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CH2 物理层习题

CH2 物理层习题
CH2 物理层习题

CH2 物理层习题

2.1 典型习题与分析

【1】假定以2400bps 的速率在一条线路上发送10,000字节的文件.

a. 计算采用异步通信方式时在比特和时间上的开销。假定发送每个符号时1位开始


b. 计算采用同步通信方式时在比特和时间上的开销。假定数据是以帧的方式发送,


c. 如果发送100000个字符的文件,上述a, b 的答案又是什么?

d. 如果以9600bps 的速度发送100000个字符的文件,上述a, b 的答案又是什么? 解答: (a) 额外开销率=%201

1811=+++,而传输速率为2400b/s ,所以传输时间=


10000=s 。







=s ,所以总耗时为5.3335.310=?s 。



异步情况下的总耗时为41.67? 10=416.7s ,而同步情况下的总耗时为100?3.35=335s 。 (d)




=s ,


8048=s 。

所以总耗时为83.838383.0100=?s 。

【2】根据RS-232-C 标准,DTE 只有在哪四个电路都处于开状态(ON)的情况下才能发送数据? 解答:

(1) 请求发送RTS(针4) (2) 清送CTS(针5)

(3) 数据端接装置就绪DSR(针6) (4) 数据终端就绪DTR(针20)

【3】RS232C 接口如何在两个DTE 的直接连接中应用? 解答:

当两个DTE 距离较近(50英尺以内),并且未接DCE 时,可通过采用零调制解调器电缆来使用RS232C 接口。这种连接电缆利用交叉跳变信息线的方法,使得连接在电缆两端的DTE 通过电缆看对方都好像是DCE 一样,从而满足RS232C 接口的要求。零调制解调器电缆中,发送数据的插脚2和接收数据的插脚3交叉相连;插脚1和插脚7是接地信号,可直接连接在一起;插脚6、8和20被连接或跨接在一起,这样只要任何一个信号被激活,其它


【3】 比较一下在一个电话交换网络中和在一个(负载较轻的)分组交换网络中,沿着k 跳的路径发送一个x 位消息的延迟情况。电路建立的时间为s 秒,每一跳的传播延迟为d 秒,分组的大小为p 位,数据的传输速率为b bps 。在什么条件下分组网路的延迟比较短? 解答:

电路交换中:在t=s 时电路建立,t=s+x/b 时消息的最后一位被发送,t=s+x/b+k/d 时消息到达;

分组交换中:在t=x/b 时消息的最后一位被发送,为了能够到达目的地,最后一个包必须被中间的路由器传送k-1次,每次传输需要p/b 秒,所以总的时延为t=x/b+(k-1)p/b+kd 。

所以当s>(k-1)p/b 时分组网络的延迟较短。

【4】什么是ADSL ?什么是xDSL ? 解答:

ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line )——非对称数字线路。它是一种在普通电话线上传输数字信号的技术。这种技术是利用了普通电话线上原本没有使用的传输特性,这项技术的诞生才使普通电话线得到了充分的使用。

xDSL 是Bellcore 公司在 1987年为推动视频点播(VOD )业务而开发的用户线高速传输技术.基于双绞铜线的xDSL 技术,以其低成本实现用户线高速化而从新崛起,打破了高速通信由光缆独揽的局面。

【5】一个无噪声4kHz 信道每毫秒采样一次。问最大数据速率是多少? 解答:

不管采样速率如何,一个无噪声信道都可以运载任意大数量的信息,因为每个采样都可以发送大量信息。事实上,对于4kHz 信道,以高于每秒8kHz 的速率采样是没有意义的。现在每秒采样1000次,如果每次采样16位,数据速率可达16kb/s ,如果每次采样是1024位,则数据速率是1.024Mb/s 。当然,对于通常的4kHz 通道,由于受香农定理的限制,不可能达到这么高的速率。

【6】在50kHz 线路上使用T1载波需要多大的信噪比? 解答:

为发送T1信号,需要6210544.1)1(log ?=+


S B b/s ,而B = 50000 Hz ,得到


S ,故而dB N

S )(

=93)12lg(1031≈- dB 。

因此,在50kHz 线路上使用T1载波需要93dB 的信噪比。

【7】为什么把PCM 的采样时间设置成125us ? 解答:

125us 的采样时间对应于每秒8000次的采样。一个典型的电话通道是4kHz 。根据奈奎斯特定理,为获取一个在4kHz 通道中的全部信息需要每秒8000次的采样频率。

【8】使用每个信号元素8个电平级的传输方案在PSTN 上传输数据。如果PSTN 的带宽是3000Hz ,试求出Nyquist 最大数据传输速率C 和调制效率B 。 解答:

M W C 2log 2=,其中W =3000Hz ,M =8

所以C =2×3000×8log 2=18000b/s 。

B = R/W ,其中R =18000b/s ,W=3000Hz 所以B = 18000/3000 = 6 Hz 。

【9】 假定x 位用户数据将以一系列分组的形式,在一个分组交换网络中沿着一条共有k 跳的路径向前传输,每个分组包含p 位数据和h 位的头,这里x>>p+h 。线路的传输率为b bps ,传播延迟忽略不计。请问,什么样p 值使总延迟最小? 解答:

需要传输的总包数为x/p ,需要传输的总的数据为(p+h)x/p 位,发送端需要(p+h)x/pb 秒来发送这些位,最后一包数据在中间路由器之间传送需要的时间为(k-1)(p+h)/b 秒,所以总共需要的时间为(p+h)x/p +(k-1)(p+h)/b ,利用此式对p 求最小值,得到)1/(-=k hx p 。

【10】一个具有300Hz 带宽,3dB 信噪比的传真机信道的信道容量是多少? 解答:

SNR lg 103=,得到3.010=SNR 。所以B = 300Hz bps SNR B C 43.476)1(log 2=+=∴

【11】一个信道具有20Mbps 的信道容量和3MHz 的带宽,它的信噪比是多少? 解答:

根据香农容量公式)1(log 2SNR B C +=,将带宽W 和信道容量代入公式,得

83.100=SNR ,

所以,dB SNR dB 2083.100lg 10)(==


(1)300Baud (2) 600Baud (3) 1200Baud (4) 4800baud 解答:


2log R B M = , 所以714211


R B B =


(1) 7142381.8/11


R B B b s =



(2) 7142763.6/1111R B B b s =?== (3) 71421527.3/1111R B B b s =?== (4) 71426109.1/11


R B B b s =?=


【13】若在相隔1000 km 的两地间要传送3000比特的数据,可以通过电缆以48k b/s 的数据速率传送或通过卫星信道以50k b/s 的数据速率传送,问那种方式从发送方开始到接收方收到全部数据为止的时间较短? 解答: 通过电缆传输的时间=全部数据的传输时间+传播时间 =s s m km s kb 0675.0)/200/(1000/483000=+μ


s s s ms s



【14】T1载波的效率是多少?开销是多少? 解答:

T1载波也叫一次群,它是把24路话音信道按照时分多路的原理复用在一条1.544Mb/s 的高速信道上。在T1载波系统中,采用脉冲编码调制技术,对4 kHz 的话音信道按8 kHz 的速率采样,128级量化, 则每个话音信道的比特率是56 kb/s 。在该系统中,只用一个编码解码器轮流对24路话音信道进行采样、量化和编码,一个采样周期中(125μs )得到7位一组的数字合成一串,共7?24位长。这样的数字串在送入高速信道前要在每一个7位组的后面插入一个控制位(信令),于是变成了8?24=192位长的数字串。这192位数字组成一个帧,最后在加入一个用于帧同步的帧位,故帧长193位。如图2.15所示。每125μs 传送一帧,其中包含了各路话音信道的一组数字(共24组),还包含了24位的控制信息,以及1位帧同步信息。






【15】E1载波的效率是多少?开销是多少? 解答:

在在美国使用的时分多路复用标准是E1,以30路PCM 电话为一个基群(即E1,数据传输率为2.048 Mbps )。在E1载波中,每一帧的开始处有8位同步位,中间有8位用作信令,共有30路8位数据,全帧含256位,每一帧也用125μs 传送,所以数据传输速率为:


bit μM b/s 。







N -两个给定站点间转接的节点数;

L -报文长度(比特);

B -链路上的数据传输速率(b/s ); P -每个分组的长度(比特); H -每个分组的开销(比特);

S -电路交换或虚电路分组交换的呼叫建立时间(秒); D -每个转接点的转接延迟时间(秒)。

假设不需要确认,请分别计算电路交换、报文交换、虚电路分组交换和数据报分组交换的端到端延迟时间。假定N =3,D =0.001s ,S =0.2s ,L =3200bit ,P =1024bit ,H =16bit ,B =9600b/s 时,请分别计算这四种交换方式下延迟时间。 解答:

对电路交换,端到端延迟时间(t )=呼叫建立的时间(建立t )+报文传输时间(报文t ),

而S t =建立,B

L t =报文,所以B

L S t +

=。将S =0.2s ,L =3200bit 和B =9600b/s 代入,得


32002.0=+=t s 。

对报文交换,端到端延迟时间(t )=报文的传输时间(传输t )+ N × 报文在每个转

接节点的延迟时间(延迟t ),而B

L t =

传输,D =延迟t ,所以B

L D N t +

?=。将N =3,D =

0.001s ,L =3200bit 和B =9600b/s 代入,得336.09600


?=t s 。

对虚电路分组交换,端到端延迟时间(t )=虚电路建立的时间(建立t )+所有分组的传输时间(传输t )+ N × 分组在每个转接节点的延迟时间(延迟t ),而S t =建立,传输t =


D =延迟t ,其中报文被分解后的分组数=




,所以D N B

P H P L S t ?+???

? ??????? ??+??????-+1=,将N =3,D =0.001s ,

L =3200bit ,B =9600b/s ,P =1024bit ,H =16bit 和S =0.2s 代入,得63.0003.0427.02.0001.0396001024116102432002.0=++=?+??






?-+=t s 。

对数据报分组交换比虚电路分组交换,端到端延迟时间(t )只是没有虚电路的连接时间而已,因此t =所有分组的传输时间(传输t )+ N × 分组在每个转接节点的延迟时间(延迟t ),而传输t =数据传输速率

分组长度报文被分解后的分组数?,D =延迟t ,其中报文被分解后的分组





,所以L t S P N D B

P H ??

??+?+? ???-????=,将N =3,D =0.001s ,

L =3200bit ,B =9600b/s ,P =1024bit ,H =16bit 代入,得

3200102430.0010.4270.0030.439600102416t ?????+?=+= ???-????

=s 。

【17】画出比特流00111011011的曼彻斯特编码和差分曼彻斯特编码的波形(假设此比特流之前的最后一个比特的后半部分为高电平)。 解答:如图2.17所示。

曼彻斯特编码规则: 0-电平由高到低跳变, 1-电平由低到高跳变 差分曼彻斯特编码规则:0-起始位置电平有变化 ,1-起始位置电平没有变化










图2.17 题19用图

【18】采用PAM (相位幅度调制)技术在带宽为32KHz 的无噪声信道上传输数字信号,每个相位处都有两个不同幅度的电平。按照奈奎斯特公式,若要达到256Kb/s 的数据速率,至少要多少种不同的相位? 解答:


N W N B C 22log 2log == ,将W =32KHz ,C =256K b/s 代入,得到N =16。由于


2.2 课后习题解答

习题2-01 物理层要解决什么问题?物理层的主要特点是什么?

答:物理层考虑的是怎样才能在连接各种计算机的传输媒体上传输数据比特流,而不是指连接计算机的具体的物理设备或具体的传输媒体。现有的网络中物理设备和传输媒体种类繁多,通信手段也有许多不同的方式。物理层的作用正是要尽可能地屏蔽掉这些差异,使数据链路层感觉不到这些差异,这样数据链路层只需要考虑如何完成本层的协议和服务,而不必考虑网络具体的传输媒体是什么。物理层的重要任务是确定与传输媒体的接口的一些特性。习题2-02 试给出数据通信系统的模型并说明其主要组成构件的作用。










习题2-03 试解释以下名词:数据、信号、模拟数据、模拟信号、数字数据、数字信号、单工通信、半双工通信、全双工通信。











习题2-04 物理层的接口有哪几个特性?各包含什么内容?








习题2-06 用香农公式计算一下:假定信道带宽为3100Hz,最大信息传输速率为35kb/s,那么若想使最大信息传输速率增加60%。问信噪比S/N应增大到多少倍?如果在刚才计算出的基础上将信噪比S/N再增大到10倍,问最大信息传输速率能否再增加20%?





外贸函电翻译参考答案 WEIHUA system office room 【WEIHUA 16H-WEIHUA WEIHUA8Q8-

Lesson 2 1. We avail ourselves of this opportunity to introduce to you as a foreign-invested corporation specializing in arts and crafts. 2. We want to acquaint ourselves with the supply position of steel products。 3 We are enclosing a cope of pricelist. have 28 distributors across the world. 5. We are one of the leading exporters of Chinese industrial products and are desirous of entering into business relations you. Lesson 3 are a dealer in Egypt.。 2. I have?2 years of?follow-up purchase orders and shipping experience 3. We have pictures of sports shoes selling well in UK. 4. We are sending some samples and brochures under separate cover for your reference. 5. We are interested in the electric appliance in your sample. Please kindly send your quotations to us. 6. We’d like to inform that you’ll find our new products are at Stand 16. Lesson 4 1. We are looking for a reliable supplier who can provide us the laptop. 2. I would like to buy computers and computer parts. Please send me a detailed pricelist with min. Order and shipping costs.


第二章前6节习题解答 P35 §1 1.全体整数集合对于普通减法来说是不是一个群? 解 ∵减法不满足结合律,∴全体整数对于减法不构成群。 2.举出一个有两个元的群例子。 解 }11{-,对于普通乘法构成一个群。 ]}1[]0{[,对于运算][][][j i j i +=+构成群。 ]}2[]1{[,对于运算][]][[ij j i =构成群。 它们都是两个元的群。 3. 设G 是一个非空集合,”“ο是一个运算。若①”“ο运算封闭;②结合律成立;③G 中存在 右单位元R e :G a ∈?,有a ae R =;④G a ∈?,G a R ∈?-1,有R R e aa =-1。则G 是一个群。 证(仿照群第二定义的证明) 先证R R R e a a aa ==--1 1。 ∵G a R ∈-1,∴G a ∈?',使R R e a a =-'1, ∴R R R R R R R R R R R e a a a e a a aa a a a a a e a a a a ======--------''')()')(()(11111111,R R e a a =?-1。 ∴R R R e a a aa ==--11。 再证a ae a e R R ==,即R e 是单位元。 G a ∈?,已证R R R e a a aa ==--11,∴a a e a ae a a a a aa a e R R R R R =?====--)()(1 1。 ∴a ae a e R R ==。即R e 就是单位元e 。再由e a a aa R R ==--11得到1 -R a 就是1-a 。 这说明:G 中有单位元, G a ∈?都有逆元1-a 。 ∴G 是一个群。 P38 §2 1. 若群G 的每一个元都适合方程e x =2,那么G 是可交换的。 证∵ 12,-=?=∈?x x e x G x 。 ∴。b b a a G b a 11,,--==?∈? ∴ba ba b a ab ===---111)(。 ∴ba ab =,即G 是可换群。 2.在一个有限群中阶大于2的元的个数一定是偶数。 证 令a 是有限群G 中一个阶2>的元,∵互逆元是同阶的,∴1-a 的阶也大于2,且a a ≠-1 (若矛盾的阶与2,21>=?=-a e a a a )。 设G 中还有阶2>的元b ,且1,-≠≠a b a b ,∴1-b 的阶也大于2,且b b ≠-1。


Unit 2 Establishing Business Relations & Inquiring Credit Reference I. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. We are one of the leading importers dealing in electronic products in the area, and take this opportunity to approach you, in the hoping of establishing business relations. 2. We have been engaged in handling importing and exporting of machinery and equipment for many years, and our products have enjoyed great popularity in many countries. 3. We owe your name and address to the Commercial Counselor’s office of our Embassy in Beijing. 4. We are given to understand that you are a manufacturer of daily chemicals. One of our clients intends to buy cosmetics from your country. We will appreciate it highly if you airmail the catalogue and price list of the goods available at present. 5. For our credit standing, please refer to the Bank of China, Shanghai Branch. II. Write a letter Dear Sirs, We have obtained your name and address from the Commercial Counsel of your Embassy in Beijing and are pleased to write to establish business relations with you. We are informed that you are in the market for Chinese Cotton Piece Goods, and this item falls with the scope of our business activities. To acquaint you with our goods available for export, we are enclosing a catalogue and price list. We are looking forward to your early reply. Faithfully yours, Unit 3 Enquiries and Replies II. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Please quote us your best price CIF Shanghai, including our 3% commission. 2. Should your price be found competitive, we intend to place an order with you for 300,000 yards of Cotton Cloth. 3. One of our customers is now interested in the Qingdao Haier Refrigerator made in your country. Please offer CIF London for 400 sets to be delivered in April.

Windows Server 2008系统管理ch2-习题参考答案

Ch2 【思考题】 1.在Windows Server 2008系统中设置资源共享有哪两种方式?每种方式需要怎样的步骤?参考答案: 在Windows Server 2008系统中设置资源共享可以通过以下两种途径: (1)在文件服务器中设置资源共享 (2)使用简单文件夹共享方式 其中第一种“在文件服务器中设置资源共享”的步骤主要包括: 1.打开“服务器管理器”,依次展开“角色”和“文件服务”,选择“文件服务”中的 “共享和存储管理”,此时窗口中部就会列出当前系统中所共享的文件夹列表; 2.单击窗口右部“操作”区域的“设置共享”链接,弹出“设置共享文件夹向导”对 话框。在“设置共享文件夹向导”对话框的“共享文件夹位置”步骤,通过“浏览” 按钮或直接在编辑框中输入文件夹地址来选定要进行共享设置的文件夹,然后单击 “下一步”; 3.在“NTFS权限”步骤中根据需要选择是否要更改文件夹的NTFS权限。指定NTFS权 限可以控制具体用户和用户组在本地访问文件夹; 4.在接下来的“共享协议”步骤中可以逐一选择可供用户访问共享文件夹的协议。有 SMB和NFS(必须在服务器上安装网络文件系统服务方可选中该项)两种方式可供选 择; 5.如选择通过“SMB”共享协议方式共享文件夹,则在接下来的“SMB设置”步骤中还 需要给共享文件夹添加相应的描述,并进行相关的高级设置,如指定能同时访问共 享文件夹的用户数量限制等等;接下来还需要在“SMB权限”步骤中为基于SMB的共 享文件夹访问指定共享权限。可以通过选择某个单选项来为所有用户或用户组指定 统一的访问权限,也可以选择“用户和组具有自定义共享权限”后单击“权限”按 钮,针对特定的用户或用户组进行单独的访问权限设置; 6.在下一步骤中可以将共享文件夹发布到现有的DFS命名空间中,并指定该文件夹在 命名空间中的新名称; 7.在“复查设置并创建共享”步骤中可以集中审查在前述各步骤中所做的设置。如有 需要修改的地方,可以单击对话框左侧的步骤链接返回到相应的步骤进行修改;如 果没有问题,则可单击“创建”按钮正式开始共享文件夹的设置。完成后“设置共 享文件夹向导”对话框会自动跳转到“确认”步骤,提示用户相关的文件夹共享设 置已经完成。 第二种“使用简单文件夹共享方式”的步骤主要包括: 1.在需要进行共享的文件夹上右击,在弹出菜单上选择“共享”菜单项(或单击文件 夹所在的窗口上方的“共享”按钮),然后弹出“文件共享”对话框; 2.在“文件共享”对话框中输入想要共享的用户或用户组名称,然后单击“添加”按


2.1 2.2 2.3 掷一枚硬币定义一个随机过程: cos t 出现正面 X(t) 2t 出现反面 设“出现正面” 和“出现反面” 的概率相等。试求: ( 1 ) X(t) 的一维分布函数F X (x,1 2) , F X (x,1); (2) X(t)的二维分布函数F X ( x1, x2 ;1 2,1) ; (3)画出上述分布函数的图形。 2.3 解: 1) 一维分布为:F X (x;0.5) 0.5u x 0.5u x 1 F X (x;1) 0.5u x 1 0.5u x 2

X (0.5) 0, X (1) 1 , 依概率 0.5发生 X (0.5) 1, X (1) 2 ,依概率 0.5发生 二维分布函数为 F ( x 1, x 2 ;0.5,1) 0.5u x 1,x 2 1 0.5u x 1 1,x 2 2 2.4 假定二进制数据序列 {B(n), n=1, 2, 3, , .} 是伯努利随机序列, 其每一位数据对 应随机变量 B(n) ,并有概率 P[B(n)=0]=0.2 和 P[B(n)=1]=0.8 。试问, ( 1)连续 4 位构成的串为 {1011}的概率是 多少? (2)连续 4 位构成的串的平均串是什么? ( 3)连续 4 位构成的串中,概率最大的 是 (2) cos X(t) c 2o t s 出现正面 出现反面

什么? ( 4 )该序列是可预测的吗?如果见到10111后,下一位可能是什么? 2.4 解: 解:(1) P 1011 P B n 1 P B n 1 0 P B n 2 1 P B n 3 1 0.8 0.2 0.8 0.8 0.1024 2)设连续 4 位数据构成的串为B(n) , B(n+1) ,B(n+2) ,B(n+3) ,n=1, 2, 3,?. 其中B(n) 为离散随机变量,由题意可 知,它们是相互独立,而且同分布的。 所以有: 3 k 串(4bit 数据)为:X (n) 2k B(n k), k0 其矩特性为: 因为随机变量B(n) 的矩为:


第二章关系数据库 本章系统地讲解了关系数据库的重要概念,并着重对关系模型进行了阐述。 关系模型包括关系数据结构、关系操作集合以及关系完整性约束三个组成部分。本章分别对这三个部分的内容进行了详细的分析与论述。 一、基本知识点 关系模型和关系数据库是《数据库系统概论》一书的重点,在全书中占有较大的篇幅(包括第二、三、四、五章)。因此,掌握本章的关键内容是学习后续各章的基础。 (1)需要了解的:关系数据库理论产生和发展的过程,关系数据库产品的发展及沿革;关系演算的概念;域关系演算语言不包括在本科教学大纲内。 (2)需要牢固掌握的:关系模型的三个组成部分及各部分所包括的主要内容;牢固关系数据结构及其形式化定义;关系的三类完整性约束的概念。 (3)需要举一反三的:关系代数(包括抽象的语言及具体的语言);关系代数中的各种运算(包括并、交、差、选择、投影、连接、除及广义笛卡儿积等)、元组关系演算语言ALPHA及域关系演算语言QBE等,能够使用这些语言完成各种数据操纵。 (4)难点:本章的难点在于关系代数。由于关系代数较为抽象,因此在学习的过程中一定要结合具体的实例进行学习。同时,要注意把握由具体语言到抽象语言的原则,即通过对具体语言如ALPHA和QBE的学习过渡到对抽象的关系演算的把握。 二、习题解答和解析 1、试述关系模型的三个组成部分。 答 关系模型由关系数据结构、关系操作集合和关系完整性约束三部分组成。 2、试述关系数据语言的特点和分类。 答 关系数据语言可以分为三类: 关系代数语言例如ISBL 元组关系演算语言例如APLHA,QUEL 关系数据语言关系演算语言 域关系演算语言例如QBE 具有关系代数和关系演算双重特点的语言例如SQL 这些关系数据语言的共同特点是:具有完备的表达能力;是非过程化的集合操作语言;功能强;能够嵌入高级语言中使用。 3、定义并理解下列术语,说明它们之间的联系与区别: (1)域,笛卡儿积,关系,元组,属性 答


Lesson 2 1. We avail ourselves of this opportunity to introduce to you as a foreign-invested corporation specializing in arts and crafts. 2. We want to acquaint ourselves with the supply position of steel products。 3 We are enclosing a cope of pricelist. have 28 distributors across the world. 5. We are one of the leading exporters of Chinese industrial products and are desirous of entering into business relations you. Lesson 3 are a dealer in Egypt.。 2. I have?2 years of?follow-up purchase orders and shipping experience 3. We have pictures of sports shoes selling well in UK. 4. We are sending some samples and brochures under

separate cover for your reference. 5. We are interested in the electric appliance in your sample. Please kindly send your quotations to us. 6. We'd like to inform that you'll find our new products are at Stand 16. Lesson 4 1. We are looking for a reliable supplier who can provide us the laptop. 2. I would like to buy computers and computer parts. Please send me a detailed pricelist with min. Order and shipping costs. 3 Regarding the model we attached here, our target price is for our market. 4. We allow you a discount of 3% for quantity over 1000 pieces of the offered item. 5. As regards our financial standing, please refer to the Bank of China, Shanghai Branch. Lesson 5

CH2 物理层习题

CH2 物理层习题 2.1 典型习题与分析 【1】假定以2400bps 的速率在一条线路上发送10,000字节的文件. a. 计算采用异步通信方式时在比特和时间上的开销。假定发送每个符号时1位开始 位,1位停止位和8比特的数据位,其中数据位中不包含校验位。 b. 计算采用同步通信方式时在比特和时间上的开销。假定数据是以帧的方式发送, 每帧包含1000个字符=8000比特,同时有48比特的控制位开销。 c. 如果发送100000个字符的文件,上述a, b 的答案又是什么? d. 如果以9600bps 的速度发送100000个字符的文件,上述a, b 的答案又是什么? 解答: (a) 额外开销率=%201 1811=+++,而传输速率为2400b/s ,所以传输时间= 67.41240 10000=s 。 (b) 系统的开销率为 %59.0%10048 800048=?+,所以额外开销为4801048=?比特,因此传输一帧所需的时间为 35.32400 8048 =s ,所以总耗时为5.3335.310=?s 。 (c) 异步、同步额外开销不变。 异步情况下的总耗时为41.67? 10=416.7s ,而同步情况下的总耗时为100?3.35=335s 。 (d) 异步情况下的总耗时为 2.10410 /960010000 =s , 而而同步情况下的总耗时8383.09600 8048=s 。 所以总耗时为83.838383.0100=?s 。 【2】根据RS-232-C 标准,DTE 只有在哪四个电路都处于开状态(ON)的情况下才能发送数据? 解答: (1) 请求发送RTS(针4) (2) 清送CTS(针5) (3) 数据端接装置就绪DSR(针6) (4) 数据终端就绪DTR(针20) 【3】RS232C 接口如何在两个DTE 的直接连接中应用? 解答: 当两个DTE 距离较近(50英尺以内),并且未接DCE 时,可通过采用零调制解调器电缆来使用RS232C 接口。这种连接电缆利用交叉跳变信息线的方法,使得连接在电缆两端的DTE 通过电缆看对方都好像是DCE 一样,从而满足RS232C 接口的要求。零调制解调器电缆中,发送数据的插脚2和接收数据的插脚3交叉相连;插脚1和插脚7是接地信号,可直接连接在一起;插脚6、8和20被连接或跨接在一起,这样只要任何一个信号被激活,其它

CH7 课后习题答案

《风险机制及投资组合理论》习题: 1. 证券的系统性风险又称为: (1)预想到的风险;(2)独特的或资产专有的风险;(3)市场风险;(4)基本风险。 2. 证券的非系统性风险又称为: (1)预想到的风险;(2)独特的或资产专有的风险;(3)市场风险;(4)基本风险。 3. 哪种风险可以通过多样化来消除: (1)预想到的风险;(2)系统性风险;(3)市场风险;(4)非系统性风险。 4. 下面哪种说法是正确的? (1)系统性风险对投资者不重要; (2)系统性风险可以通过多样化来消除; (3)承担风险的回报独立于投资的系统性风险; (4)承担风险的回报取决于系统性风险。 5. 系统性风险可以用什么来衡量? (1)贝塔系数;(2)相关系数;(3)收益率的标准差;(4)收益率的方差。 6. 你拥有的投资组合30%投资于A 股票,20%投资于B 股票,10%投资于C 股票, 40%投资于D 股票。这些股票的贝塔系数分别为1.2、0.6、1.5和0.8。请计算组合的贝塔系数。 7. 你的投资组合包含3种证券:无风险资产和2只股票,它们的权重都是1/3,如果 其中一只股票的贝塔系数等于1.6,而整个组合的系统性风险与市场是一样的,那么另一只股票的贝塔系数等于多少? 8. 假定投资者的效用函数为:22 1 σA R U - =(下同)。投资国库券可以提供7%确定的收益率,而某一资产组合的预期收益率和标准差均为20%。,如果他的风险厌恶度为4,他会作出怎样的投资选择?如果他的风险厌恶度为8呢? 9. 某投资者的效用函数为:22 1 σA R U - =。国库券的收益率为6%,而某一资产组合的预期收益率和标准差分别为14%和20%。要使该投资者更偏好风险资产组合,其风险厌恶度不能超过多少?要是该投资者更偏好国库券,其风险厌恶度不能低于多少? 10. 假设股票市场的预期收益率和标准差分别为18%和16%,而黄金的预期收益率和标准差分别为8%和22%。 (1) 如果投资者都喜欢高收益、低风险,那么黄金是否可能有人愿意投资? 如果愿意的话请用图示原因。 (2) 假设黄金和股票市场的相关系数等于1,那么是否还有人愿意持有黄金? 如果上述假定的数字都是现实数据,那么此时市场是否均衡? 11. 在以预期收益率为纵轴、标准差为横轴的坐标图上,画出如下投资者的无差异曲线(提示:从0%-25%选择几个可能的标准差的值,在给定效用水平和投资者风险厌恶度下,找出与这些标准差相对应的预期收益率,然后把这些预期收益率和标准差组合点连成一条线。): (1) A=2,效用水平等于6%; (2) A=4,效用水平等于5%;


选择题 第二单元:询价与回复 一:1.You name D. has been recommended to us by the Chamber of Commerce in New York.. 2. Our market survey informs us that you are A. in the market for Audio and Electronic Equipment. 3. We should be pleased to receive you’re A. illustrated catalogue and price list. 4. We are B. well-established exporters of all kinds of Chinese good. 5. If your price are competitive, we are confident D. in selling the goods in great quantities in this market. 6. We shall appreciate B. your quoting us FOB Sydney. 7. As we are one of the leading importers in this line, we are B. in a position to handle large quantities. 第三单元:资信调查 一:1.For information D. concerning our credit standing we refer you to Bank of China, Shanghai Branch. 2. We should be grateful if you would say C. whether they are likely to be reliable for a credit up to USS20.000. 3. Any information you kindly give us will be treated in strict confidence and A. without any responsibility on your part. 4. Will you please inform us, B. in confidence, of the extent of their resources and also as to their reputation? 5. D. While appreciating your decision to place regular orders with us, we respectfully request that you furnish us two references for the initial purchase. 第四单元:促销 1.(C、Having made)a special purchase of toys on very favorable terms, we are able to offer to you at the following attractive prices 2 we can only(A、hold open)this very advantageous offer for a few weeks.. 3 the recent advance in the cost of raw materials (B、has compelled)us to make a slight increase in the Prices 4 although costs have been (C、rising)steadily since last October , we have not yet (raised)our prices 5 (B、with a view to )supporting your sales, we are sending some samples of our new makes. 第五单元:报盘与还盘 1A comparison of your offer (A、with that of )our regular suppliers shows that their figures are more favorable. 2 If your prices are competitive, we are confident(D、in selling)the goods in great quantities in this market. 3 we confirm our fax just sent (A、offering you firm)these goods. 4 we offer you the following items(D、subject to)your reply reaching here by 4p.m today our time. 5 although we appreciate good quality of your goods, we are sorry to say that your prices appears to be(C、on the high side). 6 we trust that we may be (C、favored)with a continuance of your valued orders. 7 we hope that you will see your way to (B、grant)us your order, and assure you in advance of its most careful execution 8 not having heard from you since, we should be glad to know whether there is any disadvantage in our terms which we could (B、remove). 9 you are (C、assured)that we will quote our best prices as soon as we are told what products of ours you need. 10 in all probability this offer will not be (A、repeated)for some time, and we according look forward to receiving an early reply from you. 第六单元: 订单 一、Fill in the blanks with your choices 1.This order the sample you sent us on March 24.(A、is placed on) 2.We hope you will give your usual best attention this order.(B、to the execution of) 3.We have decided to place a trial order for the following stated in your letter.(B、on the terms) 4.we would like to supply you with the product, we are unable to fill your order owing to the heavy backlog of commitments. (B、Much as) 5.We must apologize you being unable to fill your present order.(D、To… for ) 6.We have accepted your Order No.234. Please open the relevant L/C,here two weeks prior to the date of shipment.(A、which must reach) 7.We are enclosing our latest catalogue some of the items may be of interest to you.(C、in the hope that) 8.The order is given strictly on the condition that shipment must be made not later than the first day of May.(B、enclosed) 第七单元:支付 一、单选 1.As requested, we have immediately arranged (A、with) our bankers to extend the expiry date of our L/C for two weeks (up to) 10th March. 2.As arranged, we would ask you to open an irrevocable credit in (C、our) favor and shall hand over shipping documents (against) acceptance of our draft. 3.We inform you that we have opened an irrevocable credit (D、with) the London Bank in your favor. 4.We advised the bank to amend the clause (D、to read)“partial shipment are permitted”. 5.We enclose our cheque for US$ 200 (A、in payment of) your invoice No.D-124. 第九单元:保险 一:选择题 1: please insure the goods (A、against) F.P.A. for US 100,000. 注:against加险别for加保额 2: please effect insurance (D、on) the cargo for US50,000 by S.S.Bright from Tianjin to seattle. 3: we have opened insurance you ordered for US9,000 (D、on) the shipment by S.S.East sun. 4: we wish to renew the above policy (C、for) the same amount and (on)the same terms as before to cover our consignment to be shipped b s.s.bright next month. 5: as requester, we have covered insurance (on) 20,000 DVD players (at) 10% above the invoice value (against) all risks. 6: unless we hear from you (A、to) the contrary before the end of this month, we shall arrange to cover the goods against t p a for the value of the goods plus freight. 7: any additional coverage(险别)other (B、than) ISS shall be for the account of the buyer. 8: we confirm that we hold the consignment covered as (from) today. 9: we have arranged (A、for) surveyor to investigate the extent of the damage and shall forward his report together with our claim. 10: we understand that these terms will apply (C、to)all our shipments of bottled sherry by regular liners to west European ports. 完形填空 第二单元:Fill in each blank in the letter below with a word that fits naturally.

史蒂芬 威廉森 宏观经济学 第四版 课后题答案 最新Solution_CH2

Chapter 2 Measurement Textbook Question Solutions Questions for Review 1. Product, income, and expenditure approaches. 2. For each producer, value added is equal to the value of total production minus the cost of intermediate inputs. 3. This identity emphasizes the point that all sales of output provide income somewhere in the economy. The identity also provides two separate ways of measuring total output in the economy. 4. GNP is equal to GDP (domestic production) plus net factor payments from abroad. Net factor payments represent income for domestic residents that are earned from production that takes place in foreign countries. 5. GDP provides a reasonable approximation of economic welfare. However, GDP ignores the value of nonmarket economic activity. GDP also measures only total income without reference to how that income is distributed. 6. Measured GDP does not include production in the underground economy, which is difficult to estimate. GDP also measures the value of government spending at its cost of production, which may be greater or less than its true value. 7. The largest component is consumption, which represents about 2/3 of GDP. 8. Investment is equal to private, domestic expenditure on goods and services (Y ? G ? NX) minus consumption. Investment includes residential investment, nonresidential investment, and inventory investment. 9. National defense spending represents about 5% of GDP. 10. GDP values production at market prices. Real GDP compares different years’ production at a specific set of prices. These prices are those that prevailed in the base year. Real GDP is therefore a weighted average of individual production levels. The weights are determined according to prevailing relative prices in the base year. Because relative prices change over time, comparisons of real GDP across time can differ according to the chosen base year.


Ch3 I. Choose the best answer: 1.The letter we sent last week is an enquiry ______colour TV sets. A. about B. for C. of D. as 2.We will consider ______your terms of payment. A. accepted B. to accept C. accepting D. accept 3.Should your price ______reasonable, we will place an order _______you. A. is, with B. are, from C. is, from D. be, with 4.We are pleased to say that we are ______to supply you ______the goods you want. A. of a position, for B. at a position, for C. in a position, with D. at a position, with 5.One of our clients is ______the market _______Men's Shirt. A. on, of B. at, with C. in, for D. with, at 6.There is a steady demand here ______leather gloves of high quality. A. in B. of C. for D. on 7._______your prices are right, you will find a ready market for your products. A. Should B. To provide C. Provided D. Provide 8.We can supply all items ______the requirements of a fashionable trade as yours. A. to be met B. to meeting C. to meet D. meet 9.We find your terms ______and now send you our Order No.1234. A. satisfied B. satisfaction C. satisfactory D. satisfactorily 10.CIF stands ______cost, insurance and freight. A. by B. as C. like D. for BCACC CCCCD II. Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions: 1.Please send us ______airmail your export catalogue showing the different lines ______which you chiefly deal. 2.______ your request, we have pleasure ______sending you herewith a copy of our catalogue. 3.We are in the market ______China Black Tea and shall be pleased if you will let us have your catalogue together ______price lists. 4.This is ______reply to your enquiry of April 4 and we are now sending you a quotation sheet ______your consideration. 5.We regret to inform you that we are not ______a position to supply you ______the captioned goods. 6.As the goods you enquire ______for are ______a short supply, we are offering you Art. No. 123 as a substitute. 7.The goods we quote ______ is very close ______your specifications. 8.You may be pleased to learn that there is a great demand here ______your Green Tea _____our district. 9.We are large dealers ______native products and feel confident there is a promising market ______moderately priced goods of the kind mentioned. 10.We shall be pleased if you will make us an offer ______Five Rams Brand Bicycles ______ your most favourable price. 11.Please send us your price list for New Crop Soybeans , ______which we can place a large order ______prompt shipment.

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