当前位置:文档之家› 企业中英文标语






Action is the beginning of success, waiting is the source of failure.


Do a good job of quality records, lay a good foundation for quality control.


Industry, thrift, care for public goods, take the factory as home, and develop together.


Honesty, trustworthiness, flexibility, perseverance and innovation.


Unite and cooperate, strive to innovate and serve users.


Science and technology is the first productive force, and talent is the first resource.


Careful and meticulous, the quality will always be satisfactory.


Improve the quality of after-sales service and customer satisfaction.


Attack and defense are equally important, the whole staff is practical, the activity goal, service orientation.


Cultivate etiquette staff and create team spirit.


Physical and mental health, moral integrity, happy work, happy life.


Actions change the status quo and ideas determine the future.


Keep good faith, mutual benefit and common prosperity, and carry goods with good morality.


We despise all uncivilized acts such as littering and spitting.


Pingxing is full of startups, and the rule of law has won the hearts and minds of the people.


The whole staff has great power to participate, and the product control depends on everyone.


Harmonious innovation, market development, unity and struggle to create the future.


Science and technology are the first productive forces, and talent is the first resource.


Build first-class professional team to create first-class high-quality performance.


Quality is produced, not tested.


Encourage the spirit, forge ahead, gather people's hearts and build up an image outside.


Only then has the company's brilliance strived to do a

good job at one time.


Firm confidence, forge ahead with a heavy burden, pioneer and innovate, and work pragmatically.


Take the factory as the school and the factory as the home to learn from each other and care for each other.


Enhance cost awareness and create enterprise benefits.


Integrity and high efficiency service users unite to strive for efficiency.


Baichuan Huihai can shake the sky, and all aspirations are stronger than Jinjian.


I contribute to the company, the company set up a platform for me.


Running enterprises according to law, seeking prudence in peace and prosperity; the road of Guangdong travel, if the heart returns home.


Customers are our God, and quality is God's requirement.


Create high-quality projects to speed up international integration.


Successful people find ways, while unsuccessful people find excuses.


Manage enterprises by law, develop enterprises by law and strive to be law-abiding and peaceful.


Only by concentricity can we go farther and by virtue can we get closer.


There is no starting point for service and no ending point for satisfaction.


Promote the quality activities of the whole staff and improve the morale of the whole staff.


Create excellence from management and build image in



We need market from quality and benefit from management.


Work creates wealth and safety brings happiness.


Safety is the life of an enterprise, and quality is the source of benefit.


Survival by quality and development by reputation.


Hidden danger is more dangerous than open fire, and prevention is better than disaster relief.


Market training, heart bottom, unity and struggle, fighting for the first.


Use planning and action management, and speak with facts and data.


All the staff moved together, the wind and clouds surged,

visiting every day, bearing in mind.


Promote the construction of safety civilization and publicize safety culture knowledge.


When you are disappointed, you will need their qualified employees to follow.


No one has me, no one has me, no one is better than me, no one is better than me.


Pursue excellent quality and create world famous brand.


Do everything well with your heart and make a little progress every day.


Keep pace with the times and strive for first-class unity and pragmatism.


Full participation, strengthening management, excellence, casting quality.


Intensive efforts to melt business philosophy, so that the enterprise culture is alive and well.


The market is the sea, the enterprise is the ship, the quality is the sail, the person is the helmsman.


Don't exchange blood for lessons. Lessons should be borrowed to avoid blood and tears.


Ganjia China Project is a famous brand in the new century.


There is no competitiveness to be eliminated.


英文企业标语 导读:本文是关于英文企业标语,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、品质你我做得好,顾客留住不会跑。 The quality of your I do well, customers will be faithful. 2、培养优质素养,提高团队力量。 Cultivate high quality, improve team strength. 3、以厂为校,以厂为家;互相学习,互相关怀。 The factory for the school, to plant at home; learn from each other, care for each other. 4、**,乐观向上,永不言弃。 Passion, optimistic, never give up. 5、为自己养成一个好习惯,给别人留下一个好印象。 A good habit for yourself, to make a good impression. 6、安全是企业的生命,质量是效益的源泉。 Safety is the life of enterprise, quality is the fountainhead. 7、每项操作求质量,产品质量有保障。 Each operation for quality, product quality is guaranteed. 8、你思考,我思考,品质提升难不倒。 You think, I think, to enhance the quality of it. 9、您的自觉贡献,才有公司的辉煌。

You have a conscious contribution, brilliant company. 10、适应公司的日常变化,不抱怨。 Adapt to the daily changes of the company without complaining. 11、企业以人为本,员工以厂为荣。 Enterprises are people-oriented, employees are proud of the factory. 12、态度决定行为,行为培养性格,性格决定命运。 The attitude of decision behavior, behavior character, character determines destiny. 13、客户至上,技术争先,团结协作,求真务实。 Customer first, technology first, unity, truth-seeking and pragmatic. 14、人人爱岗敬业,公司兴旺发达。 Everyone loves and respects and the company thrives. 15、时时寻求效率进步,事事讲究方法技术。 Always seeking efficiency and progress, everything about methods and techniques. 16、追求客户满意,是你我的责任。 It's your duty to pursue customer satisfaction. 17、顾客是我们的上帝,品质是上帝的要求。 The customer is our God, quality is the requirement of


铭人标语 一、楼道 7面小标,高1.2米,宽0.84。 楼道作为迎宾走廊,主要展现企业素质和理念 1、只有客户想不到的,没有我们做不到的 Only customers can not think of, there is no we can not do 2、客户满意是检验我们工作的唯一标准 Customer satisfaction is the only standard to test our work 3、优质服务是生命,企业满意是目的Quality service is life, enterprise satisfaction is the goal 4、追求品质卓越,尽显企业精华 The pursuit of quality excellence, all show the essence of the enterprise 5、顾客是我们的上帝,品质是上帝的要求 The customer is our God, the quality is God's request 6、关注你所专注,放心你所用心 Focus on what you focus on, rest assured that your intentions 7、我们愿与您携手共进,共享辉煌 we would like to work together with you, sharing brilliant 2楼门口,企业愿景展示: ·携手共赢,让世界每一个人都放心饮用到我们设备生产的饮料 Hand in hand to win,Let the rest of the world at ease to drink to our equipment production of beverages ·以品质提升价值,做中国最值得信赖的食品机械企业 To enhance the value of quality,Become China's most trusted food machinery enterprises ·瑞典有利乐,中国有铭人 A Tetra Pak in Sweden,A Ming people in China 二、设计室 机械设计室主要展现创新、品质、效率等有关理念 1、复杂的事情简单化,简单的事情重复化 Complex things simple,Simple things repeat 2、计划是时间的最好保障,时间是效率的坚实基础,效率是行动的优化大师,行动是成功 的唯一途径 Plan is the best guarantee of time,Time is the solid foundation of efficiency,Efficiency is the action of the optimization of the master,Action is the only way to success. 3、创造更先进、更安全、更智能、更简单、更高速的食品包装设备 To create a more advanced, more secure, more intelligent, more simple, more high-speed food packaging equipment 4、为企业多做一点,为客户多想一点 For enterprises to do a little more for customers to think a little more 5、因机械而生,为制造而活 Born to machine, to make a living 6、把生命注入到产品中去,产品就会在市场上活起来


保护野生动物的英文宣传标语、 ---------------保护野生动物的英文宣传标语精品篇 1、保护野生动物,人与自然共存。 Protect wildlife and coexist with nature. 2、保护环境,功在当代利在千秋。 Protecting the environment is of great benefit in the contemporary era. 3、野生动物如此多娇,引无数英雄尽眼红。 Wildlife is so charming that countless heroes are agog at it. 4、保护野生动物,不打鸟,捉蛇,捉青蛙。 Protect wildlife, do not fight birds, catch snakes, catch frogs. 5、保护野生动物就是保护人类自己! Protecting wildlife means protecting human beings themselves! 6、保护珍稀动物,关注地球生态。 Protect rare animals and pay attention to the earth's ecology. 7、每一个生命都值得尊重,请爱护动物。 Every life deserves respect. Please love animals. 8、鸟是害虫的天敌,鸟是人类的朋友。

Birds are natural enemies of pests, and birds are friends of human beings. 9、保护野生动物是人类更好的选择! Protecting wildlife is a better choice for human beings! 10、保护野生动物,就是关爱人类自己。 Protecting wildlife means caring for human beings themselves. 11、你也只是动物。如果你愿意做禽兽。 You're just an animal. If you want to be an animal. 12、保护动物,人人有责。请维持生态平衡。 It is everyone's duty to protect animals. Please maintain the ecological balance. 13、万物之灵之首,应负万物之灵之责! The head of the soul of all things should bear the responsibility of the soul of all things. 14、积极向媒介通告好人好事和坏人坏事。 Actively inform the media about good people, good things and bad people. 15、同建绿色温馨家园,共享清澈碧水蓝天。 Build a green and warm home and share the clear blue water and sky. 16、若不具备条件,切勿饲养动物。



企业文化标语中英文 【篇一:非常全面的企业宣传标语中英文】 企业宣传标语 corporation propaganda slogan 1. 顾客满意是企业永恒的追求 customer satisfy is the eternal pursue of corporation. 2. 安全 来于警惕,事故出于麻痹 safety is from alert, and accident is from paralysis. 3. 责任是质量的保证、质量是企业的生命 responsibility is the assurence of quality, and quailty is the life of corporation. 4. 有品质才有市场、有改善才有进步 only quality posesses market, and improvement gets progress. 5. 细节决定成败、勤奋成就人生。 details determine success or failure, and diligance creats life. 6. 事故是最大的浪费、安全是最大的节约 accident is largest waste, and safe is the greatest saving. 7. 保护环境是责任、爱护环境是美德 environment potection is our responsibility, and environment cherish is our virtue. 8. 生产绿色产品、节约地球资源 output green products, and save our earth resources. 9.以质量求生存、以信誉求发展、以管理求效益


1.Good to the last drop.滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦斯威尔咖啡)2.Obey your thirst.服从你的渴望。(雪碧) 3.The new digital era.数码新时代。(索尼影碟机) 4.We lead. Others copy.我们领先,他人仿效。(理光复印机)5.Impossible made possible.使不可能变为可能。(佳能打印机)6.Take time to indulge.尽情享受吧!(雀巢冰激凌) 7.The relentless pursuit of perfection.不懈追求完美。(凌志轿车) 8.Poetry in motion, dancing close to me.动态的诗,向我舞近。(丰田汽车) 9.Come to where the flavor is. Marlboro Country.光临风韵之境——万宝路世界。(万宝路香烟) 10.To me, the past is black and white, but the future is always color.对我而言,过去平淡无奇;而未来,却是绚烂缤纷。(轩尼诗酒) 11. Just do it. 只管去做。(耐克运动鞋) 12. Ask for more. 渴望无限。(百事流行鞋) 13. The taste is great. 味道好极了。(雀巢咖啡) 14. Feel the new space. 感受新境界。(三星电子) 15. Intelligence everywhere. 智慧演绎,无处不在。(摩托罗拉手机) - 16. The choice of a new generation. 新一代的选择。(百事可乐) 17. We integrate, you communicate. 我们集大成,您超越自我。(三菱电工) 18. Take TOSHIBA, take the world. 拥有东芝,拥有世界。(东芝电子)- 19. Let’s make things better. 让我们做得更好。(飞利浦电子)


中英文企业标语 导读:本文是关于中英文企业标语,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、今天的付出,明天的回报。 Today's pay, tomorrow's return. 2、适应公司的日常变化,不抱怨。 Adapt to the company's daily changes without complaining. 3、技术是基础,管理是动力。 Technology is the foundation, management is the driving force. 4、人在一起是聚会,心在一起是团队。 People together is a party, and the heart together is a team. 5、优质建设,以质为根。 Quality construction, quality as the root. 6、培育礼仪员工,创造文明团队。 Cultivate etiquette employees and create civilized teams. 7、一人把关一处安,众人把关稳如山。 One gatekeeper, one security, people keep steady as a mountain.

8、质量是安全基础,安全为生产前提。 Quality is the basis of safety, safety is the premise of production. 9、时时寻求效率进步,事事讲究方法技术。 Always seek efficiency and progress, and pay attention to techniques and techniques. 10、创造变化,并带来绩效突破性地提高。 Create change, and bring performance breakthroughs. 11、人无我有,人有我优,人优我奇。 No man without me, man has my advantage, man is best, I am strange. 12、敬业,专业执着,精益求精。 Dedicated, professional dedication, excellence. 13、您的自觉贡献,才有公司的辉煌。 Your conscious contribution to the company's brilliant. 14、遵守厂规厂纪,争当优秀员工。 Abide by the rules and regulations, strive for excellent staff. 15、树企业形象,创优质工程。 Tree corporate image, creating quality projects. 16、我们的理念是—没有最好,只有更好。 Our philosophy is that there is no best, only better.


企业质量宣传标语中英文1) Quality does not rely on inspection, it derives from design, manufacturing, prevention as well as long-term practice, and oriented by customer satisfaction. 2) Quality is achieved by continuous improvement, not by one time activity. 3) When everyone knows clearly their job requirement and try to do everything as requested, it will have positive impact

on the quality. 4) Values and dignity originates from quality which is the foundation of an enterprise. 5) Quality means to meet correct requirement. Integrity means to put words into deeds. 6) Quality could be achieved by continuous improvement, depending on everyone to improve every detail continuously.

7) Technology innovation, process innovation and leadership innovation are essential factors which quality improvement is base on. 8) Quality control relies on process control and attention to detail. 9) The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price or ontime


标语: 1、人资行政: 耐心对待每一个问题,严肃对待每一项制度,细心对待每一件事情,爱心对待每一位同仁 Every problem needs to be patient, every system be strict, everything be very careful, andevery colleague needs caring with love 敢为正直,勇于正气,坚持正义,倡导廉洁 Dare to integrity, encourage healthy trends, persist in justice, advocate incorruption 弄虚作假,心怀不轨,私利团体,背叛公司 保护环境是每一个公民应尽的义务,请节约每一滴水,每一度电,每一张纸。。。 Protecting the environment is the obligation of every citizen, please save every drop ofwater, each unit of electricity, every piece of paper. . . 2、客服部饮水机两旁 感到困难是能力不足,觉得麻烦是方法不对 Feel difficulty because of i neap ability, Feel trouble because of wrong way 认真做事,能把事做对。用心做事,才能把事做好 Work seriously can do right things,Work diligently can do things well 3、第二接待室墙上: 创新是企业的生命之源,创新就是创造新的价值! Innovation is the sources of an enterprise 's life, Innovation is to create ne value!只有步入国际标准的轨道,才能步入无限延伸的空间!


中英文对照版经典质量宣传标语 1、百年大计,质量第一。 Long-term program, quality first. 2、今日质量,明日市场。 Today’squality, tomorrow’smarket. 3、同心协力,提高品质。 To work as one, to improve the quality. 4、全员参与,持续改进。 Full participation, continuous improvement. 5、以精立业,以质取胜。 Start a career with essence, win through high quality. 6、精益求精,创造辉煌。 Seek for greater perfection, create resplendence. 7、质量第一,从我做起。 Quality first, begin from me. 8、控制每一道工序,做好每一件产品。 Control every procedure well, make each product well. 9、效益是企业的源泉,质量是企业的生命。 Benefit is the source of enterprise, quality is the life of enterprise. 10、质量是品牌的生命。 Quality is brand's life. 11、品质的好坏在于每个人的工作态度。

Quality depends on everyone's work attitude. 12、今日的质量,明天的市场。 Today's quality, tomorrow's market. 13、未来的成功——属于质量领先者。 Future success belongs to quality leader. 14、一线工人请注意,品质效率在于你。 Attention, quality efficiency note to the workers at the Frontline. 15、不接受不良品,不制造不良品,不传递不良品。 Don't accept bad product, don't make bad product, don't relay bad product. 16、品质是做出来的,不是检验出来的。 Quality is being made instead of by checking. 17、制造须靠低成本,竞争依赖高品质。 The manufactur depends on reducible cost, competitive relays on high quality. 18、自检互检,确保产品零缺陷。 Ability to check step by step to ensure zero fault in production. 19、检查测试坚持做,一点问题不放过。 Consist makeing inspection to avoid the products fault be caused. 20、我们的承诺,不做不良品。 Ours logan is zero fault in production. 21、要想产品零缺陷,全面品管不可少。


前言:标语是指文字简练、意义鲜明的宣传、鼓动口号,Ta既 有公文语体准确、简洁的特点,又有政论语体严谨性、鼓动性 的特点,既能在理智上启发人们,又能在情感上打动人们,一 幅寥寥数字的标语,不但折射着时代精神,也体现了执政的方 向和智慧,其意义和作用是不容忽视的。本人根据在亲身工作 经历,整理了具体实用性的<<英文标语>>,供大家学习参考, 减轻大家的工作负担。格式都按照公文标准排版好了,直接下 载编辑/打印使用即可,谢谢!上面前言部分使用时请删除。 英文标语 1、爱护绿化,就是保护自己。 To protect the green is to protect ourselves. 2、丢掉的是品质,捡起的是美德。 What is lost is quality, and what is picked is virtue. 3、你在我心中最美,请不要将我摧毁。 You are in my heart the most beautiful, please don't destroy me. 4、做地球妈妈的好孩子,保护她。 Be a good mother of earth mother, protect her. 5、草木绿,花儿笑,空气清新环境好。 Green grass, flowers smile, fresh air environment. 6、呼唤绿色文明,创建绿色学校。

Calling for green civilization and building green schools. 7、保护自然界,关爱家园。 Protect the nature, love the homeland. 8、环境你不爱,美景不常在。 Environment you do not love, beautiful scenery is not always. 9、要想小草好,请不要在小草上手舞足蹈。 To the grass, please don't dancing on the grass. 10、保护学校环境,共创学生圣地。 Protect the school environment, create a sacred place for students. 11、学校一片绿,学生心中一片春。 The school is green and the students have a spring in their heart. 12、从自己做起,爱护我们的家园。 Start with ourselves and take care of our homeland. 13、促绿色消费,做绿色选民。 Green consumption, green voters. 14、希望有一天,垃圾筒也会下岗。 Hope that one day, the garbage can also be laid off. 15、多种一棵树,世界上就多一片绿色。 A variety of tree, the world is more green.


英文版企业口号 1、知难而进,重铸辉煌。 Go in and make resplendence. 2、激流求勇进,逆势更争先。 The torrent seeks the courage to advance, and the reverse is more contending. 3、诚信放飞梦想,精艺收获希望。 The good faith flies the dream, the skill harvest hopes. 4、渴望前进,追求卓越。 Longing for progress and pursuit of excellence. 5、赚钱靠大家,幸福你我他。 Make money depend on everyone, happy you and me. 6、品质专注,价格合理。 The quality is focused and the price is reasonable. 7、昨日黄花败,今朝百花开。 Yesterday the yellow flower was defeated and the flowers opened in the present.

8、人多力量大,心齐定天下。 Many people have great strength, and the heart is all in the world. 9、活力和谐,**奋进。 Vitality and harmony, passion advancing. 10、业绩攀新,稳定市场。 The performance of the new, stable market. 11、创新谋突破,努力获成功。 Innovation is a breakthrough and success is made. 12、今天的付出,明天的回报。 Today's pay, tomorrow's return. 13、相信自己,相信伙伴。 Believe in yourself and believe in a partner. 14、汗水汇聚你我,创新铸就明天。 The sweat brings together you and me, and the innovation makes tomorrow. 15、因为有我,所以会更好。 Because of me, so it would be better. 16、保证质量,是对社会的承诺。


英文宣传标语 导读:本文是关于标语大全的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、节约用电,节约用水,节约用纸。 Save electricity, water and paper. 2、安全与健康同在,节能与生态齐美。 Safety and health coexist, energy saving and ecological beauty. 3、青山清我目,流水静我耳。 The mountains are clear to my eyes and the waters are still to my ears. 4、同建绿色校园,共享鸟语花香。 Build a green campus and share the fragrance of birds and flowers. 5、美化校园环境,就是美化我们的生活。 To beautify the campus environment is to beautify our life. 6、保护我们的家园,让地球充满绿色。 Protect our homeland and make the earth green. 7、参与绿色行动,保护美丽家园。 Participate in Green Action and Protect Beautiful Home. 8、捡起一张废纸,就是消除一份污染。

Picking up a piece of waste paper is to eliminate a piece of pollution. 9、爱护小草吧,它是春天的信使。 Take care of the grass. It is the messenger of spring. 10、保持地球生态平衡,就是保护人数自身。 To maintain the ecological balance of the earth is to protect the number of people themselves. 11、花草丛中笑,园外赏其貌。 Smile among the flowers and plants, and enjoy their appearance outside the garden. 12、鸟儿渴望洁净的天空,人类渴望绿色的家园。 Birds yearn for a clean sky, and humans yearn for a green home. 13、学校是我家,人人都爱它。 School is my home, everyone loves it. 14、地面爱干净,请您手留情。 The ground is clean, please show mercy. 15、节约能源做的好,后代子孙没烦恼。 Good energy conservation, future generations do not worry. 16、我们是幼苗,我们都需要呵护。 We are seedlings, and we all need to take care of them.


企业英文宣传口号.doc宣传口号英文翻译 企业英文宣传口号力争做中国行业优秀的留学公司Be the top leader in the study abroad con suit ing in dustry. 大干一年大步前进Work hard and progress fast. 没有执行力就没有竞争力!Without cution, there is no competition. 微笑挂在脸上,服务记在心里.Smiles are an expression of a spirit of service. 把平凡的工作持续地做好就是不平凡。 Doi ng ordinary work persiste ntly is extraord in ary. 用心、 做事才能把事情做好,认真做事才能把事情做对Determi nati on and dedicatio n lead to success. 会而有议,议而有决,决而有行,行而有果。 Discussion is the essential part of a meeting that con cludes decisi ons, which shall be followed by cuti on. 不要小看自己,人有无限可能。 Every in dividual is unique with infin ite pote ntial. 你的

自觉贡献,才有公司的辉煌。 Your dedicati on con tributes to the compa ny s prosperity. 每天进一步,踏上成功路。 A step forward everyday leads to success. 和传统昨天告别,向规范未来迈进Depart from the past and progress into the future. 卓越领导求新进取高效实施使命必达Pre-emi ne nt leadership inno vative spirit missi on-accomplish guara ntee 责任协作responsibility co-ordination efficient cution 扭转习惯严把内控Stick to best practices Strengthen corporate governance 服务业务一小步业务前进一大步Improvement in service drives bus in ess to grow. 寻找和培养优秀人才是我们的 使命Seek ing and n urturi ng tale nts is our missio n. 人才是企业成长的原动力Man power is a prime driver for the growth of an organi zati on. 节约用纸保护地球Save paper and live a low carb on life. 珍惜每一滴水Make every drop of water count. 随 手关灯节约能源Please switch off lights when leaving. 下班勿忘关电源节约用电好风尚Please turn off power before heading home.主动干好每件事,高效干好每一时,快乐干好每一天。 Attention to every detail and efficiency in each hour are


全球经典广告标语,广告语(中英文) 1.goodtothelastdrop.滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦斯威尔咖啡) 2.obeyyourthirst.服从你的可望。(雪碧) 3.thenewdigitalera.数码新时代。(索尼影碟机) 4.welead.otherscopy.我们领先,他人仿效。(理光打印机) 5.impossiblemadepossible.使不可能变为可能。(佳能打印机) 6.taketimetoindulge.尽情享受吧!(雀巢冰激凌) 7.therelentlesspursuitofperfection.不懈追求完美。(凌志轿车) 8.poetryinmotion,dancingclosetome.动态的诗,向我舞近。(丰田汽车) https://www.doczj.com/doc/5710547072.html,etowheretheflavoris.marlborocountry.光临风韵之境——万宝路世界。(万宝路香烟) 10.tome,thepastblackandwhite,butthefutreisalwayscolor. 对我而言,过去平淡无奇;而未来,却是绚烂缤纷。(轩尼诗酒) 11.justdoit.只管去做(耐克运动鞋) 12.askformore.渴望无限(百事流行鞋) 13.thetasteisgreat.味道好极了。(雀巢咖啡) 14.feelthenewspace.感受新境界。(三星电子) 15.intelligenceeverywhere.智慧演绎,无处不在。(摩托罗拉手机) 16.thechoiceofanewgeneration.新一代的选择。(百事可乐) 17.weintegrate,youcommunicate.我们集大成,您超越自我。(三菱电工) 18.taketoshiba,taketheworle.拥有东芝,拥有世界。(东芝电子)


标语英文 综合标语 1、工作学习化,学习工作化。 Worklearning,learningandworking. 2、心无旁骛抓发展、真情实意谋民生。 Intentnesses,readytograspthedevelopmenttoseeklivelihoo d. 3、为了子孙的幸福,请您珍爱环境。 Forthehappinessofyourchildren,pleasecherishtheenviron ment. 4、要想生活好,教育少不了。 Ifyouwanttoliveagoodlife,educationisindispensable. 5、实施民生工程,丰富文化生活。 Theimplementationoflivelihoodprojects,richculturallife. 6、注重科技,创造传奇。 Payattentiontoscienceandtechnology,createlegend. 7、彩虹风雨后,成功细节中。 Rainbowafterthestorm,thedetailsofsuccess. 8、实施民生工程,建设美好家园。 Theimplementationoflivelihoodprojects,buildingabetterh

9、精研博学,笃行仁德。 LappingknowledgeableDusingrende. 10、高中上职中,一样能成功。 Seniorhighschool,thesamecanbesuccessful. 11、求实踏实,落实诚实。 Pragmaticandhonest. 12、知识改变人生,科技创造未来! Knowledgechangeslife,scienceandtechnologycreatefuture ! 13、立志漫长清华园,刻苦方能未明湖。 DeterminedtothelongTsinghuaYuan,hardtobeunknownlak e. 14、用创新点缀人生,让科技融入理想! Lifewithinnovation,sothatscienceandtechnologyintotheide al! 15、短暂辛苦,终身幸福。 Shorthard,happylife. 16、以宇宙为教室,牵自然为宗师。 Intheclassroom,takenatureasthemaster. 17、纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行。 ThepapercomeZhongjueshallow,andmustknowthistopract


企业宣传标语 Corporation Propaganda Slogan 1.顾客满意是企业永恒的追求 Customer satisfy is the eternal pursue of corporation. 2.安全来于警惕,事故出于麻痹 Safety is from alert, and accident is from paralysis. 3.责任是质量的保证、质量是企业的生命 Responsibility is the assurence of quality, and quailty is the life of corporation. 4.有品质才有市场、有改善才有进步 Only quality posesses market, and improvement gets progress. 5.细节决定成败、勤奋成就人生 Details determine success or failure, and diligance creats life. 6.事故是最大的浪费、安全是最大的节约 Accident is largest waste, and safe is the greatest saving. 7.保护环境是责任、爱护环境是美德 Environment potection is our responsibility, and environment cherish is our virtue. 8.生产绿色产品、节约地球资源 output green products, and save our earth resources.

以质量求生存、以信誉求发展、以管理求效益 Survive by quality, development by credit, and effciency by management.

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