当前位置:文档之家› 译林版英语九年级上册句型专练




Unit1: Know yourself

(1). It makes generous people feel good __________________________(和他人分享).

(2). Suzy is so well organized that she ______________________________(保持一切井然有序).

(3). Samuel is creative enough _______________________________(想出新注意).

(4). Did the born artist impress the whole art community and ______________________________(用她创造性的雕塑赢得赞扬) sculpture (5). Life is like a race. You_______________________________(要么领先要么落后). !

(6). Your star sign _______________________________(取决于) your date of birth.

(7). Are you ready _______________________________(接受挑战) any time

(8). Both the general manager and the chief engineer of the high-speed railway connecting our town to Xuzhou _______________________________(高标准工作).

(9). Ms Fang, head of their hospital and a pioneer heart surgeon, ___________________(容易合作).

(10). Carelessness will be a disaster______________________(不但对于我们自己,也对于病人).

(11). We are writing to_______________________________(推荐Jim作为新的班长).

(12). Not only the general manager of the sales department but also the chief engineer always__________________________(三思后行), so they are both suitable partners.

(13). Would he help them with their lessons if they _______________________________(上学缺席) during those months


(14). In Western countries, a year______________________(被分成一轮)12 star signs.

(15) He used to_______________________________(害怕做演讲) in front of many people but now he is confident.

Unit2: Colours

(1) I am not sure_________________________________(是否你的弟弟穿蓝色好看).

(2) Do you know ___________________________(彩虹有多少种颜色) in a rainbow

(3) I wondered whether / if he would believe that colors could ________________(影


(4) The patients felt relaxed because the walls were painted blue and

_______________________________(带给他们的头脑宁静) their mind.


(5) You may say “I’m feeling blue” to express your sadness.

(6) Red and white ______________________(是一种好的搭配) as the powerful red

balances the calm white.

(7) The orange flowers _____________________________(使他们振奋) and reminded

them of the sunny days on the Australian beaches.

(8) Green can ___________________(给你能量), as it is the color of nature and

represents new life.

(9) What action should be taken if your friend is green with envy

(10) Red may be of some help to you if strength is required

________________________(要么身体上, 要么思想上).

(11) Can _______________(穿红色) also make it easier for us to take action when we


(12) To choose what color for the room______________________(取决于个人品味). %

(13) I am not certain if / whether violet _________________(被用于庆祝活动) in

ancient Europe.

(14) Mrs Rainbow promises that this therapy can help teens change their moods, or



(15) Have you discovered that the therapy she practiced _________________(来自古



(1) I failed to get high marks in exams because the noise around almost ___________


(3) Many teenagers hardly know how they should _________________ (处理他们的青


(3) He had no choice but __________________________ (只能熬夜) to finish their



(4) I sometimes find it __________________________ (很难保持清醒) the next day.

(5) She often doubts whether it ________________ (是否值得花时间) so much time

on homework.

(6) I dreamed of a long holiday so that I could have _________________________ (更


(7) He is crazy about football and this has become__________________________ (他


(8) I do not understand ________________________ (为什么他们对我如此的严格).

(9) He wonders how he can __________________________ (达到一个平衡) between his schoolwork and his hobbies.

(10) I look forward to __________________________ (有价值的建议).

(11) How about __________________________ (计算出你可以腾出多少时间)

according to the homework you have


(12) I can’t__________________________ (设想没有安静环境地的学习), but I don’t

know where I can find a quiet place.

(13) Many students of our age think that your suggestions _______________________


(14) Perhaps you should__________________________ (复习你已经学的东西) as

often as possible to make some progress in your English.

(15) ---- Thank you very much for telling me about my daughter’s problems and stress.

---- __________________________ (不客气). We are close friends.


1. Hobo was asked not to _________________(叫醒Eddie) until he finished building

the house.

2. As soon as you click the mouse, there’s ____________________(大量的信息).


3. While attending junior high, Spud _______________________(参加校队的选拔)

and was refused, but he didn’t lose heart.

4. He practiced even harder and _________________________(让教练改变他的想


5. As a result, the leader _______________(成功地领导他的队伍进入) the national


6. After he graduated, he was forced to play in another league and remained there until

/till the NBA____________________(注意他).

7. He __________________________(取得很多伟大成就), but his proudest moment

came in 1986.

8. Through hard work, Spud proved that _______________________________(高矮胖


9. World War II____________________(爆发) in Europe in 1939 and ended in 1945.

10. The diary was written by a girl named Anne and ________________________(已经

被翻译成) many languages since it was published.


11. They ____________________(躲藏起来) but were caught and sent to a Nazi camp

and unluckily____________________(死于疾病).

12. They survived the war and we all admire them ____________________(为他们的


13. Although we live in peace, some children in other parts of the world sill


14. You ____________________________(不会发现他的不寻常) about him until you

learn more.

15. To my surprise, he has decided to donate his body ___________________(死后进


16. The writer is_________________(五十岁左右). He is the person who has influenced me most


1. You can’t win any prize if the last question _____________________ (回答不正确).

2. The true story encourages people in trouble ___________________(改善生活) by working hard.

3. Eddie has found _________________________________________(比艺术更令人愉快的某物).

4. _______________________________________(由于谭没有乐器) then, he made music with common objects _____________________________(像石头和纸). How

amazing his music is! He makes over 50 sounds from water

______________________________________________(通过控制水流的速度). He

creates different pictures ______________________________(在不同脑海里) and


5. ---Does classical music ___________________________________(有持久的价值)

---Yes. I also like Jazz. Jazz which was first created by African American

____________________________ (被音乐家编造) while playing.

6.________________________(看着斑点), I decided to blow it and made an

interesting picture, so Ms Luo ___________________________(鼓励我一直尝试)

and make more wonderful pictures.


8.The Palace Museum ________________________________(对公众开放) in 1925.

9.This bell was made many years ago __________________________(以中式风格).

10.After cleaning the floor, I __________________________(继续擦) the window.

11.I couldn’t remember the fairy story I wanted to tell her, so I

____________________(编造一个) as I went along

12.People_______________________________(高度评价) Pablo Ruiz Picasso’s works

of art.

13.Zhao Wei _____________________________(被颁发给) Best Director for her film

So Young

14.The classical music “Swan lake” _________________________(有持久的价值).

15.The think she ___________________________(有画画的天赋)


17.Every time she sings,she ___________________________(沉浸在音乐的世界里) Unit6

about (发送短信给) 10086 to get free tickets

during festivals.

2. I wondered if there was a dog_________________________________(躺在地上).

3. The answer ___________________________________ (你才能找到正确的答案) the film ends.

4. The siuation will continue _______________________________________(除非人们停止为了它们的皮和骨头而猎杀它们).

5. The ________________________________________ called Avatar (三个小时的科

幻片) amazed many people and it _______________________(获奖) Best Film.

6. Money ______________________________________(花在无意义的事情上) things is _________________________(一种金钱的浪费).

7. The twins saw three men in police uniforms ____________________________(从大

楼里出来) with guns in their hands.

8. He has done his best to __________________________________(阻止人们杀害)wild animals.

(一个富有的医生被发现死在) in his house.

are many famous people________________________(谈论他们的生活)in the programme.


I _________________who the murderer was________________________.

12,You can’t realize__________________________________________ (熊猫面临多少的危险)


13,10 Surfaces Are Hidden is ________________________(是由张艺谋执导的影片) 14,Tiger watch _______________________________________(因惊人的摄影术而赢得一个奖)

15,There are _________________________________(大量的对足球运动员的采访)。Unit7

1. Who does your brother think will _____________________________(更适合于进入


3. When Audrey Hepburn _______________________________________(在睡梦中安

宁离世), the whole world felt sad about _______________________________(一位美人和女演员的丧失).

5. The scriptwriter insisted that her beauty and charm _____________________(会吸引观众的注意力).

6.Audrey Hepburn’s __________________________________________(成就超越电影界) because she spent her last few years _______________________________(密切合作) UNICEF to help poor children in different parts of the world.



My father got up early this morning ___________ he could ______________ .

8. 三年前尼克爱上了米莉。Nick _______________________ Millie three years ago. speech on protcting wild animals ______________________(已经取消了)

d on’t lik

e horror films. ---_______________________(我也是)

11. He went out at five ________________________ (为了避免交通高峰期).


Jackie Chan _______________ by many people, not only for ___________________ in action films,but also for_____________________________in charity work.


13,She acted so well that some people _______________________(把她误认为是真正的公主)

14,He published his first novel, which ________________________(标志着她成功生涯的开始)

15,When Premier died in 1976, the word _______________________(为一位伟人的失去而伤心)。


1,That detective added that she ____________________________ (她被指控闯入数个电脑系统).

3. Mr Smith is one of the engineers __________________________________(与此案


4. ______________________________________(他被看见在打网球) at ten pm last


5. A witness reported that he _____________________________________(喘着粗气

并且T恤衫上有血) on his shirt.

6. We are not sure whether this___________________________________(已经使他


7. I think your ________________________________________(关于安全的建议值得


____________________________________________ a car.(因偷车而被捕)

can’t __________without air.(呼吸)

ran so fast that we were_____________________________(喘不过气)

11. The police________ him ______murder.(指控他谋杀)

should _______________________ nature.(与自然和谐相处)

one knows what he is doing_________________________. (靠什么谋生)


____________________for common people_____________________in China.

15,Don’t feel sad any roads _______________________ Rome.(条条大路通罗马)


译林版九年级上册英语单元测试题全套(含答案)译林版九年级英语上册单元测试题及答案Unit 1 第二部分英语知识运用(两大题,30分) 五、单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 21. —Which team will win at last between them? —____side can win. I think ours is the best. A. All B. Both C. None D. Neither 22. After dealing with the problems of classmates,our teacher turned her____back to work again. A. attention B. memory C. manner D. progress 23. —I don't like to be____,madam,but the question here asks for your age. —I'm forty-nine. A. curious B. impatient C. active D. personal 24. Not only my friends but also I____interested in football and Messi is our favourite star. A. be B. am C. is D. are 25. He couldn't____an answer when I asked him why he was late. A. come over B. catch up with C. come out D. come up with 26. The young boy was____for his efforts in separating school rubbish into different groups. A. praised B. presented C. provided D. protected 27. —It's a pity that____my teachers____parents allow me to swim alone. —After all you are too young. Safety first. A. either; or B. neither; nor C. both; and D. not only; but also 28. She only bought that sports car to____and let everyone know she can afford one. A. pay off B. set off C. show off D. take off 29. My cousin is ____ organized and she always keeps her things ____. A. well; in a good order B. good; in good order C. well; in good order D. good; in a good order 30. —What do people do here? —____. From March to October they swim. From November to February they ski. A. It depends B. I don't know C. That's fine D. I mean it 六、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) A Miss Chan,our class teacher, is my favourite teacher. We are going to__31__this school and I will miss her very much. Miss Chan is very patient. Whenever we__32__questions in class,she explains to us very carefully. She is also__33__because she cares much about us. She often says to us,“Tell me immediately if you feel unhappy. Share your__34__with me and do not just try to solve it by yourself. ”Miss Chan is very generous(慷慨的). One day,she gave each of us a book,Three Days


九年级上册Unit1 吃光,吃完 有创造力的;创造性的adj 好奇的adj 精力充沛的adj 谦虚的adj 有条理的;有效率的adj * 顺序n 使……保持井然有序 炫耀 语法n 想出(主意) 两者之一不conj 也不conj 既不….也不….. ¥ 会计n 天生的adj 给……留下印象vt 雕塑,雕像n 赞扬,表扬n 销售部n 总的;普遍的adj 竞赛;赛跑n ) 不是…..就是…. 领先地位,榜样n 处于领先地位 落后 挑战n 主要的,首要的adj 高速的adj 连接vt ; 与….相连,连接 错误,过失n 和…..几乎一样,简直是 注意,专心n 注意 标准n 先锋,开拓者n 外科大夫n ! 粗心n 额外的,附加的adj 把…..贡献,把…..专用于vt 尊敬,尊重vt 合适的;适宜的adj 搭档,合作伙伴n 不耐烦的,急躁的adj 三思而行 ; 洗碗 月球的adj 日历;挂历n 生肖n 代表;象征vt 出现vi 固定的adj 循环n { 有力的;强大的adj 活泼的;生气勃勃的adj 实际的adj 忠诚的adj 总共总计 星座n 分开,分vt@vi 把….分成…. | 使成型,塑造vt 演讲,讲话,发言;台词n 缺席的adj 班长n 职位;位置;名次n 同意某人的看法 Unit2 靛蓝,靛青n & 紫罗兰色n 彩虹n 心情,情绪n 影响vt

是否conj 特征;品质n 平静的,沉着的adj 放松的;自在的adj ~ 安宁;和平;和睦n 悲哀;忧伤n 纯洁n 婚礼,结婚庆典n 宁愿选择,更喜欢vt 造成,引起;创造vt 感觉,感受n 使振作起来 ) 提醒;使想起vt 智慧n 因为conj 嫉妒;羡慕n 嫉妒的,眼红的 需要,要求vt 力量n 热n | 困难;费力n 做某事费劲 决定n 关系n 必定地,无疑地adv 每天的;日常的adj 个人的;私人的adj 合适vt … 庆祝;庆祝活动n 古代的,古老的adj 疗法;治疗n 发现,发觉vt 十几岁(13到19岁之间)n 承诺,允诺vi 否则conj 奏效,产生预期的效果vi : 从事,执业vt 紧张的,有压力的adj 建议vt 宁愿,更喜欢 信任n 平静,镇静n 温暖;热情n 女用皮包,手提包n @ 相配;般配n 使…..平衡 Unit3 青少年的adj 分数n 发疯的;生气的adj 使人受不了 考试,测试n % 或许,可能adv 处理vi 处理,对付 选择n 处….外;只有conj&prep 熬夜 醒着的adj 几乎不adv > 想象,设想vt&vi 怀疑vt 值得;值….钱adj 值得做某事 建议n 原因n 严格的,严厉的adj 对某人要求严格 ! 待在户外;不回家 课业n 宝贵的;贵重的adj 友谊n 清单n 算出;解决 根据prep 谁(宾格)prep - 安静;沉默n


1.吃光,吃完(词组) 2.有创造力的;创造性的(adj.) 3.好奇的(adj.) 4.精力充沛的(adj.) 5.谦虚的(adj.) 6.有条理的;有效率的(adj.) 7.顺序(n.) 8.使···保持井然有序(词组) 9.炫耀(词组) 10.语法(n.) 11.想出(主意)(词组) 12.(否定句中)两者之一不(conj.) 13.也不(conj.) 14.既不···也不···(词组) 15.会计(n.) 16.天生的(adj.) 17.给···留下印象(vt.) 18.雕塑,雕像(n.) 19.赞扬,表扬(n.) 20.销售部(词组) 21.总的;普遍的;首席的(adj.) 22.竞赛;赛跑(n.) 23.不是···就是···,或者···或者···(词组) 24.领先地位;榜样(n.) 25.处于领先地位(词组) 26.落后(词组) 27.挑战(n.) 28.主要的,首要的(adj.) 29.高速的(adj.) 30.连接(vt.) 31.与···相连,连接(词组) 32.错误,过失(n.) 33.和···几乎一样,简直是(词组) 34. 注意,专心(n.)36.标准(n.) 37.先锋,开拓者(n.) 38.外科大夫(n.) 39.粗心(n.) 40.额外的;附加的(adj.) 41.把···贡献,把···专用于(vt.) 42.尊敬,尊重(vt.) 43.合适的;适宜的(adj.) 44.搭档,合作伙伴(n.) 45. 不耐烦的,急躁的(adj.) 45.三思而行(词组) 46.洗碗(词组) 47.月球的(adj.) 48.日历;挂历(n.) 49.生肖(n.) 50.代表;象征(vt.) 51.出现(vi.) 52.固定的(adj.) 53.循环(n.) 54.有力的;强大的(adj.) 55.活泼的;生机勃勃的(adj.) 56.实际的(adj.) 57.忠诚的(adj.) 58.总共,总计(词组) 59.星座(n.) 60.分开,分(vi.&vt.) 61.把···分成···(词组) 62.使成形,塑造(vt.) 63.演说,讲话,发言;台词(n.) 64.缺席的(adj.) 65.班长(n.) 66.职位;位置;名次(n.) 67.同意某人(的看法)(词组)


. .. . . . . . w 译林版牛津英语九年级上册Unit1单词默写表 1. 吃光,吃完(词组) 2. 有创造力的;创造性的(adj.) 3. 好奇的(adj.) 4. 精力充沛的(adj.) 5. 谦虚的(adj.) 6. 有条理的;有效率的(adj.) 7. 顺序(n.) 8. 使···保持井然有序(词组) 9. 炫耀(词组) 10. 语法(n.) 11. 想出(主意)(词组) 12. (否定句中)两者之一不(conj.) 13. 也不(conj.) 14. 既不···也不···(词组) 15. 会计(n.) 16. 天生的(adj.) 17. 给···留下印象(vt.) 18. 雕塑,雕像(n.) 19. 赞扬,表扬(n.) 20. 销售部(词组) 21. 总的;普遍的;首席的(adj.) 22. 竞赛;赛跑(n.) 23. 不是···就是···,或者···或者···(词组) 24. 领先地位;榜样(n.) 25. 处于领先地位(词组) 26. 落后(词组) 27. 挑战(n.) 28. 主要的,首要的(adj.) 29. 高速的(adj.) 30. 连接(vt.) 31. 与···相连,连接(词组) 32. 错误,过失(n.) 33. 和···几乎一样,简直是(词组) 34. 注意,专心(n.) 35. 注意(词组) 36. 标准(n.) 37. 先锋,开拓者(n.) 38. 外科大夫(n.) 39. 粗心(n.) 40. 额外的;附加的(adj.) 41. 把···贡献,把···专用于(vt.) 42. 尊敬,尊重(vt.) 43. 合适的;适宜的(adj.) 44. 搭档,合作伙伴(n.) 45. 不耐烦的,急躁的(adj.) 三思而行(词组) 46. 洗碗(词组) 47. 月球的(adj.) 48. 日历;挂历(n.) 49. 生肖(n.) 50. 代表;象征(vt.) 51. 出现(vi.) 52. 固定的(adj.) 53. 循环(n.) 54. 有力的;强大的(adj.) 55. 活泼的;生机勃勃的(adj.) 56. 实际的(adj.) 57. 忠诚的(adj.) 58. 总共,总计(词组) 59. 星座(n.) 60. 分开,分(vi.&vt.) 61. 把···分成···(词组) 62. 使成形,塑造(vt.) 63. 演说,讲话,发言;台词(n.) 64. 缺席的(adj.) 65. 班长(n.) 66. 职位;位置;名次(n.) 67. 同意某人(的看法)(词组)


Unit 1 Know Yourself 1)make sb do使某人做某事 2)feel good 感觉好feel well身体好 3)well organized 很有条理 4)people with different personalities 有不同品性的人 5)keep sth in good order 使...保持好的秩序 6)show off炫耀 7)patient enough足够耐心 8)repeat sth for sb为某人重复.. 9)be curious about sth对..充满好奇 10)come up with sth = think of sth想出... 11)get angry easily容易生气 12)12.a born artist一个天生的艺术家 13)make a good accountant= be a good accountant成为一个好的会计 14)impress sb with sth用..给某人留下印象 15)work without speaking all day long一整天不说话的工作 16)win high praise赢得高度表扬 17)give up sth/give up doing sth放弃某事/做某事 18)work for为..工作 19)day after day日复一日 20)make sb unhappy使某人不高兴 21)the general manger of ..的总经理 22)take the lead处于领先地位 23)fall behind 落后 24)take on new challenges 接受新的挑战 25)connect ...to/with 与..相连 26)afford to do负担的起.. 27)pay attention to sth/doing sth注意.. 28)work to high standards向着高标准工作 29)a pioneer heart surgeon 心外科带头人 30)can’t be too+形容词再..也不为过 31)work extra hours 额外工作 32)devote ...to sth /doing 致力于... 33)respect sb尊敬某人 34)accept sb’s advice 接受某人的建议 35)neither...nor既不..也不 36)either...or或者..或者 37)not only...but also 不但..而且 38)Chinese lunar calendar中国农历


[标签:标题] 篇一:苏教版译林九年级上册Unit 1重点归纳Unit1 重点归纳 1.eat up/use up/run up/be used up 2.Describe 描述n.description 3.Show off 炫耀 4.Be curious about 对……感到好奇 5.Get angry easily 易生气的 6.Active v. Actively adv.反:inactive 7.Impress sb with sth. 8.Be happy with 对……满意 9.Outstanding杰出的 10.Be born(adj.)……天生的…… 11.Impress……with 12.Win high praise 13.Search for something better or different 14.Be great fun 15.Give up放弃 16.Work for为……而工作 17.Day after day 日复一日 18.Generallyadv. 19.Either or 20.Take on接受21. In all总之 In general 总的来说 22.connect……to sp 23.As……as和……一样 24.Can’t afford to 25.Afford to do with 26.Pay attention tosth. doing sth 27.be easy to do sth 28.Devote to doing sth 29.Respect repeat 30.A work of art 31.Plan……well 把……计划好 32.Take part in=join in 33.Without doing sth 34.Spend……on…… in doing…… 35.be patient with……对……有耐心


九年级上册英语句型专练 Unit1: Know yourself (1). It makes generous people feel good __________________________(和他人分享). (2). Suzy is so well organized that she ______________________________(保持一切井然有序). (3). Samuel is creative enough _______________________________(想出新注意). (4). Did the born artist impress the whole art community and ______________________________(用她创造性的雕塑赢得赞扬) sculpture (5). Life is like a race. You_______________________________(要么领先要么落后). ! (6). Your star sign _______________________________(取决于) your date of birth. (7). Are you ready _______________________________(接受挑战) any time (8). Both the general manager and the chief engineer of the high-speed railway connecting our town to Xuzhou _______________________________(高标准工作). (9). Ms Fang, head of their hospital and a pioneer heart surgeon, ___________________(容易合作). (10). Carelessness will be a disaster______________________(不但对于我们自己,也对于病人). (11). We are writing to_______________________________(推荐Jim作为新的班长). (12). Not only the general manager of the sales department but also the chief engineer always__________________________(三思后行), so they are both suitable partners. (13). Would he help them with their lessons if they _______________________________(上学缺席) during those months $


2019~2020学年第一学期期中考试 初三英语 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷选择题(55分)和第Ⅱ卷非选择题(45分)两部分,共6大题,满分100分,用时80分钟。注意:请同学们将答案填写在答题纸上。 第I 卷(选择题,共55分) 一、选择填空(共25小题:每小题1分,满分25分) A)单项填空。从A, B. C.D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. I never doubt ______ his advice is ______ to me. A. that; valuable B. if; value C. whether; valuable D. that; value 2. Yesterday I was reminded by my mother______ late for the exam A. not be B. not to C. not to be D. don't to 3. The book will _____ you when you need help. A. help to B. be some helpful with C. be of some help to D. be of some help with 4. Would you please_________ these grammar rules______ us? A. repeat; for B. repeat; to C. repeating; to D. repeating; for 5. ﹣When shall we travel to Australia, this year or next year? ﹣______ is OK. You decide. A. Neither B: Every C. Either D. Each 6. Some scientists ______all their lives _______their homeland. A. devoted; into building B. devoted; to build C. devoted; to building D. devoted; for building 7. Could you keep these old clothes_______ good order? A. with B. for C: at D. in 8. His father looks young, but ______ fact he is________. A. in ; in the forties B. in ; in his forties C. in the ; in his fortieth D. in the ; in the forties 9. -Let's go to the community if it _______ tomorrow. -But nobody knows if it_______ tomorrow. A. won't rain; rains B. doesn't rain; rains C. doesn't rain; will rain D. won't rain; will rain 10. We must be strict _____ ourselves and strict ______ our work. A. in , with B. with, in C. in , in D. with . with 考场号______________ 座位号____________ 班级__________ 姓名____________ 成绩____________ ————————————————————————装订线————————————————————————————


Unit 1 "Wu Wei is a born artist, " said his best friend. "He's quiet and doesn't like to talk much, but his work shouts!" Wu Wei, the young artist, has impressed the whole country with his creative work. His sculptures for Sunshine Town Square have won high praise from the art community. "I want to share the best art with people, so I’m always searching for something better or different. This in itself is great fun," he said. Su Ning gave up her job as an accountant five years ago and started to work for the sales department in a big company. “ I’m active and energetic, and I love working with people. However, in my last job, I could only work with numbers day after day. That made me unhappy." Su Ning is now the general manager of the company. "Life is like a race. You either take the lead or fall behind. I'm ready to take on new challenges any time,” she said. Liu Hao is the chief engineer of the high-speed railway connecting Sunshine Town to Tianjin. "To us, a miss is as good as a mile. We can't afford to make any mistakes, " said Mr Liu. " All of us know that it's necessary to pay attention to every detail. " "He's serious and well organized, "one of his team members said. " He always works to high standards, but he's modest and easy to work with." Fang Yuan, head of Sunshine Hospital and a pioneer heart surgeon, is kind and patient. "As a doctor, you can't be too careful," she said. "Carelessness will be a disaster not only to ourselves but also to patients." "She's always willing to work extra hours, said another doctor. In fact, Doctor Fang often does operations for about ten hours a day. She has devoted most of her time to her work. All the people in the town respect her. Unit 2


译林牛津版初中九年级英语上册单词表 Unit 1 eat up 吃光,吃完 creative 有创造力的;创造性的 curious adj.好奇的. energetic adj.精力充沛的. modest adj.谦虚的. & organized adj.有条理的;有效率的. order n.顺序 keep ... in order 使…保持井然有序 show off 炫耀 grammar n.语法 come up with 想出(主意) neither adv.两者之一不 nor adv.也不. ) neither... nor…既不…也不… accountant n.会计 born adj.天生的 impress 给…留下印象. sculpture n.雕塑,雕像 praise n.赞扬,表扬 sales department n.销售部 general a总的;普遍的;首席的 ¥ race n.竞赛;赛跑. either…or…不是…就是…,或者…或者… lead 领先地位;榜样 take the lead 处于领先地位 fall behind 落后 challenge n.挑战. chief a dj.主要的,首要的. high-speed adj.高速的. ! connect vt.连接 connect to/with 与…相连,连接 miss n.错误,过失. as good as 和…几乎一样,简直是 attention n.注意,专心 pay attention to 注意 standard n.标准

pioneer n.先锋,开拓者 * surgeon n.外科大夫. carelessness n.粗心、. extra adj.额外的;附加的devote vt.把…贡献,把…专用于respect vt.尊敬,尊重 suitable adj.合适的;适宜的. partner n.搭档,合作伙伴impatient a dj.不耐烦的,急躁的. - think twice(about sth.) 三思而行do the dishes 洗碗 calendar n.日历;挂历. animal sign 生肖 represent v t.代表;象怔 Appear vi.出现 Fixed adj.固定的. cycle n.循环. — powerful adj.有力的;强大的. lively adj.活泼的;生气勃勃的. practical adj.实际的. loyal adj.忠诚的. in all 总共;总计 star sign n.星座. divide vt.&vi.分开,分divide…into…把…分成?? > shape vt.使成形,塑造speech n.演说,讲话,发言. monitor n.班长. 'position 职位;位置;名次. agree with sb 同意(某人)看法 Unit 2 ) indigo n.靛蓝,靛青 violet n.紫罗兰色 rainbow n.彩虹 mood n.心情;情绪 influence vt.影响 whether conj.是否


vt 九年级上册把…?.贡献,把…??专用于 専敬,尊重vt 合适的;适宜的adj Unitl搭档,合作伙伴n 吃光,吃完不耐烦的,急躁的adj 有创造力的;创造性的adj三思而行 好奇的adj洗碗 精力充沛的adj月球的adj 谦虚的adj日历;挂历n 有条理的;有效率的adj生肖n 顺序n代表;象征vt 使……保持井然有序出现VI 炫耀固定的adj 语法n循环n 想出(主意)有力的;强大的adj 两者之一不conj活泼的;生气勃勃的 也不conj实际的adj 既不….也不???..忠诚的adj 会计n总共总计 天生的adj星座n 给……留下印象vt分开,分vt@vi 雕塑,雕像n把…?分成…. 赞扬,表扬n使成型,塑造vt 销售部n演讲,讲话,发言;台词 总的;普遍的adj缺席的adj 竞赛;赛跑n班长n 不是???..就是….职位;位置;名次n 领先地位,榜样n同意某人的看法 处于领先地位 落后Unit2 挑战n靛蓝,靛青n 主要的,首要的adj紫罗兰色n 高速的adj彩虹n 连接vt心情,情绪n 与….相连,连接影响vt 错误,过失n是否conj 和…..几乎一样,简直是特征;品质n 注意,专心n平静的,沉着的adj 注意放松的;自在的adj 标准n安宁;和平;和睦n 先锋,开拓者n悲哀;忧伤n 外科大夫n纯洁n

造成,引起;创造vt 感觉,感受n 使振作起来 提醒;使想起vt 智慧n 因为conj 嫉妒;羡慕n 嫉妒的,眼红的 需要,要求vt 力量n 热n 困难;费力门 做某事费劲 决定n 关系n 必定地,无疑地adv 每天的;日常的adj 个人的;私人的adj 合适vt 庆祝;庆祝活动n 古代的,古老的adj 疗法;治疗n 发现,发觉vt 十几岁(13到19岁之间)n 承诺,允诺vi 否则conj 奏效,产生预期的效果vi 从事,执业vt 紧张的,有压力的adj 建议vt 宁愿,更喜欢 信任n 平静,镇静n 温暖;热情n 女用皮包,手提包n 相配;般配n 使…..平衡 Unit3 青少年的adj 分数n 发疯的;生气的adj 使人受不了 考试,测试n 或许,可能adv 处理vi 处理,对付 选择n 处….外;只有conj&prep 熬夜 醒着的adj 几乎不adv 想彖,设想vt&vi 怀疑vt 值得;值….钱adj 值得做某事 建议n 原因n 严格的,严厉的adj 对某人要求严格 待在户外;不回家 课业n 宝贵的;贵重的adj 友谊n 清单n 算出;解决 根据prep 谁(宾格)prep 安静;沉默n 担心;令人担忧的事n 方法n 解决;解答vt 字典n 青少年辅导员n 答复,回答n 化学n 嘲笑 书虫,书呆子n 进展,进步n 担心的,烦恼的adj 复习;回顾 大声地;出声地adv 发音vt 正确地adv


译林版九年级上册英语课文翻译 各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢 篇一:2015外研版英语九上课文翻译 篇二:2014年新版九年级上册英语Unit 5课文+翻译 Unit 5 Section A 1b Listen and match the products with what they are made of and where they were made. Susan: Hi, Anita. I bought three shirts for 29 dollars yesterday! Anita: Oh, really? What are they made of though? Sometimes the cheap ones are made of materials that don’t feel very good. Susan: A hundred percent cotton. They’re nice and soft, and they were made in America. Anita: Oh, OK. By the way,

where did you buy those chopsticks? They’re really cool! Susan: O h, I got them in Korea. They’re nice, aren’t they? Anita: Yeah. Chopsticks are usually made of wood. I’ve never seen steel ones before. Susan: Oh, steel chopsticks are popular in Korea. Hey, do you think this ring looks OK? Anita: Hmm…yes, I think it’s quite pretty. Is it made of silver? Susan: Yes, and it was made in Thailand. I’ll give it to my best friend for her birthday. Anita: Oh, I’m sure she’ll love it. 1b 听录音,把产品是由什么制成的和在哪里被制成的搭配起来。 苏珊:你好,安尼塔。我昨天用29美元买了三件衬衫! 安尼塔:哦,真的吗?不过它们是由什么制成的?有时候便宜的衣服是由感觉不是很舒服的材料制成的。

译林版英语九年级上册 Unit 1

译林版英语九年级上册Unit1 Know yourself 单元测试题 第一卷(共50分) 一、选择填空(共10小题:每小题1分,满分10分) ( ) 1. The performance was great success. The audience couldn't stop clapping their hands. A. a B. / C. the D. an ( ) 2. Peter Paul like water-skiing very much. A. Neither; nor B. Either; or C. Not only; but also D. Both; and ( ) 3. --Don't forget to give my best wishes to your parents. ---________________ . A. OK, I don't B. OK, I won't C. Yes, I will D. OK, I will ( ) 4. Not only Linda but also I out of breath at the end of last race. A. am B. was C. are D. were ( ) 5. He broke the window, you I had anything to do with it. A. Neither; nor B. Either; or C. Not only; but also D. Both; and ( ) 6. --What would you like, coffee or tea? --I'm thirsty, juice _ water is OK. A. Neither; nor B. Either; or C. Not only; but also D. Both; and ( ) 7. My friend Daniel has all kinds of different new ideas. He is very__________ A. confident B. creative C. patient D. practical ( ) 8. I think life on Mars is exciting I like life on Earth better. A. and B. so C. however D. but ( ) 9. He speaks English French. Instead, he speaks German. A. neither; nor B. either; or C. both; and D. not only; but also ' ( ) 10. He never _ learning English. That was why he was successful at last. A. gave in B. gave out C. gave up D. gave away 二、完形填空(共10小题:每小题2分,满分20分) Food is very important. Everyone needs to 11 well if they want to have a strong body. Our mind also needs a kind of food. This kind of food is 12 . We begin to get knowledge even 13 we are very young. Small children are 14 in everything around them. They lean 15 while they are watching and listening. When they are getting older, they begin to 16 storybooks, science books and so on--anything they like. When they find something new, they love to ask questions and _ 17 to find out answers. What is the best 18 to get knowledge? If we learn by ourselves, we will get 19 knowledge. If we are 20 getting answers from others and do not ask why, we will never learn welt. When we study in the right way, we will learn more and understand better. ( ) 11. A. sleep B. read C. drink D. eat ( ) 12. A. sport B. exercise C. knowledge D. meat ( ) 13. A.until B. when C. after D. so ( ) 14. A. interested B. interesting C. weak D. practical ( )15. A. none B. something C. nothing D. anything ( )16. A. lend B. read C. learn D. write ( )17. A. try B. have C. refuse D. wait


[标签:标题] 篇一:苏教版译林九年级上册Unit 1重点归纳 Unit1 重点归纳 1.eat up/use up/run up/be used up 2.Describe 描述 n.description 3.Show off 炫耀

4.Be curious about 对……感到好奇 5.Get angry easily 易生气的 6.Active v. Actively adv.反:inactive 7.Impress sb with sth. 8.Be happy with 对……满意 9.Outstanding杰出的 10.Be born(adj.)……天生的…… 11.Impress……with 12.Win high praise 13.Search for something better or different 14.Be great fun 15.Give up放弃 16.Work for为……而工作 17.Day after day 日复一日 18.Generallyadv. 19.Either or 20.Take on接受 21. In all总之 In general 总的来说 22.connect……to sp 23.As……as和……一样 24.Can’t afford to 25.Afford to do with 26.Pay attention tosth. doing sth 27.be easy to do sth 28.Devote to doing sth 29.Respect repeat

30.A work of art 31.Plan……well 把……计划好 32.Take part in=join in 33.Without doing sth 34.Spend……on…… in doing…… 35.be patient with……对……有耐心 36.Depend on 取决于 37.Both……and…… Not only……but also…… Either……or……就近原则 Neither……nor…… 38.recently=these days 39.Make/become…… 40.Active反:inactive being…… sth. 42.be afraid 43.Be suitable to do sth. 44.Make a decision to do=make up one’do…… 45.Animal signs 生肖 46.Below 反:above 47.Appear 反:disappear 48.In a fixed order 49.Honest 反:dishonest honesty n. 50.Be honest to do sth. 51.Make notes 记笔记 52.Be similar to 53.Date of birth s mind to

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