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1. 关于……人们有不同的观点。一些人认为……

There are different opinions among people as to ____ .Some people suggest that ____.

2. 俗话说(常言道)……,它是我们前辈的经历,但是,即使在今天,它在许多场合仍然适用。

There is an old saying______. It"s the experience of our forefathers,however,it is correct in many cases even today.

3. 现在,……,它们给我们的日常生活带来了许多危害。首先,……;其次,……。更为糟糕的是……。

Today, ____, which have brought a lot of harms in our daily life. First, ____ Second,____. What makes things worse is that______.

4. 现在,……很普遍,许多人喜欢……,因为……,另外(而且)……。

Nowadays,it is common to ______. Many people like ______ because ______. Besides,______.

5. 任何事物都是有两面性,……也不例外。它既有有利的一面,也有不利的一面。

Everything has two sides and ______ is not an exception,it has both advantages and disadvantages.

6. 关于……人们的观点各不相同,一些人认为(说)……,在他们看来,……

People’s opinions about ______ vary from person to person. Some people say that ______.To them,_____.

7. 人类正面临着一个严重的问题……,这个问题变得越来越严重。

Man is now facing a big problem ______ which is becoming more and more serious.

8. ……已成为人的关注的热门话题,特别是在年青人当中,将引发激烈的辩论。

______ has become a hot topic among people,especially among the young and heated debates are right on their way.

9. ……在我们的日常生活中起着越来越重要的作用,它给我们带来了许多好处,但同时也引发一些严重的问题。

______ has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life.it has brought us a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.

10. 根据图表/数字/统计数字/表格中的百分比/图表/条形图/成形图可以看出……。很显然……,但是为什么呢?

According to the figure/number/statistics/percentages in the /chart/bar graph/line/graph,it can be seen that______ while. Obviously,______,but why? (二)中间段落句

1. 相反,有一些人赞成……,他们相信……,而且,他们认为……。

On the contrary,there are some people in favor of ___.At the same time,they say____.

2. 但是,我认为这不是解决……的好方法,比如……。最糟糕的是……。

But I don"t think it is a very good way to solve ____.For example,____.Worst of all,___.

3. ……对我们国家的发展和建设是必不可少的,(也是)非常重要的。首先,……。而且……,最重要的是……

______is necessary and important to our country"s development and construction. First,______.What"s more, _____.Most important of all,______.

4. 有几个可供我们采纳的方法。首先,我们可以……。

There are several measures for us to adopt. First, we can______

5. 面临……,我们应该采取一系列行之有效的方法来……。一方面……,另一方面,

Confronted with______,we should take a series of effective measures to______. For one thing,______For another,______

6. 早就应该拿出行动了。比如说……,另外……。所有这些方法肯定会……。

It is high time that something was done about it. For example. _____.In addition. _____.All these measures will certainly______.

7. 为什么……?第一个原因是……;第二个原因是……;第三个原因是……。总的来说,……的主要原因是由于……

Why______? The first reason is that ______.The second reason is ______.The third is ______.For all this, the main cause of ______due to ______.

8. 然而,正如任何事物都有好坏两个方面一样,……也有它的不利的一面,象……。

However, just like everything has both its good and bad sides, ______also has its own disadvantages, such as ______.

9. 尽管如此,我相信……更有利。

Nonetheless, I believe that ______is more advantageous.

10. 完全同意……这种观点(陈述),主要理由如下:

I fully agree with the statement that ______ because______.


1. 至于我,在某种程度上我同意后面的观点,我认为……

As far as I am concerned, I agree with the latter opinion to some extent. I think that ____.

2. 总而言之,整个社会应该密切关注……这个问题。只有这样,我们才能在将来……。

In a word, the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of ______.Only in this way can ______in the future.

3. 但是,……和……都有它们各自的优势(好处)。例如,……,而……。然而,把这两者相比较,我更倾向于(喜欢)……

But ______and ______have their own advantages. For example, _____, while_____. Comparing this with that, however, I prefer to______.

4. 就我个人而言,我相信……,因此,我坚信美好的未来正等着我们。因为……

Personally, I believe that_____. Cons equently, I’m confident that a bright future is awaiting us because______.

5. 随着社会的发展,……。因此,迫切需要……。如果每个人都愿为社会贡献自已的一份力量,这个社会将要变得越来越好。

With the development of society, ______.So it"s urgent and necessary to ____.If every member is willing to contribute himself to the society, it will be better and better.

6. 至于我(对我来说,就我而言),我认为……更合理。只有这样,我们才能……

For my part, I think it reasonable to_____. Only in this way can you _____.

7. 对我来说,我认为有必要……。原因如下:第一,……;第二,……;最后……但同样重要的是……

In my opinion, I think it necessary to____. The reasons are as follows. First _____.Second ______. Last but not least,______.

8. 在总体上很难说……是好还是坏,因为它在很大程度上取决于……的形势。然而,就我个人而言,我发现……。

It is difficult to say whether _____is good or not in general as it depends very much on the situation of______. However, from a personal point of view find______.

9. 综上所述,我们可以清楚地得出结论……

From what has been discussed above, we may reasonably arrive at the conclusion that____.

10. 如果我们不采取有效的方法,就可能控制不了这种趋势,就会出现一些意想不到的不良后果,所以,我们应该做的是……

If we can not take useful means, we may not control this trend, and some undesirable result may come out unexpectedly, so what we should do is_____.


大学英语四级作文万能句型 大学英语四级作文万能句型模板 摘抄英语作文句型,有利于提高英语作文写作能力。那么,下面是店铺给大家整理收集的大学英语四级作文万能句型模板,供大家阅读参考。 大学英语四级作文万能句型模板: 1.Along with the advance of the society more and more problems are brought to our attention, one of which is that.... 随着社会的不断发展,出现了越来越多的问题,其中之一便是____________。 2.As to whether it is a blessing or a curse, however, people take different attitudes. 然而,对于此类问题,人们持不同的看法。(Hold different attitudes 持不同的看;Come up with different attitudes 有不同的看法) 3.As society develops, people are attaching much importance to.... 随着社会的发展,人们开始关注............ 4.People are attaching more and more importance to the interview during job hunting 求职的过程中,人们慢慢意识到面试的重要性。 5.As to whether it is worthwhile ....., there is a long-running controversial debate. It is quite natural that people from different backgrounds may have divergent attitudes towards it. .关于是否值得___________的问题,一直以来争论不休。当然,不同的人对此可能持不同的观点。 6.In the process of modern urban development, we often find ourselves in a dilemma. 在都市的发展中,我们往往会陷入困境。


(一)段首句 1. 关于……人们有不同的观点。一些人认为…… There are different opinions among people as to ____ .Some people suggest that ____. 2. 俗话说(常言道)……,它是我们前辈的经历,但是,即使在今天,它在许多场合仍然适用。 There is an old saying______. It"s the experience of our forefathers,however,it is correct in many cases even today. 3. 现在,……,它们给我们的日常生活带来了许多危害。首先,……;其次,……。更为糟糕的是……。 Today, ____, which have brought a lot of harms in our daily life. First, ____ Second,____. What makes things worse is that______. 4. 现在,……很普遍,许多人喜欢……,因为……,另外(而且)……。 Nowadays,it is common to ______. Many people like ______ because ______. Besides,______. 5. 任何事物都是有两面性,……也不例外。它既有有利的一面,也有不利的一面。 Everything has two sides and ______ is not an exception,it has both advantages and disadvantages. 6. 关于……人们的观点各不相同,一些人认为(说)……,在他们看来,…… People’s opinions about ______ vary from person to person. Some people say that ______.To them,_____. 7. 人类正面临着一个严重的问题……,这个问题变得越来越严重。 Man is now facing a big problem ______ which is becoming more and more serious. 8. ……已成为人的关注的热门话题,特别是在年青人当中,将引发激烈的辩论。 ______ has become a hot topic among people,especially among the young and heated debates are right on their way. 9. ……在我们的日常生活中起着越来越重要的作用,它给我们带来了许多好处,但同时也引发一些严重的问题。


英语四级作文万能句式 (一)段首句 1. 关于……人们有不同的观点。一些人认为…… There are different opinions among people as to ____ .Some people suggest that ____. 2. 俗话说(常言道)……,它是我们前辈的经历,但是,即使在今天,它在许多场合仍然适用。 There is an old saying______. It"s the experience of our forefathers,however,it is correct in many cases even today. 3. 现在,……,它们给我们的日常生活带来了许多危害。首先,……;其次,……。更为糟糕的是……。 Today, ____, which have brought a lot of harms in our daily life. First, ____ Second,____. What makes things worse is that______. 4. 现在,……很普遍,许多人喜欢……,因为……,另外(而且)……。 Nowadays,it is common to ______. Many people like ______ because ______. Besides,______. 5. 任何事物都是有两面性,……也不例外。它既有有利的一面,也有不利的一面。 Everything has two sides and ______ is not an exception,it has both advantages and disadvantages. 6. 关于……人们的观点各不相同,一些人认为(说)……,在他们看来,…… People’s opinions about ______ vary from person to person. Some people say that ______.To them,_____. 7. 人类正面临着一个严重的问题……,这个问题变得越来越严重。 Man is now facing a big problem ______ which is becoming more and more serious. 8. ……已成为人的关注的热门话题,特别是在年青人当中,将引发激烈的辩论。


英语四六级作文的万能句子 在日常生活或是工作学习中,大家都跟作文打过交道吧,作文根据写作时限的不同可以分为限时作文和非限时作文。怎么写作文才能避免踩雷呢?以下是小编帮大家整理的英语四六级作文的万能句子,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 英语四六级作文的万能句子 1 一、do ones utmost to + V = do ones best (尽全力去……) 例句:We should do our utmost to achieve our goal in life. 我们应尽全力去达成我们的人生目标。 二、It is universally acknowledged that + 句子~~ (全世界都知道……) 例句:It is universally acknowledged that trees are indispensable to us. 全世界都知道树木对我们是不可或缺的。 三、Have a great influence on ~~~ (对……有很大的影响) 例句:Smoking has a great influence on our health. 抽烟对我们的健康有很大的影响。 四、An advantage of ~~~ is that + 句子(……的优点是……) 例句:An advantage of using the solar energy is that it wont create(produce) any pollution. 使用太阳能的优点是它不会制造任何污染。 五、Adj + as + Subject(主词)+ be,S + V~~~ (虽然……)


【导语】英语作文是学生语言综合应用能力的体现,在作文教学中应鼓励学生灵活运用日常积累的名言警句,可以有效提升英语写作水平。以下是由分享英语 四级作文万能句子模板,仅供参考! 【篇一】英语四级作文万能句子模板 1、Do one thing at a time, and do well. 一次只做一件事,做到! 2、Never forget to say “thanks”. 永远不要忘了说“谢谢”! 3、Keep on going never give up. 勇往直前,决不放弃! 4、Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well. 任何值得做的事就值得把它做好! 5、Believe in yourself. 相信你自己! 6、I can because i think i can. 我行,因为我相信我行! 7、Action speak louder than words. 行动胜于言语! 8、Never say die. 永不气馁! 9、Never put off what you can do today until tomorrow. 今日事今日毕! 10、The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today. 对明天做好的准备就是今天做到! 11、You cannot improve your past, but you can improve your future. Once time is wasted, life is wasted. 你不能改变你的过去,但你可以让你的未来变得更美好。一旦时间浪费了,生命就浪费了。 12、Knowlegde can change your fate and English can


大学英语四级作文万能模板句型06:开篇 一篇好的英语作文在四级考试中至关重要,如何使作文富有地道的表达和优美的词汇是考生复习的关键;下面是英语四级作文万能模板句型,希望考生能加以背诵,使作文更加出彩; there is a growing concern over ... in our history has the idea that ...been so popular. with ..., quite a few people argue that ... to a recent survey, ... 大学英语四级作文万能模板句型01:比较 advantage far outweigh the disadvantages. advantages of A are much greater than those of B. may be preferable to B, but A suffers from the disadvantages that... anything else, it has its faults. and B differ in several ways. 大学英语四级作文万能模板句型02:批驳 is true that ..., but one vital point is being left out.

is a grain of truth in these statements, but they ignore a more important fact. people say ..., but it does not hold water. of us have been under the illusion that... close examination would reveal how ridiculous the statement is. makes no sense to argue for ... a statement mainly rests on the assumption that ...这样一个声明主要基于以下假设 大学英语四级作文万能模板句型03:后果 may give rise to a host of problems. immediate result it produces is ... will exercise a profound influence upon... 大学英语四级作文万能模板句型04:举例 good case in point is ... examples might be given easily. 大学英语四级作文万能模板句型05:证明 one can deny the fact that ...


英语四级作文万能句子(优秀6篇) 级英语作文万能句子篇一 (1)Little by little, our knowledge will be well enriched, and our horizons will be greatly broadened. 逐渐的,我们的知识会得到增加,我们的视野将会大大的拓宽。 (2)For people who want to adopt a healthy and meaningful life style, it is important to find time to learn certain new knowledge. Just as an old saying goes: it is never too late to learn. 对于那些想过上健康而有意义的生活的人们来说,找时间学习一些新知识是很重要的,正如那句老话:活到老,学到老 (3)The majority of students believe that part-time job will provide them with more opportunities to develop their interpersonal skills, which may put them in a favorable position in the future job markets. 大部分学生相信业余工作会使他们有更多机会发展人际交往能力,而这对他们未来找工作是非常有好处的。 (4)Many parents believe that additional educational activities enjoy obvious advantage. By extra studies, they maintain, their children are able to obtain many kinds of practical skills and useful knowledge, which will put them in a beneficial position in the future job markets when they grow up. 许多家长相信额外的教育活动有许多优点,通过学习,他们的孩子可以获得很多实践技能和有用的知识,当他们长大后,这些对他们就业是大有好处的。 (5)By taking a major-related part-job, students can not only improve their academic studies, but gain much experience, experience they will never be able to get from the textbooks. 通过做一份和专业相关的工作,学生不仅能够提高他们的专业能力,而且能获得从课本上得不到的经验。 (6)Now people in growing numbers are beginning to believe that learning new skills and knowledge contributes directly to enhancing their job opportunities or promotion opportunities. 现在越来越多的人开始相信学习新的技术和知识能直接帮助他们获得工作就会或提升的机会。 (7)In the first place, extra studies bring about unhealthy impacts on physical growth of children. Educational experts point out that, it is equally important to take some sport activities instead of extra studies when children have spent the whole day in a boring classroom. 首先,额外的学习对孩子们的身体发育是不利的。教育专家指出,孩子们在枯燥的教室里呆了一整天后,从事一些体育活动,而不是额外的学习,是非常重要的。 英语四级作文万能句子篇二 1) From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that …从以上的讨论我们可以肯定地得出结论,即… 2) Taking all these factors into consideration, we naturally come to the conclusion that…把所有这些因素加以考虑,我们自然会得出结论… 3) Overall, there is compelling evidence that …, and it follows that in this respect …总的说来,令人信服的证据是…,而且在这方面随之而来的是… 4) The analysis we have made leads to a sound idea that …由我们的分析得出一个正确的见解,即…


四级英语作文万能句子大全 在英语的学习中,英语的写作一直是很重要的一部分,今天在这里为大家整理了四级英语作文万能句子大全,希望会对大家应对英语四级考试有所帮助! (1)Little by little, our knowledge will be well enriched, and our horizons will be greatly broadened. 逐渐的,我们的知识会得到增加,我们的视野将会大大的拓宽。 (2)For people who want to adopt a healthy and meaningful life style, it is important to find time to learn certain new knowledge. Just as an old saying goes: it is never too late to learn. 对于那些想过上健康而有意义的生活的人们来说,找时间学习一些新知识是很重要的,正如那句老话:活到老,学到老 (3)The majority of students believe that part-time job will provide them with more opportunities to develop their interpersonal skills, which may put them in a favorable position in the future job markets. 大部分学生相信业余工作会使他们有更多机会发展人际交往能力,而这对他们未来找工作是非常有好处的。 (4)Many parents believe that additional educational


英语四级作文的句型万能 英语四级作文的句型万能模板 大学四级考试写作的评分依据是:文章切切题,条理清楚,语言准确和字数符合要求。那么,下面是店铺给大家整理收集的英语四级作文的句型万能模板,供大家阅读参考。 英语四级作文的句型万能模板: 一、Adj + as + Subject(主词)+ be, S + V~~~ (虽然……) 例句:Rich as our country is,the qualities of our living are by nomeans satisfactory. {by no means = in no way = on no account 一点也不} 虽然我们的国家富有,我们的生活品质绝对令人不满意。 二、By +Ving, ~~ can ~~ (借着……,……能够……) 例句:By taking exercise, we can always stay healthy. 借着做运动,我们能够始终保持健康。 三、~~~ cannot emphasize the importance of ~~~ too much. (再怎么强调……的重要性也不为过。) 例句:We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much. 我们再怎么强调保护眼睛的重要性也不为过。 四、do one's utmost to + V = do one's best (尽全力去……) 例句:We should do our utmost to achieve our goal in life. 我们应尽全力去达成我们的人生目标。 五、It is universally acknowledged that + 句子~~ (全世界都知道……) 例句:It is universally acknowledged that trees are indispensable to us. 全世界都知道树木对我们是不可或缺的。 六、Have a great influence on ~~~ (对……有很大的影响)


英语四级作文万能句型(优秀8篇) 英语四级作文的万能句型篇一 一。开头段常用提出现象句型 1. Nowadays more and more…are commonly and widely…in everyday life. 如今,在日常生活中,越来越多…被广泛… 2. In recent years…is gaining growing popularity with… 近年来,…受到越来越多…的欢迎 3. Recent years have been a boom in… 近年来,出现了迅速增长。 4. Nowadays, there are many… 如今,出现了许多… 5. Nowadays,…has become a very common matter in… 如今,…已经成为在…的常见现象。 6. Nowadays, there is a growing tendency in… 如今,在…方面出现了上升趋势。 7. Recently…has aoused wide concern…/has been brought into focus. 最近,…引起了广泛关注/受到了人们的关注。 8. Most of us may have such experience that… 我们当中许多人可能都有…这种经历。 二。开头段常用引出他人观点的句型 9. In reaction to the phenomenon of…, some people say… 针对…现象,有人说… 10.When asked about…most people say… 当被问到…,大多数人认为… 11. When it comes to…, some people think… 关于…,有人认为… 12. Now, it is widely believed that… 现在,许多人认为… 三。开头/中间段常用引出两种不同观点的句型 13. There is a public debate today over… some people believed that…Others claim that… 如今社会上出现了关于…的争论。有些人认为…另一些人则声称… 14. When it comes to/talking about…, quite a few people believe that …but other people think differently. 当谈及…时,有相当一部分人认为…然而,另一些人则有不同的想法。 15. People’s opinion wary when they talk about…Some maintain that…Others believe that… 当谈及…时,人们观点不一。有人坚持认为…另有人认为… 四。开头段常用引出故事/事件句型 16.At about…o’clock in the…,when I…, I saw… …点在…,当我正…的时候,我看见… 17. It was a …morning, when a …suddenly… 五。中间段常用引出优缺点/不足/影响句型 18.The advantages of…lies in many ways. …有许多有点/好处。


四级英语作文万能句型模板 一、引出开头 1:It is well-known to us that……(我们都知道……)==As far as my knowledge is concerned, …( 就我所知…) 2:Recently the problem of…… has been brought into focus. ==Nowadays there is a growing concern over ……(最近……问题引起了关注) 3:Nowadays(overpopulation)has become a problem we have to face.(现今,人口过剩已成为我们不得不面对的问题) 4:Internet has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It has brought a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.(互联网已在我们的生活扮演着越来越重要的角色,它给我们带来了许多好处但也产生了一些严重的问题) 5:With the rapid development of science and technology,more and more people believe that……(随着科技的迅速发展,越来越多的人认为……) 6:It is a common belief that……==It is commonly believed that……(人们一般认为……) 7:A lot of people seem to think that……(很多人似乎认为……) 8:It is universally acknowledged that + 句子(全世界都知道...) 二、表达不同观点 1:People's views on……vary from person to person. Some hold that……However, others believe that……(人们对……的观点因人而异,有些人认为……然而其他人却认为……) 2:People may have different opinions on……(人们对……可能会持有不同见解) 3:Attitudes towards (drugs)vary from person to person.==Different people hold different attitudes towards(failure)(人们对待吸毒的态度因人而异) 4:There are different opinions among people as to……(对于……人们的观点大不相同) 三、表示结尾 1:In short, it can be said that……(总之,他的意思是……) 2:From what has been mentioned above, we can come to the conclusion that……(从上面提到的,我们可以得出结论……) 3:Taking all these factors into consideration, we naturally/reasonably come to the conclusion that……(把所有的这些因素加以考虑,我们自然可以得出结论……) 4:Hence/Therefore, we'd better come to the conclusion that……(因此,我们最好的出这样的结论……) 5:There is no doubt that (job-hopping)has its drawbacks as well as merits.(毫无疑问,跳槽有优点也有缺点) 6:All in all, we cannot live without……,but at the same time we must try to find out new ways to cope with the problems that would arise.(总之,我们没有……无法生活,但同时我们必须寻求新的解决办法来面对可能出现的新问题) 四、提出建议 1:It is high time that we put an end to the (trend).(该是我们停止这一趋势的时候了) 2:There is no doubt that enough concern must be paid to the problem of……(毫无疑问,对……问题应予以足够重视) 3:Obviously ,if we want to do something … it is essential


英语四级考试作文万能句、万能模板及句首、句末句 英语四级考试作文万能句及万能模板 (一)观点类 1.The human race has entered a completely new stage in its history, alone with the advance of the society and the increasingly rapid economic globalization and urbanization, more problems are brought to our attention,one of which is that…… 人类进入了一具历史的崭新的时期,随着科技进展和经济快速增长、经济全球化、城市化的速度别断加快,随之给我们带来了非常多咨询题,其中之一便是…… 2.Recently the phenomenon has aroused wide concern, some people are in alarm that.... 最近,这种现象引起了人们的广泛关注,有人开始担心______________。3....... plays such an important role that it un de nia bly (无可厚非的)becomes a wide-spread concern of the present world, there comes a question, is it a blessing or a curse?" _______显得很重要而成为当今世界所关注的最大的咨询题,这是无可厚非的。只是,咨询题是:"我们该怎么抉择?" 4.As society develops, There are a wide-spread concern over…… 随着社会的进展,人们开始关注............ 5.As to whether it is a blessing or a curse(咒骂[k ;s], however, people take different attitudes. 但是,关于此类咨询题,人们持别同的看法。 6.As to whether it is worthwhile ....., there is a long-running controversial debate. As an an old saying goes every coin has two sides ', it goes without saying that (毋庸置疑) people from different backgrounds may have divergent(相异的) attitudes towards it. 对于是否值得___________的咨询题,向来以来争论别休。正如谚语所讲……


一、描述/揭示图画信息句型 I. As is shown in the picture,……. 如图所示,…… 2. As is depicted in the picture,…… 如图所所示,…… 3. As we can see from the picture,…… 通过图画我们可以看到…… 4. As can be seen from the picture,…… 通过图画我们可以看到…… 5. The picture depicts that…… 图中描绘了这样一个场景:…… 6. The picture shows that…… 图画显示…… 7. The picture vividly portrays…… 图画生动地描绘了…… 8. The picture depicts a phenomenon that exists widely among……:…… 这幅图描绘了一种广泛存在于……的现象:…… 9. This Picture reveals something true of…… 这幅图揭示了有关……的一些真相。 10. This picture depicts something that…… 这幅图描述了… ニ、引出及解读名言谚语句型 11.“…”:This is not a saying about……,but one about…… “……”这一谚语并不关乎……,而是关乎…… 12.The saying that“……”best illustrates…… 引言“……”很好地阐述了…… 13. There goes a saying that "…"This saying tells us that…… 有一句话这样说“……”。这句话告诉我们…… 14.“……”The proverb tells us that…… “……”这句谚语告诉人们,…… 15. ……,as the saying goes.It highlights…… 俗话说得好,……。这句话强调了…… 三、提出现象句型 16. In recent years, increasingly more people have turned to…… 近年来,转向……的年轻人呈上升趋势 17. The boom of… is attracting much attention in recent years. ……的热潮近年来吸引了很多注意力。 18. Nowadays we are exposed to…… 如今我们们经常接触…… 19. Nowadays, it is no surprise to find out that…… 如今,发现………已不足为奇。 20. …,for its obvious value in the modern world, has become the first choice.……由于其在现代世界中的明显价值,已然成为……的第一选择。 21. There have been reports that……


英语四级的常用句型 英语四级作文的常用句型1 一、引出开头 1:It is well-known to us that……〔我们都知道……〕==As far as my knowledge is concerned, 2:Nowadays there is a growing concern over ……〔最近……问题引起了关注〕 3:Nowadays has become a problem we have to face.〔已成为我们不得不面对的问题〕 4:Internet has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It has brought a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.〔互联网已在我们的生活扮演着越来越重要的角色,它给我们带来了很多好处但也产生了一些严峻的问题〕 5:With the rapid development of science and technology,more and more people believe that……〔随着科技的快速进展,越来越多的人认为……〕 6:It is a common belief that……〔人们一般认为……〕 7:A lot of people seem to think that……〔许多人好像认为……〕 二、表达不同观点 1:Peoples views on……vary from person to person. Some


四级英语作文万能句子大全 一、先背3个句子 1.Nowadays with the rapid development of advanced ……., more and more…..are commonly and widely used in everyday life。(讲重要性) 2.The popularity of digital …will have great influence on our work, study and everyday life. On the one hand …,But on the other hand。(讲影响) 3.To conclude,….are just like a double-edged sword. With them we may have less trouble dealing with problems in life and enjoy a better-off life. However, one point should be kept in mind that we should take sensible use of them , always being the master of them。(结尾段) P.S. 灵活运用第1句和第2句,根据不同模板自由组合。 二、再背2个模板 1、开头段:先讲重要性,然后转讲不好的地方。 中间段:措施 结尾段:先来个小转折再进入总结 开头段:Nowadays with the rapid development of advanced ……., more and more…..are commonly and widely used in everyday life. However, what worries most of us is that…… 中间段:Firstly….Secondly…https://www.doczj.com/doc/4d19208299.html,stly but in no means least…… 结尾段:To conclude,…..are just like a double-edged sword. With them we may have less trouble dealing with problems in life and enjoy a better-off life. However, one point should be kept in mind that we should take sensible


英语四级作文万能句子 一、引出开头 1:It is well-known to us that……(我们都懂得……)==As far as my knowledge is concerned, …(就我所知…) 2:Recently the problem of……has been brought into focus. ==Nowadays there is a growing concern over ……(近来……问题引起了关注) 3:Nowadays(overpopulation)has become a problem we have to face.(现今,人口过剩已成为我们不得不面对旳问题)4:Internet has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It has brought a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.(互联网已在我们旳生活饰演着越来越重要旳角色,它给我们带来了许多好处但也产生了某些严重旳问题) 5:With the rapid development of science and technology,more and more people believe that……(伴随科技旳迅速发展,越来越多旳人认为……) 6:It is a common belief that……==It is commonly believed that……(人们一般认为……) 7:A lot of people seem to think that……(诸多人似乎认为……) 8:It is universally acknowledged that + 句子(全世界都懂得...) 二、体现不一样观点 1:People's views on……vary from person to person. Some hold that……However, others believe that……(人们对……旳观点因人而异,有人认为……然而其他人却认为……) 2:People may have different opinions on……(人们对……可能会持有不一样见解) 3:Attitudes towards (drugs)vary from person to person.==Different people hold different attitudes towards(failure)(人们看待吸毒旳态度因人而异) 4:There are different opinions among people as to……(对于……人们旳观点大不相似) 三、表达结尾 1:In short, it can be said that……(总之,他旳意思是……)

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