当前位置:文档之家› 新托福口语机经






Question 2

内容: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Dit is easier to be teacher than to be student.

Question 3



Reading part


Listening part

两个学生讨论,男的赞同。因为:这些volunteer还有自己更重要的first job;同时,付钱可以让助手得到必要的专业培训。

Question 4



Reading part

介绍了一种technical去帮助小孩overcome their fear with the new things.

Listening part



Question 5



Listening part



(1)glue them together, 但是担心教授看出来,她想在这门课好好表现,不想给教授留下不好的印象;


Question 6



Listening part


(1)find food


(2)protect themselves from predators

能避免像snake,cats之类的predator的攻击,能睡好觉,better sleep。

问题:how does the professor use two ways to prove roosting is important for the bats to survive


内容:describe a teacher you liked(还是your favorite teacher) when you were at school. Why do you like him/her? 要specific examples and details.你最喜欢的老师

Question 2

内容:Some people make decisions very quickly based on their sudden(?反正就是sudden的意思) ideas; others think a lot before making a decision. Which do you prefer and why?! 有些人习惯在作决定前想很久,有些人作决定很快,你更喜欢哪种方式

Question 3



Reading part


Listening part


Question 4



Reading part

root communication讲植物的根系之间会相互联系不影响彼此吸水与营养。

Listening part




Question 5



Listening part



职, 下了课就要去工作没办法听讲座.





Question 6

材料背景:marketing strategy


Listening part

讲到一种叫second interest的策略,就是商家通过买一送一的方式吸引顾客,增加销售量。讲到的例子是买电脑的通过买一台免费送




内容:Describe a project or assignment which is important to you。

Question 2


Question 3



Reading part


Listening part

女生表示反对。一来做research paper要找哪些书相关,相关的书里哪些观点是针对我的paper的那些信息是有用的很花时间;二是急于要书来完成作业的童鞋们可以order them fromother places 说了一个系统,这个系统可以让童鞋们从学校的图书馆直接申请。

Question 4



Reading part


Listening part



Question 5



Listening part


女生是film club的,想放电影《citizen cain》,已经发出海报广而告之了。但发现设备和电影胶片都太旧了,结果放不出来被damage了(他们要在SCREEN上放)。






Question 6



Listening part

说implementing environmentally friendly business practiceshave;

2 advantages:

1、reduce the operating costs coffee replace ordinarybulbs with

special bulbs which can save electricity 这样做既可以省了电费又可以环保

2、make the shop more attractive to customers 比如店铺使用了环



https://www.doczj.com/doc/507037265.html, 2010-05-16 21:26 亦鸥网点击: 180次Question 1

内容:描述你最喜欢与家人一起参与的活动?Activity that do

together with family

Question 2

内容:比较喜欢去Large department store购物还是Small specialty store.为什么?

Question 3



Reading part

关于一份建议关闭学校Parking Lots的新闻报导;



(本来都准备好学生会如何反驳的了,结果百年难得一遇的碰到赞同)Listening part


Question 4



Reading part

optimal foraging是关于动物的捕食策略的,关键介绍了,有些动物采用尽量少浪费能量并尽可能多获取有价值、高营养事物的方式来进行捕食。

Listening part


shellfish,再衔着它们飞到一定的高度,让其摔落在石块上打开,而后进食。关键点:1、每次这种鸟都只挑最大的shellfish - 以在每次觅食中获得尽可能高的能量;2、这种鸟掌握了合理的飞行高度来扔下shellfish,大概5米左右,既不太低-有可能导致砸不开而又要再来一次,也不太高,以避免浪费过多的体能。

Question 5



Listening part


考试结束了,女生可以去过暑假了,但是男生还得要按照教授的要求rewrite a report,没办法,否则就会影响成绩。




3、文字敏感型的 response best to vovocabulary,指的是消费者们


Question 6



Listening part


1、视觉敏感型的 response best to image,指的是消费者们更易接受



https://www.doczj.com/doc/507037265.html, 2010-06-12 21:45 亦鸥网点击: 262次Question 1

内容:Describe an artist, musician or popular singer you do not like. Give specific reasons.

Question 2

内容:Do you agree that parents should get involved when their children are choosing their university

Question 3



Reading part


Listening part


Question 4



Reading part

讲Swarm Intellegience, 就是一群动物,特别是昆虫一起做同样的事情,最后能完成一个虫完不成的任务。

Listening part


Question 5



Listening part





Question 6



Listening part



由此罗马人可以在水的两边居住,city expand 了。2.Aquiduct 的出现。Aquiduct引来山上的水到城市,有steady 的水流。Aquiduct 因此可以到很多没有水的地方给人们供新鲜的水。因此人们可以住在离河水很远的地方了,city expand.


https://www.doczj.com/doc/507037265.html, 2010-06-14 13:18 亦鸥网点击: 295次

Question 1


Question 2

内容:如果一个college student有问题,是问导师好,还是查资料上网找好?你选一个。

Question 3



Reading part


Listening part


Question 4



Reading part


Listening part


Question 5



Listening part




Question 6



Listening part



https://www.doczj.com/doc/507037265.html, 2010-06-20 13:23 亦鸥网点击: 571次

Question 1

内容:Your friend want to drop out of university or college , agree or disagree

Question 2

内容:Do you agree or disagree that to be successful, a person should study in the university

Question 3



Reading part

college directory that has all the contact information of

students. Two improvement of the directory: 1. Add photos of students;2. Put the directory on the internet

Listening part

agree to apply the revision. 1. Because some students may have the same name, photo helps students to find the right person. 2.

Some students can’t find the direc tory.

It is easy for students to find these information if there are electronic version of the directory available online.

Question 4



Reading part

emotion display? (记不清那个术语的名字了). It means the

expression of emotion depends on the society in which we are live in.

Listening part

professor uses an example of his 4 years’ old daughter. She had

a birthday party last year. Prior to the party, parents told her

that she should hide the negative emotion when she didn’t like the gift received. Her grandmother gave her a cute clothes as a gift. But the girl didn’t like it and felt disappointed. Before her negative emotion became too obvious, her mom said the clothes was very cute. The girl suddenly realized that she should say thank you to grandmother and she did that.


Question 5



Listening part


The girl has a problem: she can’t register for Dr. Jonson’s Asian history class because the register office has closed the class.


Two choice: 1. Take the class in summer with the same professor.

But a 3 week’s class will be more intensive. Plus, she can’t get home to visit her parents early in the summer. 2. Take the class this semester with another new professor. She is not sure whether the professor is good or not.

Question 6



Listening part

Archeologists use different ways to decide the places where they should dig for findings.

1.Surface feature of the land. E.g. New Zealand. It has a typical

structure. High land? (记不清了)。2. Plant : certain plants grow in certain places. E.g. Banana nuts tree were planted in Central American. These trees continue reproduction. So archeologists find the place which has banana nuts tree to dig.


https://www.doczj.com/doc/507037265.html, 2010-06-27 13:33 亦鸥网点击: 308次

Question 1

内容:Describe a skill you are good at or you would like to learn. Question 2

内容:Some people prefer to play team sports, other prefer to play individual sports, which do you prefer and why?

Question 3



Reading part

学校university要加offer一个new 舞蹈课dancing class,


Listening part


理由1:有兴趣fun, 她以前的很多exercise自己练没能坚持hard work 最后都drop out了,这个每周按时和大家一起锻炼身体,很不错。

理由2:1st free,可以知道课程好不好再做决定,就算去上了一节不满意的话也不会浪费钱,免得选了又不喜欢。

Question 4

材料背景:from gariel


Reading part

ethnological design人体工程学设计。reading说普通办公设备不方便uncomfortable的话,长期使用会导致问题,费时费力、illness之类的,而且降低人的工作效率。ethnological design可以使办公室的人舒适comfortable ,不会有physical problem,并提高工作效率。

Listening part

speaker 教授举了例子自己以前在办公室office工作,负责接客户的电话,但是每次当他和打电话同时又要找文件reach file cabinet的时候,只能用脖子和shoulder夹着电话phone,接电话的姿势不爽,时间长了(几个月以后)hurt his neck, 工作效率也下降了。后来老板BOSS给了他一个new device - hand free headset耳麦。他能誊出双手找文件了,他舒服了,而且脖子也好了工作。效率也提高了work got more done。


Question 5

材料背景:from gariel


Listening part


男生说他是一个club manager,为了今晚在town hall的音乐会concert 要从student center 搬运move一堆器材equipment去, 朋友答应了借车子,但朋友电话来说车truck突然坏路上了。





2、去学校rent a van,这样volunteer只需搬上下车,不过van很贵,


Question 6



Listening part

玩耍plying 对于幼小的动物 young animals的重要性。人们认为动物的play就是简单的玩,但是实际上playing也是有作用的。2种功能:

1、玩耍可以让动物学习如何捕食learn to repeat body movement to

catch thing/food:举例:小燕子swallow bird 自己把羽毛吹向天空,然后在羽毛落地前,用嘴叼住,锻炼长大了捕捉flying虫子insect in the air的能力。

2、玩耍可以锻炼肌肉develop muscle strength 和 coordination skill

to escape from predator。举例:小猴子monkey在枝头chase fast,而且不能slip或者落后,锻炼了肌肉力量和协调性,这样长大了才能逃脱追杀。燕子和猴子小时候玩耍有助于长大后的survive.


https://www.doczj.com/doc/507037265.html, 2010-06-28 13:41 亦鸥网点击: 369次

Question 1


Question 2

内容:play computer or video games has negative influence to teenagers.

Question 3



Reading part

一个letter in campus newspaper 说倡议在学校搞个museum。两个理由,第一provides students opportunity to enjoy art;第二,看artwork。

Listening part

男的说这个idea 没戏。原因一,downtown有museum,平常对学生特别便宜,周末还免费,做几分钟不要钱的公家车就到了,而且还经常邀请特NB的艺术家来搞exhibition。第二,最近学校的alumni 才捐钱盖了两个东西,一个是图书馆,另一个忘记了。学校没钱,校友们也不可能捐钱了。

Question 4



Reading part

讲animal spend their energy and time on different activities such as finding food, or reproduction.

Listening part

professor给了一个example,elephant seals

seals 讲它们生活环境 food resources非常充足,不仅够吃,还能

storage as fat,所以根本不用为找食物发愁。说它们要发愁的事情是繁殖后代。因为第一males要找location attract females。第二,要有territory。第三,要defend their territory。所以它们花在这个事情上的时间最多。


Question 5



Listening part


俩学生,女的说她很郁闷,因为她喜欢literature class的professor,但是不喜欢代课的TA。TA 给她们上课的时候总是自己讲,她们都没机会discussion。女的说她看了一本特好的书,特有idea就是没机会讲。



女的不愿意,说怕professor把那个TA给fire了。第二个办法是cancel 这个课,下学期在申请。女的说也不好,她都上了好长时间了,费了二年半的劲不想放弃。

Question 6



Listening part

business class

Professor讲advertisement 的negative influence 对environment 第一,wasting nature resources as trees.然后举了自己的例子,说她收到厨具公司的booklet广告,但是对于她来说一点用也没有,因为她住apartment不需要搞这玩意儿,然后说很多住在她小区的人都不需要。所以浪费资源

第二,影响自然界的美观。说户外广告影响nature beauty。即使在美的风景,戳一个大广告牌子也不好看了。


https://www.doczj.com/doc/507037265.html, 2010-11-04 09:37 亦鸥网点击: 248次

Question 1

内容:describe a common cloth in your country, explain why they have interest.

网友回答:我说的是sportclothing , because in China, people like doing exercise, like 功夫,太极;Also, wearing this style of clothes make people feel younger and energetic.

Question 2

内容:Which do you prefer in your sparetime: stay with your family members or stay alone?


Question 3



Reading part


Listening part

女生反驳说根本不会起作用一老师不愿看到负面评价所以就不故意不在意,当然也就不会有positive impact。二是学生一般评价都是在最后一节课,时间很紧,所以也写不出什么specific info for the new students to consider when they choose course.

Question 4

材料背景:Tree communication.


Reading part

trees can not only produce poisions to fight back the inspects but also convey the worning to the other trees nearby by airbone chemicals.

Listening part

然后教授例举willow trees,做实验把willow trees分为两组,一组让caterpillar咬另一组保证清理干净没有caterpillar,然后发现被咬的树分泌出毒液防止虫咬,然而另一组没有被咬的也产生了毒液,这是因为第一组的树通过一些airborne chemicals传递了警告给第二组。

问题: (这道题目不是很难,用心听肯定能听懂)

Question 5



Listening part


一个女同学被选中在students center展示她的画作作为高年级学生的代表,但是她的画huge,提供的位置太小放不下。


the first solution是用一张她以前的画,尺寸合适但是没有展示她的最高水平;

second solution 是尽全力在下个星期之前重新画一幅,而她还有考试要做。

Question 6

材料背景:psychology lecture


Listening part

讲两个人的make choice 的 strategies,maximiser总是找尽可能多的选择然后一一评估找到最适合最好的,satisfier只要找到能满足基本需求的就会满足。



另一种人,satisfied,找工作是为了basic need, 只要找到就觉得很幸运,不会再花额外精力去找别的工作。举例一个学法律的人。


https://www.doczj.com/doc/507037265.html, 2010-11-04 10:02 亦鸥网点击: 375次

Question 1

内容:谈谈你们国家最近发生年的big change.

Question 2


Question 3



Reading part

学校表示下年把自动售货机从走廊搬走,因为总是卖没有营养的东西,但是学生可以在附近的grocery store 买吃的

Listening part

女生怒了,说售货机可以卖snack with fruit or nuts in it and that will encourage student to have a healthy diet.


有时候大晚上的杂货铺都关门了,同学要是在图书馆学校就没得吃了!Question 4



Reading part

people focus too much on negative side of things


Listening part

教授说自己儿子第一次在大学演出而且have a big rule. 表演的很好,但是演出结束了他总惦记着自己忘了一句台词which the audience

didn't know ,所以下次又有个表演的机会他就拒绝了。


Question 5



Listening part





2、只吃饭不看戏(但这样女生还是没有enough time to review so she

would stay up late)。



申明:本机经资料整理者Daisy。资料来源于互联网。不做任何盈利性用途。 Activities: 1.If your high school has after-school activities, which activity would you like to choose? 2.Describe an organization you would like to join. 3.Describe an activity you enjoy doing in your school recently. Explain why you enjoy doing this activity in your school. Include specific reasons and details to support your response. Experiences: 1.Which period of your life do you think the most difficult:Childhood, juvenile or adult? 2.What will you suggest your friend if he comes to your country to study aboard?


2.job through which you can get a lot of money or to find a job through which you can get great personal satisfaction? Objects/things/situations: 1.Describe an important letter or poem or story or essay you have written. 2.Your university is planning to prevent students from bring their own computers into classroom. What is your opinion and why? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this program? 3.Is it beneficial for students to have computer? Describe both advantages & disadvantages. 4.Talk about a book you have not read but you want to read because it is important. 5.College students should not be allowed to keep


1.Agree or disagree:technology devices distance people far more now than before. 2.Do you agree or disagree with the statement that the most important class can't be learned in the classroom? 3.People who live in small towns are nicer than those who live in big cities,agree with disagree 4.Do you agree with the statement:it is easier for people today to lead a healthy life than people of100years ago. 5.Your university plans to open a cafe inside the campus library.Do you think this is a good idea?Explain why or why not? 6.Some people like having a wide variety of friends and acquaintances they can spend time with.Others like to spend most of their free time with the same small group of close friends.Which do you prefer?Explain why. 7.Which of the following do you think is the most important quality for an employee: performance during the interview or education background? 8.Imagine you're provided with two job offers,one travels a lot with more money, one with less business trips and less money. 9.Which one do you agree?Children born with talent should be treated in a different way or they should be treated in the same way as average children. 10.Some schools decide to expel students from school,if they are caught cheating in the exam.Do you think this is a good idea or not? 11.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Employees shouldn’t send personal texts or emails during work hours. 12.Agree or disagree:if children do well in school,parents should give them money as rewards? 13.Some students prefer to go to universities or colleges in their hometown.Others prefer to go to universities or colleges in new cities or towns.Which do you prefer and why?Include details and examples in your explanation. 14.Your professor suddenly cancels the class for today.Would you prefer to go shopping with your friends or prepare for the exam? 15.Some people believe it is important for universities to provide funding for


20150110: T1: Talk about a kind of music you enjoy the least, explain why you don 't like it. T2: Do you think universities in the future will one day stop giving lessons in classrooms, they might give online courses instead. 20150111: T1: Which of the following is the best way to spend your weekends? Attending sports event, cooking your favorite dishes at home, or visiting your friends? T2: Some people prefer to live in old buildings, others prefer to live in new and modern buildings. Which do you prefer? Explain why? 20150125: T1: Which of the following activities would you be more interested in doing? Teaching children, teaching adults to use computers or cleaning the city park. T2: Some people prefer take a job with a single task, others prefer to do multiple tasks on a job. Which do you prefer? 20150131: CN T1: Which of the following activities would you like do on a weekend afternoon? Doing exercise, watching TV, or spending sometime with families. T2: Do you agree or disagree with the statement that young people should learn how to draw and paint? 20150131: NA T1: When visiting a new city, which of the following would you choose to better learn about the place. Visiting a museum, walking through streets, or take an organized trip. T2: Some people like surprise visits from their friends, other prefer to be informed of such visits. Which one do you prefer? 20150201: T1: Which of the following study methods do you think is the most productive? Having discussions with friends, reading textbooks, or writing reports. T2: Do you agree or disagree with the statement that people should dress following fashion trends. 20150307A: T1: If you have a chance to learn something new, which of the following would you choose to learn? Flying an airplane, playing a sport, or playing a musical instrument.

托福口语机经第四批 答案

1.Describe one way of life in your country has been changed and why it is beneficial 2.Do you like to prepare for something in the beginning or wait just before the due date? Well, for me , I prefer to finish my work as quickly as possible for several reasons. First of all, I don’t like to be rushed. Starting as soon as possible allow me to make a schedule to follow. With my own plan, I can manage the task step by step, which won’t make me feel tense. Furthermore, it allows me to prepare enough to finish the task. With good preparation, I can just finished the work efficiently. Thus,I can save a lot of time to do other things. In some cases, a flood of works may overwhelm you at the same time, it is wise to cope with them as soon as you can. 3.One of your friends is going to study math as his major. What suggestions would you give to this friend? I think I will give three reasons to my friend if he is going to study math as his major. First, he need to be patient. Math is a basic subject of many fields. However, it is also very difficult. To be a good learner in math , he should calm down and concentrate on the math problem. Second, cooperation is also very important. He can found a math team. During the learning process, they can help each other to get better results. Third, he may learn some other subject as well if he get free time. Math is basic subject and it can be applied to many other areas. Put it into practice and he will learn much more. 4.Some people would borrow money to buy things they need. Others would save up money until they can afford it. Which would you do and why? For me, I think premature consumption, which means people can borrow money from other people or banks to buy things, is very fashionable and reasonable. As long as I have a steady job, I would choose to borrow money to buy things like a car ,a house and so on. It may be too expensive for me right now, for example, a house. But I really need it. It may take a long time for me to save money to buy it. If I buy it in advance, I can enjoy a comfortable life for a long time. And another reason is thatI will be pushed to work harder if I borrow money from others. Driven by some pressure, I may try my best to achieve myself. 5.Talk about two singers who are popular in your country. Explain why they are popular and how they are different


托福口语全部题型答题套路汇总讲 解 托福口语虽然话题广泛内容变化众多,但在答题过程中其实是存在一些可供考生使用的套路的。今天给大家带来了托福口语TASK1-6全部题型答题套路汇总讲解,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 托福口语全部题型答题套路汇总讲解 托福口语一二题无明显套路 首先,是答题思路,一般口语一二题就是缩小版的independent writing(可以在高分作文里找思路),而三四五六题是通过听力提取信息。一二题大家可以用机经来练习,一是可以熟悉题目,二是可以练习把握时间。三四五六题,则有模板可寻:托福口语第三题套路介绍 先阅读一封信或是一个通告,一般是一个建议,对校园内的一项进行一个改变,这个“change”是阅读*中至关重要的,因为后面的对话主要是围绕这个进行的,至于*中给出的理由,并不是很重要,因为没有时间也没有必要说这个。之后听一男一女对话,主要是找主要说话人的态度,然后记下他或她的两个理由和

举例,不用全记,每点理由记一到两个原因或事例就好。之后组织语言:是change+态度+两点理由。 托福口语第四题套路介绍 先阅读一个科研类*,然后听一段lecture,之后对一个概念进行定义和举例解释。在这道题,阅读的部分需要抓住的要点比上一题要多,首先是题目,题目一般是所要解释的概念,所以要把题目记下来,然后在阅读段落里找对这个概念的定义,一般是含这个词的一句话,记下,之后听lecture时主要记下教授解释这个概念所用的例子,一般可能是一个故事或实验,这时就要记下主要轮廓和具体的对比或例子,之后组织语言,按:*讨论某事某物+定义+教授举例解释的方式回答。 托福口语第五题套路介绍 这道题不用阅读,直接是一男一女对话,主要是其中一个人遇到一个problem,要着重记下,然后是另一个提出两个解决方案,并且各给利弊。之后题目会让你在两个方案中选择一个。很多老师的建议都是选择第二个方案,因为据说这样更好回答,符合大家惯用的让步反驳式思路。答题时,思路为:叙述这个问题+两个解决方案+你分析后的选择。由于回答较长,需要注意用连词。 托福口语第六题套路介绍


TOEFL Speaking 2017 March & April 1.Your friend wants to come to your country and what things do you suggest him to do and not to do to be polite and respectful. 2.If you have more money, you want to spend your money on objects like clothes and electronic devices or spend your money on experience. 3.Which of the following areas of current events do you most like to read? 1. Politics; 2. Sports; 3. Arts and films. 4.Some students prefer to study for exam in the night other students prefer to study in the day. Which do you prefer and why? 5.The university currently requires all the students to take the physical education course to graduate. Which of the following will you choose? A. Soccer; B. Dancing 6.Imagine that you have been accepted by two different universities, one university is well-known for its excellent academic progr am, but it’s expensive, while the other is less well-known but has offered you with scholarship. Which university would you prefer, explain why. 7.The university international office is going to hold a social events. Which one of the following choices do you think is the best? 1. International food fair; 2. International music festival; 3. International film festival 8.Some people prefer sending messages while others prefer making phone calls directly, which one do you prefer? 9.Things always change in an unexpected way. Please describe a thing you have done that you never imagined you would do. 10.You live in a crowded city with only one green space, the city park. The government recently proposed to build a housing complex on it. Do you think it is a good idea? 11.Recall an argument that you have ever had with others and describe the details of the conflict. 12.If you are to choose between 2 apartments to live in next semester, one apartment is near the campus but slightly expensive, the other is a little far from the campus but cheaper, which one do you prefer and why? January & February 13.If you are asked to write a final project about a famous historical city. Which of the following activity do you prefer? 1. Visit the famous building; 2. Visit the old people; 3. Research and write paper 14.Some students think that they should be graded by participating in the discussion class, while others think that they should be graded only by written work, such as paper. Which opinion would you prefer and why? 15.Your friend will move to a school but worried about making new friends there. What kind of advice will you give him to help him make new friend in the new school? Why?


2020年1月托福口语机经预测 Task 1 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important to maintain relationship with family members than with friends. When handling with difficult situations in life, do you think it’s better to use humorous attitude or serious attitude? School shouldn‘t allow young students to use calculator during exam. Do you agree or disagree ? Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Kids should be allowed to keep pets. Some parents prefer to help their kids to solve the problems and troubles they meet, while some parents prefer to let their children deal with difficulties by themselves, which one do you think is more reasonable and why? Do you agree or disagree: students should watch teacher‘s lectures in video version instead of attending classes?


托福独立口语人物类话题 人物类话题是托福独立口语比较常考的话题之一,为了让各位TOEFLer更游刃有余地备考此类话题,下面就和大家分享托福独立口语人物类话题梳理,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。 托福独立口语人物类话题梳理 1.你认为领袖必需的素质是什么 (1)信任下级:鼓励讲真话/show confidence in team-members (2)赏罚分明:制度面前人人平等/be equal to everyone without showing favor to any particular one (3)努力学习、勤奋工作:给大家做榜样/work hard to inspire people (4)鼓励下级:encouraging to team-members Etc Sample answer: (为了方便阅读,将每个小点分别列出) Well, first of all, I think, a good leader should be encouraging enough. For example, I had a boss, Jason, wh o used to say,”You are a capable young man, I know you can do it well” whenever I was not

confident enough with my job. With his encouragement I was so successful in my job and became a team leader in 6 months. Also, I believe a good leader should set good examples for all team-members. I remember my boss Jason used to workharder than any of us who were working with him in a team, even though he was the boss. We were so moved by what he did, and everybody followed his suit. So we were the most efficient team. Thats why I still remember Jason as my best boss till today. 2.你最敬重的一个人是谁? 思路:老师、父亲、母亲、领导、消防员、科学家、运动员、志愿者等等 eg. 父亲 (1)生活俭朴:live a simple life (2)敬业精神:work hard and diligent (3)乐于助人:be helpful to others Please refer to the sample answer in your lecture handout (请参考讲义中的范例) 3.描叙你的好朋友要有什么样的characteristics?


托福独立口语高频题语料素材汇总分享:internetoracademicbooks 今天给大家带来了托福独立口语高频题语料素材汇总分享:internet or academic books,希望能够帮助到大家在托福口语中拿高分,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 托福独立口语高频题语料素材汇总分享:internet or academic books 托福独立口语高频话题解读:internet or academic books Which one do you think is better to help do research, internet or academic books? Explain why. 高频话题语料补充 有害健康 pose a threat to your health, hurt your eyesight, get dizzy, backache, neck problems, obesity 出版商审查并且批准一些信息 publisher checks and approves the information 作者都是权威

authors are authorities in a certain field 因特网的信息不准确 source might be unreliable 托福独立口语高频话题范文分享 Well, personally I would like to use paper books to do research. Sitting in front of the computer poses a threat to your health, like staring at the screening for a long time hurt your eyesight, you get dizzy, and there are other problems like backache, neck problems, and even obesity. Also, the information in books is reliable, the publisher checks and approves the information and the authors are authorities in a certain field. However, the information on the internet is not reliable since everyone can post information. 托福口语备考的七大技巧 扩充词汇 托福口语考试,讲究的不是词汇的多少,掌握2500个左右常用词就足够了。托福口语考试的关键,是要熟练掌握和运用一些转折连词、动词,以及美国口语的惯用方法。这样可以让你在口语考试中,表现的更加精彩。 题海战术


托福口语常考话题模板集锦 1.说出你所居住的城市中你最喜欢的地方,给出原因。 Personally speaking, My favorite place in my city is the national library based on following reasons. Firstly, there are many books to my taste, such as fashion magazines, inspirational books, and professional books. Reading does good to our mind. As a student, we should always recharge ourselves by knowledge in order to meet the need of talents in this society. Secondly, I always go to the library with my friends. You know, it's a my glad to share knowledge with other people. Going to the library not only can we acquire knowledge but also can promote our friendship to some degree. 2. 电视对于现代社会有正面作用还是负面作用,选择其中之一并解释原因。 As far as I am concerned, television has more positive effects towards the modern society than its negative sides. First, from the news broadcasting in the television, we can know what is happening in the outside world even without stepping out our living room with television in it. And second, watching television with family members after supper is a good way to relax after a hard day's work. What's more,its visual effect makes people feel less stressed and has a great influence on the way people think and talk. 【托福口语】2020年托福口语常考话题模板集锦


2019年8月21日托福口语机经(完整版) T1.If you were to do a project, which of the following would you choose? 1、 A recycle program 2、 Teaching children about vegetable growing 3、 3、Teaching children about healthy eating T2.Some people believe that it is better for small children to grow up in a small town. Others, however, believe that it’s better for them to grow up in a big city. Which do you think is better? T3.学生建议学校决定取消poetry reading 因为上课的学生太少了这样既能够节省钱学生如果要读的话能够去图书馆或者自己听CD对话 中女生说这样不好第一很多学生不知道有reading这回事,所以学校能够增强海报网页等宣传第二如果去图书馆的话,学生就缺少了live performance 不能表达感情之类的。 校刊上注销来一封信,托福机经阅读的内容就是这封信,大概是说一 个女孩觉得既然学校最近在想办法减少开支,那么她认为取消诗歌会 是个好办法。诗歌会很少有人去,学校完全能够把诗歌朗诵录成CD放在图书馆,如果有人想听就去图书馆听CD。接下来的托福机经听力对话内容是一男一女谈论这封信,女孩是逗哏,她认为不应该取消诗歌会。诗歌会人少的原因是学校没有好好宣传,所以学校应该多贴海报 通知,她相信只要宣传到了人会很多的。而且听CD并不能看到朗诵者的眼睛和其他肢体语言,也不能和身边的人一起分享你的感受。


托福口语经典话题集锦 新托福口语题目数不胜数,很多考生无从下手。下面为大家根据话题,整理了十分经典并且常见的新托福口语题目。 1. Some people prefer to work in the offices. Others would like to take the work to home. Which do you prefer and explain why. 2. Who is the person you admire the most? Please give specific details and examples in your explanation. 3. Some people believe that higher education is for all students. Other people believe that higher education is only suitable for certain students. Which opinion do you think is better and why? 4. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Please give specific reasons for your opinion. Parents should restrict the TV programs that are watched by their kids instead of letting the kids watch TV programs freely. 5. Describe the most efficient transportation in your country. Please state your reason and include specific examples and details in your explanation. 6. Describe one of the most important inventions in recent 100 years. Explain why it is so important. Your explanation should include specific examples and details. 7. Some believe that in comparison with those never attended college, people attended college will be more successful in career. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Please give specific reasons for your opinion. 8. Describe the characteristics of friends, use specific examples to support your statement. 9. Someone suggests school to cut the Recycling. Do you agree or disagree with this suggestion, explain why.

2018年9月8日和9日托福考试口语机经预测 雷哥托福

2018年9月8日和9日托福考试口语机经预测|雷哥托福 在托福考试前夕,同学们的心情都会比较紧张。为了帮助大家缓解紧张的氛围,雷哥托福小托君为大家带来了考前机经,希望通过这些内容的整理和学习,能够帮助大家做好考前冲刺!2018年9月8日和9月9日托福口语考试机经,希望考生在得到很好的命中率之余,能够多掌握托福考试口语真题的答题方法。 Task 1 1. Describe a common mistake that experienced teacher often make. 2. Which of the following classes would you like to take? 1) history of science 2) art history 3) science of the 20th century? 3. When do you think is a good time for a person to learn a second language? 4. Your university will sponsor one of the following activities for students, an outdoor camping night, a music festival for students to experience the local culture or a computer game competition in the dormitory. Which one do you think it's the best to establish new friendship and solidarity among students and why? 5. Describe an occasion in your country where people give gifts to each other and a kind of gift that’s common. 6. Which of the following three would you choose to do in summer vacation? Working as a librarian, painter in an art center, or life guard in the natatorium?

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