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Emancipating the mind is a magic instrument for developing socialism with Chinese characteristics, reform and opening up provide a strong driving force for developing it, and scientific development and social harmony are basic requirements for developing it, Building a moderately prosperous society in all respects is a fundamental goal for the Party and the state to reach by 2020, and represents the fundamental interests of the people of all ethnic groups.


The world today is undergoing extensive and profound changes, and contemporary China is going through a wide-ranging and deep-going transformation. This brings us unprecedented opportunities as well as unprecedented challenge.



Before 1949, education in China was very backward. There were only a small number of institutions of higher learning, and secondary schools. Universities and middle schools were clustered mainly in big cities and a few of the coastal provinces. Many counties had no secondary schools, and in mountain areas and remote areas primary schools were even rate. After 1949, the elementary education began to be made universal, and the higher education developed rapidly.


Education plays an important role in the social economic development and the improvement of individual’s cultural-qualities. The advance in science and technology will give a big push to the development of education, and the education development will promote the scientific and technical progress. Therefore, it is necessary to give an important position to the education development.


Examination is an important part of school education, which started very early in our country. Since Tang Dynasty, people always adhere to the traditional way of examination, and misunderstand its correct concept: The examination is not simply to evaluate students according to the marks they get in examination, but to measure the teaching and learning and to provide the information which will help to improve teaching and learning.


The well-educated university students are a treasure to any country. It is a pity that the brain drain of the talented has caused some difficulties in the development of industries in many developing countries. In these countries, engineer, scientists, managers and other professionals are badly needed. They are needed to develop the industry and economy there.



The Government, of China shall keep improving the environment for investment, faithfully implement economic law concerning foreign nations and firms, and concentrate on the successful operation of existing joint ventures. We shall encourage the establishment of more joint ventures what will help retool China’s existing enterprises so that they will assist the traditional industries to advance technologically.


Construction in view of Chinese reality. But, it is always necessary to us to try to win foreign aid and, in particular, to learn all that is advanced and beneficial from other countries. The theory and practice of closed-door policy and blind opposition to everything foreign are all entirely wrong.



In China, air pollution and water pollution have already cost the nation and people dearly. The Government of China has attached great importance to environmental protection, and has listed environmental protection and population control as fundamental national policies. The National People’s Congress has made the laws to protect the environment and control the pollution.


The Chinese Government is striving to develop social welfare system, and speed up the process of socialized housework. The government pays great attention to and supports the development of local community service.



Talk of nonsmokers’ right is going on in many countries. Up to now, may countries have taken little or no action. It is known to all that smoking is harmful to our health. In the long run, if smoking were completely banned, people would be much better off, but obviously, we are not ready for that.


Environmental pollution is one of the biggest threats to mankind. Deterioration of the ecology; the “green-house effect”, acid rain and desertification, etc: are now widely recognized as serious problems facing the human race. Global environmental deterioration has moved to the stage where everyone has a share of responsibility. In China, the environmental pollution also exists, and the Chinese Government is working hard to control the pollution.


(light industry heavy industry industrial base 产业基地service sector 服务业hi-tech industry 高新产业animation sector动漫产业)


Before 1949, the industrial foundation of China was very weak. China had only some light industries along the coast and almost no heavy industry. Most of the raw materials for light industries had to be imported from abroad: As to heavy industry, there were only some assembly and repair service. After 1949, a great change has taken place in China’s industry, and a fairly complete light and heavy industries have been established.


The form of energy we use most is electricity, and every day more is needed. But electricity has to be made, too, and to make it huge quantities of fuel such as oil, coal, gas, etc. are required. The question which worries everyone is how long these fuels will last. Nobody knows it for sure.


Electronic communication a flexible work arrangement. Trough the use of computers, fax machines, telephones, email services, people can do many things anywhere outside the office—either at home, on the road or in the field. Electronic communication allows both corporate employees and self-employed businessmen to be more flexible about where they work.




In our times, anyone who wants to play an important role in a society as he wishes must receive necessary education. With the development of science, more courses are offered in primary schools and middle schools. Compared with the old education, modern education places its stress on practicality.




At present the most important task is to develop national economy, and to improve the riving standards. In order to realize this goal, we must reform the old economic system so as to further free the productivity. We should open our door to the outside world in order to learn the advanced science and technology from other countries. So long as we adhere to the reform and open policy, we will be able to build our country into a strong socialist country.



Over the past few decades, perhaps no topic has drawn more attention from management researchers than the art of leadership. It is also one of the hottest topics in the management training and development, which shows that professional management are interested in discovering the secrets to effective leadership.



Americans of Asian descent have made outstanding contributions to the United State. These contributions cover various fields such as natural science, medicine, law, literature, art etc. As the native countries of Asian immigrants have rich and colorful traditions, they have greatly promoted the American culture, and improved the living standards of the whole America.





The environmentalists said that if we wanted the earth to continue to support the human beings, it is extremely important to protect the wild life. These expels went on to say that we must understand the important relations between the human beings and wild animals and plants in our environmental supporting system. They pointed out that nobody knows for sure which kind of animal or plant would be useful for us in the future.




It surely does harm to your lungs if other people smoke and you breathe it in. According to the anticipation of American Lung Association, each year about 3,000 people who die from lung cancer are passive smokers. An investigation indicates that non—smoking women living in a smoking family environment for 40 years or still longer will have double risk of developing lung Cancer.




Culture is the best medium for different people of different countries to understand each other. Through holding cultural festivals, many cities in China have become better know to the world It has been proved that this is one of the best ways to promote the exchange between the Chinese people and people from other parts of the world. The exchange has not only been confined to culture but extended to the economic and other fields.




Actually the last fifty years was not the golden age of invention and innovation. From 1900 to 1950, human fife was transformed by such inventions as cars, airplanes, telephones, radios mad television sets, not to mention nuclear weapons and the computer of course, In the recent 50 years since only a few inventions have been made. Has the wellspring of invention been drying up? Not likely. Indeed, a new age of invention is just beginning.




Over the past 20 years, no country in the world has expanded its foreign bade as fast as China. Japan spent twenty years in doubling its total foreign trade, while China spent the same amount of time in increasing its foreign trade by three times. China has become the third largest producer of electric appliances in the world, and has played a main role in the international market of electric appliances. China has become a major producer of labor—intensive products in the world.




In order to hold the 2008 0lympic Games successfully, Beijing plans to invest 23 billion US dollars in the construction of basic facilities. It is reported that some foreign companies have noticed these business opportunities. Some American companies plan to provide products and service in the areas of telecommunication and information technology.Some British companies are also seeking business opportunities from Beijing Olympic Games.They are trying to find the areas where U.K has advantages,such as the architectural technology which will not pollute the environment.

同等学历(在职硕士)英语水平统一考试翻译2004 年真题

Section A

Another kind of distinction that can be made among works of art of is whether they were intended as objects to be looked at or to be used. The fine arts, such as painting and sculpture, involve the production of works to be seen and experienced on an abstract level. Pieces of fine art may evoke emotional or spiritual responses in us. Those who love the fine arts feel that these response are very valuable, for they expand our awareness of the great richness of life itself.



Section B

在17 和18 世纪,中国的艺术、建筑学以及哲学,在西方很受欣赏。除此之外,中国的丝绸、茶和瓷器(porcelain)在西方也备受欢迎,并在一定程度上改变了许多西方人的生活方式。进入20 世纪后期,西方人再一次转向中国文化。他们除了喜爱中国菜肴外,还学习汉语,尝试中医药,观看功夫电影。


In the l7th and l 8th centuries.Chinese art.architecture and philosophy were very much admired in the West.In addition,Chinese silk,tea and porcelain were in great demand and transformed to a certain extent many people’s way of life in the West.Since the late 20th century, people of the West have turned again to Chinese culture.Apart from their love of Chinese food.they are learning the Chinese language,trying Chinese medicine,practicing Chinese martial arts,and watching Chinese gongfu films.



Progress in communication and transport technologies during the 20th century has enabled us to overcome geographical boundaries and revolutionize our way of living. The world is now linked to such an extent that a local happening cannot take place without impacting on the International community.

Globalization is not Just about increasing the worldwide circulation of information and ideas. Economically speaking, It entails transnational investment and international trade, thereby integrating all countries into a single giant world market. In terms of culture, globalization itself is neither positive nor negative: It may be either of them depending on our viewpoint.


20 世纪交通和运输方面取得的成就使得我们能够克服地理界限,彻底改革我们的生活方式。现在,整个世








With the rapid development of our society's economy, the enhancement of people's living standard, and the improvement of medical treatment, the number of old people in our country has increased greatly. Many people worry about it, but those of insight point out that but not only know the great pressure caused by old people, but also notice the opportunities hidden behind it and resources, such as plentiful intelligence and experience old people have. We should convert pressure into opportunity.



Part ⅠTranslation (30minutes, 20 points,10 for each section)

Section A

Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese. Write your translation on the ANSWER SHEET.

One of the chief concerns of wildlife management is the protection and improvement of the natural habitat so that animals have enough food and water to survive. Wildlife management involves care of the soil to produce good vegetation; it also involves care of plants, not-only as a source of food, but also as protection. Animals need cover to hide from their natural enemies and to raise their young safely.

Just as crops are harvested, wildlife too must sometimes be 'harvested'. by allowing limited hunting, good management can control certain species that threaten to overpopulate their habitat.



Section B

Directions: Translate the following passage into English write your translation on the ANSWER SHEET.



With the development of the society, man’s demand for water has been constantly increasing, but the water resource available for human is sharply decreasing. the deterioration of ecosystem brought about by the water crisis threaten to human's existence seriously. how to make use of the water resource effectively and promote the sustained development and protection of water resource has become an urgent problem which should be faced together by all the countries in the world.


汉译英短文翻译——清华在线 1 近年来,中国城市化进人加速阶段,取得了极大的成就,同时也出现了种种错综复杂的问题。今天的城乡建设速度之快、规模之大、耗资之巨、涉及面之广、尺度之大等已远非生产力低下时期所能及,建筑已成为一种重大的经济活动。(102字) 难点注释: 1)城市化urbanization 2)加速阶段an accelerating phase 3)错综复杂的问题some complicated problems 4)远非…所能及surpass 5)重大的经济活动a major economic pursuit 2 世界各地有3,600万人染上了艾滋病—这比整个澳大利亚的人口还多。目前,艾滋病是全球第4大死因,而在非洲则是头号罪魁。在非洲,艾滋病使工人丧失工作,使家庭丧失经济来源,使父母丧失孩子。在7个非洲国家中,巧岁至49岁的人口中艾滋病病毒感染者占到20%以上。(119字) 难点注释: 1)染上艾滋病suffer from AIDS 2)头号罪魁the chief culprit 3)使……丧失deprive of 4)艾滋病病毒感染者people infected with HIV 3 当今中国,对传真机的使用已十分普及,并成为现代重要的通讯终端设备。据一项调查显示,2002年,中国市场对传真机的需求量约为200万台,国内产量仅满足了约30%的需求,进口机占据市场的主导地位。(89字) 难点注释: 1)传真机fax machines 2)通讯终端设备telecommunications terminal equipment 3)占主导地位dominate 4 2000年,美国数码相机的销量达到惊人的510万台,而1999年只有310万台。数码相机的流行其原因非常简单:成像质量好且花费少。此外,使用数码相机还能省去不少麻烦。你不用买胶卷,所有的照片都被存在可反复使用的存储卡上。一按快门,就可以马上在液晶显示屏上观察照片的效果。(124字) 难点注释: 1)数码相机digital camera 2)可反复使用的存储卡reusable memo叮cards

翻译 中英对译 英文散文赏析

原文 巷 柯灵译者-张培基 巷,是城市建筑艺术中一篇飘逸恬静的散文,一幅古雅冲淡的图画①。这种巷,常在江南的小城市中,有如古代的少女,躲在僻静的深闺,轻易不肯抛头露面②。你要在这种城市里住久了,和它真正成了莫逆,你才有机会看见她③,接触到她优娴贞静的风度。 人耐心静静走去,要老半天才走完。它又这么曲折, 什么时候,你向巷中踅去,都如宁静的黄昏,可以清晰地听到自己的 斑斑驳驳的苔痕,墙上挂着一串串苍翠欲滴 的藤萝,简直像古朴的屏风。春来 小巷的动人处就是它无比的悠闲。无论是谁, 你的心情就会如巷尾不波的古井,那是一种和平的静穆,而不是阴森和肃杀⑩。它闹中取静,别有天地,仍是人间。它可能是一条现代的乌衣巷(11),家家有自 己的一本哀乐帐, 使人忘忧。 译文 The Lane Ke Ling The lane, in terms of the art of urban architecture, is like a piece of prose of gentle gracefulness or a painting of classic elegance and simplicity①.

a small the lane, a maiden of ancient times hidden away in a secluded boudoir, is reluctant to make its appearance long time.③ The does not taste of the countryside at all. It is long and deep, so it will take you a long while to walk patiently and quietly through it from end to end. It is also so winding that it seems ⑤when you look far ahead, but if you keep walking until you take a turning, you’ll find it again lying endless and still more quiet. There is nothing but stillness there⑥. At any hour of day, you can even distinctly hear in the , which, moss-covered and hung with clusters of fresh green wisteria, look almost like screens of primitive simplicity. Inside the walls are residents’ gardens with In spring, beautiful peach and apricot blossoms atop the walls, ⑧waving their red sleeves, will sway hospitably to beckon the pedestrians. The charm of the lane lies in its absolute serenity. No matter who you are, if you in the lane for a while⑨, your mind will become as unruffled as the ancient well at the end of the lane. There you will a kind of peaceful calmness rather than gloomy sternness⑩. There reigns peace and quiet in the midst of noisy bustle. It is a world of its own on earth. It may be a modern (11)where each family, secluded behind closed doors, has its own covered-up story of (12)The all-pervading and all-purifying atmosphere of water-like placidness makes one forget all cares and worries.


新四级汉译英段落翻译技巧 新四级汉译英段落翻译解题技巧 ?题型简介?基本要求?翻译技巧 题型简介 ?自2013年12月考次起,全国大学英语四级考试的翻译部分将由原单句汉译英调整文段落汉译英,翻译内容涉及中国的历史、文化、经济、社会发展等题材。 140~160词 基本要求 要求考生以词、句的翻译为基础,扩大到对整体段落的翻译的把握,段落内容相对完整、结构相对独立。翻译时要把整个段落当作一个有机的语篇,注意各句子之间的衔接和段落间的过渡。 翻译技巧 (一) 词的翻译 (二) 句的翻译 (三) 段落翻译 (一) 词的翻译 1. 词义选择 2. 词类转换 3. 词的增补 4. 词的省略 5. 词的替代 1.词义选择 (1)语境词?汉语有些词语的含义会因语境而发生微妙的变化,称之为“语境词”,应紧密结合上下文译成相应的词,不能按照原词的字面意思来译。?原文:手机刷新了人与人的关系。?译文:Cell phone have altered the relationship among people. ?分析:“刷新”此处实际是指“改变”,而并非是我们平常所指的含义,因此不宜译成refurbish或renovate,翻译为alter或 change更恰当。 (2) 表意模糊的词?原文:这所全国重点大学为社会输送了大批的人才。?译文:The national key university has prepared batches of qualified graduates for the society. ?分析:“输送”在句中是一个模糊笼统的词,具体说来是指“培养出”。“人才”笼统,译为qualified graduates比较确切。 (3) 比喻词汇?汉语有许多比喻词汇,表面意义和喻指含义完全不同,英译时应跳出机械对应的思维定式,动态地译出其潜在含义。?原文:老师答应给这几个学生“吃小灶”。?译文:The teacher has promised to give these students special tuition. ?分析:“吃小灶”在这里指的是“个别辅导”。 2.词类转换 (1)动词?名词?英语动词受到形态变化规则的严格限制,大量本应该由动词表达的概念,常需借助于名词,因为名词不受形态规则的束缚,使用相对灵活、方便。?原文:吃头两个主菜时,也是赞不绝口。?译文:You"ll be full of praise while eating the first two main courses. ?分析:英语中有大量抽象名词表示行为或动作意义 advice,agreement,inheritance,knowledge,praise,use等。以上例句借助抽象名词表达了特定的行为动作,译文也显得较为地道。 (2)动词?介词?介词与名词密切相关,英语名词的广泛使用使得介词也频繁出现,而且英语中有些介词本身就是由动词演变来的。汉译英时,有些动词可以用介词来表达。?原文:人们常用剪纸美化环境。?译文:People often beautify their homes with paper cuttings. (3)动词?形容词?汉语的一些动词常常用形容词来表达,这些形容词通常是与动词同源的词(如dreamful,doubtful,sympathetic 等),这样的译文有时会更地道、标准。?原文:在明朝和清朝时期特别流行。?译文:It was widespread particularly during the Ming and Qing Dynasties.


汉译英 1.广场舞是社区中老年居民以健身、社交等为目的在广场、公园等开敞的地方进行的健身操或舞蹈,通常以高分贝的音乐伴奏。广场舞在中国大陆无论南北皆十分普遍。对于广场舞的确切认识,社会学界及体育界目前均未达成共识。广场舞的高分贝音乐常常造成噪音滋扰,因此许多居民反对在小区中跳广场舞。 The square dancing is a bodybuilding exercise or dance performed in wide and open places such as squares and parks among the middle-aged and old residents in communities, with the purpose of bodybuilding, socializing and so on, generally accompanied with high-pitched music. The square dancing is very popular all over mainland China, whether in the north or in the south. Neither the sociological circle nor the sports circle has currently reached a consensus on the exact perception of the square dancing. The high-pitched music of the square dancing often causes noisy disruption, and therefore many residents are opposed to the square dancing in communities. 2.故宫,又称紫禁城,是明、清两代的皇宫,二十四位皇帝在此生活起居和处理政务。它是世界现存最大、最完整的木质结构的古建筑群(architectural complex)。宫殿墙壁的色调以红色和黄色为主,红色代表快乐、好运和财富,而黄色代表帝王的神圣和尊贵。近十几年来,故宫平均每年接待中外游客600-800万人次,随着旅游业的繁荣,游客人数有增无减,可见人们对故宫的兴趣长盛不衰。 The Imperial Palace, also known as the Forbidden City, was the palace in Ming and Qing Dynasties where 24 emperors lived and handled government affairs. It is the largest and most complete existing ancient wooden architectural complex in the world. The palace wall was painted mainly in red and yellow. Red represents happiness, luck and fortune while yellow symbolizes imperial holiness and dignity. In recent decades, the Imperial Palace is visited annually by six to eight million tourists at home and abroad. Moreover, with flourishing tourism industry, the number of tourists keeps increasing. It shows people’s everlasting and unfading interest in the Imperial Palace. 3.《新闻联播》是中国中央电视台(CCTV)每日播出的一个新闻节目。节目每次播出时长一般为30分钟。它被中国大陆大多数地方频道同时转播,这使得它成为世界上收看人数最多的节目之一。自从1978年1月1日首次播出以来,它就以客观、生动、丰富的纪实手段记录着中华大地每一天的变化。作为中国官方新闻资讯类节目,《新闻联播》以沉稳、庄重的风格著称。 Xinwen Lianbo is a news program broadcast by China Central Television (CCTV) every day. It generally takes 30 minutes every time to broadcast the program. It is relayed simultaneously by most local television channels in the mainland of China, which makes it one of the world’s most-watched programs. Since it was first broadcast on January 1st, 1978, it has been recording the changes of every day throughout China by documentary means that is objective, vivid and rich. As the Chinese official news information program, Xinwen Lianbo is well-known for its


第一单元 1. The plant does not grow well in soils other than the one in which it has been developed. 2. Research findings show that we spend about two hours dreaming every night, no matter what we may have done during the day. 3 .Some people tend to justify their failure by blaming others for not trying their best. 4. We remain tree to our commitment: Whatever we promised to do; we would do it. 5. Even Beethoven's father discounted the possibility that his son would one day become the greatest musician in the world. The same is true of Edison, who seemed to his teacher to be quite dull. 6. They were accused by authorities of threatening the state security. 第二单元 1 .If the characters in this comedy had been more humorous,it would have attracted a larger audience.‘ 2. She has never lost faith in her own ability, so it is a possibility for her to become a successful actress. 3 .I never had formal training,I just learned as I went along? 4. As their products find their way into the international


2016年6月大学英语四级段落翻译预测 大学英语四级段落翻译预测一 别在意外表,因为外表的东西往往不真实,也别在意财富,因为再多的财富也会有用完的一天。找一个能让你绽放笑容的人,因为一个笑容就能让灰暗的一天变得明亮。去做你想做的梦,去你想去的地方,成为你想成为的人,因为人生短暂,机会错过了可能就不会再有。只有不断的尝试才能让你变得强大,永远怀抱希望你才会开心,幸福。 Don’t go for looks which often deceive you. Don’t go for wealth which would be used up however amazing it is. Go for someone who will make you smile because a smile is enough to render a dark day bright. Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; become the one you want to be, because one’s life is short and once you let the chance slip through your fingers it may not come to you again. Only when you keep trying can you become strong; only when you cherish hopes can you remain cheerful and happy. 大学英语四级段落翻译预测二 七夕节——中国人的情人节 中国人也有一天是奉献给爱情的。这就是农历七月初七的七夕节,常被人成为中国的情人节。这一传统浪漫节日源自一个古老的传说:年轻的牛郎和织女分居银河的两岸,终年隔岸苦苦相望而无法相会。玉皇大帝可怜这对恋人,传令天下喜鹊在七月初七这天夜晚全部飞到银河上来。架起鹊桥,好让牛郎、织女在桥上相会。 “Qi Xi Jie” ----Chinese Valentine’s Day The Chinese also have a day devoted to “love” that is “Qi Xi Jie”, or the seventh of the seventh month on the Chinese lunar calendar. Often called “Chinese Valentine’s Day”. This romantic traditional festival originated from a old legend: Niu Lang and Zhi Nv were fairies living on opposite sides of the Milky Way. They have been waiting for each other for a year but can not meet. Feeling sorry for the two lonely sprites, the Jade Emperor ordered all magpies must flock over the Milky Way to form a bridge so that the couple could meet there on the seventh night of the seventh month. 大学英语四级段落翻译预测三


汉英语篇翻译练习答案: 1.Retirement Attitudes toward retirement vary from person to person. Some people think that they will enjoy their time in retirement, but when it comes they may feel a little disappointed. Unwilling to resign themselves to the prospect of being put on the scrap heap, they try to seek alternative outlets for their energies and alternative sources of income that employment can provide. Others have already prepared themselves for the significant change in their lives. Tired out after all exhaus ting life revolving around work, they are anxious to relax in retirement with all the strains relieved. As there is no more need to rush to catch a morning bus and no more anxiety about promotion, they now have enough time to fulfill an old dream, such as writing, painting, growing flowers and traveling around. On the whole, female workers tend to have a more favorable attitude towards retirement than male workers. Withdrawal from employment to complete domesticity is a far less threatening experience for a woman than for a man. 2. Good-bye, My Ill-fated Motherland! The moment I set foot on the deck of the ship, there began my temporary separation from Chinese oil and a feeling of parting sorrow welled up in my heart. At sailing time, I stood on deck watching the ship receding slowly from the bank until I was out of sight of the towering waterfront buildings and the foreign warships on the Huangpu River. Thereupon I turned round with hot tears in my eyes, murmuri ng, “Good-bye, my ill-fated motherland!” Good-bye, my ill-fated motherland! I own what I am to the upbringing you have given me during the past 22 years. I have spent every day of my life in your warm bosom and under your loving care. Y ou have given me joy and sorrow as well as food and clothing. This is where my close relatives were born and brought up and where I have friends here and there. Y ou gave me a wide variety of happiness in my early childhood, but you have also been the source of my sorrow ever since I began to understand things. Here I have witnessed all sorts of human tragedy. Here I have come to know the times we live in. Here I have undergone untold sufferings. I have been struggling, fighting and, time and again, found myself on the brink of destruction and covered all over with cuts and bruises. I have laid to rest, with tears and sighs, some of my close relatives—relatives victimized by old feudal ethnics. Here, besides beautiful mountains and rivers and fertile farmland, we have ghastly prisons and execution grounds as well. Here bad people hold sway while good people suffer and justice is trodden down underfoot. Here people have to wage a savage struggle in order to win freedom. Here man eats man. O the numerous terrible scenes! O the numerous sad memories! O the grand Y ellow River! O the mysterious Y angtze River! Where on earth are your glories of the past? O my native land! O my people! How can I have the heart to leave you! Good-bye, my ill-fated motherland! Much as I hate you, I’ve got to love you as ever. (选自《英语世界》2004年第三期,张培基译)


汉译英短文翻译 1 近年来,中国城市化进人加速阶段,取得了极大的成就,同时也出现了种种错综复杂的问题。今天的城乡建设速度之快、规模之大、耗资之巨、涉及面之广、尺度之大等已远非生产力低下时期所能及,建筑已成为一种重大的经济活动。(102字) 难点注释: 1)城市化urbanization 2)加速阶段an accelerating phase 3)错综复杂的问题some complicated problems 4)远非?一所能及surpass 5)重大的经济活动a major economic pursuit 2 世界各地有3,600万人染上了艾滋病—这比整个澳大利亚的人口还多。目前,艾滋病是全球第4大死因,而在非洲则是头号罪魁。在非洲,艾滋病使工人丧失工作,使家庭丧失经济来源,使父母丧失孩子。在7个非洲国家中,巧岁至49岁的人口中艾滋病病毒感染者占到20%以上。(119字) 难点注释: 1)染上艾滋病suffer from AIDS 2)头号罪魁the chief culprit 3)使……丧失deprive of 4)艾滋病病毒感染者people infected with HIV 3 当今中国,对传真机的使用已十分普及,并成为现代重要的通讯终端设备。据一项调查显示,2002年,中国市场对传真机的需求量约为200万台,国内产量仅满足了约30%的需求,进口机占据市场的主导地位。(89字) 难点注释: 1)传真机fax machines 2)通讯终端设备telecommunications terminal equipment 3)占主导地位dominate 4 2000年,美国数码相机的销量达到惊人的510万台,而1999年只有310万台。数码相机的流行其原因非常简单:成像质量好且花费少。此外,使用数码相机还能省去不少麻烦。你不用买胶卷,所有的照片都被存在可反复使用的存储卡上。一按快门,就可以马上在液晶显示屏上观察照片的效果。(124字) 难点注释: 1)数码相机digital camera 2)可反复使用的存储卡reusable memo叮cards 3)按快门press the shutter 4)液晶显示屏the LCD screen 5 由于历史、政治和经济上的原因,全世界讲英语、用英语的人为数最多。但是英语之所以能在全球流行,除了上述原因之外,也和英语自身的一些特性和特点不无相关。其中最重要的一点就是英语特别容易接受和适应—英语中的词汇吸收了全世界几乎所有主要语言的


三、汉译英专项练习答案及解析 一、倍数增减的表示法 1)is 2.5 times greater than Force N2 (考点:倍数+ 形容词/副词比较级+ than) 2)reacts three times as fast as the other one (考点:倍数+ as + 形容词/副词+ as) 3)is 49 times the size of the moon (考点:倍数+ 名词) 4)wants to raise the rent by a third (考点:动词+ by + 数词/百分比/倍数) 5)plan to double their investment (考点:double + 名词) 二、时态 1)or the wedding will have finished by the time we get to the church (考点:将来完成时) 2)the children had fallen asleep (考点:过去完成时) 3)my sister will be taking her vacation at the seaside (考点:将来进行时) 4)have been revising my resume all the morning (考点:现在完成进行时) 5)No. It has been five years since I went on holiday (考点:It has been … since sb. did sth. 表示某人有多长时间没有做某事了) 6)He has been in the army for 5 years (考点:1. 现在完成时;2.要用持续性动词才能接一段时间) 三、被动语态 1)is being replaced by the computer and the projector (考点:被动语态的现在进行时) 2)will have been published by the end of this year (考点:被动语态的将来完成时) 3)can be used to demonstrate the way that cells work (考点:1. 被动语态与情态动词联用; 2. 汉语有些没有“被”字等标志词的句子也表示被动, 要译成英语的被动语态) 4)I was startled, for the prices were a great deal higher than I had anticipated (考点:同“3”的考点2) 5)Effective measures must be taken immediately (考点:汉语的无主句通常翻译成英语的被动语态) 四、情态动词 1)but there is no answer. She can’t be at home (考点:情态动词可以表示可能性,can’t 表示“一定不”)


四六级写作、翻译必背句型 学习步骤和方法:一看二译三比四背 (一)理解并重点掌握其中的常用表达(划线部分) (二)做汉译英练习,即在不看英文的前提下把中文翻译成英语; (三)将自己的译句与原句对照; (四)默写并口头背诵英语原句 特别提醒: 最好要制订进度计划,即具体每天理解和背诵多少个新句,复习多少个旧句。 1. According to a recent survey, each year four million people die from diseases linked to smoking. 依照最近的一项调查,每年有4,000,000人死于与吸烟有关的疾病。 2. The latest surveys show that quite a lot of students have unpleasant associations with homework. 最近的调查显示相当多的学生对家庭作业没什么好感。 3. No invention has received more praise and abuse than Internet. 没有一项发明像互联网一样同时受到如此多的赞扬和批评。 4. People seem to fail to take into account the fact that education does not end with graduation. 人们似乎忽视了教育不应该随着毕业而结束这一事实。 5. An increasing number of people are beginning to realize that education is not complete with graduation. 越来越多的人开始意识到教育不能随着毕业而结束。 6. When it comes to education, the majority of people believe that education is a lifelong course. 说到教育,大部分人认为其是一个终身的过程。 7. Many experts point out that physical exercise contributes directly to a person's physical fitness. 许多专家指出体育锻炼直接有助于身体健康。 8. Proper measures must be taken to limit the number of foreign tourists and great efforts should be made to protect local environment from the harmful effects of international tourism. 应该采取适当的措施限制外国旅游者的数量,努力保护当地环境不受国际旅游业的不利影响。 9. An increasing number of experts believe that migrant workers will exert positive effects on construction of city. However, this opinion is now being questioned by more and more city residents, who complain that the migrant workers have brought many serious problems like crime and prostitution. 越来越多的专家相信民工对城市的建设起到积极作用。然而,越来越多的城市居民却怀疑这种说法,他们抱怨民工给城市带来了许多严重的问题,像犯罪和卖淫。 10. Many citizens complain that it is so few buses in their city that they have to spend much more time (in) waiting for a bus, which is usually crowded with a large number of passengers. 许多市民抱怨城市的公交车太少,以至于他们要花很长时间等一辆公交车,而车上可能已满载乘客。 11. There is no denying the fact that air pollution is an extremely serious problem: the city authorities should take strong measures to deal with it. 无可否认,空气污染是一个极其严重的问题:城市当局应该采取有力措施来解决它。 12. An investigation shows that female workers tend to have a favorable attitude toward retirement. 一项调查显示妇女欢迎退休。


1. 她连水都不愿喝一口,更别提留下来吃饭了。(much less) 2. 他认为我在对他说谎,但实际上我讲的是实话。(whereas) 3. 这个星期你每天都迟到,对此你怎么解释?(account for) 4. 他们利润增长的部分原因是采用了新的市场策略。(due to) 5. 这样的措施很可能会带来工作效率的提高。(result in) 5. 这样的措施很可能会带来工作效率的提高。(result in) 6. 我们已经在这个项目上投入了大量时间和精力,所以我们只能继续。(pour into) Unit2 1. 尽管她是家里的独生女,她父母也从不溺爱她。(despite) 2. 迈克没来参加昨晚的聚会,也没给我打电话作任何解释。(nor) 3. 坐在他旁边的那个人确实发表过一些小说,但决不是什么大作家。(next to; by no means) 4. 他对足球不感兴趣,也从不关心谁输谁赢。(be indifferent to) 5. 经理需要一个可以信赖的助手,在他外出时,由助手负责处理问题。(count on) 6. 这是他第一次当着那么多观众演讲。(in the presence of sb.) Unit3 1. 你再怎么有经验,也得学习新技术。(never too... to...) 2. 还存在一个问题,那就是派谁去带领那里的研究工作。(Use an appositional structure) 3. 由于文化的不同,他们的关系在开始确实遇到了一些困难。(meet with) 4. 虽然他历经沉浮,但我始终相信他总有一天会成功的。(ups and downs; all along) 5. 我对你的说法的真实性有些保留看法。(have reservations about) 6. 她长得并不特别高,但是她身材瘦,给人一种个子高的错觉。(give an illusion of) Unit4 1. 有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?(Use "it" as the formal subject) 2. 不管黑猫白猫,能抓住老鼠就是好猫。(as long as) 3. 你必须明天上午十点之前把那笔钱还给我。(without fail) 4. 请允许我参加这个项目,我对这个项目非常感兴趣。(more than + adjective) 5. 人人都知道他比较特殊:他来去随意。(be free to do sth.) 6. 看她脸上不悦的神色,我觉得她似乎有什么话想跟我说。(feel as though) Unit5 1. 他说话很自信,给我留下了很深的印象。(Use "which" to refer back to an idea or situation) 2. 我父亲太爱忘事,总是在找钥匙。(Use "so... that..." to emphasize the degree of something) 3. 我十分感激你给我的帮助。(be grateful for) 4. 光线不足,加上地面潮湿,使得驾驶十分困难。(coupled with) 5. 由于缺乏资金,他们不得不取消了创业计划。(starve of) 6. 每当有了麻烦,他们总是依靠我们。(lean on) Unit6 1. 就像机器需要经常运转一样,身体也需要经常锻炼。(as... so...) 2. 在美国学习时,他学会了弹钢琴。(while + V-ing) 3. 令我们失望的是,他拒绝了我们的邀请。(turn down) 4. 真实情况是,不管是好是坏,随着新科技的进步,世界发生了变化。(for better or worse) 5. 我班里的大多数女生在被要求回答问题时都似乎感到不自在。(ill at ease) 6. 当地政府负责运动会的安全。(take charge of)Unit7

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