当前位置:文档之家› 外研版四年级下册英语《期末检测试题》(附答案)







一、听录音, 选出你所听到的单词。(10分)

( ) 1. A. robot B. was C. our ( ) 2. A. picnic B. picture C. hospital ( ) 3. A. house B. have C. hair ( ) 4. A. short B. city C. computer ( ) 5. A. next B. nice C. new 二、听录音, 判断图片内容与录音内容是(T)否(F)一致。(10分)

1.( )

2.( )

3.( )

4.( )

5.( )

三、听录音, 判断下列句子与所听句子是(T)否(F)一致。(10分)

( ) 1. This is a book about London.

( ) 2. She had a cold, and she felt cold.

( ) 3. We went to Tianjin by plane last Saturday.

( ) 4. Dad will buy a football for me.

( ) 5. My brother played games on the computer.

四、听录音, 补全句子。(10分)

1. Our English __________ is very nice.

2. Her __________ can drive a car.

3. This wa termelon isn’t __________.

4. Will it be __________ in Hainan?

5. It was __________ in Changchun yesterday.




1. Who __________ they?

2. My hair __________ long then.

3. It __________ very beautiful now.

4. You __________ a nice teacher.

5. It will __________ sunny tomorrow.

6. __________ that your bike?

7. They __________ going to play football in the park.

8. My parents __________ young then.

9. —__________ those Linlin’s pictures?

—No, they __________.


( ) 1. What __________ your leg, Sam?

A. happen

B. happened

C. happened to ( ) 2. —What’s this?


A. It’s a book.

B. It’s sunny.

C. Yes, it is. ( ) 3. We are __________ a picnic next Sunday.

A. will have

B. had

C. going to have ( ) 4. We sang and __________ in the park.

A. danced

B. to dance

C. dance ( ) 5. —Did you go swimming last Monday?


A. Yes, I go.

B. Yes, I did.

C. Yes, I do. ( ) 6. He wants __________ basketball with his friends.

A. play

B. played

C. to play ( ) 7. Sam fell __________ his bike yesterday.

A. off

B. of

C. in ( ) 8. She played __________ piano last week.

A. a

B. the

C. /

( ) 9. Welcome __________ our school.

A. go

B. too

C. to ( ) 10. We rowed a boat __________ the lake.

A. by

B. on

C. at

八、仔细观察图片, 把句子补充完整。(5分)

1. It __________ short then. But it is __________ now.

2. He __________ thin then. Now he __________ __________.

3. They _________ old now. They _________ _________ then.

4. Yesterday was Monday. It was _________, and today is _________.


( ) 1. 当你觉得胃不舒服时, 你可以对医生说:

A. I had lots of apples.

B. I’ve got a stomach ache.

( ) 2. 你要询问别人假期过得愉快吗, 应该这样说:

A. Did you have a nice holiday?

B. Are you on holiday?

( ) 3. 你要对来访的外国友人表示欢迎时, 应该说:

A. You’re welcome.

B. Welcome to our school.

( ) 4. 当你介绍自己以前的样子时, 你会说:

A. I was short, and I was not strong.

B. I am short, and I am not strong.

( ) 5. 当你想知道昨天是否是晴天时, 你会说:

A. Was it sunny yesterday?

B. Is it sunny today?

十、阅读理解, 判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。(10分)

This is a postcard from my uncle. He went to London last week by plane. He is living in a big house now. It is close to Big Ben. Big Ben is an old clock. It’s very tall. You can see Tower Bridge too. It’s very beautiful and famous. I phoned my uncle yesterday. He will come back to China next week.

( ) 1. This is a postcard about my uncle.

( ) 2. My uncle went to London by train.

( ) 3. Big Ben is an old clock, and it’s very tall.

( ) 4. Tower Bridge is beautiful and famous.

( ) 5. My uncle will come back next week.

十一、根据例句和表格提示仿写句子, 描述以下五个地方的天气情况。(10分)

Beijing Guangdong Chongqing Xinjiang Shanxi Monday

Wednesday Friday Sunday Thursday

例句:It will be windy in Shenyang on Tuesday.

Beijing: ______________________________________________________________ Guangdong: __________________________________________________________ Chongqing: ___________________________________________________________

Xinjiang: _____________________________________________________________ Shanxi:_______________________________________________________________



一、1. The robot can walk.

2. We took many pictures in the park.

3. I have got a fever.

4. He played on the computer.

5. We will visit our teacher next week.

二、1.The White House is big and beautiful.

2. Li Mei helped her grandma wash clothes.

3. Daming is hungry. He wants to eat rice.

4. He has got a headache.

5. He played games on the computer.

三、1.This is a picture about London.

2. She had a cold, and she felt hot.

3. We went to Tianjin by plane last Saturday.

4. Dad bought a football for me.

5. My brother played games on the computer.

四、1.Our English teacher is very nice.

2. Her uncle can drive a car.

3. This watermelon isn't big.

4. Will it be cold in Hainan?

5. It was hot in Changchun yesterday.


一、1.A 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.A

二、1.T 2.F 3.F 4.F 5.T

三、1.F 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.T

四、1.teacher 2.uncle 3.big 4.cold 5.hot

五、1.C 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.A

六、1.are 2.was 3.is 4.are 5.be

6. Is



9.Are; aren't

七、1.C 2.A 3.C

4. A点拨:and 连接两个相同时态的动词, 表示某一时刻同时做了……


5. B点拨:以did 开头的问句, 肯定回答用“Yes, 主语+did.”, 否定回

答用“No, 主语+didn't.”。

6. C点拨:want+to+动词(动词词组)原形, 意为:想要做某事。

7. A

8. B点拨:乐器钢琴前要加定冠词the。

9. C点拨:welcome to+地点, 意为:欢迎到某地。

10. B点拨:on the lake在湖上, 船在湖上用介词on。

八、1.was; tall 2.was; is fat 3.are; were young

4. rainy; sunny

九、1.B 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.A

十、1.F 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.T

十一、1.It will be cloudy in Beijing on Monday.

2. It will be sunny in Guangdong on Wednesday.

3. It will be rainy in Chongqing on Friday.

4. It will be snowy in Xinjiang on Sunday.

5. It will be windy in Shanxi on Thursday.


五年级英语下册教学计划 一、教学内容分析: 本册教材供小学五年级下学期使用,共有10个学习模块(20个单元)和1个复习模块组成。每个模块分两个单元,第一单元是新知识呈现和运用部分,侧重语言的交际功能,旨在培养学生的听说能力;第二单元是新知识的巩固和扩展部分,提供若干任务型(Task-based)练习,包括一首歌谣或小诗。学习歌谣或小诗的目的在于:培养学生的语感和节奏感;调高发音的正确性;通过这些英语国家儿童所熟知的歌谣介绍一定的西方文化知识。并通过对前一课主要内容的回顾而引出重点句型的教学,旨在培养学生的读写能力,并帮助学生进一步掌握主要的语言结构。在掌握重点语言之后加强学生在应用方面的综合操练,通过多种形式引导学生复习巩固所学的语言知识,提高运用语言的能力。课文中呈现了一些新的语法内容,但不要求教师讲解语法理论,更不要求学生掌握语法理论,而是要求学生在理解的基础上初步学会运用这些语句,希望各位教师在教学过程中注意。本册涉及Changing, Grandparents,English Food, Library, Decisions, Travel, Communications, Discussions, Letters from Abroad, Preparations 等10个内容的话题。本册的单词仍以与学生学习、生活密切相关的词汇为主,较上册教材来说这册教材的单词量相对来说比较多,学生学习起来有一定的难度,学生将要学习、掌握单词建议表中的140个四会单词、4首歌曲、7首韵句和2首诗歌,要求学生在学习时不只是单纯认读、翻译单个的单词,还应该能实际运用,在语境中感悟其含义。除此以外,课文中部分的单词、词组和句式只是为了语境的需要而设置的,可视学生能力情况而掌握。教学材料有短文、对话、书信等,囊括一般现在时和一般过去时等语法现象,以及字母组合在单词中的发音等语音内容,了解简单的拼读规则。另外,本册涉及到的语法项目大部分都为一般过去式,还有个别两个模块为will引导将来时及be going to…引导的将来式,还有一般现在时。对于本册来说过去式仍是本册的教学重点,但出现了一般将来时,对于他只要求学生理解其意,教师不做语法结构的分析上的重点讲解。,此外,本书最后收录有1个课外阅读故事,供教师和学生根据具体教学情况和兴趣自由选择使用,不作教学要求。 二、学生分析 本册书的教授对象是小学五年级的学生,他们具备一定的英语知识,也具有了一定的自学能力和语言组织能力,但是在灵活应用上还有欠缺;这一年龄阶段的孩子好胜心强,集体荣誉感也强,因此在设计上应采用任务型教学,所设计的内容面向全体学生,由易到难,让学生在愉快的氛围中从不同程度得到提升。采用灵活多样的教学方法,防止过多的机械操练。把握学生的心理因素,创设一个宽松、愉悦、安全的学习氛围。设计多层次的教学内容,实行多层次的教学,确保不同层次的学生在原有的基础基础上都有进步。加强对学生正确的学习态度以及学习毅力的培养,从而达到培养学生综合运用语言能力的目的,激发学生对英语学习的兴趣,增强自信心。五年级下册是小学阶段学生学习英语的一个顶峰阶段,也是学生能否顺利从听、说为中心转向以读、写为中心过渡的一个关键阶段。随着读写要求的提高,在这个阶段,应该让学生从以活动为主的动态学习逐渐过渡到以读写为主的较为静态的学习,因此在课堂上要逐步减弱活动式学习的分量,逐步加大课堂中阅读与书写的分量。由于学生已有一定英语知识和英语学习能力的积累,在教学中,可适当放手让学生独立完成学习任务,促进他们综合能


外研版四年级英语上册期末考试题 听力部分(共20分) 一、选出你所听到的单词,将其序号填入题前的括号中。(每小题2分,共10分) ( )1. A. friend B. fast C. flute ( )2. A. January B. June C. July ( )3. A. today B. tomorrow C. train ( )4. A. some B. swim C. stone ( )5. A. park B. party C. pink 二、选出你所听到的句子。(每小题2分,共10分) ( )1. A. I can jump high. B. I can ride fast. ( )2. A. I ride bikes to school. B. I’m going to go by train. ( )3. A. It’s next to a station. B. It’s at the station. ( )4. A. Do you want some rice? B. Do you want some noodles? ( )5. A. I like March and February. B. I like May and September. 笔试部分(共70分) 一、选词填空,请将答案写到横线上。(每小题2分,共10分) 1. We’re going to go to Shanghai by ___________. 2. Sam is England. 3. There are 5 birthdays in . 4. I’m going to a dragon.


1、my friends我的朋友们 2、a bit一点儿 3、a nice teacher一位友善的老师 4、a clever pupil一个聪明的小学生 5、a very naughty bird一只非常淘气的鸟儿 6、my big brother我的大兄弟(哥哥) 7、my little sister我的小妹妹 二、句型 1、These are my friends.这些是我的朋友。 【These+are+名词复数形式;This+is+名词单数形式】 请翻译:这些是猴子。这是一只猴子。 2、This is Maomao.这是毛毛。 【向别人介绍某人,用“This is+某人”句型。】 请向我介绍:这是我的小弟弟。 3、She is a bit shy.她有点害羞。 【She is+形容词,“她是…”形容词表示主语的特征、性格等;a bit一点儿,very和a bit是表示程度的副词,常放在形容词前,分别表示“非常”和“有一点”。】 练习:他非常酷,但他有点高。 4、She is a nice teacher.她是一位友善的老师。 【某人+is+a/an+形容词+名词单数】 5、He`s cool.他(很)酷。 【cool可表示天气,是“凉爽”;表示人,是“酷”的意思。】 6、She has a little curl.她有一小绺鬈发。 【a little修饰不可数名词,表示“一点儿”。】 7、Are you naughty?Yes,I am./No,I am not.你淘气吗?是的,我淘气。/不,我不淘气。 练习:他聪明吗?不,不聪明。 Keys:1、These are monkeys.This is a monkey.2、This ia my little brother.3、He`s very cool,but he`s a bit tall.7、Is he clever?No,he isn`t.


英语五年级下册期中知识点归纳 Module1 短语和句子 1.then 当时,那时 2. now 现在 3. talk about 谈论 4. I miss China我想念中国 5.We live in a small house我们住在一所小房里 6.Thank you for talking to us.谢谢你告诉我们这些 7.how about now?现在怎么样? 8.There are lots of buses and cars有许多公共汽车与小汽车 9. It’s a programme about China 一个关于中国的电视节目 10.There is only one cat now现在只有一只猫现在 11.She couldn’t read or write.她既不能读也不能写 12.cook on a fire在炉火上饭 13.work in the fields在田地里劳作 Module2 短语和句子 1.She learnt English她学过英语 2.make a cake做蛋糕 3.do homework做家庭作业 4.in his class在他的班级 5.a good pupil一个好学生 6.study hard努力学习 7.studied hard以前努力学习 8. walk to school走路去学校 9.an English teacher一位英语老师9.with sb和某人 10.by school bus乘坐校车

11.She danced in lots of Chinese cities 她在中国的许多城市跳过舞 12.Did she learn any foreign languages?她有学过任何外语吗? 13.He likes working at school.她喜欢在学校工作 Module3 短语和句子 1.I have got an e-mail from Lingling我收到一封来自玲玲的邮件 2.about English food关于英国食物 3.have an English breakfast吃了一顿英式早餐 4.What did you have for breakfast/lunch/dinner? 你早餐/午餐/晚餐吃什么? 5.What did Lingling have for breakfast/lunch/dinner? 玲玲早餐/午餐/晚餐吃什么? 6.What did she have for breakfast/lunch/dinner? 她早餐/午餐/晚餐吃什么? 7.It’s a traditional English dish这是一道传统的英式佳肴 8.She gave her hamburges to Sam玲玲把她的汉堡包回来萨姆 9.Tonight Mum is going to cook Chinese food for us 今晚妈妈打算为我们做中式食物 Module4 短语 1.want to想要 2. be good at 擅长 3.be good at擅长 4.go to the library去图书馆


外研版四年级英语下册全套试卷 特别说明:本试卷为最新外研版小学生四年级试卷。 全套试卷共25份。 试卷内容如下: 1.第一单元使用(2份) 2. 第二单元使用(2份) 3. 第三单元使用(2份) 4. 第四单元使用(2份) 5. 第五单元使用(2份) 6. 第六单元使用(2份) 7. 第七单元使用(2份) 8. 第八单元使用(2份) 9. 第九单元使用(2份) 10. 第十单元使用(2份) 11. 期中测试卷(1份) 12. 期末测试卷(1份) 13. 专项测试卷(3份)

Module 1过关检测卷 时间:40分钟满分:100分 Part 1 Listening 听(30%) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(10分) () 1. A. nice B. shy C. this () 2. A. they B. that C. these () 3. A. shy B. nice C. rice () 4. A. aunt B. uncle C. friend () 5. A. cute B. book C. bad 二、听录音,将下列图片与对应的内容连接起来。(10分) 1. A. is very cool. 2. B. is very naughty. 3. C. is very cute. 4. D. is very nice. 5. E. is very clever. 三、听录音,按听到的顺序排序。(10分) () She's a bit shy. () This is Li Hong. () She's tall and clever.

() This is my little sister. () Parrot is not a bad bird. Part2 Reading and Writing 读和写(70%) 四、读句子,从中找出与例词画线部分读音相同的单词。(10分) 1. She is a nice teacher. ride________ 2. Mike is my brother. bit________ 3. My father is very cool. school________ 4. He's not a bad bird. bag________ 5. Xiaoyong is clever. desk________ 五、单项选择。(15分) () 1. This is my little brother. ________ very cute. A. He B. She's C. He's () 2. Lingling is ________ shy. A. bit B. a bit C. a bit of () 3. They are my ________. A. friends B. sister C. teacher () 4. This ________ my uncle. A. am B. is C. are () 5. She is ________ aunt. A. I B. me C. my 六、将树上的苹果按类别摘到相应的位置。(只填序号)(20分)


外研版四年级英语下册考点 Module 1 重点单词:nice 好的友善的 a bit 有一点shy 害羞的clever 聪明的naughty 淘气的little 小的年幼的cute 可爱的 短语 1、my friends 我的朋友们 2、a bit shy 一点儿害羞的 3、a nice teacher 一位友好的老师 4、a clever pupil 一个聪明的小学生 5、a very naughty bird 一只非常淘气的鸟儿 6 、my big brother我的大兄弟(哥哥)7、my little sister我的小妹妹 重点句型: 1. She is a nice teacher. 她是一位友善的老师。 2. Parrot is very naughty . 鹦鹉非常淘气。 3. Xiaoyong is a very clever boy. 小勇是一个非常聪明的男孩。 4. This is my mother. She is very nice.这是我妈妈,她很好。 5.This is Mao mao, She is very nice.But she’s a bit shy.这是毛毛,她很好,但是有一点害羞。 6.This is xiao yong, he is very clever.这是小勇,他很聪明。 7. This is Ms Smart ,She is a nice teacher. 这是斯玛特老师,她是一位友善的老师。 8.Parrot is very naughty . 鹦鹉非常淘气。9.He’s a bit shy. Module 2 重点单词:about 关于beautiful 美丽的long 长的many 很多old 古老的 famous 著名的 短语: 一本关于伦敦的书a book about London 2、白金汉宫Buckingham Palace 女王的房子the Queen’s house 4、在河上on the river 5、大本钟Big Ben 6、海德公园Hyde Park 7、塔桥Tower Bridge 重点句型:


Module1 unit1 part1 瞧,椅子上有两只漂亮得猫咪。there are有,后面跟可数名词复数 现在只有一只。 好吧,(刚刚)有两只。 part2 玲玲仍然与萨姆与埃米在英国。 瞧,玲玲!它就是一个关于中国得节目。快来瞧瞧! 我来了! 许多年前,中国得生活(与现在)大不相同。 life 生活复数就是lives 有什么不同呢? (那时)我们住在一座小房子里。我们没有足够得食物。没有很多公共汽车。live in 住在 没有电视机。 现在怎么样呢? (现在)我们住在一座大房子里。我们有许多食物。有许多公共汽车与小汽车。 我每天瞧电视。昨天我(还)与我得孙子孙女一起瞧电视了呢。a lot of=lots of 谢谢您与我们谈话。Thank you for +名词或动词ing形式表示因为某事感谢别人。 中国正在变化着。 我想念中国!我想念我得祖母! unit2 part1 她有强壮得退。她能跳得很远。 但就是她那时候还没有腿。 part2 亲爱得大明: 昨天晚上,我瞧了一个关于中国得电视节目。 一位老妇人谈到多年前她得生活。 她在田里劳作。她在炉火上做饭。她没有电视机与收音机。in the field在田地里 on the fire 在火上 她没有xx。她不会读也不会写。couldn’t=could not 不能 我想念我得祖母。我也想念您! 希望您一切都好。 爱您得, 玲玲 Module2 unit1 part1 她学习跳舞。learnt学习原形learn 她学习做饭。 她教语言并写书。taught教原形teach Module2 unit1 part2 玲玲,她们就是谁? 她们就是我得祖父母。 这就是谁? 就是我祖母。她曾经就是个舞蹈演员。她在中国得许多城市都演出过。dancer舞蹈演员动词形式dance跳舞


外研版四年级上册英语测 试题试题 Prepared on 21 November 2021

四年级英语上册第一单元测试题 姓名_________等级______________ 一.Readandchoosethewords.(选词填空) nexttoupinatnear 1.Thetrainis______thehill. 2.It’s__________asupermarket. 3.Ilive____No.2WestLakeRoad. 4.It’s______thehouses. 5.Look____thepictures(图画). 二.Readanddraw.(读一读,画一画。) 1)Gostraighton.2)Turnleft.3)Turnright. 4)Goupthehill.5)Godownthehill. 三、把下列单词所缺的字母补充完整,并写出汉语。 lft sttionstr tlve cin ma hllh use nar 四.为下列问句选择正确的答语(写代码). ()1.Whereareyou,TomA.Turnright. ()2.Where’sPark StreetB.I'm?fine,Thankyou. ()3.WhereisitC.It'sunderthedesk. ()4.HowareyouD.I’mbehindthetree. ()5.Thankyouverymuch!E.You’rewelcome. 五、选择题。 ()1..Where’sthepark,please? A.Sorry B.OK C.Excuseme ()2.--Thankyousomuch!--! A.I’msosorry B.You’rewelcome. C.Tankyou


外研版五年级下册英语单词 姓名 Module 1 还,仍然 (电视或广播)节目 女士,夫人 生活 不同的 以前 采访者 足够的 电视机 (grandchild的复数形式) (外)孙子;(外)孙女 改变,变化 夜晚,夜间 工作;劳动;干活儿 田地 火,炉火 (用于否定句中)也不,也没 收音机 电话 不能(全称及缩写) 写 希望 Module 2 (learn的过去式)学习 (teach的过去式)教,讲授 语言

(write的过去式)写 舞蹈演员 外国的 (study的过去式)学习 努力地 Module 3 汉堡包 英国(式)的 早餐,早饭 午餐,午饭 三明治 炸鱼加炸薯条 传统的 食品;菜肴 很,非常起航教育资料☆请用心记忆,按时完成!(红色字体为短语) (give的过去式)给 今夜,今晚Module 4 图书馆 学生 (send的过去式)发送,寄 激光唱片,光盘 主意,想法 放,安放 架子 重的,沉的 词典;字典 卡片 图书卡,借书证 邀请

错误的 哎呀 信息 电子书 项目 介绍,指南,手册 电影 又,还,也 方法,方式 关于 话题 Module 5 轻的 困难的,费力的 坏的,破的 百货商店 口袋,兜 雨伞 售货员,营业员 轮子 容易的,不费力的 选择要;选择购买 太,过于 试,尝试 美丽的,可爱的;令人愉快的 Module 6 月亮,月球 到达 西,西部 母亲;父亲;家长 停留 七月 南,南部 记得 六月

东,东部 最好的 北,北部 休息 休息一下 (ride的过去式)骑Module 7 傍晚,晚上 近日暮的;近深夜的;时间不早的 工人 制造厂;工厂 早的 出租车 一刻钟 (距整点)差…… 焦虑,担心Module 8 纸 中国人的 如此,这样 词,字 (d r a w的过去式)画 (cut的过去式)剪,切,割 张,片,块 (用颜料)绘画,着色 (put的过去式)放,安放 小木棍,小木条 (tie的过去式)扎上,系上 线,绳子 Module 9 笑 (wear的过去式)穿


Module1 班级姓名家长签字 〖本周巩固范围〗Unit1 She’s a nice teacher . 一、补全单词并与对应图片连线 P_rr_t p _ _ d _ p _ p _ l t_ _ cher _ l _ ph _ _t 二、按要求完成下列各题 1.too(同音词)__________ 2.she’s(完全形式)__________ 3.bad(反义词)__________ 4.nice(反义词)__________ 5.friend(复数形式)___________ 三、选出与其它单词不同类的一项 ( )1、A.clever B.naughty C.answer ( )2、A.she’s B.they are C.He’s ( )3、A.nice B.pupil C.bird ( )4、A.bird B.friends C.teacher ( )5、A.shy B.too C.nice 四、单项选择 ()1、Look, the elephant is _________. A.a clever B.clever C.a very clever ()2、She is . A.a bit shy B.a bit nice C.a very shy ()3、He is pupil. A.a clever B.clever C.very clever ()4、Parrot is .

A.a very naughty B.very naughty C.very naughty bird ()5、are my friends. A.They B.This C.He ()6、is Maomao. A. These B.This C.They ()7、Can you the call now? A.clever B.answer C.shy ()10、My mother is teacher. A.nicel B.a nice C.nice a 五、连词成句 1. is clever he a pupil(.) ____________________________________ 2.they are my friends (.) ____________________________________ 3.shy Panda is a bit(.) ____________________________________ 4.answer you can the now call(?) ____________________________________ 5.Ms Smart nice a is techer (.) ____________________________________ 六、按要求完成句子 1. She’s a nice teacher.(变否定句) She ______ a nice teacherl. 2. I can answer the call now .(变一般疑问句) you the call now? 3. Are you very clever? ______ , I ______. (肯定回答) , I’m . (否定回答) 4. This is Ms Smart .( 变一般疑问句) Ms Smart?


2017年外研版小学四年级英语下册 教学计划与分析 一、指导思想 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们学习英语的积极态度,使他们建立初步的学习 英语的自信心;培养学生一定的语感和良好的语音、语调基础,使他们形成初步运用英 语进行简单日常交流和书写,为进一步学习打下基础。 二、学情分析新|课|标|第|一| 网 我所教的四年级二班的学生共30人,通过一年的学习,大部分学生已经入门,开 始进入状态,对英语的学习产生了浓厚的兴趣。但也有个别学生由于平时没有养成良好 的学习习惯,课堂学习效果较差,对于他们要因材施教,注重差异,找出优缺点,本学 期及时改进,共同进步。 三、教学目的、任务 1、提升学生学习英语的兴趣,养成良好的朗读书写的习惯; 2、发音准确、朗读流利,准确掌握书中的重点内容; 3、能够进行简单的日常用语的交流; 4、能够用简单的句子进行写作; 5、熟练掌握所学歌曲、chant等 6、了解西方文化,初步知道课文的文化背景。 四、教学重点难点 1.重点: (1)提高课堂效率。 (2)养成良好的听英语、读英语、说英语的习惯。 (3)发音清楚,语调正确,书写工整。 2.难点:使英语基础差的学生提高听、说、读、写的能力,全面提高英语成绩。 五、方法措施 1、认真备课,钻研《新标准英语》教材,进行课堂的有效教学,提高课堂效率, 做到当堂内容当堂掌握。 2、创新运用各种不同英语教学法来辅助教学,如:情景教学法、直接教学法和 TPR全身反应法,并开展一些有趣的活动、游戏让学生在轻松的氛围中学习英语。 3、创设英语情景和环境,使学生们在一定的英语语言环境里习得“第二语言”。做到“生活中有英语,英语中有生活”。


t have a about her life many years ago .She cooked on a fire .She didn' )Modle 1 We lived in a small house .( )Lingling is still in English with Sam and Amy .(

t have a telephone .She worked in the ''s a programme about China . television or a radio .She didnAmy : Look ,Lingling !It )Come and watch .( t read or write . 'fields .She couldn )Lingling : I'm coming .(Life was very different in China many years ago . Old lady : I miss my grandmother .I miss you ,too . )( I hope you are well . )Interviewer : How was it different .( )Old lady : There weren't any buses .( Lingling )There weren't any televisions .( )We lived in a small house .( ) Module 2 She learnt English . ( We didn't have enough food .() ) ) Sam: Who are they, lingling ? ( Interviewer : How about now ?( ) Old lady : There are lots of buses and cars .( ) Lingling: They're my grandparents . ( ) ) Sam: Who's this ? ( We live in a big house . (


第一学期四年级英语期末学业水平测试题 时间50分钟 满分100分 听力部分(共30分) 一、选出你所听到的单词,将其序号填入题前的括号中。(每小题2分,共10分) ( )1. A . friend B. fast C. flute ( )2. A . January B. June C. July ( )3. A . today B. tomorrow C. train ( )4. A . some B. swim C. stone ( )5. A . park B. party C. pink 二、根据你所听到的内容,给图片标上序号。(每小题2分,共10分) 三、选出你所听到的句子。(每小题2分,共10分) ( )1. A . I can jump high. B. I can ride fast. ( )2. A . I ride bikes to school. B. I’m going to go by train. ( )3. A . It’s next to a station. B. It’s at the station. ( )4. A . Do you want some rice? B. Do you want some noodles? ( )5. A . I like March and February. B. I like May and September. 笔试部分(共70分) 每小题2分,共10分) 1. We’re going to go to Shanghai by ___________. 2. Sam is England. 3. There are 5 birthdays in . 4. I’m going to a dragon. 5. We’re going to the Ming Tombs. 二、单项选择。(每小题2分,共10分) ( )1. I ’m going to _________ in the sea. A. swimming B. swim C. swims ( )2. T here twelve months in a year. A. is B. am C. are ( )3. W hat are you going to do _________ Sports Day? A. at B. for C. with ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) August, plane, visit, draw, from


外研版四年级英语下册知识点总结 Module 1 重点单词: nice 好的友善的 a bit 有一点 shy 害羞的 clever 聪明的 aunt 姨姑 naughty 淘气的 little 小的年幼的 cute 可爱的 uncle 叔舅 短语 1、my friends 我的朋友们 2、a bit shy 一点儿害羞的 2、a nice teacher 一位友好的老师 4、a clever pupil 一个聪明的小学生 5、a very naughty bird 一只非常淘气的鸟儿 6 my big brother我的大兄弟(哥哥) 7、my little sister我的小妹妹 重点句型: 1. She is a nice teacher. 她是一位友善的老师。 2. Parrot is very naughty . 鹦鹉非常淘气。 3. Xiaoyong is a very clever boy. 小勇是一个非常聪明的男孩。 4. This is my mother. She is very nice.这是我妈妈,她很好。 Module 2 重点单词: about 关于 beautiful 美丽的 long 长的 many 很多 old 古老的 famous 著名的 短语 1、一本关于伦敦的书 a book about London 2、来自…(是…人)be from… 3、英国的首都 the capital of England 4、白金汉宫 Buckingham Palace 5、女王的房子 the Queen’s house 6、泰晤士河 the River Thames 7、在河上 on the river 8、大本钟 Big Ben 9、海德公园 Hyde Park 10、塔桥 Tower Bridge 重点句型: 1. This is a book about London. 这是一本关于伦敦的书。 2. London is a big city. 伦敦是个大城市。 3.Whose house is it? 这是谁的房子?it’s the Queen’s house这是女王的房子 4. A: Is it your house? 那是你的房子吗? B: No, it’s the Queen’s house. 不,那是女王的房子。 5. This is Hyde Park. It’s very beautiful. 这是海德公园,它非常漂亮。 Module 3 重点单词: robot 机器人 everything 所有事情 one day (总)有一天 housework 家务 learn 学习 our 我们的 短语: will + 动词(原形)表示“将来做...” 1、do everything 做所有事 2、talk 说 walk 走路 3、do the housework 做家务 4、help children learn帮助孩子们学习 5、do our homework 做我们的作业 6、next week 下周 7、a holiday 一个假期 8、go swimming 去游泳 9、play with my friends和我的朋友玩 10、go to the park 去公园 11、do my homework 做我的作业 12、visit my grandma 拜访我的奶奶 13、help my mother 帮助我妈妈(做家务) 14、read my books 看我的书 重点句型: 1. One day,robots will do everything.总有一天,机器人会做一切事情。 2. A: Will they do the housework? 他们会做家务吗? B: Yes, they will.是的,它们会.\No,they won’t.不,它们不会。 3. On Monday I’ll go swimming. 我星期一去游泳。 Module 4 重点单词:take 带,拿走 picnic 野餐 great 太好了 why 为什么 because 因为 so所以 短语: Will you...? → Yes, I will. / No, I won’t. Will it...? → Yes, it will. / No, it won’t. 1、Monday 星期一 Tuesday 星期二 Wednesday 星期三 Thursday 星期四 Friday 星期五 Saturday 星期六 Sunday 星期日 2、on Saturday 在星期六 3、have a picnic 举行、进行野餐 4、take your kite / ball带上你的风筝 /球 5、The Weather Tomorrow 明天的天气(情况)9、be windy 刮风的 10、be hot 炎热的 11、be cold 寒冷的 12、be sunny 晴朗的 13、rain 下雨 14、snow 下雪 重点句型: 1. A: Will you take your kite tomorrow? 明天你带着你的风筝吗? B: Yes, I will.\ No, I won’t. 是的,我会。\不,我不会。(注意情连) 2. On Saturday we’re going to have a picnic. 星期六我们要去野餐。 3. A: Why not? 为什么不呢? B:Because tomorrow is Friday .因为明天是周五。 4. A: What will Shanshan do on Monday? 姗姗星期一要干什么? B: On Monday she’ll play with her friend, 5. A:Will it be windy in Beijing? 北京会有风吗? B:Yes, it will.是的,会.\No, it won’t.不,不会。 Module 5


Module 1 Changing Unit 1 We lived in a small house. 学习任务 There weren?t any buses. We lived in a small house. There are lots of buses and cars. We live in a big house Module 1 Changing Unit 1 We lived in a small house. weren?t lived small are live big 练习: 单项选择(10分) 1()There weren?t ___buses ..A. some B. any C. one 2 ( ) We lived ___ a small house. A at B in Con 3 ( )Yesterday I watched TV ____my grandchildren. A and B with C to 4 ( ) Thank you for____ me. A help B helping C helped 5 ( )She ____ TV every day. A watching B watched C watches. 6 ( ) It?s a programme ___ monkeys. A about B for C in 7 ( ) She ____ have a bike last year. A doesn?t B didn?t C don?t 8 ( ) My mother worked ____the fields. A in B on C at 9 ( ) ---___do you go to school every day? --- I go to school by bus. A How B What C When 10( ) There ___ three books on the desk one hour ago. A was B were C are Unit 2 She didn’t have a television. 学习任务 She didn?t have a television. She worked in the fields.。 五.Homework(家庭作业) Introduce the great changes of our hometown/school/home. 板书设计:Unit 2 She didn’t have a television. She didn?t have a television. She worked in the fields. 练习:句型转换 1 She was a teacher.(变一般疑问句) ________ _________ a teacher? 2 They will fly kites. (变否定句)


Module 单词:life .生活different,不同的ago ,以前any,任何,一些television,电视机grandchildren,外孙子女us, 我们grandmother,祖母lady, 女士fire, 炉火radio,收音机telephone.电话Field田地, hope.希望 句型:there were/ weren’t …….. There are…… We lived …. Many years ago. We live….. now. Look, listen, and read Lingling is still in England with sam and amy Amy: look, lingling! It’s a programme about china. Come and watch. Lingling: I’m coming! Old lady: Life was very different in china many years ago Interviewer: how was it different? Old lady: there weren’t any buses. There weren’t any televisions. We lived in a small house. We didn’t have enough food. Interviewer: how about now Old lady: there are lots of buses and cars . we live in a big house. We have got lots of food . I watch TV every day . Yesterday I watched TV with my grandchildren. Interviewer: thank you for talking to us . Amy: chnia is changing. Lingling: I miss china! I miss my grandmother! Listen to me There were only bikes many years ago There weren’t enough food. There was a small house five years ago. There were only bikes many years ago. There is enough food now. There are many buses. There were------there weren’t There was==== there wasn’t Listen and say Many years ago : We lived in a small house. Now: There are lots of buses and cars We live in a big house.

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