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Chapter 20 Education 教育

[被屏蔽广告] 1.It is a general view that every American has the right and obligatio

n to become educated. American believe that ,through education, an individual acquires th e knowledge, skill ,attitudes and abilities which will enable him to fit into society and im prove his social status. Education helps to shape the society and develop the national stre ngth。在美国,人们普遍认识是,每一个人都有受教育的权利和义务,通过受教育,人们可以更好的适应社会,提高自身的社会地位,教育有助于塑造社会,增强国家实力。(2000,46题,一句话回答)

2.Formal education in the U.S consists of elementary ,secondary and higher educat ion, Elementary and secondary education,which forms public education, is free and compul sory.美国正规的教育由初等,中等和高等教育组成,初等,中等教育属公立教育,是免费和义务的。

3.In American ,there are more public elementary and secondary schools that privat e ones, while private colleges and universities outnumber public ones.在美国,公立中小学比私立多,而私立大学比公立大学多。

4.Under the Tenth Amendment to the U.S Constitution, education was included am ong the responsibilities which were “reserved to the states or the people:.根据美国宪法第十修正案,教育是:保留给各州或人民:的责任之一。

5.There is not a national system of education in the United States, It is the state t hat establishes policies for the education within its boundary, so many variations can be f ound in the education system of the 50 states.美国没有全国统一的教育体制,而是由各州为自己辖区内的学校制订政策,所以50个州的教育体制相差很大。

6.Elementary and secondary education in the U.S covers 12 years for ages 6 throu gh 18, All the states have laws that require children to go to school, generally until the a

ge of 16, unless they are severely handicapped.美国初等和中等教育共12年,从6岁到期8岁,所有州要求孩子们上学上到期16岁,除非他们严重残疾。

7.In American, the total support for public schools is about 186 billion a year, ab out 7% of the gross national product(GNP)在美国,给公立学校的财政资助一年约1850亿美元,约占国民生产总值的7%。

8.Each local school district of American has a governing board whose major respo nsibilities are 1>the hiring of professional and support staff, 2>determining the most suitab le local curriculum, 3>and developing and approving a budget to carry out educational pro grams. Usually the board of education employs a superintendent of school, who is the chi ef executive officer at the local level.每个地方学区都有一个由选民选举产生的管理委员会,它主要有三个职责,1。聘用教师和学校员工,2。决定适合当地的课程,3。制定和批准执行教育计划的预算,通常,教育委员会要选一位督学,作为地方一级的重要教育行政官员。

9.The typical organizational pattern for elementary and secondary schools is that of graded schools. Usually, the elementary school covers grades 1-8 and the high school 9-1 2.美国中小学典型的组织模式是年级制,通常,小学包括1到8年级,中学包括9到12年级。

10.There is a certain degree of similarity in the American elementary school curric ul um. It mainly consists of mastery of the “basics” such as reading, writing, and arithmeti c of mathematics.美国各小学的课程有某种程度的相似之处,要是对“基础课的掌握,这些基础包括阅读,写作,和算术或数学等。

11.Higher education of the U.S began with the founding of Harvard College in 16 36.美国的高等教育始于1636年哈佛学院的建立。(2001,22选择)

12.The system of higher education in the U.S has three principal functions: teachi ng, research and public service.美国高等教育有三大职能:教学,研究,和公众服务。

13.In American, there are the best research universities such as Harvard, Yale, Pri nceton, Columbia and MIT in the east, as well as Stanford and Berkeley on the west coa st.美国最好的科研型大学有位于东部的哈佛,耶鲁,普林斯顿,哥伦比亚,和麻省理工大学,位于西海岸的斯坦福大学和伯克利大学。

14.The administration of most colleges and universities is quite separate from that of the school. But there are three State board that set policy for education at all levels in respective state, They are the State Boards of New York, Rhode Island ,and Michigan.大多数学院和大学的行政管理是与中小学分开的,但有3个州例外,它们是纽约,罗得岛,和密歇根州。

15.Except for some college sponsored by the Catholic Church, all college and uni versities in the U.S ,public or private, are governed by a board of trustees composed prim arily of laymen.除了一些由天主教会赞助的大学外,美国所有的大学都是由一个主要的由外行人员组成的托管委员会管理。

16.The community college calls for education to serve the good of both the indivi dual a nd society. It embodies Thomas Jefferson’s belief that an education should be practi cal as well as liberal.社区学院奉行教育既为个人又为社会服务的宗旨,它包含了托马斯。杰斐逊教育既是实用的又是自由这一信仰。

17.By the mid-1980s, a wave of education reform swept the country. These reform had two focuses:1>the raising of the standards of teaching and learning;2>the restructurin g of the schools.到80年代中期席卷全国的教育改革的浪潮有两个重点1》提高教学标准2》学校的结构改革。

18.In 1983, a report entitled “A Nation At Risk” was issued which cited high rate s of adult illiteracy, declining SAT scores, the decline of educational standards. The report put forward five proposals.1983《危险中的国家》发表,引用了成人文盲比例高,学生技能下降,教育水准下降等例子,该报告提出了五点建议。

19.On April 18,1991, President Bush issued his plan” American 2000:An Education strategy” which set six goals.


1.What are the three principle functions of the system of higher education in the U.S?


2. what is the guiding principle of community college?

It is higher education for everyone and the philosophy that equality must equal oppo rtunity for self-realization and for the recognition of individual differences.

3.what is the difference between an academic high school and a technical high schoo l?(2002,46已考)

4.who is the chief executive officer under the local board of education in America?

The superintendent of schools is the chief executive officer at the local level.

5.what are the three type of American high schools?

They are comprehensive , academic, vocational , and technical schools.

6.what are two focuses of the reforms in the 1980s when a wave of education refor m swept the country?(the answer is 17—答案是上述第17条)

7.Why does the number of graduate school enrollment in American keep climbing?

Because an advanced degree is viewed as a key way to move ahead people’s career s.

8.According to the report entitled :A Nation At Risk” issued in 1983, what are the : new basics” for all students graduating from high school?

The “new basics” are four years of English , three year of mathematics, three years of science , three years of social studies, and a half-year of computer science.


Chapter 21 Literature, Architecture and Music 文化,建筑和音乐

[被屏蔽广告] 1.Benjamin Franklin was the only writer in the colonial period whose

works are read today “Lost time is never found again”, “God helps those who help thems elves “are very famous saying in his Poor Richard’s Almanac.本杰明。富兰克大是殖民地时期唯一一位作品至今仍广为传诵的作家“光阴一去不复回”“自助者,天助之,都是他《穷理查的年鉴》中的名言。

2.Benjamin Franklin’s uncompleted Autobiography is perhaps the first real American writing as well as the first real autobiography in English.本杰明。富兰克林没完成的自传可能是第一本真正的美国作品,也是第一本用英语写的自传.

3.Washington Irving was the first American writer who gained international fame. H is most famous book The Sketch Book contains two of the best-love stories from America n literature: and .华盛顿.欧文是第一个获得国际知名度的美国作家,他最著名的一本书《见闻札记》,它包括了美国文学两个最受欢迎的故事《瑞普。凡。温克尔》和《睡谷的传奇》4.In the early part of the 19th century, New York City was the center of American writing .Its writers were called :Knickerbockers” and the period from 1810 to 1840 is ca

lled the “Knickerbockers Era” of the American literature. 19世纪早期,纽约城是美国的写作中心,这里的作家被称为纽约市人,从1810-1840年的三十年被称为美国文学的“纽约市人时期。

5.In 1936, Emerson published his famous book Nature, which is the clearest stateme nt of Transcendentalist ideas. In 1837, Emer son gave a speech at Harvard University: “Th e American Scholar”, which was considered the intellectual Declaration of independence.18 36年,爱默生出版了其著作《自然》该书对先验主义作了最清楚的阐述,1837年,爱默生在哈佛大学发表了题为《美国的学者》的演讲,该演讲被认为是知识分子的独立宣言。

6.In The Scarlet Letter, Hawthorne conside r the effect on an individual’s character o f guilty conscience, of hypocrisy, and of hatred.霍桑在代表作《红字》中对人物性格的内疚,虚伪和憎恨的外部影响提出了自己的看法。

7.Mark Twain’s famous works are:1> The Adventure of Tom Sawyer.汤姆。索亚历险记

2> the Adventures of huckleberry Finn( his masterwork)哈克贝利。费恩历险记

3>A Tramp Abroad 浪迹天涯

4>Life on the Mississippi 密西西比河上的生活

5>The Gilded Age 镀金时代6>Innocents Abroad 无知者的国外游(一句话简答的可能)

8.In Walt Whitman’s masterpiece Leaves of Grass, he praised the ideas of equality and democracy and celebrated the dignity, the self-reliant spirit and the joy of the commo n man. “Song of Myself” is Whitman’s very famous works. Whitman was the first to exp lore fully the possibilities of free verse.惠特曼是探索自由诗体可能性的第一个,他在他的


9.Emily Dickson wrote nearly 1800 poems and only seven of them were published during her lifetime. Death was one of the great themes of her work and she seldom lost sight of the grave.死亡是迪金森作品的一大主题。

10.Sister Carrie is Theodore Dreiser’s first novel. Dreiser is also famous for his Tri logy of Desire(The Financier, The Titan, and The Stoic), and An American Tragedy, whic h is considered to be his best.《嘉丽妹妹》是德莱塞的第一部小说,德莱塞还因其〈欲望三部曲〉“金融家”“巨人”“斯多葛”以及〈美国国悲剧〉而闻名于世,它也被认为是他最好的一部作品。(2001。46问答)

12.Thomas Sterns Eliot won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1946. His masterpiece,“The Waste Land” reveals the spiritual crisis of Post War Europe, and is considered the manifesto of the “Lost Generation”.托马斯。艾略特于1946年获得诺贝尔文学奖,《荒原》是其代表用,展现了战后欧洲的精神危机,被认为是“迷惘的一代的宣言书。

13.Ernest Hemingway won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954, The sun Also Ri ses is his important novel. His other important works include Farewell to Arms, For Who m the Bell Tolls, Old Man and the Sea.海明威1954年获得诺贝尔文学奖,《太阳照样升起》是他的第一部重要作品,他的其他著名作品还有《永别了,武器》,《丧钟为谁而鸣》《老人与海》(一句话简答的可能)(2001。24选择)

14.Hughes and Wright were the major figures of Black writers. Hughes was regarde d as Black American’s poet laureate. In his masterpiece “The Weary Blues”, he explains t he everyday life in Harlem. Native Son is Wright’s masterpiece. It is the first book by a Black author about the Black life. Black Boy was an autobiography relating the bitter exp erience of Wright’s youth.休斯和赖特是美国黑人作家的代表人物,休斯被认为是美国黑人


15.In the 1920s,Black Literature developed into an upsurge which has come to be k nown as the Harlem Renaissance.美国文学的:哈莱姆复兴“发生在20世纪20年代。

16.The first uniquely American contribution to architecture was the Skyscraper, whi ch was perfected in the late 19th century by the Chicago architect, Louis Sullivan. Sears Tower is the tallest building in the world, which was completed in 1974 in Chicago.摩天大楼是美国人对建筑的第一个贡献,它是由芝加哥建筑师路易斯。沙利文完成的,西尔斯大厦是世界是最高的建筑物。

17.In American, Jazz, Rock and Role, Western and country music are the main typ e of popular musi c. Jazz is considered the U.S’ s unique contribution to music.爵士乐,摇滚乐和西部乡村音乐是美国流行音乐的几种形式,爵士乐被认为是美国人对音乐的特别贡献。


第二十二章节:Holidays and Festivals 节日和假期

[被屏蔽广告] 1.By long custom, American nationally observed holidays include Chri

stmas, Thanksgiving Day, Labor Day, Independence Day, New Year’s Day, Columbus Day, Washington’s birthday, Memorial Day and Veterans’ Day.在美国有以下节日是全国同庆的节日:圣诞节,感恩节,劳动节,独立纪念日,新年,哥伦布纪念日,华盛顿诞辰纪念日,阵亡将士纪念日和退伍军人节。

2.Easter Sunday, which comes from the ancient Norwegian festival of Spring sun, is the second of the two most important religious holidays for Christians. Egg rolling, the original Easter tradition by the colonists, is held on Easter Monday morning every year on the Whiter House Lawn. Of all the symbols, the egg and the hare are considered to r

epresent fertility and new life.复活节源于古挪威的春天太阳节,是两上最重要的基督教节日中的第二个,滚彩蛋是殖民者最初的复活节传统,至今仍每年在白宫草坪举行,鸡蛋和野兔被认为是多产和新生活的象征,是复活节的象征物。

3.To celebrate Memorial Day, a grand ceremony is always held at the Tomb of th e Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery near Washington D.C为庆


4.Independence Day is American’s most important patriotic holiday patriotic holida y, the birthday of the nation. Now Independence day is celebrated in all states. The army marks the occasion by firing a thirteen-gun salute every year. Many people bring their c hildren to visit the birthplace of the country - Philadelphia.独立日纪念是美国最重要的爱国节日,也是国家的生日,军队每年都会鸣放13响礼炮来庆祝。家长们也往往带孩子们去参观美国的诞生地-费城

5.Halloween(All Hallows’ Eve) is a nighttime children’s holiday. Children with cur ious masks go from house to house to frighten friends of neighbors and threaten them wit h :Trick or treat”. Since 1950, more and more children have asked for pennies for UNIC EF to help children in other countries, for which the 1965 Nobel Peace Prize was awarde d to American children.万圣节除夕是孩子们的节日衣晚,你想挨捉弄还是款待我们“是万圣节的孩子们常说的话,1965年,美国儿童获得诺贝尔和平奖。

6。Veterans''Day ,which was called the Armistice Day before, originally celebtated the signing of the 1918 Armistice.退伍军人节,以前称作休战日,最初是为了纪念1918年第一次世界大战停战协议的签订。

7。Thanksgiving Day is a typical American holiday. The theme of Thanksgiving has always been peace and plenty, health and happiness. Thanksgiving Day is historical, nation

al, and religious holiday that began with the Pilgrims. The first Thanksgiving Day was cel ebrated by the English settlers in Plymouth, Massachusetts on Decenber 13,1621. On Than ksgiving day, people have such traditional food as roast turkey, pumpkin pie, apples, cran berry sauce, squash, etc.感恩节的主题一直是和平,丰收,健康和快乐,感恩节是由清教徒发起的,第一个感恩节是于1621年12月13日由居住在普利茅斯的英国移民庆祝的,烤火鸡,南瓜饼,越橘酱和南瓜是感恩节的传统食品。

8。Christmas Day, which celebrated the birth of Jesus Christ, is the biggest and the best-loved holiday in the United states, in many areas,, after the Thanksgiving Day is the biggest shopping day of the year-the first day of Christmas gift shopping.圣诞节是美国最大的,最受美国人喜欢的节日,在许多地区,感恩节后的第一个星期五是一年中最在的购物日---是购买圣诞节礼物的第一天。

英语国家概况精讲:第十三章 美国地理位置英语国家概况美国部分精讲系列

英语国家概况精讲:第十三章美国地理位置英语国家概况美国部分精讲系列 英语国家概况精讲:第十三章美国地理位置英语国家概况美国部分精讲系列 Chapter: 13 geography 地理位置 1.Alaska and Hawaii are the two newest states in American.Alaska northwestern Canada,and Hawaii lies in the central Pacific. 阿拉斯加和夏威夷是最近加入美国的两个新州。阿拉斯加在加拿大的西北部,夏威夷位邻中太平洋。(本细节还有考“一句话简答”的可能) 2。The U.S has a land area of 9.3 million square kilometres.It is the fourth largest country in the world in size after Russia,Canada and China. 就面积而言,美国是世界第四大国,就人口而言,美国是世界是第三大国。 3.Of all states of American,Alaska is the lagest in area and Rhode Island the smallest.But on the mainland Texas is the largest sate of the country. 所有州中,阿拉斯加是面积最大的州,罗得岛最小,在美国大陆,最大的州是得克萨斯州。 4。The Rockies,the backbone of the North American Continent,is


龙源期刊网 https://www.doczj.com/doc/5e15974740.html, 《英语国家概况》的教学反思 作者:童方吟 来源:《读与写·上旬刊》2017年第11期 摘要:《英语国家概况》是每所大学英语专业都会开设的课程,这一学科对于经济全球化的今天来说至关重要,因此,对于这门学科的教学,教师应该认真反思,如何高效的提高教学质量。 关键词:国概;教学方法;存在问题 中图分类号:G648 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1672-1578(2017)11-0001-01 英语教育专业的专业课程大致包括三种类型:英语语言课程、英语文学课程、英汉与汉英翻译课程。英语国家概况则属于英语语言课程中的一门专业必修课,其总体目标是:比较系统的介绍英、美、加、澳、新等主要英语国家在历史、地理、社会、政治、经济、教育等方面的情况以及其文化传统,让学生了解这些主要英语国家的背景知识,以扩大学生知识面,增强学生对英语国家文化的识别力、理解力,培养和提高学生观察、分析和解决问题的能力,使学生的在了解英语国家文化的过程中理解和运用英语进行有效的交际和成功的沟通。 进入新世纪以来,《基础教育课程改革纲要》的颁布,标志着我国的英语教育进入了一个崭新的大好时机。作为英语专业知识类课程,英语国家概况具有自身显著的特点,如果不改进与完善该课程的教学理论和方法,该课程就很难适应新的教学要求。 1.课程教学现状以及问题 1.1 教材及教学资料。《概况》课程的一大缺陷就是教材及教学资料很不完整,给老师的备课无形中增加了难度。目前市场上使用较普遍的是周叔麟主编的新版《英美概况教程》、王恩铭主编的《英语国家概况》、来安方编著的《英美概况》等,虽然看起来版本很多,但是每个版本都有自己的缺陷所在,体系并不很完整合理,并且,配套教学资料相当匮乏,这也严重的影响了学生学习的自主性。 1.2 课时安排。现今很多大学都在大二开设《概况》课程,通常为36个学时,并且是作为考查课程。要想学生在短短的36个课时里面掌握五个国家的历史、文化、政治、社会、经济等各方面内容,这对于教师的教学和学生的学习来说都比较困难,很容易造成学习上囫囵吞枣的现象。 1.3 学生的主观能动性。《国概》课程由于知识面广,生词量大,阅读量也大,这就导致学生在接触这本教材的时候就会产生畏惧心理,不知如何开始。将国概课程试卷与英语专业其


Ⅰ. True or False: 1. The United Kingdom is located in northern Europe. F 2. The United Kingdom consists of four political divisions —England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. F 3. England is one of the two large islands in the British Isles. F 4. The British Isles are made up of three large islands and hundreds of small ones. F 5. Wales lies on the east coast of the island of Great Britain. F 6. The Commonwealth of Nations is a free association of independent countries that all used to be colonies of Britain. F 7. In Scotland, rugged mountains, green valleys, and deep, blue lakes provide some of the most beautiful scenery in Europe. T 8. The longest river in Britain is the Thames. F 9. The largest lake in Britain is the Lough Neagh in northwest England. F 10. Britain’s climate is influenced by the Gulf Stream, a warm ocean current that sweeps up from the equator and flows past the British Isles. T Ⅰ. True or False: 1. The English, the Scots, and the Welsh are Anglo-Saxons, but the Irish are Celts.F 2. London and England as a whole have great influence over the rest of the United Kingdom because of their large population. T 3. People of Indian, Pakistani, and Bangladeshi origin are the largest group of immigrants in Britain. T 4. Compared to the rest of the world, the UK has a smaller percentage of older people and a higher percentage of younger people. F 5. The Welsh language is the official language in Wales. T 6. Scottish Gaelic is the official language in Scotland. F 7. The English language is the predominant language in Northern Ireland. T 8. English people all strive to free themselves of regional or local accents in order to sound like educated English-speaking people. F 9. Social class in the UK lays more emphasis on money and property. F 10. Britishness is associated with political, historical, technological, sporting, and cultural achievements in Britain. T Ⅰ. True or False: 1. The first Roman invasion took place in 43 AD, headed by the Emperor Julius Caesar. F 2. The name “England”derived from the Angles, one of the Germanic tribes who came to England in the 5th and 6th centuries. T 3. The Magna Carta defined the King’s feudal rights, preventing him from arbitrarily collecting revenue. T 4. The Black Death once ravage England, carrying off three fourths of the population. F 5. During Edward III’ s reign, the war with France known as the Hundred Years’ War began. T 6. The Wars of the Roses were in the main a great contest for Crown between the rival houses of York and Lancaster. T


英语国家概况精讲系列(十一) II. The Industrial Revolution (1780-1830) 工业革命(1780-1830) 1.The industrial Revolution refers to the mechanisation of industry and the consequent changes in social and economic organization in Britain in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. 工业革命指的是17世纪末、18世纪初英国工业的机械化,以及因此而导致的社会结构和经济结构的变化。 2.Britain was the first country to industrialize because of the following factors: 英国成为第一个工业化的国家,原因如下: (1) Favourable geopraphical location. Britain was well placed geographically to participate in European and world trade; 优越的地理位置:英国地理位置优越,适合参与欧洲与世界贸易; (2) Political stability. Britain had a peaceful society, which, after the 17th century, was increasingly interested in overseas trade and colonies. International trade brought wealth to merchants and city bankers. They and those who had done well out of new farming methods provided capital in large quantities for industralization. 政治局面稳定。17世纪后的英国社会宁静,对海外贸易和殖民地兴趣日增。国际贸易给商人和城市银行家带来财富,他们加上由于新农作法而发家的人们为工业化提供了大笔资金。(3) Good foundation in economy. The limited monarchy which resulted from the Glorious Revolution of 1688 ensured that the powerful economic interests in the community could exert their influence over Government policy. 1688年光荣革命限制了君主的权力,这使得强大的经济利益集团能对议会政策施加影响。(4) It was a country in which the main towns were never too far from seaports, or from rivers, which could distribute their products. 英国的主要城镇皆靠近海港或河流,货物运送便利。 (5) Britain had many rivers, which were useful for transport but also for water and steam power. Britain also had useful mineral resources. 英国许多河流不仅用于交通,还提供水力及蒸汽动力。英国还有可用的矿产资源。 (6) British engineers had sound training as craftsmen. 英国工程师为训练有素的手工艺人。 (7) The inventors were respected. They solved practical problems. 发明家受人尊重,他们解决了实际难题。 (8) Probably laissez faire and "Protestant work ethic" helped. 很可能利益于"放手干"及"新教工作道德"。 (9) England, Scotland, and Wales formed a customs union after 1707 and this included Ireland after 1807. So the national market was not hindered by internal customs barriers. 1707年后,英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士形成关税联盟,1807年后爱尔兰加入。因此,全国市场不再受阴于内部的关税障碍。 (10) The enclosures and other improvements in agriculture made their contributions


英语国家概况美国部分精讲系列 Chapter: 13 geography 地理位置 1.Alaska and Hawaii are the two newest states in American.Alaska northwestern Can ada,and Hawaii lies in the central Pacific. 阿拉斯加和夏威夷是最近加入美国的两个新州.阿拉斯加在加拿大的西北部,夏威夷位邻中太平洋.(本细节还有考“一句话简答”的可能) 2.The U.S has a land area of 9.3 million square kilometres.It is the fourth largest co untry in the world in size after Russia,Canada and China. 就面积而言,美国是世界第四大国,就人口而言,美国是世界是第三大国. 3.Of all states of American,Alaska is the lagest in area and Rhode Island the smalles t.But on the mainland Texas is the largest sate of the country. 所有州中,阿拉斯加是面积最大的州,罗得岛最小,在美国大陆,最大的州是得克萨斯州. 4.The Rockies,the backbone of the North American Continent,is also known as the C ontinental Divide. 落基山脉是北美大陆的脊梁,也被成为大陆分水岭. 5.The two main mountain ranges in American are the Appalachian mountains and the Rocky mountains. The Appalachians run slightly from the northeast to southwest and the Rocky mountains run slightly from the northwest to southeast. 阿巴拉契亚山脉和落基山脉是美国的两座大山脉.(本细节有考“一句话简答题”的可能)


《英语国家概况》教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 课程编码:B170832223 课程类别:专业基础课 课程名称:英语国家概况 课程性质:必修 适用专业:翻译 开课学期:第三学期 总学分:2 总学时:32 先行课程:英语语法、英语口语、英语听力、英汉翻译 课程简介:本课程属于翻译专业教学课程体系中的专业基础课。该课程旨培养学生实际运用语言的能力,帮助学生打下坚实的专业基础,达到专业四级水平;同时培养学生良好学习作风和正确学习方法,培养学生逻辑思维能力和独立工作能力,丰富学生社会文化知识,增强学生对文化差异的敏感性。 推荐教材:王恩铭. 英语国家概况[M]. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社, 2013 参考书目: [1] 来安方. 英美概况[M]. 河南: 河南人民出版社, 2007 [2] 余志远. 英语国家概况主编[M]. 北京: 外语教学与研究出版社, 2000 [3] 朱永涛. 英国社会与文化[M]. 北京: 高等教育出版社, 2003 二、课程总目标 以《英语国家概况》(王恩铭著)为蓝本。本课程主要是为了使英语专业学生了解主要英语国家的地理、历史、经济、政治等方面的概况,了解主要英语国家的文化传统,风俗习惯和社会生活的其他情况。本课程是一门实用性很强的文化知识课。一方面通过英语阅读主要英语国家的背景材料扩大知识面,另一方面通过学习文化知识进行语言基本功的训练,巩固和提高英语水平。 三、教学指南 课程重点:本课程教学的重点使英语专业学生了解主要英语国家的地理、历史、经济、政治等方面的概况,了解主要英语国家的文化传统,风俗习惯和社会生活的 其他情况。 课程难点:在使学生了解英语国家主要的地理、历史、经济和政治等方面的概况同时,还要培养学生良好学习作风和正确学习方法,培养学生逻辑思维能力和独立 工作能力,丰富学生社会文化知识,增强学生对文化差异的敏感性。 教学方法和手段:讲授+讨论+练习


新版“英语国家概况”精讲笔记【7】 Chapter 18 The U.S. Economy美国经济 1)Factors that contribute to the fast growth of the economy: ①the geographical location of the United States povides very good conditions for the country to grow and become strong. ②the United States has been blessed by being a land rich in mineral resources and fertile farm soil, together with a moderate climate. ③America has been fortunate in having enough people to provide the labour necessary for a constantly expanding economy. ④ the quality of available labour. The United States has a skilful and willing labour force. 经济快速增长的几个因素:1.美国的地理位置为国家的发展壮大提供了良好的条件;2.美国有幸是一块矿产资源丰富、土壤肥沃的陆地,气候温和;3.拥有足够的劳动力以满足不断发展的经济增长;4.这些劳动力的质量。美国拥有技术高和能动性好的劳动力大军。 2)Characteristics of the U.S. economy: character ised by a high degree of monopoly. 经济特征:已高度垄断为特点。 3)the importance of foreign trade:the United States supplies a larger share of the imports of all other countries than does any other country in the world. But the U.S. share of the world trade has declined in recent years.①Currently US exports are about 15% of the world’s total;②the US imports about 13% of all world imports; ③ Canada is the largest single source of goods imported by the U.S., accounting for nearly 30% of the total. Asia provides about 18% of American imports. Thus the economy of these countries is often affected when the U.S. economy is in trouble. 美国进口的商品比世界任何国家都多。但最近几年比例有所下降。1.美国出口量占全世界出口总数的15%;2.美国的进口占13%左右;3.加拿大是最大的供应国,占总数的近30%。亚洲占18%左右。因此,一旦美国经济陷入困境,这些国家也会受到影响。 4)problems facing the US economy: unemployment, inflation, financial deficit, and trade deficit. 经济存在的问题:失业,通货膨胀,财政赤字和贸易赤字。 Chapter 19.Political Institution政治体制 1)A workable form of government under the Constitution: a federal system of


英语国家概况—美国部分测试题 姓名____________ 班级_______________ 分数______________ 1. America was named after(). A. Italian navigator Columbus B. navigator Amerigo Vespucci C. some Indian chieftain D. George Washington, founding father of the United States 2. Between 1860 and 1990, the United States witnessed()large-scale population movements. A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 3.At the beginning of the Berlin Blockade, President Truman turned down the option of(). A. sending supplies through the highways, protected by tanks and troops B. sending supplies through the waterways C. starting large-scale airlifting D. staring limited airlifting to test the Soviets 4.In 1900, the United States ranked first in the production of(). A. coal B. electricity C. oil D. wheat 5.The Constitutional Convention in America was attended by(). A. all of the 13 states B. all of the states except Maryland C. all of the states except Rhode Island D. all of the states, but later Rhode Island withdrew from the convention 6.In the United States, Henry Ford became famous(). A. because of his wealth B. because he set up the Standard Oil Corporation C. because he was the first to invent cars D. because of his Model T automobile 7.The attitude of many Americans toward different political views after WWⅡcan be described as(). A. following the main trend of view B. intolerant C. indifferent D. tolerant 8.In the U.S., the Red Scare refers to(). A. a senseless hysteria about the danger of communism B. a fear of Soviet subversion C. a senseless hate of anything foreign D. an intolerance of any idea different from the mainstream idea 9.In the United States, the“winner-take-all”system applies to(). A. all the states B. a majority of the states C. all states except Maine D. only Maine 10.In “Old Man and Sea”, Hemingway praises the old man’s attitude towards(). A. defeat and failure B. the sea C. his work D. nature 11. Which of the following is NOT among the five biggest cities in the United States?( ) A. Chicago. B. New York. C. Miami. D. Los Angeles. 12.____, which banned slavery, was added to the American Constitution in December, 1865.( ) A. The Bill of Rights B. The Thirteenth Amendment C. The Civil Rights Act D. The Voting Rights Act 13.___ have made it possible for all sections of the American population to have higher education.


《英语国家概况》 一、课程性质、目的和要求 (一)课程性质 随着社会的进步和科技的高速发展,中外各种交流越来越密切,了解和掌握一些英语国家的文化传统也显得极为重要。英语国家概况是面向英语专业三年一期学生开设的专业必修课程。《英语国家概况》是介绍英语国家社会与文化背景的教科书,旨在帮助英语专业学生和英语自学者了解这些国家的社会与文化概貌,如地理,历史,政治,经济,社会生活和文化传统方面的基本知识。 (二)课程目的 该课程旨在提高英语水平为目的。该课程可以通过课文的学习和各种练习的实践,在教学过程中实行语言教学与文化知识课紧密相结合,以学生为中心,帮助学生能够理解课文,掌握英语,吸取知识,适当的补充对重大事件和人物的历史背景,典故,以提高学生的学习兴趣。课后可以适当布置一些思考题,指导学生进行有效的自学,拓宽他们的知识面。 (三)课程要求 该课程要求学生对英语国家的社会文化背景有一定的了解,能够对中西方社会和文化的差异有一定的理解和认识,正确看待中西方社会文化差异性与多元性。二、教学重点和难点 (一)教学重点 英国部分:英国历史、英国的经济制度和政策、英国的政治制度和政府机构、英国的福利制度。 美国部分:美国地理区域划分及人口结构、美国历史、美国经济特点、美国政治制度中的三权分立。 (二)教学难点 英国部分:英国的经济制度和政策、英国的政治制度和政府机构、英国的福利制度。 美国部分:美国地理区域划分及人口结构、美国经济特点、美国政治制度中的三权分立。

三、教学内容 第一章英国 第一课:英国的国土和人民 教学内容:英国的地理特征,四部分的山水河流,气候状况,英国的各个民族。这一部分主要从整体对大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国作一个综述。了解英国不同名称的含义,英国的地理特征、河流和湖泊、气候的特点以及影响气候的因素,了解英国的民族构成、人口结构及其特点;了解英国的语言构成及阶级状况。 第二课:英国历史 教学内容:英国的起源(1066年诺曼征服之前的历史,即英国早期遭受的三次外族入侵):诺曼王朝,金雀花王朝,兰开斯特王朝,约克王朝,都铎王朝,斯图亚特王朝,克伦威尔时期的共和国,复辟时期,光荣革命,工业革命,宪章运动,英帝国的殖民扩张,一战及二战中的英国,战后到八十年代末的英国。 第三课:英国的经济制度和政策 教学内容:了解第二次世界大战后英国经济地位衰落的原因,经济发展的三个阶段的特点以及英国工业、农业等发展的概况。二战后,英国的经济政策经历了一系列的调节。从五六十年代的稳步发展,七十年代的经济衰退,到八十年代的撒切尔夫人的经济政策,英国从战前的日不落帝国变成一个二流强国。英国的工业,农业,外贸政策也将予以详细的说明。 第四课:英国的政治制度和政府机构 教学内容:英国君主立宪政体,由上院与下院组成的英国议会,英国的政党制度,中央政府机构以及地方政府机构。英国君主立宪制的构成,运行,英国的政党制度,行政机构等将在这一章予以详细介绍。 第五课:英国的社会福利制度 教学内容:英国社会的医疗保健制度、社会保障、宗教和节假日的概况。英国是一个福利国家,这一章介绍英国国民保健制度,和各种社会保险。 第六课:英国的社会文化 教学内容:介绍英国的社会文化;了解英国的教育制度、传播媒介、体育、艺术的概况。介绍英国的宗教信仰,节日庆典,文化教育,广播媒体,体育,文艺及娱乐活动。 第二章美国


2018年最新版英语国家概况谢福之 一、选择题 (答案在所有选择题下面) I. Choose the one that best completes each of the following statements. 1.The two main islands of the British Isles are . A. Great Britain and Ireland B. Great Britain and Scotland C. Great Britain and Wales D. Great Britain and England 2. is the capital city of Scotland. A. Belfast B. Edinburgh C. Aberdeen D. Cardiff 3.According to a 2005 estimate, Britain now has a population of over million. A. 160 B. 600 C. 60 D. 16 4.Among the four parts of the United Kingdom, is the smallest. A. England B. Scotland C. Wales D. Northern Ireland 5.Almost a quarter of the British population lives in England. A. northeastern B. southeastern C. northwestern D. southwestern 6.English belongs to the group of Indo-European family of languages. A. Celtic B. Indo-Iranian C. Germanic D. Roman 7.The introduction of Christianity to Britain added the first element of words to English. A. Danish and Finnish B. Dutch and German C. French and Italian D. Latin and Greek 8.The evolution of Middle English was reinforced by the influence. A. Norman B. Dutch C. German D. Danish 9.Samuel Johnson’s dictionary was influential in establishing a standard form of . A. grammar B. handwriting C. spelling D. pronunciation 10.At present, nearly of the world’s population communicate in English. A. half B. a quarter C. one third D. one fifth 11.The attack on Rome ended the Roman occupation in Britain in 410. A. Norman B. Danish C. Celtic D. Germanic 12.By the late 7th century, became the dominant religion in England. A. Celtic Christianity B. Anglo-Saxon Christianity C. Germanic Christianity D. Roman Christianity 13.Westminster Abbey was built at the time of . A. St. Augustine B. Edward the Confessor C. William the Conqueror D. Alfred the Great 14.The marked the establishment of feudalism in England. A. Viking invasion B. signing of the Magna Carta C. Norman Conquest D. Adoption of common law 15.The end of the Wars of the Roses led to the rule of .


人物与历史文献 US Tea Act 茶税法 The Treaty of Paris 巴黎公约1783年美英两国于巴黎签订的条约同样成为《巴黎条约》,该条约的签订代表着英国承认美国独立,停止敌对行为,但仅承认美国占领密西西比河以东的土地。 第二次大陆会议(The Second Continental Congress) 费城(Philadelphia)召开George Washington 乔治·华盛顿: commander in Continental Army ?美利坚合众国宪法?(The Constitution of the United States),通称?美国联邦宪法?或?美国宪法?(U.S. Constitution)1787年宪法 Thomas Jefferson托马斯·杰斐逊: The Declaration of Independence ?独立宣言? Abraham Lincoln亚伯拉罕·林肯: the Emancipation Proclamation ?解放黑人奴隶宣言? Homestead Act ?宅地法? Franklin D. Roosevelt富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福: The New Deal罗斯福新政1933年富兰克林·罗斯福就任美国总统后所实行的一系列经济政策,其核心是三个R:救济(Relief)、复兴(Recovery)和改革(Reform),因此有时也被称为三R新政。 Agricultural Adjustment Act ?农业调整法? National Industrial Recovery Act ?全国工业复兴法? ?社会保障法? 马丁.路德.金恩(Martin Luther King) Civil Rights Movement 民权运动 我有一个梦想(I Have a Dream) Harry Truman哈瑞.杜鲁门: 杜鲁门主义The Truman Doctrine 马歇尔计划(The Marshall Plan),也称为欧洲复兴计划European Recovery Program


Chapter 1 Loch Lomond罗蒙湖 freight [fre?t] 货运;运费;船货 prevail [pr?'ve?l] 盛行,流行 westerlies ['w?st?liz]西风带 mammal ['m?m(?)l] 哺乳动物 roe [r??] 獐 predominantly [pr?'d?m?n?ntl?] 主要地;显著地 Chapter 2 iberian [ai'bi?ri?n] 伊比利亚人;伊比利亚语 teutonic [tju:'t?nik] 日耳曼人的 Iona爱奥那岛(苏格兰一小岛) columba [k?'l?mb?] 天鸽座;鸽属 monastery ['m?n?st(?)r?] 修道院;僧侣 witan ['w?t?n] 国会成员 manorial [m?'n?r??l] 庄园的;采邑的 christianize ['kr?st??n,a?z] 使成基督徒 Chapter 3 oath [??θ+. 誓言,誓约;诅咒,咒骂 allegiance [?'li?d?(?)ns] 效忠,忠诚;忠贞 immediate [?'mi?d??t] 立即的;直接的;最接近的 Domesday Book *'du?mzde?] 最后审判日 compiled [k?m'pa?l] 编译的 sponsorship ['sp?ns???p] 赞助;发起;保证人的地位;教父母身份extent [?k'st?nt] n. 程度;范围;长度 Plantagenet [pl?n't?d??nit]金雀花王1154-1485年 significance [s?g'n?f?k(?)ns] 意义;重要性;意思 clause [kl??z+ 条款 magna carta大宪章 territorial [,ter?'t??r??l] 领土的;土地的;地方的 brutally ['br?tli] 残忍地;野蛮地;兽性地 Chapter 4 Lancaster兰卡斯特 Walter Scott 沃尔特·司各特 compromise ['k?mpr?ma?z] 妥协,和解;折衷 cavaliers [,k?v?'li?s] 骑士 Oliver Cromwell奥利弗·克伦威尔 Chapter5 nonconformist [n?nk?n'f??m?st] 不属于圣公会的英国基督教徒enclosure [?n'kl????; en-] 附件;围墙;围场 Jeremy Bentham杰里米·边沁(英国哲学家) utilitarianism [j?,t?l?'te?r??n?z(?)m] 功利主义


8级备考“英语国家概况”部分 地理 英国地理 国土由大不列颠Britain(其中包括南边的England, 最北的Scotland & 英格兰西侧的Wales)和西边的北爱尔兰组成。 英格兰和苏格兰之间以哈德良长城(Hadrain’s Wall)为界,当初罗马人为阻止凯尔特人南下而建。 英格兰首府是伦敦(London)。 苏格兰首府是爱丁堡(Edinburgh)。 威尔士首府是卡迪夫(Cardiff)。 北爱尔兰首府是贝尔法斯特(Belfast)。 Birmingham是英国第二大城市,仅次于伦敦,被称为“工业革命的发源地”(the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution)。 Manchester被誉为棉都(Cottonopolis),是英国的棉纺织业中心,也是英国的交通枢纽。 伦敦是英国的行政中心、金融中心、最重要的港口城市。 英国最长河流是塞文河(Severn River)。 英国的第二大河是泰晤士河(Thames River)。 英格兰人约占英国总人口的80%。 英格兰人口最为稠密,而苏格兰人口最为稀少。 不列颠群岛被天然分成两部分:高地和低地。高地地区包括北部和西部的高山和丘陵,低地地区位于南部和东部,大部分是起伏的平原。多数英国人生活在气候温和、土壤肥沃的低地地区(lowland zone)。 本宁山(The Pennine Chain)被称为“英格兰的屋脊”(the backbone of England)。 英国最高的山峰是本尼维斯山(Ben Nevis)。 美国地理 五大湖:Superior(苏必利尔湖), Huron(休伦湖), Erie(伊利湖), Ontario(安大略湖), Michigan (密歇根湖), 除Michigan外,其他四个为美加共享。 新英格兰(New England) 包括Maine, Vermont, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island。其中,马萨诸塞州是最重要,也是人口最多的州。 Pacific Coast States(太平洋沿岸诸州):Washington, Oregon, California。 首都Washington, D.C. 是为纪念华盛顿和哥伦布而命名。 New York 的别称:the Big Apple, the Capital of the World ,为美国最大城市。 Los Angeles被称为天使之城(The City of Angels),是“全球大众文化行业之都”(the capital of global popular culture industry)。 Boston是美国最古老的城市 Harvard为Massachusetts Institute of Technology所在地。 Detroit是Motor City。 Houston是美国南方第一大城,全国最大的石油中心。 最小的州是Rhode Island。 最大的州是Alaska。 落基山脉(The Rocky Mountains)被看成“北美洲的脊梁”(the backbone of the continent)。密西西比河(the Mississippi River)被称为美国的“河流之父”(the Father of Waters),是美国最长的河流。

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