当前位置:文档之家› 英语专业八级作文范文经典句子



1 As far as...is concerned 就……而论……

例如:As far as the weather is concerned, I do not think it matters.

2 As far as we know 据我们所知

例如:As far as we know, things are going well.

3 As the saying goes 俗语说

例如:As the saying goes, "Blood is thicker than water."

4 Generally speaking 一般来说

例如:Generally speaking, women live longer than men.

5 I am of the opinion that... 我认为

例如:I am of the opinion that your plan won't work in this situation.

6 In the beginning 首先

例如;In the beginning some of us took no interest in the subject.

7 It is no secret that... 毋庸讳言

例如:It is no secret that Peter will propose marriage to Maria.

8 So (As) the story goes 传说

例如:As the story goes, she left her husband as soon as she discovered that he had no money.

9 Sometimes... sometimes... 时而……时而……

例如:Sometimes we are busy and sometimes we are not.

10 There is no denying the fact that... 无可否认

例如:There is no denying the fact that he has done the wrong thing.

11 Whether do... or not 不管怎样

例如:Whether he works or not, I don't think he will pass the exam.

1 As far as...is concerned 就……而论……

例如:As far as the weather is concerned, I do not think it matters.

2 As far as we know 据我们所知

例如:As far as we know, things are going well.

3 As the saying goes 俗语说

例如:As the saying goes, "Blood is thicker than water."

4 Generally speaking 一般来说

例如:Generally speaking, women live longer than men.

5 I am of the opinion that... 我认为

例如:I am of the opinion that your plan won't work in this situation.

6 In the beginning 首先

例如;In the beginning some of us took no interest in the subject.

7 It is no secret that... 毋庸讳言

例如:It is no secret that Peter will propose marriage to Maria.

8 So (As) the story goes 传说

例如:As the story goes, she left her husband as soon as she discovered that he had no money.

9 Sometimes... sometimes... 时而……时而……

例如:Sometimes we are busy and sometimes we are not.

10 There is no denying the fact that... 无可否认

例如:There is no denying the fact that he has done the wrong thing.

11 Whether do... or not 不管怎样

例如:Whether he works or not, I don't think he will pass the exam.


爽爽文档汇编之 2014?2018北京高考英语作文及范文汇编 【2018年】第三部分:书而表达(共两节,35分)第一节(15分) 假设你是红星中学高三学生李华,你的英国朋友Jim在给你的邮件中提到他 对中国文化感兴趣,计划明年来北京上大学。他向你咨询相关信息。请给他回邮件,内容包括: I.表示欢迎;2.推荐他上哪所大学;3.建议他做哪些准备工作。 注意:1.词数不少于50:2.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Jin], Yours II Hua 【范例】Dear Jim. Fm so glad to hear your future education plan in Beijing in your last letter. First I would like to express my warmest welcome to you and I am sure you will have the most unforgettable experience during your college in Beijing. Learning your keen interest in Chinese culture, I suggest you apply for Peking University, one of the best universities in China. Its Chinese Literature major is perfect for you where you can be completely soaked in Chinese profound history and rich culture. As for preparatioiL some reading in advance in needed like The Story of the Stone while some online courses of spoken Chinese can be helpful for you to adapt into the Chinese language environment. I smeerely hope your dream will come true and it's my pleasure to show you around in Beijing when tliat day comes. If you have further questions, please feel free to let me know. Yours, Li Hua 第二节(20分) 假设你是红星中学高三学生李华,请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,写一篇英文周记,记述你们上周接待外国学生,带领他们体验中国茶文化的全过程.注意:词数不少于60。


专八作文范文 02: The Most Important Quality of a University Student Many people regard university as job-training centre which would help us get a better job. However in my view, the four years in university are also supposed to be character building period during which we can develop some important personal qualities that are necessary for success in the present-day society. Among them, passion in learning may be the most important. To begin with, a mobile society has a demand for those who can easily adapt to the latest development. As the world we live in is a fast-charging one, we constantly need to update our knowledge and skills. while many people grit their teeth to cram their minds with new stuff, whose who have developed a genuine passion in learning during their college years may make a virtue of necessity, deriving much pleasure from learning what is required by the latest developments in their fields. Moreover, passion in learning may also help to ward off the feeling of futility and emptiness, a typically modern disease caused by complicated reasons such as huge pressure and fierce competition in modern society. As human beings, we need more than material comforts to assert the value of our life. In China, where the belief in god is largely absent, a life-long pursuit for knowledge may be a god substitute for religion, for those devoted to learning will be better aware of the significance of their life by seeing themselves as those who pass on the torch of knowledge. In this way, learning may serve to head off psychological crises. In conclusion, one’s passion in learning bring benefit to individuals in a variety of ways, hence it is the most important quality of a university student. 03:Love, and Then Be Loved In recent years, more and more teachers complain that their students are indifferent to others. Some even worry that the young generation might ruin the future of China. To be sure, many of our young people


2017年作文预测 作者:一括牛气的人参 其他均无准确翻译而本文为本人自己翻译如有雷同请告知作者!希望与广大读者提供方便

英语四级作文预测范文:抢红包 Grabbing red envelopes has been hogging the limelight in our daily life since the 2016 Spring Festival. At no point is it clearer that this activity has endowed our vapid life with the flavor of high-tech and fun, especially giving traditions typical of festive periods, such as the Chinese New Year and Chinese Valentine’s Day, a facelift. However, some people may be trapped in a situation where they put the cart before the horse. Disappointedly, what some people do on festivals is not to communicate with their relatives and friends but to hold their cell phones and fix their eyes on the screen all day long, just in order to grab red envelops. For my part, what really matters is the relationship instead of the money. Essentially speaking, gifting red envelopes is beyond reproach. Only in a rational way shall we not be reduced to slaves of materialism or hijacked by the high technology. Festivals offer precious opportunities for us to send good wishes to our beloved ones and what we should do is to cherish these chances rather than to ignore the essential connotation of the festivals. Anyhow, kinship, friendship and other relationships are above anything and we ought to make every endeavor lest the profound cultural atmosphere of traditional festivals should decline. 【参考译文】 从2016年的春节起,抢红包在我们的日常生活中变得越来越流行。俨然,抢红包这种 现象往我们比较乏味的日常生活中添加了些许高科技的元素和乐趣,尤其使得那些传统节假日(比如说春节和七夕节,等等)的习俗变得焕然一新。 但是,有些人似乎有点本末倒置了。令人失望的是,有些人在节假日整天拿着手机,盯着屏幕不放,为的是能抢到红包,却不和家人、亲戚朋友交流。在我看来,真正重要的是人与人之间的那份感情而不是金钱。从本质上来说,发红包无可厚非。但是只有理性的做法才会让我们能免于成为物质的奴隶并且不被所谓的高科技所绑架。 节假日提供给我们千载难逢的机会去向我们所爱的人表达良好的祝愿和祝福,我们应该珍惜这些机会而不是忽视了节假日的真正内涵。不管怎样,亲情,友情和其他诸多情感是至高无上的,我们应该尽全力不让传统节假日的那种浓厚的文化氛围衰落和凋零。


高考英语作文范文50篇 09)全国卷I (1) 假定你是李华,正在英国接受英语培训,住在一户英国人家里。今天你的房东Mrs Wilson 不在家,你准备外出,请给Mrs Wilson 写一留言,内容如下:1. 外出购物 2.替房东还书来电话留言:1).咖啡屋(Bolton Coffee)见面取消 2).此事已告知Susan .3)尽快回 范文:Mrs Wilson , I’m going out shopping , and won’t be back until ab out 5:00 pm. I have taken with me the two books you asked me to return to the city library . At about 1 o’clock this afternoon , Tracy called ,saying that she couldn’t meet you at Bolton Coffee tomorrow morning as she has something important to attend to . She felt very sorry about that , but said that you could set some other time for the meeting . She wanted you to call her back as soon as you are home . She has already told Susan about this change. LI Hua 10)全国卷 (2) 假设你是育才中学学生会主席李华。你校将举办一次英语演讲比赛(speech contest),希望附近大学的外籍教师Smith 女生来做评委。请参照以下通知给她写一封信。 英语演讲比赛 主题:人与自然 时间:6月15日下午2:---5: 地点:501教室 参赛选手:10名 联系人:李华(电话) 范文: Dear Ms. Smith , I’m Li Hua , the chairman of the Students’ Union of YuCai Middle School ,which is close to your university . I’m writing to invite you to be a judge at our English speech contest which will be held in our school on June 15. It will start at 2:00 pm and last for about three hours . Ten students will deliver their speeche s on the given topic “Man and Nature”. We hope that you will accept our invitation if it is convenient for you. Please call me at if you have any questions. I’m looking forward to your reply .


2017年英语专业八级作文范文:知识产权 保护的崛起 知识产权保护的崛起 The Rise of Intellectual Property Protection Intellectual property scarcely existed in the vocabularies of academic researchers and administrators even 15 years ago. Now it is an ever-present part of discussions on research policies and directions. This new importance of intellectual property in academia reflects a changing view on their relationships of research at universities to the surrounding society. Until recently, research at universities has been relatively isolated from demands of economic utility, and education of graduate students has emphasized a career in academic research as the final goal. Now almost all research universities in the United States have technology licensing operations. The number of U.S. patents granted to American universities in a year rose from about 300 in 1980 to almost 2000 in 1995. The direct economic impact of technology licensing on the universities themselves has been


英语专业四级作文范文 1. How to Keep Fit A healthy body is very important to every one of us. When you are sick, you feel painful all over your body, have no energy to work; and the only thing you want to do is lying on the bed. When you are healthy, you can eat well, sleep well, sing and jump happily, do all the things you like to enjoy life. The methods to keep us fit vary. In the morning, you can get up early, go outdoors, breathe the fresh air, and do physical exercises. Running and swimming are extremely helpful to keep one fit. If you are a busy person and have no special time allocated to do these things, there are still some ways useful for to keep fit. The easiest way is to walk to your office instead of riding a bike or taking a bus. You also have to take a routine physical check - up. Your doctor will know the condition of your body most clearly, and he will give you the most valuable advice to keep fit. You should always try to make yourself happy. If you feel happy, you can eat well, sleep well, and your body is sure to be in an excellent condition. Health is the most valuable possession a person expects in his life. Try every means to keep fit is my advice to the people who want to live a happy life in this beautiful world. 2. Supermarkets Since the first supermarket emerged fifty years ago, it has become the most popular shopping center in many large cities around the world. In China, supermarkets enjoy an increasing popularity among city dwellets, especially the common people with low incomes. Compared with other types of stores, supermarkets are getting popular for several reasons. First, fewer employees are required in supermarkets and management cost is reduced. Second, almost all goods are shipped directly from the producers and sold at considerably cheaper prices. Lastly, in supermarkets,ahnost every kind of daily necessity is available and placed on open shelves, so the customers can choose whatever they want from their shopping list and take the items to the checkout counter easily. As a result, instead of visiting many stores, customers can get the tiring shopping task done quickly and feel relaxed. What is more,many supermarkets stay open very late at night, and provide large parking spaces. In the last few years, supermarkets have mushroomed in Beijing and many other large cities in China. The conffort, economy and convenience of shopping in supermarkets please Chinese customers very much; and the supermarkets, steadily gaining popularity, are doing booming business in China. 3. Income Sources of College Students According to the investigation of the income sources of students, the income of American and Chinese students comes from parents, part-time job and scholarship, However, the percentage of each income is quite different, Fifty percent of the American students income comes from their parents, fifteen percent comes from the scholarships granted by colleges and universities and the rest comes from part-time jobs. Ninety percent of Chinese students' income comes from their parents. In my opinion, the main reasons for the difference is that American students are

高考英语作文备考 励志与写作经典句子

高考英语励志与写作经典句子 1、学习时的痛苦是暂时的,未学到的痛苦是终生的。 Time the study pain is temporary, has not learned the pain is life-long. 2、没有一种不通过蔑视、忍受和奋斗就可以征服的命运。 No one can conquer fate without contempt, suffering and struggle. 3、让我们将事前的考虑,换为事前的思考和计划吧。 Let us consider the ex-ante, and change it into thinking and planning in advance. 4、三年我誓要把高考踩在脚低下! Three years i vow to step on the foot of the low entrance! 5、不逼自己一把,怎么知道你有多优秀。 Don’t force yourself, how to know how good you are. 6、空想会想出很多绝妙的主意,但却办不成任何事情。 A dream will come up with a lot of wonderful ideas, but it will not do anything. 7、与诚信携手同行,跟欺诈挥手道别。 Hand in hand with integrity, waving goodbye to fraud. 8、保持平常心,营造好环境,扬起常笑脸,轻松迎高考。

To maintain a normal heart, to create a good environment, raising often smiling face, easy to welcome the college entrance examination. 9、有志者自有千计万计,无志者只感千难万难。 There is own thousands of millions, there are only extremely difficult. 10、冲刺拼搏,在前进中寻找乐趣。 To work hard, to find pleasure in moving forward. 11、再长的路,一步步也能走完,再短的路,不迈开双脚也无法到达。 A long way, a step by step can be completed, and then a short road, do not stride feet can not reach. 12、沉着应战,哪怕考题深似海。 Calmly, even questions like the deep sea. 13、不要自卑,你不比别人笨。不要自满,别人不比你笨。 Do not feel inferior, you are not stupid than others. don't be complacent, others are not stupid. 14、你想是怎样的人,你就是怎样的人;你想成为怎样的人,你就会离这个目标不会太远。 What kind of person you want to be, what kind of person you are, what you want to be, you will not be far away from the goal. 15、遇到会做的题:仔细;遇到不会做的题:冷静。


高考英语作文10篇优秀范文 对于参加2019高考的同学来说,现在开始复习和背诵英语作文完全来得及,万朋教育小编推荐你高考英语写作优秀范文全集,满满都是套路,掌握后还怕得不了高分吗? 1.感谢信 假设你是李华,梁教授去年六月推荐你去悉尼大学深造,现在你已经被悉尼大学化学学院录取,请写封信向梁教授表示感谢。 【优秀满分范文】 Dear Professor Liang, I am writing to extend my gratitude to you. Because of your help,now I am a student of Chemistry Department of Sydney University. Last June, when I applied to become a graduate student of Sydney University, you really gave me a lot of valuablehelp. You not only wrote a recommendation(推荐)for me to Professor Wells who works in the Sydney University,but also gave me careful and patient instructions on how to fill the application forms and write the application letters. It is your unreserved(无保留的)help that enables me to obtain this splendid


英语专业八级TEM8考试范文集锦 Children should begin their formal schooling at an early age People have different views on what children should do at a very early age. Some think that children should begin their formal education and start to spend most of their time on studies. Others believe that it is still time for young children to play. Both views are based on respective ground. Those who argue for the playing time for children suggest that children at a very early age are still too young to focus their attention on learning. Their brain may not be ready for serious studies such as comprehension and memorizing learning materials. These people are partially right, for it is true that young children can hardly concentrate. Their attention on one thing lasts for no longer than 15 minutes or so. But we can arrange classes for shorter periods, can’t we? And we can shift teaching subjects. Through putting them to study, young children are occupied with learning but not with playing. Those who argue for children’s early commencement for formal education believe that being put to studies, children can develop good habit of studying, for the process of learning helps develop children’s mental abilities like the ability to memorize, the ability to understand and the abili ty to do simple calculation. Children’s habit of studying and love for learning are of great importance to youngsters because these two things set up the sound foundation for their future studies. Having children start formal education at a very early age benefits young children much more than simply letting them play most of their time. A good habit needs a long time to develop to become a second nature. More importantly, it is better to develop a good habit before a bad one may grow. Similarly, the love for learning should take toots for before the love for playing is established. Should a person make an important decision alone? A person should never make an important decision alone, important decisions should be well thought out. People, who know you well, know what is best for you, and close to you can give you good advice, give you a different perspective, or share their own experience. When I had difficulty deciding which classes to take in collage, I talked to my teachers and advisors; they had the knowledge and expertise to help me determine which classes were the best ones to take for my future career. Without their advice, I might have chosen unsuitable courses. In collage, I had convinced myself that I was not good enough to act in the school play. Therefore, I decided not to audition even though drama had always been my


高中满分作文优美句子大全 ①只有把握现在,才能在明天驰骋风云,只有把握现在,才能充实虚幻的明天,只有把握现在,才能造就明天的灿烂! ②时间好象一把尺子,它能衡量奋斗者前进的进程。时间如同一架天平,它能称量奋斗者成果的重量;间就像一把皮鞭,它能鞭策我们追赶人生的目的。时间犹如一面战鼓,它能激励我们加快前进的脚步。 ③时间好比一位妙手成春的良医,它能帮助我们医治流血的心灵。时间犹如一个万能的慰藉者,它能开导我们忘记人生的伤痛。时间有如一位循循善诱的智者,他能引导求学者构筑知识的大厦。时间好比一位点屏成蝇的画家,他会帮助勤奋者描绘灿烂的明天。 ④时间好比一个万花筒,它能让我们看到世间百相。时间好比一块试金石,它能帮助我们分辩出真善美和假丑恶;间好比一本教科书,它能帮助我们阅尽人世的沧桑。时间如同一口百宝箱,它将让我们尽情领略生活的幸福。 ⑤ 没有哪一种胭脂能涂抹时间,没有哪一件服装能掩饰灵魂,没有哪一套古籍能装潢空虚。 ⑥ 时间可以摧毁世界上的一切,可以把最巩固的城堡化作历史的残迹,可以把人类的偶像和化成灰烬,可以把英雄的利剑化作孩子的玩物,可以把布满大森林的山脉变成布满珊瑚丛的无边的海洋。然而,时间也可以造就一切,可以给猿人居住的洞穴变成金碧灿烂的高楼,可以给曾是残缺的荒村变成繁华的城市,也可以使无知的孩子变

成百科全书式的学者,在自己的心中展开一个智慧的大星空。 ⑦ 青春无语,却焕发出活力,鲜花无语,却散发出芬芳,春雨无语,却滋润着大地。 ⑧ 十五岁的女孩就像是五线谱,谱出生活的酸甜苦辣;谱出生活的巧妙绝伦;谱出了她们自己的天空。十五岁的天空,充满着春天的柔情与夏天的豪情。十五岁的天空,是花朵和阳光的一串串组合排列。十五岁的天空,是欢声和笑语的天空。 ①母爱是迷惘时语重心长的奉劝;母爱是远行时一声殷切的叮咛;母爱是孤苦无助时慈祥的浅笑。 ②母爱是一缕阳光,让你的心灵即使在寒冷的冬天也能感受到温暖如春;母爱是一泓清泉,让你的情感即便蒙上岁月的风尘仍然清澈澄净。 ③母爱是一滴甘露,亲吻干涸的泥土,它用细雨的温情,用钻石的坚毅,期待着闪着碎光的泥土的肥沃;母爱不是人生中的一个凝固点,而是一条流动的河,这条河造就了我们生命中美丽的情感之景。 ④因为爱心,漂泊的人们才能重返家园;因为爱心,怠倦的灵魂才能活力如初。渴望爱心,如同星光渴望彼此辉映;渴望爱心,如同世纪之歌渴望永远被唱下去。 ⑤ 思念是一首诗,让你在普通的日子里读出韵律来;思念是一阵雨,让你在枯燥的日子里湿润起来;思念是一片阳光,让你的阴郁的日子里明朗起来。 ⑥温暖是飘飘洒洒的春雨;温暖是写在脸上的笑影;温暖是义无


A borrowed cloak does not keep one warm. 借来的斗篷不暖身。 高三英语作文范文一 一、假如你是李华,你校学生会于2018年3月15日下午举行“校园书市(a campus book fair)”,活动。请你写封e-mail给你的美国笔友Peter,告诉他此次活动的有关情况,内容包括: 1. 活动目的:①给同学们提供一个交换图书的机会②更好利用读过的书 2. 具体内容:①把你不想保留的书拿到书市上出售②购买你喜欢的书③交换图书 3. 谈谈你的感想和收获体会。 注意:1. 文章开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。2. 字数:120-150词左右。 Hello Peter!How are you going these days? In order to provide us students with an opportunity to exchange books and make better use of used books, our Student Union held a campus book fair on the afternoon of March 15,2018. At the book fair, students could sell unwanted books, buy needed books or simply trade books with each other. Like other fairs of this kind, prices were typically very low. Happily, I not only got rid of several books but also bought a few books I really wanted. As far as I'm concerned, I like this activity, which is beneficial to us students. On the one hand, I felt my social skills had been well practiced and improved. On the other hand, this activity also gave us an excellent opportunity to feel a bit of the real world. I wish more events like this book fair would be held in our school. Looking forward to hearing from you! Love, Li Hua 二、假如你是李华,Tracy即将结束你们学校作为交换生的学习生活并返回英国。请你根据以下内容用英语写一篇欢送词。 1. 赞扬她的善良友好; 2. 怀念与她相处的快乐时光; 3. 感谢她对大家英语学习的帮助; 4.希望她有机会再来中国。 :150;1201. 注意:词数: A A borrowed cloak does not keep one warm. 借来的斗篷不暖身。 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Dear teachers and friends, I'd like to say something before Tracy goes back to England. On one hand, Tracy is such a kind and friendly girl that I fee1 happy to be her friend. Because of her good character she is very popular with us during her stay here. On the other hand, she gets along well with everyone and all of us have a wonderful time with her. How can we forget the time,that we spent together happily! I remember she doesn't hesitate to help us whenever we have trouble in learning English. Therefore, we are grateful to Tracy from the bottom of our heart and we owe a lot of thanks to

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