the nature of their love. Their demand for love is conveyed in the process of their struggle for individual fulfillment and humanity.Catherine shows her passionate love for Heathliff and inseparability of them. But the nature of love should be explored within a context, because the novel shows love is based on mutual bullion and mutual aspirations. Catherine eventually betrays Heathcliff and becomes the mistress of Thrush cross Grange.Seduction by the glamour of the Grange is the beginning of Catherine’s change and distortion.

Because Catherine is kind, she loves Heathcliff by the mercy. Because of her vanity, selfish and arrogant, she had betrayed her love to marry Edgar. Eventually Catherine becomes all the fuses of the tragedy. Catherine has been living in the pain of contradiction, her efforts herself to become an upper-class lady. She chooses to marry Linton, the real gentleman, although she still loves healthcliff. After the marriage, Catherine is still not out of pain, and contradictions until her death. Because her betrayal, a direct result of the tragic misfortune of her life, because her death, Heathcliff makes all the crazy revenge.

So Catherine’s betrayal is the beginning of his own personal hell; for Heathcliff,Catherine’s betrayal is the turning point of his life; For Heathcliff, Catherine’s b etrayal leads him to cruel punishment or treatment to anyone who has relationship with Catherine or anyone he hates.

4.2Heathcliff’s own reasons

4.2.1 Heathcliff’s growing environment

Young Heathcliff’s childhood is full of both half-happiness and half-sadness, and it formats his life experience and social status and distorts his nature at the same time.

A homeless gypsy boy named “Heathcliff” was abandoned by his parents after he was born, and this has a huge influence on his unreasonable disposition. Later he was adopted by Mr. Earnshaw. He is treated well by Mr. Earnshaw, and from Mr. Earnshaw, Heathcliff learns the kindness. The children of the Earnshaw family are the teenaged Hindley and his younger sister, Catherine. Hindley finds himself robbed of his father's affections and becomes bitterly jealous of Heathcliff. However, Catherine grows much attached to him. After Mr. Earnshaw dies, Hindley becomes master of Wuthering Heights, and forces Heathcliff to become a servant instead of a member of the family and exterts tyranny on Heathcliff. Despite the abuse of Hindley, Heathcliff still endure and tolerate on the support of Catherine’s love until they meet the Lintons . The seed of hatred has planted in his heart gradually. So his character is formed in this discrimination and betrayal of Catherine, both kindness and cruelty during his teenage time.

4.2.2 Heathcliff’s extreme personalities

Heathcliff is an orphan taken to Wuthering Heights by Mr. Earnshaw and reluctantly cared for by the rest of the family. He and Catherine later grow close, and their love becomes the central theme of the first volume; his revenge and its consequences are the main theme of the second volume. So his extreme character is love and hatred.

At first, Heathcliff is a pure and kind boy. When Mr. Earnshaw died, Heathcliff was very sad and made a heart-breaking cry. From this we can see his natural kindness character. He also has a strong love in his heart. It is the love that is natural and pure. He loves Catherine so much and faithfully and long-lasting. Only when he learned that Catherine was engaged with Edgar Linton, he left Wuthering Heights with angry, before this happened, he never thought that he would leave here for any reason, even when Hindley treated his badly. That’s because of his love for Catherine that gave him the hope. After three years, when he returned to Wuthering Heights, he still loves Catherine. Only having Catherine’s love, he can own the happiness.Heathcliff’s death for love expresses his everlasting love for Catherine, and the resurgence of his human nature.

Due to the unfair life, misery experience and the betrayal love of Catherine, he becomes cruel, selfish and fierce. He deprived Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange step by step. He also hurts the young generation, making Cathy marry to his sick son. For revenge, Heathcliff‘s heart is distorted, of course, we admit that his revenge on people who had hurt his is successful. But his revenge is pointless; he spent all his life on revenge and at last, he lives lonely and is empty in spirit. He finally dies and achieves the reunion with Catherine.

Healthcliff himself is contradicting. On one hand, he is kind and pure in nature; on the other hand, he becomes cruel when he returns to Wuthering Heights and take revenge on people who

treated him badly, even on the innocent persons and their descendants. He has strong love for Catherine, but his heart is full of hatred that is beyond his love.

The end of Wuthering Heights seemed unexpected, Heathcliff gave up the revenge can be considered as the recovery of his human nature. Because he realizes that revenge cannot make him feel happy or relieved. From kindness, to cruel, and then to the recovery of his human nature, we can see the extreme characters show in Healthcliff.

4.2.3 Heathcliff’s revenge

When Heathcliff returned after three years later, he has become a rich and gentleman. He begins to take his revenge on those who treat him badly, which is a major theme of the novel. And his revenge can be divided into 3 parts.

The first one is his revenge to the first generation.

Although Catharine has been married Edgar Linton, because of Catherine’s betrayal, his hatred is beyond of his love, he brings her to death at the birth of her daughter Cathy. Heathcliff has been staying at the Heights, gambling with Hindley and Hindley is gradually losing his wealth, mortgaging the farmhouse to Heathcliff to repay his debts. Heathcliff finds himself the master of Wuthering Heights. He also seduced Edgar’s sister Isabella and treats her cruelly, then deserted her and their child, Linton, to revenge on Edgar Linton. Heathcliff has changed into a devil, monster, just like he says: “I have no pity! I have no pity! The more the worms writhe, the more I yearn to crush out their entrails! It is a moral teething; and I grind with greater energy, in proportion to the increase of pain.”(Bronte, 2004).We can see his revenge is cruel, cold and inhuman. His hate comes from his deep love; he cannot bear the betrayal of Catherine and his hatred is beyond of his love.

The second one is his revenge to their descendants.

In revenge for Hindley’s cruel treatment, he treats Hindley’s son Hareton brutally. He then forces Catharine’s daughter Cathy to marry his sickly son Linton in order to seize the estate of the Lintons, which fails because of the death of his son. Edgar tells little Cathy: “Heathcliff is a most diabolical man, delighting to wrong and ruin those who hates, if they him the slightest opportunity.” (Zhang, 2005).This shows that his mind is full of the hatred. Revenge is his whole life.

The results of his revenge:

The results of his revenge are: Hindley finally drank himself to death; Edgar dead with grief; Isabella was tormented to death; of course, Catherine dead without his forgiveness; his son, Linton, also dead.

His revenge makes him live alone, as an old man and haunted by the memory of Catharine, he finally gave up his plans for revenge. Just as he says to Nelly: “my mind is so eternally secluded in itself; it is tempting at last to turn it ours to another.(Bronte, 2004)”.Indeed, his

revenge is ridiculous and irrational. But we also see the glory of his deep nature that has come back at last. Finally, he commits suicide himself to prove his last-loving for Catherine and their souls united. Just as the novel wrote at the last chapter: “I lingered rou nd them, under that benign sky; watched the moths fluttering among the heath and harebells, listened to the soft wind breathing through the grass, and wondered how anyone could ever okwood, for Mr. Lockwood entered into this house, we imagine unquiet slumb ers for the sleepers in that quiet earth.”(Bronte, 2004)

Heathcliff is a tragedy in his choice between love and hatred, but we are moved by his deep immortal love for Catherine.

5. Conclusion

Wuthering Heights is generally considered as the Flower of English literature; this is a romantic work describing a tragic love story. Wuthering Heights is a comment on the society life in the 19th century England. It recalls the freedom and love, and the novel shows numerous conflicts between the rich and the poor as well as the conflicts between emotion and reason. So the novel is considered as a pioneer in the rebellious spirit against the social convention.

From this novel, we can see that the deep love and hatred in Heathcliff heart is the theme of the whole story. This paper analyzes the reasons that cause the love tragedy between Heathcliff and Catherine. The external reason is one of the most important reasons for the tragic love. In 19th century, the prosperity of the middle and upper classes and the wrenched condition of the poor differed greatly, Catherine and Heathcliff in different class, destined their tragedy. The different education get Catherine becomes an upper class lady, and Heathcliff has not receive

education, he just a rude wile boy. Heathcliff’s social background different from Catherine’s is the primary factor that causes their tragic love. About Catherine’s love betrayal and her love choice is the essential reason which causes Heathcliff’s extreme personalities.Catherine is a cl assic tragic character in Western literature. Their different education is a very important reason for the tragedy. Heathcliff is treated badly, Catherine is treated pamper, they have different education, their notions have a great difference. Catherine’s dual personalities are the main reason for her tragedy. she is pure and free; but in another hand she is selfish and vanity, she can not fit on a life of luxury, she marry with Linton. Catherine’s betrayal is the last straw for Healthcliff. We cannot simpl y say Healthcliff is good or bad. He is a victim of capitalism and full of contradictions. The story of love and revenge reveals the weakness of human nature. Luckily, finally Healthcliff finds the glory of his human nature by giving up his revenge.


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第一章项目基本情况..................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

一、项目情况说明...................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

二、可行性研究的依据.............................................. 错误!未定义书签。第二章项目建设的必要性与可行性 ............................. 错误!未定义书签。

一、项目建设背景...................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

二、项目建设的必要性.............................................. 错误!未定义书签。

三、项目建设的可行性.............................................. 错误!未定义书签。第三章市场供求分析及预测 ......................................... 错误!未定义书签。

一、项目区生猪养殖和养殖粪污的利用现状........... 错误!未定义书签。

二、禽畜粪污产量、沼气及沼肥产量调查与分析 ... 错误!未定义书签。

三、项目产品市场前景分析 (20)

第四章项目承担单位的基本情况 ................................. 错误!未定义书签。

一、养殖场概况 ......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

二、资产状况 ............................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

三、经营状况 ............................................................. 错误!未定义书签。第五章项目地点选择分析 ............................................. 错误!未定义书签。

一、选址原则 ............................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

二、项目选点 ............................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

三、项目区建设条件.................................................. 错误!未定义书签。第六章工艺技术方案分析 .......................................... 错误!未定义书签。

一、污水处理模式的选择 .......................................... 错误!未定义书签。

二、处理工艺的选择.................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

三、项目工艺流程...................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

四、主要技术参数...................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

五、主要设备选型...................................................... 错误!未定义书签。第七章项目建设目标..................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

一、项目建设目标...................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

二、项目建设规模...................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

第八章项目建设内容..................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

一、建安工程 ............................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

二、仪器设备 ............................................................. 错误!未定义书签。第九章投资估算和资金筹措 ......................................... 错误!未定义书签。

一、投资估算的范围.................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

二、投资估算的依据.................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

三、投资估算 ............................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

四、资金使用计划...................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

五、资金筹措 ............................................................. 错误!未定义书签。第十章建设期限和实施进度安排 ................................. 错误!未定义书签。

一、项目建设期限...................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

二、项目实施进度安排.............................................. 错误!未定义书签。第十一章土地、规划和环保 ......................................... 错误!未定义书签。

一、土地与规划 ......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

二、环境保护 ............................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

三、安全防护 ............................................................. 错误!未定义书签。第十二章项目组织管理与运行 ..................................... 错误!未定义书签。

一、项目建设组织管理.............................................. 错误!未定义书签。

二、项目建成后运行管理 .......................................... 错误!未定义书签。

三、项目运行费用...................................................... 错误!未定义书签。第十三章效益分析与风险评价 ..................................... 错误!未定义书签。

一、经济效益分析...................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

二、项目风险评价...................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

三、生态效益 ............................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

四、社会效益 ............................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

五、附表 ..................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。第十四章招标方案......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

一、编制依据 ............................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

二、招标范围 ............................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

三、招标方式 ............................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

四、招标组织形式...................................................... 错误!未定义书签。有关证明材料及附件..................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

呼啸山庄 之 凯瑟琳的爱情悲剧

呼啸山庄之凯瑟琳的爱情悲剧 很早之前就知道了《呼啸山庄》这本小说,但是始终都没有着手去阅读它,知道在课上老师介绍了这本书后我才从图书馆借来了这本书,津津有味的将它阅读。 《呼啸山庄》讲述的是一个爱情和复仇的故事,讲了两代人的恩怨,先是凯瑟琳、希斯克利夫和埃德加,接着是小凯瑟琳、哈里顿和小林敦,都是一女二男,叙述的是两代人不同的爱情故事。呼啸山庄的主人恩休带回一个孤儿,给他取名叫希斯克利夫,恩休十分宠爱希斯克利夫,他的儿子亨得利很恨希斯克利夫。在恩休死后,辛德雷为了报仇对希斯克利夫百般迫害,这个时凯瑟琳却对希斯克利夫产生了感情,他们两个青梅竹马,一起玩耍。但是随着家庭对凯瑟琳的教育,凯瑟琳开始嫌弃希斯克利夫的贫穷转而喜欢上画眉田庄的年轻多金又帅气的埃德加。希斯克利夫知道后悲愤交加离家而走,三年后终于以富人的身份回到呼啸山庄。但是使他悲伤的是他一生的挚爱凯瑟琳却已经嫁给了埃德加。于是他开始了疯狂的报复,通过赌博夺走了辛德雷的所有财产,亨得利最终死去。他的儿子哈里顿沦为了希斯克利夫的奴仆。为了报复凯瑟琳,他还故意娶了埃德加的妹妹伊萨贝拉,辜负而且深深伤害了一个爱他的女子的真心。精神上受到折磨的凯瑟琳在生产中死去,留下了小凯瑟琳。至此,是《呼啸山庄》中第一代人的爱情悲剧。 在我读到年少的凯瑟琳和年少的希斯克利夫玩耍时的情节时,我就想一个是孤儿,一个是富人家的女儿,他们的爱情会不会有美好的结局,会不会突破世俗的界限,阶级间的隔膜。我想凯瑟琳是深爱着希斯克利夫的,正如她在跟艾利谈话时候所说“我这么爱他,那并不是因为他漂亮,艾利,而是因为他比我更像我自己。不论我们的灵魂是什么做成的,他的和我的是一模一样的。而林敦的灵魂就如月光和闪电,或者霜和火,完全不同。”“世上每一个林敦都可以化为乌有,我绝不能够答应放弃希刺克厉夫。啊,那可不是我打算的——那不是我的意思!要付这么一个代价,我可不作林敦夫人!将来他这一辈子,对于我,就和他现在对于我一样地珍贵。埃德加一定得消除对希刺克厉夫的反感,而且,至少要容忍他。当他知道了我对他的真实感情,他就会的。艾莉,现在我懂了,你以为我是个自私的贱人。可是,你难道从来没想到,如果希刺克厉夫和我结婚了,我们就得作乞丐吗?而如果我嫁给林惇,我就能帮助希刺克厉夫高升,并且把他安置在我哥哥无权过问的地方”。我想最后一句话估计就是凯瑟琳嫁给埃德加真正的原因吧,凯瑟琳是爱着希斯克利夫的。


(演讲时不要点击图片!) 浅析宝黛爱情悲剧 打开《红楼梦》,(切换第二张)曹雪芹说:"满纸荒唐言,一把辛酸泪!都云作者痴,谁解其中味?"开篇明诣,点出作者希望通过此书道尽人间沧桑,希望世人醒悟的愿望。正如王国维所说是"彻头彻尾的悲剧"。其在论述宝、黛的爱情时强调:造成宝黛的爱情悲剧的"不过通常之道德、通常之人情、通常之境遇为之而已"。常人之情,常人之理导致了悲剧的发生。然而,就在常人之情,常人之理中,造成宝黛爱情的悲剧根源又是什么呢? 《红楼梦》是一个作者没有完成的著作。从前八十回的描写来看,宝黛的爱情线索是既连续发展又若有所断的。宝玉是小说中的中心人物,他与黛玉的感情发展也似一条耀眼红线令人眩目。 宝黛爱情在《红楼梦》一开始就注定了它的悲剧结局。宝黛的爱情之悲也就在于他们的爱情之深。他们的爱情是从黛玉初进荣国府,(第三张)从黛玉第一眼看到宝玉开始的。黛玉眼中的宝玉,宝玉眼中的黛玉,都是那么的美丽、清俊、高雅、脱俗,也许前世的灌溉之恩就注定了他们今生的一见钟情。而后,黛玉的孤高,宝玉的温柔,和他们共同的执着思想——愤世嫉俗,使他们彼此成为知己。但随着时间的推移,终于日久生情,虽然双方有意,而且都那么执着,但黛玉的小性和宝玉的多情使他们感情的发展始终是一波三折。麒麟公案、金玉姻缘,每一点点小的事件都会使大观园内鸡飞蛋打,使他们情感的小舟几欲浪涨船翻。然而,他们感情却就是在这样的曲折的道路上一路坚强的走了过来。 在贾府中,贾家的男性腐朽不堪,当家的早已是女性。贾母处在贾家的最高权力地位上,是贾家的精神领袖。在她的面前,贾政连教训儿子的权力也被剥夺了。在《红楼梦》后四十回里,贾母被描写成一手造就宝黛悲剧的真凶。由此,有人认为贾母是霸权主义推行者,是坚决反对宝黛爱情的人,是为了所谓的封建正统,为了她至高无上的尊严,为了她的一厢情愿,毅然舍弃了她心肝肉似的宝玉的幸福,舍弃了她疼爱的外孙女的性命,她一反往日那慈祥的面孔,决绝地作出宝黛爱情的悲剧结局。但我以为,造就宝黛爱情悲剧的,并不在于贾母。 贾母是时时刻刻操心着宝玉的婚事的,时时刻刻袒护着两玉儿的。在第五十回见宝玉和薛宝琴在雪中同立、红梅掩映,贾母问起她的生辰八字,欲与宝玉求配,这就奇怪了,眼前有热辣辣等着的人偏不考虑,而对初来乍到的却兴趣盎然。实际上,贾母是明问宝琴,暗拒宝钗。如果说,在前八十回里,贾母一直都是看好宝钗,希望着宝钗将来能够许配给宝玉,我想这是有力的辨证。所以紫鹃说贾母是黛玉唯一可以信赖的人,这应该是有充分根据的,贾母始终是二玉的保护者。 贾母平日里疼黛玉还来不及,将来更不会加害黛玉。在《红楼梦》前八十回的描写中,二玉不理世情,生存能力极差,贾母岂会不知?她只想着自己在一日,保护他们一日,不让宝玉挨他父亲的打,不让宝玉去社会上去接触世情险恶,覆雨翻云;不让黛玉受贾府那些薄情的的长辈,势利眼的下人欺负。她每天都为他们操心。她在贾府有着至高无上的权威,她在一日,二玉衣食无忧,没人敢侵犯他们;她一旦闭眼了呢?在贾府这样的温柔富贵乡里,贾母也是怕的。因为,她太知道,富贵后面的假象了。 老太太常抱怨着说:“几时我闭了眼,断了这口气,也就罢了。便又不咽这口气!”没有夸奖,没有客套,只有责备和泪水。这是真情流露啊!


浅析《德伯家的苔丝》中苔丝悲剧命运的根源的论文 摘要:《德伯家的苔丝》是英国文学巨匠托马斯?哈代的代表作。女主人公苔丝的悲剧和不幸是由多种原因造成的。本文以女性主义的角度为出发点,从两个方面分析导致苔丝悲剧命运的根源,即:教育和苔丝自身因素。 关键词:哈代;苔丝;悲剧命运;女性主义 一、引言 19世纪末出现妇女解放运动第一次高潮。而“哈代的作品中反映了与时代相吻合的女性解放的思想,而且在作品中,女性对传统道德观念和社会的反抗是非常激烈的”。托马斯?哈代大胆地将创作的目光投向农村,深入的关注普通农家的悲剧命运。他十分擅长刻画女性人物悲剧命运,旨在揭露男权社会给女性造成的伤害,批判男性中心主义。 二、托马斯?哈代及苔丝简介 托马斯?哈代是横跨19世纪和20世纪的著名小说家和诗人,英国批判现实主义文学的代表人物,被沃尔夫誉为“英国小说家中最伟大的悲剧大师”。其作品即承接英国维多利亚时代的文学精髓又体现二十世纪的文学创新,气势磅礴。以辽阔深远的背景与渺小的人物形象之间的巨大反差和动人的对比描写,给读者以深刻的印象和心灵的震撼。 《德伯家的苔丝》刻画了一个善良、坚强、自尊、宽容而美丽的女性形象——苔丝。由于天真无知而受到富家浪子的侮辱,身心饱受摧残。但“她并没有自暴自弃,怨天尤人,而是勇敢地面对挫折;为减轻家里的负担,应付虚荣的父母,她勇于承受重担,奔走于不同农场,养家糊口;对待爱情,她自尊又执着”。她被“认为是唯一的一位逃脱了决定主义的人”,颠覆了传统的伦理道德。哈代极力要摧毁的正是这种道德观念,让女性摆脱僵化的传统习俗的控制。他对“堕落女性”的处境给予了极大的关注,对苔丝给予了深切的同情和宽容,带给读者对妇女生存状态的反思。 三、从女性主义角度分析苔丝悲剧命运的根源 苔丝从一位天使般的少女到绞刑架上的杀人犯,是何种邪恶力量在逼迫、摧残、毁灭着这“有自我意志,完整个性的女性?”,把这一优雅迷人的高尚女性一步步推向死亡深渊?苔丝悲剧的根源何在?以下从女性主义的角度审视《德伯家的苔丝》中苔丝被压迫的血泪史,剥下男权中心主义这张丑陋的外皮。 (一)教育。 英国女权主义思想家朱丽叶?米切尔在《妇女:最漫长的革命》中指出“歧视存在的基础是教育,而不是经济。在英国要求同工,首先要求接受同等教育,因为这一原因致使妇女从事社会地位较低的工作”。从这一理论出发,剖析苔丝走向悲剧的一个主要因素:教育的贫乏。 “她最早的职业梦想是成为一名教师,但天不遂人愿”。由于家庭贫穷,苔丝很早就步入社会,她做过很多体力活,而且是同工不同酬。因所受教育贫乏,她无法获取较高社会地位与收入的工作,个人与娘家均陷入极度贫困,最终不得不接受亚雷克庇护。“接受庇护”是当克莱尔归来,苔丝杀死亚雷克,走向毁灭的直接导火线。另一方面教育对于女性的重要影响,表现在提高女性心智与觉悟上。苔丝受骗失身带着委屈,饱含心酸地控诉“名门小姐们都了解该防备什么,怎样去防备,因为她们都读小说,小说中会谈到这些男人们的诡计,可我从没机会读小说,哪能知道呢”。中国有句古话“女子无才便是德”,同样说明男权控制下的整个社会对女性受教育的排斥。压迫女性的邪恶力量让女性心智处于不开化状态,使女性沦为其奴隶。在这传统观念笼罩下,苔丝的梦想只能是幻想。教育问题不解决,苔丝式的妇女悲剧将不可逆转,女性终为男权社会的牺牲品。正如西蒙?波伏娃所说:“女人在父兄所支配的家庭中,处于奴隶或仆人的地位,她始终是由男性做主而嫁给另外的男性。” (二)苔丝自身的因素。


浅析宝黛爱情悲剧的必然性《红楼梦》是我国十八世纪中期的一部古典小说,可谓文坛奇葩。它自成书两百年以来,吸引了无数的“红迷”雅俗共赏,其中,贾宝玉和林黛玉凄美哀绝的爱情故事更是倾注了曹雪芹毕生的才情,也使整部《红楼梦》的悲剧艺术和社会意义更具魅力。当我们被他们的爱情故事牵动心弦,看着他们从青梅竹马、两小无猜到成为知音、相互爱慕直至爱情破灭、黛玉憾死,在抱憾叹息的同时,掩卷深思,究竟是什么导演了这场悲剧,那段“木石前盟”到底哪里这样令人刻骨铭心,亘古流传? 剖析其时代本质,不难得出,这场悲剧其实有其时代的必然性:一.没落的封建社会和封建礼教导致了宝黛爱情悲剧的必然性 几千年的封建礼教是青年男女自由恋爱和思想自然发展的严重桎梏,封建的爱情婚姻制度,对宝黛爱情悲剧的形成至关重要。通观《红楼梦》全书,不难看出,宝黛之爱情是以共同的反封建主义叛逆精神为基础的,而这一点正预示了他们的爱情悲剧的必然性。 首先,宝黛爱情不以封建的“夫贵妻荣”为爱情基础。他们二人都不喜谈论“经济学问”、“仕途经济”、“官宰”等封建的东西,他们以有共同的思想而引为知己,他们爱情的基础就是他们共同的反封建主义叛逆精神。他们根本不以“夫贵妻荣”为规范,反而想要冲破封建礼教的束缚。其次,宝黛爱情不以封建的伦理、道德为标准,对“男女之大防”、“金玉姻缘”、“父母之命,媒灼之言”等封建的伦理道德

规范不屑一顾,大胆地追求他们甜蜜的自由恋爱生活。所有这一切,都说明他们追求的不是封建的荣誉,而是纯洁的、真挚的爱情,是恋爱的自由和婚姻的自主。 从上述可知,他们的爱情背负着沉重的时代和历史的负担,在那样的环境下根本没有婚恋自由。历史发展条件的限制,尚不具备足以摆脱封建势力的民主性个性,特别是对婚姻自主的束缚压迫和野蛮扼杀,而宝黛的爱情也就成了这一时代局限下的牺牲品。以他们当时的处境和能力,加上自身的寂寞、孤独、软弱远不能同封建礼教抗衡。要求婚姻自主而没有支持它的社会制度,他们的婚恋在当时传统礼教看来是“大逆不道“的,顽固的封建礼教是不允许他们之间爱情的存在的。因此,我们必须认识到,影响儿女婚姻幸福的是那个泯灭人性的封建社会和封建礼法,那才是导致宝黛爱情悲剧的罪魁祸首。 二.家庭背景导致了宝黛爱情悲剧的必然性 就贾府上层人员的角度来看,贾府的上层人员中,最顶层是贾母,其下是邢王两位夫人。 (一)贾母 处于最顶层的贾母,她的意见是最重要的。中国封建宗法社会最讲究的是“多子多孙”,“不孝有三,无后为大”,一个家族是否兴旺发达的标志之一便是人丁是否兴旺。黛玉如此衰弱且无可救治的病体,为避免贾宝玉婚姻的不幸,危及子孙的繁衍与健康,贾母断不会让贾宝玉与林黛玉结合的。而宝钗身体很好,又比黛玉更懂得怎样讨贾母的欢心,深得贾母喜爱。由于要组建家庭,又是如此的大家族,


浅析《德伯家的苔丝》中苔丝悲剧命运的根源 发表时间:2011-09-29T14:14:13.940Z 来源:《魅力中国》2011年6月下供稿作者:仪淑云 [导读] 《德伯家的苔丝》是英国文学巨匠托马斯?哈代的代表作。 ◎仪淑云 (西南民族大学外国语学院,四川成都 610041) 中图分类号:I06 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-0992(2011)06-087-01 摘要:《德伯家的苔丝》是英国文学巨匠托马斯?哈代的代表作。女主人公苔丝的悲剧和不幸是由多种原因造成的。本文以女性主义的角度为出发点,从两个方面分析导致苔丝悲剧命运的根源,即:教育和苔丝自身因素。 关键词:哈代;苔丝;悲剧命运;女性主义 一、引言 19世纪末出现妇女解放运动第一次高潮。而“哈代的作品中反映了与时代相吻合的女性解放的思想,而且在作品中,女性对传统道德观念和社会的反抗是非常激烈的”。托马斯?哈代大胆地将创作的目光投向农村,深入的关注普通农家的悲剧命运。他十分擅长刻画女性人物悲剧命运,旨在揭露男权社会给女性造成的伤害,批判男性中心主义。 二、托马斯?哈代及苔丝简介 托马斯?哈代是横跨19世纪和20世纪的著名小说家和诗人,英国批判现实主义文学的代表人物,被沃尔夫誉为“英国小说家中最伟大的悲剧大师”。其作品即承接英国维多利亚时代的文学精髓又体现二十世纪的文学创新,气势磅礴。以辽阔深远的背景与渺小的人物形象之间的巨大反差和动人的对比描写,给读者以深刻的印象和心灵的震撼。 《德伯家的苔丝》刻画了一个善良、坚强、自尊、宽容而美丽的女性形象——苔丝。由于天真无知而受到富家浪子的侮辱,身心饱受摧残。但“她并没有自暴自弃,怨天尤人,而是勇敢地面对挫折;为减轻家里的负担,应付虚荣的父母,她勇于承受重担,奔走于不同农场,养家糊口;对待爱情,她自尊又执着”。她被“认为是唯一的一位逃脱了决定主义的人”,颠覆了传统的伦理道德。哈代极力要摧毁的正是这种道德观念,让女性摆脱僵化的传统习俗的控制。他对“堕落女性”的处境给予了极大的关注,对苔丝给予了深切的同情和宽容,带给读者对妇女生存状态的反思。 三、从女性主义角度分析苔丝悲剧命运的根源 苔丝从一位天使般的少女到绞刑架上的杀人犯,是何种邪恶力量在逼迫、摧残、毁灭着这“有自我意志,完整个性的女性?”,把这一优雅迷人的高尚女性一步步推向死亡深渊?苔丝悲剧的根源何在?以下从女性主义的角度审视《德伯家的苔丝》中苔丝被压迫的血泪史,剥下男权中心主义这张丑陋的外皮。 (一)教育。 英国女权主义思想家朱丽叶?米切尔在《妇女:最漫长的革命》中指出“歧视存在的基础是教育,而不是经济。在英国要求同工,首先要求接受同等教育,因为这一原因致使妇女从事社会地位较低的工作”。从这一理论出发,剖析苔丝走向悲剧的一个主要因素:教育的贫乏。 “她最早的职业梦想是成为一名教师,但天不遂人愿”。由于家庭贫穷,苔丝很早就步入社会,她做过很多体力活,而且是同工不同酬。因所受教育贫乏,她无法获取较高社会地位与收入的工作,个人与娘家均陷入极度贫困,最终不得不接受亚雷克庇护。“接受庇护”是当克莱尔归来,苔丝杀死亚雷克,走向毁灭的直接导火线。另一方面教育对于女性的重要影响,表现在提高女性心智与觉悟上。苔丝受骗失身带着委屈,饱含心酸地控诉“名门小姐们都了解该防备什么,怎样去防备,因为她们都读小说,小说中会谈到这些男人们的诡计,可我从没机会读小说,哪能知道呢”。中国有句古话“女子无才便是德”,同样说明男权控制下的整个社会对女性受教育的排斥。压迫女性的邪恶力量让女性心智处于不开化状态,使女性沦为其奴隶。在这传统观念笼罩下,苔丝的梦想只能是幻想。教育问题不解决,苔丝式的妇女悲剧将不可逆转,女性终为男权社会的牺牲品。正如西蒙?波伏娃所说:“女人在父兄所支配的家庭中,处于奴隶或仆人的地位,她始终是由男性做主而嫁给另外的男性。” (二)苔丝自身的因素。 1.性格的妥协性。 苔丝敢于大胆地反抗传统道德,追求幸福,是一个毫不妥协的反抗者。然而苔丝不能彻底摆脱传统道德对自身的羁绊,在她的性格中也包含着保守落后的伦理观念。苔丝是暴力的受害者,是无辜的。她明白这一点,但在受到乡里人非议时,她也认为自己是“有罪”的,必然造成她内心的自我折磨和谴责。 苔丝性格的妥协性还表现在她和克莱尔的关系上。恋人之间本是平等的,而苔丝却一味贬低自己,抬高克莱尔。这是多么浓烈﹑炽热却又卑躬屈膝的爱。她悲惨的过去,得不到克莱尔的宽容。面对克莱尔无情的抛弃,苔丝没有做丝毫反抗。克莱尔离去了,苔丝对他的爱却从未削减。一封封热情洋溢的信,却唤不回克莱尔冰冷的心。在爱情面前,苔丝失去了自我,失去了尊严。正是这种盲目的﹑不平等的爱,使苔丝放弃了一个妻子争取幸福的权利,深化了苔丝的悲剧。 2.自卑心理。 苔丝失身后的痛苦是巨大的,压力是多方面的,但必须指出,苔丝的自卑心理加剧了她的痛苦。 对于苔丝来说,她的许多痛苦都是心理上的。她往往从传统习俗﹑社会舆论上对自己的所谓“过去”作出道德上的判断,从而扭曲了自己的正常心理状态,并对自己的行为予以错误评价。苔丝无法卸掉身上背负的沉重十字架,她在忍受世俗舆论的同时,又受制于它的道德准则,毫不留情地审视自己、谴责自己,她在大胆反抗传统的同时,又囿于它的观念,而成为其维护者。“苔丝这种心理上的自卑,是世俗谬见在她身上发挥作用的体现,说明了苔丝自身在当时社会道德理境中培养起来的非正常心态。”苔丝正是这样给自己结成一张无形的道德罗网,把自己束缚起来。她的自我束缚的意识有其深刻的历史基础,是整个社会意识的具体表现。因此,苔丝的结局只能是悲惨的。 3.自我意识缺乏。 自我意识缺乏突出表现在苔丝对爱情的态度上。 苔丝第一次遇见克莱尔,就被他与众不同的神情所吸引。在哈代笔下,苔丝被描绘为一个完美的个体,代表了作者理想中的完整女性。但苔丝的性格中也包含了一些弱点,她总是处于爱情的纠葛之中,徘徊于两个男人之间。她经常考虑到别人的需要,却忽略自己的需


摘要 《呼啸山庄》是由艾米丽·布朗特所创的世界上最伟大的小说之一。艾米丽在小说中成功的塑造了爱与恨为主题的爱情悲剧故事。自该小说诞生以来,国内外学者对于《呼啸山庄》主题的研究从未停止。本文选取希斯克利夫和凯瑟琳爱情故事原因的角度进行探究,致力通过对男女主人公所处的阶级,受到的教育,各自成长环境的变化,及各自性格原因,来分析男女主人公的爱情悲剧。通过本次研究,能够使读者对希斯克利夫和凯瑟琳的爱情悲剧有更清晰的理解和认识。 关键词:爱;恨;凯瑟琳;西斯克里夫;呼啸山庄

Contents Abstract (i) 摘要 (ii) 1.Introduction. (1) 1.1Introduction of Emily Bronte and her Wuthering Heights (1) 1.2 Introduction of the tragic love story (1) 1.3 The structure of this paper (2) 2.Literature Review (4) 2.1 Review on the oversea studies (4) 2.2 Review on the domestic studies (4) 3.The External Reasons for the Tragedy (6) 3.1 The class barrier (6) 3.2 The educational reasons (7) 3.2.1The family education for Heathcliff and Catherine (7) 3.2.2Education conducted by European upper class (7) 4.The Internal Reasons for the Tragedy (9) 4.1 Catherine’s own reasons (9) 4.1.1 Catherine’s growing environment (9) 4.1.2 Catherine’s dual personality (9) 4.1.3 Catherine’s betrayal (10) 4.2 Heathcliff’s own reasons (10) 4.2.1 Heathcliff’s growing environment (11) 4.2.2 Heathcliff’s extreme personality (11) 4.2.3 Heathcliff’s revenge (12) 5.Conclusion (14) References (15) Acknowledgements (16)


我的婚姻爱情观 通过这一学期的课程,我对婚姻和爱情有了进一步的了解,下面,我将就大学生的现况以及社会风气的走向趋势谈一下我的婚姻爱情观。 爱情之于人生,就像语法之于英语一样,是一个永恒的话题。千百年来,爱情都是文人墨客讴歌的对象。古代有流传在上虞的曹娥江畔、流传在俊美的龙山脚下梁祝化蝶的故事,有凄美的白蛇传,还有千古流传的牛郎织女等一系列的传说,《长恨歌》里的“在天愿作比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝。天长地久有时尽,此恨绵绵无绝期”,《孔雀东南飞》中的“蒲苇韧如丝,磐石无转移”,宋词里更是开满了爱情的花朵:问世间情为何物,直教人生死相许;衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴;莎士比亚的罗密欧与朱丽叶,中国的梁祝……可见爱情一直在被人们传唱。 一段美好的爱情,是每一个人都向往和憧憬着的。纵使有时候有些人因为无奈而放弃自己对美好爱情的追求,但是我相信,一段美好爱情应该是藏在每个人心底的悄悄话儿。爱情是需要两个人共同经营的,它需要男女双方共同的付出和呵护。只有当两个人互相体谅,互相理解,互相关心,互相爱护时候,才能使爱情朝着一个健康的方向发展。 大学生谈恋爱的不在少数,走在大学的校园里,时常看到小情侣们出入成双成队,在教学楼、图书馆和食堂都能够看到他们偎依在一起亲昵的故事。有时候漫步于操场,沿途也会看到一直不停演绎着的

“大手拉小手”的剧目。篮球场,足球场也能看到抱着一大堆衣服和饮料的妹子眼睛一动也不动的注视着场地上充满活力的男友,时而欢呼雀跃,时而紧张得说不出话儿……爱情故事在大学校园里持续上演着。有时我一直以为,藏在象牙塔里的爱情不会被世俗所牵绊,不会为了将来的车房一筹莫展,也不会为了两人的前途而畏葸不前。静静地相拥,或是有事没事儿聊几句,面朝大海春暖花开。然而,当他走进我的世界时,一切又都变化的那么快。没有那么多的洒脱,也没有那么的无拘无束,肩头的担子逐渐的沉重起来。他来自一所比我好的大学,虽然我们之前一直不认识,虽然我们不是一个地方,但是我相信那种一见钟情的爱恋,义无反顾的和他在一起。我不清楚其他人为何在一起,但是我相信我找到了属于我的伴侣。我有我自己的小脾气,我有时候也会蛮不讲理,也会任性,但是他都忍了下来。有时我会忍不住问他:“为什么你不对我发火?有时候我还真希望你对我发一次火。”他静静地答道:“女孩子是用来疼得,不是用来吼的。作为一个男人,是要顶天立地的,要为自己的女人撑起一片天,让她有安全感”。短短的几句话,我感动了许久,那一夜,我无眠,满脑子都是他,我知道这辈子我不可能忘掉他。万事不要强求,爱情没来的时候,可以尽情的去幻想,当爱情来了,就要踏踏实实的去对待,要爱的认真,爱的真诚。 大学时代的爱情也往往被认为是最单纯的。但是随着生活水平的提高以及西方文化的影响,传统的爱情婚姻观正在遭受猛烈地冲击,人们对于爱情婚姻的价值判断正在逐渐改变,恋爱结婚的动机也


龙源期刊网 https://www.doczj.com/doc/6b6446279.html, 论《德伯家的苔丝》中苔丝悲剧的根源 作者:贾红王雨容 来源:《智富时代》2017年第02期 【摘要】《德伯家的苔丝》是英国著名作家托马斯·哈代描写女性形象的典型代表作品。本文从社会环境、家庭条件及自身性格三个方面解读苔丝的悲剧根源;其悲剧的产生与资本主义的发展有必然联系,也与她的自身性格息息相关。 【关键词】苔丝;悲剧;根源 诺贝尔文学奖得主克洛德·西蒙曾说:“《德伯家的苔丝》是19世纪英国文学的一颗明 珠,奠定了哈代在英国乃至世界文学的地位。在美丽的苔丝身上人们至始至终看到的是她纯洁的本性对逼迫她的恶势力的苦苦挣扎。”[1]哈代塑造了众多的悲剧人物形象,苔丝形象的塑造格外鲜明,她的悲剧命运不仅引起了广大读者共鸣;也在激励着一代又一代与不幸命运抗争的人们。 苔丝的不幸,不仅有来自社会的因素,也有个人因素。聂珍钊先生曾明确指出:“直接决定这个女子悲惨命运的是她的贫穷、社会上虚伪的伦理道德和不公道的法理制度。” [2]苔丝生活的社会环境是其悲剧的前提条件,贫穷的家庭时其间接因素,双重的个人性格是其悲剧的直接因素。 一、前提因素:社会环境 19世纪后期的英国,资本主义得到空前发展,资产阶级力量日益强盛;给贫苦农民带来 了深重灾难,给工业文明和社会市场经济带来了巨大冲击;使得社会两极分化严重,也让自给自足的个体农民陷入失业、贫困的悲惨境遇。然人的发展离不开社会,社会属性是人的根本属性。故苔丝命运悲剧,是社会进步的悲剧,也是那个时代社会生活的必然。[3] (一)社会制度:给予身体打击 资本主义制度和法律对其不公正待遇是重要因素。她的悲剧是由所处的社会制度造成的,当时正处男权主义社会,虽然富家子弟亚雷侮辱苔丝,将苔丝一步步推向苦难;但当时的社会并未保护弱势群体。世俗不仅没有给予苔丝应有同情,其反而却遭到人们的讥讽和嘲笑;亚雷不仅没有受到法律制裁,反而逍遥法外,继续过着骄奢淫逸的生活。至此,我们不得不感慨,其悲剧是时代的悲剧,是社会的必然。 (二)社会道德:给予精神摧毁 资产阶级道德的败坏、宗教信仰的腐朽是另一重要因素。“当时英国的社会,是以男权主义思想的社会;男人不仅是社会的中心,也是家庭的主宰。女人只是社会和男人的附属品,无


木石本前盟,情债终成梦—浅论宝黛爱情及其悲剧原因摘要:《红楼梦》又称《情僧录》《风月宝鉴》,可见“爱情”是这本书的重要主题。综观全书,若说大厦将倾的贾府是全书的躯干,宝黛的爱情便是全书的血液。小说以宝黛的爱情故事为主线,利用种种谶语铺垫人物故事结局,辅之以贾府的衰败过程。然有情人终难成眷属,何故?宿命耶?人事也! 记得初次看的是删简本的《红楼梦》,只是突出宝黛爱情婚姻悲剧这一主线,以致让我一度认为《红楼梦》是写宝黛钗的情感纠葛的古言小说。故而喜恶明显,先入为主,崇黛抑钗,看书时也是挑着看,发现有黛玉的情节便有宝玉的身影,仿佛黛玉即是为宝玉而而生为宝玉而死。高一那年,买了本以程乙本为底本的比较完整的《红楼梦》,再看已不是只停留在宝黛的爱情悲剧上,而扩展到以贾府为代表的封建家族的生活画卷、悲欢离合、人情世态。红楼事,终成空,“世上万般,好便是了,了便是好。若不了,便不好;所要好,须是了”。 一、宝黛爱情的源起人常说,所谓爱情,要么一见钟情,要么则是日久生情,宝黛间的爱情起源却是两者兼之。在第三回写两人初见的情景: 黛玉一见,便吃了一大惊,心下想道:“好生奇怪,倒像在那里见过一般,何等眼熟到如此”…宝玉看罢,因笑道:“这个妹妹我”过的。”“虽然未曾见过他,然我看着面善,心里就像是旧相识的,今日只做远别重逢,未为不可。” 初见便都觉似曾相识,亲切感一生,心理距离也就拉近了。诚如宝玉所说,他们确是“久别重逢”,在第一回已含蓄表露:宝玉乃系离恨天上神瑛侍者身青埂峰下玉石魂,而黛玉则是太虚幻境潇湘妃子身三生石畔仙草魂,下得凡来一为历劫,一为报恩。也就是说宝黛前世有段未了的情缘,今生得以复见,便一发不可收拾。贾府的权威人物—贾母见两人一见如故,为让自己最疼爱的孙子和刚来的外孙女能“亲上加亲” ,便顺意让两人住在一处。二人“日则同食,夜则同卧”,日久情增,心事渐成。


爱情是一个古老而常新的话题,它牵动着无数人的心。对爱情的认识、观点至今仍引发人们去争论和思索。冲过硝烟弥漫的高三,跨进了大学这一环绕着神圣和浪漫光环的象牙塔,成为被人们寄予厚望的天之骄子。然而,荣耀感和新鲜感退去之后,随之而来的大学生活却让我们无所适从:宽松的管理给了我们广阔的发挥空间,大量空余的时间却让我们倍感迷茫;远离父母家人的生活给了我们独立自主的自由,经验和知识的局限性却让我们不断受挫,欲行又止;大群聚居在一起的同龄人给了我们人际交往的无限机会,客气拘礼但缺少真诚热情的交往方式却让我们有了弦断无人听的感慨;校园里双双对对的恋人身影给了我们生动的启发,真正适合的人生伴侣却不可轻易求得…… 如何找到适合自己的终身伴侣,如何找到真正的爱情,最重要的是我们自己要有一个正确的爱情观。我认为爱情观是一个人世界观、人生观、价值观在恋爱感情问题上的具体体现,一个正确的爱情观会引导人走向健康、幸福和美好的生活。 先看看爱情的涵义。电子词典里对爱情的解释是:男女间爱恋的感情。这没什么好说的,倒是后面的英文:personal affection有点意思,私人的爱情或说私人的疾病。大约爱情是西方传来的产物,到底是人家说的触其本质,处理好了是爱情,处理不好便是疾病! 我们公认爱情是一种感觉、是一种情绪。感觉和情绪本身就一种很玄妙的东西,作为这里面最复杂的一种,爱情就更是说不清道不明是个什么滋味了。不过,我们可以研究一下爱情的作用或曰任务。 爱情大约有四大作用:其一让男女双方愉悦,可以快乐的生活;其二进一步升华到婚姻,繁衍后代;其三激发灵感,生出新的艺术;其四解除人生的孤独寂寞。由笔者看来,爱情的每一个作用很伟大,每一个作用都是对人生的最大慰藉!然而,并不是每一场爱情都可以把四种作用全发挥出来,或者说不是每一份爱情都含有这四种作用。所以,我们亟需树立正确的爱情观,以把握爱情的内在规律,从而使我们有一个健康的爱情史! 首先,端正恋爱态度。对大学生加强爱的教育,使大学生深刻地认识到爱不仅是一种权利,更是一种责任和义务,必须以高度负责的态度对待恋爱。爱的权利和义务是不可分割的,封建婚姻只强调婚姻的封建义务,无视人有爱的权利,具体表现为包办婚姻“三从四德”等,那是对人性的奴役,必须予以否定。但是,如果从一个极端走向另一个极端,只强调爱的权利,而不承担爱的责任,就陷入了非理性主义的泥潭,这种只图享受、不负责任的轻率行为理应受到指责。一位教育家曾教导儿子:“要记住,爱情首先意味着对你的爱惜的命运、前途承担责任。想借爱情寻欢作乐的人,是贪淫好色之徒,是堕落者。爱,首先意味着献给,把自己的精神力量献给爱侣,为她缔造幸福。”这种爱的权利和责任的统一,是恋爱生活的基础。爱,是感情,只能用感情去爱,而不能用道理去爱。”爱,是人类的一种特殊情感,当然也只能用感情去爱,这并没有错,但人作为人,既具有自然属性,更具有社会属性。人之爱其所爱,除开感情因素,也应当讲究理性,应当符合社会的法律和道德规范。无理性的爱是盲目的,很危险的,导致的结果很可能是一场悲剧。 其次,要正确对待爱情的有与无的问题。按照马克思主义理论,一切高层建筑要有经济的基础,任何事要在吃饱饭前提下开展。作为人类最高级的感情,爱情绝对是一种奢侈品。既然是奢侈品,就必须是社会生产力发展到一定程度,才会有部分人可以享用,而不是每一个人都会有。所以,如果我们终其一生也没爱情的话,要坦然面对,不要感伤。其实这就是老祖


目录 一、引言 (1) 二、苔丝和爱玛相似的悲剧结局和比较分析 (1) (一)受困于爱情,为情自杀 (1) (二)自始至终都有罪恶感 (3) 三、爱玛和苔丝悲剧命运同中有异的成因和比较 (4) (一)社会根源导致的命运悲剧 (4) (二)家庭环境导致的迥异性格 (5) (三)遇人不淑的恶劣后果 (6) 总结 (1) 参考文献 (2) 致谢辞 (3)

爱玛与苔丝的悲剧命运比较 摘要:福楼拜的《包法利夫人》和哈代《德伯家的苔丝》都是有一定社会影响力的伟大文学作品。作为主角,爱玛和苔丝的悲剧命运具有相似之处,又表现出不同的特点。本文从作者生活的时代和创作的时代,以及小说中所描述的主人翁的生活环境及性格特征等几个方面,来比较论述苔丝和爱玛两位女性的悲剧人生的异同以及对应的原因。 关键字:爱玛;苔丝;悲剧命运;比较

Comparison of Emma and Tess's tragic fate Abstract:Gustave Flaubert's "Mrs. Bovary" and Hardy "Tess" is a great literary works have a certain social influence. The tragedy of Emma and Tess image have similarities,but also have different characteristics. This paper mainly from the life and creation,and described in the novel master living environment,personality characteristics,to compare the Tess and Emma two as the cause of the tragic fate of women and their tragic life. Keywords:Emma,Tess,tragedy,comparison


呼啸山庄主要内容、呼啸山庄读后感 呼啸山庄主要内容: 呼啸山庄的主人乡绅欧肖先生带回来一个身份不明的孩子,取名希斯克利夫,他夺取了主人对小主人亨德雷和他的妹妹凯瑟琳的宠爱。 主人死后,亨德雷为报复把希斯克利夫贬为奴仆,并百般迫害,可是凯瑟琳跟他亲密无间,青梅竹马。后来,凯瑟琳受外界影响,同时爱上了画眉田庄的文静青年埃德加。希斯克利夫愤而出走,三年后致富回乡,凯瑟琳已嫁埃德加。 希斯克利夫为此进行疯狂的报复,通过赌博夺走了亨德雷的家财。亨德雷本人酒醉而死,儿子哈里顿成了奴仆。他还故意娶了埃德加的 妹妹伊莎贝拉,进行迫害。内心痛苦不堪的凯瑟琳在生产中死去。 十年后,希斯克利夫又施计使埃德加的女儿小凯瑟琳,嫁给了自己即将死去的儿子小林敦。埃德加和小林敦都死了,希斯克利夫最终 把埃德加家的财产也据为己有。复仇得逞了,但是他无法从对死去的 凯瑟琳的恋情中解脱出来,最终不吃不喝苦恋而死。 小凯瑟琳和哈里顿继承了山庄和田庄的产业,两人终于相爱,去画眉山庄安了家。 呼啸山庄读后感:两代人爱情故事的对比,不难发现,相似经历相似的人,因为信念的不同选择的不同最终获得的结果是不一样的。 凯瑟琳既想要埃德加文明的爱,又想要希斯克利夫本真的爱,于是她经历了极其暴躁、郁郁寡欢的一生 人要的不能太多,鱼和熊掌不可兼得,为避免悲剧一定要做出选

择,然后去热爱自己的选择。犹豫摇摆会同时伤害爱自己的和自己爱的人。 埃德加深爱凯瑟琳,知识让他文明克制隐忍,但是爱情终究是自私的,他无法接受妻子爱另一个男人。他允许自己深爱一个人,允许自己因离别而悲伤,也允许自己死后依然去爱那个人,但是他不会因动荡而停止热爱生活。 努力的去学习去修炼内心,学会和自己相处,学会与温暖为伴,因为这个世界上只有自己是自己永远的伙伴,要习惯别人的到来和离去。 希斯克利夫对一个人爱的方式是疯狂的,他渴望拥有,爱而不得之后久久走不出自己内心的桎梏。 爱一个人不能太满,过满则溢。要善良宽容一些,不但是为了别人更是为了自己。行有不得反思诸己。 伊莎贝拉的爱是幼稚可笑的,硬闯进别人的故事想做主角,最终也只能是一身伤痛且一生再没机会做自己爱情故事的主角。 不要去爱一个心里有其他人且疯狂的人,他的疯狂只会给那个心里的人,给其他人的都是发疯。 小凯瑟琳的爱是从本真进化过来的,爱情是相互的,你爱我那我也爱你,你不爱我了,那我收回我的爱去爱其他人。 这和现代文明的爱情是不谋而合的,谁的爱都不是廉价的,谁的时间和精力都是有限的,所以要找到那个和自己的灵魂高度在同一个层次的人。 哈里顿的爱是真诚,善良,包容的。我爱你,你是自由的。但是我


论林黛玉爱情悲剧的社会意义 姓名:陈晓磊 学号:0934001268622 专业:汉语言文学(师范) 年级:09秋 层次:本科 安徽广播电视大学亳州分校

目录 一、封建礼教及宿命论注定了宝黛爱情悲剧的必然性 (4) 二、共同的人生观,价值观是宝黛爱情的基础,也是宝黛爱情美的魅力之所在 (8) 三、性格的独特性、缺陷性注定宝黛爱情是个悲剧 参考文献 (9) 内容摘要:一部《红楼梦》演绎出一幕幕催人泪下、感人肺腑的爱情悲剧。共同的价值观与人生观奠定了宝黛之间纯真的爱情基础,而封建礼教和宿命论以及宝黛两人性格的独特性和缺陷性则注定了他们爱情悲剧的必然性。因此,分析研究贾宝玉与林黛玉之间爱情悲剧的社会意义具有很重要的现实意义。宝黛的爱情悲剧一方面反映了追求个性自由的初步民主主义思想与衰朽的封建主义的矛盾,它反映了那个时代最主要的社会问题,是对封建主义的血泪控诉,也是对新的社会理想和生活理想的反映和追求。宝黛的爱情悲剧另一方面也是让世人警醒的众生浮沉之梦。 关键词:林黛玉爱情悲剧社会根源;封建伦理;家族利益

论林黛玉爱情悲剧的社会意义 《红楼梦》以贾宝玉、林黛玉的爱情悲剧为主要线索描述了贾、薛等家族的兴衰历史,贾宝玉和林黛玉的纯真爱情感天动地,令无数人的心灵为之震撼!那个“花的精魂”、“诗人化身”的林黛玉之死,令无数人痛惜!可人们又觉得她并没有死,虽然她的生命短暂,可她创造了丰富的精神生活;她的生活就像一首诗,虽然忧愁多过欢乐,可她永远活在人们的心中。贾宝玉、林黛玉的爱情悲剧一方面反映了追求个性自由,男女平等,反对封建的科举制度等新思想与腐朽的封建主义的矛盾,也反映了对新的社会生活理想的执着追求,同时从反面也说明了贾宝玉和林黛玉性格的独特性及弱点。通过贾宝玉和林黛玉的爱情悲剧,集中表现了封建腐朽的旧思想与宝黛的新思想的种种不协调,从众多像花一样的女儿们的悲惨命运中,让人们看到了封建制度的罪恶本质,从而揭示了封建主义必然崩溃的历史趋势。因此,对宝黛爱情悲剧进行深入的分析研究则具有极为重要的社会意义。对此问题,浅谈如下: 一、封建礼教及宿命论注定了宝黛爱情悲剧的必然性 第一:当时的社会环境是生成悲剧的根源,是与封建世家的家族利益和政治上的考虑有着深刻联系的。 《红楼梦》在展开爱情悲剧的同时,揭露了贾、薛、王、史等封建大家族的腐朽和罪恶,这在封建社会的末期有其典型意义,它们是整个即将没落的封建统治阶级的写照。小说的第四回写了薛家公子薛蟠,因霸占丫头,平白地打死了人,竟一走了事,作案一年,官府不敢究问。金陵应天府尹贾雨村初上任不知内情,本想依法办理,一个门子止住了他,并向他介绍了一通“护官符”的缘由:“如今凡作地方官的都有一个私单,上面写的是本省最有权势极富贵的大乡绅名姓,各省皆然。倘若不知,一时触犯了这样的人家,不但官爵,只怕连性命也难保呢!所以叫做‘护官符’。”于是贾雨村就“徇情枉法,胡乱判断了此案”,事后又连忙修书二封给薛蟠的姨父贾政,舅父王子腾请他们放心。“护官符”不仅深刻地暴露了当时官场,吏治的黑暗腐败,而且表明了四大家族在那个封建社会里有着何等强大的政治势力。 第二、《红楼梦》所描述的“金玉姻缘”和“木石前盟”的故事内容,“金玉姻缘”指的是贾宝玉和薛宝钗,“木石前盟”指的是贾宝玉和林黛玉,好像人的命运上天自有安排,冥冥之中早有定数。贾宝玉就曾说过,我偏不信什么“金玉姻缘”,偏信“木石前盟”。“金玉姻缘”和“木石前盟”其内容的丰富,包含了中国历史、文化、哲学、美感的深处,结晶了几乎全部的欲望和冲突,是中国传统文化的沉淀。林黛玉代表的“木”字和薛宝钗代表的“金”字,可以从中国文化底蕴来看:木近水,金近火,阴柔与阳刚,寂寞与活溢,虚无与实有,悲观与乐观,这是中国人自古以来对宇宙人生两种不同的本质认识的体现。林黛玉体寒,虽多愁善感,可激情似火;而薛宝钗体有热毒,却“藏愚守拙”、“不关已事,高高挂起”。所谓“门当户对”、“包办婚姻”的封建意识至今桎梏着人们的心灵。薛林两人作为两种对立的审美规范,人格理想和宇宙精神的化身,贾宝玉在爱情婚姻的天平上,他的决定起着至关重要的作用。可他虽然深爱林黛玉,但他的力量是弱小的,贾府从上到下,一起来蒙骗他,他爱林黛玉已到痴迷的状态,在被蒙蔽的情况下,他是无法与封建的婚姻制度相抗衡的。封建统治者为贾宝玉选择什么样的对象做妻子,是要由贾府的切身利益,特别是贾府日益衰败的客观形势来决定的。林黛玉本人是一个封建礼教的叛逆者,而且家道早衰。薛宝钗的家庭则是:“丰年好大雪,珍珠如土金如铁。”贾、薛两家联姻,可以加强他们“扶持遮饰、皆有照应”的联系。


木石本前盟,情债终成梦 —浅论宝黛爱情及其悲剧原因 摘要:《红楼梦》又称《情僧录》《风月宝鉴》,可见爱情”是这本书的重要主题。综观全书,若说大厦将倾的贾府是全书的躯干,宝黛的爱情便是全书的血液。小说以宝黛的爱情故事为主线,利用种种谶语铺垫人物故事结局,辅之以贾府的衰败过程。然有情人终难成眷属,何故?宿命耶?人事也! 记得初次看的是删简本的《红楼梦》,只是突出宝黛爱情婚姻悲剧这一主线,以致让我一度认为《红楼梦》是写宝黛钗的情感纠葛的古言小说。故而喜恶明显,先入为主,崇黛抑钗,看书时也是挑着看,发现有黛玉的情节便有宝玉的身影,仿佛黛玉即是为宝玉而而生为宝玉而死。高一那年,买了本以程乙本为底本的比较完整的《红楼梦》,再看已不是只停留在宝黛的爱情悲剧上,而扩展到以贾府为代表的封建家族的生活画卷、悲欢离合、人情世态。红楼事,终成空,世上万般,好便是了,了便是好。若不了,便不好;所要好,须是了”。 一、宝黛爱情的源起 人常说,所谓爱情,要么一见钟情,要么则是日久生情,宝黛间的爱情起 源却是两者兼之。在第三回写两人初见的情景: 黛玉一见,便吃了一大惊,心下想道:“好生奇怪,倒像在那里见过一般,何等眼熟到如此”…宝玉看罢,因笑道:“这个妹妹我”过的。”“虽然未曾见过他,然我看着面善,心里就像是旧相识的,今日只做远别重逢,未为不可。” 初见便都觉似曾相识,亲切感一生,心理距离也就拉近了。诚如宝玉所说,他们确是久别重逢”,在第一回已含蓄表露:宝玉乃系离恨天上神瑛侍者身青埂峰下玉石魂,而黛玉则是太虚幻境潇湘妃子身三生石畔仙草魂,下得凡来一为历劫,一为报恩。也就是说宝黛前世有段未了的情缘,今生得以复见,便一发不可收拾。贾


2016年最新全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作 1 浅析隐藏在“面纱”之后的伯莎梅森 2 英语非作格动词语义特征和句法属性研究 3 从奈达的功能对等理论看《老友记》字幕中的幽默翻译 4 《雾都孤儿》中的善与恶 5 剖析简爱性格的弱点 6 《我的安东妮娅》中的文化冲突研究 7 奥斯卡王尔德童话的唯美主义研究 8 论中国古典诗词英译中三美原则的再现 9 Strategies of V ocabulary Teaching in Middle School English Class 10 英语新闻标题中名转动词的认知阐释 11 英汉语中与饮食相关习语的文化含义及形象意义对比 12 不同的阅读任务对高中生英语词汇附带习得的影响 13 政论文的英译特点 14 浅谈中学英语教学中的情感教学方法 15 英汉习语中价值观的差异 16 文档所公布均英语全英原创毕业论文。原创⑦⑨⑨⑦⑤⑦⑨③⑧ 17 A Comparative Study on the Two Chinese Versions of Anne of Green Gables from the Perspective of Receptional Aesthetics 18 从社会生物学角度分析《雾都孤儿》中人物性格 19 试析海明威《丧钟为谁而鸣》中的人物形象 20 法律英语的特点 21 《苔丝》中的女性与自然 22 功能对等视角下汉语广告的英译策略 23 A Comparative Study of American and Chinese Spatial Language in Business Negotiation 24 语用模糊及语用功能 25 《哈利波特》中斯内普的人物分析 26 《道连葛雷的画像》叙事艺术的分析 27 《神探夏洛克》文化现象研究 28 29 美国梦的矛盾心理-伟大的盖茨比主题分析 30 浅谈中美文化差异对商务谈判的影响 31 从生态翻译学的角度分析网络新词翻译 32 论电影片名翻译的“忠实性” 33 浅析《最蓝的眼睛》中主流审美观对美国黑人的影响 34 关联理论视角下莫言《红高粱家族》中的隐喻翻译分析 35 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中的圣经人物原型分析 36 An Analysis of Symbols in Young Goodman Brown 37 探析《呼啸山庄》男女主人公爱情悲剧的根源(开题报告+论文+文献综述) 38 Effects of First Person Narration on Thematic Expression in Araby 39 第二次世界大战中的温斯顿丘吉尔 40 亲属称谓:英汉社会文化差异

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