当前位置:文档之家› 金融英语习题




Lesson one:

I. Full in each blank with an appropriate expression:

1.Without exchange, there was no____ for money.

2.As long as ______ was limited, desirable trades were relatively easy to uncover.

3.Barter depends on a _______________, which occurs only when traders are willing to exchange

their product for what the other is selling.

4.When only two goods are produced, only one________ must be determined.

5.As one good became generally acceptable in return for all other goods, that good began to

function as______.

6. A _________ is anything that is generally accepted for goods and services sold.

7._________________________ serves both as money and a commodity.

8.________ money serves as a __________________ by being a yardstick for measuring the value

of all goods and services.

9.Money serves as a________________ by retaining its purchasing power over time.

10.The_______________ acquired through sales must somehow be preserved.

11.____________ were promises to pay a specific amount of money to the bearer in gold.

12.____________ is redeemable in gold or another valuable commodity.

13.The greater the _________, the fewer notes could be issued based on a given amount of gold


14.___________is money because the government says it is money.

15.Fiat money is declared___________ by the government, meaning that creditors must accept it as

payment for debts.

16.The amount of __________ issued depended on the bank’s estimate of the proportion of notes

that would be redeemed for gold.

17.When __________ came into use, acceptability was initially fostered by the promise to redeem it

for gold or silver.

18.The purchasing power of each dollar can be compared over time by accounting for changes in


19.There __________ measures reserves as a proportion of total deposits.

20.By combining the idea of cash loans with checking, the goldsmith soon discovered how to make

loans by ________.

II Translate the following sentences into English:











Lesson Two

I. Fill in each blank with an appropriate expression:

1.Interest rates provide I______ with a guide for allocating funds among investment opportunities.

2.It also provides a measure of the relative advantage of current _______compared to _________.

3.It helps_________ decide among alternative production methods.

4. A high rate of interest encourages___________.

5. A low rate of interest encourages___________.

6.High interest rates abroad increase the demand for borrowed funds at_______.

7.The sources of the demand for funds are________..

8.The sources of the supply of funds are ________.

9.If the demand for funds rises or the supply of funds falls then interest rate _________.

10.If the demand falls or the supply rises then interest rates will _______.

II Translate the following sentences into English:












称之为“均衡利率”(equilibrium rate).



Lesson Three

I. Translate the Chinese words or expressions into English:

1._____________(金融中介)are institutions that serve as go-betweens linking savers and


2.Until recently, commercial banks were the only depository institutions that held ________ (活期

存款),or _____________ (支票帐户).

3.Thrift institutions, or more simply, thrifts, include___________________________________(储


4.__________________(联邦储备系统) is the central bank and monetary authority of the United


5.Other Powers given the Federal Reserve System were the ability to buy and se ll ___________

(政府证券), to extend loans to member banks, and to _______________________________.(要求会员银行拥有与其授受存款一部分成比率的准备金).

6.______________________(联邦储备委员会)was thereafter called the Board of Governors, the

group responsible for setting and implementing the nation’s monetary policy.

7.The Banking Acts established _____________________ (联邦公开市场委员会)to consolidate

decisions about the most important tools of monetary policy.

8.The Banking Acts authorized the Board of Governors to vary _________________ (准备金

率)within a range, thereby giving the Fed an additional tool of monetary policy.

9.Today ___________(最高限额) is $100,000 and nearly all banks are federally insured.

10.The surge of inflation during the 1970’s increased_______________ (利率水平)in the economy.

11.Money market fund shares represent a claim on__________(有价证券投资组合),or collection

of interest-earning assets.

12.As banks and thrifts lost deposits, they needed to borrow at prevailing interest rates to support


13.For example, the interest rates paid for deposits _______________(被取消管制)over a period of


14.One suggested reform is that each institution should pay for ____________(储畜保险)according

to riskiness of its operations rather than according to its size, as is now the case.

15.Some banks have been taken over by the government or have been forced to ____________(与


16.Two developments have allowed banks to skirt branching restrictions; the banking holding

company and _________________________(自动出纳机器)

17.____________________(通过许多股东资金的联营),the money market fund can acquire a

diversified portfolio of assets offering higher rates of interest to shareholders than those offering higher rates of interest to shareholders than those offered by most depository institutions.

18.The proliferation of banks in this country reflects restrictions on _________(分支机构),which

are additional offices that carry out banking operations.

19.________________ (银行持股公司)is a corporation that owns banks.

20.Moreower, the holding company can provide other servicer that banks are not authorized to offer,

such as________(财务咨询,金融租赁和信用卡业务).

II . Translate the following two passages from Chinese into English:



Lesson Four

I. Fill in the missing words and translate the article into Chinese:

1)By the time 2)at the outset

3)in dollars 4)helped to

5)offered to take 6)as a result of

7)departure from 8)concerned about

The Eurodollar market developed during the early 1950’s_____________the Cold War. Restraints in the United States banking system ___________stimulate substantial economic growth in Europe, and ___________ the United States Restraints were lifted ,the Eurodollar market had become a market in its own right.

In the mid-1950’s certain countries, principally socialist Eastern European countries, became _________the safety of the United States dollar accounts in the United Sates. They feared that with the political discord between their countries and the United States Government might block these accounts, Such actions had been taken __________of World War and the Korean War.

Some European banks __________ these accounts as deposits in their banks. his meant that a British or Swiss bank, for example, accepted a deposit in United States dollars from another bank and was willing to keep the deposits ___________ without converting them to the national currency, This represented a radical ____________customary banking practices.

II. Translate the following passage into English:


交易帐户是指能对存款余额开出支票的帐户.其形式有三种,第一种是银行不能支付利息的“活期存款”;第二种是“其他可开支票存款”(Other Checkable Deposits,简称OCDs),包括NOW 帐户,第三种是货币市场存款帐户.对于活期存款,商业银行虽然不能支付利息,但可以通过提供免费服务的形式支付所谓“暗含利息”.与NOW帐户不同,由于商业银行无须对货币市场存款帐


Lesson Five

I. Fill in the blanks with words and expressions from the text:

1.All U.S. money center banks, ________ many large regional banks, do a significant amount of

this type of lending.

2.Many larger U.S. banks, those with over a billion dollars or so __________, engage directly in

these aspects of international banking.

3.These complications often require that banks help to __________ import-export transactions.

4.The importer orders goods and promptly pays for them when the goods and ______thereto are


5.In this instance, the bank is merely__________ and not a lender.

6._________________ such as bank drafts and letters of credit reduce some of the uncertainties of

international transactions.

7. A sight draft generally implies only the promise of the importer to __________.

8.The bank typically would sell it in the banker’s acceptance market and later, at maturity, pay off

the investor ________ as the payment from the importer comes due.

9.The sight or time draft transactions described earlier usually involve commercial or __________.

10.When shipment is made, the exporter presents its sight or time draft along with______________

to its paying bank.

11._____________permits a firm to lock in the cost of fluctuations in currency values at an amount

equal to the forward discount.

II. Translate the following passages into English:





Lesson Six

I. Fill in each blank with an appropriate expression:

1.The __________market in England originated in the early nineteenth century.

2.It was the only__________ market in London.

3.The discount market is always ready to exchange Treasury bills for_________.

4.If a bank is short of money, it recalls its money on call to the discount _______.

5.To meet this, the discount house will borrow from some other bank with________ funds.

6.If this is not possible, the Bank of England may provide direct ________.

7.The rate at which the Bank is prepared to _________Treasury bills may be related to the

prevailing level of interest rates.

8.When money is in__________ the Bank will sell Treasury bills to absorb it.

9.The Bank relieves cash shortage in the banking system through the _________market.

10.The discount house make a ____________for commercial bills.

II. Translate the following sentences into English:
















Lesson Seven

I. Fill in the blanks with words given below:

Exchange exchanges firms outstanding

Brokers negotiable bond regional exchange

Dealers funds

1.Regional exchanges list small________ that may have limited geographic interest.

2.By offering lower _________on the stocks, regional________ have attracted business.

3.Most of the securities traded in ______________ are also traded on the NYSE.

4.In contrast to auction markets, the over-the-counter market is a _________market.

5.Transactions not handled on an organized ______ are handled in over-the –counter market.

6.Just as stockholders need good secondary markets, bondholders also need a ______ market.

7.Otherwise, many investors would be reluctant to tie up their________ for up to 30 years.

8.Investors can purchase either new bonds or existing bonds__________.

9.Investors can buy and sell bond through their __________.

10.Brokers in turn trade with__________.

II .Translate the following sentences into English


















Lesson Eight

I. Fill in the blanks with words given below:

Eurocurrency money long-term bond

Subsidiary consortium banks standing

Independent foreign role

Activities, lend

1.Foreign banks are banking concerns whose main business is in ______countries.

2.The American banks have extended their activities in the UK and _____ increasingly to UK

manufacturing industry.

3.Their ______ in UK domestic banking has risen.

4.Today the foreign banks are important in the Euromarkets in the ______of trade.

5.The consortium banks are ___________concerns, the shareholders of which are other banks with

no one bank having a direct shareholding of more than 50%.

6.The ____________ are a form of offshore banking.

7.Banks are attracted to the idea of the consortium banks as they provide access to the London____


8.Some of the consortium banks manage or underwrite international ________ issues.

9.Some banks are attracted to London by the idea that having a London branch adds to its


10.Some banks have been attracted to London by a chance to participate in the rapidly growing


II. Translate the following sentences into English:




正的跨国银行(Multinational Bank)












Lesson Nine

I .Fill in each blank with an appropriate expression from the text.

1.Eurocurrency market involves in the provision of ___________credits.

2.Eurocredit market and Eurobond market are concerned with ________and ___________ credit.

3.Euromarkets remove international lending and borrowing from national monetary authority’s


4.The Euromarket in dollar-denominated _________ in not subject to US banking regulations.

5.The essential difference between Eurodollar loans and ordinary dollar loans is the _________ of


6.London’s importance as an international financial center helped it to become a major _________

banking center.

7.At this center domestic lenders provide funds via financial intermediaries to______________.

8.Eurocurrencies consist of those currencies held by economic ________which will be used for

purposes of financial intermediation.

9.Eurodollars are ___________of US dollars placed with banks outside the USA.

10.The Euromoney markets operate only in those currencies that are _________ into other


II . Translate the following sentences into English:


















Lesson Ten

I. Fill in each blank with a word or expression chosen from the text:

Part 1. Fill in each blank with a word or expression chosen from the text:

1.Others imagine it as an international central bank with the power to control _________ on a

world scale.

2.It is rather a _________ institution that 151 countries have ________joined because they see the

advantage of consulting with other countries in the forum of the fund to maintain a stable system of buying and selling their currencies.

3.The Fund lends money, to members having trouble meeting their_________ financial obligations,

but only on condition that they undertake _________ to eliminate these difficulties for their own good and that of the entire membership.

4.In its early years, all members joining the Fund undertook to follow the same method of

calculating the exchange value of their money. They did so according to what was called _____________.

5.The U.S. government stood behind this definition and would exchange gold for dollars at that

rate _________..

6.The par value system had the wonderful advantage of keeping currencies ______and _____, a

great help to international investors, traders, and travelers but over the years it also developed a number of ________.

7.Many large industrial nations allow their currencies to _______: their money is worth whatever

the markets are prepared to pay for it.

8.The __________, or membership fees referred to earlier, constitute the largest source of money

at the Fund’s disposal.

9.Over the past decade using its good credit rating, the Fund has borrowed to provide ______

members with more money for longer periods and under more _______ terms than they could obtain on their own.

10.When this happens, the country must face a number of unpleasant realities, not the least of which

are commonly a loss in the ___________ of its currency and a forced reduction in its______ from other countries.

Part 2.Fill in each blank with the words or expressions given below, change the form where necessary:

Internal payments external subsidize

Peg lower government exports

Imports bargain effectively repay

Sufficient stabilizing strengthening

1.The Fund does not exist to ________ economic development in the poorer nations.

2.The Fund has no control over the_________ economic policies of its members.

3.Some countries regarded gold at $ 35 an ounce an irresistible _______.

4.Some countries _____ the value of their money to what of a major currency or group of currencies.

5.The Fund lends money only to member countries which have a ________ problem, that isto countries that do not take in enough foreign currency to pay for what they buy from other countries.

6.A country with a trade deficit can turn for _______ to the Fund, which will for a time supply it with ________foreign exchange.

7.The purpose of the Fund’s financial assistance to its member countries is to allow them to correct what has gone wrong in their economies, with a view to ______ their currency and _______their trade.

8.Before the Fund releases any money from the pool, the member must demonstrate how it intends to solve its payments problem so that it can_____ the Fund within its normal _________ of three to five years.

9.Since the Fund has an obligation to the whole member ship to preserve the financial integrity of its transactions, it lends only on condition that the member uses the borrowed money __________. 10.Requesting for a loan, the potential borrower presents to the Fund a plan of reform, to ____the value of its money in terms of other currencies, encourage ______, and reduce_______ expenditure. II. Translate the following sentences into English.















Lesson Eleven

Part 1. Fill in each blank with a word or expression chosen from the text:

1.The IBRD, IDA and IFC have three interrelated functions: to lend funds, to provide advice, and

to serve as a ________ to stimulate investments by others.

2.Unlike the Bank, the IFC lends without government guarantees, and can take ______ positions in

commercial companies. Companies.

3.The IBRD makes loans only to ______borrowers.

4.As a matter of policy, the Bank does not ______ repayments, and it suffered no losses on loans it

has _____.

5.The interest they _____ is related to the interest the IBRD has to pay on the money it borrows.

6.Assistance has increased more than ________ in the last ten years.

7.Finance from the Bank typically covers only a little more than a third of the cost of these projects.

The largest _______ is generally raised by the developing country from its own resources.

8.The Bank’s financing is intended primarily to help meet__________ costs.

9.Of the thirty-four very poor countries that borrowed money from IDA in the earliest years,

twenty-seven have _______ sufficient economic strength for them to need IDA money no longer.

10.This graduation process is an important _______of the process made by borrowing countries

since the IBRD and IDA were established.

Part 2. Fill in each blank with the words or expressions given below, change the from where necessary:

Self-sustaining productivity political

Affiliate enjoin direct indirect

Call up raise quota military

A third economic strength index

1.The World Bank works to promote economic and social progress in developing nations by

helping raise_________ so that their people may have a better and fuller life.

2.Both IDA and IFC are_______ of the IBRD.

3.The IBRD, IDA and IFC have a common objective, that is to help poor nations become

economically __________and eventually become capable of contributing to the development progress in less developed countries.

4.On June 25, 1946, the IBRD opened for business and proceeded to _________capital from its

member governments.

5.Subscriptions by member countries to the capital stock of the IBRD are related to each member’s

______ in the IMF, which is designed to reflect the country’s relative_______.

6.Finance from the Bank typically covers only a little more than _______of the cost of these

projects, The largest share is generally _______by the developing country from its own resources.

7.According to its Articles of Agreement, the Bank cannot allow itself to be influenced in its

decisions by the _______ character of a member country.

8.The world Bank does not lend in support of______ or _______objectives.

9.The Bank is ______ to assist only those projects for which the capital required is not available

from other souces on reasonable terms.

10.The graduation process is an important ______of the progress made by borrowing countries

since the IBRD and IDA were established.

II.1. Translate the following sentences into English:



3.IDA 只对那些年人均国民生产总企低于$795的特别贫困的国家发放贷款.实际上80%的


4.IDA 只向借款国政府发放贷款,贷款期限50年,宽限期10年,贷款不计息






9.世行和IFC 联合为许多项目提供资金.


Lesson Twelve

I. Fill in each blank with an appropriate word or expression:

Pacrt.1.Fill in each blank with a word or expression chosen form the text:

1.It was established to provide funds and technical assistance to its developing member

countries(DMCs)in the Asia-Pacific region and to promote investment and _______economic growth.

2.Since the end of the Second World War, developing countries in the region have been trying to

promote economic growth and _____living standard.

3.It could also assist regional and __________schemes of economic development and

promote_______ economic cooperation.

4.Although bilateral assistance accounts for the greater part of official aid flows, donor countries

also recognize the important role of _______institutions in promoting economic development. 5.Any _______analysis will strengthen the case for stepping up support to international lending

institutions like the ADB.

6.Such and is based on solid economic considerations and strict project ________and handled by

experts without any bias.

7.These allocations were made on the basis of a formula which took into account Gross Domestic

Product figures adjusted for population, tax revenues and exports on a weighted basis.

8.These are two kinds of votes-basic and _______.

9.The subscribed capital is composed of _________and callable capital.

10.Loans are made for projects of high ______priority.

Part 2.Fill in each blank with the words or expressions given below, change the form where necessary:

Procurement subscribed private installment

Public equity subscriptions coordinate

Bids absorb pooling offers

1.One of the Bank’s principal functions is to make loans and _______investments for the

economic and social advancement of its DMCs.

2.Another principal function of the Bank is to promote in vestment of public and ______capital for


3.The 15 signatories’initial ___________comprised 65 percent of the authorized capital stock of

the Bank.

4.The Secretary-General of the Uinted Nations (UN)acted as the trustee for the receipt of payments

of the first ________of subscriptions towards share capital.

5.The Bank’s Charter provides that the capital stock held by regional members should not be less

than 60 percent of the _________capital.

6.Participation by the developed countries in the ADB gives them a better opportunity to

_______their own programs of bilateral aid to DMCs with ADB activities.

7.Participation by the developed countries in the ADB also gives them the right to participate in the

_________lf goods and services under ADB loans.

8.The Bank requires its borrowers to _______exchange risks caused by fluctuations in the value of

the currencies which it has disbursed.

9.Bank’s borrowers share the exchange risk on loans through the Bank’s exchange risk


10.The Banks generally requires that borrowers seek competitive ________from potential suppliers. II. Translate the following sentences into English:














Lesson Thirteen

I. Fill in the blanks with words given below:

Capital surplus deficit supply

Demand supply demand outstanding

1.A current account shows a _______when earnings from exports and net transfers exceed expenditures on imports.

1. A current account_____ implies that the country is accumulating foreign financial assets.

2. A current account ________means that the country is increasing its net internatio nal


3.The______ account records international borrowing and lending.

4.Capital inflows refer to the _______for dollars on the foreign exchange market.

5.Capital outflows refer to the _______of dollars on the foreign exchange market.

6.Any imbalance between the _______of and ________for currency is offset by central bank


7.The sum of the current and capital accounts shows whether there is net ______supply of or

demand for currency.

8.The supply of dollars on the foreign exchange market equals American ______of foreign goods

and services.

9.The demand for dollars is generated by American ________of goods and services.

II Translate the following sentences into English:





4.国际收支是一定时期内的一种统计报表,它反映一个经济(an economy)的商品,劳务和收入











建设,调整进出口商品结构,改善外商投资的环境,调低人民币对主要国家货币的汇率,等等. Lesson Fourteen

I.1.Fill in the blanks with the words and expressions from the text:

1.The willingness of buyers and sellers to _____ deals therefore depends on the rate of exchange

between countries.

2.________ is the price of one country’s currency measured in terms of another country’s currency.

3.Typically, foreign currency is made up of ______denominated in the foreign currency.

4. A market is an impersonal mechanism that _______the decisions of many independent buyers

and sellers.

5.________are individuals who take advantage of any temporary difference in exchange rates

across markets to buy low and sell high.

6.So even a tiny difference in exchange rates across markets will prompt arbitrageurs to act, and

this action will eliminate ________in exchange rates across markets.

7.An increase in the number of dollars needed to purchase a pound indicates a weakening, or a

_________, of the dollar.

8. A decrease in the number of dollars needed to purchase a pound indicates a strengthening, or an

________,of the dollar.

9.Whenever American residents or firms need pounds, they must buy pounds in the _______,

paying for them with dollars.

10._______buy and sell foreign exchange in hopes of profiting from market fluctuations.

II . Translate the following into English:












Lesson Fifteen

I. Fill in each blank with an appropriate word or expression;

Part 1. Fill in each blank with a word or expression chosen from the text:

1.And even a fixed rate was allowed to _______within a band of 1% on either side of its parity.

2.If a change was needed, its timing and size should be uncertain(to stoop speculators making a


湖南涉外经济学院2015—2016学年度第一学期 《国际金融与结算》课程考核试题册 学院:外国语学院专业年级:2012级商英本科 考核方式:闭卷考试时量:100分钟试卷类型: A I. Multiple choices: Choose the best answer to each question, and write your answers on your answer sheet.(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 1. A credit item in the balance of payments is . A.an item for which the country must be paid B.an item for which the country must pay C.any imported item D.an item that creates a monetary claim owned to a foreigner. 2. In a exchange rate system there is no intervention by the government or central bankers. A.fixed B. pegged C. floating D. managed float 3. The price in the foreign exchange market is called . A.the trade surplus B. the money price C. the exchange rate D. the currency rate 4. If Canadian speculators believed the Swiss franc was going to appreciate against the U.S. dollar, they would . A. puchase Canadian dollars B. purchase U.S. dollars C. purchase Swiss francs D. sell Swiss francs 5. Under a system of floating exchange rates, the Swiss franc would depreciate in value if which of the following occurs? A. price inflation in France B. an increase in U.S. real income C. a decrease in the Swiss money supply D. falling interest rates in Switzerland 6. is an example of foreign direct investment. A. Exporting to a country B. Establishing licensing arrangement in a country C. Purchasing existing companies in a country D. Investing directly (without brokers)in foreign stocks 7. The payment of a dividend by an American company to a foreign stockholder represents . A. a debit in the US capital account B. a credit in the US capital account C. a credit in the US current account D. a debit in the US current account 8. If American exports to Japan increase and American imports from Japan decreases, then, under a floating exchange rate system, we would expect the dollar to . A. weaken against the Japanese yen B. depreciate against the Japanese yen C. devalue against the Japanese yen D. appreciate against the Japanese yen 9. The term foreign exchange is best defined by the following statement; it is . A. the rate of exchange between two currencies B. an instrument such as paper currency, note, and check used to make payments between countries C. the place in which foreign currencies are exchanged D. synonymous with currency exchange 10. Which of the following is likely to exist when people are willing to pay more for dollars than the official rate? A. gray market B. black market C. gold market D. crawling peg market 11. Which of the following is NOT a way for a country to defend its fixed exchange rate? A. Engage in one-way speculative bubble B.Intervene in the foreign exchange market by buying or selling foreign currency. C.Alter domestic interest rates to influence short-term capital flows. D.Impose some form of exchange control to influence short-term capital flows. 12. If the price of British pounds in terms of US dollar is $1.80 per pound, then the price of US dollar in terms of British pounds is . A. 1.8£ per dollar B. 0.555£ per dollar C. 0.90£ per dollar D. 3.6£ per dollar 13. When a country’s currency appreciates, the country’s goods abroad become , and foreign goods in that country become . A. cheaper…more expensive B. more expensive…cheaper C. cheaper…cheaper D. more expensive…more expensive 14. Intervention in the foreign exchange market means the government . A. restricts individuals from buying and selling foreign exchange B. restricts the importation of certain goods C. or central bank buys or sells foreign exchange D. devalues the currency in the foreign-exchange market 15. A strong dollar encourages . A. travel to the United States by foreigners B. purchase of American goods by foreigners C. Americans to travel abroad D. Americans to save dollars. 16. In an exchange rate, the first currency is referred to as and the second as . A. the base currency…the quote currency B. the quote currency…the base currency C. the base currency…the exchange currency D. the trade currency…the base currency 17. When the Japanese yen appreciates, then we might expect (everything else equal) that imports in Japan will and exports will . A. rise…fall B. rise…rise C. fall…fall D. fall…rise 18. While trading in foreign exchange takes place worldwide, the major currency trading centers are located in .


Lesson One Translate the following passage into Chinese 1.紧缩性货币政策和扩张性货币政策都涉及到改变一个国家的货币供应量水平。 扩张性货币政策增加货币供应量,而紧缩性货币政策会减少货币供应量。 2.当联邦储备体系在公开市场上购买有价证券,会引起证券价格上涨。债券价格 和利率成反比关系。联邦贴现率就是一种利率,因此降低联邦利率实际上就是 降低利率。如果联邦储备系统决定降低法定储备要求,那么银行能够进行投资 的资金会增加。这会引起投资比如债券价格的上涨,因此利率会降低。无论联 邦储备体系用何种方法来增加货币供应量,利率都会降低,债券价格会上涨。 Translate the following sentences into English 1. China would maintain a stable currency and prudent monetary policy, and expected to stay within its growth and inflation targets this year 2.China would also maintain a prudent monetary policy to support economic development while preventing inflationary pressure and financial risks 3. China’s economy continued to grow steadily and rapidly in the first quarter, with investment in fixed assets slowing and domestic consumption accelerating. 4.because of China’s large increase in its trade surplus and foreign exchange reserves in the first quarter, the effectiveness of its monetary policy — used to help control inflation — was facing “serious challenges.” 5. The central bank would seek to further streamline its foreign exchange system to facilitate the orderly outflow of funds. At the same time, it would tighten the management of foreign exchange inflows and settlement. —Three Translation: Translate the following passage into Chinese 1.外汇交易当然是指两种不用货币之间的交易了。每一组货币的交易或“买卖”都包含两个部分。一个是即期市场,在这个市场中支付(交付)需在交易时立即进行(在实际操作中一般是在第二个交易日进行),另一个就是远期市场。远期市场的汇率是在交易的时候就先确定了,但实际的交易,或交付则是在未来的某个特定时间进行的。 2.外汇交易期权是指一种货币和另一种货币在未来进行交付的一个合同,在此合同中,


常用金融英语词汇的 翻译

常用金融英语词汇的翻译 acquiring company 收购公司 bad loan 呆帐 chart of cash flow 现金流量表 clearly-established ownership 产权清晰 debt to equity 债转股 diversity of equities 股权多元化 economy of scale 规模经济 emerging economies 新兴经济 exchange-rate regime 汇率机制 fund and financing 筹资融资 global financial architecture 全球金融体系 global integration, globality 全球一体化,全球化 go public 上市 growth spurt (经济的)急剧增长 have one's "two commas" 百万富翁 hedge against 套期保值 housing mortgage 住房按揭 holdings 控股,所持股份 holding company 控股公司 initial offerings 原始股 initial public offerings 首次公募 innovative business 创新企业 intellectual capital 智力资本 inter-bank lending 拆借 internet customer 网上客户 investment payoff period 投资回收期 joint-stock 参股 mall rat 爱逛商店的年轻人 means of production 生产要素 (the)medical cost social pool for major diseases 大病医疗费用社会统筹mergers and acquisitions 并购




Part I: Multiple choice(1*30=30score) ( only one choice for each question) 1.Which of the following transactions is recorded in the financial account? A)Ford motor company builds a new plant in China B)A Chinese businessman imports Ford automobiles from the United States. C)A U.S. tourist spends money on a trip to China. D)The New York Yankees are paid $10 million by the Chinese to play an exhibition game in Beijing, China. 2.In the balance of payments, the statistical discrepancy or error term is used to: A)Ensure that the sum of all debits matches the sum of all credits. B)Ensure that imports equal the value of exports. C)Obtain an accurate account of a balance-of-payments deficit. D)Obtain an accurate account of a balance-of-payments surplus. 3. A deficit in the overall balance generally is an indication that: A)The country’s monetary authorities were selling foreign currency. B)The country’s moneta ry authorities were buying foreign currency. C)The country’s monetary authorities were buying domestic currency. D)The country’s monetary authorities were buying imported goods. 4. Suppose that a Korean television set that costs 600 won in Korea costs $400 in the United States. These prices suggest that the exchange rate between the won and the dollar is: A)1.5 won per dollar B)0.75 won per dollar C)$1.50 per won D)$3 per won 5. To the US, U.S. capital inflows will create a __________ foreign currency and a __________ U.S. dollars. A)Demand for; supply of B)Supply of; demand for C)Shortage of; demand for D)Supply of; shortage of 6. U.S. imports of goods and services will create a __________ foreign currency and a __________ U.S. dollars. A) Demand for; supply of B) Supply of; demand for C) Shortage of; demand for D) Supply of; shortage of 7.If the spot price of the euro is $1.10 per euro and the 30-day forward rate is $1.00 per euro, and you believe that the spot rate in 30 days will be $1.05 per euro, you can


PartⅠ.Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false (10%)每题1分,答错不扣分1. If perfect markets existed, resources would be more mobile and could therefore be transferred to those countries more willing to pay a high price for them. ( T ) 2. The forward contract can hedge future receivables or payables in foreign currencies to insulate the firm against exchange rate risk. ( T ) 3. The primary objective of the multinational corporation is still the same primary objective of any firm, i.e., to maximize shareholder wealth. ( T ) 4. A low inflation rate tends to increase imports and decrease exports, thereby decreasing the current account deficit, other things equal. ( F ) 5. A capital account deficit reflects a net sale of the home currency in exchange for other currencies. This places upward pressure on that home currency’s value. ( F ) 6. The theory of comparative advantage implies that countries should specialize in production, thereby relying on other countries for some products. ( T ) 7. Covered interest arbitrage is plausible when the forward premium reflect the interest rate differential between two countries specified by the interest rate parity formula.( F ) 8.The total impact of transaction exposure is on the overall value of the firm. ( F ) 9. A put option is an option to sell-by the buyer of the option-a stated number of units of the underlying instrument at a specified price per unit during a specified period. ( T ) 10. Futures must be marked-to-market. Options are not. ( T ) PartⅡ:Cloze (20%)每题2分,答错不扣分 1. If inflation in a foreign country differs from inflation in the home country, the exchange rate will adjust to maintain equal( purchasing power ) 2. Speculators who expect a currency to ( appreciate ) could purchase currency futures contracts for that currency. 3. Covered interest arbitrage involves the short-term investment in a foreign currency that is covered by a ( forward contract ) to sell that currency when the investment matures. 4. (Appreciation/ Revalue )of RMB reduces inflows since the foreign demand for our goods is reduced and foreign competition is increased. 5. ( PPP ) suggests a relationship between the inflation differential of two countries and the percentage change in the spot exchange rate over time. 6. IFE is based on nominal interest rate ( differentials ), which are influenced by expected inflation. 7. Transaction exposure is a subset of economic exposure. Economic exposure includes any form by which the firm’s ( value ) will be affected. 8. The option writer is obligated to buy the underlying commodity at a stated price if a ( put option ) is exercised 9. There are three types of long-term international bonds. They are Global bonds , ( eurobonds ) and ( foreign bonds ). 10. Any good secondary market for finance instruments must have an efficient clearing system. Most Eurobonds are cleared through either ( Euroclear ) or Cedel. PartⅢ:Questions and Calculations (60%)过程正确结果计算错误扣2分 1. Assume the following information: A Bank B Bank Bid price of Canadian dollar $0.802 $0.796 Ask price of Canadian dollar $0.808 $0.800 Given this information, is locational arbitrage possible?If so, explain the steps involved in locational arbitrage, and compute the profit from this arbitrage if you had $1,000,000 to use. (5%) ANSWER: Yes!One could purchase New Zealand dollars at Y Bank for $.80 and sell them to X Bank for $.802.With $1 million available, 1.25 million New Zealand dollars could be purchased at Y Bank.These New Zealand dollars could then be sold to X Bank for $1,002,500, thereby generating a profit of $2,500. 2. Assume that the spot exchange rate of the British pound is $1.90.How will this spot rate adjust in two years if the United Kingdom experiences an inflation rate of 7 percent per year while the United


金融专业英语词汇表 accelerated depreciation 加速折旧 acceptor 承兑人;受票人;接受人 accommodation paper 融通票据;担保借据 accounts payable 应付帐款 accounts receivable 应收帐款 accrual basis 应计制;权责发生制 accrued interest 应计利息 accredited investors 合资格投资者;受信投资人 指符合美国证券交易委员(sec)条例,可参与一般美国非公开(私募)发行的部份机构和高净值个人投资者 accredit value 自然增长值 ace 美国商品交易所 acid test ratio 酸性测验比率;速动比率 across the board 全面一致;全盘的 acting in concert 一致行动;合谋 active assets 活动资产;有收益资产 active capital 活动资本 actual market 现货市场 actuary 精算师;保险统计专家 adb 亚洲开发银行

adr 美国存股证;美国预托收据;美国存托凭证 ad valorem 从价;按值 affiliated company 关联公司;联营公司 after date 发票后,出票后 after-market 后市 agm 周年大会 agreement 协议;协定 all-or-none order 整批委托 allocation 分配;配置 allotment 配股 alpha (market alpha) 阿尔法;预期市场可得收益水平 alternative investment 另类投资 american commodities exchange 美国商品交易所 american depository receipt 美国存股证;美国预托收据;美国存托凭证 (简称“adr ”参见adr栏目) american depository share 美国存托股份 amercian stock exchange 美国证券交易所 american style option 美式期权 amex 美国证券交易所 amortizable intangibles 可摊销的无形资产 amortization 摊销


equilibrium theory 均衡理论 mechanical models of the economy 机械经济模型macroeconomic management 宏观经济管理 demand management 需求管理 nationalization 国有化 social security 社会保障 unemployment benefit 失业救济 counter-cyclical monetary and fiscal policies 反周期-货币与财政政策time lags 时滞 Monetarism 货币学派 trade unions 工会 aggregate demand 总需求 conventional wisdom 普遍流行观点 Keynesianism 凯恩斯主义 economic behavior 经济行为 economic model 经济模式 the principle of comparative advantage 比较优势法则 the theory of income determination 收入决定论 the circular flow model 循环流向图 fiscal policy 财政政策 merchant capitalism 商业资本主义 Industrial Revolution 工业革命 the Great Depression 大萧条 imperfect competition 不完全竞争 possibilities frontier (生产)可能性界限 exchange rate 汇率 checking account 经常账户支票账户 savings and loan association 储蓄与贷款协会 foreign exchange rate 外汇汇率 junk bond crisis 垃圾债券危机 bank failure 银行倒闭 savings and loan crisis 储蓄贷款危机 Federal Reserve System 联邦储备银行系统 personal finance 个人理财 business finance 公司财务 international finance 国际金融 public finance 公共财政 risk of loss 亏损的风险 medium of exchange 交换手段 fiat money 法币 legal tender 法定货币 IOU 借据欠条 business day 工作日 electronic means of payment 电子支付手段


1. Banks serves as ( principle depository) of liquid funds for the public. 2. (The banking sector) provides the indispensible national payriient mechanism for the development of modem financial and business system. 3. Which of the following is not a policy banks (The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China) 4. The central banking system began taking shape in (1984) 5.What is amount of the total assets of the banking sector at the end of 2005(RMB37. 47 billion) 6.The Basel Accord sets minimum capital ratio requirements for internationally active banks(of 4% tier one capital and 8 to total capital)in relation to risk-weighted assets. 7.One objective of banking supervision is to prot ect depositors’ funds and(if a bank should fail) to minimize the losses to be absorbed by the deposit insurance fund. 8.The ratio of liquid assets to liquid liabilities of a commercial bank shall not fall short of (25) percent. 9..Market risk refers to the risk of (financial prices fluctuation) 10.If a major borrower gets in trouble because of inability to (return) a loan the bank may find itself in serious trouble as well. 11.(Indirect) tell us how many units of the foreign currency required to buy one unit of the domestic turrency. 12.If an importer who buys goods today has to pay for the goods in a foreign currency one month from today , it may be convenient to buy the currency now for delivery in a month. The transaction is called (a forward) 13.Suppose we make a week-end swap on January 10,2005 (Monday) , then the spot value date is set on (January 12 , 2005) , the forward value date is set on (January 19 , 2005) 14.(The value date)is the date on which the money must be paid to the parties involved in spot transactio 15.If we have a quote of 737. 62Z740. 58 for $ZT ,(the first rate is the buying rate for the dollar) 16.(An audit) is the independent examination that ensures the reliability of the accounting reports submitted by management to investor , creditor ,and other outside the business. 17.GAAP stands for (General Accept Accounting Principles) 18.which of the following is not included in the accounting concepts and principles ? (General Accepted Accounting Principles). https://www.doczj.com/doc/4412308416.html,ers of financial statements are interested in liquidity because (businesses may be difficult to have enough working capital) 20.Theliability section , together with (owner's equity) , indicates how an entity financed. 21.Investment banks’ role in the financial markets involves (telling and distributing new stocks and bonds). 22.What does IPO stand for ? (Initial Public Offering) 23.A key difference between bonds and stocks is that stocks (represent ownemhip) 24.Credlt card customer (are given a credit limit on the credit card account and can buy goods and services up to this amount) 25.when a bank holds valuables and documents for its customer in safe custody ,it has to take are of the property ,and has a (bailor—bailee) relationship with that customer. 26. In a syndicated loan , (the lead bank) handles the negotiations with the borrower, prepares the relevant documentation and disbumes the full amount of the loan to the borrower. 27. A (bridging) loan is a loan agreement under which finance is required in connection with the


Chapter One Functions of Financial Markets 一.Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1.China’s banking industry is now supervised by the PBC and CBRC. In addition, the MOF is in charge of financial accounting and taxation part of banking regulation and management. 目前中国银行业主要由中国人民银行和银监会进行监管。此外,财政部负责银行业监管的财务会计及税收方面。 2.Currently Chinese fund management companies are engaged in the following business: securities investment fund, entrusted asset management, investment consultancy, management of national social security funds, enterprise pension funds and QDII businesses. 目前中国的基金管理公司主要从事以下业务:证券投资基金业务、受托资产管理业务、投资咨询业务、社保基金管理业务、企业年金管理业务和合格境内机构投资者业务等。 3.China's economy had 10% growth rate in the years before the world financial crisis of 2008. That economic expansion resulted from big trade surpluses and full investment. Now China is seeking to move away from that growth model. The country is working to balance exports with demand at home. 在2008年世界经济危机之前的那些年,中国经济增长速度曾达到10%。这一经济增长源于巨额贸易盈余和大量投资。中国现在正在寻求改变这一增长模式。中国正致力于平衡出口和国内需求。 二.Translate the following sentences into English 1.中国商业银行监管的程序是市场准入监管、市场运营监管和市场退出监管。 Regulatory procedures of China’s commercial banks are market access regulation, market operation regulation and market exit regulation. 2.国务院关于推进资本市场改革开放和稳定发展的若干意见。 Some opinions of the State Council on promoting the reform, opening and steady growth of the capital market 3.只有建立合理的股权结构,才能保证公司取得好的经营业绩。 Only establishing reasonable ownership structure can guarantee perfect corporate performance. 4.该公司股票暴跌,被伦敦交易所摘牌。 The company’s stock nosedived and it was delisted from the London exchange.

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