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Making the most of diversity

From Reuters Thu Nov 15, 2012 4:22pm EST

By Chrystia Freeland

NEW YORK Nov 15 (Reuters) - For America, 2012 will go down in history as the year of the Latinos, the blacks, the women and the gays. That rainbow coalition won President Barack Obama his second term. This triumph of the outsiders is partly due to America's changing demographics. And it is not just the United States that is becoming more diverse. Canada is, too, as is much of Europe.

That is why it is worth thinking hard about how to make diverse teams effective, and how people who straddle two cultural worlds can succeed. Three academics, appropriately enough a diverse group based in Asia and America, have been doing some provocative research that suggests that our ability to comfortably integrate our different identities - or not - is the key.

In "Connecting the Dots Within: Creative Performance and Identity Integration," Chi-Ying Cheng of Singapore Management University, Jeffrey Sanchez-Burks of the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan, and Fiona Lee, also at the University of Michigan, argue that ethnic minorities and women in male-dominated professions are most creative when they have found a way to believe that their "multiple and conflicting social identities are compatible."

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"We tried to see how people who have to deal with seemingly in-conflict culture or gender identities cope," Cheng told me. Their conclusion was that people who have found a way to reconcile their two identities - Asian-Americans, for example, or women who work in male-dominated jobs like engineering - are the best at finding creative solutions to problems.

"Those who see their identities as compatible, they are better at combining ideas from the two identities to come up with something new," Cheng said. "While those who also share these two social identities, but see them as being in conflict, they cannot come up with new ideas."

Cheng, Sanchez-Burks and Lee devised a research strategy to probe this issue that you do not need a Ph.D. to appreciate: They asked Asian-Americans to invent new fusion cuisine dishes using both typically Asian and typically American ingredients, and they asked female engineers to design products geared specifically to women. In both cases, people who were at peace with their dual identities performed better.

"Asian-Americans who had higher bicultural integration could create more creative recipes, and they believed it was possible to come up with more recipes," Cheng said. "By contrast, Asian-Americans who feel their two identities are in conflict cannot come up with as many creative recipes.''

Cheng has her own experience of being a minority. She is from Taiwan but went to graduate school in the United States; she is a woman but has taught in the male-dominated environment of

graduate business schools. She does not minimize the challenge of coming to terms with this sort of diversity.

"People who have high identity integration, it is not that they are more easygoing. It is that they find peace between the two different worlds," Cheng said. "It is not that easy. Pretending doesn't work. There has to be real understanding and integration between the two worlds. They find a way for the two worlds to coexist inside a person."

This academic work is a useful prism for understanding the man who may be the world's most prominent integrator of two potentially conflicting identities: President Obama. He has gained admission to what used to be the most exclusive white club of all, the White House, while remaining patently at ease with his black identity.

As Cheng advises, Obama does not ignore the complexities of straddling these two worlds: He governs with an acute awareness of the particular challenges a black skin poses for the man Americans still like to describe as the leader of the free world. But the president is also deeply at ease with his various identities, a psychological state that may help him use them to powerful effect - as in the election campaign, when he rallied pretty much all Americans who think of themselves as different.

The conclusions of Cheng, Sanchez-Burks and Lee suggest a tantalizing follow-up question: How can we achieve the personal integration these scholars have identified as crucial to making a virtue of diversity? Further research by Cheng offers one answer: "You can integrate your identities if you have positive bicultural experiences. The macrosystem can influence the microsystem."

In other words, if the world around us tells us our dual identities are compatible, we will believe that, and act accordingly. If female engineers work in a company that treats their gender as a virtue, they will do better. If Asian-Americans live in a community that celebrates both aspects of their identity, they will be more effective.

America's rainbow coalition won at the ballot box this month, but in other settings the nation has become a little weary of diversity-cheering movements like multiculturalism and even explicit feminism. Cheng's work suggests that cynicism may be misplaced. Diversity can work, but we have to work at it.

1、According to the author, what it takes for a minority person to succeed in the US?

2、Why the author considers barak obama a success?

3、Elaborate the author’s argument “The macrosystem can influence the microsystem.”

4、What are the author alluding to with the phrase “rainbow coalition”?

Write in English 500 words about your comment on how to succeed in an increasingly diverse environment.


上外考研2018翻译硕士英语真题(回忆版) 一、阅读,回答问题(哲学类,3页5面,四个问题,40分) 标题: Barney's case Study of philosophy knowledge Barney’s case of the study of history of philosophy? (Barney's case for the history of philosophy)……(正文不明) 问题: 1.What are the reasons Barney cite for the study of history by thre e goroups o f people? 2.According to the passage, what are Martin Lin's interpretation about philosphers? 3.How does the author comment on the men's innate thirst for kn owledge? 4.Sum up how the author writes about Barney and Martin Li n’s discussion on philosophical progress 二、Writing. 800words,60分 Digital Humanities in the New Era

上外考研2018英语翻译基础(真题)(回忆版) 一、汉译英,翻译划线部分,70分 对中国90后,00后深入骨髓的剖析 现如今的家庭教育之难,难在什么地方?难在我们的教育有太多的悖论和问题需要面对。各位父母,我先问你们一个问题,你了解现在的孩子吗?我在这个问题上很有发言权,因为近20年来,我大概接触了8000个家庭案例。当今的孩子是怎么回事?当今的孩子是什么人?我们要从本质上来把握。假如我们不能从本质上来把握,学校教育也好,家庭教育也好,都不会在点子上。 从1993年以后孩子们就开始不一样了。为什么这么说呢?理由是1993年中 国取缔了粮票,这件事情年纪大的是不是还记得?在中国这样一个国家里面,取缔了粮票意味着什么?我们吃饭不愁了。当一个民族吃饭不愁,尤其是到我们这样的民族吃饭不愁的时候,我们会愁什么呢?我们的需要开始变得不一样了,人对人的需要不一样了,家长对孩子的需要不一样了,社会对人的需要不一样,人对社会的需要不一样了。 我们来看1993年以后的人的基本特征,首先,他们都是独套公寓里的独子。独 套公寓里的独子有什么样的人生感受呢?你可以去试试,到春天的时候,买一只刚刚生出来的小鸡,养着它,给它好吃好喝,你看看是不是两个礼拜以后小鸡就死掉了,因为小鸡也会孤独。现在的孩子带着天生的孤独感来到这个世界。那么孤独会有哪些麻烦?一,人一孤独,无端伤感,莫名其妙流眼泪;二,人一孤独,思考力就变得非常强,所以麻烦就来了,既不思考吃,又不思考穿,他就过早地思考了一个终极问题,最高哲学问题,“我存在有什么意义?”我们现在的孩子,连四岁的孩子就会在那里发呆了,你不知道他小脑袋里想什么。一旦人有这种问题,痛苦就伴随着他了。所以我们教育面对的问题是我们得知道自己的子女是什么人,才可以有方向。 第一,当今的孩子背负着沉重的情感负担


翻译硕士《翻译硕士英语》样题 I. Vocabulary and grammar (30’) Multiple choice Directions: Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence. Mark your answers on your answer sheet. 1. Thousands of people turned out into the streets to _________ against the local authorities’ decision to build a highway across the field. A. contradict B. reform C. counter D. protest 2. The majority of nurses are women, but in the higher ranks of the medical profession women are in a _________. A. minority B. scarcity C. rarity D. minimum 3. Professor Johnson’s retirement ________ from next January. A. carries into effect B. takes effect C. has effect D. puts into effect 4. The president explained that the purpose of taxation was to ________ government spending. A. finance B. expand C. enlarge D. budget 5. The heat in summer is no less _________ here in this mountain region. A. concentrated B. extensive C. intense D. intensive 6. Taking photographs is strictly ________ here, as it may damage the precious cave paintings. A. forbidden B. rejected C. excluded D. denied 7. Mr. Brown’s condition looks very serious and it is doubtful if he will _________. A. pull back B. pull up C. pull through D. pull out 8. Since the early nineties, the trend in most businesses has been toward on-demand, always-available products and services that suit the customer’s _________ rather than the company’s. A. benefit B. availability C. suitability D. convenience 9. The priest made the ________ of the cross when he entered the church. A. mark B. signal C. sign D. gesture 10. This spacious room is ________ furnished with just a few articles in it. A. lightly B. sparsely C. hardly D. rarely 11. If you explained the situation to your solicitor, he ________ able to advise you much better than I can. A. would be B. will have been C. was D. were 12. With some men dressing down and some other men flaunting their looks, it is really hard to tell they are gay or _________. A. straight B. homosexual C. beautiful D. sad 13. His remarks were ________ annoy everybody at the meeting. A. so as to B. such as to C. such to D. as much as to 14. James has just arrived, but I didn’t know he _________ until yesterday. A. will come B. was coming C. had been coming D. came 15. _________ conscious of my moral obligations as a citizen. A. I was and always will be B. I have to be and always will be C. I had been and always will be D. I have been and always will be 16. Because fuel supplies are finite and many people are wasteful, we will have to install _________ solar heating device in our home. A. some type of B. some types of a C. some type of a D. some types of 17. I went there in 1984, and that was the only occasion when I ________ the journey in exactly two days. A. must take B. must have made


河南科技大学 2013年硕士研究生入学考试试题考试科目代码:357 考试科目名称:英语翻译基础 (如无特殊注明,所有答案必须写在答题纸上,否则以“0”分计算)I. 词汇短语或习语英汉互译(40分) 1.disintegration 2.ardent 3.far-sightedness 4.careful consideration 5.perfect harmony 6.feed on fancies 7.with great eagerness 8.lack of perseverance 9.make a little contribution 10.on the verge of destruction 11.黄头发 12.小心台阶13.百里挑一14.一饮而尽15.赤字 16.吃一堑,长一智17.覆水难收18.进退维谷19.顺其自然20.不可否认…… II.句子英汉互译。(30分) 1.Balance is the key to life. Focus is the key to success. Contentment is the key to happiness. 2.You can’t make progress until you get clear as to where you currently are.Remember, success is not a sprint, it is a marathon. 3.Don’t read more than what was intended into what he said. 4.Timeout is better than burnout. Learn to rest before you get exhausted. 5.Focus on the critical tasks that will give you the results you need. Postpone everything else. 6.你休想欺骗我。 7.夺取这个胜利,已经是不要很久的时间和不要花费很大的气力了;巩固这个胜利,则是需要很久的时间和要花费很大的气力的事情。 8.他很厚黑啊! 9.人在屋檐下不得不低头。 10.你和他简直有一拼! III.请写出下列缩略词英文全称并译为汉语。(20分) 例如:PC:Personal Computer 个人电脑 1.ICU 2.BRT 3.CBD 4.W.W.W. 5.AIDS 6.D/P 7.IOC 8.SCI 9.SOS 10.I.P. IV.篇章英汉互译。(60分) A. 英译汉(30分)


英语翻译基础历年真题试卷汇编88 (总分:50.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、词语翻译(总题数:27,分数:50.00) 1.英译汉 __________________________________________________________________________________________ 解析: 2.civil law (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:民法) 解析: 3.mass transit (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:公共交通;大容量公共运输(工具)) 解析: 4.wage theory (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:工资理论) 解析: 5.mock epic (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:讽刺史诗) 解析: 6.counterespionage (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:反间谍活动) 解析: 7.high seas (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:公海;远海) 解析: 8.CYO (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:首席元老(Chief Yearly Officer)) 解析: 9.irrigation and drainage (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:灌溉与排水) 解析:


英语翻译基础历年真题试卷汇编74 (总分:50.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、词语翻译(总题数:27,分数:50.00) 1.英译汉 __________________________________________________________________________________________ 解析: https://www.doczj.com/doc/4314195002.html,ernment watchdog (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:政府监督) 解析: 3.carbon footprint (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:碳足迹,碳排放) 解析: 4.Twitter (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:推特) 解析: 5.funemployment (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:失业乐活) 解析: 6.Diesel oil (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:柴油) 解析: 7.汉译英 __________________________________________________________________________________________ 解析: 8.借词 (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:loanword) 解析: 9.全球暖化 (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:global warming) 解析: 10.经济不景气 (分数:2.00)


2016上外翻硕英语基础真题 I.Cloze Here's why the'American century'will survive rise of China In1941,Time editor Henry Luce proclaimed“the American century”.Some now see this coming to an end1.as a result of the nation’s economic and political decline.Many point to the example of US failure to convince its allies to stay out of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank,Beijing’s rival to the World Bank;but this was2.more of an example of a faulty decision than evidence of decline,which raises the question of what is the natural life cycle of a nation. A century is generally the limit for a human organism,but countries are social constructs. Rome did not collapse until more than three centuries after it reached its apogee of power in 117AD.After American independence in1776,Horace Walpole,the British politician, lamented that his nation had been reduced to the level of Sardinia,just as Britain was about to enter the industrial revolution that3.powered its second century as a global power. Any effort at assessing American power in the coming decades should 4.take into account how many earlier efforts had been wide of the mark.It is chastening to remember how wildly5.exaggerated US estimates of Soviet power in the1970s and of Japanese power in the1980s were.Today,some see the Chinese as10feet tall and proclaim this“the Chinese century”. China’s size and relatively rapid economic growth will bring it closer to the US in terms of its power resources in the next few decades.But this does not necessarily mean it will surpass the US in military,economic and soft power. 6.Even if China suffers no big domestic political setback,many projections are simple linear extrapolations of growth rates that are likely to slow in the future. 7.Moreover,economic projections are one dimensional.They ignore US military and soft power advantages,such as the desire of students around the world to attend US universities.They also overlook China’s geopolitical 8.disadvantages in the Asian balance of power,compared with America’s relations with Europe,Japan and India,which are likely to remain more favourable. It is not impossible that a challenger such as China,Europe,Russia,India or Brazil will surpass the US in the first half of this century,but it is not likely. On the question of absolute rather than9.relative American decline,the US faces serious problems in areas such as debt,secondary education,income in equality and political gridlock, but these are only part of the picture.On the positive side of the ledger are favourable trends in demography,technology and energy as well as abiding factors such as geography and entrepreneurial culture. The scenarios that could10.precipitate decline include ones in which the US overreacts to terrorist attacks by turning inwards and thus cuts itself off from the strength it obtains from openness.Alternatively,it could react by overcommitting itself and wasting blood and treasure as it did in Vietnam and Iraq. As an overall assessment,describing the21st century as one of American decline is inaccurate and misleading.Though the US has problems it is not in absolute decline,unlike ancient Rome,and it is likely to remain more powerful than any single state in coming decades.


2016年山东大学翻译硕士英语真题试卷 (总分:72.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、Vocabulary(总题数:20,分数:40.00) 1.He felt that the uninspiring routine of office work was too______for someone of his talent and creativity.(分数: 2.00) A.prosaic B.insatiable C.exacting D.enthralling 2.The museum arranged the fossils in______order, placing the older fossils dating from the Late Ice Age on the first floor and the more recent fossils on the second floor.(分数:2.00) A.alphabetical B.chronological C.random D.arbitrary 3.With the evolution of wings, insects were able to______to the far ecological corners, across deserts and bodies of water, to reach new food sources and inhabit a wider variety of promising environmental niches.(分数:2.00) A.relate B.disperse C.transgress D.revert 4.Having recently missed out on the Matisse retrospective, which has taken Paris and New York by storm, and on the tour of great paintings from Philadelphia's Barnes collection, London is becoming______in the competition to show blockbuster international art exhibitions.(分数:2.00) A.a trend-setter B.an also-ran C.a world-beater D.a mecca 5.What most______the magazine's critics is the manner in which its editorial opinions are expressed too often as if only an idiot could see things any other way.(分数:2.00) A.belies B.impedes C.riles D.placates 6.Despite her compassionate nature, the new nominee to the Supreme Court was single-minded and ______in her strict adherence to the letter of the law.(分数:2.00) A.merciful B.uncompromising C.dilatory D.vindictive 7.Although he generally observed the adage "Look before you leap," in this instance he was______acting in an unconsidered fashion.(分数:2.00) A.chary of B.impervious to C.precipitate in D.hesitant about


英语翻译基础历年真题试卷汇编6 (总分:12.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、英汉互译(总题数:6,分数:12.00) 1.英译汉(分数: 2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 解析: 2.The 1992 Rio conference was a high watermark for environmental law. Despite all the many accomplishments since then, we must now acknowledge that Rio has not fulfilled the promises with which the world invested it. After 50 years of diligent and sophisticated work by environmental lawyers on legislation, regulation, principles, treaties, and judicial decisions, how is it that the " actual landscape" of the world"s resources is still "slipping two steps backward for each forward stride"? Part of the explanation for that disappointing result can be found in the statements issued by a distinguished international collection of prosecutors, judges, and legal scholars at the Rio + 20-re-lated World Congress on Justice, Governance, and Law for Environmental Sustainability. They focused almost exclusively on matters of substantive doctrine and legal procedure. Recommitment to enhancing "law" in this narrow sense—a body of formal rules and principles and the judicial and prosecutorial mechanisms for their application and enforcement—certainly has great value, and that work should go forward vigorously. But the ongoing ecological deterioration is traceable in large part to pervasive social and political attitudes favoring a growth-based model of economic "development" that steadily intensifies human appropriation of planetary resources. To address the root of the problem, it will be argued here, environmental law needs a more expansive society-based conception of "law", one that activates law as a social institution engaged broadly with the habits and customs, the expectations and aspirations, of people and organizations in their daily lives. Environmental lawyers, then, need a fresh and bold reimagination of their mission, to hone and use their persuasive and analytical skills in creative ways to alter the social dynamic underlying environmental change and to foment a deep commitment to effective stewardship of resources. (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案: 1992年的里约会议标志着环境法达到了最高水平。尽管此后环境保护硕果累累,但我们现在必须承认,对于世界人民给予资金支持的诺言,里约会议并未实现。50多年来,环境法的律师制定或修改法律、规章、准则、条约并做出司法判决,他们勤奋地做着这些高深复杂的工作,但是世界资源的“现状”仍然“每前进一步都倒退两步”是怎么回事? 这一结果令人失望,其中部分原因可以在全世界杰出的检察官、法官和法律学者发布的言论合集中找到,他们在里约+20的相关世界会议上就司法、管理和环境可持续发展的法律发表了看法。他们几乎完全侧重于实际法令及法律程序等事宜。他们再次决心加强狭义的“法制”——一整套正规的规定和准则以及实施、强化这些法律的司法和执法机制——这当然意义重大,这项工作也应如火如荼进行。但在很大程度上,持续的生态恶化应归结于普遍存在的社会和政治态度,这一态度支持以增长为基础的经济发展模式,而这又使人类不断加强对地球资源的利用。为了从根源上解决这一问题,我们将在这里讨论环境法需要“法律”概念在社会上得到更广泛的普及,这样才能促使法律作为一种社会制度广泛地融人到习惯和习俗、期望和愿望以及人和组织的日常生活中去。然后,环保律师需要对自己的使命有着全新的明确认识,锻炼自己的说服技巧和分析技巧,并创造性地利用其来改变环境变化的基础,即社会动力,以此激发人们深深致力于资源的有效管理。) 解析: 3.Never before had the world such a tremendous scientific-technical potential, such a capacity to generate wealth and well-being. Authentic technological wonders that have made any place in the world to be always close with regard to distances and communications have not been capable of bringing well-being for everybody, but only for a meager 15% living in the countries of the


2016年上海外国语大学专业学位英语口译/笔译初试 英语翻译基础(100分) 12月26日14:00—17:00 I.Cloze.(共15个空,一空两分,共30分) 卷子上的标题是Here’s why the“American century”will survive rise of China The American century will survive the rise of China Joseph Nye March25,2015 Entropy is a greater challenge than Chinese growth,writes Joseph Nye In1941Time editor Henry Luce proclaimed“the American century”.Some now see this coming to an end as1.a result of the nation’s economic and political decline. Many point to the example of US failure to convince its allies to stay out of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank,Beijing’s rival to the World Bank;but this was 2.more an example of a faulty decision than evidence of decline,which raises the question of what is the natural life cycle of a nation. A century is generally the limit for a human organism but countries are social constructs.Rome did not collapse until more than three centuries after it reached its apogee of power in117AD.After American independence in1776Horace Walpole, the British politician,lamented that his nation had been reduced to the level of Sardinia,just as Britain was about to enter the industrial revolution that3.powered its second century as a global power. Any effort at assessing American power in the coming decades should4.take into account how many earlier efforts have been wide of the mark.It is chastening to remember how wildly5.exaggerated US estimates of Soviet power in the1970s and of Japanese power in the1980s were.Today some see the Chinese as10ft tall and proclaim this“the Chinese century”. China’s size and relatively rapid economic growth will bring it closer to the US in terms of its power resources in the next few decades.But this does not necessarily mean it will surpass the US in military,economic and soft power. 6.Even if China suffers no big domestic political setback,many projections are simple linear extrapolations of growth rates that are likely to slow in the future.


2016年暨南大学翻译硕士英语真题试卷 (总分:102.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、Vocabulary(总题数:30,分数:60.00) 1.Whenever possible, Ina ______how well she speaks Japanese.(分数: 2.00) A.shows up B.shows around C.shows off D.shows out 2.As the director can't come to the reception, I'm representing the company______.(分数:2.00) A.on his account B.on his behalf C.for his part D.in his interest 3.The price of the coal will vary according to how far it has to be transported and how expensive the freight ______are.(分数:2.00) A.payments B.charges C.funds D.prices 4.The ball ______two or three times before rolling down the slope.(分数:2.00) A.swayed B.bounced C.hopped D.darted 5.He has been transferred to the University of Maryland Medical Center and is waiting to ______surgery.(分数:2.00) A.undergo B.unfold C.underestimate D.undertake 6.We hold these truths to be self-______: that all men are created equal.(分数:2.00) A.essential B.eternal C.evident D.exquisite 7.The bear clawed the hunter within ______of his life.(分数:2.00) A.close B.reach C.a space D.an inch 8.The third candidate is a______. She's new to politics and is just beginning her campaign.(分数:2.00) A.white elephant B.dark horse C.sleeper D.big hit 9.We go to the Summer Palace on foot______.(分数:2.00)

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