当前位置:文档之家› 火电厂节水与废水治理技术路线制定方法


第47卷 第7期 热 力 发 电 V ol.47 No.7


第一作者简介:王义兵(1972-),男,硕士,高工,主要研究方向为火电厂化学环保技术,wangyibing001@https://www.doczj.com/doc/5311869384.html, 。



(1.中国华能集团有限公司,北京 100031;

2.西安热工研究院有限公司,陕西 西安 710054;

3.华能上安电厂,河北 石家庄 050031)

[摘 要]环保部《排污许可证管理暂行规定》中规定,2017年7月1日起火电厂必须持证排污。对






[关 键 词]排污许可证制度;节水;废水治理;水务查定;管理节水;高盐废水

[中图分类号]X773 [文献标识码]B [DOI 编号]10.19666/j.rlfd.201710100

[引用本文格式]王义兵, 张江涛, 焦涵宇, 等. 火电厂节水与废水治理技术路线制定方法[J]. 热力发电, 2018, 47(7): 125-132. WANG Yibing, ZHANG Jiangtao, JIAO Hanyu, et al. Formulation method of water conservation and wastewater treatment technology route in thermal power plants[J]. Thermal Power Generation, 2018, 47(7): 125-132.

Formulation method of water conservation and wastewater treatment

technology route in thermal power plants

WANG Yibing 1, ZHANG Jiangtao 2, JIAO Hanyu 3, WANG Zhengjiang 2, WEI Jilin 2

(1. China Huaneng Group Co., Ltd., Beijing 100031, China;

2. Xi’an Thermal Power Research Institute Co., Ltd., Xi’an 710054, China;

3. Huaneng Shang’an Power Plant, Shijiazhuang 050031, China)

Abstract: The Provisional Regulations on the Management of Emission Permits issued by the Ministry of Environmental Protection stipulates that the power plants must get a permit of discharging pollutants from July 1st, 2017. According the investigation of a thermal power plant subordinate to a large-scale power generation group company, the wastewater discharge of some power plants don ’t meet the requirements of the discharge permit system. To solve the existing problems, the study proposes the fundamental principle of formulating the technical route for water conservation and wastewater treatment in thermal power plants. The technical route should carry out on the basis of the assessment of water usage, and be divided into the administration of water conservation, wastewater reuse, monitoring system improvement and high-salt wastewater treatment. In addition, the key factors of water conservation and wastewater treatment are discussed according to the transformation examples of two power plants. Finally, the technical route for water conservation and wastewater treatment in an example thermal power plant is given, and related suggestions for the formulation of the route are put forward.

Key words: pollutant discharge permit system, water conservation, wastewater treatment, assessment of water usage, administration of water conservation, high-salt wastewater






题,实际排放情况与排污许可证的要求有一定差距。火电厂必须实施全厂性节水改造来减少废水排放量,同时进行废水排放综合治理,确保废水经处理后全部回用或达标排放,必要时对高盐废水进行固化处理,形成无害固废,满足排污许可证要求。 本文在对大型发电集团公司火力发电厂水资源综合利用情况调研的基础上,对不同区域、不同万方数据

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