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三星 冰箱高效节能系列 双开门冰箱 540L 用户手册
三星 冰箱高效节能系列 双开门冰箱 540L 用户手册

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电器、电子产品说明书英译的特点和技巧。 (参考教材P202-210) 1 概述 电器、电子产品说明书是科技文体的一种,它以传递产品的有用信息为主要目的,内容主要包括: 前言、部件、基本功能、使用指南,故障排除等。 其中,基本功能和使用指南是主体部分。 一些简单易用的电器、电子产品,其说明书也相对简略。电器、电子产品说明书译文的预期功能主要是提供商品特点和使用信息,通过让译语用户了解产品的性能、特点、用途、使用和保管等方面,促使其完成购买行为。 2 电器、电子产品说明书英译的特点 特点概括起来包括: 准确性(accuracy)、 简明性(conciseness)、 客观性(objectivity)等。 2.1 准确性 电器、电子产品说明书是为了指导读者正确使用产品而写,它传递的信息(例如:各种数据、图表)首先必须科学准确。在英译过程中,必须

把信息内容如实准确地翻译出来,显化原文隐含的信息,消除歧义。一些专业术语、固定用语和习惯说法必须表达得准确、地道,例如在翻译数码相机说明书时会遇到这样一些术语: 镜头后盖(ear lens cap)、 三角架(tripod)、 数码变焦(digital zoom)、 快门帘幕(shutter curtain)、曝光不足(under exposure)、取景器(view finder)等,需按专业说法表达出来,不可任意生造。 2.2 简明性 简明性特点表现为: (1)内容条目简洁明了,步骤清晰,逻辑性强。 (2)常用缩略形式。例如:液晶显示(Liquid Crystal Display) 常缩写成LCD; 发光二极管(Light Emitting Diode) 常缩写成LED; 中央处理器(Central Processing Unit) 常缩写成CPU; 自动对焦(Auto focus)常缩写成AF; 手动对焦(Manual focus)常缩写成MF 2.3 客观性 电器、电子产品说明书将该产品的相关内容客观地呈现出来,引导读者按照一定的思维逻辑循序渐进,知道该做什么,怎么做,进而了解和正确使用该产品。这些内容带有描述说明的性质,客观而不带有感情色彩。例如:原文:紧急退出功能键可让使用者在电源故障时,以手动方式打开


产品说明书英文版V HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】


This manual applies to the following models: 3UA Multiview CONTROLER ( Optional Front Panal,LCD Console ) 3UB Multiview CONTROLER ( Optional Front Panal,LCD Console ) 8U Multiview CONTROLER ( Optional Front Panal ) 8U-S Multiview CONTROLER( Optional Front Panal ) 12U Multiview CONTROLER LED Very-large Dot Matrix Screen Multiview CONTROLER ( K Series ) Monitoring Multiview CONTROLER ( N Series ) 3D Multiview CONTROLER ( 3D Series ) 4K Multiview CONTROLER (4k Series ) IMPORTANT NOTICE The company reserves the right to update the manual according to improvement of products without any prior notice. In the process of using, if any content in this manual is inconsistent with actual products or there is any further question during use, please contact document information department of our company. Please read this manual carefully before using the CONTROLER and properly file it after reading for future reference. Pictures are for reference only, subject to our available products. Please pay close attention to those with the Icon of in the article.


Product characteristics: It replenishes sufficient water to creat a moisturizing and water-locking membrane on the skin to maintain the normal water content of the cuticle ,banlance the PH value of the skin and keep the skin healthier. Containing rich fibroin extract and varirties of valued herbal essences,it strengthens the whitening function as well as tone the dark complexion and soften the coticle to build sparking,white ,bright,hydrous and transparent skin. 活肌盈白滋润爽肤水 产品特点:外界的污染,日光的照射,生活和工作的压力另肌肤干燥粗糙,色素沉浊,暗沉无光泽,各种肌肤问题也随之而来,需要及时为肌肤补充大量水分,促进美白营养成分的吸收。 活肌盈白滋润爽肤水触感清爽、柔滑,为肌肤注入充足的水分,并形成保湿锁水薄膜,维持角质层正常含水量,平衡皮肤酸碱值,另肌肤更健康;富含蚕丝蛋白、甘草、海藻精华,提升肌肤美白原动力,改善暗沉肤色,软化角质,重塑肌肤的盈白亮丽,水凝通透。 product characteristics: Being refreshing,it slowers the oxidation caused by free radicals and blocks kinds of radiation to strengthen the resistivity of the skin. Containing rich fibroin extract and varieties of valued herbal essences, it strengthens the whitening funtion as well as concealing the dark and rough state of the skin and marking it white, smooth and fine naturally. 活肌盈BB霜 产品特点:偏黄,暗沉等肌肤问题给生活带来尴尬,需要咋打造清新裸妆的同时给肌肤提供一层保护伞,让你时刻保持自信妆容。 肌活盈白BB霜含有丰富蚕丝蛋白、甘草萃取精华能修复问题肌肤,呈现最时尚的薄透裸妆。添加高保湿美容圣品的霍霍巴油,让基督保有水润明亮,智慧型的抑油功能,维持整天完美的轻透亮。 ACTIVE WHITE MOISTURIZING LOTION Product Charateristics:with natural moisturizing factors,it keeps replenishing water an increase the elasticty of the skin to keep it more moisturized. Containing rich fibroin extract and varieties of valued herbal essences,it strenthens whitening funtion as well as toning the dark and unevening complexion to keep it moisturized,white,graceful and attractive. 肌活盈白润肤乳 产品特点:质地清透幼滑,迅速渗透,持续给予肌肤充分滋养,让干燥粗糙的肌肤变得明亮润滑,显着改善肤色,用后肌肤清透柔亮,犹如出水芙蓉般水润透白。 蕴含蚕丝蛋白、洛神花和透明质酸,深层保湿,并在肌肤表明形成锁


产品说明书范文英文版 电子产品说明书——媒体音响英文说明书范例(中英) 便携式多媒体音响 Portable Multimedia Acoustics 使用说明书User’s Manual 专注于完美音质的追求?? Concentrate on perfect sound pursuit? 感谢您使用本公司出品的数码产品,为了让您轻松体验 产品,我们随机配备了内容详尽的使用说明,您从中可以获 取有关产品的介绍,使用方法等方面的知识。在您开始使用 本机之前请先仔细阅读说明书,以便您能正确的使用本机, 如有任何印刷错误或翻译失误望广大用户谅解,当涉及内容 有所更改时,恕不另行通知。 Thank you for using this digital product of our company. In order to let you experience the product swimmingly, detailed instruction is provided which you can find the product’s introduction, usage and other information. Before using this product, please read the manual carefully, so that you can correctly use it. In case of any printing or translation error, we apologize for the inconvenience. As for the content change, we are sorry for no further notice. 一、产品概述 General Information 本机是一款外观小巧,设计精美、携带方便多媒体小音响, 适用于家居、户外旅游、办公室等场所,随时随地享受音乐


AiCheShi Anion Health Aromatherapy Machine AiCheShi car accessories limited is a high technology enterprise in Shenzhen China, the company is engaged in active oxygen products, anion health aromatherapy machine ,protective air quality as well as on air environmental testing and so on. we can ODM and OEM car inner accessories ,and has the independent intellectual property rights, the success development produces is widely used in the family, catering and entertainment , the leisure place, the hotel guesthouse, the public places. it has been adhering to the " your health continuously my pursue, creating the green environmental health world " for our company philosophy. AiCheSHi anion health aromatherapy machine through ultrasonic vibrations generated by high-frequency electronic shock, water molecules break down plant essential oils and dissolved into nano-distributed in the surrounding air, cold fog, scent filled the air. Essential oils from flowers, leaves, stems and roots of the plants or fruits, high concentrations of volatile flavor compounds of refining extraction, is the essence of natural plants. Plant essential oil molecules small volatile high, nasal airway into the body, emotional control other major functions of the body, can enhance the physical and psychological functioning. Every kind of plant essential oil is different, also makes a special set of functional characteristics. The volatile oil has “West's Chinese native medicine” the name, but also may seep through the skin enters the blood circulation, can the effective recuperation body, achieve functions and so on. After heated in winter or summer, there is air-conditioned indoor air dry lips will appear dry mouth, throat, dry pealing harder dry cough, skin,


使用说明书英文翻译 【篇一:1英语说明书翻译】 目前,我国的产品说明书的翻译有许多不尽如人意的地方,概括起来,是由于不懂英语说明书的句型和选词不当所致。以下,我们就 来讨论一下说明书的句型和选词问题。 一、产品说明书的若干句型 句型是语言结构的要素。无论英译汉还是汉译英都离不开句型。学习、掌握和使用句型是翻译工作者的必由之路。现将英文产品说明 书的若干常见句型说明如下: 1.(情态动词)be+形容词(或过去分词)+目的状语 这种句型用语文章开头,说明该产品是做什么用的,例如: 1)本冲床主要用于冲孔、落料、弯曲、浅拉伸、剪切等冷冲工艺。 this press is mainly suitable for cold working operations, such as punching, blanking, bending, shallow drawing, cutting and so on. 2)该产品用于温度225℃以下的热水管或蒸汽管道上。 1 this product can be used in hot water or steam line with the temperature limited to 225℃. 类似常见的类型还有: ... is used for... ... is used to ... ... is used as... ... is designed to... ... is suitable to be used in... ...is available for (to)... ...may be applicable to... ...may be used to... ...can be used as... ...can be designed as... ...is adapted for (to)... 2 ...is designed to be...so as to... ...is capable of... 2.(情态动词)+be+介词短语


The first summarize Today,internal sample of liquid dielectric in the oiltank is performed by ISO3170(GB/T4756-1998)《Petrol liquid product handicraft sample law》.It is impossibly to control accurately sample https://www.doczj.com/doc/4c12792668.html,ually the sample will not be exact.Performing personnels will feel tired as usual because of hardwork.When rain or snow,climb oiltank that is a very dangerous job.When getting a sample at top of oiltank,easily volatile and noxious dielectric will injure someones,at one time,it will not be in favour of environment and the medium of oiltank will be polluted by other things from environment. For solving these problem, we have developed ” The auto control getting sample from oiltank” that according to 《ISO3170(GB/T4756-1998 criterion》,it has achieved that liquid sample at different level of oiltank will be sampled. The machine operation is very simply、very accurate、excellently repeated,it’s structure is simple and it will be install very easily. It will not pollute the environment too. The sample machine has been awarded nationalpatent and the second prize of the sino petrol & chemical industry automation vocation 2010 year. The auto co ntrol getting sample from oiltank , it’s structure is sample, it will be install very easily、it’s


英语药品说明书的翻译 英语药品说明书由以下12项内容组成,大多数英语药品说明书结构基本相同。 1. pakage insert (insert)说明书 2. drug name (medicine) 药品名称 3. description 性状 4. action 作用 5. indication适应症 6. contraindications 禁忌症 7. precaution注意事项 8. side effects副作用 9. dosage and administration 剂量和用法 10. dacking 包装 11.expiry 失效期 12. manufactring date (manu.date)出厂日期 13.reference 参考文献 药品名称 一、英语药品说明书一般用商品名,由生产厂家向该国政府有关部门申请注册正式名称,受该国政府法律保护,在药品名称的右上角有个○r的符号,意思是已经申请注册的法定名称,不可随意改变名称。○r=recive 在药品之后有时issued to(for) the medical profession only短语,意:仅供医界参考。 r例:mobic ○ issued to(for) the medical prfession. 二、译法:分四种译法 1. 音译:按英语读音用相应的汉字译出 例: mobic莫比可 rifampicin利福平 2. 意译:按药品名称各组成部份的英语意义译成汉语 例: streptomycine是由strepto和mycine组成,其中strepto(链球状),mycine(霉素),则按英语意思,译成:链霉素。因此必须掌握大量前、后缀,才以准确翻译,此种译法多数是抗生素类药物。 nitroglycerine 由nitro(硝基)+glycerin(甘油)组成,则意为硝酸甘油aminophylline由amino+phylline译:氨茶碱 3. 音意并译:按英语药名组成,前面部份按音译,后面部份按意译。 例:kanamycine由kama(卡那)+mycine(霉素)组成,按前音后的方法,译为卡那霉素。 gentamycine由genta+mycine 译为庆大霉素。 4. 谐意译法:按英语发音,用相应的汉语的音译出,尽可能用汉字表达出药品的作用。 例:reserpine 利血平 药品的性状 description 药物性状包括:化学结构,理化性质,药理特性及作用等。 1. 化学结构:有专业书刊、文献、专业资料可查。 国内:《新编药物学》《实用抗菌药物学》 《英汉化学化工词汇》《英汉医学词汇》 国外:chemical abstracts 《美国化学文摘》 british pharmacopoeia(b.p)《英国药典》 u.s pharmarcopoeira (u.s.p) 《美国药典》 2. 理化性状和药理作用: 常用英文词汇有20种: 1.colour 颜色 2.taster味道 3.smell 气味 7.formule 分子式 8.molecular weight分子量 9.description 性状 10.property 性质 11.chemical propenty化学特征 12.pharmacological propenty 药理特性


电子产品说明书翻译技巧 1 概述 电器、电子产品说明书是科技文体的一种,它以传递产品的有用信息为主要目的,内容主要包括:前言、部件、基本功能、使用指南,故障排除等。其中,基本功能和使用指南是主体部分。一些简单易用的电器、电子产品,其说明书也相对简略。电器、电子产品说明书译文的预期功能主要是提供商品特点和使用信息,通过让译语用户了解产品的性能、特点、用途、使用和保管等方面,促使其完成购买行为。 2 电器、电子产品说明书英译的特点 电器、电子产品说明书英译的特点概括起来包括:准确性(accuracy)、简明性(conciseness)、客观性(objectivity)等。 2.1 准确性 电器、电子产品说明书是为了指导读者正确使用产品而写,它传递的信息(例如:各种数据、图表)首先必须科学准确。在英译过程中,必须把信息内容如实准确地翻译出来,显化原文隐含的信息,消除歧义。一些专业术语、固定用语和习惯说法必须表达得准确、地道,例如在翻译数码相机说明书时会遇到这样一些术语:镜头后盖(ear lens cap)、三角架(tripod)、数码变焦(digital zoom)、快门帘幕(shutter curtain)、曝光不足(under exposure)、取景器(view finder)等,需按专业说法表达出来,不可任意生造。 2.2 简明性 电器、电子产品说明书英译的简明性特点表现为: (1)内容条目简洁明了,步骤清晰,逻辑性强。例如,部件名称,操作界面等都配以示意图,再用箭头注明;操作步骤等用项目符号或编号依次标出;有些地方还把数据信息列成表格,简单明了,使人一目了然。 (2)常用缩略形式。例如:液晶显示(Liquid Crystal Display) 常缩写成LCD; 发光二极管 (Light Emitting Diode) 常缩写成LED; 中央处理器


说明书英文翻译 【篇一:1英语说明书翻译】 目前,我国的产品说明书的翻译有许多不尽如人意的地方,概括起来,是由于不懂英语说明书的句型和选词不当所致。以下,我们就 来讨论一下说明书的句型和选词问题。 一、产品说明书的若干句型 句型是语言结构的要素。无论英译汉还是汉译英都离不开句型。学习、掌握和使用句型是翻译工作者的必由之路。现将英文产品说明 书的若干常见句型说明如下: 1.(情态动词)be+形容词(或过去分词)+目的状语 这种句型用语文章开头,说明该产品是做什么用的,例如: 1)本冲床主要用于冲孔、落料、弯曲、浅拉伸、剪切等冷冲工艺。 this press is mainly suitable for cold working operations, such as punching, blanking, bending, shallow drawing, cutting and so on. 2)该产品用于温度225℃以下的热水管或蒸汽管道上。 1 this product can be used in hot water or steam line with the temperature limited to 225℃. 类似常见的类型还有: ... is used for... ... is used to ... ... is used as... ... is designed to... ... is suitable to be used in... ...is available for (to)... ...may be applicable to... ...may be used to... ...can be used as... ...can be designed as... ...is adapted for (to)... 2 ...is designed to be...so as to... ...is capable of... 2.(情态动词)+be+介词短语

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