当前位置:文档之家› 20个在线代码编辑器和开发工具




1. BluePen Editor

BluePen Editor is a PHP-powered CSS editor that can be installed to any static or dynamic website and makes live CSS editing possible. Once triggered (with a bookmarklet), it opens the editor widget and makes all HTML elements hoverable so that blupePen can locate the CSS rules of them (like Chrome Dev Tools).


2. Dirty Markup Dirty Markup is a free web-based application for cleaning up such code very easily. It has support for HTML(5), CSS and JavaScript by combining the powers of the popular HTML Tidy, CSS Tidy and JS Beautify.

The editor used is the simple + functional AceEditor and there are multiple options for each beautifier to get the best



3. Rendra Online HTML5 Editor Rendera is an online HTML5 editor which renders a realtime preview of your current work also transform your current work into CSS, Rendera supports HAML and SASS. Rendera makes learning HTML5 and CSS3 easy and it is built with CoffeeScript and Sinatra.


4. Maqetta Maqetta is an open source project that provides WYSIWYG visual authoring of HTML5 user interfaces. The Maqetta application itself is authored in HTML, and therefore runs in the browser without requiring additional plugins or downloads. Maqetta is available under a commercial-friendly open source license. You can download the source code and install it on your own server,

customize the code to fit your needs and/or contribute improvements to the open source project.


5. Amy Editor Amy Editor is a collaborative text and source code editor for developers. It support JavaScript, Ruby, PHP, C#, Java, HTML, YAML, etc… programming languages. It has Syntax Highlighting, Smart indentation for each language, Code folding, Unlimited undo/redo, Customizable key shortcuts, etc… You c an easily change the color themes of the editor easily.


6. JS Bin JS Bin is a webapp specifically designed to help JavaScript and CSS folk test snippets of code, within some context, and debug the code collaboratively.

JS Bin allows you to edit and test JavaScript and HTML.

Once you’re happy you can save, and send the URL to a peer for review or help. They can then make further changes saving anew if required.


7. CSSDesk CSSDesk is an Online CSS Sandbox. It allows people to quickly test snippets of CSS code, and watch the result appear live. I had very high ambitions for the project. There are line numbers and syntax highlighting appear live in the text box as you type. One of the greatest things is that it allows users to share their code with others as well.


8. Editpad EditPad is simple and minimal. No syntax highlighting, no project management…Just a plain page to type your text without any distractions.


9. RegExr RegExr is an online tool for editing and testing Regular Expressions (RegExp / RegEx). It provides a simple interface to enter RegEx expressions, and visualize matches in real-time editable source text. It also provides a handy RegExp snippet sidebar with descriptions and usage examples to make it easier to learn Regular Expressions through trial and error.


10. Codeanywhere Codeanywhere is a code editor in a browser with an integrated ftp client, and all popular web formats are supported (HTML, PHP, JavaScript, CSS, and XML).


11. 9ne 9ne (Pronounced Nine) is a nice online text editor, based on the well known GNU Emacs. 9ne provides most of the basic Emacs functionalities and currently supports XML and Javascript syntax highlighting modes.


12. Drawter Drawter is a tool written in JavaScript and based on jQuery library. It provides you the possibility to literally draw your website’s code. It runs on every single web-browser which makes it really useful and helpful. Each tag is presented as a layer you have drawn.


13. Shift Edit Shift Edit provides code completion, syntax highlighting, live editing, revision history and many more.


14. Darkcopy DarkCopy is a simple, full-screen text editor for distraction free writing. DarkCopy is for anyone who enjoys the simplicity of a typewriter, and wants to increase productivity by focusing only on writing.


15. jsFiddle jsFiddle is a shell editor that eases writing JavaScript code by creating a custom environment based on popular JS frameworks. You can select the framework & the version of your choice (MooTools, jQuery, Dojo, Prototype, YUI, Glow,Vanilla). Also, if there is, you can add a complimentary framework like jQuery UI or MooTools More A great feature is the ability to save & share the code created with a unique URL generated. Optionally, jsFiddle has an embedding feature too. It is an almost perfect platform for trying & sharing your JavaScript code without the need of a website.


16. Cloud9IdE Cloud9 IDE is an open source application that aims to provide a powerful and focused IDE for JavaScript developers. It is powered by the https://www.doczj.com/doc/5413786039.html, platform + makes use of HTML5, node.js, socket.io and many other projects. The application has a pretty fast text editor with bundled syntax highlighting support for JS, HTML, CSS and mixed modes. Cloud9 IDE has integrated debuggers for node.js and Google Chrome which can be started, paused and stopped from the IDE.


17. Dabblet Dabblet is an interactive playground for quickly testing snippets of CSS and HTML code. It uses

-prefix-free, so that you won’t have to add any prefixes in your CSS code. You can save your work in Github gists, embed it in other websites and share it with others.


18. JS Hint JSHint is a community-driven tool to detect errors and potential problems in JavaScript code and to enforce your team’s coding conventions. It is very flexible so you can easily adjust it to your particular coding guidelines and the environment you expect your code to execute in. The goal is to help JavaScript developers write complex programs without worrying about typos and language gotchas.


19. jsdo.it jsdo.it is a coding community for front-end engineers such as web designers, mark-up engineers, and JavaScript engineers. This is an online editor where you can try running your codes as you write. You can save your codes online as well as show them to the public as your work. Don’t worry even if you are not confident in your skill! Arrange shared codes and learn cutting-edge techniques.


20. Gist Box

Finally I am adding Gist Box which lets you easily organize code snippets. Your library is saved to the cloud for backup. Never worry about snippets getting lost in the shuffle. GistBox was built on standard HTML5 technologies. On the go or at the office, you’ll always have GistBox.


个程序员专用的代码编 辑器 TPMK standardization office【 TPMK5AB- TPMK08- TPMK2C- TPMK18】

9个程序员专用的代码文本编辑器 下面是笔者总结的 9 个最好的免费代码文本编辑器: 1. NOTEPAD++ NOTEPAD++是一款免费又优秀的文本编辑器,支持在 MS Windows 环境下运行的多种编程语言。NOTEPAD++支持超过 50 种编程、脚本和标记语言的语法高亮显示和代码折叠,能让用户迅速减小或扩大代码段以便查阅整个文档。用户也可以手动设置当前语言,覆盖默认语言。该程序还支持自动完成某些编程语言的 API 子集。 2. VIM VIM 是一个可高度自由配置的文本编辑器。它是 vi 编辑器的改进版,同时也是免费软件。该应有程序的建立是为了处理代码以及其他很多事情,而不只是为了写电子邮件和打开配置文件。它允许你编辑文本并保存简单的文本文件,但它的主要功能是还是编辑代码。它支持语法高亮显示和行编号,这是写程序必备的两个基本功能。用户也可以改变界面颜色以便增加代码的可视性。 对于文本编辑,VIM 这个程序囊括了多种语言的拼写检查器,并有建议如何更正拼写错误的能力。甚至是当你正在编写代码的时候,它也能派上用场,因为该应用程序只检查不被识别为代码的文本。当然你也可以快速地从这个错误跳到下一个以便更好地校对文本。 VIM 是程序员和开发人员应对各种文本编辑的最佳选择。 3. GNU Emacs

Emacs 是一个可移植、可扩展、免费的文本编辑器。 Emacs 提供了一些命令来管理语句和段落,高亮的语法使得源代码更易于阅读,以及“键盘宏”的方式来执行用户定义的编辑命令。 Emacs 可以在若干个操作系统上运行,无论你使用的是哪一种机器类型。这让程序员非常受用。如果你使用的是通用的编程语言,Emacs 还会为你提供模式以及相应的排版和布局,更加方便你编辑代码。 Emacs 或许不是最简单的工具,但它绝对是最强大的编辑器之一。相比 vim,Emacs 的启动时间更长,所需要的内存也更多。但是,它是高度可定制的,并且包括了大量的功能。 4. SUBLIME TEXT SUBLIME TEXT 是一个超棒的免费软件/商业性质的文本编辑器。漂亮的用户界面、卓越的功能和令人惊叹的性能一定会让你爱不释手。它可用于 Windows、Mac OS X 和 Linux 系统,并且是免费试用的,而且这个免费时间没有限制。当然你也可以花费 70 美元买个完整的许可证。一份许可证就能允许你在自己拥有的多台计算机上使用,不管每一台计算机使用的是什么操作系统。 5. ATOM Atom 是一款由 GitHub 开发的,支持用 Node.js 编写插件和嵌入Git Contral,面向 Mac OS X、GNU/ Linux 和 Windows 的免费的开源文本和源代码编辑器。没人愿意将时间浪费在配置自己的编辑器上面,于是ATOM 横空出世。它预装了所有你期望一个现代化的文本编辑器所应该具备


html网页编辑代码大全详细使用方法 添加音乐 注册会员登录首页开通窝窝QQ-交流群站内娱乐颜色代码搜索帖子《声色具全》Summer°啦啦之乖乖宝贝啦啦&毛毛《简粉粉色》莫晓晓《简约蓝色》莫晓晓rose.《简约灰色》莫晓晓圣诞女孩【星期⒏音乐论坛】用心聆听,这里有你想要的声音。?【资源共享】?【论坛HTML帖子常用代码】-发现代码贴好看,不懂的,有兴趣的可以研究下。 网页搜索站内搜索搜索 返回列表回复发帖 发新话题发布投票发布悬赏发布辩论发布活动发布视频发布商品沵旳"唯1。发短消息 加为好友 沵旳"唯1。(只能a1自己。)当前离线 那些所谓d2情〃 UID21618帖子866精华42积分9318威望976金钱3587贡献1450阅读权限150性别女来自寂’在线时间248小时注册时间2009-11-29最后登录2010-3-1 ?星期⒏管理版主? UID21618帖子866精华42积分9318威望976金钱3587贡献1450阅读权限150性别女来自寂’在线时间248小时注册时间2009-11-29最后登录2010-3-1 【楼主】 打印字体大小:tT发表于2010-1-2114:53|只看该作者踩窝 窝送礼物问候Ta【论坛HTML帖子常用代码】-发现代码贴好看,不懂的,有兴趣的可以研究下。 关于“html图片移动...”的内容 本站搜索更多关于“html图片移动代码”的内容 本帖最后由沵旳"唯1。于2010-1-2114:54编辑 一、文字标记 基本代码如下:


空间播放器代码大全:网页中插入各种格式视频播放代码大全 疯狂代码 https://www.doczj.com/doc/5413786039.html,/ ?:http:/https://www.doczj.com/doc/5413786039.html,/HtmlJiaoCheng/Article19101.html 1.avi格式 代码片断如下: 2.mpg格式 代码片断如下:


/* A Screen Editer Subsystem */ #define TURBOC #include #include #include #include #include #define BUF_SIZE 32000 #define LINE_LEN 79-2 #define MAX_LINES 24-1 #define KILL_BUF_SIZE 4*LINE_LEN /***********************************************************/ char buf[BUF_SIZE]; char *curloc,*endloc; int scrnx,scrny; char killbuf[KILL_BUF_SIZE]; char *helpline="F1:save F2:load F3:find F4:replace ^K:kill line ^Y:Yank ^Z:qiut"; /*************************************************************/ void edit(char *fname),help(void); void gotoxy(int x,int y),clrline(int y); void edit_clr_col(int x,int y),clrscr(void); void printline(char *p),delete_char(void); void search(void),kill_line(void); void scrolldn(int x,int y); void scrollup(int topx,int topy,int endx,int endy); void upline(void); void downline(void),left(void),right(void); void display_scrn(int x,int y,char *p); void pagedown(void),pageup(void),replace(void); void home(void),gotoend(void),yank(void); int load(char *fname),save(char *fname); void edit_gets(char *str); void draw_border(int,int,int,int,int); /***************************************************/ main(int argc,char *argv[]) { union REGS r; char fname[80]; if(argc<2) {

10 个最棒的 JQUERY 和 HTML 所见即所得编辑器插件

10个最棒的jQuery和HTML所见即所得编辑器插件 HTML5所见即所得WYSIWYG(What You See Is What You Get)编辑器的需求量是非常大的。但是现在有太多这样的编辑器了,想要从其中找到一个合适的并不容易。 今天这篇文章为大家分享10个我认为是十分棒的所见即所得插件,应该有适合你的需求并能节省你时间的。 1.Froala Froala所见即所得HTML编辑器非常易于整合和使用。它几乎不需要你掌握任何代码知识。它需要jQuery1.11.0或者更高版本、以及Font Awesome4.4.0字体图标的支持。除了整合的UX以及UI外,还提供了很好的XSS攻击保护。 特点: ?文件压缩后34K ?行内编辑 ?支持键盘快捷键 ?要求基本的HTML和JavaScript知识 ?深浅两种主题 ?对移动端做了优化

?支持Word ?34种语言支持以及RTL(Right to Left)从右向左支持 2.ContentTools ContentTools是一个小而美的内容编辑器。该库不需要任何JavaScript框架或库的支持(包括jQuery),但是却表现很好。ContentTools包由5个库组成,每一个都可以单独使用,并且该插件易于扩展。 特点: ?压缩后49KB ?行内编辑 ?可以调整图片和视频大小 ?支持撤销/重做(undo/redo) 3.Raptor Editor

Raptor Editor是一个开源的JavaScript所见即所得HTML编辑器,对用户友好,易于集成和定制。它为行内编辑而设计,是复杂的多块布局的理想选择。它所用最新的技术如HTML5ContentEditable及jQuery,特性有内置单元测试、模块化、可扩展及插件API。 特点: ?支持行内编辑 ?灵活的对接选项 ?可定制的主题 ?良好的文档 4.Aloha Aloha是一个多功能的内容编辑库。它允许在你的WEB应用中无缝的嵌入编辑。 主要缺点是不支持图片插入。 特点:


网页视频播放器代码大全网页mtv播放器代码 一. RM格式(无边框按钮)RealPlayer 代码如下:

二. RM格式(带边框按钮)RealPlayer 代码如下:

三. WMV格式(带边框按钮)Windows Media Player 代码如下:


推荐6个HTML5编辑器 2011-09-16 09:42 | 3408次阅读| 来源:skytechgeek 【已有1条评论】发表评论 关键词:编辑器,HTML5 | 作者:skytechgeek | 收藏这篇资讯 本文介绍6个HTML5编辑器,他们共有特点都具有很全的功能,希望对你的HTML5开发有帮助。 列表如下: 1. Mercury : HTML5 Powered WYSIWYG Editor Mercury 是个全功能的编辑器,包含TinyMCE和CKEditor同样的功能,但是又有不同的特性。取代iFrames它使用了HTML5内容可编辑功能等。Mercury 是由CoffeeScript代码编写,其支持所有的主流浏览器。 Website/Downoad 2.Aloha Editor – HTML5 WYSIWYG Editor

Aloha Editor 是个基于浏览器的富文本编辑器框架,JavaScript创建。不像其他大多数的HTML编辑器,Aloha可以被嵌入到CMS、Blog,及其他标准的web开发框架中。 Website 3. Rendra- Online HTML 5 Editor

Rendra 是个在线HTML5 编辑器,运行用户实时预览,支持HTML 5和CSS 3,以及HAML 和SASS。它是由CoffeeScript 和Sinatra代码编写的。用户可以用Rendra测试JS代码,允许用户利用jQuery UI,jQuery 工具和插件。 Website 4. BlueGriffon: Next Generation HTML5 WebEditor BlueGriffon是一新的WYSIWYG编辑器,跨平台,支持Windows, Linux and Mac OSX。该编辑器内置HTML5/CSS3编辑功能,可以轻松地用它来实现传输、文本和边框的阴影、斜体等效果。它使用Google Font Directory 和FontSquirrel addons,可以个性化网页字体。 Website 5. Maqetta : Open Source Project & HTML5 Editor


文本编辑器应用总结 一.lhgeditor文本编辑器 lhgeditor组件文件结构: 1. lhgeditor.js:组件的核心JS文件 2. lhgeditor.css:组件的样式表文件 3. images:组件所需的图片都在此文件夹中 以上三个文件为组件所必须的三个文件,组件包中其它以“_”开头的文件为示例的演示文件,实际使用中不需要这些文件。当然框架核心文件lhgcore.js是每个组件都必须用到的文件,记得加载组件前先要加载此文件。 lhgeditor组件使用说明: 1. 在调用组件的页面加载lhgcore.j s和lhgeditor.js两个文件。 2. 在window.onload函数里加入J.editor.add(编辑器的id).init(); 例:

二.nicEdit文本编辑器 再引入三个js文件ueditor.all.js、ueditor.config.js、lang/zh-cn/zh-cn.js,一定是在以上代码之后引入。 在需要使用编辑器的位置,添加代码如下: