当前位置:文档之家› 2014届上海市高三一模英语作文




Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.

【宝山区】II. Guided Writing





I prefer the newspaper online. As we all know,it is hard for us to getthe paper media,due to

the high cost. Therefore, the most feasible way to get access to the foreign language is the Internet.

It is because the words on the online newspapers is more suitable for a high school student to read that we can benefit from it more easily. Another reason why we choose newspaper website is that there is not only one type of article. For example. BBC Homepage involves articles of all types ranging from news and world to literature and science.

Reading only the text books for knowledge cannot truly enable us to use a language. By reading the newspaper website, I can not only learn to use a languages but also can be more exposed to a variety of knowledge.

As the online newspaper is free, relatively easy to read and rich in knowledge, I love it best. 【长宁区】




①In present-day society, Internet has played an important role in our daily lives, while the new form. of communication “WeChat” is ②gaining increasingly more popularity among people. Naturally, a great number of people have become “WeChataholic” or “phubber”, which means they keep staring at the mobile phone all the time and can’t live without it.

WeChat surely brings us a lot of convenience of keeping in contact with others, ③whereas the negative effects of being addicted to WeChat far overweigh its advantages. To begin with, the frequent use of electric devices does great harm to our health, especially for teenagers who are physically immature. In addition, ④people who are obsessed with WeChat may easily neglect the people around them and being isolated from their surroundings, which ⑤poses a potential threat to people’s int erpersonal relationships. ⑥Last but not least, the overuse of WeChat interferes with the normal running of our lives, directly reducing the efficiency of people’s daily work and study.

In conclusion, we should make full use of the merit of WeChat, and reduce its demerit to the minimum as well. ⑦Only in this way, can we definitely make a better use of WeChat.


Dear Jerry,

Thanks for your letter! As you’ve recently heard of from the Internet that the air condition in Shanghai is rather bad, I would like to share with you my idea about the haze.

① The word HAZE used to be a common entry which could only be found in dictionaries;

however, it has become a hot topic and keyword in some major metropolitan cities like Shanghai

in China. ②When you open the window in the morning, you will seldom see blue sky and white

clouds. When you jog on the school playground, you will find it rare to freely breathe fresh air.

③The average city dwellers like me not only began to wear masks to self-protect but took some measures to crack it down.

So, what are the reasons resulting in such terrible haze? I am sure no single cause is responsible for

such a big issue, but ④talking about the wasted gases let off from the tall chimneys located in the chemical factories and the polluted water running out from some unknown illegal small workshops,

no one would doubt the responsibilities these pollution sources should take.

No matter how serious the haze is now, it is no use complaining about it all day without any

practical actions. ⑤It is high time our government took some forceful measures to combat the air pollutions and the individuals raised their awareness to make their due contribution to a clean environment.

Anyway, everything is changing better and so will be the air condition.

Best regards!

Yours sincerely,

Huang ming










方你的一天安排。(文中请不要出现真实的校名人名)P.F. P

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to apply for the volunteer of your ①International Adolescent Interactive Friendship Camp since I am rather interested in the reception part for a foreign friend of my age.

After full consideration, I have designed a perfect day tour in Shanghai for this new friend. In the early morning, he or she will be sitting at the table with my friends in the sidewalk snack booth, ②preparing to enjoy the most traditional Shanghai local breakfast.

③As is always said, one can never say he has been in Shanghai without visiting the bund. After breakfast, I will show him around the bund, the well known scenic spots for tourists. ④Instead of glancing over the building hurriedly, I will try my best to be a qualified tour guide, introducing to him the histories and interesting stories behind every architecture.

In the afternoon, we are going to visit the former site of Shanghai Expo 2010, appreciating the magnificent China Pavilion, the Crown of the East. The shape of ⑤a soaring inverted pyramid is so well designed that it has attracted almost one million visitors until now. What’s more, I am sure that my new friend will be definitely ⑥dazzled by the endless array of exhibits with Chinese artistic characteristics from all over China.

A perfect day ends with a delicious homemade dinner with dearest family. And I hope my company could leave him or her a good memory of Shanghai.

Thanks for your consideration!

Yours sincerely,








According to the reform program of the college entrance examination that the Ministry of Education has made,some of the subjects will be examed many times in a year. People have different opinions about this.

Some say that this program give students more free time. Students can choose the exam time themselves and it's obvious an effective way to improve their grades of the university entrance examination. On the other hand, if some of the subjects are finished ahead of time, students will be in less pressure during the time.

There are also many people against the program while others are in favour of it. It will increase

the burden of the students by the frequently tests. Also, it is a waste of the education resource cause the exam costs more in this case.

In my opinion,to pass the exam before the reference time is a good way to relax ourselves while we are all under the pressure of the university entrance examination. So I'm looking forward to see the reform program to be brought into force.

What about you? What's your idea of the program?


假如你是启明中学(Ming Qi Middle School)的李明,想申请成为“爱共线”的暑期志愿者。根据以下启事,写一封申请信(信中不能提到真实姓名和学校)。




岗位1:网页编辑(webpage editor)


岗位3:论坛管理员(forum administrator)

岗位4:活动组织(event organizer)


1) 你个人的基本情况;

2) 你所申请的岗位和申请的理由;

Dear Sir or Madam:

Hello! I’m Li Ming, who is a student from Ming Qi Middle School. After seeing your advertisement, now I’m writing this letter immediately. I want to apply to be a volunteer in your organization. The job I want to take is webpage editor.

First of all, I really want to devote myself to helping children in poor areas. Once upon a time, I saw some news about these poor children who had no access to education or lacked assistance of daily necessities, which left a deep impression on me. So I thought I would do something for them one day.

Secondly, I’m good at programming. I have learnt programming for a long time. The prizes which I won in competitions are numerous. In my class, I’m responsible for designing my class’s webpage. As you can see, I think I have had much experience. Working as a webpage editor is easy for me. Last but not least, in summer vacation, I have no extra classes. So I can contribute all my energy to this job.

As reasons above, this job is suitable for me. And I assure you that I will do a great job. Please let me join your organization!

Yours sincerely

Li Ming


目前,某某学校正在开展推选“校园形象大使”(image ambassador on campus)活动。假定你是该校的一名学生,请以书信的形式向校长推荐一位同学或者进行自荐,并结合具体事例阐明推荐的理由。(信中请勿出现具体校名和姓名)

Dear Mr Principal,

With the recent “Image ambassador on campus” campaign launched, a suitable candidate just comes up into my mind and I cannot wait to introduce this my dear fellow to you heartily.

The guy, named Ben, has been class monitor since his first debut. He is such a person with a high sense of responsibility as is always ready to offer people a helping hand with no hesitation and reluctance. He is also a role model possessing precious virtues which we all are endeavoring to learn from. Never is he arrogant no matter what achievements he has made in study. So he is never tired of learning from all that he finds a point in improving himself. He is always on the run of clarifying his own soul as well as ours.

If you share the same opinion as mine, please take Ben into account. I’m sure he can assume the role of image ambassador on cam pus and maximize his positive energy for us students’ deeper internal development in the mean time.

Anyway, thanks for your reading time.


Serena 【普陀区】





学校将组织“‘光盘’行动”的活动(“clear your plate” campaign),你将就此谈谈自己的想法。(“Eat-It-Up” campaign!)





The human society has developed to the point where most no longer have to struggle with the food shortage. Accordingly, a string of scenes showcasing the food waste are commonplace in daily lives: diners leave the KFCs with their chips unfinished, party members fail to consume an excessive amount of meal prepared, or chefs occasionally dump the already-cooked dishes not up to consumers’expectations. In light of this, a clear-plate campaign, intended to minimize squandering, is to be launched by our school.

Apparently, the campaign aims to cultivate people’s awareness of cutting food waste and eliminating deserted leftovers. But more significantly, the successful implementation of the campaign ensures that the energy and resources that went into the culinary process are equally saved, thus reducing the carbon emissions involved in it. Moreover, the positive effects generated by the action serve as decent learning material in morality and ethics, especially for the younger generations.

What should be entailed in the campaign, as far as I am concerned, can be listed as follows: first, some drastic approaches such as on the spot fine should be imposed upon individuals who are found wasting excessively. Alternatively, students can be privileged to gain a 5% discount in price provided they round off meals with a clear plate. Also imperative is that the ways the courses are sold be altered: the dishes might as well be prepared in smaller portions so that the potential waste can be curbed.






“One Child” policy has been implemented for decades, which has benefited China ①since the struggle of an imbalanced development of population and economy in the late 1970s. ②Not only has it released the child-raising stress for each family, but it has lessened the burden on the whole society. ③However, every coin has two sides. Though “One Child” policy has been proved an effective way to control the size of our population, it has generated various consequences, such as ④aging problem, “empty nest”syndrome, deficiency of young labor, to mention just a few. In consideration of the current phenomenon, ⑤a new policy that couples with one spouse being an only child will be permitted to have two children is right on its way. ⑥There is no doubt that it will bring about some advantages, including ⑦alleviating the pressure of pension as well as lowering the risk of child loss. In the long run, it will definitely transform our

social structure. ⑧Yet due to the profound impact of “One Child” policy, it still requires great effort to change people’s concept of childbirth, which will consequently ⑨give rise to the ⑩achievement of harmony between population and society.


Wisdom, wealth, truth, power and beauty are all important things in our life, As far as I am concerned ,wisdom is the most essential thing.

Wisdom is a tool which helps us handle daily things effectively and do our work perfectly.

It is like a ladder which leads us to other important things such as truth and wealth in our life. What's more, the people with great wisdom may have deep understanding of the value of life. Instead of being aimlessly busy, great wisdom lets us know what we are pursuing and how we can do it .

That's why I believed that wisdom is the most important quality for a successful and meaningful life.



状元考前提醒 拿到试卷:熟悉试卷 刚拿到试卷一般心情比较紧张,建议拿到卷子以后看看考卷一共几页, 有多少道题,了解试卷结构,通览全卷是克服“前面难题做不出,后面易 题没时间做”的有效措施,也从根本上防止了“漏做题”。 答题策略 答题策略一共有三点: 1. 先易后难、先熟后生。先做简单的、熟悉的题,再做综合题、难题。 2. 先小后大。先做容易拿分的小题,再做耗时又 复杂的大题。3. 先局部后整体。把疑难问题划分成一系列的步骤,一步一 步的解决,每解决一步就能得到一步的分数。 立足中下题目,力争高水平 考试时,因为时间和个别题目的难度,多数学生很难做完、做对全部题目,所以在答卷中要立足中下题目。中下题目通常占全卷的80%以上,是试题的主要构成,学生能拿下这些题目,实际上就是有了胜利在握的心理,对攻克高档题会更放得开。 确保运算正确,立足一次性成功 在答卷时,要在以快为上的前提下,稳扎稳打,步步准确,尽量一次 性成功。不能为追求速度而丢掉准确度,甚至丢掉重要的得分步骤。试题 做完后要认真做好解后检查,看是否有空题,答卷是否准确,格式是否规 范。 要学会“挤”分 考试试题大多分步给分,所以理科要把主要方程式和计算结果写在显要位置,文科尽量把要点写清晰,作文尤其要注意开头和结尾。考试时,每一道题都认真思考,能做几步就做几步,对于考生来说就是能做几分是几分,这是考试中最好的策略。 检查后的涂改方式要讲究 发现错误后要划掉重新写,忌原地用涂黑的方式改,这会使阅卷老师看不清。如果对现有的题解不满意想重新写,要先写出正确的,再划去错误的。有的同学先把原来写的题解涂抹了,写新题解的时间又不够,本来可能得的分数被自己涂掉了。考试期间遇到这些事,莫慌乱!


G a b O? O a b c 浦东新区2016学年度第一学期期末教学质量检测 高三物理 本试卷共4页,满分100分,考试时间60分钟。全卷包括三大题,第一大题为单项选择题,第二大题为填空题,第三大题为综合题。 考生注意: 1.答卷前,务必用钢笔或圆珠笔在答题纸正面清楚地填写、号,并将核对后的条形码贴在指定位置上。 2.第一大题的作答必须用2B 铅笔涂在答题纸上相应区域与试卷题号对应的位置,需要更改时,必须将原选项用橡皮擦去,重新选择。第二和第三大题的作答必须用黑色的钢笔或圆珠笔写在答题纸上与试卷题号对应的位置(作图可用铅笔)。 3.第18、19题要求写出必要的文字说明、方程式和重要的演算步骤。只写出最后答案,而未写出主要演算过程的,不能得分。有关物理量的数值计算问题,答案中必须明确写出数值和单位。 一、单项选择题(共40分,1-8题每小题3分,9-12题每小题4分。每小题只有一个正确选项) 1.下列物理量中属于标量的是( ) (A )速度 (B )力 (C )磁通量 (D )电场强度 2.在“观察水波的干涉现象”实验中得到如图所示的干涉图样。实线表示波峰,虚线表示波谷。图中关于质点A 、B 、C 、D 的振动情况描述正确的是( ) (A )质点A 、B 是振动加强点,质点C 、D 是振动减弱点 (B )质点C 、D 是振动加强点,质点A 、B 是振动减弱点 (C )质点A 、B 、C 、D 都是振动加强点 (D )质点A 、B 、C 、D 都是振动减弱点 3.做简谐运动的单摆,其周期( ) (A )随摆长的增大而增大 (B )随振幅的增大而增大 (C )随摆球质量的增大而减小 (D )随摆球密度的增大而减小 4.如图所示是玩具陀螺的示意图,a 、b 和c 是陀螺表面上的三个点,当陀螺绕垂直于地面的轴线OO ?匀速旋转时( ) (A )a 、c 两点的线速度相同 (B )b 、c 两点的周期相同 (C )a 、b 两点的转速不同 (D )b 、c 两点的角速度不同 5.“研究感应电流方向”的实验装置如图所示,下列对实验现象描述正确的是( ) (A )条形磁铁N 极朝下,插入螺线管的过程中,通过电流计G 的感应电流方向为a →b (B )条形磁铁S 极朝下,插入螺线管的过程中,通过电流计G 的 A B C D


宝山区初三英语第一学期期末质量抽查试卷 99. April 23 is World Reading Day. Write a short passage of at least 60 words to call on your classmates to get into good habits of reading and read more good books. (4月23日是“世界读书日”,请你写一篇短文,呼吁全班同学以实际行动迎接“世界读书日”的到来,为创建“书香校园”,多读书、读好书,养成课外读书的好习惯。字数不少于60个,标点符号不占格。要求内容切题,意思连贯.) ( 注意:短文中不得出现考生的姓名、校名及其它相关信息,否则不予评分. ) Use the following points as a guide. (短文须包含下列要点): 1. What do the students who are not interested in study usually do in their spare time? 2.What are the advantages of reading? 3.What are your suggestions? 长宁区初三英语第一学期期末质量抽查试卷 99. Write a passage of at least 60 words on the topic “Happiness is for everyone”. ( 以“幸福/快乐属于每个 人”为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。) (注意:短文中不得出现考生的姓名、校名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分。) For reference: Do you feel happy in your life? What / Who usually brings happiness to you? What can you do to make yourself or others happy? 崇明县初三英语第一学期期末质量抽查试卷 99. Write at least 60 words about the topic “Something I want to do during the winter holiday”. (以“寒假 中我想做的一件事”为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。) Use the following points as a reference. (以下问题仅供参考) What is the thing that you want to do during the winter holiday? Why do you want to do it? How are you going to do it? (注意:短文中不得出现任何人名 ...........、校名及其它相关信息 .........,否则不予评分 ......。 奉贤区初三英语第一学期期末质量抽查试卷 99. Write a letter in at least 60 words according to the given situation (根据所给情景写一封不少于60词的信) Suppose you are Sara, you want to enter your ideal school –Flower Senior High School. Please write a letter 作文


【2018宝山区—一模】 IV. Summary Writing Secure payment without leaving a trace Computer scientist Andy Rupp, member of the “Signaling Code and Security” working group, is always surprised about lacking problem awareness: only few users are aware of the fact that by using payment systems they disclose in detail how and what they consume or which routes they have taken. To prevent control of the accounts by dishonest users, customer data and account balances of payment are usually carried out with the help of a central database. In every payment deal, the customer is identified and the details of her/his deal are transmitted to the central database. This repeated identification process produces a data trace that might be misused by the provider or third parties. The expert has now presented the basics of an “electronic purse” that works by unknown names, but prevents misuse at the same time. The “black-box addition plus” (BBA+) code system developed by them transfers all necessary account data to the card used or the smartphone and guarantees their secrets with the help of signaling code methods. At the same time, BBA+ offers security guarantees for the operator of the payment system: The code system guarantees a correct account balance and is mathematically constructed such that the identity of the user is disclosed as soon as the attempt is made to pay with a controlled account. “Our new code system guarantees privacy and security for customers during offline operation as well,” Andy Rupp says. “This is needed for ensuring the payment system’s suitability for daily use. Think of a subway doorway or a payment bridge. There you may have no internet connection at all or it is very slow.” Also its high efficiency makes the code system suited for everyday use: During first test runs, researchers completed payments within about one second. ①when customers use payment systems, most of them don’t realize the fact that by doing so, they risk( take the risk of ) losing privacy. ②Researchers have now developed a secure system called BBA+, which works anonymously and avoids misuses as well. ③moreover ( apart from / besides the security of privacy), it also proves to be efficient for daily use.(47 words) 【2018—崇明区一模】 IV. Summary Writing From Burn Survivor to Global Inspiration Last October, the Kona Ironman World Championship witnessed an unbelievable finish. Turia Pitt, an Australian woman who suffered severe burns when caught in a bush fire during a marathon six years ago, successfully challenged herself. Pitt spent 864 days in a hospital and went through more than 200 operations. Doctors said she would never run again, but she proved them wrong. Crossing the line in the Hawaiian darkness, Pitt showed incredible emotion as the race commentator(现场解说员)announced: “Turia Pitt, you are an ironman!” On social media, people around the world applauded her determination. Apart from continuing to be a star athlete, Pitt is also a motivational speaker now. She is sharing her journey of


2019.12.12【一模汇编】2019届上海高三英语一模汇编:翻译 1、2019黄浦一模 Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 72. 很多人对他们的潜能一无所知。(ignorant) 73. 这些政策在一定程度上对该地区的经济衰退负有责任。(extent) 74. 自古以来老百姓就希望天下太平,同各国人民友好相处。(long for) 75. 青少年问题的发展趋势值得我们关注和研究,也值得整个社会群策群力,共商对策。(which) 答案: 72. Many people are totally ignorant of their potential (abilities/talents). 73. These policies are to some extent responsible for the region’s economic decline. 74. Since ancient times people have longed for a peaceful world to live together in friendship with people from/of all countries. /Since ancient times people have longed for a peaceful world, where people of all/different countries live together in friendship. 75. The developing trend of youth/adolescent/teenager problems deserves our attention and research/ analysis, which also deserves the joint efforts of the whole society to find solutions. 2、2019普陀一模 72. 晚上别喝太多的咖啡,会睡不着觉的。(or) 73. 事实证明,保持快乐的心态会降低得心脏病的风险。(It) 74. 乐观的人不会过分怀念美好的旧时光,因为他们正忙着创造新的回忆。(create) 75. 追求稳定并不是什么坏事, 很多时候这样的态度在促使我们提升自我、挑战难度、攀登高峰。( when) 答案: 72. Don’t drink too much coffee at night, or you won’t be able to sleep. 73. It is proved that keeping a happy mind reduces the risk of heart diseases. 74. Optimistic people don’t miss the good old days too much because they are busy creating new memories. 75. The pursuit of stability is not a bad thing. (, and)There are many times when such an attitude drives us to improve ourselves, challenge difficulties, and climb peaks.


青浦区2017学年第一学期高三年级期终学业质量调研测试 物 理 试 卷 (时间60分钟,满分100分) 全卷包括三大题,第一大题为单项选择题,第二大题为填空题,第三大题综合题。 考生注意: 1、答卷前,务必用钢笔或圆珠笔在答题纸正面清楚地填写姓名、准考证号。 2、第一大题的作答必须用2B 铅笔涂在答题纸上相应区域内与试卷题号对应的位置,需要更改时,必须将原选项用橡皮擦去,重新选择。第二和第三大题的作答必须用黑色的钢笔或圆珠笔写在答题纸上与试卷题号对应的位置(作图可用铅笔)。 3、计算题要求写出必要的文字说明、方程式和重要的演算步骤。只写出最后答案,而未写出主要演算过程的,不能得分。有关物理量的数值计算问题,答案中必须明确写出数值和单位。 一.单项选择题(共40分,1到8题每小题3分,9到12题每小题4分) 1.下列叙述中符合物理学史实的是( ) (A )伽利略发现了单摆的周期公式 (B )奥斯特发现了电流的磁效应 (C )库仑通过扭秤实验得出了万有引力定律 (D )牛顿通过斜面理想实验得出了维持运动不需要力的结论 2.下列属于理想物理模型的是( ) (A )电场 (B )电阻 (C )点电荷 (D )元电荷 3.下列各物理量的定义式正确的是( ) (A )加速度a =F m (B )电流强度I =U R (C )电势φ=E p q (D )电场强度E =kQ r 2 4.通电导体棒水平放置在光滑绝缘斜面上,整个装置处在匀强磁场中,在以下四种情况中导体棒可能保持静止状态的是( ) A . B . C . D . B I B I B I B I

5.如图所示是水波遇到小孔或障碍物后的图像,图中每两条实线间的距离表示一个波长,其中正确的图像是( ) 6.如图所示,在水平向左的匀强电场中,有一个带正电的小滑块,此时小滑块静止在竖直的粗糙墙壁上。忽略空气阻力,当撤掉电场后,木块将做( ) (A )匀速直线运动 (B )曲线运动 (C )自由落体运动 (D )变加速直线运动 7.杯子里盛有热水,经过一段时间后杯子里的水慢慢变凉,则( ) (A )水分子的平均动能减小 (B )所有水分子的动能都减小 (C )只有个别水分子的动能减小 (D )水分子的动能可以用1 2 mv 2计算 8.如图所示为两个等量异种点电荷,A 、B 、C 为电场中的三点,三处的电场强度大小分别为E A 、E B 、E C ,电势分别为φA 、φB 、φC ,则( ) (A )E A E B ,φA >φC (C )E A >E B ,φA =φC (D )E A >E B ,φA <φC 9.如图所示为某电学元器件的伏安特性曲线,图中虚线为曲线上P 点的切线。当通过该元器件的电流为时,该元器件的阻值为( ) (A )250Ω (B )125Ω (C )100Ω (D )Ω A . B . C . D . E P O U /V I /A 50 25 A B C


2015 年上海初三一模英语作文题目及范文精选 宝山区2014-2015 学年度第一学期期末质量抽查试卷 初三英语 ”in your class. Recently there has been a discussion about the topic “ Water Is Precious Please write at Host 60 words about the topic "Water Is Precious" to express your point of view,( 请以 “水是珍贵的”写一篇至少 60 词的作文,标点符号不占格) ( 你的作文内容须包含以下几点) 1) Why is water very important in our life? 2) What are the causes of the water shortage? 3) How can we protect our precious water resources? 范文( 1) Water is precious Undoubtedly , no man can live without water. When we begin the new day, we need water to drink, wash things, work. Farmers need water to make the crop grow healthily. The factory needs water to process the production. Animals need water to live their lives. However, polluting and wasting make precious water less and less. Some immediate actions must be taken to protect water resources. As students, we should have the sense of saving water. Saving a little day by day, it would make a big influence on protecting water. Given all of its importance and urgency, we must spare no effort to do what I have suggested you. 范文( 2) Water is precious Water is the birthplace of life and it plays an indispensable part in our daily life,so water is very vital for us human. Although the ocean covers 71% of the surface of the earth ,there are many people who can ’ t get access to water in the world. But how can this be? Above all, the water shortage results from the huge number of people on the world who take it for granted using the water immoderately. Another reason for water scarcity is water pollution caused by farming and chemistry industry. Facing these two main reasons, we are supposed to save water in our daily life and reuse it. Only in this way can we protect our precious water resources.


11选10专题 上海市杨浦区2021届高三英语期末(一模)试题 Section B Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need. A. including B. impressions C. standing D. restored E. missing F. fun G. comfort H. associated I. inspired J. marked K. contact Ancient Civilizations Had Game Nights Too! Morten Ramstad, a researcher at the University of Bergen, Norway, and his team spotted one of the rare objects while unearthing the remains of an Early Iron Age (400-300 BC) burial site in Western Norway. Burying loved ones with basic necessities like ceramic pots and clothing, to ensure their (31) _______ in the afterlife, was a fairly common tradition in ancient cultures. However, the families of some lucky individuals went a step further by (32) ________ a board game for entertainment. Though the game board was (33) ________, the archeologists, who revealed their findings on April 5, 2020, managed to recover the dice(骰子)and 18 circular game pieces. Unlike the modern-day cubical(立体的)dice, which are (34) _______ with a different number of dots from one to six on each face, the ancient game counter was square and had bulls-eye like (35) ________, which indicated zero to five on each of its four faces. The researchers suspect it may have been (36) ________ by the oldest-known board game —the “Game of Mercenaries”. The two-person strategy game, which dates back to the 3rd century BC, was believed to be similar to modern-day chess. The archeologists, who also unearthed remains of pottery jars and a bronze needle at the burial site believe the game pieces indicate the dead was a wealthy individual. In ancient civilizations, board games were a status symbol, signifying the owner’s high social and economic (37) ________. They indicated an individual’s intellectual ability and also proved he/she could afford to spend time on such activities.

2017年上海市高三物理一模试卷 黄浦区

2017年上海市高三物理一模试卷 黄浦区 2017年1月12日(本试卷共4页,满分100分,考试时间60分钟。) 一.单项选择题(共40分,1-8题每小题3分,9-12题每小题4分,每小题只有一个正确选项。)1.在国际单位制(SI)中,下列属于基本单位的是() (A)千克(B)牛顿(C)库仑(D)焦耳 2.奥斯特首先通过实验() (A)提出了单摆的周期公式(B)测出了万有引力恒量G (C)发现了电流周围存在磁场(D)发现了电磁感应现象 3.质量为2kg的质点仅受两个力作用,两个力的大小分别为3N和5N。则该质点的加速度的值可能为() (A)0.5m/s2(B)0.75m/s2(C)3.5m/s2 (D)4.5m/s2 4.下列事例中属于利用静电现象的是() (A)油罐车上连接地线(B)复印机复印文件资料 (C)屋顶安装避雷针(D)印染厂车间保持湿度 5.三段材质完全相同且不可伸长的细绳OA、OB、OC,它们共同悬挂一重物,如图所示,其中OB水平,A端、B端固定。若逐渐增加C端所挂重物的质量,则最 先断的绳() (A)必定是OA (B)必定是OB (C)必定是OC (D)可能是OB,也可能是OC 6.根据分子动理论可知,在使两个分子间的距离由很远(r>10-9m)变到很难再 靠近的过程中,分子间的作用力的大小将() (A)先减小后增大(B)先增大后减小 (C)先增大后减小再增大(D)先减小后增大再减小 7.如图所示,P为固定的点电荷,周围实线是其电场的电场线。一带负电的粒 子Q进入该电场后沿虚线运动,v a、v b分别是Q经过a、b两点时的速度。则 下列判断正确的是() (A)P带正电,v a>v b (B)P带负电,v a>v b (C)P带正电,v a<v b (D)P带负电,v a<v b 8.卫星在行星附近运动,绕行的每一周均可近似看做匀速圆周运动。由于尘埃等物质的影响,轨道半径会逐渐减小,则卫星的() (A)速度会减小(B)周期会减小(C)角速度会减小(D)加速度会减小


虹口区初三一模部分作文范文(一)2016.1.15 范文1:My favourite way of communicating My favourite way of communicating is to use Wechat. Wechat is popular among people of all ages. With it, we can talk to people all over the world at any time. For example, my brother now stays in America to further his study. Although we can’t meet each other, we can use Wechat to share our lives and talk about exciting stories which happen in our schools. That makes me feel happy. Wechat is so convenient and makes the world smaller. Besides, our life has become more colourful since Wechat appeared. In a word, I like Wechat best and with Wechat my life is full of joy. 整体评价: ?文章结构清晰,选材合理; ?文章举例的事例与议论部分关联性与逻辑性较强; ?文章句式多变,简单句与复合句相结合,彰显出作者的英语写作功底; ?本文最后一句中划线部分Wechat改为it可避免重复。 范文2:My favourite way of communicating With the development of the modern world, communicating with others by Wechat or e-mail becomes more and more popular. But I still prefer communicating by letters. It is no doubt that it is the best way to express our feelings and to learn about another person. When my brother went abroad, he kept in touch with me by letters. Then I found that waiting for a letter is also an enjoyable time. I’m convinced that communicating with others by letter can make people closer. 整体评价: ?文章观点新颖。开头部分道出了当今社会的普遍现象,当读者认为作者会选择Wechat或Email来展开全文的时候,作者话锋一转说出了自己喜欢写信的原因,且情感真实; ?文章举例的事例与议论部分过渡自然,逻辑性较强。 范文3:My favourite way of communicating Nowadays with the development of science and techonology, the ways of communicating are becoming increasingly various. However, I prefer writing letters. I can still remember that experience when I made a new friend. At that time we promised to write letters to each other once a week. And I was looking forward to receiving his letter every day. Life was more attractive when I chose to write letters. It is not only good for my heath but also very interesting. So I am convinced that I will insist on my favourite way of communicating. 整体评价: ?文章观点新颖。与范文2 有异曲同工之妙; ?文章第一句话的划线部分删除会使文章的开头更简练; ?文章中划线部分receiving his letter 改为hearing from him。


2020 年上海高三英语一模分类汇编:翻译 2020 宝山一模 V. Translation Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 72. 无论时走路、骑车还是开车,遵守交通规则都很重要。(follow) 73. 只有发展好、运用好、治理好互联网,才能使其更好地造福人类。(Only) 74. 鼓励你,给你建议,并提出有建设性的问题的人被称作人生教练或导师。(helpful) 75. 生命充满了挑战,但是只要你有学习新事物的意愿,就能得到克服障碍的正确态度。(willingness) 72. Whether you walk, cycle or drive a car, it ' s important to follow the rules of the road. 73. Only by developing, using and governing the internet well can it benefit mankind. 74. A person who encourage you, give you advice and asks helpful questions is called life coaching or mentor. 75. Life is full of changes, but a willingness to learn something new gives people the right attitude for overcoming obstacles. 2020 崇明一模 V. Translation Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 72. 出于好奇,杰克向村民们打听了这座城堡的历史。(curiosity) 73. 我们最好分析一下公司最近几年发展减缓的原因。(analyze) 74. 人人都该意识到,减少人类活动对环境的负面影响是很有必要的。(it) 75. 我决心已定,无论你怎么劝我,我也不会同意放弃这个通过夜以继日的努力工作才获得的机会。(however) 72. Out of curiosity, Jack asked the villagers about the history of the castle. 73. We ' d better analyze(the reasons) why our company ' s development hians r eslcoewnet d down years. We' d better analyze the reasons for the slow-down of our company ' s development these years. 74. Everyone should realize that it 'qsu ite necessary to reduce the negative effect that human activity has on

2020年上海高三物理一模 基础知识专题汇编

上海市各区县2020届高三物理一模基础知识专题汇编 一、选择题 1.(2020嘉定一模第1题) 下列物理概念的提出用到了“等效替代”思想方法的是( ) (A )“瞬时速度”的概念 (B )“点电荷”的概念 (C )“平均速度”的概念 (D )“电场强度”的概念 2.(2020嘉定一模第2题)下列单位中,属于国际单位制基本单位的是( ) (A )千克 (B )牛顿 (C )伏特 (D )特斯拉 3.(2020奉贤一模第1题)下列物理量属于矢量的是( ) (A )电流强度 (B )磁通量 (C )电场强度 (D ) 电势差 4.(2020静安一模第1题)下面物理量及其对应的国际单位制单位符号,正确的是 (A )力,kg (B )磁感应强度,B (C )电场强度,C/N (D )功率,W 5.(2020虹口一模第2题)麦克斯韦认为:电荷的周围存在电场,当电荷加速运动时,会产生电磁波。受此启发,爱因斯坦认为:物体的周围存在引力场,当物体加速运动时,会辐射出引力波。爱因斯坦提出引力波的观点,采用了( ) A .类比法 B .观察法 C .外推法 D .控制变量法 6.(2020虹口一模第3题)依据库仑定律F =k 122q q r ,恒量k 在国际单位制中用基本单位可以表示为 ( ) A .N ·m 2/C 2 B . C 2/m 2·N C .N ·m 2/A 2 D .kg ·m 3/(A 2·s 4) 7.(2020闵行一模第2题)通过对比点电荷的电场分布,均匀带电球体外部电场可视作电荷全部集中于球心的点电荷产生的电场,所采用的思想方法是( ) (A )等效 (B )归纳 (C )类比 (D )演绎 8.(2020崇明一模第1题)物理算式3(s)×4(V)×2(A)计算的结果是( ) A .24N B .24W C .24C D .24J 9.(2020浦东一模第1题)下列选项中属于物理模型的是( ) (A )电场 (B )电阻 (C )磁感线 (D )元电荷


上海市初三英语二模考试作文汇总 1.杨浦 VII. Writing (作文) (共20分) 94. In 60 to 120 words, write about the topic “things we can do make our city a better (以“我们可以做些什么让我们的城市更美好”为题,写一篇60-120个词的短文,place”. 标点符号不占格) (注意:短文中不得出现考生真实的姓名、校名及其他信息,否则不予评分。) The following is for reference only (下列单词仅供参考) 2.奉贤 Ⅶ.Writing(作文) (共20分) 94. Writing at least 60 words on the topic“______ make me a better person” (以“_____ 成就更好的自己”为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号 不占格) (注意:短文中不得出现任何人名、校名及其它相关信息,否则不予评分) 3.黄浦 Ⅶ. Writing(作文)(共20分) (以“……是好习惯”为 94. In 60 to 120 words, write about the topic “… is a good habit”.

题,写一篇60-120个词的短文,标点符号不占格) 一个好的习惯会让我们终身受益。什么是好习惯?请分享你的一个好习惯,说说你 是怎么养成的?它给你带来哪些好处。请结合生活实际,谈谈你的体验或想法。 (注意:短文中不得出现考生真实的姓名、校名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分。) Saving Money Is a Good Habit Speaking of good habits, saving money is undoubtedly one of them. Instead of spending tomorrow’s money, I prefer to save money. In order to learn to cut down unnecessary cost, I will think twice before spending money on those clothes that may not suit myself, which benefits me a lot. First of all, the sense of saving money helps me arrange my daily life properly. What’s more, saving money, to a certain extent, means I can handle emergency quickly.In addition, saving money is not only a traditional virtue but a useful strategy in life. Just as the old saying, a penny saved is a penny earned, so saving money makes me feel safe about tomorrow. 4.崇明 VII. Writing (作文)(共20 分) (以“我是个独立的 94. Write at least 60 words on the topic “ I am an independent boy (girl) ” 男 (女)生”为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格)

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