当前位置:文档之家› 基于.NET的教务信息内容管理系统的研究与实现






【摘要】内容管理系统是高校教务管理中一个重要的组成部分。现有教务信息管理系统已逐渐显现出运行缓慢,操作复杂等亟待解决的问题。.NET新技术的发展以及新的管理模式的出现有助于优化提升内容管理系统性能。基于现有资源,通过对系统数据库,平台,模块,应用进行分析与设计,可实现教务信息有重点,分层次的展示和管理,使教务信息管理工作更加有序高效进行。%Content management system is an important part of university educational administration. The current educational ad-ministration information management system has gradually appeared the problem which needs to be solved urgently, such as slow running, complex operation and so on. The development of new technology of .NET and the emergence of new manage-ment mode will help to optimize and improve the performance of the content management system. The data base, platform, mod-ule and application are designed basing on the existing resources .And finally presented is a system which can realize focused hi-erarchical educational administration information display and management and make educational administration information management work more orderly and efficient.


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