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一字螺丝批 slot type screwdriver

一点透视 one-point perspective


二合一黏合剂 epoxy resin adhesive

二合胶;混合胶 epoxy glue

二维的;平面的 two-dimensional

二进制 binary

二极管;整流子 diode

二号螺丝攻 second tap

二路开关 two-way switch

十进制的;公制的 metric

人工制品 artefact

人造板 man-made board

人体工程学 ergonomics。 human engineering 人体尺寸 human dimension

人体测量学 anthropometry。 anthropometrics 刀片 blade

刀身 blade

刀具 tool

刀具溜座 carriage

刀柱 tool post

刀架 tool rest

刀架底座 tool rest bracket

刀座帷;床鞍 apron

刀座鞍;溜板座 saddle

力 force

力三角形 triangle of force

力平行四边形 parallelogram of force 力多边形;多边形力学 polygon of force 力的分解 force resolution

力架;亮漆 lacquer

力矩 moment

力偶 couple

力矩定律 law of moment

力-距离图表 force-distance graph

力图 force diagram

力线 line of force

力点 effort

十字榫 cross halving joint

十字螺丝 Philip's head screw

十字螺丝批 Philip's type screwdriver

丁字尺;T 尺 tee square


三爪夹头 three-jaw chuck

三角尺 set square

三角形结构系杆 triangulation tie

三角锉 triangular file

三维的;立体的 three-dimensional

三氯甲烷;哥罗芳 chloroform

三聚氰?胺;蜜胺 melamine

三点透视 three-point perspective

上油漆 painting

上釉 enamelling

凡立水 varnish

叉形顶尖 fork centre

口罩 mask

士力;虫漆 shellac



大芯夹板;宽条芯夹板 blockboard。 solid corestock-laminated board

大量制造 mass production

子口刨;槽口刨;边刨 rebate plane

小型平槽刨 miniature router plane

小型线料弯曲器 small wire bender

小型弯折机 mini bender

小型电路断路器;跳菲 miniature circuit breaker (MCB) 小齿轮 pinion

山樟 San Cheong

工件 workpiece

工字梁 I beam

工作面 working surface

工作图;制作图 working drawing

工作台 bench。 working table

工具 tool

工具贮存室 tool storage

工具槽 well

工具钢 tool steel

工场 workshop

工场安全 workshop safety

工程字书写技巧 lettering

工程系统 engineering system

工程绘图 engineering drawing

工业酒精;火酒 methylated spirit

弓形手钻;手摇曲柄钻 brace

弓形手钻嘴 brace bit

弓锯 bow saw。 hacksaw

弓锯片 hacksaw blade

弓锯床 hacksawing machine


不平衡 imbalance

不含铁金属;非铁金属 non-ferrous metal 不贯穿孔;闭孔;盲孔 blind hole

不贯穿鸠尾榫 lapped dovetail joint

不对称 asymmetry

不锈钢 stainless steel

不稳定平衡 unstable equilibrium

中心 centre

中心线 centre line

中心冲 centre punch

中心钻 centre drill

中心钻嘴 centre bit

中央处理器 central processing unit (CPU) 中性 neutral

中性平衡;随遇平衡 neutral equilibrium

中性轴 neutral axis

中密度纤维板 medium density fibre board (MDF) 中粗锉纹 second cut

中碳钢 medium carbon steel

中线 neutral wire

互补金属氧化物半导体 complementary metal oxide semiconductors (CMOS)

介子;垫片 washer

介指铁 ring mandrel

介电常数;电容率 permittivity

介稳态的;亚稳态的 metastable

内力 internal force

内卡尺 inside calipers

内能 internal energy

内涵性质 intensive properties

scribing gouge


内锁式配件 interlocking fitting

内燃机 internal combustion engine

内螺纹制造法 tapping

内螺丝 internal thread

内弯边 concave edge

六角金属枝 hexagonal bar

六角匙 Allen key

六角头螺丝 hexagonal head screw

公制的;十进制的 metric

公差 tolerance

冗余构件 redundant member

分力 component force

分子 molecule

分子力 molecular force

分切;分割;切断 parting off

分贝 decibel

分析 analysis

分析及批判学 analytical and critical studies 分析器 analyzer

分流器 shunt

分界面;界面;接口 interface

分厘卡 micrometer

分规 divider

分割车刀架 parting tool holder

分解 decomposition

分压器 potential divider。 voltage divider 隔离开关 isolating switch


集装箱专用词汇中英文对照表 (内部参考) 版本号:200001 日期:Tuesday, May 23, 2000 南通中集顺达集装箱有限公司

目录 一、生产制造---------------------------------2 二、门端、后端-------------------------------2 三、锁杆装置---------------------------------3 四、铰链-------------------------------------4 五、紧固件-----------------------------------4 六、前端-------------------------------------4 七、侧墙-------------------------------------5 八、顶部-------------------------------------6 九、底部-------------------------------------6 十、焊接-------------------------------------7 十一、打砂-------------------------------------7 十二、油漆-------------------------------------8 十三、地板-------------------------------------9 十四、密封胶-----------------------------------9 十五、门封-------------------------------------9 十六、材料、部件-------------------------------10 十七、机器设备、工具---------------------------10 十八、试验-------------------------------------11 十九、标贴-------------------------------------12 二十、缺陷及维修-------------------------------13 其他-------------------------------------15二十 一、 二十罐箱-------------------------------------18


机械专业英语词汇 陶瓷ceramics 合成纤维synthetic fibre 电化学腐蚀electrochemical corrosion 车架automotive chassis 悬架suspension 转向器redirector 变速器speed changer 板料冲压sheet metal parts 孔加工spot facing machining 车间workshop 工程技术人员engineer 气动夹紧pneuma lock 数学模型mathematical model 画法几何descriptive geometry 机械制图Mechanical drawing 投影projection 视图view 剖视图profile chart 标准件standard component 零件图part drawing 装配图assembly drawing 尺寸标注size marking 技术要求technical requirements 刚度rigidity 内力internal force 位移displacement 截面section 疲劳极限fatigue limit 断裂fracture 塑性变形plastic distortion 脆性材料brittleness material 刚度准则rigidity criterion 垫圈washer 垫片spacer 直齿圆柱齿轮straight toothed spur gear 斜齿圆柱齿轮helical-spur gear 直齿锥齿轮straight bevel gear 运动简图kinematic sketch 齿轮齿条pinion and rack 蜗杆蜗轮worm and worm gear 虚约束passive constraint 曲柄crank 摇杆racker 凸轮cams 共轭曲线conjugate curve 范成法generation method 定义域definitional domain 值域range 导数\\微分differential coefficient 求导derivation 定积分definite integral 不定积分indefinite integral 曲率curvature 偏微分partial differential 毛坯rough 游标卡尺slide caliper 千分尺micrometer calipers 攻丝tap 二阶行列式second order determinant 逆矩阵inverse matrix 线性方程组linear equations 概率probability 随机变量random variable 排列组合permutation and combination 气体状态方程equation of state of gas 动能kinetic energy 势能potential energy 机械能守恒conservation of mechanical energy 动量momentum 桁架truss 轴线axes 余子式cofactor 逻辑电路logic circuit 触发器flip-flop 脉冲波形pulse shape 数模digital analogy 液压传动机构fluid drive mechanism 机械零件mechanical parts 淬火冷却quench 淬火hardening 回火tempering 调质hardening and tempering 磨粒abrasive grain 结合剂bonding agent 砂轮grinding wheel 后角clearance angle 龙门刨削planing 主轴spindle

英文翻译 机械自动化类

Mechatronics Electrical machinery and electronics, also known as the integration of science, English as Mechatronics, it is by English mechanics of the first half of Mechanics and Electronics of the latter part of a combination of Electronics. Mechatronics 1971, first appeared in Japanese magazine, "Machine Design" on the supplement, with the mechanical-electrical integration of the rapid development of technology, electromechanical integration, the concept was widely accepted and we have universal application. With the rapid development of computer technology and extensive application of mechatronics technology unprecedented development. Mechatronics present technology, mechanical and micro-electronics technology is closely a set of technologies, the development of his machine has been cold humane, intelligent. Specific mechanical and electrical integration technologies, including the following: (1) mechanical engineering machinery and technology is the basis of mechatronics, mechanical technology, focused on how to adapt to mechanical and electrical integration technologies, the use of other high and new technology to update the concept, the realization of the structure, materials, the performance changes to meet the needs to reduce weight, reduce the size and improve accuracy, increase the stiffness and improving the performance requirements. Mechatronic systems in the manufacturing process, the classical theory and technology of mechanical computer-aided technology should help, while the use of artificial intelligence and expert systems, the formation of a new generation of mechanical manufacturing technology. (2) Computer and Information Technology Which information exchange, access, computing, judge and decision-making, artificial intelligence techniques, expert system technology, neural networks are computer information processing technology. (3) System Technology System technology that is the concept of the overall application of related technology organizations, from the perspective of the overall objectives and systems will be interconnected into the overall number of functional units, system interface technology is an important aspect of technology, it is an organic part of the realization of system guarantee connectivity.


A A.B.C极密度继电器(第二报警值)Density relay For A.B.C. pole (2th alarm value) A.B.C极密度继电器(第一报警值)Density relay For A.B.C. pole (first alarm value) A.B.C极主储压器漏氮指示器Indicator for N2 leakage from the main accumulator of A.B.C.pole 安(培) ampere (A) 安全边界safety boundaries 安全标志safety mark 安全标准safety standard 安全操作规程safety operation specifications 安全措施safety measure / safety action 安全电压safety voltage 安全阀relief valve / safety valve 安全阀打开Safety valve opening 安全防护技术要求safeguarding specifications 安全分析报告safety analysis report 安全工程(学) safety engineering 安全工作压力safe working pressure 安全管理safety management 安全技术措施safety technical steps (measurement)) 安全技术规程safety technical regulation 安全距离safe distance 安全可靠运行safe and reliable operation 安全认证safety certification 安全色safety color 安全设[措]施maintenance prevention 安全生产safety in production 安全特低电压safety extra-low voltage 安全限度safe limit 安全性safety 安全要求safety requirement 安全裕度safety margin 安全运行safe and reliable operation / safe operation 安全责任制system of safety responsibility 安全注意事项safety precautions 安匝ampere-turns 安装erection / mounting / installation 安装垫mounting pad 安装费用installation cost 安装和使用条件condition of installation and use 安装和维护erection and maintenance 安装结构mounting structure 安装结构或间距mounting structure or spacing 安装竣工检验final installation inspection 安装孔fixing hole 安装面mounting face 安装平面mounting plane 安装使用说明书instructions for installation & operation 安装说明mounting instruction 安装条件mounting conditions 安装图assembly drawing 安装有…… be installed / be fitted with 氨气检漏ammonia sniffing 鞍型端子saddle terminal 按钮push-button 按钮开关push button actuator 按生产要素分配distribution based on production factors 按照in accordance with (to) / according to 按指数衰减的直流恢复电压exponentially decaying d.c. recovery voltage 盎斯-英寸ounce-inch 凹坑pit 奥氏体austenite B 八小时工作制8-hour duty 巴(表压) bar (gauge pressure) 扒钉anti-cheking iron 扒渣dross trap 拔模斜度draft 把...拆开take apart 把M安装在N上fit M on N 把M套在N上fit M over N 把M装(插)进N fit M into N 把手handle 坝址dam site 白班dayshift 白点fish eye / flake 白金white gold 白金电极platinum electrode 白口铁white cast iron 白口铸铁white cast iron 白铁皮white iron 白噪声white noise 百分比抽样检验percent sampling inspection and test 百分数percentage 百分数导电率percent conductivity 百分阻抗percentage impedance 摆动wobble 摆动焊welding with weaving; weave bead welding 摆动振动wagging vibration 摆脱电流let-go current 扳手wrench / spanner 斑点spot 搬运handling 板材sheets 板规(靠模)plate gauge (shaping plate) 板坯slab 板条箱(包装用)crate 板牙screw plate / die-block 半波half-wave / half-cycle / loop 半波持续时间loop duration 半成品semi-finished product 半打(六个)half a dozen 半导体semiconductor 半导体层semiconducting layer 半干法semi-dry method 半个正弦波 a half sine wave 半个周波one-half cycle 半极half a pole 半控half control 半年度检验semiannual inspection and test 半衰期half-life 半小时half an hour 半硬钢half-hard steel 半圆棒half round bar 半自动semi-automatic 半自动的semi-automatic 半自动焊semi-automatic welding 伴随accompany 棒料billet 棒形绝缘子rod insulator 包封encapsulating 包封胶encapsulating compound 包覆导体clad conductor 包含体inclusion body 包括include / comprise / contain 包络线envelope curve


肉类词汇中英文名称对照表 Back Ribs 背小排 Backstraps /Paddywack 板筋 Bnls Shortribs 去骨牛小排 Bone-in Breast 火鸡带骨胸肉 Boneless Chuck Shortribs 肩胛牛小排Breast 火鸡胸肉 Brisket Bone 胸骨 Chuck BBQ Ribs 肩胛肋排 and etc. Chuck Roll 肩胛肉卷 /上脑 Drumettes 火鸡翅根 Drumsticks 琵琶腿 Ears Flaps 耳片 Finger Meat 牛肋条 Flexor Tendon 前蹄筋 Fry 火鸡睾丸 Full Neck Bone 颈骨 Gizzards 鸡胗 Ground Turkey 火鸡绞肉 Hearts 火鸡心 Hind Tendons 后蹄筋 Honeycomb Tripes 金钱肚 Japan Soft Bone 日式软骨/小排 and etc. Kidney 猪腰 Large Intestine 大肠 Livers 火鸡肝 MDT and etc. Mountain Chains 牛肚梁 Omasum 牛百叶 Oxlips 牛唇 Oxtails 牛尾 Paws 凤爪 Pouch Stoamchs 整肚 Regular Front Feet 猪手

Ribeye/Cube Roll 眼肉 Ribs 带骨肋脊肉 Scalded Aorta 牛心管 Short Cut Front Feet 短切猪手 Short Plate/Brisket Navel End /Navel 胸腹肥牛Shortloin 带骨前腰脊肉 Shortribs 带骨牛小排 Small Intestine 小肠 Snout 猪脸 Split Stomachs 片肚 Striploin 西冷 Super Pastrimi 精修胸腹肥牛 Tails 火鸡尾 Tenderloin 牛柳 Tip-on Tongues 猪舌 Tom / Hen / Regular Drums 公 /母 /常规火鸡琵琶腿Tom / Hen 2-Joint Wings 公 /母火鸡两节翅 Tom / Hen Necks 公 /母火鸡颈 Tom / Hen Thigh 公 /母火鸡大腿 Tom / Hen Wings 公 /母火鸡全翅 Tom/Hen Gizzards 公/母火鸡胗 Tom/Hen Whole Turkey Birds 公 /母整火鸡 Tongues 牛舌 Top Blade Muscle/ Digital Muscle 板腱 Tripe Pieces 肚片 Tripes 牛肚 Tunic Tissue/ Diaphragm Membrane 横隔筋 Un-washed Whole Hearts 未洗整猪心 Whole Wings 整翅 Wing Middle Joint 翅中 Wing Tips 翅尖


英文翻译 机械设计 一台完整机器的设计是一个复杂的过程。机械设计是一项创造性的工作。设计工程师不仅在工作上要有创造性,还必须在机械制图、运动学、工程材料、材料力学和机械制造工艺学等方面具有深厚的基础知识。 Machine Design The complete design of a machine is a complex process. The machine design is a creative work. Project engineer not only must have the creativity in the work, but also must in aspect and so on mechanical drawing, kinematics, engineerig material, materials mechanics and machine manufacture technology has the deep elementary knowledge. 任何产品在设计时第一步就是选择产品每个部分的构成材料。许多的材料被今天的设计师所使用。对产品的功能,它的外观、材料的成本、制造的成本作出必要的选择是十分重要的。对材料的特性必须事先作出仔细的评估。 One of the first steps in the design of any product is to select the material from which each part is to be made. Numerous materials are available to today's designers. The function of the product, its appearance, the cost of the material, and the cost of fabrication are important in making a selection. A careful evaluation of the properties of a. material must be made prior to any calculations. 仔细精确的计算是必要的,以确保设计的有效性。在任何失败的情况下,最好知道在最初设计中有有缺陷的部件。计算(图纸尺寸)检查是非常重要的。一个小数点的位置放错,就可以导致一个本可以完成的项目失败。设计工作的各个方面都应该检查和复查。 Careful calculations are necessary to ensure the validity of a design. In case of any part failures, it is desirable to know what was done in originally designing the defective components. The checking of calculations (and drawing dimensions) is of utmost importance. The misplacement of one decimal point can ruin an otherwise acceptable project. All aspects of design work should be checked and rechecked. 计算机是一种工具,它能够帮助机械设计师减轻繁琐的计算,并对现有数据提供进一步的分析。互动系统基于计算机的能力,已经使计算机辅助设计(CAD)和计算机辅助制造(CAM)成为了可能。心理学家经常谈论如何使人们适应他们所操作的机器。设计人员的基本职责是努力使机器来适应人们。这并不是一项容易的工作,因为实际上并不存在着一个对所有人来说都是最优的操作范围和操作


下列缩略语用于构造级联数据名,例如,“ChNum”由两个缩略语“Ch”和“Num”级联构成,“Ch”表示“通道”,“Num”意思为“编号”。因而,这两个缩略语级联构成的数据名“ChNum”表示“通道编号”含义。 A 电流Current Acs 访问Access ACSI 抽象通信服务接口Abstract Communication Service Interface Acu 噪声Acoustic Age 时效、老化、冷却Ageing Alm 告警Alarm Amp 相别无关电流Current non phase related An 模拟Analogue Ang 角度Angle Auth 授权、权限Authorisation Auto 自动的Automatic Aux 辅助设备Auxiliary Av 平均Average B 套管Bushing Bat 电池Battery Beh 特性、行为Behaviour Bin 二进制Binary Blk 闭锁,被闭锁Block, Blocked Bnd 频带Band Bo 底部Bottom Cap 能力Capability Capac 电容Capacitance Car 载波Carrier CB 断路器Circuit Breaker CDC 公用数据类Common Data Class CE 冷却设备Cooling Equipment Cf 峰值系数Crest factor Cfg 配置、结构Configuration CG 铁芯接地Core Ground Ch 通道Channel Cha 充电器Charger Chg 变化Change Chk 校验、检验Check Chr 特点Characteristic Cir 环流Circulating Clc 计算Caculate Clk 时钟、顺时针方向Clock、clockwise Cls 关闭、合闸Close Cnt 计数Counter Col 线圈Coil Cor 校正Correction


Accuracy (准确度) 钟与表是最古老的,也是最需讲究准确度的机械装置。 一天(86,400秒)中偏离(快或慢)正确时间30秒的机芯(movement),在数学上,误差是0.035%。换句话说,准确度是99.965%。 官方认证的天文台表(chronometers)必须误差低於0.005%的需求,18世纪的怀表,即使经精细的调校,一天的误差仍在半小时左右。 Adjustment (调校) 调校的项目有温度(temperature)、位置(position)与等时性( Isochronism)。高级钟表通常有冷、热、5方位与等时共8项调校手续。温度调校一般是指4℃、20℃与38℃。 Alarm Watch (闹铃表) 在预设的时间到时会自动发出声响的怀表与腕表。 闹铃表是人类所设计的机械时计中最早期的复杂表之一,16世纪就已出现。当今要找到一苹有闹表装置的古怀表很不易。至於现代的腕表不论是石英的、电子的、手上链或自动上链的很普遍。下列厂牌都有闹铃表∶万宝龙(MONTBLANC)、梭曼(REVUE THOMMEN)、IKEPOD(seaslug alarm)、积家与VULCAIN等。

Analogue,Analog indications (指针式时间显示) 此术语用来表示∶「表的面盘以指针(hands)而非数字(digital)来显示时间」。「指针绕著面盘移动是传统显示时间的方式。近代腕表也有视窗数字型显示月份、星期与日期的,但是时与分仍保留指针式,电子表则大多是数字(digital)指示的。 Annual calandar (年历表或日、月、星三历表) 每逢小月(30天)和二月(是否闰年?)都必须动手调校日期的表。例如百达翡丽的Ref. 5035。 Aperture (孔径、视窗) 在表的面盘上所开的孔或称为视窗。例如雅典(Ulysse Nardin)所生产的 Ludwig式万年历腕表,就有年份、月、星期与日期小视窗。 Arbor (轴、心轴) 机芯运转构造的轮轴(axle),就是arbor(轴、心轴),不过为区分别起见,在平衡轮(bal ance)上的称为staff(轴杆),而在lever(马仔)上称为arbor(心轴)。


外文翻译 英文原文 Belt Conveying Systems Development of driving system Among the methods of material conveying employed,belt conveyors play a very important part in the reliable carrying of material over long distances at competitive cost.Conveyor systems have become larger and more complex and drive systems have also been going through a process of evolution and will continue to do so.Nowadays,bigger belts require more power and have brought the need for larger individual drives as well as multiple drives such as 3 drives of 750 kW for one belt(this is the case for the conveyor drives in Chengzhuang Mine).The ability to control drive acceleration torque is critical to belt conveyors’ performance.An efficient drive system should be able to provide smooth,soft starts while maintaining belt tensions within the specified safe limits.For load sharing on multiple drives.torque and speed control are also important consideratio ns in the drive system’s design. Due to the advances in conveyor drive control technology,at present many more reliable.Cost-effective and performance-driven conveyor drive systems cov ering a wide range of power are available for customers’ choices[1]. 1 Analysis on conveyor drive technologies 1.1 Direct drives Full-voltage starters.With a full-voltage starter design,the conveyor head shaft is direct-coupled to the motor through the gear drive.Direct full-voltage starters are adequate for relatively low-power, simple-profile conveyors.With direct fu11-voltage starters.no control is provided for various conveyor loads and.depending on the ratio between fu11- and no-1oad power requirements,empty starting times can be three or four times faster than full load.The maintenance-free starting system is simple,low-cost and very reliable.However, they cannot control starting torque and maximum stall torque;therefore.they are


电力系统 power system 发电机 generator 励磁 excitation 励磁器 excitor 电压 voltage 电流 current 升压变压器 step-up transformer 母线 bus 变压器 transformer 空载损耗:no-load loss 铁损:iron loss 铜损:copper loss 空载电流:no-load current 无功损耗:reactive loss 有功损耗:active loss 输电系统 power transmission system 高压侧 high side 输电线 transmission line 高压: high voltage 低压:low voltage 中压:middle voltage 功角稳定 angle stability 稳定 stability 电压稳定 voltage stability 暂态稳定 transient stability 电厂 power plant 能量输送 power transfer 交流 AC 直流 DC 电网 power system 落点 drop point 开关站 switch station 调节 regulation 高抗 high voltage shunt reactor 并列的:apposable 裕度 margin 故障 fault 三相故障 three phase fault 分接头:tap 切机 generator triping 高顶值 high limited value 静态 static (state) 动态 dynamic (state) 机端电压控制 AVR 电抗 reactance 电阻 resistance 功角 power angle 有功(功率) active power 电容器:Capacitor 电抗器:Reactor 断路器:Breaker 电动机:motor 功率因数:power-factor 定子:stator 阻抗电压:阻抗:impedance 功角:power-angle 电压等级:voltage grade 有功负载: active load/PLoad 无功负载:reactive load 档位:tap position 电阻:resistor 电抗:reactance 电导:conductance 电纳:susceptance 上限:upper limit 下限:lower limit


各种专业名称英语词汇中英文对照表 哲学Philosophy 马克思主义哲学Philosophy of Marxism 中国哲学Chinese Philosophy 外国哲学Foreign Philosophies 逻辑学Logic 伦理学Ethics 美学Aesthetics 宗教学Science of Religion 科学技术哲学Philosophy of Science and Technology 经济学Economics 理论经济学Theoretical Economics 政治经济学Political Economy 经济思想史History of Economic Thought 经济史History of Economic 西方经济学Western Economics 世界经济World Economics 人口、资源与环境经济学Population, Resources and Environmental Economics 应用经济学Applied Economics 国民经济学National Economics 区域经济学Regional Economics 财政学(含税收学)Public Finance (including Taxation) 金融学(含保险学)Finance (including Insurance) 产业经济学Industrial Economics 国际贸易学International Trade 劳动经济学Labor Economics 统计学Statistics 数量经济学Quantitative Economics 中文学科、专业名称英文学科、专业名称 国防经济学National Defense Economics 法学Law


中英文名词对照 A 烟曲霉A.fumigatus 构巢曲霉A.nidulans 模式曲霉A.nominus 赭曲霉A.ochraceus 寄生曲霉A.parasiticus 杂色曲霉A.versicolor 吸收剂量absorbed dose 每日允许摄入量acceptable daily intake,ADI 乙酰磺胺酸钾acesuffate potassium 乙酰CoA acetyl CoA 酸价acid value,AV 酸度调节剂acidulating agent 苯乙烯-丙烯腈-丁二烯共聚物acrylonitrile butadiene styrene,ABS 苯乙烯与丙烯腈的共聚物acrylonitrile styrene,AS 活性系数activity coefficient,AC 急性暴发性脚气病acute beriberi 生热作用adaptive thermogenesis 腺苷酸环化酶adenylate cyclase 适宜摄入量adequate intake,AI 脂联素adiponectin 青春发育期adolescence 黄曲霉毒素B l Aflatoxin B l,AFB l 丙氨酸alanine(Ala) 白蛋白albumin 尿黑酸尿症alcaptonuria 酒精滥用alcohol abuse 酒精依赖alcohol dependence,alcoholism 糊粉层aleurone layer 白细胞缺乏症alimentary toxic aleukia,A TA 阿力甜alitame 蒜素allicin 蒜苷alliin 蒜氨酸酶allinase 全反式视黄醛all-trans retinal α-胡萝卜素alpha-carotene 交链孢霉属Alternaria 苋菜红amaranth 美国糖尿病协会American Diabetes Association,ADA 氨基酸amino acid 氨基酸模式amino acid pattern 氨基酸池amino acid pool 氨基酸评分amino acid score,AAS


近几年,我厂和英国、西班牙的几个公司有业务往来,外商传真发来的图纸都是英文标注,平时阅看有一定的困难。下面把我们积累的几点看英文图纸的经验与同行们交流。 1标题栏 英文工程图纸的右下边是标题栏(相当于我们的标题栏和部分技术要求),其中有图纸名称(TILE)、设计者(DRAWN)、审查者(CHECKED)、材料(MATERIAL)、日期(DATE)、比例(SCALE)、热处理(HEAT TREATMENT)和其它一些要求,如: 1)TOLERANCES UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIAL 未注公差。 2)DIMS IN mm UNLESS STATED 如不做特殊要求以毫米为单位。 3)ANGULAR TOLERANCE±1°角度公差±1°。 4)DIMS TOLERANCE±0.1未注尺寸公差±0.1。 5)SURFACE FINISH 3.2 UNLESS STATED未注粗糙度3.2。 2常见尺寸的标注及要求 2.1孔(HOLE)如: (1)毛坯孔:3"DIAO+1CORE 芯子3"0+1; (2)加工孔:1"DIA1"; (3)锪孔:锪孔(注C'BORE=COUNTER BORE锪底面孔); (4)铰孔:1"/4 DIA REAM铰孔1"/4; (5)螺纹孔的标注一般要表示出螺纹的直径,每英寸牙数(螺矩)、螺纹种类、精度等级、钻深、攻深,方向等。如: 例1.6 HOLES EQUI-SPACED ON 5"DIA (6孔均布在5圆周上(EQUI-SPACED=EQUALLY SPACED均布) DRILL 1"DIATHRO' 钻1"通孔(THRO'=THROUGH通) C/SINK22×6DEEP 沉孔22×6 例2.TAP7"/8-14UNF-3BTHRO' 攻统一标准细牙螺纹,每英寸14牙,精度等级3B级 (注UNF=UNIFIED FINE THREAD美国标准细牙螺纹) 1"DRILL 1"/4-20 UNC-3 THD7"/8 DEEP 4HOLES NOT BREAK THRO钻 1"孔,攻1"/4美国粗牙螺纹,每英寸20牙,攻深7"/8,4孔不准钻通(UNC=UCIFIED COARSE THREAD 美国标准粗牙螺纹)

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