当前位置:文档之家› 词汇用法搭配及解析



1 Because of its irritating effect on humans, the use of phenol as a general antiseptic has been largely discontinued.



1.because of 因为

because of与because的区别:

because 后面接句子,because of后面接名词或名词词组(即不成句子的)

1.He missed her very much because he loved her.他很想她因为他爱她。

2.He lost his job because of his age. 由于年龄关系他失去了工作。

2.effect on 1.对……的作用2.影响

effect 与affect的区别:

effect 是名词,“影响”,搭配短语:have an effect on sth.=have an influence on sth.对··有影响

affect 是动词,“影响”,直接跟宾语,affect sth 对···有影响,且通常指不利的影响。

1. Sandstorms sometimes affect Bejing.

2.Watching TV for a long time will have a bad effect on your eyes.要注意区别哦!


n. 1.人,人类

a. 1.人的,人类的2.有人性的,通人情的3.显示人类特有弱点的;人本性的(常见词汇)


v. 1.停止;终止;中断2.(通常用被动语态)停止,终止(生产)

Upon termination of this Agreement, Distributor shall immediately discontinue all sales of Products.




Anthropologists have discovered that fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise are universally reflected in facial expressions.


1.anthropologists n. 人类学家(单词很难,认识就行)


ad. 1.普遍地,一般地,人人2.处处,到处3.通用地,万能地

例句:It is a universally acknowledged truth that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.


3.reflect n.显示,表明,表达(事物的自然属性或人们的态度、情感等)(简单词汇)



例句:Each warrior has different facial expression and manner.


5.expression n.表情,脸色,声调,表现力(简单词汇)

句式一be ashamed of (doing) sth 对(做)某事感到羞愧或惭愧。

如:You really ought to be ashamed of that. 你实在应该对此感到惭愧。

He was ashamed of asking [having asked]such a simple question. 他由于问了这样简单的问题而感到难为情。

He is ashamed of his failure [having failed]. 他对自己的失败感到羞惭。


I am ashamed of that. / am ashamed of myself for that. 我对此感到羞愧。

He is ashamed of being poor. / He is ashamed of himself for being poor. 他因为穷而感到羞惭。

句式二be ashamed to do sth to

(1) 因感到难为情或感到差耻而不愿某事。如:

I am ashamed to say so. 这样说我不好意思。

He was too ashamed to ask for help. 他不好意思请求帮助。

(2) 对做某事而感到羞愧或惭愧。如:You should be ashamed to tell such lies. 撒这样的谎你应该感到羞愧。

He was ashamed to have made some careless mistakes. 他因出了些很粗心的差错而感到惭愧。

注:该用法有时可换成that 从句。如上面最后一句也可说成:He was ashamed that he had made some careless mistakes.


正:He was ashamed of having lied.

正:He was ashamed to have lied.

正:He was ashamed that he had lied.

1. attempt to do sth 试图做某事。

如:The prisoner attempted to escape. 囚犯企图逃跑。

Shelley attempted to get in touch with them. 雪莱企图和他们取得联系。

S he attempted to get up, but she couldn’t. 她试图爬起来,却没能成功。

He attempted to speak but was told to be quiet. 他试图想发言,但却没让他讲话。

2. attempt doing sth 试图要做某事。

如:He attempted swimming across the river. 他试图游过河去。

He attempted swimming I attempted walking until I collapsed and fell down. 我想尽力走下去,后来支持不住而摔倒了。


如:Don’t attempt to do it by yourself.=Don’t attempt doing it by yourself. 不要企图一个人去做这件事。


1. 连接两个相同的比较级,表示“越来越……”。

如:The car runs faster and faster. 汽车开得越来越快。

Our country is becoming more and more beautiful. 我们国家变得越来越美丽。

2. 连接两个相同的动词,表示动作的反复或连续。

如:We ran and ran. 我们跑呀跑呀。

The boys laughed and laughed. 这些孩子笑个不停。

3. 连接两个相同的名词,表示“ 许多”或“有各种各样的” (即有好的也有坏的)。

如:We waited for hours and hours. 我们不知等了多少个小时。

There are books and books. 有各种各样的书(即书有好坏之分)。

4. 在口语中用在come, go, run, stay, stop, try 等之后表示目的(and 在此相当于不定式符号to)。

如:Come and have a drink. 来喝一杯。来喝一杯。

Try and finish the work in a week. 设法在一周之内完成这项工作。

We ought to stop and think. 我们应该停下来想一想。

以上动词除try 不能有形式变化之外,其它动词都可有多种形式。如:

正:He came and had a drink with me. 他来跟我喝了一杯。

误:He tried and finished the work in a week.

在come, go 之后的and有时可以省略(尤其在美国英语中)。如:

I’ll come (and) see you later. 我晚些时候再来看你。

5. 用在祈使句后,表示结果,意为“那么” (暗示一种条件)。

如:Work hard and you’ll succeed. (=If you work hard, you’ll succeed. )努力干吧,你会成功的。

6. 用在“很”,“挺”。

如:good and fast 很快nice and warm 挺暖和

7. 在主从复合句中,不要在主句前误加and。


正:If he said so, he is a liar.

误:If he said so, and he is a liar. If he said

8. 用and 连接两个名词或代词作主语时,其谓语动词一般要用复数,但若是被连接的两个名词指的是同一个人或同一件东西,则谓语仍要用单数。

如:A cart and horse was seen coming to us. 看见一辆马车向我们这边过来。

The teacher and poet lives in the country. 这位老师诗人住在乡下。


如:Five and five is[are] ten. 五加五得十。

9. 某些用and连接的两个词,与汉语顺序相反,不要按汉语词序颠倒过来。

如:rich and poor 贫富

land and water 水陆

right and left 左右

north and south 南北

food and drink 饮食

food and clothing 衣食

10. 在否定词之后通常用or 代之,比较。

如:(1) He spoke loudly and clearly. 他说话声音宏亮且清晰。

(2) He didn’t speak loudly or clearly. 他说话声音不大且不清晰。


如:He has no brothers and no sisters (= He has no brothers or sisters). 他没有兄弟姐妹。

He has no brother He can’t write and I can’t read. 他不会写,而我不会读。

11. 在下列各类有关主从复合句以及非谓语动词的测试题中,注意有无and 的差别。如:

(1) ①It __C__ fine, we went out for a walk.

②It __A__ fine, and we went out for a walk.

A. was

B. is

C. being

D. were

(2) ①There I saw five people, the teacher __A__.

②There I saw five people, and the teacher __B__.

A. included

B. was included

C. including

D. was including

(3) ①He bought a lot of books, most of __D__ are about agriculture. ②He bought a lot of books, and most of __A__ are about agriculture.

A. them

B. books

C. his

D. which



1. 表示“感觉”,属感官动词,其后接不定式的复合结构作宾语时,不定式不能带to。如:toWe all felt the house shake. 我们都感觉这房子在震动。

I felt something crawl up my arm. 我觉得有什么东西顺着我的胳膊向上爬。

【注】feel 之后也通常接现在分词的复合结构,所以上面两句中的shake, crawl 也可换成shaking, crawling。


如:He felt a great weight taken off his mind. 他感到去掉了一件大心事。

2. 表示“觉得”、“认为”,其后可接“宾语+to be”这样的形式。

注意:这里to 不能省略,且该结构可与that 从句转换。

如:He felt them to be right. /He felt that they were right. 他认为他们是对的。They all felt the plan to be unwise. /They all felt that the plan was unwise. 他们都认为这个计划不明智。


如:I feel it my duty to help her. 我觉得我有责任帮助她。

比较:I feel that it is my duty to help her.

3. 比较feel sth 与feel for sth:前者意为“摸某物”,后者意为“摸着找某物”。

如:The doctor first felt my pulse. 医生先摸了我的脉。

He felt in the dark for the switch. 他在黑暗中摸索寻找开关。

【注】feel for sb 意为“同情某人”。

如:We really felt for her when her husband died. 她丈夫死了,我们十分同情她。


1. 表示某人的感觉,以人作主语。

如:I don’t feel very well today. 我今天感到不太舒服。

We all felt rather worried. 我们都感到很着急。


如:I feel [am feeling] very well. 我感觉很好。

2. 表示某物摸起来给人的感觉,通常要以被摸之物作主语。

如:Your hand feels cold. 你的手摸起来很凉。Ice feels cold. 冰感觉起来是凉的。Silk feels soft and smooth. 丝绸摸起来很柔软平滑。


【注】to be。


误:Glass is felt smooth.

误:Glass is feeling smooth.

误:Glass feels to be smooth.

正:Glass feels smooth.

3. 表示使人感觉起来有什么特征等,通常要以被感觉之物作主语。

如:It felt pleasant to be going to work. 上班去是很愉快的。

To lie on the beach feels comfortable. 躺在海滩上让人感到很舒服。

Nothing feels right in our new house. 我们新房子里,样样都觉得不对劲。

三、feel like的用法

1. 表示“感到想要(做某事)”,其后接名词或动名词。

如:I feel like a cup of tea. 我想喝杯茶。

Do you feel like (having) a drink? 要喝一杯吗?

He didn’t feel like going to work. 他不想去上班。

2. 表示“摸起来好像”。

如:It feels like silk. 这东西摸起来像丝绸。

The material feels like velvet. 这料子摸起来像丝绒。

3. 表示“(感到)像是……(的样子)”。


(1) 表示某事物给人的感觉。

如:It feels like rain (snow). 像是要下雨(雪)的样子。

I was only there two days, but it felt like a week. 我只在那里呆了两天,但好像过了一个星期似的。

(2) 表示某人对某事的感觉。

如:I feel like catching a cold. 我像是感冒了。

They made me feel like one of the family. 他们让我觉得就是这个家中的一员。

4. 后接反身代词,表示觉得身体情况正常。

如:I don’t feel like myself today. 我今天感到不太舒服。


如:He isn’t feeling himself this morning. 今天早上他感到不太舒服。


1. 与一般现在时或一般过去时连用属通常用法。此外,它还可以与下列时态连用。如:

(1) 与完成时连用,表示“一向”、“早就”等。

如:We have always believed he was wrong. 我一直认为他是错的。

(2) 与进行时连用,带有一定的感情色彩(赞许、不快、厌恶等)。

如:He’s always smiling. 他总是面带笑容。

He’s always saying the same thing again and again. 他老是把同样的话说了又说。

2. 在句中的位置:通常放在实义动词之前、特殊动词(动词be、情态动词、助动词)之后(见上例),但有时为了强调,也可将其放在特殊动词之后,有时甚至还可放在句首或句末。如:He always was late. 他老是迟到。

Always, he went there on foot. 他总是步行去那儿。

Premier Zhou, we’ll remember you alw ays. 周总理呀,我们永远怀念您。

3. 与not构成部分否定,此时always总是要放在not之后(而不能在其前)。如:

正:He doesn’t always come late. 他并非总是迟到。

误:He always doesn’t come late.



1. apologize to sb 向某人道歉。

如:Apologize to your sister. 去给你姐姐赔个不是。

I’ve come to apologize to you. 我来向你道歉。

2. apologize for (doing) sth 因某事而道歉。

如:I must apologize for the delay in replying to your letter. 未能及时给你回信,我得向你道歉。

He apologized for not being able to meet her. 他因为未能去接她而向她道歉。


如:He apologized to the teaching for coming late. 他因迟到而向老师道歉。


1. make an apology to sb 向某人道歉。

如:He made an apology to her. 我向他道歉了。

2. make an apology for sth 因某事而道歉。

如:He made an apology for what he said. 他为他所说的话道了歉。


如:He made an apology to her for hurting her feelings. 他因为伤害她的感情而向她道歉。


1. appear to do sth 似乎要……。

如:He appears to have a lot of money. 他似乎很有钱。

He appeared not to notice anything. 他似乎没看见什么。


如:It appears to be raining. 似乎在下雨。

You appear to have traveled a lot. 看来你去过不少地方。

2. appears that [as if]… 似乎……。

如:It appears that [as if] he will win. 看来他会赢。

It appeared that he didn’t like her. 似乎他并不喜欢她。


如:It appears that you have made a mistake. / You appear to have made a mistake. 似乎你弄错了。

3. There appears to be… 似乎……。

如:There appears to be no danger now. 现在似乎没有危险了。

注:该句型有时可与后接that 从句的句型转换。

如:There seems to have been a mistake. / It appears that there has been a mistake. 看来一直就有错。


1. ask about sth (sb) 询问有关某人或某事的情况。

如:She asked about his health. 她询问他的健康状况。

Can I ask about the exam results? 我可以问问考试结果吗?

2. ask after sb 问候某人(的健康)。

如:They all ask after you. 他们都问候你(的健康)。的健康

3. ask for sth 要求得到某物或要求与某人见面。

如:He asked for some water. 他要些水。

A Mr Smith is asking for the manager. 一位名叫史密斯先生的人要找经理。

A Mr Smith is asking for the manager.

4. ask sb for sth向某人要某物或请某人给某物。

如:They asked me for help. 他们向我求助。

He asked her for her address. 他向她要她的地址。

5. ask to do sth要求或请求做某事。

如:He asked to see the manager. 他求见经理。

He asked to see whoever was in charge. 他要求见负责人。

He asked to go alone. 他要求一个人去。

6. ask sb to do sth 请或叫某人做某事。

如:Ask John to mail these letters tomorrow. 叫约翰明天把这几封们寄了。He asked us to wait for him at the gate. 他叫我们在门口等他。


1. be anxious about sth (sb) 为某事或某人担心或担忧。

如:I’m very anxious about him. 我很为他担心。

He was anxious about her absence. 他担心她不来。

2. be anxious for sth (sb)

(1) 为某事或某人担心或担扰。

如:He was anxious for family. 他为他的家人担心。

We are anxious about his health. 我们都为他的身体担心。

注:此用法有时可将介词for 换成about。

如:We’re anxious for [about] his safety. 我们担心他的安全。

(2) 渴望某事物。

如:We are anxious for a change. 我们渴望换个环境。

We are really anxious for peace. 我们确实渴望和平。

3. be anxious to do sth. 渴望(希望,想要)要做某事。

如:He is anxious to see her. 他渴望见到她。

We are anxious to leave here. 我们急于要离开这儿。

注:此用法有时可与be anxious for sth 互换。

如:He’s anxious to know [for] the result. 他渴望知道结果。

4. be anxious for sb to do sth 渴望do (希望,想要)要某人做某事。

如:We are anxious for him to come. 我们希望他来。

I was anxious for everything to be settled. 我希望把一切都解决。



We are anxious that he should come.

I was anxious that everything should be settled.

used to与be used to用法辨析

1. be used to 意为“习惯于”,其中的to 是介词,所以其后要接名词或动名词(不能接动词原形);若要强调从不习惯到习惯的过程,可用get, become 等代替动词get, become be。

如:He is used to looking after himself. 他已习惯于自己照顾自己。

I’m sure I’ll get used to the hard work. 我相信我会习惯这艰苦工作的。

注:be used to 有时可能是动词use 的被动语态结构(此时意为“被用来”,其中的to 为不定式符号,其后要接动词原形)。

如:A hammer is used to drive in nails. 锤子是用来钉钉子的。

2. used to 意为“过去经常”,其中的to 是不定式符号,而不是介词,所以其后只接动词原形(不能接动名词)。

如:He used to live in Paris. 他过去一直住在巴黎。

注:used to 通常不能与表示具体次数(如twice, three times 等)或一段时间(如three months, five years 等)的词或短语连用,但是它却可以与always, often 等表示经常性意义的副词连用。如:

正:I went to Paris three times. 我去过巴黎 3 次。

误:I used to go to Paris three times.

I lived in the country for three years. 我在乡下住过3 年。

误:I used to live in the country for three years.

正:I always used [used always] to be afraid of dogs. 我过去总是怕狗。

used to 构成否定式和疑问式时通常有两种方式:即借助助动词did 或直接将used 用作助动词。

如:He usedn’t [didn’t use] to come. 他过去不常来。You used to go there, usedn’t [didn’t] you? 你过去常到那儿去,是吗?


Did you use(d) to be a teacher? 你过去是当老师的吗?

They didn’t use(d) to live here. 他们过去没住在这儿。

There used to be a cinema here, use(d)n’t there? 往日这里曾有家电影院,是吗?



Mr Smith is _________ a good teacher _________ we all respect.

A. such, that

B. such, as

C. so, that

D. so, as

【分析】此题容易误选A,一方面是因为such … that … 是同学们很熟悉的一个句式,一看就可能选中了;另一方面,将such … that … 的意思“如此……以致……”代入句中,也完全通顺,即“史密斯先生是一位如此优秀的教师,以致我们大家都尊敬他”。从表面上看,以上分析很有道理,但其实错了。因为在such … that … (如此……such … that … (以致……)结构中,that 引导的是结果状语从句,并且that 在从句中不充当句子成分,若在上句填入such … that …,句末的respect 显然缺少宾语(注意:respect 是及物动词)。正确的答案应是B,as B用作关系代词,用以引导定语从句,修饰其前的名词teacher,同时as 在定语从句中用作动词respect 的宾语,句意为“史密斯先生是我们大家都尊敬的一位好老师”。有的同学们可能还会问,能否选A答案,而将其后的that 视为引导定语从句的关系代词呢?(事实上that 经常用于引导定语从句事实上that !) 不能。因为当先行词受到such 的修饰时,其后的定语从句应用关系代词as 来引导,而不用that。

顺便说一句,假若在原句的respect 后加上him 一词,则应选A,即He is such a good teacher that we all respect him (他是如此好的一位老师,我们大家都尊敬他)。


1. 表示“总(的)”,注意以下用法:

(1) 常见修饰的名词有。

如:the general population 总人口thegeneral line 总路线a general manager 总经理general editor总编辑,主编general strike 总罢工general mobilization 总动员general policy 总方针general comment 总评generalrules 总则the general branch 总支部the general plan 总计划

(2) 有时译为“大”。

如:a general elect 大选 a general meet-ing 全体大会the UN General Assembly 联合国大会the generalsituation 大局general idea 大意,大概

(3) 与职位名词连用,通常置于其后,意为“总…”、“…长”。

如:Secretary General 秘书长Postmaster General 邮政总长,邮务部长a consult general 总领事


如:a general manager 总经理General Secrectary 总书记

2. 表示“普遍的”、“公众的”、“一般的”等义,主要用作定语。

如:the general public 公众,一般公众the generalfeeling 多数人的感觉general education 普通教育general education generalknowledge 一般性知识,常识general impression 大致印象thegeneral idea 大概的想法


如:The fog was general. 到处都是雾。

Rainyweather is general in June. 六月一般都是下雨的天气。

3. 用于in general, 意为“一般说来”、“总的说来”、“通常”等。有以下用法:

(1) 用作状语。

如:In general the plan is good. 总的说来,这个计划是好的。

The weather in Florida is warm in general. 一般说来弗罗里达州的天气是暖和的。He was in general quite glad togo. 总的说来,他还是很乐意去。

(2) 放在复数名词后作定语。

如:放在复数名词后People in general like her. 人们一般都喜欢她。

Children in general are fond of candy. 小孩子一般都喜欢吃糖。

4. 用作名词,表示“将军”,可用于称呼。

如:Here’s the report, Ge neral. 将军,这是报告。

This is General MacArthur. 这是麦克阿瑟将军。

5. 派生词generally adv. 通常地,一般地,普遍地。

如:Dinner isgenerally served at 7 am. 晚餐通常在7点吃。

The new plan wasgenerally welcomed. 新计划普遍受到欢迎。

Generally speaking, women cry more easily than men. 一般说来,女人比男人容易哭

although 的用法

1. 表示“虽然”时,不要根据汉语习惯,在后面使用连词but, 不过有时它可与yet, still, nevertheless 等副词连用。


正:Although he is very old, (yet) he is quite strong.

正:误:Although he is very old, but he is quite strong.

但是在一定的上下文中,类似下面的although 与but 连用的句子是可能的(注意but 引出的句子在although 从句之前) 。

如:But Ididn’t know that then, although I learned it later. 但我当时的确不知道此事,尽管后来还是知道了。

2. 有时用于主句之后,起补充说明的作用,相当于however, but。

如:He is poor-- although he is well contented. 他很穷,然而却能知足常乐。

The price increase wil l obviously be unpopular, although it’s unlikely to reduce demand. 价格升高显然会不受人欢迎,然而这不大可能会降低人们的需求。

3. 若主从句主语相同,且从句谓语含有动词be, 可将从句主语和动词be 省略。

如:Although (he is) quite young, he knows a lot. 虽然很年轻,但他很懂事了。

In any case, she was very lovablealthough not at all tidy. 不管怎么讲,她还是很可爱的,尽管一点也不爱干净。

4. 不能用于as though (好像),好像even though (即使) 等习语中代替though, 也不用于让步状语的倒装形式中。


1. 从意思上看,可表示“避开”或“躲避”(keep oneself from)某人或某物;也可表示“防止”(prevent)某事的发生。

如:I think she is avoiding me. 我想她是在躲着我。

Try to avoid accidents. 尽量防止发生事故。

I avoided him as much as possible. 我尽量避开他。

You should avoid such mistakes. 你应当避免这样的错误。

Thus he avoided a heart attack. 就这样他避免了一次心脏病复发。

The very wise avoid such a temptation. 真正聪明的人都避开这种诱惑。

I realized he was trying to avoid the topic. 我意识到他是在设法避开这个话题。

2. 从用法上看,其后可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接动名词作宾语,但是不能接不定式作宾语。


正:He avoided answering my questions.

误:He avoided to answer my questions.


正:It was impossible to avoid being affected.

误:It was impossible to avoid to be affected.


1. 表示“反对”,其反义词为for。若表示“强烈反对”,一般用副词strongly:

Are you for or against the plan? 你对这个计划是赞成还是反对呢?

Public opinion is strongly against hisvisit to the country. 舆论强烈反对他访问这个国家。

表示“反对”,经常同那些与之含义相关的动词连用(如:fight, struggle, protest, argue, guard等):

The soldiers fought againstthe enemy 士兵们勇敢地打敌人。

He struggled againstthose who opposed his plan. 他同那些反对他的计划的人作斗争。

2. 表示位置,意为“靠着”、“顶着”、“迎着”、“衬着”等:

The teacher’s desk is against the wall. 老师的办公桌靠墙放着。

He stood leaning against the tree. 他站着斜靠在墙上。

Thered flag looks very bright against the blue sky. 红旗在蓝天的衬托下显得十分鲜艳。

3. 注意against 是介词,不是动词,将其用作动词是错误的:

正:I leaned against the wall. 我斜靠在墙上。

正:I’m against his idea. 我反对他的意见。

误:I againt the wall. / I against his idea.


两者都可表示“关于”,区别是:about 指泛泛地或非正式地谈论某事,其谈论的内容也较为普通;而on 则指比较有系统地或理论性较强地论述某事,其论述的内容较正式或较严肃。

比较:He wrote on mathematics. 他撰写数学著作。

He wrote about the school. 他报道有关这所学校的情况。

It is a book on birds. 那是一本论及鸟类的书。(可能是一本学术著作)

It is a book about birds. 那是一本关于鸟类的书。(可能是一本供小孩看的故事书)


中考英语重点单词和短语用法大总结 (88条) ◆1 。 cost / take / spend / pay 花费 花费时间做某事: It takes sb some time to do sth 。= sb spend some time doing sth 。= sb spend some time on sth 。 某人花钱买某物: sb spend some money on sth 。 = sb pay some money for sth 。 = sth cost sb 。 some money 。 ※ spend 和 pay 主语都是人, cost 主语是物。 ※ spent 还可以指“度过”→ How did you spend your weekend ? The sweater ________ me 90 yuan 。 = I _______ 90 yuan for the sweater 。=I _____ 90 yuan on the sweater 。 He spent lots of money ________ the mobile phone 。 It ________ her 20 minutes to go home every day 。= He ________ 20 minutes ________ home every day 。 ◆2 。 thanks for为…而感谢 ⑴ ______ inviting me to your birthday party 。 thanks to 多亏/于 第 1 页共 1 页 ⑵______ your help 。I got good grades 。


重点单词的用法 1.help v. / n. ---- adj.helpful 1)v. Help sb. (to) do sth. = help sb. with sth. 2)Thanks for your _________. Thanks for _________ me. Can you help me ______ my English? Here is a dictionary. It’s ________ for you to learn English. 2.want v. = would like 1)want to do sth. 2) Want sb. To do sth. 3) Want sth. 3.like v. / n. / prep.----- dislike 1)v. like sb. / sth. like to do sth. = like doing sth. 2)n. Likes and dislikes 3)prep. be like sound like, look like What’s the weather like? What do you look like? 4.enjoy v. enjoy doing sth. finish doing sth. have fun = have a good time doing sth. practice doing sth. spend time / money doing sth. 5.watch / hear / see / find / feel sb. doing sth. watch monkeys climbing around see a snake sleeping near the fire feel things moving 6.go camping / shopping / skating / swimming / boating / go to the movie = go to the cinema go to the countryside go the museum go to the supermarket go to the beach go to school go to work go to bed go to sleep go home 7.put on put up cut up cut down wake up pick up blow out 属于动词和副词构成的短语,要求宾语是_________词时,必须放在动词和副词之间,如果是名词,则位置可__________, 可__________. 1) Here are two apples. Please _______. A. cut it up B. cut them up C. cut up them 2) Every morning, my mother _____. A. wakes me up B. wakes up me C. woke me up 8.show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb. tell sb. sth. = tell sth. to sb. Teach sb. Sth. = teach sth. To sb. buy sb. sth. = buy sth. For sb. make sb. sth. = make sth. for sb. 9.make 1) V. 制作,做make sb. sth. = make sth. for sb. make dinner be made of 2)v. 使,让make sb. do sth. make sb. + adj. keep sb. / sth. +adj 3) make friends with sb. Make soup make the bed make a wish


高考3500词 A(106) 1. abandon v. 放弃,遗弃,抛弃 abandon the baby/ child/ friend abandon the plan/ idea/ effort/ hope abandon oneself to 陷入,沉湎于 He abandoned himself to despair(绝望). 2. ability n. 能力; 才能 the ability to walk 行走的能力 to the best of one‘s ability 竭尽全力 He completed the job to the best of his ability. 3.abnormal adj.不正常的,畸形的,反常的They thought his behavior was abnormal. 反义词:normal 4. aboard prep. adv.在船(飞机,火车)上,上船(飞机,轮船) all the people aboard 机上的人 5. about prep关于,ad 大约,到处 a) be about to do sth…(when) 正要做某事,这时...... I was about to go out when it began to rain. b) look about/around/round c) How/What about…询问情况或建议 6 . above prep 在…上面 above all 首先;尤其 7. abroad ad.到(在)国外 a) go /study /live abroad b) at home and abroad在国内外 8. absence n. 不在,缺席 absence from work/ school The decision was made in my absence. in the absence of 在缺少...…条件下 The case was dismissed in the absence of proof. 9. absent adj. 缺席的,不在的 be absent from 缺席...... absent-minded adj. 心不在焉的 10. absorb vt. 1) 吸收,吸进(液体,气体等) 2) 理解,掌握 absorb ink/ water/ neat/ light/ oxygen/ sound/ energy absorb information/ knowledge be absorbed in 专注于,聚精会神于…... 11. abuse v. / n. 滥用,谩骂 abuse alcohol/ drugs 酗酒/嗜毒 abuse power/ position/ privilege 滥用权力/职权/特权 12. accept vt. 接受,承认 accept the gift/invitation/plan ac cept sb/sth as… 13. access n.方法,通路,机会 The only access to the farm was a narrow bridge. Only high officials have access to the emperor. We students have access to the school library. accessible adj. 可进入的,可接近的,可使用的 Such information is not easily accessible to the public. 14. accident n.事故,意外的事 by accident/chance 偶然,无意中;不小心15. accompany v. 陪伴,伴随,伴奏accompany sb. to the school/supermarket accompany the singer on/at the piano Lightening(闪电)usually accompanies thunder. 16. accomplish v. 完成,到达,实现accomplishment n. 成就,成绩 accomplish the task/purpose/goaluuuuuuuuuuu 17. according to 根据 According to the law, he should be sentenced to death. 18. accuse vt. 指控,指责 accuse sb of (doing ) sth 控告…... 19. accustomed adj. 习惯的,适应的,惯常的 be/get/become accustomed to doing He was soon accustomed to getting up early. 20. ache vi./n 疼痛 headache / toothache My back aches so much. 21. achieve vt 达到;取得 achieve success/victory/one‘s goal 22. achievement n. 成就,业绩;完成(任务等) make great achievements 23. acknowledge v. 承认,致谢 It is generally acknowledged that global warming is caused by greenhouse gases(温室气体). Yaoming is acknowledged as/to be the best player in China.


Unit 4 Global warming全球变暖 一、词汇 about发生;造成 注意:(1)come about是不及物动词短语,不能用于被动语态,常指情况不受人控制的突然发生。有时用it作形式主语,that从句作真正主语。 (2)表示“发生”的词或短语有:happen,occur,take place,break ① Many a quarrel comes about through a misunderstanding. ② The moon came out from behind the clouds. ③ I’ll let you know if anything comes up. ④ I’ll come over and see how you are coming along. ⑤ I came across an old friend yesterday. ⑥ When she came to, she couldn’t recognize the surroundings. ① I subscribe to your suggestion. ② Which magazine do you subscribe to? ③ He subscribed his name to the paper(文件). ④ He subscribed a large sum to the poor students. n.量;数量

① It’s cheaper to buy goods in quantity / in large quantities. ② A large quantity of silk is sold in Japan. ③ A large quantity of drugs are found in his home. ④ Large quantities of rain are needed in this area. ① He tends to get angry when others disagree with her. ② His views tend towards the extreme(极端). ③ He was tending (to) his son when I saw him in the hospital. ④ Jane is nice but has a tendency to talk too much. =Jane is nice but she tends to talk too much. ① The price of the new house in our area has gone up by 1,000 yuan per square meter(平方米)。That is(也就是说)it has gone up to 5,000 yuan per square meter. ② The wind has gone down a little. ④ The country has gone through too many wars.


中考英语重点单词和短语用法大总结(88条) ◆1 。cost / take / spend / pay 花费 花费时间做某事:It takes sb some time to do sth 。= sb spend some time (in) doing sth 。= sb spend some time on sth 。 某人花钱买某物:sb spend some money on sth 。= sb pay some money for sth 。= sth cost sb 。some money 。 ※spend 和pay 主语都是人,cost 主语是物。 ※spent 还可以指“度过”→How did you spend your weekend ? The sweater ________ me 90 yuan 。= I _______ 90 yuan for the sweater 。=I _____ 90 yuan on the sweater 。 He spent lots of money ________ the mobile phone 。 It ________ her 20 minutes to go home every day 。= He ________ 20 minutes ________ home every day 。 ◆2 。thanks for为…而感谢 ⑴______ inviting me to your birthday party 。 thanks to 多亏/由于 第 1 页共1 页 ⑵______ your help 。I got good grades 。 ◆3 。感叹句:多么…what + 名词


经济类高频词 accelerate vt (使加速,增速 例:accelerate the rate of economic growth加速经济增长 派:acceleration n 加速accelerating a 加速的boost vt 提高,推动,使增长n 推动,增长 例:boost the economy推动经济增长 派:booster n 支持者,推动器 mushroom vi 迅速成长n 蘑菇 例:sth Mushroom …快速成长/增加 flourish vi 繁荣,茂盛;vt挥动 例:t he nation’s economy will flourish国家经济将繁荣发展 thrive vi 兴旺,繁荣 例:The company managed to thrive after a recession 经济衰退后该公司设法兴旺起来 impose vt 把…强加于;征税 考:impose on/upon把…强加于 例:to impose local tax征收地方税 派:imposing a 壮观的,令人难忘的 restore vt 恢复,修复;归还,交还

例:restore the economy to full strength完全恢复经济发展 派:restoration n 修复 revive v 使复苏vi 恢复 例:The economy of these areas is beginning to revive 这些地方的经济开始复苏 soar vi 猛增,高飞;(情绪高涨 例:Oil prices have soared in recent weeks石油价格最近几周飚升 squeeze vt 挤,压榨;n 拮据,紧缺;握手 例:financial squeeze财政困难 exceed vt 超过,越出 例:The benefits exceed $10 million利润超过1千万美元 派:exceeding a 超过的;exceedingly ad 非常allocate vt 分配,把…拨给 例:allocate money for the project给项目拨款 派:allocation n 配给,分配 slash vt 砍;大量削减;n 砍,斜线号 考:slashed red tape革除繁文缛节例:slash fares by about 30% 削减票价30% negotiate vt 洽谈;顺利通过vi协商 例:to negotiate the cooperation items谈判公司项目派:negotiation n 谈判negotiable a 可协商的distribute vt分发,分配;散布 例:Milk has been distributed to the local shops牛奶已经分发到当地商店


2014年高考英语词汇解析 A 1.●abandon v.放弃,遗弃,抛弃abandon oneself to 陷入,沉湎于 2.◎ability n. 能力;才能the ability to walk 行走的能力 to the best of one’s ability 竭尽全力He completed the job to the best of his ability. 3.●abnormal adj.不正常的,畸形的,反常的反义词:normal 4. ◎aboard prep. adv.在船(飞机,火车)上,上船(飞机,轮船) 5. about prep关于,ad 大约,到处 a) be about to do sth…(when)I was about to go out when it began to rain. b) look about/around/round c) How/What about…询问情况或建议 6 . above prep在…上面above all 首先;尤其 7. abroad ad.到(在)国外a) go /study /live abroad b) at home and abroad在国内外 8. ●absence n. 不在,缺席 absence from work/ school The decision was made in my absence. in the absence of 在缺少…条件下The case was dismissed in the absence of proof. 9. ◎absent adj. 缺席的,不在的be absent from absent-minded adj. 心不在焉的 10. ◎absorb vt. 1) 吸收,吸进(液体,气体等)2) 理解,掌握 absorb ink/ water/ neat/ light/ oxygen/ sound/ energy absorb information/ knowledge be absorbed in专注于,聚精会神于… 11.●abuse v / n. 滥用,谩骂abuse alcohol/ drugs 酗酒/嗜毒 abuse power/ position/ privilege 滥用权力/职权/特权 12. accept vt. accept the gift /invitation /plan accept sb/sth as… 13.●access n.方法,通路,机会 accessible adj. 可进入的,可接近的,可使用的 14. accident n.事故,意外的事 by accident/chance 偶然,无意中;不小心 15.●accompany v. 陪伴,伴随,伴奏accompany sb. to the school/ supermarket accompany the singer on / at the piano Lightening usually accompanies thunder. 16. ●accomplish v. 完成,到达,实现accomplishment n. 成就,成绩 accomplish the task/ purpose/ goal 17. according to根据According to the law, he should be sentenced to death. 18. ◎accuse vt. 指控,指责accuse sb of (doing ) sth 控告… 19.●accustomed adj. 习惯的,适应的,惯常的be/ get/ become accustomed to doing 20. ache vi./n headache / toothache My back aches so much. 21. achieve vt 达到;取得achievement n 成就 achieve success/victory/one’s goal; 22.◎achievement n. 成就,业绩;完成(任务等)make great achievements 23.●acknowledge v. 承认,致谢 24. across prep cross v. I walked across the street.; cross a street; come/run across碰到 25. act n.法令,条例vt.表演,扮演,行动,做事 act as 充当;扮演act out 把…表演出来 26. action n. 行动take action to do sth put sth into action 把…付诸实施 27. active adj. 积极的;主动的take an active part in /be active in 积极参加


中考必考的重点词汇总结 在初中阶段,实验探究的类型主要有以下四类: 1.对基本技能和观察水平的考查;(仪器的使用和实验基本操作);对氧气、二氧化碳以及与它们性质类似的未知气体制备、检验、收集、除杂、干燥、性质实验。 2.C、Fe、Cu、Fe2O3、CuO等物质综合应用的还原反应及金属活 动性的探究题。 3.CaO、Ca(OH)2、CaCO3、NaOH、Na2CO3性质相关的探究题。 4.对未知物或非初中常见物质的研究,主要采用提供信息的方式,考查快速提取有效信息,使用知识解答问题的水平,这种题型难度较大。 1考点一常用的仪器 初中化学实验常用仪器(仪器名称不能写错别字) 1.试管 (1)用途: a、在常温或加热时,用作少量试剂的反应容器。 b、溶解少量固体。 c、收集少量气体的容器 d、用于装置成小型气体的发生器。 (2)注意事项: a、加热时外壁必须干燥,不能骤热骤冷,一般要先均匀受热, 然后才能集中受热,

防止试管受热不均而破裂。 b、加热时,试管要先用铁夹夹持固定在铁架台上(短时间加热 也可用试管夹夹持)。 试管夹应夹在的中上部(或铁夹应夹在离试管口的1/3处)。 c、加热固体时,试管口要略向下倾斜,且未冷前试管不能直立,避免管口冷凝水倒流 使试管炸裂。 d、加热液体时,盛液量一般不超过试管容积的1/3(防止液体受热溢出),使试管与桌面 约成45°的角度(增大受热面积,防止暴沸),管口不能对着自己或别人(防止液体喷出伤人)。反应时试管内的液体不超过试管容 积的1/2。 2.烧杯 用途:①溶解固体物质、配制溶液,以及溶液的稀释、浓缩 ②也可用做较大量的物质间的反应 注意事项:受热时外壁要干燥,并放在石棉网上使其受热均匀 (防止受热不均使烧杯炸裂), 加液量一般不超过容积的1/3(防止加热沸腾使液体外溢)。 3.烧瓶:有圆底烧瓶,平底烧瓶 用途①常用做较大量的液体间的反应 ②也可用做装置气体发生器 4.锥形瓶 用途:①加热液体,


2020中考英语:重点单词短语用法总结(2) ◆21. 能,会。be able to can ※情态动词后面都接动词原形。 ⑴ We should______ able to finish the work tomorrow . ⑵ I can______ (play) the guitar .⑶ He ______able toplay chess . ◆22. too many 太多—修饰可数名词复数→ Ihave too many rules in my house . too much 太多—修饰不可数名词→Maybe you have too much yin . much too太—后跟形容词或副词原级→ This coat is much too expensive . ⑴ Eating_____ ______ is bad for your health . ⑵ It’s ______ ______cold today . You’d better not go out. ⑶There are____________ students in the hallways . It’s dangerous. ◆23. have / has been to 去过某地→He has been to Beijing . (现在不在北京) have / has gone to 去了某地→He has gone to Beijing . (现在可能在北京,或在去北京的途中) have/has been in / at在某地

⑴I have ever_______ ______ America twice . ⑵ He has______ ______ Beijing for ten years . ⑶– Where is your brother ? - He______ ______ to Hainan . ⑷ _____ you ever ______ ______ Disneyland ? ◆24. used to do sth .过去常做某事→ This riverused to be very clean . be(get)used to doing sth .习惯于做某事→ I’m not used t o getting up early . be used to do sth = be used for doingsth .被用于做某事→ Pens are used for writing . ⑴ XiaoGang______ ______ ______ afraid of the dark . ⑵ The broom is ______ ______ clean the room . = The broom is ____________ cleaning the room. ⑶ He ____________ ______ living countryside .There is fresh air and sweet well . ⑷ Wood __________ _____ making paper .◆25. belong to + 名词 / 人称代词宾格 (属于) be + 名词所有格 / 名词性物主代词 (是) ⑴It must ______Ning’s .= It must _________ Ning . ⑵ The pencil must be ______ (my) . = The pencil must belong to ______(my) . ⑶ This ball______ to me .= This ball is ______ .


四、六级阅读态度词汇总汇(three pages) favorable adj.赞成的, 有利的, 赞许的, 良好的 enthusiastic adj.狂热, 热心, 积极性 supportive adj.支持的,支援的 defensive 为……而辩护 objection /opposition 反对 detestation/ hatred n.憎恶, 厌恶的人, 嫌恶 indignation 愤慨 contempt n.轻视, 轻蔑, 耻辱, 不尊敬 compromising n.妥协, 折衷v.妥协, 折衷 worried adj. 闷闷不乐的,焦虑的 formal(informal) 正式, 礼仪, 拘谨(非正式, 不拘礼, 通俗) matter of fact 实事求是, 以事实为依据 personal(impersonal) 人性的, 涉及隐私的, 私人的, (客观的, 和个人无关的, 没有人情味的, 非人的) respectful 表示尊敬的, 有礼貌的, 谦恭的 wonder 奇迹, 惊讶, 难以置信的 affection(affectionate) 深情的, 亲切的, 挚爱的 amusement(amusing) 有趣的, 使人发笑的, 消遣的, 愉快的 approval(disapproval) 赞成的, 满意的(不以为然的, 不赞成的, 非难的) reverence(irreverence) 虔诚的, 表示尊敬的, 充满崇敬心的(不敬的, 不逊的, 无礼的) disappointment 使人失望的, 令人沮丧的, sarcasm(sarcastic) 讽刺的, 讥讽的 persuasive(convincing) 令人信服的, 有力的, 使人心悦诚服的 indifferent 漠不关心的, 不重要的, 冷淡的 condemnation(condemnable) 该受责备的, 可非难的, 该罚的 apologetic 道歉的, 急于认错的, 辩护的 frustrated 挫折的, 挫败的, 无益的 contemptuous 轻蔑的, 鄙视的, 瞧不起人的 cynical 愤世嫉俗的, 讽刺的, 冷嘲的 pitying 怜悯的, 遗憾的, 同情的 bitter(bitterness) 痛苦的, 怀恨的(悲痛, 怨恨) factual 事实的, 实际的 humorous 富幽默感的, 滑稽的, 诙谐的 inventive 善于创造的, 发明的 self-righteous 自以为是的 insincere 不诚实的, 无诚意的, 伪善的 matter-of-fact 事实的, 实际的, 事务性的, 平淡的 stick to established facts 坚持已确立的观点 impatient 不耐烦的, 着急的, 急切的 pleasure 心情舒畅的, 愉悦的


2017中考英语必会的60组重点单词/短语/句型用法大 总结 1. cost / take / spend / pay 花费 花费时间做某事: It takes sb some time to do sth . = sb spend some time (in)doing sth .= sb spend some time on sth . 某人花钱买某物: sb spend some money on sth .= sb pay some money for sth.= sth cost sb . some money .注意: ⑴cost 和pay 只指花费钱,take 只指花费时间,spend 可以指花费钱也可以指花费时间。 ⑵spend 和pay 主语都是人,cost 主语是物,take 一般用于It takes sb some time to do sth. 句型中。 2. thanks for 为…...而感谢 Thanks for inviting me to your birthday party . 谢谢你邀请我来你的生日聚会。 thanks to 多亏/由于 Thanks to your help. I got good grades . 幸亏你的帮助,我才取得好成绩。 3. 多么…... what + 名词;how + 形容词/ 副词 What bad weather !多么糟糕的天气啊! How hard he works !他工作多么努力啊!

What fresh vegetables !多么新鲜的蔬菜啊! How cute a monkey it is !它是一只多么可爱的猴子啊4 . 因为......;由于...... because(连词)+从句 because of(介词短语)+ 名词(短语) I didn’t go to school because I had a headache. 因为我头疼,所以我没去上学。 He was late for class because of the bad weather . 由于糟糕的天气,他上课迟到了。 注意:because和so不能同时连用。 5 . 来自 be from = come from Where are you from ? = Where do you come from?你来自哪里? 6 . How often 多久一次(对频率提问) How long 多久(对一段时间提问) How soon多久以后(对将来时间提问) How far 多长(询问多长距离) — How long have you been collecting the kites ? 你收集风筝多长时间了? —For ten years. 十年了。 — How often do you go shopping ?


2016中考英语重点单词用法梳理(一)(收藏必备) 1.unless除非;若非;如果不。它是个从属连词,引导条件状语从句。由于unless 具有否定意义,因此它引导的是个否定的条件。在中学阶段可以把它看作是if……not的同义表达。值得注意的是,unless从句如同if从句一样也常用一般现在时态表将来。如: Unless he works hard, he will not pass the final exams。 =If he doesn‘t work hard, he will not pass the final exams。 要是他不努力的话,期末考试将会不及格。 I‘ll not go to her birthday party unlesss he invites me in person。=I‘ll not go to her birthday party if she doesn’t invite me in person。我不会去参加她的生日晚会,除非她亲自邀请我。 2.go.[主要用法] 1。用作不及物动词,表示?去、离开?。如: We must go for lunch now。 2。用作不及物动词,表示?进行、进展?。如: Every thing goes well。 3。用作系动词,表示?变得(常常指由好变坏)?。如: Fish soon goes bad in hot weather。 4。用于have gone to结构,表示?去了某地?。如: Mr.Wilson isn‘t here.He has gone to Wuhan。 5。用于begoingto结构,表示?打算、将要?。如: He is going to buy her some shoes。 [短语搭配] go ahead往前走、做吧、干吧 go by(指时间)过去、消逝 go to sleep入睡 go for awalk / walks去散步 go home回家 go off离开、(闹钟)响起 go on继续 go over复习、过一遍 go skating / shopping去滑冰/购物 go to movie去看电影 go to bed上床睡觉 go to school / work去上学/上班 [考题回放] —Where can I find Jack? —He_____the post office。(06湖北武汉) A.has been to B.had been to C.has gone to D.had gone to


洛基英语,中国在线英语教育领导品牌 ★Lesson6★ 文章中的并列关系·怎样对付阅读的长句 小的并列:成分并列,不容易出题。如果出题,选项应该概括所有并列成分,否则是错误选项。 大的并列:只出一题,应该提纲挈领。 What has the telephone done to us, or for us, in the hundred years of its existence? A few effects suggest themselves at once. ①It has saved lives by getting rapid word of illness, injury, or fire from remote places. ②By joining with the elevator to make possible the multistory residence or office building, it has made possible - for better or worse - the modern city. ③By bringing about a great leap in the speed and ease with which information moves from place to place, it has greatly accelerated the rate of scientific and technological changes and growth in industry. Beyond doubt ④it has seriously weakened if not killed the ancient art of letter writing. ⑤It has made living alone possible for persons with normal social impulses; by so doing, it has played a role in one of the greatest social changes of this century, the breakup of the multi-generational household. ⑥It has made the war chillingly more efficient than formerly. Perhaps, though not provably (可证实), it has prevented wars that might have arisen out of international misunderstanding caused by written communication. Or perhaps - again not provable - by magnifying and extending irrational personal conflicts based on voice contact, it has caused wars. Certainly it has extended the scope of human conflicts, since it impartially disseminates (传播) the useful knowledge of scientists and the nonsense of the ignorant, the affection of the affectionate and the malice (恶意) of the malicious. 22. According to the passage, it is the telephone that ______. A) has made letter writing an art B) has prevented wars by avoiding written communication C) has made the world different from what it was D) has caused wars by magnifying and extending human conflicts 注:A应该是削弱 To protect the interests of their members in the era of automation, unions have adopted a number of new policies. One of these is the ①promotion of supplementary unemployment benefit plans. It is emphasized that since the employer involved in such a plan has a direct financial interest in preventing unemployment, he will have a strong drive for planning new installations so as to cause the least possible problems in jobs and job assignments. Some unions are working for dismissal pay agreements, requiring that permanently dismissed workers be paid a sum of money based on length of service. Another approach is the idea of the "improvement factor", which calls for wage increases based on increases in productivity. It is possible, however, that labour will rely mainly on reduction in working hours in order to gain a full share in the fruits of automation.

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