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The ten most important buildings in England

After the Battle of Waterloo, Britain changed to being a world power built on mechanisation, minerals and urbanisation. Hard, dirty, crowded places built the machines and manufactured the goods that gave Britain global dominance for around a century. The glorious buildings of the English countryside, the lanes, the villages and the cathedral closes became junior partners in a much harsher view of our national identity.

Danny Boyle’s inspired Olympics opening ceremony captured this perfectly. While our cathedrals are glorious, our country houses sublime, and our villages the most chocolatey of all chocolate boxes, what sets England apart is our mastery of industry. It is home to the earliest monuments of industrialisation, the first factories, warehouses, railways, docks, power stations and much more. Half of my list of the most influential buildings are products of engineering and technology, and were all built in the space of 45 years.

These places have a sublime beauty all to themselves. Over the holiday, I passed Sleaford Maltings, the incredible industrial complex that the Bass Brewery built in Lincolnshire. It is a heart-stopping sight but it is also derelict and in urgent need of a new use. The heritage crisis of the 21st century is the fate of our industrial past.

The 20th century saved the country houses, and we can celebrate that, but the effects of our long obsession with the countryside have been a neglect of our unique industrial heritage. Ditherington Flax Mill, one of my top 10, was rescued from collapse by English Heritage in 2005 and is only now finding a new use. Another on my list — Liverpool Road Station, Manchester, the earliest surviving railway station in the world – faces the prospect of its original viaducts being demolished by Network Rail. This would never be contemplated if a line involved the demolition of part of Highclere Castle(where Downton Abbey is filmed). We need to accept that our unique contribution to the world was not cucumber sandwiches, however nice they are.

1.Westminster Abbey (c.960)

Coronation church and mausoleum, Westminster Abbey has been a royal foundation since the 960s, and money was lavished on it by successive monarchs.

Although only a few Saxon fragments survive, it was here that Edward the Confessor developed the style that we call Norman. It was also here that Henry III began his lavish Gothic rebuilding, a project that continued, after his death, for nearly three centuries. The nave today demonstrates the rich taste of English medieval monarchs and their masons, with large-scale sculptures and carved and painted heraldic shields. The abbey set the standard for aspiring builders for centuries.

2.Rievaulx Abbey, North Yorkshire (1147-67)

Rievaulx Abbey is England’s most beautiful ruin. Deliberately built in a remote valley by Cistercian monks, it was originally a virtually self-sufficient community.

Like 839 other monasteries, friaries and nunneries, Rievaulx was suppressed by Henry VIII in the 1530s, but its remote position meant that much of its stonework still stands. It is easy to forget what a big role monasteries played in medieval society, and the Cistercian houses of Yorkshire were responsible for developing a style of building with pointed arches that we call Gothic.

This spread to become the dominant architectural style of Britain for 300 years.

3.King’s Bench Walk, Temple, London (1677)

In James I’s London, a new type of house was developed. It was then known as a ―row house‖, but today we call it a terrace. These houses, built of brick from the 1620s, became the backbone of the city after the Great Fire of London.

Not many early examples survive unaltered, but the pattern developed in the 1670s became the blueprint for a huge proportion of urban housing even today. Uniform on the outside, but individualistically decorated within, in many senses they encapsulate the characters of the people who lived in them.

4.The Peckwater Quadrangle, Christ Church, Oxford (1707)

Although Inigo Jones and a small group of other architects in the 17th century had conceived buildings that were rigorously faithful to ancient Roman buildings, it was not until after 1700 that patrons and architects became obsessed with designing buildings using the ancient orders of architecture precisely. An early example of this was the courtyard built at Christ Church by Dean Aldrich in 1707-14 to house rich undergraduates. The courtyard was a startling new look, and when the style was taken up by the circle of the royal court, it was adopted for houses, public buildings and churches everywhere.

5. Ditherington Flax Mill, Shrewsbury (1797)

During the late 18th century, British manufacturers revolutionised the production of cotton, using machinery powered by waterwheels. By 1800, there were 900 cotton mills employing 400,000 people. Vast new mills were built —but there was a problem. Brick and timber construction was vulnerable to fire, and many mills lit by oil or gas burnt down.

Ditherington Flax Mill was the world’s first incombustible iron-framed building. It was also the ancestor of every large building with a steel frame today, from supermarkets to skyscrapers.

6. A&G Murray Mills, Ancoats, Manchester (1801)

Britain’s industrial revolution entered a new phase after 1830. Instead of waterwheels, new coal-fired steam engines were used to power both the mills and other new types of manufacturing. As Britain became the dominant power in the world, success was built on urban factories. A&G Murray’s mills were the first in which manufacturing processes were all powered by steam. Started in 1801-2, these hulks look, at a distance, like a Georgian street, but behind the iron casements, they drove the largest economy the world had ever seen.

7. Liverpool Road Railway Station, Manchester (1830)

The world’s first passenger railway station is a modest but reassuring-looking building. Reassurance was at the forefront of the minds of the early railway engineers and architects: both passengers and investors needed to believe that railways were safe and profitable ventures. Avant-garde engineering mixed with reassuringly familiar architectural styles created an atmosphere of confidence.

8. No 6 Slip, Chatham Historic Dockyard (1847)

After the defeat of Napoleon, the Royal Navy became the most powerful fleet in the world. Underlying its power were its dockyards, huge state-owned factories with thousands of workers.

Naval engineers pushed the limits of technology to build and equip the Navy, and one of the most important advances was the construction of massive free-standing iron sheds called ―slips‖, under which ships were built.

These were the first wide-spanned metal structures in the world.

9. All Saints, Margaret Street, London (1849)

It was at a church, rather than at an industrial site, that architecture and engineering first fused to create a new language for the Victorian era. William Butterfield saw the possibilities of coloured and engineered brick for making modern buildings that were both decorative and functional.

Subsequently, this polychromatic brick style was adopted by house builders and came to dominate Victorian streets all over the country.

10. Bedford Park, London (from 1877)

Sir John Betjeman, the poet and admirer of Victorian architecture, called Bedford Park the most important suburb in the Western world. He was probably right, in that the easy mix of brick-built semi-detached and detached houses in wide streets with deep gardens became the aspiration of millions. The houses that looked back to the 16th and 17th centuries were individually designed and carefully built, but used a very limited stock of motifs.


介绍英国文化的英语作文2篇 英国文化英语作文一:介绍英国The Englishman love to behave gentlemanly and the Englishwoman love to behave ladily. They also show their respect to ladies. They always say Lady first. In their daily life. the English pay attention to their appearance. They dress neatly. They shake hands when they meet other. When they are with others, they usually say pleasethank yousorry and so on. The breakfast in Britain is very rich. Usually there are all kinds of egg products, oatmeal, bacon, ham, sausages, butter, jam, bread, milk, juice, coffee and so on. They are popular with the western countries. Whats more, the English like drinking tea. They have the habit of drink afternoon tea at about 3 in the afternoon. They enjoy drinking tea and treat it as a kind of seeing friends. 【参考译文】 英国人崇尚绅士风度和淑女风范,讲究女士优先。在日常生活中,英国人注意仪表,讲究穿著,英国人的见面礼是握手礼。与人交往时,注重用敬语请、谢谢对不起等。英式菜的早餐很丰盛,一般有各种蛋品、麦片粥、咸肉、火腿、香肠、黄油、果酱、面包、牛奶、果汁、咖啡等,受到


全球著名十大建筑设计师及作品介绍一:创新建筑师代表: Santiago Calatrava (卡拉特拉瓦) Santiago Calatrava 是世界上最著名的创新建筑师之一,也是备受争议的建筑师。Santiago Calatrava以桥梁结构设计与艺术建筑闻名于世,他设计了威尼斯、都柏林、曼彻斯特以及巴塞罗那的桥梁,也设计了里昂、里斯本、苏黎世的火车站。最近的作品就是著名的2004年雅典奥运会主场馆。 由于Calatrava 拥有建筑师和工程师的双重身份,

他对结构和建筑美学之间的互动有着准绳的掌握。他认为美态能够由力学的工程设计表达出来,而大自然之中,林木虫鸟的形态美观,同时亦有着惊人的力学效率。所以,他常常以大自然作为他设计时启发灵感的泉源。他设计的桥梁以纯粹结构形成的优雅动态而举世闻名,展现出技术理性所能呈现的逻辑的美,而又仿佛超越了地心引力和结构法则的束缚。 有的时候,他的设计难免会让人想起外星来客,极其突兀的技术美似乎全然出乎地球人的常规预料。这当然是得益于他在结构工程专业上的特长。早自20世纪初以来,桥梁的设计一直被托付给了路桥结构工程师,建筑师退避三舍好像已成习惯。由于有了卡拉特拉瓦,全世界的建筑师们才忽然发现了新的课题,在90年代前后爆发了对桥梁进行建筑设计的热潮,从一个新的角度重新开始塑造城市中的这类元素,进而影响到城市的面貌。2001年,卡拉特拉瓦在美国的第一个作品建成,是威斯康星州密尔沃基的美术博物馆扩建工程。此地原有一个旧馆,是在1957年由当地的建筑师事务所设计的,这一次卡拉特拉瓦加建的Quadracci展厅,名号不大,其实却造成了绝对喧宾夺主的局面。

餐厅英语类 英国饮食文化之早餐篇

美联英语提供:英国饮食文化之早餐篇 分享一个免费试听课,名额有限,碰碰运气吧 https://www.doczj.com/doc/5e11787607.html,/test/xingzuo.html?tid=16-73675-0 Today people in the UK eat a more varied diet than ever before. As well as the regional diets of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland the many immigrant communities have introduced their cuisines to the previously unadventurous Britons: Chinese, Greek, Indian, Italian, Thai, American fast foods such as pizza, hamburgers and fried chicken have to some extent displaced the traditional fast food of fish and chips. 今天,人们在英国吃了更多样化的饮食比以往任何时候。以及区域饮食的英格兰,苏格兰,威尔士和北爱尔兰,许多移民社区介绍了他们的菜以前unadventurous英国人:中国,希腊,印度,意大利,泰国,美国快餐食品,如比萨饼,汉堡包和炸鸡已在一定程度上取代传统的快餐店的炸鱼和薯条。 Because of the climate and the Germanic origins of many of its early people, the UK has been a traditionally beer drinking rather than a wine drinking country. Nevertheless, in recent years, vineyards in the south of England have proved successful. In the west of England the traditional drink is cider, rather than beer. Over Britain as a whole, however, the traditional drink is tea. 由于气候和日耳曼起源及其早期的许多人,英国一直是传统上喝啤酒,而不是葡萄酒


世界著名建筑大师的建筑介绍 2007-01-17 13:50:31 大中小 世界著名建筑大师的建筑介绍 《狮身人面像》 这个巨大的、身子蜷缩着的巨像,是在一个软石灰石小丘的基础上雕刻而成的。 它雄踞在巍峨的金字塔旁,更为法老的陵墓增添超人间的威仪和神秘感。狮身长240英尺,高66英尺,人面部是哈夫拉法老的理想肖像。这种创造起源于图腾崇拜:把某种动物当成祖先或神加以崇拜,再把法老的面容雕在这种动物身上,这就意味着法老是神的化身,借以显示无上权威。这座巨大塑像是伟大的科学和艺术成就的结晶。这座巨像的造型手法极其简练概括,达到一定程度的写实,充分显示了古代埃及雕刻家们的高超技艺。

《埃皮道罗斯剧场》小波里克里托斯 这个巨大露天剧场是希腊古典后期建筑艺术的最大成就之一。公元前4世纪中期兴建了以最崇敬的医神阿斯枯拉庇乌斯神庙为中心的建筑群,其中最著名的是这个露天大剧场。古希腊剧场起源很早,基本造型是利用山坡地势,观众席逐排升高,呈半圆形,并有放射形的通道。表演区是位于剧场中心一块圆形平地,后面有化妆及存放道具用的建筑物。剧场不仅是娱乐场所,也是自由民集会的地方,因此规模巨大。

《米兰大教堂》伯鲁诺列斯基 意大利米兰大教堂是欧洲中世纪最大的教堂,可供4万人举行宗教活动。它始建于1386年,到1485年才完成。 这座教堂全由白色大理石筑成,大厅宽达59米,长130米,中间拱顶最高45米。教堂的特点在它的外形:尖拱、壁柱、花窗棂,有 135个尖塔,象浓密的塔林刺向天空,且在每个塔尖上有神的雕像。教堂外部总共有2000多个雕像,甚为奇特。如果连内部雕像总共有 6000多尊,是世界上雕像最多的哥特式教堂。这个教堂有一个高达107米的尖塔,出于15世纪意大利建筑巨匠伯鲁诺列斯基之手。塔顶上有金色圣母玛利亚雕像,在阳光下显得光辉夺目,神奇而又壮丽。

世界著名建筑介绍 英语

Khalīfa Tower Located/situated in Dubai, consisting of 162 floors, with a height of 828 meters, Khalifa Tower was constructed by 40,000 workmen with 100 cranes in 2004 and completed in 2010. It’s famous for its luxury, with the cost of 1.5 billion dollars at least. 哈利法塔 坐落位于迪拜,楼层总数162层,高度828米,由40,000名工人和100台起重机于2004年建造,并于2010年完工。它以奢华着称,至少花费了15亿美元。

With an area of only 1 square meter, it is equipped with only one door, one window. But you can have a chair, a bed in it. Even more, you can use the computer with wifi in the house. It's movable with four wheels, so that it can be used as a tent. 最小的房子 它只有1平方米的面积,只有一扇门,一扇窗户。但是您可以坐在椅子上,也可以在床上。更重要的是,您可以在这里使用带wifi的电脑。它可以通过四个轮子移动,因此可以用作帐篷。


The ten most important buildings in England After the Battle of Waterloo, Britain changed to being a world power built on mechanisation, minerals and urbanisation. Hard, dirty, crowded places built the machines and manufactured the goods that gave Britain global dominance for around a century. The glorious buildings of the English countryside, the lanes, the villages and the cathedral closes became junior partners in a much harsher view of our national identity. Danny Boyle’s inspired Olympics opening ceremony captured this perfectly. While our cathedrals are glorious, our country houses sublime, and our villages the most chocolatey of all chocolate boxes, what sets England apart is our mastery of industry. It is home to the earliest monuments of industrialisation, the first factories, warehouses, railways, docks, power stations and much more. Half of my list of the most influential buildings are products of engineering and technology, and were all built in the space of 45 years. These places have a sublime beauty all to themselves. Over the holiday, I passed Sleaford Maltings, the incredible industrial complex that the Bass Brewery built in Lincolnshire. It is a heart-stopping sight but it is also derelict and in urgent need of a new use. The heritage crisis of the 21st century is the fate of our industrial past. The 20th century saved the country houses, and we can celebrate that, but the effects of our long obsession with the countryside have been a neglect of our unique industrial heritage. Ditherington Flax Mill, one of my top 10, was rescued from collapse by English Heritage in 2005 and is only now finding a new use. Another on my list — Liverpool Road Station, Manchester, the earliest surviving railway station in the world – faces the prospect of its original viaducts being demolished by Network Rail. This would never be contemplated if a line involved the demolition of part of Highclere Castle(where Downton Abbey is filmed). We need to accept that our unique contribution to the world was not cucumber sandwiches, however nice they are. 1.Westminster Abbey (c.960) Coronation church and mausoleum, Westminster Abbey has been a royal foundation since the 960s, and money was lavished on it by successive monarchs. Although only a few Saxon fragments survive, it was here that Edward the Confessor developed the style that we call Norman. It was also here that Henry III began his lavish Gothic rebuilding, a project that continued, after his death, for nearly three centuries. The nave today demonstrates the rich taste of English medieval monarchs and their masons, with large-scale sculptures and carved and painted heraldic shields. The abbey set the standard for aspiring builders for centuries. 2.Rievaulx Abbey, North Yorkshire (1147-67)


伦敦一些建筑介绍 伦敦眼 伦敦眼(英文名:The London Eye),全称英国航空伦敦眼(The British Airways London Eye)又称千禧之轮,坐落在伦敦泰晤士河畔,是伦敦的地标之一,也是伦敦最吸 引游人的观光点之一。伦敦眼于1999年年底开幕,总高度135米(443英尺)。伦敦眼共有32个乘坐舱,因舱内外用钢化玻璃打造,所以设有空调系统。每个乘坐舱可载客约16名,回转速度约为每秒0.26米,即一圈需时30分钟。 中文名伦敦眼外文名The London Eye 全称英国航空伦敦眼 地点伦敦泰晤士河畔乘坐舱32个高度135米(443英尺)泰晤士河(英格兰西 南部河流) 泰晤士河(River Thames)是英国著名的“母亲”河。发源于英格兰西南部的科茨沃 尔德希尔斯,全长346公里,横贯英国首都伦敦与沿河的10多座城市,流域面积13000 平方公里,在伦敦下游河面变宽,形成一个宽度为29公里的河口,注入北海。在伦敦上游,泰晤士河沿岸有许多名胜之地,诸如伊顿、牛津、亨利和温莎等。泰晤士河的入海口 充满了英国的繁忙商船,然而其上游的河道则以其静态之美而著称于世。在英国历史上泰 晤士河流域占有举足轻重的地位。 中文名称泰晤士河外文名称Thames River 别名伊希斯河所属地区英国气候条件温带海洋性气候长度346公里发源地英格兰西南部的科茨沃尔德希尔斯注入地诺尔 岛注入洋流北海地位英国的母亲河 伦敦塔桥 伦敦塔桥是从英国伦敦泰晤士河口算起的第一座桥(泰晤士河上共建桥15座),也 是伦敦的象征,有“伦敦正门”之称。该桥始建于1886年,1894年6月30日对公众开放,将伦敦南北区连接成整体。 中文名称伦敦桥外文名称Tower Bridge 建筑位置英国伦敦 通车时间1894年修建时间1886年地理坐标51°30'18''N,0°04'32''W 伊丽莎白塔 伊丽莎白塔(英语:Elizabeth Tower,旧称大本钟,BIG BEN),即威斯敏斯特宫钟塔,世界上著名的哥特式建筑之一,英国国会会议厅附属的钟楼(Clock Tower)的大报 时钟的昵称。是坐落在英国伦敦泰晤士河畔的一座钟楼,是伦敦的标志性建筑之一。钟楼 高

从英国饮食文化视角谈论最具代表性的英国食物“fish and chips”(英文版)

Talk about from the perspective of the British diet most representative British food "fish and chips" Summary: Food culture is part of the national culture, reflecting the historical development of the national culture. Britain is a country with a rich history and culture, it has his own story, but also compatible with softness, attract new blood, to understand English, you should be aware of Britain's eating habits, food culture, to understand the most representative of the United Kingdom the food, it is necessary to proceed from the British food culture, to understand the habits and customs in the UK diet from all aspects. Keyword: Food Culture; British; Representative Food Britain is a country rich in culture, they retained the original traditional eating habits and cooking skills in cooking, as the British North Atlantic ocean currents affected by the regulation and westerly winds throughout the year, forming a cool, there is rain throughout the year, four seasons cold and heat little change in the temperate climate. Due to climatic conditions, Britain's main plant feed crops and pasture development, and the development of dairying. Britain itself grain and livestock products, but not self-sufficient, need to rely on imports, and therefore, the number of British cooking dishes are affected by external information. However, the British food choice of materials limitations relatively large, so the British do not pay attention to eating seafood, actually prefer beef, lamb, poultry and vegetables. Moreover, Britain is a very particular country gentleman, their gentleman is also reflected in the table. The British tend to be more popular way of cooking are: stewed, grilled, fried, baked, baked and fried. Meat, seafood, game cooking methods are unique, and their beef has a special preference. When not accompanied by seasonal vegetables edible, baked potato, but also add a little mustard sauce on the steak. Most British cuisine seasoning on the table, fancy free to choose, and the British do not like dishes with slime and too spicy dishes, also hanged MSG seasoning. The British do not like the salty taste, love sweet, sour, slightly spicy. British often use oven cooking, the oven-baked dish with a variety of meat and vegetables should be placed in the baking dish with slow roasted to taste the meat and vegetables are out of tune. British like drinking tea, morning to morning tea; to 11:00, to take a break, drink a cup of tea, which they call a light meal around 11 am; after noon, eat lunch, but also with a glass tea; 15:30 to about 4:00 even a cup of tea, elegant formal tea gathering, do not drink tea or eat dim sum restaurants, can be called "tea", tea has almost become British essential to life habits. Britain is also rich in wine, Scotch whiskey production, due to the climate, cultural traditions, the British very fond of drink, therefore, the British wine very powerful, bars everywhere, unique pub culture has become an important part of British culture. There are five major UK Bar: First, traditional pubs, quaint, old, a lot of open-air


英国人的饮食习惯的英语作文 【篇一:英国人的饮食习惯及英文介绍】 英国人的饮食习惯及英文介绍 in the uk we have many different names for mealtimes, including ‘breakfast’, ‘brunch’, ‘elevenses’, ‘lunch’, ‘tea’, ‘dinner’ and ‘supper’! what people eat and when can vary greatly – in some parts of the uk, people may eat their meals at different times, and in some parts of the uk, ‘dinner’ means ‘lunch’, and ‘supper’ means ‘dinner’! 在英国,一天中的几顿饭都有它们各自的名字,比如breakfast早餐,brunch早午餐,elevenses午前茶,lunch午餐,tea下午茶,dinner(晚餐,正餐),supper晚饭。什么时候该吃什么区别大着呢,在英国的某些地区,人们是在这几个不同的时间点吃饭,而在 另一些地方,dinner指的是lunch,supper就是dinner。 although this may seem very confusing (and it is, even for british people!), many of the names are very old-fashioned, and not often used. ‘elevenses’ and ‘tea’ are examples of two old-fashioned snacks that are rarely eaten today. ‘elevenses’ is eaten at 11:00 am, consisting of cake or biscuits with a cup of tea or coffee. two traditional characters from english children’s books, winnie the pooh and paddington bear, used to always ‘take elevenses’! ‘tea’ is a very similar meal, and a british tradition, which involves snacking on cakes, with a cup of tea, and is normally eaten between 4:30 and 5:30 pm. 看起来貌似复杂得很(事实正是如此,即使对于英国人来说也一样),很多叫法都早已过时,不怎么被人使用。比如elevenses和tea,这两道茶点现在几乎没什么人享用了。elevenses一般是在上 午11:00,包括一杯一杯茶或咖啡就着蛋糕和饼干吃。童话书《小 熊维尼》和《帕丁顿熊》里的两位传统的小主角一直保留着吃午餐 前茶点的习惯。tea下午茶相当于一小顿饭,按照英国传统,这一餐 需要一杯茶伴着一些蛋糕佐食,时间一般是下午4:30到5:30之间。 however because people tend to have busy lifestyles in contemporary britain, we only eat three main meals each day –called breakfast, lunch and dinner.


英国的饮食文化和休闲娱乐 John Bull “约翰牛”是英国人的绰号,16世纪英国著名作家约翰·阿布斯诺特(John Arbuthnot)写了一本讽刺小说,名叫《约翰牛的生平》(The History of John Bull),该书的主人公约翰牛为人粗暴冷酷,桀骜不逊,他盛气凌人、欺辱弱者,如果谁流露出对他稍微表示不满的反抗情绪,他立即摆出一副格斗的架势。作者通过这个赳赳武夫的形象,暗喻当年英国的专横跋扈,“约翰牛”的形象正是这个时期英国的体现。 饮食文化 饮食上英式菜是世界公认的名流大菜,它历史悠久、工艺考究,很得世人青睐。 一般的英国家庭一天通常是四餐:早餐、午餐、午茶点和晚餐。有极个别地区的人还要在晚上九点钟以后再加一餐。传统的英国家常饭通常分三道上:头盘(通常是汤)、主食和甜品。在英国吃一顿有三道菜的全餐通常意味着先吃咸或辣的食品,最后再上一道甜食。 英国人喜欢口味清淡、甜酸、微辣的食品。菜的做法主要有煎、炸、烤、烧等。主要食菜有冷鸡、冷肉、火腿、肠子、鱼子、沙丁鱼、计司、煎鱼、烤鸡、西红柿、各种小吃、生菜,煎牛扒、猪肉扒、烤羊肉、牛肉洋葱、青椒、牛肉丝、香酥扁豆和糖醋类的多菜汤、鸡汤、杂拌汤、木樨汤、素菜汤、瓜菜汤、清面条。不喜欢吃带粘汁和过辣

的菜。 英国人讲究口味清淡,菜肴要求质好量精,花样多变,注意营养成分。他们喜欢吃牛肉、羊肉、蛋类、禽类、甜点、水果等食品。夏天喜欢吃各种水果冻、冰淇淋,冬天喜欢吃各种热布丁。进餐时一般先喝啤酒,还喜欢喝威士忌等烈性酒 中国茶叶自从十七世纪传入英国,便和茶结下了不解之缘,一改过去只喝咖啡、啤酒等饮料的习惯。 特色食物: 1、英式早餐一般都是煎蛋,香肠,豆,咸肉,烤面包片等, 价格不贵,口味也不错.特别值得一提的是煎蛋,非常好看 的太阳蛋,蛋黄上面有一层薄薄的蛋白保存得非常的好,把 蛋白戳破蛋黄便流出来了,简直就是生的蛋. 2、烙饼是非常简单的食物,是用面粉,蛋,牛奶和水搅拌后, 放在锅里煎就可以,煎好以后洒上糖,蜂蜜,酸橙汁,酸酸 甜甜的非常的可口。 3、薯条是英国最受人欢迎的食物.薯条在英国的地位,就相 当于米饭在中国的地位一样,是主食.别小看那一根根小小 的薯条,英国人口的肥胖程度和它是成反比的,当然它的贡 献是相当巨大的.为了它,英国政府不得不提倡全民减肥. 4、鱼英国人在鱼上面裹上糊放在油里炸好,和炸土豆条一起 吃。人们把盐和醋的混合调料倒在炸鱼和土豆条上,用报纸 包上,然后从纸包里拿着吃。


The history of Britain has played a large part in it's traditions, it's culture - and it's food. The Romans for instance brought us cherries, stinging nettles ( to be used as a salad vegetable), cabbages and peas, as well as improving the cultivation of crops such as corn. And they brought us wine! The Romans were prolific road builders, these roads allowing for the first time the easy transportation of produce throughout the country. The Saxons were excellent farmers and cultivated a wide variety of herbs. These were not used just for flavour as they are today but were used as bulk to pad out stews. The Vikings and Danes brought us the techniques for smoking and drying fish - even today the North East coasts of England and Scotland are the places to find the best kippers - Arbroath Smokies, for example. "Collops" is an old Scandinavian word for pieces or slices of meat, and a dish of Collops is traditionally served on Burns Night (25th January) in Scotland. York Ham is a great favourite with the British housewife. The first York Ham is said to have been smoked with the sawdust of oak trees used in the building of York Minster. The Normans invaded not only our country but also our eating habits! They encouraged the drinking of wine and even gave us words for common foods - mutton (mouton) and beef (boeuf) for example. In the 12th century the Crusaders were the first Britons to taste oranges and lemons whilst in Jaffa in 1191-2. Britain has always been a great trading nation. Saffron was first introduced into Cornwall by the Phoenicians at a very early date when they first came to Britain to trade for tin. Derived from the dried and powdered stigmas of the saffron crocus, saffron is still used today in British cooking. The importation of foods and spices from abroad has greatly influenced the British diet. In the Middle Ages, wealthy people were able to cook with spices and dried fruits from as far away as Asia. It has been said however that the poor people were lucky to eat at all! In Tudor times, new kinds of food started to arrive due to the increase in trade and the discovery of new lands. Spices from the Far East, sugar from the Caribbean, coffee and cocoa from South America and tea from India. Potatoes from America began to be widely grown. Eccles Cakes evolved from Puritan days when rich cakes and biscuits were banned.


1.伦敦圣保罗大教堂(St.Paul's Cathedral) Located in London, on behalf of the Baroque architecture, with its spectacular dome is known, is the world's second largest dome of the church, is a British classical architectural representation坐落于英 国伦敦,巴洛克风格建筑的代表,以其壮观的圆形屋顶而闻名,是世界第二大圆顶教堂 2.大英博物馆 British Museum British Museum also known as the British Museum, Oxford street in London to the north of the great Russell square, is the world's

oldest, most magnificent scale of one of the museum.大英博物馆又 称不列颠博物馆,位于伦敦牛津大街北面的大罗素广场,是世界上历史最悠久、规模最宏伟的博物馆之一。 3.白金汉宫 Buckingham Palace Buckingham Palace is the highest palace, located in the London right location ---- Weisimin zone. East St. James Park, west of Hyde Park, the British royal family living and working place白金汉宫是英国 的王宫,位于伦敦最高权利的所在地----威斯敏特区。东接圣·詹姆斯公园,西临海德公园,是英国王室生活和工作的地方。


教学目标: 一读一诵: My three meals We have three meals every day. For breakfast, I like some milk, a hamburger and two eggs. For lunch, I like rice, an orange, carrots and potatoes. And for dinner, I have chicken, some French fries and broccoli. We should have healthy food. It’s good for us. Fast Food Fast food is becoming more and more popular. Why? First, it is very convenient and saves a lot of time. You just go into a fast food restaurant, order your food, and your food is ready at once. Second, you can either eat it there or take it away. Third, fast food restaurants are both clean and comfortable. Fourth, it has excellent service, and the quality of food is guaranteed.

But for people, especially children, eat fast food as little as possible. It is usually not a balance diet. 拓展资源: 视频资源:Knife and Fork Do you know me? Knife, knife, this is a knife. What’s this? It’s a knife. Fork, fork, this is a fork. What’s this? It’s a fork. Plate, plate, this is a plate. What’s this? It’s a plate. This is a knife. This is a plate. This is a fork. Time for dinner! 教学目标:


全球著名十大建筑设计师及作品介绍一:创新建筑师代表: Santiago Calatrava (卡拉特拉瓦) Santiago Calatrava 就是世界上最著名的创新建筑师之一,也就是备受争议的建筑师。Santiago Calatrava以桥梁结构设计与艺术建筑闻名于世,她设计了威尼斯、都柏林、曼彻斯特以及巴塞罗那的桥梁,也设计了里昂、里斯本、苏黎世的火车站。最近的作品就就是著名的2004年雅典奥运会主场馆。 由于Calatrava 拥有建筑师与工程师的双重身份,她对结构与建筑美学之间的互动有着准绳的掌握。她认为美态能够由力学的工程设计表达出来,而大自然之中,林木虫鸟的形态美观,同时亦

有着惊人的力学效率。所以,她常常以大自然作为她设计时启发灵感的泉源。她设计的桥梁以纯粹结构形成的优雅动态而举世闻名,展现出技术理性所能呈现的逻辑的美,而又仿佛超越了地心引力与结构法则的束缚。 有的时候,她的设计难免会让人想起外星来客,极其突兀的技术美似乎全然出乎地球人的常规预料。这当然就是得益于她在结构工程专业上的特长。早自20世纪初以来,桥梁的设计一直被托付给了路桥结构工程师,建筑师退避三舍好像已成习惯。由于有了卡拉特拉瓦,全世界的建筑师们才忽然发现了新的课题,在90年代前后爆发了对桥梁进行建筑设计的热潮,从一个新的角度重新开始塑造城市中的这类元素,进而影响到城市的面貌。2001年,卡拉特拉瓦在美国的第一个作品建成,就是威斯康星州密尔沃基的美术博物馆扩建工程。此地原有一个旧馆,就是在1957年由当地的建筑师事务所设计的,这一次卡拉特拉瓦加建的Quadracci展厅,名号不大,其实却造成了 绝对喧宾夺主的局面。

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