当前位置:文档之家› 读《爱丽丝梦游仙境》有感(英汉互译)












---- Read "Alice in Wonderland," Thoughts

Story begins with the story of a girl named Alice, and sister in an accident when reading a book into the world. There, she experienced a lot in reality things are not. Talking rabbits, can change into small pills, and the moves of the poker, and when she suddenly woke up after a crisis, they find that this is only a long dream of his own ... ...

Close your books this, rubbed his tired eyes, I fell into silent contemplation. When watching a small, think Alice blessed, you can enter the world of the book, even if it was a dream.

Have dreams, Alice's dream has been fulfilled her dreams?

Of course, we look at this book not simply thinking about her dream. Initially, Alice has just fallen into the hole, had thought she would cry like a normal girl, like a row, not the idea, but I was wrong, she gave her a strong and optimistic side presented to the reader, Let us know the story of the hero is not a weak timid little girl. The playing cards behind the soldiers and the queen with the exchange in another show of her intelligent and courageous.

Alice is a girl showed us her story could not help but to like her to because she experienced many ups and downs and the heart more than to escape because of her plight and very happy ... ...

Which is such a girl, I thought myself. I also have their own dreams, has also been indulging in the dream, joy, or cry. More want to get into the book to understand that beyond the general excitement. Used to think that dreams are so far away, because there is always gap between dreams and reality, the dream of paradise in the end how far? I really can go hand can touch the place?

Thought of this, I do not know when the sky has been covered with the stars, look down their hands have been holding for a long time, "Alice in Wonderland" on the cover of Alice with a smile and her sister sat under the red maple, Sprinkled with a bright red maple leaves in ... ... could not help but laugh, and laugh like Alice, she can as brave and optimistic, why do I not? Although distant dream, though not real, but his heart is true, if we really want, nothing will do the same?

Again look at the sky, eyes not confused. North of the Big Dipper will change direction with the seasons, while the direction of life will not change with time. Alice has been waking up from a dream, and my dream is just beginning......


读爱丽丝梦游仙境感受5篇 读爱丽丝梦游仙境感受一 爱丽丝梦游仙境》里的爱丽丝是位小姑娘,大家肯定都知道。她因追赶一只离奇的兔子而掉入一个大洞里,后来随之发生了 很多的事情……但是,你们是否知道当她长大以后,再一次掉 进那个令人作呕的兔子洞时,又发生了什么呢?哦呵,不知道了吧?没有关系,那就让我来告诉你们吧。 红桃皇后是一个残忍、凶狠、邪恶可恨的女人。她曾经炸 掉了自己亲妹妹白皇后的宫殿,从此以后,红桃皇后再也没有 好脸色给妹妹看。日积月累,“两殿”渐渐地成了敌人,战争 也随之开始了。而且红桃皇后还动不动就杀人,甚至吃了她的 一块水果馅饼,她都要把他杀死。许多人都惧怕皇后,他(她) 们都把自己打扮成和皇后一样的畸形人,不是粘了尖鼻子,就 是安了大下巴,以防被发现而被斩头。 白皇后—也就是红皇后的妹妹,她善良慈祥、美丽如花、 纯洁优雅,是位高贵的女士,她非常憎恨姐姐,但是,她的人 马比红皇后的少,不能打败她,更别说劝了,她根本不听!白皇后是位好皇后,她不愿意发生战争。但是,残忍血腥的红桃皇 后只当是耳边风;还好俗话说的对恶有恶报。最后,红桃皇后得到的报应是:流落蛮荒之地。 爱丽丝从一个美丽善良的姑娘变成一名真正的勇士。你知

道她是怎样变的吗?她既不像武则天一样一步步爬上去的,也不是像溜滑梯一样一下子冲上去的,她是靠着自己的勇气、善良 和坚强取得的。她砍下了一条凶猛巨龙的头,取得了这次战争 的胜利。其实爱丽丝也不喜欢杀生,但这是被迫,这是为了保 护动物、平等世界、惩罚贪婪的皇后。 我第一次看3D电影,感觉很不错,一些人物都有立体感, 甚至字和图案。 看了《爱丽丝梦游仙境》,我知道遇到困难、恐怖的事不能退缩,要勇敢的面对它,用勇气和智慧来战胜、克服它;我还懂得了,善心能够感动猛兽,甚至一切。每个人都要有一颗坚强、善良、纯洁的心,这样,世界就永远和平、幸福、充满生机! 读爱丽丝梦游仙境感受二 妈妈给我买了一本名叫《爱丽丝梦游仙境》的书,我被书里那精彩奇妙的梦幻世界所吸引。 书中讲述像仙女一样美丽的爱丽丝,在一个闷热又无聊的 夏日午后,她陪伴着姐姐在河边读书,在昏昏欲睡的时候,她 追赶一只会说话的兔子,就开始了她的梦幻之旅。 在梦中,爱丽丝好奇地跟着兔子看个究竟,却掉进了兔子洞,这个洞是一个神秘莫测的、不可思议的童话世界。在这个 世界里,她时而变大,时而变小,遇到了一群稀奇古怪的人和 动物,掉进了自己的眼泪池,参加了鸟类的集会,拜访了三月 兔和帽匠……最后和王后进行槌球比赛,后来和王后发生冲突


单选题 第1题 (2) 分这些工人都是篮球的热心观众。 A、These workers are avid watchers of basketball matches. B、These workers are avid watchers of basketball. C、These workers are warmhearted watchers of basketball. 第2题 (2) 分她常常动不动就骂她的孩子们,但孩子们都知道她使刀子嘴豆腐心。 A、She was always scolding her children, but they knew that her scolding might be like a knife but her heart B、She was always scolding her children, but they knew her bark was worse than her bite. C、She was always scolding her children, but they knew that she was kindhearted while scolding. 第3题 (2) 分这个小女孩长得又漂亮又聪明,真是人见人爱。 A、This little girl is beautiful and clever. Indeed everybody here loves her. B、This little girl is very beautiful and clever. It is true everybody here loves her when they see her. C、This little girl is so beautiful and clever that no one who sees her can help loving her. 第4题 (2) 分 On these pages you get the story of what happened --- and how leading Americans see the priorities now. A、以下几页叙述的是事情的来龙去脉――以及美国领导人当前如何看待事情的轻重缓急。 B、以下几页叙述的是事情的来龙去脉――以及领导的美国人当前如何看待事情的轻重缓急。 C、以下几页叙述的是事情的来龙去脉――以及当领导的美国人当前如何看待事情的轻重缓急。 第5题 (2) 分 His preoccupation with business left little time for his family. A、他全神贯注于事业,为他的家庭留下了很少的时间。 B、他对事业的全神贯注留给他家庭的时间很少。


精品文档 "Curiouser and curiouser!"said Alice.(She was very surprised,and for a minute she forgot how to speak good English.) "I shall be as tall as a house in a minute,"she said.She tried to look down at her feet,and could only just see them."Goodbye,feet!"she called."Who will put on your shoes now?Oh dear!What nonsense I'm talking!" Just then her head hit the ceiling of the room.She was now about three metres high.Quickly,she took the little gold key from the table and hurried to the garden door. Poor Alice!She lay on the floor and looked into the garden with one eye.She could not even put She began to cry again,and went on crying and crying.The tears ran down her face,and soon there was a large pool of water all around her on the floor.Suddenly she heard a voice,and she stopped crying to listen. "Oh,the Duchess,the Duchess!She'll be so angry!I'm late,and she's waiting for me.Oh dear,oh dear!" It was the white Rabbit again.He was hurrying down the long room,with some white gloves in one hand and a large fan in the other hand. Alice was afraid,but she needed help.She spoke in a quiet voice."Oh,please,sir—" The Rabbit jumped wildly,dropped the gloves and the fan,and hurried away as fast as he could. Alice picked up the fan and the gloves.The room was very hot,so she began to fan herself while she talked."Oh dear!How strange everything is today!Did I change in the night?Am I a different person today?But if I'm a different person,then the next question is—who am I?Ah,that's the mystery." She began to feel very unhappy again,but then she looked down at her hand.She was wearing one of the Rabbit's white gloves."How did I get it on my hand?"she thought."Oh,I'm getting smaller again!"She looked round the room."I'm al- ready less than a metre high.And getting smaller every second!How can I stop it?"She saw the fan in her other hand,and quickly dropped it. She was now very,very small-and the little garden door was locked again,and the little gold key was lying on the glass table. "Things are worse than ever,"thought poor Alice.She turned away from the door,and fell into salt water,right up to her neck.At first she thought it was the sea,but then she saw it was the pool of tears.Her tears.Crying makes a lot of tears when you are three metres tall. "Oh,why did I cry so much?"said Alice.She swam around and looked for a way out,but the pool was very big.Just then she saw an animal in the water near her.It looked like a large animal to Alice,but it was only a mouse. "Shall I speak to it?"thought Alice."Everything's very strange down here,so perhaps a mouse can talk." So she began:"Oh Mouse,do you know the way out of this pool?I am very tired of swimming,oh Mouse!"(Alice did not know if this was the right way to speak to a mouse.But she wanted to be polite.) The mouse looked at her with its little eyes,but it said nothing. "Perhaps it doesn't understand English,"thought Alice."Perhaps it's a French mouse."So she began again,and said in French:"Where is my cat?"(This was the first sentence in her 精品文档


Module 1 Unit 1 Listen and chant.英语课文翻译 My father is a doctor. 我父亲是一名医生。 His name is Drew. 他的名字是德鲁。 He loves me very much. 他非常爱我。 And I love him, too. 我也爱他。 My mother is a driver. 我母亲是一名司机。 Her name is Sue. 她的名字是休。 She loves me very much. 她非常爱我。 And I love her, too. 我也爱她。 Module 1 Unit 1 Listen,read and act out.英语课文翻译?玲玲与埃米和萨姆在英国。 Lingling: Look! This is my grandma.She was young in this picture. 玲玲:看!这是我(外)祖母。在这张照片中她很年轻。 Lingling: She was a driver before. 玲玲:她以前是一名司机。 Sam: What did she drive? 萨姆:她驾驶什么车? Lingling: She drove a bus. 玲玲:她驾驶公共汽车。 Amy: Who's this? 埃米:这是谁? Lingling: It's my grandpa.He was a flute player before. 玲玲:这是我(外)祖父。他以前是一名笛子演奏者。 Sam: What music did he play? 萨姆:他演奏什么音乐? Lingling: He played Chinese music.


7年级下册英语2d翻译 7年级下册英语2d翻译 Unit1 ----2d Jane: 你好,鲍勃,你想加入什么俱乐部? Bob:我想加入运动俱乐部。 Jane:棒极了!你会玩什么运动? Bob:足球 Jane:这么说你可以加入足球俱乐部。 Bob:那么你呢?你非常善长讲故事,你可以加入讲故事俱乐部。 Jane:听起来不错。但我也喜欢画画。 Bob:那就加入两个俱乐部,讲故事俱乐部和美术俱乐部 Jane:好的,让我们现在去加入吧! Unit2----2d Interviewer :Scott有一份有趣的工作。他在一家广播电台工作。你的广播节目在几点? Scott:: 从晚上十二点到早上六点。 Interviewer :你通常几点起床? Scott:晚上八点半。然后我九点吃早饭。 Interviewer :那是个有趣的早饭的时间。 Scott:是的。之后,我通常在十点二十左右锻炼。 Interviewer :你什么时候去上班?

Scott:在十一点,所以我工作从不迟到 Unit3----2e Lisa:嗨,Jane.这是你的自行车吗? Jane:是的,我每天骑它去上学。你是怎样到学校的? Lisa:我通常乘公共汽车。 Jane:从你家到学校有多远? Lisa:我不确定,大约有10千米?乘公共汽车大约需要20分钟。你到学校花费多长时间? Jane:骑自行车大约需要15分钟。那是很好的锻炼。 Lisa:是的。哦,祝你在学校度过快乐的一天。 Jane:你也是。 Unit4----2d John:嗨,我的名字叫John。这是我在学校的第一天。 Alice:嗨,John,我是Alice。这是一所极好的学校,但是有许多规则。 John:真的吗?规则当中的一些是什么? Alice:嗯,不要上课迟到。这是非常重要的。 John:好吧,所以我们必须准时。我们可以带音乐播放器到学校吗? Alice:不,我们不可以。并且我们总是不得不穿校服。 John:我明白了。 Alice:奥,并且我们也不得不在图书馆里保持安静。

华师在线 翻译作业

翻译作业 1.这些工人都是篮球的热心观众。A.These workers are avid watchers of basketball matches. 2.She is an absolutely one-man wife.C.她是一个忠实的妻子,坚信从一而终的信念。 3.Every one of us, except my poor hoodwinked grandmother, heard of the bad news. C.我们大家都得知了这一不幸的消息,只有我那可怜的奶奶,还蒙在鼓里。 4.学校不会管这样的事情。B.The school authority will not bother about such things. 5.A pretext was the last thing that Hastings was likely to want. A.哈丁斯好像不需要什么借口。6.他最终什么时候来,大家都吃不准。C.When he’ll finally turn up is anybody’s guess! 7.别管枝节问题,让我们讨论实质性问题,以求得基本的一致。https://www.doczj.com/doc/5e16144295.html,y aside the side-issues for the moment; let’s get down to brass tacks and thrash out a basic agreement. 8.但他性情不同,既不求官爵,又不交朋友,终日闭门读书。B.He was, however, eccentric. He neither looked for an official post, nor had any friends, studying behind closed doors al day. 9.在那个殖民地,行政官员调动频繁,就像走马灯似的。A.The transfer of administrative personnel in that colony was so frequent as to create a kaleidoscope effect. 10.这个小女孩长得又漂亮又聪明,真是人见人爱。C.This little girl is so beautiful and clever that no one who sees her can help loving her. 11.当时我们已经变得像一家人那样亲密,东西不分你我,彼此可以把筷子伸到对方的碗里抢肉吃。C.We had come to be like one family by now, being on such intimate terms that we helped ourselves freely to each other’s things and sometimes could dig our chopsticks into each other’s bowls for choice pieces of meat. 12.即使商品质量好,也不能漫天讨价。A.Even quality goods must have a price ceiling. 13.Failure to answer half the questions they asked made the police suspect him. A.由于他未能回答他们所问问题的一半,使得警察对他产生了怀疑。 14.If you would know the value of money, go and try to borrow some; for he that goes a borrowing goes a suffering. A.要想知道钱的价值,就得体会一下借钱的滋味。因为开口向人借钱总是很不好受的。 15.He relaxed himself by playing chess at the end of an arduous day’s work. B.他工作了一天非常劳累,下班后下棋轻松一下。 16.I haunted all the meetings in London where debates followed lectures. A.伦敦的集会,凡是演讲结束以后接着进行辩论的,我都参加。 17.You are posted in what had preceded all this, but I was not. C.你现在已经明白了这件事的全部原委,但我当时却全然不知。 18.Of many thousand spare parts does not come up to the standard but one. B.在成千上万个备件中,只发现一个不合格。 19.…but Lady Southdown dismissed poor Briggs as quickly as decency permitted. A.无奈莎吴唐老太太不喜欢布里格斯,勉强留她住了几天,糊过面子,就急急的打发她走了。20.俗话说,不怕不识货,就怕货比货。A.Inferior goods can’t stand comparison, as the saying goes. 21.这具有重大的历史意义。A.This is of historic significance. 22.There is a mixture of the tiger and the ape in his character. A.他的性格既残暴又狡猾。 23.她常常动不动就骂她的孩子们,但孩子们都知道她使刀子嘴豆腐心。B.She was always scolding her children, but they knew her bark was worse than her bite. 24.A cat, whose eyes can take in more rays of light than out eyes, can see things clearly in the night. C.由于猫的眼睛能比我们人的眼睛吸收更多的光线,所以猫在夜间看东西很清楚。25.His preoccupation with business left little time for his family. C.他全神贯注于事业,因而与家人在一起的时间很少。 26.Nepal’s wide range of topographies support similarly broad cultural variations. A.由于尼泊尔具有多样化的地貌特征,她的文化也呈现出多样性。 27.必须努力加强廉政建设。A.Great efforts should be made to keep government clean. 28.利润可能下降,但赞助活动仍方兴未艾。A.Profits may be falling, but sponsorship lives. 29.一切都考虑进去,她的建议似乎更切实可行。B.Everything taken into consideration, her proposal seems more practicable. 30.颐和园是我国劳动人民勤劳和智慧的产物。B.The Summer Palace is a monument to the industry and wisdom of the laboring people of China. 31.她变本加厉地剥削欺压工人。A.She redoubled his efforts in exploiting and oppressing the workers. 32.中国人民不用多久就会变得富裕起来。A.It won’t be long before the Chinese people become well off. 33.手头上的钱不够用了,他只好打消买皮鞋的念头。B.Money being not enough, he has to drop the idea to buy a pair of leather shoes for the time being. 34.You’re being merely childish.A.你这样做简直是孩子气。 35.这次展出还是老一套。C.The exhibit does not lend itself to much exciting variation. 36.他想一吐胸中块垒,但却找不到一个可以倾诉的人。C.He wanted to get his problem off his chest, but there was no one to whom he could unbosom himself. 37.On these pages you get the story of what happened --- and ````ee the priorities now.A.以下几页叙述的是事情的来龙去脉――以及美国领导人当前如何看待事情的轻重缓急。38.There’s been some dirty work with the club accounts and some money is missing.A.俱乐部的帐目有鬼,有些钱不知去向。 39.张先生腋下夹着一本字典,手里端``,```踱着步一边哼着一首流行歌曲。B.With a dictionary under his arm and a cup in his hand, Mr. Zhang was humming a popular tune as he paced. 40.大院周围,乱乱地戳着一幢幢茅棚土屋,风雪猛烈地冲撞着家家的破门烂窗。 A.Around the manor lay a wretched and confused mass of thatched huts, whose windows and doors rattled miserably in the snowstorm. 41.A causeless event or thing, we can not think of any more than we can of a stick with only one end.C.任何事情的发生都不可能是无缘无故的,正如一根棍子不可能只有一头一样。42.The children are always up to amusing tricks. A.孩子们总是喜欢调皮捣蛋寻开心。 43.War was avoided by a master stroke of statesmanship. B.由于运用了高超的政治策略,战争才得以避免。 44.The door opens, and who should enter but the very man we were talking of? A.门开了,谁想到走进来的正是我们方才谈论的人! 45.这些话,勾起他许多心事。他的````````子黯淡下来。C.These words awakened to him many memories of the past. Like the darkness pervading the room, his thoughts, too, grew somebre. 46.Few went out in such a cutting and blinding wind. C.寒风刺骨,刮得叫人睁不开眼睛。在这样恶劣的天气,很少有人出门。 47.She is a good washer. C.她洗衣服总是洗得很干净。 48.她没来开会,我们都觉得很遗憾。A.We all think it a pity that she didn’t show up at the meeting. 49.不错,有了自己的孩子使他们的造反冲动收敛了许多。C.True, parenthood has tamed their rebellious impulses. 50.我给你打国际直拨就跟给楼下的李姐打电话差不多,一拨就通。A.An international call to you is as easy as a call to Sister Li downstairs.


读书报告 Book Reading Report(No. 2 ) 书名:爱丽丝梦游仙境作者:查尔斯·路德维希·道奇森出版社/时间:航空工业出版社 第一周Dates:to pages:to to to to to to to to to 第二周Dates:to pages:to to to to to to to to to 作者简介:刘易斯·卡罗尔(Lewis Carroll),原名查尔斯·路德维希·道奇逊,与安徒生、格林兄弟齐名的世界顶尖儿童文学大师。原名查尔斯·路德维希·道奇逊。1832年1月出生于英国柴郡的一个牧师家庭,1898年卒于萨里。曾在牛津大学基督堂学院任教达30年之久,业余爱好非常广泛,尤其喜爱儿童肖像摄影。他的第一本童书《爱丽丝奇境历险记》于1865年出版,当时就引起了巨大轰动,1871年又推出了续篇《爱丽丝穿镜奇幻记》,更是好评如潮。两部童书旋即风靡了整个世界,成为一代又一代孩子们乃至成人最喜爱的读物。 如果说刘易斯·卡罗尔因为这两部童书而被称为现代童话之父,丝毫没有夸大的成分。至少他的两部《爱丽丝》一改此前传统童话(包括《安徒生童话》、《格林童话》)充斥着杀戮和说教的风格,从而奠定了怪诞、奇幻的现代童话基调。仅从这点来说,就堪称跨时代的里程碑。 人物简介:1. Alice--Alice is the main character of the story. She is an English seven-year-old girl with a good imagination, manners and behavior. In many movie versions of the book, Alice usually appears as a blonde girl, wearing a blue dress, white apron over top, stockings, and black 'Mary Jane' shoes. 2. The White Rabbit--The Rabbit is responsible of Alice following him and into Wonderland. He is the first Wonderland Resident Alice meets. In the book and movie versions, the Rabbit wears a waistcoat where he pockets his watch. And at the end of the story, it is revealed that he serves as herald to the King and Queen of Hearts. 3. The Caterpillar--A wise, but rude old bug who gives Alice advice about how to change sizes correctly by eating the mushroom. 4. The Cheshire Cat--A peculiar feline that always grins and turns invisible at will. He belongs to the Duchess, and is responsible of guiding Alice to the Mad Tea Party. The Cat is the closest friend Alice meets in Wonderland. 5. The Mad Hatter--A wacky man and leader of the Mad Tea Party. He is known to be very rude towards Alice and giving her stupid riddles without any answers. He is also the first witness of the Knave of Hearts' trial. 6. The March Hare--The Mad Hatter's crazed sidekick who is also rude and obnoxious towards Alice. The March Hare is always mad, and maybe slightly stupid and confused ever since the Mad Hatter didn't have the chance to finish his performance at the Queen of Hearts' concert. 7. The Dormouse--The third and sleepy member of the Mad Tea Party Trio. He often sleeps through the party, but the Mad Hatter and the March Hare have ways to rudely wake him up. 8. The Queen of Hearts--A stubborn, violent and cruel tyrant who enjoys beheading people,


第1章掉进兔子洞 Alice was beginning to get very bored.She and her sister were sitting under the trees. Her sisterwas reading,but Alice had nothing to do.Once or twice she looked into her s ister's book,but ithad no pictures or conversations in it. 爱丽丝开始觉得有点无聊了。她和姐姐正坐在树下。姐姐在看书,而爱丽丝无事可做。她不时看看姐姐的书,里面既没有图画,也没有对话。 "And what is the use of a book,"thought Alice,"without pictures or conversations?" “一本书没有图画和对话有什么用呢?”爱丽丝想。 She tried to think of something to do,but it was a hot day and she felt very sleepy an dstupid.She was still sitting and thinking when suddenly a White Rabbit with pink eye s ran pasther. 她想找点什么事儿做做,可天气很热,她觉得又因又无聊。正坐在那儿想事,忽然,一只长着粉红眼睛的白兔跑过她身边。 There was nothing really strange about seeing a rabbit.And Alice was not very surpris ed whenthe Rabbit said,"Oh dear!Oh dear!I shall be late!"(Perhaps it was a little stra nge, Alice thoughtlater,but at the time she was not surprised.) 看到一只兔子真没有什么可奇怪的。兔子说话时爱丽丝居然也不觉得太奇怪。兔子说,“噢,天哪!噢,天哪!我要迟到了!”(后来爱丽丝想起这事觉得有点儿奇怪,但当时她并不觉得有什么奇怪。) But then the Rabbit took a watch out of its pocket,looked at it,and hurried on.At once Alicejumped to her feet. 然后兔子从自己的口袋里掏出一块表,看了看,赶紧走了。爱丽丝立刻跳了起来。"I've never before seen a rabbit with either a pocket,or a watch to take out of it,"shet hought.And she ran quickly across the field after the Rabbit.She did not stop to think, andwhen the Rabbit ran down a large rabbit-hole,Alice followed it immediately. “我从未见过有口袋的兔子,或者兔子掏出一块手表来。”她想。她跟在兔子后面很快跑过田野。她也没停下来想一想,当兔子跑进一个大的兔子洞时,爱丽丝立即跟了进去。 After a little way the rabbit-hole suddenly went down,deep into the ground.Alice coul d not stopherself falling,and down she went,too.


《爱丽丝梦游仙境》读书笔记《爱丽丝梦游仙境》读书笔记12篇 我看的书名叫<爱丽丝梦游仙境>,作者是主尹。 这本书的角色有爱丽丝、兔子、大花猫、灰老鼠、扑克牌人、女王、佛朗明哥鸟、刺猬。 女王派出佛朗明哥鸟和刺猬来对付爱丽丝,爱丽丝把佛朗明哥鸟丢向刺猬,佛朗明哥鸟和刺猬两败俱伤。爱丽丝赢了,女王觉得很不甘心,就把爱丽丝抓去法庭。 在这本书里,我最想要变成爱丽丝,因为她很勇敢。如果我是爱丽丝的话,我遇到困难一定会冷静的想办法解决。 这本书我想跟姵伶分享,因为里面的人物很可爱。这本书让我知道,任何事都要冷静面对、不怕困难。 最近我读了一本书,书名叫《爱丽丝梦游仙境》。 书中的主人公爱丽丝在一个中午与姐姐读书时,意外地走进了书中的世界。在那里,她经历了许多奇怪的事。并还结识了会说话的兔子,以及会动的扑克牌。当她醒来时,才发现这原先是个长长的梦。 合上书本,我揉了揉疲惫的双眼。我觉得爱丽丝好幸福,能够进入书的世界,即便那是个梦。 想起爱丽丝刚刚掉入书中,我以为她会象一般女孩子大哭大闹,没了主意。但我想错了,她反而把自我的坚强与乐观呈现给读者,让我们明白了主人公并不是个懦弱胆怯的小女生。而后面在与扑克牌士兵和王后的交流中更显出了她的聪明和勇敢。

爱丽丝就是这样一个女孩,让我们看了她的故事后不由得去喜欢她,去因为她经历的跌宕起伏而心跳不止,去因她的逃脱困境而喜 上眉梢。 也就是这样一个女孩,让我想到了我自已。我也有自已的梦,也以前沉醉在梦境中的喜悦或哭泣中。我以前以为梦想是那么的遥不 可及,因为梦想和现实总是有差距的,梦中的仙境究竟有多远?我 真的能走到伸出手就能够触摸到的地方吗? 不知什么时候天空已挂满星辰,低头看手中已经被自已抓了很久的《爱丽丝梦游仙境》,卦面上的爱丽丝笑着和姐姐坐在红红的枫 树下,枫叶红通通洒了满地……我不由地笑了,和爱丽丝一样的笑,她能够勇敢乐观,为什么我不能够?梦境虽然遥远,虽然并不真实,但是心却是真的,只要有心,什么事做不到呢? 此时,我再次仰望天空,眼神不再迷茫。北方的北斗星将会随着季节而改变方向,而人生的方向不会因为时间而改变。爱丽丝已经 从梦中醒来,而我的梦想,则是刚刚开始。 妈妈给我买了一本名叫《爱丽丝梦游仙境》的书,我被书里那精彩奇妙的梦幻世界所吸引。 书中讲述像仙女一样美丽的爱丽丝,在一个闷热又无聊的夏日午后,她陪伴着姐姐在河边读书,在昏昏欲睡的时候,她追赶一只会 说话的兔子,就开始了她的梦幻之旅。在梦中,爱丽丝好奇地跟着 兔子看个究竟,却掉进了兔子洞,这个洞是一个神秘莫测的、不可 思议的童话世界。在这个世界里,她时而变大,时而变小,遇到了 一群稀奇古怪的人和动物,掉进了自己的眼泪池,参加了鸟类的集会,拜访了三月兔和帽匠……最后和王后进行槌球比赛,后来和王 后发生冲突时,爱丽丝才醒来,发现自己依然躺在河边。 虽然这只是一个梦,但我们要学习爱丽丝善良、乐于助人的精神,经常给予他人帮助,无论是什么,都爱惜它,真心对待。我们更要 学习她的勇敢,也许在某些情况下,胜利和失败也只有一步之遥, 有可能一个人拥有勇敢就会成功,而没有,则可能失败。


1.第1题 张先生腋下夹着一本字典,手里端着茶杯,一边踱着步一边哼着一首流行歌曲。 A.Mr. Zhang carried a dictionary under his arm, held a cup in his hand, paced and hummed a tune. B.With a dictionary under his arm and a cup in his hand, Mr. Zhang was humming a popular tune as he paced. C.With a dictionary under his arm and a tea cup in his hand, Mr. Zhang was pacing while he hummed a popular tune. 您的答案:B 题目分数:2 此题得分:2.0 2.第2题 俗话说,不怕不识货,就怕货比货。 A.Inferior goods can’t stand comparison, as the saying goes. B.As an old saying goes, we are not afraid that you do not know all about the goods but we are afraid that you compare the goods. C.As an old saying goes, don’t worry about not knowing about the goods; just compare and you will see which is better. 您的答案:A 题目分数:2 此题得分:2.0 3.第3题 大院周围,乱乱地戳着一幢幢茅棚土屋,风雪猛烈地冲撞着家家的破门烂窗。 A.Around the manor lay a wretched and confused mass of thatched huts, whose windows and doors rattled miserably in the snowstorm. B.Around the manor stood the wretched and confused mass of thatched huts. The snowstorm was blowing violently and rattled the broken windows and doors of every house. C.There was a wretched and confused mass of thatched huts around the manor. The snowstorm was roaring and rattling the broken windows and doors of every house.

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