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授课题目:College—The Ladder to Success? 授课时间:第____周第____周 授课类型:理论课 授课时数:4 教学目的: After finishing this unit,students will be able to: 1.To talk about the significance of humanities; 2.Get deeper insights into the text; 3.Make creative use of words,phrases and sentence patterns; 4.To master the essay writing skill:focus on an advantage\disadvantage; 5.To read with the skill“reading for major details”. 教学重点和难点: 1.To further understand the text; 2.To apply the words,phrases and sentence patterns; 3.To read with the skill“readin g for major details”; 4.To write an essay with the skill“focus on an advantage\disadvantage”. 教学方法和手段: Various kinds of teaching methods are used: 1.Teaching in class.Explain the profound theoretical knowledge in class; 2.Case stud y.Provide case study during teaching,and make the students to discuss about the case 3.Bilingual and full English teaching; 4.Applying modern multimedia teaching technologies; 5.Taking advantage of abund ant network teaching resources. 教学内容和过程:

全新版大学英语综合教程第二册教案unit 1 book2

Unit 1 Ways of Learning I. Teaching Objectives Students will be able to: 1. grasp the main idea (that it would be ideal if we can strike a balance between the Chinese and the Western learning styles ) and the structure of the text (introduction of the topic by an anecdote一 elaboration by comparison and contrast--conclusion by a suggestion); 2. appreciate the difference between comparison and contrast, as well as different ways to compare and contrast (point by point method or one-side-at-a-time method); 3. master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text; 4. conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit. II. Key Points: The structure, the writing skill, and the main idea of the text will be the focus. Only a few words and sentences, which will be the obstacles for students? understanding of the text, will be explained in class. III. Difficult Points: Some sentences whose meanings are difficult to understand and whose structures are hard to analyze: 1. Line 35-39(Para. 6): Since adults know how to place the key in the key slot, which is the ultimate purpose of approaching the slot, and since the child is neither old enough nor clever enough to realize the desired action on his own, what possible gain is achieved by having him struggle? 2. Line 70-71(Para.10): The idea that learning should take place by continual careful shaping and molding applies equally to the arts. 3. Line 100-102(Para.14): Can we gather, from the Chinese and American extremes, a superior way to approach education, perhaps striking a better balance between the poles of creativity and basic skills? IV. Teaching Materials: ppt and materials

Unit two 21世纪大学实用英语综合教程第二册课文翻译及课后答案

Unit two 认错人(改编) 马克·吐温 几年前的一天,我来到萨拉曼卡——纽约附近的一个火车站。我计划在那儿搭乘卧车。站台上都是人,他们涌入长长的卧车,把列车挤得满满的。我问售票处的人能否买两张票,但他厉声回答说:“没票!”然后冲着我的脸关上了窗。这真是对我尊严的莫大打击,然而我又需要这两张车票。我找到一位地方官员,问他能否在卧铺车厢的某个地方找个可怜的小角落;但他猛然打断了我,厉声说道:“没有,找不到。每个角落都挤满了。好了,不要再来烦我了。”说完,他便不理我而走开了。我没料到他会这样对待我,我的尊严处于一种难以描述的状况。我对同伴说:“他们这样对我讲话是因为他们不知道我是谁。”可我的同伴却说:“别说这种傻话了。即便他们知道你是谁,你觉得这能帮你在没有空座的火车上搞到座位吗?”说完他也不理我了。这太过分了。我找到刚才那个官员,非常有礼貌地告诉他我叫马克?吐温,我是否能——但他又一次打断了我:“我已经告诉过你不要再来烦我了。”接着又不再理我了。我无助地环顾四周,发现我的同伴目睹了整个经过。我感到的耻辱无法用语言形容。我说:“或许他没有听到我的名字。”但我的同伴却不这么认为,他说:“他肯定清楚地听到你的名字了,只不过他不在乎罢了,就是这么回事。” 我不知道接下去会发生什么,但就在这时候,我注意到一个年轻的卧车行李搬运工正在跟列车员窃窃私语,并朝着我点头。那个列车员随即转过身,毕恭毕敬地向我走来。 “我能为您效劳吗,先生?”他说道,“您要在卧车上找个空位吗?” “呃,当然,”我回答说,“可我问过站台上那个人,他说每个角落都塞满了,还叫我不要烦他。” “不会吧,先生,我简直不敢相信他说了这样的话。简直无法想象有人竟然这样对您说话,先生!我很抱歉,先生,但您一定是误会他了。我们什么空地方都没了,只剩下那个大的家庭包房,里面有两个铺位和几把扶手椅,但这一切都供您享用。过来,汤姆,把这些箱子搬上车!” 搬运工拿了我们的小提箱,我们则上了车。在豪华包房把我们舒舒服服安顿好以后,汤姆满脸堆笑地说:“哦,您还需要什么吗,先生?” “呃,这盏灯吊得太高了。能不能在我的床头再给我安一盏灯,好让我看起书来舒服点?” “可以,先生,可以。我会亲自给您安上。您需要什么只管说,我们就是把整条铁路里里外外查个遍也要帮您找到。”说完他便离开了。 我微笑着对同伴说:“咳咳,现在你怎么说?” 我的同伴看起来很羞愧。“唔,”他说,“你是对的。我为刚才在站台上对你说过的那些话感到抱歉。这么看来犯傻的是我,不是你。能跟你一起来我很高兴。假如没有你,我永远也不会搞到车票。但我还是不明白。”就在这时汤姆的笑脸再次出现在门口,接着说了这样一句话:“喔,先生,我一下子就把您给认出来了。接着我就告诉了列车员。” “是这样吗,小伙子?”我问道,“那我是谁呢?” “您是纽约市长麦克莱伦先生。”说罢他又离开了。 以下是课后练习答案 5 1. bother, bother 2. companion 3. Shame 4. officials 5. notice 6. recognized 7. vacant 8. scene 9. politely 10. describe 6 1. cut short 2. at their disposal 3. at the same time 4. in … face 5. turn your back on 6. a couple of 7. turned … inside out 8. Look around 7 1. must have seen the tickets for tonight’s play 2. must have been here many times 3. may have gone bad 4. may not have received the present 8 1. Nancy was glad to have quit her part-time job before her final exams.


全新版大学进阶英语第二册第二单元答案 解析

Unit 2 Tales of True Love Key to Exercises Opener Suggested answers for reference 1. Qian Zhongshu was a Chinese literary scholar and writer, best known for his wit and great academic knowledge. One of his most famous novels is Fortress Besieged (《围城》). Yang Jiang was a Chinese playwright, author, and translator. Her memoir We Three (《我们仨》) recalls memories of her late husband, Qian Zhongshu, and her daughter, Qian Yuan, who died before her father. David Beckham is an English former professional footballer, and the first English player to win league titles in four countries: England, Spain, the United States and France. David is married to Victoria Beckham, an English businesswoman, fashion designer, model, and singer. They have four children. 2. Qian and Yang’s romance began when they met at Tsinghua University after Yang Jiang enrolled in the graduate school in 1932. They married in 1935. David started dating Victoria in 1997, after she attended a charity football match. The couple announced their engagement in 1998 and married in 1999. 3. During the Cultural Revolution, like many other prominent intellectuals of the time, Qian Zhongshu and Yang Jiang were “sent down”, doing “reform through labor” in a “cadre school” in Henan from 1969 to 1972. The challenge David and Victoria have come across is media attention. They are both famous, so their relationship has attracted a great deal of media attention from its very beginning.

大学英语综合教程第二册第二单元教案Unit 2 Values

Unit 2 Values Teaching Aims: 1.Understanding the main idea (one can live a life full of riches without being rich funancially) and structure of the text 2.Appreciate the wording (riches) in the title of the text 3.Grasp the key languge points in Texts A and learn how to use them in context 4.Unerstand the cultural background related to the content 5.Express themselves more freely on the theme of Values after doing a series of theme-related reading, listening, speaking, and writing activities 6.Write an essay beginning with an anecdote or a piece of news, etc. Teaching Keypoints: 1.Grasp the main idea of Text A and language points in Text A 2.Cultural background in Text A 3.Analysis of the difficult sentences in Text A Teaching Difficulties: 1.Writing strategy and style demonstrated in Text A 2.Write an essay with an anecdote or a piece of news, etc. Teaching Aids: Teaching, dicussion, exercises, group-activities, student-centred Teaching period: 12classes Teaching Procedure: Step 1Warming up 1.Have students listen to the story about Abraham Lincoln before class, lead them to finish the exercises on page31, check the answer and explain. 2.Have students learn more about the fact that economic development and personal income can’t always account for happiness. 3.Do you think rich people must be happier than poor people Why 4.Do you think a poor person can have a life full of riches How 5.In class, students form two camps to debate the following issue: Mother Teresa has no money, but she took care of the poor in Calcutta until her death. Bill Gates gave a lot of money to charity, but he seldom works in the “frontline” with the poor. Does the world need more love like Mother Teresa’s or more money like Bill Gates’ Step 2 Global analysisi of Text A 1. Division of the Text A Part1: The writer’s encounter with a boy who raised the question “Are you poor” Part2: In search of an answer the writer finds that not having expensive possessions doesn’t make him feel poor mainly because he enjoys life in many other ways. Part3: In conclusion, the writer t hinks he’s grown to understand more about himself because of the boy’s question. 2.Understanding the main idea of the text with the help of the questions on page 37-38


大学英语综合课程(二)第二单元Quiz Part 1 Fill in the blanks with the help of the first letter(s) (每题: 1 分,满分10 分 ) Directions: Fill in the blanks with the help of the first letter(s). experts that the markets in this area for these cell phones will expand by 200 percent in the next three years.(Suggested first letter(s): cal ) is hoped that the governments throughout the world will take joint actions to the economy and rescue the world from another economic crisis.(Suggested first letter(s): b ) public opinion, hard as the road for these students after school will be, their are bright since they are all well-rounded.(Suggested first letter(s): pro ) spite of his repeated failure, the Olympic hero must have determination, power, and passion to make sacrifices for the sake of glory to.(Suggested first letter(s): per ) is the development strategy of the company to its overseas expansion so as to make more profit in the world market.(Suggested first letter(s): ac ) is not to attribute reduction in mental function to getting old. In fact, the reduction might result from neglecting to stay physically active.(Suggested first letter(s): lo ) practice, the institutions are trying to move toward one language, with one or two other working languages.(Suggested first letter(s): dom ) teenagers like to see frighteningly violent yet movies which may have some negative impact upon them.(Suggested first letter(s): com ) activities in college enrich the students' life,cultivate their abilities to adapt to society, and possibly their studies.(Suggested first letter(s): p ) book, The HumanUse of HumanBeings (1950),that robots taking over human jobs may eventually lead to growing unemployment.(Suggested first letter(s): spe ) Part 2 Fill in the blanks with the given words ( 每题: 1 分,满分20 分 ) Directions: Fill in the blanks in the sentences with the words given in the box. Change the form where necessary. Questions 1 to 10 are based on the following passage or dialog. persist boost invest orient evaluate accumulate accelerate calculate speculate undertake 1. The United Nations official said to (1) a new peace move in the Middle East when there is a chance to reach an agreement. 2.We might (2) further from the story and say that these people probably lived very close to the well because of the importance of water to life. 3.As they are not sure about the situation in the flood-stricken area, they will first send trained nurses there to (3)the needs of each patient. 4. If the extremely hostile relationships tend to (4), the conflicts between the two parties make it difficult to recognize that they share commonneeds

新视野大学英语第三版第二册Unit 2 Section A Swimming through fear教案

Unit 2 Section A Swimming through fear 教学重点: 1. to learn to get the key idea and detailed information 2. to understand the text with the questions given 3. to translate some long and difficult sentences and learn some ways to express one’s feeling (horror, relief, relaxation) 4. to understand the problem-solution pattern 教学难点: 1 to separate the Chinese sentences and set the new sentence structure in English 2.to grasp and translate some expressions and long sentences 3.to learn the meaning of some detailed description 4.to ask for and give directions 5.教学过程: Task 1 Lead-in (Ss work in groups to discuss the following questions) 1. Did you experience some moments when you feared? 2. How did you overcome the fear? 3. Listening: pre-reading activities 4. What can we infer from the title? Tips: 1. A piece of narration (an event or a story) 2.He or she was afraid of swimming. 3.He or she succeeded in doing sth (according to “through”) Learn to swim? Task 2 Text study


全新版《大学英语》教案(第二册) Unit 1 Ways of Learning 1.教学目标及基本要求: Objectives: Students will be able to: 1)grasp the main idea (that it would be ideal if we can strike a balance between the Chinese and the Western learning styles) and structure of the text (introduction of the topic by an anecdote—elaboration by comparison and contrast); 2)appreciate the difference between comparison and contrast, as well as different ways to compare and contrast(point-by-point method or one-side-at-a-time method); 3)master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text; 4)conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit. 2. 教学内容及学时分配: Time allotment: 1st period: pre-reading; text organization 2nd period: while-reading 3rd period: post-reading activities 4th period: reading practice 5th period: speaking 6th period: writing 3. 教学重点及难点: Important language points in the text: 4. 教学内容的深化及拓宽: Students conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing practice to deepen their understanding of the points taught in class. 5. 教学方式及在教学中应注意的问题: A combination of traditional teaching methods with the communicative approach will be adopted. Special attention should be paid to classroom interaction. Give students time to adapt to the new teaching mode in the university that are quite different from the one they were used to in the middle school. More encouragement is needed and more guidance will be given to them in their extracurricular study. 6. 主要参考书目: 季佩英,吴晓真,2001,《全新版大学英语综合教程2-教师用书》。上海:上海外语教育出版社。 柯彦玢,张砚秋,2002,《全新版大学英语阅读教程2-教师用书》。上海:上海外语教育出版社。 朱万忠,2002,《大学英语阅读进阶2》。重庆:重庆大学出版社。


21世纪大学实用英语 视听说教程(第二册教案) 21 Century Pratical College English Viewing, Listening & Speaking (Book TWO) 李蔚 郑州旅游职业学院旅游外语系

Unit 1 Expressing Surprise at Meeting Someone Unexpectedly Teaching Contents: Unit One Teaching objectives 1. Understand and use the language for expressing surprise at unexpectedly meeting someone they know. 2. Appreciate the rich variety of expressions used in such satiations. 3. Learn how to speak on a specific topic using these newly-acquired expressions. 4. Focus on monetary units when listening. Teaching Important and Difficult points 1. How to express Surprise at Meeting Someone Unexpectedly 2. To increase the familiarity and use of the expressions in the listening comprehension. Teaching Methods Video watching; listening practice; dialogue practicing in groups of three or four; group discussion Time Allotment Two Periods Teaching Procedures Step I Lead- in We live in a small world. Wherever you go, it is likely that we will unexpectedly meet someone we know. At such moments, we express surprise at suddenly meeting the person. What do we say in English to express this feeling? In this unit we’ll learn expressions useful for communicating surprise in unexpected situations. Step II Learning Video Episode: What a Surprise Meeting You Here! 1.Show a picture from the Video Episode for the students to think and discuss the following questions: 1)What do you say in English when you unexpectedly run into someone you know? 2)Are there any differences between native English-speaking cultures and Chinese culture when expressing surprise at unexpectedly running into someone you know? 3)How would you act out such differences? 2.Ask the students to listen to 7 sentences which are used to express surprise at unexpectedly meeting someone and complete each one with the missing words. 1) What a surprise meeting you here! 2) Fancy meeting you here! 3) Never thought I’d see you here! 4) Where’ve you been hiding yourself? 5) What have you been up to? 6) Certainly didn’t expect I’d run into you here! 7) Certainly had no idea I’d meet you here! 3. Words and expressions concerning this Video Episode: explore / historic town / You’re great! / mountain bike / You’re on (= absolutely I agree ) / hide / Good for you! / You bet (= You’re on ) / give it a try

21世纪大学实用英语综合教程 第二册 Unit 2


Teaching procedures: First Period Content:Unit 2 listening and speaking Step 1 Lead-in In the Listening and Speaking section, you will learn the basic language and skills necessary to make and respond to an apology; Step 2 Listening and Speaking 1) The Language for Making and Responding to an Apology A. have a warm-up activity by asking Ss what they say when they cause trouble to others or make mistakes; B。have the Ss listen to Exercise 1 (1—3 times)and fill in the blanks with the missing words; C. ask one S to read aloud the talk so Ss can check their completed answers; D. ask other Ss to form responses to the apologies in Exercise 2. trying to use the expression learned in Exercise 1. 2) Making and Responding to an Apology A.go through the new words in the 1st dialogue in Exercise 3; B。listen to the dialogue twice while filling in the missing words;

新编大学英语教案(第二册)_Unit 2 Communication Problems

Unit Two Communication problems T eaching Objectives 1. Let the students have some ideas of the common ways we usually use in our daily life to communicate. 2. Make the students find the efficient ways to communicate with each other. 3. Let the students come up with the ways to avoid misunderstandings. T eaching allotment six academic hours Focus points 1.key words and phrases assume, conflict, convey, emphasis, ignore, misinterpret, react, verge, feel like, for effect, on the verge of, pull out, take----lightly 2.difficult sentences 1) When Martians and V enusians first got together, they encountered many of the problems with relationships we have today. 2) So when communication problems emerged, they assumed it was just one of those expected misunderstandings and that with a little assistance they would surely understand each other. 3) To fully express their feelings, women would tend to exaggerate the facts a little bit for effect and use various superlatives, metaphors, and generalizations. 3.grammar focus prefix “mis---”的不同意义 Related Information It is well-known that learning a second language is never easy, and, generally speaking, the older one is when one attempts a new language, the more difficult it becomes. This is at least partly due to what is known as language interference, meaning that the linguistic patterns of our first language interfere with those of the second because no two languages have exactly the same sounds and grammatical structures. The English language has a very large vocabulary because it has incorporated words from many other languages over the centuries. This is nowhere more apparent than in its color words. For example, there are many words that express the color “purple”, describing its different shades and hues: mauve, violet, lilac, or lavender. An interesting linguistic gender difference among native speakers of English is the likelihood of women using these color terms to differentiate between shades of purple, whereas, men will be satisfied with the one word “purple”. This is true of other color words too.

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