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1. Transcendentalism

19th-century movement of writers and philosophers in New England who were loosely bound toge ther by adherence to an idealistic system of thought based on a belief in the essential unity of all cr eation, the innate goodness of man, and the supremacy of insight over logic and experience for the revelation of the deepest truths. In their religious quest, the Transcendentalists rejected the conven tions of 18th-century thought; and what began in a dissatisfaction with Unitarianism developed int o a repudiation of the whole established order.

2. Langston Hughes

American poet and writer emphasized on lower-class black life. He established himself as a major force of the Harlem Renaissance. In 1926, in the Nation, he provided the movement with a manife sto when he skillfully argued the need for both race pride and artistic independence in his most me morable essay, 'The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain." In many ways Hughes always remaine d loyal to the principles he had laid down for the younger black writers in 1926. His art was firmly rooted in race pride and race feeling even as he cherished his freedom as an artist. He was both na tionalist and cosmopolitan. As a radical democrat, he believed that art should be accessible to as m any people as possible. He could sometimes be bitter, but his art is generally suffused by a keen se nse of the ideal and by a profound love of humanity, especially black Americans.

3. Henry David Thoreau

American essayist, poet, and practical philosopher, renowned for having lived the doctrines of Tra nscendentalism as recorded in his masterwork, Walden (1854), and for having been a vigorous adv ocate of civil liberties, as evidenced in the essay “Civil Disobedience” (1849). In his writings Thor eau was concerned primarily with the possibilities for human culture provided by the American na tural environment. He adapted ideas garnered from the then-current Romantic literatures in order t o extend American libertarianism and individualism beyond the political and religious spheres to t hose of social and personal life. He demanded for all men the freedom to follow unique lifestyles, to make poems of their lives and living itself an art. In a restless, expanding society dedicated to pr actical action, he demonstrated the uses and values of leisure, contemplation, and a harmonious ap preciation of and coexistence with nature. Thoreau established the tradition of nature writing later developed by the Americans

4. the Harlem Renaissance

The Harlem Renaissance, a flowering of literature (and to a lesser extent other arts) in New York City during the 1920s and 1930s, has long been considered by many to be the high point in Africa n American writing. It probably had its foundation in the works of W.E. B. Du Bois who believed t hat an educated Black elite should lead Blacks to liberation. He further believed that his people co uld not achieve social equality by emulating white ideals; that equality could be achieved only by t

eaching Black racial pride with an emphasis on an African cultural heritage. Although the Renaiss ance was not a school, nor did the writers associated with it share a common purpose, nevertheless they had a common bond: they dealt with Black life from a Black perspective. Among the major writers who are usually viewed as part of the Harlem Renaissance are Claude McKay, Countee Cu llen, Langston Hughes, Zora Neale Hurston, Rudolph Fisher, James Weldon Johnson, and Jean To omer.

5. Mark Twain

pseudonym of Samuel Langhorne Clemens American humorist, writer, and lecturer who won a wo rldwide audience for his stories of youthful adventures, especially The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876), Life on the Mississippi (1883), and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884). Writing i n American colloquialism and subjects with humors and satires, Mark Twain shed great influence upon later writers such as Sherwood Anderson, Earnest Hemingway and Faulkner.

6. Walt Whitman

American poet, journalist, and essayist whose verse collection Leaves of Grass is a landmark in th e history of American literature. Whitman's greatest theme is a symbolic identification of the regen erative power of nature with the deathless divinity of the soul. His poems are filled with a religiou s faith in the processes of life, particularly those of fertility, sex, and the “unfl agging pregnancy” o f nature: sprouting grass, mating birds, phallic vegetation, the maternal ocean, and planets in form ation. The poetic “I” of Leaves of Grass transcends time and space, binding the past with the prese nt and intuiting the future, illustrating Whitman's belief that poetry is a form of knowledge, the sup reme wisdom of mankind.

7. the Lost Generation

In general, the post-World War I generation, but specifically a group of U.S. writers who came of age during the war and established their literary reputations in the 1920s. The term stems from a re mark made by Gertrude Stein to Ernest Hemingway, “You are all a lost generation.” Hemingway u sed it as an epigraph to The Sun Also Rises (1926). The generation was “lost” in the sense that its i nherited values were no longer relevant in the postwar world and because of its spiritual alienation from a U.S. that, basking under President Harding's “back to normalcy” policy, seemed to its me mbers to be hopelessly provincial, materialistic, and emotionally barren. The term embraces Hemi ngway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, John Dos Passos, e.e. cummings and many other writers who made Par is the centre of their literary activities in the '20s. They were never a literary school. In the 1930s, as these writers turned in different directions, their works lost the distinctive stamp of the postwar period. The last representative works of the era were Fitzgerald's Tender Is the Night (1934).

8. Ralph Waldo Emerson:

American lecturer, poet, and essayist, the leading exponent of New England Transcendentalism. N ature, “The American Scholar,” and Address—had rallied together a group that came to be called t

he Transcendentalists, of which he was popularly acknowledged the spokesman. Emerson helped i nitiate Transcendentalism by publishing his Nature. Emerson felt that there was no place for free will in the chains of mechanical cause and effect that rationalist philosophers conceived the world as being made up of. This world could be known only through the senses rather than through thou ght and intuition; it determined men physically and psychologically; and yet it made them victims of circumstance, beings whose superfluous mental powers were incapable of truly ascertaining rea lity. Emerson asserts the human ability to transcend the materialistic world of sense experience an d facts and become conscious of the all-pervading spirit of the universe and the potentialities of hu man freedom. Emerson's doctrine of self-sufficiency and self-reliance naturally springs from his vi ew that the individual need only look into his own heart for the spiritual guidance that has hitherto been the province of the established churches. The individual must then have the courage to be hi mself and to trust the inner force within him as he lives his life according to his intuitively derived precepts.

9. Edgar Allen Poe

Poe's work owes much to the concern of Romanticism with the occult and the satanic. It owes muc h also to his own feverish dreams, to which he applied a rare faculty of shaping plausible fabrics o ut of impalpable materials. With an air of objectivity and spontaneity, his productions are closely d ependent on his own powers of imagination and an elaborate technique. His keen and sound judg ment as appraiser of contemporary literature, his idealism and musical gift as a poet, his dramatic art as a storyteller, considerably appreciated in his lifetime, secured him a prominent place among universally known men of letters. The outstanding fact in Poe's character is a strange duality. Muc h of Poe's best work is concerned with terror and sadness. His yearning for the ideal was both of th e heart and of the imagination. His sensitiveness to the beauty and sweetness of women inspired hi s most touching lyrics He is regarded as the father of detective stories.

10. Black Humor

also called Black Comedy, writing that juxtaposes morbid or ghastly elements with comical ones. The term did not come into common use until the 1960s. Then it was applied to the works of the n ovelists Nathanael West, Vladimir Nabokov, and Joseph Heller. The latter's Catch-22 (1961) is a n otable example, in which Captain Yossarian battles the horrors of air warfare over the Mediterrane an during World War II with hilarious irrationalities matching the stupidities of the military system . The term black comedy has been applied to playwrights in the Theatre of the Absurd.

11. Benjamin Franklin

American printer and publisher, author, inventor and scientist, and diplomat. Franklin, next to Geo rge Washington possibly the most famous 18th-century American. He established the Poor Richar d of his almanacs as an oracle on how to get ahead in the world, and become widely known in Eur opean scientific circles for his reports of electrical experiments and theories and wrote his Autobio graphy which is a great contribution to the American literature.

12. Ernest Hemingway

American novelist and short-story writer, awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954. He was noted both for the intense masculinity of his writing and for his adventurous and widely publicized life. His succinct and lucid prose style exerted a powerful influence on American and British ficti on in the 20th century. The main characters of The Sun Also Rises, A Farewell to Arms, and For W hom the Bell Tolls are young men whose strength and self-confidence nevertheless coexist with a sensitivity that leaves them deeply scarred by their wartime experiences. War was for Hemingway a potent symbol of the world, which he viewed as complex, filled with moral ambiguities, and offe ring almost unavoidable pain, hurt, and destruction. To survive in such a world, and perhaps emerg e victorious, one must conduct oneself with honour, courage, endurance, and dignity, a set of princ iples known as “the Hemingway code.”

13. Sherwood Anderson

author who strongly influenced American writing between World Wars I and II, particularly the tec hnique of the short story. His writing had an impact on such notable writers as Ernest Hemingway and William Faulkner, both of whom owe the first publication of their books to his efforts. His pro se style, based on everyday speech was markedly influential on the early Hemingway. His best wo rk is generally thought to be in his short stories, collected in Winesburg, Ohio, The Triumph of the Egg (1921), Horses and Men (1923), and Death in the Woods (1933).


2. American Puritanism

it comes from the American puritans, who were the first immigrants moved to American continent in the 17th century. Original sin, predestination(预言) and salvation(拯救) were the basic ideas of American Puritanism. And, hard-working, piousness(虔诚,尽职), thrift and sobriety(清醒) were praised.

3. Romanticism:

the literature term was first applied to the writers of the 18thcentury in

Europe who broke away from the formal rules of classical writing. When it was used in American literature it referred to the writers of the middle of the 19thcentury who stimulated(刺激) the sentimental emotions of their readers. They wrote of the mysterious of life, love, birth an d death. The Romantic writers expressed themselves freely and without restraint. They wrote all ki nds of materials, poetry, essays, plays, fictions, history, works of travel, and biography.

4. Transcendentalism (先验说,超越论):

is a philosophic and literary movement that

flourished in New England, particular at Concord, as a reaction against Rationalism and Calvinism (理性主义and喀尔文主义). Mainly it stressed intuitive understanding of God, without the help of the church, and advocat ed independence of the mind. The representative writers are Emerson and Thoreau.

5. Local colorism:

as a trend became dominant in American literature in the 1860s and

early 1870s

it is defined by Hamlin Garland as having such quality of texture and background that it could not have been written in any other place or by anyone else than a native stories of local colorism have a quality of circumstantial(详细的) authenticity(确实性), as local colorists tried to immortalize(使不朽) the distinctive natural, social and linguistic features. It is characteristic of vernacular(本国语) language and satirical(讽刺的) humor

6. Stream of consciousness(意识流):

It is one of the modern literary techniques. It is

the style of writing that attempts to imitate the natural flow of a character’s thoughts, feelings, refl ections, memories, and mental images as the character experiences them. It was first used in 1922 by the Irish novelist James Joyce. Those novels broke through the bounds of time and space, and d epicted vividly and skillfully the unconscious activity of the mind fast changing and flowing inces santly。

7. American Realism:

In American literature, the Civil War brought the Romantic Period

to an end. The Age of Realism came into existence. It came as a reaction against the lie of romanti cism and sentimentalism. Realism turned from an emphasis on the strange toward a faithful render ing of the ordinary, a slice of life as it is really lived. It expresses the concern for commonplace an d the low, and it offers an objective rather than an idealistic view of human nature and human expe rience

8. Naturalism:

American naturalism was a new and harsher realism. American

naturalism had been shaped by the war; by the social upheavals(剧变) that undermined the comforting faith of an earlier age. America’s literary naturalists dismissed the validity of comforting moral truths. They attempted to achieve e xtreme objectivity and frankness, presenting characters of low social and economic classes who w ere determined by their environment and heredity. Although naturalist literature described the worl d with sometimes brutal realism, it sometimes also aimed at bettering the world through social ref orm.

9. Imagism(意象派):

It’s a poetic movement of England and the U.S. flourished from

1909 to 1917.The movement insists on the creation of images in poetry by “the direct treatment of the thing” and the economy of wording. The leaders of this movement were Ezra Pound and Amy Lowell.

10. Modernism:

It was a complex and diverse (复杂多样的) international movement in

all the creative arts (创造性艺术), originating about the end of the 19th century. It provided (出现) the greatest creative renaissance of the 20th century. It was made up of many facets (方面), such as symbolism, surrealism (超现实主义), cubism (立体主义), expressionism, futurism (未来主义), ect

11. The Lost generation:

it refers to a group of young intellectuals (知识分子) who

came back from war, were injured (受伤害) both physically (身体上) and mentally (精神上). They lived by indulging (放任) themselves in the Bohemian (波西米亚) way of life. Their American dream was disillusioned (破灭了). The best representative of the lost generation was Ernest Hemingway.

12. American Dream:

American dream means the belief that everyone can succeed as

long as he/she works hard enough. It usually implies a successful and satisfying life. It usually fra med in terms of American capitalism(资本主义), its associated purported meritocracy,(知识界精华) and the freedoms guaranteed by the U.S. Bill of Rights. 13. The Harlem Renaissance:refers to the flowering of African American literature, art,

and drama during the 1920s and 1930s. Though centered in Harlem, New York, the movement im pacted urban centers throughout the United States. Black novelists, poets, painters, and playwright s began creating works rooted in their own culture instead of imitating the styles of Europeans and white Americans.

美国文学史及选读试卷 (1)

美国文学史及选读试卷 Ⅰ.Each of the following statements below is followed by four alternatives. Choose the one that would best complete the statement. (60points in all, 2 for each) 1. Which of following can be said of the common features which are shared by the English and American Romanticists ? A. An increasing emphasis on the free expression of emotions. B. An increasing attention to the psychic states of their characters. C. An increasing emphasis on the desire to return to nature. D. both A and B. 2. Which of the following statements about the Romantic period in the history of American literature is NOT true? () A. In most of the American writings of this period there was a new emphasis upon the imaginative and emotional qualities of literature. B. The writers of this period placed an increasing emphasis on the free expression of emotions and displayed an increasing attention to the psychic states of their characters. C. There was a strong tendency to exalt the individual and the common man. D. Most heroes and heroines in the writings of this period exhibited extremes of reason and nationality. 3.______ is unanimously agreed to be the summit of the American Romanticism in the history of American literature. A. New England Transcendentalism B. England Transcendentalism C. the Harlem Renaissance D. New Transcendentalism 4.Hawthorn e’s unique gift was for the creation of ______ which touch the deepest roots of man’s moral nature. A. symbolic stories B. romantic stories


外国文学名词解释 拜伦式的英雄 1813—1816年,拜伦写了《东方叙事诗》,塑造了一系列的“拜伦式的英雄”。《东方叙事诗》是一组典型的浪漫诗,包括《异教徒》、《海岛》等篇。这些诗以抒情格调为主,抒发诗人自己的感受,诗中描写的环境和情节,都是东方或南欧的,充满异国情调,情节富有传奇性,比较紧张。诗中的主人公都是与社会对立的、孤独的反叛者,被称为“拜伦式的英雄”。这些人物有非凡的性格,追求自由、独立,敢于蔑视现存制度,不向社会妥协,顽强坚定,宁愿为自由而死,不屈辱而生。但同时又十分高傲、孤独,脱离群众,个人奋斗,因而往往前途渺茫,悲愤忧郁,注定悲剧的结局。他们既是社会的叛逆者,又是社会的牺牲者。这些形象反映了当时诗人自身的苦闷失望情绪和渴求斗争的意愿,表达了广大资产阶级民主主义者的思想感情,又巨大的进步意义。但作者写的这些英雄是个人主义英雄,追求的是个人的自由幸福,表现出无政府主义和忧郁悲观的情绪,反映了诗人思想的局限。 拜伦式英雄 “拜伦式英雄”是指拜伦在“东方叙事诗”等作品中塑造的一系列孤立傲世、富有叛逆精神的主人公形象,最早萌芽于《恰尔德?哈洛尔德》。他们是海盗、异教徒、造反者、无家可归者等,都具有出众的才华、坚强的意志、反叛的热情,敢于蔑视传统秩序和专制暴政,但是他们的反抗总是和孤独、忧郁结合在一起,乃至傲世独立,离群索居,并以悲剧而告终。最典型的形象是《海盗》中的康拉德。 小人物 19世纪俄罗斯文学中由普希金开创的一类艺术形象。他们在社会中官阶卑微,地位低下,生活贫苦,但又逆来顺受,安分守已,性格懦弱,胆小怕事,成为显赫的大人物治下被侮辱、被损害的牺牲者。普希金以其短篇小说《驿站长》开了俄国文学中描写“小人物”的先河。随后,果戈理、陀思妥耶夫斯基、契诃夫等,都在自己的创作中塑造了“小人物”形象。 多余人 最早由赫尔岑在《往事与随想》中提出。“多余人”是19世纪俄国文学中所描绘的贵族知识分子的一种典型。他们的特点是出身贵族,生活在优裕的环境中,受过良好的文化教育。他们虽有高尚的理想,却远离人民;虽不满现实,却缺少行动,他们是“思想上的巨人,行动上的矮子”,只能在愤世疾俗中白白地浪费自己的才华。他们既不愿站在政府的一边,与上流社会同流合污,又不能和人民站在一起,反对专制制度和农奴制度。他们很是心仪西方的自由思想,他们也很不满俄国的现状,又无能为力改变这种现状,然而他们又是大贵族和权


长河小说 1.20世纪欧美现实主义文学时期产生的,通过一两个人的一生经历去反映一个时代的变迁的多卷本小说。优点是描写集中,容量较大。 2.罗兰认为,生活就像一条长河那样,连续不断地流动,小说也应反映这种丰富、博大、不停地发展的状态。 3.这种“长河小说”,气势雄浑,具有史诗的规模。同时,发展脉络清楚,一气呵成,从结构上来说显得更为完整。 愤怒的青年 1.20世纪欧美现实主义文学的一个文学派别。这个派别的作家塑造了一种新的任务类型:他们是出身工人家庭或中下层社会的大学毕业生,所受的教育高于所出身的阶层,可是他们并不想成为绅士;他们对掌权者的特殊享受津津乐道,但又把权力看成可笑而又不道德的游戏。这是一种反英雄人物。 2.代表作品有艾米斯的《幸运的吉姆》,约翰·奥斯本的《愤怒的回顾》 迷惘的一代 1.20世纪20年代产生于美国的文学流派,海明威在《太阳照样升起》的题词中引用斯泰恩的一句话:你们都是迷惘的一代,该流派因此而得名。 2.特点是痛恨帝国主义战争,关心战后青年一代的命运,反映当时美国青年普遍的迷惘情绪,以此为出发点,表现帝国主义精神危机。 3.代表作家海明威和菲次杰拉德,代表作品是海明威的《太阳照样升起》。 冰山原则 A.1932年海明威在《午后之死》中第一次提出文学创作的“冰山原则” B.即用简洁的文字塑造鲜明的形象,并且把自己的感受和思想最大限度地藏在形象中,使之情感丰富却含而不露,思想深沉且隐而不晦,让读者通过鲜明形象的感受去发掘作品的思想意义。 C.简洁的文字、鲜明的形象、丰富的情感和深刻的思想构成冰山原则的四要素,也是海明威的基本创作风格。 D.代表作品有海明威的《老人与海》《乞力马扎罗山上的雪》 硬汉形象 1.海明威作品中出现的一系列人物形象。这些人物有拳击师、斗牛士、猎人、渔人等,他们都具有一种百折不挠、坚强不屈的性格,面对暴力和死亡,面对不可改变的命运,都表现出一种从容、镇定的意志力,保持了人的尊严和勇气。 2.代表人物有《打不败的人》中的斗牛士曼努尔,《丧钟为谁而鸣》的乔丹,《老人与海》的老渔夫桑地亚哥。 解冻文学


1.Captain John Smith became the first American writer. 2.The puritans looked upon themselves as a chosen people. is an annual collection of proverbs written by Benjamin Franklin. 4.Thomas Paine’s famous pamphlet Common Sense boldly advocated a “Declaration for Independence”. 5.Thomas Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence with John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Robert Livingston.

has been called the “Father of American Poetry”. 7.In Washington I rving’s appeared the first modern short stories and the first great American juvenile literature. 8.Cooper’s enduring fame rests on his William Cullen Bryant’s wok. is considered “father of American detective stories and American gothic stories”. 10.Emerson believed above all in


多余人 “多余人”是19世纪俄国文学中贵族知识分子的一种典型。这些形象大多具有较高的文化修养,接受启蒙思想的影响,厌倦上流社会的生活,渴望有所作为,他们的出现是社会意识觉醒的一种体现。但是这一类形象往往以自我为中心,没有明确的生活目标,缺乏行动的能力和勇气,因此在社会上无所适从,结局是悲剧性的。普希金笔下的奥涅金成为俄国文学史上第一个“多余人”的形象,莱蒙托夫笔下的毕巧林,屠格涅夫笔下的罗亭,冈察洛夫笔下的奥勃洛摩夫等人都属于这一类典型。 小人物 19世纪俄罗斯文学中由普希金开创的一类艺术形象。他们在社会中官阶卑微,地位低下,生活贫苦,但又逆来顺受,安分守已,性格懦弱,胆小怕事,成为显赫的大人物治下被侮辱、被损害的牺牲者。普希金以其短篇小说《驿站长》开了俄国文学中描写“小人物”的先河。随后,果戈理、陀思妥耶夫斯基、契诃夫等,都在自己的创作中塑造了“小人物”形象。 批判现实主义 批判现实主义是19世纪30年代在法国出现,后在19世纪中后期和20世纪初期的欧美具有极大影响的一种文学思潮。批判现实主义文学突出特点就是真实和广阔地反映社会生活,深刻地揭露现实矛盾和批判社会罪恶;同情社会下层的小人物,反映他们的悲惨命运和内心痛苦;塑造典型环境中的典型人物,并注意细节的真实。但不少作家以抽象的人道主义为出发点来批判黑暗现实,难以找到准确变革社会的道路。批判现实主义文学取得了很高的成就,各种文学体裁均有佳作,其中尤以长篇小说为最。优秀作家众多,如巴尔扎克、托尔斯泰、易卜生等。 自然派 是俄国19世纪40-50年代形成的现实主义文学流派的别称,奠基人是果戈理,名称由别林斯基提出;自然派的特点是,真实地反映现实生活,批判黑暗腐朽的专制农奴制,描写下层小人物的不幸命运,具有民主主义和人道主义倾向;果戈理是当时现实主义文学的盟主,自他以后的一系列现实主义作家屠格涅夫、赫尔岑、冈察洛夫、涅克拉索夫等都是自然派作家。 新人 “新人”指的是19世纪中叶在俄国文学中出现的具有民主主义思想倾向的平民知识分子形象。这些形象尽管个性相异,但大多出身平民,具有坚定的意志、明确的理想,以及实干精神和自我牺牲精神。屠格涅夫在小说《前夜》中最早塑造出了“新人”英沙洛夫的形象,但车尔尼雪夫斯基小说《怎么办?》中的“新人”罗普霍夫等形象则更为典型。 “含泪的笑” 果戈理独特的艺术手法。他认为艺术家不仅应当真实地反映生活,而且应当对生活进行审判,即“通过世界上人们看得见的笑容和人们看不见的、不知道的眼泪来观察生活。”正是这种“笑声”和“眼泪”的交集、喜剧和悲剧的结合,加强了果戈理讽刺艺术的揭露和抬批判力量。 《人间喜剧》 《人间喜剧》是巴尔扎克主要创作的总称,内分风俗研究、哲学研究和分析研究三大类。


含泪的笑是对果戈理讽刺艺术的概括,果戈理的作品往往采取讽刺的手法描写庄园地主的庸俗腐败,空虚无聊同时也抨击封建官僚的贪污受贿,敲诈勒索,如在《密尔格拉得》所包括的四篇小说之一的《旧式地主》中,既对地主阶级精神空虚、无聊,予以嘲讽,又有所同情,即“哀其不幸,怒其不争”别林斯基因此称这种风格为“含泪的笑”。精神苦刑法是鲁迅对俄国作家陀思妥耶夫斯基心理描写特点的一种评价,罗勋认为陀思妥耶夫斯基在小说中以严酷的拷问官出现,桎梏了精神的苦刑,吧人物放在万难忍受的境遇里试炼,层层剖析他们的灵魂,让他们经受精神上的痛苦磨练,他善于表现人物在异常状态中,在无法解脱的矛盾中,激烈的内心斗争和高度紧张的情绪变化(即变态心理,绝望情绪),拉斯科尼科夫的形象就是精神苦刑法的具体体现。 小说突出集中地反映了作者对人类存在的哲理思考。 1在外省小城中,卡拉马佐夫一家父子围绕金钱,女人而产生的激烈斗争。 2卡拉马佐夫一家:马卡拉马佐夫、伊凡和斯麦尔佳科夫是人性恶的代表,他们放弃信仰、自食其果。德米特里是现实人性的代表,他因为没有放弃信仰而得救。阿辽沙是人性善的代表,他所指引人类的出路是忍耐、顺从。 3作者通过人类灵魂的搏斗,揭示他眼中的整个人类社会现实的内在本质。 "卡拉马佐夫气质"是俄罗斯文学"俄罗斯性格"题材诸多"性格"类型中的一种,它是俄罗斯民族性格在文学中的审美提炼,具有"所多玛的灵魂"、"阴郁的怀疑"、"迷失后的皈依"和"历久弥坚的信仰"等复杂的文化构成。它是俄罗斯深邃的宗教文化与原始自然力和欧洲文明疾患共同作用的结果。深刻地反映了俄罗斯民族在社会转型期间的价值危机和精神困惑。欲望与毁灭,兄弟间是热情、理想主义,父亲是贪婪,占有,最终都与世格格不入。 卡拉马佐夫性格、 《卡拉玛佐夫兄弟》(1880)写卡拉马佐夫父子、兄弟之间围绕金钱、女人产生的激烈的矛盾斗争,以此为中心事件,广泛描写社会生活,全面体现了作家的政治思想、宗教哲学,道德观念。这个道德沦丧,人欲横流的地主之家,其成员为了各自私利,勾心斗角,分崩离析,性格也各不相同,但却有一种共同的精神气质把他们捆绑在一起,这就是文学史上称之为的“卡拉马佐夫气质”(或称性格),即俄国农奴主制度和资产阶级种种丑恶的精神气质的总和——那就是卑鄙无耻,自私自利,野蛮残暴,放肆淫逸,腐化堕落的集中表现。这一家人的充满仇恨,矛盾的多层次对照的丑恶关系是资产阶级和封建农奴主阶级的丑恶本质在俄国农奴制改革后所产生的混杂畸形关系的反映。是俄国社会生活的一个缩影。 人间喜剧, 《人间喜剧》是欧洲文学史宏伟纪念碑。是巴尔扎克1829-1848年所写的全部作品的总称,由巴尔扎克在1842年受《神曲》(原名《神圣的喜剧》)启示所概括提出的。《人间喜剧》棉鞋了人在金钱腐蚀下的异化和堕落,反映了资产阶级的罪恶发家史和贵族阶级的落寞衰亡史。所谓“人间”,即作者所处的19世纪法国社会,所谓“喜剧”,即这个社会中形形色色的世态人生,含有讽刺批判的意味。 巴尔扎克把《人间喜剧》分类整理为三大A、风俗研究(67部)B、哲学(哲理)研究(22部)C、分析研究(2部,另有3部只有题目没有动笔)人间喜剧》创造了两种方法: 第一种是分类整理法:第二种是人物再现法: 1、浪漫主义浪漫主义是18世纪末兴起于德国,并在19世纪初期盛行于欧美各国的一种文学思潮。即虚构,想像,神奇,描述美丽自然景观的文学。它是法国革命开始的名族民主革命新时代的产物,在德国古典哲学,空想社会理论和伤感文学的基础上,与古典主义的斗争中发展起来的。浪漫主义作家偏重于表现主观理想,他们的作品想像丰富,具有强烈的主观抒情色彩;对丑恶的的社会现实的厌恶使他们往往寄情山水,讴歌自然;浪漫主义作家批判古典主义的清规戒律,重视中世纪的民间文学,提出“回到中世纪”的口号;作品追求离奇的情节和强烈的艺术效果,主人公常常活动于奇异的自然环境或富有异国情调的遥远的部落。浪漫主义文学的主要成就是诗歌,其次是戏剧和小说。代表作家有:拜伦、雨果、普希金、惠特曼等。 湖畔派:三诗人指的是华兹华斯、柯尔律治和骚塞。他们对资本主义文明及人与人之间的现金交易关系极为反感,向往中古时期的封建社会。他们曾隐居于英国西北部的湖区,由是得名“湖畔派”。华兹华斯和柯勒律治合著的《抒情歌谣集》,在诗歌创作上,标志着英国浪漫主义文学的正式形成。华兹华斯的(《抒情歌谣集》序言)(1800),中强调想象和情感对诗歌创作的的重要性。他们的诗作或讴歌宗法式的农村生活和自然风景,或描写奇异神秘的故事和异国风光,一般都是远离社会斗争的题材。他们常常是通过缅怀中古时代的“纯朴”来否定丑恶的城市文明。例柯勒律治的《《老水手》), 在《恰尔德。哈洛尔德游记》中恰尔德。哈洛尔德是一个出具“拜伦式英雄”的特点的形象。 拜伦式英雄指拜伦作品中的主人公们——他们是高傲坚强的而又孤独忧郁的叛逆者,他们与罪恶的社会势不两


Captain John Smith (first American writer). Anne Bradstreet;The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America (colonists living) Edward Taylor(the best puritan poet) John Cotton ”the Patriarch of New England” teacher spiritual leader Benjamin Franklin The Autobiography Poor Richard’s Almanack Thomas Jefferson: Political Career Thoughts The Declaration of Independence we hold truth to be self-evidence Philip Freneau“Father of American Poetry” The Wild Honey Suckle American Romanticism optimism and hope Nationalism Washington Irving“Father of American Literature short story”The first “Pure Writer” A History of New York The Sketch Book marked the beginning of American Romanticism! “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”Rip Van Winkle James Fenimore Cooper Father of American sea and frontier novels Leather stocking Tales The Last of the Mohicans The Pioneers The Prairie The Pathfinder The Deerslayer Edgar Allan Poe father of detective story and horror fiction Tales of the Grotesque and the Arabesque “MS. Found in a Bottle” “The Murders in the Rue Morgue” “The Fall of the House of Usher”“The Masque of the Red Death”“The


美国文学史及选读试题 I. Multiple Choice 10’ 1. Who is different from others according to the division of writing period? A. Washington Irving B.William Cullen Bryant C. Captain John Smith D. James Fenimore Cooper 2. The American Romantic Period lasted roughly from ____ to ____. A. 1798-1832 B. 1810-1860 C. 1860-1864 D. 1776-1783 3. How many syllables are there in this first line of Raven? (“Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,”) A. 11 B. 12 C. 13 D. 16 4. What dominated the Puritan phase of American writing? A. theology B. literature C. esthetics D. revolution 5. At the initial period of the spread of ideas of the Enlightenment was largely due to ____. A. typography B. journalism C. revolution D. the development of paper-making industry 6. Who has been called the “Father of American Literature”? A. Walt Scott B. Geoffrey Chaucer


[外国文学]==外国文学史名词解释68题 1楼外国文学史名词解释68题 1、?荷马史诗:包括《伊利昂纪》和《奥德修纪》,是古希腊最早的两部史 诗,一般认为是吟颂诗人荷马所作,故称荷马史诗。这两部史诗描写发生于公元前12世纪的特洛亚战争,各分二十四卷,反映了氏族制度趋于瓦解,向奴隶社会过渡时期广泛的社会生活,塑造了一系列英雄形象,具有很高的认识价值和艺术成就。? 2、?埃斯库罗斯:被誉为“古希腊悲剧之父”,是古希腊三大悲剧诗人之一。 相传他创作了70部悲剧,留存下7部,代表作为《被缚的普罗米修斯》。 他对希腊悲剧艺术做出了重大贡献,把演员从一个增加到两个,加强了对话部分,在演出技巧上也做了不少改革。其悲剧风格庄严崇高,抒情气氛浓,但情节较简单,人物性格一般没有发展。? 3、?《俄底浦斯王》:是索福克勒斯的代表作,以希腊神话中关于忒拜王室 的故事为题材,紧紧围绕俄底浦斯杀父娶母的预言和寻找凶手这两条线索展开。这是一部十分悲惨的剧作,主要表现的是人个意志与命运的冲突,英雄人物在面对厄运中显示了人的精神的神圣崇高。剧作结构复杂而严谨,亚里士多德认为该剧是希腊悲剧的典范。 4、?阿里斯托芬:被誉为“喜剧之父”。他留下的完整剧本有11部,代表作 为《阿卡奈人》,他的喜剧涉及当时许多重大的政治和社会问题,对战争与

和平问题尤其关心。其喜剧手法夸张,妙趣横生,在嬉笑怒骂中表达了严肃的主题,被恩格斯称为“有强烈倾向的诗人。”? 5、?教会文学:是中世纪欧洲盛行的正统文学,取材于《圣经》,体裁有圣经故事、对徒传、祷告文、赞美诗、宗教剧等,主要作者是教会僧侣,主要内容是赞美上帝的权威和歌颂圣徒的德行,宣扬禁欲主义和来世主义思想,手法以梦幻、寓意和象征为主。? 6、?骑士文学:是西欧封建骑士制度的产物,以描写骑士爱情和冒险故事为基本内容,包括骑士抒情诗和骑士叙事诗两种。抒情诗产生于法国南部的普罗旺斯,有破晓歌、牧歌、怨歌等。叙事诗又称骑士传奇,重要作品有《特里斯丹和伊瑟》等。 7、?英雄史诗:分前期和后期。前期英雄史诗形成于中世纪初期,具有较浓的神魔色彩和巫术气氛,着名的有《贝奥武甫》、《埃达》等,歌颂部落英雄的光荣事迹。后期英雄史诗形成于封建国家逐渐形成的中世纪中期,中心主题是爱国主义和英雄主义。主要作品有法国的《罗兰之歌》,西斑牙的《熙德之歌》,德国的《尼伯龙根之歌》,俄国斯的《伊戈尔远征记》。? ?城市文学:反映中世纪城市和新兴市民阶层思想愿望的文学,取材于现实生活,揭露封建主和僧侣的暴虐、愚昧和虚伪,赞颂市民的才智,主要创作手法是讽刺,体裁有韵文故事、讽刺故事诗、抒情诗和市民戏剧等。代表作有法国的《列那孤的故事》,通过动物间的斗争反映城市内部各阶层间的矛盾冲突。 ?&?,9、?文艺复兴:是14-17世纪初欧洲一系列新兴资产阶级思想文化运动的总称。它以发掘、整理和研究古希腊罗马的文化遗产、复兴古典文化为标


1、人物再现法 它是巴尔扎克在《人间喜剧》中所运用的艺术手法,他通过顺叙、倒叙、对比、侧写等再现方式,让同一个人物在不同的作品中反复出现。《人间喜剧》中的再现人物共有400多个,散见在75部作品之中。这样前后呼应,相互联系,既将数量庞大的作品联结组合成一个统一的整体,同时又刻画出了人物性格发展的全过程。 2、社会问题剧 1868—1891年,挪威剧作家易卜生用散文写了9部以社会和家庭问题为内容的现实主义戏剧;这些剧本分两类:一类处理社会政治问题,如《青年同盟》、《社会支柱》等;一类处理婚姻家庭问题,如《玩偶之家》等;这些作品大胆揭露资产阶级道德的堕落、婚姻的不合理、家庭生活的虚伪、思想的庸俗偏狭及资产阶级民主政治的破产;“社会问题剧”以其丰富的社会内容和高度的艺术技巧震动了西方舞台,引起一场戏剧革命。 3、自然派 是俄国19世纪40-50年代形成的现实主义文学流派的别称,奠基人是果戈理,名称由别林斯基提出;自然派的特点是,真实地反映现实生活,批判黑暗腐朽的专制农奴制,描写下层小人物的不幸命运,具有民主主义和人道主义倾向;果戈理是当时现实主义文学的盟主,自他以后的一系列现实主义作家屠格涅夫、赫尔岑、冈察洛夫、涅克拉索夫等都是自然派作家。 4、多余人 19 世纪30年代以后俄国文学史中出现的一类贵族青年典型;他们受过启蒙思想的影响,不满现实,但贵族生活方式使他们缺乏明确的目标,最终一事无成。成为“永远不会站在政府方面”,同时也“永远不能够站到人民方面”的“多余人”;普希金笔下的奥涅金成为俄国文学史上第一个“多余人”的形象,莱蒙托夫笔下的毕巧林,屠格涅夫笔下的罗亭,冈察洛夫笔下的奥勃洛摩夫等人都属于这一类典型。 5、托尔斯泰主义 是托尔斯泰晚年提出的所谓拯救俄国人民和人类的政治和道德主张;它的基本内容是“勿以暴力抗恶”、“道德自我完善”和“博爱”,其核心是“不以暴力抗恶”。托尔斯泰主义是空想的,客观上有麻醉人民、阻碍革命发展的消极作用,但作为资产阶级革命快要到来时人民思想和情绪的表现者,托尔斯泰的出发点是伟大的。 6、冰山原则


History And Anthology of American Literature (6) 附:作者及作品 一、殖民主义时期The Literature of Colonial America 1.船长约翰·史密斯Captain John Smith 《自殖民地第一次在弗吉尼亚垦荒以来发生的各种事件的真实介绍》 “A True Relation of Such Occurrences and Accidents of Note as Hath Happened in Virginia Since the First Planting of That Colony” 《弗吉尼亚地图,附:一个乡村的描述》 “A Map of Virginia: with a Description of the Country” 《弗吉尼亚通史》“General History of Virginia” 2.威廉·布拉德福德William Bradford 《普利茅斯开发历史》“The History of Plymouth Plantation”3.约翰·温思罗普John Winthrop 《新英格兰历史》“The History of New England” 4.罗杰·威廉姆斯Roger Williams 《开启美国语言的钥匙》”A Key into the Language of America” 或叫《美洲新英格兰部分土著居民语言指南》 Or “A Help to the Language of the Natives in That Part of America Called New England ” 5.安妮·布莱德斯特Anne Bradstreet 《在美洲诞生的第十个谬斯》 ”The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America” 二、理性和革命时期文学The Literature of Reason and Revolution 1。本杰明·富兰克林Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) ※《自传》“ The Autobiography ” 《穷人理查德的年鉴》“Poor Richard’s Almanac” 2。托马斯·佩因Thomas Paine (1737-1809) ※《美国危机》“The American Crisis” 《收税官的案子》“The Case of the Officers of the Excise”《常识》“Common Sense” 《人权》“Rights of Man” 《理性的时代》“The Age of Reason” 《土地公平》“Agrarian Justice” 3。托马斯·杰弗逊Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) ※《独立宣言》“The Declaration of I ndependence” 4。菲利浦·弗瑞诺Philip Freneau (1752-1832) ※《野忍冬花》“The Wild Honey Suckle” ※《印第安人的坟地》“The Indian Burying Ground” ※《致凯提·迪德》“To a Caty-Did” 《想象的力量》“The Power of Fancy” 《夜屋》“The House of Night” 《英国囚船》“The British Prison Ship” 《战争后期弗瑞诺主要诗歌集》 “The Poems of Philip Freneau Written Chiefly During the Late War” 《札记》“Miscellaneous Works” 三、浪漫主义文学The Literature of Romanticism 1。华盛顿·欧文Washington Irving (1783-1859) ※《作者自叙》“The Author’s Account of Himself” ※《睡谷传奇》“The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” 《见闻札记》“Sketch Book” 《乔纳森·欧尔德斯泰尔》“Jonathan Oldstyle” 《纽约外史》“A History of New York” 《布雷斯布里奇庄园》“Bracebridge Hall” 《旅行者故事》“Tales of Traveller” 《查理二世》或《快乐君主》“Charles the Second” Or “The Merry Monarch” 《克里斯托弗·哥伦布生平及航海历史》 “A History of the Life and V oyages of Christopher Columbus” 《格拉纳达征服编年史》”A Chronicle of the Conquest of Grandada” 《哥伦布同伴航海及发现》 ”V oyages and Discoveries of the Companions of Columbus” 《阿尔罕布拉》“Alhambra” 《西班牙征服传说》“Legends of the Conquest of Spain” 《草原游记》“A Tour on the Prairies” 《阿斯托里亚》“Astoria” 《博纳维尔船长历险记》“The Adventures of Captain Bonneville” 《奥立弗·戈尔德史密斯》”Life of Oliver Goldsmith” 《乔治·华盛顿传》“Life of George Washington” 2.詹姆斯·芬尼莫·库珀James Fenimore Cooper (1789-1851) ※《最后的莫希干人》“The Last of the Mohicans” 《间谍》“The Spy” 《领航者》“The Pilot” 《美国海军》“U.S. Navy” 《皮袜子故事集》“Leather Stocking Tales” 包括《杀鹿者》、《探路人》”The Deerslayer”, ”The Pathfinder” 《最后的莫希干人》“The Last of the Mohicans” 《拓荒者》、《大草原》“The Pioneers”, “The Praire” 3。威廉·卡伦·布莱恩特William Cullen Bryant (1794-1878) ※《死之思考》“Thanatopsis” ※《致水鸟》“To a Waterfowl” 4。埃德加·阿伦·坡Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) ※《给海伦》“To Helen” ※《乌鸦》“The Raven” ※《安娜贝尔·李》“Annabel Lee” ※《鄂榭府崩溃记》“The Fall of the House of Usher” 《金瓶子城的方德先生》“Ms. Found in a Bottle” 《述异集》“Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque” 5。拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) ※《论自然》“Nature” ※《论自助》“Self-Reliance” 《美国学者》“The American Scholar” 《神学院致辞》“The Divinity School Address” 《随笔集》“Essays” 《代表》“Representative Men” 《英国人》“English Traits” 《诗集》“Poems” 6。亨利·戴维·梭罗Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862) ※《沃尔登我生活的地方我为何生活》 1


Washington Irving Bracebridge Hall 布雷斯布里奇田庄 (1822) The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Tales of a Traveller 旅客谈 (1824) Christopher Columbus (1828) c. writing characteristics (1) humorous: the function of his writing is to amuse, to entertain instead of teaching or instruction (2) vivid and true character portrayal (3) finished (refined) and musical language, thus regarded as “the Amn. Goldsmith ” d. analysis on The Legend of Sleepy Hollow(选自the sketch book 见闻札记 ) 1. the story:setting,character, plot 2. theme:conflicts and praise conflict betw. Ichabod and Brom conflict betw. the village and the outside world James Fenimore Cooper The Spy (1821): a historical novel The Pilot (1824): a sea novel Leatherstocking Tales 皮裹腿故事集(1823-1841): frontier novels The Last Mohicans (1826) (Colonial War betw. Britain and France) e. writing features: strong points: we can see a variety of incidents and tensions, complicated plot and structure and a beautiful description of nature. Weak points: characterization is weak. There is unsatisfactory description of characters (esp. female). He is not free from syntactical awkwardness, heavy-handed attempt at humor. “Where Irving excels Cooper is weak.” Dialect is not authentic. Edgar Allan Poe The Fall of the House Usher Feature: i. brevity (15 pages) ii. Single effect iii. originality in theme To Helen It was inspired by the beauty of the mother of a schoolmate of Poe in Richmond, Virginia. The poem is famous for a number of things: 1. its rhyme scheme: ababb 2. its varied line lengths 3. its metaphor of a travel on the sea 4. its oft-quoted lines: "To the glory that was Greece,/And the grandeur that was Rome." theme: praise the ideal love and beauty and ancient Greek and Roman civilizations The Raven 乌鸦 theme: the lament over the death of a beautiful woman tone: melancholy Transcendentalism (essayists, poets, novelists) Their journal is “The Dial ” . Definition: Transcendentalism is idealism. (Emerson) b. features (1) stress on Oversoul, that is spirit. (2) stress the importance of individual. (3) fresh conception of nature. c. significance (1) inspired a whole generation of writers such as Whitman, Melville and Dickinson. (2) dresses man ’s subjective initiative as opposed to materialism. (3) liberated people from Calvin ’s original sin d. limitation (1) shallow: cut off from real life or reality; initiated by the rich, they were limited in a certain circle. So, in some degree, they have been cut off from social life and can ’t understand the sufferings of the common people. (2) inward contradiction: gain knowledge by intuition, shows its idealistic aspect. R.W. Emerson (Ralph Waldo) Nature (1836): the Bible of New England transcendentalism The American Scholar (1837): "America's Declaration of Intellectual The Divinity School Address 神学院致辞 (1838) Essays (1841/1847) Representative Men (1850) English Traits (1856)


名词解释 1荷马史诗: 相传是公元前9至前8世纪由一个名叫荷马的盲诗人根据小亚细亚口头流传的史诗短歌综合编成的,因而被称为荷马史诗。 荷马史诗包括《伊利亚特》和《奥德塞》两部分,各有24卷,均以特洛依战争为背景。《伊利亚特》写战争本身,描写阿喀琉斯的愤怒及战争最后51天内发生的事件;《奥德塞》写希腊英雄奥德修斯在战争结束后回返家乡的经历。 荷马史诗的主题是歌颂希腊全民族的光荣史迹,赞美勇敢、正义、无私、勤劳等善良品德,讴歌克服一切困难的乐观主义精神,肯定人与生活的价值。荷马史诗充满了浓厚的宿命论思想,人与人之间的斗争成为神与神之间斗争的缩影。荷马史诗塑造了一系列的英雄人物,结构巧妙,布局完整,比喻丰富。它不仅是欧洲文学史上最早的优秀作品,也是研究希腊早期社会的重要文献。 2英雄史诗: 又叫英雄叙事诗,是在民间长期口口相传,以歌颂民族英雄为内容的人民文学,是中世纪欧洲文学的重要成就。根据史诗形成的时间和表现内容,可分为早期英雄史诗和后期英雄史诗。 前期英雄史诗形成于中世纪初期,具有较浓的神魔色彩和巫术气氛,著名的有《贝奥武甫》、《埃达》等,歌颂部落英雄的光荣事迹。后期英雄史诗形成于封建国家逐渐形成的中世纪中期,中心主题是爱国主义和英雄主义。主要作品有法国的《罗兰之歌》,西斑牙的《熙德之歌》,德国的《尼伯龙根之歌》,俄国斯的《伊戈尔远征记》。 3《工作与时日》: 古希腊流传下来的第一首以现实生活为题材的诗作,作者是赫希俄德,较详细地记载了古希腊时期的种种宗教祭日赫从事不同工作时的黄道吉日。诗人最后总结说,在不朽的众神面前,聪明人的工作是无可指责的,因为他懂得吉兆,所以能够避免犯罪。该作具有史诗的体裁,但实际上可以说一部道德格言集和农业历书。风格清新自然,平易简洁。 4《俄狄浦斯王》: 是古希腊悲剧家索福克勒斯的代表作。取材于英雄传说,写忒拜王子俄狄浦斯反抗杀父娶母的神示,然而又逃不出命运支配的故事。悲剧从传说故事将近结尾的地方写起,当时俄狄浦斯已是忒拜国王,时值瘟疫流行,按照神示,只有追查出杀死先王的凶手,才能免除瘟疫,挽救忒拜城。全剧以此为起点,在追查凶手的过程中展示了悲剧主人公的思想性格。当俄狄浦斯查明凶手就是自己时,他刺瞎双眼,自愿放逐。通过俄狄浦斯的遭遇,作者颂扬了悲剧主人公的坚强意志和人民对国家的负责精神。这样一个英雄却受着命运的捉弄,这样,索福克勒斯对命运的合理性提出了怀疑,表现了雅典自由民在社会灾难面前的斗争精神和悲愤情绪。以此作品为代表的索福克勒斯的悲剧艺术,标志者希腊悲剧的成熟。索福克勒斯把人物放在尖锐的冲突中并通过人物对比方法来塑造,因而人物的动作性强,性格比较突出。 5阿里斯托芬: 被誉为“喜剧之父”。他留下的完整剧本有11部,代表作为《阿卡奈人》,他的喜剧涉及当时许多重大的政治和社会问题,对战争与和平问题尤其关心。其

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