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NOW THEREFORE, the parties hereby covenant and agree as follows; 为此,双方达成契约,约定如下:

NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed as below. 为此,双方约定如下:

Now therefore, in consideration of the premises and covenants described hereinafter, Party A and Party B agree as follows:


Now therefore, in consideration of the premises and covenants described hereinafter, Party A and Party B agree as follows:


Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to buy the under-mentioned goods subject to terms and conditions set forth hereinafter as follows:


五、证明部分( Attestation)

IN WITNESSWHEREOFt,he parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by duly authorized representatives of both parties on the date and year first written above.

By: By:

Title: Title:




After this contract is signed by the duly authorized representatives of both parties, both parties shall submit the contract to their governments or Boards of Directors for approval. The date when the later party obtains the approval shall be

taken as the effective date of the contract. Both parties shall attempt to get the contract approval within 60 days from signing and notify by telex or cable the other party of the approval which is confirmed by the following registered air-mail letter.

本合同经双方正式授权代表签署后,应提交各自政府或董事会批准。以后一方获得批准日期为本合同生效日。双方应尽力在合同签署后60 日内获得批准并以电传或电


Furthermore, the parties agree that the following situations shall be considered as exceptional circumstances which justify the earlier termination by the other party: bankruptcy, moratorium, receivership, liquidation or any kind of composition between the debtor and the creditors, or any circumstances which are likely to affect substantially one party's ability to carry out his obligations under this contract。



This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws

of China.


In processing transactions, the manufacturers shall never have title either to the materials or the finished products.


The Appendix hereto shall, through the contract period, be deemed to be construed as an integral part of this Contract.


The Company hereby releases and discharges Party A from further performance of, and any duties, obligations or liabilities under, the amended Agreement.


If the Contractor shall duly perform and observe all the terms, provisions, conditions and stipulations of the said Contract, this obligation shall be null or void but otherwise shall be and remain in full force and effect.


If, at any time during the execution of the Contract, either of the Parties to the contract is prevented from executing the Contract in case of Force Majeure such as war, serious fires, flood, typhoon and earthquake, etc., the time for execution of the Contract shall be extended for a period equal to the affect of those causes.



In this case, Party B shall refund to Party A the amount which Party A has paid to Party B plus the related interest at the rate of 10% per year immediately, but in no case shall such refunding by Party B exceeds 30 days from receipt from Party A of the notice to terminate the contract.

在此种情况下,乙方应立即返还甲方已支付给乙方的款项并按年利率10% 加算利息,但不论怎样乙方该返还不得超过收到甲方终止合同通知后30 日。

Failure to notify Party A shall be deemed to be a material breach of this Agreement.

未能按上述要求通知甲方的,则视为构成实质违约。(作谓语)In case Party B becomes deli nquent in the payme nt of any sum due here un der, Party A will be en titled to suspe nd the performa nee un til such deli nquent is corrected, and in itiate term in ati on for cause in accorda nce with Secti on 10.2.



case从句和until从句中一般现在时,主句用will do表一般将来时)

In con siderati on of employme nt with the Compa ny, I do hereby ack no wledge the facts set out below and agree to be bound as follows考虑至U受聘于公司,本人由


Both parties agree to attempt to resolve all disputes between the parties with respect to the application or interpretation of any term hereof of transaction here un der, through amicable n egotiati on.



In any one or more of the provisi ons contained in this Con tract or any docume nt executed in connection herewith shall be invalid of unenforceable in any respect un der any applicable law, the validity and en forceability of the rema ining provisi ons contained here in shall not in any way be affected thereby.



NOW THESE PRESENTS WITNESS that it is hereby agreed betwee n the parties hereto as follows:


The undersigned Seller and Buyer have agreed to close the following transaction in accorda nce with the terms and condition stipulated as follows: 兹经签约的买卖双方同意,按下列条款,达成这笔交易

Notwithstanding Article 2.2, the parties may agree to extend the Expiration date to such date as is reas on able in the circumsta nces if any of the con diti ons precede nt referred to in Article 2.1 is not satisfied or waived on or before the Expiration Date, any such agreeme nt or waiver to be in writi ng.



Except as otherwise provided herein, all no tices or dema nds sent by registered airmail shall be deemed received 8 days after they have bee n sent and no tices or dema nds sent by telex shall be deemed received at the time of the dispatch thereof. 除非本合同另有规定,所有通知和请求以航空挂号信寄出则发出后8日应视为


In wit ness whereof, the parties have caused this in strume nt to be duly executed as of the day and year first above-written.


The con tract shall be writte n in Chin ese and in ____________ . Both Ian guage versi ons are equally authe ntic. In the eve nt of any discrepa ncy betwee n the two aforeme nti oned versi ons, the Chin ese versi on shall prevail.


In case no settlement can be reached, the case may then be submitted for

arbitration to Chi na Intern ati onal Econo mic and Trade Arbitrati on Commissi on in accorda nee with the provisional Rules of Procedures promulgated by the said Arbitration Commissi on.



The time for the performance of the Seller's obligations set forth in this Contract shall be automatically extended for a period equal to the duration of any nonperformance arising directly or indirectly from Force Majeure events including


英文版销售合同 CONTRACT Date: Contract No.: The Buyers: The Sellers: This contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers; whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned goods subject to the terms and conditions as stipulated hereinafter: (1) Name of modity: (2) Quantity: (3)Unit price: (4) Total Value: (5) Packing: (6) Country of Origin : (7)Terms of Payment: (8) Insurance: (9) Time of Shipment: (10)Port of Lading: (11)Port of Destination: (12)Claims: Within 45 days after the arrival of the goods at the destination, should the quality, Specifications or quantity be found not in conformity with the stipulations of the contract except those claims for which the insurance pany or the owners of the vessel are liable. The Buyers shall, have the right on the strength of the inspection certificate issued by the C.C.I.C and the relative documents to claim for pensation to the Sellers. (13)Force Majeure: The sellers shall not be held responsible for the delay in shipment or non-deli-very of the goods due to Force Majeure, which might occur during the process of manufacturing or in the course of loading or transit. The sellers shall advise the Buyers immediately of the occurrence mentioned above the within fourteen days there after. The Sellers shall send


编号:_____________体育赛事赞助商合同 甲方:________________________________________________ 乙方:___________________________ 签订日期:_______年______月______日

甲方:________________ 办公地址:____________ 联系电话:____________ 传真:________________ 邮政编码:____________ 乙方:________________ 办公地址:____________ 联系电话:____________ 传真:________________ 邮政编码:____________ 为了推动我国_______项目体育运动的发展,增进运动技术的交流与合作,甲乙双方根据各自职能签署________赛事赞助协议。本协议中,甲方是组织实施赛事的________赛事运作机构,乙方是赞助赛事的企业单位。经甲乙双方友好协商,根据《中华人民共和国合同法》、《中华人民共和国体育法》以及有关的法律法规的规定,为明确双方的权利义务,就有关事宜达成如下协议: 第一条赞助定义 1.1 赛事组委会是指具有合法资质,并已经与赛事主办方签订了承办协议的赛事筹备组织。1.2 “某某公司”指的是某某公司的总公司、其子公司、其分支机构、其继承者、获得授权者及销售商。 1.3 赛事赞助商是指合作伙伴、赞助商、供应商三个层次的赞助商,其所享有的回报权益依据赞助企业所处层次不同而有所区别,本合同以下条款中所述的______,即表示处于上述第____个赞助层次的赞助商。 1.4 “品牌”指的是“某某公司”的品牌,包括以下几个品牌(附件列明)。 1.5 “产品”指的是“某某公司”生产的下面几种产品及其附属物(附件列明)。 1.6 “地域”指的是乙方可以在合同期限内可将广告、促销材料用于宣传的地区。 第二条赞助确认及赞助回报约定 2.1 甲方作为本届赛事的唯一资源经营机构,全权负责本届赛事赞助招商各项事宜。甲方同意并乙方自愿成为本届赛事_赞助商,现予书面确认。 2.2 根据本届赛事赞助招商的相关事宜,乙方作为本届赛事______赞助商,将享有合同附件1所述回报权益。 第三条赞助总额及出资方式 作为本次赛事赞助商,乙方向甲方提供总额为____万元人民币(/美元)的赞助,具体内容如下:3.1 现金____万元人民币(/美元),自本合同签订之日起____天内交付总赞助现金额的____%,


外贸合同常用条款中英文对照 1)买方须于____年__月__日前开到本批交易的信用证(或通知售方进口许可证号码),并须售方有权;不经通知取消本确认书,或接受买方对本约未执行的全部或一部分,或对因此遭受的损失提出索赔。 The Buyer shall have the covering Letter of Credit reach the Seller(or notify the Import License Number) before failing which the Seller reserves the right to rescind without further notice. (2)凡以 C.I.F条件成交的业务,保额为发票价的100%,投保险别以本售货确认书中所开列的为限,买方如要求增加保额或保险范围,应于装船前经售方同意,因此而增加的保险非由买方负 责。 For transaction concluded on C.I. F.basis,it is understood that the insurance amount will be for 100%,of the invoice value against the risks specified in the Sales Confirmation.If additional insuranceamount or coverage is required, the Buyer must have the consent of the Seller before Shipment,and the additional preminum is to be borne by the Buyer. (3)品质/数量异议: 如买方提出索赔,凡属品质异议须于货到目的口岸之日起3个月内提出,凡属数量异议须于货到目的口岸之日起15天内提出, 对所装货物所提任何异议属于保险公司,轮船公司其他有关运输机构或邮递机构所负责者,售方不负责任何责任。 QUALITY/QUANTITYDISCREPANCY:


编号:_______________本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载 英文合同格式 甲方:___________________ 乙方:___________________ 日期:___________________

NO.11 ZHONGSHAN STREET XIAMEN FUJIAN CHINA SALES CONFIRMATION [打印预览][保存][诅出] 销货合同(Sales Confirmation) 国际货物买卖合同一般金额大,内容繁杂,有效期长,因此许多国家的法律要求采用书面形式。书面合同主要有两种形 式,即正式合同(CONTRACT )和合同确认书(CONFIRMATION ),虽然其繁简不同,但具有同等法律效力,对买卖双方均有约束力。大宗商品或成交额较大的交易,多采用正式合同;而金额不大,批数较多的小土特产品或轻工产品,或者已订立代理、包销等长期协议的交易

多采用合同确认书(亦称简式合同)。 无论采哪种形式,合同抬头应醒目注明SALES CONTRACT 或SALES CONFIRMATION (对销售合同或确认书而言) 等字样。一般来说出口合同的格式都是由我方(出口公司)事先印制好的,因此有时在SALES CONFIRMATION 之前加上 出口公司名称或是公司的标志等(我外贸公司进口时也习惯由我方印制进口合同)。交易成立后,寄交买方签署 (countersign ),作为交易成立的书面凭据。 在SimTrade 中,买卖双方都可以起草合同,填写时只需将名称、地址等内容作相应变化既可。如合同由买方起草时,上方空白栏则填入进口商公司名称及地址,以此类推。 报表上方两行空白栏 为出口商公司抬头,须分别填写出口商的英文名称及地址。 如:GRAND WESTERN FOODS CORP. Room2501, Jiafa Mansion, Beijing West road, Nanjing 210005, P. R. China Messrs 详细填列交易对象(即进口商)的名称及地址。 在SimTrade 中,进口商的详细资料请在淘金网”的公司库里查询。 如:Dynasty Furniture Manufacturing Ltd. 3344-54th Avenue S. E. Calgary, Alberta T2C OAS Canada No. 销货合同编号,由卖方自行编设,以便存储归档管理之用。 在SimTrade 中,该编号已由卖方在起草合同时填入,单据中不能再更改。 Date 填写销货合同制作日期。 如:2005年2月18日,可以有以下几种日期格式填法: 1.2005-02-18 或02-18-2005 2. 2005/02/18 或02/18/2005 3. 050218 (信用证电文上的日期格式) 4. February 18, 2005 或Feb 18, 2005 Product No. 填写货号,销货合同上应记明各种货物编号,以求联系沟通方便。 在SimTrade 中,货号必须选择淘金网”的产品展示”里已有的商品编号。 Description 品名条款。此栏应详细填明各项商品的英文名称及规格,这是买卖双方进行交易的物质基础和前提。对商品的具体描述说明是合同的主要条款之一,如果卖方交付的货物不符合合同规定的品名或说明,买方有权拒收货物、撤销合同并提出损害赔偿。 在SimTrade 中,商品的详细资料请在淘金网’产品展示”里查找,此栏目填写必须与淘金网的商品详细资料里商品英 文名称及英文描述完全一致。 例1 :产品01005 的商品描述: CANNED SWEET CORN 3060Gx6TINS/CTN 例2:产品04001 的商品描述:WOODEN TEA SERVICE


SALES CONTRACT 销售合同 合同号Contract No: 签字日期Signing Date: The Buyer: Address: Tel: The Seller: Address: TEL: This Contract, made out by and between the Buyer and the Seller, whereby the Buyer agree to buy and the Seller agree to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below.(According to the practical price of invoice) 本合同由买方和卖方签订,根据下面规定的条款,买方同意购买并且卖方同意销售如下商品(根据发票的实际金额)。 2. COUNTRY OF ORIGIN AND MANUFACTURER: 原产地和制造商: 3.TRANSPORTATION: Marine refrigerated container transportation. 运输方式:海洋冷藏集装箱运输。 4. PACKING: To be packed by new strong wooden cases suitable for long distance ocean transportation and well protected against dampness, moisture, shock, rust and rough handling. The Seller shall be liable for any damage of the commodity and expenses incurred on account of improper packing and for any rust damage attributable to inadequate or improper protective measures taken by the sellers in regard to the packing. 包装:须用坚固的新木箱包装,适合长途海运,防湿、防潮、防震、防锈,防粗暴搬运。由于包装不良所发生的损失,或采用不妥善的防护措施而造成的任何锈损,卖方应负担由此而产生的一切费用和损失。 5. SHIPPING MARK: The Seller shall mark on each package with faceless paint the package number, gross weight, net weight, measurement and the wordings: "RIGHT SIDE UP", "HANDLE WITH CARE", "KEEP AWAY FROM MOISTUE", and the shipping mark. 卖方应在每件包装箱上用不褪色的油漆刷上箱号、毛重、净重、尺码和“勿倒置”,“小心轻放”,“防潮”等字样。

英文赞助合同 Sponsorship Contract

Sponsorship Contract SLA Annual Conference & Exposition ? 15-18 June 2008 ? Seattle, Washington USA Principal Contact (please complete) Name:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Company:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City:________________________________________________ State:________________________________________ Zip Code:__________________________________ Tel: (________________________________________________Fax __________________________________________________ E-Mail:______________________________________________________________________________________________________ SLA Major Conference Partner $27,000 To qualify for this opportunity major partners will pay the sponsorship fee of $27,000, sponsor 5 or more SLA HQ events and participate in the President’s Circle program. Total commitment must exceed $100,000. Food & Beverage Events: Luncheon $15,000 SLA Awards and Leadership Reception $15,000 Refreshment Breaks $12,000 First-time Attendees Reception $7,000 * Coffee Breaks $6,000 Attendee Services Registration $30,000 * Hotel Registration Gift $5,000 Cyber Connection $15,000 * INFO EXPO Guide $10,000 City Bus Tour $6,000 Relaxation Station $12,000 * Lanyards $14,000 * ExpoCards $8,000 SLA Market Place $6,000 Conference Information Booth $4,000 * Meetings & Sessions Leadership Development Institute $12,000 * Division Welcome Banners $3,500 Division Cabinet Meeting $3,500 * Chapter Cabinet Meeting $3,500 * SLA Board of Directors Meetings $3,500 * Educational Session Host/CE Courses $2,500 SLA Career Connections $3,500 Hot Topics Series $7,000 Web & Newsletters Online Conference Planner $ 12,500 Pre & Post Conference Newsletter $5,000 SLA Blog $6,000 Onsite Promotional Vehicles: Demos displayed on large plasma screens throughout Conference Center Sixty Second Product Demo $6,000 Thirty Second Product Demo $3,000 * Exclusive sponsorships Please note that there may be additional costs to you for your premium items, shipping and production (if applicable). Please visit https://www.doczj.com/doc/6012187984.html,/sponsorships for more details on sponsorships. A la Carte Sponsorship Items Terms of Agreement: This agreement is effective as of ___________ (date) and shall remain effective until the “Event” ends on 18 June 2008. This agreement defines the terms under which SLA and ______________________ _____________________________________(“Sponsor”) enter into a sponsorship agreement for the SLA 2008 Annual Conference and Exposition. Limited License: SLA grants the Sponsor a limited license to use any of the artwork on the Event site for the purpose of promoting the Event and linking to the Event site. Sponsor grants SLA a limited license to use Sponsor’s logo in conference promotional material and on the Event site. Miscellaneous: This Agreement shall become effective on the date signed below and will remain in effect until all responsibilities set out are fulfilled. The parties acknowledge that they will use their best good faith efforts to negotiate and resolve subsequent issues that may arise from this Agreement as a result of unforeseen occurrences and that may alter the conditions of this Agreement. Cancellation policy: This agreement is effective as of the date signed below and shall remain effective until the Event ends on 18 June 2008 or until terminated by either party. All requests for refunds must be in writing, received, and confirmed by SLA 60 days prior to the event. Contracts cancelled up to 60 days of the event will be issued a refund based on a prorated basis. If sponsoring promotional items, once the contract is signed and the item is in production, there shall be no refunds. SLA may terminate this agreement at any time by notifying the sponsor in writing or by email. Upon such termination, SLA shall return to the Sponsor that portion of the Sponsorship fee pro-rated for the time remaining in the contract. ______________________________________________________________________ Signature Date ______________________________________________________________________ Counter Signature Date Fax or mail completed contract and payment information to: SLA, 331 South Patrick Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 USA Tel: +1 (703) 647-4942 Fax +1 (703) 647-4901 Questions? Contact Stacey Bowers at +1(703) 647-4942 or sbowers@https://www.doczj.com/doc/6012187984.html,. Please see Sponsor Benefits on the back. Please remit a 50% deposit to SLA with your signed contract to secure your sponsorship. Thank you! o American Express o Master Card o Visa o Diner’s Club ______________________________________________________________________________ Card Numb er ______________________________________________________________________________ Name on Card Expire Date 3 digit Security Code ______________________________________________________________________________ Signature Date Method of Payment A la Carte Sponsorship Item (s) Rate _____________________________________ _____________________ _____________________________________ _____________________ _____________________________________ _____________________ _____________________________________ _____________________ Total cost: _____________________ Sponsorship Total:


合同 CONTRACT 日期:合同号码: Date: Contract No.: 买方:(The Buyers) 卖方:(The Sellers) 兹经买卖双方同意按照以下条款由买方购进,卖方售出以下商品: This contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers; whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned goods subject to the terms and conditions as stipulated hereinafter: (1) 商品名称: Name of Commodity: (2) 数量: Quantity: (3) 单价: Unit price: (4) 总值: Total Value: (5) 包装: Packing: (6) 生产国别: Country of Origin : (7) 支付条款: Terms of Payment: (8) 保险: Insurance: (9) 装运期限: Time of Shipment: (10) 起运港: Port of Lading:

(11) 目的港: Port of Destination: (12)索赔:在货到目的口岸45天内如发现货物品质,规格和数量与合同不符,除属保险公司或船方责任外,买方有权凭中国商检出具的检验证书或有关文件向卖方索赔换货或赔款。 Claims: Within 45 days after the arrival of the goods at the destination, should the quality, Specifications or quantity be found not in conformity with the stipulations of the contract except those claims for which the insurance company or the owners of the vessel are liable. The Buyers shall, have the right on the strength of the inspection certificate issued by the C.C.I.C and the relative documents to claim for compensation to the Sellers. (13)不可抗力:由于人力不可抗力的原由,发生在制造、装载或运输的过程中导致卖方延期交货或不能交货者,卖方可免除责任。在不可抗力发生后,卖方须立即电告买方及在14天内以空邮方式向买方提供事故发生的证明文件,在上述情况下,卖方仍须负责采取措施尽快发货。 Force Majeure: The sellers shall not be held responsible for the delay in shipment or non-deli-very of the goods due to Force Majeure, which might occur during the process of manufacturing or in the course of loading or transit. The sellers shall advise the Buyers immediately of the occurrence mentioned above the within fourteen days there after. The Sellers shall send by airmail to the Buyers for their acceptance certificate of the accident. Under such circumstances the Sellers, however, are still under the obligation to take all necessary measures to hasten the delivery of the goods. (14)仲裁:凡有关执行合同所发生的一切争议应通过友好协商解决,如协商不能解决,则将分歧提交中国国际贸易促进委员会按有关仲裁程序进行仲裁,仲裁将是终局的,双方均受其约束,仲裁费用由败诉方承担。 Arbitration: All disputes in connection with the execution of this Contract shall be settled friendly through negotiation. In case no settlement can be reached, the case then may be submitted for arbitration to the Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade in accordance with the Provisional Rules of Procedure promulgated by the said Arbitration Commission. The Arbitration committee shall be final and binding upon both parties. And the Arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing parties.


2002 DATED [日期] [CONTRACT NAME] [合同名称] -by and betwee n- 合同双方 [PARTY A NAME] PARTY A [甲方名称] -and- 与 [PARTY B NAME] PARTY B [乙方名称]


[甲方组织形式],法定地址为[甲 [乙方名称] 家根据[乙方所在国]法律组建及存续的[乙方组织形式] ,法定地址为[乙 甲乙双方以下单独称为“一方” ,合称为“双方” THIS CONTRACT( “ Con tract ”)is made in [city and provi nce],Ch ina on this_day of ,200 by and between [Party A name],[Party A entity form] established and existing under the laws of China, with its le gal address at [address] (here in after referred to as “Party A ” ), and [Party B na [Party B entity form] organized and existing under the laws of [Party B jurisdiction of in corporatio n ] with its legal address at [address] (here in after referred to as “Party B ” ). P Party B shall here in after be referred to in dividually as a “ Party ” and collectively as the 本合同于 年 月 日由以下两方在[地点]签订: [甲方名称],一家根据中华人民共和国法律组建及存续的 方法定地址](以下简称“甲方”): 方法定地址](以下简称“乙方”)。 PRELIMINARY STATEMENT 前言 [add background information if appropriate ] [视交易具体情况决定是否应介绍合同背景] After frien dly con sultati ons con ducted in accorda nee with the prin ciples of equality and mutual ben efit, the Parties have agreed to [describe subject matter of the Con tract] in accorda nee with Applicable laws and the provisi ons of this Con tract. 双方本着平等互利的原则,经友好协商,依照[相关法律名称]以及其他有关法律,同意按 照本合同的条款,[描述合同标的]。 Now the Parties Hereby Agree as follows: 双方现协议如下: 1. Definitions 定义 Un less the terms or con text of this con tract otherwise provide, all term used in this Con tract shall have the meanings set out i n Schedule A hereto. 除本合同条款或上下文另有所指,本合同中所有相关用语的定义见附录甲。 2. [OPERATIVE CLAUSES] Conditions Precedent (if any) Represe ntati ons and Warra nties [Add unilateral representations and warranties if appropriate] [具体操作条款]


英文销售合同_中英文对照销售合同范本英文销售合同_中英文对照销售合同范本(一) SALES CONTRACT 合同编号: Contract NO: 签订地点: Signed at: 签订日期: Date: 买方: The Buyers: 卖方: The Sellers: 双方同意按下列条款由买方售出下列商品:

The Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the following goods on terms and conditions as set forth below: (1)商品名称、规格及包装 (1)Name of Commodity ,Specifications and Packing (2)数量 (2)Quantity (3)单价 (3)Unit Price (4)总值 (4)Total Value (装运数量允许有 %的增减) (Shipment Quantity %more or less allowed) (5)装运期限:

(5)Time of Shipment: (6)装运口岸: (6)Port of loading: (7)目的口岸: (7)Port of Destination: (8)保险;由方负责,按本合同总值110%投保_____险。 (8)Insurance:To be covered by the___for 110% of the invoice value against_______. (9)付款:凭保兑的、不可撤销的、可转让的、可分割的即期有电报套汇条款/见票/出票____天期付款信用证,信用证以_____为受益人并允许分批装运和转船。该信用证必须在______前开到卖方,信用证的有效期应为上述装船期后第15天,在中国______到期,否则卖方有权取消本售货合约,不另行通知,并保留因此而发生的一切损失的索赔权。


企业赞助合同范本 赞助,是指企业为了实现自己的目标(获得宣传效果)而向某些活动或个人团体提供资金支持的一种行为。下面一起来看看企业赞助合同范本吧! 企业赞助合同范本一、合作协议双方 甲方: 乙方: 二、合作期限 经双方协商,合作期限自____年____月____日起,至____年____月____日止。甲乙双方中任何一方均有权在本协议到期前向对方提出续约通知,否则协议到期后将自行终止。 三、合作方式 由乙方向甲方提供赞助,甲方向乙方提供企业宣传服务,甲乙双方合作开展__________________。 四、合作协议内容 甲乙两方本着“平等友好,互惠互利”的原则,经协商签订如下合作协议并承诺共同遵守协议中各项条款。合作协议书具体的权利、义务如下:(一)、甲方的权利、义务 1.甲方的权利 (1)甲方有获得乙方赞助的权利。 (2)对于协议书以外乙方未提及的事项,甲方拒绝履行的权利。 (3)对于乙方提出的事项中,有违法犯罪的,甲方有拒绝履行的权利。(4)乙方违约,甲方有获得相应赔偿的权利。 2.甲方的义务

(1)自觉履行合作协议书中答应乙方的事项。 (2)甲方有为乙方保守相关商业、营业秘密的义务。 (3)甲方应该就答应的事项进行真实的履行。 (4)规定期限内,甲方在开展活动过程中为乙方提供企业宣传服务。宣传和服务的种类由双方根据赞助物资及金额的数量情况,本着“合作互惠共赢”的原则进行协商。主要宣传方式或宣传载体经甲乙双方协商同意后在下列方式中进行共同选择: a.__________活动独家冠名权 b.__________活动标志或产品宣传 c.__________活动现场安排或横幅宣传 d.__________活动期间服装或帽等相关搭配 e.__________活动过程中邀请赞助商出席并致辞(或者由活动主要负责人介绍赞助商及宣传赞助方的形象,尽显赞助商对高等教育的关注,对大学生的人文关怀,树立其良好形象) f.__________活动期间在校园内安排署名赞助方的校园文化横幅宣传或展板、海报宣传 g.__________活动现场派发赞助商产品的宣传单 h._________甲乙双方协商同意的其他合作方式:_______________________ 1.乙方的权利 (1)乙方有要求甲方按照合作协议书答应乙方的是事项自觉真实的 履行的权利。 (2)乙方有监督甲方是否自觉真实的履行协议书中的每个事项的权利,如果甲方无故不履行,乙方有权利追偿乙方提供给甲方的赞助费用。

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