当前位置:文档之家› 高三英语翻译试题经典含解析




1.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.







1.She began to play the violin five years ago.

2.Owing to bad weather, the flight was delayed for a couple of hours.

3.Every designer hopes that his work can stand the test of time.

4.It is a difficult problem for high school students whether they can resist the temptation of online games.

5.At the exhibition, the company’s sales manager demonstrated the new type of electronic toys (which/that) children were looking forward to.


1.根据“五年前”确实时态,可知用一般过去时,注意短语play the violin。


2.根据提示词可知,由于译为:owing to ,此处to是介词。注意用被动语态,因为航班被推迟。




4.此句it是形式主语,whether引导主语从句,时态一般现在时。短语:抵御诱惑resist the temptation。




2.高中英语翻译题:Directions:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.





3.一个人待人处世的方式能反映出他是怎样的人。(the way)


4.只有当一系列奇数问题得到解决,到 2025 年,新能源汽车才能占汽车销量的百分之二十。(Only)



1.For the sake of safety/ For safety, children / a child should not be left alone at home 2.Having taken a deep breath, he went up to the stage with a smile on his face.

3.The way a person treats others can reflect what kind of person he is.

4.Only when a series of technical problems are solved can new energy cars account for 20 percent of all the car sales by 2025.




1.考查被动语态和“leave+宾语+宾补”结构。根据句意可知本句使用 leave sb alone表示“把某人单独留下”,children / a child与leave之间是被动关系,应该用被动语态,故翻译为:For the sake of safety/ For safety, children / a children should not be left alone at home

2.考查非谓语动词。he与take a deep breath之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,而且take a deep breath明显发生在went up to之前,所以用现在分词的完成式作状语,故翻译为:Having taken a deep breath, he went up to the stage with a smile on his face.

3.考查定语从句和宾语从句。way作先行词,定语从句的关系词,有三中引导方法:in which,that或省略,reflect为宾语从句,从句中缺少表语,用what引导,故翻译为:The way a person treats others can reflect what kind of person he is.

4.考查倒装。account for表示“占(比例)”,“only+状语”位于句首时,其后要用部分倒装,故翻译为:Only when a series of technical problems are solved can new energy cars account for 20 percent of all the car sales by 2025.

3.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.



2.等他明年回来,这个体育馆就建好了。(by the time)







1.Staying up late affects one’s health greatly.

2.By the time he comes back next year, the stadium will have been set up.

3.In the long run, the wider range of knowledge you have, the more capable you are of dealing with the problems at work.

4.It is believed that spoiling children too much may unconsciously cause their bad temper, even the lack of ability to take care of themselves.




1.考查非谓语动词。affect表示“影响”,是及物动词,后面直接接宾语,stay up表示“熬夜”,本句使用动名词作主语,陈述的是客观事实,用一般现在时,注意动名词作主语时谓语动词用第三人称单数,故翻译为:Staying up late affects one’s health greatly.

2.考查时态语态。by the time引导的时间状语从句,表示将来的时间时,从句用一般现在时,主句用将来完成时,stadium与set up之间是被动关系,所以用将来完成时的被动语态,故翻译为:By the time he comes back next year, the stadium will have been set up.

3.考查固定句式。be capable of表示“能够”,根据句意可知本句使用“the+比较级,the+比较级”结构,表示“越……,就越……”,陈述的是客观事实。用一般现在时,故翻译为:In the long run, the wider range of knowledge you have, the more capable you are of dealing with the problems at work.

4.考查形式主语和非谓语动词。ability后用不定式作后置定语,ability to do表示“做……的能力”,根据提示词可知本句使用it作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的that从句,陈述的

是客观事实,用一般现在时,故翻译为:It is believed that spoiling children too much may unconsciously cause their bad temper, even the lack of ability to take care of themselves.

4.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.







4.当前有一个非常令人费解的现象:一些年轻父母们宁愿把很多钱投资在早教上,也不愿意带娃旅行开阔眼界。(would rather)



1. The accident caused by ignoring the rules deserves/is worth our deep thinking/ careful consideration/reflection.

2. We still need to dream/have a dream, but it ca n’t be realized unless we work hard (on it). 3. It was this experience that enabled/helped me to realize (that) I shouldn't be too busy to

miss the gifts/blessings that life brings to me.

4. There is a confusing phenomenon that many young parents would rather invest much money in/into early education than travel with kids to expand their horizons.


1.考查ignore的相关用法。分析句子可知,本句为一般现在时,主语为The accident,用过去分词短语caused by ignoring the rules作The accident的后置定语。谓语为deserve/be worth后可直接接动名词,此时主动形式表达被动含义,也可直接接名词。故翻译为:The accident caused by ignoring the rules deserves/is worth our deep thinking/ careful consideration/reflection.

2.考查unless的相关用法。分析句子可知,本句为but连接的两个句子,且为一般现在时,还涉及unless引导的条件状语从句。重点动词及动词短语为work hard“努力”,realize“实现”。故翻译为:We still need to dream/have a dream, but it can’t be realized unless we work hard (on it).

3.考查强调句式。分析句子可知,本句为强调句式,强调句的时态为一般过去时,强调的是this experience,realize后接that引导的宾语从句,宾语从句中出现了too...to句式。错过生活的恩赐为“miss the gifts/blessings”其中gifts/blessings被后面的that引导的定语从句所修饰,且在定语从句中作宾语。故翻译为:It was this experience that enabled/helped me to realize (that) I shouldn't be too busy to miss the gifts/blessings that life brings to me.

4.考查would rather相关用法。分析句子可知,phenomenon后接that引导的同位语从句,同位语从句中涉及到了would rather do sth than do sth的用法。其中两个动词短语为invest much money in/into early education(很多钱投资在早教上)expand their horizons(扩展视野)。故翻译为:There is a confusing phenomenon that many young parents would rather invest much money in/into early education than travel with kids to expand their horizons.

5.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.







4.不久之后,地铁5号线奉贤段即将通车,这让翘首以盼的奉贤人民激动不已。(before) ________________________


1. An inviting smell reminds us of the distant memories.

2. Everyone should bear/keep in mind that we should treat people the way (in which/that) we want to be treated.

3. So absorbed/devoted is he in/to the study of ancient cultures that he has

persevered/perseveres in working at the cost of his health these years.

4.It won’t be long before the Underground/Subway/Metro Line 5 in Fengxian is open to traffic, which excites the Fengxian people who have been looking/are looking forward to it. 【解析】

1.固定词组:remind sb. of sth.“提醒某人某物”,再结合所给汉语可知答案为An inviting smell reminds us of the distant memories.

2.固定词组:bear/keep in mind“记住”,后面是that引导的宾语从句,且从句中包含the way作先行词的定语从句,再根据所给汉语可知答案为Everyone should bear/keep in mind that we should treat people the way (in which/that) we want to be treated.

3.句中so…that引导的结果状语从句,“so+形容词”位于句子开头,则主句用部分倒装,再根据所给汉语可知答案为So absorbed/devoted is he in/to the study of ancient cultures that he has persevered/perseveres in working at the cost of his health these years.

4.句中使用固定句式It won’t be long before---“不久之后就……”,再根据所给汉语可知答案为It won’t be long before the Underground/Subway/Metro Line 5 in Fengxian is open to traffic, which excites the Fengxian people who have been looking/are looking forward to it.





如:So cold was the weather that we had to stay at home. 天气太冷,我们只好呆在家里。2.“So+助动词+主语”倒装:


如:You are young and so am I. 你年轻,我也年轻。

注:(1)若前面提出某一否定的情况,要表示后者也属于同样的否定情况,则应将其中的so 改为neither或nor:

如:You aren't young and neither am I. 你不年轻,我也不年轻。


如:"It was cold yesterday." "So it was."“昨天很冷。”“的确很冷。”

6.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

1.他曾在当地一所学校工作。(used to)



4.他若是想在下一届奥运会夺金的话,就要提高他的技术水平。(be to do)



1. He used to work at a local school.

2.A former classmate of mine wrote me a letter, telling me his thought of returning to the native land/motherland.

3. When (he was) asked why he was involved in the study, he kept silence (silent).

4.If he is to win the gold medal at the next Olympics, he needs to improve his technique. 5.She stared at the exit through which Mayor had disappeared and then looked around to see how others reacted to his absence.



1.He used to work at a local school.

本句重点在于used to do sth过去常常做某事;

2.A former classmate of mine wrote me a letter, telling me his thought of returning to the native land/motherland.


3. When (he was) asked why he was involved in the study, he kept silence (silent).


4. If he is to win the gold medal at the next Olympics, he needs to improve his technique.

本题考查的be to do sth表示将来时的用法。相当于should, must。

5.She stared at the exit through which Mayor had disappeared and then looked around to see how others reacted to his absence.

本句考查了动词短语stare at…盯着…看的用法。



7.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.





1.Hardly had he handed in the test paper when he realized that he had forgotten to write his name on it.

2.This hospital is equipped with modern facilities and is accessible by underground.

3.In such a rapidly changing society, people are afraid of not being able to get the latest

information and thus falling behind others. / In such a rapidly changing society, people are afraid that they will not be kept updated with the latest information and thus fall behind.

4.Holding /With the belief that his efforts will pay off can’t be in vain/ won’t be wasted will be rewarded/no effort will turn out to be a waste, he achieved success in the end and after going through ups and downs.


1.考查倒装句。根据句意及提示词可知,本句关键词(组):hand in“提交”,realize“意识到”,要使用hardly…when…句型,主句使用过去完成时,从句使用一般过去时,hardly位

于句首时,主句使用部分倒装结构。故译为:Hardly had he handed in the test paper when he realized that he had forgotten to write his name on it.

2.考查accessible的用法。根据句意及提示词可知,本句关键词(组):be equipped with modem facilities“装备了现代化的设施”,accessible“易接近的;可进入的”,此处描述的是客观事实,应使用一般现在时。故译为:This hospital is equipped with modem facilities and is accessible by underground.

3.考查afraid的用法。根据句意及提示词可知,本句关键词(组):such a rapidly changing society“这样一个快速变化的社会”,be afraid of/that“担心,害怕”,be able to

do“能够做某事”,get the latest information“得到最新资讯”,fall behind“落后”,此处描述的是客观事实,应使用一般现在时。故译为:In such a rapidly changing society, people are afraid of not being able to get the latest information and thus falling behind others. /In such a rapidly changing society, people are afraid that they will not be kept updated with the latest information and thus fall behind.

4.考查belief的用法。根据句意及提示词可知,本句关键词(组):hold/with the

belief“坚持信念”,pay off/ can’t be in vain/ won’t be wasted/ will be rewarded/no effort will turn out to be a waste“不会白费”, achieve success“取得了成功”,go through ups and downs“经历了起起伏伏”。此处描述的“信念”是客观真理,应使一般现在时或将来时,“取得成功”属于过去,应使用一般过去时。故译为:Holding /With the belief that his efforts will pay off/ can’t be in vain/ won’t be wasted/ will be rewarded/no effort will turn out to be a waste, he achieved success in the end and after going through ups and downs.

8.高中英语翻译题:Directions:Translate the following sentences into English,using the words given in the brackets.



3.由某些如软塑料或金属等材料制成的容器,不适合用微波炉加热食物,这是常识。(It) 4.不管我们多么强烈地不认同他人观点,尊重其表达的权利和宽容他们的想法是学校应该鼓励和提倡的价值观。(no matter)


1.The new road sign seemed/seems to be preventing/stop possible car accidents (from happening)

2.The grand sight of the 70 anniversary military parade will be forever impressed on my mind. 3.It is common sense that containers made of/from certain materials, such as soft plastic or metal, are not appropriate for heating up food in the microwave.

4.No matter how strongly we (may) disagree with others’ viewpoints,respect for their right to express themselves and tolerance for/of their ideas are the values schools should encourage and promote.




1.考查固定句式。seem to do表示“似乎、好像”,并没有明显的时间状语,既可用一般现在时,也可用一般过去时,注意主语为new road sign,使用一般现在时时谓语动词用第三人称单数形式,故翻译为:The new road sign seemed/seems to be preventing/stop possible car accidents (from happening)

2.考查impress的用法。be impressed on one's mind表示“铭记于心/脑海”,语境表明用一般将来时,故翻译为:The grand sight of the 70 anniversary military parade will be forever impressed on my mind.

3.考查形式主语和同位语从句。be made of/from表示“由……制成”,根据提示词可知本句用it作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的同位语从句,解释说明common sense的内容,从句成分完整,用that仅起连接作用,无实义,陈述的是客观事实,用一般现在时,故翻译为:It is common sense that containers made of/from certain materials, such as soft plastic or metal, are not appropriate for heating up food in the microwave.

4.考查让步状语从句和非谓语动词。根据句意可知本句使用No matter how引导让步状语从句,表示“不管怎样、无论如何”,disagree with表示“不认同”,respect for表示“尊重”,right后用不定式作后置定语,表示“……的权利”,故翻译为:No matter how strongly we (may) disagree with others’ viewpoints,respect for their right to express themselves and tolerance for/of their ideas are the values schools should encourage and promote.

9.高中英语翻译题:Translate tho following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets






1.It was reported that the forest fire had killed 42 people and destroyed over 7000 buildings. 2.Our country is going all but to promote economic and structural adjustments.

3.Only when we keep the mission in mind can the Chinese dream be realized as soon as possible.

4.Many Chinese airlines allow passengers to use their smart phones during the flight, which means we can play our favorite games in the air.


1.考查形式主语。It was reported that据报道,该句型是固定句型,其中it是形式主语,that引导的主语从句中,使用过去完成时,故翻译为It was reported that the forest fire had killed 42 people and destroyed over 7000 buildings.

2.考查时态和动词。表示正在进行的动作,用现在进行时,promote是及物动词,后面直接接宾语,故翻译为Our country is going all but to promote economic and structural adjustments.

3.考查部分倒装。以“only+它所修饰的副词、介词短语或状语从句”位于句首时,常使用部分倒装,故翻译为Only when we keep the mission in mind can the Chinese dream be realized as soon as possible.

4.考查固定句型和非限制性定语从句。allow sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事,该句型是固定句型。这里含有一个非限制性定语从句,修饰整个主句内容,故翻译为Many Chinese airlines allow passengers to use their smart phones during the flight, which means we can play our favorite games in the air.

10.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the word given in the brackets.






1.If you stay in this small town for a few weeks, you will have a clearer picture of the living conditions here.

2.Despite gaining the medical qualification, he didn’t seem to be happier than we had expected. 3.Only two hundred tourists are allowed to admit to the museum, because the articles there are very precious.

4.There is no doubt that keeping humorous contributes to reducing stress and enhancing the creative thinking in the society filled with competition.



一般将来时态,从句用一般现在时态;have a clearer picture of “对......有更加清晰的了解”,此处指“对这里的生活情况更清楚”。再根据所给其他汉语,故翻译为If you stay in this small town for a few weeks, you will have a clearer picture of the living conditions here.


他汉语,故翻译为Despite gaining the medical qualification, he didn’t seem to be happier than we had expected.

3.考查固定搭配和原因状语从句。这里是because引导的原因状语从句,主句主语部分是Only two hundred tourists,谓语是一般现在时态的被动语态are allowed to,固定搭配“be allowed to do sth.”. 再根据所给其他汉语,故翻译为Only two hundred tourists are allowed to admit to the museum, because the articles there are very precious.

4.考查固定句型、动名词作主语和过去分词作后置定语。句中使用固定句型:There is no doubt that---,在这个句型中that引导同位语从句;从句中动名词短语keeping humorous作主语,谓语动词用单数第三人称contributes to;动词短语contributes to中的to是介词,所以后面用动名词作宾语;the society和 filled之间是被动关系,是过去分词作后置定语。再根据所给其他汉语,故翻译为There is no doubt that keeping humorous contributes to reducing stress and enhancing the creative thinking in the society filled with competition.

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