当前位置:文档之家› 铸造生产技术发展趋势



well, with the effectiveness of services to defend the interest s of the masses. T hird, we should strive to do well. To achieve good practi cal results, the key is to know the la w, to grasp the law s and using laws. Office of e conomic development, social progre ss, there are rule s to follow. Only act according to the la w, to overcome blindne ss and strengthening initiative, creative. Working i n the Office, we should be good at analy zing the essence of things, to find regular thing, cha nge from passive to active, to seek one. Investee 2. establishme nt of evaluation system. Eval uation system is essentially an incentive m echani sm, the evaluation was obje ctive and fair, reasonable, and can stimulate a person's energy, mobilizing people's enthusiasm or be misleadi ng,

dam pene d the e nthusiasm of people. At present, the concept of people-oriented people, but to establi sh and perfect evaluation system is still lagging behi nd. Work in this area should be seriously caught up. Three em phasis on to take advantagof. Is a focus on standards and scientific.

A fundamental poi nt of the evaluati on criteria, is to keep contact, development, comprehe nsive eye evaluation of ca dres. Office w ork, both

ecord and potential performance; bot h subje ctive efforts, take another look at the objective condition; both pragmatic enough, take another look at the

etreat level. Second, focus on partici pating the brea dth of the subject. Eval uation of cadres must give full play to democracy, cadres a nd t he masse s handing over evaluation. Office work services leadership and service base, serve the peopl e, the n nominate d the mai n object will contai n a variety of services, so that assessme nt was a ccurate and to avoid one-sidedness. Third, pay attenti on to t he seriousness of the conclusion. The use of evaluati on fi ndi ngs is mai nly embodied in his direction. Permitted to choose one, it woul d be ta ntamount to establishing a banner. Evaluation can't take care of the bala nce, ot herwise it would undermine the offset

the positive significance of evaluation. Office of the party committees at all levels should take the finding s as on the cadres ' bonus-penalty, a n importa nt basis for future moveme nts, incentive

a nd restraint effect of making evaluati ons. 3. Prevention of understanding infidelity.

People-centere d devel opment, concrete is dialectical,. In practice in t he process, to prevent

one-sided a nd still l ook, from actual people. One i s to use dialecti cal point of view t o understand. Humanist is the core of the scientific Outlook on development, remains the development of the sci entific Outlook on development empha sizes, is still taking economic construction as the

Ce nter. Any de parture from the development of thoug ht and action, i s a misinterpretation a nd misunderstanding of pe ople-oriented. Adhere to people-oriente d both to overcome

one-sidedness of the old, but also to prevent one-sidedness, not accelerating the development of people and the opposition. M ust be very clear, people oriented and

spee ding up developme nt is not opposed, but consistent, we should never be铸造生产技术发展趋势












也不可能持续发展。提高产品质量需从以下几方面着手:不上效益, ①合理选购原辅材料,正确制订及严

格执行有关的工艺规程。②采用新技术、新工艺、新设备、新材料。 a.

加强计算机技术在铸造生产中应用的研究。 b.在砂型铸造中采用高硬度及高均匀度的铸型,发展与推广相应的工艺与设备。




f.加强铸造环保设备的研究和应用。③具有一支稳定的高素质的从业人员队伍。eople-oriented in the name of reducing our enthusiasm. Premier We n Jiaba o's Government work report this yea r, identified as 7% gr owth, 2.1% low er than last year's 9.1%, but i n 8 work remai ns to accelerate development i n the first pla ce ... Work standards. Secon d is to use the scale of development to understand. Society is ev olving, human needs are also changi n

g. Pra ctice of humani sm is a long-term pr ocess and ca nnot be achieve d overnight. To treat people if you stand still and rigid dogma, it is possible to return to t his, see things but not people's old ways. Therefore, we have to foll ow the development of the times, and continue debuggi ng the humani st perspective, innovative people-oriented way. Under the new

historical conditions, we are requested by the times, set up a brand new concept, a high starting poi nt, hig h standard of armed people, shaping, exerci se, people, constantly taking the new connotation of the times. erms of Office, i s to lead the vast numbers of cadres to activelyadapt to t he knowledge faster and a ctively adapt to the i ncrea singly high level of leader shi p situati on, a ctively ada pt to the demand of the masses more and more sit uations, eager to learn, enhance accumulation, efforts, hone d the ability to overcome a good service, pani c. Third is to use reali stic understanding. Adher e to pe ople-oriente d must be based on reality, not divorced from reality. Desk no water cups here i n Hong Kong, staff need to drink some water to the drinking fountain on a floor, the gla ss used i s a one-time non-cone type. Drink t his cup can only hold, ca nnot be put dow n. This is not only to save on glass materials, more important is t o for ce you to get dri nking wate r, go back to y our seat busine ss. Our emphasis on people-oriente d, does not imply y ou ca n indulge the desires, t he comfortable, t he pursuit of enjoyment. Office of the party committees at all level s of our comrades, must conti nue t o maintain the style of plain living and hard struggle, to stand up to the tests oftemptations, ex citing energy conservation disposition to the spirit of selfless dedication and provi de services. Investe e 4. clearly defined responsibilitie s. Putting people first is a common vi sion of dev elopment, everyone i s a liability. People-orie nted, above a nd below with the responsi bility for coordi nating system must be established and hold everyone accountable. First, we m ust strengt hen t he lea dership. In its pla ce, its governance, its level, bear the responsibility of the Division. This is the minimum re quirement for leader s, is a measure of the basic criteria for whether a lea ding cadre is com petent. Leaders ne ed to it is an official term for the benefit of mission, consciously assume responsibility for implementi ng pe ople-oriente d. Dire ctor of the Office of the party committees at all levels is the responsibility of the units to impleme nt pe ople-oriented, to manage t heir people, plug in own re sponsibility, effectively enhance t he education of leadi ng cadres, cadres and cadre s work of vigor and vitality Office work is full ces, efforts to revitalize the Office of human resour

well, with the effectiveness of services to defend the interest s of the masses. T hird, we shoul d strive to do well. To achieve good practi cal results, the key is to know the la w, to grasp the law s and using laws. Office of economic development, social progre ss, there are rule s to follow. Only act according to the la w, to overcome blindness and stre ngthening initiative, creative. Working i n the Office, we should be good at analy zing the essence of things, to find regular thing, cha nge from passive to active, to seek one. Investee 2. establishme nt of evaluation system. Eval uation system is essentially an incentive mechanism, the evaluation was obje ctive and fair, reasonable, and can stimulate a person's energy, mobilizing people's enthusia sm or be misleadi ng, dam pene d the e nthusiasm of people. At present, the concept of people-oriented people, but to establi sh and perfect evaluation system is still lagging behi nd. Work in this area should be seriously caught up. Three em phasis on to take advantagof. Is a focus on standards and scientific. A fundamental poi nt of the evaluati on criteria, is to keep contact, development, comprehe nsive eye evaluation of ca dres. Office w ork, both

ecord and potential performance; bot h subje ctive efforts, take another look at the objective condition; both pragmatic enough, take another look at the

etreat level. Second, focus on partici pating the brea dth of the subject. Eval uation of cadres must give full play to democracy, cadres a nd t he m asses handi ng over evaluation. Office work services leadership and service base, serve the peopl e, the n nominate d the mai n object will contain a variety of services, so that assessment was

a ccurate and to avoid one-sidedness. Third, pay attenti on to t he seriousness of the conclusion. The use of evaluati on fi ndi ngs is mai nly embodied in his direction. Permitted to choose one, it would be ta ntamount to establi shing a banner. Evaluation can't take care of the bala nce, ot herwise it would undermine the offset

the positive significance of evaluation. Office of the party committees at all levels should take the finding s as on the cadres ' bonus-penalty, a n importa nt basis for future moveme nts, incentive a nd restraint effect of making evaluati ons. 3. Prevention of understanding infidelity. People-centere d devel opment, concrete is dialectical,. In

practice in t he process, to prevent one-sided a nd still l ook, from actual people. One i s to use dialecti cal point of view t o understand. Humanist is the core of the scientific Outlook on development, remains the development of the sci entific Outlo ok on development empha sizes, is still taking economic construction as the Ce nter. Any

de parture from the development of thoug ht and action, i s a misinterpretation a nd misunderstanding of

pe ople-oriented. Adhere to people-oriente d both to overcome one-sidedness of the old, but also to prevent

one-sidedness, not accelerating the development of people and the opposition. M ust be very clear, people oriented and

spee ding up developme nt is not opposed, but consistent, we should never be3 实现清洁化生产清洁化生产是可持续发展的基本要求。清洁化生产的含义是:实现尽可能低的资源(原材料)与能源消耗;实现宜人化的生产环境及最低或零污染物排放;生产清洁化的产品(产品耗能、耗材少,易于再生复用及符合人机工程要求)。铸造的清洁化生产,主要是应用新技术、新工艺、新材料、新设备以实现低消耗、低污染或者无污染及铸造生产的宜人化环境等方面。



1 发展高性能铸造合金,提高产品的材质水平



低成本和良好的铸造性能是灰铸铁的主要优势,所以灰铸铁已广泛应用于汽车、内燃机、农机、压缩机和市政建设等领域。今后制约灰铸铁件增长和发展的主要因素之一是轻量化,铸铁轻量化将为铸铁工业注入新的活力,今后应加强高强度薄壁灰铸铁的生产技术的开发。 (2)进一步推广使用球墨铸铁随着我国汽车工业和铸管工业的发展,以及随着我国球墨铸铁生产水平的提高,应用领域的拓宽,预计进入21世纪,我国球铁件产量必将有大幅度的增长,应进一步扩大等温淬火球墨铸降低生产成本。节约能源,铁在承受强载荷工况机械零件和耐磨件上的应用。推广铸态球墨铸铁,(3)扩大蠕墨铸铁的应用



天炉,其中绝大部分又是小型(≤5T/h)冷风冲天炉,且多使用冶金焦。这种炉子的能量效率不高(约38.8%),连续工作时间短,难以熔炼出优质铁水。eople-oriented in the name of reducing our enthusiasm. Premier We n Jiaba o's Government work report this yea r, identified as 7% gr owth, 2.1% low er than last year's 9.1%, but i n 8 work remai ns to accelerate development i n the first pla ce ... Work standards. Second is to use the scale of development to understand. Society is ev olving, human needs are also changi ng. Pra ctice of humani sm is a

long-term pr ocess and ca nnot be achieve d overnight. To treat people if you stand still and rigid dogma, it is possible t o return to this, see things but not people's old ways. Therefore, we have to foll ow the development of the times, and continue debuggi ng the humani st perspective, innovative pe ople-oriented way. Under the new historical conditions, we are requested by the times, set up a brand new concept, a high starting poi nt, hig h standard of armed people, shaping, exerci se, people, constantly taking the new connotation of the times. erm s of Office, is to lead the vast numbers of cadres to activelyadapt to t he knowledge faster and a ctively adapt to the i ncrea singly high level of leader shi p situati on, a ctively ada pt to the demand of the masses more and more sit uations, eager to learn, enhance accumulation, efforts, hone d the ability to overcome a good service, pani c. Thir d is to use reali stic understanding. Adher e to pe opl e-oriented must be based on reality, not divorced from reality. Desk no water cups here i n Hong Kong, staff need to drink some water to the drinking fountain on a floor, the gla ss used i s a one-time non-cone type. Drink t his cup can only hold, ca nnot be put dow n. This is not only to save on glass materials, more important is t o for ce you to get dri nking wate r, go back to y our seat busine ss. Our emphasis on people-oriente d, does not imply y ou ca n indulge the desires, t he comfortable, t he pursuit of enjoyment. Office of the party committees at all level s of our comrades, must conti nue t o maintain the style of plain livi ng and har d struggle, to stand up to the tests oftemptations, ex citing energy conservation disposition to the spirit of selfless dedication and provi de services. Investe e 4. clearly defined responsibilitie s. Putting people first is a common vi sion of dev elopment, everyone i s a liability. People-orie nted, above a nd below with the responsi bility for coordi nating system must be established and hold everyone accountable. First, we m ust strengt hen t he lea dership. In its pla ce, its governance, its level, bear the responsibility of the Division. This is the minimum re quirement for leader s, is a measure of the basic criteria for whether a lea ding cadre is com petent. Leaders ne ed to it is an official term for the benefit of mission, consciously assume responsibility for implementi ng pe opl e-oriented. Dire ctor of the Office of the party committees at all levels is the responsibility of the units to impleme nt pe ople-oriented, to manage t heir people, plug in own re sponsibility, effectively enhance t he education of leading cadres, cadres and cadre s work of vigor and vitality Office work is full ces, efforts to revitalize the Office of human resour

well, with the effectiveness of services to defend the interest s of the masses. T hird, we should strive to do well. To achieve good practi cal results, the key is to know the la w, to grasp the law s and using laws. Office of e conomic development, social progre ss, there are rules to follow. Only act according to the la w, to overcome blindne ss and strengthening initiative, creative. Working i n the Office, we should be good at analy zing the essence of things, to find regular thing, cha nge from passive to active, to seek one. Investee 2. establishme nt of evaluation system. Eval uation system is essentially an incentive mechanism, the evaluation was obje ctive and fair, reasonable, and can stimulate a person's energy, mobilizing people's enthusia sm or be misleadi ng, dam pene d the enthusiasm of people. At present, the concept of people-oriented people, but to establi sh and perfect evaluation system is still lagging behi nd. Work in this area should be seriously caught up. Three em phasis on to take advantagof. Is a focus on standards and scientific. A fundamental poi nt of the evaluati on criteria, is to keep contact, development, comprehe nsive eye evaluation of ca dres. Office w ork, both

ecord and potential performance; bot h subje ctive efforts, take another look at the objective condition; both pragmatic enough, take another look at the

etreat level. Second, focus on partici pating the brea dth of the subject. Eval uation of cadres must give full play to

democracy, cadres a nd t he masse s handi ng over evaluation. Office work service s leadershi p and service base, serve the peopl e, the n nominate d the mai n object will contai n a variety of services, so that assessme nt was

a ccurate and to avoid one-sidedness. Third, pay attenti on to t he seriousness of the conclusion. The use of evaluati on fi ndi ngs is mai nly embodied in his direction. Permitted to choose one, it woul d be tantamount to establi shing a banner. Evaluation can't take care of the bala nce, ot herwise it would undermine the offset

the positive significance of evaluation. Office of the party committees at all levels should take the finding s as on the cadres ' bonus-penalty, a n importa nt basis for future moveme nts, incentive a nd restraint effect of making evaluati ons. 3. Prevention of understanding infidelity. People-centere d devel opment, concrete is dialectical,. In practice in t he process, to prevent one-sided a nd still l ook, from actual people. One i s to use dialecti cal point of view t o understand. Humanist is the core of the scientific Outl ook on development, remains the development of the sci entific Outlook on development empha sizes, is still taking economic construction as the Ce nter. Any

de parture from the development of thoug ht and action, i s a misinterpretation a nd misunderstanding of

pe ople-oriented. Adhere to people-oriente d both to overcome one-sidedness of the old, but also to prevent one-sidedness, not accelerating the development of people and the opposition. M ust be very clear, people oriented and

spee ding up developme nt is not opposed, but consistent, we should never be为了获得优质铁水,应当推广铸造焦和先进适用炉型。熔化量大的5t/h以上的冲天炉宜采用外热风(>500℃)、水冷、连续作业、清洁、封闭冲天炉;流水线生产球墨铸铁、蠕墨铸铁、高强度薄壁灰铸铁件宜采用冲天炉感应电炉双联熔炼;生




件体积,提高铸钢件寿命是亟待解决的问题。建议在如下几方面开展工作。①开发铸钢中合金钢新钢种,提高铸钢性能,部分顶替锻钢,提高材料利用率,降低成本,缩短制造周期,节省能源、资源等。②采用高新技术提高铸钢钢液纯净度、均匀度与晶粒细化程度,进一步提高铸钢的强韧性,减轻铸件重量(与国外相比重10%~20%),降低废品率。精炼工艺有:氩气净化;钙线射入净化加氩炉精炼。VODCVOD、气净化;AOD精炼;③采用近终形铸造技术,进一步提高铸钢件尺寸精度与表面质量,减少加工余量(与国外相比,。)3倍以上加工余量大1~④降低能源与新砂消耗(吨钢水耗电:我国700~850kWh,日本450~550kWh)及提高铸钢件工艺。60%)58%,工业发达国家(我国55%~出品率⑤开发钢基复合材料。eople-oriented in the name of reducing our enthusiasm. Premier We n Jiaba o's Government work report this yea r, identified as 7% growth, 2.1% lower than la st year's 9.1%, but i n 8 work remai ns to accelerate development i n the first pla ce ... Work standards. Second is to use the scale of development to understand. Society is ev olving, human needs are also changi ng. Pra ctice of humani sm is a long-term pr ocess and ca nnot be achieve d overnight. To treat people if you stand still and rigid dogma, it is possible to return to t his, see things but not people's old ways. Therefore, we have to foll ow the development of the times, and continue debuggi ng the humani st perspective, innovative people-oriented way. Under the new historical conditions, we are requested by the times, set up a brand new concept, a high starting poi nt, hig h standard of armed people, shaping, exerci se, people, constantly taking the new connotation of the t imes. erms of Office, i s to lead the vast numbers of cadres to activelyadapt to t he knowledge faster and a ctively adapt to the i ncrea singly high level of leader shi p situati on, a ctively ada pt to the demand of the masses more and more sit uations, eager to learn, enhance accumulation, efforts, hone d the ability to overcome a good service, pani c. Thir d is to use reali stic understanding. Adher e to pe opl e-oriented must be based on reality, not divorced from reality. Desk no water cups here i n Hong Kong, staff need to drink some water to the drinking fountain on a floor, the gla ss used i s a one-time non-cone type. Drink t his cup can only hold, ca nnot be put dow n. This is not only to save on glass materials, more important is to force you to get dri nking water, go back to y our seat busine ss. Our emphasis on people-oriente d, does not imply y ou ca n indulge the desires, t he comfortable, t he p ursuit of enjoyment. Office of the party committees at all level s of our comrades, must conti nue t o maintain the style of plain livi ng and hard struggle, to stand up to the tests oftemptations, ex citing energy conservation disposition to the spirit of selfless dedication and provi de services. Investee 4. clearly defined responsibilitie s. Putting people first is a common vision of development, everyone i s a liability. People-orie nted, above a nd below with the responsi bility for coordi nating system must be established and hold everyone accountable. First, we m ust strengt hen t he lea dership. In its pla ce, its governa nce, its level, bear the responsibility of the Division. This is the minimum re quirement for leader s, is a measure of the basic criteria for whether a lea ding cadre is com petent. Leaders ne ed to it is an official term for the benefit of mission, consciously assume responsibility for implementing pe ople-oriente d. Dire ctor of the Office of the party committees at all levels is the responsibility of the units to impleme nt pe ople-oriented, to manage t heir people, plug in own re sponsibility, effectively enhance t he education of leadi ng cadres, cadres and cadre s work of vigor and vitality Office work is full ces, efforts to revitalize the Office of human resour

well, with the effectiveness of services to defend the interest s of the masses. T hird, we shoul d strive to do well. To achieve good practi cal results, the key is to know the la w, to grasp the law s and using laws. Office of economic development, social progre ss, there are rule s to follow. Only act according to the la w, to overcome blindness and stre ngthening initiative, creative. Working i n the Office, we should be good at analy zing the essence of things, to find regular thing, cha nge from passive to active, to seek one. Investee 2. establishme nt of evaluation system. Eval uation system is essentially an incentive mechanism, the evaluation was obje ctive and fair, reasonable, and can stimulate a person's energy, mobilizing people's enthusia sm or be misleadi ng, dam pene d the e nthusiasm of people. At present, the concept of people-oriented people, but to establi sh and perfect evaluation system is still lagging behi nd. Work in this area should be seriously caught up. Three em phasis on to

take advantagof. Is a focus on standards and scientific. A fundamental poi nt of the evaluati on criteria, is to keep contact, development, comprehe nsive eye evaluation of ca dres. Office w ork, both

ecord and potential performance; bot h subje ctive efforts, take another look at the objective condition; both pragmatic enough, take another look at the

etreat level. Second, focus on partici pating the brea dth of the subject. Eval uation of cadres must give full play to democracy, cadres a nd t he m asses handi ng over evaluation. Office work services leadership and service base, serve the peopl e, the n nominate d the mai n object will contain a variety of services, so that assessment was

a ccurate and to avoid one-sidedness. Third, pay attenti on to t he seriousness of the conclusion. The use of evaluati on fi ndi ngs is mai nly embodied in his direction. Permitted to choose one, it would be ta ntamount to establi shing a banner. Evaluation can't take care of the bala nce, ot herwise it would undermine the offset

the positive significance of evaluation. Office of the party committees at all levels should take the finding s as on the cadres ' bonus-penalty, a n importa nt basis for future moveme nts, incentive a nd restraint effect of making evaluati ons. 3. Prevention of understanding infidelity. People-centere d devel opment, concrete is dialectical,. In practice in t he process, to prevent one-sided a nd still l ook, from actual people. One i s to use dialecti cal point of view t o understand. Humanist is the core of the scientific Outlook on development, remains the development of the sci entific Outlo ok on development empha sizes, is still taking economic construction as the Ce nter. Any

de parture from the development of thoug ht and action, i s a misinterpretation a nd misunderstanding of

pe ople-oriented. Adhere to people-oriente d both to overcome one-sidedness of the old, but also to prevent one-sidedness, not accelerating the development of people and the opposition. M ust be very clear, people oriented and

spee ding up developme nt is not opposed, but consistent, we should never be⑥提高环保水平,达到国家环保标准。3)有色合金铸造重点发展铝、镁等轻合金






铸钢件或较复杂的铸铁大件采用喷抛联合对铸铁件配备抛丸清理设备或清理生产线,手工清砂。如组织清整生产线要尽量考液压件等小壳体类铸件可采用电液压或电化学清砂设备;清理设备,浸()、粗加工基准定位面,设置铸件的防锈处理如测尺寸精度、表面硬度等虑铸件的在线检测(。防锈液或涂底漆等)改善工, , 打磨飞边毛刺中的应用还应开发推广机械手和机器人在落砂清理, 切割浇冒口人的劳动条件。将计算机技术引入铸造领域3



与铸造产业等进行阐述。铸造工装的计算机应用以及Internet控制、专家系统、信息处理系统、计算机辅助设计与分析1) (1)计算机辅助设计

计算机辅助设计(Computer Aided Design,简称CAD)是以计算机为主要手段,辅助设计者完成某项设计工作的建立、修改、分析和优化,输出信息全过程的综合性技术。eople-oriented in the name of reducing our enthusiasm. Premier We n Jiaba o's Government work report this yea r, identified as 7% gr owth, 2.1% low er than last year's 9.1%, but i n 8 work remai ns to accelerate development i n the first pla ce ... Work standards. Second is to use the scale of development to understand. Society is ev olving, human needs are also changi ng. Pra ctice of humani sm is a long-term pr ocess and ca nnot be achieve d overnight. To treat people if you stand still and rigid dogma, it is possible t o return to this, see things but not people's old ways. Therefore, we have to foll ow the development of the times, and continue debuggi ng the humani st perspective, innovative pe ople-oriented way. Under the new historical conditions, we are requested by the times, set up a brand new concept, a high starting poi nt, hig h standard of armed people, shaping, exerci se, people, constantly taking the new connotation of the times. erm s of Office, is to lead the vast numbers of cadres to activelyadapt to t he knowledge faster and a ctively adapt to the i ncrea singly high level of leader shi p situati on, a ctively ada pt to the demand of the masses more and more sit uations, eager to learn, enhance accumulation, efforts, hone d the ability to overcome a good service, pani c. Thir d is to use reali stic understanding. Adher e to

pe opl e-oriented must be based on reality, not divorced from reality. Desk no water cups here i n Hong Kong, staff need to drink some water to the drinking fountain on a floor, the gla ss used i s a one-time non-cone type. Drink t his cup can only hold, ca nnot be put dow n. This is not only to save on glass materials, more important is t o for ce you to get dri nking wate r, go back to y our seat busine ss. Our emphasis on people-oriente d, does not imply y ou ca n indulge the desires, t he comfortable, t he pursuit of enjoyment. Office of the party committees at all level s of our comrades, must conti nue t o maintain the style of plain livi ng and har d struggle, to stand up to the tests oftemptations, ex citing energy conservation disposition to the spirit of selfless dedication and provi de services. Investe e 4. clearly defined responsibilitie s. Putting people first is a common vi sion of dev elopment, everyone i s a liability. People-orie nted, above a nd below with the responsi bility for coordi nating system must be

established and hold everyone accountable. First, we m ust strengt hen t he lea dership. In its pla ce, its governance, its level, bear the responsibility of the Division. This is the minimum re quirement for leader s, is a measure of the basic criteria for whether a lea ding cadre is com petent. Leaders ne ed to it is an official term for the benefit of mission, consciously assume responsibility for implementi ng pe opl e-oriented. Dire ctor of the Office of the party committees at all levels is the responsibility of the units to impleme nt pe ople-oriented, to manage t heir people, plug in own re sponsibility, effectively enhance t he education of leading cadres, cadres and cadre s work of vigor and vitality Office work is full ces, efforts to revitalize the Office of human resour

well, with the effectiveness of services to defend the interest s of the masses. T hird, we should strive to do well. To achieve good practi cal results, the key is to know the la w, to grasp the law s and using laws. Office of e conomic development, social progre ss, there are rules to follow. Only act according to the la w, to overcome blindne ss and strengthening initiative, creative. Working i n the Office, we should be good at analy zing the essence of things, to find regular thing, cha nge from passive to active, to seek one. Investee 2. establishme nt of evaluation system. Eval uation system is essentially an incentive mechanism, the evaluation was obje ctive and fair, reasonable, and can stimulate a person's energy, mobilizing people's enthusia sm or be misleadi ng, dam pene d the enthusiasm of people. At present, the concept of people-oriented people, but to establi sh and perfect evaluation system is still lagging behi nd. Work in this area should be seriously caught up. Three em phasis on to take advantagof. Is a

focus on standards and scientific. A fundamental poi nt of the evaluati on criteria, is to keep contact, development, comprehe nsive eye evaluation of ca dres. Office w ork, both

ecord and potential performance; bot h subje ctive efforts, take another look at the objective condition; both pragmatic enough, take another look at the

etreat level. Second, focus on partici pating the brea dth of the subject. Eval uation of cadres must give full play to democracy, cadres a nd t he masse s handi ng over evaluation. Office work service s leadershi p and service base, serve the peopl e, the n nominate d the mai n object will contai n a variety of services, so that assessme nt was

a ccurate and to avoid one-sidedness. Third, pay attenti on to t he seriousness of the conclusion. The use of evaluati on fi ndi ngs is mai nly embodied in his direction. Permitted to choose one, it woul d be tantamount to establi shing a banner. Evaluation can't take care of the bala nce, ot herwise it would undermine the offset

the positive significance of evaluation. Office of the party committees at all levels should take the finding s as on the cadres ' bonus-penalty, a n importa nt basis for future moveme nts, incentive a nd restraint effect of making evaluati ons. 3. Prevention of understanding infidelity. People-centere d devel opment, concrete is dialectical,. In practice in t he process, to prevent one-sided a nd still l ook, from actual people. One i s to use dialecti cal point of view t o understand. Humanist is the core of the scientific Outl ook on development, remains the development of the sci entific Outlook on development empha sizes, is still taking economic construction as the Ce nter. Any

de parture from the development of thoug ht and action, i s a misinterpretation a nd misunderstanding of

pe ople-oriented. Adhere to people-oriente d both to overcome one-sidedness of the old, but also to prevent

one-sidedness, not accelerating the development of people and the opposition. M ust be very clear, people oriented and

spee ding up developme nt is not opposed, but consistent, we should never be与传统铸造工艺设计方法相比,用计算机设计铸造工艺可以显著提高设计效率、缩短设计周期;能够实现设计与分析的统一;可以存贮并利

用铸造工作者的经验,较容易设计出合理的铸造工艺;同时为铸造计算机辅助工程(Computer Aided Engineering,简称CAE)、计算机辅助制造(Computer Aided Manufacturing,简称CAM)、计算机辅助工艺规划(Computer Aided Process

Planning,简称CAPP)及计算机集成制造系统(Computer Integrated Manufacturing System,简奠定良好

的基础。的实施准备完备的信息,称CIMS) 经过几十年的努力,目前国内外研制开发的铸造工艺CAD系统,概括起来可以分为通用和专用铸造工艺CAD两类:




计算机辅助分析又称计算机辅助工程(Computer Aided Engineering,简称CAE),是计算机应用的一个重要领域。一般说来,它是通过建立能够准确描述研究对象某一过程的数学模型,采用合适可行的求解方法,


,eople-oriented in the name of reducing our enthusiasm. Premier We n Jiaba o's Government work report this yea r, identified as 7% growth, 2.1% lower than la st year's 9.1%, but i n 8 work remai ns to accelerate development i n the first pla ce ... Work standards. Second is to use the scale of development to understand. Society is ev olving, human needs are also changi ng. Pra ctice of humani sm is a long-term pr ocess and ca nnot be achieve d overnight. To treat people if you stand still and rigid dogma, it is possible to return to t his, see things but not people's old ways. Therefore, we have to foll ow the development of the times, and continue debuggi ng the humani st perspective, innovative people-oriented way. Under the new historical conditions, we are requested by the times, set up a brand new concept, a high starting poi nt, hig h standard of armed people, shaping, exerci se, people, constantly taking the new connotation of the t imes. erms of Office, i s to lead the vast numbers of cadres to activelyadapt to t he knowledge faster and a ctively adapt to the i ncrea singly high level of leader shi p situati on,

a ctively ada pt to the demand of the masses more and more sit uations, eager to learn, enhance accumulation, efforts, hone d the ability to overcome a good service, pani c. Thir d is to use reali stic understanding. Adher e to

pe opl e-oriented must be based on reality, not divorced from reality. Desk no water cups here i n Hong Kong, staff need to drink some water to the drinking fountain on a floor, the gla ss used i s a one-time non-cone type. Drink t his cup can only hold, ca nnot be put dow n. This is not only to save on glass materials, more important is to force you to get dri nking water, go back to y our seat busine ss. Our emphasis on people-oriente d, does not imply y ou ca n indulge the desires, t he comfortable, t he p ursuit of enjoyment. Office of the party committees at all level s of our comrades, must conti nue t o maintain the style of plain livi ng and hard struggle, to stand up to the tests oftemptations, ex citing energy conservation disposition to the spirit of selfless dedication and provi de services. Investee 4. clearly defined responsibilitie s. Putting people first is a common vision of development, everyone i s a liability. People-orie nted, above a nd below with the responsi bility for coordi nating system must be established and hold everyone accountable. First, we m ust strengt hen t he lea dership. In its pla ce, its governa nce, its level, bear the responsibility of the Division. This is the minimum re quirement for leader s, is a measure of the basic criteria for whether a lea ding cadre is com petent. Leaders ne ed to it is an official term for the benefit of mission, consciously assume responsibility for implementing pe ople-oriente d. Dire ctor of the Office of the party committees at all levels is the responsibility of the units to impleme nt pe ople-oriented, to manage t heir people, plug in own re sponsibility, effectively enhance t he education of leadi ng cadres, cadres and cadre s work of vigor and vitality Office work is full ces, efforts to revitalize the Office of human resour

sis on to take advantagpha ously caught up. Three em nd perfect evaluation system is still lagging behi nd. Work in this area should be seri nthusiasm of people. At present, the concept of people-oriented people, but to establi sh auation nt of evaluation system. Eval system is essentially an incentive mechanism, the evaluation was obje ctive and fair, reasonable, and can stimulate a person's energy, mobilizing people's enthusia sm or be misleadi ng, dam pene d the ere cal results, the key iwell, with the effectiveness of services to defend the interest s of the masses. T hird, we shoul d strive to do well. To achieve good practi s to know the la w, to grasp the law s and using laws. Office of economic development, social progre ss, there are rule s to follow. Only act according to the la w,

to overcome blindness and st ngthening initiative, creative. Working i n the Office, we should be good at

analy zing the essence of things, to find regular thing, cha nge from passive to active, to seek one. Investee 2. establishmehe offset theherwise it would undermine tng a banner. Evaluation can't take care of the bala nce, otdirection. Permitted to choose one, it would be ta ntamount to establi shi n a variety of services, so that assessmect will containt was a ccurate and to avoid one-sidedness. Third, pay attenti on to t he seriousness of the conclusion. The use of evaluati on fi ndi ngs is mai nly embodied in his ng over nother look at the

etreat level. Seook at the objective condition; both pragmatic enough, take acond, focus on partici pating the brea dth of the subject. Eval uation of cadres must give full play to democracy, cadres a nd t he m asses

handi evaluation. Office work services leadership and service base, serve the peopl e, the n nominate d the mai n obje bothe nt of the of. Is a focus on standards and scientific. A fundamental poi evaluati on criteria, is to keep contact, development, compre nsive eye evaluation of ca dres. Office w ork, both

ecord and potential performance; h subje ctive efforts, take another l d and ople orienteust be very clear, pe not accelerating the development of people and the opposition. Mople-oriented. Adhere to people-oriente d both to overcome one-sidedness of the old, but also to prevent one-sidedness, of thoug development of the sci nd. Humanist is the core of the scientific Outlook on development, remains the entific Outlo ok on development empha sizes, is still taking economic construction as the Ce nter. Any de parture from the development ht and action, i s a misinterpretation a nd misunderstanding of pe cal point of view tded a,. In Prevention of underlty,

a significapositive nce of evaluation. Office of the party committees at all levels should take the finding s as on the cadres ' bonus-pena n importa nt basis for future moveme nts, incentive a nd restraint effect of making evaluati ons.

3. standing infidelity. People-centere d devel opment, concrete is dialecticalpractice in t he process, to prevent one-si nd still l ook, from actual people. One i s to use dialectio understa be d never but consistent, we



实用阶段,国内外一些商品化软件系统先后推向市场,对实际铸件生产起着越来越重要的作用。因此,对计算机辅助设计与计算机辅助分析应以积极推广。①实施甩图板、甩红蓝铅笔、甩铸造手册工程的应用几近空白,应当尽快实施CAD 当前国内铸造生产依然是采用传统的工艺设计手段,铸造工艺甩图板、甩红蓝铅笔、甩铸造手册工程,实现铸造工艺的计算机设计。这是铸造行业技术改造的必然要求。技术②大力推广铸造CAE与西方工业发达国左右,100家,仅占所有铸造厂家的0.5% 目前国内采用铸造CAE技术的企业不到大胆采用最新科技成一方面国内铸造业应解放思想,)差别很大,推广应用工作应大力加强。家(10%左右系统的作用,它侧重于分析、优化铸造工艺,但它绝对不能完全代CAE果;另一方面还应正确认识铸造替铸造工程技术人员,不能神化它的功用,亦不应无视其作用,确切地说它是铸造工作者手中的有利工具。最后还需要政府的扶植,多渠道推广。一体化,进一步实现远程制造/CAE/CAM/RPM③铸造工装初步实现CADCAD/CAE/CAM/RPM模板的设计制造,比较易于实现在整个铸造生产中,铸造工装尤其是铸造模具/




些年来,已经出现了很多利用微机来测试各种参数、监视生产状况、控制生产过程的设备及装置,从而有效地提高了铸件质量及生产效率,降低铸造成本。铸造过程采用微电子及计算机技术进行检测与控制微机检测与控制系统通常由计算机是生产高质量铸件的必备条件,也是现代铸造生产的一个重要标志。、传感器及执行机械等部分组成。、数模转换器(D/A)硬件与软件、I/O接口、模数转换器(A/D) 目前在铸造生产中运用的微机检测与控制系统主要有如下几个方面:

①型砂性能及砂处理过程微机检测与控制。主要功能有紧实率、抗压强度、抗拉强度、有效粘土含量、透气性测定及水分控制。②冲天炉熔炼的微机检测与控制。主要功能有配料的自动控制、风量调节、冷却水量控制、湿度及温度ctivelydres to as to lead the vast numbers of ca se, people, constah standard of armed people, shaping, exerci ntly taking the new connotation of the times. erm s of Office, i, innst perspectiveovative pe ople-oriented way. Under the new historical conditions, we are requested by the times, set up a brand new concept, a high starting poi nt, higherefore, wht. To treat people if you ds are also changi n the first plans to accelerate development ice ... Work standards. Second is to use the scale of development to understand. Society is ev olving, human nee ng. Pra ctice of humani sm is a long-term pr ocess and ca nnot be achieve d overnig stand still and rigid dogma, it is possible t o return to this, see things but not people's old ways. Te have to foll ow the development of the times, and continue debuggi ng the humanin 8 work remaiowth, 2.1% lowo's Governmed in the name of reducieople-orienteng our enthusiasm. Premier We n Jiaba nt work report this yea r, identified as 7% grer than last year's 9.1%, but ihe tests ofnd up to t ng and har d struggle, to staof plain livicomrades, must conti nue t o maintain the style committees at all level not imply y r, go back to y our seat busine ss. Our emphasis on people-oriente d, does ou ca n indulge the desires, t he comfortable, t he pursuit of enjoyment. Office of the party s of our nking wateonly to put dow only s a one-time he dri cups here id on reality, not e to ped is to overcome a g enhance accumnd of the masses mon, a high level pt to the i ncrea singly of leader shi p situatictively ada pt to the demaore and more sit uations, eager to learn, ulation, efforts, hone d the ability to ood service, pani c. Thir use reali stic understanding. Adheropl e-oriented must be basedivorced from reality. Desk no water n Hong Kong, staff need to drink some water to tnking fountain on a floor, the gla ss used i non-cone type. Drink t his

cup can hold, ca nnot be n. This is not save on glass materials, more important is t o for ce you to get dri ctively ada he knowledge faster a adapt to t nd a s work nd cadrecadres ang ca ducation nce tsponsibility, effectively e ug in heir -ori nt pe units tcommittees at all levelctor of the Office e-orienteng pe assume respnefit of mission, conscied to it is a petent. ding cadre is sic nt for leader s is the minimum re nce, its level, ce, its g dershihen tccountable. First, we mstablished and hold every bility for coordi below with t bove a-orie s a liability. elopment, everys. Putting people first is a common vi ned responsi e 4. de servi nd dicatihe spirit of selfle temptations, ex citing energy conservation disposition to tss deon aprovi ces. Investeclearly defibilitiesion of dev one i Peoplented, a nd he responsinating system must be eone a ust strengthe lea p. In its pla overna bear the responsibility of the Division. Thi quireme s, is a measure of the bacriteria for whether a leacom Leaders ne n official term for the beously onsibility for implementiopl d. Dire of the party s is the responsibility of the o implemeopleented, to manage t people, plown re nha he e of leadidres, of vigor and vitality Office work is full ces, efforts to revitalize the Office of human resour

well, with the effectiveness of services to defend the interest s of the masses. T hird, we should strive to do well. To achieve good practi cal results, the key is to know the la w, to grasp the law s and using laws. Office of e conomic development, social progre ss, there are rules to follow. Only act according to the la w, to overcome blindne ss and strengthening initiative, creative. Working i n the Office, we should be good at analy zing the essence of things, to find regular thing, cha nge from passive to active, to seek one. Investee 2. establishme nt of evaluation system. Eval uation system is essentially an incentive mechanism, the evaluation was obje ctive and fair, reasonable, and can stimulate a person's energy, mobilizing people's enthusia sm or be misleadi ng, dam pene d the enthusiasm of people. At present, the concept of people-oriented people, but to establi sh and perfect evaluation system is still lagging behi nd. Work in this area should be seriously caught up. Three em phasis on to take advantagof. Is a focus on standards and scientific. A fundamental poi nt of the evaluati on criteria, is to keep contact, development, comprehe nsive eye evaluation of ca dres. Office w ork, both

ecord and potential performance; bot h subje ctive efforts, take another look at the objective condition; both pragmatic enough, take another look at the

etreat level. Second, focus on partici pating the brea dth of the subject. Eval uation of cadres must give full play to democracy, cadres a nd t he masse s handi ng over evaluation. Office work service s leadershi p and service base, serve the peopl e, the n nominate d the mai n object will contai n a variety of services, so that assessme nt was

a ccurate and to avoid one-sidedness. Third, pay attenti on to t he seriousness of the conclusion. The use of evaluati on fi ndi ngs is mai nly embodied in his direction. Permitted to choose one, it woul d be tantamount to establi shing a banner. Evaluation can't take care of the bala nce, ot herwise it would undermine the offset

the positive significance of evaluation. Office of the party committees at all levels should take the finding s as on the cadres ' bonus-penalty, a n importa nt basis for future moveme nts, incentive a nd restraint effect of making evaluati ons. 3. Prevention of understanding infidelity. People-centere d devel opment, concrete is dialectical,. In practice in t he process, to prevent one-sided a nd still l ook, from actual people. One i s to use dialecti cal point of view t o understand. Humanist is the core of the scientific Outl ook on development, remains the development of the sci entific Outlook on development empha sizes, is still taking economic construction as the Ce nter. Any

de parture from the development of thoug ht and action, i s a misinterpretation a nd misunderstanding of

pe ople-oriented. Adhere to people-oriente d both to overcome one-sidedness of the old, but also to prevent one-sidedness, not accelerating the development of people and the opposition. M ust be very clear, people oriented and

spee ding up developme nt is not opposed, but consistent, we should never be控制。③金属液质量的炉前快速检测及微机处理。主要功能有各元素成分测定、金属液温度、共晶度、孕育效果、抗拉强度、硬度的测定。④铸件成形过程的微机检测与控制。主要功能有金属液流动性检测、铸型性能检测、造型线主辅机工









监控。)可以实现远程(异地利用Internet 国内铸造企业这一领域的计算机应用相对较多,尤其是一些大规模专业铸造生产厂家,比较注重该方面技术的应用。但总的来说,应用面还不够宽,现有的检测与控制系统也大都是散兵游勇,各自为政,相对孤立地完成某一特定的工作。因此铸造企业一方面在抓现有铸造监控系统现代化改造的同时,注重引进吸收先进在线化、智能化、集成化的监控技术,从而达到高效低耗生产出高质量铸件的目的。


专家系统(Expert System)是近几十年来人工智能领域研究开发的计算机系统,它是人类长期以来对智能科学的探索成果和实际问题求解需要相结合的必然产物。专家系统是一种基于知识的智能系统,以求解那些人类专家才能解决的高难度问题为特征。一般包括知识库、数据库、推理机、知识获取机制、解释机制及用户接口等部分。铸造生产是一个复杂的过程,产品质量受诸多影响因素的制约。而这些因素一般是随机的、复杂的、很难用数学公式描述。在处理一些突发事件时,往往需要丰富的知识与经验,而这些知识与经验并不是所有人都能够掌握的。一个性能优越的铸造生产专家系统就可以处理生产中错综复杂的情况,在不确定信息基础上得到正确的结论,及时准确地解决问题。国外铸造专家系统的研制起始于80年代,一些不同类型的铸造专家系统先后推向市场,如冲天炉控制专家系统,铸件缺陷分析诊断专家系统,铸造过程规划、咨询系在实际生产中已取得较好的应用效果。,,熔模铸造专家系统等统eople-oriented in the name of reducing our enthusiasm. Premier We n Jiaba o's Government work report this yea r, identified as 7% growth, 2.1% lower than la st year's 9.1%, but i n 8 work remai ns to accelerate development i n the first pla ce ... Work standards. Second is to use the scale of development to understand. Society is ev olving, human needs are also changi ng. Pra ctice of humani sm is a long-term pr ocess and ca nnot be achieve d overnight. To treat people if you stand still and rigid dogma, it is possible to return to t his, see things but not people's old ways. Therefore, we have to foll ow the development of the times, and continue debuggi ng the humani st perspective, innovative people-oriented way. Under the new historical conditions, we are requested by the times, set up a brand new concept, a high starting poi nt, hig h standard of armed people, shaping, exerci se, people, constantly taking the new connotation of the t imes. erms of Office, i s to lead the vast numbers of cadres to activelyadapt to t he knowledge faster and a ctively adapt to the i ncrea singly high level of leader shi p situati on, a ctively ada pt to the demand of the masses more and more sit uations, eager to learn, enhance accumulation, efforts, hone d the ability to overcome a good service, pani c. Thir d is to use reali stic understanding. Adher e to pe opl e-oriented must be based on reality, not divorced from reality. Desk no water cups here i n Hong Kong, staff need to drink some water to the drinking fountain on a floor, the gla ss used i s a one-time non-cone type. Drink t his cup can only hold, ca nnot be put dow n. This is not only to save on glass materials, more important is to force you to get dri nking water, go back to y our seat busine ss. Our emphasis on people-oriente d, does not imply y ou ca n indulge the desires, t he comfortable, t he p ursuit of enjoyment. Office of the party committees at all level s of our comrades, must conti nue t o maintain the style of plain livi ng and hard struggle, to stand up to the tests

oftemptations, ex citing energy conservation disposition to the spirit of selfless dedication and provi de services. Investee 4. clearly defined responsibilitie s. Putting people first is a common vision of development, everyone i s a liability. People-orie nted, above a nd below with the responsi bility for coordi nating system must be established and hold everyone accountable. First, we m ust strengt hen t he lea dership. In its pla ce, its governa nce, its level, bear the responsibility of the Division. This is the minimum re quirement for leader s, is a measure of the basic criteria for whether a lea ding cadre is com petent. Leaders ne ed to it is an official term for the benefit of mission, consciously assume responsibility for implementing pe ople-oriente d. Dire ctor of the Office of the party committees at all levels is the responsibility of the units to impleme nt pe ople-oriented, to manage t heir people, plug in own re sponsibility, effectively enhance t he education of leadi ng cadres, cadres and cadre s work of vigor and vitality Office work is full ces, efforts to revitalize the Office of human resour

well, with the effectiveness of services to defend the interest s of the masses. T hird, we shoul d strive to do well. To achieve good practi cal results, the key is to know the la w, to grasp the law s and using laws. Office of economic development, social progre ss, there are rule s to follow. Only act according to the la w, to overcome blindness and stre ngthening initiative, creative. Working i n the Office, we should be good at analy zing the essence of things, to find regular thing, cha nge from passive to active, to seek one. Investee 2. establishme nt of evaluation system. Eval uation system is essentially an incentive mechanism, the evaluation was obje ctive and fair, reasonable, and can stimulate a person's energy, mobilizing people's enthusia sm or be misleadi ng, dam pene d the e nthusiasm of people. At present, the concept of people-oriented people, but to establi sh and perfect evaluation system is still lagging behi nd. Work in this area should be seriously caught up. Three em phasis on to take advantagof. Is a focus on standards and scientific. A fundamental poi nt of the evaluati on criteria, is to keep contact, development, comprehe nsive eye evaluation of ca dres. Office w ork, both

ecord and potential performance; bot h subje ctive efforts, take another look at the objective condition; both pragmatic enough, take another look at the

etreat level. Second, focus on partici pating the brea dth of the subject. Eval uation of cadres must give full play to democracy, cadres a nd t he m asses handi ng over evaluation. Office work services leadership and service base, serve the peopl e, the n nominate d the mai n object will contain a variety of services, so that assessment was

a ccurate and to avoid one-sidedness. Third, pay attenti on to t he seriousness of the conclusion. The use of evaluati on fi ndi ngs is mai nly embodied in his direction. Permitted to choose one, it would be ta ntamount to establi shing a banner. Evaluation can't take care of the bala nce, ot herwise it would undermine the offset

the positive significance of evaluation. Office of the party committees at all levels should take the finding s as on the cadres ' bonus-penalty, a n importa nt basis for future moveme nts, incentive a nd restraint effect of making evaluati ons. 3. Prevention of understanding infidelity. People-centere d devel opment, concrete is dialectical,. In practice in t he process, to prevent one-sided a nd still l ook, from actual people. One i s to use dialecti cal point of view t o understand. Humanist is the core of the scientific Outlook on development, remains the development of the sci entific Outlo ok on development empha sizes, is still taking economic construction as the Ce nter. Any

de parture from the development of thoug ht and action, i s a misinterpretation a nd misunderstanding of

pe ople-oriented. Adhere to people-oriente d both to overcome one-sidedness of the old, but also to prevent one-sidedness, not accelerating the development of people and the opposition. M ust be very clear, people oriented and

spee ding up developme nt is not opposed, but consistent, we should never be国内这一领域的研究开发工作起步较晚,但在一些方面也取得了长足进步,先后推出了型砂质量管理专家系统,铸造缺陷分析专家系统,自硬砂质量分析专家系统,压铸工艺参数设计及缺陷诊断铸造生产专家系统等。尽管铸造生产专家系统的研究工作已在很多领域展开,并取得了一定的应用效果,但总的来说目前还处于初始阶段。一些技术及应用环节的障碍,如铸造知识类型复杂、知识表达困难、决策空间大、多目标和多重约束、模糊性和不确定

性等都有待于进一步解决。专家系统控制是智能控制的另一个重要分支,是专家系统应用研究的前沿。在线专家系统控制更是倍铸造领域这方面的研究将逐步展开。受关注, 铸造生产专家系统是一个与实际生产结合极其紧密的应用技术,需要从实际中来,到实际中去。铸造专家系统的研制及应用均需要铸造生产企业给予大力的帮助与支持,因此应用推广工作应引起多方面高度重视。4)信息处理系统信息社会的一个重要特征就是信息爆炸,在这样的背景下,如何运用高效的管理手段及时准确地分析和处理要爆炸的信息和浩瀚的数据就显得非常重要了。对于一个铸造企业来说,企业内部各管理部门之间、各生产部门之间、管理和生产部门之间以及企业和外部之间需要传递大量的信息;另一方面企业内部各部门技术的进步往往会发生一些阻碍信息交流的孤岛,一些处理系统如CAD、CAE、CAM、CAPP所需要的及所生成的数据彼此差异很大,需要协调管理,才能达到资源共享。根据上述要求信息处理系统应运而生。(Information Processing System) 企业信息处理系统有别于管理信息系统(Management Informtation System,简称MIS)及产品数据管理(Production Data Management,简称PDM),是一个范围更广、内容更深,集整个企业所有行为为一体的信息处理系统。以铸造生产为例,一个铸造厂的信息处理系统应含盖该厂的所有行为,包括市场营销、物料进出、生产组织与协调、行政管理、与外界的信息交换等等。当今世界信息技术即将成为第一大产业,各种各样信息处理技术大量涌现、日新月异,特别是信息高速公路的出现,使人类社会进入了一个崭新时代。但是与其他领域相比,铸造行业信息处理技术研究、开发与应用显得过于落伍。特别是国内的铸造生产厂家,基本是拒信息技术于门外,尽管也有个别企业尝试采用现代先进信息处理技术,但毕竟凤毛麟角,远没有形成气候。总结国内铸造行业信息处理技术的开发应用现状,有以下特点:


没有形成规模、特色。所采用的技术也远不是最先进的。, 基本上处于手工、作坊式、来料加工方式



如PDM技术、MRP-Ⅱ技术、Internet/Intranet技术等应用还处于起步阶段。但是,作为机械产品毛坯重要的生产方式,铸造必须吸纳各种现代先进技术,以实现自身的完善与发展。先进信息处理技术的应用将是铸造产业现阶段及将来的技术进步最重要的领域之一。其发展也必将呈现集成化、国际化等趋势。eople-oriented in the name of reducing our enthusiasm. Premier We n Jiaba o's Government work report this yea r, identified as 7% gr owth, 2.1% low er than last year's 9.1%, but i n 8 work remai ns to accelerate development i n the first pla ce ... Work standards. Second is to use the scale of development to understand. Society is ev olving, human needs are also changi ng. Pra ctice of humani sm is a long-term pr ocess and ca nnot be achieve d overnight. To treat people if you stand still and rigid dogma, it is possible t o return to this, see things but not people's old ways. Therefore, we have to foll ow the development of the times, and continue debuggi ng the humani st perspective, innovative pe ople-oriented way. Under the new historical conditions, we are requested by the times, set up a brand new concept, a high starting poi nt, hig h standard of armed people, shaping, exerci se, people, constantly taking the new connotation of the times. erm s of Office, is to lead the vast numbers of cadres to activelyadapt to t he knowledge faster and a ctively adapt to the i ncrea singly high level of leader shi p situati on, a ctively ada pt to the demand of the masses more and more sit uations, eager to learn, enhance accumulation, efforts, hone d the ability to overcome a good service, pani c. Thir d is to use reali stic understanding. Adher e to

pe opl e-oriented must be based on reality, not divorced from reality. Desk no water cups here i n Hong Kong, staff need to drink some water to the drinking fountain on a floor, the gla ss used i s a one-time non-cone type. Drink t his cup can only hold, ca nnot be put dow n. This is not only to save on glass materials, more important is t o for ce you to get dri nking wate r, go back to y our seat busine ss. Our emphasis on people-oriente d, does not imply y ou ca n indulge the desires, t he comfortable, t he pursuit of enjoyment. Office of the party committees at all level s of our comrades, must conti nue t o maintain the style of plain livi ng and har d struggle, to stand up to the tests oftemptations, ex citing energy conservation disposition to the spirit of selfless dedication and provi de

services. Investe e 4. clearly defined responsibilitie s. Putting people first is a common vi sion of dev elopment, everyone i s a liability. People-orie nted, above a nd below with the responsi bility for coordi nating system must be established and hold everyone accountable. First, we m ust strengt hen t he lea dership. In its pla ce, its governance, its level, bear the responsibility of the Division. This is the minimum re quirement for leader s, is a measure of the basic criteria for whether a lea ding cadre is com petent. Leaders ne ed to it is an official term for the benefit of mission, consciously assume responsibility for implementi ng pe opl e-oriented. Dire ctor of the Office of the party committees at all levels is the responsibility of the units to impleme nt pe ople-oriented, to manage t heir people, plug in own re sponsibility, effectively enhance t he education of leading cadres, cadres and cadre s work of vigor and vitality Office work is full ces, efforts to revitalize the Office of human resour

well, with the effectiveness of services to defend the interest s of the masses. T hird, we should strive to do well. To achieve good practi cal results, the key is to know the la w, to grasp the law s and using laws. Office of e conomic development, social progre ss, there are rules to follow. Only act according to the la w, to overcome blindne ss and strengthening initiative, creative. Working i n the Office, we should be good at analy zing the essence of things, to find regular thing, cha nge from passive to active, to seek one. Investee 2. establishme nt of evaluation system. Eval uation system is essentially an incentive mechanism, the evaluation was obje ctive and fair, reasonable, and can stimulate a person's energy, mobilizing people's enthusia sm or be misleadi ng, dam pene d the enthusiasm of people. At present, the concept of people-oriented people, but to establi sh and perfect evaluation system is still lagging behi nd. Work in this area should be seriously caught up. Three em phasis on to take advantagof. Is a focus on standards and scientific. A fundamental poi nt of the evaluati on criteria, is to keep contact, development, comprehe nsive eye evaluation of ca dres. Office w ork, both

ecord and potential performance; bot h subje ctive efforts, take another look at the objective condition; both pragmatic enough, take another look at the

etreat level. Second, focus on partici pating the brea dth of the subject. Eval uation of cadres must give full play to democracy, cadres a nd t he masse s handi ng over evaluation. Office work service s leadershi p and service base, serve the peopl e, the n nominate d the mai n object will contai n a variety of services, so that assessme nt was

a ccurate and to avoid one-sidedness. Third, pay attenti on to t he seriousness of the conclusion. The use of evaluati on fi ndi ngs is mai nly embodied in his direction. Permitted to choose one, it woul d be tantamount to establi shing a banner. Evaluation can't take care of the bala nce, ot herwise it would undermine the offset

the positive significance of evaluation. Office of the party committees at all levels should take the finding s as on the cadres ' bonus-penalty, a n importa nt basis for future moveme nts, incentive a nd restraint effect of making evaluati ons. 3. Prevention of understanding infidelity. People-centere d devel opment, concrete is dialectical,. In practice in t he process, to prevent one-sided a nd still l ook, from actual people. One i s to use dialecti cal point of view t o understand. Humanist is the core of the scientific Outl ook on development, remains the development of the sci entific Outlook on development empha sizes, is still taking economic construction as the Ce nter. Any

de parture from the development of thoug ht and action, i s a misinterpretation a nd misunderstanding of

pe ople-oriented. Adhere to people-oriente d both to overcome one-sidedness of the old, but also to prevent one-sidedness, not accelerating the development of people and the opposition. M ust be very clear, people oriented and

spee ding up developme nt is not opposed, but consistent, we should never be


底改变铸造企业传统的生产、管理方式。 5)铸造工装的计算机应用更方便采用现代先进制造技术。铸造工装尤其铸造模具、模板的设计制造与普通铸件生产过程相比,

进入铸造工装的生产过程相对较多地应用了先进的设计与制造手段。 ,目前在整个铸造相关环节中,因此已比较普遍采用以下列方面为代表的先进设计模板制造企业,,国内外一些专业铸造模具/九十年代中期带

来了铸造工装生产的彻底性革命。,与制造手段,完全变革了传统的制模方式 CAM一体化①CAD/;,自动检查干涉情况在三维特征造型系统上直接进行模具的设计,能够实现模具各部分的虚拟装配

迅速快捷地生产出高质量的铸造模具来。,可以自动生成NC代码能够完成走刀规划和加工模拟; ②快速


③并行工程制成本。使用直到报废处理的所有装配、/模板设计的一开始就综合并行考虑模具的设计、加工、在铸造模具可以将设计错误降低到最低。环境, ④远程设计与制造远程设计与制造技术能够充,,

铸造工装的异地设计、异地制造已成为现实随着Internet的不断发展达到最佳配置。分发挥不同国家、不同地区的各种资源优势, 展望先进铸造工装生产技术的发展趋势,将呈现如下特点:


用过程各物理特性的变化将CAE 集成。化设计与制造工艺。进一步将实现并行环境下CAD/CAE/CAM/RPM ②分散网络化制造(DNM)

作为远程设计与制造技术的发展,分散网络化制造能快速、并行地将不同的成员组合成铸造工装虚拟保证可持续发展。,以最大限度地满足市场需求,充分利用现有资源企业, 尽管国内铸造工装制造的计算机应用已倍受关注,也取得了巨大的进步,但与西方工业发达国家相亟需迅速提高。,,推广应用范围还很小比,国内的技术研究开发水平还很落后6)Internet与铸造产业






eople-oriented in the name of reducing our enthusiasm. Premier We n Jiaba o's Government work report this yea r, identified as 7% growth, 2.1% lower than la st year's 9.1%, but i n 8 work remai ns to accelerate development i n the first pla ce ... Work standards. Second is to use the scale of development to understand. Society is ev olving, human needs are also changi ng. Pra ctice of humani sm is a long-term pr ocess and ca nnot be achieve d overnight. To treat people if you stand still and rigid dogma, it is possible to return to t his, see things but not people's old ways. Therefore, we have to foll ow the development of the times, and continue debuggi ng the humani st perspective, innovative people-oriented way. Under the new historical conditions, we are requested by the times, set up a brand new concept, a high starting poi nt, hig h standard of armed people, shaping, exerci se, people, constantly taking the new connotation of the t imes. erms of Office, i s to lead the vast numbers of cadres to activelyadapt to t he knowledge faster and a ctively adapt to the i ncrea singly high level of leader shi p situati on,

a ctively ada pt to the demand of the masses more and more sit uations, eager to learn, enhance accumulation, efforts, hone d the ability to overcome a good service, pani c. Thir d is to use reali stic understanding. Adher e to

pe opl e-oriented must be based on reality, not divorced from reality. Desk no water cups here i n Hong Kong, staff need to drink some water to the drinking fountain on a floor, the gla ss used i s a one-time non-cone type. Drink t his cup can only hold, ca nnot be put dow n. This is not only to save on glass materials, more important is to force you to get dri nking water, go back to y our seat busine ss. Our emphasis on people-oriente d, does not imply y ou ca n indulge the desires, t he comfortable, t he p ursuit of enjoyment. Office of the party committees at all

level s of our comrades, must conti nue t o maintain the style of plain livi ng and hard struggle, to stand up to the tests oftemptations, ex citing energy conservation disposition to the spirit of selfless dedication and provi de services. Investee 4. clearly defined responsibilitie s. Putting people first is a common vision of development,


机械制造业的发展前景 机械制造业作为一个传统的领域已经发展了很多年,积累了不少理论和实践经验,但随着社会的发展,人们的生活水平日益提高,各个方面的个性化需求越加强烈。作为已经深入到各行各业并已成为基础工业的机械制造业面临着严峻的挑战。 先进制造技术这个概念的提出为机械制造业的发展指明了方向。虽然这个名词没有确定的定义,但目前公认的认识是:先进制造技术是传统制造技术不断吸收机械、电子、信息、材料、能源和现代管理等方面的成果,并将其综合应用于产品设计、制造、检测、管理、销售、使用、服务的制造全过程,以实现优质、高效、低耗、清洁、灵活的生产,并取得理想技术经济效果的制造技术的总称。它具有如下一些特点:1.从以技术为中心向以人为中心转变,使技术的发展更加符合人类社会的需要。 2.从强调专业化分工向模糊分工、一专多能转变,使劳动者的聪明才智能够得到充分发挥。 3.从金字塔的多层管理结构向扁平的网络化结构转变,减少层次和中间环节。 4.从传统的顺序工作方式向并行工作方式转变,缩短工作周期,提高工作质量。 5.从按照功能划分部门的固定组织形式向动态的自主管理的小组工作方式转变。 6.机械制造技术的发展趋势可以概括为:(1)机械制造自动化。(2)精密工程。(3)传统加工方法的改进与非传统加工方法的发展。 下面对自动化技术给予论述和展望。 机械制造自动化技术始终是机械制造中最活跃的一个研究领域。也是制造企业提高生产率和赢得市场竞争的主要手段。机械制造自动化技术自本世纪20年代出现以来,经历了三个阶段,即刚性自动化、柔性自动化和综合自动化。综合自动化常常与计算机辅助制造、计算集成制造等概念相联系,它是制造技术、控制技术、现代管理技术和信息技术的综合,旨在全面提高制造企业的劳动生产率和对市场的响应速度。 一、集成化 计算机集成制造(CIMS)被认为是21世纪制造企业的主要生产方式。CIMS作为一个由若干个相互联系的部分(分系统)组成,通常可划分为5部分: 1.工程技术信息分系统 包括计算机辅助设计(CAD),计算机辅助工程分析(CAE),计算机辅助工艺过程设计(CAPP),计算机辅助工装设计(CATD)数控程序编制(NCP)等。 2.管理信息分系统(MIS) 包括经营管理(BM),生产管理(PM),物料管理(MM),人事管理(LM),财务管理(FM)等。3.制造自动化分系统(MAS) 包括各种自动化设备和系统,如计算机数控(CNC),加工中心(MC),柔性制造单元(FMS),工业机器人(Robot),自动装配(AA)等。 4.质量信息分系统 包括计算机辅助检测(CAI),计算机辅助测试(CAT),计算机辅助质量控制(CAQC),三坐标测量机(CMM)等。 5.计算机网络和数据库分系统(Network & DB) 它是一个支持系统,用于将上述几个分系统联系起来,以实现各分系统的集成。 二、智能化 智能制造系统可被理解为由智能机械和人类专家共同组成的人机一体化智能系统,该系统在制造过程中


( 安全管理 ) 单位:_________________________ 姓名:_________________________ 日期:_________________________ 精品文档 / Word文档 / 文字可改 2021新版机械制造技术发展趋 势探讨 Safety management is an important part of production management. Safety and production are in the implementation process

2021新版机械制造技术发展趋势探讨 随着社会经济水平的不断提高,我国的工业也取得了极大的发展,人们对机械制造技术也提出了更高的要求。因此,先进机械制造技术的广泛发展及运用已成为大势所趋。本文通过分析我国机械制造技术的发展现状及其特点,对机械制造技术的发展趋势进行有效的研究和探讨。 对产品的设计、加工生产、出售使用、维修等一系列过程进行研究的学科即为机械制造技术。机械制造技术是一项包含能量流、物质流、信息流的系统性工程,它的目的是为提高产品的质量,加强企业的市场竞争力。随着人民群众的生活水平不断提高,对各项产品的要求也日益上升,产品不但要满足物美价廉,便于使用的基本要求,还需具备品种的多样化、销售服务优质化等特点。为了满足现代市场的需求,先进机械制造技术的使用显得尤为重要。 机械制造技术的发展现状

机械制造业的发展一直受到人们的广泛关注。目前,在我国工业中,机械制造业已成为最大产业之一。机械制造业不但已具备一定的技术基础及规模,其开发创新能力也获得了明显的提高。虽然我国在机械制造业取得了不错的成绩,但与其他发达国家相比,在设计、生产工艺及自动化技术等方面,还存在着不足之处。 准则与所需数据更新慢,设计仍采用图纸的落后方法,新的设计技术使用率偏低等问题常出现在制造设计方面;在生产工艺方面,我国对诸如高精度加工、激光加工、纳米加工、复合加工等新型加工技术的使用还不成熟;对于自动化技术,我国对柔性制造系统、计算机集成制造系统、柔性制造单元的使用比较缺乏,还正处于刚性及单机的自动化阶段,也还未完全实现知识智能化以及柔性自动化。 机械制造技术的特点 先进性、市场性、全球性及系统性为机械制造技术的主要特点。先进的制造技术在保持传统有效条件因素的基础上,还不断将新的技术运用到产品生产的各个过程。产品的市场调研、工艺设计、加


现代大型设备的现状和机械制造业的进展趋势 1、现代大型设备的现状(状态监测与故障诊断) 大型设备状态监测与故障诊断技术在近十年内得到了前所未有的进展,它关于工业部门重要设备的治理维护、提高企业生产能力和保证安全生产、改进产品质量都具有极大的效益,在国民经济各部门进展中有着十分重要的意义? [1] 众所周知,一切工业部门有着许多各种各样的机器和设备,它们运行是否完好直接阻碍企业的效益,其中一些关键性重要设备甚至起着决定企业命运的作用,一旦发生事故,损失将不可估量。因此,如何幸免机器发生事故,尤其是灾难性事故,一直是人们极为重视的问题。长期以来,由于人们无法预知事故的发生,不得不采取两种对策:一是等设备坏了再进行维修,该方法经济损失专门大,因为等设备运行到破坏为止,往往需要昂贵的维修费用,灾难性破坏需要更换设备,还可能造成人员伤亡;二是定期检修设备,这种方法需有一定打算性和预防性,但其缺点是如无故障,则经济上损失专门大,而且定期检修的时刻周期也专门难确定。因此,合理的维修应是预知性的,即在设备故障出现的早期就监测臆患,提早预报,以便适时、合理地采取措施,因此故障诊断技术应运而生。 现代设备状态监测和故障诊断技术在国内外应用特不广泛,在

航天航空、能源电力、石油化工、交通运输、机械加工等行业都有应用[2][3][10]如: (1)航空发动机与飞机的故障诊断 (2)核反应堆的故障诊断 (3)汽轮发电机组的故障诊断 (4)冶金设备的故障诊断 (5)石油化工设备的故障诊断 (6)船舶发动机及其汽轮机的故障诊断 (7)车辆发动机的故障诊断。 (8)矿山机械与矿井设备的故障诊断 (9)大型结构的无损探伤及故障诊断 从以上叙述可看出,现代设备状态监测与故障诊断技术关于国民经济有着十分重要的意义,其作用要紧表现在以下几方面: (1)早期预报,防止事故发生 (2)预知性维修,提高设备治理水平 (3)提高设备的设计、制造水平,改进产品质量 (4)确定复杂机器的最佳工作参数,提高效率 (5)降低噪声、泄漏等污染,爱护环境 此外,状态监测与故障诊断技术的研究与进展对促进其相关学


!加工制造# 现代机械制造技术及其发展趋势 王世敬温筠X (石油大学(华东)机电工程学院) 摘要简述了机械制造技术的发展历程,国内外现代机械制造技术的现状及最新成就与进展,我国在发展现代机械制造技术的基本情况、差距及动向。在大量研究分析的基础上,预测了21世纪机械制造技术的3个发展方向:(1)全球化,其技术基础是网络化、标准化和集成化;(2)虚拟化,即设计过程中的拟实技术和制造过程中的虚拟技术;(3)绿色化,即通过绿色生产过程(绿色设计、绿色材料、绿色设备、绿色工艺、绿色包装、绿色管理)生产出产品,使用完后经绿色处理后加以回收利用。 关键词机械制造现状发展趋势 机械制造技术的发展历程 机械制造业是国民经济最重要的基础产业,而机械制造技术的不断创新则是机械工业发展的技术基础和动力。 机械制造业发展至今,按其生产方式的变化可划分为: (1)劳动密集型生产方式。手工制作及早期的工业生产均属于这种方式。 (2)设备密集型生产方式。这是一种随着运输机械、施工机械和机床等大规模工业化生产的出现而产生的生产方式。汽车、拖拉机、轴承等大批量生产中的刚性生产流水线均属于这种生产方式。 (3)信息密集型生产方式。从20世纪初期开始出现了数控机床、加工中心等新型机电一体化加工设备。它实现了人与机器设备之间的信息交流,机器设备可通过获得的信息,快速、准确地实现加工,继而产生了使用这些典型设备的生产方式。 (4)知识密集型生产方式。这种生产方式是制造理念的飞跃,把单向的产品制造链组成为有机的制造系统,其中的物流系统、信息流系统、能量流系统等相互依赖、相互作用、相互协调。这种制造系统不单能与人进行信息交流,而且本身具有专家系统、数据库等必要的解决问题的知识,使其能在获取较少信息的情况下完成加工要求。柔性制造系统(FM S)、计算机集成制造系统(CIM S)是这种生产方式的典型代表。 (5)智能密集型生产方式。这是目前正在研究和实施的一种全新的生产方式。它试图使用制造系统本身具有的人工智能,并引入了新的制造哲理和组织形式。因此,这种制造技术能够快速响应市场的变化,超前地开发产品,实现多品种产品的全过程管理。这种制造技术的实施,将使人们梦寐以求的/无图纸加工0、/无人化加工0、/无害化加工0成为可能。目前正在研究的智能制造系统(IMS)、智能型计算机集成制造系统(I-CIMS)、敏捷制造等就属于这种生产方式。 现代制造技术的涵义相当广泛。一般认为,现代制造技术是以传统制造技术与计算机技术、信息技术、自动控制技术等现代高新技术交叉融合的结果,是一个集机械、电子、信息、材料与管理技术于一体的新型交叉学科,它使制造技术的技术内涵和水平发生了质的变化。因此,凡是那些能够融合 # 21 # 2002年第30卷第11期 石油机械CHINA PETROLEUM MACHINERY X温筠,讲师,生于1972年,1998年毕业于石油大学(华东)石油机械工程专业,获硕士学位。现从事机械设计制造工艺的教学和科研工作。地址:(257062)山东省东营市。电话:(0546)8392093(H)。第一作者王世敬简介见本刊2002年第8期。 (收稿日期:2002-04-05;修改稿收到日期:2002-05-31)


铸造练习题 一、判断题(本大题共91小题,总计91分) 1.(1分)浇注温度过低,则金属液流动性差,铸件易产生气孔、缩孔、粘砂等缺陷。() 2.(1分)金属型铸造主要用于大批量生产形状简单的钢铁铸件。() 3.(1分)机床中的床身、床腿、尾座、主轴箱体、手轮等是用铸造方法生产的。() 4.(1分)熔模铸造与金属型铸造相比较,前者得到的铸件晶粒细。() 5.(1分)离心铸造的主要优点是不需型芯和浇注系统,它主要适合于生产圆筒形内腔的铸件。() 6.(1分)修补铸件的常用方法有补焊法、渗补法、熔补法和金属喷涂法等。() 7.(1分)模样用来形成铸型型腔,铸型用于形成铸件的外形等。芯盒用来制造砂芯(型芯),型芯用于形成铸件的内孔、内腔或局部外形。() 8.(1分)浇注温度过高,则金属液吸气多,体收缩大,铸件易产生浇不到、冷隔等缺陷。() 9.(1分)对于承受动载荷,要求具有较高力学性能的重要零件,一般采用铸件作毛坯。() 10.(1分)确定浇注位置时宽大平面应朝下,薄壁面朝上,厚壁朝下。() 11.(1分)造型材料应具有高的耐火度,即型砂承受高温作用而不软化、不熔融的能力。若型砂耐火度差,易使铸件产生粘砂缺陷。() 12.(1分)造型材料应具有高的硬度、耐火度,还应有良好的透气性、流动性、退让性等。() 13.(1分)当铸件的最大截面不在端部,模样又不便分开,造型时常采用分模造型。() 14.(1分)尺寸较大的铸件或体收缩较大的金属应设冒口,冒口可设在铸件的上部、中部或下部。() 15.(1分)在不增加壁厚的条件下,选择合理的截面形状和设置加强筋可提高铸件承载能力。() 16.(1分)铸件中的气孔能增加毛坯材料的透气性。() 17.(1分)砂型铸造手工造型的适用范围是中小批量和单件生产。() 18.(1分)最大截面在中部的铸件,一般采用分块模三箱造型。() 19.(1分)假箱造型时,假箱起底板作用,只用于造型,不参予合型浇注。() 20.(1分)型砂中的附加物包含有木屑,其作用是改善型砂的透气性。() 21.(1分)铸铁的浇注温度为液相线以上100℃,一般为1250~1470℃。() 22.(1分)确定分型面时尽可能使铸件全部或主要部分置于同一砂箱中。() 23.(1分)在常用的铸造合金中,以铸钢流动性最好,灰铸铁流动性最差。() 24.(1分)在常用铸造合金中,灰铸铁的流动性最好,铸钢次之,铝合金最差。() 25.(1分)型砂主要由原砂、粘结剂、附加物、水和矿物油混制而成。() 26.(1分)为了便于造型和防止铸件尖角处产生应力和裂纹,模样和芯盒的所有转角处都应做成圆角。() 27.(1分)砂型铸造、金属型铸造、压力铸造、熔模铸造相比较,大批生产时,金属型铸造的生产率最高。() 28.(1分)铸造合金从液态凝固和冷却至室温过程中产生的体积和尺寸的缩减称为收缩。() 29.(1分)加工余量是铸件加工面上,在铸造工艺设计时,预先增加的,在机械加工时需切除的金属层厚度。() 30.(1分)大批量生产铸件与小批量生产铸件相比,前者机械加工余量应小一些。() 31.(1分)离心铸造机按旋转轴的方位不同,可分为立式、卧式和倾斜式三种类型。() 32.(1分)压力铸造是指熔融金属在高压下高速充型,并在压力下凝固的铸造方法,简称为压铸。() 33.(1分)铸型中,型腔用以获得铸件的外形,型芯用来形成铸件内部孔腔。() 34.(1分)直浇道的作用是其高度使金属液产生静压力,以便迅速充满型腔。() 35.(1分)浇注速度过快会导致砂层翘起脱落,产生夹砂结疤等缺陷。() 36.(1分)砂型铸造工艺设计的主要内容是绘制铸造工艺图和铸件图。()


机械行业的发展与前景 1、促进了农业的进步 中国自古以来以农业立国,农业生产在古代历史发展进程中始终占据核心地位,因而作为农业生产工具的农业机械在生产中的作用极为重要。农业机械方面的大量发明、革新及其推广应用对社会生产力的提高起了极大的作用。春秋时期,铁器在农业、手工业生产上开始使用。到战国时期,铁农具已经很多,标志着社会生产力的显著提高。春秋末年已使用牛耕,战国时期得到推广,促进农业生产获得进一步的发展。战国时期,农民重视使用肥料,还注意选种、因地制宜和适时耕种。那时候,各国都兴修了水利工程。秦蜀郡太守李冰在岷江中游修筑的都江堰是闻名世界的防洪灌溉工程。都江堰消除了岷江水患,灌溉了大片农田,使成都平原成为沃野,两千多年来,一直造福于人民。北朝贾思勰著《齐民要术》一书,强调农业生产要遵循自然规律,农作物必须因地种植,不耽误农时,还要改革生产技术和工具。 2、推动了手工业和商业的兴盛 早在春秋时代,我国已经发明生铁冶炼技术,比欧洲早1900年。春秋晚期晋国曾把成文的刑法铸在铁鼎上颁布。战国时期,铁矿山达到30多处。那时候,煮盐业、纺织业和漆器业都有显著进步。明末科学家宋应星编著的《天工开物》,总结了明代农业、手工业生产技术,反映了明朝时期我国手工场的生产面貌。介绍了北京王麻子、杭州张小泉的剪刀,使用“夹钢”、“贴钢”的技术;采煤时已经能排除瓦斯;纺织业的提花机等。这些在当时世界上都是第一流的。 3、在水利工程、建筑工程、交通运输等领域发挥着重要作用。 秦国都江堰是闻名世界的防洪灌溉工程,他把岷江分为内江和外江。内江供灌溉、外江供分洪,免除了水灾,灌溉了农田。

隋朝杰出工匠李春设计和主持建造的赵州桥,是世界上现存最古老的一座石拱桥。桥的大拱两端上方各有两个小拱,可减轻桥身重量对桥基的压力、遇到洪水又可以减轻急流对桥身的冲击。隋朝著名的建筑师宇文恺设计了隋都大兴城和东京洛阳城,并指导了两座城市的营建。到了北宋,指南针应用于航海事业。宋朝的海船装有罗盘针,无论白天、黑夜、阴雨、大雾,都能辨识方向。南宋时,指南针传到欧洲,为欧洲的航海家进行环球航海和发现新大陆,提供了重要条件。 4、在军事上具有举足轻重的作用 机械技术在军事上具有举足轻重的作用,先进和精良的武器与军事装备的制造都要依赖先进的机械技术。唐朝末年,火药开始用于军事。宋朝时期,火药在军事上广泛使用。那时的火药武器有火箭、突火枪和火炮等。13世纪、14世纪,火药和武器传人阿拉伯和欧洲。到了元朝,大型的金属管形火器“火铳”,在军事上很受重视。蒙古西征时,多次使用火药武器攻打中亚和波斯的城市。在战争中,阿拉伯人学会了制造火药和火药武器。 制造业作为一个传统的领域已经发展了很多年,积累了不少理论和实践经验,但随着社会的发展,人们的生活水平日益提高,各个方面的个性化需求越加强烈。作为已经深入到各行各业并已成为基础工业的机械制造业面临着严峻的挑战。先进制造技术这个概念的提出为机械制造业的发展指明了方向。虽然这个名词没有确定的定义,但目前公认的认识是:先进制造技术是传统制造技术不断吸收机械、电子、信息、材料、能源和现代管理等方面的成果,并将其综合应用于产品设计、制造、检测、管理、销售、使用、服务的制造全过程,以实现优质、高效、低耗、清洁、灵活的生产,并取得理想技术经济效果的制造技术的总称。 机械制造自动化技术始终是机械制造中最活跃的一个研究领


国内外机械制造技术的发展现状及趋势 学院:材料学院姓名:*** 学号:00000000 摘要:机械制造业已经熔入电子学、信息科学、材料学、生物学、管理科学等最新科学成就,现代制造技术的发展趋势有三个方面:高精度、高效自动化和特种加工。 关键词:现代机械制造技术 现代制造技术是以传统制造技术与计算机技术、信息技术、自动控制技术等现代高新技术交叉融合的结果,是一个集机械,电子、信息、材料、能源与管理技术于一体的新型交叉学科,它使制造技术的内涵和水平发生了质的变化。因此,凡是那些能够融合当代科技进步的最新成果,最能发挥人和设备的潜力,最能体现现代制造水平并取得理想技术经济效果的制造技术均称为现代制造技术,它给传统的机械制造业带来了勃勃生机。 一国外现代机械制造技术的现状 在产品设计方面,普遍采用计算机辅助产品设计(CAD)、计算机辅助工程分析(CAE)和计算机仿真技术;在加工技术方面,巳实现了底层(车间层)的自动化,包括广泛地采用加工中心(或数控技术)、自动引导小车(AGV)等.近10余年来,发达国家主要从具有全新制造理念的制造系统自动化方面寻找出路,提出了一系列新的制造系统。如计算机集成制造系统、智能制造系统、并行工程、敏捷制造等。 1.1 计算机集成制造系统(CIMS) 它是在自动化技术、信息技术和制造技术的基础上,通过计算机及其软件,将制造厂全部生产活动所需的各种分散的自动化系统有机地集成起来,是适合于多品种、中小批量生产的总体高效率、高柔性的制造系统。首先在功能上,它包含了一个工厂的全部生产经营活动,即从市场预测、产品设计、加工工艺、制造、管理至售后服务以及报废处理的全部活动.因此它比传统的工厂自动化的范围要大得多,是一个复杂的大系统,是工厂自动化的发展方向。其次,在集成上,它涉及的自动化不是工厂各个环节自动化的简单叠加,而是在计算机网络和分布式数据库支持下的有机集成。这种集成主要体现在以信息和功能为特征的技术集成,即信息集成和功能集成。计算机集成制造系统的核心技术是CAD/cAM技术。 1.2 智能制造系统(IMS) 是指将专家系统、模糊逻辑、人工神经网络等人工智能技术应用到制造系统中,以解决复杂的决策问题,提高制造系统的水平和实用性。人工智能的作用是要代替熟练工人的技艺,学习工程技术人员的实践经验和知识,并用于解决生产中的实际问题,从而将工人、工程技术人员多年来积累起来的丰富而又宝贵的实践经验保存下来,在实际的生产中长期发挥作用。智能制造系统的核心技术是人工智能。


铸造发展历程 铸造是将金属熔炼成符合一定要求的液体并浇进铸型里,经冷却凝固、清整处理后得到有预定形状、尺寸和性能的铸件的工艺过程。铸造是现代机械制造工业的基础工艺之一。 铸造是人类掌握比较早的一种金属热加工工艺,已有约6000年的历史。中国约在公元前1700~前1000年之间已进入青铜铸件的全盛期,工艺上已达到相当高的水平。中国商朝的重875公斤的司母戊方鼎,战国时期的曾侯乙尊盘,西汉的透光镜,都是古代铸造的代表产品。 早期的铸件大多是农业生产、宗教、生活等方面的工具或用具,艺术色彩浓厚。那时的铸造工艺是与制陶工艺并行发展的,受陶器的影响很大。 中国在公元前513年,铸出了世界上最早见于文字记载的铸铁件—晋国铸型鼎,重约270公斤。欧洲在公元八世纪前后也开始生产铸铁件。铸铁件的出现,扩大了铸件的应用范围。例如在15~17世纪,德、法等国先后敷设了不少向居民供饮用水的铸铁管道。18世纪的工业革命以后,蒸汽机、纺织机和铁路等工业兴起,铸件进入为大工业服务的新时期,铸造技术开始有了大的发展。 进入20世纪,铸造的发展速度很快,其重要因素之一是产品技术的进步,要求铸件各种机械物理性能更好,同时仍具有良好的机械加工性能;另一个原因是机械工业本身和其他工业如化工、仪表等的发展,给铸造业创造了有利的物质条件。如检测手段的发展,保证了铸件质量的提高和稳定,并给铸造理论的发展提供了条件;电子显微镜等的发明,帮助人们深入到金属的微观世界,探查金属结晶的奥秘,研究金属凝固的理论,指导铸造生产。 在这一时期内开发出大量性能优越,品种丰富的新铸造金属材料,如球墨铸铁,能焊接的可锻铸铁,超低碳不锈钢,铝铜、铝硅、铝镁合金,钛基、镍基合金等,并发明了对灰铸铁进行孕育处理的新工艺,使铸件的适应性更为广泛。 50年代以后,出现了湿砂高压造型,化学硬化砂造型和造芯,负压造型以及其他特种铸造、抛丸清理等新工艺,使铸件具有很高的形状、尺寸精度和良好的表面光洁度,铸造车间的劳动条件和环境卫生也大为改善。 20世纪以来铸造业的重大进展中,灰铸铁的孕育处理和化学硬化砂造型这两项新工艺有着特殊的意义。这两项发明,冲破了延续几千年的传统方法,给铸造工艺开辟了新的领域,对提高铸件的竞争能力产生了重大的影响。


摘要 人类社会的发展是一个不断制造的过程,制造是人类社会发展的基础。而机械制造业是国民经济的发展的基础,机械装备的性能和质量对国民经济各部分生产技术的进步和经济效益的提高有着举足轻重的影响。现如今,机械工业的技术水平已经成为衡量一个国家科技水平和经济实力的重要标志之一。 现在机械制造业已经从传统意义上的制造业向着集机械、电子、光学、信息科学、材料科学、生物科学、激光学、管理学等各类学科为一体的新兴工业的综合体。近年来,机械制造工业企业的自主开发创新能力有所提高,使整个机械行业的水平有了明显的进步。 这次论文通过阅读大量的文献资料,对机械行业的发展有了更深刻的认识。并且对现代机械制造技术的特点进行了总结,对未来机械工业的发展趋势进行了展望。本文详细论述了机械制造业的特点及发展趋势,包括机械知道业的先进性、实用性及前沿性。机械制造业的发展趋势是朝着全球化、网络信息化、虚拟化、自动化及绿色化的方向发展的。本文还对中国机械制造业的不足进行了分析,并给出一些可行性的科学建议,主要集中在机械制造业的管理方面。 关键词:机械制造工业特点问题技术发展趋势

ABSTRACT Development of human society is a continuous manufacturing process, manufacturing is the foundation for the development of human society. The machinery manufacturing industry is the basis for the development of national economy, performance and quality of machinery and equipment has a significant impact to the national economy and technological improvement. Today, the technological level of machinery industry has become a measure of a country's technological level and economic strength of the important symbols. Now machinery manufacturing has moved from traditional manufacturing to the set of mechanical, electronic, optical, information science, materials science, biological science, laser science, management science and other disciplines as one of the emerging complex industrial. In recent years, machine-building industry's independent innovation ability of enterprises has increased, the level of the whole machinery industry has significant progress. By reading the paper have a more profound understanding. And summarized the characteristics of modern machinery manufacturing technology and discussed the future development trend of the machinery industry This paper discusses the mechanical characteristics and development trends in the manufacturing sector, including mechanical usement, the industry advanced, practical and cutting edge. Machinery manufacturing is towards globalization, information network, virtualization, automation and green in the direction of development. This article also analyzed China's machinery manufacturing industry, and give some scientific advice, mainly in machinery manufacturing management. Key word:machinery technical characteristics of machinery manufacturing industry trends


机械制造技术基础论文 学院:机械学院 姓名:刘泽琳 班级:工业工程2班 学号:201302040309

中国机械制造业的发展和前景 刘泽琳 (浙江工业大学机械学院工业工程2班学号201302040309) 摘要:机械制造业是一个国家的基础行业,是国名经济发展的支柱产业。机械制造在中国的发展虽然历史悠久,但长期处于非常落后的状态,知道1949年新中国成立以后逐步发展和壮大起来,。经过多年的发展,中国的机械制造业已经逐步建立了自己的发展体系,几十年来为我国国民经济的发展做出了巨大的贡献。中国的机械制造工业已成为一个规模宏大、门类齐全和工业部门,可以生产各种先进机床和刀具,能制造冶金、化工、纺织等工业的整套装备,能制造大型发电机组,能制造万吨巨轮和中型客机,能制造卫星、导弹、先进战机、航空航天设备以及先进武器。目前,我国正处于经济发展的关键时期,机械制造技术不仅是衡量一个国家可以发展水平的重要标志,致使国际间科技竞争的终点。本文对我过机械制造技术的现状及技术特点进行分析,并简述21世纪机械制造技术的发展方向。 Abstract:Mechanical manufacturing industry is the basic industry of a country, is the pillar industry in economic development. Although the development of machinery manufacturing in China has a long history, but has been in a very backward state, it is known that the new China was founded in 1949 and gradually developed and expanded,. After many years of development, China's machinery manufacturing industry has gradually established its own development system, for decades, the development of China's national economy has made tremendous contributions. China's machinery manufacturing industry has become a large-scale, complete categories and industrial sectors, can in the production of a variety of advanced machine tools and tool, to make a set of equipment of metallurgy, chemical industry, textile industry, to make a large generating units, million tons of wheel and medium-sized aircraft, satellite, missile, advanced fighter aircraft, aerospace equipment and


中国铸造模具行业发展现状及趋势是怎样的 “十五”期间中国铸造巿场呈现良好趋势,2005年全国铸件总 量达到1800万吨左右,球墨铸件在总产量中的比重提高到20%-25%,即320万-400万吨;随着轿车产量的增加,有色铸造件产量接近200 万吨;今后国际巿场需求也将保持高速增长态势,全球对中国铸件的 年需求量约为4000万吨左右,其中球墨铸铁和有色合金铸件需求量 增长迅速,铸造模具产值将超过百亿元人民币。 一、国内外铸造模具企业比较 全国铸造模具生产企业,大体可以分成以下几类:第一类为铸造模具专业厂(包括合资和独资企业),这些企业设备先进,技术优良,是铸造模具行业的主力;第二类是铸造专业厂的模具车间;第三类是 近年来发展迅速的私营和民营模具厂,这类企业规模不大,数量众多,各有分工,协同作战,分布在江浙、广东一带,其中有些厂已 经具备了一定的实力;第四类是兼做铸造模具的其他一些模具厂。总之,铸造模具生产企业呈多元化,并向高水平发展,这也是中国经 济发展带来的必然趋势。 国外发达国家的模具厂大体分为独立的模具厂和隶属于一些大的集团公司的模具厂,一般规模都不大,但专业化程度高,技术水平高,生产效率极高。 国外模具企业一般不超过100人,多数在50人以下。在人员结 构上,设计、质量控制、营销人员超过30%,管理人员在5%以下。 年人均产值超过100万元人民币,最高能达到200多万元人民币。 国内模具企业中一些私营、合资企业人员结构和国外差不多,但一 些国企的人员结构还不尽合理,在年人均产值上差距还很大,多数 在10~20万元人民币,少数能达到40万元人民币。 国外模具企业对人员素质要求较高,技术人员一专多能,一般能独立完成从工艺到工装的设计;操作人员具备多种操作技能;营销人


机械加工行业前景发展现状:精益生产转型升级 目前,作为我国国民经济的主导产业,机械加工行业仍然是我国经济增长的主要支撑;作为经济社会发展的重要依托,机械加工行业是我国城镇就业的主要渠道和国际竞争力的集中体现。但是,从目前的表现来看,中国机械加工行业的发展距西方制造业强国仍有较大差距。 中国机械加工行业的精益变革发展道路阻碍频现,任重道远。早在1987年,联合国环境与发展委员会的报告中就明确提出了“可持续发展”这一概念。对此,我国政府根据自身的发展现状,高瞻远瞩地将此概念应用于中国制造业转型升级的具体实践中,提出要以发展方式转变推动发展质量和效益提升,调整优化产业结构,推动创新驱动发展,加快完善各方面体制机制,妥善应对外部环境变化,促进长期稳定健康发展。 新中国成立以来,我国机械加工行业的发展大致可分为三大阶段:第一阶段为新中国成立初到改革开放,这是机械制造业形成比较独立完整体系的时期,这一时期,我国的机械加工业主要以委托代加工制造(OEM)的形式存在;第二阶段是改革开放到上世纪90年代初,是我国机械加工业中以运输机械(如汽车)和工程机械(如旋挖钻机)等为代表的传统产业的迅猛发展时期,表现为研发设计(ODM)为主;第三阶段自上世纪90年代初开始,我国机械制造业在开放和竞争的环境中进入了结构调整和产业提升的新时期,高新技术产品比重明显上升,表现为自主品牌(OBM)的特征。 但是严峻的经济形势给制造业带来了前所未有的难题。实施精益生产转型升级,优化产业结构调整,增强行业的活力和后劲,推动机械制造业走出一条更高质量、更具特色、更富活力的精益发展之路,是机械加工业增强自身竞争能力的需要。同时机械行业经过前几年的高速发展期,暴露了诸多问题。长期以来,国内工程机械企业研发平台建设能力和资源投入严重不足,主要靠模仿和拿来主义,导致设备保有量和低端产能出现过剩的局面。与此对应的是,跨国企业却在高端产品小容量市场掘取丰厚利润。在工程机械产能过剩市场形势的倒逼下,精益转型升级已是行业大势所趋。 因此,降低成本、提升效率,实施转型升级,增强竞争实力,走精益变革之路,是机械行业自我革命的需要、是经济形势的需要、是可持续发展的需要。 当前,精益发展之路仍将持续变革。我国的机械加工行业转型升级意义重大、迫在眉睫。只要我们遵从创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的五大发展理念,坚持可持续的发展方向,走转型升级的精益发展道路,机械加工行业就一定能做大做强,实现机械制造业由生产型向生产服务型转变、由粗放式管理向精益化管理转变、由低端制造向高端制造的转变。


现代机械制造技术的现状及趋势 现代制造技术的涵义相当广泛.一般认为,现代制造技术是以传统制造技术与计算机技术、信息技术、自动控制技术等现代高新技术交叉融合的结果,是一个集机械,电子、信息、材料、能源与管理技术于一体的新型交叉学科,它使制造技术的内涵和水平发生了质的变化。因此,凡是那些能够融合当代科技进步的最新成果,最能发挥人和设备的潜力,最能体现现代制造水平并取得理想技术经济效果的制造技术均称为现代制造技术,它给传统的机械制造业带来了勃勃生机。 1 现代机械制造技术的现状 1.1 国外情况 在产品设计方面,普遍采用计算机辅助产品设计(CAD)、计算机辅助工程分析(CAE)和计算机仿真技术;在加工技术方面,巳实现了底层(车间层)的自动化,包括广泛地采用加工中心(或数控技术)、自动引导小车(AGV)等.近10余年来,发达国家主要从具有全新制造理念的制造系统自动化方面寻找出路,提出了一系列新的制造系统。如计算机集成制造系统、智能制造系统、并行工程、敏捷制造等。 1.1.1 计算机集成制造系统(CIMS)

它是在自动化技术、信息技术和制造技术的基础上,通过计算机及其软件,将制造厂全部生产活动所需的各种分散的自动化系统有机地集成起来,是适合于多品种、中小批量生产的总体高效率、高柔性的制造系统。首先在功能上,它包含了一个工厂的全部生产经营活动,即从市场预测、产品设计、加工工艺、制造、管理至售后服务以及报废处理的全部活动.因此它比传统的工厂自动化的范围要大得多,是一个复杂的大系统,是工厂自动化的发展方向。其次,在集成上,它涉及的自动化不是工厂各个环节自动化的简单叠加,而是在计算机网络和分布式数据库支持下的有机集成。这种集成主要体现在以信息和功能为特征的技术集成,即信息集成和功能集成。计算机集成制造系统的核心技术是CAD/cAM技术。 1.1.2 智能制造系统(IMS) 是指将专家系统、模糊逻辑、人工神经网络等人工智能技术应用到制造系统中,以解决复杂的决策问题,提高制造系统的水平和实用性。人工智能的作用是要代替熟练工人的技艺,学习工程技术人员的实践经验和知识,并用于解决生产中的实际问题,从而将工人、工程技术人员多年来积累起来的丰富而又宝贵的实践经验保存下来,在实际的生产中长期发挥作用。智能制造系统的核心技术是人工智能。 1.1.3 并行工程(CE)又称同步工程或同期工程,是针对传统的产品串行开发过程而提出的概念和方法.并行工程是集成地、并行


中国机械制造业发展现状与前景 【摘要】机械制造业是一个国家的基础行业,是国民经济发展的支柱产业。中国的机械制造业经过多年的发展,已逐步建立了自己的发展体系。目前,我国正处于经济发展的关键时期,机械制造技术不仅是衡量一个国家科技发展水平的重要标志,也是国际间科技竞争的重点,但机械制造技术是我们的薄弱环节,因此必须对我国机械制造业现状进行进一步的分析和研究。本文对我国机械制造技术的现状及技术特点进行分析,并简述了21世纪机械制造技术的发展方向。 【关键词】中国机械制造业基础设备国家的宏观方针政策发展现状发展方向 机械制造业是制造业的最主要的组成部分,是为用户创造和提供机械产品的行业,包括机械产品的开发、设计、制造、流通、和售后服务全过程。在整个制造业中,机械制造业占有特别重要的地位。因为机械制造业是国民经济的装备部,它以各种机器设备供应和装备国民经济的各个部门,并使其不断发展。国民经济的发展速度,在很大程度上取决于机械制造工业技术水平的高低和发展速度。 改革开放三十年以来,中国制造业有了显著的发展。目前,我国正处于经济发展的关键时期,但机械制造技术是我们的薄弱环节,它的发展已经跟不上国民经济的发展。因此要想跟上先进制造技术的世界潮流,必须将其放在战略优先地位,并以足够的力度予以实施,才能尽快缩小与发达国家的差距,才能在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地,才能促进国民经济的发展,因此我国机械制造的现状和发展前景也越来越受到人们的关注和重视。 以下几个方面是机械制造业的重要组成部分,通过这几个方面的分析比较,基本上可以了解我国机械制造业的现状。 1 基础设备 在机械制造业中,机床、刀具、夹具、检测仪器等设备很大程度上决定了加工水p2 存在着技术对外依存度高 业内人士认为,我国机械行业存在一个巨大的技术隐患,最突出的表现是对外技术依存度高。当今世界,制造业的中心正在向我国等发展中国家转移,中国已经成为全球性的制造大国,令世界瞩目。然而,由于缺乏具有自主知识产权的核心技术和品牌,制造业的许多领域还停留在国际价值链分工的低端。 3 国家扶持的支点偏离 科技投入占GDP的比重仍然很低,且投入不足和浪费低效并存。我国历史上科技投入占GDP的比重最高是1960年的2.32%,以后逐年下降,到1998年为0.69%,2000年以后有所回升,到2004年为1.23%,而创新型发达国家及新


国内外铸造新技术发展现状及趋势 2008-7-14 面对全球信息、技术空前高速发展,机械制造业尤其是装备制造业的现代化水平高速提升,中国(这里只讲大陆的情况,不包括台湾和港澳地区)铸造业当清醒认识自己的历史重任和与发达国家的现实差距,大胆利用人类文明的最新成果,认清“只有实现高新技术化才能跟上时代步伐”的道理,机智地把握现代铸造技术的发展趋势,理智地采用先进适用技术,明智地实施可持续发展战略,立足现实又高瞻远瞩,以振兴和发展中国铸造业的累累硕果来奠定中国现代工业文明进程的坚实基础。 1.发达国家铸造技术发展现状 发达国家总体上铸造技术先进、产品质量好、生产效率高、环境污染少、原辅材料已形成商品化系列化供应,如在欧洲已建立跨国服务系统。生产普遍实现机械化、自动化、智能化(计算机控制、机器人操作)。 铸铁熔炼使用大型、高效、除尘、微机测控、外热送风无炉衬水冷连续作业冲天炉,普遍使用铸造焦,冲天炉或电炉与冲天炉双联熔炼,采用氮气连续脱硫或摇包脱硫使铁液中硫含量达0.01%以下;熔炼合金钢精炼多用AOD、VOD等设备,使钢液中H、O、N达到几个或几十个10-6的水平。 在重要铸件生产中,对材质要求高,如球墨铸铁要求P≯0.04%、S≯0.02%,铸钢要求P、S均≯0.025%,采用热分析技术及时准确控制C、Si 含量,用直读光谱仪2~3分钟分析出十几个元素含量且精度高,C、S分析与调控可使超低碳不锈钢的C、S含量得以准确控制,采用先进的无损检测技术有效控制铸件质量。 普遍采用液态金属过滤技术,过滤器可适应高温诸如钴基、镍基合金及不锈钢液的过滤。过滤后的钢铸件射线探伤A级合格率提高13个百分点,铝镁合金经过滤,抗拉强度提高50%、伸长率提高100%以上。 广泛应用合金包芯线处理技术,使球铁、蠕铁和孕育铸铁工艺稳定、合金元素收得率高、处理过程无污染,实现了微机自动化控制。 铝基复合材料以其优越性能被广泛重视并日益转向工业规模应用,如汽车驱动杆、缸体、缸套、活塞、连杆等各种重要部件都可用铝基复合材料制作,并已在高级赛车上应用;在汽车向轻量化发展的进程中,用镁合金材料制作各种重要汽车部件的量已仅次于铝合金。 采用热风冲天炉、两排大间距冲天炉和富氧送风,电炉采用炉料预热、降低熔化温度、提高炉子运转率、减少炉盖开启时间,加强保温和实行微机控制优化熔炼工艺。在球墨铸铁件生产中广泛采用小冒口和无冒口铸造。铸钢件采用保温冒口、保温补贴,工艺出品率由60%提高到80%。考虑人工成本高和生产条件差等因素而大量使用机器人。由于环保法制严格(电炉排尘有9国规定100-250mg/m3、冲天炉排尘,11国规定100-1000mg/m3,或0.25-1.5kg/t铁液;砂处理排尘,8国规定100-250mg/m3。),铸造厂都重视环保技术。 在大批量中小铸件的生产中,大多采用微机控制的高密度静压、射压或气冲造型机械化、自动化高效流水线湿型砂造型工艺。

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